#medieval anakin skywalker
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I just watched this movie for the first time last night. And I honestly enjoyed watching a lot of Hayden Christensen sword action scenes. It’s like he used his some of his lightsaber training from the Star Wars prequel trilogy days into the sword fights of this movie. It’s like watching a medieval version of Anakin Skywalker.
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an-old-lady · 1 year
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Lord Vader
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morgines · 6 months
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I'm probably living in the neolithic since I can only make traditional art but I made fanart of some of my favorite scenes of Spy Wars by @clawedandcute !!!
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aberrantcreature · 8 months
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A common practice for skywalkers that most have forgotten about due to the near extinction of their species, is hoarding. Specifically, the hoarding of shiny objects. Skywalkers aren't picky. It could be a diamond or a penny, as long as is sparkles.
The castle soon comes to realize that a lot of jewels, coins, small armor plating, and silverware have gone missing.
Most, rightfully, come to the conclusion that Anakin has stashed the missing object under Obi-Wans bed.
((Also yes I forgot his scars but it's too late now sushdidhdhd))
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squad-724 · 9 months
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Medieval dragon Jedi au:
Commander Fox bonds with Chancellor’s „crazy dangerous” dragon, learns his true name and with the vode wants to free the dragons from the Republic’s control
It doesn’t help that Skywalker was kept away from other dragons since he was 9, only cared for by Sidious and became distrustful of any human in his vicinity
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Lorenzo's Aesthetic
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phoenixyfriend · 6 months
Let Me Climb Your Tower
Read on AO3
Written for Day 2 of @anakin-rarepairs-week, for the prompt "Set into a different time-period".
This is very vaguely medieval, bordering on Renaissance, in the way that The Witcher or DnD or Monty Python and the Holy Grail s vaguely medieval, just without the magic.
Really, just imagine this is taking place in the kind of 'medieval era' that you see in mid-budget movies from the 1950s/60s, or grimdark 'medieval' adventures from the 80s that are trying so hard to be cool and also 90% leather.
Aayla is a rogue, and Anakin is a royal. That's about it.
Due to technical difficulties, this was typed directly into AO3. It's also shorter than I planned. Sorry, folks, hopefully I'll be better off soon lmao.
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arleniansdoodles · 2 years
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Another painting of my loosely-medieval Luke and Vader! I guess this could be another interpretation of their Force-bond; I just went into drawing them without much of a plan or story behind it loll
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romangoldendreams · 9 months
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Outcast (2014)- Jacob & Lian
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what the fuck is this
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anakindoodles · 1 year
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This is like a two month late montyhly prompt fill for Historical AU oops AO3 link for added lore :) x 
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bladling · 2 years
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lady knight skywalker
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phoeebsbuffay · 2 years
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Imagine Star Wars special edition: Arthurian tales. Part II.
The Knight and his Queen
Imagine you are a damsel of noble birth who is betrothed to king Palpatine, even though your heart belongs to someone else. What will be of you then?
Warnings: *very* loosely based in the stories of King Arthur, though clearly Anakin here would be a sort of Lancelot.
Warnings 2: explicit smut, drama, always fluffy endings.
Warnings 3: long post; I have no idea how to put “read more” here however I tried.
No minors.
It is the last day of journey before arriving at the final destination, which will occur as expected at a county nearby. You have accepted your fate and have long started to play the role of a benevolent queen. When musicians and bards come to you, you welcome them graciously and they turn out to be a good distraction from the troubles of your heart.
However, when night rises, you feel your vessel is emptied of the hopes you used to nurture and all the dreams you once shared with Obi-Wan. Never before have you missed Master Kenobi, the man who was so dear to your mother as to you, and who was a better father to you than your own.
As you think nostalgically about him, about the home you left behind, perhaps never to return, a knock on the door startles you.
“Who could possibly be at this late of hour?”
Your first instinct is to grab the dagger that you always carried with yourself—a valuable lesson taught by Master Kenobi—before getting your night robes and wrapping yourself in them. Only then you pray it’s no dangerous unannounced guest.
