#meanie deanies
versifur · 1 year
"I love you, Deany Meany."
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444names · 8 months
Names generated from female Gaelic and Finnish forenames
Aelinn Aellincer Aigsha Ailaoireeny Ailiav Ailly Aineagan Ainey Ainiana Ainna Ainnoonanno Aireach Airidhethna Airita Airsear Airseosa Airvalmiia Aiserie Aisla Aislaunacha Aisligsh Aisuiganna Aitia Aittu Aitva Alaira Aleel Allach Alleertta Allerja Alvanya Anaidailey Anera Aoirja Arrain Asainta Aservi Asiiney Assattal Assibh Auner Auney Aurane Aured Aureffawnya Auren Aurphy...
Baimeanne Baina Baiveen Ballaha Banial Barry Bebhende Bebhete Bebhiliath Bebigh Bebin Bebina Beibiga Belva Bethna Bethne Beveen Bevielleada Bevsha Bigan Blilmilbhen Blise Boireannag Boonora Boyre Breal Breamacht Breffaoisa Brendane Brinn Briona Britren Bronaneag Cadan Cahja Caibh Caija Caile Cainne Caisli Caitanana Caoifenh Caoiliatu Caoillan Caoin Caoinevara Caoirja Caoiseowany Carla Carmirea Cathlilta Catrionse Cattu Ceach Ceadh Ceamhannie Ceandelle Ceilbh Ceria Cerri Clidhelvi Cliljä Cobhneann Corcadhna Cormabhenan Corna Cuallina Cualvi Cuanneadb Dairsi Danneaghdli Deamag Deany Deara Debhne Debreen Deidagana Delagh Delin Delvi Demmaedanna Dervo Dochragan Dolin Doona Dorcadailvi Dorna Duire Eardaireen Eibreenh Eilie Eiliin Eilineach Eilvi Einna Elaoiren Eleelidelna Eliasan Eligaelja Elikki Eljach Ellian Elmora Elsath Emilsa Emman Eriadbh Erian Ericinairen Eriomhanna Ernag Erraitillia Ertti Erveenna Essatri Essini Eveenna Fiallevi Fiamaegan Fiavara Finach Fiomaleija Fiomhawna Fionsar Floanualla Flona Geeneennia Geenrierna Gernani Goragh Gorlana Grailiadan Grauren Greagh Greaghawnya Grealuirigh Heach Heith Heljatu Helna Henriona Herie Hiarithna Hilfhillide Hineamh Hinni Idhenna Idhlinn Iikkara Iikku Iinna Ilbhe Ilbhliann Ilppa Inneibigser Innia Innuania Isivi Jemeanu Jemie Jemiishelin Jennean Jessa Jessal Jutitlia Juttuomhse Kaara Kaidwen Kaili Kaini Katta Kayleeli Kaylla Keelb Keena Keenganva Keenne Keenoonn Keerial Keeve Keevier Keith Keleen Kennana Kenni Kerja Khonah Kinabh Kinsea Kirdine Kireenrinn Kirkkirkka Kroila Krona Kroona Kroonsea Kylikkielva Kylla Lacht Laingan Laitigeeon Lanacolin Lanna Lannoc Leenna Leentan Liann Liasiona Lidhetaija Ligeenn Ligemmailjä Liian Lilley Linean Linne Loanni Luigshock Luukka Luuttu Lyyley Mabhina Madhbherjo Maelvi Maene Maevi Mainea Mainn Maira Mairedy Mairi Maisen Maisla Maislikkin Maivi Maivier Malvi Manna Maoiseadhna Maoisuomaen Maragaelna Meach Meamha Meana Meani Meentir Merne Merva Merve Mhanna Miimura Miislaurpa Mikkaarjach Milly Milti Minnu Mireeval Mirphy Moirkka Moirvo Moiservo Moivineeva Molikko Molionnea Monabalvi Morahja Moraullin Moread Moreada Morma Mormara Morne Morry Moyran Moyreach Moyreacht Moyreadh Muirshe Mureach Muren Murphna Myfawna Nerja Nialina Niave Nolife Nolla Noosach Oifenna Oonse Orende Orriona Outittara Outtaith Pawna Pirauni Pireach Pirja Proili Prosa Prownain Quinteasa Rabalmach Rahaisagan Readan Reaganain Reana Reevelairid Rhoch Rhock Rhorn Ricine Ridhna Rillaoin Rinagh Rittuovi Roana Roanuan Rowana Rowani Saganno Saife Samury Sanaga Seabain Seanne Searstyn Seassivi Seatrith Seava Shawnya Sheadb Sheas Sheireen Shoch Shock Sibhe Sidhbh Sidhe Sidra Sierja Silbheara Siliall Silin Silinni Siliomhawny Silsaisirja Silvi Sincatta Sinna Sinseona Sintaina Siobin Siona Siosagwinse Sirja Sirshoc Sisohvi Sisuad Siveea Sivelna Slaija Slairita Sliela Slilina Sohviina Sonsarionta Sontea Sorry Suacorry Suomait Suomha Suovi Sydiarsty Syksyksydin Síleassin Síley Taita Tally Talva Tanya Teeng Teenno Tilmiin Toirsidhbh Treag Tridwenna Tuigh Tutta Tyneara Tyydolla Unora Vendan Viine Zaraigan Zarja Zarnaga Zarse
