#medoh's lovely mutuals
googlekromer · 4 months
[jk!! just saw this on discord and it made me laugh!]
to make up for my silly outburst, i would like to spoil my fellow flake lover with some gourmet stuff. 💛
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[we really picked the snacciest snacc of the snacc band as our favourite 🥹🤲🏻💛]
oh my god i couldn't stop laughing when i saw this.
thank you for this absolutely gourmet meal. i love some nice goose as a dinnertime treat! ^w^
in return, i offer you some delicious banana based desserts:
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(the eternal mutter 🙇)
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source of revovovo
enjoy!!! and thank you again 🫂
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queenof-literature · 3 years
Something with Wind and Wild finding out Wild’s actually related to Wind? (It’s a personal hc of mine that they’re related due to vah medoh being named after Medli and the fact that there are rito in the first place + rito’s village theme being a variant of the dragon roost island theme)
Thank you for the prompt anon! That’s a fun headcanon and I did my best with it! I hope you enjoy!
I said in an announcement I’m putting shorter requests/drabbles in its own story and place in my masterlist to make things a bit more organized. Here’s the Ao3 link to that.
“When will we learn to stop trying to figure out the timeline.” Warriors deadpanned to Sky as he watched the others fight.
“Do we ever learn?” Sky replied, laughing at the sight before him. He supposed there were benefits to being the forger of the Master Sword. His place in the timeline was relatively solid.
“No, no, no. We all know there are different timelines, there has to be.” Hyrule waved his hands.
“Yes, and you and Legend are in the same one, we know that at least.” Four nodded.
“Why does it matter?” Wild whispered to Twilight.
“It doesn’t.” Twilight said simply. 
“That’s funny coming from you! Legend pointed. “You have blood relation to prove your place in the timeline!”
“It’s Time’s fault for breaking the timeline in the first place.” Four accused.
“Hey! Blame the sages, not me.” Time spoke up, holding his hands up in defense.
“Do you know where you are in the timeline?” Twilight asked Wild curiously while the others fought around their campfire.
“It’s been 10,000 years since the last hero in my Hyrule.” Wild shrugged. “So, I mean, does it even matter in my timeline?” 
“I’ve never been big on blood meaning everything, the people in Ordon are my family even though I was found in the woods. But if you’re curious, we may be able to figure it out.” Twilight assured. Wild never knew how he and the others somehow always knew what to say to him.
The truth was, Wild wasn’t sure that he wanted to know the answer. The group had helped him understand that the events of 100 years ago was out of his control, even if he had a hard time believing it sometimes. But he wasn’t stupid, he saw the forlorn gazes the others cast towards the ruins of his Hyrule. Castletown was a ghost of itself, even if Zelda had plans to begin rebuilding, it wouldn’t be the bustling city the other Links knew for a long time, perhaps with the small population of his Hyrule it never would be.
But he loved his Hyrule. He knew every inch of the land yet it still managed to surprise him. The land nurtured him, and he nurtured the land. He ensured monsters didn’t destroy nature, and nature forgave him for letting wildfires. He killed animals for food and ensured he used every part. The others could make fun of him all they wanted, but it was a mutual bond he longed for when he was far from it. To see the others look at it with such sad gazes after a long journey… he understood, but it hurt.
“Meh.” Wild answered. “If we happen to figure it out, then we figure it out.” Wild ignored the suspicious look Twi sent him. Wolf boy was too perceptive for his own good.
“Well Wild and I are obviously in similar timelines!” Wind, with ever impeccable timing, proclaimed.
“Don’t sound so sure.” Warriors challenged. “Don’t forget that almost your entire world is water.” Warriors said, as if Wind could forget that. As if Wind could forget that his entire kingdom of Hyrule flooded, the kingdom Time worked so hard to protect.
“Yeah, no shit!” Wind cursed to let out some steam. “But water dries, I’ve seen entire places in other Hyrules that used to be covered in water.”
“Those are lakes and rivers, not entire oceans.” Legend spoke up.
“Yeah but Wild has said before that the last hero came 10,000 years before him! Who knows what has happened since my time! And before the hero who knows how long it’s been since I was there!” Wind puffed out his chest.
“What makes you so sure it’s you anyway?” Hyrule asked.
“Easy! Our Koroks are practically identical! I mean evolution takes time right?” Wind asked with arms wide. “And Vah Medoh, that divine beast Wild told us about, sounds like Medli from the Rito in my world. And you guys don’t even have Rito! Maybe they originated in my Hyrule and continued on in Wild’s Hyrule! The music they play and their instruments are really similar!” As Wind kept listing off points, Wild didn’t know what to think. Wind? His predecessor? Perhaps even his blood? How was he supposed to react?
“And what does Wild think of this theory?” Sky raised an eyebrow. Despite his teasing tone, Wild knew Sky was making sure he wasn’t left out of this conversation, and it wasn't for the first time Wild was extremely grateful for Sky. 
“Yeah Wild! What do you think?” Wind was practically vibrating with excitement and nerves. What did Wild think? He didn’t have any better theories, and besides, Wind made a lot of valid points. Wild bit his lip.
“W-well.” Shit, Wild could feel the words bubbling in his throat again. It’s been so long though! “I mean, I- well.” Wild tried to repeat what he had been thinking about, how Wind made great points and how the boy had obviously thought long and hard about this. Instead, with a frustrated huff, he raised his hands to sign, as usual he appreciated that no one interrupted him. ‘Sounds good to me.’ Wild signed simply, hoping his message came across well enough.
“Yes! I’m a grandfather!” Wind cried cheerfully, much to the shock of the other Links.
“We never agreed you were blood related-” Four tried to argue, only to be shushed by Wind.
“Shut it, sonny!” Wind pointed with a glare he most likely thought was threatening.
“You have to at least put a thousand ‘greats’ in front of that grandfather title.” Warriors lectured with an amused smirk.
“No one has time for that! I’m near the end of my life and you want me to waste time on that?” Wind shot back, as if they were the ones being ludicrous.
“Wind, you’re 14-”
“I’m old!” Wind cried out. “I’m decrepit! My joints ache! My knees pop every time I bend down!” Wind rambled.
“Looks like you’re being replaced.” Legend whispered to Time, who simply glared back. He did not sound like that!
Hyrule glanced towards Wild, slightly afraid this conversation would make him upset. Finding out where you were in the timeline was… odd. It was nice to know where you stood but the answer wasn’t always happy, or it wasn’t always what you wanted. Hyrule relaxed upon seeing Wild smiling and laughing at Wind’s antics with the rest of them, only getting louder as Wind continued on. Wait, didn’t this mean Wild was a part of Time’s line? And so Twilight’s as well? Oh well, better not go there tonight.
