#lightsaber training
starwarjotta · 1 year
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I'm obsessed with the idea of Obi-Wan teaching Cody some lightsaber forms (and ofc smooching a little during the training hehe)
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lil-dormouse · 1 year
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Luke training Din
This was the hardest one for me in many ways.
A small detail I've noticed while working on this animation (and it's about shadows again, lol) is that Luke's blade doesn't cast any shadow (as it supposed to) while Darksaber actually does. So I googled it and found out it's made of Beskar (quite obvious I know but I didn't think about it) so the middle part of the blade should cast some shadow I guess (probably depending on the angle)
This time Tumblr compressed the quality dramatically...it hurts my eyes to see those artefacts 😭
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jedidryad · 7 months
We are friends, right?
Things at the academy aren't getting much better for Mara. Luke seems like a different person. Cilghal reminds her of all the other things she should be doing, and then there's lightsaber training.
Will Mara ever feel like she belongs at the academy?
Lightsabers are Always Loaded: Chapter 22
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ann-i-inthestars · 2 years
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"Well, that was an easy mission." Ahsoka remarked as she dropped down onto a large rock beside the purple tinted lake. "Not that I'm complaining! It means we get to watch the pretty sunset and relax for once."
Anakin glanced around the truly idyllic pick up zone and couldn't help but agree. It was peaceful and quiet, something that they rarely got to experience. Still, he couldn't help but to reply teasingly.
"You know, maybe it was too easy. You really didn't get to get any learning in at all."
Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "C'mon, Skyguy, really? I learned patience, didn't I?"
He snorted and grinned. "Well, I mean, I suppose. But if we keep having missions like this, you're gonna start becoming rusty with your saber skills."
She gasped and spun around to face him. "How dare you! Rusty!"
His grin widened. "Well of course. Gotta practice to keep your skills up, Snips."
She jumped to her feet and pointed at him. "You're on, Master."
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imsosry-sir · 2 years
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LMFAO idk what it is about this photo but the second i saw it i started cackling
what’s… what’s funny about it??
maybe i’m just sleep deprived 💀
but anyways AW LOOK AT THEM
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aaeeart · 1 year
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(commission info)
More of that Rebels & Jedi nonsense - Ezra and Kata bonding through shared trauma™
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varpusvaras · 2 months
Leia stops at the middle of the room.
Fox stops as well, and they look at each other for a brief moment, before Leia unclips her lightsaber from her belt.
"Here", she says, and extends the saber to Fox. "Do you want me to go over basics, even though it looked liked you already knew what you were doing."
Fox raises an eyebrow at her.
"I think it's pretty instinctual for anyone who has any level of combat training, to know how to hold on to a weapon and wave it around", he says. "Though perhaps, that counts as me having the basics down."
"Definitely does", Leia says, and then thrusts the lightsaber closer to him. "Take it. I'm not going to lie, I'm not an expert either, since my source for most things regarding the Jedi has been either my brother and the stories my parents told me, but it's better than nothing."
"Considering your situation, I agree", Fox says. He finally reaches out, and takes the lightsaber carefully in his hand. He knows how to hold it the right way, just as Leia had seen before, and she suspects it's because he has seen more than one Jedi use them, despite the Guard not having a Jedi General assigned to them.
They do have her now, Leia's mind posits to her before she can think better of it. She is not a Jedi, nor is she aggined to the Guard officially, but she is a General, she has the Force, and the Guard is hers, now.
Close enough.
Leia nods at him.
"Ignite it", she says. Fox takes a slightly sturdier stance, before doing so.
The blade hums as it ignites, the sound feeling like a summer rain that precedes a thunderstorm. A weapon of protection, but a weapon still.
Leia listens to it for a moment, and smiles.
"It likes you", she tells him.
Fox looks at her, and then at the saber.
"Does it?" He asks. "Can you tell?"
"Yes. It feels at home in your hands, just as it does in mine", Leia explains. "The lightsaber itself is not sentient, as we think of what a sentient is, but as a sort of a conductor of the Force, the crystal in it forms a sort of bond to the wielder."
