#lightsaber/ sword training
ALSO ALSO ALSO i LOVED the way that sabine’s first real use of the force was a DIRECT PARALLEL to the first time luke used the force to move his lightsaber on hoth!
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jayaorgana · 1 year
Obsessed with the idea of Leia surpassing Luke with a lightsaber quickly and he's like ???how are you getting this so easily??? And Leia is like ???? I have training with sword???
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zacksfairest · 38 minutes
this makes absolutey no fucking sense but i think uldren would have a field day with a lightsaber
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tossawary · 1 month
It's so funny that Palpatine is also a skilled lightsaber duelist and fighter, enough to take on 4 Jedi masters / war veterans at once and easily kill 3 of them (everyone except Mace Windu almost immediately gets wasted), and then to go on to beat Yoda too later. Like, it's funny to think about the logistics of it all. Who exactly has Palpatine been practicing with here? How often has he been hitting the gym in the past 15 or so years?
Up until that point in "Revenge of the Sith", it looks like Palpatine's main skill is manipulation. He doesn't really look like he's sunk a lot of points into melee combat. Supposedly, he trained Darth Maul, but Maul got wrecked by Obi-Wan Kenobi as a padawan and has been "dead" for over a decade by the time Palpatine is confronted by the Jedi and suddenly opens a can of whoop ass. Dooku is a skilled duelist, sure, but Dooku has been running the other side of the war, so he's not sneaking into Coruscant on a regular basis to be Palpatine's evil gym buddy.
Also, when is Palpatine finding the TIME to train that fiercely? He has a desk job! He has TWO desk jobs! He's the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and also secretly running both sides of the war, all to slowly build up his Galactic Empire. His schedule must be packed. His time management skills are the real legendary dark powers here. He has to regularly be going straight from meetings with Republic Senators and the Jedi Council into video calls with General Grievous and the Trade Federation. Where on his calendar is this man putting his evil workouts where he waves around a red lightsaber?
I really don't like the idea that Palpatine is just so formidable in the Force that he doesn't ever have to worry about spaceships falling from orbit or keeping in shape. He's definitely not a normal guy, but he is also just a guy, given that Darth Vader eventually throws him off a Death Star bridge to kill him (temporarily, if we're going by the sequel trilogy, which I... don't). I understand that at this point in time, Palpatine is possibly super-boosted by the Dark Side thanks to the sheer weight of misery he's inflicted on the galaxy thanks to the war, so he's feeling GREAT, strong and fast and ready to rumble, but I don't think pure power in the Force alone should necessarily translate to staying flexible despite your desk job and having refined sword skills?
So, I guess I have to assume that Palpatine has a collection of personal dueling droids somewhere that regularly get wrecked by a lightsaber or something? Is there a gym maintenance droid somewhere rebuilding these other droids and chugging happily along learning every week (it gets its memory wiped on a daily basis) that the Supreme Chancellor secretly likes to play with lightsabers like a Jedi LARPer? Not an uncommon hobby! There are fan conventions for that!
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issa-wasteland · 8 months
I'm so tired seeing her getting her ass kicked and it's a shame like THIS WOMAN IS A UNIT!!!
Her body tea. She's super thick. She's super pretty💖
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Idc she's 6'0 to me
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I do love seeing characters all bloodied up from a fight. I truly do, and I feel like we don't appreciate that art enough.
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Lost a fight to Vi and got a lightsaber sword second round like good for her.
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Like I do understand why folks would go FERAL especially if she grabs you like this
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Her voice is music to ears ✨️
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She doesn't get enough credit for all the shit being handed to her. From dealing with snakes and silco's business to losing to a pair of sisters and needing to repair her arm each time. Hopefully, she finally quits smokin and train harder cause Finn did say there's bigger fish than silco. Who really knows
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stealingpotatoes · 1 month
some ppl very kindly loredumped abt the organa-solo kids for me so gonna put that + responses below the cut!! ↓
@erkhyan asked:
Don’t mind me, just dropping some Organa Solo kids lore, hopefully summarized enough. Anakin: both motivated and intimidated by the fact that his name was supposed to redeem that of his grandpa. Had his grandpa’s qualities (excellent pilot, great warrior, very strong in the Force) but none of his negative trait. Traumatized by being unable to save Chewie. Died a hero at age 16 during a successful mission to destroy a Jedi-killing weapon. Jacen: a big, empathetic goof as a teen, but was traumatized by the war that killed Anakin. The war and the trauma of Anakin’s death turned him into an introspective monk who went to learn weird non-Jedi Force powers. Returned, fathered a secret daughter, fell to the Dark Side because the Force told him that every timeline in which he’s not a Sith ends badly for his daughter. Became a Sith Lord by killing mara jade Skywalker. Eventually died when he found himself having to choose between saving his daughter from an Imperial plot, and dodging his sister’s lightsaber. Jaina: best pilot, best lightsaber user, best warrior, earned the nickname of Sword of the Jedi. Unfortunately, people mostly remember the fact that she was stuck in the world’s most annoying love triangle for two decades in-universe. And that time she processed the trauma of Anakin’s death by trying to seduce her Jedi Master. And that time she was in a bug hivemind that tried to solve her love triangle with a sexy threesome. And that time she went to train under Boba Fett so that she could kill Jacen in Luke’s stead. And also because the Jedi Order finally recognizing that she should have been a made a Master years ago, was almost the LAST thing that happened in the Legends continuity. Heavily implied that her husband would have eventually become Emperor (but a good one) if the continuity had been allowed to go on.
CHEWIE DIED??????????? also christ thats a lot to put on poor lil anakin jr-- ALSO AGAIN. POOR LEIA. HASNT SHE BEEN THRU ENOUGH (poor han too but LEIA)
WHY ARE THERE MORE STAR WARSES!!! LEAVE THEM ALONE!! a secret daughter hi i love those but AGAIN. POOR LEIA. A SITH. FR HE KILLED MARA JADE WHAT???????????? oh my god.
i support jaina's turboslaggery she's been thru so much also WHAT potential emperor husband????????? wow ok legends gets wilder n wilder
@novastargalaxydesigns asked:
I saw your Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin from Legends! And as someone who freaking adores that trio, I'd love to help point out a few things! In Legends of the Force, Jacen starts to affiliate himself with the Dark Side with his cousin, Ben, as his apprentice. Anakin was killed before the book, The Joiner King, and I didn't get the book that he was killed off in, but if I remember correctly, it was told in The Joiner King that he was killed during a mission as a fighter pilot. Jaina, in Legends of the Force I believe if I remember correctly, she gave up being a Jedi to be a pilot. I don't have all of the Legends of the Force books so I may be a bit spiffy on a few things. But we cannot forget Chewbacca's nephew, Lowbacca aka Lowie, and Jacen's childhood and teen hood crush, Tenel Ka whom is a princess and he accidentally cut her hand off with his new lightsaber during the book Young Jedi Knights Lightsabers. And Zekke who went to the dark side in the series Young Jedi Knights (I only got the first 3), but was redeemed. Anyone please correct my nerdiness if I'm wrong. But anygays, you has been educated by a fluffy bean. Had a lovely day!
