#medieval battle
sjsmith56 · 7 months
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The White Wolf - Chapter 8, Lord Buchanan
Summary: Falcon and his contingent arrive at the battlefield. The Sorceress is unable to see into the next kingdom to learn what has happened to Prince Thorn. Buck proposes he transform into the white wolf, a curse that was laid upon him years before. Taking a force of six men with him they journey to Thorn’s castle.
Length: 3.9K
Characters: King Steven, Lord Buchanan, Archer Barton, Prince Thorn.
Warnings: Violence causing death, wolf attack causing death and dismemberment, magic spells.
Author notes: This chapter gives more of Lord Buchanan’s backstory.
<<Chapter 7
🐺 🏰 🗡️
King Steven, Lord Buchanan, Lord Stark and several other lords looked up as Lord Falcon joined them while they planned their attack on Prince Loke.  Even though it had only been a few days since they last saw each other much had happened in the interim.  When the King first arrived there was an immediate skirmish with portions of Loke's army that had already crossed the border.  A small detachment of Loke's army broke through and although they were pursued the detachment launched an attack on the castle.  As planned the Queen's Guard successfully defended the castle and sent word by messenger hawk to the King to provide more of Prince Loke's men to slay. It was a proud moment for the King when he announced the success of the Queen’s Guard.
"Your Majesty," saluted Falcon as he dismounted.  "How goes the battle?"
"We are at a stand still," said the King.  "Loke's strategy is confusing.  I fear he is tying us up here in the hope of sending a larger army against the castle and taking it."
"How did he amass so many men?" asked Falcon.  "Has he taken his brother's army as well?"
"We don't think so," said Buchanan.  "He seems to have formed an alliance with outlanders.  Lord Stark has done battle with a large force on the flank."
"Their language was different as was their appearance," said Stark.  "We defeated them but we feel the attack was made to test our defences and gauge our strength."
"The Sorceress has been attempting to locate Prince Thorn but it is as if a veil has been placed over the castle," said the King.  "If we could find him and bring his army to our side we would be formidable."
"I rode here under the banner of the white wolf," said Buchanan.  "Perhaps it is time I assume that appearance once more and search for Thorn with my wolf senses."
"Buck, that is asking too much of you," replied the King.  "It took a long time for you to shed the wolf's skin the last time.  We almost lost you."
"Aye, but now I have a good wife waiting for me," he said.  "Her love is my tether to the human world.  She may be with child and that will bring me back."
Falcon looked at his two friends, listening to their debate on the matter.  He recalled the first time that Buchanan assumed the appearance of the white wolf.  It was a curse placed on him by an evil sorcerer loyal to the Mad Titan when he first joined the cause of the King.  Knowing of the bond between him and the King, the sorcerer planted the impulse in the man known as James Barnes to attack the King when the latter addressed him as "Buck, my brother,” Buck being his nickname from childhood.  His transformation into the white wolf had been instantaneous, his intent clear, as he snarled at the King, backing him into a corner.  Just before he would have attacked, the King laid his sword down, refusing to kill his best friend, looking deep into the blue eyes of the wolf, the only thing visibly in common with Barnes.  Soothingly he spoke to the wolf, recalling the times they had been like brothers when he was fostered by the Barnes family. Slowly, the wolf calmed down, then started whimpering as the King approached it.  In the greatest gesture of trust and love, the King placed his arms around the great beast's head and buried his face in its fur, calling for his friend to come back to the human world.  Even the Sorceress was at a loss to explain how he managed to bring Barnes back. 
The only other time Barnes willingly transformed himself into the white wolf, was when the Mad Titan had taken several prisoners, Archer Barton among them, planning to execute them in a gruesome way.  The wolf was able to find its way into the garrison where the prisoners were held, attacking and killing many of the Mad Titan's soldiers.  Then he pulled the keys off the belt of the deceased garrison commander and took them to Barton, dropping them where he could get them, while he sat at a distance and watched him.  When Barton unlocked the doors holding them the wolf disappeared from his sight. 
