#meanwhile grooves is like Can i please get the fuck out of here
award42 · 1 year
i told apollo this last night but i love psychoanalyzing little things from canon and using them as fuel to make the directors' behavior have reasons that aren't elaborated on in canon
and my current favorite thing that I've come up with is i imagine grooves goes quiet if not entirely silent in situations where he could end up in danger Even if others are in danger too because he cares about his safety first and foremost, he will not fight back he will just comply and hope he gets ignored so he can get away. he will not be much of a hero unless he absolutely has to he just wants to make sure his show can go on and slip away from danger
i cant find the post no matter how hard i try. but to me hes like this one tweet that goes something like Basically i'm a chill and nice person as long as everything goes exactly my way. i do think hes genuinely a kind person, he just will focus on himself specifically in tense situations and wont be loud if taking a stand unlike conductor who will openly berate threats to them
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finalgirllx · 8 months
crush + garreth pretty pls <3
Garreth Weasley + Crush this was from a long time ago, but life happened and now I'm inspired to get creative and come back! if i'm late, pls forgive me! also, i found my groove here when i wrote it from the perspective of you developing a crush on him. enjoy!
Upon meeting Garreth, you didn't take him too seriously. He was cute, sure, but also quite the harbinger of chaos in many of your classes, especially potions. He was known as the class clown by many.
It was only your luck that you kept getting paired with him in potions class, as you seemed to be the only student left who wouldn't tear him a new one when his 25th experiment exploded. It just wasn't in your nature to be anything besides supportive. His dream had to begin somewhere, did it not?
After the anticipated explosion finally happened, you took a warm cloth and started to dab Garreth's dress shirt meticulously to remove forming stains. "As if you needed to wreck another shirt, Weasley," you teased. "The face you make when you're focused is cute," he said.
Hold the fuck up. Your concentration flitted from the stain and up into his green eyes, which looked down at you with an amused yet adoring expression. You didn't even realize you had a concentration face!
"I- I- thanks. All clean now!" you stammered out, removing the cloth (therefore your hand) from his chest and looking away, your face turning as red as his hair. He had done it. That sweet little comment made you realize you had a massive crush on the bloke.
Suddenly, you were nervous about every class you shared with him. An urge to impress him that hadn't been there before now flooded your every rational thought, and it only became worse since you were now aware that you were next to him in almost every class.
Garreth, sweet as ever, noticed you stiffen up but had no clue why. "No need to be so nervous, love, it's just a basic charm. You'll kill it!"
Meanwhile, you're just trying not to notice how nice his hands look while he's speaking to you. He talks with his hands a lot.
A few weeks of sheer torment pass before you can muster up the courage to confront the fact that this curly-red-headed boy was at the forefront of every dream of yours at this point.
Getting to class before anyone else could arrive, you left a note on his potions station. Unsigned. How bold. You had purposefully seated yourself as far across the classroom as possible this morning and left it, which was noticeable considering your spot had been next to him for the past month.
The bugger, always second to enter, walked up to his station without a care in the world, but just before he sat down, a troubled look washed over him, and he stopped to look around. His gaze settled on you. He addressed you with a cheeky grin. "Please tell me I didn't scare away the last person willing to work with me in our year. I'll miss you, love. Is there any way I can get my buddy back?"
Oh god, oh god, oh god. You sheepishly pointed toward the note Garreth had yet to notice, your plan for discretion failing more spectacularly by the second.
His eyes searched for your target and landed on the note, raising a brow and picking it up. Wordlessly, he unwrapped the letter and scanned the page. It was concise, saying 'i like you.'
Almost immediately, his head snapped up to meet your gaze again, this time far more stunned. Pointing to himself, he silently mouthed the words. "You, like me?"
With a sheepish smile and flushed appearance, you nodded and mouthed back. "I like you," and then gestured to yourself, silently asking if he reciprocated.
The Gryffindor boy was stunned into silence. Garreth breathed and rested his hands against his station to collect his bearings. After a moment that ached on for a century, he did something entirely unexpected. He pulled out his own notepad and quill.
You watched him painstakingly etch his own note, which he then folded with the utmost precision as you waited for what seemed to be ages.
Finally, with the goofiest, lopsided grin you had ever seen Garreth wear, he walked over and set the folded note you watched him write down in front of you.
You gulped and looked down, reading the exact words you had written him, but in his own handwriting instead. 'I like you too.'
"Now, will you come be my potions partner again? No one will take me!"
You wholeheartedly accepted and let him drag you back to your shared station, hand in hand.
Couldn't have worked out any sweeter, you reckon.
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arbitrarygreay · 22 days
Thoughts on Altair
Skipped any numbers that overlap with Vega
Camera really loves SakuRio, while Maria is probably the best figure to watch from stage view (magical Eripon dancing aside).
Goodness, they really beat the formation sync into MM, as a group performance they're a cut above everyone else in H!P. You can always watch MM in the wide view and they impress. They don't need the VTR. (And this is with most groups in H!P fielding noobs right now, including MM.)
Please UF don't ruin Byonz with forever rotating lineup. Their chemistry is so good, they vibe with their own music so much, and that unified identity is gold. H!P needs a singular group that wins on stability (which by definition should not be MM, no matter how long 9th-11th took their fucking sweet time about it).
Speaking of fuck, UF is really going to make me pay attention to Tsubaki's music, won't they. Fuck. You can't make me care about the members, though. (Juice=Juice's music also continues to be solid, but it's pretty easy to ignore because they are like categorically unable to be weird/do unconventional things, whereas the Tsubaki songs catching my ear are not only pushing the boundaries of what music H!P can put out, but also retaining a way with the composition that is more than just "smooth", unlike what I've complained about with some Angerme offerings.)
The shuffles on Altair were way more interesting than Vega.
Moshimo still excellence, and these main vocalists recognizing that. Yuichi stay winning. Nishida making this franchise her bitch increasingly likely, and I'll support it.
Um. I think. I like my own reggaeton mashup version of C/C better than the SIOOM arrangement? Damn, Tojima Yusuke really missed the mark there. This is the dark side of maximalism.
Matenai After Five my beloved. Although seeing TGS take on the jazz dance choreo on so expertly does show some of the gaps in some of the members' experience here. Some lack that musical jazz-hands swag. Which might go to some of the sync issues I mentioned in the Vega post, as I don't need strict lockstep sync, loose sync will do just as well, which can mostly only be learned by doing more songs like this, without a driving electronic beat as a crutch. You sink/sync or swim learning how to groove. They get a little bit of it through the funk/disco songs, or the cute songs, but not wholly.
I will certainly say, there are few things more boring than shuffles doing an EDM song. All it reflects is the participating members desperately wanting to do what they think is cool, not realizing that most such songs totally squish out any personality for anyone involved, that they cannot put their stamp on the performance, so I have little reason to pay any attention compared to the other types of songs.
Kamiko really is something else, isn't she. She turned that corner all those years ago, and never looked back. Growing into a true soloist-capable diva more and more every tour, totally dominating her stages, and she knows it, which only makes her even more powerful a presence. The JOY in her performances!
Ocha Norma has some throwback H!P energy in some ways, which is really interesting when comparing them to Byonz. Byonz feels like a successor to CG, whereas ON is harking more like to Berikyuu vibes sometimes. At the same time, both groups are clearly trying to avoid the mistakes that put the Mobekimasu era in the Dark Ages. Obviously the members having grown up in the post-Kpop era and social media era plays a role in that, because that performance edge boosts the vibe of the performances in ways that Berryz could never pull off once their rookie energy wore off. Besides which that ON is not limited to the cheese, which probably helps a lot with their attitudes towards the cuter songs. They can take them as the palate cleansers that they are, instead of as a career-limiting straitjacket. Meanwhile, Byonz vibe with their cute songs because Byonz is like literally the theater club kids group of H!P? So their cute songs are pointedly a persona they can be Extra at. Their cute song performances have that pro-wrestling audience-in-on-it wink to them. Playing to the rafters.
Tsubaki pull off their Takui song in the same way as I noted for Ocha Norma above, getting to enjoy it as a palate cleanser. Juice=Juice does not do a cute song this tour, reinforcing my side-eyeing of their vibes (see: my distaste of their Down Town PV).
Oh hey, Oda learned to back off during the One Two Three adlib, instead straining for it! Good for her.
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shoutogepi · 4 years
Todoroki Shouto
word count : 5.4k
[ ✘ (nsfw!) ]  
themes : sub!shouto, dom!reader (femdom), choking, kinda sex pollen??, toys, ass play, pegging 💀
bio : Shouto gets hit with a quirk on the job, and you’ve never believed in God more than right now.  
author’s note : listen folks i know i’ve sinned before but if writing this didn’t get me a one way ticket to satan’s subterranean sauna... idk what will 🤪 PSPSPSPSPS— if you’re hesitant to read femdom/pegging fics… you should give it a try… u never know 👀👀
tagging: @gallickingun​ in hopes to convince her pegging is hot, and @shoutodoki​ who constantly freaks out over sub!shou with me <3
alos available on AO3 here
  ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
🅃he front door slams, a loud echo ringing through the hallway and stirring you from a mindless daydream. Your phone lies limply in your hand, screen brightly displaying the next level of your phone game, but it remains untouched. With a shake of your head, you’re on your feet and wandering over to the commotion of your boyfriend at the door.
When you actually see him, you suppress a chuckle, eyes raking over his figure huddled on the tiled floor. His back is to you, and he’s hunched over, thick fingers impatiently ripping off his hero boots.
“Babe?” You greet hesitantly, a brow raised and arms crossed over your chest in confusion. “I know today is my day off, aren’t you supposed to be on patrol?”
A visible shiver zips down Shouto’s spine, and though you can’t see it from your point of view, his face twists in distress. His teeth sink into his bottom lip, and he holds back a groan, your voice sounding damn ethereal to his ears. “Yeah,” he answers gruffly, finally freeing his second foot from the confines of his snug choice of footwear. He roughly places the discarded boots on the shoe rack before he stands. “Got sent home for the day.”
His short response only furthers your concern, and when he turns, you let out a gasp as you take in his massive erection.
There’s a brief moment of silence before you’re laughing, and Shouto is glaring at you, red tinging his cheeks and the tops of his ears.  “What— Did one of your fangirls slip a Viagra in your water or something?” You snicker, approaching his brooding form.
Shouto closes his eyes and looks the other way, a sigh leaving his chest. You can see the way the breath leaves his body thanks to his tight hero suit, the muscles on his torso jostling the material and reminding you of just how ripped he really is. Meanwhile Shouto is trying his best to remain upright and collected, even though every inch of his body is screaming at him to fall into your arms.
“Jeez, baby, you want me to get a flag for that pole?”
You’re sent an icy scowl before he closes his two-toned eyes again. “Got hit with a quirk,” he growls through clenched teeth.
It’s then that you notice how stiff his entire body is, how his breath is labored and choppy. You’re jumping at him immediately, the need to touch him and make sure every part of him is alright taking over every cell in your body. “Shouto! Oh my god, Shou, are you okay?”
Your touch on him is too much, and his knees nearly buckle, his hands coming to grip your biceps. His lips are parted and his pupils are huge, a sinfully lewd expression on his face. “Fine,” he tries to say, but it comes out as a moan. Your thighs clench together, eyes widening as heat pools in the pit of your stomach. “Just really… hard,” he pants, his hold on your arms tightening.
You let out a reluctant breath of relief. He’s not hurt. Just… incapacitated. With lust. Tingles shoot through your body from your core at the thought of him so needy. “You’re sure you’re alright?” You ask again, and when he nods, a meek smile shapes your mouth. “Let’s get you to the bed, then.”
Shouto makes a strangled noise at the thought of you in bed with him, but he allows you to sling his arm over your shoulder anyways. You lead him into your shared bedroom after a few stumbles… and maybe a handful of bumps against the wall, too.
When you finally allow his weight to fall from your body, he collapses on the edge of the mattress, stifling a new moan as his ass hits the duvet. He reclines backwards, his hands covering his face and concealing his pink cheeks. “Y/N… fuck. You smell so good,” he gasps, reaching for you and catching your stare from between his slender fingers.
You let him pull you to him, knees pushing into the plush comforter on either side of his hips.
“I need you— shit, I need you,” Shouto whines, shoving his nose into your neck and wrapping his long arms around your back. He inhales your perfume, hard cock twitching between his legs. “Please, angel— touch me.”
And how could you refuse? Your hands move on their own accord, one sliding up to unzip his shirt and the other landing on the bulge straining through his pants. His hips buck at your touch, a long whimper escaping him as your fingers rub either side of his long length through his clothes. “You need me?” You ask quietly, the switch inside flipping instantly.
His chest heaves with each inhale, fingers pressing against the back of your neck to guide your lips to his. His kiss is timid, soft even— nothing like his usual affections. You can’t help the smirk that slides onto your mouth, excitement fluttering like butterflies in your stomach. You know what he wants. But you’re gonna pretend you have no clue.
“Yes,” Shouto croons against your mouth, tongue tracing the line between your lips lightly. “N-Need you so bad, please.”
You kiss the corners of his mouth teasingly, watching how he attempts to follow your lips with his own. “And what is it you need from me, Shou?”
His heterochromatic eyes are half lidded as he gazes up at you, adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows harshly. A puff of frosty breath wafts over your face, cooling the heat that wanders there in accordance with his lustful stare. “Your cock,” he clarifies without hesitation.
He’s always been like that. An obedient sub; not one to beat around the bush.
His lips flicker into a smile as you chuckle, fingers stroking his smooth cheek. “Wow, you’re quite blunt, aren’t you?” You jest, pinching his flushed skin between your forefinger and thumb.
“And quite painfully hard.” His hips thrust up against yours, and his erection pokes into your stomach. He’s breathless, with barely enough energy to shrug off his top. But somehow he manages, wriggling out of the material and exposing his flexing torso to your starving eyes.
Before you know it, the pair of you are naked save for your panties, and you’re pressing your body against his on top of the sheets. Shouto’s head tosses back when your fingers touch his thigh, wandering up the length of corded muscle and tracing the base of his cock. His length twitches, reaching out and brushing against your palm as if his body is begging you to move your attention there. But you ignore it; you want to hear him beg.
You don’t have to wait long.
Shouto’s hips wiggle against the duvet, his hands sliding down and squeezing at your sides weakly. His jaw drops when your fingernail traces along the underside of his cock, the meaty thing slapping against your hand again. “Please,” he cries, muscles straining to keep himself from bucking into your grasp. His hair falls back onto the sheets, revealing a sheen of sweat collecting on his forehead.
Leaning down slowly, you take the pale flesh on his neck between your teeth and nibble, warm tongue lathering over the fresh marks. Your hand wraps around his cock and he whimpers in your ear. There’s a generous amount of pre leaking from his tip, and you glide your fist over it a few times before sliding back down onto his aching shaft.
Shouto’s lip is between his teeth, bright eyes slitted but unable to look away from where you’re gripping. Slowly, you jerk your hand up and down, and he nearly wheezes as your body slinks backwards, settling between his legs. “Y/N, oh— please Y/N, fuck,” he begs, craning his neck to look at you.
You hum and nod, lips pressing to his bright pink tip with a sultry smile. It’s not long before your lips part and his cock pushes into your mouth, tongue washing against his inflamed tip. He squirms on the sheets beneath you, fingers deftly curling into the fabric as he tries his hardest not to move. Opening your throat, you take him in further, coating his skin with your spit and closing your lips around his girth to form some suction.
His hips jerk upwards slightly before he catches himself, a choked whine tumbling from his ajar mouth. “S-Sorry,” he pants, the muscles that line his torso contracting, forming deep grooves that beckon your tongue to trace them.
You keep your mouth where it is, sliding along his hot length as it trembles between your lips. Tongue tickling along the underside of his cock, you spread his legs with one hand, pushing a thick thigh up to reveal his puckered hole. His toes curl in apprehension as your mouth pops off his length, and you’re sure to make a show of shoving two fingers down your throat, eyes demanding his own stay glued to you.
Licking his lips and audibly gulping, Shouto writhes underneath you, desperate to be touched again. “P-Please, angel. I’ll do whatever you want, just— please don’t tease me,” he pleads, almost shaking as your fingertip traces over his ass.
With a small smirk, you drop to your elbows, pressing your sealed lips on the very tip of his cock. In one smooth motion, you take his length into your mouth, your finger prodding into him and spreading his tight walls. His cock jumps violently in your throat as he cries out in pleasure, a hand slapping over his mouth and shoving a knuckle between his teeth. The noises that escape him are absolutely sinful, your finger and throat sliding deeper, deeper— until neither can go any further.
Shouto groans as you curl the digit, the pad rubbing against his gummy insides. You gag on his cock when his hips jolt again, saliva pooling against your tongue and dripping down his length. An elongated expletive slithers out of him, his fingers pushing his two-toned locks away from his face. “Feels so... good,” he whispers, voice heavy and carrying the weight of his lust.
He whimpers as a second digit pushes inside, your lips trailing behind your mouth as you frantically stuff him into your throat. It’s rare to see this side of your boyfriend, and though you want to savor every second of it, you also take pity on his desperate, quivering body. Whatever quirk was the cause of this, it seemed to be very potent— and you aren’t sure if he really meant that he’s so horny that it actually hurts, but you aren’t taking any chances.
Your fingers curl into his ass, wet with the slick spit from the back of your throat and gliding into his tight walls with surprising ease. “Please,” he sighs, legs parting even wider. You sit up, wiping your chin with the back of your free hand before you remove your fingers from him. He whines at the loss, hole twitching as if begging you to fill it again. “R-Ready for you,” Shouto pants, his hands looping behind his thighs to spread himself, giving you a better view of his most intimate parts. “Ready for your cock, please.”
You scramble off the edge of the mattress to grab the box underneath the bed— hands flailing in a blind search as you crouch, hard nipples dragging against the carpet. A look of glee crosses your face when your fingertips graze the sharp corner of the container, snagging the shoebox and dragging it out into the sunlight that streams through the half-closed blinds. Excitedly you open the lid, your heartbeat racing as your eyes land on the harness and thick, plastic cock. Clambering back onto the comforter, you shove your legs through the loops of the contraption, pulling the buckles to lay flat against your flesh.
Shouto’s wriggling into the middle of the bed, long fingers closing around his swollen cock as he watches you, hungry eyes dipping to watch your strap bob with each movement. The spit from your blowjob trickles down to coat his ass with a fresh layer of slick, but you still take a second to squirt a bit of lube onto the plastic cock, fist dispersing and warming it at the same time.
“You ready, baby?” You taunt, crawling over to sit in between his legs. You can feel your cunt drooling at the sight of him so submissive for you; laid-out and breathless, cheeks kissed with pink, and sweat beginning to form on his pale skin.
He nods vehemently, hand reluctantly leaving his cock in favor of spreading his ass for you again. His entire body shivers as you press the heavy head against his hole, the lube making it easy to circle his twitching entrance.
“Then tell me what you want.”
You lick your lips as his fingertips dig into the swell of his ass, a pained expression gracing his handsome face at your teasing. When he speaks, his voice is low and breathy, heavy with desire and dripping with sin. “Need you, angel… I— I need your cock... inside of me. Please, just—” he stutters, eyes locking with yours before he continues, tongue tracing over the bottom of his front teeth,
“Fuck me.”
Hearing him ask for something so naughty sends fresh, crushing waves of desire directly to your pussy, and it leaks onto your panties beneath the straps of your harness. Gently, you guide the head of your cock to press against his hole, watching as he stretches to welcome the thickness of your plastic cock, the tip disappearing inside of him. His jaw drops as he lets out a moan that bounces off the bedroom walls, loud and shameless. With docile thrusts, your strap slides deeper and deeper inside of him, the constrictive walls of his ass swallowing every centimeter of plastic eagerly. He can’t stop moaning, cock red and oozing onto his snow-like skin.
Once you begin to really thrust is when Shouto starts to get vocal. It’s not that he’s not vocal when he’s pounding his cock into your sopping cunt, holding down your limbs and commanding you to call him Daddy— but this, oh— this is something different. His breath is ragged, eyes rolling back under stupidly long lashes, legs shaking, toes curled as they dangle in the air. Your hands slide up the backs of his thighs, gripping the underside of his knees for leverage as your hips begin to pick up the pace.
Cock sliding deeper into him, he shouts abruptly, hands gripping your hips as he lifts his legs. His fingers wind tight on your hips, pulling you forward and shoving your strap further into him, the hilt slapping against him. “Fuck!” He sobs, head tossing back onto the pillows, exposing his throat for your eyes to take in the quick bob of his adam’s apple. Clicking your tongue at his impatience, you draw your hips back, only to surge forward again, ramming into him as deep as you can. “Fu— there! Fuck, right there,” he gasps, eyes opening wide to gaze up at you, glassy and imploring.
Your arm slips around his leg, hugging it flush against your chest, his calf bending around your shoulder while your pace begins to increase. Careful to swing your hips in the same arch as before, you’re rewarded as another whining groan is ripped out of him. “You’re such a good boy for me,” you purr, nails digging into the muscle of his thigh, watching the bead of pre at the tip of his cock become too heavy, rivulets dribbling down his shaft. Your other hand leaves his leg to wander up the straining muscles on his torso, fingertips especially curious as they examine the cute, pink nipples standing upright at the curve of his pecs. But you’re impatient too, and though his spine arches at your attention on the sensitive buds, your hand moves up further by its own volition, fingers itching to lace around his neck. You can feel him swallow against your palm, a choked whine vibrating through his throat.
“Just... for you, a-angel,” Shouto croaks, finally overwhelmed with so much pleasure that tears drip down the sides of his face, brow furrowed in bliss as his watery orbs shine up at you like glittering gems. He’s so sexy like this— falling apart underneath you, completely submissive, completely yours.
You fuck him like this for awhile— pace just fast enough so that he can’t complain, but nothing near your limit. You want to sear this image into your brain— him crying, whimpering, lost in the throes of the pleasure you’re providing. A dirty, nasty little secret to keep, only yours and his, forever. Pro hero Shouto, strong and masculine, a symbol of hope and justice— reduced to a subby, desperate slut who begs for your plastic cock to stuff his little hole.
Shouto’s symphony of moans pulls you out of your reverie, your eyes widening as you take in his red, flushed cheeks littered with tears. “Please,” he huffs, lungs barely filled with enough oxygen to force the word out. Your hold on his neck loosens, and he shakily sucks a breath of air in before continuing. “Please touch my cock— so close, feels so good, gonna— nngghh—” He’s resorted to groveling, meaning he’s really starting to get desperate now.
“You wanna cum?” You ask, biting your lip as his cock twitches against his toned stomach at just the premise of finishing. The tops of your thighs slap against the backs of his, increasing your tempo.
Shouto’s eyelids nearly flutter shut as his pupils cross in bliss, the intensity of your assault on his prostate proving almost enough to make him burst. “Pleasepleaseplease, fuck please, need you to— fUCK!”
Your cock rails him into the mattress, your lip bit in determination and his body trembling underneath your touch. Your hand finally wraps around his engorged length, immediately slick with the copious amount of pre that had leaked out of him as you begin to sloppily jerk him off. It’s hard to multitask; your attention bouncing like pinball between his pulsing cock, his hole clamping around your strap, and the downright pornographic expression twisting his features.
Without any warning, Shouto’s mouth parts in a noiseless scream, and thick, sticky ribbons of white spurt out of his cock. His entire body is quivering, knuckles white on the crest of your hips, his legs tightening around you and pulling you closer to him. His dick still throbbing in your moving hand, liquid evidence of his euphoria continues to gush out of his aching tip with so much force that a line of white lands on his flushed cheek.
Thrusts slowing to an easy stop, you smile at the wrecked man beneath you. He’s still trying to get his bearings, chest heaving as he attempts to even his breath. Setting down his leg beside your knee, you remove your hand from his hot, still-erect length, moving to slurp his cum off your fingers. “Aww, Shou. I barely got to play with your cock,” you whine, jutting your bottom lip out.
