#meanwhile Zoro knew from a young age
suguruuuuu-chan · 4 months
T4t Zosan save me....save me t4t Zosan...
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robinchan-hananomi · 8 months
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Time for my favorite early One Piece movie. Actually of all the movies up until strong world, this is my favorite.
So, first nice to see you Drake and Navarone because the G8 are one of the few fillers I really enjoy.
So the Strawhats have just recently left Alabasta. As they eat Nami, Sanji, and Zoro begin to really asses their money situation. Nami, Zoro, and Robin all notice a strange interaction with the bartender and realize there is something going on. After talking to him, he shows them to a passage where they can enter a dangerous race (it’s Stampede without all the cameos!!!)
While integrating into the festivities, we learn from Robin that this is a race that happens every few years on this island. Luffy also manages to offend a bounty hunter named Shuraiya Bascùd. In a move very reminiscent of Jaya we have Shuraiya and Luffy begin a fight and practically roping everyone into it. It leads us to meeting a former marine, Gasparde, who Luffy takes an immediate dislike to.
While all this is going on we meet a child called ‘Badger’. They work on Gasparde’s ship with their grandpa Biera, who is sick. Badger begs to be allowed to go hunt a pirate to get the bounty for medicine and Gasparde allows it.
The next day the race begins and the Strawhats have a very eventful start. As things calm down Zoro is sent to check the ship. Badger attacks Zoro but Zoro knocks the kid out. When they wake up, they are surrounded by all the Strawhats. After declaring their intention to kill the group and realizing they really can’t the child asks for death, enraging Nami. Later Sanji tries to comfort the child, explaining they have all had a difficult time. Usopp and Luffy express surprise at Sanji caring so much for a strange boy, something Sanji agrees is strange.
Meanwhile Shuraiya is on Gaspard’s ship. He meets Biera and explains that he became a bounty hunter in order to find and kill Gaspard for killing his parents and little sister eight years ago. Biera remembers that day, remembering that he saved the sister and she is alive, but before he can explain that Shuraiya is gone. The bounty hunter confronts Gaspard and they fight.
Luffy and the others finally catch up with the rest of the race. They learn that all the eternal poses to the real end has been swapped out with ones to Naverone. Enraged, they use Chopper’s nose to find Gaspard. They arrive to see he had defeated Shuraiya. While Luffy knocks Shuraiya out and takes on Gaspard, Zoro carries Badger to find their grandpa. The grandpa is glad that the child is safe and asks Zoro to look after the child just a bit longer as he has some stuff to do in the boiler room. Sanji meanwhile wants to help Luffy but Zoro reminds him that Luffy will not be happy. So Sanji finds a more subtle way to help, getting Luffy something he can use to counter Gaspard’s devil fruit.
A cyclone begins to approach and the Strawhats are forced to leave. Luffy, Gaspard, the unconscious Shuraiya, and Biera who gave Sanji the impression that he is remaining behind to die are all left and the child is enraged by this. To keep the peace, Zoro knocks the child unconscious and the strawhats, minus Chopper who knew, learn it isn’t a boy like they thought but a little girl.
Luffy ends up winning of course and Biera saves Luffy and Shuraiya. He then explains to Shuraiya that the child is Adelle, his little sister. They reunite with the rest of the crew and head to the finish line, but Drake shows up and they are forced to flee. As Shuraiya, Adelle, and Biera watch the Strawhats leave, we learn that Shuraiya intends to care for them all and give up bounty hunting.
I love this movie. The race is so fun and I really love the crew dynamics, especially Zoro and Nami’s friendship. Zoro knocks out a young girl twice in this movie because Zoro says ‘screw you’re gender or age stereotypes, if you point a gun at me I’m knocking your ass out’, which is very on character for him. Zoro will fight anyone. He just doesn’t care to overpower those who are weaker than him. And Sanji unconsciously realizing the child is a girl and trying to help her was cute too.
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20 Things I Love About One Piece
Hey ya’ll! First entry on my ”revived” Tumblr blog is of course about One Piece. Just a quick background, I’m a One Piece fan since of young age (currently 24) and it has been my #1 Manga/Anime ever since. Most posts you’ll be seeing here will probably be about One Piece (+ other Manga/Anime I’m currently reading/watching, I’ve read/watched, Will read/watch +random thoughts +random creative writing of mine. So hope you’ll like what you’ll be seeing lol
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Actually... Blog came from my Amino account hahaha (3yrs. ago lol)
Just going to repost it here for starters lol add me on Amino :D
Yo! For the 20th Anniversary of my favorite Manga/Anime, I've decided to create a list of the 20 Things I Love About One Piece
Of course, it is not in particular order and incomplete 'cause meeeeen words won't be enough to describe how much I (and we) love One Piece hahahaha
Sooooo... let us begin!
20. Art
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I like the art of One Piece. The color balance and the style of Oda-sama doesn't hurt my eyes. This is one of the first things I look at in a manga I'll read or an anime I'll watch. If I don't like the art, I usually don't continue reading or watching it.
19. Storyline
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Nuff said. The image says it all. I really salute Oda-sama's imagination. There's never been a dull moment in One Piece in my opinion (no bias). The story really progresses and continues in depth.
18. Action
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What else are you looking for in a shonen manga/anime but action. Those awesome fight scenes and power upgrades. The different devil fruits maaaaaan what more can I say? Marines vs. Pirates fighting for glory satisfies me.
17. Drama
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Aside from all the action and fighting, of course there's a reason behind them (those fights). The backstories and flashbacks bring tears to my eyes. (T_T)
16. Humor
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This completes and balances the emotions. Who doesn't care for a good laugh aye?
15. History
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I love how Oda-sama actually uses real pirates' names and real places for the characters and their backstories. There's research and context behind the characters and the story as a whole. History is incorporated and I like that. We like that, don't we?
14. Plot Twists
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Everybody loves plot twists! Damn all those mysteries. These things give you the "ugh", "wtf", "da hell" kinds of emotions. And I can't get enough of all the plot twists One Piece offered and is yet to offer.
One of the best plot twists: SABO IS ALIVE MEN I KNEW IT!!!
