#sword action
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I just watched this movie for the first time last night. And I honestly enjoyed watching a lot of Hayden Christensen sword action scenes. It’s like he used his some of his lightsaber training from the Star Wars prequel trilogy days into the sword fights of this movie. It’s like watching a medieval version of Anakin Skywalker.
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transmechanicus · 17 days
The bolt action longrifle is like the greatsword of the cowboy world
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elronds-pointy-ears · 4 months
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dykealloy · 9 months
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such a small detail but I cannot stop thinking about law leaving kikoku by luffy's bedside when he went out to talk with hancock and ivankov. idk it stirs up a lot of questions. like does law do this often? does law, like zoro, talk to his well-behaved cursed sword like "kikoku, sit. watch." before he leaves to go have lunch or a well deserved twenty minute post-surgery nap. is this the protective equivalent to leaving a baseball bat by the bedside? doctor's bedside manner emotional support blade? but then I also can't help but notice that it's unsheathed. which... actually, who is that sword protecting really, just sitting there? did luffy wake up more than once in the cradle of that submarine while his body was still recovering? (drugged up to the gills, entirely noncoherent, unable to be reasoned with, going in and out of consciousness, the only thought running through his mind being "ace"). probably would've been a nightmare for the heart crew
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gildedmuse · 1 year
[Credit to @jhaernyl for helping get me access to the screenshots.]
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I love how Luffy just sort of jumps and crawls and bounces everywhere. Don't walk around to the other side of the table. Sit where there is a seat and if people come along make room by crawling over.
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Then there is Zoro, who has clearly never eaten at Not A Bar before. He just thought he'd be able to sit next to his boyfriend.
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x-uno · 1 year
Hey! If it’s okay, can I request olpa x reader where it’s sort of a part two for your last zoro post where zoro and reader gets closers and it’s obvious they both have feelings for each other but they themselves don’t know about the other and it’s until after zoro wakes up from his coma, reader is crying and rambling on about how much he’s scared them and accidentally confesses to him, and he’s just stunned but he then quickly grabs reader by the back of the neck and kisses them breathlessly?
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Sword and Heartstrings PT.2
Pairing : OPLA!zoro x fem!reader
notes : Certainly! I had fun writing this one! ~ I hope it's up to your expectations, anon! :DDD
<< 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃
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After the grueling battle with Mihawk, Zoro found himself in a coma, his injuries severe and his life hanging in the balance. The crew was distraught, but none more so than you who had been training with him, heart aching with worry.
Days turned into a painful wait, and every moment by Zoro's bedside felt like an eternity. Your tears fell freely as you whispered words of encouragement and love, unable to bear the thought of losing the man you had come to care for so deeply.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the room was bathed in soft candlelight, You poured your heart out to him. "You mean everything to me," you confessed, voice choking with emotion. "I can't lose you, Zoro. Please, wake up and hear me."
As if in response to your plea, Zoro's eyelids began to flutter, and he slowly regained consciousness. His eyes now focused on your tearful face, and he was overcome with a profound sense of relief and gratitude.
Before he could fully grasp the situation, before he could form words, he acted on instinct. With a fierce determination born from the depths of his heart, Zoro reached out, his hands grabbing the back of your neck, before pressing his lips with yours.
It was a kiss filled with all the unspoken feelings that had grown between them, a kiss that spoke of their shared experiences, their undeniable connection, and the depth of their love. In that moment, as their lips met, everything became clear—they were no longer clueless about the emotions that had silently bound them together.
You gazed into each other's eyes, the unspoken emotions finally finding a voice.
Zoro was the first to break the silence, his voice husky with raw emotion. "I... I didn't know," he admitted, his brows furrowing in a mix of confusion and realization.
Your tears of worry had turned to tears of joy. "I didn't either," You confessed. "But when I thought I might lose you, I couldn't hold back anymore."
Zoro's thumb brushed away a lingering tear your cheek. "You're an idiot," he muttered with a hint of a smile, his thumb tracing your lips.
You chuckled softly. "You too."
