#meanwhile doffy is like
veroinfaciem · 7 months
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Growing up be like
Prompt 'Slide' by @flamboyant-vampire
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slydiddledeedee · 1 year
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they are so funny. to me.
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More obscure One Piece doodles :3
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heavens-sin · 9 months
✆ for Shanks cause I need to know
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                            @ravarui sent : ✆ Accepting
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 : 🥛 Ultra Massive Tiddy Shanks ꨄ︎
𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄 : Streets / XXX / suprise
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shima-draws · 8 months
One Piece where everything’s the same except Cora doesn’t die but Law’s still determined to absolutely beat the shit out of Doflamingo anyway. Cut to post Dressrosa where Law gets a VERY frantic phone call from Cora who’s like what the actual FUCK I saw the newspaper this morning you went up against Doffy all by yourself?? You promised me we would do this together you little SHIT do you have any idea how fucking scared out of my MIND I was when I saw the headline and I thought something happened to you, Law I swear to god, and Law’s like yes Cora I went up against him by myself, like HELL I was going to let him lay a single finger on you. And Cora’s like THAT’S MY LINE!!! You’re MY kid and I should be the one protecting YOU!! And Law’s like what with your shitty devil fruit powers? What could you have done? You would have fallen on your ass and gotten hurt or shot or worse and I’d be too fucking worried about you to focus on anything else. And Cora’s like this conversation is NOT over but I’m so so glad you’re okay. And he starts crying and he’s like oh my GOD Law you know how insane Doffy is I could have lost you. And I wouldn’t have even known until after the fact. And Law goes all quiet and he’s like I know I’m sorry but I could have lost YOU and I couldn’t handle that. I couldn’t. And Cora’s sobbing and he’s like I love you so much Law and Law’s like yeah. I love you too 🥺
Meanwhile the Strawhats witnessed this entire conversation and they’re like. Wow okay that was a lot to unpack. Law’s got a dad and they’re very protective of each other and apparently his dad is Doflamingo’s brother?? And Law literally dismantled Doflamingo’s entire criminal organization and DIDN’T bother telling his dad about it?? No wonder he’s pissed. And they’re also like awwwww we’ve never seen Law so soft and vulnerable before 💕 and Law looks at them and he’s like. You repeat ANY of what you just heard and I WILL kill you. And they’re like ‘Mhmm okay yup we hear you loud and clear. Btw what’s your dad like’ with the BIGGEST shit eating grins and Law’s like Okay! Killing you now!! And proceeds to chase them with his katana
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moniheartsluffy · 3 months
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characters featured: crocodaddy, warlords, marines.
genre: fluff
notes: father!crocodile x daughter!reader, PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP, black!coded reader, crocodaddy and his baby girl🥹
grammar warning!! not rlly proofread…this been sitting in the drafts for a hot minute…
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• mans love him some of his daughter.
• safe to say his world now revolves around you. he never thought he would want kids but when you popped out….oh he was bringing you everywhere.
• he thought the lady (your mother) was bullshittin when she said she was pregnant. he’s experienced many women trying to trap him before, so he just brushed it off wit a “yea ok”
• oh but when he saw that baby bumpppp. his whole mood changed. he started filling out paperwork to get full custody all ready😭 and ofc he won bc…it’s him. (pls. just work wimme here)
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6yr old you waking up in an overly decent sized room due to the sun coming through your curtains and your TALL ASS father coming into the room. you’re trying to rub the sleep from your eyes as you sit up to look at him while he motions to pick you up.
“morning princess.” he says while placing a light kiss to your cheek. in response to his actions you simply place your head on his shoulder and allow yourself to be whisked away.
“still sleepy, hmm?” he says placing another kiss to the top of your head and watches as you nod, confirming his accusation.
now its a lot of things that crocodile has people do for him like his dirty work…but when it comes to you he allows them to do your hair, pick out outfits, feed you, etc. but he adores the simple things like getting you out of bed, tucking you in at night and other simple things that falls in between. other than that he leaves it to the maids he’s hired.
he takes you everywhere..and i mean everywhere. he has a meeting? he’s putting you in the cutest business outfit ever. the warlords are called together? he already got snacks and toys packed for you. anywhere this man is going he’s taking you and he doesn’t care about repercussions.
with that being said…a warlord meeting was called.
so..everyone walking in and taking their respective seats, meanwhile crocodile walking in with you in his arms and he’s late.
now we all know boa isn’t fond of men so as soon as crocodile puts you on the ground she’s swiping you away..immediately. she thinks he’s corrupting your mind or sum. but you cannot tell me boa would not love you. she’s turning you into the best feminist ever. (gotta start em off young!!) she even though about taking you to the kuja island… and never bringing you back. after a while, her and your dad start arguing so you go speak to some of the other warlords.
mihawk was just minding his business and wishing he had stayed home. you stumble over with a pack of fruit snacks, holding them out for him to take them. “you looked upset so here!” your tiny voice chirps up at him. he couldn’t bring himself to reject your offer, especially when you looked up at him with a determination to make him ‘feel better’. so he simply raised his eyebrow at you and took them while giving you this thanks and a smile that wasn’t too noticeable, but you saw it.
now…it’s two men in this entire room that you simply can’t express enough emotion for. doflamingo and gecko moria. now to be frank, you didn’t despise doffy like you did the other one but you weren’t exactly fond of him either. it’s like you tolerated him. he was kind to you but something about him just seemed off.