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13. Government
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This really affects me. My friends asked me before why I like One Piece and I answered "It's because of the government vs. rebels kind of thing, the core that the gov't hides, and the heroes mistaken as foes, people's justice that is injusticed". And they tell me "WTF, you dig that deep? meanwhile me, just looking after the fight scenes". Maybe I'm a deep person or because this is what really happens in reality 'elite vs. masses' LOL
Ugh hate those tenryuubitos
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12. Marines
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I'm a girl but I'm a reservist in the army and ever since I've been a fan of military shizz. That is why I love the concept of the Marines and the ranks ooooh I love talking about ranks and even memorizing their insignias LOL
11. Cool antagonists
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I have a love-hate relationship with all of One Piece's antagonists. What can I say? Doffy is cool. I hate Akainu but I think he is cool no he's not cool I take it back 'cause he's magma baby MAGMA FREAKING HOT MAGMA LOL and even if I reallyyyy hate Teach he's still cool with the way he talked to Luffy 'bout pirates' dreams.
10. Cool protagonists
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What more can I say? Where can you ever find a protagonist whose power is rubber? What a foolish powerless character righttttttt *wink wink*
09. Awesome characters
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All in all everyone's just awesome (well there are some 'ewww' characters like Wapol tho XD). I just don't know anymore. I really bow down to Oda-sama's imagination. Every character has an identity and a unique one at that. The different races. Amazing. All those different species too, men.
08. Nakama
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True friends. True loyalty. True respect. Will never let you down. Will never leave you behind. Will always be there for you. Hands down.
07. Generation, Family, and Bloodlines
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Man, how amazed I am thinking about Rayleigh-Luffy, Mihawk-Zoro, Zeff-Sanji, Yasopp-Usopp, Hiluluk-Chopper, Tom-Franky, Belmere-Nami, Olvia-Robin... Brook? Laboon-Brook... ugh The Donquixote family, now the Vinsmokes family and the Charlotte family?!!
06. ASL Brotherhood
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This will forever be engraved in my heart
05. Portgas D. Ace
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Sorry guys, no matter what you say I love Ace forever. Some say he's dumb for dying (and I respect everyone's opinion) but damn I like him still. He's freaking hot men, literally and figuratively. HE'S FIRE BAAABY FIIIIREE
04. Dreams
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One Piece taught me a lot and one of them is to never stop dreaming... cliche but yeah, DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM!!!
03. Fighting
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And so... Fight for your dreams... and Fight for what you believe in... conviction and virtue men awww suuuuuper
02. The Strawhats
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The question is will there be an addition to the crew? Mehehehe HYPE!!!
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What the hell is One Piece anyway? Or maybe who? or where? The most intriguing part of it all. HAHAHA damn I LOVE ONE PIECE FOREVER!!!
tldr; sorry for the long post XD
The bottomline is I LOVE ONE PIECE
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Scenario where the straw hat’s chemist (who’s a young boy around the age of 15) starts an experiment and it goes horribly wrong and ends up exploding in his face and blowing out his right eye and burning him severely over his arms? Everybody was out relaxing one day and then suddenly they hear an explosion and some straight up terrifying screams. How would they react when it happened afterwards? (Especially if he says he’s ugly and that it’s okay if they don’t want him anymore)
boo you’re making me really sad here here :(
a very sad Strawhat Pirates scenario
It was a calm day at sea for theStrawhat Crew. They’ve been sailing around for a while now withoutstepping foot on an island, and everyone was pretty relaxed. Usuallythe crazy and unpredictable weather conditions kept the pirates fromenjoying themselves, so when a day was as peaceful and promising astoday came along, they would definitely make use of it. Everyone was doingsomething to cease their boredom- Zoro was training, Luffy, Usopp andChopper were hunting each other with water guns, Nami and Robin weresunbathing while Sanji constantly brought them snacks, and Brook andFranky were performing a funky duet for the rest of the crew. Onlyone person was missing.
(Y/N), the newest and youngest memberof the Strawhat Crew. They only picked him up a couple weeks back,but he quickly became an important friend and irreplaceable asset tothe crew. He served as their chemist, and would often create new potions to help them on their voyage. From deadly poison tomedical cures, the boy’s talent and creativity seemed to know nobound. And even though Luffy, Chopper and Usopp often tried to makehim join the Crew in their group activities, (Y/N) almost alwaysdeclined and preferred to work on his experiments inside of the ship.
„Give it time. He’s new, and dealingwith a crazy bunch like us will take some getting used to.“ Sanjialways assured the three boys when they left (Y/N)’s room with agloomy expression on their faces. And today was no different. Thethree of them had burst into his room, each with a watergun in theirhands and wearing nothing but Swim Shorts.
„C'mon (Y/N), the weather is reallygreat! Let’s play!“
„Zoro is totally focussed ontraining right now, I’m sure he wouldn’t even notice it if we’d hit him with our guns! It’llbe fun!“
„Franky said he’d build you anextra-super water gun if you want to!“
But it didn’t work. No matter how muchthe three of them begged and asked, (Y/N) didn’t want to leave hisroom.
„Look guys- I really appreciate youreffort, but I can’t leave until I’ve finished my experiment.“ Also,you’d probably just get bored with me anyway, he added in silence.Knowing that further pressuring (Y/N) won’t do any good, the threegave up and left his room in a defeated state.
Their gloom didn’t last long however-as soon as they felt the heat of the sun on their skin again allworry was gone and they continued to play by themselves. Everyone was havingfun. No one was prepared for what would happen next.
The sudden sound of an explosion torethrough the air, and a strong quake was shaking the entire ship-causing Luffy, Chopper and Usopp to fall onto their butts.
„What was that?!“
„An enemy attack?“
„No way, the sky is clear and there hasn’t been ship in sight for days!“
„Then what else could it be?!“
All of them were shouting at each otherand no one could grasp what had just happened. That is, untilFranky’s expression turned into pure shock and he rushed to the doorleading inside the ship.
„Smoke! There is smoke coming out ofthe ship!“
„Maybe something catched on fire andexploded?“
„But what?“
In no second, all the other member of the crewalso rushed towards the door and followed Franky into the smoke.
…And it didn’t take long until they knewthe cause of the sudden explosion.