He blearily opens his eyes, gray and blue irises examining the bead of white smeared across your puffed-out pout. Letting out a labored laugh that really seems like more of a wheeze, his fingers finally loosen and slip from your waist, petting over your skin as a silent apology for holding on so hard. “S-Shit, m’sorry baby… I didn’t think I’d go that quick. This quirk is— god, it makes me feel so… needy,” he explains breathlessly, taking extra time between his syllables as if his brain is still hazed with lust.
Dipping down to trace your tongue over the cooled release on his cheek, you hum. “That’s okay,” you whisper, teeth grazing over his earlobe as you pull away. “Were you really so turned on it hurt?”
“It’s not like I was dying,” he tries to play it off as if you weren’t there to see him stumbling through the front door twenty minutes ago. He reaches up to cup your cheek with his large palm, the low heat from his quirk welcome against your skin. Leaning into him, you smirk, hips shuffling backwards. He winces as you pull your strap from him, sitting back on your heels to undo the harness once you’re all the way out.
Slipping your legs out of the strappy contraption, you bite your lip as cool air washes over your soaked panties. “Do you think… you could go for another round?” You propose meekly, hopeful eyes taking their time to meet his.
A white brow quirks upright at your inquiry, and he props his head up as his arms cross behind his head. “I honestly dunno if I can handle it, angel,” he says gently, letting a quiet groan loose as your tongue laves over the streaks of white on his torso.
“But look what you’ve done to me,” you whimper, sitting up to spread your legs over his hips, fingers snatching your panties to the side. Your slick forms syrupy spindles that connect your cunt to the soiled material, and your thighs glisten all the same, your arousal sticky and plentiful. “Don’t you think you should take responsibility for this mess?”
Shouto moans at the sight of you so ready for him, and it’s now that he remembers just how turned on you get from dominating him. He can’t exactly say he doesn’t feel the same— for he feels the blood rush to his cock again— and he examines the way your entire core shines with your honeyed essence, calling to him like a beacon of light in the midst of a dark and suffocating storm. “Fucking hell, Y/N, you’re soaked,” he sighs, reaching out to trace your slit with a fingertip. He groans loudly when he pulls away, watching as the slick forms a long strand before it finally snaps, the slimy substance gathering on his digit.
His hips jerk upwards when your cunt glides along his length, the heat emanating from your core a welcome feeling on his aching cock. It’s easy to slide yourself back and forth, slickening the prominent ridge on the underside of his cock. “Just for you,” you smirk as you use his words against him, grinding your core harder onto him. He moans at your playfulness, hands slipping across your skin as if he can’t decide where to put them. You move on top of him just long enough for him to get accustomed to it before you scoot backwards, hand reaching for that box again.
“Baby, w—” You cut him off as you place the tip of the new toy to his lips, grin broadening as his eyes widen and he takes in what it is against his mouth.
“Open up,” you instruct, a hand finding purchase on his jaw and your thumb rubbing the side of his mouth.
It takes a moment for him to decide to succumb to your instruction, and he slowly opens his mouth as you push the tip of the plug between his lips. It’s a rather long toy, the base of it cinched in order to keep it inserted at just the right depth. The length of it curls abruptly at the end, angling to press against the sweet, sweet spot inside of him.
Pressing the toy further into his mouth, you can feel his moan vibrate on the silicone, and you purr as he begins to gag on the curve of it. After a few moments you draw the toy back, satisfied by the way his saliva stretches in follow.
Shouto shuffles, lifting his ass off the duvet slightly as you slip between his legs again. Taking your time, you trace the tip of the toy down the inside of his thighs, taking note of how his muscles twitch in apprehension. After what seems like forever to him, you finally push the toy inside. This time it slides in easily, his ass having been stretched out already from your earlier ministrations. But that doesn’t stop him from whimpering as it slips into place, the base of the toy laying flat between his cheeks as you maneuver him to sit upright against the headboard.
Once he’s situated, you move your attention to his cock, which lays upright against the curve of his abs, forgotten and half-hard. Shouto only watches you slink toward him, an ominous grin on your lips. He groans when you swing one leg— then the other— over the junction of his hips, your palms landing flat on his hard chest for support.
Again, your lips meet. His kiss is gentle and weary, and you reciprocate with a softness he does not expect. It surprises him, in a good kind of way, and it also distracts him as you begin to grind onto his cock. Just as you had only minutes ago, your hips wave back and forth, dragging your saturated slit along his weeping length. It’s not long before he’s standing tall and thick between your legs, and you waste no time lining yourself up above him. Cunt swallowing him eagerly, the viscid muscles flutter as they spread to accommodate his tender length. Even without preparing yourself with your fingers, your ample arousal ensures that he slides into you without a single hitch, your ass meeting the tops of his thighs with satisfaction.
Shouto stifles a groan, solid biceps rubbing your skin as his arms wrap around your waist. He holds you tight against his chest, head bent over your shoulder as he breathes in your intoxicating scent. Pleasure courses through his veins, his cock sheathed inside of you, your skin on his, your smell invading his senses. Not to mention the plug in his ass, which at the flick of your fingers on the remote, begins to vibrate.
The moan slips out of him before he can think to repress it, wanton and erotic. The vibrations send tingles through his entire lower half, causing his arms to tense and smoosh you even harder into his chest. While he’s trying to get accustomed to the intense euphoria rushing through his limbs, you’re eager to lift your hips and slam back down onto him. Shouto’s fingers clench on your waist as you begin to bounce on his cock, impatient to stimulate yourself after ignoring your own needs for so long.
His cock feels heavenly inside of you, stretching and filling you deliciously with every thrust. The constant string of moans in your ear doesn’t hurt either— any restraint he had previously harbored abandoned as his lips capture yours again. Tongue inviting your own to dance, you fulfill his wish as the kiss deepens— hot, wet muscles tangling together in his mouth.
The pace you find is perfect; each time your hips meet creating an explosion of pleasure. His length drives into you completely, balls doused with the slick that floods out of you. With every thrust, the plug brushes against that sensitive spot inside of him, and he mewls against your lips at the mind-numbing sensation. Stimulated and entirely overwhelmed, his hands knead at the flesh of your hips, head flying back to smack against the headboard, though he doesn’t seem to care.
“Ahha—haahhh, fucckkk,” Shouto mumbles, voice breaking as his mouth hangs ajar, tears forming at the corner of his lashes. You clench on his cock at his fragmented whines, morphing your thrusts into more of a roll, letting the tip of him grind into that spongy spot hidden far inside of you. “Y’feel so fucking good, oh god.” His chest is heaving, barely able to keep his eyes open to watch you above him.
You lean down and kiss his lips again, a smirk curling the corners of your mouth as you grind against him. Your slick clit grazes against his firm pelvis, and you begin to whimper just the same as him. “You took my cock so well, baby,” you pant, the coil in your stomach already beginning to compress at the memory.
He looks so good beneath you, tripping on his words as he tries to just breathe, but even doing just that is difficult with the sheer euphoria shooting through him. And you can’t help yourself; he’s so handsome, so submissive, and so completely yours. It makes your mind hazy with lust, entire being drenched in sinful desire as you watch him begin to unravel before your very eyes.
Your fingers find his throat again, caressing the sides of his windpipe and squeezing gently. “Y/N—” Shouto gasps, half an expletive choking out of him before he bites his lip, nails digging into your skin, “gonna… I’m gonna— I can’t—”
Switching back to your tempo from before, your hips crash onto his as you start to slam yourself onto his cock. He rasps, hands darting to cup your ass and lift you up, only so you can drop down onto him even harder. “Not yet,” you command, panting as you feel yourself getting closer, closer— so, so close!
Shouto looks physically pained to hold himself back, tears spilling over his cheeks to gather at the point of his chin, dripping to run down the valley of his abs. But he does, nonetheless, and somehow he manages to fend off his orgasm as your measured pace deteriorates. Sweat trickles down both your chests, and a large, shaky hand reaches for your breast and tugs at your nipple in desperation.
Finally the pressure snaps in your stomach, your vision turning white, and bright, little stars bursting at the edges of your peripheral. His name slithers out of your gaping mouth as your orgasm hits you like a train, and you have to remind yourself not to choke him too hard as your grip instantly tightens on his throat. Your cunt goes snug around his length, wringing the life out of his poor body as his eyes roll back into his skull.
Every muscle in his body tenses as he comes undone, the most obscene and lustful moan bellowing out of him. His load spills into your pussy, torrid ropes splashing against your twitching walls. His arms are around you again, pressing you flush against him tighter than ever as his mouth finds the skin on your neck, teeth sinking into your flesh with a long growl.
You stay in each other’s arms for a while, coming down from your blissful highs with dustings of slow, lasting kisses and touches across cheeks and collar bones. Flicking off the toy still buzzing in Shouto’s ass, you let out a shaky sigh as you lean back, his cock slipping out of you. His release begins to trickle down your ass, and you laugh as you hobble over to the en-suite, your hand cupping between your trembling, fawn-like legs.
Turning the knob on the shower, you hover over the toilet as you wait for the water to warm, the sound of the pressurized spray soothing to your sticky body and aching limbs. You jump when a forearm circles around your waist, a hand cupping your breast as your spine straightens against a broad chest.
“Shower, huh?” Shouto says, his warm breath tickling the shell of your ear. His calloused fingers travel along your front, strategically circling your areola and ignoring your pebbled nipple. “Good choice, bath sex is too messy.”
You snort at his remark, turning to raise a brow at him. But your eyes quickly fall south, widening comedically before your shocked gaze meets. “You cannot be serious, Shou.”
“I feel a lot better after two rounds,” he shrugs, opening the shower curtain and gesturing for you to get in first. “Not feeling as light-headed and weak anymore. Got enough energy to make you feel like that instead, angel.” 
You end up tapping out halfway through the sixth round, and in desperate need of another shower.
  ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
ngl writing this turned me the FUCK on so i hope it did the same for you! anyways can’t believe i finally wrote a pegging fic. send some holy water to my inbox or something omfg. 
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𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐩𝐢 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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prettybiching · 4 years
Teasing On Air
Warning: 18+ mature scenes, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), blow job, fingering, slight dirty talking, unedited Pairing: Jake Tapper x Reader (friends with benefit) Word limit: 1.7k (this is my first reader insert fic so go easy on me y’all)
"We're back here with Y/N L/N who had spent the last couple of days in Delaware with the now President-elect and Vice President-elect," Jake's thick calculated voice spoke, going straight to her core. His face remained stoic, disguising what was happening underneath the table from other prying eyes.
"Thank you, Jake, it's good to be back here," You grinned at the camera, enjoying the way he stifled a groan. God, he was sexy.
"Now, Y/N, how are President-elect and the Vice-President elect's family preparing for the-the..." he bites back a moan, covering it with a cough and she smirks slightly in triumph, your feet inching higher up the fabric of his dress pant. 
"You okay there?" You purr, feigning concern, your hand reaching out to squeeze his. He wants to glare at you, bend you over the very desk and have his way with you. You know it too, from the way his pupils kept dilating every time his eyes scanned yours. 
He clears his throat, attempting to return to his groove and get this interview over. "Yes," he shrugs, "as I was saying, how are the families preparing for the transition, especially since the President is refusing the accept defeat?"
"Well, Jake," You began, making a show of pursing your cherry red lips. "They rest assured that the transition will take place smoothly despite the Trump Administration's denial of the results..." The words, which had been rehearsed countless times, leave your mouth with the practice of a professional and your mind drifts to the other important task at hand.
The pointed heel of your stilettos finally settles on his upper thigh, dangerously close to his groin. He tenses underneath your touch yet doesn't try to move your foot away. No, he's enjoying it, you think. He's enjoying the thrill, the risk of being caught at any second.
Your little secret, you think, that you've been hiding for two years could be out. Your heart races at the thought, your skin flushing warm as you feel Jake cold hand running up and down your ankle. He doesn't try to move it, his rough, calloused hands pressing higher and higher up your leg.
This time, you're the deer caught at headlight as his movements send a shiver down your spine. You didn't realise how much you missed his feather-like touch, his fingers dancing across your bare skin, teasing you until you're begging for him to fuck you.
God, when's this interview going to be over?
As if reading her mind, Jake thanks her for coming in and concludes the segment. If you looked closely, you could notice the stiffness of his shoulders and the slight flush of his cheeks. You'd always find him attractive, even when he's pulling at his hair in frustration, even when he's all sweaty gross after a run but this---having him all hot and flustered, because of you, he almost looks angelic.
The cameras cut, and you whimper inaudibly as his hands let go of your leg, leaving behind a wisp of cold air. You want to feel his warmth again, it's only been a few days since the two of you have been together, but you miss it terribly. 
Jake is the first one to get up from his seat, leaving you behind without saying a word. For a second, you think he's mad, had you gone too far? Perhaps he wasn't in the mood, and you'd pushed him. Before you're able to reprimand yourself for your actions, your phone chimes in the hidden pocket of your blue dress.
'My dress room. NOW.'
With those four words, the familiar tingle in your gut returned, and you wasted no time in rushing towards his dressing room, not bothering to bid anyone goodbye.
Once you find yourself in front of the white door with the words 'J.Tapper' written in bold letters, you don't bother knocking and let yourself into the room. As soon as you step inside the room, the door closes with a sharp thud, and Jake pressed you against it, his lips crashing into yours with desperation.
Moaning quietly, your arms crossed his neck, hands wandering into his styled hair.
"You left me alone for days..." He murmured his lips hovering against yours.
"and then you teased me like that, naughty girl," you gasp as his lips trail down your neck, leaving wet kisses.
"Did you miss me?" You managed to tease him before he sucked on your sweet spot, eliciting a loud moan from your lips. He continued sucking on your neck while his fingers wandered underneath your dress.
"Of course I did," He admits, his mouth moving down to leave sloppy kisses down your breasts. Meanwhile, his hands strayed to the bare skin of your inner thighs. "Missed my naughty girl, sending me all those pictures of you wearing nothing while I couldn't touch you."
Pulling away for air, the two of you looked at each other, panting. Jake's dilated pupils eyed you hungrily, his warm breath fanning over your face. Your hands travelled further up his hair, pulling on his grey locks, evoking a growl from him.
"Jake..." You moaned shakily as his hands roamed around your bare pelvis teasingly. His other hand moved up to cup your jaw, bending down to trail a few kisses down your neck, before he shoved his thumb into your mouth.
"You minx," he chuckles, his fingers running through your fold, gathering your wetness and bringing it up to massage your clit. "Have you been walking around the office with your bare wet pussy?"
You gasp around his thumb, his voice sending a bolt of electricity straight to your clit. His fingers spread your lips wide open before shoving his middle finger inside you without a warning.
"Answer me, princess," He growls against your ear. 
"Y-yes," you mewl as his thumb leaves your mouth, a string of saliva trailing down your chin. "I wanted to show you how wet you make me."
"Fuck," He groans, his index rubbing circles on your clit. Your body shook beneath him, your orgasm inching closer with every stroke of his fingers.
"I need you in me," you gasped, biting your lip as the coil in your lower abdomen threatened to snap. "Please."
Obliging, his hands left your body and led to the couch. He pushed your blue dress with his rough hands so you could spread your legs before his lips encased yours in a hungry kiss, swallowing down your moan. 
Your hands pulled at his tie before you pushed his suit jacket off of his shoulders. His lips wandered down your jaw, sucking on the skin of your exposed neck.
"Been waiting to do this for weeks," He whispered.
"Tapper, stop teasing," You whimpered, the pulsing of your pussy getting more prominent. 
He looked up at her through hooded eyes. "Now you know how I felt, princess."
"Turn around," He commanded nonetheless, and she wasted no time in obliging. 
Leaning with her elbows on the couch, she watched patiently, as he opened his belt, the sound making her bite her lip. She watched him as he pulled his cock out, giving it a few strokes before stepping closer to her. His hand reached in between her legs, making her moan as he spread her arousal through her folds.
"I haven't felt this pussy in a week," He groans, replacing his fingers with the tip of his cock.
"I missed seeing you walking around in your pretty little dresses when I know I get to fuck you,” He rubbed the tip of his cock over your clit, you threw your head back, moaning. He slapped your ass, his hand leaving an imprint on your cheek that made him growl.
“Can you take me, baby? Are you wet enough?” He teased, continuing to rub his tip over your opening.
“Tapper, fuck me already,” You groaned in frustration, the last syllable turning into a moan as he pushed into you in one deep thrust. With his hands grabbing your hips, he began to move, fucking you in slow deep movements. Extending your arms to hold on to the edge of the couch, you looked over your shoulder, finding him biting his lip, his usually perfectly styled hair hanging in stray curls on his forehead. 
“Take what you want baby, I won’t last long…” He moaned. Meeting his thrusts, you pushed yourself up from the couch. His hands pulled your dress down from your shoulders, his hand sneaking under it, finding your tits and palming them.
“God…” You whimpered, feeling your climax building inside of you.
“Come for me, baby…” Jake whispered against your ear as he pulled you against his chest, pinching one of your nipples. Holding on to the desk, you felt the pleasure swallow you, your legs trembling. Jake held you close as he fucked you through your orgasm. 
“Just like that baby…” He praised you, kissing your nape.
“Gonna come inside that tight pussy…” He groaned.
“No.” You moaned. “I want your cum in my mouth,” You said out of breath. He growled behind you as he pulled out of you. Getting off the couch you turned around, getting on your knees as your hands reached for his cock, looking up at him with big eyes, as you stroked him, kissing the tip.
“Missed your cock, so much” You grinned before you parted your lips and sucked him in between your lips, taking him as deep as you could.
“Fuck I love you mouth.” He moaned, his hands disappearing in your hair as he guided you on his cock. Bobbing your head on his cock, making sure to take him further with every stroke. You released Jake's cock with an obscene sound, your hands stroking him as you looked up at him.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” He groaned. She stroked his cock faster. Moaning as she let her tongue run over his tip and tasted his precum.
“I do have an idea," You grinned as you parted your lips again, your hands grabbing his ass as he thrust into your mouth.
 You moaned around Jake's cock, looking up at him just when he hit the back of your throat and released the creamy essence of his cum down your throat.
Making sure to catch every drop you ran your tongue over your lip before you got up from your knees, letting him pull you into his arms, kissing you longingly.
"C'mon, I'm taking you out for dinner," He whispered against your lips.
"About damn time, Tapper," You grinned.
Taglist: @euphoricaaaa @gracevaleska @bertievertonghen 
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blackvelvetwriteson · 4 years
Hi, could I get a one shot fem! black reader x Kakashi, please? (can be nsfw or fluff, it's your choice)
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Hey there! Thank you for the request 🥺🥺 I had a bit of a roadblock with this one simply because I couldn’t think of a prompt, BUT I eventually thought ‘why not write about the holidays’ so I got into a groove with it! Once I got into it, it was a really fun write! I hope that this is what you expected and/or lives up to your expectations! 
                                            (  ~ Kakashi Hatake x Black Female                                                                   Reader Insert ~ )
GENRE: Fluffy Fluff!                                                                  
FANDOM: Naruto Shippuden
TRIGGER WARNINGS: There really are none for today, it’s pretty fluffy for today!
SUMMARY: Reader-Chan wants to celebrate the holiday season this year because she never got to, but she doesn’t necessarily know how to approach Kakashi about it since he never celebrates the holidays (or ever even heard of them for that matter.
(Headers are mine, but the art inside of them are not! Please don’t steal or repost without credit!)
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     For some reason, you were in an incredibly festive mood this time around. Maybe it was something about how the gilded sunlight made yours and Kakashi’s home feel more… Well, home-y. Maybe it was the remnants of your food that you’d made earlier for your lunch still lingering around the house, or the kids of the village running around outside of your windows, whether subliminally training or not undeterminable, reminding you of your youth. Time had gone by so fast, and already you’d been in Japan for about two years and a half. You already knew that, in general, the people of the area didn’t celebrate Halloween, and actually it was a week AFTER Halloween would’ve taken place in America, but something about today… Something about today made your festive bone quiver and you decided to do SOMETHING to celebrate. 
Since you’d picked up on the shinobi not celebrating American holidays like you were used to, you avoided asking Kakashi about it. Come to think of it, he never really did anything you were accustomed to besides the staring thing; and when you got together he tried to give you food related nicknames. You had to sit down and explain to him why it wasn’t okay and why it made you uncomfortable and then he thoroughly apologized and left it at that. He didn’t really have any nicknames for you, and from research you found that most women in Japan (and men) only go by their given names with -chan/san at the end which was cute, but if everyone had to call you that then it’d lose meaning and it wouldn’t be as cute.
Even still, though, you decided that today would be the day that you participated in the festivities of the holiday season that, in America, would be fast approaching. The only question for you was who you were going to dress up as and suddenly a thought formed in your head as you popped up from the couch and scurried to your guys’s room. You’d dress up as your hero, your boyfriend Hatake Kakashi! He wouldn’t expect it, you’d be able to see how everything fits, AND it’d be cute- at least you thought- and it’d give you something to do so that the crisp, perfect day didn’t go to waste.
You sifted through the closet with eager eyes as you hummed softly, some of your curls coming loose and falling down by your face, your dark brown beautiful eyes twinkling as you pulled out the parts to the outfit he wore from day to day, your eyebrows knitting a little as one corner of your lip lifted a little. “This man, so help me black Jesus,” you whisper softly noticing how much heftier your wardrobe was than his. He had the same outfit to go over about 5 or 5 times, black sweatpants, black shorts, and 3 different headbands all crushed, neatly, together on one side of the closet while your clothing took up the other half. You shook your head and closed the door with your hip once you were sure you had everything you needed for your little plan. You looked it over excitedly, your slender auburn fingers contrasting almost perfectly against the colors of his uniform. “Damn… I never noticed that till now,” you laugh softly as you remove your shirt and start to pull on articles of the outfit, trying to mimic exactly how you saw Kakashi wear his so you didn’t accidentally disrespect him. Of course he only had 2 masks and a shirt with a mask that you’d sewn onto it, and you decided not to mess with any of it. You didn’t want to hide your face at all whatsoever, especially behind masks that might’ve well have been your boyfriend’s comfort items. You had pretty much everything on, the worn out navy blue bringing everything together, the green brightening your pretty almost black eyes. You giggle softly as you look in the mirror and decide to do something with your hair before it dried completely- you’d taken a shower only 30 minutes prior and your hair was a little damp. You scurry off to the bathroom with the bandage and garter in one hand, your yellow hair pik in the other. You looked extremely excited, for once taking a moment to completely love and indulge in yourself. Being in an area where your existence was offensive to others to suddenly going to a place where absolutely nobody looked even close to you was an extreme shift, but Kakashi made it okay, literally brawling with anybody that so much as looked at you the wrong way. You had a small bit of tummy, but he loved that about you; and it’s not like it slowed you down any, made you unreliable, or made you any less attractive than you were. In fact, to some people it wasn’t even really noticeable unless you were wearing certain things. You also had to drop the American style and adopt the Japanese locale and honestly, while that was a HUGE shift, Kakashi helped with that too. Sometimes you’d get yourself in trouble with how you spoke though; that American lingo that’d been generationally passed down to you finding its way showing up and showing out, especially when someone wanted to make fun of your hair, or your physique and compare you to the other local girls, most noticeably Ten-Ten, Lady Tsunade, Sakura, and Hinata. They argued that the more pale girls were more attractive; because you could play in their hair and you wouldn’t have to worry about one slowing you down- at which remarks you stuck the shit talkers to a tree with your kunai for hours after you thoroughly cussed them out and ribbed them a little, telling Kakashi what’d happened so he could go cut them down. On the flip side, the kids absolutely adored you and loved when you were out so they could play tag or ask you unnecessary questions or get some treats from you.