Laughter filled the room, a shared moment of relief and happiness. You couldn't help but lean in for another kiss, it was no longer a kiss born of confusion or desperation. It was a kiss of love, a kiss that sealed your newfound understanding and bound your hearts together.
In the warmth of each other's embrace, you knew that you had found something precious, something worth protecting. And as you both held onto each other, the cluelessness of your past had given way to a love that was now undeniably clear.
The moment was short-lived though, when a loud, indignant voice rang out that you were both jolted back to reality.
The voice came from none other than Sanji, who had arrived to fetch you for dinner, completely unaware of the recent developments. He stood at the doorway, his eyes wide with shock, and his cigarette dangled from his lips.
Zoro and you quickly pulled away from each other, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Zoro's brows furrowed as he glared at Sanji. "Mind your own business, Cook."
Sanji, however, was having none of it. He pointed an accusatory finger at Zoro. "I knew it! You've been hiding something from us, you bastard! And with Y/N of all people!"
You couldn't help but chuckle at the dramatic scene unfolding before them. "Sanji, it's not what you think," you tried to explain.
But Sanji was already in full-blown outrage mode. "Don't you dare corrupt our innocent crew member! I won't allow it!"
The commotion drew the attention of the rest of the crew, who came rushing into the room, equally bewildered by the scene. Nami raised an eyebrow. "What's going on here?"
Sanji dramatically pointed at Zoro and you. "Zoro's trying to seduce Y/N!"
Zoro facepalmed at Sanji's absurd accusation, while you couldn't stop laughing. It was clear that Sanji had jumped to conclusions, and the crew's confusion quickly turned into laughter.
Amid the chaos and laughter, Zoro and you exchanged a knowing glance. You might have been clueless about your feelings in the past, but one thing was certain now — you had found each other, and nothing could change that.
And as Sanji continued his over-the-top protest, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected comedic twist that had brought your feelings to light.
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taglist: reply to be added !
© 2023 x-uno ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. 
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suzylind · 6 months
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Got this lovely commission made by @silvermun
Hands down, I really love the details on Lancelots armour and Arondight! Not to mention, it's important to take care of things that hold value to you from time to time. Sonic and the Black Knight is one of my favorite games, and I can imagine that sometimes even the knights need to sit down, and care for their sacred swords.
Thank you again Silvermun for this lovely piece of art! I love him!
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rhysuje · 2 months
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Frame redraw! Salim saving Jason from the spear.
(only one of many times these two save each other)
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benevolenterrancy · 1 year
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magical powers add whole new dimensions to the "annoy your sibling beyond the bounds of sanity" game
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ineffableaddiction · 6 months
Where are your loyalties?
Aziraphale easily admits everything to Crowley about the flaming sword:
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Note: Yea, Crowley’s in love now 😁
Aziraphale says this to god when asked about the sword:
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And when he has the sword back, he’s using it to thwart the will of god (as far as he knows at the time)
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So, just who is Aziraphale loyal to?
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
vaggie, miss "im not used to fighting with long hair" who's out of practice actually battling someone or really stabbing ppl...
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...still had the arm and hand strength, the REFLEXES, to do a bare handed blade catch on a SWORD, who's user had been doing an aerial dive with it aimed at vaggie's FACE
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then sling around and THROW her opponent with it
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i know she wants a peaceful-ish life with charlie, but i really wouldn't mind seeing her getting into just a FEW more fights >:D
also also side note: carmilla was able to eff her up earlier so easily bc vaggie fought like an exorcist, no thought to getting hurt or personal defense, the headspace of 'i can't get killed! wheee! DIE DIE DIE' that got that other exorcist killed
and the main advice vaggie got from carmilla was take advantage of that sure, but first and more importantly, defend yourself better
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which kinda plays into the whole "be out for love thing" too
aka the fight isn't important, it's what you're fighting to still have Afterwards that matters- the people you love, having a life with them
(the hotel, the hazbins, charlie)
carmilla doesn't send vaggie off with a 'you're ready to go kill angels'. she's only satisfied and ends their little lesson / sparring match when she can say "you might just survive this"
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feels like she wasn't teaching vaggie to take out angels. she was reminding her and showing her how NOT to get KILLED
so it's just so nice seeing vaggie blocking, dodging, and grappling lute later. how good she is at focusing on avoiding or neutralizing those attacks aimed at her. how Seriously she takes them
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binding lute's both lute's arms and wedging them into her own body so lute's sword CAN'T be angled towards her
the way this shot emphasis's the THREAT of the sword hanging over vaggie
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and how her flash-fast recovery and block shows she's READY for it
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dodging, not attacking
she's not in this for blood or vengeance, this lady is trying to stay the fuck alive. she's got things and people to live for
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things like the idea of mercy. that thing both her and charlie show their enemies, people who came down to hell for murder and spent this fight trying to kill them and got damn close to doing it.