“Hey Wind?” Wild questioned turning in his bed roll to face the younger boy. The others had mostly turned in, and Wind had settled next to Wild’s bed roll, causing Wild’s chest to light up with an odd warmth.
“Yeah Wild?” Wind ceased his joking tone at Wild’s serious one.
“Are you… upset? That it's me who's your potential predecessor?” Wild asked hesitantly.
“Wild we’ve talked about this-”
“No, no, not that.” Wild really did not want to get into his, what Four called, ‘self esteem issues’. “But… I’ve seen the way you all look at my ruins. Aren’t you, you know, sad, that that’s what Hyrule turned into?” There was an awkward silence and Wild as glad Sky was probably far enough away for his watch he couldn’t hear them.
“Do you remember when we first got to my Hyrule, I mean the first time with you there?” Wind asked, and Wild didn’t see how this related but let the boy continue. “And you were stunned by how much water there was. I mean the look on your face.” Wind joked, but it was stiff and dry. “I was self conscious too. Especially with the Hero of Time there, I loved visiting my home but having Time there always made me nervous. I mean I was already suspecting that he was perhaps part of my timeline. What if he found out his Hyrule, the one he worked so hard to save, was flooded during my quest?”
“That wasn’t your fault-”
“I know.” Wind interrupted Wild, with a small smile that this time seemed genuine. “Still at the time, the way you were all were still talking about how much water there was, how irritating it was to go around on boats all the time, how odd it was that there were so few land masses. It scared me, I thought they all hated what their land had become.” Wild’s eyes widened in surprise. He never even knew…
“But Time knew something was wrong, of course he did. I couldn’t tell him yet, I had to be sure. I didn’t want him to know until I knew for sure, as excited as I was to meet the Hero of Time, I was so scared what he would think of me, of my Hyrule.” Wind’s voice trailed off into a whisper, and wrestled his arm out of his bed roll and placed it on Wind’s shoulder. That’s what he was supposed to do, right? He relaxed when Wind smiled and nodded in thanks.
“What he said, it stuck with me. I told him how I felt, how the others seemed to hate my Hyrule. You know what he said?” Wild knew it was a rhetorical question, still he shook his head. “He said ‘It’s not bad, it’s different.’ I know it's simple, but he’s right. We’re just not used to each other’s Hyrules, that includes you Wild. We’re not used to ruins, or Guardians, or insane lightning storms. But the giant mushrooms you have are amazing.” They weren’t really mushrooms, but it still caused Wild to smile. “And those super tall islands you showed us! And your Rito have an amazing village. You know how I see it?” Wind waited for Wild to tilt his head against his bed roll. “I think our Hyrules just prove that no matter what, we’ll endure. There’s been cataclysms, great floods, calamity, but no matter what, Hyrule finds a way. That’s pretty great, don’t you think?” Huh, Wild had never thought about it in that grand of a way. He knew that the people of Hyrule, all of them, Hylian or no, were strong. But Wind put it into perspective. Wild wondered if Wind knew how good he was. Just… good. A good kid, a good hero, a good person, a good brother. Just genuinely good. Wild didn’t know how to say that, especially without sounding patronizing, so he settled for something else.
“You’re right Wind, thank you.” Wind knew the words were simple, but the emotion behind them got Wild’s point across perfectly. Wind smiled brightly.
“That’s Grandpa Wind to you.” Wild had to muffle his laughter in his bed roll.
This turned out a lot more fluffy/little angsty I hope that’s alright anon! Thank you for reading all, I hope you enjoyed!
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Yo what if the Champions’ spirits stuck around long enough to train the next gen? Hcs for that?
*blows dust off of ask* Sorry this took so long, hope you weren’t too comfy sitting in my inbox there. Alrighty! Time for some
Training Montages *Rocky Theme Plays* (Headcanons)
Credit to @champion-of-the-sky​ for some help with the hcs
Ok, the first part of this post it just gonna be some of my thoughts into how the Divine Beasts actually work, because that’s kinda of necessary information if you wanna train them. So here is another one of my big boi head canon posts because sometimes I can’t shut up.
So firstly, the Divine Beasts can draw immense power from Hyrule which is stored over time and charges their giant laser thingys (Naboris draws power from the earth and makes electricity, Ruta takes in water from the atmosphere, Rudania is fire boy, Medoh has wind and thermal (from the atmosphere) generators, etc. etc.)
The Ancient Sheikah were like “hey wow these are really powerful beasts so maybe we should make sure that no one unworthy gets their hands on them”
Their solution was to have a spiritual bond between the beast and the pilot. Each Divine Beast has their own “soul” or personality and can judge someone of being worthy of piloting them. And only that person would have the power to use the Divine Beast to its full potential (AKA use the giant Anti-Ganon lasers)
Ergo, the Champions
When the died 100 years ago, their spirits stuck around because Ganon need to trap their spirits in order to get the Divine Beasts to actually work
[And then this would be a good segue-way into that cool idea where the Link has to fight the Champions taken over by malice, instead of the blights. BUT we’re not talking about that today]
Ok, so you know the story. Link frees the Divine Beasts from Ganon’s grasp. The spirits of the dead Champions command a legendary blow against the blight of Hyrule. Zelda and Link help save the day. Yay!
HOWEVER! The Champions are still there, their spirits persist.Turns out their spirits cannot go away, because the Divine Beasts don’t really wanna go without an owner, considering they’ve been controlled by Ganon for 100 years, so fair.
Basically, the Beasts wont let the spirit of their old pilots go until they find a suitable successor
Enter, new gen Champs!
Training with a Divine Beast is not unlike trying to form a bond with a real animal. In fact, the Beasts do behave with a mind of their own, so that might as well be an on point analogy
Daruk struggled with Rudania because its personality was very stubborn and blunt, much like the Goron race anyhow. As said in my other post, Rudania’s personality clashes with the playful and loving nature of Daruk
The only reason Daruk even got the handle on things was becuase Link forced him to spend a whole day in the Divine Beast. We can only speculate that from that time, Daruk must have somehow formed a mutual respect or protective bond with the giant lizard
So essentially, when he’s training Yunobo, he does the exact same thing
“You just gotta walk around for a bit, Yunobo. Get a feel for ol’ Rudania. They’re a grump, but you’ll get along.”
“G-get a feel? We’re surrounded by lava! What if I mess up? What if your Divine B—”
“Your, Divine Beast”
“Right, right… but what if it doesn’t like me and tips my into Death Mountain’s core!”
Daruk gives a hearty laugh. “Kid, you helped save ol’ Ruddy from Ganon, remember? You’ve already got a good bond going. So just walk around for a bit and just take ‘em all in. Good luck!”