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jamesdwannabe · 3 years
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crispychrissy · 6 years
Summary: After an unsatisfying night with an inebriated Dean, you seek physical comfort from a familiar face, which strains your relationship with Dean. Pairing: Endverse!Castiel x Reader, Endverse!Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 1963 Warnings: Language, drug use, smut, sex while stoned, angst, Dean being a meanie, fluff, more smut A/N: This was written before my relapse, but I still wanted to share it since it takes care of my Endverse!Dean square for @spnkinkbingo. I know there’s some Castiel smut in this as well, but I think I have a lady boner for Endverse!Cas. He’s just so... free. This was beta’d by the amazingly awesome @dean-winchesters-bacon and gif made by me. Enjoy!
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Opening the door and parting the wooden beads, you walked into Castiel’s house, spotting the former angel lounging on his bed reading Moby Dick. A snort came out of your nose at the irony of the book, reminding you of the reason you walked into the perpetually marijuana-scented hut in the first place.
“Hey, Cas,” you announced, smiling when he looked up at you. “Have you seen Dean?”
“I believe he is on a supply run with Chuck. They left at dawn this morning.” A frown crossed your face and you sighed, prompting Castiel to set down his book and walk over to you. “Did you spend last night in his bed?”
Pinching the bridge of your nose between two fingers, you sighed. “You’re such a strange dude, Cas. But yes, we spent the night together. I didn’t know he was going on a supply run, didn’t expect to wake up alone.”
“I can provide companionship,” Castiel offered, a gummy smile spreading on his face. “It has been several months since our last time.”
Pondering Castiel’s offer, you gave it serious consideration. Both you and Dean slept around, but at the end of the day, you had each other. Dean allowed his walls to crumble, as did you, when the two of you were cuddling in bed whispering stories about the memories you shared before the world went to shit.
Now? You were pissed. Dean got drunk last night, so drunk you didn’t even get a chance to orgasm before he came, tore the condom off, and flopped onto the bed next to you, passing out. Anger quickly took over the remaining desire you had pooling in your core, killing your mood, and you turned over so your back was to him as his soft snores filled the air around you. Waking up alone was the cherry on the shit sundae that was your night last night.
Castiel offered you his hand, which you took, allowing him to lead you over to the bed. He was already high, the blue of his eyes almost completely swallowed by the black of his irises, and you watched in awe as he methodically stripped you of your clothes, pressing soft kisses to every inch of skin he uncovered. You returned the favor once you were bare, and wasted no time stroking his cock to full hardness as you shuffled onto the bed.