You quick-washed your hair in the sink and started to blow-dry it deciding that you’d give yourself an at home blowout so that you could complete the look. Being the multitasker you were born into being, you found something to prop the blowdryer up while you piked your hair out quickly, smiling as you watched your hair fluff up, watching your coils straighten and then get bigger until it couldn’t anymore. Then it hit you; Kakashi hadn’t seen your hair blown out except once and that was while you were braiding it back and his eyes were fixated on your fingers as he wondered how a person could do that. At this point, your hair was halfway done, and while you let the tool dry your hair even more, you attempted to wrap the bandage around your thigh and it only BARELY made it, your thigh utterly choked in the process. You looked down at your leg and then pensively looked at the garter and decided that wouldn’t fit around your leg and you let out a frustrated sigh. “That man, is fine as fuck, but why he built like a bean pole,” you huff quietly as you let the bandage loose from trapping your thigh before your mind wandered to him. “…. Aight so maybe he got a LITTLE bit of muscle, but we aint talkin’ about that right now,” you laugh softly before looking at your phone seeing that he sent you a text signifying that he was on his way back from training for the day and that he was fine. You smiled cheerily at your text and tilted your head some at yourself, using your pik to fluff your hair out more before you scurried back to your guys’s room and snatched one of his spare headbands up, securing it quickly and tactfully. You looked at yourself in the mirror, your hands coming up and sliding into the arm holes of his navy green vest. You turned to one side, then to the next, then finally you looked at yourself from a front profile and your eyes glistened a little. “You’re… so heroic,” you mumbled under your breath before you heard some clatter coming from outside of the room.
“Oh right… You can do that,” you say as you open the door and watch him freeze completely in his spot, his eyes slowly raking over you from head to toe then back up again, his stoic expression unchanging from what you could tell. “H-Heyy… Honey,” you smile nervously as you wave with one of your gloved hands. He walked towards you and slipped one side of the headband over one of your eyes and then he stifled a soft grunt under his breath.
“It’s Kakashi. We’ve talked about this,” he said softly before he looked over his shoulders, his hands sliding in his pockets again as his back straightened out some. “….Why are you wearing my clothes,” he asked with a slight edge to his voice, meanwhile you were still frozen in place, your legs starting to quiver some. You didn’t know why he was being so cold to you and it made you just a little insecure. “Particularly… Those,” he said as he stared at the wall below the TV you both had, his legs crossed as he leaned back into the couch.
“Damn so you not gonna say ‘hi.’ Or ‘I missed you,’ or nothin’ like that hm? Well… My bad, I guess I’ll just go take it off,” you say softly, the spirit of the day becoming crushed. He mused softly and his head only tilted a small bit. He didn’t even look at you and you noticed this. The whole time you were here… The whole time you were together the only thing you wanted was his eyes on you and his praises. You were struggling and it was on you for the most part because you hadn’t reached out to him for help. He was a real big one for “say what you mean or need,” or something like that. You LOVED the idea behind the last stretch of the year; the days designated for giving thanks, hanging out with the ones you love, amazing food, and gifts, and movies, and music. All of it… But having come from where you had, you never really had good times or a good chance to make memories. Now that you were old enough to have someone of your own and actually be able to create memories, you wanted to… But instead you’d been trying to force it out of your life to make your man happy, however you weren’t having it anymore. You just didn’t know how to bring it up.
“Mm.. What’s-“
Before he could even finish speaking, you’d vanished back into your guys’s room and shut the door behind you. He sat back in the seat and he let out a low drawn out breath and then stood up. Within one second he vanished from the living room and appeared right in front of you with his arms crossed.
“I asked why you were wearing my clothes, not that you had to take them off,” he said as he looked blandly at your hurt expression. “And I was trying to ask what was up with you,” he said as he reached one hand out and gently tipped your head up, his free hand reaching for where your bangs covered your eye but then he stopped as he usually did and he tilted his head some. “May I?” He spoke from behind his mask. You push his hand out of the way and move your hair out of your face by yourself, your sharp eyes peering into his. This time his eyebrows rose a bit more noticeably and usual and he waited for you to talk so he could listen, his hands now in his pockets.
“Yknow… I’ve tried to work what is normal to me out of my system… And when I was younger, that would’ve been… Easier. But now, it’s not… Kakashi, when you don’t look at me it makes me feel undesirable… Because nobody else looks at me unless they’re making fun of how flat and wide my features are… or how damn burnt I look even though this is my natural skin tone! I just… Want you to call me your baby once in awhile damnit! I want to call you *mine* and not just… Ka-ka-shi. Everybody calls you that… And… I get jealous when I see the other people hanging out with you, the cooler people with the sharingan variants, or the cool eyes and the people with the slim builds, or the people with the advanced shinobi skills that are greater than mi-“ You hadn’t noticed that while you were talking, Kakashi pulled his mask down, then you were interrupted with a kiss. It was a soft, but soulful kiss; the kind where one of his gloved hands had you by the chin and the other by the back of your head. The kind where you could feel his body heat completely wrapping you up. The kind where you felt his trembling breath break his completely calm composure. Your hands were gently pressed against the back of his arms, one of your hands at his elbow as he pulled away and allowed his eyes to slowly open. His shadow was cast down onto you and you saw his eyes squint a little, his smile hidden by the mask he’d pulled back up after the kiss. On the other hand, your eyes were wide and your lips were barely parted, your eyes glistening as you looked over his mostly hidden smile. Your knees buckled under you and he helped make sure you didn’t fall, his chest pressed against yours.
“You done?” He asked as he helped you stand upright again. You were dazed just staring at your man and he smirked a little as he pulled his mask down again still standing close to you. “I see… You want everyone to know that you’re mine and vice versa? That’s it? That’s why you’re wearing my clothes today…? You want me to… Call you mine? Right?” He spoke quietly, he was ONLY talking to you, his deep voice getting a little more hoarse as he continued to drone on, his hands on your hips pulling you closer to him, his intense gaze still cast into your eyes. You swallow hard and nibble the inside of your cheek. “You want you to call you my baby? My beautiful, perfect baby girl? Hm? Is that why you’re acting out? Or… You want me to show you that I care more, right? Maybe… You want me to make dinner once? Or bring you flowers? Or watch you train? Or… Cheer you on? Right? Perhaps tease you a little… Or hold you this close all the time?”
You nod slowly and then look away already knowing what this was sort of leading up to but his slender fingers forced your gaze back on him.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you, baby,” he said softly as he tilted his head a little. “If you wanted that… Why didn’t you just say so? I can’t read minds… And I’m still relatively new to this whole… Romance scene,” he said softly as he gently stroked your cheek with his thumb. “You know this. I’m a little… Dense? I’m not sure if that’s the proper word. But…. You’re just… Ugh… I didn’t know that me hanging around people made you jealous- perhaps it’s in my best interest to just tell you how much you mean to me all of the time. You’d want that too, right? I know you would,” he said softly as his fingers gently trailed up your back. “Or… Maybe you want to have a little bit more sex? Is that apart of it?” The question made your eyes wide, skin burn with an invisible blush, and your jaw drop a little. He let out a hollow laugh in turn, gently pushing your jaw up to close your mouth with the tips of his fingers. “Baby steps. I got it. For now, let me just say this: You’re beautiful… All of your scars, curves, marks and all. Those coffee colored eyes of yours are so much more… Stupefying than any sharingan I have seen and will ever see…. The little spark they get when you’re determined, or that soft glisten when you get embarrassed,” he said as he looked over your whole face. “Your body… Your whole body… Is amazing… You don’t have to be slim to be an amazing shinobi; and so help me, my beautiful queen,” he says softly as he leans down so he’s eye level with you. “If you ever discredit yourself like that again, I’ll work you out so that you’re not able to move for the next week. You’re right on the fast track to be a fine shinobi- possibly even the greatest at that. Well… Not greater than me, but that’s another story and another conversation,” he said quietly as you were pushed back onto your bed while he stood over you. “Are those idiots getting into your head again?” His eyebrows furrowed a little as his hands slipped back into his pockets.
Finally you were able to find your words again and you crossed your legs out of habit. “Y-Yeah… For… Like… The past 3 weeks they’ve been telling me that I’m too slow… Or I’m too… Wide… Or making fun of me and my eyes, or making fun of how dark I am… Or making fun of my hair! My damn hair! It hurts… A lot… And we’re together, but I don’t want to be known as that abnormal girl that calls on her boyfriend every time she needs saving. I got it… Aight? I can handle that… But… That’s why I need YOUR praises…. To validate me I guess… I already know I’m THAT… girl… But I want to hear it from you… I want you,” you mumbled softly. “And the reason I’m dressed up like this is because I’m dressed up for Halloween- In America it’s a day where people dress up and do their makeup and hair and have fun at parties or go trick or treating to get candy and stuff! I’ve always loved it despite not being able to… Participate much,” you say softly as you rub your arm. “I dunno, I guess I just wanted to celebrate the holiday season this year- even if we never do it again, I at least want one memory of a great holiday season with mine… With you,” you say softly. He listens to everything you say with an opaque grin on his face.
“If that’s what you wanted, then why didn’t you just say that?” He said softly as he climbed over you, his hips barely resting in your lap as your heart skipped a beat. He pushed you to lay down on the bed and his hands rested right by your head, your eyes peering up at him with a soft grin rested on your face.
“I-I d-didn’t w-want to get told no… I d-didn’t want to… Bother you with something that seemed so insignificant… I didn’t want you to think of me as weak,” you say softly as he gently kisses your neck. You shuddered a little and bit your lip as you tilt your head up some.
“Well now’s your hot seat,” he huffed quietly against your neck. “Tell me what you want, tell me everything you want, and I’ll do it until you tell me that you don’t want it anymore,” he said as he looked back into your eyes, your hands rested against his chest as you thought for a moment before speaking again. “W-Well… I want you to call me your baby and vice versa… Or come up with a nickname or something… I want you to watch me train and root for me, I want you to let everyone know who I belong to, but allow me to show who you belong to, too… I want you to tease me and hold me close… Everywhere… I want you to go on dates with me and do holiday stuff with me… I want you to make me feel wanted and loved… I just fucking want *you* Kakashi…” you say softly as you look up at him. Upon gazing, you notice that his expression had soften significantly, and the hold he had on you was more protective than ever. “A-And I guess more s-sex would be cool,” you say softly and he chuckles quietly in return. You reach one of your hands up and gently cup his face, your thumb gently caressing his cheek. “You know… You should smile more… You’re quite handsome when you do… Well I mean you’re fine as hell either way, but I like it when you smile… And laugh like that…” you say softly as he leans his head into your hand a little more. He kisses your clothed palm and smiles just for you and suddenly you took on a breathless expression, your eyes halfway open as he blushed a little and you just took this moment to adore him, everything about him. “That’s what you want from me? Okay,” he said softly before moving to pin your hand weakly to the bed above you, his eyes both gazing into yours- well as much as he could anyway seeing as your hair practically swallowed your face leaving your bottom half of your face exposed for him. You could see him just fine, he just couldn’t see you… And for the moment that was fine. His gentle lips pressed against yours from above and your eyes fluttered shut as usual when this happened. You felt a little touch starved because he didn’t like contact very much, but he was warming up to it a little more. You wrapped one of your arms around his waist and pulled him closer, and then the two of you melted into each other on the bed in a fit of grunts, deep, passionate, soft kisses, dulcet giggles coming from the both of you, his hand wandering up your waist up the natural curve of your body as yours tried to find where his clothing allowed you access to his skin. You found it, your warm fingers contrasting against his lukewarm skin. He jolted a little and let out a groan before looking at you again, nibbling your lip gently before he pulled away. “You’re amazing,” he whispered quietly and breathlessly against your lips as you tried to control your breathing again.
“Says one of the most notable and historic ninja warriors of all time,” you say with a soft chuckle, moving your hair out of your face so you could look at him and so he could look at you.
“You know… Paths like that carry plenty of… Skeletons in the closet, right?” He said softly as his gaze intensified only a little bit.
“Yeah, and? You still made it… Everyone looks up to you… You’ve killed people and seen plenty of your own killed… And people that couldn’t handle it… Y’know… But, Kakashi Hatake,” you say softly as you turn his head back towards you and your own expression hardens a little. “No matter what, I’ll still love you like the day that I met you… Just like that day you first came to protect.. Well the other person- after they were bullying me… After you checked to make sure I was okay… Baby I love you, and as long as you love me too, I’m gonna be on your side. I’m your woman- I’m your queen, right? A queen needs her partner in royalty, and this house is our kingdom. You’re my king, and unapologetically mine… And I’m the same for you,” you say quietly as you sit up and smile a little. “I know you haven’t been sleeping, Kashi,” you say softly as you gently kiss his lips. “I’m not a super heavy sleeper… You’re safe now, though,” you say softly as you run your fingers through his hair. “Let me go make dinner tonight and… C-Can I decorate?” You whispered softly, expecting a no as you turned and gently pushed him to make him lay on the bed and he chuckled softly, gently grabbing your hand.
“If decorations are what you want, then I don’t have a problem with it,” he said softly, kissing the back of your hand gently. Your skin burned with an invisible flush and you pulled the covers up on him, trying to make the room just a little more homey so that he could sleep better.
“I… Wow… Um… Okay,” you say softly, lighting a candle and setting it on the nightstand, standing in the doorway. “I d-don’t know if I said this already, but I’m gonna make a hot pot for dinner… And I’ll go see if there are any pumpkins in the area… I’ll make us some pumpkin bread and make some cookies for the kids,” you say with a beaming smile, looking at your sleepy man who was already cuddling a pillow on his way to sleep. He admired your soothing voice, able to relax for the first time in a long time, and how the golden sun gave you a gilded glow that made your skin twinkle and your eyes illuminate the room. He had never felt so lucky to have someone as good as you to him, and that was the last thing he saw- or thought- before he slipped off into dreamland and you disappeared behind the door to excitedly start dinner.
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mego42 · 4 years
207 Discussion Q’s
shout out and thank you to @pynkhues for putting these together even though she wasn’t gonna be here this week
1. What was your favourite scene of the episode? Tell us why!
obvs the dubby but underrated fav is Ruby and Jane in the closet, idk exactly why but I am starved for the families interacting with each other content (screw the timeline, the most unrealistic aspect of this show is that they aren’t constantly in and out of each other’s houses with ben and sara continually being called on to babysit) so this little snippet makes me levitate
2. Was there any scene that missed the mark for you? And if so, how?
the annie and noah scenes for sure. I mostly feel betrayed bc I really liked them the first time I watched (i have a lot of built in affection for sam huntington let me live) and now I’m like BEGONE FOUL BETRAYER and feel pre-emptive fatigue over annie’s taste in men and how that’s not going to get better any time soon
3. I know time does not exist in the Good Girls universe (or in reality anymore), but let’s start with a timeline question! The implication of the opening montage is that a bit of time has past since Beth strongarmed the partnership with Rio at the end of 2.06. How long do you think it’s been? And more importantly, what do you think these early days of their partnership looked like?
I tend to lean towards at least 2 months, maybe more based on:
the number of shoeboxes and how many times Beth’s shown making a closet deposit
how lived in their annoyance over Beth’s dividing her time and Rio pushing back feels
the implication (at least how i read it) that Rio’s annoyance stems from having to track Beth down which presumably implies they’d grumbled their way into a semi-functional working relationship prior (supported by their ease with each other in 208) and if the montage has only been a month, that would be a maximum of 4 meetings and I don’t particularly think that’s enough time for them to get over being extremely prickly with each other
the fact that Beth goes to Rio for help when Jane’s missing (again, to me implies a longer period of time to get over some of their antagonism than a max of 4 meets)
I imagine their initial partnership went something like Beth being a smug brat about forcing her way in, Rio being deliberately unhelpful and trying to force her to admit she’s in over her head (while still keeping enough of an eye on things that his money isn’t jeopardized), Beth stubbornly refusing to and finding ways to rise to the occasion, Rio being grudgingly impressed, Beth being annoyed with herself for how pleased she is over that. Lather, rinse, repeat until they’ve worn a cantankerous but bizarrely comfortable groove into each other.
meanwhile, Mick, Annie and Ruby are absolutely disgusted by everything happening in front of their eyes.
4. The first scene between Ruby and Turner in this episode is a really dynamic one! It’s pretty clear that Ruby’s afraid of Turner, but what do you think Turner thinks of Ruby?
I think he sees a big cartoon canister labeled "Beth Boland Bait"
5. Taking the kids to the drop was a pretty big mistake! What do you think Beth should’ve done in this instance? Do you think saying no again to Rio was an option?
And yeah, I think she could’ve said no to Rio but he would’ve kept her cut of that drop and, even worse, would’ve been able to hold the fact that she didn’t deliver that one time over her head forever more.
6. The krav maga teacher offers some sage advice telling Dean to not order the hit and instead just divorce his wife, haha. Do you think that he thought the baby hitmen would come through for Dean? Or do you think he was deliberately setting Dean up to get robbed?
I choose to believe the krav maga teacher knew exactly what kind of an idiot Dean was and set him up because the dude clearly had at least two brain cells to rub together and anyone with two brain cells to rub together would never get tangled up in a murder plot with Dean standing on the street corner telling random bystanders in detail how he wants to kill the guy that fucked his wife what do you mean established means and motive Boland.
7. During Ben and Annie’s tense conversation, Ben tells Annie that she’s hard to keep track of - she’s parent mom, cool mom, sketchy mom. In a lot of ways, this feels like a parallel to Ruby talking to Beth in the last episode and calling her ‘drug Beth, gun Beth, human trafficking Beth’. What do you make of this? And how do you think it relates to the show’s themes?
I defer to @foxmagpie’s answer because I like it a lot. 
8. The scene with the girls in the house! Tell me all your thoughts please!!!
I love this scene a lot
Beth’s channeling Rio in general but also specifically in 201 you will never ever change my mind
Sometimes I lie awake at night wishing Rio had seen it
Prayer circle that he sees a version of it in s4
Can you imagine the nightmare level of boner he would get? The sheer narcissism!!
Ruby’s obvious wish for new friends is The Most Valid
I really love the main drug den guy, I love Blake Shields’s energy, it makes the scene crackle, and I wish they’d bring him back purely bc he’s gr9
9. Annie meets Noah in this episode! What do you think of their introduction to one another? And how would you rate Noah on the scale of ‘Garbage Annie Love Interests’?
at least he’s not her therapist I guess
10. Beth has two pivotal and emotionally revealing fights this episode - one with Dean and the other with Rio. How do these fights compare? And what do you think they tell us about her respective relationship with them?
I L O V E how hard the show goes on Dean’s obsession with Beth and Rio as the primary source of his angst
the fact that he’s trying to rope Stan into murder while looking for Jane who isn’t even MISSING but Dean had NO IDEA bc instead of giving a shit he went straight to HOW CAN THIS BE THAT GUY’S FAULT
I love how clearly they delineate that it isn’t about Beth but specifically about someone else ~*~taking~*~ Beth from him and how emasculated that makes him feel (something something something the storyline opens with the krav maga guy choking him out and then telling him to divorce her and Dean being like I reject your rational and logical solution bc it doesn’t punish the man who touched my property, idk i have a half baked thought there but i can’t pull it out of my brain)
and then it’s all underscored how little Dean’s worried about Beth and her safety by him bringing her work up specifically as a gotcha (which, unless I’m forgetting something, is p much the only context Dean ever brings it up in besides maybe the sit down fight but that’s again, about Beth acting out vs genuine concern)
Meanwhile, this is contrasted with:
Beth flipping tf out at the mere suggestion Rio would ever hurt her children, showing how deeply and instinctively she trusts him in regards to her children aka what’s been established as her Most Important Priority over and over (in the same breath that she rips into Dean for losing Jane in the first place)
which is doubled down on her immediately going to Rio for help
and he is FURIOUS at her, but the thing he leans hard on isn’t how she could have jeopardized the business deal (aka his money, what’s been established as his Most Important Priority over and over) but how she jeopardized herself and how badly she can fuck up if she doesn’t take this seriously
putting himself in a vulnerable position (presumably burning a connect, letting on that Beth means something to him beyond business) to look out for Beth’s emotional well-being
And then, just to drive it home a little further, @sothischickshe pointed out the Beth and Rio fight over Beth’s self preservation is directly paralleled with Stan freaking out at Ruby over the IA stuff because he’s worried about her and I had to go and stare at a blank wall for a few minutes to calm down.
anyway, draw your own conclusions.
11. Ruby takes Jane being missing as an opportunity to try and find evidence on Beth for Turner and, in the process, finds Jane too. How do you think this scene captures Ruby’s moral dilemma? And do you think it’s a satisfying turning point in the Ruby-Turner arc?
I struggle a lot with the Turner and Ruby plot specifically because I HATE that Turner’s ruthlessly leaning on Ruby as the weak link but I’m also ferociously attracted to him so I’m less bothered by it than I feel like I should be so mostly I just try not to think about any of it.
Idk, I see it in some ways as a continuation of Ruby’s fight with Beth and Annie in s1 where Annie said she isn’t blood. They put Ruby on the outside but when push comes to shove, Ruby still puts the two of them above her own family. As far as I’m concerned, Annie still owes Ruby a massive apology for that. Beth I let off the hook a little because by the end of the season she’s ready to turn herself in to make it all go away for all of them (I think, unless I’m misremembering, which is entirely possible bc I don’t think I’ve ever rewatched all of 213)
12. RIO GETS BETH THE DUBBY!! That’s it, that’s the question. Please discuss.
I think a lot about how the gesture is so baldly honest neither one of them can face it either at all (Rio) or without taking a shot first (Beth) which, now that I’ve typed it out, is also an interesting flip of their general MO bc under normal circumstances I’d put Rio down as the one that, of the two of them, is more willing to face stuff whereas Beth’s the one that hides from it.
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mayaliyah · 3 years
Sweet Melody || Self-Para
When: March 10th, 2021
Where: Vanessa’s apartment
Featuring: Trixie Belle, Vanessa Maldette, & Nova Kang
Warnings: Brief mentions of abuse, sexual assault, drugs, alcohol
Description: Who knew that the turbulent love life of one friend could inspire a break up song? 
Inspiration: Sweet Melody - Little Mix 
It was another fitting for La Playa costumes and rather than being at Vanessa’s studio, it was Maya and Trixie at Vanessa’s luxurious penthouse…both girls still couldn’t get enough of being in shock and awe as they were getting fitted for their outfits. Well, at least Trixie and Nova were. Maya, on the other hand, had a melody stuck in her head. This often happened, and she was on the verge of a breakthrough. Nova was too busy admiring herself in the luxurious mirror as she playfully beat boxed and then turned once she heard Trixie’s voice. 
“Uh oh, she’s spacey again,” Trixie pointed out with an eyebrow wiggle. 
“Another smash hit on the way, Maya?” Nessa added with a grin. 
She kept humming the melody as she adjusted her top a little as she looked in the mirror with a curious look. 
“Maya?” Nessa called out once more. 
“It looks amazing, Ness, sorry! The melody’s just trapped in my head,” She sighed, shaking her head. 
“Right, well, I need you three to head into the closet again and pick out one more outfit for fitting, I don’t know…both of you don’t look completely comfortable or satisfied with it,” The brunette called out. 
Both Trixie and Maya exchanged a look. She knew them far too well. Nova on the other hand...was a wild card. As the three of them wandered back to grab their outfits, a clear bag caught her eye. It was the most beautiful, dazzling white dress that she had ever seen, with sewn in crystals and…she was pretty sure the tulle and lace would last for days. 
“Nova,” Trixie called out with a warning look. 
“We don’t talk about it, okay?” Maya responded with a hushed voice. 
“Wait, why? Is that the infamous Queen V wedding dress?!” Maya whispered harshly, but Vanessa, had pretty good hearing and sighed, dramatically. Trixie groaned, shaking her head. 
“Oh, Trix, don’t fret. I’m not upset about that old thing, but I do need to pick out the diamonds and burn it…eventually,” She pointed out with a sigh. “But yes, it was the wedding dress that never came to fruition. Although, I’d have to say, I dodged a major bullet,” She chuckled. 
“Well, let’s just say, I’ve dodged…several. Most of my exes were just utter trash…maybe with the exception of one, but even then, it’s like…a repeating song that goes on and on, heartbreak, after heartbreak.” 
“Wait wait wait! Stop! Nessa, wait, this is going to sound outlandish, but…can you tell me this story?” Maya asked. 
Both Trixie and Nessa exchanged a bewildered look and Nessa sighed, taking a seat on the cushion as Trixie took a seat on the ground. Meanwhile, Maya fished her phone out from her cleavage and pulled up the notes app as did Nova. 
