#medoh answers the big questions
googlekromer · 4 months
[jk!! just saw this on discord and it made me laugh!]
to make up for my silly outburst, i would like to spoil my fellow flake lover with some gourmet stuff. 💛
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[we really picked the snacciest snacc of the snacc band as our favourite 🥹🤲🏻💛]
oh my god i couldn't stop laughing when i saw this.
thank you for this absolutely gourmet meal. i love some nice goose as a dinnertime treat! ^w^
in return, i offer you some delicious banana based desserts:
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(the eternal mutter 🙇)
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source of revovovo
enjoy!!! and thank you again 🫂
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axewchao · 1 year
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A Difficult Topic To Broach
Broach (v): To raise a sensitive or difficult subject for discussion.
In which the Rito and the Hylian have a long overdue talk.
Story's under the readmore! And it's a long one, longest I've probably ever written! Enjoy the wall of text, y'all :'D
Revali could count on one wing all the times he'd been this nervous.
His first archery competition. His first flight race. The first time another Rito showed romantic interest in him. That time he challenged his endurance by flying nonstop for several hours, followed by him crash-landing on Satori Mountain and meeting the mountain's Lord face-to-face, ending with him shrieking in pure terror as he ran away.
But this… this was something else entirely. It wasn't his pride nor his life on the line, merely his heart.
It had been several weeks since he retrieved that accursed mask from the aforementioned mountain. Several weeks of replaying everything in his head, searching for any signs of deceit or truth, and giving himself a headache from his indecisiveness. Several weeks of lying awake at night with the mask in his arms, refusing to admit that he wished the mask's owner was there with him, to have those long-winded talks he'd grown so fond of.
Several weeks of avoiding the Hylian that caused all this, either hiding out of reach on Medoh or staying out of sight as much as possible when grounded by the other Champions as a group. Daruk and Mipha ended up having Revali as both backup and a sparring partner more often, not that either of them showed any complaints. If anything, Daruk in particular was overjoyed, assuming that their normally standoffish Rito ally was finally coming out of his shell. Rather than deny it, Revali for once held his tongue, letting the loud Goron think whatever he pleased.
The proud back "pats" he could do without, though.
And Urbosa? Revali never liked it when she tried lecturing him, or gave him that look that said 'I can read you like a book.' But it seemed as though this time she was just as in dark as everyone else, only commenting on Revali's shift in behavior a few times before moving on to more important matters, like the Princess' wellbeing, along with her knight's.
Speaking of that little knight…
Revali's rage over "the incident" had mostly died down, enough for him to stomach seeing the Hylian or hearing the other man's name without sneering. The knight in question didn't seem to make any effort to seek Revali out as far as he could tell, though whether it was because of guilt or indifference remained unclear. Revali's first instinct was to assume the latter; that the other boy was back to being his unemotive, uncaring, placid-faced self after his little stunt.
But those dark circles under his eyes, the signs of neglect in his hair, his ears somehow drooping even more than they already do, the overall faded complexion he'd displayed since that fateful night…
No one would take an act that far… would they?
If he truly wished to “toy” with you as you say, would he have bothered to reveal his true self at all?
That was the question Medoh probed Revali with, one he couldn't answer. Because truthfully, he was afraid.
Afraid that everything he assumed was right. That the perfect Rito, the perfect person he was able to form a meaningful connection with, was nothing more than a wicked, heartless lie.
Just this once, he wanted to be wrong.
Asking the Hylian to meet him alone was not easy.
Something always got in the way. A new monster to fight, a Yiga ambush, the knight just not being left alone for even one damn minute. For all of Zelda's efforts to get away from her appointed knight, he always found a way to keep her in his line of sight. And when she wasn't around, someone else was. From Mipha healing his wounds, to Urbosa dragging him off for sparring or lectures or Medli knows what else, to Daruk challenging his "brother" to random tests of strength. All in an effort to "get the little guy out of his funk!" in the big lug's own words.
Regardless of his "funk" being real or not, Revali had to give the Hylian credit where it was due; enduring such a complete lack of personal space for weeks on end wasn't something just anyone could do. Not without snapping, anyway. Revali would've undoubtedly started pecking at someone or plucking his own feathers by now if he were in the Hylian's talons. Er, shoes.
Was this the reason why he only appeared as a Rito at night, then? Because that was the only free time he actually had? And he chose to spend it with—
Revali forced the faint traces of hope in his heart back down. It was too soon for things like that. That was another thing Medoh told him: to not take his first guess and run with it. The ancient bird really was trying to act like a mentor of sorts, turning this into one giant "lesson" for Revali to learn.
The timing could've been better on her end. Maybe when Revali's ability to trust others wasn't in danger, perhaps? Just throwing it out there.
Now, with all these obstacles in place, simply waiting until nightfall was obviously the correct option, right? Oh, how he wished.
Even on the nights where he wasn't too tired to think clearly, all it would take is one glance at the Hylian and Revali's nerves would fly right out the window. He gave himself excuse after excuse; it's too soon, I don't know what to say, the others will hear us, he'll humiliate me. But the topic needed to be broached, whether Revali liked it or not.
It was either that or suffer in silence forever.
So with a heavy wing and pounding heart, he reached out and grabbed the Hylian's shoulder, stopping both of them from following everyone to the Highland Stable. He ignored the way the other man nearly flinched as he leaned in from behind, his beak barely brushing against a silver-pierced ear.
"We need to talk." He whispered urgently, "Meet me in Faron Woods. Tonight."
The burgundy-haired boy hesitated before nodding, not even turning to meet Revali's eyes. In a way, Revali was grateful; he felt like he would've cracked under the stress if he had to look at those darkened purple irises again. He pulled his wing away as though he'd been burned and continued onward, leaving the knight behind.
He kept walking, even passing the princess and other Champions, eyes firmly locked on his own talons.
He didn't look back, not even when several voices called his name in concern.
Night had come much sooner than Revali would've wanted.
The sky was clear, both the stars and rising moon were in perfect view, so Revali had no need to worry about getting lost in the dark due to his damned lack of night vision. Under any other circumstance, the moonlight streaking through the trees would've been a lovely sight, but it currently failed to ease his racing mind.
As he walked (he didn't run, shut up) across Fural Plain towards the woods, Revali made the choice to wait by the entrance instead of going inside. This way, he could keep an eye out for when the man in question showed up. The last thing he wanted was to be left sitting in the woods alone like some fool.
He already made a fool of me once, no reason to let him dig the knife in.
Enough of that, Revali.
Revali nearly set off his gale in a panic. Medoh?! Gods, I told you to stop scaring me like that!!
My apologies. But my point still stands, you must stop that nonsense.
What are you talking about?
Clinging to your assumptions. You are doing it again. Medoh paused, as if sighing. And you were doing so well earlier…
Revali scoffed. I don't recall asking for your approval.
Perhaps you did not, but I will express it anyway. Medoh wasn't capable of chuckling, but Revali could practically hear it regardless. You were indeed doing well before. And it is clear that you are trying to do well now. I am glad to see that you took my words to heart.
Revali growled under his breath as he smoothed down his feathers. …Thanks.
Hm? I detect a note of… what was it again… sarcasm? Are you being sarcastic with me?
Don't give me that, you know what sarcasm is, Medoh.
Yes, yes, I am well aware. I was simply trying to calm you down with our usual banter. Medoh's tone suddenly turned to faint concern. Your mind is filled with troubled thoughts…
Revali didn't reply, his crest drooping as he looked down. He leaned against a tree and hugged himself, despite there being no chill in the air.
Are you alright?
Alright? Revali's eyes burned, How could I possibly be alright? My heart could be shattered to pieces by sunrise. How do you expect me to feel?
So you decided to confront him after all?
Aren't you literally in my head all the time?
Medoh paused again before answering, her tone switching back to that of a consultant. Revali… I understand that you are fearing the worst. But I believe that you are… how to put it… overprepared.
Revali raised a brow. What?
You have made yourself aware of the worst possible outcome. Which is, again, understandable. But in the process, you are convincing yourself that the worst result is the only one you will get. Have you forgotten what I said before?
Revali sighed. No… I haven't. But what if…
What if… Revali gulped, his heart picking up speed once more. What if he really is sorry? What then?
Medoh made a confused trill. I do not understand your question.
If he really was just using me, at least then I know what I'll do; hate him for all eternity, never forgive him, and never give him the time of day again. But… If he wasn't, then… Revali trailed off, reluctant to finish the thought.
I do not have the answer to that. What happens next between the two of you is for you both to decide.
Yeah… Revali sighed, I figured you wouldn't. He looked up, gazing toward the distant stable. I know he agreed to come, but…
I am not nearby, so I cannot see him. Nor can I currently see him through your eyes. But the night is young, and you left rather early.
That much was true. Revali had opted to leave for the forest as soon as he'd finished eating that evening. Everyone (minus Mipha and Daruk, who ate their own fill of fish and rocks respectively) had carrot soup this time, but sadly they weren't the godly Kakariko carrots, so he couldn't distract himself with a delicious meal. All he could do was eat quietly while the others talked, and steal glances at the Hylian when no one else was watching.
He has a name, you know.
Oh, shut it.
Yet another preparation, perhaps? Teaching yourself to stop addressing him by name in case the worst comes to pass?
Revali felt himself flush under his feathers, mostly out of anger than embarrassment over the beast's correct guess. Shut up!
You are better off waiting until after your suspicions are confirmed or denied before you try something like this. You have been refusing to call him by name for weeks now.
If he really is as cruel as any other Hylian, then I don't even want to think about his name, let alone utter it. Is that a crime now?
It is if you are doing it before you talk to him. Must you be so dramatic?
It's not dramatic! If he saw no reason to treat me with respect then I don't—
Honestly, Revali… Medoh cut him off, It would not kill you to hold off on your judgement a moment longer. Now be still and hold your tongue. Revali's vision suddenly gained a faint blue hue. The Divine Beast was using his eyes.
The stable. Look again.
Revali did as he was told, but wasn't sure what he was looking for. The blue of Medoh's presence made everything blend together. …What? What is it?
…He is coming. It would seem that much like you, he has no intentions of wasting time.
Wait, what-?! Revali's feathers puffed in alarm. He shook his head and blinked several times, willing Medoh's vision away. Sure enough, there he was, walking down the path towards the now-panicking Rito. His head was down, so Revali couldn't see his face, just locks of burgundy that were much duller than they should've been, even under moonlight.
His time was running out.
No no no no no, not now! Revali hid behind a tree, hoping his feathers would blend in with the foliage. How long has he-? I don't even know what I'll-! He grabbed at his frazzled crest, Medoh, help me out here!! What do I do-?!
As I said before, what happens next depends on you. Both of you, and no one else. I refuse to interfere.
You couldn't give me a better warning, at least-?! Revali mentally yelled as he frantically smoothed down his feathers.
Calm yourself. Be patient and listen to his defense. Once all has been said, then you may pass your judgement. And not a moment sooner. Do you understand?
I… I…
Do you understand, Revali?
Revali's eyes started to burn, and he shut them tight. After a moment's hesitation, he finally relented. …Yes. I understand.
Good. I will leave you to settle this mess. Do not do anything rash, and do not act as though woe is all that betides you.
Was Medoh really about to just leave him to fend for himself here?? Sure, he never asked for Medoh's assistance in this matter, or any matter at all before, but him not asking never stopped her from meddling anyway!
I wish you the best of luck, my Champion. And with that, Medoh's presence was gone.
Of all the times to leave him alone… why now? It felt like Medoh had just thrown him to the wolves. Damned beast!!
All Revali could do was curl his hands into fists as he tried to force himself to calm down. Keep a straight face. Don't let the Hylian know that his will was unsteady. He had to be firm and direct, like always. He could do this. He had to do this. He—
…was cut off by the sound of someone gasping under their breath.
