#meanwhile i get up at 4am to go work at a WAREHOUSE
echoxshxrx · 5 months
#i love how i get yelled at and borderline screamed at to get a job#and then every time an opportunity comes for me to work i get yelled and screamed at for trying to work#like#fuck why do i even try right like#i got up at fucking 4am to work with my dad on friday and even though i desperately wanted to go to bed at 9pm#and i couldnt cause god forbid my partner do anything to help with our kid#(they both slept till almost 11am and his dad watched her most of the day while my partner slept on the couch)#and like#whenever he works mornings and i try to get him to help with our kid when he gets home#(sometimes i get to nap during the day when our kid does but most of the time im up with her from 7am till i get her to bed around 11pm#and then i get to finally fall asleep when my body lets me around 1am)#its always “i worked all day i need to rest” and he goes to play video games#and he works at a fucking vape shop where worst case he has to deal with a customer rush and is lucky to not have to deal with chronic pain#meanwhile i get up at 4am to go work at a WAREHOUSE#forgot my fucking knee brace#had a fucking headache all day#and then the second my ass hits the couch when i got home at fucking 5pm hes doen my throat about not doing anything#when he hasnt done anything all fucking day#idk#just sick of it#now hes mad at me cause i went to take a fucking shower and as soon as i get in he comes in the bathroom right#starts yelling at me asking where our kids sippy cup is cause he couldnt use his own fucking eyes to find it right in front of him#but thats my fault apparently#im mad but at the same time i feel....nothing?#idk its really hard to explain#echo has a breakdown on main
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thesupersass · 5 years
Imagine you are besties with Aziraphale and Crowley, but look they have to come as a set and you can’t think of it as two separate friendships with two people and you need them both and here’s why:
Aziraphale is your top foodie friend - he’s somehow always has a table new restaurants before they’ve even opened and always pays. When the waiter says “Room for dessert?” you never have to do that awkward dance where you want it but don’t want to say it unless the other person says it and you try to quickly gauge their reaction, because Aziraphale always says yes. 
He has the absolute best teas and cocoas at the house and some truly excellent wine. Crowley, meanwhile, owns the market on good whiskey and a truly massive storage of hard alcohol that it would take dozens of a people a year to drink and yet manages to go through most of it on his own in much less time. 
Meanwhile, his idea of planning a good meal is texting you “Hey there’s a burger joint in Vegas called Heart Attack Grill, wanna go and see if anyone actually dies lol.” He obviously is the king of sleazy dive bars where you can buy truly excellent coke, but while he’ll pay, he’ll also probably rile some people up, start some shit, and leave you there. And when you finally manage your way home hours later and yell at him for ditching you with a biker gang, or the probably-mafia, or a bunch of Bronies, he’d just shrug and say “Eh you made it out alright! Builds character.”
This, of course, would not fly with Aziraphale, who’s motherly scolding would have him shuffling back to you against his will with an absolute garbage apology along the lines of “Sorry I guess for whatever. Alright we’re square let’s get lunch,” which also would not fly with Aziraphale, who insists if he can’t say the words he should have to show it with actions.
And that’d be how you’d be allowed to drive the Blessed Bentley™ all day, Aziraphale slyly smiling in an almost wicked way in the passenger seat while Crowley is forced to sit in the back with his arms crossed, absolutely livid that you’re driving as a reasonable pace far below the speed limit.
If you started dating someone, Aziraphale would obviously want to know all the details about your meet cute and would give you fashion ideas for the first few dates or when you’re meeting their mom for brunch for the first time. Although it tends to skew a little old fashioned, you still look great, like a sexy but classy 1950s housewife. Meanwhile you ask Crowley if your outfit looks okay the night you’re planning to finally “do it,” because you know Aziraphale would disapprove and possibly be a little scandalized, because he thinks protectively of you like a little sibling.
Crowley’s fashion advice would be as follows: “Unzip your blouse a bit. More .... more .... more ... more ......... more .... yeah you’re good.”