(Y/N)’s room was completely covered insmoke and ashes, with a fire crackling ontop of the table he alwaysused to experiment on. And the young man? He was sitting against thewall, his body covered in dust, ashes, shards of glas and blood.Chopper immediately rushed past the others gathered aroundthe boy, who were too shocked to even move, and started to check on (Y/N).
„(Y/N)? Can you hear me? (Y/N),please answer me!“ Tears started to well up in the littlereindeer’s eyes as he pleaded for his friend to reply. The otherStrawhat’s finally came out of their paralized state and also jumpedto the boys side.
„What happened?“
„Is he dead?“
„No he isn’t, you fool!“
„One of his experiments probably blewup in his face…“
„Oh no. (Y/N), please don’t die!“
Chopper pressed his ear against theboy’s chest, and tears started to flow down his face. „I… I don’thear a heartbeat!“ He sobbed and took a step back while everyonegasped in horror. „N-No….“ Luffy said, trying to fight backtears. Everything turned quiet, and only the crackling of the dyingfire filled the room with any sort of sound. But then- suddenly, asound emerged from the boy’s mouth.
Everyone looked down and stared at theboy, who was still lying against the wall.
Robin was the first one to react. Shesummoned a couple of arms and told everyone to put out the fire whileshe and Chopper would take (Y/N) to the treatment room. The othersjust nodded, still way too overwhelmed with what had justhappened and followed Robin’s directions, while she and Choppercarried (Y/N) away. It took less than a minute to put out the fire,but it felt like hours for the Strawhat’s. Everyone was still tryingto understand what had happened and if (Y/N) would really make it.
Meanwhile, Chopper was quick to performfirst aid on the injured boy. „Luckily, none of his wounds appearto be fatal,“ he explained to Robin before swallowing hard,„however, his right eye was blown out by the explosion, and hisface and body suffered severe burnings, which… he might never fullyrecover from.“ Another sob escaped the reindeer’s throat as hecleaned up the boy’s body. Robin simply nodded, since there were nowords needed. Nor was there anyway for her to express how devastatedshe felt right now. Oh god, (Y/N)…
A few seconds after Chopper finishedtaking care of (Y/N)’s worst wounds, the rest of the crew rushed intothe room. They all tried to enter at once, and for a moment got stuckin the doorway as a result. Chopper’s treatment room immediatelyfilled up with people gathering around (Y/N) and asking the little doctor all sortsof questions regarding the boy’s condition.
„Will he wake up?“
„Is he okay?“
„Idiot, of course he isn’t!“
„Do you know what happened?“
Chopper was too overwhelmed to answereven a single one of the questions, so Zoro screamed for everyone tobe silent and let Chopper explain.
And after he was finished with his report, no one dared tomove a muscle. Everyone was completely silent. They remained likethat, standing by (Y/N)’s side completely motionless for what feltlike hours.
When suddenly, (Y/N) started to coughout again.
„y-y-you g-g-guys… I’m…. s-sorry,I… I messed up… t-t-the experiment….“ Nami had to cover hermouth in shock at the sight of (Y/N)’s burned body. Zoro and Sanjilooked to the side, unable to face (Y/N). Franky and Brook bothsobbed and fought back tears. Robin stood in silence. Chopper, Usoppand Luffy all started to cry.
„M-m-my eye…. it- it’s gone……isn’t it?“
But no one replied.
„I…I….I’m probably lookinghideous right now…“
Utter silence.
„I-I’m so useless…Y-You should justthrow me into the ocean…“
And suddenly, someone screamed. It wasLuffy.
„(Y/N)!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE ALIVE!“ Hisface wasn’t recognizable due to a mix of his snot and tears dripping tothe ground.
(Y/N) was shocked for a moment, but then violently shook his head until he had to stop due to the pain souring through his body.
“N-no, you don’t understand… I am worthless… I-I damaged the ship… I can’t do anything right… j-just… get rid of me…please”
As soon as the words left his mouth, the room started to break out in chaos.
“Why would you say that”
“(Y/N), please don’t tell me you mean it”
“Listen, this wasn’t your fault and….”
Zoro’s voice ripped through the air and everyone immediately shut up.
“When we asked you to join our crew, what did you say?”
“I–I said yes, b-but-”
“And when you first came aboard, we celebrated you as our new nakama, right?”
“I-I don’t-”
“And we wouldn’t have done that if we’d get rid of you because of something so stupid, fool!”
Everyone was visibly shocked at the way Zoro talked to the young boy, but silently, they had to agree with him. (Y/N) was a member of their crew, there was no way they’d abandon him.
“Taking someone onboard as a nakama isn’t something someone does on a whim! It’s a decision that can last a lifetime, and if you don’t get that then you didn’t pay enough attention.”
(Y/N) simply stared at the green-haired man, too shocked and suprised at his outburst to reply. So instead, Luffy stepped forward.
“He’s right, (Y/N). No matter how lowly you think of yourself, there is no way any of us would share those thoughts.”
Now Usopp took a step towards his bed.
“Y-Yeah! We all mess up, but that is just what it takes to be a part of this crew. And no matter what you’ll look like, you’ll always be our precious nakama.”
Chopper nodded in response.
“And I will treat you the best I can! I don’t care if you never wanted to play with us, that didn’t make me like you any less!”
Franky sobbed again and wiped away a tear with his massive hand.
“If you want to, I can build you a replacement for your right eye. It won’t be the same, but it’ll definitely give you back your full sight.”
Robin smiled at (Y/N).
“I’ll bring you my best books to read until you’ve recovered.”
Nami winked at the boy.
“And I will buy you some stylish clothes to hide your scars, if you want to.”
Sanji lit a cigarette and took a step forward.
“Suit yourself. From now on, you’ll be on a strict diet. I will supply you with food that will help you recover as fast as possible.”
And lastly, Brook made a spin and took out his guitar.
“Yohohohoho! And I shall perform my most energetic songs for you, to keep you entertained!”
After everyone’s speech, silence returned once more to the room. (Y/N) didn’t know what to say, but tears started to drip down his face.
“Y-y-you all…”
Everyone smiled before assuring him one last time,
No matter what, we’ll get through this together!
