#me: brb bawling
sarah-fandom-account · 2 months
I love totsukuni no shoujo because at first blush it’s a cutesy heartwarming Monster Father story and the plot meanders, following the cute little girl and her extremely careful and concerned parent, and then the narrative lens zooms out from time to time and gradually it becomes one big metaphor for living under an oppressive religion and culture, and the psychological effects it has on an individual level; the extreme self loathing, loneliness and isolation it causes, then it goes completely off the rails in this direction at the very end, and utterly eviscerates you. And then there’s another entire volume of adoptive parent and child fluff after that, as though to soothe the feelings of the reader after getting obliterated
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3x13 | 4x13
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lepusrufus · 5 months
I got to the Gortash coronation part of my durge and now half of my party is mad at me I'll go cry in a corner bye
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ljussangen · 1 year
crying because I am thinking of my man and all the sweet things he does for me, and how we live in such a beautiful place with a creek and a lake and forest all around
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dreadfutures · 2 months
so like three or so years ago I would have been sending 🐻 but now that I know you, I don't think you're quite so intimidating. You are unapologetically and authentically yourself, loud about your beliefs and what you want and you're a popular and talented member of fandom - I think that can be intimidating to people, but at the same time I encourage everyone to take the risk, whether it's with you or with another creator they adore! The fact that you are that way encourages me to be more authentically myself, and to be louder about my place and participation in fandom and I'm happier for it.
I was lucky enough that you reached out and picked me up, but how much sooner could we have gotten there if I wasn't scared? We'll never know, but I'm glad we have what we have now <3
;-; i can't believe it's been so long ;-;
i'm so happy to meet so many amazing people through the internet and that they can turn into such long lasting friendships and i get to see people be so talented and point them in the direction of so much fun and community <3
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and then i get to have all their adorable puppy photos in my life so i'm really just a big winner here
love you mer <3
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widevibratobitch · 10 months
do you ever just cry because. Mozart ensembles.
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boba-beom · 2 months
i've made so many new blogs, and came back under different aliases. i'm back again, and i just felt so much relief when i found your blog still up and running. you brought me so much comfort back then, and you still do now :)
an old moot <3
you don’t understand, my heart is racing so much because even the thought of an old moot still around warms my heart. it’s like a little part of me is back :’) I kid you not I bursted out crying reading this, but it’s okay, I miss you dearly old moot :( I’m really glad I was able to, and still able to, bring you that comfort T^T
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caitrose · 1 year
Catch me openly weeping rewatching Death Parade… hang on I gotta go hug my mom
(Spoilers and a tw in tags sorry)
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trijuiceofnature · 1 year
If there is one song from dgs that makes me feel something without fail, every time, it's Kazuma's gyat damn Nocturne oh my gosH
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mod-doodles · 10 months
Carmy stares more: a compilation
'She-she-she is, she is great, yeah. yeah so great, it scares the shit out of me'
Brb going to bawl my eyes out, Richie at the end is me when they get together in season 20!