Oh dear Zephos and Cyclos, he couldn't do this.
Revali looked over his shoulder, and there he was, just a couple feet away.
He felt a brief chill as he stared into those pupilless purple eyes. Eyes that once shone with a light pink glow, eyes that once made him feel a number of different things. They were still rimmed with dark circles, implying that the Hylian either became a night owl from doing gods know what after dark, or he simply wasn't sleeping well.
Revali was afraid to find out the answer. But he already knew that through the conversation they were about to have, he'd get that answer anyway.
At Revali's lack of a reply, the Hylian ducked his head again, looking down at the ground. He raised it back up when Revali cleared his throat.
"Well, it's… good to know that you're punctual." Gods, even that was hard to say. He turned his back, waving the other over with a wing. "Follow me."
He heard footsteps following behind him, and that was enough for now.
Faron Woods was bigger than it looked on a map.
And in a way, that was a good thing. It meant that when Revali found a decent spot to sit, the view was lovely without looking too cramped or foreboding. The trees overhead provided cover, but still let streaks of blue light through, making even the leaves resemble sapphires. It was a scene worth painting, or taking a picture with the Sheikah Slate.
If things went well, Revali could look back on this clearing fondly. But if they didn't…
His feathers ruffled at the idea. Ignoring the urge to smooth them back down again, he glanced over at the Hy-
You are better off waiting until after your suspicions are confirmed or denied before you try something like this.
…at Dalex, who quickly turned away from him. Even under the shade of the trees, Revali could still see how disheveled he was. He was almost tempted to call this little meeting off and send Dalex back to the stable to rest. But it was too late to turn back; they were already here, and if Revali forced himself to delay this once more, he doubted he'd ever be able to fully shake off the shame.
Revali is many things, but a coward is not, nor shall it ever be, one of them.
He crossed his arms and braced himself. "You… you know exactly why I asked you to come here. Don't you." It was a statement, not a question.
Dalex's ears twitched as he nodded. His silence didn't sit well with Revali.
"You can't nod your way out of this. You and I both know that you can talk." If he looked away as soon as Dalex flinched, then it didn't happen, right?
Be patient. Do not do anything rash.
Revali sighed, "For the last few weeks, I've… been thinking about what I'd say to you. About… that." He couldn't hide the anger in his voice, only lower it. "I thought I'd have everything worked out, like I always do. But… I don't."
Dalex said nothing, the only indication that he was still listening being the twitching of his ears.
"You…" He crossed his arms, "We both know what you did. I don't see any need to waste time pointing it all out." And if he did so, he'd either crack or succumb to rage, and he wasn't about to do either.
Yet again, Dalex said nothing, but his ears drooped impossibly lower.
"There… ever since you… 'revealed' yourself to me, there've been nothing but questions running through my head. So many questions. And every time I thought about asking you, I just…" He squeezed his arms, willing his feathers not to ruffle. Now was not the time for that.
At the third lack of a reply, Revali felt his patience wane. They'll be sitting here til dawn at this rate.
"I'd like you to look me in the eye when I'm speaking to you, Sta-… Dalex." His crest lowered at the near slip-up.
He felt a wave of regret when Dalex finally did look at him. A light breeze had tousled the bangs that normally covered half of Dalex's face, revealing the right side that was hidden from everyone despite looking just as normal as the left.
He looks so exhausted…
If Revali was wrong in the end, that sight wouldn't be leaving his memories any time soon.
"I suppose I will just say it, then…" His beak hung open, piles of questions forming in his throat as though they were at war over which one could come out first. In the end, he settled on the one that was there the longest:
"Why did you pretend to be the Sta-… him?"
Dalex blinked, clearly expecting something else. For Revali to yell again, perhaps? Like he did that night? Part of him wanted to. But just asking that one question took all the anger out of him, leaving nothing but hollow longing.
You were at your happiest when you were with him. If the way he acted as the Starling had any hint of truth, then I want you to be able to see that.
Revali didn't need night vision to see the hints of reluctance in Dalex's eyes. "I won't yell, or scream, or cut you off, none of that. I want to hear what you have to say."
Listen to his defense. Once all has been said, then you may pass your judgement. And not a moment sooner.
He saw Dalex's mouth twitch, and he bowed his head. "…Please."
He heard Dalex take a deep breath, and then…
"I… I just wanted a break."
Revali raised his head, confused. A… break? "From what?"
"Everything." Dalex's shoulders fell, and his breath hitched. "I've been training to be the Legendary Hero for so long… I couldn't do anything but train, no one would allow me to do anything else. Not when Ganon could show up at any time and destroy everything. I had to follow Her Highness everywhere she went, even if she hated my guts and wanted nothing to do with me. I have to listen to other knights acting like jealous little pricks because I got the Master Sword and they didn't."
Revali winced at that last statement, but thankfully Dalex had already covered his face with his hand.
"Everyone looks at me like I'm either a god amongst men that will save them all or the bane of their existence, and I just-" He stopped, his whole body shuddering. "…Do you remember what I said at Warbler's Nest?"
He most certainly did. How could he forget?
"My life had barely gotten started and I already had to give it up. I couldn't say no; my-… what I had to do, what I still have to do is too important. Is… is it wrong if I'm upset about it…?"
Revali told him otherwise that night… He held the Sta- Dalex's wing in his own and told him that it wasn't fair.
"If I were in your wings, I’d be completely furious.”
"All this time, I never got the chance to do anything unless I had a reason, a damn good one at that. If it wasn't necessary for my role as the Hero, then I couldn't do it. I wasn't… I'm not supposed to be anything but the Hero."
Were… were Revali's ears tricking him or did he just hear a sniffle?
"I… have to be the Hero. I can't be anything else. Not until Ganon's gone. But I…" He pushed his bangs away, eyes now shining with unshed tears. "I was just so tired."
You look like you're still tired. Revali thought to himself. "That's why you used the mask?"
Dalex rubbed his eyes, nodding. "I didn't- I wasn't trying to… to quit, or anything, I'd never do that. I just, I just wanted to get away from it, for a little while."
"But… surely you've heard about those things before. Many have claimed that they'll curse those foolish enough to wear them." Revali personally didn't believe in such things, but he heard it through the grapevine plenty of times, especially near the end of autumn.
"Yeah… I know. That's what I said to the guy that gave me the mask in the first place." A tear fell before he could stop it, and Revali felt a chill run down his spine at the hero's admission. "But… but that first night, I just kept thinking about everything. About my duty, about Her Highness, about Ganon, about y-…"
About… me? Revali's heart fluttered, and he couldn't fathom why.
"I couldn't… I couldn't handle it anymore. I put it on, turned into- into him, and…"
"…Bumped into me." Revali finished. He remembered that night clearly as well. He never thought a Rito could be so clumsy, crashing into him just as he reached his favorite landing. That could've been the only time they ever interacted, but… "…Why spend your 'break' with me, then?"
Dalex made a choked noise, like he was holding back a sob.
"We both know that I've made my… opinions on your status as the Hero very clear. By all means, you should've wanted to avoid me as much as the princess avoids you. Yet you sought out my company above anyone else's."
"I-I wasn't- I mean, I didn't-" Dalex stammered, rubbing his eyes. "I just thought… I thought that things would be different. If I didn't have that damn sword."
Revali tilted his head. "Different?"
Dalex suddenly glared, the tear streaks somehow making his expression even more intense. "Everything I said to you as… as him. Think about what those things were."
Revali was struck silent as memories rushed to the front of his mind, one after another.
"Revali, that was incredible! How're you able to hit so many bullseyes from so far away?!"
"I never thought your bow would have so much weight to it… you're stronger than you look!"
"You're really lucky you get to see your mom all the time… I can't wait to see mine again."
"You know, I was wondering… You've picked up a lot of blacksmithing know-how from your mom. More than I've ever heard, at least. What made you turn to archery, anyway?"
"Ugh, how can you stand carrots? They're awful! Wha- EWWW! Keep them away from me, you- you featherbrain!"
"I never thought there'd be so many uses for your feathers… You guys are like, masters at repurposing."
"Fly across the Gerudo Desert, huh… I never thought about what lay beyond all that sand… but if your dad came from somewhere out there, then yeah, there's gotta be something! It's not like Hyrule is the only place with life in it, after all!"
"Maybe the other Champions were blessed. That's all well and good, but… I have to agree with you, nothing can beat hard work to get where you need to be. And your Gale is… It's more than just a skill. It's literally the start of a whole new legacy for all the Rito."
And one memory in particular stood out amongst all the others:
"To be honest, Revali… I can't remember the last time I talked to someone about anything other than my-… my journey. How important it is, how 'honorable' and 'noble' it is… I'm sick of hearing that. I just want to talk about literally anything else, and… I can, with you. It… It's nice, is what I'm saying."
Dalex, the Legendary Hero, the Hylian Champion, the mightiest knight in all of Hyrule… had said those words right to Revali's face.
"Would you have believed me if I said them the way I am now?" At Revali's silence, Dalex chuckled. "Thought so… You know, hearing you actually have a problem with me being the Hero… it was refreshing, in a way."
"Wh-Refreshing?" Revali was taken aback, "I fail to see how-"
"You didn't like that I had the sword, yeah. But… you weren't a complete ass about it. You at least offered to let me prove myself to you a few times instead of moaning and groaning nonstop." Like that time he suggested they battle on Medoh's back, followed by him bailing from Dalex's lack of a response. Not one of Revali's better moments…
"And… I've seen the way you act when, uh, 'off duty,' I guess. 'Specially around kids. It's sweet."
Revali's feathers ruffled at the compliment. It was true, he'd been known to dote on the children back in Rito Village; offering archery lessons, cooking large meals to feed them in groups, telling stories of his battles against the more powerful monsters, and so on. He'd caught Dalex listening in only once, but that was apparently enough.
"But… whenever you spoke to me, it always came back to my title. That stupid sword. And I just…" Dalex sighed, rubbing his arm. "I thought that… maybe if I didn't have it, then I'd actually get to talk to you. I'd been wanting to, anyway…"
"Have you now…?" Something about that statement made Revali's heart beat just a little faster.
"And I did. And it was… probably some of, if not the best nights I've ever had in my life. I could finally be… me. I actually remembered how to do that, even after a decade of being the Hero." Dalex's smile fell as soon as it came. "But as time went by, and I got to know you more, I…"
"…You what?"
"I started to realize it- it still wasn't-" Dalex pinched his brow, struggling to find his words. "It still wasn't me. Not in your eyes. Could I really count as your friend when you didn't even know who I really was?" He stopped to sniffle before continuing, "That's… that's why I…"
"…You took off the mask in front of me." Revali finished for him.
Dalex nodded, crossing his arms. "You… you deserve a real friend. Someone that can actually speak to you without needing to hide behind a mask the whole time. When I realized what I was doing, I… I had to stop it. I was being selfish and I was hurting you and…" He stopped to take a breath, then raised his eyes to meet Revali's. "And I'm so sorry."
Had… Had Dalex ever apologized for this before? Revali couldn't remember; most of that night became a blur due to his heartbreak and rage. He wouldn't be surprised if his outburst prevented Dalex from doing just that.
Hearing it now, though… it felt real. Revali wanted it to be real, so badly.
"You… you don't have to worry about me using it anymore. The mask, I mean. I threw it away." Dalex briefly looked away to growl under his breath, "Whoever finds it can have it, for all I care…"
Now the former, Revali remembered hearing Dalex say, before Revali silenced him with a gale as he fled. And thanks to a little (er, big) birdy, Revali had undeniable proof that Dalex had completely abandoned the mask. It took a fair bit of strength to not admit that he knew already, and that said mask was now hidden away in his own home.
As for what Revali could say… was there anything? Dalex had said his piece, so…
Listen to his defense. Once all has been said, then you may pass your judgement.