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One Piece Movie: Strong World
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The only thing I knew about this before wading in was Strong World was written by Oda himself. This was a good sign. After all, Toriyama wrote Battle of Gods, one of the recent Dragonball movies and I liked it a lot. Mainly because it was funny, but it also expanded the universe and opened up a ton of new potential plot directions. (Granted, I haven’t watched the latest DB series, so I have no idea if this was a good idea or not.)
The first thing I noticed about Strong World was, of course...
Hello, Movie Budget!
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It is beautiful.
Seriously, look at those floating islands. The scope. The detail. Tiny Luffy in the right hand corner. If this was a video game, I’d be thrilled to play it.
Everything in this movie was that little bit lovelier than usual. There are a couple of scenes that stick out in particular. When Robin, Franky and Brook escape from the armed ants near the beginning (the swirling blossoms, the vibrant colour scheme). When the Strawhats look up at Shiki, stood on a stonehenge-like trilithon with the setting sun behind him (nice silhouette of the Strawhats) and, in general, those amazing shots of the Strawhats lined up, ready to fight.
Everyone looked great, too. All the Strawhats had new outfits (Robin suited the glasses and casual jumper dress, and Franky was perfect for that leather jacket).
Plus that Nami fan service... 
But I suppose the important question is this: why was Luffy tearing about on those floating islands, running away from a hilarious conveyor belt of murderous animals that culminated in a giant preying mantis being suplexed by a huge sloth bear?
The answer is this guy.
This Is What You Get For Being Nice, I Guess...
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Shiki was a good movie villain. Threatening enough to cause trouble for the Strawhats but not over-powered to the point it disrupts the main canon plot (I hate it when that happens in movie specials). I like how he was integrated into the main plot (at least in the anime). There was that teaser back in Marineford when Sengoku mentioned Shiki in the same vein as Roger (and I thought it was something noteworthy, haha).
Well, it was a bit.
Post-Marineford, Shiki, who had been defeated by Gol D. Roger twenty years prior, had returned. After destroying a few innocent towns in East Blue, he flew his vast, floating island of a ship through the airspace of Marineford, its oars cutting through the clouds and left Garp and Sengoku a little message to remember him by. (That scene was good, if a bit CGI-tastic.)
On his way, he encountered the Straw Hats, who were just hanging out on the Sunny. The Coo News dropped and they discovered the grim situation in East Blue. Then, a vast ship passed overhead. Amazing, right? But it was headed straight into the path of a dangerous storm that Nami had spotted. Luffy, being decent, gave the order to alert the floating ship.
Shiki, being a villain, reacted somewhat badly to this news. He shot every single Navigator on his ship. What did he pay them for? Honestly! But look through yonder telescope. There was a sexy, young Navigator on the Sunny. The one who was sharp enough to spot the coming cyclone. And there was a vacancy. Several, in fact.
Aided by the power of his Float Float Fruit, he descended onto the Sunny’s deck. His design is cool. Those sword legs are awesome. It did not take him long to “invite” the Strawhats to his place: the floating islands of Merveille.
I say, “invite”. Kidnap is much more accurate.
Shiki’s Diabolical Fanservice-Filled Plan
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And that was how the Strawhats ended up on Merveille.
And Nami in a swimming pool in a bikini, of course. (Don’t think I didn’t notice that scene when Nami pulled up those impossibly tiny shorts. But hey, it’s a tropical island. It’s hot, right?)
Mid-swim, Shiki and his goons showed up. For some reason, they performed a dance number. One of his goons was also one of the most annoying characters I’ve ever seen in a movie. His shoes made a dumb fart sound. His name was Dr Indigo, but I’ll call him Fart Clown.
Fart Clown rushed in with a new test subject: a duck that generates electricity. Shiki has been engineering fighting animals using a drug they developed from a local plant: the IQ plant. Nami did not approve and asked him what the hell he was doing. Shiki refused to reveal his goal, but dropped a few Significant Lines. “I’ll tell you once you join my crew. There are certain favours I’ll only do for crew members.”
Of course, Nami wasn’t planning to stay long. As soon as she found an escape route, she was off, with Electric Duck Billy in tow. Flying around with Billy, she spotted Luffy because he had amassed an increasing stampede of roid-raged creatures after his blood. 
Tear-Filled Reunions?
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(Best joke in the movie. Why do you pretend to hate each other? You are fooling no one, guys.)
Meanwhile, the other Strawhats had been finding out interesting things.
Sanji and Usopp dodged sabre-toothed tigers and sharp-shooting buffalo and found themselves at a village filled with malnourished older residents and young children. They found out about how Shiki controls the village, takes away working-age residents to work at his palace, how the rest can only scrape by and that DDMs patrol the streets, recording everything anyone says or does. These people also had feathers. Why? No one knew.
Zoro and Chopper rescued a small girl (there is always a filler kid in movies) who had strayed from her village in search of a plant to help her grandmother. The grandmother was laid low by an airborne malady that originated in the Daft Green trees that surrounded the village. A double-edged sword: the trees kept them safe from the marauding animals but were also poisonous. There is a cure, but it’s derived from the IQ plant, and Shiki takes them all for his mutant animal projects. Chopper, by the way, did not have a good time around the trees.
Robin, Franky and Brook (well, not Brook, ahaha) avoided being stripped of their flesh by a crowd of angry, armed ants, then Franky improvised a Crawley Davidson (ahaha) to travel across the island in search of the others. There, they came across Shiki’s Palace. Elite pirates had gathered. There was a dress code. A random pirate told them Shiki had plans to demo his world-domination plans by destroying the village where all the feathered people lived, just like he’d destroyed the other towns in East Blue. (I liked how quick Robin was to play along. She’s such a good intel-gatherer.)
Unfortunately, they were too far away from the village to warn the other Strawhats.
Nami figured it out, but it was too late.
Vanguard Nami
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This was the part of the movie when the protagonists suffer a defeat. It had to happen. 
Shiki appeared to recapture Nami. He was delusional, saying Nami really wanted to be part of his crew, honest. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp and Chopper tag-teamed Shiki, but the villain had an iron plot shield. His power was cool, though. You can tell Oda was behind it. The uses of it were very creative. Shiki made the earth float, engulf the Strawhats like a tsunami and them in a twisted spiral of dirt.