Song: Giveon ‘Like I Want You’
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silversainz · 1 year
softcore - CL 16
Charles leclerc x singer!reader
summary: you can’t stop teasing your fans about the release of your new album and neither can Charles
notes : combined two different requests together <3 also ignore how shit the ig story’s look, not exactly the best at editing <3
charles_leclerc posted to their story
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y/n/l/n posted to their story
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liked by, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 100,233 others
been working and hanging lately ❤️🥰😇
tagged Charles_ leclerc
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allfory/n so when’s the album dropping? 😇🔪
y/n/l/n maybe soon, maybe not 😇
allfory/n you’re not my favorite artist anymore
Charles_leclerc hard working girl 🥰❤️
y/n/l/n come home I miss you 😢
y/nfan16 you look so pretty
leclercwdc16 you and Charles are such couple goals and I’m so lonely 🥰
landonorris drop the album COWARD
y/n/l/n I’m calling your mom for saying coward young man
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liked by, y/n/l/n, carlossainz55 and 300,999 others
my sweet girl is working hard for her next album ❤️
tagged y/n/l/n
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y/b/f/l/n tell her to get some sleep now 🙄
charles_leclerc she said no and then fell asleep 🤔
ashleclerc16 even the back of her is so beautiful wtf
sainzz55 ‘my sweet girl’ brb jumping off a cliff
charlesfan16 imagine getting called sweet girl by the Charles Leclerc, I’m sobbing myself to sleep tonight
allfory/n so Charles when’s the album dropping honeybun 😋
charles_leclerc not saying anything ☺️
allfory/n I don’t like you or y/n
charles_leclerc posted to their story
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♡ y/n/l/n
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liked by, charles_leclerc, landonorris, pierregasly, and 988,999 others
this what it feels like to be me: an album based on my entire life. from things I wish I could say out loud , to the god awful things that linger in my head so much, that it terrifies me, to me not having the best-of-the-best relationship with my parents and having to teach myself everything about, life itself.
this album is so very important to me and I hope it speaks out to you in many ways ❤️
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ashleclerc16 y/n I’m crying so much
Hamiltonvettel the whole two years was worth the wait, I can’t stop crying
sainzz1655 when you said ‘daddy left to get food, but only came home with bottles of liquor’ i started bawling my eyes out
y/b/f/l/n so fucking proud of you
Y/n/l/n I love you so much big sis ❤️
allfory/n sorry for everything I said….this album is a masterpiece and I can’t stop the tears from flowing
vettelmick47 I didn’t know a album could hit as hard as this one
landonorris proud of you sis 💗
y/n/l/n love you lil brother ❤️
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liked by, y/n/l/n, y/b/f/l/n, Carlossainz55 and 999,999 others
my angel dropped her debut album and it’s a wonderful masterpiece, go listen ❤️🐶
tagged y/n/l/n
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allfory/n still very much crying
delreyleclerc I haven’t cried this much in a while and I can’t stop
y/b/f/l/n proud of our girl 💕
y/n/l/n I love you so so much ❤️
Vettelmick47 tears just keep falling from my eyes
ashleclerc16 ignoring my tears that dog is adorable 😭
leclercsainz5 the duel you both made is one of the most Beautifullest thing ever 
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hier--soir · 11 months
okay hear me out…
joel and reader find their way back to Joel’s old house in Texas somehow. the angst. the drama. the COMFORT FROM READER TO JOEL MY HEART.
you’re breaking my heart here, kelp. this one hurt. i’m sorry it took me nothing short of a century to write, but i hope you enjoy this in some kind of way.
warnings/tags: set after tlou pt one timeline, established relationship, angst, grief, mentions of the death of a child, panic attack, hurt/comfort, the real birthday card sarah wrote joel from tlou game brb bawling. wc: 2.6k
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Joel’s home in Texas sat at the end of a cul-de-sac.
The houses on the street were run down after decades of rain and sun making the wood deteriorate. The bodies of the buildings sagged as if they’d exhaled a breath one day, and never inhaled another. Your eyes wandered over them as you rode past, trying to imagine what the street had looked like all those years ago when Joel had lived there. Did your best to picture him cruising down the road in his truck, young and carefree, listening to the radio as he drove home from work. The idea made a small smile drift across your face, but it faded as you glanced back to him. He rode a few paces ahead of you, and his broad shoulders were tense, hinting that he was gripping the reins of his horse for dear life.
The pair of you had been travelling for something like a month, all the way from Wyoming, to reach this point. And for most of the trip, he’d remained the Joel you knew and loved. Quiet, and funny, with the warmest smile. But as you’d neared Texas state lines, he’d withdrawn. Started to shut you out; talking less and seldom laughing at your jokes. You knew it was hard for him, to return after so much time, and so you didn’t push him. But that didn’t mean your heart didn’t pang nervously as he pulled his horse to a halt outside of a house.