For many days they searched, but it was like the wolf was a ghost until the night they heard him howling at the moon.  Under the King's orders a trap was set to capture the white wolf in the hopes the King could restore him to his human form.  The trap worked and the King succeeded in bringing his best friend back again but at that moment the Mad Titan attacked them both and grievously injured Barnes, shattering his arm.  Just as he was about to take Barnes’ life the King and Prince Thorn both attacked the Mad Titan, with Lord Stark also attempting to intervene.  Prince Thorn had almost beaten the Mad Titan into submission when the evil sorcerer levelled a spell against him, causing him to drop his hammer.  As Lord Stark ran at the sorcerer the King lifted the hammer and swung it at the Mad Titan, killing him instantly.  The sorcerer disappeared into the air, having never been seen since that time.  Barnes was still on the ground, not moving, covered in blood from the horrific injury.  Calling for the Sorceress, the King took him in his arms, begging him to awaken.  When the Sorceress arrived she placed her hand on Barnes’ forehead, confirmed he still lived and examined the injuries on his arm.  She informed the King the damage was great and could be fixed but he would be forever scarred as it was too much for her magic to fully fix. 
After two days in a deep but restless sleep, Barnes reawakened with the desire to return home and marry Hannah, his first love.  Upon returning he found her married to the Baron and treated poorly by the villainous noble.   When the Baron refused to divorce her, she killed herself. Barnes, in his grief, was struck with a vision that he should go to the Holy Land and become a warrior monk.  He left almost immediately but promised the King he would return if sent for.  A year later he returned and was made Lord Buchanan.  He had not assumed the skin of the white wolf in all that time or since.  Only those he rescued, the King, the Sorceress, Lord Stark, Prince Thorn, Rhodes and Lord Falcon himself knew of his ability.
"I think Buchanan's idea is a good one," said Stark.  "We need Prince Thorn and his army to defeat his brother once and for all.  Lord Falcon can send hawks to fly over their palace and determine the strength of those left guarding it.  Buchanan can infiltrate the castle and with his wolf senses can find the Prince and his men.  If we send a small force to help release Thorn's army they can attack from Loke's rear and then we can squeeze him between us."
"What if Buck doesn't reassume his human form?" asked the King.  "We won't be able to trap him if he's stuck behind enemy lines."
"I can give him a command for his mind," said the Sorceress.  "Something that will trigger him to assert his humanity.  If you send a small force with him they can say it to him as soon as he locates Thorn, and it should restore him.  Three words – longing, daybreak, homecoming.  As long as he hears them in sequence it should instruct the human part of his mind to come back."
The King was torn.  His affection for his foster brother was deep and the thought Buck could be trapped in his white wolf form distressed him.  Buchanan approached him, putting his hand on the King's shoulder.
"Steven, brother," he said, in a voice meant for him only.  "I wouldn't do this unless I was sure I could come back.  If the Sorceress implants the commands in my mind then anyone in the small force can bring me back.  I will leave Rhodes here to command my army as he is both trustworthy and capable.  Please, my King, allow me to serve you in this way."
"Very well," said the King.  "You will take a small force with you, only those who know of you and the white wolf.  Do not change your form until you are close to their palace.  The others will track you and you will lead them to Thorn and his men.  Falcon, I need you here, as I do not yet trust any of the Baron's men to lead your army in your absence.  Buck, you take Archer Barton, and those soldiers you rescued the last time.  Make sure, Sorceress, they all know the commands and the sequence they must be given to restore Buchanan to his human form.  Go now, and prepare my friend for his mission."
Buchanan left to find Barton and the other soldiers who had witnessed him as the white wolf before they joined the Sorceress in her tent where she implanted the commands in his mind.  She also amplified the vision of Ileana, as a tether to his humanity, in case the commands didn't work.  It could be risky, especially to Ileana if his wild self sought her out as his mate but it was the only failsafe she had.  The others committed the commands to memory.   Because of Magnus' skittishness around wild beasts Buchanan would not ride his old friend into enemy territory.  He switched out Magnus with the horse of Falcon, making the latter promise to care for the great horse if he didn't return.
A few hours later the small force of six men departed for Prince Thorn's castle, led by Lord Buchanan.  Lord Falcon had already sent several hawks to observe the castle from high in the air during that time.  With his ability to communicate with them he learned there was approximately 60 men guarding the castle.  They waited until it was dusk and travelled in the dark with the help of the Sorceress who provided red floating lanterns that would light up the path but allow them to retain their night vision.  When the castle was in view the small company stopped and Lord Buchanan stripped down, leaving his clothes and weapons with his horse.  One of his men was entrusted to keep control of the animal and his clothes, and bring them forth when the white wolf had transformed back into his master.  Before he transformed Buchanan looked at all of them in turn.
"If you are unable to transform me back remember that it has been an honour to be your Lord," he said solemnly.  "I hope I earned your trust and loyalty in the years since I was made a nobleman.  God be with you all."