Soft yet passionate kisses were shared, but Castiel pulled away and reached behind him, rummaging around in the drawer of his nightstand until he grabbed a plastic baggie with several pills inside. You recognized them as ecstasy, and you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth.
“Would you like to partake?” he asked you, pulling out a pill and offering it to you.
It was still mid morning, and you shrugged, accepting the pill and placing it on your tongue. Dean wouldn’t be back until this evening, and you deserved to have some earth shattering ecstasy-induced orgasms after the shitty sex you had last night. The drug took several minutes to start working, and Castiel’s hands danced along your skin until it felt like his warm touch was igniting every nerve throughout your body all at once. Your body was warm, pliable under his touch, and you allowed yourself to drift into pure bliss.
Castiel made you come half a dozen times before he finally fucked you, both of you covered in sweat and moaning as he slammed into you. The haze of the drug was still in full effect, and the next thing you knew, Cas’ fingers were rubbing rapidly on your clit. Arching your back to almost to the point of pain, you shouted, tumbling over the edge into pure relaxation, allowing your eyes to slip shut and darkness to take over.
A door slamming shut jolted you awake, and you sat up, pulling the covers up tighter around your naked body. Castiel was shaking his head near the front door, clad in only a loose pair of white hemp pants that sat low on his hips.
“Cas?” you croaked, mouth dry and throat sore.
“You need water,” he muttered, walking over to the small sink in the corner of the room and filling a plastic cup. The smile was gone from his face, and you slid down the bed so your feet were hanging off the edge, accepting the drink and downing it in less than ten seconds.
“Who was here?” you asked, handing him back the empty cup.
“Dean,” he replied simply.
Eyes wide, your head snapped to look at the clock on his wall, realizing it was well past six at night. “Shit,” you muttered, jumping from the bed and gathering your clothes, hastily pulling them on. “Did he see me?”
“Yes,” Castiel replied, “he came by looking for you. You passed out earlier after we made love, and I allowed you to sleep. He did not appear to be pleased when he saw you.”
“Fuckfuckfuck,” you mumbled, pulling your shirt over your head. You were about to leave, but spun on your heel, pressing a kiss to Cas’ cheek. “Thank you for helping me relax.”
“Anytime.” Castiel gave you a bright smile, oblivious to the stress you were now feeling.
Disappearing from Castiel’s cabin, you rushed over to the main building and into the back area where Dean’s large living quarters were. He was sitting at the table in the corner, cleaning his rifle with a stony look on his face.
“Hey, Dean,” you said meekly, slipping into the room and shutting the door behind you.
Dean glared at you. “Don’t ‘hey, dean’ me, Y/N. Why did I find you stoned out of your mind sleeping in Cas’ bed? I thought we agreed that we would stop seeing our old fuck buddies? I haven’t been with Risa or Jane in almost a month.” A twisted smirk twitched at his lips. “Well, at least I won’t have to worry about you sleeping with Jerry anymore. He got himself killed on that run.”
Your heart clenched in your chest and your eyes filled with tears. “What? He… he didn’t make it?”
“Nope,” Dean quipped, snapping the rifle back together. “But I guess you still didn’t keep your word.”
The anger you were feeling last night began bubbling to the surface, pushing down the sadness. “After what you did last night, you should be the last person to talk to me about breaking their word. Whatever happened to ‘Oh, Y/N, I make sure my ladies come every time’, or ‘I’ll take care of you before I take care of me’?”
Dean scoffed, meeting your eyes. “I was drunk and I passed out, I didn’t do it intentionally.”
“You decided to start fucking me intentionally, Dean!” you shouted. “Why did you do it if you weren’t sure you could stay awake?”
Slamming the rifle on the table, Dean jumped to his feet, anger burning deep in those green eyes. “At least I’m not the one that lets just anyone jump on them and whisper that they love you one grunted syllable at a time."