As you open the door, though, the relief is evident in your semblance as you exclaim:
“Dear God! Ani, what brings you here at such a dark hour?”
Anakin looks troubled and you can tell he comes for you to speak out the burden that weights upon his heart. You know him, his distress, how ever since he was taken under the wig of Obi-Wan, often he preferred to shut in himself when he was in pain. But it is thanks to your efforts that you earned his trust enough to hear about his past—how he lost his mother to slavery, never able to save her; how her death had a great impact on his character, the only light in the darkness he was plunged into—and helped him in moving on and accepting his fate—certainly God had plans for him, you told him.
“Come in”, you whisper, concern stamped in your face as you hush him indoors. Once welcoming him in your private quarters, you grab the candle he holds in his hand and start to illuminate the ambience. “What worries you, Ani? You don’t look well. Was it something I did?”
Anakin is pacing from one side to another, oblivious to your privy chambers, the details of it, or even to the fact that your ladies are only one chamber away from you—and there is a door that leads to a corridor which ends at their quarters.
However, something about these words you said awake him. He turns at you with distressed eyes, taking your hands into his, clasping them together. In contrast to your cold skin, his is warmer.
“I should have not said what I said the day before. I’ve been misguided by my pride, my vanity clouded the best of my judgement and thus shadowed these sentiments that have always been within…”
Admittedly, this is what you’ve been aching to hear since you were a younger lass. However, as each year went by, your hopes had turned into ashes.
“Is it because you are afraid of losing me? Is it because you’ve taken me for granted?” You answer, sounding sharper than you intended to. But you must know, you need to know.
His hands let go of yours only to cup your cheeks. In his eyes, the unspoken invitation. Waves of sentiments, a prelude of storm—too much to be said, but it’s intensity does not pair the words. Not as it should.
“I love you”, Anakin summons all in these three words. “I cannot do this alone. Stay with me, this is what I need. Please.”
Your eyes are blurred with unwelcoming tears. You had forced yourself to lock that door, but he always possessed the key, didn’t he?
“Ani… What are we doing?” It is as if you say this more to yourself. “I… what if this ends badly for you?”
“To die for you is a risk I’ll gladly take.” He leans his forehead against yours, his hands now moving to your hair, playing with your lose curls.
You sigh, eyes closing as you feel his breath in such synchrony with yours, both breathing the same air. You hesitate, even though your body language is taking the reins of the situation before you know.
Your hands slowly rest on his forearm before moving upper his shoulders. Your fingers very softly run down to his chest.
“You tempt me greatly. When I offered you my heart…” But it is useless to pronounce these words, and knowing it well, you cut them off. “I want you.”
And so you pursuit his lips, not sure how to glue yours with his. Much to his relief, every barrier is knocked down and he involves his queen in his arms. Though sloppy and a mess at first, brokered in giggles, the kiss evolves to a more adequate rhythm where one tongue pairs the other in a loving dance.
However, this does not seem to content the growing hunger one feels for another, outreaching the limits of the soul and going right through those of the flesh.
Hence why he breaks the kiss breathlessly to slide his lips to your jawline and neck, digging his nails into your skin, pulling you even closer—as if possible—against him. All the while, you throw your head back, submitting to the caresses you’ve only dared to imagine.
But your hands seek balance by holding onto his shoulders before you lead him to bed, sighing in content contemplation, although the urge that burns you does not tolerate any distance from him. It is painful to be physically apart of him.
And he feels it too, but Anakin is surprised to see you are the one who desperately clings onto him. There is little need to speak as you devour his lips. Yet, his hands are, although clumsily so, beseeching for your carnal needs in order to appease his, so he rises the skirts of your nightgown and promptly caresses your thighs.
“Ani”, you moan softly his name as you kiss him. He lies you down carefully, refusing to let his desire blind him. You are precious to him as much as he is to you, so he is careful.
“My love”, and here he pauses what he is doing to contemplate you.
Anakin dwells in the color of your hair—and how he loves when you wear it down—, of your skin, of your eyes…how reddish is your mouth, a temptation that arouses him just with a look. And when looking down at you, even with the poor illumination coming from the candles, he can see your nightgown is, in fact, white.