Then he forced Nami into a corner. She agreed to join his crew. Usopp tried to stop her, but Shiki still had his iron plot shield. Shiki decided to be nice and let her leave a Tone Dial message for her old crewmates.
Of course, when Robin, Franky and Brook finally found them an dug them out, Luffy listened to 80% of the message and got the wrong idea. How could she say Shiki was stronger than them, that he’d never measure up to a guy like that?
I knew there had to be more to that message. Nami would never say something like that, would she? (Interesting that Sanji was the one who asked to hear the message again.)
Luffy’s anger fuelled his epic rescue mission!
Which was just as well, as Shiki had executed his plan to tear down the protective trees. Murderous animals swarmed the village. The downtrodden people had to flee for their lives. Nami had been caught trying to betray Shiki (I still don’t get why she wanted to blow up the trees with dynamite) and he imprisoned her, leaving her to succumb to the Green Disease.
As Shiki headed towards East Blue, the Strawhats rocketed towards his palace on the Sunny.
Robin Must Have Mentioned the Dress Code
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The big fight scene was great. 
The explosions, the smokey silhouettes, the sharp tailoring and the badass walk in were a joy to watch. Even the guns and the Kill Bill style brawl (you think you can take on the Crazy 88?) were fun. I liked how the first words out of Luffy’s mouth were: “Is Nami okay?”
Then, when Shiki lied about her doing just fine, Luffy respected Nami by saying, “Nami didn’t sacrifice herself. She came here to fight as our vanguard. Prepare yourself. We are the main force!”
Luffy acted like the captain. Gave Usopp and Chopper orders to find Nami, while the rest of them cleaned up. Franky fought the scrubs. Brook stealing the limelight when Sanji fought the gorilla for Robin was hilarious (”I WILL SHEAR THE FLESH FROM YOUR BONES!” “I have no flesh.”)
Luffy ran after Shiki and Zoro was elevated to angel status in my eyes for offing that IRRITATING FART CLOWN.
And a word of advice: don’t say anything bad about being born in East Blue to Zoro.
“Don’t Bother Our Captain.”
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I agree, Chopper. He is cool.
Hasta la Vista, Fart Clown The only good thing about you is that you had some pre-made Green Disease cure about your person that Chopper and Usopp looted from your unconscious body.
They found Nami just as she exacted her Revenge Plan. Billy the Duck lit the dynamite fuses and the Daft Green trees surrounding Shiki’s palace were obliterated. The enraged fighting animals stampeded in and smashed Shiki’s palace. It was wild. Fun to watch.
Enraged, Shiki tracked Nami, Usopp and Chopper. But guess who followed him and was, at that point, literally steaming with rage.
Monty Python’s Grand Finale
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When Luffy makes a promise. He delivers.
And this is where the movie budget came into its own. That Gear 3rd animation was glorious.
I liked how the Strawhats took down Shinki. It reminded me of when they teamed up to take down Oars. They have come a long way and are now a well-oiled machine of efficient teamwork.
While Luffy used Billy the Electric Duck to counteract his lack of reach (I mean, Luffy’s reach is great, but Shiki can fly. What can you do?) Nami used an approaching storm to their advantage. Usopp and Chopper menaced the navigation team to turn the islands directly into the path of the storm. Robin helped Usopp and Chopper blow the palace to Kingdom Come. Franky prepared the Sunny for a quick getaway.
Shiki was caught mid-gloat (always the villain’s Achilles’ Heel). Merveille sailed right into the coming storm. Nami, of course, revealed her Clima Tact and called him out. Usopp sent a lightning attack deliberately into the rumbling clouds. Brook called everyone else back to the Sunny, leaving Luffy to clean up.
As Luffy’s lightning-charged, giant foot screamed towards Shiki, I thought: yes. This is exactly the kind of spectacular, over-the-top finale a bigger budget movie needs. GET HIM, LUFFY! (It also had shades of Monty Python’s Flying Circus. You ever seen that giant grey foot in the opening? The theme song was stuck in my head for ages afterwards.)
So it was that the Strawhats saved East Blue and the feathery Sky Angel People! Two birds with one stone. How about that? Let it never be said that the Strawhats cannot multi-task! (The feathery Sky Angel People bit didn’t make much sense. How could you forget you were a race of Sky Angel People? But whatever, I just went with it.)
At first I was confused as to why the Marines were arresting Shiki’s goons. How did they know where to find them? Then I realised Garp and Sengoku had probably been chasing them since the stunt Shiki pulled at Marineford. 
And the heart-warming (ship fuelling) scene at the end with Nami’s real message played at the end?
“Promise me you’ll come rescue me.”
Awesome. Good movie. Glad you guys recommended it. 
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Shiki has clearly never watched One Piece.
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torosiken · 7 years
Twisting Fates
Twisting Fates
Chapter 3: Sanji's Decision
When Sanji first saw the vampire hunter Roronoa Zoro coming his way to eliminate the vampire that attacked him at the forests he was puzzled that he met his target already. This must of been to much of a coincidence for this meeting to happen. Sanji listened to the hunters suggestion to not be out so late at night otherwise more vampires can hurt helpless humans like him.
''Be careful on how you wander too late at night Sanji you may not know when wild vampires show up and attacking any unsuspecting humans here alone!'' Said Zoro who was swiping one of his blades off the blood that came from the level E vampire to clean it. Sanji was not sure what to say to his friend Duvel about what just happened but he would definitely not reveal this to his brother Ichiji. He knew Ichiji would probably not believe him when he says he meets Zoro on the first night they have been here. Sometimes Sanji wonder if there is another world out there where his relationship with Ichiji could of been normal like an ordinary sibling care sort of thing.
It has been over three days ever since he and Ichiji left home to head to the East Blue in the historical location of Gold D Rogers birth place because their killing target Roronoa Zoro happens to be there. Sanji was standing around the outside of the ship at night time leaning forward at the edge of the ship thinking about the outcome of this mission. I think this mission will not help me get along with Ichiji but what if this setup is not just a random chance but a higher being wants me to here? Like the vampire hunter from my visions will somehow change my life while on this mission.
While Sanji is spending time by himself, his friend Duval approached him from behind calling him out. ''Sanji were almost heading to our destination now, how are you feeling?'' Informed Duval who is concerned for Sanji's well being since this missions involves Sanji working with Ichiji to kill a vampire hunter.