If you got dumped, Aziraphale would be a shoulder to cry on, would talk through your feelings with you, and find some quality ice cream to eat while the two of your watch cheerful rom coms in bed for days. After one too many days of this, Crowley would poke his head in, say “Hey I’m going to the pub to get blasted at 3PM and troll some finance twats when they come in after work, you coming?”
Although you’d somehow end up day drinking all day and well into the night, rallying around 7PM after a cathartic experience at McDonalds and being coerced into making a costume change at some shop that sells cheap, slutty going out clothes and getting a full face smokey eye look done at the makeup counter of an apartment store and not paying for it since Crowley distracted the cashier.
You’d end up way outside of town at some warehouse at an EDM rave until 4am on Tuesday, after hours of drug and alcohol induced dancing (Crowley’s dancing is terrible of course, but still terribly fun). The two of you disturb Aziraphale as you come stumbling in at 6:30AM, who gives you both a sleepy version of the Resigned Head Shake of General Silent Disapproval before falling back asleep.
Being the perfect amount of soft and firm, Aziraphale is a world class champion cuddler, while Crowley’s lanky ass is just a mess of sharp angles and elbows in your ribs, or snoring directly into your ear, or rolling on top of you and refusing to wake no matter how hard you shake him. 
He doesn’t wake up for 6 entire days, and you agree to water his plants as part of The Other Agreement where you take care of his plants and he promises to fuck up the life of someone who pissed you off if you ask. You and Aziraphale use Crowley’s hibernation as a time to catch up on some reading, try some new recipes, and binge Downton Abbey.
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a-really-bi-girl · 5 years
Edelweiss- Chapter 1
 The route to Tirol
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Chapter 1 - The route to Tirol
Not long ago you laughed, heck you smiled like all the damn time. But now you couldn’t even think of the thought of smiling. Or the pain in your cheeks that was caused by laughing too hard with your friends. The only pain you felt right now was the pain in your head, heart and stomach.
Your head was trying to process everything that was happening. But now you’re were an emotional mess. You were Scared. Confused. Insecure. Upset. Anxious. Wobbly. You felt your heartbeat and the send out of pulses in your brain and it hurts. Every time a pulse was sent out and every time your heartbeat it got worse and worse.
In your heart, you felt the pain of guilt. Your eyes fell on the ground in front of you and all you saw were scattered bodies of people laying on the floor. Some people were unconscious and some were severely injured. And some have passed away, way before there time. It hurts so much to know that your heart is still beating and there’s are not. You should have been the one who died, not them. The pain of guilt felt to you like you have been stabbed and you knew how that felt.
Because there was a 14-inch-long sword thrust inside the left side of your stomach. Your vision went out of focus and your head became heavy. You exhaled your breath as you fell on your knees. As fell your knees hit the grass, your hands wrapped itself around the blade. To your surprise, there wasn’t that much blood, but that quickly changed when you felt a hand on your right shoulder.
The hand dug her nails through your shirt into your skin as his other hand appeared. She said something to you in a language that you didn’t understand as her free hand wrapped itself around the handle of the sword. When you found the courage and the energy to look up your eyes locked with the woman. She wore a mask and she smiled. Your eyes were heavy and it was hard to keep them open. Your vision was blurry and your eyes were wet from your tears.
The woman wrapped her hand around your neck and squeezed. It became hard to breathe and It caused your body to squirm. Your hands flew up to her forearm and hand as you desperately tried to remove her hand from your neck. The woman smiled again and with a smooth motion, she pulled her sword out of your torso. Her action made you gasp for air, which you couldn’t inhale because of her hand.
She tightened her grip around your neck as you held her forearm with your bloody hands. She lowered her head and whispered into your ear. The way she spoke languish gave you the chills, which made you squirm again. Then she let go of your neck and you gasped for air.
Almost all your energy has left your body at this point and you fell towards the ground. Your head hit the ground hard and you tried to suppress the tears you wanted to let out. Your hands applied pressure to the wound the woman left. The woman looked at you as she cleaned her sword. You blinked and she was gone once you opened your eyes again.
Instead, there were two-men where she first stood. The men walked over to your body and you tried to crawl away. The men laughed at each other and they grabbed your legs and your arms. This made you yell in pain, your wound started bleeding out again and you felt your body growing weaker.