And he slams the door behind him, leaving Yunobo in the dark
But he’ll eventually get around to forming a bond. But Rudania’s probably a little grumpy that they’ve gone from reckless pilot who laughs too much, to timid teenager gifted with a powerful champion ability that he is self-conscious about
Daruk is hella encouraging with Yunobos training. The kid will eventually be the second best with his Beast. Daruk is patient with Yunobo because he sees himself in him. And he also teaches him some cool tricks like if you tilt Rudania just right, you get a cool slip and slide ramp that’s perfect for the hot springs
Urbosa/Riju [not a lot for these guys bcs I’m lazy and this post is long anyway]
Urbosa would be playful with Riju when they train, making goofy jokes about things, letting out a quick joke to lessen and tension Riju might feel from her anxiety to lead her people. At the same time, she also explains things with good detail
Riju is third best with her beast. Occasionally, she’ll be intimidated by Naboris’ strength and power, especially considering she had an incident with Patricia the Sand Seal back when it was shooting lightning everywhere
However, she’s the one to ask the most questions, half of which Urbosa can’t answer. She’s got that childish curiosity that serves well in her understanding of Naboris
Mipha/Sidon [also not a lot because using your imagination can be hard]
Mipha and Sidon just act like siblings, much to both of their delight. It’s less of training, and more of catching up on everything over the last a hundred years on top of a giant elephant.
Because they’re siblings, Mipha pulls little pranks on her little brother on purpose. But neither are really annoyed by it, as they both laugh it off
Like Mipha will tell Sidon to stand in a certain spot to see how the parts of Ruta move. Then she makes Ruta move in such away to splash the poor prince in gallons of water
You’re gonna ruin his handkerchief Mipha!
Sidon is the best at managing his Divine Beast out of the four, for not only does he have a strong bond with the previous pilot, but he gets along well with Ruta’s playful personality
Local birds butt heads because they’re both egotistical idiots
Revali continues to be as dramatic as usual, while also maintaining his image by claiming that Teba will probably never master Medoh as well as him
Teba respects Revali given that he was his childhood hero. Yet at the same time Revali isn’t exactly what he expected, and he’s not down to take this sass from a teenager
Perfect storm of dumb banter, because both have reluctance in the whole situation
Teba gives out a groan, frustrated. “Argh! This damn bird wont start its propellers. How do I get it to work?”
“Perhaps Medoh is still tired. After all, you’ve been complaining none stop all day.”
“Right, my voice is the problem.”
“Why don’t you sing her a lullaby, she’s probably so sleepy.”
Teba scoffs, “You’re kidding. There’s no way that would work. Beside, there’s no way I’m sing—”
“Why don’t you hold your tongue, my dear apprentice,” another groan escapes Teba, “You’re going to hurt Medoh’s feelings with that attitude. Tulin is your son, yes? Surely you’ve sung a tune or two back in his fledgling days?”
“Sure, but I’m not gonna—”
“Medoh wants to hear you s i n g~”
Revali is strict with his training, and Teba probably struggled with Medoh the most out of the four, considering that before Link came along, he had the mindset of killing Medoh. 
Teba still repescts everything Revali is doing, making sure to call him “Master Revali.” And though he would never admit it, Revali’s feathers would always fluff with pride at the notion of it
Also he’s gonna call Teba his pupil/apprentice throughout the entire session
Angsty moment: when each Champion thinks their apprentice is ready, THAT’S the time they get their final rest and their spirits move on. Like, imagine Sidon wanting to Master Ruta to make his sister proud, but at the same time the day he does is when she is gone for good.
That looks like a good note to end off of! So yay :)
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minsyal · 5 years
Mutual Feelings Pt. 14, [Revali x Reader]
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Summary: No. 
Despite Revali’s best efforts, your catatonic state of late nights and spending every waking moment in your room doing research persisted. You continually worked into the early hours of the morning until exhaustion hit and the world spiraled into a fit of eerily calm darkness. Sometimes you’d wake on your bed, tucked beneath the many blankets Revali had sourced from the village, but most of the time you were left to wake with flushed skin against your hard-wooden desk. The bags below your eyes snuck back into your life and your skin grew duller and duller as the days passed.
Visiting the Champions was your getaway. Gerudo was quite beautiful and one of the more peaceful places lately, despite the Yiga Clan who always greeted you between the Bazaar and the City. At night, the sounds of a bustling city grew quiet, only leaving behind the graceful wind as it moved and shaped the vast desert. Urbosa was pleased to see you, gladly leading you to the Divine Beast where you installed what you believed to be your final updates. The Calamity was growing close and a final battle was soon to happen whether you wanted it to or not.
“What will this thing do?” Urbosa brushed her hand on the top of your new installation, her fingers delicately scraped against the metal. “I was surprised when this arrived at my doorstep.” She laughed. “I knew it had to be another one of your plans when I saw how detailed the instructions were.” A piece of paper slipped from her hand as she held it up to catch the light. You had sent out your plans to the Champions but hadn’t exactly told them what your plans were supposed to do.
“It’s going to make sure you stay safe…” your breath hitched in your throat, “when the battle happens.”
“Do you plan on moving to the Lab? Your safety is just as important as ours. The castle will surely be Calamity Ganon’s first target.” She moved around the module; her attention drawn away from the blueprints.
“There’s no room for me there, Urbosa.”
“Well, you can always stay here in the City… but I do suppose that would ruffle Revali’s feathers.” She let out a light airy laugh as a calm smile rested upon her face. “He needs that every-so-often. It’s good for him.”
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Having just suffered through a nasty thunderstorm, the Domain was rather cold today. An angry breeze ran down the canyon walls, racing the droplets of water it threw up as it went. Many Zora were enjoying it, though. They were happily swimming up and down the river, greeting you as they passed.
Stepping foot into the Domain, your eye immediately caught the bright red scales Mipha and her younger brother Sidon dawned. They stood together just below the throne room, laughing playfully at something one of Sidon’s friends said. You approached, a content smile on your face despite your physical appearance. Mipha took note.
“[Name.]” She met you halfway up the steps in a warm, friendly embrace. Her arms locked together at your shoulders, giving a slight squeeze. “Are you alright?” She whispered, only letting loose enough to examine your physical status. Her cringe wasn’t hidden well as her brows laced together. “Come, let me take care of that for you.”
Ruta was growing impatient lately. The Beast could sense the unrest beneath Hyrule as the Calamity geared up for its final battle against all that is good.
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“More upgrades?” Daruk groaned. “Poor Rudania ‘sgot to be tired by now.”
“Good to see you too, Daruk.” You strolled into the city, clutching the few materials you could carry on your own.
“N-not that I didn’t want ‘ta see you!” He gave you a goofy smile. “Aren’t ‘cha workin’ a bit too much, kiddo?”
“I’ll be fine.”
“I moved all that stuff ‘ya had delivered up to Rudania. Lots’sa metal! Doing more upgrades?”