sorry all i can think w the tenel ka thing is:
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@m0th-person asked:
To follow up on the solo kids ask, Jaina had a weird love life. Her love interest that she eventually married was Jagged Fel. He is the son of the former baron of the empire , Sootir Fel, and Syal Antilles-Fel (Wedge Antilles sister) . (a picture I found on Wookieepedia when he was imperial head of state, the white streak in the hair seems to be genetic) Jag grew up in Thrawn’s empire of the hand (and was grown up with the chiss expectations, that’s literally the second quote on his wookieepedia page)
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he had 3 out of his 5 other siblings die. He eventually became the imperial head of state (he first lost to his rival political candidate for the role because abeloth messed with it) and flash forward to the legacy comics, his descendants have revamped the imperial remnant into the Fel Empire. It’s mostly believed that his descendants are also Jaina’s because both Roan fel and his daughter empress Marasiah Fel are both force sensitive. And Jacen Solo’s descendant , Ania Solo, says she’s a distant cousin of Marasiah. (Roan)
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(Marasiah and her love interest) ( the imperial knights were grey Jedi that served the Fel empire) — and in legends Han actually had a family tree (ancestors, specifically, Jonash e solo (who was Corellian royalty and the admiral-prince during the old republic time period)) , and him and Jagged fel’s father used to rivals in the imperial academy. Darth Vader attended his class graduation and I only find this funny because Han became his son-in-law.
jaina was rlly living that booktok enemies to lovers life back in the 90s huh. go girl i love her and support her weird love life decisions so much
omg go han having fancy royalty ties <3 see hanleia IS politically advantageous
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jedidruid · 3 months
Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age: Lightsabers and Blasters and the Jedi
If there's one concept I love to rotate around in my head, its the Jedi's use of lightsabers and how they rarely use blasters outside of very extreme or fringe situation.
Like, we know its a purposeful choice on their part. It's far far simpler to get good at shooting a gun than it would be to become a master sword fighter. Add the Force into the mix, and the Jedi would become even more deadly warriors in a galaxy where they're already among the best, if not the best.
Obi-wan's time undercover as Rako Hardeen shows that he's able to match the skill of someone know as the "Marksman of Concord Dawn" with little issue. Kanan and later Ezra show just how much of an edge the Force can give in a shoot-out. In the first episode of Rebels, we literally see Kanan drop three or four stormtroopers in rapid succession while driving a speeder bike. All when he's still actively disguising/holding back his connection to the Force. We even see examples of mixing blasters and lightsabers in the Jedi games, with Cere Junda using both at the end of Fallen Order and Cal developing his own style of it partway through Survivor.
Every time we've seen a Jedi pick up a blaster, they can easily match trained soldiers and experienced fighters.
It's easy, and that's arguably why we don't see more Jedi using them.
To be a Jedi, a blaster is a clumsy weapon not because it somehow inaccurate or unwieldy, but because it gives them too few options.
For a Jedi with just a blaster, the only way to defend themselves against other people with blasters is to shoot back. Sure they could try and shoot the weapons out of their opponents' hands, but even then they would have no way to defend themselves or others from numerous shooters, nor would it stop a disarmed enemy from grabbing another weapon and undoing the Jedi's progress.
For a Jedi with just a blaster, the best way, the safest way, to end the fight is always going to be to shoot to kill.
When a Jedi has a lightsaber, however, it gives them so much more flexibility. They can provide cover for their allies or those they are protecting, they can turn blaster bolts back on their aggressors to discourage them from attacking, they can more easily advance to nullify the main advantage of blasters or more easily retreat and escape from any pursers. That's not even mentioning all the practical uses a lightsaber has as a tool outside of combat.
And sure, it's not that blasters in and of themselves don't suit the Jedi way. Stun blasters or emp/electrial blasters could be useful if they suited the situation.
But again, it's not about whats optimal or easiest, its about what those options take away from the table.
If you see someone running towards you with a blaster, you might risk pulling out your own and shooting your way out, depending on how desperate you are. After all, if you are thinking your life could end at any moment on another's whim, it's becomes more enticing to take the initiate and put yourself on even ground.
But if you see someone with a lightsaber? Where the danger at range comes not from being shot, but from your own attacks being turned against you? It might make you hesitant to attack, more willing another way out of the situation, whether through surrender, fleeing, or talking things out.
Does it always work out this? No, of course not. Fear makes people act impulsively, recklessly. But at the very worst, it can make it easier for a Jedi to deescalated and take control of a fight, where a blaster might only escalate the situation beyond anyone's control.
All of this is not to mention how the use of blasters can affect a Jedi's mentality. Cere Junda and Cal Kestis both rely on blasters in their darkest moments, when Cere returns to the Fortress Inquisitorius and when Cal is pursuing someone who betrayed him and killed those he cared about. Ezra's switching to use a proper blaster instead of rebuilding his stunning blaster/saber combo marks a dangerous shift in his thinking.
After all, it's all so easy to shot and kill someone, you barely have to move or think. Aren't some enemies not worth the effort of using your lightsaber? Maybe they're so inconsequential they're not even worthy to die by the weapon of a Jedi... they're less than worthless, less than a real person, they need to get out of the way or be forced out of it, how dare they oppose you!?!?
... ... ...
A lightsaber is a Jedi's weapon because it reflects what a Jedi is.
A lightsaber can be as dangerous to its user as it can be to their opponents. It requires training, self discipline, a sense of purposefulness that a blaster simply doesn't. The Jedi know what happens when they seek a quick and easy path....
A self-imposed limitation. A defensive weapon. A purposeful weapon.
An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
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fen-luciel · 1 month
Jealousy part 2
Part 1 here part 3 here
Warnings: age gap/toxic behavior
Vernestra-Padawan reader/jedi Qimir
I lied. Or rather, I had some ideas while I was writing, so instead of three parts, there will probably be four. Nothing is certain, but... you have been warned.
Leave a comment and share if you are enjoying the story.
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I can't say exactly when things started to change. Maybe they were never normal from the beginning, but I was too distracted to see it, blinded by this lie that I childishly told myself.
The more comfortable I felt with Qimir, the worse his relationship with Vernestra became, to the point where in the naivety of my young age, I thought it was my fault, but in truth, I couldn't even see the problem.
I had learned to recognize my master's moods very early on. I understood before even talking to her if she was nervous because of some diplomatic mission or worse. Sometimes I was left to myself for entire days, i knew her missions were very important and that I would only slow her down, but all I could do was read and train with other padawans and read again and... do nothing.
So, while I daydreamed about the magnificent future missions with my master... I spent time with Qimir.
Of course, he was busy too, but I eagerly awaited his return each time. He would tell me what he did, who he met on his travels, the fights to the last breath, and, he was good at narrating them. He often came to see me in the library, where he would put on a silent show due to the librarian's constant admonishments, using books as pieces of the story and his lightsaber to represent himself. I laughed so much that my cheeks hurt, I used my hands to muffle the louder sounds, and Qimir seemed to love every moment of it. Sometimes, I wondered if he didn't deliberately behave insanely on missions just to tell me about it when we would meet.
The months passed quickly. After about a year as a padawan, I began to distinguish between what I was good at and what I was terrible at. For example, I was great at controlling the Force, but terrible at using the sword. Not because I wasn't good from a technical standpoint, but more for a mental reason, the idea of hurting someone paralyzed me. I wanted to be a Jedi who protected the weak, but I had missed the part where, if you're protecting them, it's because someone is hurting them, someone who probably should be stopped even with the use of force.
