#me: says I won't go into more detail about the other bot
sansaorgana · 1 year
It's not caused by any recent situation, I've been thinking about it for a long time now but I have some things to say about fic writing.
Being a fic writer in a fandom might be the most ungrateful "job" in the community. I have lots of gif maker friends and I make mediocre gifs myself so I will compare these two a lot but I want to make it clear I don't want to say fic writers are more important or suffer more or anything like that because I value gif makers more than you can imagine.
– First of all, the whole cringe status around fic writing – especially x reader fanfics – is awful. I often see posts that whine about the fact that these fics even exist. People don't think twice, they just hit "post" and in result they are shaming other people for having innocent and creative hobbies. We spend real time of our real lives writing fics we love for ourselves but also for other people's enjoyment. For free. I really don't want to see posts about how cringe and silly fic writers are just because someone thinks they're superior in a fandom. It's a fucking Tumblr. Also, would you say the same about a person drawing fan art? I don't think so.
– I know there are some gifsets that take literally weeks to make but in most cases fic writing takes more time to create and at the same time it takes more time to consume. It's easy to hit a like or a reblog button under a gifset that you consumed in under a minute just like it's easy to ignore a fanfic because consuming it would take you more time. It's understandable but at the same time, if you read fanfics, reblog them at least. Leave some sort of feedback. Even one word or a reaction image. It really means a lot... And, once again, the lack of reblogs bothers gif makers as well, but I think in the case of fic writing it's mostly caused because y'all ashamed of admitting that you read these fics. Like who the fuck cares? It's not Facebook, no one here knows who you really are, who the fuck cares?
– Speaking of reactions under fics. Being like "Part Two" is considered to be extremely rude. We are not AI bots and we certainly won't force ourselves to write a second part because you demanded it without even commenting on the work itself or hitting a reblog button. If "Part Two" is all you have to say, then it's better to stay quiet.
– Also, readers who comment rudely under fics written for free like ??? So what he's out of character? So what he's a sad little meow meow in the movie but a ray of sunshine in this fic? You are not being forced to read it and there's a whole community of people preferring fluff to angst. If some fic is not your type, just ignore it. I guarantee you, there are other fics that are your type and if there are not, you're welcome to start writing yourself. I've also seen people starting dramas about some details in the smut fics. Like Jesus fucking Christ... Go touch some grass.
– What hurts the most is the prejudice from other content makers. I've seen some posts hating on/mocking fic writers that are coming from gif makers themselves. We're all on the same boat, we create fan art for the media we love. Why do we have to bring each other down? I am aware of the problem of gif stealing in the fic writing community but it mostly is caused by the fact these people don't know how to properly credit gifs with the gif tool. Believe me, most of the fic writers have a huge respect for the gif makers and I wish it went the other way around as well, even if you don't read fanfics, you don't have to be rude about people who do.
– Fan fiction writers are not desperate ugly teenagers locked in their parents' basement. Some of them are mothers, some of them have PhDs, some of them are doctors, some of them are just simple people who want to relax after a stressful day. The same things y'all be thinking of fic writers can be said about any content maker on this site because they also spend hours in front of a computer making fan arts or gifs of their favorite characters.
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vitaminseetarot · 7 months
PAC: Messages From Your Spirit Guides 🌬🌨🛎
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Sup y'all, I'm back for another reading on what your spirit guides have to say! We are approaching a powerful micromoon on Friday night into Saturday morning, and I hope these piles will help you with whatever you're manifesting or clearing out of your life.
Sidenote: I have been in the background trying to get my Paypal account working so I can have the chance to finally offer paid readings. I know some of you have been asking me about when I'll be doing private readings! Long story short, Paypal thought I was a bot and locked me out of my account. (They won't even tell you it's locked, it'll just act like your password isn't working, lol) After struggling for a while, I had to actually call for support. 😅
It's all fixed (for) now! I'm now going over some ideas for what readings I will offer. They will likely be basic 1 and 3 card type spreads for starters. I'll fill you in when more details are hashed out. I'm still also planning another game in March, so stay tuned.
So let's dive into your readings! You can either pick your pile option through the palette cards or the corresponding pictures below for your quick message.
Pile 1 - Lavender Sky Pile 2 - Air Blue Pile 3 - Snowfall Pile 4 - Rainwater
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Pile 1
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Lavender Sky, Sweetness, Lava; V Hierophant, Queen of Wands, 3 of Cups, 10 of Cups
Pile 1, the guide (or guides) contacting you is the type to play it by the book. They know how to fill your cup because they've gone through it too. This is likely a passed ancestor in your family, though it doesn't have to be. Just someone who's really gone through it thick and thin while living on Earth, experiencing the highs and lows of existence. They're guiding you because they've been in your shoes. Their message is simple. They want offer you a cup of cheer. Although that's traditionally a Christmas saying, I picture of cup of healing tonic being passed to you. It's rich and warm, like a cappuccino or spiced chai. They invite you to sit down and relax with a similar soothing beverage.
I heard lyrics from the Evanescence song "Imaginary" while pulling out the palette card. "In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of lullaby, I lie inside myself for hours and watch my purple sky fly over me." I'm sensing some detachment. They say you've been spending a lot of time closed off into your own inner world and not communicating as much as you'd like to, but not out of loneliness. In fact, this time alone may have revitalized you, or you may consider it a comfort zone to be in. You could have been laying dormant, working on yourself, wondering when it's finally time to stretch.
But the Queen of Wands, as confident as she is (and you are), truly enjoys being around others. It's where her light shines. If she wants to perform, she wants to do it with a crowd. If she speaks, she wants it to be with another. She knows her light, but it's not enough; the light must expand outward and be shared. Imagine that, instead of shining only in your mind, your creative abilities and unique personality can stand out in the real world to be seen and heard. For your unique truth to be recognized and lauded.
Your guides would gently like you to get out of your head a little. You have a bright mind and a caring disposition. There is no reason to hold yourself back from healthy communities. Your affirmation card says, "My truth flows through me gracefully." Holding your emotions and true self back is useless, anyway. The lava will come spilling out one way or another. Use that strong confident energy you have when alone, and channel it to reach out and connect with other people. Things likely will turn out better than you could have imagined. This could be your year for forming great new friendships that may even stand the test of time, if you're up for it.
I'm getting a lot of people in this pile may identify as shy or socially awkward. Your guides see your struggle and know this isn't an overnight event, it can a long haul process to come out of one's shell. And if reaching out to people in real life is still too difficult, please know that your guides are with you. They are available to talk whenever you need them. I suggest working with candles (safely!) or water scrying as possible methods for communication.
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Pile 2
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Air Blue, Ghost, Bee; 0 Fool, 9 of Cups, 5 of Wands, 7 of Swords
You received two affirmation cards in this reading because the yellow rose fell out almost immediately: it says "I am at peace in my life. I am at peace in the world. I'm getting some strong anxiety with this pile. It feels like the anxiety experienced on a regular basis. It's a strong contrast to your guide's energy, which is carefree and lackadaisical. I hear they can be a bit of a prankster with you? I'm seeing someone getting frustrated with computer equipment or some other machinery like a cash register. Really riding on that Mercury retrograde energy when it's there, they're opportunists. This could be your guide's primary way of talking with you, by causing strange and chaotic things to happen that put a brief halt in your day-to-day life.
It may seem somewhat cruel that a guide would 'tease' like this, but they keep pointing at the yellow rose, which symbolizes friendship. They have reached out and offered support in the normal, usual ways, but there's a sense of denying and not returning in the interaction? Have you ever met them? If you want to connect with your guides, the first step is to acknowledge that they're there and that they're reaching out to you. Otherwise they'll start to act like cats who sit on books and knock glasses over just to get your attention, if they want it badly enough. They can get even urgent about speaking at times, I heard the song "Urgent" by Foreigner.
They want you to see that things aren't as bad as they seem to be in the present, though. They disrupt your day precisely to get across that somewhere, you're getting yourself stuck in a rut. They're there to help you break bad cycles of thought that aren't helping you. It's an odd way of doing it, but if you can reach out to them and learn from them, they won't always be like this. It's only because they want you to embrace life like every day is a new beginning. Allowing yourself to get worked up in fear sets up the day for exactly that. They see your capacity for joyful and successful working and living and want to bring that out in you.
You may have times where you have very high hopes for something to happen in your favor, only to burst into panic when one little thing falls out of place or goes wrong, even if it gets resolved. Your guides aren't trying to work you into a tizzy; they want to teach you how to handle the day's hiccups with more ease instead of relying on control all the time. They want you to speak positive affirmations to yourself on a regular basis with the idea that peace and ease are available to you. Your other card says, "I can speak powerfully with ease." Your words are strong, especially what you say to yourself in earnest. Speak your wishes out and your guide will listen. Bottle it up too much, and your guide will find a way to pour it out for you. Focus on the BEST outcomes!
And if your anxiety still feels like it's getting debilitating, your guide will support you in getting you any outside help that you need. Ultimately, they want to see you thrive, both inside and outside chaos, even if their methods are unconventional.
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Pile 3
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Falling Snow, Fear, Swan; 9 of Cups, 3 of Swords, Page of Coins, 5 of Wands, VII Chariot
Pile 3, your guide is a colorful and gentle being, I'm picturing someone childlike here with the Page of Coins. This guide flourishes in nature and the innocently playing with their creations. Perhaps you're an artist or someone devoted to a craft that brings out your inner child, your unique joy? This being wants to guide you in these endeavors. Your guide embodies a playful spirituality, far from religious status and regulations. They enjoy seeing ideas come to life.