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When you arrived in Rito Village, you stayed as far away from Seoi or Junil as you could. Nobody could pay you enough to face them after Keumi passed away. Nobody greeted you on the bridge, nobody walked you up the steps jumping up and down excitedly as you explained why you were there, and nobody spoke to you as you ascended the steps up toward Revali.
“Ah,” he turned from his desk and quickly collected something from a hook, “you’re early.”
Medoh’s installments were the easiest of them all. Medoh knew you well by now. Everything went smoothly, each nut and bolt that went into Medoh was accepted and adjusted. Before you knew it, the updates were finished.
Revali’s home was quite small, only a few square feet. His prized bow rest against one of the support beams near the back of the room. A large hammock hung from the rafters with a blanket lazily hanging from it. Unlike a majority of the homes, you spotted a desk where a journal laid open with Revali’s signature cursive inscribed inside. Who knew he kept a journal?
“People can see us.” You pointed out, head turning awkwardly away from the Elder’s home that sat no further than ten feet away. The Elder could clearly be seen inside, his nose buried in a book.
“Unlike you Hylians,” Revali tugged you closer to him, “us Rito aren’t nosey.”
Returning your gaze to the Elder, you noted that he really hadn’t turned to see what was going on inside Revali’s home once. He was happily doing his own thing; almost unaware you were even in the village.
“Anyway,” he leaned back against a pillow he had moved to the floor, “you look better.”
Thinking back to your recent endeavors, you were reminded that your health wasn’t your own doing. Mipha was a blessing, and she was responsible for it. “Yeah.” You mumbled, relaxing a bit into him.
“I got you something.” A hand brushed the hair from your shoulders as a chain was lightly strung around your neck. You heard a small snap as he connected the two ends.
Proudly, he pulled his neck pack to get a better view, eyeing the necklace. “Look for yourself. I quite like it.”
The necklace was light weight, clear, with two feathers encased in a thick layer of resin. The contrast between the two colors was stark, but somehow worked nicely together. A larger Prussian blue feather that faded to white was laid behind a small one that was fiery orange.
“Is this…?” You examined the piece. “When did you get this?”
“It was commissioned a few weeks ago. I thought it would be a nice gesture to remind you that,” he moved closer, “that we’re always by your side.”
“Where’d you get hers?”
“It would have been much easier if you hadn’t such a messy room.” You could hear the smirk in his voice. “It was on your tunic.”
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“Why do you do this to yourself?” He whispered. The night had deepened, the Elder had long since gone to sleep, and the Village had quieted. Lanterns were extinguished and soft snores filled the air from each and every home. Every home but Revali’s.
“Do what?” You mumbled; eyes closed. Your head lay softly against Revali’s chest, listening to the soothing repetition of his beating heart.
“Never take time for yourself. Relax a bit.”
“That’s rich coming from you.” You grumbled, turning to ruffle his feathers further. He brought the blanket up around your shoulders, tucking it under your chin. “When Zelda found you to ask if you’d help, you were practically killing yourself.”
“I was practicing, mind you.” He sighed. “I wanted to be the Village’s finest warrior and in order to do so I had to work for it.”
“So, think of it like that. I want to be the best scientist, but I have to work for it.”
“You already are the best scientist Hyrule has to offer. I’ve yet to see the one with the nasal voice or the other one with the large spectacles. They’ve not worked on Medoh once.”
“We’ve gone over this – Purah and Robbie. Nice people. They’re getting all the recognition, though.”
“From who?”
“The King.”
Revali scoffed, nuzzling closer as the wind knocked on the door and entered without permission. The room chilled, the surface of your skin frosted in the crisp air. “And who says the King’s recognition is important?”
“Once again, rich coming from someone who already has that.”
“I can never win with you, can I?” He chuckled, his chest rumbling as he did. “Once this is all over, I think we should take some time to ourselves.”
“But we aren’t dating.” You reminded him.
“I beg to differ. Have you seen your current state? Perched upon my chest for the hundredth time this month and you truly believe we aren’t dating?” He scoffed, throwing his head back to let out a laugh.  “You’re far too modest to admit you’re one of my adoring fans, aren’t you? You must feel like you’ve won the lottery! To be with me, of course.”
“Where will we go?”
Revali stopped rambling and adjusted himself beneath you, his grip tightened around your shoulders. “Wherever we want.” A smile crept its way upon his lips as he listened to your breathing slow and become steady. “Perhaps somewhere outside of Hyrule.” There were vast unexplored lands beyond the seas, past the mountains, and further into the desert. Adventure was waiting beyond the borders you had set up for yourself.
“I think that would be fun.”
The two of you grew quiet as Revali assumed you had drifted to sleep. Medoh creaked above, the gears rubbed against one another as the Beast patrolled the open skies. Crickets chirped in the distance, the river flowed loudly, winds whipped and swirled up from the updrafts, and the crack from a far-off avalanche filled the night with an orchestra of sound. He swallowed as he thought back to the last time you visited the Village. He felt a pang in his chest as he was reminded of the friendship and family you lost. He felt his heart beat faster as he pondered whether it was the right time.
“[Name]?” Revali called, catching you off guard. He had never called you by your name before. You had become so attuned to the array of nicknames.
“Hmm?” You hummed; your eyes were still closed as you awaited his response. His heart rate audibly picked up.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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twilightprince101 · 7 years
A Letter from Revali to you
This is a Christmas present to @chained-ikshu (aka Jade). After they gave me and another friend of mine an art present, I felt like I had to give something back. But even though this is a gift to them, anyone can read it if you’re a Revali fan! 
A Letter from Revali comes in the mail. It is addressed to you. You’re surprised, considering that he would usually fly to meet up with you wherever you are and talk with you face to face. That, along with the fact that you have never seen him send any mail. But encased in an envelope with a special candle wax seal to close it (with the symbol of Vah Medoh as the seal) was, as of your knowledge, one of the few letters that Revali has ever sent. And it was to you.
You had received it after finishing tending to your garden in the Tabantha Frontier. While other neighbors around your home had always hunted, you always believed that bringing in a fresh harvest was more rewarding. After collecting all of the swift carrots and putting them in their respective pile, a messenger Rito had flown down from the clear skies above. He seemed agitated as he held the mail to you, but all of his stress was relieved when the paper was given to you. He did not say a word after the letter was shoved into your hands, and then he flew back to Rito Village, with its large rock formation looming in the distance.
It was a letter from Revali, the Rito Champion. Or more accurately, a letter from your love. The two of you have been together for so long that you could barely count the days to keep track. You smile as your mind drifts back to the image of him, sighing out of hopeless affection. It has been quite a while since you have last seen him; perhaps this is what this letter is for? To confirm for yourself, you pick away the seal on the front and open the parchment. Despite not ever seeing Revali’s handwriting before, you thought it was very impressive as he wrote in a unique font. It was similar to cursive, but it was slightly more readable, which made you smile because you hated cursive. And so, you began to read.