Worse still, I was terrified of my master's weapon, the whip seemed so unpredictable to control, yet she used it with deadly precision and wanted me to try it too. She believed my fear was natural for a young mind, that I just needed to unlock myself, but for me, it wasn't like that.
And it got worse when I sought comfort in Qimir.
Maybe, in hindsight, I should have realized something, but it's easy to talk when the worst has already happened. I remember very well what happened that evening, I was exhausted after all the sword training. Vernestra didn't seem particularly happy with my outburst a few hours earlier when I tried to say that maybe I wasn't suited to be a knight, that I could have pushed myself into the medical field or even just be an assistant, maybe a volunteer in war zones. She thought I was speaking without knowing anything, pushing me all afternoon to train in various forms. My hands hurt from calluses, but instead of running to the infirmary, I decided to knock on Qimir's room.
"I don't understand why she doesn't want to accept it. I... don't want to hurt anyone." I broke the tense silence that had formed while Qimir wrapped my fingers with the bandages he had in the bathroom.
"No one said you have to. You're a Jedi, our job is to fight for those in need." He was focused on looking at my fingers, so he didn't notice the grimace I gave him, "And I understand that. But I don't feel suited for that role. Many Jedi perform different duties, fighting isn't essential for everyone." He sighed a laugh.
"I think Vernestra is worried about your safety, it's okay to seek your vocation elsewhere, but our faith leads us to interact with dangerous environments, even the most peaceful mission could hide a terrible evil." He finished the bandaging, then gently took my hands in his, the warmth of his palms a pleasant consolation to the painful throbbing of the blisters that filled my fingers.
He looked at me again with a sad smile on his lips, "I understand that you feel sure of what you want. But, flower, you're still a child. And you have many years ahead of you before you face the final exam, you don't know what will happen or if you will change your mind, don't take what you feel for granted." I blushed foolishly at the nickname he had started calling me some time ago, something about how "I seemed delicate like a flower".
"I know, but... don't you think lightsabers are terrifying?" I stuttered uncertainly, looking into his eyes.
And that moment. That single instant when he gave me that sweet smile, I shivered.
"That's what makes them so beautiful, right?"
I didn't have an answer, maybe yes, but I wouldn't have had the courage to tell him at the moment. I only know that I swallowed a bitter bite and freed myself from his grip, a heavy breath escaping my mouth, "I have to go, thanks for the bandages," I got up quickly and fled from that room as if I had someone on my heels.
That shiver down my spine, that rancid smell at my nose, I couldn't imagine it at the time, but that was the first time I felt fear.
Of course, I blamed myself entirely, I was exaggerating, everyone said so, I was terrified of violence in a way not suitable for the role I was supposed to fill in the future, I should have recovered quickly and restarted my training. I tried to forget that evening, as I had gradually forgotten that conversation on Hoth, but that was just the beginning.
The missions with Qimir keeping us company decreased over time, sometimes he just stopped by for a greeting or joined us more to keep me company if he had a free moment. I really appreciated the time together, I liked that we could remain silent without making it seem strange, once on Naboo he showed me almost the whole city since he had already visited it before. We got ice cream overlooking a lake in complete silence, the sunset was spectacular, and with the light sounds of the forest accompanying us, I fell asleep with my face pressed against his side.
The next morning, I found myself in my room with his cloak as a blanket since I was still dressed. When I tried to return it, he teased me, saying I had slipped on the ground when I pressed against him. I yelled at him that he was rude to tell me that, but only because I didn't have the courage to admit that I found it hilarious. If I had given him rope, he would have teased me about it for months.
When I was finally old enough to accompany the master on some of her more dangerous missions, my opinion on weapons had not changed, but I had made peace with myself and decided to find my combat style.
I was proud of how I built my lightsaber, but I had to modify it when I implemented the double-sided exit to have a double-bladed saber. It made me feel safer using it, more protected, and it was a more versatile weapon, especially for more enemies. So, once I got used to using it combined with a defensive fighting style, I finally felt complete.
On the field, I rarely used the lightsaber, trusting more in my control of the Force to block my opponents and stun them. I knew Vernestra was not entirely happy with how I restrained myself, but I tried to excel in everything else, hoping it was enough.
On a return trip to Coruscant, both wounded and tired, we talked once again about the problem that had arisen when it was needed.
What was supposed to be a quiet afternoon defending senators had turned into a nightmare when a bomb exploded at the meeting place, civilians fleeing in terror, and only a Jedi and a padawan handling the dozen terrorists shooting at the crowd.
The situation obviously got out of hand, and we survived by a miracle. Before calling the council to let them know what had happened, seeing me still so shaken, Vernestra hugged me.
I clung to her robe, barely holding back tears, the memory of all the wounded passing under my eyes still fresh, but she grabbed my shoulders, and looking at me with a determined face, she said, "You did well. I am proud of you."
A few minutes later, when we could finally sit down, I had the courage to speak.
"I killed them. It was so..." I was looking at the blue of hyperspace around us, lost in my thoughts, I don't know if I was talking more to myself or to her.
"You did what was necessary. On other occasions, we could have captured them, but we were at a disadvantage. Sometimes, to save lives, you have to make drastic choices," her tone always confident, as if it were all normal, and technically it was, for her.
I no longer knew what I was doing at that point.
"I know, but... my hands..." were shaking. They shaking even then, in the peace of our shuttle. I held onto the armrests tightly as if I were afraid of falling.
"Maybe Qimir is right."
I turned suddenly, confused, hearing his name mentioned out of nowhere. She sighed before looking at me again, "He thinks it would do you good to train with him a bit. He has been suggesting it to me for a while..." she cleared her throat before looking away.
"Maybe dealing with a more aggressive combat style like his would help you unlock. I know you two have become friends, and... he is much better than me at making you feel comfortable. He might be more helpful than I am."
I was taken aback, more by the fact that Qimir had suggested something like that without letting me know anything. It gave me a strange, somewhat unpleasant feeling that I couldn't quite identify.
But still, my problems at the moment were different, so I nodded. I already felt guilty enough for hesitating in the face of danger. Despite the comforting words, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I had failed.
“Just… be careful, okay?”
The look he gave me is one I would never forget. That… knowing glint deep in his eyes, like a warning bell. But I ignored it.
I nodded, but I ignored it.
When we got home, she headed towards the council room to submit her report. She advised me to go rest since it was already evening, but after saying goodbye to her, I quickly walked down the Jedi corridor. I had been injured and was limping slightly, the next day, I could get myself healed quickly by a healer using the Force, but at that moment, it was a different kind of pain tormenting me.
I knocked hard on Qimir's door without even thinking about it, two, three times before I heard some commotion on the other side, bare footsteps approaching the door before it opened.
“I hope you have a good reason for knocking on my door at this hour—” he mumbled sleepily, his hair messy and wearing only a pair of sweatpants. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, confused, when I jumped into his arms.
My face pressed against his warm chest, and the tears I had been holding back until then started to fall relentlessly, accompanied by a few sobs.
He woke up suddenly, understanding what was happening. He effortlessly picked me up before entering the room and shutting the door behind him. “Hey, hey, my sweet flower, what's wrong?” he whispered in my ear, now fully awake.
I hid my face in his neck while he hugged me tightly, my legs hanging down the sides of his hips, my tears wetting the skin of his chest as I tried to stammer out coherent words.
