haven-in-her · 2 years
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commanding officer onboard. - ashe shepard.
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fandomfloozy · 1 year
Ah, yes. Look at me, newly-appointed Spectre running around performing Citadel missions. Been thru this before
When all of a sudden
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Did BioWare set up the climax of their 3-game anthology in the very first game or...?
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Very funny to me that I’ve experienced more glitches in this one playthrough of mass effect: LE than I did in all my years of playing my 360 copy of the games
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tsvai · 1 year
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TIL the term ‘waggish’ lmao
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swaps55 · 8 months
What are you most excited for this year’s N7 Day? I’m hoping BioWare will give us an update on the next game, and all the mods that community will release! I’m extra excited for news on the Powers and Talent Overhaul mod for ME1 LE!
I am excited for SO MANY THINGS.
Watch @legionofpotatoes's blog for a huge N7 Day treat. :D
I'm ecstatic and terrified to post the intro to Mezzo.
Just like you, I cannot wait to see what the modding community is cooking up.
The COOL ART and GREAT FIC people will post!
The cast reunion panel on Sunday!
New femshep statue from Dark Horse getting announced!
I just...love that a 15 year old fan community still comes out to fucking party on N7 Day. This beloved fandom of mine might be small and quiet, but we are loud on N7 Day and it's so special.
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stormikins · 21 hours
My Mass Effect Posts
-ME1 Systems: a list to catalogue not only where missions are, but to also make note of all the collectables that you can scan for (Matriarch writings, medallions, minerals, etc.)
-Mass Effect: Failed Opportunities. An Informal Rant Essay: I am a ME3 hater in this post so if that's not for you, don't click. I go into my issues with ME3, starting with Liara giving Shepard's body over to Cerberus and Shepard having their identity crisis moment in Cerberus HQ and well, devolving into other problems hence the rant part lol
-Mirror Match in Under Five Minutes: A video where I complete the Mirror Match challenge in the Armax Arena with no weapon while using the platinum difficulty mod (platinum difficulty from ME3 multiplayer- its the hardest difficulty) all while it's under five minutes
-Booster Fun: A video of me enjoying the new boosters that the mako got in LE and being a menace to geth armatures
To Come:
-ME3 Systems: a list to catalogue war assets, intel, fuel, etc for the galaxy map
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agathabridgerton · 4 months
may have broken me1 with mods... it full on crashed to the le launcher 🧍🏻‍♀️
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corpocyborg · 4 months
My Active Mass Effect Mods
The purpose of this post is to create a comprehensive list of all Mass Effect mods that I'm actively using, so that when I make a post that features content from mods, I can easily credit them by linking to this post, rather than trying to list each relevant mod individually. A brief description of each mod is included for clarity's sake, and each mod is linked to its nexusmod page.
You may also consider this modlist as a recommendation list.
I install all my mods using ME3Tweaks Mod Manager.
Advanced Weapon Models for LE1: Replaces the weapon models in LE1 with their counterparts from LE2 and LE3
Casual Hubs for LE1: Allows Shepard and squadmates to wear casual outfits on the Citadel and Noveria instead of armor. Galaxy Map Trackers (LE1): Tracks active and undiscovered UNC side quests on the galaxy map. Halcyon Hairpack (LE1): Adds new hairstyles for NPCs based on hairstyles from The Outer Worlds. Keepers Finders (LE1): Marks unscanned Keepers from the quest Scan the Keepers on Citadel maps. LE1 Community Patch: Fixes bugs. LE1 Diversification Project: Reblances NPC populations & diversifies outfits/apperances.
No Skill Check Required for Loot (LE1): Allows you to open loot boxes automatically, without needing to pass a Decryption or Electronics skill check.