nevertheless your feet carried you to where doflamingo sat on a windowsill waiting for this excuse of a meeting to start. “hi doffy.” the pureness in your voice snapping him out of whatever unhinged things he was thinking about. “hello there little one. you look so adorable in your f/c dress.” he replied in a mellow tone. you muttered a small “thank you” before asking him about the whereabouts of kuma, at the last meeting he asked you what your favorite flower was and you finally had an answer for him but much to your dismay the blonde haired man had no idea. (not like he cares but hey)
ultimately choosing to ignore the presence of the other being in the room you swiftly made your way over to jinbe and had a short conversation with him regarding the sunflower drawing that adorned your dress, the fishman states how much he loved the design. after that ended you made your way back with your father and the warlord meeting began shortly after.
warlord meetings were always a pain but having you there always made it seem a little bit better for everyone—even the marines thought you were adorable although, they never showed it..except for garp. he’s a grandpa, ofc he’s gonna act like one towards a child. so every time the meeting truly starts garp takes you away and you two walk around the marineford gardens. he also takes you to sengoku’s office so you can see his goat and eat snacks while he annoys sengoku.
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wordy-little-witch · 6 months
Unhinged hit take but imagine for a moment all the Doflamingo/Crocodile ideas being a thing, and Doffy finds out IN JAIL about Cross Guild. Mans is losing his SHIT okay, his ex left him for a CLOWN.
CROCODILE turned him and his business proposals down but partnered with THE CLOWN?!
Oh his brain cells are Gucci and Prada, bedazzled and flexed, he knows math and THIS? This math ain't mathing, buster.
So he escapes.
The hows are unimportant and also I don't care enough to flesh it out. It just Happens, okay?
So Doffy is free, no sock needed, and he beelines STRAIGHT to Karai Bari.
Well. He swings by a high end boutique first because he's bougie like that, but then he is THERE, okay?
So Doffy shows up and causes a Ruckus. Cross Guild Poly has, by this point, NOT been established, but Croc and Mihawk both have FEELINGS. Buggy is oblivious.
Doffy sees Croc having A Feeling and Assumes. After all, Crocodile rarely expresses any kind of emotion unless it's on purpose to this is completely mathing now. The clown must have SOMETHING going for him.
So Doffy Seduces The Clown. It's to prove a point, prove he's BETTER than Buggy, he's COOLER and more FASHIONABLE and he wears HEELS so obviously he is the best choice. He needs to understand his enemy.
Only... Buggy's actually pretty damn cute.
And also makes... really good noises. He's so responsive. And sensitive. And he's a masochist to boot, right up Doffy's ally. AND this clown has some SERIOUS stamina, holy stars.
The night ends with Doffy, exhausted, staring into space with Buggy curled up, head on his chest and covered in bite marks. He is still processing.
The next day, he wakes up and he finds Buggy in the little kitchenette, in an oversized shirt and thigh highs, making pancakes and bacon. The clown turns to him, smiles, greets him, offers coffee. Doffy gets breakfast and is left still kinda reeling even as Buggy babbles happily, shirt slipping off his shoulder slightly and revealing a bite mark there. The former warlord looks away, indignant at the tingling warmth if a blush, of all things, on his face.
He hates to admit that he can maybe see the appeal now.
But he still thinks the clown is using some kind of weird fucking clown magic. He's NEVER gotten so worked up after a transactional lay before.
Crocodile and Mihawk meanwhile are FROTHING because they each had a 37 step plan to woo the clown and the flamingo bastard jut swooped in out of prison and bedded him. That isn't fair. That's the opposite of fair.
Seeing Buggy limping the next day and Doffy still kinda out if it simply makes the two dark haired men want to claw out someone's eyes.
Buggy is a special brand of oblivious because he thought Doffy just wanted good time once, no biggie, he gets it. So when the feathered man sticks around, he's cool with it. He doesn't really get why the others are all weird about it though.
He also doesn't get why their ominous threats and off putting vibes have intensified either, but he's good at rolling with the punches.
He tells Shanks a much during their monthly i-don't-miss-you-i-hate-you-how-have-you-been talks.
Shanks tells him they like him.
He hangs up on the redhead. Then he calls Shaks again just to hang up once more, this time with passion.
Everyone's suffering.
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l-in-the-light · 1 month
Trafalgar Law and shreds of closeness part 3: Donquixote Family Edition
What can I say, I got struck with inspiration yet again, the thoughts just do not want to leave me. This time it will get dark. And it will hurt, so feel warned. I will take a closer look at Law's closeness to the Donquixote Family and also do a small case study of affection between Doffy and Cora and their dad as well, to get a fuller context. Main focus will be on physical affection, yet again.
So what do you think, did Law get support and affection from his "second family"? I would say, very little. But let's look at evidence:
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We have verbal support from Doflamingo himself when Giolla and Buffalo start to fear to touch Law or to even stay in the same room after they learn he's sick. That's 1:0 for him, I'm sure Law appreciated and remembered it. In retrospection, it would have been better for him if he didn't.
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Then we have Giolla and Machvise who handled him like he's an object. Giolla keeps touching Law on the head, probably not caring why he seems displeased with it. She's just reinforcing the trauma, but I think overall she means well, she just doesn't think much about it. Giolla also shows Law the most physical affection and I swear it feels like she's trying to make up for her initial reaction, she's just not going the right way about it, making it worse instead.