"…I would say that I knew what to think about all of this… but frankly, I don't." He ran a wing through his crest, "If I hadn't blown up at you when I did, then maybe you would've said all this already. Maybe we'd already know where to go from here. Or have an idea, at least…"
Dalex fell silent once more, ears twitching at his words.
I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but… Medoh was right. I was too prepared. Now I don't know what to do.
"I… don't know if I forgive you yet. Or even at all." He didn't see Dalex wince. He didn't. "But… It doesn't seem like you're lying, at least."
He did see the stunned look cross Dalex's face. Once again, it looked as though he was expecting Revali to say something else. An accusation, perhaps? A blatant disregard of his reasons behind everything that's happened between them?
When Revali thought about it, Dalex hadn't so much as tried to beg or fish for forgiveness in the entire conversation… Was he preparing for the worst too? If he was, then that would mean he…
The possibility is there. You know this. That he truly felt remorse for hurting you so.
Revali rubbed his temples as he felt a headache come on. The constant mental back-and-forths haven't been doing him any favors these past few weeks. He was so tired…
"Are… are you alright?" Revali heard the concern in Dalex's voice, and waved it off with a wing.
"I'm fine." Without giving Dalex a chance to reply, he started to stand. "…We should head back."
It was an abrupt end, Revali knew this. And he was pretty sure that they'd have to talk about this a bit more before Revali could make a decision. But again, he was tired. This whole conversation was probably the most exhausting thing he'd experienced in weeks, and all he'd mostly done was sit and listen. At this point, he just wanted to curl up in a cheap stable bed and sleep.
He was so tired, in fact, that he didn't even think twice about offering his wing to Dalex, who took it without uttering another word. Nothing was said when he gave that smaller hand a mild squeeze, and nothing was said when he held onto it, only letting go once they exited Faron Woods.
It wasn't the wing Revali held at Warbler's Nest all those nights ago. Not even close.
But… it still felt the same.
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ezlo-x · 3 years
I have an ask! What role do the Divine Beasts play in your AU, if any?
I sorta answered this question in this ask but I do wanna add and change a few things.
The Divine Beasts are still a big threat just like I mentioned there in the ask. The new champions (and Mipha) are the ones who need to gain back the Divine Beasts through a trial that was given by the Sheikah monks.
The Divine Beasts are highly active and tend to cause harm, not specifically to the people, but to the environment that they roam around. Vah Ruta causes massive flooding and is at the brink point of breaking the Rutala Dam. Vah Rudania causes the earth to shake with the close possibility of activating a centuries old dormant volcano. Vah Medoh strong winds causes for the weather to alter and become more colder than before. Vah Naboris causes strong sandstorms that slowly inch closer and closer to Gerudo Town.
Aside from being a threat and the champions gain back control of the Divine Beasts, they have the same role as in botw on aiming their giant laser beam towards hyrule castle.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 3 years
Finally finished this! Sorry I’m a bit late.
Made this song in pairing with a new Revalink soulmark fic: Paraphrase
Based on a prompt @motherhyrule (Happy Birthday and thanks!)
Read it on AO3 or, here...
Chapter 1: Holes
There were holes in the sky.
While the artificial blue glow of Vah Medoh was a constant reminder of abnormal circumstances of this view—looking out into the east, you could be fooled for a moment to believe in serenity.
The details of the great, inky abyss were blurred by the occasional grey cloud, crawling towards the light of a decaying moon. Its pale, crescent complexion gave a humble glow to the dancing seas of grass and the motionless hills of glistening lake water. Below, wooden huts embraced one another on the edges of an ancient spire. The winds had crafted a fine sculpture, the unique silhouette of Rito Village cast faint shadows on Lake Totori.
There was distant whistling from either the cutting breeze or a bored village guard, perhaps leaning against his spear, dreaming of slumber.
There's a fire, somewhere. A spiral of smoke rises with a delicious aroma fantastic enough to reach the heights of Medoh. Someone making a late-night stew, under the dotted, broken sky.
If you could tear your eyes away from the nature down below, the navy blue canvas would still be there to greet you—a perfect night that cloaked any traces of the sun, as if time was always meant to be this way. Unchanging, and ever an elegant, unrivaled mix of blue, black, and grey.
But of course, unchanging was not everlasting. The perfect canvas was pierced by the frozen heights of Hebra, and flaming stars. Whole armies of them were scattered across the sky, as if the goddess had flicked a handful of embers at the night, burning through the blue and into an unknown.
"I heard that stars are actually holes into the heavens." Link finally said. "Like...They break through the sky, and at night you can look through them and see the great beyond." He leaned back, shifting himself into a more comfortable position on the rocky cliff.
The ghost beside him raised an eyebrow, wings tucked behind his back.
"Oh? And where exactly did you hear that?"
The boy looks out to the distant mountains, wreathed in grey clouds with filtered moonlight. When the wind blows his golden hair just the right way, you could catch a glimpse of a familiar expression.
"...I'm not too sure."
Revali nodded, looking back into the night. He stood beside the hero, and let a quiet sigh escape him, the turquoise flames that circled around the Rito seemed to rise and fall with his chest. "Well. I cannot confirm or deny such a thing, but I imagine it's a decent enough fairy tale to entertain the fledglings."
Link scoffs, a smile tugging at his lips. "Really? They don't give you a big ghost book on how all of life works? What's the point of being dead if you don't know the answer to all the fancy questions?"
"I appear to have missed Hylia's educational spirit lecture. Perhaps my schedule was busy at the time. I do apologize."
"Don't apologize to me! You're the one who missed a once-in-a-afterlife-time opportunity."
"...Too soon?"
"No, it was just a horrible joke."
"Pfft. Well OK, Mr. 'Well I'll be plucked'"
"I don't think I'm going to accept criticism from someone who's sense of humor isn't even a year old."
"Aha...Fair enough."
A chuckle. A nod. A smile that doesn't reach his eyes.
The moon crawls further west. Winds start to die with conversation.
The ghost sighs again, but of course, no breath escapes him. Something itches in the back of his mind, and he looks up at Medoh.
Her phantom blue eyes pierce both mortal and incorporeal, yet there's a tenderness in the way her head tilts towards Revali—every so slightly so as not to wake the whole kingdom with the groan of gears. The gesture is wordlessly understood by her pilot, something about speaking the unspoken. He clicks his tongue.
I don't remember flipping a relationship advice switch in your control unit...
Medoh's lights glow brighter and dim, playfully.
The Rito shakes his head.
No, he thinks again. It's better this way.
The Champion looks out towards Hyrule Castle, Medoh's red laser aimed directly into the heart of the swirling malice. From this view, it’s almost beautiful. Like layered petals of a rose...
I cannot wait to burn it to the ground.
"Yeah..." Link replied. "Don't worry, Revali. It'll be different this time. I won't let you down, again."
The Rito blinked. "Ah. Did I...say that outloud?"
Link nodded, tilting his head to the side with a smile. "You always seem in such deep thought when looking at Medoh. Your face gets a lot more s—uh...I don't know... " He trailed off, making the wise decision to not finish the sentence. Afterall, he wanted to hang out for a little bit longer before Revali's glares punted him to the Akkalain Sea.
Nonetheless, Revali grimaced. Looking at him? Acknowledging him? Oh, there was nothing worse in the world than that...
Time really can change anything.
"Hmph. Well," Revali turned his head back towards Medoh, "With Windblight gone, it's nice to actually have conversations...As unconventional as they may be." He makes sure that his smile can only be seen by the sky.
"She's good company."
Link picks at loose pebbles, tossing them off the cliff and letting gravity take them to new destinations. His hands are already coated in a dusty beige dust.
"Well, if Medoh ever becomes a bore. My schedule's always open." He chuckles. "I'm certainly a different sort of company in comparison, so I should be able to spice up your d—!"
The iciness of his tone runs Link's spine cold. He dares to look up at the Champion.
It takes all of Revali's strength to continue staring at the stars.
"You should really stop coming here, Link. You have a job to do, and so do I. You gain nothing by returning here each night."
He pauses, his beak clenched just a bit too tightly.
"You did well, avenging me, but now...Your job here is done, and there is more work to do. The fact that you keep visiting each night while the world fades away is pathetic, honestly. You banter and quip as if you have all the time in the world, as if everything doesn't depend on your success. Quit acting childish."
Silence. It drowns out the whistling wind.
Revali looks at the holes in the sky.
"It'll be morning in a few, so get lost. I don't need you here."
The Rito can feel the hero's eyes tearing into him.
= = = = = = =
"Careful now! Can't have you return with half a head. Can I?" Revali loosed an arrow just above Link's head, striking true in a Bokoblin's right eye.
Link whips around just in time to see the monster drop dead, just a foot away from where the knight stood. He turns back and gives the Rito a thumbs up in gratitude.
"Eye think that solves that problem." Link groans and rolls his eyes, but Revali smirks at the grin he attempts to hide. "Ah...One of the best things about these occasions is that you're in no position to quip back at me with your hands full like that." Revali shoots him a wink. "Perhaps I'll interpret your silence as overwhelming awe for my verbal abilities."
The Rito bows left and right, playfully. "Thank you, thank you. It takes a great deal of practice, but perhaps you'll grace my level of skill one day."
Link signs as best he can with the Master Sword in his left grip.
"You're an asshole."
"Perhaps. But it's your fault for sticking around!"
"On your left..." He suddenly says.
There's no hesitation as Revali moves his head out of the way, letting Link swing his sword over his shoulder. A brilliant beam of blue light escapes the edge of his sword, the disc of energy making contact with a Bokoblin's neck, slicing it asunder mid-roar.
"Hmm. Now that's just breath taki—"
"Shut UP!" Link says, knocking an elbow into his ribs. He starts to sign again. "Let's keep heading east. We need to close this pincer quickly. I'd like to finish before lunch..."
The Rito scans the snow covered path, littered with monster guts and blood. Deep reds and purple stain the pristine, crisp morning. The sky is a deep green, pine trees covering the day, dressed in coats of white. The breeze blows the smell of rotting corpses and hickory his way.
"Alright. Let's get a move on. Don't need the Princesses yelling at us again."
"A bit late for that, don't you think?"
The boys both look up in time to see a large burst of water erupt from a nearby cliff. It cascades into a shimmering slide, that freezes as it flows. A bright red Zora flips through the air and descends on it, landing delicately in front of the two. She gives a warm smile that could melt the winter.
"Shall I assume you ran into some chuchu troubles, again?"
Revali scoffed. "That was one time!"
"Hehehe...chuchu go 'sluuurrrp...'"
"Plus, that incident was entirely a certain knight's fault. I've been nothing but incredibly efficient and productive, since then."
"And your tail feathers are all the better for it!"
Revali thwacked Link with his bow to shut him up. The knight rubbed the back of his head with an "Ow..." and shot a rude glare, but the Rito continued. "So where is the Princess?"
Mipha gestured uphill to where she had come from, her magical waterfall already beginning to melt away. "We finished cleaning up the other end of the Tabantha path. She's met up with Urbosa and Daruk by one of the bridges."
The Zora smiles as she looks between Revali and Link. "I volunteered to check on you two while the others headed back. Neither of you need help cleaning chuchu slime out of your hair, yes? I do have the pliers, this time."
Revali's rageful squawk was drowned out by Link's laughter.
Before the trio's banter could truly serenade with the sounds of the forest, Mipha was off to regroup with the others, and Link was soaring in the sky.
The sky was open and clear, not a speck of grey clouded the air. The sun was perched comfortably on the heights of Tabantha ridge, painting the horizon with strokes of orange, the distance blushing in the morning's presence.
The wind flipped Link's hair back and forth, so he finished tying the braid behind his neck, woven tightly with a single, Prussian blue feather. Its tip looked like someone had dipped it in the moon's pale glow.