It seems like you've been calling out for help in dealing with relationships in your life, or lack thereof. If it isn't to do with love or people, the Swan card could suggest a creative passion that you already have in mind. You see this person or passion as the "One" you've been praying for, the "One" to forever come or stay in your life. Your guide wants you to begin by seeing that you are the "One" you've been looking for. See that there are two swans in the card. One of them is you, seeking the kind of beauty that's already blossoming atop your head.
I'm drawn in by the purple flowers. If you work with chakras, your crown chakra is calling for your attention. Your affirmation card says, "I am connected to the wisdom of the universe." You may have recently been hurt from a relationship, or you've been worried that dating seems far away from you. The kind of school to help you hone your talent may feel at a distance. I'm getting 5 of pentacle vibes with the Falling Snow card, like the opportunity is "snowed in". But it's an illusion; you're moving faster and more suddenly through life than you may believe, though there are times when relationships don't work out, or we get turned down from an opportunity that looked to be beneficial to us.
It's okay to be honest about how sucky rejections feels. Your guide, as playful and rambunctious as they are, wants to hold your hand with a compassionate smile. They can see the flowers blooming beneath the snow, but understand that you have a right to process how you feel. Their main encouragement to you is to give yourself the time, just as spring has time to thaw from winter. In due time, you'll be feeling better again once you've given yourself the chance to mend your heart. I shuffled an extra card for 5 of Wands, which gave me Chariot. You will be able to move on, through the fearsome fire and smoke, to the other side. Allow yourself to heal, then allow yourself to proceed, knowing you won't be burned like that again.
If pile 2 resonates with you in any way, I recommend checking it out. There are messages there about dealing with fear and speaking out kinder thoughts to yourself. See yourself and your creations as the beautiful swan, even if circumstances leave you feeling like the ugly duckling. Your guide only sees the beauty and laughter in you.
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Pile 4
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Rainwater, Sadness, Ladybug; 3 of Cups, 4 of Cups, X Wheel of Fortune, 10 of Wands
It seems clear to me that your guide is heavily connected to water in some way, be it the rain or the ocean (it all runs together any way). They appear to me as very old and wise, like an ancient sea spirit. Far from hermitage, they are connected to all life underwater, as well as the water that flows through us. They're pointing out to me the way everything in life follows a cycle. The powers of the water and the moon demonstrate this on a regular basis, showing how the essential patterns of water can be found in other parts of life as well, even if abstractly. See, for example, how cats can squeeze themselves into jars like liquid, or how crowds of people can flow like streams. When we talk about rain, we can think of either abundance or loss. Rain can represent the release of powerful emotions, or it can bring life to withering crops. To understand water magic is to see how versatile the power is.
Your guide wants to let you know that your life follows an ebb and flow like the tides of the sea. There may come times when it floods over and all feels hopeless. There may also come days when the cool rain shower comes as a welcome on dry and dreary days. Your guide says there is nothing inherently wrong with you, if you are feeling a bad streak of luck. They (though I'm feeling a strong feminine energy here) want to help you with your perspective on life. You are not 'deserving' of bad things to happen, they say, as it's an unhelpful belief to deal with troubling situations. Life happens around us, and many times we get caught in hurricanes caused by others, or by our own actions. These ebbs and flows stop for absolutely no one.
We, as people, should be more drawn to compassion towards each other because of this. I'm getting worldly energy when I channel the guide's connection to you, like your guide is a deity like figure or you are highly attuned to the earth in some way. You may feel drawn towards this need for giving and receiving compassion. Though what I sense your guide is pointing at refers to boundaries. It's dear to them that you feel connected to the world's energy, or to the pain that mother nature and her people feel, but please practice boundaries so you can give yourself a chance to breathe and live your own life instead of letting psychic woes eat at you.
Your guide wants to assure you that luckier times are ahead. The Wheel of Fortune combined with the Ladybug shows that you have the chance to count the blessings in your life to attract more of the same. To attract good luck and abundance for you is to do the same for others. Imagine if emotions were contagious, and you had the chance to spread good luck around by changing your perspective? Your affirmation card says, "I am able to let go of all sadness and negative emotions that don't serve me." There are times when things get turbulent, but don't let it stop you from getting ahead.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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piowasthere · 1 month
Ok, I'll say this for the first and hopefully only time.
(I know it's long, but it's quite important, so please read.)
If you ask me to draw anything in a form of a request (but also applies to trades or even commissions in a way)
I am not obligated to do it. If I do decide to do so, it's because I have the time, strengths, and will I am kind enough to do it for you. I do not. Owe you. Shit.
If I say I'll be willing to do something before discussing the details, I am 100% free to just say no if the thing you want is not something I am comfortable with.
And I do not need to give an explanation why. Most of the time I'll just go silent about it. Because I am not good with serious talk, I don't like it, I am awkward, social anxiety etc. And because I also want to try and be kind.
So if I ghost you after such a thing. You may text me again. Once. To make sure I didn't just forget, it happens. If I still go silent, that means it's not happening. Give up.
Weird shit includes oversexualizing characters or putting them in weird scenarios.
Sure, I do some questionable shit, but I don't usually go outside of suggestive or just thirst traps if I feel like it. I don't do explicit NSFW. (in a sexual sense, I use curse words and enjoy some heavy gore quite often, but those are not the focus of this.)
Or weird kinks or somethin'. No kink shaming. Just don't ask me to make shit I don't like. I think it's that simple. If You're aware, what you are going to ask for is questionable - make sure the artist you're asking is ok with that - and if you won't find anything about it - don't. At the very least, ask about their boundaries. Don't just slap them with that.
I legit am traumatized by some shit some people asked me to do. And I am not easy to get a reaction from.
It's ok to ask me for stuff I've done already - take for the example the 'Solar's hips' joke I have going on. Some people would probably consider it weird in some way, but it's just harmless simping and poking fun at a character that canonically has been called out for being a twink
It's a small gag I have going on with some people I know on Tumblr
if I was uncomfortable with it, I would not take it as far as I did. I think it's funny, and I do enjoy drawing that candy corn, so it's win-win for everyone.
This also comes down to me drawing characters suggestively only if I myself find them attractive in some shape, way or form. I find it funny or there's other context behind it.
Even if it's a character I like, not always will I do that to them.
I can draw shit out of Shadow, but I will not touch Tails with that. I love both of these characters, but I see them very differently. Also, Tails is literally like 8yo, but that's a completely different discussion.
When it comes to commissions - yes. You pay me to do something for you. But because of that factor - I am willing to do more and get more out of my comfort zone than if I was doing it for no profit. (still not NSFW. I mean, more character design or somethin') And the thing is discussed before payment. I will not agree to it if it makes me feel in any way I do not enjoy.
This issue appeared only on DeviantArt, thus far, and I am really happy Tumblr doesn't put me though that too. (update: I actually got one kinda weird ask there once, but it was more of a cursed thought, a laugh and that's about it)
if I ever get anything like that again and don't break my arm while trying to break the monitor, I'll just be deleting everything that person said and if they keep on pushing, I'll just block. I don't usually block people, but I am kinda tired at this point.
Apologies if it's a very long, aggressive rant but-- idfk I'm fed up with that bs.
don't ask any artist to draw you weird shit that might make them uncomfortable, don't act/sound demanding and behave like they owe you their work for any reason, bc in this situation you're the one begging somebody else to do work for you for free. Basically.
I had to rant.
This post goes onto both Tumblr and DA btw. DA to hopefully stop that bs and Tumblr to hopefully prevent it from happening.
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intramoon · 1 year
Hellooo 🥺 I wanted to know if you have followed a tutorial to make the last gifs? Or would you show how to make them? Than you so much 💕
I didn't follow any specific tutorial, I've just made a quick little process after researching how other people on Tumblr make gifs. I can tell you how I do but I would definitely recommend following a tutorial of someone more qualified! lol
Aj's Guide To Sims Gifs
I am going to show you how I made this gif of Wednesday:
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You'll need:
A screen recording program; Streamlabs, OBS Studio
Adobe Photoshop (FYI I am using the newest version).
The full tutorial is below the cut.
I promise it is easy, this tutorial is just long because I want to cover all bases, so if you have no idea what any of what I am saying means you can still follow along easily!
Lets get started!
1. Installing Your Recording Programs
You'll need to be able to record your game. Any streaming or screen recording program with work perfectly! I use Streamlabs because that's what I use for Twitch, but OBS Studio will work too! I've used them all, I recommend Streamlabs because it's more user-friendly.
2. Setting Up Your Recording Programs
You'll need to set up a scene in your streaming program that records your display or your game. In Streamlabs you go to the plus bottom beside sources and add either a Display Capture or a Game Capture, select your display or game. Is there a difference? Using game capture will remove any of your miscellaneous desktop UI and you won't have to crop it out later down the line. Despite that being pretty handy, I do display capture because I am difficult. lol If you have questions about this step feel free to send a ask, but I am going to skip over this to be able to go into more detail about the gif-making process.