Normandy Rapid Transit: Adds the Normandy as a Rapid Transit destination on the Citadel. Pinnacle Station DLC: Adds the Pinnacle Station DLC back into Legendary Edition. Same-Gender Romances for LE1: Allows Ashley and Kaiden to be romanced by both male and female Shepard. Saren Stages LE: Adds new appearances for Saren so that he gradually transforms to have more and more geth implants, rather than starting out that way. Skip Minigames (LE1): Removes mini games or allows them to be skipped without an omnigel cost. Unlimited Sprint: Allows Shepard to run forever.
Virmire Savior Mod: Allows both Ashley and Kaiden to survive Virmire. MASS EFFECT 2 MODS Casual Hubs for LE2: Allows Shepard and squadmates to wear casual clothes on the Citadel, Omega, and Illium, and gives certain squadmates casual appearances on the Normandy. Early Recruitment: Allows recruitment of late-game squadmates such as Tali, Legion, Thane, and Samara earlier in the game. Expanded Shepard Armory (ESA) LE2: Unlocks helmet-less versions of the official DLC armors, as well as adds additional armors and casual outfits. Genesis Intro Dialogue Undo Mod - Legendary Edition: Restores the original Mass Effect 2 opening dialogue from before BioWare created the Genesis 2 DLC, while retaining all features of the Genesis Recap comic. More Gay Romances for LE2: Allows female Shepard to romance Miranda and Jack. No Headgear for Squadmates: Removes (or alters) the headgear on squadmates' Alternate Appearance Pack armors. One Probe All Resources: Allows a single probe to deplete all resources and make all anomalies available.
Oriana looks like Miranda's Twin (ME2LE): Makes Oriana look like Miranda. Overlord Morality Fix: Grants morality points for choosing the fate of David Archer in the Overlord DLC. Same-Gender Romances for LE2: Allows Tali and Thane to be romanced by both male and female Shepard and allows imports of FemShep/Ashley and MaleShep/Kaidan romances. Skip Mini Games: Skips hacking and bypass mini games. Unlimited Sprint: Allows Shepard to run forever. Unofficial LE2 Patch: Fixes bugs. Virmire Savior Mod: Maintains continuity from the LE1 mod where you can save both Ashley and Kaidan. MASS EFFECT 3 MODS Anderson's Final Conversation Restored: Restores cut content during Anderson's final scene.
Dreams Remade: Changes Gameplay and cutscenes of the dream sequences of ME3 to give more representation of player choices and reduce the presence of the child.
Expanded Galaxy Mod (LE): Adds quality of life improvements, customizations to the Normandy, new visitors, makes the galactic war more immersive, and adds bonus squadmates from ME1 & 2 that can be taken on certain missions. Expanded Universe - Mod Menu: Allows a user to set what books, comics, games and films they have read/played in a mod menu to allow other mods to check what you've seen and tailor content specifically for those who have seen certain parts of the expanded universe. Kasumi Dress to Citadel: Allows Shepard to wear the dress from Kasumi's loyalty mission in ME2 in the Citadel DLC. LE3 Community Patch & Framework: Fixes bugs. LE3 Diversification Project: Reblances NPC populations & diversifies outfits/apperances. Miranda Mod (LE3): Allows Miranda to be recruited as a squadmate after Priority: Horizon. More Gay Romances for LE3: Allows femShep to carryover a romance with Miranda or Jack from Mass Effect 2. No Reapers and Max Scan Range: Disallows reapers from chasing you on the galay map and increases scan range to the entire system at once.
Oriana looks like Miranda's Twin (ME3LE): Makes Oriana look like Miranda.
Spectre Expansion Mod: Improves the Shadow Broker and Spectre terminals, gives the player new difficult choices to consider via Spectre authorisations, improves the presence of background races in ME3, and expands the galaxy map to provide clues to the battles happening beyond the scope of Shepard’s missions.
Take Earth Back: Overhauls the final mission of Mass Effect 3 with the aim of representing the allies you have gathered over the course of the trilogy, fixing bugs and adding ambient immersive events.
Unlimited Sprint: Lets Shepard run forever.