“Let’s see, first there was Nick. Sweet as could be, he was my first, in many things but our relationship was a secret because his twin sister, my best friend, forbade me to date him. But…I’d always get jealous when other girls looked his way and, I couldn’t help it. It also didn’t help in the beginning I had a crush on my best friend…let’s just say it ended tragically, then both of them moved back to London and I never saw them again.”
“Jeez…” Maya sighed. 
“Damn, why be a hater cause your sibling’s happy? I’m so glad I’m an only child, like dead ass.” 
“Then there was Alex. God, he was, gorgeous, another sweet guy, a bit timid, shy, but a glorious singer…although I was not a fan of his cover of whatever song he made, but the words were sweet…until I discovered he had a crush on one of my best friends, and then that was the end of that.” 
“God, Nessa, I’m so sorry,” Maya shook her head. 
“It gets worse,”  Both her and Trixie chimed in. 
“Steven, a rowdy, rebellious guy. Loved surfing, and all things Hawaiian, he grew up in Hawaii, actually, and I thought, wow, I could actually love this guy…but the partying and the abuse, and oh, did I mention he tried to knock me up? That was fun.” 
Maya was practically speechless at the time and continued jotting down what came to mind. 
“Then…came Lucian,” Nessa sighed. “He was supposed to be the one. He was there practically through the majority of my exes, with the exception of Nick. He was my best friend, we confided in each other. We dated for three bloody years and talked about our engagement to the point he even suggested I started designing my wedding dress. He spoke the sweetest words and did everything right, but d’you know what did him in? One of my friends, the night we got drunk, I told her that I was afraid he’d get bored of me and just walk away…and she told him and he got so bloody angry and broke up with me—ON MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!” She practically shouted the last part out, her face was flushed with redness over her face. 
“Woo…” Nova whistled out. 
“Ness…maybe you should…” Trixie began. 
“It’s fine, Trixie. This actually feels quite cathartic,” She chuckled. “Did I mention he left me for my supposed best friend?” 
“I hope he rots,” Nova called out.
Maya sighed, shaking her head as she tried piecing together the puzzle, that were lyrics. Mostly bits and pieces that she had.
“At the end, came Scout, it was a short fling, but he spoke sweet nothing’s in my ear and made me feel like I was human…but the sweet nothings were just that, sweet, and nothing. Shelby…she was my first girlfriend, actually, but, a bit possessive and power hungry, so there’s that,” She shrugged. 
“Okay, I think I might have something from this,” Maya called out. “Nessa, by the way, I’ve heard you sing before and the melody you hummed to…that’s the melody stuck in my head,” She called out. 
“Which one?” Nessa asked curiously. 
“The do-do-do-do,” Maya said. “Can you try that out for me? 
Nessa chuckled, “That little thing? I dunno where it’s from!” 
“Just try it, please?” Maya pleaded. 
“Alright, um…Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-roo-doo-roo. Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-roo-doo-roo.” 
“So here’s what I got,” Maya began and then sang, “In a whole other life, there was this boy that I knew. He made me feel like a woman, we were young and silly fools,” 
Trixie giggled, knowing exactly who that was.
“Wait wait wait, I’m not done!” Maya chuckled and then sang, “Anyway he was in a band, wrote love songs about me. I wasn’t crazy ‘bout the words, but the melodies were sweet, went something like—“ She paused and then Nessa chimed in with 
“Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-roo-doo-roo. Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-roo-doo-roo.” 
“Alright, so then Nova, can you volunteer that velvety voice of yours for just these lines?” 
Nova laughed, shaking her head, “Damn, butter me up and call my voice velvety.” 
“I promise, just once,” She chuckled as she slid over her phone. “Same tempo as the first verse.” 
“Every time we’d go dancing, I’d see his straying eyes. Gave him too many chances, push my keys too many times. Anyway, he’d start acting up, and I’d be on my way to leave, but I stopped in my tracks, when I heard this melody and it went like,” 
Trixie then chimed in repeating Nessa’s previous verse with a smile, the two girls harmonizing over each other. 
“Okay, so then the next part is the chorus, and I was thinking like—“ Maya began to sing, “He used to sing me, sweet melodies. He played me, made me believe, it was real love. Sang me, sweet melodies, but the day he did me wrong, the song couldn’t go on and on—“
“Ooh, what if we repeat it as a unit?” Trixie offered. 
“Yes, perfect!” 
“He used to sing me, sweet melodies. He played me, made me believe, it was real life. Sang me, sweet melodies, but the day he did me wrong, the song couldn’t go on and on, and on,” The trio sang in unison, perfectly harmonizing with each other. 
“So the next verse, Trixie, I want you to do next,” Maya pointed out and Nessa handed her the phone. “Remember, same tempo as before.” 
“Let’s see…” Trixie took a look and then sang out, “He would lie, he would cheat, over syncopated beats. I was just his tiny dancer, he had control of my feet. Yes, when he came along, that’s when I lost a groove. There was no song in the world to sing along or make me move. Something-something like—“ 
Then Maya repeated the previous melody with Nessa randomly making an echoing sound and Trixie ad-libbing. 
“Okay, Nessa! I see you getting into it!” She teased. 
Nessa rolled her eyes and shook her head. “I’m doing this for a cause!” 
“The chorus goes again, but there’s one part that Nessa, you just did, and I want you to do that, Trixie, what I want you to do the melody.” 
Both girls nodded and did as they were told repeating the melody, with Nessa echoing Trixie’s voice as best as she could. 
“Now, Nessa…would you oppose singing that ad-lib again and continue to do so while Nova follows me into the next chorus?” 
Nessa looked over at Maya and shrugged. “Eh, I don’t see why not,” She grinned and followed Nova and Maya’s lead with Trixie chiming in to harmonize.
Nova did the next chorus with Maya running in right next to her and hit a rather impressive high note. To which Trixie playfully saw it as a challenge and hit her own high note as they continued the chorus together and ended the song. 
“Oh…I think we just made magic…OVER NESSA’S OWN RELATIONSHIP,” Trixie squealed excitedly. 
“Maya…Nova...Trixie…was I just set up?” Nessa added as she eyed at them suspiciously. 
“Maybe…but you don’t have to perform if you don’t want to…” Maya made a face. 
“I am not set out to be a performer, but you know, I would appreciate writing credits,” She winked. 
“Obviously, you inspired this amazing song!—Now we just have to clean up the vocals and we could actually record it on my laptop and then I could go to the studio and get it cleaned up a little further?” She suggested with a big grin. 
“I—let’s at least change out of our outfits first!” Trixie said, completely starry eyed and excited. 
“Seriously because I can’t be grooving in this for more than like two hours,” Nova teased. 
“I’m manifesting this as a number one hit, I’m saying this right now!” Maya called out as she ran to grab her laptop, rather than change her outfit.
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cantgetoutofmyheda · 4 years
Falling in Love in a Quarantine: Part 3
OP | Part 1 | Part 2 —
PART 3: Day 6
“Where’s Griff??” Raven screamed through the laptop screen, her half-empty glass of red wine was peeking through the corner of the screen.
It was the first Friday that everyone had officially spent “apart.” Lincoln had the idea of replacing the group’s normal Friday happy hours with a virtual version—everyone was conferenced in. Lincoln and Octavia from Lincoln’s place, Raven and Anya from Anya’s, and Bellamy and Echo from their loft. Lexa had tuned in, nestled into Clarke’s couch. The blonde in question was still asleep—she had gotten home at noon from her fourth night shift in a row, luckily it was the last until Sunday.
“Stop screaming, jeez. Anya, calm your woman,” Lexa smirked at the camera, before taking a sip of her beer.
Anya looked towards Raven, then towards the camera on her laptop, “I think we all know there’s no calming this one, Lex. But yeah, where’s Griff? Thought she was off today.”
“Sleeping,” Lexa took another sip and pulled Sandy into the frame, “but I do have this lovely lady by my side.
The computer speaker sounded with “oohs” and “aahs” as the retriever made a quick appearance on the screen.
When Sandy finally settled down into Lexa’s lap, Octavia chimed into the lulling conversation, “So it’s been six days at Griff’s, Lex? How’s it going over there?”
“It’s been good,” Lexa shrugged. “She’s been working the night shift for the past four nights, so we haven’t seen each other too much. I’m just trying to have some food ready for her when she gets home in the morning and before she leaves so she doesn’t have to worry about that.”
“That’s sweet,” Raven raised a brow, earning an elbow jab from her girlfriend for the sarcastic tone in her voice.
Lexa cocked her head to the side, “Why’d you hit her, Ahn?”
“They’re just being stupid,” Octavia rolled her eyes. “What have you been cooking? I miss a good Lexa Woods meal. Remember that once impromptu brunch we had? You told everyone to come over with 3 ingredients from their kitchen and you magically whipped up the most delicious meal ever?”
“I’d hardly call that weird veggie mash with three kinds of sausage the ‘most delicious meal ever,’” Lexa shook her head. “But yes, that was fun. And just making little breakfasts and dinner stuff, nothing fancy.”
Lexa didn’t realize why, but Sandy had jumped to her feet and trotted out of the living room. It wasn’t until she heard another pair of steps padding towards her that she realized Clarke had finally woken up.
The blonde stood in the entryway of the room, arms stretched towards the ceiling—her shirt rising just enough to expose the smallest bit of skin. A big yawn escaped her mouth, signaling to the group on the computer screen that the doctor was finally awake. She offered the brunette a lazy smile as she came towards the couch, “Nothing fancy, my ass, Woods.”
“Griff!!!” echoed through the small speaker.
The blonde finally made her way to the couch and took a seat right next to her new, temporary roommate. She slung her head onto Lexa’s shoulders and sighed, it was apparent that she was still exhausted. “Hi, guys,” was all she could muster out.
Lexa turned her attention to the blonde, “Hungry?”
“Always,” Clarke mumbled, “I just need a second but I’ll get up and find something.”
Lexa placed the laptop on the table, directly in front of Clarke, before slowly shifting to stand up, “Why don’t you catch up with everyone and fill them in on all the lives you’re saving. I’ll warm something up for you.”
Clarke looked up at Lexa with a smile and a nod, “You sure?”
“Yep,” Lexa smiled back, “lamb or the truffle alfredo?”
The blonde’s eyes lit up, “Maybe a little bit of both?”
Lexa nodded, “Water, wine, beer, or hard seltzer?”
“Mmm, hard seltzer,” Clarke answered.
As Lexa walked away, Clarke pulled the computer onto her lap and was met with raised brows from every one of their friends, “Hi?”
“This is cute, Griff,” Raven smirked.
The blonde’s smile shifted into a look of confusion, “Huh?”
“You know,” Anya chimed in. “This little game of domestic living you and my cousin are playing.”
Clarke opened her mouth to say something, but Bellamy beat her to it, “I mean, it’s day six. Glad to see you guys have found your groove.”
“Tell us about the groove, Griff,” Octavia threw in.
Clarke put on her serious face, “Whatever you guys are getting at, please stop.”
“Your wish is our command, Princess,” Anya offered an overly dramatic smile.
“Tell us more about this lamb and truffle alfredo, though,” Lincoln leaned towards his computer camera. “Sounds fucking delicious.”
Clarke finally relaxed into the couch, “It is fucking delicious. She was going crazy the other day trying to get a delivery time slot from the grocery store because she was craving a rack of lamb. I forgot how secretly bougie she was. And the pasta was also to die for—it’s like I have my own personal chef now.”
“Damn, lucky you,” Lincoln shook his head, before turning to Octavia. “All she makes are grilled chicken breasts and salads. I’m starving over here.”
Octavia scoffed at her boyfriend, “Lincoln’s been living off of steak, eggs, chips, and beer. Don’t let him fool you. He’s doing just fine.”
Clarke smiled, “Linc, you knew going into this that O wasn’t going to cook for you. You could have scooped Lexa up before I did and you’d be set.
“Yeah,” he huffed. “I’d be eating like a king.”
The blonde laughed, “Yeah, you would have. Meanwhile I’m just going to get fat with her staying here.”
Echo shook her head, “Oh, please. Like that would ever happen, Clarke.”
“Echo, you don’t get it. She’s cooking all this amazing food, but I’ve been so busy at work and she’s staying in the room with the Peloton, so I haven’t even had a chance to work out,” Clarke groaned.
“I’m sure there are other ways you can get some cardio in, Griff,” Raven wiggled her eyebrows.
The sound of the microwave beeping signaled Lexa’s soon return to the room. “Seriously, quit it,” Clarke commanded.
“Quit what?” Lexa called out, as she made her way into the living room. The plate in one hand and drink in the other was all Clarke needed to light her eyes up.
“Nothing. Now c’mere and give me all that.”
“Wow,” Lexa set everything down on the table before giving the blonde a wink. “Never thought I’d hear you say that to me, Griff.”
“Every one of my friends is extremely insufferable. That’s the conclusion I’ve drawn today,” Clarke deadpanned as she reached for the plate.
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feysooah · 4 years
I go by Fany & she/her -- it’s been a looong time since I rped so honestly pretty excited to be here and get this muse on the road :> no lie it’ll probably take me a bit to adjust and get in the groove of things so forgive my extra slowness but I’d love to plot n chat with all of you peeps like actually please lets !! do have a profile page up you’re free to check ( still being worked on shh ), and a rules page that’s really just more an info dump about rping with this mun & muse and some stuff about me in general if you’re curious ye
don’t have any plots up for grabs sadly, yet, but brainstorming is much welcome
here’s some tidbits about muse that might be helpful in the meanwhile tho ;
to start off, where she actually comes from;
From where her lineage diverged the Gwan bloodline has notoriously been known as very powerful divination magick practitioners within the Kyegeum house
alongside being super cordial with other houses and often the other genera as well, but generally aloof in matters that did not strictly concern them. this extended to the normal world and society as well
this was especially true for her grandpa, Gwan Youngchul
who ended up being turned in a surprise attack from a werewolf when the man had been out with his familiar companion -- Seok -- who despite best efforts could not save the witch from this sudden fate, could not stop their treasured bond severing
and despite managing to keep Youngchul alive through the whole ordeal, it would not take long ( if anything, suspiciously quick ) for a certain group of hunters to get whiff of the circumstance and swiftly rid off the ex-witch
Perhaps one bright side to look at was that he was able to communicate last wishes, some of which had already been written on letters hidden for the chance of an unlucky situation such as the one they were currently in arising. one of the wishes being a plea to protect his only daughter Jiyeong
At a tender age of seventeen Jiyeong took the news with surprising grace, not to say she wasn’t devastated and cried but what seemed to be request of her father to bond with his familiar was accepted after a moment of thinking it over, and bonding ritual decided to take place within the week
Jiyeong’s mother had been the one to mainly oversee her training once abilities started manifesting, a Kyegeum witch herself, with very different abilities compared to her husband
It was perhaps no surprise then that Jiyeong became very adamant not long after father’s death to focus studies and abilities on what her father had been so revered for; divination
something his older sister, Jiyeong’s aunt, was known for as well and gladly helped the girl with alongside taking the widowed family under her wing and protection
Jiyong followed after her father’s footsteps in many other things, most notably making friends and upholding favorable relations to the other houses, other genera as well
was endlessly fond of nature magic too, had an abundance of flowers and plants in every nook and cranny, a beautiful garden she tended to with care
many would even say she was touched by the sun itself, vibrant and warm soul she was, nurturing not with only plants but people themselves
eventually met a man who slowly swept Jiyeong off her feet, and not but a few years later they had a child, naming her Sooah. my muse. we’ll get to her in a bit I promise ._.
the man aka Dad is a human, just plain ole’ human. orphaned at a young age so while they wouldn’t know for certain if he has any sliver of witchy magic in him it’s unlikely
insists he fell in love with Jiyong at first sight pretty much. which is frankly understandable she was such a lovely person ;u;
was surprisingly chill about all the, well, witch stuff and whatnot, very curious too but also did want her to be careful and if possible not be that involved with that world
for about next 10 years things went on fairly normally, ya know, living the happy family life, going to work, mingling with the magical side of society
then she started getting sick every so often, out of the blue, however nothing even remotely seeming serious. though it was odd for a witch to be affected with flu so often
she didn’t think it was serious itself, and had a habit of hiding it in the beginning too when it wasn’t even noticeable
until it got to the point it simply could not be ignored, could not be just a passing small thing, could not be cured by any means she knew
and the next thing anyone else knew she was gone. almost like someone had reached and snuffed out her flame, just like that
where in the story we get to Sooah, so;
her early life wasn’t that special in honesty, if you don’t count all the stories her mother told about the secret magical world she too would be part of one day, and the lineage she was to inherit, abilities she would discover, all to be learned together
she had been a deviously curious child, daydreaming every other moment and next begging to see if even take part in what her mother was doing with her own magick
Sooah was quite interested in the guy sometimes accompanying her too, a friendly face she’d grown to know as Seok who she had learned eventually was mom’s bonded familiar, a fact she was entirely too excited about. but who also was before bonded to her grandpa that the girl never got to meet herself
would not fail to mention to him many times how she was going to one day find a familiar to bond with too, someone who was fun and kind and wanted to go on adventures and they would be the bestests of friends ever. and definitely cooler than him
she was always eager to understand and practice the power inside her in general, which she was starting to more and more by the days, before the sudden passing of her mother
it broke her :<
dad too, for a while he was nothing but basically a walking shell. she’s sure neither of them really truly recovered
backtracking just a lil because one very, very important notion was the familiar was of course bound to die soon along with the mom, Sooah was well aware of the fact by then and while she was stricken by grief at the time she was dedicated to finding him, no real plan in mind but urgent to know he was okay, like it would somehow make the situation any better
she did end up meeting him, understandably shaken himself but apparently already accepted own fate-- which at the moment did not sit well with her at all and Sooah, not even yet 14 years old, decided she was not going to let him just wither away and die alone how horrible would that be, how sad for that to be the end when her mom had exuded everything opposite, she was not going to let that happen no matter what
which meant the only thing she could actually do was to bond with Seok and by sheer force of will and maybe some tears - definitely some tears - did manage to convince for him to agree to it
a whole mess
she doesn’t regret it one bit, absolutely refuses to, yet does occasionally wonder if it was the right thing to do or even fair to him
but ultimately she’s glad he is in her life, aiding in any matter she may require, definitely now seen as a big brother she never had-- if she’s not too busy calling him grandpa bc seriously he’s old as all fuck. it still surprises her from time to time
( okay but it is hilarious to think Seok going from being as old as he was, looking about 40 to then having a 14 year old’s body lmaoo )
bless the grandma tho she was really a rock in this emotional time, even though she was dealing with the loss of her daughter, after having lost her husband so early in their lives too !
she kinda took over seeing to Sooah’s teaching and helping in any other way as well, more than welcoming to having her stay over for however long she needed or wanted to
she’s still thankfully alive and has a good relationship with both Sooah and Seok ;u;
Dad on the other hand.
they have both moved out of the house the family used to occupy with mom, into their own places
also have a somewhat strained relationship nowadays, more to do with his insistence on getting her to quit all the witch stuff cause it’s dangerous yadda yadda and she’s obviously not going to do that
not to say she’s not paranoid herself, and knowing how both her mom and grandpa died barely halfway into their lives even more so
it’s not only made her fearful of same fate but made her swear to stay away from any sort of divination magic if she can help it, somehow convinced that to be a factor in all of it
does have randomly prophetic dreams though, but nothing that has been major or necessarily that important so she’s.. okay with that. kinda. does keep a dream journal just in case
It’s coming up 10 years after the mom’s death, so I’m sure there’s been some rumors or other witches wondering if the Gwan family was just cursed or something, probably mostly from older and the more traditional types. doesn’t help Soaah’s dad being a plain human. or that she’s not sure if that might just actually be the case oof
as thus she’s definitely a lot more withdrawn when it comes to the other houses, or even Kyegeum themselves, doesn’t exactly feel like part of the community if you will
but is friendly to everyone and usually can be outwardly seen as having nothing weird or unusual going on beyond what you’d expect of a typical witch in this day and age
designs and sometimes makes jewelry for The Gem Lab actually, or if an individual knows to ask her personally Sooah does take custom work too ! and yes they all have very carefully picked gems or crystals, often imbued with enchantments of basic protection or if one wants something very specific she can probably do it
is kinda rich?? like grandpa was very up in there and left part of his inheritance to the mom, who of course left part of hers to Sooah. who doesn’t really like using that money as it is so it’s just sitting in a whole separate account. probably partly also because she’s not exactly the best when it comes to handling finances so. yeah.
this is so long already god I’m not gonna get into her personality or any of that now, yall can figure it out along the way or read up what I have on her page -- which isn’t much yet but it is something !! I’m def figuring her out myself too as I go haha
so ay if you wanna plot drop by my ims please ;; I do have a discord if you feel that’s easier too just ask for it !
also go show some love to Seok  ouo
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whatsseobb · 4 years
More Than Meets The Eye (Crystal x Gigi Fanfic) - Chapter 3
AO3 Link
[A/N: Hello! I’m sorry this took over a week to be updated. Real life is just getting too much for me but I’m trying my best to write. However, please expect for slow updates. I’m sorry. Thank you for waiting. I hope you enjoy this chapter. 
I hope you enjoy this fic and leave me your thoughts!!]
Too bad that you couldn’t see
See the girl Crystal could be
There is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside~
Based from Avril Lavigne’s Sk8ter Boi but with different twists.
Chapter Three - Under the Moonlight 
Two vehicles parked along the edge on the hilltop, the overlooking view of the city below them painted their scenery. The lights from below lighted the small cliff, enabling them to have a little source of brightness under than the luminescence brought by the moonlight.
The two groups merged once more as Heidi blasted the music coming from the car’s radio louder for them to all hear. They all gathered by the pick-up truck, getting their red cups once again and cheering.
They were all partying by the back of the car when they realized one person was left inside the car, silently staring at her phone. Jackie went in and talked to Daegen silently which the others tried not to listen to.
It didn’t take a while before the pink-haired girl joined them, bumped her cup and downed her drink before screaming by the cliff, “Fuck all guys! They are all pieces of worthless shit!” She yelled at the top of her lungs which gained a few giggles from the girls before they all said “Yeah!” in agreement to her.
“You know, I don’t think I’m gonna be dating anyone in a long time. I’m going to focus on myself, love myself and all that.” Daegen said in a tone that seems to be trying to convince herself rather than being extremely sure about it.
“What happened back there anyway?” Jan asked as if reading the minds of the whole bunch. True, they were clueless to what took place and they all had no courage to ask during the car ride to the cliff.
Lux was the first to explain, assuming what she might have seen that moment from the party. “Well, Noah suddenly appeared in the party… and was dancing with another girl.” She looked at Daegen to confirm her statement which the pink-haired girl continued.
“Yeah, he told me he was going to rest for the night because he fried his brains out from the exams but…” She shrugged before taking another sip of her drink. “I saw him dancing with this girl from our PE class. She’s not even good at sports. What’s to like about her?”
Widow cleared her throat before she stood up in the middle of the two cars, bopping to the beat that was being played from the radio. “Forget about boys. Speaking of dancing, you should all join me here and dance along.”
Soon after, half of the group joined Widow while the rest stayed at the back of the car, watching their friends. Gigi was sitting at the edge of the truck, letting her feet dangle as she looked at the overlooking view in front of them. Crystal went to sit beside her, joining in her silence. She dug her hand inside her pocket and picked up another cigarette, lighting it up and taking a puff. The blonde just looked at her, tilting her head to the side as she observed the teenager.
Gigi was trying to pinpoint where she might have met her before. The sapphire waves coming down from her head, the silver nose ring, the black and silver earrings on her earlobes, the black blouse topped with a denim jacket, a short black skirt over a stripped black and white tights. They all looked like she have seen it before. The girl beside her looked like trouble, with her blue-hair being the accent against her black and white outfit. She appeared to be like someone Gigi would choose last when asked to pick partners in their PE classes but here she was sitting beside her by the cliff.
“What? Do you want some?” Crystal offered, handing her the roll of cigarette in her fingers. Gigi refused politely, offering her a small smile.
“I don’t smoke. Isn’t that bad for you? Plus you’re also drinking.”
“Well, Ms. Goode, thanks for your concern but I’ll be fine.”
“How did you know me? Do we have classes together?” The blonde tilted her head to the side as she glanced at the person beside her.