The men lifted you off the ground and they dragged/carried you towards the alter. You struggled in their grip as you saw people placing the bodies of the deceased around the alter. You couldn’t breathe when they the cut their throats pour their blood in the notch around the alter.
The ones who are on the edge of dying were killed in front of you and you cried out for help. The man who carried you to the altar chained you to the ground as you struggled and screamed.
‘So, this is it. This is the moment I die’ you taught to yourself.
11 days ago, America, Arizona.
The warm summer sun was setting in Arizona. And two men were walking away from a burning building towards a parked yellow cab.
The brunette of the duo was dressed in blue denim jeans, a dark green bomber jacket, a white shirt and muddy timberlands. He was the tallest of the two.
And the blonde, he looked like he stepped out of a detective movie. He wore a white button-up shirt with a loosely hanging red tie around his neck. The sleeves were pushed up and he carried a tan trench coat in his hand. His pants were black just like his shoes.
“Why does everything always have to end up in flames with you?” does brunette asked the blonde as he opens the door.
The blonde laughs at him as he enters the car. “not always Chas. Your house is still standing, isn’t it” The blonde points out while lighting a cigarette.
Chas rolled his eyes as starts the engine of the car. “Where to next John?” he asked his friend.” It would be perfect if you could drop me off at the millhouse, I could use a good kip” John answered as he opened the window.
“Alright, but I have to fill the tank first,” Chas said as he entered the highway. At the same moment the duo entered the highway four Police cars exited, heading towards the fire.
The men drove in silence while John smoked his cigarette. After awhile Chas pulled over towards a gas station to refile his tank. “Can I bring you anything?”
“Just a new pack of silver cuts, owh and make it a big one,” John said while handing Chas a twenty.
Chas took the twenty and walked towards the store after he filled the tank. John threw his head back against the chair and he let out a sight. His mind dwelled back to the scene he and Chas just experienced.
The warehouse they just blew up was owned by Rangda, an evil demon queen in Balinese mythology. A disgusting child-eating bitch. She was pretending to be a school teacher so she had many victims to choose from.
When John sensed her presence in the town he quickly tracked her down. He and Chas saved the trapped kids and afterwards turned John his attention to Rangda.
“Your child-eating days here on earth are over, Let's get you back to were you belong shall we” John spoke while getting in position to send the nasty bitch back to where she came from.
Rangda protested and screamed as John sent her through a portal. It wasn’t easy, but luckily she wasn’t at her full strength otherwise it would have harder to send her to hell.
The place where John is doomed to end up.
The place where the tribunal will be waiting for him, so they can finish what they started.
The place where Astra ended up after he tried to save her back in Newcastle.
The place where he sent Dez too.
When he saved the man he loved, he didn’t get him back. Dez left as soon as he could.
And in John’s eyes, it was yet another sign that he was not worthy of love, friendship or thrust.
Everyone he ever loved or even people who came to close to him ended up dead, hurt or never wanting to see him again. He only has Chas.
Chas entered the car again with a newspaper and John’s cigarettes. “When we get to the Millhouse I need you to pack a bag. I will pick you up around 4am.”
“We are going to Austria,” Chas said while he threw the newspaper and John’s phone at him.
-----The Daily Planet------
Multiple Families are missing in the Tirol area, Austria
Multiple Families are missing in the Tirol.Area. In the summer is Tirol a popular place to hike and to wander in the nearby mountains. In the winter it’s a popular skiing spot. But now it’s the place were multiple Families are disappearing. Multiple police forces are arriving and working together to find out what is going on in this area. There is further given information about what could be going on.
“Your Phone rang, the Austria police force needs your help. They told me that they were given your phone number by Sara Lance. She said that they had to call you if something freaky is happening.” Chas told his best friend as he entered the highway again.
“Freaky ey?” John said while throwing the newspaper on the backseat. ‘Sara has to stop with handing out my number' John thinks to himself.
The rest of the car ride was silent. John was thinking about what possibly could have happened while Chas drove. When they arrived at the millhouse John opened his mouth “Meet me around three, we need to do some research before we leave.” He said whilst exiting the car. Chas nodded and drove away.