Closure, Tommy had called it.
“You gotta go back, Joel,” he’d said one night at the dining hall in Jackson. “Even if it’s just once. You owe it to yourself.”
It had taken months to convince his older brother. After three years living in Jackson, Joel had become so comfortable in his new life. He had come so far from being the man you’d heard stories about when he and Ellie first arrived in the settlement.
He’s dangerous, people would whisper. He’s killed people.
And at first, you’d feared him alongside the rest of your community. Until he wormed his way into your heart, and shared himself with you. Yes, he was dangerous, and yes, he had killed, that much you were aware of. But in time, he confided in you. Things about his past that he’d never been able to verbalise to anyone, whispered in your ear while hidden under the sheets of his bed. He trusted you, and you trusted him. And so when Tommy finally wore him down enough that he agreed to go back to Texas, he said he’d only go if you went with him.
“Just to see it,” Joel had said adamantly on the day you left Jackson, as the pair of you saddled your horses. “It’ll be nice just to see it.”
“Long way to go just to see it,” you’d said quietly, stomach twisting with an unfamiliar feeling. You knew what lay within his house in Texas. Knew what memories resided there, festering inside the walls. The ghosts of who he once was, of the life he was supposed to live. The memory of… her. The daughter he’d lost.
He talked about her more and more, the longer you knew him. Shared stories, confessed to you when things reminded him of her, and the way it made him feel. He dreamt about her often. A few mornings out of every month he would wake with a thin sheen of sweat on his face, muscles tense as he cried out for her, begged her to stay. And you would soothe him, brush the hair off his forehead and hold him, lulling him back to sleep with soft words in his ear and gentle kisses against his hairline.
Standing outside of the house, the thought flitted through your mind once more. Your eyes darted warily between the old property and him. Staring at the profile of his face, you tried to discern an emotion; tried to gage any hint of feeling there. But Joel’s face was blank, forehead smooth, mouth a thin line, as he tied the horses up.
Without a word, he was walking up the driveway toward the front door. Pulse quickening, you trailed behind on numb legs, hand gripping the gun holstered on your hip. If you hoped for anything, it was that infected weren’t holed up inside the house you’d travelled so far to see.
The front door gave way easily under his weight, and a cloud of dust exploded around the pair of you as you stepped past the threshold. And it was… a house. No, a home. No sounds came from within, no rustling or footsteps or clicking. It seemed uninhabited. Safe. You stood behind Joel, waiting for his signal.
Joel cleared his throat, peering around with a tense jaw. “Look around. See if we can find anything useful to take back with us.” You noticed he didn’t refer to Jackson as home.
He wandered slowly through the lower level of the house, not touching anything at first, as if he were hesitant to lay his hands over the things that had once been his possessions. You watched him silently, carefully, allowing him to take the lead. And when he ducked through a set of double doors into a different room, you couldn’t help but analyse the space, how things had been left, all those years ago.
The place was clearly well-lived in. A few plates and bowls rested in the sink, a mug on the counter. A DVD rested on a coffee table by the couch, some 80s action flick with two guys on the cover. Curtis and Viper 2, it read in bold red lettering, This time it’s a family affair. You smiled curiously but didn’t pick it up to read the back.
Rustling came from the doors Joel was behind, and you figured you should start looking around as well. You padded heavily up the stairs, dush and grime loosing into the air as your boots worked against the old carpet. The landing was large, and you could see a few doorways from where you stood. Peeking through the first one, you saw a large bed, a TV mounted on the wall, and a treadmill. You huffed quietly, trying to picture a world in which Joel would run on a machine while watching television. The image was difficult to conjure.
“Y’find anything?” Joel’s gruff voice carried up the stairs.
“Not yet,” you hollered.
“Check the bathroom,” he called. “Might be some painkillers in there. Old antibiotics maybe.”
“On it.”