3. Recording Your Scenes
Now you'll need to record your scenes in-game! I recommend doing this with ReShade or gshade. I use ReShade. Just make sure your lighting is how you like, the time of day is how you like, and have fun! Tip #1: Save your game before you start recording any scenes. Especially if you are recording gameplay, this will allow you to go back if you miss an animation or interaction. You'll be able to reload your game where you were and you can try to capture the moment again. Tip #2: Only record for 10-20 seconds at a time. Yes, you'll have a bunch of small recordings and that is what you want. You'll have to import those clips to Photoshop and if they are over 30 seconds they are going to strain your computer and be difficult to work with. Record animations just one time through, and re-record from different angles. This will let you pick from a variety of clips to get the gif you want. For 5-7 gifs I have 15-ish recordings that are about 10 seconds each, for reference. Tip #3: If you are alpha like me and are plagued by alpha hair vs. MXAO, just be intentional with the hair choices you make because you cannot edit the MXAO out later (I mean you can but it is a lot of fucking work). I have found updos are better at not having crazy MXAO spots. Or opt for using sims with darker hair.
4. Loading and Shortening Your Clip
Now, pick the first clip you'd like to convert to a gif. Go to File > Import > Import Videos To Frames and then select the video file for the clip. A window will appear that looks like this:
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From here you are going to select the exact moment in your clip that you want to use. The two half-sliders underneath the timeline are your start and stop points. You want to move them to just encompass the moment you want to use. Try to cut it down as much as possible to just the moment you need, the longer the clip the more frames, the longer it will take to render and the harder it will be on your computer. You will know if your clip is too long with this pop-up:
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Avoid this!
My cut-down clip looks like this:
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5. Loading In Your Layers & Workspace
Your workspace should look like this!
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You should see 100-200ish layers on the right side and a timeline on the bottom. If you do not see the layers on the right side go to Window > Layers, you should be able to see them after doing this. If you do not see a timeline on the bottom, go to Window > Timeline, you should be able to see it after doing this. If your timeline does not look like mine and rather like this:
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Don't worry! That's totally fine! If you do want to change it click the three squares on the bottom left and it will show each individual frame.
6. Cropping and Resizing
You want to work with the smallest file possible so you can use the littlest amount of resources and have the smallest file size. This is, one, to reduce strain on your computer but also because Tumblr only allows gifs that are 10MB. We want to keep the gif as small as possible.
First, we are going to crop our gif! In my example, I need to crop out my computer UI. I think long gifs and square gifs look the best, so I am going to crop my long ways.
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We also want to resize our gif to 540px. I know people get on me for resizing my screenshots to 540px but this is a MUST for gifs. If not they will be blurry. They are not like screenshots and portraits. In my crop settings, you'll see I have my set to 540px.
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That makes the cropping resizing process quicker by killing two birds with one stone. Alternatively, you can crop as normal, and then resize to 540px afterward. I've done both and both get the same result! If your post will have two gifs side by side you'll want to crop your gifs to 268px.
If it takes Photoshop a little bit of time to crop the image, that is normal! Just requires some patience. The same goes for resizing. I've found sometimes resizing takes the longest.
My resized gif looks like this!
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7. Editing Your Gif
Technically your gif is done! If you don't intend on editing it you can export it and you're done! I like to do a little editing on my gifs.
To edit gifs you'll need to use non-destructive editing methods, ie. adjustment layers or smart objects but most likely adjustment layers. If you, for example, edit by going to Image > and then adjusting your image, you'd have to do that to all your layers. That's not viable. Instead, you'll want to make a group at the top of all your layers and place your adjustment layers in the group. You can make a group by clicking the folder icon at the bottom of your layers panel. You can create adjustment layers by clicking the half-shaded circle on the bottom of your layers panel.
BE CAREFUL! Make sure you are doing edits on layer 1, if you edit other random layers the edit will only apply to those layers. I've made this mistake a few too many times.
As for sharpening, this is when you'd use your sharpening action or sharpen it yourself. I am going to be using this sharpening action by insomniacgifs. I've used a handful but this is the one I like the most because it converts my layers into a smart object that lets me do more edits later (which I will show you).
All sharpening actions are different so make sure to read their instructions before you use them. Some sharpening actions have a layer limit so they will not work on longer gifs.
To start using insomniacgifs action I have to convert my layers to frames. They have an action for this. I select "Layer 1" and run their "Frames to Timeline" action.
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Now my layers are in a smart object!
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Smart objects are a non-destructive way to edit and something I recommend using with gifs and your edits. Smart objects also preserve the quality of your images despite you resizing and editing your image.
In regards to gifs, this allows me to use Camera Raw Filter and more heavily edit my gif! All I am going to do is open Camera Raw Filter and edit away! It will apply my edits to a layer attached to this smart object.
After I've done my edits, I will pick which level of sharpening I want to use from insomniacgifs action. I usually pick soft. I am going to press play on the "Soft" action. This does sometimes take a while to load. You may get a progress bar. Just be patient. This may take a few minutes.
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Now that the Soft actions have finished, my gif is sharpened! I am extra and want to tweak my gif a little more. After finishing the Soft action all my layers will be in a "gif" folder. Remember how I mentioned before that to edit gifs you want to place a group above your layers and place your adjustment layers inside? I am going to do that now! It looks something like this:
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8. Saving Your Gif
Now, finally, we can save! This is the easiest part! Go to File > Export > Export for The Web (Legacy). I window will open that looks like this:
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In the top right, make sure the file type is set to GIF. Here you can play your gif and see it in action! Now, this is what I normally notice if I do not like the speed of the gif. It defaults to 0.06 seconds per frame. Sometimes I like this slow pace to get a dreamier gif but with this gif, it's too slow. I will show you how to fix it. Close this window and go to your timeline. Shift + Left-Click the first and last layers on the timeline. Right-click on the frame duration.
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Now click other and change it to your desired duration. For me, that will be 0.03 seconds.
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Now let's try to save again! This is the end result!
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If you have questions please do not hesitate to ask! I will update this tutorial as people ask questions and clarification is needed! You can always hit me up if you need help!
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socksandbuttons · 13 hours
Shaking with excitement is a perfect way to explain how I feel when seeing stuff about my favorite AUs featuring my favorite blorbos, the absolutely wonderful space AU being one of those☆ I need to find more words like Yippee so I can verbally explain how I'm feeling through asks.
This time I won't be going on about personality because it's ✨Character design appreciation time✨ starting with Dawn because I love the soft colors used in her design and the way her hair looks so flowy, Eclipse's cape also allows that flow which I particularly enjoy and the small accents on the shoes of each character are very cute. The planet-esque designs on Eclipse and Lunar's faces are very cool to draw and I also like the details on the little badges most of the characters have on them; including Beige's and her cutesy hair clip. I've also gotta thank you for putting the bots in belts cause their waists are So Fine. I believe that's all for now.
You and Neko are awesome and your character designs are absolutely fabulous, I shall patiently wait for the next comic while buzzing with excitement, and as always remember to stay hydrated, have fun, and don't overwork yourselves. °˖˚˳•.
IT TOOK ME A WHILE TO REPLY HERE CAUSE AAAA THIS IS VERY SWEET- I think going yippee i can undertsand yes yes fdbh!!! CHARACTER DESGIN APPRECIATION YESSS!! Dawn and Beige's (and Puppets!) designs are entirely @nekojaf's!! Her lovely ladies- Dawns colors i had to learn how to color her but she was FUN to, i love her hairrr too, fsvs beiges cutesy hairclip... Love her bun <33 Puppets short hair .. ECLIPSES CAPE YEAHH, and HIS BOOTS YES THANK YOU lil boot detailing... Thank you for commenting on their faces i enjoy coloring themm (there IS full body designs oh their anatomy- that was fun) ;0; badge details yesss AND BELTS OF COURSE. I keep saying thank you but dbjkf really ur words are MWah, lovely and appreciated <333 and as neko says "Don't worry we can't overwork ourselves cause we'll get mad at the other lol"
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canirove · 7 days
Nicola Zalewski Imagine
Author’s note: This is a request I got on Wattpad where they wanted something about him being jealous, they didn't give more details. So I wrote something where he gets jealous of the reader because of how successful her job and career are. Hope you like it and thank you for reading! 💜 Female reader/pov
“I seriously love your Instagram account. Your photos are so good!”
“And your Tiktok videos? I love those too.”
“Thank you very much” I smile.
“I bought the mascara you recommended on the last one, and it is amazing!”
“It is, isn't it?”
“We should get going” Nicola says behind me.
“Yes, of course. It's been so nice meeting you” I say to the girls who have stopped us outside the stadium.
“You too! Like, our friends won't believe us when I tell them that we saw you” one of them says.
“Oh my God, that has reminded me that we haven't taken a photo the three of us together!” the other one says.
“Nicola, do you mind…” I ask him.
“Sure” he says, forcing himself to smile.
“Thank you so much!” the girls say once he has taken a few photos. 
“Yeah, great. Can we go now?” he asks me. “I need to rest.”
“We have to go, girls. Thank you very much for everything” I say, giving them each a quick hug and getting into Nicola's car. “Weren't they lovely?”
“If you say so…” he says, starting the engine. “I think I'm going to have their voices stuck in my head for the rest of the week.”
“Oh my God, I love your Instagram. Oh my God, you are so pretty. Oh my God, oh my God” he says, trying to sound like them.
“What the fuck, Nicola? Those girls were super nice, there is no need to mock them like that.”
“They were nice to you. They acted as if I didn't exist.”
“What? They first saw and said hello to you and then came towards us when they spotted me.”