“My one and only champion,
It has been so very long since I have seen the magnificent smile of yours, and every day that we are apart I yearn for it more. I do apologize for not contacting you in person, but I have been up to my beak in work with the Princess and her appointed knight. They constantly insist that I must assist their victory over a magnificent beast that was sealed away 10,000 years ago. I have agreed and have been gathering my belongings, but I will not leave until I do a few final tasks.
One of them, my love, is to spend our anniversary together.
Perhaps you were worried that, due to how I have been tugged around these past few cycles of the moon, I may have forgotten. But in truth, you have been on my mind the most since the Princess had arrived. She is beautiful, yes, but none can outmatch you my darling. In a few days I must leave, but since our anniversary; the anniversary of the start of our relationship, is soon upcoming, I simply know that I must see your face once more.
I can still remember the day we have met. I was surveying the area for monsters and became famished, so I stopped to sample your delectable edibles as I have heard many talk of your many skills. We may have gotten off on the wrong foot, as in it took a while for us to obtain anything due to our mutual stubbornness, but I was still glad that I met you. Slowly but surely, you had brought me meals every day to prove me wrong for insulting your garden. But right alongside that, it had given us a chance to talk to one another. My heart still leaps with joy whenever I remember us meeting up once again. When you had confessed that you had feelings for me, I was truly shocked! But I had never been so glad to be caught by surprise.
So since tomorrow I am departing to Hyrule Castle to converse with the other champions, I would first like to spend one more night with you. I shall take you onto my back and show you the stars, and perhaps in return you could make us your signature Banana Nut Bread! We can meet tomorrow eve; I would assume that this would be the best option for the both of us.
But most of all, I would like to say thank you. So many people, Hylians and Rito alike have never truly seen me past my glorious skill. So when you had confessed that you have had feelings for me, I was close to leaping for joy! You were one of the few that I know that see past my arrogant exterior and see me for truly me! You refused to let others talk bad for me while I ignored what others had to say, as I believe that it is all simply noise. You were one of the few Hylians that broke through that noise and found the true me! Every day I am together with you now has always been a pleasure. So I would like to thank you once again for everything you have done for me. I truly do appreciate it.
So we shall meet tomorrow! I shall bring my stories and you shall provide the Banana Nut bread? My heart cannot contain my joy of seeing you any longer; I simply cannot wait any longer! But do remember when I travel with the several other champions, you shall always be on my mind. I promise that when I leave that I will come back for you. But most of all, I promise that tomorrow will be the perfect evening for the both of us.
Until tomorrow my love!
Revali, Rito Champion.”
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googlekromer · 5 months
i think what i'm most grateful for is this community on tumblr. we stick together, we're close knit, but we welcome new people with open arms, we disregard those who are here to ruin our fun and upset us. and most importantly, we are realistic, and we talk about our faves as if they are humans and not gods. it's very comforting.
and even if i do come across posts arguing about shit last year i can brush them off eventually because i have my community. and i can get their two cents on it and feel better.
i don't mind staying in the circle for now. maybe when things blow over for good i'll be able to branch out a bit more. it's just comforting to know people are still here after all this time. and people will be here.
idk. it just gives me hope. this is my first rodeo in a fandom after drama happened so i'm a little sensitive, but again, being here with cool people who have smart things to say is very comforting
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minsyal · 5 years
Mutual Feelings Pt. 12, [Revali x Reader]
Summary: Eh?
Medoh soared above the village, harboring two who shared many memories within. Memories that can be interpreted differently, some happy, some angry, and others downright confusing. The two of you sat together in the main terminal, peering out Medoh’s eyes as it flew automatically in pathed circles. He no longer stalked intimidatingly around you. Instead, he relaxed against the wall with an aged book capturing most , if not all, of his attention.
“You’re staring.” He peered over the top of the pages; the ink black words barely reflected in his eyes.
You coughed in response, quickly tearing your eyes from the Champion so as to not embarrass yourself further. Heat rose to your cheeks, burning the surface of your skin, causing a slight tinge of pink to flush through from ear to ear. You weren’t staring. You were merely observing for an extended period of time.
“What are you thinking?” He spoke like he already knew what was on your mind.
“Nothing.” He was so confusing. At times, in the past, you felt as if he couldn’t care less about you. His actions spoke quietly compared to his sharp tones and pointed accusations. You overlooked the times he looked out for you – the many times. But now he was trying.
“Nothing doesn’t look like that.” His brow rose along with his body as he crossed the room. The thoughts running through your mind must have somehow translated to expressions. Plucking the terminal cover off the ground, he moved it aside to make room for himself.  
“I’m just… just confused.” You finally admitted. The words fled from your mouth, surprising you more than him. Expecting a heavy weight to lift from your chest, you were flabbergasted when it didn’t. Rather, it was replaced by an even heavier weight. It pulled at you, begging you to remain how things had always been. Stay closed off. It told you. He won’t understand.
“About?” He inquired, folding the corner of his book before snapping it shut. Discarding it along with the terminal cover, he lowered himself down to join you. “I’d hope it not be about Medoh…” He held his signature arrogant grin, not taken aback by the aggravated look he received in return. “I do suppose I can finally trust you with them. So, tell me. What has the scientist so confused?”
The puzzle pieces in your mind refused to stick together. Everything became so jumbled when he spoke. Your heart raced, but you couldn’t pinpoint whether it was from excitement or dread. “It’s nothing, Revali.” But it wasn’t really nothing. Right now, in this moment, it was close to everything.
“She’s going to be okay.” An arm was awkwardly laced around you. He gave a slight tug, prompting you to tense up. “If that’s what was on your mind.” It most certainly was not until he reminded you. You rarely just got caught up in a moment, but lately it was hard not to.
“I know she will.” You let out a breath, eyes not daring to even glance in his direction. “It’s not that.”
“Then, it is?” He tugged once more, finally getting his way as you loosened and landed against his side.
“Hello?” A voice rang throughout Medoh, coming from the upper deck. “My god, it’s windy in here!” It exclaimed in a dancing sing-song tone.
“In here!” Your ears perked at the sound of a familiar voice. Moving away from Revali, you called back.
“I saw that the protection-thingy was down.” Seoi came waltzing into the room, the expression on her face making it clear her mood was above the clouds. “So, I figured I’d come check in on you two.”
“We’re fine.” You commented. Revali stood from his spot on the floor, brushing his hands down his front as he came to stand at your rear. He placed a gentle hand on the small of your back, not bothering to hide the gesture from Seoi. She noted it, giving the two of you a knowing look. “How’s Keumi?”
“She’s still sleeping, but she seems better. Junil is watching her while I’m here.”
“And, if you don’t mind my asking, what are you here for?” Revali pushed against your back, eliciting a small tuff of annoyance from you.