"Let's get to the bottom of this" John said while lighting a cigarette as he entered the millhouse. Ready to pack for this next mission.
The overflowing car of the Jones family was driving up the small mountain roads. The car was packed with people. Jane and Carlos were discussing in the front about how we had to get towards the hotel. “Carlos just listen to me, if we follow this road we will be there in 30 minutes” Jane spoke while pointing at a route on the map. “Alright, what you want” he said while changing the course.
“Mom it there a pool!?” “Dad is there a playground!?” asked the twins at the same time. They start laughing and kept asking there parents questions about the hotel. Tara and Tim were your best friends younger siblings. They were eight years old, the same age you met Alex.
You and Alex were all the way in the back of the car. Both doing your own thing. You listening to some old music while he is busy texting his ex. His relationship with his ex Jeffrey was complicated, but over. But Jeffrey wouldn’t let him go so easy.
“u okay?” you asked while tapping him on the shoulder. He replied with a thumbs up. “We are going to have an amazing week,” You say smiling trying to make him laugh. And that he did. “Heck yeah, I already found an après ski fest,” he said smiling as he showed you the poster of the party. “Nice, but we’re going in Tiroler clothing!” you say laughing. “Aber natürlich Gretel”
“du bist die Hänsel to my Gretel” I replied laughing and Alex joined me.
“Mom we also want to go to that party,” said Tara and Jane replied. “No one is going anywhere without out approval”
“Mom you promised !” Alex said while looking at her. “Alex people are disappearing, I don’t want that to happen to you,” Jane said sweetly.
“Mom, you told me I could bring Aila so I would have someone to hang with and now we can’t even go to a party. Were 19 mom not 8” Alex spoke irritated.
Aila, that was the name you used, but it wasn’t your real name. Only Alex and your family knew your real name and also the reason you didn’t use it.
“Hey, I know we’re eight but wee can totally party!” Tim shouted while dancing in his chair. “I totally understand Miss Jones.“ you say while sending a chat towards Alex and throwing him a wink. “We wouldn’t want anyone to go missing.” “Thank you, Aila,” said Jane while looking at you through the centre mirror of the car.
Alex played along when he saw the Rapunzel gif you send him. “I am sorry mom, I should have been more rational. “ he said while trying to hide his smirk. The gif you had sent him was one where she escaped her tower. The two of you threw each other a smirk before you heard Carlos speaking.
“We are here!”
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imabookmarkaddict · 4 years
i stole this
Here’s the full horse au… for now.
It’s only like bullet points but… long and messy and uh…
Here we go, help me.
Jo13 rode Deli young rider cup, Markus tam boarded at Iz tam12-13 markus 15-16 devilmare.
Markus gone 17.5 til 18Iz finds him at richies, brings home treats depression, lets mark hang out in the stables. Helps out, jo asks him for help w his chores. Markus does more stable work for iz but get bullied for lack of exp, becomes friends w jo after declining flirting.
Jo gets offered by iz to restore old stable w house for his jumping career. Jo wants markus to come with as groom, iz wont let markus go cuz stable work and depression. Eventually jo convinces to get Markus to help w restoration, building etc and once there gets markus to want to stay. Jo promises to train several horses for iz to sell, gives delight to Markus as a gift. They have a small 3horse  van w bed to live in until it’s liveable.They spend the first month doing almost all building themselves.Markus helps groundwork and warmup, jo does light to medium jumping for young horses. After stalking the farrier markus is invited to learn more about shoeing and keeping up hoof care to save money, helping the farrier out whenever he can in return.
Will meets them at a few competitions, is impressed w their discipline and markus riding style. Mostly because his own stable is every rider for themselves. Starts flirting w Markus but has to ask jo for advice, jo dislikes it but thinks they might get along so he reluctantly gives tips. Will starts showing up at shows w/o competing to help groom. Jo grudgingly accepts to give Markus chance to do the smaller starts, to finish iz contracts faster and start his flipping career. Markus is asked to do dressage starts to up their value faster.Will asks to apprentice for Markus, but is declined. Markus is jos trainer and thinks thats enough.