“The question is do I attend classes? Haha kidding. I think we used to have History back in second year. Now I’m not entirely sure. Maybe English or Literature?”
“Mhm.” The blonde hummed under her breath, playing with her cup that was placed on her lap. “Since when did you start smoking? Do you always have that with you? Is it like a thing for someone like you?
“What do you mean someone like me? Am I like an alien or something?” Crystal darted her eyes towards the blonde beside her, watching her laugh at her question. “What’s funny about it?”
“No no, I mean, like you. Uhm, people who skates and likes metal rock stuff.” The ballerina was fiddling with her cup, staring at the clear content inside it. She watched the ripples as it bounced against the wall of the container.
“Metal rock stuff? Me? It’s not a match. Wait, do you mean because I dress up like this I like dark stuff already? I mean it’s not offensive but woah with the stereotype.” The sapphire-haired girl placed her hand on her chest, her lips turning into an O-shape as she imitate a hurt gasp, making the girl beside her chuckle lightly.
“Oh my, I’m sorry. It’s just th-“
“Yeah, I know I look like someone who likes those kinds of stuff just because of the way I dress and what I do with my skateboard, but believe me, I’m not. Not that they are not good choices of music tho, it’s just not my style.” Gigi looked down again at her cup, frowning. “Hey, it’s fine. I’m not mad.”
“But I’m really sorry for assuming things. I-“
“I said it’s fine. Come on, chill.” Crystal nudged the girl beside her with her elbow. She took another inhale of her joint before she puffed it out. The other girl just glanced at her with a faint smile on her face before looking at the view in front of them once more. She adjusted her pink jacket wrapping around her shoulders, pulling it tighter closer to her body to feel warmth. Crystal couldn’t help but notice the shifting beside her. She scooted closer towards the blonde. “I have an extra jacket in the truck. Do you want me to get it for you?”
“Oh no need. You can use it later cause I think it’s gonna get colder soon.” The blonde responded as she swing her legs while looking at the horizon. The blue-haired girl jump down from the back of the truck and jogged to get her coat. As Crystal returned back to Gigi’s side, she put it over her shoulder and let her hands rest on them firmly but not too tight.
“I’ll get it from you later when I need it. You can use it for now.”
 Meanwhile, in the makeshift dance floor, the bunch of girls were enjoying the time of their lives. They all cheered, dancing along to the songs in synchrony as if they were all part of a dance group. It was a Britney Spears song that everyone was familiar with. Their giggles and singing echoed the area as they had their little party.
Jan and Jackie paired with each other as they danced to the song. They grooved and swayed their hips to the song as they had a little chat over the loud music.
“You are good at dancing, Jan.” Jackie commented, watching as the other girl in front of her bopped to the beat of the song from the radio.
“Well, of course. I am part of the dance group, remember?” The short blonde took a swig of her drink which caused her to cough a bit as she felt the alcohol run through her throat. “Woah. This is strong. But anyway, you are not bad yourself. You have some good dance moves. You should join us, maybe. So we could get to hang out more!” Jackie shook her head at the suggestion as she took her hand and twirled her around, which made the two laugh.
“I don’t want to embarrass myself any further. Plus, I have the school magazine to focus on to. I like peaceful spaces more.”
“But it’ll be fun. Come on, I can teach you our dance routines some time.” Jan offered as she continued her mini dance.
“No, but thanks, really. I just like dancing here with all of you. Plus dance while drunk is much more fun.”
“Should I always give you drinks just to let loose? I think that would be really bad for you, we both know that.” Jackie took her hand again and spun her around.
“Oh no, I’m sorry.” A light-headed Jan accidentally stepped on the Persian girl’s foot, making her slightly wince in pain. She bent her knee and reached for her foot which Jan held as well, trying to caress it. “I’m really sorry, Ja-“
“Jackie, my name’s Jackie.” The brunette offered her a kind smile as they both tried to sooth the pain on her foot.
“Wait, let me get something cold. Just stay there.” Jan looked around as she tried to locate the pick-up truck with her blurry vision, which was behind Jackie. She hurried towards the car only to bump against Jackie once again. “Oops, I did it again.”
That made the brunette roll her eyes with the joke she tried to share, letting out soft chuckles. “I think it would be best if I go with you. Who knows how many feet you’re going to bump with and step on your way to the car.”  
“Hi Lux. Are you having fun?” Jan noticed Gigi approaching them who was gently swaying her hips as she danced along the music. She met eyes with Jackie who shook her head at the statement of the tipsy girl.
“She surely is drunk. It was Gigi, Jan.” Jackie led the way towards Widow’s car, settling Jan inside before she went to get a cold drink for her feet.
Gigi found Widow and Heidi on their makeshift dance floor as she felt the alcohol kicking in to her system. It helped her loosen up, allowing her to enjoy the music and bop along with her friends even with the company of people she just met. She lifted her arms into the air, feeling the melody flowing through her veins.
Back at the truck, Daya was hanging out with Crystal, the two of them standing and leaning at the roof of the car, watching their friends in their dancefloor. They silently stood by each other, passing the cigarette as they let the other enjoy the winter breeze paired with their joint.
“That Gigi doesn’t seem to be that quiet, hm?” Crystal broke the silence, turning to Daya as she pass the cig to her.
“Is she not? Oh yeah, I saw you two talking earlier. In all fairness, you made her laugh. I thought she’ll be a tough cookie to break even though she seem really soft.” The taller girl commented as she poured some drink onto Crystal’s cup. Daya then followed where the other was looking at before laying her eyes on the girl beside her, letting out a soft sigh.
“She’s quite something…” The smaller one trailed off as she locked her eyes on the ballerina, watching her dance with the bunch of girls. Her hair was flawlessly bouncing against her shoulders as she jumped around to the beat, her giggles echoing onto their small spot by the cliff. Crystal noticed the moonlight reflecting on her as if her skin was glistening under the moon’s touch.
  Present Day, 2020.
 The group were all at their large table by the stage, waiting for the program to officially start. They knew they had come earlier than the time but they did that as to have a longer time to be with their girlfriends as well as to update each other with their current lives. It had been some years since they all came together in one place. They were always incomplete for the past years that they had gathered. Sometimes it would be Lux, Daegen, Daya, and Crystal when they all went to visit Crystal and Lux in California. Sometimes it would be Daegen, Jackie, Jan, and Gigi in the East Coast to watch a musical. There was also a year when they almost were complete. It was during a tour Gigi and her dance company did back in their hometown. Everyone was available that weekend except for Crystal who was having her hell week for her finals in her art degree.
That reunion party was the first time after years that they were complete. Surely, they missed each other. They were all in relief as they all didn’t lose touch of each other especially with the growth of social media back in their college days which made it easier for the group to keep in touch. It also made them be as close as they used to be back in high school. It was as if they were never apart. At least for most of them.
 “I’ll be right back. The band is calling me, I think there’s something wrong with the instruments. Later.” The dark-haired vocalist bid a short goodbye to her girlfriends as she walked back to the side of the stage and approaching her bandmates.
“So Lux, how has it been with you? I heard you started your own small boutique. When we go to San Francisco maybe we can all visit your store.” Jan mentioned as she picked up a piece of nacho chip and shoved it in her mouth, turning to look at the small blonde girl across the table.
“Business is going great, really. Lately, people have been fond of the vintage dresses that I make. They were asking if I also do customized pieces.”
“Do you also do wedding dress, Lux?” Heidi asked from one side of the table, smiling from ear to ear as she shifted her eyes around the table. Eyes darted back on her in confusion. “What? I’m just asking.”
“Is it for a movie? Wow, I thought you have a lot of costume designers already. That would be a pleasure to work in your movie tho. But I don’t make wedding dresses. I can give you some of my friends’ number from college.” Lux took her phone from her small purple bag as she looked for her friends’ contact information.
“Something is fishy here…” Widow shot a look towards the actress as she playfully looked around while whistling. “Hey, don’t tell us…”
Heidi then showed a flashing diamond ring that she wore on her left hand which surprised the whole table. It earned loud squeals and cheers from her girlfriends as they ran towards her. “Oh my gosh, Di, I didn’t know you are getting married!”
“We are so happy for you!”
“Congratulations!” A few of the people around their table looked at their direction since their noise were getting louder but the group didn’t mind. They are used to all the stares they get when they are all having fun.
“Wait, does the media know already? I’m pretty sure I follow all news about you. How come this didn’t come out yet?” Daegen said as she wrapped her arms around Heidi excitedly.
“Well well well, I made sure you all are the first ones to know. He proposed just this last week for our 11th anniversary. Can you believe it? I’m getting hitched!”
“Oh gosh, finally. It’s about time, don’t you think?” The group chuckled at Widow’s statement.
 Out of nowhere, Jan burst into fits of laughter, covering her mouth as she tried to silenced herself but to no avail. The whole table looked at her in confusion as she continued laughing on her own. “Wait wait, hahahaha. I’m sorry. I just… hahahaha…remembered something.”
“It better be worth the laugh or you have to find your new table, Janette.” Daegen threw a table napkin towards her direction but it landed on Widow’s plate. This made the blonde laugh some more. Jackie had to offer her a glass of water to help her calm down.
“Okay, so here it goes. I suddenly remembered this thing back in high school. I am not sure if we were friends already but it did happen during dance rehearsals and the table napkin is so funny as if it read my mind because it was a story about Widow.” The taller girl shot daggers through her eyes towards Jan’s direction, murmuring “don’t you dare.”
“I love you, Widow.” Jan mouthed back before continuing with her story. “Alright, so dance rehearsals. We were all there, of course practicing and then suddenly, we heard a very loud ‘WHERE IS MY GODDAMN PHONE’ from the front of the stage. We were about to have a run-through of our routine but her phone was “missing”.” She did some air quotes with her fingers.
Gigi, who was on her phone, started giggling as well as she remembered the story Jan was referring to. “Widow just got mad at us and we have no idea why because we were all on our own groups stretching and warming up for the rehearsals.”
“Then Widow said, ‘I swear, if you all don’t bring out my phone right now, y’all have to stay here and do ten extra laps around the auditorium. ‘ We all looked at each other, then Heidi started laughing. I swear I thought my cheeks were burning that time because I was so scared for her.” Jan reached out her hand and placed it above Heidi’s who gently caressed it back. “We were all trying to stop Heidi from laughing until she pointed to the metal box Widow was holding back then. I swear she was so scary but it was so funny watching her get mad at us for that.”
The whole table started to burst into loud cackles as they listened to what Jan shared to them. They didn’t even notice Gigi excusing herself as she half-ran towards the exit with her phone in her hand, hurrying towards a much quieter place.
She reached the outside of the building, standing beside a small tree as she answered the call from someone. She talked for a few minutes before she turned back aiming for the door until a figure at the corner of her eyes caught her attention. She was wearing sparkly silver jacket and some tight leather pants, paired with black boots which was hard to miss. In the middle of her finger was a thin stick of cigarette, its smoke fuming into the air. Gigi was supposed to ignore it and go back to her friends when she heard, “Hey.”
She was stopped on her tracks, her mind wandering aimlessly as she looked down at her phone. She inhaled a deep breath, fixing the strands of hair falling onto her face, before glancing to the direction of the voice. “Oh hi.”
“I just came out to get some fresh air. Are they all having fun inside? Uhm, do you want some?” Crystal offered her a stick which Gigi politely refused.
“You know I don’t smoke.” Gigi glided towards where Crystal was, leaning her side against a column.
“Oh yeah, Ms. Goode.  I remember that.” The smaller girl exhaled a chuckle as she shook her head before taking a puff of her stick.
“I thought you stopped.” It came out more like a statement rather than question as Gigi focused her eyes on her shoe, her right foot rocking back and forth as she waited for a reply.
“There are just some things that are harder to quit.”
Silence enveloped the atmosphere as they both slowly realize what Crystal’s words meant. It had been a really long time, years even, since they have been left alone with just each other’s company. The first time they met were similar to their situation now, awkward, back in the first party they attended together but things quickly changed between the two. They grew close together, comfortable with each other’s’ presence. They were friends, to say the least, always looking out for each other, searching for one another when times of need. However, they seemed to be back to square one.
They both were caught off guard when they heard some footsteps towards their spot. Crystal then felt a pair of long arms hovering over her shoulder, wrapping her into a back hug. “There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you. We’re about to start performing again. You should go back inside,” said the person behind her.
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trashogram · 4 years
Devotee II. 
Warnings: Emotional/Psychological Manipulation, Abusive Relationships, Dubious Consent to Interspecies Relations, Painful Sex, and Sociopath Light Yagami
Part One | Part Three
When he fully processed Light’s proposition, Ryuk had cackled madly. His crowing built up like oncoming thunder, and the chains he wore rattled and clinked with the intensity. He laughed so hard that he had to hold onto his sides, long arms wrapping around his emaciated stomach as if it truly strained him.
Misa had stood behind the arrogant man, looking pale as a ghost. Her eyes were wide as the moon and she was uncharacteristically silent during their exchange, but it wasn’t hard to see why with the whole picture.
“You’ve finally lost it, Light-o.” Ryuk guffawed, feet finally back on the ground after he’d risen out of astonishment.
Light was unphased. “It’s not a joke.”
The laughter finally stopped, and Ryuk stood there with mounting confusion.
“... Why…?” He was truly dumbfounded, brain short-circuiting over how this could possibly be happening.
“You can’t trade her for the eyes.” The god of death chided Light. “No way would - ”
“ - Would offering Misa be enough to gain Shinigami eyes?” Light interrupted. “That’s fine. I figured as much.”  
“That’s not what I want.” Light said, lips quirking. “I don’t want anything from you.”
He reached behind himself and pulled Misa forward by the wrist, holding her out for the shinigami to take, as if Misa was just another apple.  
Ryuk reared back, head swiveling so fast that were he not already impervious to death, he would’ve broken his neck. Misa looked up at him with her hands clasped together in prayer.
“Ryuk.” She addressed him, voice hoarse. “Please, please do this with me. It’s all I want.”
     He’d grown so accustomed to these particular humans, it wasn’t far-fetched to think he’d seen everything they had to offer. Misa’s devotion to Light Yagami went to great lengths, so far that she’d been willing to give her life for his ‘cause’... But this was crossing a different line entirely.
Ryuk’s bulbous eyes bore into the second Kira. He wouldn’t lie to himself. Misa may have been a human, and he a Shinigami, but Ryuk found the young woman plenty attractive. It didn’t matter much, knowing how crazy she was for Light, and how Misa wouldn’t have considered this in the first place. This kind of thing had likely never crossed her mind, nevertheless she was currently begging for Ryuk to fuck her.
She’d rather die first, wouldn’t she?
Or maybe she would die if she didn’t do this. Misa did look like a hostage at the moment, and Light was keeping her there with a harsh grip.
“Please?” Misa’s voice thickened with emotion, misery.
Ryuk was a little sad at the thought of Misa being disposed of so soon. And there was no rule against this, so if he did ‘help’ her here, it wouldn’t be enough to kill him.  
There was another long silence, before Ryuk acquiesced by nodding.
“You have to pretend it’s me.” Light had Misa by the shoulders, the caricature of a life coach trying to pep up a client. “That’s the only way this is going to work.”
His natural nonchalance so understated the demand that he had made of her, which he was well aware of. If this parasite of a woman weren’t so delusional, she’d already have left him and never looked back. Of course, she wouldn’t get very far considering he would just kill her, but still.
No sane person would possibly go through with this.
Light had adapted to Ryuk’s presence quickly, and regarded him with the same fondness one might bestow a stray cat. At his best, Ryuk was a not-quite-captive audience to Light’s triumphs, completely aware of how far Light had gone to secure his place as god.
That didn’t erase the fact that Ryuk was inhuman.
He was hideous. 7 feet tall while hunching, with grotesque blue-gray skin marred by stitches and deep grooves in his eccentric clothing. Ryuk was the stuff of nightmares, watching everyone with unblinking yellow eyes and a permanent grin on his ghastly face.
To Light, the shinigami barely resembled a man and looked more like an abomination trying to pretend it was human.
So, Light almost felt sorry for goading the little blonde gnat he called a girlfriend into fucking said abomination.
There wasn’t any reason for Misa to do this, truth be told. He’d planted the seed in her head that this was some nebulous albeit highly necessary test to prove her worth. If she had time to think it over, Misa would’ve realized how little sense this “test” made.
But for his own intrigue, and out of more than a little resentment, Misa’s strings were plucked expertly. She was already so needy, wanting affirmations of his love if ever he could spare them.
Light squeezed her shoulders and held her close. He faked actual care with all the grace of a trained actor.
“I know, I know.” He hushed. “It’s scary. It must seem impossible to you. It would seem that way to anyone, I’m sure.”
Why put her through it, then? Ryuk thought wryly. Aren’t you supposed to protect people you love?
Ryuk waited on the edge of the couple’s bed meanwhile, observing their silhouettes while listening to them whispering in the doorway. He felt confident that Misa herself was aware, on some level, that everything Light said was bullshit, but also knew that that didn’t matter.
Misa Amane wasn’t stupid - she was spontaneous and flighty, posing an issue more because she didn’t fit into Light’s rigid worldview then because of a lack of a brain. Nevertheless, her heart typically outbid her head when it came to decision making; and she was perpetually a prisoner to the irrational fantasy that Light genuinely cared for her.
“But I know you can do this for me, Misa.” Light said tenderly. “You’re so brave. The only one that’s worthy enough to be Kira’s wife.”
Ryuk wouldn’t have believed it had he not been Light’s shadow for this long, but that faux kindness worked. It took longer than Light would have probably liked for Misa’s shaking to have lessened somewhat. Her heavy breathing tampered down while her boyfriend held her close and rested his head atop hers, arms wrapped around her tightly like she was precious.
Light gently detached her from him again after a small eternity, putting a hand under her chin to ensure they made eye contact. Misa sniffled, nodding slowly.
The door opened with a creak, with Light and Misa filing in, the latter of whom looking like she was about to be executed.
When Misa turned on her heels to face Ryuk, she was unaware of the smug look on Yagami’s handsome face. Ryuk didn’t comment, averse to the unprecedented disgust that settled in his gut at Light’s callousness. He’d never felt disdain for Light’s actions before, though he’d gone beyond what Ryuk believed to be the limit of atrocities for a single human.
Instead, Ryuk’s attention focused on Misa as the girl crept forward, inch by literal inch. She was standing six-feet away from him before he reached out and carefully tugged her the rest of the way by her waist, making her squeak. He let go as he saw the clear trepidation in her brown eyes from this close.  
The woman looked lost standing there, until Light cleared his throat expectantly.
Ryuk’s brow lifted. “You’re gonna be in here, too?”
Light shrugged, taking a seat parallel to the bed. The bastard was actually failing at containing the smirk on his face over this.  
“Freak.” Ryuk chortled uncomfortably.  
Misa inhaled and exhaled a few times, shoulders rising and falling, before masking her fear with determination. Her counterpart cocked his head, watching her curiously.
Without warning, Misa’s eyes shut tight and Ryuk balked when she pitched forward. The woman was so short that she needed to apply her weight on her toes as she made to kiss him. She couldn’t make it all the way, with Ryuk’s mouth being as big as it was, but she pecked his lower lip before drawing back.
He watched her return upright, noting the scrunch of her nose. Oddly, it wasn’t a look of disgust on her face as much as it was one of perplexity.
“You’re really cold.” Misa determined out loud.
“Oh, uh yeah...” Ryuk replied, flinching at the sound of his own voice. “Sorry, about that. Not much I can do…”
The silence that followed was awkward, making Ryuk twitch, and he scoured his brain for a way to end it all.
His taloned hands came to rest on Misa’s hips, allowing him the opportunity to savor the heat that had seeped from her body into her clothes. Even with the fabric of her shorts in the way, he was able to feel the shape of her, and her supple flesh.
Misa grabbed Ryuk’s claws, steadying herself in his grip and wincing at the fact that the shinigami’s hands were just as cold as his lip. Her hands quickly slid from his, up to grasp the leather covering his lean arms.
Her touch started a flurry of feelings inside his abdomen. He was uncomfortable, but the feeling was slowly fading away in favor of excitement.
It had been a while since Misa’s touch had forced him to dematerialize out of shyness. He still felt strangely when she made contact with him, but it was less of a churning in his stomach and more of a fluttering. Ryuk had begun anticipating her affectionate gestures over time, to where he was bummed out if a day passed and he’d been neglected.
Never had his desire for physical contact with her amounted to a shared embrace or groping, however. He wasn’t as delusional as Misa, no matter how badly he wanted something.
“Don’t you think she’s overdressed, Ryuk?” Light asked across from them.
Misa dug her nails into Ryuk’s sleeves while his hands rose to the hem of her tank top and he started to lift it up. He was already pulling the flimsy piece of clothing over her shoulders before Misa remembered to lift her arms up.
When it was off and thrown to the side, the girl immediately covered her chest.
Ryuk chuckled, dragging his knuckles against her side, feeling her ribs beneath layers of skin and muscle. For her part, Misa did an excellent job of not recoiling violently as she so obviously wanted to.
Her arms were akimbo for a moment. Then, Misa placed her much smaller hand over his, holding on to stymy any potential brusqueness on his part.
He didn’t apply any pressure or make a grab for her. Ryuk skimmed, content with just being able to touch her for the time being. His hand traveled past her shoulder up to her neck, and soon tangled in her hair. The palm of his hand was large enough to cover the back of her head in full.
Ryuk’s shoulders straightened when Misa warily leaned into his touch, letting him cradle her head and thread her yellow locks between his spindly fingers in earnest. He didn’t say anything when Misa closed her eyes, just marvelled at how silky her hair was and how it compared to her skin.
Humans were squishy beings, but Misa in particular was soft and smooth just about everywhere.
Ryuk hadn’t given it too much thought before then, but he liked the consistency. Touching her was nice, even more so when Misa gave him access to her willingly - well, semi-willingly.
Their audience of one sighed on the sidelines, unwilling to pretend to be a wallflower.
Light rested his head on one hand, watching the two, who, to Light’s chagrin, weren’t exactly falling in line. He knew that Misa was a magnet for shinigami, but seeing Ryuk be so gentle with her upset Light’s stomach. The man supposed that it was his own fault, hoping that Ryuk might lose the few brain cells he had and break Misa as soon as he got to her.
Then again, that reluctance only solidified proof that Ryuk was able to be manipulated where Misa was concerned.
“You do know what sex is, right Ryuk?” Light spoke up again, impatient. “Or do we need to give you the talk?”
Ryuk scoffed, mood souring somewhat.
“You don’t have to be so nosy, ya know?” He snapped, pushing aside the irony of his own words.
Misa looked toward Light each time he spoke, and Ryuk found that to be a contributing factor to his own ire. He felt like complaining over her lack of enthusiasm as well… maybe that was overdoing it in terms of ignoring irony, though.
        The shinigami eyed the shorts around her waist and the bra on her chest. Given his purpose in life, Ryuk possessed a wealth of patience compared to your average human, but considered that he might be on a time limit.
The tentative exploration ended as soon as it began, and without another word Ryuk yanked at her shorts with his free hand.
“Hey!” Misa went rigid with alarm. The shinigami silenced her by placing his mouth over hers, eagerly pulling her in until she was crushed against his bony chest.
The model began to thrash, unprepared for Ryuk’s tongue to sweep over her lips and worm its way down her throat. She took in a mouthful of him, gagging on the unbelievably long appendage. He was too rough, too clumsy, and literally tore off her brazier in his insistence to swallow her whole.
At the feeling of sharp teeth pressed against her, Misa felt fear consume her. It would be very easy for Ryuk to either choke her this way, or for his fangs to bite off her tongue and make her bleed out.
“You’re going to suffocate her, Ryuk.” Light’s voice put a pause on things.
Ryuk halted, and Misa pulled away until she was free to gasp for air. Ryuk was dismayed at first, regarding Light as a pest in a bizarre switch of roles. Yet, when he saw Misa’s skin beginning to return to a normal shade, from the bluish cast it had taken on, Ryuk felt sheepish.
“It’s fine.” Light was perched on an armchair, legs crossed as he maintained the role of a passive observer. “Just keep it in mind that humans have to breathe from now on.”  