Meanwhile we have Doflamingo, who despite defending Law before, never touches him. And I mean, never ever. Doffy remains cold not only with Law though, which we will see in a moment.
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And then we have Baby5. She feels sorry for Law and even cried for him when she heard the story of Flevance (not in Law's presence tho), but she herself is bad with affection and care, because she also never received much, it also doesn't help that she is genuinely scared of Law's angry glares. All she can do to show him she cares is to smack and scold him. And of course when she does smack him it's on the head, which only becomes a trauma trigger over and over again. Those two just completely miss each other by a mile.
That's it. No other Donquixote Family's member ever tried to show some care in front of Law. They train him of course, but would you count kicking and punching him as a positive experience? Yeah, I don't think so.
And let's not forget Corazon, who carried Law like a bag of potatoes (and threw him around) for a long time, even after he kidnapped him. The Trip to Hospitals All Around the World kinda made him become better, holding Law close, trying to make him smile, carrying him all the time and at one point he even begs Law: "please give me the chance to do things right, stay strong for 3 more weeks!". Doesn't change the fact the touches he did give Law at the beginning were brutalized forms of affection, and we can't really forget that fact: that's exactly how Law's trauma of being touched on the head even started in the first place.
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He already trained for awhile, but he still failed in the confrontation, and I think it was because of the touch. Being pinned down made Law probably freeze and unable to move. But even after being saved by Doflamingo, Law doesn't even try to seek support in him, unlike Baby5. Here we can see Doflamingo is alright if someone seeks comfort in him, but he will not give it by himself. That makes Doflamingo-Law combo the worst possible match up, a person who will never give it first and a person who will never ask for it, no wonder things were always cold between them.
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Thanks to the fight against Smoker in Punk Hazard we learn that Law managed to overcome his trauma of being pinned down to a significant degree, because he manages to escape on his own. This scene gets an extra focus in the manga (it takes like 5 different frames!) which further convinces me it's that siginifcant. Law probably trained himself not to get overwhelmed like that ever again. Still, I can't help but notice soon after this happened Law starts to have troubles breathing, which means it still didn't leave him unaffected. He pushes to finish the fight faster afterwards as well.
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One of his trauma triggers is feeling helpless and being pinned down definitely counts for that. I don't think this started with Vergo, I would say it was already a thing after Flevance, when he had to discover more and more dead bodies of people dearest to him, unable to do anything about it.
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Let's look at his symptoms thanks to which we can recognize he's going through a triggering situation. Visible shivering, heavy panting (to the point of weezing which makes me think it can even go as far as bordering on hyperventilation or the opposite - apnea). And then in the last image he just goes stiff which I interpret as him completely freezing up. Damn, that's actually a lot. It's very similar to Robin's trauma responses in Water 7.
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You can also notice that Law clenches his fists and it seems to be a sign that he's struggling or forcing himself to be strong. He still does it *a lot* when he's an adult. I think it might have honestly became a habit. He does that just before a battle, in most stressful situations when he knows he can't show his emotions (or just doesn't want to), and well, if we go by the anime version, also when he leaves Wano with his own crew. Basically any time he makes a firm resolve or a hard decision, he also does that. I swear sometimes it feels like he struggles for half of the Dressrosa and Punk Hazard, which you know what, might be way too accurate.
Also bonus wholesome points for Luffy caring more to support Law and Muucy than caring for falling into water himself. I'm not sure how much that helped Law when he was dealing with a triggering situation, especially that unfortunate contact with the top of his head. I guess it's still better than similar situation but with Law completely alone.
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This puts this scene into a completely new perspective, right? He's shivering here and definitely froze up, even his speech bubble looks distressed. He's not getting angry here, his trauma trigger kicked in. I did check if he ever shivers or freezes up when he tries to, for example, stop himself from feeling angry, but no, we never see that happen. I'm sorry for ruining the comedy :( tho to make it better, he's also shocked, because just moments before Strawhats feared him, and now they already don't and even laugh at him. Damn, I'm now so torn about this scene, I mean, Strawhats couldn't have known!
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Now a promised closer look at Donquixote family's approach to closeness and touch. When they were still Celestial Dragons, they barely touched each other. No small touches on the back, hand holding or anything else you usually share with kids. The closeness starts only after they're all starting to be persecuted. First time we see Doffy holding his mom's hand is when they run away from their burning house. First time we are shown Homing hugging his kids is when village people are beating them up and he is just trying to cover them with his own body, so he takes the beating instead of his kids.
The last memory Rosinante has of his father is the hug. And the first memory he has of Sengoku is also a sort of half-hug. Might be why he got so attached to him.
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Little Doflamingo and Rosinante are always together, but they never touch in any way. It's clearly Doffy who takes care of his younger brother, probably also telling him to toughen up.
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Weird mocking touch on the head from Trebol. And like always, no one ever touches Doflamingo, not even his own officers, and that's true ever since Doffy was a child.
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He even tells Trebol he's too close. Doffy doesn't want touches anymore, because it seems in his mind he understands them as someone protecting him, and he doesn't need protection. Ever since he killed Homing, Doffy took the role of being a head of the family and protecting Rosinante, so no more hugs or hand holding for him. In other words, Doflamingo associates physical affection with protection and incoming abuse. And whenever he touches someone it's exactly for that reason: to hurt them.
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An interesting parallel because this happens in exactly same chapter: Law is trying to move away because Luffy's "too close". He even lets him take the transponder away and just stands there and waits. And you might wonder: what for? Is he hoping Luffy will give it back by himself?