A soft gasp slipped from your lips as Dean’s words cut straight through your chest into your heart. He’s always been gruff and calloused, but that… that was just cruel. Dean knew about your self esteem issues and how you had used sex to fulfill that empty part inside you. He knew, but he said it anyways. Tears spilled from your eyes and you stormed from Dean’s cabin, sobbing as you sprinted across the compound toward your old cabin.
Curled in your blankets, you sobbed for hours. Dean had been such a better man before the virus was released. Hunting added a weight to his shoulders, along with his time in Hell, but nothing else mattered when the two of you were in each other’s arms. You wished that things could go back to the way they were.
You missed the Dean you fell in love with.
At some point, you must have fallen asleep, because the sound of your door opening and closing quietly stirred you from your slumber. Your mind was still groggy, and you didn’t have time to reach for a weapon before someone slipped into bed behind you, wrapping their arms around your waist and burying their nose in the back of your neck.
“‘M sorry,” Dean mumbled against your skin. “I shouldn’t have said what I said. I hated myself after you left, I went and found Cas. For being such a hippie, the guy knows his shit.” Shifting in his arms, Dean knew you were awake and he sighed. “He reminded me that we both have feelings for each other, and that a need for physical release,” you smiled at the inferred air quotes in Dean’s tone, “doesn’t replace the love we feel for each other.”
In all the years you’d known him, Dean had never used the word ‘love’ to describe what you shared. Spinning around in his arms, you faced him, eyes still red and puffy from crying yourself to sleep. His eyes shined with sorrow and regret, and you cupped his jaw with your hand.
“You love me?” you asked quietly, studying his face.
Dean grinned and playfully rolled his eyes. “Duh.” You smiled and slapped his chest, and he wrapped you tighter in his arms as he chuckled. “Yeah, Y/N, I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you murmured into his chest, stretching up and pecking him on the lips.
Dean chased your lips and kissed you again, slipping his tongue into your mouth while slotting his thigh between your legs. “Need you,” he mumbled between kisses, pulling at your thin t-shirt. “You’re mine.”
Clothes were shed between kisses and you found yourself on your back with Dean hovering over you, his hand down your panties, two fingers shoved deep in your pussy with his thumb rubbing your clit. It didn’t take long before you were coming hard on his fingers, moaning his name as he worked you through your climax.
“Gonna make up for last night,” he grunted, freeing his cock from his boxers as you lifted your hips and pulled off your panties. Dean shifted forward, notching his cock at your entrance, and you spread your legs wider as he pushed inside with a low moan. “Fuck…”
“Let go, Dean,” you whispered as gently thrusted until he was fully seated. “I love you.”
Dean’s eyes were shining with unshed tears, and you smiled. He never showed this much emotion, and he bent over your body, capturing your lips in a rough kiss as he began thrusting into your pussy. His strokes were slow but hard, almost pulling all the way out before pushing back in.
“I love you, too,” he mumbled into your neck as he increased the speed of his hips, skin slapping against skin as he drove forward and buried himself over and over into your slick pussy.
Fingers clawing into Dean’s back, you tilted your hips, allowing him to slam into your sweet spot with every rapid thrust. Your orgasm came out of nowhere and you moaned Dean’s name as he was pulled over the edge with you, spilling inside you with a low grunt of your name. Dean slumped next to you, partially covering your body with his as you both struggled to catch your breath.
Running your fingers through Dean’s sweat soaked hair, you heard him hum happily. “Don’t fall asleep on me,” you teased him, smiling at the pout he gave you. “I’m kidding. And very satisfied.”
“Damn fucking straight you are,” he murmured sleepily. “I’m Dean Winchester.”
“Yeah, you are, baby.” You smiled, wrapping your arms around him tighter and closing your eyes. “Yeah you are.”