You moved further down the hall, nudging your boot against a closed door before peering in.
Posters covered the walls, dusty and faded from years of sunlight shining in the window. A double bed with blueish green covers, two sets of drawers. And pictures… so many pictures, tacked against the pink walls, depicting smiling, happy faces. Some that you’d come to know well, and one that you’d never seen before.
Stepping further into the room, you stared at the photograph stuck above her bedhead. It was of Tommy and Joel, with a small girl tucked underneath his arm, her arms wrapped around his middle as she beamed at the camera. Sarah. You swallowed down the ball of emotion that had settled in your throat.
“Found some scissors and tape,” Joel hollered, and you gave a half-hearted shout of acknowledgement in return.
Your lungs tightened, and suddenly your breathing was shorter, the knowledge that you were standing in his daughter’s room almost suffocating you. You turned quickly, with every intention of leaving the room, until something on the dresser opposite her bed caught your eye.
A small, faded card. White paper that had yellowed and faded over the years, that had a cartoon drawing of a dinosaur wearing a party hat across the front. The word ‘CONGRATULATIONS!’ was scrawled in red print below it.
Your fingers ghosted across the paper, feeling the thinness of it; the delicate fragility of something that hadn’t been touched by another human being in over twenty years. Careful not to cause any damage, you opened it. Your eyes turned blurry as they trailed over the words scribbled on the card.
Dear Dad, Let’s see… you’re never around, you hate the music I’m into, you practically despise the movies I like, and yet somehow you still manage to be the best dad every year. How do you do that? Happy Birthday, Pops! Sarah.
A tear rolled off your chin and landed on your shirt, leaving a dark stain. You sniffled sharply, wiping the wet sensation from your face. The flimsy paper shook in your grip, and you found yourself anxious that it would disintegrate at any moment.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Joel’s voice was steely, low. You flinched, the card tumbling out of your hand and back onto the chest. Your partner loomed tall in the doorway, staring you down. His face was thunderous, expression a mask of fury that you’d never expected to have directed at you, in this lifetime or the next. Dark eyes glared at you, as his mouth twisted into a snarl, lip curled up to reveal gritted teeth.
“Joel,” you breathed, wiping furiously at your cheeks again to remove any sign that you’d been crying. “I’m sorry, I was jus-“
“Why are you touching her things?”
You noticed his eyes never moved off you. He didn’t dare look around the room, her room. “I’m sorry,” you repeated feebly. “I didn’t- I shouldn’t have… I’m sorry.”
He diverted his gaze, staring down at what you had dropped.
“What is that?” he asked. His voice was quieter, softer. It was like every one of his features pinched together in the middle of his face, and he took a slow step into the room.
“It’s a card,” you told him, slowly reaching out to rest a hand on his shoulder. He met your gaze, silently asking you to tell him more without him having to ask. “The birthday card she wrote for you. I’m sorry, I know it’s personal and I shouldn’t ha—”
“She never gave me a birthday card that year.”
“No card. Just the watch.”
Your eyesight blurred as you stared at him. He moved slowly, as if he had to beg his limbs to work and even then, they dragged along the ground. When he picked it up, the card looked so small in his large hands. Long, dirt-stained fingers gripped the withered paper, splaying it open so he could read it.
And for a moment, everything was still. No movement, no sound, nothing could interrupt the way his eyes danced along the messy handwriting, devouring every letter. A few minutes passed, and you realised he was reading it over and over again. His chest began to rise and fall faster, as short sharps breaths rattled in and out of his lungs.
“Joel,” you whispered, voice hoarse with emotion.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, and you shook your head and took a hesitant step towards him, but you were too slow.
His knees buckled, and he dropped onto the carpet with a heavy thud. You cursed, crouching beside him to get a better look at his face. Silent tears streamed from his eyes, rolling down the hills of his cheekbones before disappearing into his beard. His chapped lips quivered as he silently mouthed the words written on the card, not meeting your eye. You placed a hand on his back and stifled the sound of despair that worked its way up your throat.