Virmire Savior Mod: Maintains continuity regarding Kaiden and Ashley both surviving Virmire and both can be recruited after Priority: The Citadel II.
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lornaka · 6 months
I’m playing mass effect for the first time right now (legendary edition, is that bad?), and I just got to Eden prime, I’m still at the very beginning. But I paused for a minute and opened tumblr…and the very first post on my dash was you reblogging an enden prime gifset. I felt like I was being pranked or something. Had quite a chuckle!
Legendary Edition is great! I hope you enjoy the trilogy very much, that’s so exciting that you get to experience it for the first time, and LE is the perfect way to do it.
I’m just personally very attached to the original blood red lighting on Eden Prime that they “fixed” for Legendary Edition when they modernized it, as well as a few other very minor cosmetic choices. And the original mini puzzles in me1.. But those are honestly not a bad trade off for all the great stuff about LE.
The best thing about it is how it’s a complete edition of the whole trilogy with ALL the dlcs so you get a full experience. Which is the most important thing because this game is all about the characters and the story. Just enjoy <3
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krippe90 · 13 days
Bought mAss Effect LE on sale a while back (Refused to play it until I found a thing that disables that god-awful EA app)
Did shepard always look this shit in ME1? Or did I just fuck up the customization T_T
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jbk405 · 2 months
I finished my second playthrough of ME1 Legendary Edition, this time with a "real" character instead of the one I used just to experiment and get a feel for the game. This time I went for the Insanity playthrough to get that achievement, and picked up every other ME1-exclusive achievement along the way as well. I plan to start a new game with this same character, which will then be imported to ME2 and ME3.
I made it to level 57 on the first run, so I should make it to level 60 easily in the second go-round. I maybe could have made it to 60 on a single game if I put time into level grinding, but that's never been appealing to me. I always planned a double-game, and by taking advantage of the Charm bonuses in each game I will be able to fully max out every Talent that I actively use.
I've got a better feel for the way things have been adjusted for the remaster, so things went smoothly during gameplay itself. I was an Adept this time, which is my preferred character type, and fully maxed biotic abilities still allow me to dominate a level single-handedly. My biggest problem throughout the entire game were snipers. On Insanity the Assassination ability is deadly, and sometimes they'd one-hit kill me when I was screwing around with other enemies on the level. I got so paranoid halfway through that I was practically spamming Singularity any time I thought the level had a sniper.
I did notice a few bugged Talents (The Legendary Edition frankly has more bugs than a professional release should have, and has received no patches that I'm aware of). I learned about the Master Overkill bug on my first game, but now I learned that Lift (and maybe also Warp) have their own issues. Apparently they don't have area affects if they're launched at a specific target, they only hit that one target. There's a workaround (Move your target reticle so you're casting it at a space near a target but not actually targeting them) but that shouldn't be necessary. Thankfully Singularity works as advertised, and that was always my preference.
I noticed that my playthroughs seem to be taking longer and longer, and I'm not quite sure why. When I first played ME1 back in 2007 it took me just over 20 hours to finish the game, but now I'm over 40 hours. This time I was even two hours longer than my first LE game. Odd.
I'm getting into my busy season at work (urgh) so I'm not gonna have time to really dedicate to the next playthrough, but I'll start chipping away. I'll get over to ME2 and ME3 eventually.
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haven-in-her · 2 years
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biotics are hot.
click image for better resolution! damn you tumblr.
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springagainafter · 2 months
Pointedly taking Liara along for all the Cerberus quests (particularly the Toombs one) in ME1 whenever I get around to playing Merrick's LE run so Liara has an excellent idea of Exactly What Cerberus Is Like and no illusions about them maybe not being that bad.
I'm debating how often Liara gets to go on missions in ME1 (in terms of headcanon; for gameplay she's going on all the missions this time :D) because Shepard and co. have exactly one Prothean expert who can decipher weird beacon visions and her getting killed off would be Very Bad. (A little like Mordin in 2; I always mentally go "squishy scientist - even if he is former STG - who is Necessary to stop the seeker swarms" and leave him on the ship except for his loyalty mission).