Forevers [CLOSED]: @katymacsupernatural @queen-of-deans-booty @your-modern-shakespeare @wheresthekillswitch @holyfuckloueh @just-another-busyfangirl @growningupgeek @jensen-gal @mizzezm @there-must-be-a-lock @atc74 @pilaxia @supernatural-jackles @impala-dreamer @bambi95-blog @wonderfulworldofwinchester @batmmgray @brooke-supernatural16 @dwgrl1903 @hey-bxtch @turnttoverr @kittenofdoomage @leanbeankeane @emoryhemsworth @xalgaliareptx @mhnfatima @bi-e-ne @speakinvain @pebblesz892 @kararanae23 @kassablanca13 @mogaruke @tockettt @imagining-supernatural @wildefire @serienjunkiegirl @mrswhozeewhatsis @stars-and-seas @jaremish @ellen-reincarnated1967 @nyxveracity @andkatiethings @bamby0304 @deathtonormalcy56 @winchesterprincessbride @moonstar86 @missihart23 @mrs-meghan-winchester @miss-rebel-without-applause @dean-winchesters-bacon @researchandbones @wayward-angelgirl @bojabee
Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278 @adoptdontshoppets @focusonspn​ @spnwoman @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @sandlee44 @spn--imagines
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astralshipper · 5 years
"Ahh, leave Astra alone, Dean!!!" ~A giggly Panda
Astra grins victoriously. “Yeah, Dean!” She taunts with her arms crossed over her chest. “They say you should keep your mouth shut!! This is practically bullying.”
Dean waltzes into the room, one brow quirked upwards. The glass amber bottle hangs limply between his fingers. “Oh yeah? Well they aren’t the one that has to hear you cracking puns 24/7. You don’t even stop during hunts! Panda, one time we were checking out a body, and she pointed at the lungs and told Sam, ‘hey, we be-lung together,’ and laughed for like, five minutes. Another time she was literally being held hostage with a knife against her pulse and she stopped the argument we were all having just to say, and I quote, ‘I’m all for the dramatics, dude, but don’t you think your methods are a little... cutthroat?’ and I was five seconds from just telling Sam to find a new girl.”
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imissyoupbandj · 5 years
I blew out my breath in giant relief when Sam stopped Cas from going over to Dean cause I stg if one more person/thing made Castiel look seconds from tears, like his heart was breaking I was gonna LOSE IT
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angrysleeper-blog · 6 years
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mlovesstories · 5 years
Bear Bitesize 15- Juice Box
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Warnings: drunk Dean
Words: Nothing
Summary: Dean overreacts when his sister asks for his help. 
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Bear Bitesizes
Dean was drunk. Again. Bad hunt went worse. His little sister didn’t know, and Sam wanted to keep it that way. 
“Bubby?”  YN’s little body waddled into his Dean Cave. “Can you open this?” She put a juice box in front of his face. 
“Can I have some space, dimwit?” Dean snatched it out of her hand, and he pushed her to take a step back. 
“Here, buttmunch.” Dean shoved it into her chest. 
“Meanie!” She stomped away from him. 
“What?” Dean followed her out of the room. YN ran into Sam’s arm at their kitchen table. “Get back hrrr, you little shi-!”
“Woah!” Sam lifted the girl into his lap. 
“Deanie is being a butthead!” 
Sam looked up at Dean. 
“She won’t let me relax! Do this, do that.” 
“She’s six, Dean! Get over it! We can’t let our jobs affect her. You need to chill.” 
“Yeah, chill, dude!” YN crossed her arms. 
“And you-“ Sam looked to her, “don’t be sassy.” 
“Humph!” YN groaned. 
“Go to bed, Dean. Cool off.” 
“Fine…” he growled and exited. 
“Come here,” Sam snuggled her into his chest. 
“Why is he mad at me?” YN looked up at Sam. 
“He isn’t. He’s just tired. Don’t you worry.” 