"I think I speak for all the men," said Archer Barton. "You have been the best of masters.  We followed the white wolf, when he rescued us from the Mad Titan.  We follow him again, tonight."
Buchanan nodded then walked away from them so he wouldn't startle their horses.  He stood in an open space where the full moon sent a bright beam of light into the dark forest.  Standing there he folded his hands across his chest, closed his eyes and concentrated.  It took several moments and was terrifying to watch, even from a distance but he transformed into a great white wolf.  He looked back at the men for a moment, then howled to the moon and darted into the forest.  They tracked him as best they could and noticed that at times he stopped and waited for them to catch up before running towards the castle again. 
When they came within view of the sentries they hid in the cover of the edge of the forest, dismounted and pulled on clothing that had been dyed to blend in with the dawn landscape.  Stealthily, they approached the castle but didn't see the white wolf until it came running at top speed out of the forest and directly at the main gate of the castle.  He was followed by a dozen other wolves.  Barton and the others were terrified the other wolves would attack them but it appeared they followed the lead of the white wolf only, followed the great beast through the main gate.  They could hear yells and screams inside then vicious snarls.  Eventually the wild wolves came out carrying assorted body parts in their mouths, trotting past Barton and the others as if they didn't exist.  The white wolf appeared at the gate and waited for them.  Inside was a gruesome sight as it appeared the combined force of soldiers inside had been attacked and pulled apart into pieces.  Surprisingly it was only the soldiers who were dead.  Other castle staff were unhurt and looked dazed as Barton and the others came in. 
"We are looking for Prince Thorn," shouted Barton.  "Where is he?"
A man dressed as a jester came forward and peered at them.  "Are you demons like those wolves who attacked Loke's guards?" he asked.  "You seem to follow the white wolf who led the other wolves inside and watched them attack the soldiers."
"No, we aren't demons," replied Barton.  "We are here to free Prince Thorn.  Where is he?"
"I don't know," said the jester.  "One day he was here, the next he wasn't and Loke said he was now king."
Barton looked for the white wolf but didn't see him and instructed the others to spread out and find him.  Then he asked the jester to show him the dungeons.  With a shrug the man led him into the depths of the castle, picking up a lighted torch along the way.  The smell was terrible as he descended further the sound of groans from within the cells grew louder.  It was there that he saw the white wolf sitting outside a cell waiting for him.  Seeing keys on the wall he tried several before one of them worked.  Taking the torch he went inside, recognizing Thorn as one of the inhabitants.
"Your highness," he said to the man, "I'm Archer Barton, sent by King Steven to release you from your prison."
"Loke has the Mad Titan's sorcerer with him," said Thorn with difficulty.  "All of us were put under an enchantment to secure us down here.  Free my men in the other cells.  My hammer, does he wield it?"
"I don't know," said Barton.  "Your highness, Lord Buchanan assumed the white wolf's skin.  I must give the command for him to transform back to human.  Can you stand?"
"Go," he said wearily.  "I will manage."
Barton went back out and instructed the jester to unlock all the cells and rouse the inhabitants.  The white wolf still sat there, waiting patiently.  Barton looked at it and recited the three words.  Nothing happened except the wolf turned its head quizzically at him.
"Shit," said Barton.  "Longing, daybreak, homecoming.  Please turn back to my master."
Again, nothing happened.  The wolf whined, putting one paw up in the direction of Barton.
"Do you understand me?" he asked the creature. 
It approached him as he kneeled down to it, holding out his hand.  The wolf put his paw into Barton's hand and whined.
"Your mind is back, but not your form," he said. 
The wolf put his paw into Barton's hand again.
"Damn," he said.  "I don't suppose you can talk."
It backed away then sneezed and looked behind Barton.  Prince Thorn had stepped out of his cell but was unsteady and holding onto the door frame.
"The wolf won't transform back," Thorn said, stating the obvious.  "I fear the sorcerer put some sort of dampening spell on the palace, to make people complacent and unaware.  Perhaps it interferes with your master's transformation."
"His mind is human," said Barton.  "He understands my words."
Prince Thorn nodded and tried to walk but it was like he was walking through mud.  His movements were slow and clumsy, taking great effort.  Barton heard a shout from the stairs, followed by several of his men running down to their level.
"We have company," said the first one.  "About twenty men, on horseback, all armed."
"Help my men get out of this dungeon," ordered Prince Thorn.  "I need my hammer.  Buck..."
He looked at the white wolf and it approached him.