He feels his manhood pulsing impatiently against his pants, unbearably rigid, when seeing your hard nipples through it. Seeing how he admires you, it makes you wet in between your legs, but it also emboldens you.
Gently, you remove his hands away as you straighten yourself. Anakin does not speak, but there is an unspoken question in his eyes, that however finds soon an answer when you remove your nightgown and stay right there underneath his eyes.
“By God, I am condemned by my sins but He sent an angel to save me”, so he mumbles.
You blush at his words, tilting your head to the right, but never making any moves to shy away the look you get from him. Yet, you want to see him that way too. You lean forward to kiss his lips, slowly this time, before pulling away so your hands move from his shorter hair to his face and down to his chest and…
“What are you doing?”, Anakin asks you in a husky voice, holding your wrist. “You are my Queen. You should not…”
Moved by an uncalled boldness, you shush him by pressing your lips against his, kissing him fervently as you release your wrists and resume what you were doing.
Rather clumsily you untie his pants, giggling softly into the kiss as you do. When you both part it, he finds your eyes filled with a lust never before seen.
“I want you”, you tell him and a blush paints your cheeks as a result of such statement.
It is not merely because you are bare beneath his eyes, but this is an occasion of intimacy on which your soul is denuded by voicing the core of your sentiments. And somehow Anakin knows it. Not only because what you feel it is a speculum of how he feels for you too, but just by the look of your eyes… he is completely charmed.
Thus it is you allow him to kiss your neck as you finally grip his manhood. You smirk when sensing his groans against your skin, him biting your neck and there leaving marks making you completely oblivious to the possible consequences of this wayward behavior.
You like it pulling it gently, feeling it pumping into your fingers, but one chuckle coming from Anakin makes you go bright as red and instantly stop.
“What?” You ask shyly.
“Let me help you…”
And he takes your hand and shows you how it’s done. Whilst it feels good for him—and you too, the discovery of pleasure sparking a fire in your whole being—-he wants to share the fun with you.
Therefore, Anakin holds your wrists and lies you down, ignoring the unposed question in your eyes. He thus starts caressing your hips, moving to your thighs before inserting his fingers right in what is there between them.
“Oh! Oh Ani!” You squirm before you place a pillow to muffle your mouth. You sense he is experienced somehow—how else does he know what to do? The thought of him doing it with other damsel shows you a side once unknown to you: that you are possessive towards him.
However, there is little time to read it as he is working so well with his fingers that your mind goes instantly blank.
“Hmm”, Anakin starts to kiss your thigh, giving light bites and smirking when seeing the shivers he provokes on you. “So good to me, my Queen.”
He peppers your skin with warm kisses and you start breathing with anticipation. It brings you delight, a different sort of it, one of the kind you cannot name it.
And when he finally comes in between your legs, you believe you’ve been taken to Heaven. Your body shakes slightly, and your eyes seem to lose focus. Gripping the sheets of your bed, you try not to make sound, but as your hips move automatically against his mouth, you start to question yourself.
Will you be able to do it? As your legs begin to get heavier and an unknown pressure is on your belly, your mind goes blank again and you are about to come undone.
Anakin’s only regret is that he never did this to you before—it is crystal clear the effect he has on you and it arouses him so to testify it. To see it himself how you burn under his touch and how wet he makes you… He never before desired you so.
I promise you, Y/N, that I will father your children.
However, this ought to be in due time, because he knows he cannot consume the fire there is in both of you now. After you come to him and you are breathless, he crawls over your body only to drop by your side, pulling sheets before yourselves.
“I love you”, you tell him, cuddling against him, your fingers stroking his bare chests. “Always have, always will.”
And you’d lean further into him had he not held your hand.
“Nay, love. Not now”, he tells you. “We must wait. It will be worth the waiting, believe me.”
You shoot him a hurt look, but before you could contest him, exhaustion overcomes your forces and soon you fall asleep under his gentle caresses around your back. Anakin gives you a loving, yet sad gaze, wishing once more that you’d be his queen.
Nonetheless, he is patient. He can wait.