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stillcalibrating · 6 months
Mass Effect Trilogy/LE - Romance Mods
=========================================== [Vanilla Game - Romance Options ]
♀️Jane Shepard:   Kaiden Alenko, Garrus Vakarian, Thane Krios, Jacob Taylor, Javik (Citadel DLC), James Vega (Citadel DLC.. sort of), Samantha Traynor. ♂️John Shepard: Ashley Williams, Tali'Zorah, Miranda Lawson, Jack, Steve Cortez.
Both Shepards: Liara T'soni, Samara or Morinth, Kelly Chambers, Diana Allers, Kaiden Alenko (ME3 only).
=========================================== For Mass Effect Trilogy
Same-Sex Romances for ME1 ⚢⚣ Mod Author: rondeeno Mod Description: Allows same-sex romances with both Shepards. Download: Nexus Mods
Same-Sex Romances for ME2 ⚢⚣ Mod Author: rondeeno Mod Description: Allows same-sex romances with both Shepards. Download: Nexus Mods
Same-Sex Romances for ME3 ⚢⚣ Mod Author: rondeeno Mod Description: Allows same-sex romances with both Shepards. Download: Nexus Mods
Tali Romance Mod (ME3) ⚤ Mod Author: AVPen Mod Description: Adds new and improved romance for Tali'zorah for ME3 Download: Nexus Mods
=========================================== For Mass Effect Legendary Edition / LE
Same-Sex Romances for LE1 ⚢⚣ Mod Author: rondeeno Mod Description: Allows same-sex romances with both Shepards. Download: Nexus Mods
Same-Sex Romances for LE2 ⚢⚣ Mod Author: rondeeno Mod Description: Allows same-sex romances with both Shepards. Download: Nexus Mods
Tali and Garrus Always Romance ⚤ (poly-ish?) Mod Author: Madsindy Mod Description: Makes Tali and Garrus always flirt and hook up, even when one of them is Romanced by Shepard. *for the Tali/Garrus shippers. Download: Nexus Mods
Friendly Tali and Garrus Mod Author: vikkivic Mod Description: Keeps Tali and Garrus as friends, they will not hook up. *for the Tali/Garrus antis LOL Download: Nexus Mods
Gay Garrus Vakarian LE2 + LE3 ⚣ Mod Author: mothbugbuns Mod Description: Allows ♂️Shepard to romance Garrus + romance carried over to LE3. Download: Nexus Mods LE2 LE3
Multiple Romances LE2 (polygamy) Mod Author: DutchLudi Mod Description: Allows both Shepards to romance multiple love interests. *has a compatibility patch fro same-sex romances LE2 Download: Nexus Mods
Poly-Romance Mod LE3 (polygamy) Mod Author: elizabethnessie Mod Description: Allows both Shepards to romance multiple love interests. "spiritual descendant" to the multiple romances mod. Download: Nexus Mods
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tsvai · 2 years
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i love the Corporation Hellplanet
bonus: post-noveria joker commentary screenshots from an old OT playthrough because i live for joker ripping on these people
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dutyworn · 1 year
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I've finally played the Pinnacle Station DLC (LE doesn't have it, but it's an original ME1 DLC that modders have made available for LE) fully, and already decided to integrate it into Wren's blog canon because holy shit she would go do combat simulations to "relax" and get competetive as fuck about it. I think I will time it post ME1 but pre ME2 prologue, so when she gains access to the apartment etc. is post defeating Saren, during the few weeks/months on the timeline before her death in ME2 prologue and the two-year-timeskip. Ochren's grumpy demeanour fits perfectly with Wren doing 12 hours of combat simulations in a row with neverending energy of go again because she needs to have the highest score on everything at all times XD It's like Armax Arsenal but better...
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