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No, it just took some extra time for Law to brace himself to touch Luffy and shove him to the side. Even though both Doffy's and Law's first instinct here is to move away, Law is struggling but actually tries to overcome it, contrary to Doffy, who seems content in his "no touching" comfort zone.
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Let's take a look at Dressrosa now. Doffy is carrying Law by his clothes, Law is unconscious, but he will not touch him directly anyway. Cora-san used to do it as well at first to Law.
But then, you might ask, they fought so much in Dressrosa, surely some kind of touch had to happen as a result? I mean, most of them were indirect touches with Doffy's strings, kicking Law or stopping him by grabbing his sword. But you are right, exactly two touches do happen. You're not gonna like it.
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This is literally the first time Doflamingo ever touched Law. To stop his attack he forcefully grabbed his hand. Law is shivering, this actually triggers him, and there's just no way Doflamingo doesn't know that, he can feel it.
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And then he makes the full use of the situation. Doflamingo holds Law up in the air, but we can see by the onomatopeia that he's literally holding him up by his hand alone and Law is just freely dangling there, Doffy's not using any strings to immobilize him, not even armament haki. He doesn't even need to. Finally he gave Law the touch he must have been craving when he was a child from him, but it's not a caring one, and what's the next thing Doflamingo does to that hand he just touched? He cuts it off, ripping open the psychological wounds, making them deeper, perhaps hoping Law will never recover from them. Because that's the easiest way to control him later if he wishes to do so, to make him pliant, defenseless and unable to fight back and terrified. But also to punish him for the "rebellion" against him... but also to punish Law for his need and fear of touch. This is a lesson: never want affection, closeness or touch, you're never getting any. Unless it's this: abuse. And if you don't think this is terrible enough, let me remind you: this is their first touch *ever*, Law probably waited for it when he was a kid.
And Law is just hanging there, not even trying to move, and it lasts for like three or four pages long, and I remember when I reread this a couple of times, I was a bit puzzled. Why isn't Law struggling to release himself? Why is he just letting this happen? Especially when it's becoming very clear what Doflamingo is gonna do next. So I have my answer: Law froze up, it's his body shutting off on it's own and all he can do is to just be there and wait for it to be over. It's painful, because we know Law always struggles, always fights back, and he tries here, with words, but he can't do anything else and he just watches it happen.
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And this is the second time Doflamingo touches him. It's after the Gamma Knife attack, Doffy knows what he's doing here, he chooses to make contact with Law's head/face (he must have noticed Law's discomfort to it before when Giolla often did it to Law as a kid, and now he utilized this knowledge). He tries to make Law freeze up so he can't finish his move and who knows, maybe that was the final factor of why Law failed to kill off Doflamingo.
To wrap things up, I will share the interesting parallel that I think can be drawn between two rather unexpected characters: Law and Boa.
Both Law and Boa are most comfortable around Bepo (and the snake in Boa's case). Both are victims of brutalized touch and lack of loving and caring one. But while Law fearfully accepts what's given to him, Boa rejects it (even symbolically by kicking fluffy animals away or refusing any show of affection like gifts). Both are touch starved, but Boa will never even try to touch Luffy, and the only time Luffy touched her was in that stealth mission in Impel Down (they didn't have the choice) and hugging her after she gave him the key to Ace's cuffs. Boa doesn't return the gesture, she is very flustered and falls to the ground afterwards, which reminds me a little of her later scene with Rayleigh. Not even Boa's own sisters are shown to share any sort of physical affection with her, Boa shows cold and manipulative attitude to almost everyone besides them. The only other person Boa ever touched was Rayleigh (she's on the ground here again) after he helped them fight off Blackbeard's assault on Amazon Lily and it might be a traumatic response: Blackbeard tried to strangle her after all. Boa's love is passionate and platonic, she shows her affection and caring with indirect gestures (food preparation, offering support and help etc.), probably because that's what she remembers others tried doing for her before. She can't even deal with intimacy face to face and Law also tends to act cold to very open displays of affection and emotions.
Big thanks to @tae-rambles for mentioning the scene with Boa that completely slipped my mind <3 added it in the edit!
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giurochedadomani · 7 months
I kind of want the Baratie: Valentine's day shift edition with every single chaotic ship taking their date out in the Baratie. Like there's Nami fully on flirting with Sanji so he prepares a wonderful, over the top dinner (for her and Vivi), meanwhile there's Zoro stressing over how to ask Sanji out (stalling so much so that Ace asks! Sanji out! First ! Oh no the drama).
At the same time there's Buggy getting so mad that him and Crocodile are getting sitted next to Mihawk and Shanks, while Doffy makes his most toxic attempt of: please Croc take me back, we used to have fun together.
At some point Mihawk and Shanks start a duel (with the same vibes as the addams family asking each other for a dance) which quickstart the ensuing brawl. The Baratie staff dreads the day quite as much as retail workers usually dread black friday.
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pippin-pippout · 3 months
Well shit. Ok thoughts on Law’s backstory.
I knew the gist of it going in. Law was ill, Rosinante was a marine. Rosinante loved Law. Doffy killed him.
I also knew that Corazon/Rosinante wanted to leave Law with a smile like his dad did for him. I was not expecting it to be a moment of hilarity because Rosinante’s smile is so scary it just freaks Law out. Good thing Sugar never met him or that’d be all it took for her to pass out.