Once contract starts finalizing, jo wants to recruit apprentices and iz offers to give them promising horses to train for their career. All jumpers that train for jo. Markus does most groom related as well as stable chores and ground breaking youngsters. Probably two girls from iz and a guy they know from shows.
They assume Markus is just a groom and treat him as such, as long as theyre respectful about it he doesnt care. Will keeps flirting and asking to be Markus trainee, groom, stablehand anything to learn from him. Markus is flattered and smitten, and feeling lonely being the only dressage Main. Knows jo would never offer the apprentice spot to Will, but makes a deal w iz where Will gets a horse to train For Markus. Will happily accepts including all the stablework and being Markus groom, planning and driving him to shows. Jo holds clinics at local riding schools and eventually builds small huts temp stable for a riding camp. Starts his training career. Markus starts taking dressage seriously enjoying working with the horse more than just speeding through a course.Markus works in the early morning before everyone wakes up including running a mile at 4am, holds lesson for will at 6am, feeds and mucks out at 5am, rides his horses at 7am, warms up jos horses 9am to 12am, feeds horses til 13 then either works or sleeps. Everyone helps out with chores and tack except for markus stuff that Will takes care of.
They hold auditions for additional trainees at riding clubs, jo holds lessons and markus helps pick out potential candidates. One if two picked only lasts a month after treating markus as a personal groom, commentating on his lack of work ethic and laziness etc. Jo isnt very pleased after only finding out when Will tells him hes had enough of it. Jo promises Markus to stand behind him standing up for himself, though Markus doesnt want to hurt jos training reputation.They have a jumping team qualifying for nationals. Jo aims for the international jumping team. Markus has no aim but helps Will who gets major results in jumping . After a major team win they all go out for a party that iz holds for them in a club he owns. Once leaving Markus ends up getting hit by a car on the sidewalk leading to a long hospitalstay and wheelchair/cane for spine injuries.
Will takes over training markus horses while he recovers healing and depression at iz home. Once Markus gets back hes not allowed to ride or work and just train Will and Jo. Meanwhile they offer a new recruit a spot who is surprised at Markus lack of work as hes just free training Deli and doing light dressage never speaking of the crash, which no one dares bring up either.
Richie who has been seeing Markus a few times before the accident decides to sponsor their team/stable. Iz decides to give Markus more options w desk work as his assistant leading to markus doing consultant/corporate spy work. As he recovers enough to start riding Iz challenges him to get to the top of a discipline in a year and he’ll sponsor Will and Jo unconditionally. Markus finds cross country to be interesting and starts eventing. Eventually he manages to top eventing by simply entering every available event in the country w Will and Iz grooms that take his horses out for him.
Back at the stable Jo is topping the jumping w Will as a close second and the team is doing okay for amateurs. Team misunderstands markus being gone as laziness, uselessness. At the end of the season as hes returned they think hes being allowed to stay cuz hes jos friend. When one of the olympic comp shows up and starts to offer a spot on the team as a reserve everyone cheers for Jo but turns quiet when its for eventing. They finally realize Markus actually knows what hes doing and how hard he worked for the last years.
Will goes as Markus groom since Iz wont let Jo pause his career for just one reserve event. Markus has to cover for a rider and The eventing team places second. Markus and Will starts dating, markus consultant gig picks up, the press is picking up, reporter found out the promising dressage star was in the major accident. Jo gets a permanent spot on the inter team and eventually a OS spot. Markus starts schooling young horses for other people, tho people still dismiss him thinking “Jo & Markus training center” is just Jo since hes the public one.
Jo deals with the company and his jumping career while markus focuses on training and iz escapades including turning over a warehouse. Jo manages fine as his team helps and supports him but as Will focuses on his career Markus works day w horses and night for iz not sleeping until collapsing.Iz sends him off on rehab/vacation and have him hire/accept an assistant and some trainees before he is allowed to work. Grudgingly interviews a few, sticks w a math wiz w no prior horse experience but does excellent w management for both legal and illegal sides.Markus does some teaching but mostly just wanders around w a cane and is miserable. Iz builds him a small house on the property for privacy as well as two more stables, one for horses in training/riding camps and one for his projects that Markus is educating personally.