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and sure there's a pretty big tone difference between charlie's "Whoa whoa dad. He's had enough" and vaggie's "No, live. Live knowing that you only do because I let you" but both end at the same place, with someone who hates them still getting a second chance
and vaggie wants that second chance too. she wants a life with charlie, and fights hard so she can stick around for it
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epic fail, lute... have you considered getting a hobby...?
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vvitchllng · 4 months
In addition to Everything Else that happened this episode, I can’t stop thinking about the moment where Laudna asks him why Seedling isn’t enough why he wants This sword and Orym’s whole demeanor shifts and he looks Laudna dead in the eyes and says you’re right why Would you reach for a darker power.
Orym and Laudna are the characters with the most interparty conflict and they’re the same!!!!!!! At their core their strongest motivation is their drive to protect the ones they love at the cost of themselves if necessary. We see it all the time with Orym throwing himself in front of his friends over and over again, making deals with fae to try and keep them safe. And we see it all the time with Laudna and Delilah, where over and Over again she lures Laudna with the promise of being strong enough to protect her friends, to keep them safe. We saw it again tonight when Delilah manipulated her to get the sword by telling her it was a danger to Orym!!
Both of them looked at the power that caused their pain and decided to take it for their own, to use it to protect their loved ones instead, because if it was capable of such devastation against them, it was capable of delivering that same devastation to their enemies. Laudna asking why seedling isn’t enough (why he isn’t enough, the frustrated self-deprecating response “I have Push-ups!”) and Orym returning the question because Laudna Does have her own power separate from Delilah, she just doesn’t think its enough for what’s coming!!!
They both lost their families, but where Orym had the rest of his family, a purpose, a home, Laudna lost Everything and only had the voice of her murderer as comfort in the cold. So now they’re both taking on the power that destroyed their lives, but Orym can be rational and willing to have a discussion about doing so, while Laudna absolutely Cannot do the same because of how entwined she is with Delilah (with Delilah quite literally guiding her actions in addition to the years of psychological manipulation and abuse), and so they’re the same and yet so utterly different that they keep coming up against this fundamental inability to understand the other’s position because despite the same underlying motivations, their responses are so different.
Why would you reach for a darker power, why can you not understand why I’m doing this, why can you not see I’m doing this For You. Distorted reflections of each other wanting to be understood and at a loss when faced with the differences between them, what a fucking dynamic.
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general-cyno · 1 year
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When you met me tied up on that cross, what did I say? [...] Oh, that you made a promise to someone a long time ago to be the world's greatest swordsman.
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rythyme · 1 year
my absolute favorite fucking moment in the one piece live action is when they're at The Baratie and zoro tries sit down at the booth with his three big ass fuckin swords but they won't fit and the host is all "i can check your swords" but zoro just walks to the other side of the booth and says, "i got this" — and immediately proceeds to Not Got This while he knocks his swords into the banister and shimmies around on the booth and then just gives up with his ass half off the seat and his swords dangling over the edge. it's so fucking ridiculous and stupid looking. i think about this scene every goddamn day.
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hakogyi · 10 months
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i need you guys to see the vision re99blr. i think a knight and dikke would be best friends. they'd have friendly sparring sessions and everything. might even sit down and talk about the meaning of life and the state of the justice system. i'm shaking you all by the shoulders
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legend-had-it · 3 months
a sanji that takes care of zoros swords when he cannot
and a zoro who cooks food for the crew when sanji can't
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