I love that Corazon in many ways acted as both the adult and child in the relationship. He was the silly one. It felt like he was getting to relive a bit of his childhood too.
I loved his choice to keep from Law that he was a marine because he wanted Law to like him. In a way that felt like the action of a kid. And Law of course saw through it, but didnt care so long as Rosinante loved him.
It’s weird that Vergo was the first Corazon/Heart since he has none. Meanwhile Rosinante encapsulated that attribute.
The ending was packed with tear jerking moments. From Corazon’s I Love You to his pulling a gun on Doffy knowing it wouldn’t work to of course…
Staying alive just long enough for Law to keep the silence power and escape. The moment we know Rosinante is dead is the first moment we hear Law’s screams of despair. Just long enough so that they’re covered by the sound of canon fire as Rosinante’s body is covered in snow.
His last wish for Law to be free, and Law setting his focus on revenge and finishing Corazon’s mission in Dressrosa, and so not really being free from the past. Yet as that mission closes, Law is inexplicably drawn to Luffy, the symbol of Freedom.
Corazon would be happy to see Law with Luffy
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foggycrusadepenguin · 4 months
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Sometime you just have clowns so much on your brain you see two cats and it's suddenly the only thing you can think about.
There also this which I have I just had to do, they only had one ship art and it's just to hilarious not to.
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But it also sprang ideas which is always fun, sooo here I go.
It all starts when Buggy is around twenty two he is in the north he just suffered his first mutiny but he is dandy not like his ex crew at least who he saw being eaten after they left in him his little lifeboat so duck them anyway.
He has a bit of money, his juggling and little clown act gave him a little more money and he deserves a treat, a alcoholic treat so to the bar he goes and he is having a great time.
He drinks a bit to much but everything is great...
So great he doesn't notice the rather notorious leader of the Donquixote pirates that is having his own good time with some booze and pretty ladies.
Of course this is until his great luck comes into play and he may have done something rather flashy that may have inquired the joker ire.
To which things may have taken a interesting turn when Doflamingo tried to cut him into ribbons which earns him a funny result thanks to Buggy devil's fruit.
I thinks it would have sparked a new interest for Doffy towards the clown (Or more like what he can do with the clown, Doffy probably would be over joyed being able to split Buggy to pieces with his strings and Buggy would probably like the bonuses of having a little affair with Doffy particularly the he won't kill me card)
So that's the start of a there relationship (if you can call it that, I actually have a few more ideas for this but no patience to write it out so maybe later)
Relationship that would actually end with him meting Corazon in the flashiest way posible.
So it all starts after a rather rough night with Doffy one which Buggy enjoyed a lot and a Corazon searching for his brother.
So he goes to Doffy room just to find a dismembered body laying on the bed, bits and pieces everywhere and he is in his second in command this can't bother me mindset, he can't let Doffy see weakness and it would be the worst his brother has made him do to try and test him.
Which is why he starts cleaning the room ignoring the lack of blood (maybe the boy was cut post Morten) he would do his job, he would stop his brother from doing this again.
It's when he grabs the head to throw it out that he finds black eyes opening blearily before the head yawns and he is pretty sure his heart stops.
So he does the most sensible thing throws the head away, trips and smashes against the floor.
Meanwhile Buggy is just waking up from his nap and woah does Doffy look different this morning, just to be thrown like he was a ball, which rude.
Doflamingo comes back to his room just to see it all unfold and he finds it hilarious.
Finds it even more hilarious when he notices they get under each other skin.
Which ends up of course with him pushing them together whenever Buggy visits the north.
And that's the end of this times little rant, I had a au idea that kind of follows this but more detailed but I'm feeling lazy and I just found the idea of how Buggy meets Corazon and Doffy being the first Corabug, not shipper he doesn't ship them he just likes there disdain of each other,influencer hilarious and wanted to share it.
Apart that Doffybug? Is just really under appreciated, I like weirds ships sue me ╮⁠(⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠)⁠╭
Anyway have a nice night, day or whatever!
(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)/
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moonnime · 1 year
Fic idea for a Doflamingo x reader / Rosinante x reader / Law x reader (platonic) Feel free to use
Reader, Corazon and Doffy where childhood friends both boys loved her very much but her heart belong to Corazon and Doffy was always jealous of their relationship and never understood why she chose Corazon over him….and Doffy did everything in his power to get her and in the end he succeeds….
After Corazon mysteriously disappeared Reader was heartbroken but waited 8 years for him in those years Doffy made advances towards her but she always rejected him but after those 8 years she finally accepted him and became his Queen and them being together for 5 years and he kept her in the dark about everything.. she was his Good Queen and all she needed to do was love him and he always treated her good in his twisted way….
Timeskip (Law arrives in Dressrosa with the Straw Hats )
When they arrive they noticed a crowd of people talking about the Queen (whispering that the Good Queen is expecting) all of them curious decided to check who they where talking about until for and the first time in years Law sees her heavily pregnant…a mother figure the woman who showed him love and cared for him when he was a child but it was a bittersweet encounter with a mix of feelings he was happy to see she was fine and healthy but sad knowing that she’s with Doflamingo…because how could she be carrying that monsters child after all the things he has done….. when he is finally able to get her alone he confronts her…. (Meanwhile the straw hats are super confused 😂)
Law : how could you just open your legs to the man who kil….. *Slap*
Reader: Don’t talk about what you don’t know…. (And she talks about how she’s has been waiting for him for both of them and that Doffy was good to her and has there for her)
And Law tells her all about what Doflamingo has been doing and that he killed Corazon….