“My baby girl,” he choked out, finally looking at you.
“I know,” you hushed desperately, rubbing soft circles on his back. “I know.”
“N-never saw this,” Joel grunted. It seemed painful for him to speak, and his left hand reached up to press against his chest. Fear spiked inside you, and your hand tightened on his back. “She never—” he paused, upper body swaying.
His mouth was downturned, low breathy sobs escaping his lips as he tried to regain control of his body. But it was out of his control, and you could see the fear crawling under his skin as memories of Sarah wormed through his brain, and twisted his insides.
“I know,” you repeated gently. “I need you to breathe, Joel. Can you hear me?” he nodded faintly, fingertips crinkling the corner of the card where he held it. “Need you to breathe with me now. Slowly, in and out, like this. Don’t go passing out on me.”
He shook his head quickly, but copied the sound of your exaggerated breaths, sucking in air before expelling it heavily. “My girl,” he muttered, and you nodded, kissing his shoulder quickly. “I failed her, I—"
“No,” you said sharply, and finally he looked at you. Bloodshot, grief-stricken eyes stared at you as you shook your head. “You did everything you could. She said it herself, you’re the best dad. She loves you so much, Joel, I can feel it.” His chest shook, and he was silent, breathing heavily as he absorbed your words. You rested your hand atop the one on his chest, slotting your fingers in-between his. His heartbeat thudded aggressively against his sternum, vibrating against your hands.
He squeezed your fingers painfully tight, closing his eyes. “I wish I could just—” he gasped quietly, voice rattling. “Wish I could see her, need to see her.”
You dropped to your knees, pressing your back against his shoulder and cradling him in your arms as he shook. You pressed your hand firmer against his.
“Right here,” you whispered. “This is where it is – her love for you. She’s here, every single day, every second, you just have to let yourself feel it.”
“I don’t know how,” he said desperately. You soothed him quietly, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead as he leant heavier against you. “I don’t think I can.”
“You can,” you murmured against his hair, feeling the way his shoulders sagged with exhaustion. “I’m here, let me help you.”
For a while, the pair of you stayed like that. Resting on the carpet in his daughter’s bedroom, leaning against each other’s as a thick silence blanketed you.
You didn’t move a muscle until he said he wanted to leave, and watched him pack the things he’d found into a bag, keenly aware of the way he slid the card between the pages of a thick book and tucked it into the bag as well, careful not to crease it.
Joel was quiet as you left the house, quiet as you untied the horses. Quiet as he rode down the street, with you a few paces behind, heading away from the cul-de-sac, the broken-down houses, Curtis and Viper 2, and the pictures on Sarah’s bedroom wall. For a few days, he didn’t say much at all, and most nights on the trip back to Jackson, as the pair of you settled in your sleeping bags to rest, he would look. He would wait until he thought you were asleep, and then you’d hear him take the book out of his bag, flipping through the pages until he found the birthday card, so he could read her words once more.
And you weren’t naïve. You knew that a part of him would forever be broken, after Sarah’s death. A hole in his heart that nothing and no one could mend – not a second daughter, nor a relationship. But so long as you lived, you knew you would be there, right behind him. To hold him and remind him to feel that love; to breathe it in, to savour Sarah’s love and kindness in his heart, in the hopes that remembering the light would help shut out a little of the darkness.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Thoughts on the Fierce Deity
So the whole mystery of the Fierce Deity is fascinating, and it’s fun watching everyone’s interpretation of it. It seems like the most common one is that this is a powerful deity that is not to be trifled with, the mask is consumptive and dangerous, should not be used at all, etc.
But guys. What if the Fierce Deity is just some nice deity that’s known as “fierce” because of how fiercely he defends those he loves? But he’s actually just a softie? Kind of like any of the other Links? Or he’s really sociable and loves hanging out with people?