“And then they acted as if I didn't exist when I was standing right there next to you. Like, they were at the stadium watching me play, not you, yet acted as if you were the football star.”
“How do you know they were there to watch you play?”
“Because they were wearing my shirt. But you were so focused on the attention they were giving you because of me, that you didn't notice.”
“Because of you?” 
“Do you seriously think they would know who you are if you weren't dating me?” he chuckles. “You are famous because of me, because we are together. If we weren't, no one would recognise you.”
“I beg your fucking pardon?” 
“Yeah” Nicola shrugs.
“I can't believe it. I can't fucking believe” I laugh. “I was already known on Instagram and working with big brands and attending fashion weeks before meeting you, Nicola. I had a career before dating you, which is something you can't say.”
“You were playing with the second team and most Roma fans didn't know you existed!”
“They did.”
“They did not, and I already had more than 100k followers on Instagram when you had like five.”
“At least my five were real and not bots or weird guys who just follow you because you post photos in a bikini.”
“I… you… fuck off, Nicola! Stop the car!”
“Stop the fucking car!”
“I can't do that here, we are in the middle of nowhere!”
“Better there than next to you!” I say, opening the car's door.
“Oh, c'mon. Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously!” I say, getting out and closing the door with as much force as I can.
“Bloody hell” he mutters before following me outside. “I'm sorry, ok?”
“About what? About dating me and turning me into someone more famous than you?” I say as I walk.
“What? Of course not! I'm sorry about everything I said. I just… Can we go home and talk about this there? I seriously need to rest.”
“You you you you. It's always you, Nicola. And you played for five minutes, you can't be that tired.”
“C’mon, don't be like this.”
“Like this? Like this?” I say, stopping and turning around to look at him. “Nicola, you basically said that I have a career thanks to you! That without you I would be nothing!”
“I didn't say that.”
“Oh, fuck off!” I say, starting to walk again.
“Let's go home, please” he says as he follows me. “Anyone could see us out here.”
“Afraid they might recognize you and be like, oh, that's Nicola Zalewski and his girlfriend, the one who just exists because of him?”
“No, that's… urgh. Whatever. I'll be in the car. You can come back once you've realized you are behaving like a child by standing in the middle of nowhere on your own instead of coming home with me to discuss this misunderstanding.”
“There is no misunderstanding, Nicola. You think I owe you my career and that I would be nothing without you” I say, turning to look at him and crossing my arms over my chest 
“I don't think that.”
“Don't you?” I snort. “Then what was all that from earlier? All that bullshit about those girls only knowing me because I'm dating you?”
“That… I…”
“You what, Nicola?”
“I was jealous, ok?”
“What?” I laugh. “Jealous of what?”
“Of you! Of the way those girls were fangirling about you and how natural your interaction was. Of the way they were looking and smiling at you, and… everything, basically!”
“You were jealous of me?”
“Yes! I constantly am jealous of you and your career. Because you are achieving everything you've always dreamt of and I… and I've become a bench warmer. I'm achieving nothing. And fans don't come to talk to me like that anymore. They don't even ask me for photos when they see me, they all go to you! Because you are the one doing something, while I'm just a failure.”
“Nicola…” I say, taking a few steps towards him.
“I know you were already famous before meeting me. That you already had a career. And I'm super proud of you and everything you do, because I know I could never do half of what you do and that if I tried I could never be as good as you are at it. You were born to do what you do.”
“And you were born to play football.”
“Was I? Because each day I have more and more doubts. I want to make you as proud of me as I am of you, and I keep failing.”
“You are proud of me?” I ask him, now a bit closer.
“Of course I am! I am so proud of you and admire you so much for everything you do! But sometimes, I can't help but feel jealous of your success, of the way people treat you and look up to you. Especially when I'm having a bad day like today where we've lost an important game and I played for five minutes and did nothing. On those occasions, I can't help but feel… useless. A failure. Like I'm always behind something or someone, that I'm never the one that matters, like I'm wasting my time and I will never do anything important or meaningful. And so far I had always let those feelings inside and kept them to myself, but today they went out, and they did it in the worst possible way. In one that hurt the person I love the most.”
“And do I happen to be that person?”
“Who else would it be?” he chuckles.
“I don't know” I shrug, now standing in front of him.
“I'm sorry about everything I said. I didn't mean a word, I swear. I don't think any of that. But I just…”
“Even if you didn't mean it, you still said it and it still hurt, Nicola. Badly.”
“I know. And I'm sorry. I am so so sorry…” he says, taking my hand on his. “Please tell me what can I do to make it up to you, to make you forgive me. I’ll do anything, I swear.”
“For now, let's go home. I'll think of something on our way there.”
“Ok” he sighs. “But it can be anything, you know? Whatever you ask, I'll do it.”
“Will you sleep on the sofa?”
“What?” Nicola says. “After a game?”
“You just said you will do whatever I ask, didn’t you?”
“I… yes.”
“Well, you don't deserve to share a bed with me, and if you wake up with a sore neck, maybe you'll think twice before saying stupid things and hurting the person you love the most.”
“Ok, fine. I'll sleep on the sofa.”
“Good. But there will be more” I say, opening the car's door.
“And I'll do it all. I promised it, and I keep my promises.”
“We'll see."
A few weeks later...
“Your breakfast, my lady” Nicola says, putting a tray with food on my lap.
“Thank you very much” I smile.
“The clothes for today’s shoot are already ready, and I’ve set up the camera and lights so you can film the get ready with me for Tiktok.”
“Thank you” I say, giving the croissant he got me a big bite. 
“Is there anything else I can do for you before I leave for training?”
“Actually… yes, you can. Sit down” I say, patting the spot next to me in the bed.
“Ok” he says, doing as I’ve asked him.
“You’ve been really helpful during the past few weeks, you know? With my jobs, doing more chores than usual around the house, bringing me breakfast to bed every single day… I’ve felt almost like a princess.”
“Then I haven’t done my job properly, because I wanted you to feel like a princess. Like a queen!”
“To feel like that, first you have to promise me something.”
“Anything” Nicola says, moving to face me.
“If you start having all those doubts and thoughts again about being a failure, about not being enough… I want you to tell me about it. Me or someone you trust. I want you to talk about it and let it all out before it blows out again and you end up hurting someone you love.”
“I will.”
“Promise?” I say, lifting my little finger.
“Promise” he chuckles, interlacing his with mine.
“You better” I say before focusing on my breakfast again. “Because I am freeing you from all your duties and I don’t want to regret it.”
“You don’t have to be my assistant and butler anymore, Nicola. At least not in the way you were being. From now on, if you want to help me with my job or be cute and make me dinner after a long day, it’ll be just because you want to, not because I am asking you as some kind of punishment.”
“Oh, ok. Though I’ve actually really enjoyed it, you know?”
“So have I” I smirk.
“Does this mean… That you’ve forgiven me for being a dick?”
“I have, yes. But you must keep your promise and talk to me or someone else if…”
“If I feel like that again. I know and I will.”
“Good” I smile, kissing his cheek. "Now I do feel like a princess."
“Great" he smiles back. "But does this mean that I can come back here and sleep with you again? I’ve missed you” he says, looking at me with puppy eyes.
“I’ve missed you too. Hugging the pillow when I’m in the mood for a cuddle in the middle of the night isn’t the same as hugging you.”
“Same” he chuckles. “And even if you’ve forgiven me… I’m sorry about everything I said that day. I love you.”
“I know. I love you too, Nicola” I say before kissing him.
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Hooray askbox! How about the tfa bots meeting a infamous bot who turned cannibal? They were locked up for being too vicious for both bot and cons to handle. They escape to earth. Totally crazed and starved they wear a muzzle they can’t take off. Noticeably their drooling as they eye them up and down. “Hi friend! Could you give me a hand? I don’t bite. Promise.”
Yeah, no, Optimus is putting some stasis cuffs on them the moment they try to approach his team. He read about them in the academy and some of the more gruesome details left him having trouble recharging for weeks afterwards. When the bot starts to eye up his team Optimus steps between them, wanting to protect his comrades. Might just put a vocal inhibitor on them as well, even though he's usually against that.
Ratchet has unfortunately seen the aftermath of their feeding before. Not that there was much left of the poor bot who had the misfortune of being chosen as a meal. As disgusted as he is by this bot he's also aware just how dangerous they are, with even the decepticons staying away. Because of this he wants none of his team to get close to them, not even just to talk. Won't hesitate to weld the bot's mouth shut if he has too.
At first Bumblebee is all bravado, teasing and mocking this bot just like he does with any con. He's aware that they eat other bots but being aware of something and actually understanding is two separate things. It's only when the bot almost succeeds in chomping down on him that he realizes that uh oh, this is seriously messed up. Is totally creeped out by them and his plating shivers when they talk.
Bulkhead is immediately put off by the bot but tries his best to appear brave in front of the rest of his team. When the bot makes some comments about being hungry he immediately steps in front of his friends and tells the bot to keep their denta to themself or he's going to knock it out of their mouth.
Prowl has heard about how bots in desperate situations where fuel has run out has resorted to consuming each other. But in these cases it's always been out of desperation, when there's no other options and starvation has set in. This bot is nothing like that. They feed because they want to. They are not suffering from starvation, they have ample access to regular fuel yet they choose to end the lives of other mechs just to satisfy their dark cravings. Needless to say, Prowl finds them absolutely repulsive and he does not even attempt to understand them. They are a danger to everyone around them and needs to be stopped, simple as that.