The journey, however long, eventually comes to a term. Dressed in a silk yellow gown with a white veil that now covers your face, your maids await as Sir Anakin helps you dismount your mare.
Discreetly, he leans into your ear and whispers:
“You can do this, Y/N. Be the queen you are born to be.”
“I wish a thousand times I was yours and not his.”
Not risking to be heard saying something that might compromise you both, Anakin opts for the silence, only squeezing your hand. He watches as you rise your head and start to play the part.
Not long after that, the king finally comes to meet his bride. He is an old man—older than your father—, weary of battles and charismatic. However, you ignore that he, in fact, is not a well beloved king, his authority has been contested widely by minor kings and a wide rebellion has been fed by the good knights who serve them. Anakin is aware of it, but his loyalty yet remains to His Grace’s side.
“Lady Y/N”, he smiles at you. “Welcome, welcome.”
“My king”, you curtsy, holding your breath.
“Please rise, my dear.” The crowned man addresses you in a very poisonous voice to your ears. “You are as lovely as the fame concerning your ladyship has been addressed. I am most fortunate to arrange this alliance with your father.”
You feel the weight on your shoulders in regard to the attributions you are expected to fill. It is when you start to ghost yourself: every move you make is mechanic, your smile and manners are deprived of your usual self.
Duty compels you to be the obedient wife in the hopes no harm shall fall upon your loved ones, but also to keep you safe. So there you are, making your vows before a priest and finally attending your coronation.
Unbeknownst to you, Anakin follows you with his eyes transfixed in your moves. However it pains his heart when seeing the spontaneity he once adored in you disappear right before his eyes, he knows he cannot forsake his vows.
Duty, for now, parts one from the other.
You ingest enough alcohol to blurry the logic of your thoughts, though you successfully mask your state—specially when it comes to that moment where a man gets intimate to his wife.
To your dismay, the king requests that his favorite knight, Sir Anakin, watches as it is done. When he is distracted, you and Anakin exchange brief looks. As if the situation is not any more difficult.
Yet, here you are. At least you consumed enough mead to prevent yourself of remembering such disastrous act. Some might say you are a natural to acting, convincing all around you that you are such a delight as the king’s new wife.
But for some reason the bedding ceremony is interrupted. Much to the king Palpatine’s horror, a small cell of rebells decides to break in violent riots nearby.
However, the relief you feel instantly goes away. Palpatine is not going anywhere. He instead sends his best knight, Sir Anakin, to resolve the matter. You know the older king is anxious to prove him man to you, it is that easy to read such a powerful noble’s insecurities.
Thankfully you are tired and with no need to undress completely. If you close eyes, it will pass soon.
At least no one can accuse you of neglecting your duties.
Rebellions seem to worse, however, as days go by. No matter the attempts of the king in concealing them, in dissimulating before the crowd through the tournaments and other feasts, reality cannot be denied.
“Looks like I have to smash these rebellions personally”, laments your husband. “My dear, you shall stay here at the capital. Loyalty is stronger in between these walls and my best knight must be at your service. Sir Anakin, I believe I best trust you to keep the queen safe?”
No emotions are perceived as Anakin responds his master in a nonchalant manner:
“Aye, sire. It will be as my lord commands.”
“Good, good.” The king nods in approval. “Best I take my leave. No feast is enough to bring this realm at peace, it seems.”
Then looking at you as if remembering you are there, he smirks and adds:
“Nothing for you to concern yourself with, Lady Y/N.”
“I believe my lord is a most wise king. I am bound to obey your commands, sire.”
Most pleased with your answer, Palpatine beams. His countenance is soon serious when turning at his men, asking for Sir Maul to conduct him outdoors.
Left with your own ladies, there is no time to subdue yourself willingly to the knight you love. You must be patient and carry yourself with dignity.
The rest of the day, thus, follows as if the parting of the king had not happened. It is as if whatever troubles ahead of the capital of the realm is a diversion, nothing to concern oneself with. You notice how people at the court continue with their merriments regardless of the current situation.
