#mech fantasy
pencilbrony · 9 months
What's your top 5 favorite mech shapes?
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The standard mech types
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hemipenal-system · 9 months
thinking right now about the "dragons fucking cars" thing and the inevitable conclusion that reaches on this blog
a dragon taking down a combat mech, powerful tail curling around its legs as the claws on the metal shoulders force it to the ground
jaws savaging the pilot capsule, damaging it enough to disrupt movement control, leaving the mech helpless, but not enough to disable the neural link, meaning the pilot can feel all of it
the dragon taking its time with the downed suit of armor, lazily fucking into the mech as the pilot struggles to endure the feelings, trying to unplug the suit from them but unable to reach the port in the base of their skull
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ordheist · 8 months
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got a tough month ahead of me before the new job starts paying out so I need to open up some commission slots!
here’s a little mini portfolio of the sort of stuff I can do. fanart, comic covers, entirely new characters, fully rendered, sketchy. DM me or email at [email protected] to talk shop with me!
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n0anix · 2 months
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chat do we fw the froghemoth mecha
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justketerthings · 4 months
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New mecha girl whom I am calling "Nine-ten" or 910
Her pilot really really wanted to be put into a huge fuckoff military robot with gun arms and stuff because that is her ideal job, but while she was getting procedures done to be a mech pilot her technicians realized she should not have gun responsibilities, so instead they put her in this bot, who is basically a giant firefighter.
The robot is pregnant. And the baby is her unconscious body. She hates the window because you can kinda see her everything (but she's curled up so not really), and it obstructs her power fantasy of being 100% robot.
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reegis · 1 year
✨mechanisms character designs!!✨
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i know i posted alice and the majors™️ before but i wanted the whole Alice Squad to be together,,
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jp-nichts · 22 days
Are you supposed to have a favorite Random Encounter?
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So Reactors & Romance has an Emotional Encounter table for GMs to roll on to spice up the action and provide some opportunities for players to make Romance Rolls, if they aren't already. When writing these random encounters the "Single Seater" was my favorite! It plays on a favorite romance trope of mine and in playtesting so many players kept naturally doing it on their own accord. I was totally here for it and loved to see it happen every time! But recently I think the "Parent/Guardian Calls" has taken the spot for my favorite.
Recently, I had a PC who's ex was the big bad. His parents called up asking "When are you going to visit next? You know you're father's boyfriend really wants to meet you? Are you going to bring one of your partners with you this time? Maybe that lovely guy Wade (the big bad) His mech was so fancy! What was he up to these day?" Meanwhile the PC is trying to fight off Wade's lackeys. Desperately trying to stop Wade's colossal walking mech carrier.
The best part was at the end of them game. Instead of finishing off his ex, he ties up Wade, throws him over his solder, and brings him over to visit his parents still bound up 🤣
Don't get me wrong, I totally love all of my emotional children equally, but seeing this one play out is absolutely hilarious! Not to mention, it's great to see players reference back to this encounter. They'll bond with another PC or NPC and end up bringing them home to their parents at the end of the game. It creates a nice little epilogue for their character 💜
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absentwriterdoll · 3 days
C:"896, signal lost."
W:"896, still active."
C:"896, copy."
I can feel the hydraulics straining as I push against the controls.
As ever, if the reactor is still intact, it's not a confirmed kill.
The display shifts from dirt to the horizon.
Tracers streak across the sky.
H:[Warning. Internal bleeding detected.]
I can feel as much.
I scan my HUD.
Right side, lost. Left shoulder, depleted. Left arm at 35%. Left hip at 10%. Point defense at 20%, 45%, 30%, 10% respectively.
I sigh.
It hurts.
Even if I wanted to, there's not much more that I can do.
W:"896, munitions depleted, heavy damage sustained. Requesting permission to withdraw."
C:"896, granted."
W:"Harry, plot a course home."
I notice my point defense lighting up at far-off infantry.
I swap them to critical only. With this damage, I'll need the cover in case another mech realizes I'm still alive.
H:[Course plotted.]
W:"Send it."
I feel my legs shift under me - but I keep my eyes on the horizon, my weapons pointed toward the enemy battleline. A wounded mech is always a primary target.
Two missiles streak out from the infantry I saw earlier - nothing my point defense can't handle. Though, for good measure, I send a few rounds their way.
Everything hurts.
H:[Administering stimulant.]
A sharp sting in my neck - just a prelude to the pain lessening.
At least, in a minute or two, anyway.
Part of me wonders how much I could leave to the onboard AI. It already calculates most of the firing solutions.
My role is just selecting a target and pulling the trigger.
But it always has to be a human pulling a trigger.
It becomes a question of when the AI starts deciding who is worth pulling the trigger on.
Can't let it start deciding who lives and who dies.
Best case scenario, it turns on its makers.
Worst case scenario, things devolve into a forever war.