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daylightcommand3 · 7 months
Dear, @purplekoop
GRRRR RAHH War Bots is consuming me! I keep finding myself thinking about the far off hypotheticals and all the little extraneous details:
What would box art look like? So far I can see Wilderoad and Calber staring at each other from the corners of the art. A random map from the game is the background. Other bots from the game are all rushing towards each other ready for a fight.
What kinds of PvP maps will there be? One idea I had is an abandoned amusement park based on a once-beloved-but-now-forsaken gaming company that is now being used for training.
Also I had the potential* headcanon that the PvP gameplay is the War Bots** training.
*(I say potential because i don't know if you already had that idea. I don't want to assume.)
**(Not to be annoying myself. But I know that War Bots is not the final name of the game nor the team. I just wanted to make that clear real quick. Sorry if this sounds rude. I genuinely don't know how to phrase this without sounding like an asshole.)
What will the trailer look like? I can see a rough draft. A little rendered animation of showing Wilderoad walking onto a PVP map. Chaos is everywhere. We then get quick clips of gameplay footage of characters using their abilities. The obligatory pop song playing in my head bounces between "Cut Off" by Set It Off and "Magic 8" also by Set It Off. (I listened to the album these songs were in recently while I had War Bots on the brain)
By the way, I see Wilderoad as the face of War Bots mainly because they were literally the introduction to it, and if I remembered correctly, they were also one of the first characters made. And if i'm remembering REALLY correctly, I believe you yourself said they were the face.
What will the cosmetics be like? This question really started when you mentioned the quickly scrapped penguin's moveset being given to Velenna. I instantly thought "Alright, Velenna should be given a penguin skin then." Then i realized that I don't recall you ever mentioning cosmetics. Would it be more TF2-esque with a loadout system? Or would it be more Overwatch 2-esque with a simple complete skin system? Speaking of Overwatch, I couldn't help but think of an "Ancient Heroes" skinline that gives our favorite bots a familiar look. Some mappings are rather cut and dry, while some really get you to think (Poppett in particular: Tracer? Lucio? D.va? Kiriko????). I also briefly imagined a "Coat" mechanic of sorts. Where you could merely change the color of the bots bodies. Like putting on a new coat of paint. (As you can see, I'm kinda using War Bots as a cope and a way to wean me off of Overwatch. Or at least attempting to.)
What would the community jokes and memes be like? What would be our nerf Genji? I can already see a meme about Necross, but I won't since I plan to make that one a reality eventually.
Bot Select? I want to see all the bots lined up in rows and columns.
Of course. What game would be complete without your favorite thing: figures! Not to make you drool, but imagine if a Wilderoad figure was right there on your desk. Or Formann? Or Poppett? Or Velenna? Or Navea? Or etc etc etc.
It's all so just- GRRRrrr OHHHhhh, so enticing, so magical, so beautiful. I'm proud to say that I'm on the ground floor of War Bots. I love being a part of this. I can't wait for what comes next.
Sincerely, G
PS: I have absolutely no idea when the rest of The Gardeners posts will be finished. I have solid ideas on all of them (minus one). I just haven't had the time to write them. This week I'm focusing on a big midterm and have the usual load of homework. I'm trying to get a lot done this week so Spring Break I can truly relax and write to my hearts content. Of course, the biggest roadblock to my writing is that I'm busy writing a script for my university's comedy skit program club. And that has a deadline of the week after Spring Break. So yeah. Sometime after that I suppose. I will let you know that the next Gardener I'll be going over is the one with blades.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings!
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gren-arlio · 1 year
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Part 3 of Waku Puyo Extras. (And a fairly big announcement for translations.)
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Ah, I'm running out of images, the Waku Puyo images, so the tride and true "Post Manga panels I do understand," got me covered. If I don't got anyone on my side, I know the Waku Puyo Manga does. Amen.
(Context for this page and a few others is Satan having a nightmare about Schezo and Arle marrying, and wakes up in a cold sweat. It's so goofy, and seems exactly like a Satan Nightmare, but the art goes hard.)
Heya, Gren here, and welcome to Part 3 of Waku Puyo Extras, the series where I find random videos about a route and go off from there because, even though I'm in the English Puyo Puyo Community Discord and have been lurking in the lore channel for like 3 years, I'm not verified yet because I'm scared to speak to the Ciel Bot. So if a mod or something SOMEHOW sees this...what're the odds for one, and two, idk we can talk via DM's or somethin' about lore.
(I really do want to speak there someday. Seems fun, I'll probably quietly add some details for this game onto specific characters pages.)
That aside, I'm here today to provide the community with more text and stuff to read.
Today's post will cover the following scraps I found while looking for stuff:
A video where Serilly appears again. Once again, Schezo and Serilly speak to each other, small but interesting.
A video that has a Rulue encounter and...that's about it. I'm really looking for scraps. Today doesn't have a whole lot.
Talk about the Manga for a bit. I plan to do this for most of the Extra Episodes, since it seems fun to do. Gonna specifically talk about Schezo and Serilly because...you know with everything going on, I think it's a nice start.
However, the scraps will become actual meals sooner or later because of two simple reasons. The first is that there's a whole video I'll translate that...has ALL 3 CHARACTERS...trading with Witch, starting next week, and that'll be Waku Puyo Extras Episode 4.
Yeah this girl really won't leave alone, its been like half a year of this stuff. Oh, what I do to translate. Oh and the video has Succubus too IG
Witch still is my 3rd favorite character though for the lunacy I've dealt with from her. Joking aside:
The REAL announcement:
About 2 weeks from now, I'll be trying my best to translate Arle's Route for this silly game.
That's right, I'm gonna do another Route that totally didn't take me 6 months to finish the main storyline. Waku Puyo Extras will still be real, trust me, but they'll be like filler episodes like in Dragon Ball, bits I release if the current video I'm translating is taking too long and/or if I just randomly feel like it. I will still also be doing minor Schezo Route stuff as well, and still take requests for all routes, so as usual, if you got a goofy screenshot to send me, DM me.
Big announcement away, it's time for the videos themselves, starting with:
Serilly Stuff:
...I did say I'm scraping for stuff. These things are so miniscule in the grand scheme that you could probably come to these posts just for the comedy act I try to put up.
The episode posted has been fully translated already, being Episode 3, for the record. Imma just translate the Serilly stuff.
But with that;
Timestamps: (...They're at the start of the video, but there's 2 different occasions, so...rip?)
Serilly 1: (0:05)
Serilly 2 (0:32)
...I wish I were kidding, it's that little. Lmao
With that out of the way, this marks the Readmore section of the post. Thanks for reading if you're not interested, and let's continue if you're enjoying this.
Serilly 1: (0:05)
This is such clean water, I can cleanse my heart there...
...Wait! What's a Dark Mage doing getting cleansed!?
Woman's Voice:
What're you doing here huffing by yourself?
Hm? I remember this voice from Water Paradise...
It's me, Serilly.
Oh, what're you doing here?
When I'm here, it feels like my mind and body are at ease.
...Yeah, seems like it.
I know, right?
(...And so, Schezo talked to Serilly for a bit.)
...I better get going.
Okay, but...come back soon!
Yeah, if I ever feel like it.
Serilly 2:
Oh! Mr. Schezo!
You're really here again!
(W-Why am I blushing!?)
(Schezo had a small chat with Serilly.)
...I'd better get going.
Okay, but...come back soon!
Yeah, if I feel like it.
Yeah, so some speech repeats itself at the end, but hey, Schezo seems to enjoy her company, a rarity nowadays. I'll go deeper when the manga portion comes up but so far, that's what you're getting.
And now, The Rulue Stuff:
This goofy video here is actually Episode 6 of the translations I've done here. I just missed a single talk coming from Schezo and Rulue. (Not even Minotauros. Guy is just nothing now.)
I'm not gonna timestamp this one because it's a SINGLE interaction at the start. I promise I'll make this up somehow.
So, with that...here's the interaction.
Rulue Interaction: (Start of the video)
Oh, you haven't given up your chase, have you?
Mind your own business. In fact, you should be the one to give up!
No more from you. That magical item will be mine.
Oh-ho-ho-ho, good luck on your wasted endeavors. (She says efforts here but...why not make her sound more sophisticated?)
That magic item will be useless for a meathead like you.
Yes, for the sake of the treasure, I cannot lose!
And...that's all for the translations. Not much, but I'll compensate with the manga.
For those who are unaware, Waku Puyo has a manga that wildly differs from the story of the game. Lot of characters got redesigns, most notably Witch, Incubus and Honey Bee have a MUCH bigger role, Lagnus is real, and tags along with Arle, (I'll talk about that next Extras Episode.) and even some new faces.
Since the 10 image limit is goofy, I'm gonna limit myself to specific things about the Manga. Plan is:
Talk about Schezo and Serilly because there seems to be a lot with them going on in Waku Puyo as a whole. I'll also mention Honey Bee too.
Lagnus tagging along with Arle, along with a couple of goofy pages I found.
Maybe Rulue's side of stuff...? This one I'm iffy on right now so currently it's in the air.
Since I'm unfortunately incredibly committed to my work, I decided to translate the Serilly section of Volume 2 and 3 of the Waku Puyo Manga. (For the most part...)
Here's how it goes.