Forever Friends (Everything):
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vonschweetz · 6 years
You have no idea how many times I called my Dean/Mox beanie a “Deanie” or a “Meanie” by accident and I fucking hate myself for it lmao.
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urbanenemy · 3 years
8/22 新入荷リスト
20TH CENTURY  Mad World / Show A Little Of My Love 20TH CENTURY  Stand Up And Be Counted / He Is The One ALEX CALL  S/T LP BILLY  Tous Les Samedis Soir (One More Saturday Night) / Je Me Sens Loin De Vous BLUE MEANIES  Pop Sensibility / (I'm Not In) Love (With You) DAVID VALENTINE  Second Hand Ladies / Dance Lady Dance DEE JAY  4th Of July / Livin' It Up DORIS D AND THE PINS  Heartache / And Again DORIS JONES  Suddenly I'm Alive / Possessed GENYA RAVAN  ...AND I MEAN IT ! LP GENYA RAVAN  URBAN DESIRE LP GETTY  Shelter Me / Fly With Me GLITTER BAND  Goodbye My Love / Got To Get Ready For Love GLITTER BAND  The Tears I Cried / Until Tomorrow INTERNATIONALS  Young And In Love / Hug Me KNACK  ROUND TRIP LP KRISTINE SPARKLE  Gonna Get Along Without You Now / I'll Be Your Baby Tonight MINK DEVILLE  Soul Twist / Rolene MONTROSE  Space Station Number 5 / Good Rockin' Tonight NEWDEEP  Nobody / Ballerina NEWS  Audio Video / Secret Love PENETRATION  Danger Signs / Stone Heroes (Live) POLLY BROWN  Do You Believe In Love At First Sight / Shot Down In Flames POLLY BROWN  Up In A Puff Of Smoke / I'm Saving All My Love ROLLERS  Turn on the radio / Washington's birthday SHAUN CASSIDY  That's Rock'N Roll / Amblin' SHAUN CASSIDY  Hey Deanie / Strange Sensation SHAUN CASSIDY  Do You Believe In Magic / Teen Dream SLADE  Cum On Feel The Noize / I'm Mee, I'm Now, An' That's Orl SLADE  Merry Xmas Everybody / Don't Blame Me SNAPPER  Only Love Can Make It / Crying SORE THROAT  I Dunno / Complex SPIRIT OF SAINT LOUIS  Down By The Radio / Hotelroom SQUEEZE  Another Nail In My Heart / Pretty Thing STADIUM DOGS  Easy beat / Android rocker / Media withdrawal STREETBAND  One more step / Things are never quite what they seem STUMBLEBUNNY  WHILE YOU WERE OUT... LP SUZI QUATRO  Tear Me Apart / Close Enough To Rock'n'Roll TACONES  Difícil /Rita Se Hizo De Oro TACONES  Te Mintio / Clin, Clin TIM MOORE  When You Close Your Eyes / Aviation Man TIME WASTERS  Kool love / You came home TODD  End of the world / The radioTODD  End of the world / The radio TOT TAYLOR AND HIS ORCHESTRA  The Chocolate Song / You Little Unidentified Flying Object TREMBLERS  Steady Eddy / I Screamed Anne TRENDS  In My Dreams / If You Leave Me WOMBATS  What Can I Do ? / Utter Frustration V/A  THREE FOR ALL LP
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Annoying Dean
I have no clue where this came from. Thanks to a medical diagnosis, steroids and a badly timed coffee, I was bouncing off the walls today and with that energy this came out...
Warnings: energy out the wazoo, unbeta’d, smut talk I think, fluff, if you have siblings or friends who can’t appreciate a sleep in - sorry! Word Count: 1329
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“Deany, bo-beany, Ma-meany, Deany, sashimi, key-me, so-steamy, Deany!” I sung, jumping up and down on his bed, narrowly avoiding his calves as I landed and bounced up again. “Piss off.” Dean groaned, ripping the pillow out from under his head and smothering his face with it, pulling it tight around his ears. “Get up, Deany!” I huffed, how did kids keep this up for so long? It was tiring jumping up and down on a hard, motel mattress. “Stop!” He growled, throwing the pillow at me, adding another annoyance to his morning. I caught it and integrated it into my athletic routine, smacking it against his chest as I jumped.