Braid or no, the heights above Lake Totori were quite cold, and Link nuzzled himself further into Revali's soft feathers. If he were any softer, it wouldn't be out of the question to drown in him.
"You're distracting me." Revali craned his neck back, raising an eyebrow at his passenger. "Keep it together, back there."
The hero shrugged his shoulders. "It's cold."
"I told you to drink another elixir before I took off."
"I wasn't cold then! Besides," He flopped back into the Rito's soft down. "This is adequate protection." Link's words were slightly muffled as he spoke.
Revali sighed. "You're insufferable..."
Eying the destination down below, the Rito rolled his shoulders to get Link's attention. "Keep steady. We're almost there." He started to dip forward.
"And try not to go flying, I imagine it won't work out well for you."
Before Link could even process his words, his stomach started to drop. Falling fast, Revali arched nearly perpendicular to the ground, his bright blue scarf flapping behind him. The Hylian on his back could do nothing but grip onto his armour for dear life, clothes flapping wildly. His loose sleeves caught the wind, pushing them back to reveal pale gold letters, etched in the underside of his right forearm.
Leaving so soon?
The wind rushed by Link's ears, and the sky quickly faded from the cerulean glow of morning, to the snow laced air of the Hebra. What was once broad strokes of indistinct colors soon morphed into the intricate faults, flaws, and edges of towering grey mountain peaks. With the heavens stolen from them, and the frozen earth quickly coming to greet them, Revali quickly opened his wings to catch the air, swooping just above the ground and shooting forward towards the Flight Range.
Rows of cool safflina and wildberries whizzed by, the scent of smoked boar drawing closer and closer. Revali could practically feel Link's appetite from aura alone. Although, the fact that his grip on his back was starting to tighten didn't exactly keep it subtle, either.
"I left the stew going before we headed out for the mission. It should be perfect by now..." He tucked his wings into himself with a quick twirl as he shot through a narrow pass.
The cold updrafts of the Flight Range now biting into his face; the Rito let his wings expand with a few more great flaps, before landing gracefully on the railing of the wooden platform.
Link practically soared off Revali's back and bounded straight for the simmering pot.
"'Thank you, Revali, for giving me a ride across all of Tabantha without asking for so much as a rupee in return!' Oh, you're so welcome, my dear hero. It's always a pleasure to aid a flightless Hylian in need." He shook his head as he made his way into the hut.
"'Oh, but really Revali! The speed at which you travel, and the strength required to take on my loathsome person as you fly is truly something to admire. It's a miracle you took me with you at all.' Why, you are much too generous with your compliments, Link. I have half a mind to write this all down for—MmMph?!"
In a brilliant move of both telling Revali to shut the fuck up, while also sharing their meal, Link shoved a ladleful of delicious stew in the Rito's beak.
Warm, savoury stew trickled down his throat, banishing the cold from his body in mere moments. His tastebuds were nestled with flavours of nutmeg, tender meat, and the delicate heat of a perhaps a single, spicy pepper.
Link's expression was equal parts, "Will you shut up now?" and "So how's it taste?"
"Not too bad...The prime meat I procured is obviously the main event. But your seasoning skills are certainly something of note..." Revali made his way to one of the cabinets, as Link rolled his eyes.
The Rito set his bow beside the Master Sword, leaning it against the painted wood. His eyes lingered on it for a bit too long, before he scoffed and continued on his routine.
Quiver on the counter; bomb arrows wrapped properly; armour loosened and set aside; scarf—
The feathers on Revali's neck suddenly floofed up at Link's touch. But he didn't dare turn around and risk losing the sensation.
He carefully unfolded the fabric around Revali's neck, and drew it off his shoulder. He wrapped it around himself, and signed at the Rito, "Mine, now."
The Rito chuckled, before turning back around to look at the hero, now adorned with far too much blue. Blue tunic, blue scarf, and sapphire eyes—it wouldn't be out of the question to mistake him for the sky.
Link stretched out his hand, and traced the edges of Revali's face, eventually falling down his neck, and towards his shoulders. His fingers eventually hovered over some familiar words that wrapped down the left side of his neck and down his shoulder.
You should give yourself more credit.
They both did nothing but smile at each for a moment, leaning closer and succumbing to the moment. Revali could already feel Link's breath, and see the bits of snow still sticking to his (horribly) braided hair.
The Hylian saw something curious in the Rito's expression as he planted a kiss on the tip of his beak. Looking back up at his jade eyes, he couldn't help but smile wide. Revali cocked an eyebrow.
"Something to say?"
Quiet. The fire chuckled in the background.
Link finally leaned in and whispered to him.
"You smell like shit."
Revali scoffed loudly before shoving Link to the carpet, where he burst out laughing, the wind carrying it to the spirits above.
"Gods, you're insufferable. Why do I settle for you..."
Link unsuccessfully attempted to toss a pillow in his face in revenge—Revali catching it with ease.
"Beats me! Now come here, you stinky bird." He patted the space in front of the fire. No doubt he wanted to sit between his wings again
"Stew or no, I need you to keep me toasty."
In no time, Revali had sat down and wrapped himself around Link, resting his beak on his head.
A hole in the ceiling let sunlight trickle on them as they warmed up.
= = = = = = = 
Link finally sighed, the sound falling off into the void below.
"You-I can't-It was never..." He trails off, before chucking another pebble off the cliff, shaking his head.
"...I'm sorry. I know that you...That we're not really...friends or whatever...I don't mean to force you into anything uncomfortable. I owe you that much..." He looked up at the spirit, a determined look on his face.
"But, don't worry. Whatever mess I was before, whatever person you hated 100 years ago. They're gone, now. I promise I'm different. I promise I won't repeat whatever mistakes I made with you."
Revali just wants to die all over again.
"Well. That's good to hear. Perhaps there's hope for you yet, hero..." He walks forward, so he can't see his face, pointing a translucent feather far out east.
"I'd say your next objection should be Rudania. It's the closest. You can backtrack through whatever roads you've already trailed through getting here." The Rito then waved towards some glistening summits just a bit south. "Although, you said you've been to Kakariko and Hateno, yes? You could probably trek to Zora's Domain from there. The Zora will no doubt be a great asset to your further adventures—"
"Who was I closest to?"
Revali knew it was impossible to feel cold at this point, but he felt something shiver nonetheless.
"What do you mean?"
"Like...the pilots I mean. Was I...particularly close with any of them?"
"Well how should I know!" Revali snapped. He immediately regretted it seeing the look in Link's eyes. "I mean...sorry..."
"...Mipha would be overjoyed to see you, I'm sure." He pointed again towards the cliffs surrounding Zora's Domain. "She had quite the heart...She'll make better company than I, I'm sure."
"Mhm...Alright." Link nodded to himself.
"But whatever you choose, don't try taking on Naboris, yet. Urbosa was one of the strongest warriors that even I've ever met. So I imagine that what awaits there is...deserving of more preparation."
The moon escaped from the clutches of a grey cloud, and the two of them were bathed in moonlight.
The knight's sword on his back glistens.
"I'll start making preparations tomorrow, and I'll finally be out of your hair." Link scratched the back of his head. "Although...I hope you don't mind if I come back every now and then to get pointers on using your Gale. I really only used it that one time when you gave it to me, and I've been a bit scared ever since, aha..."
Revali nodded. "That would be a more productive use of your time, yes."
Link finally stood, adjusting the strap of his sword around his shoulder.
"S-So...with Mipha. I actually heard from Kass that...uh he's—well you see, I figured you could confirm if she actually—"
"Stop." His response was as sudden as thunder. Link started sputtering again.
"S-Sorry. I know you just s—"
"Stop doing that. Stop trying to learn about the past, there's nothing for you there." Revali poked a feather at Link's head, which surprisingly made physical contact as he flinched away. "You've been given a gift, you understand? You have the luxury of being unburdened by the pains and memories of 100 years ago, while the rest of us have been stuck wallowing in what we once knew for over a century. Things that we can never attain now that we are dead." He glared, eyes sharp enough to stab into Link's flesh.
"It'd be an insult to the rest of us to throw away such a gift. So stop being ungrateful, and move on."
Revali sighed, turning back towards Medoh. "Now get los—"
"You have no right to speak to me like that!"
The Rito whipped around. "Excuse me?"
"You don't know what it's like!" Link stomped a foot down. "You don't know what it's like, to have no attachments, no nothing to grasp onto!"
The Hylian shook his head, looking at his hands. "You're dead because of my failures, and for that, I'm truly sorry. I really am. But..." He looked the Rito, dead in the eyes. "But now I have nothing of value. Nothing to tell me what I'm worth, besides being a fighter. Besides defeating the Calamity. I don't know what kind of person I need to be," He waves a hand at Revali, "Or even what person I should try not to be. I can't...I don't want to just be nothing. Nothing but a sword and useless snippets of a dead past.
"So don't try and tell me there's nothing for me in the past. I need to know what I was, what I lost, and what I did wrong. N-Not just for me, but for everyone's sake! I want to truly know what this is all for, even if it hurts me..."
Link looked down, caressing his right wrist. "I want to know...what it was like to be complete...at the very least..."
Revali looked him up and down, something clawing up the inside of his chest, threatening to escape as dangerous words.
"...Let me see your arm."
"Hurry up, and just come."
Link cautiously stepped closer to Revali, extending his right arm towards him, like a handshake. But he roughly tugged him closer and folded the sleeve of his Rito garb away, exposing the skin to the crisp night air.
Pale gold letters adorned Link's inner arm, running from his wrist to his inner elbow.
Why did you think it was impossible?
The Rito nodded to himself. He had noted the first word being different when he had first reunited with Link, but it put him at ease—and completely shattered something—to have his suspicions confirmed.
"Do you know what this is, hero?"
"Yeah, it's a soulmark. This is probably what my soulmate 100 years ago said when they—"
"No." Revali let his arm fall, turning away. "It's a soulmark alright, but your soulmate is very much alive."
"Wh-What?!" Link started to walk up to Revali. "T-That's impossible! I-It's been over a hundred—"
"That's not the soulmark you had when I met you." Revali said simply. "You died. You were revived. You are adorned with a new mark, and are destined for someone new. Or someones. Or, maybe your soulmate is just yourself, it really depends..." He turned his head back.
Link was just staring at his arm. He bore no smile, but Revali could see the new fire in his eyes.
"It's like I said. It'd be an insult to go digging up the past. But I suppose I can't stop you..." Revali continued to make his way to Medoh. "You want something to fight for? Fight for that..."
The moon disappeared behind another cloud, and the glow of Medoh was all that bathed them. Link finally looked up, calling after the ghost in the mist.
"I...Thank you, Revali. But just so you know..." The Rito Champion turned, staring directly at the hero's determined expression.
"This doesn't change what I want. I still intend to know who I was."
There was quiet as they each looked at their ghosts.
Revali sighed, giving a sad nod.
"I know."
He disappeared in glowing blue flames, the embers falling towards the stars.
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paellaplease · 4 years
revali x reader 16 (i think?) verklempt please ❤️
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16. verklempt - completely and utterly overcome with emotion
19. temerate - to break a bond or promise
pairing: revali x reader summary:  falling in love is difficult when neither of you know the end is near.
   Night had fallen by the time you mustered the courage to walk up to him. He watched the shining caps of your barely worn boots approach the other side of the campfire, sensing your nervousness as you awkwardly stood for a few beats, weaving and unweaving your fingers. 
Either his reputation as the strongest Champion preceded him, or he was completely unapproachable. Throughout the day you would chance a look at him from across the camp, quickly averting your eyes the moment he noticed. You were part of the Princess’ research effort and therefore had some questions— that much he was certain of. Yet you’ve been dancing around him for hours, gathering the will to speak only to have it snuffed out the moment he acknowledged your presence. 