Misa twisted in Ryuk’s grasp as much as she could, incredulous. “Light! Can we st -”
“AH!” She shrieked.
Ryuk didn’t wait for more information before he was at her again. She was in shock as Ryuk took one of her breasts in his mouth and swirled his tongue over her nipple. He hummed against her malleable flesh, delighting in how Misa began struggling again while simultaneously mewling.
Ryuk hadn’t spent a lot of time watching humans engaging in sexual activity -- if he saw it, it was usually by accident and normally just tickled his funny bone.
Her hands had moved from his arms to his shoulders, and now she was digging her manicured nails into the back of his neck, either to keep stable or to throw him off.
If her intention was to ward him away, Misa was failing spectacularly. The feeling of being clawed wracked Ryuk’s body with tremors, encouraging him to return the favor by marking her back with his talons.
He’d seen humans going at it before, in all kinds of ways and in all kinds of places, but was surprised by how much he was enjoying it.
Still suckling, the death god finally managed to take off her shorts with minimal damage. Misa was completely bare by the time Ryuk let go of one breast to suck greedily at the other, his shark-like teeth grazing her areola.
Misa was jarred forward, feeling like an unwitting passenger on the world’s worst rollercoaster while being pulled, prodded and wrenched to the shinigami’s liking. His talons were scraping over every bit of skin that he could reach, from her upper back down to her ass, which he kneaded with bruising enthusiasm.
Ryuk let go, drool pouring down his chin as he gave her a hooded stare.
“Yum.” He said huskily.
Misa flushed as a sharp, gleaming grin stretched the corners of Ryuk’s mouth. His typical laugh was muffled while he moved in for another slobbery kiss. With the return of his overly-long tongue, Misa clamped down on it with her blunt teeth in an effort to stop the assault. She jumped when all it did was change Ryuk’s sniggering into a groan, provoking a twinge of heat in her lower belly.  
The second Kira whimpered, losing her will to continue fighting. In the background, Kira himself smirked as her conviction visibly dwindled.  
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jungshookz · 6 years
I don’t really know if you take requests or not, but I think I have a cute idea I’d like to share! Maybe like, new puppy owner Y/N and pet shop employee Taehyung!
Tumblr media
→ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
→ genre: petshopemployee!au, the cuTEST GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPY evER and it belongs to you now!!, an extra biG serving of fluff, u and tae r so shy it’s adorable
→ wordcount: 3.2k
(gif isn’t mine!)
what the hell are you doing here
out of all the places you could be on a sunday morning (aka in your nice warm bed) you are at… a pet store???
here’s the backstory
you’ve been feeling pretty lonely lately (your ex broke up with you a month ago and it’s been diffiCuLT to say the least)
he said something about how you were holding him back and the spark is gone because you’re so busy with school and your job and blah blah blah all you remember is throwing your drink on him and storming out of the restaurant
it’s fine
he was a dick anyway!! you deserve better
but you’re not used to being.,,. alone
the apartment is just so quiet
you’re trying to get used to sleeping in the middle of your queen-sized bed again but somehow you always shift over to the right side of the bed because that’s your side
it’s been your side for the past four years
things are just different now
and sure you have your friends and stuff to hang out with (namjoon asked if you wanted to go out yesterday night with him and the rest of the boys but you turned him down because you were too busy throwing your own pity party) but it’s just not the same u kno
so that’s why you’re here now
at a pet shop
because you feel like getting a pet will help with the whole being lonely thing!! and also you’ve always wanted a pet so this will be great (when you were younger you had a goldfish one day you came home from school and kevin was on the floor because he juMPED OUT OF HIS TANK RIP kevin)  
you kind of have an idea of what kind of pet you want
you definitely want something small
something low-maintenance since you’ll be busy at school
maybe like a hermit crab or something
a hamster? the constant running on the wheel would probably drive you insane
maybe a bird? but what if it flies out the window
a goldfish would bring back the painful memories of kevin so that’s going to be a HARd pass
and then
you see it
the gates of heaven
you gasp and immediately turn away from the lovebird you were just looking at and the lovebird squawks like fuCK me i guESS
“oh my god” you whine quietly when all the puppies start running up to you as you stand in front of the pit
they’re all yipping and barking and getting up on their hind legs to try to get closer to you
“hi! are you thinking about taking one of these guys home with you today?”
you turn around to-
oh my
your eyes flicker down to the employee’s name tag
you look back up at him
he might be cuter than the puppies
he smiles at you and tilts his head
oH he is DEFInitely cuter than the puppies
“oh! uh…”
you can barely take care of yourself how the hell r u going to take care of a puppy
just tell taehyung no and ask him about pets that are easy to take care of
and if you don’t take one of them home whO WILL
oh my god y/n
think this through
you don’t have space for a puppy
but you can MAKE space
puppies are expensive
but you can MAKE monEY
puppies need a lot of love and attention and affection and-
y/n no
y/n yes
y/n no
y/n yES
y/N N-
“yes! yes i am” you clear your throat before reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear
oh man
it’s like you don’t even know how to interact with boys anymore
it’s okaY just go with the flow it’s not a big deal
everything’s chill
super cool
don’t be weird
please don’t be weird
“oh, that’s great!!!” he gasps and claps his hand together “are you a first time puppy owner?”
you nod excitedly and look down at the puppies yipping for your attention
“well, we should probably hook you up with the basics before you get the puppy part, hm? follow me!”
wait what
taehyung notices your hesitation and he raises a brow “this’ll only take like ten minutes, miss. fifteen minutes tops. c’mon!” he gestures for you to follow him before pulling out a cart by the counter
“so, what made you decide to get a puppy, if you don’t mind me asking?” taehyung starts picking up things here and there for you as the two of you wheel your way down the aisles
“well, i’ve always wanted a dog and now that i’m-“ oOF okay you’re not going to tell this cute stranger about your failed relationship
let’s not go there
maybe some other time!! “uh… now that i…. have a bigger apartment i decided i could fill up some space with a puppy!” you shrug and pluck a little mustard yellow harness from the shelf
you heard that harnesses are better because leashes can choke ur doggo and you don’t want to choke your doggo
plus a tiny harness on a tiny puppy cOMe on
“oH..,.,. my god,.,.” your heart basically stops in your chest when you spot the cutest pair of yellow rainboots with a matching raincoat
…yeah you’re getting those too
you don’t even care if you spenD like $1000 here (okay you’d care just a liTtle bit because u don’t even spend that much on urself)
meanwhile taehyung’s talking to you about how often you should take the dog out and how much to feed it and how much exercise it needs and how you need to put down puppy pee pads and you need to puppy-proof your house there’s just a loT of p’s flying around right now
yes you appreciate him for doing his job throughly but you can barely focus on what he’s saying because you’re picking out a bed and a little blankie and pillow and toyS and a food bowl and a water bowl and-
“whichever pup you end up choosing is going to be very lucky” taehyung chuckles as you duMP a whole load of treats into the cart and you look down at everything you’ve picked out before flashing him a sheepish smile
“think i’m getting a bit ahead of myself?”
“you probably don’t need-“ he pauses and looks down at the cart “-three full sized bags of carob-chip dog cookies? or four different pairs of rain boots??”
“oH but look how cuTE-“
usually taehyung would be aLL for the customer going crazy because that means he gets more commission but u seem really nice and just really excited and he doesn’t want u wasting your money on things you don’t need
the puppy itself is going to cost a good chunk of money so there’s that
“i think we’re all good to go!” tae sighs as he puts the last of your family-sized food bags back onto the shelf
he turns and grins at you “how about i bring all this stuff over to the front counter and i meet you by the puppy pit?”
you nod excitedly and ziP off towards the puppy pit and almost immediately the barking intensifies at your presence
you drop to your knees in front of the gate and stick your hand through the gaps between the bars and giggle when the pups start licking at your fingers (probably because u were touching dog cookies earlier because they looked like humaN cookies and you were about to treat urself to one but tae stopped you before you inhaled it)
“okay, which one of you wants to come home with me!!!!!” you squeal excitedly when tae finally comes around and unlocks the gate for you and you drop to your butt
you coo when a majority of the puppies start clambering over each other to get to you
you really are in heaven
this was a greAT way to spend your sunday morning
good job sad and lonely y/n!!!!!! (oof)
“oOH i can’t decide i wanna take them all home” you sigh and lean back against your palms and tae can’t help but laugh before taking a seat across from you
“yeah, it’s definitely going to be a difficult decision. i remember when i was choosing my dog it took me like three whole hours to finally say ‘okay, i’m choosing thiS one’”
“oh, you have a dog?”
“mhm! a pomeranian. his name is yeontan, but i call him tannie. he was supEr duper tiny when…” you don’t mean to be rude and space out while taehyung’s telling you about his dog but like,..,,. he’s just.,.,. so beautiful.,,
his soft, dark brown hair
his jawline and his cheekbones and his strong eyebrows and his sparkling eyes and his boxy grin and woW god really spent time on him because he is so,.,.., so handsome.,.,.,
maybe you’re just getting ahead of yourself
just because you’re lonely doesn’t mean you should go and juMP on the first guy that’s nice to you
maybe tae’s not actually thAt handsome and it’s just your sadness and desperation making you thiNK he’s handsome (no this is a complete lie even if you weren’t sad and desperate and lonely you would know that tae is very vERY attractive)
and what makes you think tae might be interested in you??? he’s literally only being nice because that’s his joB
you deflate a little bit at your own pessimistic thoughts and bring your attention back to the pups
taehyung is fully aware of the fact that he’s blabbering
but he can’t help it
he blabbers when he’s nervous!!!!! and right now he is vERy nervous because there is a very pretty girl sitting across from him and he hasn’t made a move on someone in so long so he’s reaLLy really out of the groove of things
is he talking too much about yeontan???? is he not talking enouGH about yeontan?? should he have let you keep those 4 pairs of rain boots and 3 bags of treats??? he doesn’t know!!!!! aHHHHH!!!!!!!!
also he doesn’t want there to be any awkward silence if he stopped talking so that’s why he’s keeping his mouth running and running and running and ruNNing-
“hey, buddy~ do you wanna come home with me?” you coo and lift up the puppy that’s calmly stuck by your side the entire time
he pokes his lil tongue out and you grin “what do you say?”
he yips and leans in to lick your nose
you feel an insTANT connection
you turn the puppy around so that he’s facing tae
and tae can’t help but laugh at the sight of you just holding the puppy like that
his legs are just dangling in midair but his tail is still wagging a mile a minute
“i think this might be my guy” you coo and let him back down onto his feet and he hops up onto your lap
you scratch behind his ear and he barks
“have you thought about potential names yet?”
you purse your lips and look down at the nameless puppy
“not yet… maybe you can help me come up with one?”
you didn’t know how hard it was to choose a name for something
it took you like three seconds to name kevin
but you and tae have been sitting here for almost forty minutes trying to come up with something
but also it’s not just up to you you think its important that the doG reacts to the name too
tae has multiple tabs open on his phone and he’s just reading names out to you
you look down at the pup and it blinks back up at you
no reaction
still nothing
the pup growls at that one because rusty??? how inSULTING
stiLL nothing
“how about milo?” you interrupt tae and keep your eyes trained on the pup
you want to thank the lords above when it barks and twirls around in a circle before sitting on his butt
“milo!” he barks again and sticks his tongue out “milo~” you coo and lift him up so that you can smoosh a kiss on his cheek
and if that’s not the cutest thing he’s ever seen in his entire life taehyung doesn’t know whAT IS
“thank you for everything, by the way. you’ve been really helpful.” you tuck your credit card back into your wallet (it’s a good thing you didn’t end up getting those extra rain boots because ouCh the total was not a pretty number)
and then u realise
you haven’t even introduced yourself to tae
“oh! i’m y/n, by the way. probably should’ve started with that.” you chuckle sheepishly
taehyung smiles to himself as he sneaks an extra dog cookie into your bag
is he going to make his move
,.,., yes he is
“i’m taehyung,” he grins and you feel your heart flutter
your heart hasn’t fluttered like that in a long time
“-but you can call me later.” you can’t help but snort and taehyung grins as he rings up the last of your things
you can’t help but feel a sense of relief knowing that tae has taken an interest in you as well
“you’re lucky you’re cute” you mutter and tae looks up at you and raises a brow
“did you just call me cute?”
“i was talking to milo” you joke and tae raises his hands in defense
a moment of silence goes by
“hey, maybe milo and yeontan can meet each other one day or something…?” he clears his throat and punches a couple buttons on the computer
he’s not actually doing anything he’s just pretending like he’s doing something so that he can keep talking to u
“what do you think, milo?” you look down at milo and he blinks up at you “you wanna meet yeontan?” his mouth opens and he starts panting “what day is good for you, hm?”
milo barks before his hind leg is scratching behind his ear
“is this sunday good for you? milo and i can meet you here, or… we could meet at the dog park, or…”
“or maybe i can take you out for breakfast first? there’s a really nice café downtown that allows dogs in there too… and, um, and then we could go to the dog park? we don’t have to, if you don’t want to, we can just go straight to the dog park if-“
“i would love to go for breakfast.” you smile shyly and your stomach does a flip-flop
taehyung sucks his bottom lip in between his teeth before nodding and reaching for the printer as your receipt starts printing out
you’re a bit preoccupied fawning over your new puppy so tae quickly scribbles his number down on the back of your receipt
he steps out from behind the counter so that he can help you carry your things to the car
“so, this is for you,” tae hands you the receipt and you take it from him “like i said before, you should probably puppy-proof your place if you haven’t done so yet. milo’s at the age where everything is something to chew on, so if you have a pair of expensive shoes or something you might wanna put them away-“ milo barks and starts walking slowly around you and tae
tae looks down at him and takes a step closer to you because he doesn’t want to accidentally steP on your puppy “um, yeah, so, electrical cords, laundry, especially dirty socks-“
milo starts walking again and his little paws pit-pat against the floor
“uh-huh,” you furrow your brows and look down at milo and he stops walking and promptly sits and looks up at you “sorry, what were you saying?”
“training treats are good, but don’t give him too many treats because…”  
and now that you’re distracted again
milo makes his move
he’s a lil man with a lil plan
milo barks and starts running circles around you and tae
you feel his leash starting to tighten around your ankles and the next thing you know you’re pressed riGHT up against tae
you stumble a little and let out a squeak of surprise
your hands shoot up to rest against tae’s chest to keep yourself balanced and tae instinctively reaches out to grab onto your hips
the two of you lock gazes and a beat of silence goes by before you’re both breaking out into nervous giggles
almost immediately your entire face flushes bright red
you certainly weren’t expecting this
“here, hand me his leash-“ taehyung takes it from you and bends down a little and starts unwinding the leash from around your guys’ legs
you want to diE (in a good way??) because tae still has one hand on your waist to keep you steady
then he’s scoOping milo up into his arms and turning him around so that he can look him in the eye “i can tell you’re going to be a bit of a troublemaker…”
milo barks and licks tae’s nose and tae grins before plopping him back onto the ground and handing you back the leash
“so…” tae shuts your trunk after helping you put everything in “i’ll see you sunday?” 
you nod and offer him a smile before deciding to just dO iT 
you are young and life is short and taehyung is cuTE 
tae’s eyes widen when you plant a kiss on his cheek and a big fat grin immediately appears on his face 
“i’ll see you su-“ you’re cut off when milo suddenly pops his head out from the passenger seat and barks 
tae scoffs playfully “yeah, i’ll see you sunday too, milo” 
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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empressxmachina · 5 years
by Imperial-Radiance (that’s me :D) | On DeviantArt  | Also On Wattpad 
   Time was passing, and Madi felt like her chances of being found were slowly declining with it. 
    She was sure that it was now too late for any normal N.U. patron to just walk around. But she also knew that anyone on the losing team itself, especially the coaches, had pretty much free reign to enter whenever, and whether the K.U. teams’ visiting reservations had expired already was unknown. 
    The facility was so grandiose, and the doors in the locker room to the halls were soundproofing as far as she knew. She assumed the latter since no one came in and called out her team’s antics in there before the game, despite them being absolutely loud and proud, and she could only wonder how they were after winning. So, there was no way for her to know whether someone was coming or if people were, possibly still, fighting outside.
    Madi didn’t think of Jake as an idiot or anything; however, she didn’t believe that he or any of the team was clever enough to pack a non-K.U.-affiliated set of clothes to walk and talk around inconspicuously like she did for Cari. Thus, if any Nashers were just as heated now as they were before and approached him, then there was a high probability of him getting caught in a brawl of his own. Madi prayed that that wasn’t the case for him so he could find her. Meanwhile, she hoped it wasn’t so calm that any passersby would think nothing of the locker room and lock its doors and trap her in. 
    She had enough reasons to be generally anxious about, well, everything, and she didn’t need this to be more of a horror story. 
    In a move to keep her mind off such awful ideas, including the recently cyclical and grossly petty thought of a Knight finding her and holding her for threat-laced ransom, she decided to tiredly trek across the gummy floor, re-collect her scattered things together, huddle in the corner of a leg of a bench, and play some music on her phone with its battery coming in clutch. 
    Although her size was now alien, the music allowed her to keep some semblances of humanity and happiness since the only thing that changed about it was its volume. Yet, that wasn’t a concern, either. Despite her phone being as diminished as she was, its earbuds had kept their snug fit and crisp sound. Though, she was positive that if she removed them from their audio jack, then their sounds would carry through the room as much as her voice did, aka not at all.
    Nevertheless, Madi kept her cool as well as she could, jamming out until a song that she had remembered being chill suddenly had a budding interjection of bass, sort of like a drum solo. It went well with the beat, but the last thing she needed at the moment was to be shaken by surprise from big vibrations. She looked at her phone to see if she had accidentally downloaded a remix, and she hadn’t. It wasn't until more bass came through that Madi was influenced to remove the buds and realized what was happening.
    The song was inaudible, yet the resonations stayed, encompassing her. Someone had finally entered the locker room.
    Aside from the distant, echoing squeaks of sneakers entering and the door closing behind them, the room was quiet. Yet, Madi would’ve bet that one would’ve been able to hear a pin drop before her voice if she spoke. It was too risky to just speak out or run into the light again. So, she waited for identification, and she found herself on a lucky streak.
    “Madi?” the familiar but magnified voice of Jake asked with resonance. “Are you in here?”
    “Y-Yes!” she cried in reply, leaning out into the open with her phone in hand and earbuds dragging across the tacky tiles behind her. “I’m here!”
    In her attempt to be rescued, the cup-sized cheerleader verified how powerless she was. Her voice didn't even bounce off the nearest locker or reverberate in the hollow underside of the bench. That, or too much was in her way of him to reach him. Either way, it was unsurprising when Jake called out for her again.
    “Mads?” he tried a second time, scurrying down the section of the locker room opposite and most distant from Madi to search. “Come on, now. Where are you, girl?” Madi could hear him jogging through the rows of lockers, getting further and further away from her and groaning along the way. “This is not the time for hide-and-seek. Give me something to work with.”
    “I-I am, damn it! I'm not even close to playing a game right now!” Madi understood his frustrations, but hers were much worse. 
    To try marching to the end of her row to get closer to him, Madi started by detaching herself from the gross ground. The farther she went down the lane, the more she could hear her friend coming back up toward the intersection of lockers where the entrance stood. When she finally reached the end of the locker chain, Jake simultaneously arrived back at the beginning of his. Although he wasn’t in open view, back in front of the door, she was still finally able to see a semblance of his immense form, now on a godly level. 
    His facial features were too far away for Madi to perceive in a good resolution, but she could make out the top of a hat peeking over the tops of the lockers without Jake stretching. Meanwhile, Madi could barely reach the lower groove of one of their doors with her arms raised. But she didn't stop trying to get his attention, now flailing around like a marionette. At one point, she could tell that Jake had turned his head in her direction, and Madi's heart nearly exploded from hope and over-inflation.
    “Does… Does he finally see me… or hear me, even?” she wondered, thirsting for release from this hell. 
    He lingered toward her side of the room for a lengthy amount of time, pulling at her heartstrings as he appeared to pull various poses of confusion in the chilled air above her. However, her hopes dropped when his eyes didn’t lock on hers and he began going toward the exit.
    “Madeline Yu,” Jake started with a dark undertone, glancing down the first few rows on Madi’s side, barely being able to view further than the third pair of lockers on each and not even caring about it, “I swear to God if you are not in that last locker room, then I’m having your ass!” 
    Usually, Madi only heard Jake get heated like that in a late-night bedroom. But being out in the open and at such a small size, even if he didn’t know it, made him appear even more intimidating, almost hell-bent on punishing her. 
    “My cred on the field tonight is not going to save me from being fucking benched or some shit!” he continued. “Do you even know what I had to say for them to even let me come out here!?”
    Madi hadn’t wanted Jake to lie, but she hoped that he didn't tell anyone anything too ridiculous. Yet, no matter what he said, it could never compare to the reality that was her shrunken self. Still, Jake was obviously angered, and if he stayed true to his tendencies, then it wouldn't be long before he stormed off. So, Madi had to figure something out quickly. 
    “For fuck’s sake, Jake!” she huffed, having to turn around and run to the other side of the aisle to even see him now. “Of all the times I’ve asked you to be a little bitch for me, you save your cue for right now!?” 
    As Madi ran along the lockers' sides, she could hear slams on metal, assumed to be Jake going back, doing a final once-over, rushing said search, and gripping on the corners of lockers to peek around them. If they both kept up their paces, then it wouldn't be too long before their sights intersected. However, just as she hoped wouldn't happen, the clanging stopped, and an echoing, exasperated sigh signaled Jake's forfeit. 
    “I'm not doing this!” he announced, throwing his hands up in defeat and disappointment and re-approaching the door. “There is nothing you could do that’s worth me making a fucking fool of myself!”  
    “No, no, Jake! Please!” Madi shrilled as she heard his footfalls begin to retreat away from her. Her pace back the other way hastened to fight his much longer strides but not without consequence. 
    That quickened pace resulted in her encountering the minefield that was the sea of spilled soda much faster than she would've hypothesized. With all her focus on getting to her now more humongous friend, it had been of little priority, despite a few millimeters of it probably being enough to down her outside and drown her inside. If she wasn't careful, then that was what it was going to do, as the itty-bitty beauty suddenly lost her balance and slipped, with her foot and ankle getting stuck on a particularly tacky but invisible spot. 
    Once again, she found herself wading in a bubbly batch, re-soaking her previously hardened cheerleading wear.
    Gritting her teeth through the sprain in her ankle, she pushed up from the ground with one hand sunken in the Gak-like goop. Her other hand gripped her phone with its lengthy earbuds dangling behind it, now sticky and wet yet still playing barely audible tunes. Looking down at them gave her a one-shot-one-opportunity idea that was just insane enough to possibly work. Jake couldn’t hear her, but he could probably hear her phone.
    “For the love of all things good,” Madi begged, clasping both hands over her heart, “please let those two semesters of Physics have some clout at this moment.” 
    Madi stared down her target in the distance: the stagnant slice of her carcinogen of a soda can. Its pop-top faced her and its cut that separated the two halves and flooded the floor. Channeling the spirits of both the football team and the baseball team, she yanked her headphones out of their jack, focused on the skateboard-sized sipping hole, and threw her now music-blasting phone toward it in a spin and at a speed that any coach of any sport would've been proud of. 
    Its flight through the air even impressed Madi, only having dealt with balls of a sporting nature on occasion. However, when the phone went right through its goal as she wanted, she couldn’t immediately celebrate with a touchdown dance. 
    Music was no longer playing. She didn’t think she had paused her playlist, and she didn’t hear the phone break on impact, but all she got back was silence. Not even an ad. 
    Quiet was her only companion, and thus her entire act of technical prowess was marked useless, making her wonder why she didn’t just try calling Jake again since that had obviously worked. With a presence lost in the wind and hopes shattered, there wasn’t anything else she could do. As the footsteps of her only chance of liberation grew further and further away to meet the creaking of an opening door, Madi dropped down to her knees and flopped back into the puddle of pop, her falling tears muffled by face-shadowing hands yet harmonizing with the retreating bass. 