Nevertheless, you don’t run from your duties. You stand by Sir Anakin and a few of the men entrusted by your husband to keep a regency during his absence, as you listen to the commons’s grievance.
The day turns out to be a long one, but even so your heart remains restless. The great hall is not only filled with an awkward silence from your part—which most interpret it as your loving wife’s aching for the husband you devout yourself to—but the melody of the musicians that entreat you and your ladies fills the rooms perfectly.
Finally, it is time to take your leave. Thankfully, it is Sir Anakin who leads you the way. But neither dare to speak, even though the knight can tell you are different by how you grip his arm. A silent message is transmitted, he knows, he perceives.
“Your Grace, I shall leave you and your ladies here.” His voice is mechanical, matching the void in his eyes. Which only makes you anxious, despite knowing he is only playing his part.
As you do yours.
“My lord, we thank you for your kindness. May God be with you. Sleep well.”
Sir Anakin nods, not daring to search for your eyes as he nods his head and takes his leave. You feel a fang of jealousy possessing your heart when you hear your ladies giggling with each other.
He is only mine to admire and love.
But this thought cannot reach your tongue, so you very regally say:
“What is with this giggling, ladies? Not a behavior I expect from you. Now now, ‘tis time for bed.”
Yet as the night rises and all are put in bed, yours is not giving you the comfort your soul aches. So, wearing a white night gown and holding a candle, you venture out the door.
Anakin is no man to sleep early. His thoughts are this close to drive him mad. As he slips in the tub, taking a while in the hot water his servant prepared for himself, he cannot help himself thinking of Obi-Wan’s teachings and how he misses the man who was like a father to him.
How could I have let myself be misled by my own ambitions? Where was my reason when thinking Palpatine would be a better master than Obi-Wan?
So in order to take back the wrongs he did, he did the unthinkable: Sir Anakin betrayed King Palpatine by sparking several rebellions throughout the realm with the help of Obi-Wan Kenobi, after their secretive conciliation. Such are his thoughts as he leaves the tub and readies to go to bed.
Barelegged, he opts to sleep more casually this evening with only a nightshirt. Curiously enough, he is thinking about you when a sound startles him.
He furrows his eyebrows, already holding a dagger in one hand as he moves to the door. Anakin blushes instantly as he stares in perplexity towards you.
“Queen Y/N?”
“Is this what we are now?”, you whisper in disdain. “Should I repeat this phrase every single time?”
“I wasn’t expecting you here, Y/nickname, is all.” He softens, but only after he makes sure you haven’t been followed. “What happened? Are you well? Are you all right?”
You cup his face with your hands as you press your lips agains his. His scent instantly effects you.
“I have missed you.”
Anakin sighs. He closes his eyes as if not to fall into temptation, but the closer you get to him, the harder it is for him to resist you.
“Ani…” You beg.
You stroke his cheeks, aware that what you are doing is risky, but the needs of your heart burn you in such a manner that you lack the will to resist theme
And so he kisses you at long last, unable to combat his own necessities.
“Oh fuck”, he moans as your lips crush into his, his hands roaming around your waist before involving you against himself in a tender embrace. “Hell is worthy a destiny if it means you love me, Y/N.”
You beam as you mewl under his touch, return the kiss with the same fervor. As you play with his shorter hair and move to the back of his neck, you give yourself completely to his man.
“I love you”, you mumble breathlessly. “If we burn, we shall do it together. Your soul and mine are bound for life, Ani.”
Anakin sighs in content as a result, parting the kiss to explore your neck. You lean yourself to him, your hands eagerly untying the laces of his shirt and soon helping him remove it.
The look you give is enough to make any man tight in his pants and he is no exception. You smirk devilishly as you lean forward to touch his manhood, just as eager to feel it in your hands.
“Never thought you to be so naughty”, says Anakin coyly, his eyes devouring you, enjoying to see your nipples going hard under the fabric of your nightgown.
You smirk at him as you finally untie his pants and gently pull it out. Your eyes go slide wide when taking a look at it, before cupping it with your hand and start to taking it softly.
“It is but the effect you have on me.” You whisper in response to his ear as you stroke him in the manner he’d taught you.