It actually starts with Serilly hearing noises from the lower floors and becomes nervous at that fact, hoping her only friend, Satan, will come to help her. Schezo and Honey Bee (his ally who has the hots for him,) find her and realize that during the fight with Suketoudara, he said that she isn't exactly a fighter, and they should try to reason with her.
Due to the 10 image limit, I'm skipping a good amount of pages and really showing off highlights. However, I'll explain the thing entirely. Here is the Google Drive with the Manga, courteously given by Puyo Preservation.
Schezo then tries to chase her, scaring her, and he grabs her arm, which leads to this page.
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Honey Bee is pissed at the fact that they're holding hands and all that, meanwhile Schezo and Serilly are about as shocked. Serilly begins to actually sob, asking them to not bully her, while Schezo asks to give him the orb, and if she does, she won't get hurt. However, he's swinging his sword, which causes Serilly to get more nervous, leading to Schezo giving Bee his sword to not scare her off.
Surprisingly...it works. Serilly isn't as afraid as she was before, and Schezo asks if she know where the orb is, to which Serilly stutters a bit. For no reason, Honey Bee tries to threaten her, leading to Schezo hitting Bee away.
Serilly says they can't have the orb because her "friend," Satan, told her to guard it. Schezo gets mad at that, saying that a friend should be there for you, not be barking orders, and Bee herself adds onto that, saying that if he was her friend, why did he lock her in a room?
Unfortunately, Serilly says that she doesn't mind being locked here forever, as if she leaves, Satan will hate her, and she'll lose her only friend. She explains that she's never had a friend and was bullied all her life, so she doesn't want to risk it.
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Finally, Schezo has enough and says that she Satan isn't her friend, and that he manipulated her, leading to a similar case of what happening during the game...Schezo giving therapy.
Honey Bee insults Serilly AGAIN for her actions, and Serilly sobs while saying she's sorry for everything, leaving Schezo speechless after smaking Bee away. (Unfortunately, 10 image limit. Won't be seen.)
However, the 3rd picture below is when Schezo tells her to stop crying and that he'll...be her friend, if only she gives up her unhappiness, which she agrees to.
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The events are similar to the Game, even the part where Schezo thinks that he feels like he's preaching, and doesn't care if she's happy or not.
As Honey Bee basically insults her more, Suketoudara appears absolutely livid at what Schezo is doing to Serilly, and...basically tries to drown him. However, Serilly doesn't want to lose her new friend, so she rescues him, leaving Bee and Suketoudara shocked, even though Schezo had to save her too.
Leading to this.
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This beautiful artwork.
Schezo knocks out Suke for a bit, and he and Serilly look at each other, before looking away, blushing, leading Bee to get upset with both of them, saying they probably flirted in the water.
Even though Bee is pissed at how Schezo is carrying Serilly, they're both ok, but Schezo sustained a injury to his forehead, which leads to Bee comically trying to wrap band-aids around him.
Suke wakes up, saying that was the first time he ever saw Serilly help someone like that, which even she's shocked by. Bee though, says that it's natural to help someone you care for. Serilly goes up to Schezo, and gives him the key to the orbs. After that, Schezo tells Suke to bring Serilly away from the place, which angers him, but agrees to, before Schezo and Bee walk away.
However, Serilly yells at them to stop, before asking Schezo if he'll meet with her again.
Shown below is Schezo saying yes, if he ever feels like it, much to Bee's chargin, before they set for the door...which has Incubus in it.
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While it's just a section, it's a really, REALLY good section, and I feel like a writer/developer really wanted Schezo/Serilly to be real so they went all out here. And props to them, they did it well, and made some cool scenes.
With that...I believe this it the end. See you all next week.
Hope you enjoyed the show.
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purplekoop · 11 months
ngl I'm curious about your ideas for Venture and spaceranger. I saw a theory SR could be Fio from Blackwatch and I think Venture could be our Portuguese hero, maybe has a build (turret, wall, etc) made of duravidro. Still hoping for heroes 42 to 45 being Lynx 17, Maximilien, a Roman champion fighter, and an Afro-American New York firefighter.
Okay lot of parts to this one to answer
Starting with Venture, here's their art for reference:
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Now, with their pretty apparent explorer/excavation-themed design, with giant drill and what looks like climbing/excavation gear on their back, my first thought for what map they tie into is actually Petra, the deathmatch map set in Southern Jordan's wonder of the world. The map is littered with details alluding to an ongoing excavation project, so I think Venture could be part of that team. Plus, I think the slightly darker skin tone could possibly fit an Arabic character.
While I can't make it out with just this little image, I think the insignia on this sleeve could be the key to figuring out this character's faction.
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As for kit, I don't really have any great ideas yet. While their drill at first appears to be a melee weapon, letting you just drill into people for rapid close-range damage, but I feel like it could have some kind of surprise projectile component.
In addition to me thinking they're from Jordan and not Portugal, I also doubt they're a "builder" character due to those being an ongoing struggle to balance in the Damage role. My belief for what Esperanca is alluding to is still a Tank hero that we won't be seeing for a while. Considering how long it takes heroes to be developed (note Mauga was just revealed today after being first teased in 2019), I think something as relatively recent as Esperanca won't lead to something new so "soon".
(I actually have a character for my original hero/class shooter project War Bots who uses a drill in a couple ways, and they are actually a builder character who uses it to build buildings and also tunnel underground to move around safely. They deserve their own post soon though.)
As a reminder, we are due to see some early gameplay footage of Venture tomorrow in the "Overwatch 2: What's Next" segment of Blizzcon tomorrow at 1:30 PM PST (so 4:30 for me in the EST), so we won't have to wait long to see some of how they play!
Going from underground to out of this world, let's talk about "Space Ranger" next!
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(I gotta say it if I haven't already that I love both of these designs, even if they're still certainly still concept art and might actually change a fair bit before release, especially in the case of Star Command here releasing all the way in the far off galaxy of Season 12. Still, very cute, love the colors and overall vibe, big fan.)
So starting off with the theory you saw, the idea that this is Fio, the Blackwatch pilot from Retribution, certainly is... interesting, certainly an idea with precedent if Sojourn is anything to go by. I didn't remember what they looked like so I checked the wiki and...
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...Yeah no these are completely different people, sorry. Fio has what looks to be red hair underneath the helmet and... I wanna say a European face? Ranger meanwhile has the dang Twilight Sparkle hair, and her face strikes me more like how East Asian characters tend to look in Overwatch's art style, like D.va and Kiriko with their slightly more "anime-esque" faces. Not to say I wouldn't welcome Fio to the roster (even though they'd be. Far, Far from my first pick for an established character to join the roster), but this definitely ain't them.
As for who I do think this could be, or rather what characters they're related to, I think between possibly being Asian and also being more obviously space-themed, I think they could very likely be affiliated with Lucheng Interstellar, the Chinese aerospace company behind Horizon Lunar Colony. According to the wiki, they also have other space station projects they are/were working on, so Space Ranger could be related to either of those.
As for kit, I don't have much to say for them either. Some neat ideas I saw were that they could be another hyper-mobile support like Mercy or Lucio, and could possibly even have some sort of gravity-manipulating buff. I really don't have much to say yet, but there's plenty of room for cool ideas!
Speaking of cool ideas, lemme take a sec to go over all yours!
Lynx 17 is definitely a popular pick I can get behind, between their fun design and the capacity for a support hacker-themed character. My Sombra Role Requeue was just one way to take the concept, I feel like there's even more room to start from the ground up! Though I do also wanna shoutout Franky, a character from the Deadlock Rebels novel that was essentially the other main founding member of the gang along with Cassidy and Ashe (and B.O.B. too, of course), who's also a hacker. I don't blame people for giving Lynx 17 higher priority, both due to being around longer and also being another cool Omnic, as well as being canonically non binary already. I would like to see a human NB character sooner than later, (hence why I've been referring to Venture and SR gender-neutrally this whole post) but Lynx still slaps so I'd be happy to see them too.
Maximilien is I think probably the most notable lore character that's yet to be playable now that we've finally got our greasy mitts on Mauga. Another fun established design and personality who's been around the story even longer than Mauga actually. Shoot, we've even seen the bastard in one of the story trailers, with Doomfist implying that he's got a job to do that the greedy omnic seems uncomfortable with. That could easily mean he has to get his hands dirty when he doesn't want to, so... could be teasing him being playable? My main objection to his inclusion on the roster is that I don't have a great idea for what exactly he'd... do. He's basically a cowardly civilian who just happens to be bankrolling a terrorist organization. This could definitely work into his kit, making him a support who sucks in direct fights but has ways of backing up allies. The one solid ability idea I got for him though is that his gun would be a silenced pistol. that's it. Now obviously some creativity on the hero design team's part could fix that issue, but still, it's something to consider.
Now for the characters who aren't as established, a roman gladiator is another one that's been tossed around a lot since the map was first revealed. Like I said with a character teased by the Portugal map though, OW heroes take a long time to develop, and they're still catching up on established characters like Mauga, so the teasers from OW2's new maps could take a WHILE to get to at this rate. Which isn't shocking really, they wanna keep Overwatch going for a while and I personally can get behind that, so I understand them setting up so many teasers they can follow up on later. As for the gladiator specifically, this idea still hasn't actually excited me that much. I struggle right now to think about what could make one of the mech gladiators unique from the tanks we already have on the roster. A melee weapon and shield? Reinhardt. A spear? Orisa. Again, creativity solves a lot of problems, but it's why I've never been that excited for this idea since Colosseo was first revealed.