Like what if Link puts on the mask and Fierce Deity is like “wow it’s been ages, I wonder how things have changed and what kind of music people listen to nowadays, and HOLY GODDESSES WHY IS THE MOON DROPPING K BRB GOTTA FIX THIS”
When FD sees Majora he’s like “Oh it’s you” and it turns out they had some dumb rivalry way back in the day but Majora’s completely bonkers and FD wasn’t, Majora got him cursed so they were both sealed away in masks and FD hates his guts.
And then once Majora is defeated FD is like “phew, sweet, so let’s enjoy this Clocktower Town place, these festivities look awesome—” but then he doesn’t get a chance because he realizes Link wants to take the mask off, so he kind of just sadly goes “ok…” and takes it off.
Fishing is his favorite pastime, so when Link is in the fishing hole FD’s mask is practically burning like “PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEEEASE JUST LET ME CATCH FISHIES FOR A WHILE IT’S BEEN AGES”
What if Time has the markings of the FD because the mask just kept whining like “Ok Link, but what if you just let me wander around for a bit and I can WOW DO YOU SEE THOSE PRETTY COLORS IT’S A FESTIVAL COME ON LINK LET’S CHECK IT OUT AND—” and Link is just like “I don’t do crowds” and FD is like “YEAH BUT I DO SO JUST PUT ME ON AND YOU CAN CHILL AND I’LL HAVE A BLAST” and it gets so bad and FD parties so hard and Link wakes up with so many hangovers and he finally calls it quits when he realizes FD’s markings are showing up on his face because he’s indulged the poor dude’s party habits for too long. So then he retires the mask and FD is very sad.
 What if FD takes one look at Link and is like “Ok I’m adopting you” and so long as Link is carrying the mask FD is just, like, buzzing in his mind like “did you remember to wash behind your ears, did you brush your teeth this morning, LINK I AM TALKING TO YOU—” and Time just warns the others in the Chain that the FD mask can drive you insane because he drives Link nuts with all his nagging.
And then FD notices the other Links in the Chain and is just overwhelmed with Happy Dad Feelings and is like “LINK you’re a DAD, LOOK AT ALL THESE BABIES”
I bet FD would kick Dink’s butt so hard for what he did to Twilight. The mask is probably burning right now, but Time’s too distraught to notice.
(PS, Fierce Deity was absolutely bawling during Link’s wedding to Malon, which made it really difficult for Time to say his vows because he could barely hear himself think over FD’s sobs)
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katasstrophy · 1 year
What are your favorite pet names for your fave blorbos??? Mine are beebee for Bachira and YoiCHU! *insert cheek kiss* for Isagi~
d’aaawwww nonnie you got me giggling over this how cute<33 i may have gone overboard like always lol but here are some of my takes !! (these low key just. turned into headcanons oop i hope that’s okay!)
this is my personal favorite because it just fits him so fucking well and i know it in my soul of souls that he’d adore it. like yes he is your feral hellcat<3 your demon spawn<3 but you’re crazy enough to love that about him, to turn it into an endearing pet name, even. bastard would probably purr and meow just to lay it on real thick pls i can never be normal about this man.
calling the ever stoic, foul-mouthed younger itoshi smth as sickeningly sweet as rinnie is the best thing since sliced bread actually idc if i’m basic! it’s true! ofc he’d absolutely abhor it at first, snapping at you to “fucking stop calling him that” which just spurs you on more tbh lol he’s furious with you. he thinks he abhors the nickname, then one day you drop the cutsy act to return to his given name and he’s just left standing there like🧍baffled and pissed out of his mind bc where’s his mf rinnie huh?? i want to eat him so bad.
i feel like reo – party due to his lavish upbringing but mostly because he is just the ultimate lover boy – would definitely gravitate towards more ‘classier’ terms of endearment. call him handsome, or go all in by calling to him as my love and his chest is instantly puffing up like some bird about to perform the sickest mating dance ever lol he’d be so smug about it. definitely, 100% the type of guy that still gets weak in the knees when you call him husband – doesn’t matter if you’ve been married three months or 5 years he eats that shit up!