"I don't suppose you can make it difficult for those men to leave," he said.  "They mustn't get word to Loke that I am no longer in the dungeon."
The white wolf put his paw out, in response, then turned and ran up the stairs.  Prince Thorn tried walking again, finding it a little easier as he got closer to the stairs.  As he suspected the further he got away from the cells the stronger he felt.  The other men helped the others out of their cells and slowly they regained their strength in much the same fashion.  Prince Thorn made it to the stairs and painfully trudged up the stone steps.  He called down partway up.
"The further I get away from the cells the stronger I feel," he yelled.  "Get up here as soon as you can."
Barton ran up to join the prince and together they went to the throne room where the hammer sat leaning against the throne.  Prince Thorn grasped the handle, easily lifting it, and shifting it from hand to hand.  He heard the sound of shouting outside sending both he and Barton to look out the window.  The white wolf was preventing anyone from leaving by biting at their horse's feet, scaring them.  Prince Thorn looked at Barton, and two of his men.
"You feel up to fighting twenty men on horseback?" he smiled.  "Until my men get strong enough to get up those steps it's just us and the white wolf."
"I've had better odds," replied Barton, smiling. 
The other two men drew their swords while Barton pulled an arrow out of his quiver.  He went to the door, while Prince Thorn opened it and made the first kill with an arrow to the chest of the nearest opponent.  He took two more men in succession before two horsemen charged the doorway.  Jumping back, he and the swordsmen waited for the men to enter before they slashed at them and brought them down off of their horses.  Barton pulled the horses aside, letting his swordsmen mounted them.  Looking quickly out the door Barton killed two more with well placed arrows. 
"Well, that's seven," he said to Prince Thorn. 
They heard a noise behind them where several of the Prince's men had made it to the top of the steps.  Mostly free of the spell that had restrained them, they came and stripped the dead horsemen of their weapons then awaited the word of their prince.  He nodded and led them outside swinging his hammer with a great yell.  Followed by the two horsemen and his men they charged the remaining horsemen wearing Loke's colours while the white wolf prevented any from escaping.  They took out another seven horsemen and trapped the remaining soldiers in a corner of the courtyard.  Prince Thorn ordered them to surrender and two moved to do so but were cut down by their own men.  The Prince's lip curled.
"Is this what Loke has told you is acceptable?" he roared.  "To cut down your own men?"
He turned to Barton.  "These men have no honour," he said quietly.  "But I will not kill them outright while they just sit there."
"I can wound them," said Barton.  "Make it impossible to hold their swords.  Perhaps even knock them off their horses."
The Prince looked at him and smiled.  "I remember you," he said.  "Archer Barton, you are a good bowman.  Go to it."
Barton fitted an arrow in his bow, noticing his target held his sword in his right hand.  He fired the arrow into the man's wrist, causing him to drop the sword and scream from the pain.  Fitting another arrow he aimed at the second man who dropped his sword and raised his hands, as did the other two.  More of Prince Thorn's men reached the doorway and he instructed them to take Loke's surviving soldiers into custody.  Others went to the stables and armoury to prepare for battle.  The white wolf approached Barton and Prince Thorn as the morning sun rose higher. 
"Longing, daybreak, homecoming," said Barton once more and this time the transformation was instantaneous. 
Buchanan stood before them, naked, but fully transformed back into his human form.
"Barton," he gasped, "Thank you.  When my mind came back but not my form I feared you would put me out of my misery.  What a strange feeling it was to understand you but not have the ability to talk to you."
"So, it was a dampening spell that interfered with your transformation," said Prince Thorn.  "We must kill that sorcerer to remove all of his spells from existence including the one that affects you.  Your great horse, where is it?"
"Falcon and I switched horses," said Buchanan, "as Magnus wouldn't have done well seeing me in wolf form.  My other horse is being held at the forest's edge.  Barton, can you send someone to bring it here so I can clothe myself?"
"Aye, M'Lord," said Barton, motioning to one of the two mounted swordsmen.
A few minutes later they brought all the horses of the small rescuing force with them.  Lord Buchanan dressed in his battle leathers.  By that time Prince Thorn's men had returned with the remaining horses from the stables and enough weapons for everyone.  In all, there were about 300 men.  Buchanan, Prince Thorn and Barton discussed what their next move should be when a hawk cried from above and dove down towards them.  Barton, recognizing a messenger hawk set out his arm that was covered in a leather cuff.  The hawk landed on his arm and he extracted a paper from a small case attached to its leg.  He handed it to Buchanan who read it then looked up in alarm before handing it to Prince Thorn.