''I feel worried about the future Duval about the outcome of this mission. Something tells me that this arrangement for me going to East Blue again is not random but was fate.'' Explained Sanji who turned around to face him in a concerned expression hoping that his friend will understand. Duvel took the time in processing the words and sighed to his friend about what he thinks:'' Sanji I do not really believe that this mission was a random choice picked out by your father but it might in fact be fate. Because many years ago I would of been still a bitter rebel in society that does not like others because of their looks when I met you and formed a friendship it changed me and led to what happens now.''
Sanji was feeling comforted by Duval's words and that maybe Sanji was meant to make a positive impact on someone's life but not his brothers.
'' I know Duval but for my brothers point of view I will not be anything but a bother so changing him will not magically happen overnight but would take time. Reiju said that on this mission we will have a chance in talking more without hostilities and I am not quick to dismiss this so I will try for my sisters sake.'' Explained the young pureblood who is considering Reiju advice to at least try make an improvement with his relationship with Ichiji hoping that they could have some sort of understanding. Speaking of the devil, here comes Ichiji on the front of the ship walking right up to him seemingly overheard his conversation.
''Sanji, I will let you know that whatever nonsense you believe in that this mission will not change our standing with each other and that fate does not exist. Once we arrive to our destination, I will be the one to find the vampire hunter first and finish the job quickly with no problems.'' Warned Ichiji who had calmed down from a few days ago when he found out about working with Sanji. Sanji was not sure if Ichiji finding the hunter first can happen right away and this made him think about the outcome of Sanji instead meeting Zoro. ''But what if I find the hunter first Ichiji? I can at least prove to dad that I can make this mission work for the both of us if I get rid of him.'' Ichiji was not convinced about this instead told Sanji that there is no way Sanji will meet their target ahead of him considering his brother does not have a good luck like Ichiji does when accomplishing missions.
''I doubt it you would be able to have any luck finding the hunter better than I do since my good luck is with me and that someone as important as him cannot conveniently come into contact with you Sanji.'' Sanji glanced down at the ground listening to his brother words not letting them get to him. Once the two brother were done talking they heard the captain of the ship their own saying they're already here to the coast side of Loguetown. It has taken a few bumpy trips traveling over the red line separating from North Blue into the East and now that they arrived their mission will start now.
So the two brothers went off the ship onto the landing dock of the town at night time going separate ways to look for the hunter. Duval offered to go with Sanji but was declined by Sanji saying it is fine he can handle himself. Duveal respects his friend decision and went with Ichiji to help look around at the same time avoid any unwanted attention from the locals.
The first place Sanji went to look in would be inside the forests. The pureblood stopped for a moment inside the forests thinking Come on Sanji focus on your mission and not thinking about sightseeing here in the town. The reason why Sanji thought about sightseeing is because here in LogueTown there might be more good restaurants in place with cooks and chefs serving customers when their hungry. At the age of nine, Sanji was intrigued with cooking ever since the incident with the Orbit because there was this older human who saved his life name Zeff. Sanji first thought the elderly human must of been no different from the others and treated Zeff with suspicion. This belief that humans are not to be trusted or believing they are inferior was conditioned by his father Judge to him and his siblings because he thought a pureblood vampire should not taint themselves with a humans presence and filth. Zeff proved him wrong that not all humans are to be seen as food or inferior to vampires when Zeff took him to a newly formed restaurant of the ocean named Baratie and taught him cooking.
Despite the fact Zeff found out Sanji is a vampire he treated him fairly like any other person and was willing to let Sanji feed from his blood in small amounts back when they were stuck on an island. Now in present day Sanji felt indebted to the human and that wherever he is he is doing fine now running a local restaurant as a chef.
However Sanji became distracted when a lone vampire came up behind him and said: ''Oh a nice little pray for me to eat how lovely!'' The blond haired pureblood spun around to see a tall pale vampire with black hair and red eyes looking at him in hunger. Sanji became steady ready to fight off this vampire who clearly does not know he is talking towards a pureblood a higher ranked official. The vampire lunged forward until Sanji summoned his flames to attack the vampire in self defense and trying to incinerate him. If there is one thing his family taught him about low ranked vampires that were former humans is that they eventually fall into the worst category level e that would turn them into mindless without drinking the blood of the sire who turned them. He was encouraged by his teachers to kill them since level e vampires are a liability to the vampire race and them existing should not happen. Unlike his brothers who preferred to brutally kill the mindless vampires he would try and put them out of their mercy painlessly as it is not their fault they became like this.
The vampire scowled when he was burned by the flames making contact with him and exclaimed to Sanji knowing what he really is:'' You are a pureblood, this makes things more interesting and despite me tasting humans blood the one I did not have before is a purebloods.'' The vampire is clearly monologuing his evil plans when he did not notice Sanji drawing out a knife made out of sea stone and stabbed him at the chest. The other being cried out in pain and his reaction changed rapidly from one that can be conscious and into a mindless feeling of looking for food. Sanji knew that this one cannot be saved because the vampire was already far gone and no choice but to kill him. The now level e vampire not caring about the pain went to bite Sanji. Sanji backed away until a forest log behind him made him fall backwards onto a nearby tree and not moving fast enough, the vampire caught him and his fangs bit into his shoulder. The blond pureblood winced in pain as he felt his blood being drained as he made the temperature around him rise in a hotter temperature to incinerate the enemy vampire until he heard something unexpected.
It was the sound of a sword swinging as it hits its mark as the vampire died and behind it was a green haired figure. Sanji saw who his saviour was that killed the vampire and it was the vampire hunter Zoro.