I had never felt so small until that night, hidden in his arms. Although his cheerful personality made him seem childish at times, I tended to forget that we were a little over ten years apart, we didn’t really share anything except our loyalty to the Order and the same master, but we weren’t the same age, and we didn’t even have similar hobbies. We… he treated me like a little sister with absent parents.
I had run off to seek the safest comfort I knew, and he had given it to me without a second's protest.
He listened to my tear-flavored words without saying anything, his fingers brushing through my hair, partly caressing my scalp. He held me against his chest tighter when my sobs were too much to utter even a single syllable. He didn’t say anything when I was done, had me take off my shoes and most of my dirty tunic, and then lay down in bed with me.
I was pressed between the wall and his warm body, one arm on my side, and the covers wrapped around me like a cocoon.
The next day, still comfortably pressed against his chest, I took a moment to sort out my thoughts. I was ashamed of having lost my composure like that, i shouldn’t have fallen victim to fear, so I slipped away at dawn to avoid facing him. We never talked about what happened, I didn’t have much to say anyway and went back to focusing on my studies.
A few days later, Vernestra came to tell me she would be away to resolve the conflict that had arisen after that attack and that I was entrusted to Qimir as she had mentioned. I had already forgotten about that story, but it all came flooding back when we said goodbye on the platform. Her hesitant look as she stopped halfway up the ramp. I saw her sigh, maintaining a stoic expression before coming back to me one last time. “Trust your instincts, Padawan. If something makes you uncomfortable or… you just leave, got it? You’re still too young for certain matters.”
I didn’t have time to ask her what she was referring to, she boarded the ship right after and left, leaving me there with questions on the tip of my tongue.
Qimir sought me out soon after. I was hiding in the library every afternoon, hoping not to run into him and avoid training, but of course, it didn’t last long. With his usual light smile and calm demeanor, he approached me one morning, “Are you perhaps skipping your training, Padawan?” he asked, mimicking an authoritative tone.
I couldn’t even laugh. In the end, I gave in. I had promised my master, and the fear I felt that afternoon still gave me nightmares, so I followed him into the training room.
Fighting Qimir was like facing a hurricane, seemingly chaotic but, in reality, a perfectly concentrated deadly force of nature. I was used to exhausting rhythms, so I didn’t find it difficult, but what destabilized me was his gaze. It seemed like he really wanted to kill me.
Fast and lethal with his double violet lightsabers, he often aimed at my legs to make me fall and gain an advantage over me. I squirmed uneasily under that assault, of course, that was the goal of that training, but… there was a cold wind behind him. A suffocating sensation, a chill on my skin that made me doubt who or what I was facing.
Vernestra was away for just under a month, during which I trained with Qimir when I wasn’t studying. One of the last training sessions was grueling. I began to doubt he wanted to take it easy on me from the beginning, we clashed forcefully -with our lightsabers- because “it’s needed to keep you sharp ” as if the strikes he aimed at me weren’t enough to keep me alert.
A particularly painful strike to the thigh made me fall heavily to the ground, the fabric of my robe smoking from the slash. When I looked up at him, now disarmed, I almost vomited. Those eyes… now I could recognize them. The eyes of a killer. The same as those men that afternoon weeks before who had charged into the crowd.
I fled the room, took a shower, and went to bed without dinner. I was sure I was going insane. I was tired and nervous and seeing things that weren’t there. I tried to shake off that voice in my head that screamed at me to be careful with Qimir, the guilt clashing with the fear. I tried to bury it all once again, deeper and further away.
And so my routine returned to normal once everything was back to how it was before, and the master had returned, although… I had started to avoid Qimir. It wasn’t that I was running away from him, it was more like a need for personal space, let’s say. Luckily, he was sent on a mission, but he wrote to me almost every evening with messages about his goals, to which I replied with monosyllables. He realized something was wrong, but when he asked me how I was or if something had happened, I dodged the question.
During a mission in the Outer Rim, I was able to indirectly spy on a call between Vernestra and Qimir. She was scolding him for some unspecified decision, but it was the final warning that made me waver. “You’re losing your composure lately. Leave the mission and return to Coruscant to meditate on your choices.” My breath stopped when I heard him shouting through the holopad. I couldn’t quite make out the words, but he was complaining about the poor results of the missions or something like that. I swallowed down that memory too. It had been an outburst due to a tense situation, it could happen. I had to stop thinking about it.
Shared missions completely disappeared. Qimir and I only saw each other to spend time together. One evening, he took me to dinner in a somewhat shabby place with the promise that I could bring my fellow Padawans there when we were older. The light conversation at the table was pleasant before silence surrounded us.
“I’m sorry we see each other less lately,” he finally sighed after dessert.
I shrugged, relaxed. “Well, we have our duties. And I need to keep studying.” I thought I had given a satisfactory answer, but he looked more frowned than before. “It’s unfair. I want a Padawan too.”
I chuckled at the thought. “I think you need a few more years for that.” But he didn’t laugh, instead, he… stared at me in a way I couldn’t decipher. “Why do you say that? You’re growing well.”
I frowned at the answer. “Qimir, I’m Vernestra’s Padawan. No offense, but it’s she who’s raising me,” I maintained a smile that he didn’t share. “You spend more time with me than with her.”
I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. I wanted to tell him that it was normal since we were friends, but that had little to do with the conversation we had started. To tell him that, as good as he was, he still struggled to act like a real authoritative figure suitable for a young boy who needs to learn the Jedi way, but… of course, I said nothing.
I didn’t feel like it. That conversation died just as it had begun.
It seemed that as time went by, that cheerful air around him faded. Maybe it was the maturity I was gaining that woke me up from that waking dream I was living. I recognized certain expressions or glances better, those smiles that once warmed my heart now had a bitter aftertaste. I began to wonder if something had been wrong from the start. Sometimes those strange warnings from Vernestra or those fragments of memories where I had seen him in a different light, more sinister, would come back to me.
So, I made a decision.
It was better to put some distance between the two of us, maybe growing up, I would be able to face him better, understand what was going through his head, and once matured, I would be able to help him as he helped me.
I don’t know if that decision was the straw that broke the camel’s back, if it was something inevitable that had already begun, or if there was no escape. Looking back at everything that happened, the mistakes had started much earlier, but how much blame did I truly deserve?
I was young, naive, it wasn’t my job to see beyond the veil of lies, beyond the Jedi, beyond the Force.
I wouldn’t have been able to recognize the dark side under those circumstances.
And in fact, I didn’t recognize it until it was too late.
And there it was, right in front of me, taking my breath away.
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ratsonastick · 8 months
You definitely don’t have to do this if you don’t want too! Clarisse x reader where the reader has always been naturally quiet and doesn’t think their good enough for Clarisse cause their total opposites
OF COURSE!!! I am not sure if this is the best, but I tried giving you the before and during the relationship
Requests are still open!
Clarisse La Rue x ShyFem!Reader
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Let’s just say you are not one many people know about at camp. You can’t help it but you are honestly just very unsocial because putting yourself out there seems like a lot of work.
You have friends … let's make that clear, but it's not a lot. 
Ever since you have been at camp you've had a FAT crush on Clarisse, I mean who wouldn't? Well maybe a couple of kids because she is very aggressive, but you find it charming. 