“The sun is thinking about setting soon. I know the two of you haven’t eaten all day. Revali,” Seoi tore her eyes from the wing on your back, “why don’t you go get [Name] something to eat?”
Revali stood a bit straighter at the suggestion. His hand coasted upward to your shoulder where it landed and gave a squeeze. “A fine suggestion. I’ll be back.” With a few swift steps, he had crossed the room to one of the many exits. “Don’t make a mess of the place while I’m gone.”
Seoi waited a moment after Revali left before returning her attention to you. “You two?” She walked past toward the terminal.
“Us two?” You repeated, slower. “What about us?”
“Oh, come on. I told you he had a thing for you back when he panicked through the night after you were injured! So, the two of you finally got together, huh? What made that happen?” She shimmied her shoulders.
“We aren’t together.”
“Ever.” Your shoulders slumped as the ghostly feeling of Revali’s touch dissipated. “We’re just friends.”
“Friends that hang out for extended periods of time, alone, that get all touchy with one another and stuff?” She snickered. “Okay, let’s think this through.” Seoi took your hands in hers as she swung them up and down. “He took care of you when you were hurt, he’s allowing Junil and a few others to use the Flight Range now, he’s taken quite the liking to Keumi who has been sticking to him like she does you, and he seems to be attached at your side a lot lately.”
“Yeah.” You said apprehensively, arms turning to jelly as Seoi continued to swing them. “He’s nice to Keumi?”
“I would slap you right now if I could do it without feeling bad.” She stopped, gripping your hands tightly. “He’s the sweetest to Keumi. It’s been in the last few weeks. He’s taken her to the spring, he’s given her a tour up here, he’s even defended her when a few of the other kids were picking on her.”
Maybe Revali had changed. “Did something happen between the two of you recently? Other than the tension?”
You thought back on what happened between the two of you Gerudo. He spent the majority of that day at your side, taking the time to care for you when he didn’t have to. In addition to that, he saved you. He was the reason you were able to gather the most important ingredient in saving someone that mattered to you. Maybe something had happened, but whether or not you were willing to admit it was another question.
“No.” You weren’t.
“Nothing?” Another voice came along with the clacking of feet. “I suppose you could consider it that, but I’d disagree.”
Seoi cocked her head to the side and gave you an expressive look. “I’ll take my leave at that. Junil is probably getting lonely.” She leaned forward and pressed her cheek to yours, also pulling you in for a strong hug. “Don’t let the important things go. Take a chance… even though I already know it isn’t a chance.”
“Bye Seoi.” You said, extending her at arm’s length.
Atop Medoh was a peaceful sight. The soft grassy region created a perfect place to rest among the winds that blew over the Beast. A woven basket sat between the two of you containing a quaint dinner of seared salmon with a sesame glaze on a bed of bitter greens. He claimed to have made it himself and watched you expectantly waiting for a response.
“It’s wonderful.” You smiled, taking the white cloth napkin and blotting it against your lips. That was all he needed, taking solace in your answer as he began picking at the other side of the dish. You ate in silence, the ambiance of the growing night filling the gaps. The sun crept over the horizon as the moon took its place. Crickets chirps bounced through the air, barely audible over the gushing wind through Medoh’s wings.
“May I ask you something?” He was now laid on his back, leg kicked over the other, and hands were tucked beneath his head. Your hands were folded on your stomach, fingers interlaced. A wave of tranquility rushed over you as you closed your eyes, taking in the moment. It was too nice, surely something bad would happen soon. Moments like this never lasted long.
“You’re going to ask anyway.” Your reply pulled a huff of air from him.
“Of course, I am.” The grass rustled as he rolled to his side. “Why did you take so much to Keumi?”
“She’s a sweet kid in a bad circumstance.”
“That it?”
“I suppose it could be jealousy as well.”
“Jealousy.” He repeated slowly, letting your admission set in further. “How so?”
You opened your eyes. Turning on your side, you faced Revali. “She’s got a good mom, the possibility of a nice stepdad too. The community is quite loving here. It’s all just so different from how I was brought up.”
“As a worker to the throne?”
“The job I have isn’t an easy one to get and an even harder one to do well. It requires long nights, early mornings, and gives me little to no time to just live.”
He hummed, giving a wordless agreement to your statement. The life of a Champion was far different in the many duties and requirements it took to fill the roll, but he could relate to the extensive hours and nonstop work.
“Aren’t you living now?”
“I’ve got a lot of work left if you guys even want a chance of defeating the Calamity.” You groaned, rubbing your eyes leaving behind blurry stars that melted into the ones positioned in the clear sky. “And Keumi, she’s still a handful.”
You lay there for hours with Revali, tossing and turning every now and again before falling back into long conversations, conversations you hadn’t really had with anyone. He explored the closed-gated realm of your mind, probing at what slows you down and what makes you tick. You weren’t the only one opening up, he too disclosed much of his life he had kept hidden. You had a lot in common. More, in fact, than you had thought.
With the sun finally bidding Hyrule adieu, the moon rose to project a blue hue that shadowed your figures upon Medoh. The Beast creaked and groaned as it continue flying its set path, every now and again letting out a protective roar. Revali was on his back, eyes closed, chest rising and falling leisurely as the day came to a close. You too were tired, having mimicked his position nearby. A subtle warmth radiated from him, calming the goosebumps that threatened to prickle your skin.
“Should we head back for the night?” He didn’t bother to open his eyes, instead keeping them closed as he projected his proposition into the twilight.
The ride back had been nothing like the first. He flew at a steady pace with no fast pick-ups and a severe lack of nose-dives. His feathers ruffled where you rested your head, a shiver crawled up his spine as you nuzzled closer to guard yourself from the frosty breeze. Maybe there was truly something there.
Rito Village had shut down by this point in the night. The majority of families were nestled together in their homes, radiating soft snores from each swaying hammock. Seoi’s home was the outlier. Her lanterns were still lit, the candles inside flickering as the wax melted down to the bottom leaving a thin liquid inside. The room was occupied by the three you had expected to see: Seoi, Keumi, and Junil. Keumi looked to be resting, her small body being blocked by the other two who hung at her bedside.
Revali assisted you, taking your hand as you jumped from his back to the landing. Descending the steps, you felt the thrill of the day rushing back in like waters from a broken dam. So much had happened in such a short period of time and it wasn’t over.
Seoi rose to her feet upon taking notice of yours and Revali’s entrances. She wasn’t composed like she typically would be. Her shoulders had slumped considerably, her hand was held firmly at her heart where she gripped tightly to something hidden beneath her feathers. Her eyes weren’t soft or loving, they were filled with something you hadn’t ever experienced with Seoi before – hatred.