Who’s to say that this isn’t a forever war already.
A mech raises itself on the horizon.
And I begin loosing rounds downrange.
My missing mass causes most of my fire to go wide initially.
A series of flashes.
And I react.
A round strikes me - but it’s off center.
Better than the alternative.
But my left hip doesn’t respond. I’m nearly defenseless.
W:“896, requesting support, relaying target.”
H:[Relaying target.]
It’s nearly all I can do to hope for the best.
M:“512, responding.”
H:[Radar lock detected.]
Tracers light up the mech from its side, causing it to buckle and flare - right as it looses a fusillade of missiles from one of its shoulder pods.
My point defense lights up, as does those of 512’s.
One zeroes out. I turn my hull to expose Three and Four.
Four zeroes out.
But Two and Three manage to clear the air with 512’s help.
10% and 5%.
W:“896, permission to request cover.”
C:“896, granted. Assigning 512.”
M:”512, moving to cover 896.”
W:“896, thank you.”
An unnecessary communication slips from me.
But it’s the truth.
I should be dead.
But I’m not.
C:“512, signal lost.”
In the corner of my eye, I see 512 light up - and vanish into fire.
And I see the one that did it. 
I loose rounds from my left arm - until it clacks empty.
And I hope to whatever gods may be listening that it doesn’t get back up.
Their reactor is still intact. It’s not a confirmed kill.
W:“896, relaying target, requesting kill confirm.”
A few moments pass - and then tracers streak in from afar.
Then a detonation.
L:“288, confirmed.”
W:“896, acknowledged.”
C:“288, cover 896’s retreat.”
L:“288, copy.”
In silence, I think my gratitude.
Part of me wonders if I should just withdraw on foot.
I glance at Harry’s AI core.
It would be a simple matter of-
L:“896, bogey.”
W:“896, munitions, defenses depleted, ejecting.”
H:[Radar lock detected.]
H:[Ejecting. Give them hell.]
I pull Harry’s AI core.
And I’m launched into the air.
Tracers from the point defense flash out below me - until both remaining guns zero out. In the air, I release myself from my seat and spark my jumpjets.
Below me, my mech detonates.
On the horizon, I watch 288 engage the enemy.
288 closes with the bogey, tracers streaking between the two, maneuver jets flaring.
288 manages to get behind the bogey and tears the reactor core out - tossing it and firing a round at it before turning its attention back to the dying remains of the mech -
And slaughters the remainder.
I reach the ground.
I take a deep breath.
Thank Harry for the stimulant.
Thank 288 for the cover.
And run.
Cast in order of appearance:
C - Control, the battalion’s handler. Used to be a pilot.
W - William, 896’s pilot. The most experienced pilot in the battalion.
H - Harry, 896’s AI. Leaves a copy of itself onboard when 896 ejects.
M - Maya, 512’s pilot. Relatively inexperienced. A rookie that tried to fill bigger shoes.
L - Liam, 288’s pilot. A vicious warfighter, leaving nothing to chance.
Inspired by Armored Core VI and The Forever Winter.
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jazz-dude · 13 days
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I made a new token pack!
This pack is a collection started out as a handfull of tokens I made for a home campaign of Troika!. It expanded into some more and since then I have used some of these for Lancer too.
In the pack are included:
30 illustrated tokens of robot knights and other beings (but all robotic in nature), all tokens infront of a hex, square and circle backdrop.
Its pwyw on itch so pick it up if you feel like it!
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rhubarbes · 6 months
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Rhubarbes lab
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pencilbrony · 5 months
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This too, is a mech suit.
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fatedroses · 2 months
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Sometimes a light party is a machinist loporrit, a rogue moogle chef, an ex-assassin healer, and the former prince of Garlemald.
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ordheist · 7 months
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which suit u pickin
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terkmc · 6 months
I'm ppen for Commission again!
If you need Lancer stuff or Darkest Dungeon stuff, hit me up at: [email protected]
Price sheet and ToS
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entnoot · 5 months
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𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔪𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔰𝔲𝔯𝔳𝔦𝔳𝔢, 𝔫𝔬𝔯 ℑ 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 ~
A fairytale illustration for Anther of their OCs Velynias and Hymenthius! This was a big project, especially since drawing bug-like humanoids was something I’d never done before! Thank you for your trust and patience ❤️
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artbytimfeeney · 4 months
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Oni series part 4
The Cyberdemon. With the soul scabbard.
I had some ideas on this, and I'm really happy with this piece.
I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks for looking! Consider following along, and I'll keep trying to impress you!
Find me on all the socials! Facebook - facebook.com/ArtByTimFeeney Instagram @timFeeneyArt Portfolio - https://artbytimfeeney.artstation.com Shop - https://functionalfantasy.myshopify.com Etsy - etsy.com/shop/FunctionalFantasyArt/
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