“Deany, so-meany, belleany, fo- AH!” Dean suddenly came alive, sitting up and grabbing hold of my ankles as I came back down towards the bed, sweeping my legs out from underneath me. He quickly climbed over my horizontal body and planted himself in place, holding me down with his weight. “Shut up.” He growled as I started humming the same tune under my breath, wriggling underneath him. “Get up.” I pleaded, his mouth was pressed to my neck, his lips slightly open. “Deaaan.” I whined, trying my hardest to shift around under his heavy frame. Finally I got a leg free and wrapped it around his thigh. “YN,” he groaned in warning, teeth grazing dangerously over my pulse point, ready to bite. “Please?” I begged, letting out an oomph as one of my arms finally slipped out from under his hold. I reached above me, holding onto the sheets at the end of the bed. “YN.” He warned again, biting my flesh before soothing it with his tongue.
“Sam!” I squealed as the taller Winchester came back into the room, sweat droplets clinging to his neck and biceps from a morning run. “I don't wanna know.” Sam said as he grabbed his duffel and headed towards the bathroom. “Sam! Bbrother, help me!” I called out dramatically, imitating Mufasa from The Lion King. I saw the bathroom door pause, Sam was thinking about coming to my rescue. “Don't you dare!” Dean called out, sensing my anticipation. “Sorry, YNN.” Sam replied, closing the door to the bathroom before turning on the water. I huffed my annoyance and continued to reach up behind my head, bundling the sheets in my hand and pulling, hoping to slowly pull myself free from Dean. But he was onto me, he collected my hand and pulled it back down to my side, locking me into place.
“Dean,” I fake sobbed, pouting as I looked around the room from my position, I could see the remote for the tv by Dean’s foot. I stretched out my free leg and started scooping it towards me. My shuffling leg caught Dean’s attention in more ways than one. With my pelvic muscles flexing as I opened my leg and straightened it again, my muscle created friction against his groin, causing him to moan into my skin. “Sweetheart, if you aren't trying to turn me on, I suggest you cut it out.” He murmured. “Let me go and I’ll stop.” I paused in my movements, waiting for him to say something, do something. There was a pregnant silence, Dean’s body slackened and his breath became shallow again. I started on my task again, trying to get the remote to my hand. “YN.” Dean breathed. “Dean.” I said, mimicking his tone. The controller was an inch away from my fingertips and I was stretching for it, putting all my energy and focus into getting the controller. Bloody Dean beat me to it though, he raised his head and glanced down, taking the controller and tossing it onto Sam’s bed, my arm shooting out after it. “No!” I cried, his hand caught my wrist and he tucked my arm back in by my side, his forehead resting against the bed sheets, his bottom lip on my shoulder. “Stop.” Dean instructed. I let out a heavy sigh and looked around again, not finding anything nearby and the shower still running from behind the bathroom door, I had to get inventive. I wriggled my leg out a little further and wrapped it around his waist, pressing my heel into the top of his thigh before giving an experimental roll of my hips.
Dean let out a slow breath, his mouth slackening against the corner of my shoulder. I rolled my hips again, more forcefully, my heel pressing a little higher into the flesh of his round ass. “YN…” Dean moaned, it was somewhere between a warning and approval. I could feel him slowly getting hard in the crease of my thigh and groin. “Dean,” I whispered seductively, moving my arm, hoping he’d give in and let me free. And to my surprise, he did. I wound my arm over his back, lifting his shirt to lightly scratch at his warm skin.