okay so because i’m a little shit i can’t ignore the juxtaposition of the big bad criminal being committed to the pink aesthetic (don’t get me wrong i’m obsessed with it), so in my head i could get away with calling sanzu annoying crap like barbie doll or cupcake – or probably his most tolerated one out of the bunch, candyman (because of the, ya know, murderous implications lmfao). all in a very sarcastic vain ofc! i feel like calling him by his given name, or just simply haru, would def be all the more special then <3 (… BUT bc he’s sick in the head he’d probably love it even more if you romanticized his psychotic tendencies – call him stuff like my lovely little killer and he’s a goner he is clinically insane like.)
let me just clarify that this man is not picky! whatsoever! he’s so starved for love he’d literally eat any term of endearment straight out of your mouth if he could. everything is one the table: baby, honey, sweetheart, darling, love – you name it, tora likes it, he wants you to keep calling him sweet names until he’s drowned in it. but what gets him really over the moon is if you just insert a small little ‘my’ in front of it. yeah, he loves being called baby, but my baby? he’s on his knees for you goodbye he loves the subtle ownership of it. (not to get n/sfw but uh… call him your sweet boy when you’re overstimming him and his pupils might just turn heart-shaped he’s ruined.)
i only recently found out that “hitto” is actually a fanon made last name for kaku darling and i’d like to report that i’m still devastated over it so :( when you two get married – because he will marry you, if he’s in love like that’s it he’s locking you down for life – you ask him if he’d like to take your last name and yeah he cries a little he’s so touched pls :( so when people refer to him as L/n-san or mr. L/n he’s still not over it he has to remind himself that they are, in fact, talking to him. the effect triples when it’s you that calls him as such he’s so proud to wear your name brb gonna bawl my eyes out.
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boasamishipper · 1 year
my personal favorite highlights from the official top gun: maverick script:
meek engineer's name is simon and is dating someone at the pentagon which is how they found out about the drone ranger coming to shut the darkstar project down
"That's...blue sky up there, Mav." "Yeah, but dark blue. Ominous."
mav also called darkstar 'angel' and 'girl' which i'm glad they cut otherwise i would have died in the theater then and there
"Hondo stares at his monitor. He knows his friend well." 🥺🥺🥺
"y'all built one hell of a plane" oh mav ❤️
"For anyone unfamiliar, it’s obvious there is story here - Glory and ghosts." g o d
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admiral's aide do you MIND he's having a MOMENT
warlock is described as "an affable, brilliant two-star" hell yeah
i personally think it's hilarious that cyclone was apparently top of his class in '88 but in the script he's in his forties?? even if he's 49 the film takes place in 2019?? that would make him 18 in 1988?? mr mcquarrie sir the math ain't mathing
"Maverick has had about enough of this shit" if that doesn't just sum up both movies
as a macheresin shipper the fact that hangman and coyote were planned as besties from the get-go,,,,,,,my heart is Full
"sorry i couldn't be there" oh ice 🥺🥺🥺
mcq's love for casablanca continues to shine through
penny's dad is alive and retired and still hates mav
"Keepin’ it tight, I see, Phoenix" hangman is such an ASSHOLE i HATE him (affectionate)
bob's description is "human wallpaper" i am DYING
"shit, that's fritz" i DEMAND to know why fritz's arrival elicited that reaction from fanboy!! show me the fritz&b-team daggers cut!!