Side thought 💭 :
1 - Maybe it could be smutty (or not) like her first time with Corazon and her first time with Doffy and the deference of how they love and show love 😂😂
2- And a little of her relationship with Law as a child
3- And what would be her reaction… what would she do..will she help them or she will side with Doffy
4 - This turned out to be longer than I expected 😂😅
5 - English isn’t my first language so I’m sorry for any mistakes
6 - I really hope someone likes this and decides to write it 😊 feel free to change whatever you want
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the-bar-sinister · 2 months
Scars on the Face, Scars on the Heart (1043 words) by thesavagesabretooth Additional Tags: Ficlet, Backstory, Scars, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Doflamingo stroked his fingers over the raised ridge of pale flesh across Crocodile's face as he held him close.
"You've never told me how you got it," Doffy said quietly. "Not that you have to."
Crocodile shifted in his arms, not quite pulling away, but he didn't look at him. "You never told me how you got yours, either, Doffy."
Doflamingo knew he was quiet for half a beat too long before he laughed. "Scars? I don't have any scars. Well, not that you haven't seen."
Now Crocodile looked straight at him, piercing black eyes surely reflected in Doffy's crimson lenses.
"I'm not stupid you know." It was sharp, but there was tenderness in it. Crocodile shifted in his lap again until he was sitting on it, face to face with him. "You never take those off. You turn your head when you're looking at things to one side."
Doffy's smile hitched and he put his arms over Crocodile's shoulders. "Canny bastard, aren't you, Croc? Well, I guess that's one of the things I like about you."
"It had better be," he drawled, slipping his arm around Doflamingo's waist.
He laughed. "Mmm, one of many things. You're so rough, Croc. It's handsome, but there's that wall between us."
Crocodile scoffed with disbelief. "What, you want me to be more open with you? We're fucking around, Doffy, not getting married."
Doffy pouted. He was used to his gang, where they were all open and honest with one another– as thick as thieves. Crocodile, meanwhile, kept everyone at hook's length. And Doffy hated something he couldn't have. 
"Alright— I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours," he offered. A compromise. One he was nervous to make. But. Still.
Crocodile smirked and stroked up Doflamingo's back. "That's more like it. A trade I'll accept. I admit I've been curious. So you go first, and then I'll tell you."
Doffy hesitated. Maybe it was better not to know. Not to make himself vulnerable in front of his fellow pirate. His rough warlord lover. Maybe it was better to keep the secret in his family.
He took a breath, and his hands only shook a little as he took his sunglasses off.
"Fuck," Crocodile hissed under his breath. "Doffy…"
Crocodile's hand came up toward Doffy's face and vanished into the darkness of his blind eye. He felt fingertips on the scar tissue there.
"It's bad, I know."
Doffy chuckled almost self-effacingly. He tried not to look in the mirror without his glasses on, but he knew what was there. Shiny, wrinkly burn scarring all around one milky eye with its iris a faint blue. Traces of old burns around the other eye, both eyebrows completely gone.
He leaned into Crocodile's touch.
"What happened? Those are old scars."
"I was a child." He put his arms back around Crocodile, still holding his sunglasses in his fingers. His voice was hollow in his chest as he recited the facts. "A mob came for my family. They strung us up. One of them shot me with a flaming arrow."
"Damn." Crocodile's thumb stroked gently over the scarred orbit. "You were a kid? A lot of people would have died from that."
Doffy's smile twitched again. "Guess it's a good thing for me I'm not like a lot of people, isn't it? Of course, if I was, it wouldn't have happened."
He nuzzled Crocodile's hand for a moment, and then moved to put his sunglasses back on. Crocodile didn't protest.
"So that's mine," Doffy said, as the world took on its usual rose-tinted shade. "What about yours."
"Heh," Crocodile scoffed and shook his head. "It was when I was a kid, too."
"Looks like a knife wound to me," Doffy mused. "You do it yourself?"
His long mouth twisted into a sneer. "I'm sure my old man would say that I did."
"Your old man, huh?" Doffy cocked his head. "I've never heard you talk about your father. Did he do that?"
"In a manner of speaking." Crocodile was weighing how much to tell him, Doflamingo could tell. "It was his little suck up cabin boy."
"Your father was a pirate, then." Doffy had suspected it for a long time, but Crocodile had never confirmed. He suspected the pirate in question as well, but he didn't think that Croc would say it directly.
"He was a pirate," Crocodile nodded. "I looked up to him until I realized I'd never be out of his shadow. We were in port when I stole from the treasury and went to run. The brat caught me by surprise."
"And slashed you across the face like that." Doflamingo stroked his fingers over the scar again.
"We almost killed each other," Crocodile growled, pressing his face into Doflamingo's hand like Doffy had done when he touched his scar. "I wish I could have finished the job. The old man intervened."
"What happened?"
Croc scoffed and his scowl furrowed deeper on his brow. "The brat wanted him to punish me of course. I was ready to fight both of them. Wish I had. He told me to go if I was leaving. I took what I had come for, and I went. And I never fucking looked back."
"I guess both of us hated our fathers," Doflamingo said quietly. He stroked the other warlord's furrowed brow with his thumb. "Did you ever kill yours?"
Crocodile held up his hook. "You know the answer to that."