“Fuck, Y/N”, he groans, taking delight in it. Anakin then pulls your hair and there is this moment where the two of you exchange glances. “You make me a sinner. Down to your knees, my Queen.”
Anakin smirks again when seeing how you rub a leg against the other, how the nudity of your body under the nightgown never before comes to such evidence under his eyes. He knows you like when he takes the reins of the situation, which only further arouses him.
As you do, you lock gazes with the man you love. You admire his beauty, his handsomeness—the youth and vigor of his body in stark contrast to that old man of your husband makes such a difference.
Anakin holds your face dear before he slightly moves his erect member to your face. He does not have to order you anything: in fact he is surprised seeing how you go so willingly to devour him. And as you take it with your mouth, surprising yourself to enjoy doing it wholeheartedly, Anakin is further aroused and his moans are like a sweet melody that pleases your ears to hear.
“Hmm. Oh God! Yes!” He arches his back, hands still playing with the y/c locks of your loose hair. “Y/Nickname, love… You are a natural. My Queen does it so well.”
You never did it before but you figure it out how to do so as you explore him with your tongue, twirling it in movements, going up and down, using your hand for support. And how he rides your face, slowly and tenderly, makes your juices start to drop in your legs.
After a while, however, as reluctant as he is because he is enjoying greatly in having you under his power—specially seeing how you enjoy doing it—he needs you nude. He commands you to stand and is quickly to remove your nightgown.
“Goddamn it, woman. You deserve to be loved properly”, groans Anakin as he kisses you back hungrily, tasting himself in the process.
In an instinctive move, you lift your legs to wrap Anakin in between. The way he looks at you makes you shiver with a sense of lust that over-crosses the limits of despair.
“Love me”, you beseech him. “Anakin…”
“It is hardly necessary to command me twice, my Queen”, he jokes as he bites your bottom lip. “For once let me release the burden off your shoulders.”
He lifts your wrists above your head and holds them above your head, all the whilst his eyes are filled with desire when scanning all over you.
“God be good, I am confronted with heaven right now”.
He leans forward to kiss your neck, slowly moving to your chest, his tongue giving you shivers. Your skin burns, he feels you—the heat you emanate makes him smirk. As he cups your breast with his free hand, he hardens at how you react under his caress. It is only then he forgets every gentleness that has been leading his moves and takes you full.
“Oh! Anakin! My Anakin!” You whimper, desperation already making you wet. But it feels so good to fall into temptation, to be this dominated by such a strong man.
And he will be your husband, a certainty you carry within. Such are your thoughts, clouded as these might be due to his tongue doing unspeakable things to you.
“My queen, do I make you this wet?”, his voice sounds so indecent, indecorous to your ears when his fingers find their way to your core. When looking into his eyes, you nearly smile, despite the blush that paints your cheeks.
“Yes. And much more.” Your answer comes in a moan. Anakin chuckles as how you ride his finger, at how soaked you are. “You tamed me, I’m afraid, my darling.”
“And this is only the beginning, sweet love.”
It is when he finally replaces his fingers for his impatient erected member that the two of you finally consume the love within.
The lovemaking does not end there. Every night, either of you move to the other’s private chambers. To consume the fire that has been repressed for such a long time makes all worthy and the possible consequences are not to be faced until months later.
For now, however, you want him to be over your body doing whatever he feels like it to you—even though you enjoy riding his cock, never before feeling so fulfilled as you do now. A vision he beholds with the devotion of a sinner.
Yet, when passion fades, lucidity takes its place. You are on your elbows as you contemplate the seed you feel warming your core.
“We must do something, Anakin. I believe we have conceived.” You whisper, as if you fear the walls might have ears.
“In due time, my angel. For now we ought to be discreet”, he does not wish to think of you still married to that old man, such a detestable king. “We are to play our roles. I promise you, we will be together.”
You cast him a knowing glance, worrisome stamped in your features. Anakin cups your cheeks and smiles at you.
“Trust me, will you? I know exactly what to do.”
“Very well, my knight. I trust into you my heart and soul.”