    But just before the final boom of a door closing should’ve come, drowning out Madi’s minuscule whimpers, something else broke through the relative silence. Bouncing off the aluminum and inner plastic of the slashed cylinder, finally, after faulty buffering, the sound waves of a song from way-back-when rang.
    The melody didn’t even have to finish its introduction to be instantly recognizable, and Jake, due to karaoke at orientation years ago, matched it right to a certain someone. 
    “Oh. So, you want me to find you, now?” he laughed, reclosing the cracked door and backing back into the room. “You know I can’t resist a sweet throwback, even one as poppy as this.” 
    Re-facing the expanse and the unseen music performance, he crossed his arms over his chest and began a new exploration, scanning the area for where the music was coming from or, more importantly, any sight of Madi. Through his refined searching, it was proving true, to his surprise, that the sound wasn’t emanating from any speaker Nash had, and his friend still wasn’t visible. 
    If her face wasn’t dripping in carbonated cola, causing her to really feel like the after-party garbage she thought she was, Madi would’ve laughed at his playful comments. Nonetheless, she praised the heavens for her luck ex machina. Now realizing that the chances of him finding her increased tenfold, she jumped to shake off excess brownness from her upper half, let adrenaline and hope distract her from her sprain, and trudge toward her phone to be more noticeable. Since the can had magnified the phone’s volume, she was confident it could magnify hers as well.
    The question now was if she could even reach its opening and get to it.
    “This can’t go on for too much longer, Mads,” Jake sighed, continuing the hunt. “If the cheerleaders left behind one of their own, then my team can easily do the same to me.” 
    As true as his remarks were and the vexation in his voice was apparent, Jake still had his friend’s safety as number one. She was here, or he was being played like a fiddle, and he wasn’t going to leave until he found out which was the truth. 
    With the cheerful tunes of younger years as a signal or a siren’s song, he pressed on, passing rows one-by-one, curiosity as high as he was tall. “Where in the hell are you?” 
    As Jake traversed deeper into the locker room, the music grew louder, dampening his footfalls, much to his liking. However, when it seemed to be coming from right next to him – right in front of him, once he turned to face it – no electronic appliance was visible, and neither was Madi. All that he was met with was a soda can’s suicide. 
    The husk of its metal body was split in two as its syrup blood spread in all directions. Yet, the music was apparent, somehow calling out to him by his feet. Despite how unusual it was, logic was pulling Jake only one way. So, that’s where he went, squatting with his heels down toward the sound.
    The volume of the song increased as he did so, and moving some hair out the way of his ears only raised it more. With the new level of stimuli, however, what Jake didn’t expect to see was where it was coming from. 
    Through a withdrawn squint, he made out a small box making music and ripples in a tiny crater of liquid within the top half of the can. It was obviously more than just a box, but its size couldn’t have been larger than his fingernail or the now-closed piercing he thought was a good idea to get in high school. He rationalized the idea of the sounds bouncing off the can’s insides, yet the technological marvel still shouldn’t have been as loud as it was. 
    Jake began to reach and pinch it up for further inspection, partially fearful that he’d crush it upon contact, but he paused when he got distracted by another unexpected sight: some sort of tiny tendril flopping around through the can’s drinking opening. 
    The jock sat in awe of the tiny tentacle of sorts wiggling back and forth – a stamen of a flower with no stem in sight. While its narrowness resembled that of a sewing pin, its fluidity was like ribbon. Yet, there was something corporeal about it as it seemed driven to grab something, and the bitty box just in front of it looked like that thing. He considered pushing the box closer to the flailing feeler but thought against it in the end. The box had to be Madi’s, whatever it was, and until he found her, it was his. 
    All the while, Jake didn’t miss how the wee waver also appeared to be intentionally avoiding the hole’s surrounding edges as if it didn’t want to hurt itself, exemplifying some inner intelligence and keeping his eyes glued to it. Such an anomaly the animate vine was, intriguing enough for him to want to save its image and research it another day. But before capturing it on his phone’s camera came to mind, a new sight caught his eye. There was more to the flapping frond that just its calculated wiggles. 
    Despite it being soda-coated, Jake, somehow, made out a golden hue across its surface, one a bit too comparable to that of the pullover he was wearing.
    More curious than ever now, Jake had to see this thing up close. Yet, he was too cautious to not make a move for it. After all, he wasn’t sure what it was. If it became necessary, then he could’ve easily used any of his lanky appendages to swipe, kick, or crush the minute limb or whatever being it was connected to. Though, he truly hoped it wouldn’t ever have to come to that. His broad, bulky stature told one story, but Jake was mostly a gentle soul, only ever bouncing back on a person if they bounced on him first in every sense of the term. With this thing, however, the odds of an attack appeared to be on his side, and he gambled on that confidence by leaning forward to get a better view, looking past the rim of its surrounding can to see what he was dealing with.
    What he got was the last thing he ever expected, but it made Madi’s mania all the more valid. 
    A bantam hip of fallow hue with a sliver of an onyx etching down it peeked out from under a regal violet and gold covering. An intricately stitched and detailed piece of fabric that wrapped around and fully shielded a pair of taut glutes except for in a slit on the side that had been turned too far. Their crests fittingly marked the apex and start of two sculpted legs, complete with socks and shoes. Up from the hip, a sea of ebony, chocolate-streaked waves connected at a crown where two other tiny appendages popped out: arms, of which one of them whipped and wound like the snakelike creature Jake had thought it was.
    It just seemed too bizarre to be real – everything about the night had been like a dream – but this didn’t feel like a fantasy. He knew that figure anywhere, yet it was akin to a figurine now, one able to hide behind any of his fingers. Even so, he couldn’t mistake that ass. 
    The varsity co-ed uniform, even in its stained state, was recognizable enough, but with the long, flowing hair, the music, and those cakes, it just screamed ‘Madeline’. All the nicknames he’d given her regarding their previously just-slightly-more-than-a-ruler’s-length height difference had a whole, new meaning now if his eyes weren’t deceiving him. However, there was only one way to find out for sure, and he hoped, thinking about how her body should be working, he wouldn’t make her go deaf… if he already hadn’t. 
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lovemecharlie · 6 years
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When Erik's away, the wives will play. Dom Charlie and Sub Hennessy.
Hennessy's bedroom door swings open and Charlie enters holding a medium-sized black plastic crate as she enters Hennessy's domain. "Ready to play, Miss Chiron?" Sitting the box beside the bed, Charlie pushes it with her foot signaling to Hennessy not to look inside of it.
"It's about time, Miss Jade," Henny shifts on the bed closing her leave-in moisturizer bottle and sitting it on the nightstand. She rubs the residue on her bare thighs. She'd been waiting on Charlie for an hour, but Charlie seemed to be dragging her feet. She couldn't understand why. Any other time, Charlie was all for it, ready and eager to go at the drop of a hat.
"I know I said I didn't need a room for my nasty antics, but now I'm reconsidering.. Might need to add a room to the poolhouse or something. Trick it out in a galactic theme," Charlie mused climbing onto the bed in her shorts. Hennessy was half listening. Having held off on masturbating since Charlie popped up unexpectedly at her office, small talk was dead. It'd been a looong day of distractions and self-denial ever since.
Earlier that day.
"Have you been obeying my command today Miss Chiron," Charlie asked getting directly to the point of the call when Hennessy picked up the phone.
"Yes, King Jade," she lied. She'd taken a ten-minute break just a short while ago to sate her flower's growing hunger. Being told she couldn't touch herself only made her want to do it even more.
The dispensary was clean, open, large, and full of variations of marijuana. Clear containers held shelves on shelves of neatly arranged product in nuggets, powders, and dried bits. Green, pink, purple. Charlie had never seen so much weed variety. “Hey. Where’s Dr. Chiron,” Charlie asked the girl working the floor, organizing containers. She was pointed to the greenhouse that was attached and as she walked down the rows of fresh growing plants, she spotted Hennessy closely observing a plant that didn’t look like the others. Must’ve been a hybrid of some sort. She was on the line claiming not to have touched herself and Charlie didn't believe a word the little munchkin said. “Hennessy Chiron Stevens-Udaku,” Charlie called causing the short-stacked woman to look up in surprise. The good doc looked like a stack of fluffy blonde pancakes soaked in syrup. Thick, pretty, and sweet.
“My whole damn name though,” Hennessy called back. Her initial confusion faded to an earnest smile when she saw the small bottles of Hennessy and apple juice Charlie presented. Giddily, she took them to her desk which was covered in research material. “What brings you in here today,“ she asked sitting in her leather chair. "You just came from work and you don’t smoke.” That was true.
"Came to check on my wife," Charlie replied. She was in a long sleeved zebra blouse tucked into cognac colored high rise cropped pants with black three inch heels. A smart look. Cognac for Hennessy. Hennessy started mixing her trademark concoction, Happy Juice, and just as the name suggests she was smiling into her cup. “You should mix that and sell it here in small cute round or star shaped clear containers with edible glitter. Call them Happy Bombs, Charlie suggested pulling up the hem of Hennessy's skirt.
"Watcha doin," Hennessy gasped as she blocked Charlie's bold hand with a nervous grin looking around to make sure no one was near. Charlie's eyes remained on hers willing her to keep eye contact instead of looking around.
"Right here, Hennessy," she said catching the shorter women's attention. "Who's in charge while Daddy's gone," Charlie challenged waiting for Hennessy to move her hand out of the way.
"You are," Hennessy relented hesitantly. Her hand went lax and Charlie slipped her hand under her skirt feeling the material of her panties. She'd gotten wet with her arousal.
"That's right, so listen to what I tell you. Get on the desk," Charlie commanded pushing the papers out of the way. She guided Hennessy's hips as she hopped up before sliding her fingers inside of Hennessy's panties and down her slit to her slick and slippery hole. "Why'd you lie to me," she asked bringing her wet fingers up for Hennessy to see. Hennessy wasn't admitting guilt so Charlie brought her nose close to Hennessy's belly where she could smell the floral scent of her arousal. It was fresh. "You know, I actually came to give you some bomb head.. toe-curling, leg-shaking, forget your own name head.. I came hungry and everything," she sighed licking her glossed lips. "..But I see I can't do that now because you don't follow instructions."
Hennessy gaped, suddenly ready to play the game. Erik was gone on a trip and if she wanted King Jade to make her cum, there were rules. King Jade's only rule to her for the day had been to refrain from touching herself. "Can I start over? I won't do it from this point on," Hennessy promised.
"If you do I'll know," Charlie pointed raising a brow. She backed away leaving Hennessy to her own devices. "Don't fuck up."
Picking up on Hennessy's no bullshit mode, Charlie leaned forward, pulling on her panties to check to see if she'd obeyed this time around. It didn't seem like she'd touched herself. "Okay, take em off," she hummed watching her wife pull them down and off, flinging them at her. She caught them with her teeth snickering. "You want this tongue or not, lil girl? Play some music and lay down. Thighs up." Settling between Hennessy's plush thighs, she grooved internally to Sevyn Streeter - Sex on the Ceiling.
She started with Hennessy's calf knowing that the tiny woman was on the verge of having a fit. Placing small bites, she trailed her way to her inner kneecap and then her thigh.
🔉 Turn the bed upside down, flip me round. Gravity’s left the building.
🔉 I’ll be on top, really I’ll be on the bottom 'cause we goin' be having sex on the ceiling.
"Ask me for it first," Charlie teased, her tongue sliding through the crease between Hennessy's pussy and thigh. She was enjoying the control and Hennessy's impatient keening. There was a particular tone of neediness she developed when she was horny that caused her voice to become smol as she became more and more submissive and agreeable.
"Please, may I experience that tongue King Jade," she whimpered, way past ready. She'd been waiting for what felt like all day, her lust an unscratchable itch. Charlie's fingers rubbed down her slit, parting the lips to peer inside. Pure pink. Her tongue roamed lazily over the contours of her slick skin and inner flesh, then with purpose and precision, she moved over the highly sensitive spots, making a home at the clit. She blew on it, cool air, before enveloping it in wet warmth and adding pressure with her skilled tongue. The playlist played on in the background, forgotten by both women as physical pleasure was the only thing on their minds.
Once Charlie was convinced that Hennessy had cum enough to be completely satiated, she sat up wiping at her sticky face. Hennessy was slumped. Meanwhile, she had a tired tongue to rest. The part under her tongue had gotten its workout for the day. She stood from the bed, making her way to the bedroom door about to head to her own bathroom.
"Wait, what's in the crate," Hennessy pointed sitting up on her elbow. Rather than respond, Charlie came back and picked it up. She sat it on the bed pulling out a handful of star-shaped plastic containers filled with amber liquid. When she shook one, iridescent glitter floated like in a snowglobe. She looked to Henny for a yay or nay.
"Happy Bombs," Hennessy smiled.
@poosypoosy @bastioncarterstevens-udaku @hennessystevens-udaku @itsangeludaku @alyshastevens-udaku @itskimorafireudaku @allhailnjadaka @bidibidibombaclaat @blackpinup22 @destinio1 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @leahnicole1219 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark
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kookiehao · 5 years
[SEVENTEEN] OT13 - The Thread That Binds Us (4/?) (7019 words)
Title: the thread that binds us Author: kookiehao (arashianelf on LJ and AO3) Pairings: OT13!friendship, hints of jicheol Genre: Fluff, fantasy, angst Rating: G Summary: A person's life can be deeply affected by tiny little things that occur far away from them; the butterfly effect, it's called. However, sometimes it's things that occur closer to home that can change a person's life forever.
For Choi Seungcheol, it begins with this: an old man comes to visit in a small town on the outskirts of Daegu.
Notes: If you follow this on AO3 as well, the one there gets updated a lot faster than the one over here! Just an FYI :)
one | two | three | four | five
With both Jeonghan and Jisoo present in the manor with him, Jihoon feels a lot more comfortable wandering the manor in search of more hidden rooms in the day. He didn’t tell Jeonghan any of this, but the older had seen the tension leave the younger when he’d arrived.
Most of the time, the three of them decide to split up to find anything out of place, but thus far, there has been no sign at all. No sign at all, up until Jeonghan spots something and calls for Jisoo and Jihoon to join him in the study.
“What’s the matter?” his darling boyfriend asks as he comes up to give him a quick kiss, before Jihoon pads into the room.
“I think I found something,” he says, pointing towards a slight indent in the wall. “What is it?” Jihoon peers at the oddly-shaped marked in the wall. “I’m not very sure, but all the walls in the various rooms in this manor are smooth, so I found it weird that this indentation was here.”
“Ah, you’re right.” Jisoo smiles, praising him, “I knew you’d be able to find something.” The familiar look of disgust is back on Jihoon’s face as he preens proudly at the words, and Jeonghan smiles as he makes to cuff the younger behind the ear.
Jihoon dodges quickly, holding up his hands in surrender. “No judgement from me, none at all.” Jeonghan smiles again, pleased at the easy capitulation, and Jihoon relaxes. As soon as he does so, Jeonghan reaches out lightning quick, whacking him upside the head.
“Hyung!” Jihoon whines, rubbing the back of his head. “Respect your elders,” he returns primly, leaving Jihoon alone to sulk and nurse his wounds. “It’s a triskelion,” Jisoo informs him upon sensing his approach. “A what?” Jeonghan asks.
Instead of clarifying, Jisoo tilts the screen of his phone towards his partner, showing him the various types of triskelions that had popped up upon searching it up. “It says here that the three arms of the triskelion, or triskele, represent different things to different individuals or organisations.”
“I wonder what it meant to Cheol,” Jeonghan muses. Jisoo nods, keeping his phone. “From the shape, I guess it means that we have to find something that is in the exact shape of the triskelion and that’ll trigger something.”
Jihoon makes a sound of understanding, having approached in time to catch the end of the conversation. “I’ll try and figure out where the key could be. In the meantime, I guess we could look for more hidden rooms,” he says.
“I feel like I’ve seen that sign somewhere before…” Jeonghan mutters to himself as they split up again.
say moo: who the fuck changed the group chat name again?
say moo: for that matter, who the hell changed my name again.
say moo has changed his name to jihoon
BABABANANAS: the chat name was one of the younger ones
jihoon: and my chat name?
BABABANANAS: heh that i have no idea at all
jihoon: whatever; I’m not here for that
jihoon: wonu when are you coming
im the DAWG: that’s what she said
im the DAWG: ayyyyyyy
I’M A CHICKEN: grow up
i hate carrots: I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning to make my way there. You can expect me by nightfall.
orange is the new black: that’s good news :) we’ll be waiting!
sneaky mf: it’ll be good to have more of us here
sneaky mf: wonu ya do you think you can get some stuff for me before you leave?
i hate carrots: Sure, hyung. Just send me a list of whatever you need and I’ll see about getting them for you.
sneaky mf: thanks! i’ll pm you the list in a bit
sneaky mf has changed jihoon’s name to i am COW hear me moo
Jeonghan walks into the recreation room. “Jihoon has already shown me the one hidden here… But it wouldn’t hurt to search through this room again,” he says to himself as he keeps his phone.
He examines the shelves of games carefully, looking through the board games and assorted puzzles scattered on the shelves. He frowns in confusion as he comes across a seemingly seamless box. He picks it up to examine it, eyes brightening when he realises that the triskelion symbol is etched into one of the corners of the box.
‘This probably has something to do with the one we found earlier in the study. I’ll keep it for Wonwoo, he probably knows what to do with this,’ he thinks to himself, bringing the box back to his room and placing it on his table.
He sets a reminder on his phone to remind himself to pass the box to Wonwoo, and sets off for the other rooms in the manor, hoping he’ll be able to find something relevant to their search.
At the end of the day, when they gather in Jeonghan’s room to discuss what they found, Jeonghan shows them the puzzle box. Jihoon fiddles with it for a while, before giving up and admitting that Wonwoo would be better suited for a puzzle like that, with no clues as to how to open the seemingly seamless box.
A few days later when Wonwoo arrives and has gone through the tour, as well as the gruelling experience of dealing with one Choi Minki, they head to Jeonghan’s room, upon which Wonwoo’s eyes light up when he sets eyes on the box Jeonghan takes out from a drawer.
It’s clear that he immediately knows what it is, grabbing the box with delight and running his hands along the sides of the box, as if looking for something. “You know what this is, Wonwoo-ya?” Jisoo asks curiously, and Wonwoo lifts his head to beam at his hyung, eyes shining in delight.
“It’s a himitsu-bako! A puzzle box!” The Japanese words roll off his tongue with ease, no doubt due to his linguistics major having required him to learn multiple languages in the past few years.
“I haven’t seen one of these in real life before, I’ve only watched videos about them. They normally require multiple steps to open, and all the mechanisms are very well-blended into the box itself, so you have to be very meticulous to notice them all,” Wonwoo explains even as he finds a slight groove.
Jihoon, Jeonghan and Jisoo watch with awe as he pushes the edge of the box slightly where he felt the groove, and a slate of wood along the box moves so that it’s protruding. “So… we’ll leave you to figure this out then,” Jihoon pats Wonwoo on the back, leading the majorly occupied man back to his room where the three leave the newly returned man to his puzzle box.
“Ah, hyung! Jeonghan-hyung!” Wonwoo calls suddenly, looking up from his puzzle box momentarily. “Hm?” The three of them turn around, and Wonwoo goes to his luggage, finally pulling out a plastic bag with a rustle.
“The things you asked me to buy!” Wonwoo smiles, before returning his attention back to the puzzle box, absentmindedly sitting on his bed cross-legged. “Ah, thanks!” Jeonghan grins, grabbing the bag, planning to return to his room to sort through the things his dongsaeng had bought for him.
Jisoo follows his boyfriend back to his room curiously, while Jihoon goes off to continue with his producing. With a loud rustle, the plastic bag is set on the bed as Jisoo closes the door behind him, Jeonghan settling down in front of the bag and upending it onto his mattress.
“What did you ask Wonwoo to buy?” Jisoo eyes the items curiously. “Nothing much, just some beauty products that I was running low on,” Jeonghan hums, sorting through the various beauty products.
“No wonder you were so excited to receive them from Wonwoo,” Jisoo shakes his head fondly at his forever make-up obsessed boyfriend. “It’s not my fault I’m the only one that appreciates the effects of good make-up,” Jeonghan retorts.
“I never said anything,” Jisoo holds up his hands defensively, laughing. “I just don’t like the feeling of having make-up on my face, but I do appreciate their effects on your face,” he says, to which Jeonghan whips his head around lightning-quick.
“Are you saying I’m ugly? Is that what you’re implying, Hong Jisoo?” Jeonghan complains, getting up to chase his laughing boyfriend around the room. “I said nothing to that effect!” Jisoo laughs madly, having toppled onto the bed after being caught, narrowly avoiding bashing his head against the bottles of beauty products.
“Your beauty products! Jeonghan-ah, remember your beauty products!” Jisoo reminds his grinning boyfriend between gasps as he’s tickled, writhing madly on the bed and making a mess of the products that Jeonghan had been sorting.
“Hmph! For the sake of my beauty products, I’ll let you off this once. Now get off, you’re crushing my babies!” Jeonghan tugs Jisoo off the bed, where he collapses in a madly giggling mess. Jeonghan staunchly ignores his boyfriend tugging on his pants for attention, choosing to focus on re-sorting his buys, complaining that it’s Jisoo’s fault the entire time.
Meanwhile, Jihoon settles down in his studio, the glee in Wonwoo’s eyes as he’d seen the puzzle box giving him inspiration for a new track. He slides on his headphones and wakes his computer up, the screens coming alive before his eyes. Cracking his knuckles, he bends his neck left and right, stretching for a quick moment, before getting to work.
Wonwoo remains in that position for a long time, fiddling with the box to try and figure out all of its secrets, not washing up and showering until late in the night, when Jeonghan and Jisoo have gone to sleep and Jihoon is halfway through with his track, not that he’s aware of it.
The Rabbit-bearer only tears himself away from the box for as long as is required for him to have a quick shower and brush his teeth, barely glancing at his phone.
im THE dawg: whats the sitrep over there?
BABABANANAS: …why are you up so late
im THE dawg: sleep is for the WEAK
I’M A CHICKEN: i take offence to that
why am i forever last: ah but does you taking offence mean anything?
hiss hiss mf: maknae got you there, seungkwan ah
hiss hiss mf: you take offence to everything your opinion has ceased to be relevant
size is irrelevant: why the heck are all of yall awake its 2am
BABABANANAS: why are you awake then
size is irrelevant: i have a final the day after tmr and im cramming obv
BABABANANAS: lmao mood my final perf is in three days
why am i forever last: need help hyung?
goatlamb: I need all of yall to go the FUCK to sleep the incessant buzzing is keeping me awake
goatlamb: I have a final tomorrow, if I’m affected in any way by you guys for my paper I’m coming for all of you
size is irrelevant: the boss has spoken all of yall go to bed
goatlamb: die in a ditch gyu stop making so much noise in the kitchen
Time passes in the blink of an eye, and before he knows it, Seungcheol is six months past his birthday. “I’ve been doing well in school!” he reports to Jungsu with a proud smile as they meet up after school, having just had his results returned to him.
Jungsu receives the report slip with pride, noting with a smile the excellent results Seungcheol has been getting in school. As Seungcheol waves goodbye to the friends he’s met over the past few months, his Cat-bearer bracelet gleams in the light, blinding the older Cat-bearer for a second.
“Let’s go, then. You’ve got much to learn today,” Jungsu tells him as he guides Seungcheol away from the school and back towards home. “What are we doing today?” Seungcheol asks curiously, tilting his head up to meet Jungsu’s eyes.
“You’ve been into coding recently, haven’t you?” Jungsu queries, smiling inwardly as Seungcheol lights up. The boy had stumbled across a coding website while he was surfing the net and had fallen in love with the process of coding quickly.
Jungsu and Yunho had supplemented the library with more books on coding and programming as soon as they realised that Seungcheol was serious about learning about it, but the boy had finished reading everything within two weeks.
Seeing as Seungcheol had so much passion for coding, the two of them had decided to get him a tutor specifically to teach him coding. Today would be the first day of his lessons, and Jungsu hadn’t told him before today on purpose, as a surprise.