That confirmed it then. Whitebeard. Whitebeard who Crocodile had challenged. Who had taken Crocodile's hand. Humiliated him. Sent him spinning into the trajectory of a warlord of the sea.
Doflamingo leaned down and kissed the crook of Crocodile's hook.
The tightness went out of Croc's expression, and he sighed deeply.
"So now you know. Are you satisfied? Are you glad you asked?"
He rested his other hand on Crocodile's chest. "I feel a little closer to you now. Maybe one day I'll break through the wall."
Crocodile huffed— it was almost a laugh.
"Well, I know I can't stop you from trying." 
He caught Doflamingo's chin in his hand, and pulled him into a kiss. As his cheeks pushed aside the edges of his sunglasses, their scars touched for a moment.
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oz00ms2 · 10 months
Hii i love ur au and ur ideas are amazing! im just curious on the dynamic of captain firebug and the warlords?👀 i saw the car meme n i kinda wanna know how he is being (lovingly) bullied by them
🥲🙏♥️ ty that's so nice of you to say I'm glad you're enjoying this au mess.
as for the warlords, he's not allowed at the meetings anymore as he's been the cause for too many distractions.
kuma makes him uncomfy while jinbei & he acknowledge one another with vague nods and keep their distance. jinbei can sense a troubled soul a mile away and buggy doesn't like the searching pity he sees in the other's eyes.
meanwhile he will stop everything and scream if moria comes too close to him. moria finds this hilarious and does it often.
boa and he actually have a decent relationship. they met when buggy was the only male on tsuru's ship and she's sort of decided he doesn't count as a man - buggy isn't 100% sure what he thinks about that - but they're almost the same height and he loves talking flashy fashion with her. they can be seen out and about shopping and gossiping now and then.
mihawk is a big danger for buggy since he knows shanks. and loves bringing up shanks just to make buggy flounder and panic. hawk seems to enjoy the colors buggy turns when distressed and it's as uncomfortable as it sounds. once buggy wore his sword around mihawk and had to yeet it out the nearest window because he DID NOT like the predatory look in the man's eyes.
once it was reported shanks was dead by the swordsman's hand and buggy stormed up to mihawk, grabbed his collar, and told him if that was true, he was going to kill hawkeyes himself.
mihawk has a new appreciation for captain firebug after this.
doffy is banned from speaking to the captain. he tries to recruit firebug into the family, mostly to stress tsuru out. he's too good at cold reading people and has managed to chip at the fortress around buggy's broken heart and finds the little marine interesting. which is, bad. doffy can give buggy a mental breakdown after a five minute conversation.
buggy hides behind sir crocodile if doffy is around and as a distraction has literally shoved the warlord at the other and ran away.
meanwhile, crocodile is the warlord who wants to throttle captain firebug THE MOST.
they met pretty young, croc thought himself a dashing figure and this absolute brat had the audacity to call him boring!!
it drives him mad that he can't impress buggy, who thinks crocodile land-locking himself to "play babysitter to a country" is more a surrender than an achievement a pirate should brag about.
croc is ...a little obsessed. he doesn't want to be. he really doesn't, but if he can't get buggy to see his accomplishments as impressive he'll settle for bullying/forcing the captain to work for him on the most obnoxious projects as he tries to crack the other's interest.
mihawk tells shanks later how crocodile is "aggressively flirting" with buggy and then happily sits back for the show of Shanks' tantrum.
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thesharktanksdriver · 3 months
Law in Sabãody must be having the weirdest time in his life because somehow the kid that Cora was friends with when he was a child is here, hasn't aged a single day even though it's been years, the guy must be having the biggest mental bluescreen of his life processing that.
Though i wonder if he feels protective of them in Dressrosa... but he would probably be stressed and worried knowing that Doflamingo has an insane obsession with them because, well it's Doflamingo. He would be mortified if Doflamingo got to them and never forgive himself for letting it happen.
on are a more lighter note he would be getting gray hairs from how Y/N nearly gets themselves killed multiple times
It’s even more funny when you consider he meets Luffy and Kid in sababody.
POV ur law: you go to sababody and see y/n again after years and years. For once in your emo caffeine-addicted depressed life you think to yourself “wow things are going great!”. But then you notice behind them a straw hat wearing idiot in flip flops arguing with a red headed idiot with atrocious pants as they’re both pulling y/n between the one another like kids fighting over a toy.
Before you can use room to pull y/n away from those idiots they’ve noticed you and called out to you. This in turn makes the two idiots stop their bickering before turning it to you.
You start fighting with the two idiots not noticing that y/n is now fawning over Bepo and killer.
Meanwhile during Dressrosa he’s definitely gaining grey hairs early lol. He would have preferred for them not to have been involved at all (because Doffy is fucking insane) but they insisted on joining because a) their following their captain and crew, plus b) they feel responsible for how Doffy ended up even if you and Cora had told them that it wasn’t their fault.
Throughout Dressrosa he’d be super on edge.
Especially when also learning that little tid bit from Doffy that he wants law to make him immortal.
In the end once Doffy was defeated he would sit beside them somewhere calm and away from the now free citizens of Dressrosa who were celebrating. They’d talk genuinely since they now actually have a moment to do so.
It would definitely be a serious talk that’s a heart to heart
But it would also end with them in their “disguises” of a fake moustache and sunglasses laughing their asses off.