Jaime - inbetween car crash rehab and OS. Kay asks Iz for advice regarding a boy he’s met through work whos mute after a car accident and iz suggests a visit to see Markus who is sympathetic from his own experience and offers Jaime a place to stay. Jaime is mostly angsty grouchy teen but enjoys watching Markus do groundwork and starts helping out with simple things, carrying tack and lifting heavy stuff since Markus is limited. Eventually starts apprenticeship and learns how to ride and follows Markus softer approach. Learns a lot helping groom eventing horses, Iz offers him a groom spot at his stable to learn more faster when Markus focuses on jos OS. He excels and gets a collection of youngsters to care for from basics to breeders cups. Iz appreciates having a Markus around again and wants him to train more trainers for him, tho Markus doesnt really want to.
Markus wins an award at a gala based on his scores but they refuse to give it to him due to unsavory rumors ie “hoeing” “drugs” and it will jeopardize their reputation and representation rewarding someone like that. Iz tells them to stop being stupid but the room is quiet and markus leaves to avoid more embarrasment. Markus and Will start falling apart as Will thinks he’s cheating with the late nights and low sex drive. At a boring event some bigot friends of Will harasses markus in the bathroom, leaving him with concussion and a sprained arm. Some week later after tiring of the questioning from iz, jo and will, Markus snaps at them in the kitchen. They tell him to calm down and get over it. He gets pissed off and tells them he will not work with them anymore if they belive that. Again he’s told he’s overreacting. So he leaves. Tells them to fuck off and not follow him.
Markus stays with Richie while healing and follows up an old offer to work for Iz competitor/nemesis. He’s coaching a few of the jumpers and is approached by eventer Adam. They competed together at Markus OS and got along very well. Adam had gotten a few dressage lessions out of markus and a clinic with some of the other eventer OS people at Jos stable after the OS. While respectful of markus relationship Adam thought he’d made it clear he was interested but let it go. They still had contact, few lessons and autograph sessions over the years.
Now that Adam knows he left jos stable he warns him against the proposed contract, saying Markus will earn more after healing and a couple of solo wins. ‘Also how is Will?’
Markus follows his advice and gets some short training gigs before competing a few horses for a random stable. Iz tries to outoffer them but markus still goes with a smaller stable that Adam is one to represent.Adam and Markus end up flirting a lot until Adam goes down on one knee asking for a real date. Markus is very surprised and Adam is offended that his flirting skills are that bad.
Eventually markus moves in with Adam and starts competing in small scale. After Adam start talking about their future and marriage markus depression and anxiety spikes and Adam is distressed but finally understands it’s not just the competing but also their relationship. He convinces markus to voice his likes and dislikes and never pushes past what markus offers. Adam suggests markus might be asexual which markus hesitantly deals with but thinks will scare Adam away.
They meet a couples counselor who’s supportive and finds some key issues with markus fear of abandonment and his isolation with no family as well as losing jo as a close friend. Thinking he doesn’t have as much to offer Adam who is successful, rich and popular. 'my side of the aisle is empty’ etc.
After a year of a regular season Adam employs Daniel as a social media manager, as he got along with markus in the past. As Adam posts more online trying to gain public favor of his business and boyfriend he realizes what horrible rumors and hate is targeted towards markus. They still progress and in an insta story markus mentions a dream place to be the spanish riding school in austria. (Besides any place with Adam in it obviously.)
Adam takes the three of the to Vienna for 1-2 weeks to see the school, other touristy things but also as a social media event. They meet  fans and get shown the city and invited to dinners. Adam does propose to a very surprised but sobbingly happy markus. It’s not posted until months later to give markus time to process.
A riding instructor invites herself to a meeting with markus, showing him how her dressage classes has been collecting funds and signatures for hiring him for a lesson. A very flattered Markus does miss helping jo out at riding clubs so he offers to host her classes with a clinic at Adams, if they’re keen? Maybe just keep the money for buses and useful things instead. If everything works out well he will also show up the next day holding some lessons.