Embers lifted from the flames and flickered into the night sky as you finally faced him. Revali held his tongue and gathered his patience, trying to hide the glitter in his eyes at the chance of ‘wowing’ another admirer (nevermind that you were the first). 
“Champion, uh sir,” you fumbled with the titles. The question fell from your lips so quickly that his disappointment didn’t register until a second later. “What kind of flower do you favour the most?” 
If the following silence wasn’t damning enough, the Rito was honestly at a loss for how to respond to such an inane question. Seriously? He was better than this. Others have made more important inquiries and had to wait weeks, if not months, for him to clear time in his busy schedule and reply. 
Something like this didn’t deserve attention, let alone an answer. 
“Swift violets.” He said, before rising from his seat by the fire, dead leaves crunching under the weight of him as he made a beeline straight for his tent. 
Parting the canvas, he pretends to miss the earnest wave of goodbye you send his way, ignoring the static in his chest the moment his head hits the pillow. Sleep comes quickly. 
A month later you meet again. 
The universe seemed to adore playing tricks on him. Crossing the threshold of his home, he catches you investigating the decorative shells hanging by his kitchen window. Amusingly, you were balancing on the tips of your toes, its placement just a tad too high.  
There’s something different this time around. You seemed more at ease with your surroundings, no longer jumping at every sound like a stranger in their own skin. The tips of your boots were scuffed with use, and the minute cuts and imperfections in your clothes spoke of days spent in hard work and travel. 
Though some things still remain the same. He holds back his smirk when you stumble forward in surprise at the sound of your name, getting straight to business once you were safe from the risk of falling over. “I believe you’re the researcher sent to assess my progress with Vah Medoh?” 
“Yes, I am.” You’re quick to snap back into stiff professionalism, he’ll give you that. The bow is low and formal, your back so still that someone could confidently rest a cup and saucer on it. An introduction spills out, followed by an apology when you realise he already knows who you are from the briefing he was given days earlier in Hyrule Castle. 
The task was simple really. King Rhoam Bosphoramus wanted a full report on the breadth of Hyrule’s offensive capabilities against Calamity Ganon. From Guardians to Divine Beasts, much had been done in the past year in preparation for their greatest adversary. Now as the whirlwind began to settle, all must be accounted for, down to the last soldier. 
Your report was just a drop in what will be an immense ocean of information currently being collated. But it was nevertheless quite vital. He wonders how someone like you was selected for such a task. 
“Let’s do our best.” You blurt. Revali could see the millions of thoughts racing behind your eyes when you decide to break away from your military-stiff posture, raising a hand in the traditional Hyrulean greeting between strangers.
The lines of your palm stretch before him like deeply-woven thread. He glances at the wrinkles and grooves in your flesh, remembering that some mystics believe such lines could predict something as unknown as the future. He can’t help but wonder what yours might foretell. 
Pressing his wing to your outstretched hand, he declared his agreement. “Of course. You’ll soon see that my ability to pilot Medoh is nothing short of perfect.” 
He can’t help it. “And no questions of the botanical sort, understood?”
The sudden playful grin you give him makes all his witty quips screech to a halt, his focus trained solely on the way your face instantly lights up when it isn't held down by strict politeness or pure nervous energy. “I’ll be sure to steer clear from them this time, Champion. You have my word.” 
Both of you eventually fall into a comfortable routine. Meals are made together and the chores are done quickly through combined effort. You catch on well, cottoning on to the needs of the day based on the tasks you both decide on the night before. 
After breakfast he finds his gear and yours already neatly arranged by the doorway, allowing him additional time with Vah Medoh and you the chance to closely observe. The idea of training with an audience never bothered him, but knowing you followed close behind, notebook at the ready, gave him the extra push to perform just a level better than his previous.
One more arrow, one more extravagant somersault in the air. He even maneuvers Medoh to do a complete 180, reveling in the way your mouth pops open in awe as you walk across what was once the ceiling. 
“... .... --- .-- / --- ..-. ..-.” The ancient machine complains, unhappy to be on their back. The Rito pilot pats the metal wall apologetically, watching as you excitedly flit from one end to the other, feeling quite pleased with himself. 
Revali dreams of a cliff’s edge.
The precipice looms before him, nothing but fog and the unknown past the point where the ground stops and plummets. Revali looks at you and feels the smooth rock of the sea stone underneath his talons; hears the sound of crashing waves in the distance. Tantalising was the mystery of the void beyond. 
The meaning escapes him the moment he wakes up. His pillow was warmed by the glow of the sun, making him realise that he had slept in. Morning was just beginning, and both of you had a full schedule of tasks to get through. 
Diverting all his mental energy to the work ahead, he scrubs the sleep from his eyes and shakes away the odd thrill in his feathers. I’m better than this, he thinks. 
His tea is still warm when he arrives at the table. 
Word of the researcher shadowing him gets around quickly, it’s a small village after all. Some of the Elders glance at you in suspicion, old wounds from disagreements fought with the capital in the past lingering like dye in the water. You don’t seem to mind it, too caught up in the new sights and smells of this vibrant community built in the clouds. 
The Rito children are much more enthusiastic about your presence, sharing in your curiosity by matching your questions with their own. Getting comfortable on the wooden slats of the departure deck, you happily play encyclopedia for them. 
“Were you this cute back then?” You ask, watching a fledgling hop from one talon to another in imitation of a lizalfos, chasing after their friends who were the heroes in the story, at least for this round of the game.
“I was a model citizen.”
“Not true!” One of them pipes, poking him in the side with the tiniest of wings. “Mama said you were a hennish scallion.”
“You mean a hellish rapscallion,” the eldest of the bunch laughs, screaming when the ‘lizalfos’ tackles them into the ground. 
Crossing your arms, you fix him with your best look of authority, shaking your head in mock disappointment. “I apologise but the council has spoken.” He raises a brow at your antics, feeling a little light headed at the adorable way your eyes water whenever you hold back your laughter. “Do you plead guilty for perjury, Mr Champion?”
Champion. The word echoes and reverberates, wrapping tightly around his brain like the blue scarf fitted snugly on his neck. He likes the way you say it, making him wonder about something else. 
The words leave his mouth before he can think it through. “Revali will do just fine.”
Mirth drains from your face, replaced instead by surprise. “W-what?”
“I have a name.” He ignores the feeling of his feathers standing at the back of his neck, unclenching his jaw. Relax, he tells himself. “Better for you to call me that than to continuously mess up the titles.” 
“Still working on it,” you shrug. Then, you’re gesturing for him to step into your space, leaning forward just the same like you’re about to tell him a secret. You’re close enough for him to feel the warmth of your breath against his beak. He freezes, becoming hyper aware of his heart thundering against his ribcage, not daring to move even a muscle in fear of giving his thoughts away. 
“Revali then,” you murmur, almost too soft for him to hear. 
It was only when one of the children tugged at your sleeve, dragging you away to explain the appearance of another monster you’ve encountered in your travels, that he allows himself to breathe.
His presence had been requested at the Chief’s office, the old, war-weary Rito regretfully informing him that an urgent message had arrived. Multiple reports had noted an increase in the signs of Calamity Ganon’s resurgence. It came as no surprise, with every Blood Moon summoning more monsters from the void, an omen that something big was coming. 
Letters from the Princess implied the worst: that she had exhausted nearly all avenues in awakening her sealing power. The Spring of Wisdom would be her last chance, and after that, who knows? The Champions were to meet again in three weeks at the foot of the mountain, to celebrate or to re-strategise depending on the outcome. 
He was never the religious sort but by the Grace of Hylia, please let it be the former. 
A headache was beginning to form as he made his way home, the idea of knocking out on his hammock for an hour or so sounding extremely appealing. The day was coming to a close, a cold breeze chilling his back as the orange heat of the evening crept its way to night. 
You’re the first one to the hut this time, brown scuffed boots positioned neatly at the doorway. Revali stares at them for a second too long, wondering if you knew your time in the village was coming to an end earlier than expected. The information you had diligently collected was finally required, a little last minute if he had to comment but such were the nature of these things. 
The mental image of you puffing out your cheeks in frustration, complaining that you would have to organise the data on the way back, was enough to make his mood perk up— just a tiny bit. Picturing you disgruntled and annoyed, just like when the markets ran out of your favourite produce, was easier to stomach than the thought of saying goodbye. 
Leaning against the hardwood of the kitchen counter, you don’t notice him enter the room, too engrossed in the list you’re making.
It's a sight he'd seen before. If he forgot about the sobering news he'd just received, then the day would feel like any other. 
The open window frames your form, making you appear like a painting come to life. Rays of light streamed from the cracks in the blinds, illuminating the slope of your nose and curve of your mouth. 
Instinctively, you tilted your head to the source of warmth, instantly reminding him of the swift violets that would bloom by the Hebra cliffsides, forever seeking the sun. 
The ground had finally run out, earth and sky crashing together. There was no denying it now. Inwardly, he cursed himself, following the thought past the precipice, plunging himself deeper into the truth he'd avoided acknowledging for months. The universe truly was cruel. 
It wasn’t like he didn’t see it coming. The answer was clear as day, right from the beginning of its inception. 
It's the golden hour before sunset when Revali realises he’s in love with you. 
Wind plays with the jade clasps of his braids as he appraises Medoh’s central control unit. He’d done this maneuver many times before, enough that he could perform it with his eyes closed. 
It was your final day on assignment so shouldn’t he attempt an action that was more daring? He tried to ask. But you had rejected the proposal outright, reasoning that it suggested this would be the last time you both would meet at the top of the Divine Beast. “You can’t get rid of me that easily,” you smile. “I’ll visit once the fight is over.”
“Guess there’s no harm in going back to the basics,” he mused, inputting the commands before taking a step back.
Leaning against one of the columns, you watch with rapt attention as he points the Divine Beast south. The view abruptly shifts from the towering mountains of Hebra, to the grassy Tabantha Frontier, greenery spanning for miles and disappearing into the white, snowy wall of Mystathi’s Shelf. 
You tilt your head up, eyes trained on the heavens. There’s a solemn intensity in the way you look at the sky, as if trying to ascertain a greater meaning to your existence in this world between the cover of clouds and the endless sea of blue. It never gives you the acknowledgement that you desperately want, no matter how long you spend asking it, but that doesn’t stop you from searching anyway. 
He understands because he’s tried asking well, too many times to count. Eventually the young Rito stopped looking, opting to make an answer for himself instead. 
“Do you ever get tired of it?”
Revali’s silent for a moment, mulling over his answer, before he pushes away from the control unit and starts walking towards you. “There’s no spectacle grander, and I can’t recall a time I’ve been without it. As a Rito, it was your first companion, and so long as you looked above, you were never alone.” He shook his head. “Though I guess to love something so vast and beyond our comprehension would be rather imbecilic.” 
He’s running his mouth at this point, the hum of Vah Medoh loud in his ears. “... .. .-.. .-.. -.-- / -.-. .... .. .-.. -..” the beast warns, but he continues anyway. 
“It’s far too foolish to pine for something that will never be in your grasp. So it would be best for me to realise that there’s no point in fighting it anymore. I mean, I should feel relieved by the concession that at least I’ll be remembered by someone other than myself.”
Your attentions were no longer directed at the sky, the intensity of your eyes piercing into him, seeing right through his poorly hidden deflections. “Are we still talking about the same thing?”
The urge to plunge himself over the edge and fly away by the sheer fuel of his embarrassment was beginning to feel very enticing. Trust his description of the sky to sound like a confession. “No,” he admits. 
Revali thinks about telling you— considers allowing himself to become vulnerable just this once.
You’re still here, feet planted firmly on the ground, within his reach at this very moment. There was nothing he wanted more than to take that last step forward, to close the gap that perpetually rests in between you both. He imagines what it would feel like to wrap his wings around you, and believes that it would be nothing less than holding infinity. 
Yet, despite this— despite everything, he sighs. “Another time.”