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yujo-nishimura · 6 months
Shambles (Working title)
Took a creative break from my master thesis and had an idea about a devil fruit eater who could communicate with the dead.
Warnings: Just Doffy being Doffy, a little bit of fear and angst
Note: English is not my native language, mistakes can occur, no time for proof reading
Part 1
Keep reading because Law will come to the rescue (of course).
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As you entered the castle, you couldn't help but notice the stark difference from your expectations. The entrance seemed oddly devoid of guards, and when you inquired about seeing the king, a young woman with black hair and a cigarette in hand responded with a disdainful "tsk." She sighed and dismissed your request, questioning why the king would have any interest in meeting someone like you.
Despite the lack of hospitality, you decided to maintain your composure and persist in making your request. "I have Devil Fruit powers that could be of use to the king and the people of this country," you explained, hoping to capture her attention.
The woman, seemingly uninterested in your abilities, reluctantly agreed to lead you to the king. She mentioned that he wasn't particularly busy at the moment, or at least that's how she phrased it. 
You were asked to wait outside a dimly lit room and you had a strange feeling in your stomach. Something was off, but you made it that far and there was no turnback at this moment. 
“The young master is now ready to see you!”, the woman appeared again from behind, she tried to smile at you but you felt it was forced. A large wooden door was opened for you and you entered the room in front of you, the tension still not leaving you.
The king was this looming large figure seated on his throne in a leisurely way. Instead of a crown he wore a pink feather coat, while concealing his eyes behind stylish sunglasses tinted in the same shade of pink. His smile was unnerving. For a moment you thought of turning around and leaving the country in an instant. Everything seemed off and the savior of this country did not look like you had him expected to be. 
“I heard you want to work for me? What's your name?”
His deep voice sent shivers through your spine. You mustered the courage to say your name and with a gesture of his left hand he indicated you to come closer. He was outrageously tall, you felt like a dwarf next to him.
“What devil fruit did you eat?”
“The Talk-Talk fruit, Sir!”, you answered, avoiding his gaze even behind his sunglasses. 
“That is interesting! Not the most useful talent to have, but quite enticing. Come here!”
You looked at him in surprise and fear as he gently patted his lap.
“You need to touch people to connect them with memories of the dead, right? Try me, come closer…!” 
Hesitantly you approached this larger than life figure, your heart beating loudly in your chest. When you were mere inches away from his grand throne, he unexpectedly leaned forward, seizing you by the hips with an otherworldly strength. Gently, yet firmly, he seated you upon his lap.
You were too astonished to say anything. The warmth emanating from his body was overwhelming. Meanwhile, he firmly grasped your wrists, his face adorned with a mischievous grin. 
"Did you know," he whispered, "that the closer you are to someone, the greater your ability to unlock their memories...!" As he spoke, he gently directed your hands to rest upon his exposed chest. If fear hadn't consumed you, you might have even found yourself admiring his impressive physique.
“Now tell me, what can you see..?”
Most people feared the encounter with loved ones they had lost, but Doflamingo seemed to enjoy every second of this encounter. 
As soon as your fingertips made contact with his exposed skin, a torrent of vivid images flooded your mind. You saw the young king with his family, chased by an angry mob. The faces of the mob were blurred but you could see their anger and their agony as they later fell prey to death through execution. You saw Doflamingo, gun in hand, ending his own father's life. In a fleeting moment, the memory shifted to his brother as soon as his father attempted to speak to him.
Gasping, you hastily withdrew your hand from his chest. You only had a short glimpse at his brother, but it was the same dead man you had seen before today when you collided with the indifferent looking stranger. A blonde tall man lying in the snow, his eyes slowly closing as he coughed up blood. 
“This was.. your brother?”, you stumbled over the words, still catching your breath from the onslaught of death and despair you had witnessed within his mind.
“Yes, you seem to know him, but how can that be, you look too young for that…!”
Doflamingo's smile remained etched on his face, seemingly unfazed by both your fear and the memories of immense pain that resided within him.
“Why is there so much death inside of you?”, you felt helpless, your eyes slowly filling with tears.
His laughter, tinged with evil, echoed through the air as he tightened his grip on your hands.
“You have not even seen all of it, little girl. I usually do not interact with the people who are dead in my memory. As you can see, I killed them and they would probably not have much to say to me…!” 
With a realization that sent shivers down your spine, you shrieked, desperate to break free from his colossal presence and escape through the door, far away from him and this cursed country. You had made a grave mistake, and now you had to flee before it was too late. This man was no savior; he was a harbinger of destruction.
As you attempted to make a frantic dash for the exit, you suddenly found yourself frozen in place, unable to control your own movements. It was as if invisible strings bound you, pulling you back towards him. The slow, deliberate steps you took back to him, accompanied by his devilish laughter, were agonizing.
"Stay with me, little girl. We've only just begun," he uttered, his words laced with a feigned gentleness. "I've been bored all day, and finally, I've found someone to play with...!"
Desperate cries for help formed in your mind, but your mouth was inexplicably silenced. Doflamingo rose from his throne, his towering figure casting a shadow over you. 
You felt a sense of control coming back to your body, but he had already seized you once more, leaving you feeling small and utterly defenseless in his hands. As he leaned down toward you, his warm breath caressing your skin, another wave of fear coursed through your paralyzed body. He reveled in every moment of your terror.
"Let's continue playing," he whispered, his voice almost tender. "You haven't even witnessed half of the deceased souls entangled in my life...!"
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