But you would never have a chance with her. Because firstly, if you can't even ask the cabin counselor for some help then you most definitely won't be able to ask her on a date. And secondly, you are the complete opposites! You wouldn't last a week together. 
She is loud, not afraid to make her voice heard, and scares others. And you … well you just let things happen and hope for the best.
Not only that she's so athletic and fit. And it's not that you aren't unfit, it's just that you’d prefer sitting alone or with friends. 
Only one of your friends, Nicole, knew of this crush, and she supported it entirely. Every time you walked past Clarisse you'd keep your head down but Nicole would nudge your shoulder and let out a giggle. 
You avoided Clarisse as much as you could but it wasn't till one day when you were asked to bring supplies to the sword training field did you have to talk to her. 
You were SHY! Couldn't look that woman in the eyes as she questioned you. She thought it was cute, to say the least.
“Chiron wanted me to bring these here for you guys to try out,” you spoke softly, setting down a metal bin full of new weapons and other nonsense. Clarisse hummed in approval and picked up a new handle grip. 
Luke, one of the boys from the Hermes cabin walked over with a smile on his face “Finally he took our advice on what stuff we needed … Thanks for bringing them Y/n” he nudged your shoulder in a friendly manor. 
You were surprised he knew your name. You noticed Clarisse sending what looked like a glare in your direction and you took that as a hint to leave. 
“Y/n” her voice called out and you immediately turned to look at her “You good with a sword? I need a new sparring partner … one who I don't know every boring move they make.” She spoke in a harsh voice rolling her eyes in the direction of Luke who was twisting his sword around and making noises like it was a lightsaber. 
“I'm not good with swords, I'm more of an archery type of girlie.” You responded “Sorry” 
Your hands were sweating as you gazed down at the ground. “Then let me teach you … every demigod needs to know how to work every weapon.” she looked you up and down before stepping away, hinting you to follow. 
She picked up her sword and then a spare and handed it to you. You stood there like a dork, and she took a stance.
After what felt like hours she finally stopped, “You're not that bad.” 
“Thanks, you mumbled” trying to catch your breath as you handed back the sword to her. The sun was setting and you felt a rumble in your stomach. “Uhm I should probably get going … I promised my friend I’d get to dinner early for her.” 
Clarisse nodded her head eyeing you “Fine.” 
When you arrived at the dinner pavilion you took your spot at your cabin's table, your friend slapping your shoulder slightly in annoyance for your lateness. 
Eventually, Clarisse arrived sitting down at her cabin's table, and filling her plate with food, she noticed you sitting with your friends. How they all talked loudly and yet you just sat there quietly eating, once in a while smiling at what was being said. 
She thought it was … cute? But she didn't like the mysterious card you were trying to play. 
So the next time she saw you walking past the training field she called your name, with her hands on her hips and hair pulled back as she waited for you to come to her. “Yes?” 
She hinted to the sword on the ground and you picked it up. Luke and Chris had noticed her change of behavior, especially towards you. If that was Luke she called over and he was confused as to why, she would have called him an idiot and to go kill himself. 
But she didn’t tell you. 
After an hour of training, she tripped you and you fell, “Why don't you fight back … you need to slander me.” 
“I'm good” you mumbled standing back up and swinging back “Why are you so quiet? I've seen you yell before yet you won't now.” she taunted you … but hey at least she's noticed you before! 
“I'm just naturally quiet, I'm not big on yelling, it's a lot of work.” You spoke up, clashing the sword down onto hers, this made her smirk slightly. 
When you guys finished up and sat down on the grass she took a sip of water from your water bottle and then handed it to you.
“I want you to go out with me,” she said, looking out in the distance “You're strange,” she spoke up once more. 
“You don't have a choice, so don't act bitchy when I pick you up from your cabin. I want you pretty and sweet.” She added with a demanding tone. 
And that's what you did. 
After 2 weeks of dating? (Clarisse wouldn’t clarify, I think she just figured you knew you were because if you looked at anyone else she'd glare at you) you began to have doubts. 
What if your relationship wouldn't work out, you were so completely different it was almost awkward. 
Like for example, when you were told to sit with her at the Ares cabin table, they were all so rowdy and she just kept laughing, and you just sat there with a blank face. 
Or when you went on a library date, she figured that was code for making out, but it was actually just you wanting some company while you read. (She was a little disappointed she couldn't hold your hips)
And it wasn’t just you who thought the relationship was a bit weird, Nicole (that wench) also believed the relationship was … different? But she thought it was so cute how Clarisse was the voice that you didn't like to use. 
For example, when this kid kept talking and was so annoying at the campfire, you gave Clarisse a look that didn't really mean anything but also meant a lot and she shouted at the kid to shut up. 
All the differences outweighed the similarities and it only made you worry, which caused you to distance yourself. 
One thing you didn't realize though is how much Clarisse believed you to be adorable, and how she loved seeing a different side of you when you are alone. Even if it's only a little bit more talkative than usual. 
But she wouldn’t tell you that. Hell no. 
This worry drove you to a lot of self reflection, which took place in your bunk. A party was happening that night and you thought to yourself that maybe if you went and showed how you could act, Clarisse might think you are good enough and keep you around. 
So you found yourself getting dressed with a scowl, sliding a tank top over your head and putting on a skirt. It was a party at the Aphrodite's cabin, and you knew she'd be there for this. 
So when the time came you walked over, and just as you approached the cabin you heard a whistle, you turned and saw Luke and Chris walking a bit behind Clarisse and her siblings. Clarisse gave them a death stare and shouted 'shut up' and walked over to you, leaving her siblings. 
“What are you doing here baby? I thought you said you weren't gonna come.” She said in a soft voice, but in your head, she sounded disappointed, maybe she didn't want you there so she could hook up with some other girl. 
“I wanted to surprise you… I can leave if you want me to.” But Clarisse shook her head grabbing onto your waist “If you leave I'll only follow. I'm just surprised you came, I know this isn't your type of scene.” 
Which was true, you only go to parties with your friends. 
“I just wanted to show you that I can be sociable” you mumbled looking at her with soft eyes which caused her to smile “I know you are princess … but you don't have to go out of your way to change yourself just to prove you can be like me so we are more alike.''
She spoke gently, and she knew that if anyone heard her act this way she'd pause the conversation just to stab them. 
You felt embarrassed now, becoming very aware of how you looked. “You look hot though baby” She mumbled through a smile as she gently kissed you. “Wanna go back to your bunk?” she asked and you nodded your head with a smile.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 25 days
Guarded Desires: Part 2
Fandom: Star Wars - The Acolyte
Pairing: Padawan!Qimir x Princess!Reader
Summary: After an assassination attempt on your mother, she’s asked a favor from the Jedi Council to watch over you and your family until the assailant has been caught. As a result, your mother’s old friend, Master Vernestra, has her padawan, Qimir, be your bodyguard. Based off my imagine here.
Series Masterlist
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Qimir stands back as you train with the Kings Guard. You seem to already know your way with a sword well as you swing it, the metal clashing with your opponent's. There's a mixture of determination and amusement in your face. You're keen on overpowering your opponent but you're also having fun.
Your opponent is a young man around your age. He's tall and well-built! He's strong, but you seem to hold your own well. You push off the young man and he swings the sword at you. You tuck and roll, to then use your leg to swipe at his ankles. The man falls onto his back and you point your sword at him.