Almost like reading his mind, you simply nod in response, smiling as you reach out to him. He lets you take one of his wings in both your hands, the firm surety of your touch grounding him into the present. There’s no hesitation in your next words, only a promise of a thousand tomorrows lingering on the corner of your lips.
“Tell me when we meet again?”
“I swear it on my life.”
As usual, what was supposed to be a short and sweet answer became a creature of its own, demanding my full attention until it was finished. Writing in Revali’s POV is so fun, but there’s always that small bit of doubt that I can never do his character justice. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy this one.
By the way! Hello to all the new visitors to my blog. Welcome yall. This is the prompt list. I may not answer straight away, but I shall do my best :) 
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queenof-literature · 3 years
Something with Wind and Wild finding out Wild’s actually related to Wind? (It’s a personal hc of mine that they’re related due to vah medoh being named after Medli and the fact that there are rito in the first place + rito’s village theme being a variant of the dragon roost island theme)
Thank you for the prompt anon! That’s a fun headcanon and I did my best with it! I hope you enjoy!
I said in an announcement I’m putting shorter requests/drabbles in its own story and place in my masterlist to make things a bit more organized. Here’s the Ao3 link to that.
“When will we learn to stop trying to figure out the timeline.” Warriors deadpanned to Sky as he watched the others fight.
“Do we ever learn?” Sky replied, laughing at the sight before him. He supposed there were benefits to being the forger of the Master Sword. His place in the timeline was relatively solid.
“No, no, no. We all know there are different timelines, there has to be.” Hyrule waved his hands.
“Yes, and you and Legend are in the same one, we know that at least.” Four nodded.
“Why does it matter?” Wild whispered to Twilight.
“It doesn’t.” Twilight said simply. 
“That’s funny coming from you! Legend pointed. “You have blood relation to prove your place in the timeline!”
“It’s Time’s fault for breaking the timeline in the first place.” Four accused.
“Hey! Blame the sages, not me.” Time spoke up, holding his hands up in defense.
“Do you know where you are in the timeline?” Twilight asked Wild curiously while the others fought around their campfire.
“It’s been 10,000 years since the last hero in my Hyrule.” Wild shrugged. “So, I mean, does it even matter in my timeline?” 
“I’ve never been big on blood meaning everything, the people in Ordon are my family even though I was found in the woods. But if you’re curious, we may be able to figure it out.” Twilight assured. Wild never knew how he and the others somehow always knew what to say to him.
The truth was, Wild wasn’t sure that he wanted to know the answer. The group had helped him understand that the events of 100 years ago was out of his control, even if he had a hard time believing it sometimes. But he wasn’t stupid, he saw the forlorn gazes the others cast towards the ruins of his Hyrule. Castletown was a ghost of itself, even if Zelda had plans to begin rebuilding, it wouldn’t be the bustling city the other Links knew for a long time, perhaps with the small population of his Hyrule it never would be.
But he loved his Hyrule. He knew every inch of the land yet it still managed to surprise him. The land nurtured him, and he nurtured the land. He ensured monsters didn’t destroy nature, and nature forgave him for letting wildfires. He killed animals for food and ensured he used every part. The others could make fun of him all they wanted, but it was a mutual bond he longed for when he was far from it. To see the others look at it with such sad gazes after a long journey… he understood, but it hurt.
“Meh.” Wild answered. “If we happen to figure it out, then we figure it out.” Wild ignored the suspicious look Twi sent him. Wolf boy was too perceptive for his own good.
“Well Wild and I are obviously in similar timelines!” Wind, with ever impeccable timing, proclaimed.
“Don’t sound so sure.” Warriors challenged. “Don’t forget that almost your entire world is water.” Warriors said, as if Wind could forget that. As if Wind could forget that his entire kingdom of Hyrule flooded, the kingdom Time worked so hard to protect.
“Yeah, no shit!” Wind cursed to let out some steam. “But water dries, I’ve seen entire places in other Hyrules that used to be covered in water.”
“Those are lakes and rivers, not entire oceans.” Legend spoke up.
“Yeah but Wild has said before that the last hero came 10,000 years before him! Who knows what has happened since my time! And before the hero who knows how long it’s been since I was there!” Wind puffed out his chest.
“What makes you so sure it’s you anyway?” Hyrule asked.
“Easy! Our Koroks are practically identical! I mean evolution takes time right?” Wind asked with arms wide. “And Vah Medoh, that divine beast Wild told us about, sounds like Medli from the Rito in my world. And you guys don’t even have Rito! Maybe they originated in my Hyrule and continued on in Wild’s Hyrule! The music they play and their instruments are really similar!” As Wind kept listing off points, Wild didn’t know what to think. Wind? His predecessor? Perhaps even his blood? How was he supposed to react?
“And what does Wild think of this theory?” Sky raised an eyebrow. Despite his teasing tone, Wild knew Sky was making sure he wasn’t left out of this conversation, and it wasn't for the first time Wild was extremely grateful for Sky. 
“Yeah Wild! What do you think?” Wind was practically vibrating with excitement and nerves. What did Wild think? He didn’t have any better theories, and besides, Wind made a lot of valid points. Wild bit his lip.
“W-well.” Shit, Wild could feel the words bubbling in his throat again. It’s been so long though! “I mean, I- well.” Wild tried to repeat what he had been thinking about, how Wind made great points and how the boy had obviously thought long and hard about this. Instead, with a frustrated huff, he raised his hands to sign, as usual he appreciated that no one interrupted him. ‘Sounds good to me.’ Wild signed simply, hoping his message came across well enough.
“Yes! I’m a grandfather!” Wind cried cheerfully, much to the shock of the other Links.
“We never agreed you were blood related-” Four tried to argue, only to be shushed by Wind.
“Shut it, sonny!” Wind pointed with a glare he most likely thought was threatening.
“You have to at least put a thousand ‘greats’ in front of that grandfather title.” Warriors lectured with an amused smirk.
“No one has time for that! I’m near the end of my life and you want me to waste time on that?” Wind shot back, as if they were the ones being ludicrous.
“Wind, you’re 14-”
“I’m old!” Wind cried out. “I’m decrepit! My joints ache! My knees pop every time I bend down!” Wind rambled.
“Looks like you’re being replaced.” Legend whispered to Time, who simply glared back. He did not sound like that!
Hyrule glanced towards Wild, slightly afraid this conversation would make him upset. Finding out where you were in the timeline was… odd. It was nice to know where you stood but the answer wasn’t always happy, or it wasn’t always what you wanted. Hyrule relaxed upon seeing Wild smiling and laughing at Wind’s antics with the rest of them, only getting louder as Wind continued on. Wait, didn’t this mean Wild was a part of Time’s line? And so Twilight’s as well? Oh well, better not go there tonight.
“Hey Wind?” Wild questioned turning in his bed roll to face the younger boy. The others had mostly turned in, and Wind had settled next to Wild’s bed roll, causing Wild’s chest to light up with an odd warmth.
“Yeah Wild?” Wind ceased his joking tone at Wild’s serious one.
“Are you… upset? That it's me who's your potential predecessor?” Wild asked hesitantly.
“Wild we’ve talked about this-”
“No, no, not that.” Wild really did not want to get into his, what Four called, ‘self esteem issues’. “But… I’ve seen the way you all look at my ruins. Aren’t you, you know, sad, that that’s what Hyrule turned into?” There was an awkward silence and Wild as glad Sky was probably far enough away for his watch he couldn’t hear them.
“Do you remember when we first got to my Hyrule, I mean the first time with you there?” Wind asked, and Wild didn’t see how this related but let the boy continue. “And you were stunned by how much water there was. I mean the look on your face.” Wind joked, but it was stiff and dry. “I was self conscious too. Especially with the Hero of Time there, I loved visiting my home but having Time there always made me nervous. I mean I was already suspecting that he was perhaps part of my timeline. What if he found out his Hyrule, the one he worked so hard to save, was flooded during my quest?”
“That wasn’t your fault-”
“I know.” Wind interrupted Wild, with a small smile that this time seemed genuine. “Still at the time, the way you were all were still talking about how much water there was, how irritating it was to go around on boats all the time, how odd it was that there were so few land masses. It scared me, I thought they all hated what their land had become.” Wild’s eyes widened in surprise. He never even knew…
“But Time knew something was wrong, of course he did. I couldn’t tell him yet, I had to be sure. I didn’t want him to know until I knew for sure, as excited as I was to meet the Hero of Time, I was so scared what he would think of me, of my Hyrule.” Wind’s voice trailed off into a whisper, and wrestled his arm out of his bed roll and placed it on Wind’s shoulder. That’s what he was supposed to do, right? He relaxed when Wind smiled and nodded in thanks.
“What he said, it stuck with me. I told him how I felt, how the others seemed to hate my Hyrule. You know what he said?” Wild knew it was a rhetorical question, still he shook his head. “He said ‘It’s not bad, it’s different.’ I know it's simple, but he’s right. We’re just not used to each other’s Hyrules, that includes you Wild. We’re not used to ruins, or Guardians, or insane lightning storms. But the giant mushrooms you have are amazing.” They weren’t really mushrooms, but it still caused Wild to smile. “And those super tall islands you showed us! And your Rito have an amazing village. You know how I see it?” Wind waited for Wild to tilt his head against his bed roll. “I think our Hyrules just prove that no matter what, we’ll endure. There’s been cataclysms, great floods, calamity, but no matter what, Hyrule finds a way. That’s pretty great, don’t you think?” Huh, Wild had never thought about it in that grand of a way. He knew that the people of Hyrule, all of them, Hylian or no, were strong. But Wind put it into perspective. Wild wondered if Wind knew how good he was. Just… good. A good kid, a good hero, a good person, a good brother. Just genuinely good. Wild didn’t know how to say that, especially without sounding patronizing, so he settled for something else.
“You’re right Wind, thank you.” Wind knew the words were simple, but the emotion behind them got Wild’s point across perfectly. Wind smiled brightly.
“That’s Grandpa Wind to you.” Wild had to muffle his laughter in his bed roll.
This turned out a lot more fluffy/little angsty I hope that’s alright anon! Thank you for reading all, I hope you enjoyed!
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moonrabbitisgay · 4 years
Alright so I’m writing a Teba x Link x Revali fic, and it was originally supposed to be a 1000-2000 word oneshot, but...well, let’s just say I’m at almost 3000 words now and only about 10% of the way through the plot, so. Yeah. 
Anyway, I’m impatient and want to share, but I don’t want to break this up into sub-2000 word chapters, so...I’m just posting a big ol’ chunk of it as, uh, a really long teaser, I guess! I hope y’all enjoy :)
Teba knows he’s fucked from the moment he meets Link.
He’s met a few Hylians before, but this one stands out. He’s more...colorful than any other Teba’s seen before, with his golden hair and electric blue eyes and the strange hoops adorning his pointed ears. Teba can’t help but think that he’s far prettier than a Hylian male has any right being, a thought which he immediately pushes out of his mind with an angry huff.
At first, it’s easy to ignore. They have business to attend to, and if he feels a twinge of worry every single time Link narrowly dodges one of Vah Medoh’s lasers, that’s just because he can’t live with another injured warrior on his conscience. The ache in his chest when he leaves him alone on the deck of the Divine Beast is just disappointment in himself, for being foolish enough to get himself injured, and for leaving what should be the business of the Rito to a Hylian stranger. 
(The genuine worry in Link’s eyes makes him feel a little better, though.)
When Vah Medoh perches directly above the village, there’s a flurry of panic. After a few minutes, as it seems content to simply sit there with its beak pointed toward the castle, the mood turns to conspiracy, which is only elevated when Harth and Mazli fly up to investigate and return with the unconscious bodies of Link and a Rito male that no one in the village recognizes. Teba misses all of it, laying on a small cot and staring dejectedly at the crossed wooden beams of the infirmary ceiling, and by the time Link and the stranger are brought in he has fallen asleep.