End Flashback
Meanwhile with Ichiji he used stealth when looking around the towns streets looking for Roronoa Zoro that could be anywhere filled with people but so far no leads yet. Ichiji heard Duval following him called out to the lower vampire:`` I know you are following me Sanji`s friend and I advise you to stop that unless you want a fight.``
Duval was not affected by this threat instead stood where he is and started talking:`` I am only here on my own without Sanji to tell you something. I know that both of you do not have the best relationship compared to your other siblings but please give things some time and spend time with Sanji while your here.`` Ichiji was annoyed when he heard this:`` Who are you to demand me to make this request all because you care about my little brothers sentimental feelings and I`ll have you know I can demote you for not following orders and away from my brother.`` Duval was quite brave in making these statements to the first born prince and this is worth it for Sanji`s sake as he said:`` I am aware of that but I care about Sanji very much and my opinion is that he deserves much better than you ordering him around and I hope he will find someone who loves him for who he is to make him happy.``
The atmosphere around the two of them became tense where Ichiji reacted to this offence:`` How dare you little…..`` Duvel interrupted Ichiji from speaking out an insult towards him:`` Oh I dare to tell you this because someday Sanji can live life he wants to be and away from someone that does not appreciate him.`` Before Ichiji was about to raise his hand to strike at the insolent vampire he froze. There was this smell in the air a blood sent flowing. Ichiji recognized this smell belonging to Sanji and thought that what did Sanji do to be this injured not that he cares for his brother. Duvel smelt it too and was worried about his friends safety went to the location of the the blood sent leaving Ichiji behind caring less of the other wanted to follow or not.
With Sanji he is currently walking with Zoro somewhere outside the forest and following him to the center of the town with a water fountain located in the center as well having a nice view of the clock on on one of the buildings to say it was already past ten o'clock. Zoro broke the silence between them as he asked Sanji what he is doing here:'' What are you doing here in Loguetown I can tell you do not live around here and you say you are a tourist and a cook in training but I am not accepting you are here alone.'' The vampire hunter innerly swore to realize that he should not ask someone's personal stuff and that it is rude not only that he is talking to someone that he just met and a stranger he just saved from a bloodthirsty vampire.
Sanji too the moment to think over about what he is going to say and not mess this up so he spoke to the other man:'' Your right I did not come here alone, it was with two others; one of them is a friend and the other person is my... acquaintance.'' This made Sanji feel like a fool that he is basically telling his target that he is not alone and that Sanji did not mention the word brother to Zoro because he is pretty sure Ichiji does not like being mentioned too much so he just put him as an acquaintance to hide the relation. Zoro looked like he believed it as he said:'' Well looks like you are careless in not staying with your friends especially at night time and you do know that most restaurants around these areas are closed until noon at nine o'clock right? By the way you should go find a place to stay at in the meantime like an inn or a hotel.''
The blond haired male was astounded that he so far did not blow his cover and that his story seems to be working. Technically, Sanji is not lying when he came to East blue with Ichiji and Duvel here and was fascinated with cooking too but left out a crucial detail of why he is really here. ''Sure I will be going now and it is nice to meet you marimo.'' Zoro was a bit peeved by the nickname marimo as it is something he did not hear before but he can tell that the young man before him does not mean to insult him.
''Wait, will I see you again tomorrow I mean there are plenty of locations in the city you can explore but I am really busy so you can find a tour guide at the town hall for help?'' Explained Zoro since he is usually someone that is alone and not wanting to go with others like on how he kept on declining that kid Luffy's offer to join the Straw Hats feeling that working alone is the best for him. Sanji was surprised that Zoro asked him that he was expected to see someone with a cold personality and not an interpersonal individual but judging by the question Zoro was not entirely what he seems.
''Sure I am still here tomorrow and a tour guide will not be necessary I can find my own path using the maps to look around but thanks for the offer though.'' Said the young pureblood vampire as he already started to leave but not without a goodbye and heading to where Duvel is. While the other man left Zoro can't help but feel that this won't be the last time he sees that mysterious cook again and that he might be the one to change his life. But that can't be possible can it? Maybe this time the young hunter might actually find someone who can relate to him besides Tashigi who he just sees like a sister he never had in awhile this reminds him of his own sister that died a long time ago.
Meanwhile with Sanji he is running out of the place where he met Zoro as he stopped for a bit outside the forests to think about what just happened. What do I do now that I have met Zoro? Would it be best to still continue my disguise of being human? From the reports the hunter is not the type of person that would let his guard down around strangers and can be suspicious of anyone in general but what if I do decide to spend time with him? This made the young man thought about if Sanji manages to kill Zoro with no hard feelings than Ichiji will realize that his brother can do things right and eventually open up to him. Sanji shook his head at the tempting thought like what would be the point in impressing his brother and that this wouldn't change anything. Suddenly, Sanji heard Duvel approaching to where he as he was panting for lost of breath when he regained composure.
''Sanji I smelt your blood from all away down here. Are you alright and who attacked you? Sanji decided to answer that it was just a level e vampire and he already handled it. ''It is no big deal I was just careless and the level e bit me so I handled it in the end. A being like that should not get close to drink a purebloods blood.'' Duvel then asked another question to Sanji whether or not he met Roronoa Zoro yet and did he kill him already. ''Did you already encounter the vampire hunter Roronoa Zoro, Sanji?''
Sanji being taken back by this question didn't give anything away instead he lied: '' No, the hunter was not anywhere to be seen at the forests. So I will look again tomorrow then the fight will start.'' Duvel did not caught onto the lie being told and this means that when Sanji was young he had learned to be a good liar by his elder sister Reiju whenever he got himself into a situation in a mission. As a result of this lesson, Sanji will be able to hide anything from the other vampires including two of his brothers (Niji, Yonji) but not Ichiji because he can tell that Sanji has lied and reprimand him for that.
''I guess you can't be expected to finish your mission all on one day Sanji. But be careful of the hunter and that he can kill you in an instant if you mess up and I do not want to lose my best friend to a vicious hunter like him.'' Said Duvel towards the other is a worried voice not bother in adding in he talked to Ichiji alone about something. Sanji nodded to his friends concerns to keep in mind. Later on, the two vampires found themselves comforting the other about their feelings. At the moment, Sanji made up his mind that as a representative of Germa 66 the Vinsmokes are expected to excel in all their missions meaning being able to kill the target without hesitation he will have to kill Zoro. The blond haired vampire would have to start getting to know the hunter and then do the assassination while he is pretending to be a human being. However, little did Sanji know the situation will end up becoming more complicated and would bring together a fate between the both of them that will change the lives of those around him and his family for sure.
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littleweeghost · 7 years
Say it Ain’t So! ZoSan is Unhealthy?