“Mmm, sweetheart,” Dean moaned, sealing his lips to my shoulder and kissing, lifting his arms to hold himself up, continuing his kisses over my skin and up my neck. I had a devilish smile on my face and was pleased he hadn't looked up to see the tell-tale signs of a plan coming together. I rolled my hips against him again, twisting my other leg so it was over his calf, pressing firm to the mattress to flip us. Dean rolled willingly, letting me straddle him, then he realized.
Dean's eyes opened wide. I was free and squirming quickly out of his grip. His flailing arms tried and missed and I dodged this way and that, using his body, sheets and pillows to escape and push myself away from him. As I kicked out to free my legs from under his, I reached the end of the bed and went sprawling down to the ground. My shoulders catching most of the impact, a maniacal laugh escaped my lungs as I kept kicking. But Dean had seized his chance and was holding on to my ankles, trying to pull me back up and into his grasp. The door to the bathroom opened and for a split second everyone froze. Sam took in the scene in front of him, Dean was probably glaring at his brother and I was looking for help.  Then, with a flimsy kick to Dean's jaw, we all animated again. Sam tried to side step me as Dean continued to pull on my legs, reaching for my torso. "Sammy!" I shrieked, clawing at the carpet to get to him as he stepped over me. I clung onto the lagging leg as the younger Winchester tried to shake me off. He finally dug his heel into the ground and dragged me along, out of Dean's reach. "Dammit, Sam!" Dean groaned, collapsing back into bed and covering his head with the pillow. "YN, give him ten more minutes." Sam tried to bargain. I beamed up at him as I got up and straightened my pajamas. "Not a chance." I said, heading towards the bed to begin all over again.
“Why?” Dean whined as I climbed over his legs and started bouncing the bed with my upper body, arms pressing into the mattress either side of his hips. “Cause I wanna go. It's nice out!” I whinged, collapsing down onto his body when he didn't move to stop me. “Alright, okay, fine, I'm up.” Dean roared, rolling me off him and sitting up. “Yay!” I yipped, wrapping my arms around him, our combined weight making him fall back into the sheets. I squeezed him tight and snuggled into his morning warmth. “YN?” Dean prodded, I hummed in acknowledgement, my eyes slowly sliding shut. “You getting up?” Dean asked, I thought for a moment. “There’s only hot water enough for one.” Sam chimed in the background, making up my mind for me. I pushed off Dean’s chest, effectively pushing the air from his lungs, tripping through the sheets before launching off the bed and sprinting towards the bathroom.
Tags: @ackleholic-hunter @atc74 @akshi8278 @arryn-nyxx @autopistaaningunaparte @avasmommy224 @babypieandwhiskey @beckawinchester @blacktithe7 @bringmesomepie56 @chaos-and-the-calm67 @charliebradbury1104 @chvalkenberg95 @clairese1980 @dancingalone21 @dreamilyjensen @ellen-reincarnated1967 @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @fandoms-are-the-best-escape @frenchybell @gabby913 @grace-for-sale @green-love-red-fantasyhearts @hasta-impalasta @i-like-your-assbutt @ilostmyshoe-79 @impala-dreamer @impalaimagining @iwriteaboutdean @jalove-wecallhimdean @jensen-jarpad @kazchester-fanfiction @kristaparadowski @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @lipstickandwhiskey @lucifer-in-leather @lucis-unicorn @melonberri @manawhaat @mogarukes @mrswhozeewhatsis @munlis @nichelle-my-belle @notnaturalanahi @oriona75 @percywinchester27 @purgatoan @redlipstickandplaid @ruprecht0420 @sdavid09 @sherloki-moriartea @thegreatficmaster @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @waywardjoy @whispersandwhiskerburn @wheresthekillswitch @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @wi-deangirl77 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @wideawakeandwriting @dont-trust-humanity @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople @maddieburcham1 @captainemwinchester @mrsbatesmotel53 @samwinjarpad @kittenofdoomage @room-with-a-cat
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pod7etliveblogs · 7 years
You drove Cas away!!!
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