That last idea though, THAT has me interested.
I've honestly never heard that idea before! It's so cool too, a firefighter would have such a fun pool of ideas to work from. Overwatch doesn't really have any water-themed heroes, and as far as I'm aware the team hasn't considered it aside from one rejected concept for what eventually became Lifeweaver. I'm honestly not even sure what role would fit a firefighter better, because the bulky outfits and some kind of water pushing ability would fit Tank, but the whole "life saving" part could fit Support better. This is such a cool idea, I'd honestly love to hear you elaborate on it more!
So yeah, wanted to give a thorough response talking about all of these future heroes, confirmed and otherwise. I'll almost certainly have more to say tomorrow when they talk about the two new faces, but that's for 20 hours from now. Thanks for the ask though, fun to talk about all this!
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fizziefactory · 3 months
Adding Sinner AU to @bubblebbunch
To not swarm this blog with art of things Not related to the fizzies [I feel like that is the brand and that's why I made the OC blog, don't wanna expose people to things they don't want Too Much), I am thinking of tweaking @bubblebbunch a bit to also host the Sinner AU (and whatever other AUs I come up with tbh??)
I don't think it makes sense to have them here, cus if they are sinners, they are Directly tied to the human verse which... is not on here. It's just gonna be a fact that Corwin has much more to do with Sinner AU than Doc does, cus... the Sinner used to be human, and the bots are extremely unique in who they are because they are machines, it just won't directly translate as well as human to sinner. I want to remind you tho, human AU are literally just the fizzies but human and some adjustments to their world, life and relations.
They're all still the same characters.
I'm still working out the AU too!!
So far I've only drawn Doc/Corwin because I was doodling at work, but the sinner AU is going to need a lot of time because they're all so complex... especially the designs, I want them to Pop. I have designed demons before, and I'm a bit of an overachiever because I love little details and for everything to count and make sense.
All this to say that @bubblebbunch is going to be more HH/HB friendly once that AU is up!! So do give it a follow if you're interested ♡ you can also ask me anything about the AU on either blog if you're curious
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healerelowen · 10 months
Can you tell me about system po3?
YES!!!! OFC I CAN 100%!!!/V POS
The system!p03 au is an au that was created by my friend who was a part of a system themselves. It basically followed P03(Poe) being the host of a system compiling of the Uberbots. The Archivist(Ark) is the gate keeper, The Photographer(Lee) and Unfinished Boss(Vellum, Vel for short) are both emotional holders, and G0lly(Golly) is the cohost. Lee is an emotional holder for anger while Vel holds anxiety. With the system as a whole being called PO3.
It didn't start out with Poe being the host and Golly was the singlet that split from trauma and hatred from the other three Scrybes. She made Ark, Lee and Vellum, alters based on the Scrybes she used to admire. However, being a host was degrading for Golly so she came up with an alter that would be able to take on that role instead of her. And thus came Poe, an alter who was stemmed from her irritation and resentment, that became the host of the system as Golly intended while she stepped down to be the cohost.
Golly there after becoming the cohost became the oblivious and innocent Golly that we see her as in-game. But she does have lucid moments where she's more toned down and less oblivious. Not entirely 180, but certainly a noticeable change. The workers don't really say anything about this change, though Vel is close to the Dredger and are very good friends.
In terms of personality;
Poe(he/it) is very arrogant and rude to those around him. Really only focuses on working and doesn't really pay anything else much attention unless it affects his work. But if someone were close enough, he would banter with them a LOT. All in good fun of course, and will stop the teasing if he sees their not doing okay. The Dredger is basically his dad pretty much I don't think I need to explain that.
Ark(she/her) is highly flirtatious and playful, especially with those close to her. It's more playful than anything else, not trying to find a quick grab and go. In fact, it's a bit of a difficult task to worm into her heart. But for anyone who does, she's a very loving and physically affectionate partner. Highly respectful of boundaries and notifies the system as soon as she can.
Lee(it/its) is more reserved and quiet. Since it holds anger in the system, its highly irritable, though it does make noticeable attempts to control its anger. The drone is its friend and is never seen without them. Ever. Avoids company if they frequent at first, fearful that it might lose its temper on them. Though overtime, and with more proper introduction, Lee becomes more accustomed to them and if the right cards are played, is a very caring and dedicated partner. Its very sweet and loves holding them and going on walks in the forest with them. Has a hobby in gardening actually.
Vellum(no pronouns) is even more reserved and avoidant than Lee is. Its not because Vel doesn't like people or anything, the bot just is very socially anxious and hates being forced to verbalize at all. Though very slowly, Vel does come around to simply sitting in the same room as someone close to the system. A very calm and understanding person is benifical for Vel and definitely helps the bot overcome a lot of initial anxiety Vel has. Very attentive and tries to give more comfort in company than anything else.
Golly(she/her) is energetic and over-the-top. Very social and friendly but her excitement can quickly become overbearing. She loves big and expresses big and definitely loves giving affection platonic or romantic whenever she gets the chance. Hugs are her go-to and won't let go unless you tell her to. But if you aren't careful those hugs can become cuddles so be warned/lh
but yeah I can go into other details but I wanted to at least give that much of an explanation. Have a good rest of your day/night friend! ^^
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sebastianswallows · 1 year
Hello! I'm obsessed with your chat bots but I can't figure out how to get them to be a bit more NSFW. I swear I thought I saw a post about how to do it but I can't seem to find it. Please, I'm desperate for some naughty Seb
You're asking me to be a bad influence! 😂
I won't go looking for the other post where I detailed it, but basically...
The main way to do it is to initiate it. You can describe via narration not only what your character does, but what his character does. I think the RP term for it is godmoding, and between two people it's rude, but this is an AI, so you can do whatever you want with it.
Once you start this, it just becomes a matter of guiding the AI, while avoiding the TOS error message which pops up any time it says something it shouldn't.
Make use of the swipe and rating features, in case he starts to get repetitive and boring, to guide him to write a more exciting story.
And use vague enough terminology that won't trigger the TOS (so no mention of "cock" or "pussy" or "clit" or "nipple" or things like that; use flowery language, believe me it will understand you).
Sometimes, you're the one who will have to push the story forward and describe both your characters' actions, but other times the AI will take the initiative.
Also, don't underestimate writing scenarios that by their very nature guide the story in a romantic direction. Sebastian in particular is great at picking this up and running with it 😂
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autumnslance · 1 year
(@driftward) Let's see. Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks, for.. ✨, 💫,🎀,🎀,🎀,💌
Someday I am making a prompt list and there'll be no numbers or letters or symbols, just the questions so folks who aren't menaces have to put the full text in the Ask.
Anyroad. Scheduling maintenance on our local bot later. For now:
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Fics like "When Everything Changes" and "Where the Skies Are Safe" are works I'm quite fond of, but are hard to sell to fandom readers either here or on Ao3; they're from the perspective of my OCs as small children, and very few people want to read kid fic.
But a chunk of my literature studies were in YA and Kid Lit, as I originally was dual-majoring an Education degree, and I've always found getting into a child's (or pet's) mindsets and perspectives to be an interesting exercise as a writer, and finding what new info it can reveal that an adult POV won't notice or would see differently.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Any and all of them, but incoherent screeching is always fun, as are rambles about what someone liked, maybe even the why if they can articulate it (if not, that's cool, just copy-pastes of favorite lines with keysmash responses are great too).
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
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-I am a decent mimic; I can copy a style and voice patterns pretty well, enough to make what I'm writing read or "sound" like the style I'm playing in. The attempt in many of my works to feel like quest text or the official stories on the Lodestone is intentional, and I feel good when I get comments on it cuz that's the goal.
-I can drop some evocative, pithy lines to make one giggle and/or break one's heart.
-My constant replaying and revisiting the text, and talking to/reading about others' canon-centric takes on characters and situations, means my NPC characterizations tend to be good. Which is good practice for making my own OCs distinct people that fit into the world well.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
(Again, with the caveat I've been in a bit of a slump break since BSotP, here's a bit of more the Thancred in the First fic I don't...think? I've shared? If I have, what of it! Below the cut cuz someone asked multiple questions so this got long.)
“So can you build it?” Thancred asked.
The blacksmith looked over his crude drawings and the schematics pulled from the Tower’s archives, as well as the detailed descriptions Thancred had painstakingly written with Gridick’s aid. “I think so; enough to get a prototype working, and then we can go from there.”
Thancred nodded. “Do let me know,” he said, offering his coins for the initial deposit.
It had been several months since that first disastrous patrol. Thancred had been on a few other patrols since, as well as forays into the forest on his own. The more common wildlife wasn’t much of a problem, but the sin eaters, when stumbled across, left him feeling as if his simple blades were no longer adequate.
So he had delved into the Tower’s archives, seeking out weapon schematics. The Exarch couldn’t say which time period the Tower had come from when summoned to the First, but Thancred figured it had to be later than his own, since the Tower was still in Mor Dhona from his perspective.
Days of searching had found not only equivalent Allagan plans, but also a few Garlean and even proper Bozjan examples for the sort of gunblade he wanted. The weapon would still allow him his speed and dexterity, but also was far more defensive, for himself and others.
The only trouble was going to be the cartridges, as Thancred could not imbue them himself. That was a bridge to cross later; for now, he would see if the Mean’s artisans could even create a workable gunblade.