I know, how awful of me to say...Am I asking to be killed?!
Welp, let’s jump right into it; I’ve been thinking about this for a bit, not sure why, but it has been plaguing me. This is my One Piece OTP so how can I even think that they couldn’t be together. Truth is, the thought came to me after an argument about Zoro and the person kept pointing out how purely awesome Zoro naturally was. He isn’t the only one to think this. Even in this current arc--the YEAR OF SANJI--Zoro has been mentioned and hyped! Meanwhile, Sanji is taking L’s enough to last a lifetime.
So it got me thinking and I came to the conclusion that although I still vote for a relationship (OTP level) between them, in reality, they wouldn't work. Why?
Because first off, neither are currently mature enough to tolerate a relationship. Yes, in comparison to most their age, Sanji and Zoro seem to be much more mature than most, but at the end of the say, they are pretty child-like still in many ways, from their constant bickering to their behaviors outside of combat. The fact that Zoro can never actually compliment Sanji's cooking--in front of him--implies that Zoro doesn't want to give Sanji that satisfaction. He's not ready to deal with the vulnerabilities that may come with something as simple as that. Another big sign is how Zoro has never called Sanji by name. One could argue that he does that on purpose to raise Sanji's hackles (out of fun) but it can also be interpreted that again, Zoro doesn't want to face the vulnerabilities that come with befriending Sanji, so he resorts to labeling Sanji by numerous adjectives followed by his "job title" (i.e. Love cook, idiot cook). What this could imply (to someone like Sanji or any other outsider) is that Zoro refers to Sanji by title because that's all he's acknowledging Sanji for; a cook. Sanji's major usefulness--prime value--is cooking. Now, is Zoro really thinking like this? I don't think so but again, it could be interpreted as such. On the other hand, there's Sanji and he is just as guilty of not trusting Zoro enough with his vulnerabilities. He consistently jumps at the chance to belittle Zoro's intelligence and out of anyone else on the ship, Zoro is the only one Sanji displays a large amount of aggression against. And for someone like Zoro or someone else, it can be interpreted as dislike, maybe even hatred.
Another reason is Sanji's past. Despite it being no fault of Sanji, unfortunately, there are too many unfinished chapters in his past. Sanji was abused and neglected by his family, suffered and survived a traumatic experience--starvation, and then grew up for the following decade with an ex-pirate that--although was a MUCH better parental figure than Judge--still resorted to physical means in educating Sanji. And now, he's a pirate himself, getting involved in adventures, but also situations that can result in just as many traumatizing or triggering events as his other troubles (i.e. Thriller Bark). But my main focus is Sanji's family--brothers in particular. It doesn't help that to some extent, Zoro seems to encompass a piece of all of Sanji's brothers in him. There's Ichiji, apparently the coldest of them all and the most emotionaless; Zoro usually exhibits a cold exterior or stoic face on a regular basis. We know Zoro isn't cold and he's smiled plenty of times, coddled Chopper plenty of times to indicate he's a softie, but usually, Zoro is pretty cold, stoic. That could be a constatnt reminder for Sanji.
Then there's Niji, arguably the most sadistic one; Niji looks like the type of guy that'd enjoy torturing animals and women. I don't know if it's just me, but in the flashbacks, it looks like the one who enjoys hurting Sanji the most is Niji and later, when Cosette was hurt, he was all sadist smiles and such. Now, I don't think Zoro "likes" hurting others, but there are plenty of examples of Zoro smiling (pretty sadistically I'd argue) whenever he's owning an opponent(s). He doesn't enjoy hurting others, but again, Zoro has exhibited a cruel persona during combat that I'm sure Sanji has been privy to. It may not affect him in the moment but it certainly places more distance between them.
Finally there's Yonji. Now personally, as much as Yonji tries to follow alongside his older brothers, he's the only one that seems to be his own person(?). What I mean is, with the exception of Sanji, he's the only one that exhibits a talent in something (mechanics/technology) and he's the only one that Judge (twice I believe)--outloud--praised Yonji and said that he was strong. Yes, Judge has boasted about his kids, but he specifically called Yonji out, especially when Sanji first returned. As for paralles however, there aren't any between him and Zoro except their hair color. Is that far-fetched? I don't think so because what's important to keep in mind is that Sanji has some extent of PTSD; for those that suffer from this, almost anything can be a trigger (i.e. any of the 5 senses or a combo of it can set someone off). People with green hair aren't common; off the top of my head, there's Caime (a female), Bartholomeo (a guy he rarely interacted with if at all), Yonji, and Zoro. Long story short, the fact that (surprisingly) Yonji and Zoro not only look similar but have green hair, it just doesn't settle well for Sanji's psychie.
And that's just the brothers. Earlier I mentioned Zeff. Again, let me preface that I LOVE ZEFF and he was the best thing to happen to Sanji, but for real life equilvalence sake, I think it's important to mention that Zeff couldn't meld all of the "voids" in Sanji's heart. For one thing, it's still a mystery if Zeff even knew or had an indication about Sanji's earlier upbrining. Still, that doesn't matter because whether Zeff knew or didn't, it doesn't change the fact that Sanji had very limited sensitivity in his life. The entirety of it was seems to consist of aggresison, violence, and roughness due to Zeff himself and all of the crazy staff of the Baratie and/or customers. The bond with his mother was very short-lived and Reiju was too inconsistent. Other than that, no other woman or non-aggressive person entered his life and it doesn't appear as if Zeff ever dated anyone. It's no wonder Sanji WORSHIPS women, not just because Zeff indicated that women aren't to be hit, but because he's an outsider to their influence. Whenever he sees them, all he sees are prettied-up ladies with grace and gentleness that he doesn't experience on a regualr basis.
So with all of that, it makes sense. It's not just a matter that they are young and petty, immature, because those things can improve with time. But unfortunately, Sanji has too much mental baggage and Zoro is just the wrong person to carry that with him. Still, I'm no expert, maybe you guys think differently? At the most, Zoro and Sanji could sustain a short-term lustful relationship but considering how much a romantic Sanji is, even that wouldn't last too long. But yeah, something to keep in mind...
P.S. I’ll be posting something soon on WHO Sanji can actually have a healthy relationship...
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