“Yeah! But what has that got to do with what I’m learning today?” Seungcheol asks, blinking curiously. Jungsu’s eyes twinkly merrily as he adopts a playful expression. “Why, I’ve hired a tutor specifically to teach you more about coding!”
Seungcheol stares at his guardian in shock for a few, stunned, seconds before he gives a short scream and jumps into Jungsu’s embrace. “Are you serious?” he asks, hugging Jungsu tightly. “No, I’m Jungsu,” the older jokes.
Seeing Seungcheol’s glare, he laughs, nodding his head. “I’m being completely serious. Yunho and I decided to get you a tutor seeing as you are so invested in learning coding. We vetted him a while ago and he’s very experienced, so he’ll be able to teach you a lot.”
“Thank you thank you thank you!” Seungcheol near-vibrates with happiness, squirming from Jungsu’s embrace to hop excitedly, needing a way to get rid of the excitement.
“What are we waiting for? Let’s go home immediately!” Jungsu laughs and agrees, following the excited Seungcheol at a more sedate pace.
Yunho is clearly startled when Seungcheol bounds up to him to give him a hug, his happiness obvious, though he quickly realises the reason why as Jungsu follows behind the seventeen year old, laughing a little.
The butler laughs as well as he hugs Seungcheol back, ruffling his hair when he’s released. “Alright, you brat. You’ve got to listen to your tutor well, okay? He’s very good at what he does, so be sure to learn all you can from him.”
Seungcheol nods furiously, to which Jungsu says, “Go and get changed and wash up. Your tutor will be here in about half an hour. You can wait for him in the study.”
The younger does as he’s told, rushing into the manor to go and get ready. Yunho and Jungsu exchange a look, before breaking into laughter again. Jungsu shakes his head fondly as he says, “That boy really never changes.”
“Let’s hope he won’t. Maybe he’ll be the one to finally do it, after so many centuries,” Yunho replies, calming down a little, though the smile on his face never leaves. Jungsu’s fades a little though, at what Yunho mentions.
Yunho quickly notices the elder’s face change, and sighs. “You have to stop feeling guilty about that, Jungsu-hyung.” The latter shakes his head, refusing to accept Yunho’s words. “I could have done it,” he says, turning to look at the land surrounding the manor.
“I could have done it if I were braver, and more willing to give them everything I had.”
“Well, the past is the past, now. They’ve all gone to find their successors, just as you’ve found yours. All we can hope right now is that that boy in there,” and here Yunho gestures towards the manor, “is the one Hime-nim has been telling us about.”
“Besides, you know how I think about some of them,” Yunho mutters, but quietens at a look from Jungsu. “I’m just saying,” Yunho defends. “It’s not their fault, Yunho-ya. You know how they were brought up,” Jungsu sighs. Yunho, ever his stalwart defender, shakes his head defiantly. Jungsu sighs, but lets it go.
“Be sure to treat him well, yeah? Once I’m gone, he’s only got you left as a guardian,” Jungsu looks at his old, old friend pleadingly, changing the topic abruptly.
“Of course I will. I haven’t taken care of all of you all these years for nothing, Park Jungsu,” Yunho says, forgoing formal language for once, knowing Jungsu won’t mind it in this specific case.
Jungsu laughs a little and clasps Yunho on the shoulder. “Right, right. I shouldn’t be doubting you at all, my friend.”
“Right you are, hyung. Right you are.”
The two men stand outside for a long while, before Jungsu heads back into the manor with one last pat on Yunho’s shoulder, to which the latter smiles and nods at his hyung.
The tutor arrives after a few more minutes, earning a point from Yunho. “It’s nice to see you again, Yunho-ssi,” the man says with a slight accent. “And to you too, Zhoumi-ssi,” Yunho replies.
“Your student is currently waiting for you in the study, I’ll bring you to him,” Yunho says, leading Zhoumi into the house and towards the study. “I look forward to teaching him. From what you and Jungsu-ssi have told me, he seems very eager to learn,” Zhoumi says, beaming.
“You should have seen his reaction when we told him about you coming today,” Yunho replies, laughing a little at the memory. “I’m sure it was a sight to see,” the other returns, as they reach the study.
Yunho knocks on the closed door to the study, waiting for a reply before he opens it. “Seungcheol-ah, your tutor is here,” he says, smiling at the excitedly waiting teenager. He has his laptop and notebook with accompanying pen laid out neatly in front of him, with the books he’s been learning from by his side.
The teenager stands as Yunho leads Zhoumi into the room, bowing 90 degrees in greeting. “My name is Choi Seungcheol, seonsaeng-nim. I look forward to being taught by you,” he greets politely, before he breaks composure and beams at the two men.
“No need to call me that,” Zhoumi says, “You can just call me hyung. I look forward to teach you!” Seungcheol nods in understanding, before Yunho takes his leave with a few parting words with Seungcheol to pay attention to his tutor.
“Now, shall we get started? Let’s see what you’ve learnt so far,” Zhoumi settles himself next to Seungcheol, as the teenager quickly boots up his laptop, handing his new tutor the books he’s looked through thus far.
“Not bad, but let’s see what else you can learn by the end of today,” Zhoumi comments as he looks at the various books Seungcheol has read the past few weeks. “Okay, hyung!” Seungcheol replies, and they settle in for a fruitful lesson.
After the lesson, Jungsu allows Seungcheol to take a break for a short while before he has to finish his homework from school, while Yunho sits with Zhoumi to see what he thinks about his new pupil. “So, what do you think of Seungcheol?” he asks.
“He has a lot of potential,” Zhoumi praises, smiling. “He’s very eager to learn and picks up on the theory very quickly. Since he’s started on learning Python, I’ll continue teaching him that and see where that takes us. If he’s ready for it, once we finish Python I’ll get him started on some other languages.”
“It’s just a pity that he won’t be able to pursue a degree from the universities that have better computer science programmes,” the tutor mentions. Yunho sighs, nodding in understanding.
“He has a lot of potential, and he’s smart to boot. Since he’s trapped here, however, he’ll be enrolling in a cyber university once he graduates from the local school. It’s the one Jungsu graduated from as well, so at least we know he’ll be treated fairly,” Yunho explains, to which Zhoumi signals his understanding.
“I wouldn’t mind teaching him until he himself wants to stop, if I’m being very honest,” Zhoumi continues. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a student that is so eager to learn.” Yunho laughs, and nods. “Then we’ll continue this arrangement for the foreseeable future, then. Once a week works out for you?”
Zhoumi checks his calendar, nodding as he enters in the new commitment. “I’ll definitely be here on time. It’s such a joy teaching him, I’ll probably end up teaching overtime a lot,” Zhoumi jokes, not knowing how true that statement will be in the future.
“Ah, that means we’ll have to pay you more,” Yunho jokes, to which Zhoumi shakes his head. “Nah, I don’t mind being paid at my usual rate and not for overtime if it’s for a student like him. I would have said I wouldn’t mind not being paid at all, but well, I have to earn my money from somewhere!”
Yunho laughs, standing up and heading towards the door. “Well, I won’t keep you anymore,” he says. “I’m sure a busy person such as you has somewhere to go after this.” Zhoumi stands up as well, following Yunho as he is led back to the front door.
“I really don’t, but I get when I’m not wanted anymore.” he smiles to show that he’s joking, before continuing, “I’ll see you next week then.”
Yunho nods his assent, opening the gate for Zhoumi. “See you next week, Zhoumi-ssi.”
“Drop the honorifics! We’re going to be seeing each other a lot in the future after all,” Zhoumi calls out as he takes his leave, to which Yunho laughs, nodding. “You can do the same for me, then,” he replies.
When Yunho heads back into the manor in search of Seungcheol and Jungsu, he’s met with the hilarious sight of Jungsu trying to take away Seungcheol’s laptop. “You need to stop coding for now and get started on your schoolwork!” Jungsu exclaims, tugging at his charge’s laptop.
“Coding is part of my schoolwork!” Seungcheol argues back, holding firmly onto his precious laptop. The two of them go back and forth for a while, even as Yunho starts laughing and doesn’t stop for a long while.
“Alright children, stop fighting.” After calming down, Yunho walks over and plucks the laptop out of both of their grasps.
“Jungsu-hyung, Seungcheol needs the laptop to do his schoolwork. And Seungcheol, you need to promise that you’ll focus on your schoolwork first before you can continue with your coding. I’ll be coming by to check frequently, so make sure you do as you’re told.”
The two Cat-bearers eye the laptop-holding Yunho with similar guilty looks, making Yunho laugh again. He returns Seungcheol’s laptop to him with a stern look, and tugs Jungsu away.
“Stop bothering the kid just because your partner is away,” he scolds his hyung, leaving Jungsu sputtering in the hallway as he goes off to do his job.
Jeonghan and Jisoo are met with a tired-looking Wonwoo and Jihoon in the kitchen when they come down for breakfast the next morning, with Minki and the others nowhere to be seen apart from Seokjin, Jaejoong and Jisung.
“Why do the two of you look so exhausted? Didn’t get enough sleep?” Jeonghan asks as the two of them take their seats, Jisung passing them clean plates and cutlery. Jisoo thanks him for the both of them, receiving them and placing them in front of the two of them.
“I spent almost the whole night on a track,” Jihoon mumbles through a mouthful of eggs and toast, barely swallowing in time before a huge yawn hits him. “Finished the box,” Wonwoo says in tandem, “Didn’t sleep.”
Jeonghan and Jisoo exchange looks and sigh as they keep watch over their two dongsaengs, making sure they finish their breakfast, helping them clear their plates before herding them to their separate beds, watching as they collapse face-first and not get up again.
The two older ones sigh, leaving the room and standing in the hallway after they’re done making sure the younger ones are comfortable. “What shall we do while they’re out cold?” Jisoo asks, tilting his head in query. Jeonghan shrugs in reply, walking into his room and grabbing a book from his bedside table.
“Up for some relaxing time? We can curl up in one of the alcoves in the library and relax,” the blond suggests, to which Jisoo readily agrees. “Sounds good to me.” The Tiger-bearer makes a quick trip to his own room to grab a book of his own, and the two of them walk quietly to the library.
Once there, Jeonghan sinks into one of the window alcoves after removing his indoor slippers, sitting so that he can stretch his legs across the entire seat. Jisoo sits opposite him, mirroring him in position.
Jeonghan settles a little lower into the cushions, getting comfortable. Once done, he sighs in satisfaction, opening his book to the bookmarked page to continue reading. Jisoo looks up from his book when his boyfriend sighs, smiling when he realises why the other sighed and turning back to his book.
The peace and quiet is maintained for the next few hours as the two of them make their way steadily through their respective books. Jeonghan was in the middle of a fantasy adventure novel, while Jisoo had picked up some books relevant to his field of study.
Just as Jeonghan finishes his book, hours after they first sat down, Wonwoo walks blearily into the library, rubbing his eyes with sweater paws as he tries to wake up fully. “Had a good nap?” Jisoo asks warmly as the two of them already in the alcove shift to make room for Wonwoo.
The youngest of the trio nods and yawns, sitting down with a soft thump between the two older ones. “The puzzle box was very intriguing,” Wonwoo explains once he is more awake. “Once I started figuring it out I didn’t want to stop as I was afraid I’d forget my train of thought if I fell asleep.”
“So you stayed awake until you finished solving the box,” Jisoo continues for him, to which Wonwoo nods. “It was pretty complex too. I’m pretty sure there are like, at least 50 steps to solve the box,” Wonwoo mentions, before hitting himself in the forehead with a sweater-clad palm.
“I left the box in my room,” he says, clearly punishing himself for forgetting. Jeonghan laughs, standing up. “Well, it’s understandable. You did just wake up, after all.”
Jisoo stands up as well, stretching a little. “Shall we go and get it, then?” he asks, turning to the other two. Wonwoo nods, standing up and following his hyungs out of the room as they head back to the residential wing.
When Jeonghan checks in on Jihoon, the latter is still out cold, so Jeonghan closes the door quietly and heads for Wonwoo’s room just as his boyfriend and the man in question emerges from his room with the box in hand.
In unison, they head for Jeonghan’s room, and Wonwoo makes sure to close the door behind him before he sits on the bed where Jisoo and Jeonghan are settled, waiting for him. “I reset the box after I opened it, to see if I still remember the steps,” Wonwoo explains, showing them the box.
He opens it slowly, occasionally cocking his head to the side as he tries to recall all the steps required to open the puzzle box. Finally though, he slides the last piece into position and opens the box, tilting it so that what is inside falls out.
He holds up the object to Jisoo and Jeonghan, and just as they’d thought, it’s a wood carving in the shape of a triskelion, the perfect match to the triskelion that Jeonghan had found in the study.
“We’ll have to wait for Jihoon to wake up before we try inserting this into the indentation in the study,” Jeonghan murmurs, taking the carving from Wonwoo and examining it closely. The other two nod in agreement.
“We should continue searching. There’s bound to be more,” Jisoo says, getting up from the bed. “Alright,” Jeonghan says, putting the wood carving back into the box and handing it back to Wonwoo for safekeeping.
Before they continue on to the main wing, they make a stop at Wonwoo’s room to allow him to keep the box, moving on once he emerges from his room empty-handed.
When Jihoon wakes up again, the sun has set and his room is dimly lit from the lights out in the courtyard. He sits up in bed, yawning and rubbing his eyes. He checks the time on his phone, ignoring the notifications, and climbs out of bed.
Stretching his arms high up into the air before twisting his torso left and right, he grunts as his back gives a satisfying and resounding crack as the bones pop. After he’s done, he shuffles out of the room in search of the other three, passing by Dongho as he walks down the staircase.
He doesn’t say much, just nodding in greeting to his fellow producer. Dongho returns the nod, clearly recognising the signs of having worked through the night and only just waking up. They continue on their separate ways, Jihoon off to find the boys and Dongho to wherever he’s planning to do.
Jihoon eventually finds the other three in the rarely-used ballroom, searching every nook and cranny in the large room. “Oh, Jihoon-ah. I see you’re finally awake,” Jisoo notices the boy, pausing in his search to ruffle the younger’s hair.
Jihoon hums in reply, giving another jaw-cracking yawn. “I remember Wonwoo saying that he managed to solve the puzzle box,” he says as soon as he finishes yawning.
“Yup,” Jisoo nods, “The box contained the key to the indentation in the wall of the study like we thought. It’s back in Wonwoo’s room though. We were waiting for you to wake up before we went ahead with unlocking whatever’s behind the wall.”
Wonwoo and Jeonghan approach the two, catching the tail-end of the conversation. “Should we go now, then? Have you guys had dinner?” Jihoon asks, to which the three of them shake their heads.
“We should go and eat first, then. We can continue later.” Jihoon decides. They make their way to the kitchen, where everyone else are seated, having dinner and chitchatting. There’s a brief pause as they walk into the room, but conversation resumes after a few seconds of awkward silence.
As usual, the few of them sit as far away as possible from Jonghyun’s group, trying to lessen the chances of them having to snipe at each other. The unofficial temporary truce is silently acknowledged, and they eat dinner without having to listen to Jeonghan and Minki’s barbed conversations for once.
Once they are done with dinner, they clean up their bowls quickly before they’re chased away by Seokjin. They amble down the hallway back to Wonwoo’s room in silence, enjoying the peace and quiet.
Wonwoo enters his room to retrieve the puzzle box and the key within it, then they head to the study. “Do any of you want to do the honours?” Wonwoo asks as he holds out the key to the others.
“Go ahead, Wonwoo-yah. You were the one that unlocked the box,” Jeonghan replies, nudging the younger ahead of him. The others nod in agreement, gesturing for him to do the honours. Listening to them, Wonwoo steps forward, pressing the triskele into the indentation on the wall.
A resounding click echoes around the room as he presses the key in, and they all take a step back in surprise when the section of wall in front of them retreats a little and turns in place. When the wall stops moving, they peer in only to see a staircase heading downwards.
Since there is no light, they turn on the torchlights in their phones and head down slowly. They follow the staircase down for a long while, each of them keeping an eye out for anything out of place.
“We’ve been going down for a while now,” Jisoo mentions after a while. Jeonghan hums his agreement. “I’m pretty sure we’re under the house now.”
The staircase ends in a long tunnel, clearly man-made. The tunnel has smoothed walls of concrete, and though weeds are already growing on the ground, it is clear that the tunnel was once used often. “Pretty sure that the tunnel leads away from the house,” Jihoon says.
As they walk, their footsteps echo throughout the tunnel, as well as their breathing. Eventually, however, the tunnel opens up into a large cavern.
With Jeonghan and Jisoo leading the four of them, Jihoon holds in a yelp as he nearly walks into them, the two older men having stopped in their tracks right at the entrance to the cavern. “What happened?” Jihoon asks, cursing his height not for the first time.
“You have got to be kidding me.” Jisoo’s deadpan statement echoes through the cavern, and Jihoon frowns as he hears water. “Here, look for yourself.”
Jisoo shifts so that the two younger men can see what startled both Jeonghan and Jisoo, and as soon as they catch sight of the Olympic-sized pool smackdab in the middle of the cavern, they’re speechless as well.
“You’re telling me we had a pool underground and none of us knew?” Jeonghan really doesn’t mean to yell, but this is just ridiculous. “How has it even been kept clean this whole time?” Wonwoo, as usual, asks the logical question.
“I have no idea.” Jeonghan walks to the edge of the pool, house slippers narrowly avoiding the water. “The smell of chlorine is strong, which means that someone has to have maintained this pool for a while,” Jihoon observes, wrinkling his nose at the chemical smell tainting the air.
“The holes in the roof of the cavern are probably for ventilation,” Wonwoo points upwards, and Jeonghan glances up to see the fading reds and purples of the sunset sky.
“There’s also a tunnel over on the other end of the cavern,” Jihoon notices, pointing the tunnel out to the others. “Should we continue exploring to see where it leads?” he asks.
“Why not? We have the time,” Jisoo decides, and the four of them walk to the newly-discovered tunnel. “Once more unto the breach,” Wonwoo mutters under his breath.
The tunnel is built similarly to the one leading from the manor to the pool. After a while, it starts sloping upwards, and Jeonghan points out that this could be an alternate entrance or exit to the pool and manor.
Eventually they reach the end of the tunnel, which is covered with hanging branches. Pushing them aside, they emerge from the tunnel into a clearing in the forest behind the manor.  Jihoon turns around again, observing how the entrance to the tunnel has been camouflaged by the large hanging branches of the tree just behind the tunnel entrance.
“That’s one way to do it,” he comments, sitting down on the grass next to the others, who decided to take a break before heading back. They lie there in the clearing for a long while, until the sun has set completely and the stars are twinkling across the dark sky.
After a while, Jeonghan pushes himself up. “We should head back. At least we found something, no matter how ridiculous it may be.”
They file into the tunnel again quietly, and they’re back in the study before they know it. Once Wonwoo emerges last from the tunnel, they turn to the wall, wondering how to move it back into position.
Wonwoo pushes one end of the wall slightly, huffing a laugh when the wall starts rotating. He grabs that end of the wall, pushing it so that the side with the indentation in the wall is facing outwards, and pauses, wondering how to lock it in place.
Jeonghan walks up to the indentation, pressing down on the key inserted into it. There’s another click momentarily before the wall starts moving, causing the two to backpedal quickly as the wall automatically moves back into place.
With one last mechanical click, the wall shifts back into place, returning the study back to normal. “Should we leave the key there?” Jihoon asks.
“It should be fine,” Jeonghan says. “It’s not like any of the others know what we’re up to, anyway.”
With that, they decide to head back to the recreation room to chill and update the others about what they’d found today.
sneaky mf: you would NOT believe what we found today
BABABANANAS: what is it??? an arcade??? a pool???
i am COW hear me moo: for once you’re correct.
i am COW hear me moo: oh ffs
i am COW hear me moo has changed his name to jihoon
jihoon: I am literally going to MURDER whoever is doing this.
the most glorious mane: anyway
the most glorious mane: what did you guys find???
orange is the new black: a pool.
orange is the new black: we’re not kidding
i hate carrots: There’s an underground pool connecting to the manor via a tunnel.
I’M A CHICKEN: what the actual fuck
sneaky mf: language, seungkwan-ah. but yes that is an actual mood
sneaky mf: at this point I wouldn’t even be surprised if we did find an arcade
why am I forever last: how did they even build it???
orange is the new black: we have no idea
BABABANANAS: is jihoon still here
i hate carrots: He went off to his studio.
i hate carrots: His phone is with us because he thinks you guys are too noisy.
BABABANANAS has changed jihoon’s name to ITS COW TIME
im THE dawg: no but really why do we have a pool
Zhoumi does have to say, Seungcheol is one of the more pleasant students he’s had the privilege of teaching. Not only is the boy willing and eager to learn, he goes above and beyond whatever he’s given as homework, allowing Zhoumi to go faster and teach the boy more advanced material.
When asked, Seungcheol just replied distractedly as he tried to parse through his code to find what was preventing it from working. “I really like coding,” he says.
“The amount of energy I put into actually coding the program is exhausting, but when I run the code and it works, the satisfaction I get is immense- aha! I found it!” Seungcheol nearly shouts when he spots his mistake, editing the code and beaming when he runs it again with success.
“Well done,” Zhoumi smiles at his student. “Now, let’s see. Which other problem do you want to try?”
“This one looks interesting,” Seungcheol says after a while of reading through the questions that Zhoumi had prepared, pointing one out.
“Oh yes, that one. We can have a lot of fun with this one,” Zhoumi says, and starts teaching proper, Seungcheol typing along as he listens.
Yunho jumps a little when he feels someone nudge him from overhearing the lesson going on in the study, and turns to find Jungsu laughing at him quietly. “Curious about how our boy’s doing?” the older asks, to which Yunho sheepishly nods.
“I was actually looking for you, Yunho-yah. Have any of the others contacted you?” Jungsu asks after a while of listening to Seungcheol’s lesson by the door. Yunho starts, pulling the elder into the recreation room next door and shutting the door.
“Only Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Siwon, Hyukjae and Youngwoon have yet to find their successors,” Yunho finally replies his question, taking a seat and nearly falling off the hammock they have in the corner.
Jungsu laughs at his struggles to stay on the hammock, before returning to the topic at hand. “The others… haven’t contacted you?”
“They only contacted me once to tell me that they’d found their successors, hyung. I haven’t heard from them since.”
“What did Youngwoon say?”
“He’s still trying to follow the feeling, so he isn’t sure how long it’ll be before he can come back.”
Jungsu remains silent for a while, eyes dim. “You can’t blame yourself, hyung,” Yunho says after a while, unable to bear watching Jungsu berate himself.
“I could have done it, you know that,” Jungsu starts, but Yunho cuts him off.
“You wanted them to stay with you. That’s understandable, hyung. They understand.”
“That doesn’t help the fact that they could’ve been free long before this year!” Jungsu exclaims, remembering at the last moment that if he yells Seungcheol would be able to hear.
“What’s done is done, hyung. The Princess says that there is a high chance that Seungcheol will actually succeed,” Yunho says in response.
“I didn’t want there to be a next generation, Yunho-yah. You know that,” Jungsu sighs, sinking into a beanbag in front of the hammock, shutting his eyes for a moment.
“I do know that. But I also know that it isn’t your fault you couldn’t do it.”
“Even if they won’t contact me? When they won’t come back? You saw the looks on their faces when I told them what they had to do, Yunho-yah.”
Yunho sighs, about to reply Jungsu, but the older man climbs out of the beanbag before he can say anything.
“Nevermind. I knew what I was getting into when I told them all. At least I had plenty of time with them,” Jungsu says, smiling sadly. “Now, I’ve to go into town to deal with an issue, so help me tell the others that I may be late for dinner and to not wait for me.”
Yunho sighs again, climbing out of the hammock.
“Alright, hyung. I’ll see you at dinner, then.”
23 May 2012, Wednesday
Today’s lesson with Zhoumi-hyung was interesting! I managed to learn a new way of manipulating the code to get what I want, but I think I’ll need more practice. It’s actually really tough to think out of the box sometimes. Yunho-samcheon and harabeoji seemed down today. I wonder if I can help cheer them up somehow?
I’ll think of ideas to make them happier tomorrow.
[chapter four end]
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