The other men watching the scrimmage cheer for you. You look at Qimir with a wide smile, "Wanna have a go next?"
"A hundred credits on the young Jedi!" the captain of the Kings Guard, Orin Zephar, hollers. He's a decade older you. You've always viewed him as like an older brother.
"Nah, the princess can beat him. I feel it," Orin's right hand, Lieutenant Kael Vandar, responds to the bet.
You roll your eyes and shake your head, "Ignore those toads," you say to Qimir.
He pulls off his robe and unclips his lightsaber, placing onto a nearby wooden bench. One of the knights hands him a sword. You give Qimir some time to get used to the weight. You watch him intently as he does a view experimental swings and twirls.
"Ready?" you ask when he gets into position.
The young jedi smirks at you, "I'll go easy on you."
Your smirk matches his as you say, "I won't." The men 'ooouuu' on the sidelines.
You then launch into offense. Qimir dodges your attack, his movements are swift. He's light on his feet, as compared to the knights you usually train with. He's something different you're enjoying this.
You don't get frustrated when every thrust and swipe of your sword misses him or clashes with Qimir's sword.
You and he come to a head. Both of your swords form an 'x'. You stare intently in Qimir's eyes and he stares back. In his eyes, you see determination and concentration. In your eyes, he sees a sparkle of amusement.
You smirk at him again and land a punch to his gut, causing him to stumble back in pain. You throw your hands up in victory again as there's a mix of applause and 'boos'.
You turn back to Qimir, who's clutching his stomach and groaning in pain, "You okay?"
"That was a dirty play," he says as he catches his breath.
You shrug, "Your opponent is never going to play fair. Don't they teach you that at the Jedi temple?"
"Not necessarily in this manner," he murmurs as he straightens up, "Regardless," he sticks his hand out, "you put up a good fight."
As you stretch out your hand, Qimir suddenly drops and pulls the same move you did on the knight before him. You brace yourself for impact but you don't feel it.
You crane your neck up to see Qimir with his hand stretched out. He used the Force to prevent you from falling. As he stands, he continues to use the Force to pull you back up.
You chuckle in disbelief, "I deserved that. I guess we're even then," you give him a wink and toss your sword to Orin as he approaches.
Orin smiles at Qimir, "Nice one, Jedi," he lightly punches Qimir on the shoulder and Qimir winces, "Ah, thanks."
One of your ladies' maids comes rushing onto the field, "Princess, lunch will be ready soon!"
"I'd like to have lunch out here, Jessa."
Jessa shakes her head, "Your mother wants everyone to have lunch together."
"Including the Jedi?"
"Yes, your highness."
You shrug and look to Qimir, "Come on then." The padawan quickly grabs his robes and lightsaber, falling in step beside you. You two follow Jessa through the corridors towards the dining hall.
"So, what can I improve on?" you ask Qimir, "You evaded every attack so flawlessly! It was amazing! It was like you were practically floating!"
Qimir can't help but chuckle, a warmth coming to his cheeks as you praise him, "Uh, well, I suppose I kind of was. I was using the Force to help me be lighter on my feet. But I suppose with you, you just need to be on your toes more. I noticed that you and the knights are very heavy footed."
You nod, taking in the feedback, "Alright. What else?"
He shrugs, "I'm impressed with how you handle the sword. Your movements are more heavy handed, but given the weight of the sword, it's understandable. But your maneuvers are very similar to the Jedi."
You playfully nudge his shoulder with yours, "Think I'd make a good Jedi?"
"There's more to being a Jedi than swinging a lightsaber and using the Force, princess."
The doors to the dining hall opens and you're greeted to your entire family already waiting for you, all of them sitting in their respective seats. The Jedi assigned to them sitting across the table from them.
You rush over to your spot beside your mother, "I apologize for our tardiness. I challenged Qimir to a duel."
Vernestra looks at her padawan with an arched brow. He shies from her gaze, "I was just showing her how Jedi are trained to fight."
"You're not supposed to be dueling the princess, padawan. You're supposed to be protecting her."
You speak up, "I asked him to duel me, Master Vernestra. I've never dueled a Jedi before. I was just curious on Qimir's fighting style. I am always open to going against new opponents to improve my self-defense skills."
"Was Orin there to supervise?" your father asks.
Your shoulders slump forward, "Yes, father. He always is."
"He's relayed to me how impressed he is with your improvement as of late."
You shrug, "I suppose I've improved a great deal."
"But there's always room for improvement, starlight," your father reminds you and you nod, looking down at your plate.
Qimir takes note of how your playfulness and confidence has dimmed. He doesn't see that sparkle in your eye that you had in the training grounds. You don't sit with poise and authority. Rather, you sit with a slump, a frown on your face.
It's not hard to see that despite efforts, the King doesn't see you as strong or capable. Qimir can only assume that your father, despite allowing you to have some freedoms, still shares some traditional ideals in regards to royal women.
Qimir clears his throat, "Princess Y/N was a great opponent. She fought well against me, your Majesty."
Your father looks at Qimir in surprise, "That so? Well, perhaps you can learn a thing or two from this padawan, Y/N. As long as Vernestra is okay with him teaching you a few things."
You and Qimir look to Vernestra, "As long as you're careful."
You and Qimir smile at each other. You mouth 'thank you' to him and he nods before you both go back to your meals.
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mylordshesacactus · 5 months
God though the fight choreography in Ahsoka really is next fucking level.
Like. Every so often I think fondly about the lightsaber duels in the OT because, bluntly, there weren't lightsaber duels in the OT. There were a handful of scenes in which two characters who didn't like each other much both happened to be holding lightsabers, and on some occasions they tapped the lightsabers together to make very satisfying noises. But we've now come far enough in the star war that we're getting detailed attention to genuine fighting styles, and fighting styles as character essays in themselves.
I just love it.
This show does SO MUCH characterization through physicality in combat; there's a whole meta-dialogue happening just through the portrayal of lightsaber forms and it has SO MUCH heavy lifting to do and does it WELL.
Like, for example, all the little character details that have to be PERFECT in the first two confrontations. I'm just gonna do the tower fight at the moment because the forest battle is its own whole thing and the wolfwren meetcute tower fight illustrates it just fine on its own.
Things that had to be established with little to no exposition in those two fights:
Sabine and Shin are pretty much equals, overall, in combat; BUT
Shin has her VASTLY outmatched as a duellist specifically, because she's been training in solely lightsaber combat more intensely and for longer; BUT
Shin doesn't KNOW that, because she's never fought Sabine before and all she knows is that she's facing an unfamiliar opponent who was Jedi-trained; AND
Sabine DOES know she's outmatched in this fight--she's unarmored, not a small deal for a Mandalorian, and armed only with a lightsaber that while she has trained with it pretty extensively she explicitly hasn't touched in years; BUT
Sabine is ALSO, separately, a highly skilled martial artist and hand-to-hand fighter even with the disadvantage of not being in armor. She's not a pushover or a flailing idiot.
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Like it's obvious before Shin even draws that Sabine is not going to win this fight--and Sabine at least is visibly aware of it.
It's clear from their stances alone. Sabine stands and moves like a novice--not untrained, mind, but a novice. She's very cautious, very aware of her footwork, and while that's a good ready position it's extremely hesitant, she's not comfortable in it. She wastes more movement. Shin on the other hand is solid, confident, and grounded.