Everyone’s genuinely happy to meet both markus and Adam(s horses), a tour, some food/ice cream, a q&a with photos and autographs. Markus agrees to photos with him only if they won’t put them on social media which they follow, mostly it’s just with Adam & Rocket.
They are approached by a social worker who wants their help with a troubled young teen, theo who was thrown out by his father after resisting being molested. Markus is very hesitant but they offer him housing if he helps feed the horses and finishes school.
Teddy being a moody teen still warms up to them and enjoys being helpful in the stable. He helps Daniel film some markus content and offers to help with a q&a.When he reaches a question involving gay slurs and disturbing imagery they have an argument where markus means Theo should never have to deal with it and berates Daniel for failing the filter. Markus is both upset at the hate specifically directed at him as well as failing to protect the teen and stay in a depressive state for a few days.
Adam finally snaps and hides all his accounts and cancels most training and other businessdeals.Media and people are questioning why a popular and frequent mefia poster disappear and some claim there’s illness or death.Jo convinces Will to reach out as they still care for markus and want to apologize.  Adam tells them how it’s none of their business but explains a bit on how they never really supported markus when he lost chances to rumors or were literally beat up. Jo acknowledges and apologizes, offering to help in any way they can.
Markus is a bit upset that Adam is so angry on his behalf, risking his entire business and future but Adam means he’d be happier without the toxic riding organization that doesn’t do enough to stop it. In fact they fueled the problems when refusing the award because of rumors. As Adam is putting his stable up for sale evaluation he offers an interview with a small equestrian vlog studio where he says he’s tired of representing such a shitty organization and that he’ll boycott any future event including OS.
He also shows them both of his email and insta inboxes full of hatemail, scrolling randomly, bringing up some horrible examples and accusations like infidelity, pedophilia, bestiality, prostitution, drugs and more, directly addressed to or about markus only.The interviewer quietly apologizes for her first question being a “is this just another equestrian drama grab for attention."
Even as Adam only meant to make a quiet, safe and happy space for him and markus, many other riders follow suite after jo publicly boycotts OS as well. Iz and Richies companies supports the boycott as well as calling out the organization for failing to protect good values. Eventually leading to a restructuring and a formal public apology to markus and his award.
Markus is not happy being the center of attention but he realizes he’ll take the moment to encourage the young riders who came to him worried they could never compete because someone started a silly rumor about them. Media eventually stop focusing on them but keep spinning online bullying as well as how organizations can do better to protect underage riders.
Adam starts up again in small scale focusing more on competing and anti-bullying media. Markus ends up accepting more Iz projects. Jo and Will suggest doing this tvshow project they’ve been approached with. After they come to an agreement they set up ar Adams stable as there’s less trainees in the way. There’s some issues with filming rules but Daniel deals with it quickly and loudly, as he has to approve anything of Adam and Markus.('Are you just grooming for free for Adam to get laid by a popular rider’ is apparently not appropriate, who knew?)
After some stressful weeks and Spence showing up to possibly spread more rumors, though he insists Iz sent him over to support them. Adam tells everyone they’re about to just going to fuckoff for a while and snags markus out on a private picnic as he seemed worried beyond normal. Markus is reassured and when they get back Theo informs him of a very serious couple waiting for him by the gate.
They tell markus they’d prefer somewhere private and he takes them to the saddle room where he can lock the filming team out.The woman introduces herself as a representative of a different country’s OS and that they want to have him on their eventing team. Since he hasn’t competed for his country for the past years they hoped he’d be interested as their own selections dwindled from injurys, horse sales and so on. Markus is not really comprehending but offers to discuss it with Adam.
Obviously Adam is beyond happy to hear it, and suggest using Rocket or Flurry as he’s competing newer blood anyway. Goes all out cooking a big fancy dinner and everyone else is just confused. After dealing with legalities and passports markus is allowed to announce his new affiliation.
After some months he heads up to their country with Daniel, rocket and flurry to settle in at a teammates stable. Turns out most of the team is more than excited to welcome markus and they have a big party to celebrate. One of the injured riders bring up how markus helped him his last OS with a thrown shoe just minutes before their start even though they were enemies! And how markus had always been an honorary member in their eyes, saving them from a quick DQ.
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