Fox tilts his head as he gives the saber a closer look.
"It's enough that it likes me?" He asks. "So that it doesn't care that it's me who is wielding it, and not you?"
Leia hesitates, before she answers.
"Mother and father would sometimes say that I remind them of you", she says. "Perhaps they were more correct than I thought."
Fox looks at her, then. There's a searching look in his eyes, though it's not unkind. Leia thinks he knows already, in a sense. Perhaps he has by now started to realise that there is something more in what he feels every time he thinks about her papa or mama.
Leia thinks she might have to tell him, if he asks. Answer yes if he asks if in the another life, that has already gone by for her but not yet arrived for them, he loved them.
Then, his eyes soften, and he hums.
"Clearly, they knew whose daughter you were", he says, a confirmation to everything. He smiles. It's just a quick flash, but a true one nevertheless.
Leia smiles back. She then straightens her back, and Fox does the same. It's time for business, now.
This time, she promises. For herself, for him, for everyone else. This time, they will win, right here.
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im-yotsu · 3 months
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What am I supposed to do with you?
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lil-dormouse · 1 year
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I don't usually do this kind of thing but I was so unhappy with Luke's close-up and I couldn't understand why...I re-rendered this sequence at least 3 times but I still hated it so much that I almost deleted it from final version. Thanks to @darlin-djarin for pointing out the advantage of using dolly shots over zoom-in! I tried to fix it and like it more now so I decided to share new version as well.
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swedenis-h · 2 years
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Practice practice practice
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jedidryad · 2 years
I was left to consider for neither the first nor last time that Skywalker might have something of a death wish.
As the trek across Wayland continues, Mara is baffled by Luke's decision to train her in the use of the Force. It is both tactically and emotionally confusing for her.
And even worse, it seems to be working...
Darkness Kicks Back: Chapter 38
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other-peoples-coats · 2 years
hey, in a universe where the clone wars didn't end in the order being wiped out (idk palpatine dies of Being Old Disease/chokes on a space fish bone/gets crushed in a tragic senate pod accident, the war grinds to a halt bc turns out doing war is much harder when you're not cheating off your enemy's notes, etc etc), you think the popularity of various lightsaber styles changes radically?
like wookipedia reckons Niman was Super Popular pre-war, but also that it was.....not great for actual war......so. Do you have a lot more soresu/djem so/shii-cho users, because they're the jedi who, uh, actually survived the war, and then they pass that on to their padawans?
was there more emphasis, as the war wore on, that...look, tiny baby initates, you need to pick a form that means you won't immediately get killed in open combat, ataru is right out because you will not have the endurance to keep up through a battle for five+ years, you're doing shien and you will like it, which means you have a whole generation of jedi who picked their Main Form less because it called to them and more because, well, it was the form that a 12 yr old thrown into pitched battle would probably not die using as soon as the blaster bolts started flying?
And that's not even considering the Jedi who saw their master/padawan/friends get cut down and swapped forms, because if they had better defense/better offense/more ability to deflect/etc, [whoever] would still be alive....
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illustratus · 11 months
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Star Wars (1977)
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projectbatman193 · 2 months
The Revenge of the 5th!
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Exhilarating. I was blessed today by the assault of a wild male rancor, who had decided I was in his territory. We fought. I enjoyed myself. The beast did not.
The sundering of my mind made many things more difficult, but combat is ever easier. I could feel all the ways I might move and know in each moment which of those held success, and which held failure. Focus remains difficult, but it is less of a challenge to stay on task with a rancor screaming at you.
It's claws grazed my forearm. The pain from the gash as I bandage it is... pleasing. It is lingering proof I can still fight. That I am not wholly reduced by this affliction.
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ALSO ALSO ALSO i LOVED the way that sabine’s first real use of the force was a DIRECT PARALLEL to the first time luke used the force to move his lightsaber on hoth!
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