But not arrogant. Sabine is moving like someone with experience in combat, and Shin doesn't know her or her abilities, so she doesn't rush in at the first sign of weakness. Shin might be more immediately confident with saber combat, but she is also proceeding with extreme caution.
She lets Sabine come to her, ceding the first move in favor of giving herself a chance to read her opponent before committing to anything. And when they do start exchanging blows:
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Don't get me wrong--Sabine is NOT a flailing idiot, for all this specific shot makes it look like she's leaving herself open. She's just....not fluid with her lightsaber. She drops her guard when she runs, because running with a plasma sword without burning yourself is actually extremely difficult and she's keeping that thing away from her body while moving at speed.
Her strikes are decent, but her technique is sloppy and she wastes movement--again, not in a way that suggests she doesn't know what she's doing, but in a way that highlights the gap between knowing what a technique is supposed to look like and actually being able to pull it off in a live-combat scenario.
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Shin, meanwhile, is fluid, deliberate, efficient, fully in control of every movement--but, frankly, she mostly looks like an impressive threat in this fight because it's an apprentice-level skirmish between two evenly-matched opponents, and Sabine is at a stark disadvantage.
Don't get me wrong, Shin's doing very well--but in a way that highlights her main strength as being extremely solid on her fundamentals. None of these are high-level moves, almost all of them would show up in a youngling kata, and the few that wouldn't are mostly flair like this dramatic-ass battle pose.
We do see some signals that Shin's saber training is at a meaningfully higher level than Sabine's, though--she's had time to develop some of her own technique! I love the way she uses her cape as a combat asset; that's not something Baylan would have taught her, he doesn't have her highly-mobile fighting style (to put it lightly) and it feels just practical enough.
So they feel like viable rivals, Shin feels like a viable threat, and there's still a visceral awareness in the kind of choreography they're given that if Sabine fought Baylan, or Shin tried to 1v1 Ahsoka, they would not last ten goddamn seconds.
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david-talks-sw · 11 months
When 'Star Wars' dilutes the impact of a "Kurosawa samurai standoff"...
It's no secret that one of the major inspirations for Star Wars was Akira Kurosawa movies. The Hidden Fortress influenced the basic structure of the first film, was a basis for Lucas' character archetypes and his use of narrative POVs.
But, really, all of Kurosawa's films were an influence on the making of Star Wars. Including the duels seen in his and other samurai films from the 60s.
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Dunno if you've seen a kendo fight, but they're pretty similar.
The duelists size each other up, and there's a lot of mind games going on before the strike actually happens.
If you hold your sword this way, the other guy adjusts his stance.
You move your foot that way, the adversary responds accordingly.
Cinematically, this process allows you to play with a whole treasure trove of elements to build up the drama and suspense. We see this slow-yet-tense approach to dueling reflected all over the Original Trilogy. And we've seen it again in recent Disney-released content.
The perfect and first real example of this in Star Wars is the fight between Ben Kenobi and Maul, in Rebels.
The tension increases more...
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... and more until the two fighters move, the music swells...
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... and then it reaches its climax.
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Beautifully executed.
Dave Filoni's done his homework, it shows, and while it's an awesome homage, narratively it also holds weight. There's a reason why this fight is so quick:
This time, Obi-Wan isn't fighting to avenge the death of his master, he's not fighting to save his own life... he's fighting to protect Luke's. And that means there's no time to fuck about. He'll end the conflict swiftly and decisively, he won't let it come to a prolonged acrobatic fight. So he lures Maul in by making him think he's taking Qui-Gon's form, and strikes true when Maul, increasingly consumed by his own rage to the point of blindness, falls for it.
Again: a wonderful fight and an excellent homage.
Then we get to Luke's stand-off with Kylo on Crait, in The Last Jedi.
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An interesting take on the trope, also with meaningful narrative impact. As Rian Johnson writes in the TLJ screenplay:
"This is not like a saber fight. This like an old-fashioned samurai duel."
Here too, the tension gets built up...
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... and every time we're close to getting that climax, Luke dodges.
It leaves a feeling of dissatisfaction, which is exactly what Kylo is feeling as he boils with rage.
Suddenly, we do get the climax...
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... and a twist. Luke was never actually there. Boom. Those inserts during the build-up phase? If you look at them again they're clues (Luke doesn't leave a mark on the ground, salt doesn't land on his clothes, etc). Luke wasn't engaging because he wasn't actually there, he was buying time for the Resistance to escape.
Okay. Cool.
Next time we see a "Kurosawa" duel... it's here, in The Mandalorian.
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Again, a lot of posing, slow movements and patience, as is expected from the trope.
But we know nothing about the opponent Ahsoka is fighting other than her name is Morgan... so no emotional impact, there.
At some point, Ahsoka loses a lightsaber. The apprentice to the Chosen One is struggling against some rando.
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We find out later on that Morgan is a Nightsister from Dathomir, and that's cool... but we already know how Jedi-trained folks fare against the Dathomiri.
If you ask me, it feels like manufactured stakes. But that's beside the point. In fact, y'know what? It's fine.
Though the impact of this duel isn't as great as its predecessors, the whole episode is filled with visual homages to Kurosawa's work.
It makes sense that the duel would be too. Also it's the first time we're seeing Ahsoka in live action, in a lightsaber duel, the hype is real. Let's cut 'em some slack.
So we come to the series Ahsoka... where almost every duel in the the show has the Kurosawa posturing and tip-toeing and... I dunno. I was bored?
Like, the primary purpose of this approach to duels is that it's meant to be suspenseful and intense... and now it's not.
Because we know Ahsoka is gonna beat the crap outta these droids...
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... so why even bother faking some semblance of "what's her next move gonna be?" suspense? There's a hole right behind her, gee, I truly wonder.
Oh, you think putting her against an Inquisitor's gonna make us fear for her life, wonder if she's gonna get outta this situation unscathed?
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She was wiping the floor with two of them at the same time, a decade prior. At 17, she was killing Inquisitors while disarmed.
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Do you really expect your audience to fear for her life in a fight against Marrok?
So we get to the fight with Baylan, and the posturing and studying opponent's next move would be welcome here (two Order 66 survivors, knew Anakin, both well-trained former Jedi)...
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... if we hadn't literally seen that same dynamic with Marrok who, again, we knew was gonna die.
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No tension was built in either moment, the only thing it achieved was me pressing >> on my keyboard.
It's not captivating anymore, it's just slow and un-dynamic.
Bottom line:
Tributes to Kurosawa are nice. They're part of what makes Star Wars what it is. But c'mon, we get it already.
Lightsaber duelists don't need to tiptoe around each other and change poses at every fight. Because when the actually meaningful duels come up (like the one with Baylan), the impact will be lessened.
The "Kurosawa samurai duel" is artistic and interesting, but it should be used sparingly in order to maintain its charm and not get old and trope-y. AKA too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing.
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
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- Obviously the usual Jedi mind tricks aren't gonna work on Gods but like, the Force telekinesis is great for throwing them around like ragdolls.
- You're gonna be a pretty experienced Jedi, okay. For plot reasons and bc those Gods need to be humbled fr.
- YOU AND SASAKI KOJIRO ARE DEFINETLY BEST FRIENDS ON THE HUMAN'S SIDE, you teach him the sword ways of your fellow Jedi and he teaches you about some of his own sword fighting techniques as well.