He made his way across the Crystarium toward the markets before returning to his apartment. He wanted to stop by the city’s single barber.
Thancred still wasn’t the best at shaving daily; his schedule was still too easily thrown off, he was often in the field, and frankly it wasn’t much of a concern. His hair was getting far too long and ragged, though, enough that something had to be done.
In another moon, he would count a year on the First, though the mirror still showed only a day had passed on the Source, which was the smallest of comforts. He helped the Exarch search the Tower’s archives as the man tried various spells and counter-effects to send Thancred’s soul back to his body, but to no avail.
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twin-wolves-123 · 2 years
a rant about writing. or my professor. maybe both.
I don't know who the hell will see this, the only thing my blog did in the past two months was collect 20 bot followers it looks like but
today (well yesterday, i'm writing this past midnight)
i had a class. It is my intro to fiction writing class.
I've responded to like, what one writing prompt on here? idk i think writing is fun, creative writing is cool, id like to be a better writer, i might like to do something with it someday, i grew up on ff.net if that means anything to people nowadays
My professor, im sure, is a very talented man. he's had published shit and is a "good writer"TM
we submitted short stories, like 10 pages ish for today's class. And one thing my professor did for the first student's story discussed today was ask, "Why did you write this?"
This kid wrote a story about the country hypothetically having a government replaced by AI. Work doesn't exist anymore, everyone is like partying, living it up or whatever and the story is about a character in college who basically felt like he worked hard his whole life for nothing and is, understandably, upset about the changes. College class gets suspended and nobody is like, doing anything with their life. It was pretty interesting. Most of the class agreed.
And when the kid responded that he was interested in how this one character would respond to a scenario like this, and he was interested in the development of a society like this given how popular ChatGPT is becoming and whatnot, the professor basically said that those answers weren't good enough.
What the fuck?
I still don't really understand the answer he was looking for, he did say something like it has to be, like, what the author is "trying to say", i guess what emotion or thought they're linking to the story
And so he eventually said, he was thinking that maybe a scenario like this could happen to him in the future.
ANd the professor goes, "Well if it's anxiety about not having a job in the future, why didn't you just write about that instead?" ANd then he proceeded to make several comparisons to other anxious scenarios that i felt were way off base, like getting a divorce...
What the hell? Like, he wrote about what he wrote about, what is the justification FOR writing about those other scenarios?
anyways, the kid whose story got discussed before mine he liked, I guess. It was about his immigrant father and one of his father's story which becomes an extended metaphor and like, growing up in the states as his son kind of- i won't go into too much detail. The point is, he liked it.
Because right after discussing his, he explicitly made a point. And I am not making this up. That he doesn't ask people who wrote "good" stories (and he said a qualified good, as in he also said he knows that they can't be good, but they're good for what they are, or whatever) why they wrote this, because those stories already have a right to exist on their own. And then he turns to me, and says very pointedly, "Why did you write this?"
What the fuck is your problem?
Like, if they wrote a good story good on them, if I wrote a shitty one oh well, but what is the point of you explicitly reiterating that point to the entire class to emphasize how bad my story was? How does that help me? Before you've even actually given me any valuable feedback?
I wrote a story about a wannabe filmmaker who recruited two talented actors to help him make a short film to submit for a film competition. So i told him why i wrote this. I had a scene in my head that I wanted to continue about a shitty filmmaker getting yelled at by the actor (after the director is trying to critique how the actor played one scene), who is much more talented than him, and I wanted to flesh out this character. "Why? Why did you want to flesh this out?" he asks. And I talk about wanting to write about someone with very little talent working hard, sucking, but potentially being able to make something out of it. "Why?" Because it's relatable? "Everything is relatable. Why did you write this? Why are you writing this about movies?" Because making movies requires technical skill that's difficult to learn on your own, and I thought it was fitting. "Everything can be difficult to learn. Why is the story not about music, or someone getting their grades up?" No matter what answer I gave, he wasn't satisfied. (this is going back to the first kid he critiqued, too. It's not the story because that's not what I wrote? I didn't find that as interesting, and those aren't the stories I wanted to tell?) I didn't say that, i eventually just answered, "I don't know how to answer your question. I don't know what form my answer should take if I shouldn't have written the story for those reasons."
So he eventually changes it to, what am I trying to accomplish with the story, or make the reader feel? So i answer: sympathy and hope.
This is another part that really fucking grinds my gears.
So he asks, "Why is this not a comedy?"
And basically he talks about how, he thought it was comical. This nincompoop (he used this word) director who hasn't put in the work trying to make a film with these actors who do know what they're doing, like, yeah. That's fair. He deserves to get yelled at. Why should the reader feel sympathy for him? I think it's funny. Why wouldn't anyone be annoyed by this character? Haven't you been annoyed by people like that?
First of all, maybe I don't think like that? Why is that your first instinct?
And i respond to him that i can be annoyed, but I can still be sympathetic toward them? Why do those have to be mutually exclusive?
And the question that I still have in my head is, what? Yes, he hasn't put in the work YET, but the point is that he's new and trash at this. And how the fuck is someone supposed to get BETTER at anything if they're not given a chance to try?
Is this really what you think of other people?
I do ask him how I was supposed to make the reader sympathetic toward him, to which he does give a couple of answers, like be more in the filmmaker's head, or have the actors be worse rather than talented (but that's not the point of my story... they're supposed to be more experienced than he is...)
But this whole time, he's still pretty much just been asking me the question, "Why?" Or "Why not x other thing?"
He critiqued some of my awkward dialogue and descriptions, sure, which was some actual advice. But not one thing he's said during that constant asking of "Why?" has been valuable feedback for what I put down on the page, nor has it made me a better writer.
And like, I eventually pose to him my own question of, "I don't have an answer to why NOT it's about those things (like the music or the grades thing), but I don't understand why it HAS to be, and why it can't be what I wrote about."
And he then goes, "have you been on a movie set?" And talks about how, if I write a story in a world of movies, I have to be convincing enough that I know what I'm talking about. Like how to make a movie, the lighting, the process, the set, etc. And if I can't be, it's not smart to write the story about that to begin with (which you could've just said in the first place and moved on to critiquing my actual writing, I feel like?).
This part, he has a point that I understand. But now I'm left with, am I only supposed to write about things I'm already very familiar with? I can't write about imagined scenarios or anything outside my field of expertise? Because I feel like that's just so limiting. And I, frankly don't have mastery in many fields. So I just, can't write about anything? What?
He also didn't give feedback for me on anything past the first scene.
Yes, I'm an amateur, I don't see how you making a point of how garbage my story was compared to the last one helps with that.
Why should people not be given a chance to better their skills? Isn't that the point of this whole class, actually?
And I have no real refutation for the last thing: yes a story is better and more believable if the writer has specific knowledge about certain aspects of the story but... Something about that just doesn't sit right with me. Wouldn't the world be deprived of a lot of really amazing work if people could ONLY write about things they're extremely familiar with? I'm sure you're a great writer and all, and I'm sure that, as an amateur, there's a lot that I maybe can't understand, but why can't people write about what they want to write about? Why can't people explore certain characters or scenarios because they find them interesting? Why can't people tell the stories they WANT to tell?
Why is that insufficient?
plus you spending half an hour asking why i wrote something when i already wrote it, asking "why" again to each answer i give that you deem insufficient, instead of actually going over better writing technique, how to do plot/characters, and critiquing what's on the damn page...
Maybe I'm talking out of my ass. Maybe this is just me being too amateur or immature to understand, but there has to be a better use of time than that.
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Introducing myself:-
hello everyone. Im beryl. You can call me Bee or Berry or Saph if you want to too..I like all of em ;) And my pronouns are she/her
So..this is my very first post..and actually I really dont know what or how to feel about it..its not like I created this blog just for myself but I am quite eager to know others' views on mine ones...only the ones which sound more valid than my own. So yes, feel free to disagree.
I am glad that I found the right place where I can post about my own thoughts and views about different things happening around me and the world. I doubt anyone will see any of my posts...but I dont really care. I'll still post..because it makes me happy :))
I wont say much about myself here. Im just gonna say that I'm an Indian and that I'm about 18 years old. So dont expect me to talk about politics in India and other countries, celebs and religion. I am going to talk about different stuff but they do not include the aforementioned topics. But sometimes I am going to address these issues only when I find them necessary.
My english may not be that good so i guess the grammar police here have to adjust :)
I'm also queer hehe. Yes, that does mean that i am a member of the beautiful lgbtq+ fam ;) and I'm proud to be one. I am still exploring my sexuality..thats why I identify myself as queer even though Im sure thats the correct way to label myself cause the community has so many names...i really get confused at times lol XD
One thing you have to know about me is that Im quite of an introvert and am not a fan of socialising. I also may have undiagnosed adhd and ocd..I show symptoms of both of them..especially adhd. I'll talk about it in detail someday.
So, homophobes(or to say heterosexists more precisely) will be blocked as well as haters who are against my views. If you want to say something, say it politely. Please don't try to strike up rude convos with me. It won't lead you anywhere.
You can ask me something but dont go too personal. People with unpleasant and unreasonable asks will be blocked and removed.
Ive been here for a while now and Im observing that the number of p*rn bots have been increasing a lot..thats like the only headache I have about this site.
But everything comes with its own pros and cons so I guess we'll have to adjust with it.
Anyway,hope whoever reading this has a good day ahead.
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