Her heels clacked against the wooden floor as she stomped her way in front of you, blocking you from entering. Junil remained at Keumi’s side, not bothering to stop Seoi who was shooting daggers at you. Her scream could have woken everyone in the Village, but she didn’t care. What did it matter? She was furious.
“It’s your fault.” She pushed at your chest, knocking you back into Revali who held tightly to your arms. He attempted to push himself between the two of you, but to no avail. Seoi was a mother fueled by the love for her child, and nothing was going to stop her.
“What happened?” You tried to remain calm, straining your hands and arms struggling to work out the growing tension. Your neck stiffened as if a rod had been cast into it, rendering you unable to turn it from side to side.
“Oh,” she spat, “you know what happened.”
“No!” She screamed, voice cracking as she let out a deep sigh. Tears brimmed her eyes; the stains of the last wave had matted her feathers. “It didn’t work! Your stupid idea didn’t work and now,” she choked back a sob, “It’s all your fault.”
Reduced to a state of shock, you felt frozen in time. Everything seemed to slow as you peered around her spotting Keumi who looked deathly ill. Her jaw hung slack as her head lulled to the side. She wasn’t moving one bit. You waited for what seemed like years, watching her small chest intently praying to Hylia it would rise as she inhaled, but it didn’t.
“Here, let me just see if,” you tried to step around Seoi who immediately had her hand pressed to your collarbone. Her look commanded that you stay back, but you had to see if you could at least help. “Seoi, please, just let me.”
She became irate, pushing you back to fall to the ground before Revali could react. You watched as her mouth moved, your ears rang from the raid of screams penetrated your eardrums, but you couldn’t hear a word she said. You only felt the pain of it all.
“Get out!” The necklace she harbored in her hand lashed against your skin, thrown with might. Your hand searched quickly for it, grazing up and down where you had thought it hit, eventually finding it. It was Keumi’s, the one you had given her, the one you promised would keep you by her side. “I never want to see you again. Never come back.” She spat. The venom of her words worked speedily, infecting your body, making every task seem like hell.
“I said, get out!”
You didn’t know what to do, so you ran. You ran past Revali who called out after you. You ran from Seoi who had put her trust in you to keep her daughter safe. You ran from Junil who had just begun learning the love a father could feel for his child. You ran from Keumi who had grounded you and given you a loving home when you hadn’t one for yourself. You ran as fast and as far as your legs would take you and you had no intention of stopping.
Revali pleaded, running until he could no longer keep up. He flew from above, keeping an eye trained on you as you exited the Village, ran past the stable, and out toward the wild. Kolami Bridge was where he finally found you, crumbled to the ground with your head in your hands.
The pounding quickly set in, a horrendous headache taking its place. Your ears ached from the screaming, your eyes burnt from the tears, and the chain laced through your fingers felt like it was going to burn off your skin any second. Unsure of what to say, he sat down at your side, wrapped his arms around your shaking figure, and promised that everything was going to be okay. It had to, eventually. Right?
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minsyal · 5 years
Mutual Feelings Pt. 11, [Revali x Reader]
Summary: Eh
Since the incident in Gerudo, Revali along with the other Champions returned to their respective homes to continue directing the various infantries protecting the four corners of Hyrule. You had barely spoken to him since. Rather, you were focused on finding the various ingredients and materials to craft the cure-all for a certain bird. Most of the items could be bought in Castle Town or the trading posts in the southern portion of Hyrule Field. A quick trip to the East supplied the water and greenery, only taking a day’s time.
You high tailed it to Rito Village faster than you ever had before. The items concealed within your pack weighed you down considerably, putting heavy strain on your shoulders as the straps cut further and further into your joints. It didn’t matter though. You could finally do something worthwhile.
Upon arrival, you were greeted by Seoi who was stood at the last bridge before entering the village. Her hands were folded in front of her body, her eyes not quite frantic but well on their way there. She tapped her toes against the wood in a similar manner to that of her daughter, but the joy and happy beats were painfully absent. 
“I’m so glad you’re here. Keumi’s been sick since you left, she never got better, and I’ve been trying to take her to the hot spring, but you know. I can’t…”
“Seoi.” You reached out, taking her shaking hand in yours. Her touch was chilled, and ghostly. Her fingers tapped lightly at your hand as she struggled to get the words out. She visibly calmed as you pressed your thumb into her palm, a breathy sigh escaped her lips. “I got what I needed. I just need some time to put it all together.”
She relaxed a bit more, covering your hand with hers.
A shadow passed over the village as the Divine Beast flew high overhead. You sat on the splintering wood of the landing, legs outstretched toward the edge, but not quite hanging over. Your toes threatened the edge, just a few inches from certain death. Scribbling furiously, you jot down the sharp lines and smooth curves of Medoh while it was still in view. There wasn’t a lot of information recorded on how the Divine Beasts worked yet. Though it wasn’t your job to collect it, you took it upon yourself to. Nobody would complain because nobody would particularly care.
“Whatcha drawing?” The annoying squealy voice said loudly into your ear, jostling your insides. The echo vibrated down your spine into your toes, casting an uncomfortable sensation through your core.
“Research.” You replied, not bothering to look at the perpetrator. You knew who it was. That bird had been following you around since the moment you stepped foot in Rito Village. After meeting Revali, you met Keumi. Unlike Revali, Keumi was obsessed with you. She wanted to be at your side every waking moment of the day and while it was rather bothersome, it was beginning to grow on you.
“Again?” She groaned, throwing her wings into the air as the spun on her heel. After three spins, she plopped down next to you and laid her head against your arm. “You always do research!”
“It’s my job.”
“Your job sucks!” She hopped up. “Want to play?”
“I’ve got work to do.”
“Fine.” She huffed, crossing her wings over her chest. A moment passed as she held her grim attitude, then as if the fuses connected within her mind, she jumped up and took off running down the steps.
Returning a few minutes later, she had an older Rito woman in tow. The woman heavily resembled Keumi, except for the expression on her face. Keumi’s was full of joy, excitement, and her beak hung open happily as she skipped toward you. The woman wore a look of embarrassment.
“This is the Champion!�� Keumi wrapped her wings around you and rocked back and forth on her toes.
“Keumi, I don’t think you should,” The woman started. “I’m so sorry, she’s just not the best with her social skills yet.”
The woman attempted to pry the child from your body, tugging on hers, but to no avail. The child stayed.
“I’m Seoi.” She finally introduced herself. “Keumi’s mother.”
The sound of Keumi’s shaky breath hit your ears before the low chatter of those in the room. A bundle of blankets lined the floor with an even larger stack of pillows upon it. Keumi’s small hammock was hung from the balcony beams but proved to be useless as it rested against the fluffy bed that swallowed her whole. If it weren’t for the severe contrast of color, you would have assumed she wasn’t there.
“She’s been like this all night…” Seoi approached from behind, taking a shawl from a hook and wrapping it around herself. “We tried the hot spring, and she got better, but only for an hour or so.”