By saying so, you know you both are sealing your destiny. Yet, you have no regrets and neither does he. Chronicles later said how fortunate favours the bold and thus favored you both.
So not all was lost. Your journey has just begun.
The rebellion was successful. King Palpatine and his puppet Sir Maul were defeated once and for all alongside their army by the troops of Master Kenobi and his allies, troops gathered under the authority of Sir Anakin Skywalker.
It was thanks to Master Kenobi’s abilities next to Master Kanan Jarrus and others that the Great King lost his life. His cause was thus undermined and another was elected. It was no Jedi but a man of the common tribe named Arturo.
Rumor had it that he intended to wed you, Lady Y/N of Y/C, but you eloped with Sir Anakin, much to his disappointment. Master Kenobi, however, could hardly say he was surprised. He was, in fact, delighted to see you happy. You deserved it.
Away from politics and no longer a queen, you live a simple life by Anakin’s side. Two years had passed and after you gave birth to Luke and Leia, you find yourself pregnant again.
“My darling knight, savior of my cause”, you crawl onto him, resting your chin over his shoulder. Both of you are lying naked under a blanket and you are contemplating the handsomeness of your husband. Seeing him in such a state makes you horny. You smirk. “Are you sleeping?”
Yawning, Anakin turns his body to you, eyes half open. He pulls you against him, legs intertwined. As his hands caress your belly and move to your breasts, he notices there’s something different.
“Love”, he looks at you with a naughty grin on his lips. “Your chest is fuller.”
You blush at his comment and would have buried your face into his neck had he not cupped your face.
“Are you hiding from me?”
“I feel shy”, you giggle like a little girl.
“What for, my sweet dove?”
“You know me so well. I wanted to give you news but looks like you already know.”
Anakin laughs quietly before rolling you over his body, his hands stroking your long hair.
“Of course I do. I love you. I would be a liar to claim your heart had I not known you well.”
You mewl under his touch, cuddling against him and hearing his heartbeat.
“I am pregnant once more.”
“I am glad to hear, my precious. I honestly am. You know we are destined to have a big family, don’t you?”
You laugh quietly, raising your face to meet his and leaning to kiss his lips as your hands now play with his hair.
“Naturally. Nothing is more pleasurable than to carry your children, my lord Skywalker.”
A prophecy that would certainly be fulfilled in due time…
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Princess Anakin and her handmaiden Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan had fallen for her but Anakin fell for Prince Padmé of Naboo, although heartbroken over this Obi-Wan tries her best to help her princess get the man of her dreams.
Anakin realized a little later that her gaze no longer drafted to Padmé, instead it turned to her pretty handmaiden with her blue and white cotton dress, strawberry blond hair in a braid down her back.
Anakin couldn't stop after that, noticing the freckles and the blue of her eyes, Obi-Wan was gorgeous and she was surprised nobody else saw.
Anakin decided then and there that Obi would be hers, not caring at all should anyone say something....
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aberrantcreature · 8 months
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Fantasy Medieval AU~
First batch in my AU, Ani and Obi ofc! I didn't feel like lining so it's gonna be sketchy lol.
The Star Wars planets are countries or domains, and Sir Obi-Wan serves as a Royal Knight for Queen Padme Amidala of the kingdom of Naboo. He is stationed in her palace, Theed, with the rest of his company of Royal Knights such as Sir Qui-Gon Jinn, Sir Mace Windu and Sir Plo Koon. He is friends with many of the Naboo soldiers that train in the barracks and assist in being Palace Guards, such as brothers Rex and Cody Fett.
Anakin is a skywalker, the name for the species of dragon folk who's numbers have dwindled greatly due to capture and hunting. He was born in the kingdom of Tatooine before he was found and captured by hunters who took him to King Jabba. He was then kept as a pet, and fought for sport of the Kingdoms upper class in arenas, resulting in his injuries and loss of flight.
I plan on doing more drawings for this AU and writing it on AO3!
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squad-724 · 9 months
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Designed the harness that Anakin wears when the chancellor is riding on him. The straps on his wings come off if he needs to fly somewhere
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