He awakens the next morning to see Link curled up on a cot a few feet away from him, clutching the blankets, a hole the size of his hand burned into his shirt on the left side of his stomach and charred flesh underneath. On the other side of the room, a mess of dark blue feathers lies crumpled in a hammock. 
Saki and Harth drift in and out of the room all morning, fussing over the three of them. Link wakes around noon, bringing a hand gingerly to his wound and wincing. Teba sits up and clucks disapprovingly, and Link’s gaze swivels around to him.
“How’s your leg?,” he signs, and Teba huffs.
“Better than your side. What the hell happened in there?”
Link laughs, a breathy little sound. “There was a monster, possessing Medoh. I managed to kill it, but it was a hard fight.”
Teba nods slowly. He finds it hard to believe that this tiny Hylian single-handedly calmed the beast that had shot so many of their finest warriors (including himself, he thinks with a grimace) out of the sky, but according to Saki, it had been completely still for the roughly 16 hours since it landed. And, on some instinctive level, he trusts that Link is telling the truth.
“So who’s this?,” he asks, gesturing at the hammock, and Link looks over. His eyes widen, and he starts to push himself up before falling back onto the cot with a small whimper. A flood of worry rushes through Teba, and before he has time to think about what he’s doing he’s on the floor next to Link, carefully placing a wing on his chest.
“Hey now.” He intends it to be soft, comforting, but it comes out gruff. He tries again. “They’re gonna be okay. Saki and Harth will make sure of that.” Link relaxes a little, and Teba nods approvingly. He stays there, watching carefully, until the silence stretches on for a little too long and he coughs awkwardly and shuffles back to his cot. “...So?”
Link frowns, glancing back over at Teba. “I could tell you, but you wouldn’t believe me.”
Teba raises an eyebrow. “I didn’t believe you when you said you could calm Vah Medoh, and yet here we are.” 
“I suppose.” He fiddles with the hem of his tunic, looking uncomfortable. Teba watches with a slowly growing sense of trepidation, wondering what could possibly make him so hesitant to answer such a simple question. Eventually, he spells out a name.
Link nods.
“As in—”
Link nods. Teba can feel the feathers on the back of his neck rising. “This stranger had the gall to claim to be Master Revali, one of the most celebrated Rito warriors in history, who lived one hundred years ago...and you believed him?!”
“He didn’t claim anything. He was barely conscious enough to land Vah Medoh. I...recognized him.”
Teba just...stares. He recognized him? What the hell does that mean? Link swallows and looks away, and Teba starts guiltily. 
“Sorry,” he mutters, and Link gives him a thin smile.
“I told you, you wouldn’t believe me.”
“It’s not that I don’t believe you, I just-” He shakes his head. “You recognized him? That doesn’t make any sense.”
Link shrugs. “I could explain that too, and then you’d really think that I’m off the deep end.”
“Try me.”
Link laughs again, louder this time (and Teba’s stupid heart flutters, just a little).
“If you insist,” he responds, and Teba nods. “One hundred years ago...I was the Princess of Hyrule’s appointed knight. I knew all of the Champions, including Revali.” He grimaces. “After we lost, I was...my body was taken to a shrine on the Great Plateau. It healed me, but took away my memories. I’m only just starting to get them back...”
“Link,” Teba says quietly, and he looks over. Teba hesitates for a moment— it feels cruel, somehow, to question what he says, as wildly unbelievable as it is. He forges ahead anyway. “Do you...do you have any proof of this? At all?”
Link gestures helplessly. “I know it sounds insane. Your Elder, he recognized my Sheikah Slate. He believes I’m a descendent of the Hylian champion, which I guess is a lot more believable.”
“I guess.”
They sit in silence. Link looks at the ceiling, then over at the hammock, then back at the ceiling. Teba thinks about his tunic, a shade of blue more vibrant than he thought possible to make fabric in, an unsettlingly similar blue to Vah Medoh’s lasers. And the eye on the back of the strange slate he carries, identical to the eyes of Vah Medoh’s cannons. 
Saki pokes her head in. “Oh, good. You’re awake. And you—” she points at Teba, “you should be lying down.”
“I’m not putting weight on it,” he counters, “and it’s healing quickly. It was a shallow wound.”
“Hm.” She doesn’t push, and he’s grateful for it. Instead, she walks over to the hammock, bending over to carefully examine the unconscious Rito. “I may have to ask Amali to make him another elixir. His external wounds seem to be mostly healed, but his breathing is still shallow.” She turns to Link. “How are you feeling?”
She dresses the wound on Link’s chest and worries over Teba’s leg before leaving, and a few minutes later Harth comes in with two plates of steamed salmon. Link insists that he can feed himself despite not being able to sit up, and it’s not until after he’s dropped three entire bites of salmon on the floor that Teba insists upon helping him. He apologizes profusely, but Teba waves it off. He’d done the same for Harth last week. Link goes back to sleep not long after eating, leaving Teba alone with his thoughts again. He watches for a few minutes, wondering at the strange sense of protectiveness he feels toward this strange Hylian he met only yesterday.
He doesn’t think Link is lying. Even to him, it’s clear as day that he believes every word he’s saying. Which means that either he actually did wake up in a strange shrine on the Great Plateau with his memory gone, or he’s horrifically delusional. Teba knows which one of those answers he prefers.
Then there was the strange tablet— a Sheikah Slate, he’d called it. On his hip, it appeared to be a plain stone slab, elaborately carved and painted but otherwise ordinary. Teba knew, though, that on the side facing inward it was not stone, but a strange, smooth surface that started off dark and lit up when touched. He hadn’t gotten a good look at it, but Link had mentioned that it let him fast-travel to any of the shrines he’d visited before.
At first, Teba had shrugged it off as some fancy adventurer’s technology, but now that he thought about it, it was...strange. He’d only ever seen two shrines, the one just outside the village and the one near the Flight Range, and they had both essentially just been elaborately carved hunks of rock for as long as he or anyone else could remember. They’d both flared up with mysterious orange light about a month ago, the same day that mysterious tower had risen in the east and Vah Medoh had appeared, circling ominously close to the village. Maybe he should ask Link what he knows about them...
He sighs and turns away, moving back to his cot and collapsing backwards, suddenly aware that he’s tired as well. He should get some more rest, hopefully be able to leave the infirmary by tomorrow and get back to training within the week. He’s not 100% convinced that Vah Medoh won’t start causing problems again, and if it does, he needs to be ready for it, with or without Link’s help.
It’s difficult to fall asleep— he’s not used to sleeping in the same room as other people, it feels weirdly invasive— but after a while of turning the same thoughts over and over in his head until they dissolve into mush, he manages.
He wakes up to dark skies and Saki holding a platter of meat skewers and three elixirs. She hands Teba and Link one each of the former and puts the platter down between them, before moving over to the hammock and carefully pouring the third into the unconscious Rito’s mouth. She briefly examines Teba’s leg as he eats and tells him that he should stay in the infirmary overnight. He nods.
“Thank you for everything,” Link signs as she re-bandages his wound. She nods in acknowledgment.
“Thank you for helping Teba,” she responds, “and our village. We are all very grateful.”
Link flushes, and Teba tries not to think about how cute it is.
He can sit up now, albeit with a bit of a pained expression. It fades as he eats, but he still collapses back into his pillow as soon as he’s done. “You guys have good food,” he signs, and Teba chuckles.
“Amali is a good cook.”
“How’s your leg?”
“Healing well.” He frowns. “You’re in much worse shape than I am, you shouldn’t worry about me.”
Link just shrugs.
“Well, I do,”
he responds, and Teba has nothing to say to that.
Fuckin uhhhh yeah
Keep your eyes peeled for the rest of this in like, three months or something IDK
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zzariyowords · 4 years
alright, alright. i’m posting this in hopes that it’ll push me to finish the actual update.
here’s a 5 page worth of words I wrote out for the next update when I was so invested in my thoughts of meelo that I totally and completely forgot how the climax and ending was supposed to go and didn’t think of how this would rock the boat too much. i hope one or two people will get a kick out of this. maybe foam a little at the mouth like i did. i’ll consider it a piece of my AU’s AU lol
there’s like. A spoiler but it’s not much of a spoiler, I think. Also I haven’t looked at it or edited it in a while so there may be some mess ups.
They went back to drinking their tea until mid-sip, Revali asked, “Speaking of, why did you follow me up there in the first place? Was there something?” Immediately, Meezuli’s whole face tightened and it was clear that there was definitely something.
“I-Well, you know-” She was tripping over what should have been a simple question, averting her eyes from Revali until she gave an awkward smile and blurted, “I originally came up to punch you for upsetting Meelo.”
They both blinked.
Revali frowned, as his first reaction was to be insulted that she came to hit him, up until he thought about how shocked and sad Meelo looked after he overheard him and Teba. And then his stomach dropped the same way it did then.
He had just assumed, or rather, hoped, that Meelo left because he genuinely felt like he was interrupting, not because he was that upset. Stupid.
“I upset him that much?”
Meezuli ground her beak and nearly tossed her saucer onto the floor so she could slap her hands on her knees. “You did! And I wonder why. Maybe ‘cause you screamed about fucking Link in front of him, you idiot!”
“But why would he be so upset to warrant you to punch me?” Revali squawked back.
Instantly, Meezuli’s face went blank and she was quiet for a second. “Oh. Oh, you don’t know, do you?”
Revali folded his arms. “What don’t I know?”
“How Lo feels about you…?”
His cheek feathers ruffled. He scratched his face and looked away. “Well...I...I know that sometimes things got...Well, maybe a little intimate between us, but I didn’t that it-”
Meezuli ground her beak again. “That it what? That it didn’t mean anything?” She threw her hands up to grab onto Revali’s face and knocked on his skull. “For our Champion, you really don’t have anything knocking around in that giant head of yours, do you?!”
With what limited control he had of his face with Meezuli’s clutching onto him, he grimaced and spat, “Excuse me?”
As a response, Meezuli started to shake him and yelled in his face, “Meelo is head over heels for you, birdbrain! Totally nuts, bonkers, wacko over you!”
Every feather on Revali’s body stood on end. And his skin underneath it scorched.
He had known that there was something, but nothing that serious. Not serious enough that knowing what happened between him and Link would hurt him.
Revali was caught between feeling immeasurably guilty and inexplicably happy, knowing how Meelo felt. Knowing the real meaning behind Meelo's words when he told Revali how much he meant to him. 
“Everyone in the village knows it. Except you, apparently!”
“For...For how long?” He hesitantly asked, his beak bone dry.
“Basically since the beginning! How could you not-” She released Revali, groaning, then balled up her fists. “Din Almighty, I want to punch you so hard right now.”
Revali tried to flatten his feathers, trying to get them to stay down, but he couldn’t. All he could do was think of Meelo. Think of how during all the nights Revali was thinking about Link, Meelo was probably thinking about him the same way. About all those moments that Revali brushed off to go back to thinking about Link, and much they probably meant to Meelo.
Meezuli let out a guttural sigh, rolled her head. “Meelo was so upset because he’s so into you and lately really thought he could have a serious chance. Even when Link was here and you two were attached at the hip, both me and Teba told him he didn’t have anything to worry about. Because, you know, everyone in Hyrule knows he’s engaged to that stuck up fish prince. But then you-” She balled her fists up and groaned again, loudly, up at the roof.
“I thought you said you were on my side!” Revali spat, brushing down his crown.
She huffed, then waved her hands. “I am, I am. I just can’t help but be mad on Meelo’s behalf, okay?” Clasping her hands together, she went on. “But, because I know Meelo can get over this and you’re dealing with a lot more...I will try to be unbiased. And from my unbiased standpoint, I gotta ask this again.” Meezuli leaned in and pointed her hands at Revali. “How do you feel about Lo?”