The heat that radiated from her forehead was like no other. Her fingers were cold, frozen even. Her entire body seemed as if it couldn’t decide whether to burn up or turn to ice. Raspy breaths came with each gasp of air and a deep rattling sound vibrated in her lungs.
“I need to get this all started.” You ruffled her feathers through your fingers. “It’s going to take a little while.”
“Seoi.” Having foregone noticing the inhabitants of the room, you were surprised to find Revali speaking up from behind. He and Junil stood against the doorway. You must have passed them when you entered. “We’ll keep watch of her.”
Footsteps echoed through the Castle halls, hurrying here and there as the maids began setting the day up for more Champion meetings. The kitchens were working at full speed. Sweet smells rose from the open windows, wafting straight to your room where your stomach growled angrily. You hadn’t eaten since yesterday when Link arrived with a basket of fresh bread and fruits. The remains lay on your desk, slowly getting stale.
Outside, citizens were bustling toward the castle gates attempting to catch a glimpse of the Champions as they arrived. You spotted a familiar group of people. One individual stuck out from the crowd like a sore thumb. Standing at least a foot taller than the group, her head spun around looking in all directions. It was Seoi, and Keumi was at her feet.
You hurried out to the castle gates, easily slipping past the guards as you pushed through the crowd in the direction you saw the girls. Keumi was the first to spot you, breaking free from her mother’s grasp, eliciting a gasp from her as she scrambled to grab her child.
Hopping up in your arms, Keumi wrapped her wings around your neck and locked herself in place. Seoi was soon to follow, giving you a polite hug.
“We tried to come see you, but it doesn’t seem like they’re letting anyone in right now.”
“Big ‘ol Champions are in town today. It’s hard for anyone to get in.”
“But you can get us in!” Keumi chirped.
“I can.” You laughed. “Do you want a tour?”
“If it’s too much trouble, you don’t have to.” Seoi smiled, raising her voice so you could hear her over the crowd.
“It’s no big deal.”
The girls thoroughly enjoyed the tour, and the maids loved Keumi who was a ball of sunshine as she bounced between them. Keumi insisted on seeing your room, and much to your dismay they ended up there. It was a mess, but a good mess. Everything had its own place and you knew where things were when you needed them.
Keumi jumped up and down on your bed, ruffling the covers further. Seoi stood at your wall, looking over the notes and sketches that were pasted up.
“It’s all completely over my head.” She said, trying to decipher what the information about the guardians meant. “I don’t even know what these things are.”
The kitchen wasn’t far from their home, just a floor down. The fire crackled as it slowly burnt off whatever had been cooked in the pot last, a not quite rancid stench licking the smoke as it rose upward. It sizzled like a firecracker when you poured water into the base, and it hissed loudly when you began scrubbing.
Seoi kept to herself. The franticness that grew with each passing moment was apparent with the way her gaze never tore from above as she eyed the open air where Keumi lay nestled beneath her blankets. Black char rubbed from the pot to your skin, scraping down your forearms to your wrists that had already gone black from being submerged in dirty water.
“Can nobody clean this around here?” You joked, hoping to lighten the mood. She nodded along in agreement but didn’t dare speak another word. “I mean, I get that you guys don’t want to dirty your feathers, but this thing is unbelievable!” You croaked, plastering a fake smile across your face as you brightly looked up to her.
Seoi’s expression hadn’t changed. Her mouth formed a single line, pulled taught against her feathers that lay flatter than usual. There was a light behind her eyes that wasn’t typically there – it was fearful.
“Seoi.” You sighed, picking up the pot and moving past her as you headed for an area to dump it. “Keumi will be okay. We’ve got the materials we need and we’re going to fix her. But you,” you pointed accusingly at her with a free finger, “you need to relax. Take a breather. I don’t like seeing you like this.”
A titter came from Seoi that accompanied her heavy footsteps. “Isn’t that ironic?” Her gaze softened.
“You’re the one telling me to relax and that you don’t like seeing me like this.” She uncrossed her arms and straightened her back a bit, easing herself slowly to a more comfortable open position. “You’ve been happier lately.”
“I’ve been busier lately.”
“Is it Revali?”
“It’s supposed to do what, exactly?” Seoi said, hugging her arms close to her body as the two of you strolled past the stable where a salesman hollered to one of the stable hands as he approached from the path.
“It should cure her.” You explained, slowing your pace with her as she stopped near a fallen tree. Its bark was stale, tearing slightly away from what was once its home attached to the trunk.
“It’s hard to explain. A lot of faith goes into this. I’m not even sure that one of the ingredients is obtainable. It comes from some historical record that a medicine man in the Domain gave me.” You pulled the book and handed it to her. She cracked it open to a random page.
“Anyway,” you continued, “it comes from a genetic mutation of the Silent Princess flower. I’m not 100% sure it will work, but I thought it may be worth a try. This guy is really respected in the Domain, and he was the one to bring it up to me. I just figured,” She cut you off.
“I want you to try it.” Her expression had grown serious. She snapped the book shut and handed it back to you. “Even if it doesn’t work, I trust you. I know you can work miracles, and I trust that you’ll help her.”
You glanced once more at Seoi, trying to discern the expression on her face. She hugged close to Junil, who was focused on Keumi as her chest rose and fell in sporadic beats. She was struggling to breathe. The medicine swirled around in the cup, taking on a mysterious purple color with small black speckling throughout.
Kneeling to her side, you continued to watch her. A warm hand rested on your shoulder, squeezing hard for a moment before rubbing it. Revali rested his arm around you, giving you a nod as you inched forward.
The small cup was brought up to her open mouth. You used your other hand to gently stroke at her throat, prompting her to swallow the medicine without difficulty. She accepted it, taking a deep breath as the last bit dripped from the glass. Revali leant down, resting his beak against your head. The group watched quietly as Keumi adjusted to the medicine. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled, but they soon closed as she fell unconscious. Seoi rushed to her daughter’s side, taking her hand to support her head.
You tousled from Revali’s hold, lunging back to her side as you pressed your fingers beneath her neck. She was still warm, a good sign. Seoi moved out of your way, enough to allow you to lay your head against her chest. A steady beat resounded, another good sign.
“She needs to rest.” You said, moving back to Revali who assumed the same position. “But I think it worked.”
“You’re amazing.” Seoi whispered, brushing her hand across Keumi’s forehead. “You need to go get some rest. You’ve been working on this all day.” She pointed in your direction, tearing her eyes away from her child. “She’ll be fine.”
“Junil,” his brow rose quizzically as you addressed him, “make sure Seoi gets some rest too.”
“You’ve got my word.” He assured you. “And you,” Junil spoke directly to Revali, “we’ll be okay here. You should go with.”
Revali nodded.
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