"Maverick sees a ghost. From this angle, the kid is a dead ringer for Goose, just as gawky and gangly, loving life." and what if i Bawled
"I need at least one person on my side here" MAV
"I'll stand somewhere else" HONDO
mav originally ran the entire class through the contents of the F-18 NATOPS 👀👀👀
in the original script rooster gave hangman his callsign...personally gonna stick with the headcanon that phoenix (if it had to be one of the daggers) was the one who gave it to him, but Very Interesting nonetheless.
rooster calls phoenix 'fee' brb peppering this into All my fics
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genuinely cannot believe mcq wrote this. he is on galaxy tier levels of thinking i could never even hope to reach.
rooster being protective of phoenix you know that's right
theo the yellow lab was originally named "t" in the script,,,,,,,,t for tony scott,,,,,,,,,
"You're a warrior, Ice. A fighter." bury me ALIVE
"(Note: Important we include PILOT POV establishing gray-out in the lead up to G-LOCK)" this script is tighter than a snare drum
"Kinda like your ass depended on it" GET HIS ASS MAV
phoenix and bob refuse to even IMPLY that mav was in any way at fault for them having to eject,,,,,,,,they are Ride Or Die
as a warlock/hondo shipper i am also Delighted they actually got some screentime together
mav and hangman were apparently supposed to talk after mav chose hangman as his wingman but i'm glad that scene got cut because a) showing vs telling and b) hangman is Not emotionally aware or mature enough to say what he says here out loud and you can't convince me otherwise
"Hondo stares at him. Maverick stares back. Something unspoken passes between the two men." and mavhondo shippers everywhere rejoiced
"HONDO squeezes his fist tightly, feeling something crack. He opens his hand to see the crystal of his stopwatch is crushed, the second hand frozen. An omen." HEY MCQ WHAT THE FUCK
"CLOSE ON Hondo, reflecting on his last moment with Mav." see above
"How we gonna get this bag’a ass in the air?" "Just hang on. Cause this bag‘a ass is about to go ballistic."
"Rough Rider, this is, uh...Ghost Rider" *cries in callbacks*
"The minute Hangman touches down, pull the trip wires and have the barricade stanchions ready." (silence) "HE DOESN'T HAVE A GODDAMN TAILHOOK." (OH SHIT FUCK OKAY RUNNING NOW)
lowkey like the parallel between cyclone nodding at mav and hangman and rooster shaking hands. they still don't like each other, but they respect each other a little more now. as the script says, that's enough.
"Among the pictures is one of Goose and Maverick in the bloom of their youth - their whole lives ahead of them." 😭😭😭😭😭
"TIME CUT as Phoenix holds two model planes, demonstrating air to-air combat to a very interested Amelia." ooooh amelia has a cruuuuuush
"Rooster turns, looks at the make-shift family taking shape in this makeshift home…And he smiles." 😭😭😭😭😭
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remusjohnslupin · 4 months
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@wednesdayandherhyde: #KARA!! #How dare you??!! #breaking my heart on day one? #im a little scared to see what you have planned for the rest of the week
@diamantdog: WTF #free tyler
@wincestation: KARA WHAT THE FUCK #fuck me up why don't you #screaming crying rolling on the floor #right in the fucking feels
@ourdramaqueen: OMG HOW DARE YOU?! HOW COULD YOU?! MY HEART!!! 💔😭😭😭
@leavesdriftinginthewind: #struggling not to cry at my work desk #Jesus CHRIST 😭😭😭
@iamfandomcrazy: Brb crying 😭
@thetornadodream: #I AM UNWELL #just launch me into the sun please #also this is lovely but i am BAWLING
@cosmic-lullaby: #i saw this this morning before i had to go to work #I SPENT THE ENTIRE WORK DAY SAD KARA #I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY #i'm writing filthy wyler smut to comfort myself #hope you're happy
@persephoneed: #first of all how dare you
@averyaddamsromance: #OMG @remusjohnslupin you broke my heart but I know we are going somewhere so I am hopeful!
@wincestation: You’re actively trying to kill me
@onlyelaine: #sobbing #my young heart
@persephoneed: #i’m SAD OKAY?!
@averyaddamsromance: I know we are going somewhere I know we are going somewhere I know we are going somewhere!
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