- Soji absolutely adoring you and wanting to train with you constantly. Kondo also has great respect for you and while you are concerned with their thirst for violence and laugh rather nervously at it. However, you admire their sense of justice and they admire yours and your virtues as well.
- Raiden also 100% begs you to let him try out your lightsaber, LIKE P L E A S E IT IS ALL HE WANTS. LET HIM. LET HIM. PLEASE. You eventually have to use Force Illusion to make him forget because you're trying to meditate.
- SPEAKING OF MEDITAITION, YOU AND BUDDHA ARE ALSO GOOD BUDDIES. Your beliefs align with his so well and you applaud him for standing up what he believes in and he shrugs and just says the other gods are petty fools.
- ALSO, YOU JUST HAVING TO CALM DOWN BRUNHILDE WHEN SHE LOSES OR COMFORTING HER. Like the loss of Hercules was devastating and Göll didn't help, although you understood why she was upset, so you just went to check in on her and found her crying and ran over to comfort her and assure her battle is not easy for anyone.
- I also love the idea of you just having Göll meditate with you and and bringing her peace, she is so young and honestly, if things were different and you were able to train her just a little, you'd think she'd make a wonderful Palawan.
- Then there's Jack the Ripper, a terrible and tragic man whose heart has been mislead and misguided far too many times. You knew he wasn't the real Jack the Ripper and you just sense that his soul was capable of heinous crimes, he was just lonely. Meanwhile, DO YOU THINK JACK COULD SEE LIKE THE FORCE AROUND YOUR AURA?? LIKE, MIGHT THAT BE A THING?? AND HE LOVES YOUR COLOR THE WAY IT IS.
- I'd write the Gods but I'm too impatient but Thor wants to fight you so badly and also, like, IMAGINE THEM SEEING YOU FORCE HEAL YOURSELF IN BATTLE AND MEANWHILE, YOU'RE JUST ATTACKING THEM AND THEY'RE ALL: THAT IS SO NOT FAIR, WHAT-"
- Also u have platonic relationships with all of them bc you live by the "Jedi aren't supposed to fall in love" rule but like, if anyone wanna makes a request when they're open, I am not opposed-
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
hiiii i requested the one where reader calls the batboys sluts, I absolutely loved it, you literally EATTT everything you write😍😍 so what do you think about one where she calls them babygirl, like wow rhys that was so babygirl of you🤞😍
Omg thank you anon😘 this is so fucking funny they’d be so flustered lmao
Scenario for each bat boy: they pull off a new sword spin move (think of Anakin’s iconic lightsaber spin) that they’ve been working on and they looked super proud after
“Wow Rhysie good job! That was so baby girl of you.” You say and do back to your book
Rhys looked at you like his eyes were about to fall out of his head
He legitimately didn’t have a response and just said, “Thank you.” And went back to training while. Ass and Az tried not to laugh at him
Rhys reached out to your mind, “what does that mean?” “Baby girl?” “Yeah.” “Oh, you’re just cute when you’re happy.”
“Aww you’re so baby girl Cass.” And you’d go back to your exercises
Cassian would be so full of himself bc to him that’s a new nickname which just means you’re giving him more affection/attention
It wasn’t until later that the name fully registered with him and honestly I think he wouldn’t even care, Cass would just want you to call him baby girl again
“Ugh Az, you’re so precious baby girl.” You’d say, pinching his cheek
Azriel would blush like crazy and look at you with cute wide eyes
He’d stutter and say, “um..thank you love.”
The rest of his training session Az couldn’t stop staring at you and he’d be so shy around you the rest of the day
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Record of Ragnarok x Jedi reader
The reader is a human but is not from Earth. They were chosen to be a fighter in Ragnarok. The gods/humans might be surprised that the reader is a human who is from outer space. I think that Nikolai is going to be excited about learning about other existences. I'm also wondering could see the force that surrounds the reader.
-Heimdall couldn’t help but grin, standing before the crowds as he spoke, hyping up the next fighter for humanity, you.
-He lifted his Gjallarhorn to his mouth, “For humanity- their greatest achievement is being able to go to space, exploring beyond the world that the gods created for them! Our next opponent is from such a place- coming from the very distance future from another planet, far, far away!”
-The stadium was in shock, hearing of such an opponent, Nikola was being held by the back of his pants by Brunnhilde after he tried to rush, wanting to speak to you to ask you everything!
-You looked rather… simple, to put it bluntly, when you walked out into the stadium, wearing a long F/C robe with the hood up. There was no weapon, that they could see, on your person, and you looked unassuming. You looked nothing like a warrior!!
-You were soft spoken and respectful to your opponent who was the opposite, acting cocky, saying that you were weak and that this would be an easy fight.
-You lowered your hood before your cloak fell to the ground at your feet, revealing your training gear, simple in design, mostly neutral tones with a F/C colored belt and in your hand you held a strange tool, it looks almost like the hilt of a sword, but there was no blade.
-Your opponent was quick to charge at you, making you leap back as you dodged his fist, the ground crumbling under his fist.
-He grabbed handfuls of the broken arena and threw them at you, fighting dirty which would have led to cries of outrage, had everyone not been stunned into silence.
-You held your hand out in front of you, the rocks frozen in midair before you dropped them, not willing to stoop to your opponent’s level.
-You activated your lightsaber, which illuminated brightly in a beam of bright purple light. Nikola instantly fainted from excitement which Brunnhilde rolled her eyes at, but at least now her hand could have a break, for a moment.
-You charged and easily sliced through your opponent’s weapon, a large axe, making many call out that your weapon was like a laser. You easily dodged his blows, showing your combat expertise, not even using your weapon on him.
-Many people screamed when you stabbed him suddenly, feeling nothing but anger and darkness in his heart, but there was no blood, the lightsaber immediately cauterizing where the wound would have been.
-You immediately closed the lightsaber and used the force to call your cloak to you, holding it over your shoulders as you humbling accepted the cheers of the crowd. You were so powerful but so humble, it was so refreshing.
-You were immediately run down by Nikola who threw you over his shoulder and ran to his lab, rapid firing questions at you, wanting to know everything from where you were from to your lightsaber and the force.
-Nikola had to play ‘run away and keep Y/N away from Brunnhilde so he could keep asking questions for what felt like hours, but you weren’t bothered, finding his curiosity endearing.
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captainzigo · 7 months
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this is the jedi OC i made when i was ten. i have decided to reanimate him because cringe is dead. also he is very easy to draw. their special force power is that they control computers with his mind. like he accesses panels from afar, or auto pilots his ship, or mind controls droids. but he is really easily distracted and whenever he does force stuff he has to have total silence. they were friends with shaak-ti because she is my favorite jedi, and they were trained by jocasta nu because she is my other favorite.
when i was little i assumed he would die at the end of the clone wars because i thought all of the jedi died except obiwan. but having seen most of the star wars stuff as an adult, godamn are there a lot of jedi that didn’t get sixtysixed. so i say he survived
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for a jedi knight, he is really bad at sword fighting. which is still good, but ya know. so his lightsaber does this thing where it like pulses which makes it hard to sword fight him. it also has a button that interrupts the containment field for a second so all the plasma goes out like a blaster bolt. that, and other unorthodox lightsaber applications, is why he has a bandolier full of batteries.
he really likes that he still has his jedi star fighter and he keeps it working and painted. at great personal expense
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