"Loke has brought in more outlanders," he said.  "Their force is greater than what the King has and the fighting has become fierce."
"We go directly after Loke then," said Prince Thorn.  "He was always good at getting others to fight his battles for him but not so good at fighting them himself.  If we defeat Loke's contingent it may be enough to send a message to the outlanders that he is no longer to be followed."
"What of the sorcerer?" asked Buchanan. 
"We will deal with him when we get there," said Prince Thorn.  "Everyone mount up.  The servants are outside and regaining their senses.  They will have to defend the castle while we ride."
He gave his final instructions to the jester who had his full wits about him, promising to defend the castle if Loke returned.  His falconer sent the messenger hawk back with the news that Thorn had been released and was en route with 300 men.  The company started to ride, hoping to get to the battle before Prince Loke succeeded in overwhelming their friends.
Chapter 9>>
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Standing atop a hill in full medieval knights armor speaking to a camera for an interview like in the office “I plan to soon March into battle with the army of porn bots that I have amassed over the years, only problem is they’re all so extremely stupid… and Bethany894 has her armor backwards again, I’ll be right back” *trudges through the grass to help a woman laying on her side wiggling back and forth bc her arms are stuck in her backwards armor*
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briarcrawford · 1 year
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Edmund Bleigh, Leighton (1909) "Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth" in Cassell's History of England, Volume 2 (King's ed.), London, New York, Toronto & Melbourne: Cassell and Company, pp. p. 61 Retrieved on 19 June 2009.
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oldschoolfrp · 4 months
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From haircut to wrapped leggings, an accurate Norman knight circa 1066 (Jim Holloway, Dragon magazine 40, August 1980) -- OK the bearded axe is more "Viking," but maybe it's a battlefield trophy, or maybe it belonged to his grandfather.
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suzannahnatters · 1 year
PSA: Sieges Are Awesome
so I just watched ANOTHER TV show where the characters could have simply barricaded themselves inside a VERY cosy and defensible fortress instead of heading outside to get killed/maimed/captured by the baddies
I call this Television Abhors a Siege and it is EVERYWHERE and I hate it
yes, I know the writers look at each other and say, well, if our characters retreat to their stronghold then how will we fulfill our Swords Go Clang quotient for this episode?
this is only because the writers lack both imagination and education
you see, I've been reading medieval military history in exhaustive detail now for 8 years and SIEGES ARE AWESOME, both tactically and dramatically!
tactically, sieges make sense, because there is no way to thwart an enemy and buy time like HIDING SAFELY BEHIND A STONE WALL. the only time you would not do this is when a) you have a realistic chance of pulling off a surprise attack (the TV characters are never smart enough to do this) AND b) there is no realistic hope of circumstances altering to favour you in the near future (the TV characters never consider this either).
also historically speaking, whenever people looked at each other and said "this siege has no realistic hope of success" they did not march out to throw themselves on the enemy's swords: they negotiated and usually with great success (the TV characters never consider this either). but let's say you're in one of the VAST MAJORITY of situations where a siege DOES make sense and only the most unhinged mental gymnastics would justify leaving your fortifications to fight (see: the majority of TV shows and movies that deal with this scenario)? does this mean that your characters must sit inside their walls twiddling their thumbs?
pfft don't be silly
sieges are totally dramatic!
it's not about LEAVING your fortifications to fight, it's about USING your fortifications to fight.
your baddies could try everything to get in and there might be fighting over a gate, a breach, or a tunnel/mine?
your characters might sally out under cover of night to destroy the enemy or their weapons?
one of your characters might escape the fortress in a desperate journey to find help?
your characters might turn out to have a traitor or saboteur in the group?
there might be injured people who need urgent attention, or supply shortages?
a FRICKING METEOR might fall out of the sky onto the heads of your enemies, sending them running and allowing you the opportunity to regain the initiative? (and if you think this couldn't possibly have happened, something very close to this literally happened at Antioch in 1098 during the First Crusade)
anyway this is just to say that I am begging you all to reconsider the dramatic potential of the noble siege. for one thing, it makes the characters look like total imbeciles if you ignore it. and for another, sieges are AWESOME. eta: I learned all this doing the study for WATCHERS OF OUTREMER, my historical fantasy epic of the medieval crusader states! Book 4, A CONSPIRACY OF PROPHETS, puts my own magical spin on the 1098 siege of Antioch ;)
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annoyingann · 4 months
my friend found this post and I just couldn’t resist..
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