Revali sputtered and had to work on flattening his feathers again.
“Is he just a friend to you? Did all that 'intimacy' you mentioned really not mean anything?”
She might've said that she would be unbiased, but the pleading look in her eyes said otherwise. It was intense enough that Revali had to look away and think, all the while brushing his cheeks to flatten the feathers.
Maybe it should’ve been a simple answer, but it wasn’t.
After all the time he spent with him. After all the gentle smiles and soft laughs Meelo gave him, it wasn’t easy.
After Meelo shielded onlookers from seeing Revali when he was torn after finding that old letter from his parents like it was the obvious choice. 
After Meelo found Revali when he was falling apart from his visions in front of Medoh, using his taller frame and hand as an umbrella for Revali from the pouring rain, and held him tightly until he calmed down.
After Meelo tried to be brave at the ball, even though he was completely out of his element. And after they waltzed together, their bodies closer than ever, both ruffling up when they held hands, hips, and shoulders, breathing each other’s air. Even after Meelo snapped at Link for putting Revali in danger; It was wrong, but he had only done it because he cared so much for Revali.
After he took down a Grizzlemaw, almost singlehandedly, showing just how brave and bold he could be when given the chance.
After Meelo worried about it him all the time, fretting over his wellbeing constantly. Waiting by his bedside when he was with the doctor and always being there when he was hurt.
After Meelo never failing to be amazed by him. Always in awe of everything that Revali did, never ceasing to hang on his every word with stars in his eyes.
After always predictably puffing out his cheeks when he was mad or frustrated, stuttered and fidgeted when he was nervous, cocked his head slightly whenever he asked questions. His crest always gave him away and he was always so easy to read; he was always so expressive in the funniest and most adorable ways and it was one of the most endearing things about him.
After always being so thoughtful and gentle. Being surprisingly smart and cunning. Being headstrong in the softest way; never giving up even when it was hard, despite how he thought of himself. Generally being wonderful and perfect. Softening Revali and making him want to be a kinder person.
After all of that...It wasn’t easy. It was not easy at all to come up with an exact answer to how he felt about Meelo.
Especially after the night where they were so close to kissing. So close to Revali throwing away all the years of yearning for Link to start something new. He had wanted to kiss him so bad. To turn over a new leaf with someone else.
But that was the question.
If Link was out of the picture, would Revali even want to be with Meelo?
Revali had pulled away when he realized that he was only putting Link in Meelo’s place because he was so much like Link before the Calamity happened. And while still wanting a future with Link, it felt so wrong.
But if Link was gone, if Link never gave Revali the time of day, if Link was untouchable enough for Revali to finally give up, would that piece of him still...Still want to kiss Meelo? Did he only feel the way he did because of his likeness for the old Link and he was a stand-in, or was he so special to Revali while Link was still invading his head?
Should it even matter, anyway?
It was impossible to keep ignoring how Meelo made him feel. He felt himself blush around him, felt his heart skip beats and his stomach flop. Felt butterflies in every inch of his body. A future could be possible. A new future. He could be the key to moving on, to finding a new life far from all the pain of the past. Just like Urbosa said. Maybe that was what was meant to be.
But how could he? How could he do that now that he already dug his own grave, done what he had done with Link. Was this new future even possible with the past, with what could have been with Link, still plaguing him and refusing to let go?
Revali closed his eyes and rubbed his head.
“I don’t...I don’t know.”
Meezuli squinted at him and furled her arms. “Waddya mean you don’t know?”
“Alright, alright! Fine!” His eyes shot open so he could glare at Meezuli. “I admit it. I like Meelo. I think I might really really like him.”
Meezuli’s whole face widened into a gigantic grin that was too big for her tiny face.
“But it’s very complicated, Meezuli. Extremely complicated.” He pinched the bridge of his beak in exasperation.
And instantly her smile fell. “Oh, whatever.”
“No! Seriously. Listen to me,” Revali snapped. “I...I left this part out because I’m not proud of it and I doubt Meelo ever brought it up with you, but-”
Meezuli’s eyes were so wide and expectant that Revali had to look away again to finish his sentence.
“...Meelo and I almost kissed.”
“For real?!” She shrieked. 
Revali grabbed her beak to clamp it shut. “Quiet! I don’t want all of Tabantha to know.”
When he let go, she clicked her beak a couple times before asking, “Well, why didn’t you? What’s the problem?”
“The problem is that no matter what I do, no matter what happens, I just can’t let go of Link. I still want to be with him. I still want to have a future with him-”
“You still want to bone him.”
“That could be said more eloquently, but yes!” He barked. 
“Well, after all you told me, I can see why it wouldn’t be easy to shake off. Not everyone gets to spend a century dreaming about boning someone.”
Revali covered his face with his hand and let out a sharp groan before continuing on. “The point is, I pulled away because I realized that I wasn’t completely thinking about Meelo. I was thinking about Link, too. And I’m afraid that I only like Meelo since he reminds me so much of how Link was before the Calamity.”
“But that Link is gone, right? He’s a totally different person now, through and through, so that shouldn’t matter that he makes you think of someone from the past, yeah?” Meezuli said, drinking more tea.
“Again, it’s not that simple. As I said before, Link is regaining more of his memories and is becoming more and more like the person he was before. So, it’s almost as if the person I loved before is slowly coming back.”
Meezuli whistled. “Wow, yeah, this is a toughie.”
“You are doing the opposite of helping.”
“Okay, okay, fine. As your unbiased pal, lemme put this on the table.” She took a giant gulp of her tea and practically tossed the empty saucer onto the floor. “The thing is, Link is engaged to someone else. Before you even came back from heaven or wherever the hell you were. And to the prince of the Zora, for Farore’s sake! Teba’s right, there’s a lot of politics, that honestly I don’t totally get, involved. Things are weird enough between us and the Zora as it is without you, someone who’s already hated by those fish, messing it all up. It’s hairy stuff.”
“That sounds pretty biased to me, Meezuli.”
“I’m just listing the cons here, sir.”
“But Link said he would take care of that. That he would break it off so that we could be together. So that can’t even be considered a con because that won’t be an issue anymore.”
Meezuli gave him a flat look.
“You can’t honestly believe that he’ll be able to do that, right? I think he just said that in the spur of the moment. There’s kingdom politics, then there’s that lunatic involved…”
“That’s another thing! Link wouldn’t have to deal with that wretched royal anymore-”
“Sir, that’s a pro for Link. Not for you. Yeah, Link should get away from him if he can, but that doesn’t mean he has to be with you instead.”
Revali set his head in his hands. That was...shockingly smart of Meezuli to say.
“You wanna know what I think?”
“What do you think, wise sage Meezuli?”
She gave him a snide look and then went on. “I think Lady Urbosa is right, too. You all need to move on and find new lives for yourselves. That’s the best thing you can do after all you’ve been through. Leave the past in the past. And I think that you should do that…” She sheepishly shrugged and smiled. “By getting with my number one buddy who is your biggest fan.”
Revali’s brow deepened as his feathers lightly ruffled. “You’re really pushing your Meelo agenda, aren’t you?”
“I told you, I can’t help it!” Meezuli laughed, despite herself. “I know, you’re still in love with that hero. But, that ship might have permanently sailed. And all that ship has done is make life harder for you. So, that’s why I genuinely think Meelo is your ticket to happiness. Even if you’ve fudged it up a bit.”
He scratched his face, thinking. “I don’t know.”
Maybe she was right. She probably was.
But she was really downplaying how in love she was with Link. It wasn’t something you could easily break off just like that.
Meezuli rubbed her chin for a moment, thinking, before snapping her fingers. “Tell you what. How about you think it over tonight and then in the morning you can go talk to Link in person about it, without all that romance getting to both of your heads. Really mull it over with each other. No secrets, just straight up. I’ll go with you, since I have letters to deliver in the Domain anyway.”
Revali wasn’t too keen on going to that place. He might as well walk into a Bokoblin camp with his arms bound and an apple stuffed in his beak. “But… shouldn’t you have left tonight?”
“Tch. I’ll just tell ‘em there was a storm. How are they supposed to know?”
He stared at her and she stared back, again with her massive, expectant eyes. 
“For the love of- Fine. Fine! I’ll go.”
“Perfect! You can stay her tonight, too, since-”
“Yes. Thanks for reminding me. We can take Medoh, too.”
“Oh, geez. As long as you two can take it easy on me this time.”
Revali smirked.
“No promises.”
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obviouslyelementary · 7 years
Love is just like courage
The days went rushing by. Sometimes, Link was certain that the day was around four hours long, and not twenty four.
And four very, very long and tiring hours.
By the end of the day, it was Link’s duty to take the princess back to the castle. He would present his daily report to the king, grab some food in the dining hall and go straight to his chambers.
Most days, he was alone. Most days, he stayed inside, tossing and turning in his sleep as nightmares came to hunt him at night. It was terrible. But he could live with it. He had lived with far worst things before.
However, there were a few nights, just a few, where he did not sleep alone.
Those nights, he had a wonderfully handsome pack of feathers waiting for his arrival in his chambers.
And that night was one of those nights.
“Ten thirty? To wake up at four in the morning? What is this royal family thinking?” Revali asked, angrily, as he looked at Link once he had opened the door. Link didn’t even mind the harsh tone. He smiled, wide and big, and rushed to his boyfriend, jumping on him and squeezing his neck as the rito huffed and wrapped his wings around him. “I missed you too, now calm down, hero” he chuckled.
Link shook his head and nuzzled on his neck, sitting on his lap and making himself onto a comfy and happy ball. Revali sighed and then chuckled, rubbing his back and gently nuzzling his beak against Link’s hair.
“I missed you” Link whispered, his voice a bit raspy from not using it often. Revali smiled and nodded, pulling away and brushing his beak against Link’s nose.
“I missed you too, Link” he mumbled and Link beamed at the Rito kiss, lifting his head and placing a Hylian kiss to the tip of Revali’s beak. His cheek feathers puffed light and Link giggled.
‘Why did you take so long to come visit?’ he signed, and Revali took a deep breath.
“Rito Village was attacked. Again. Me and other three warriors had to spend an entire week surrounding the area and killing moblins, lizalfos and mocoblins all around the region. They had bomb and ice arrows, so it was a bit… difficult. But we managed” he stopped and sighed. “They are becoming more and more common everywhere. The calamity is close to its freedom. You can feel it in the air”
‘Are you hurt?’ Link asked, worriedly, and Revali chuckled.
“Me? Hurt? Please, who do you think I am?” he laughed, and Link frowned, poking his chest.
‘I am serious. I have a few elixirs that Zelda gave me. If you need them, tell me’ he signed, and quickly grabbed a bottle from his pocket. The rito raised an eyebrow, and then hummed.
“I still become surprised at how wide your pocket is” he said, and Link chuckled softly.
‘It is a magical pocket. You know it’
“Yes, but still!” he said, astounded. “You can fit a Lynel inside of that!”
‘Why would I need a Lynel inside my pocket?’
“Who knows? Maybe you could domesticate it” he shrugged and Link giggled again, making him smile. “You seem happy today”
‘Yes. I am seeing you after weeks’ he signed and smiled wider, his eyes sparkling, cheeks lightly pink. Revali felt his heart beating at a slower pace, and his whole body relax at that. He lifted his wings and gently caressed Link’s face, and the knight closed his eyes, relaxing on the soft and sweet touch.
“You are a sight for sore eyes” he whispered, and Link opened his eyes, more serene now, leaning forward and nuzzling on Revali’s neck again. He sighed, and held Link close with both of his wings. “I don’t know what is about to come, but please be careful okay?”
Link nodded.
They were all afraid.
But they could do nothing but wait.
  “So, the king finally gave you a break?” Revali asked as he and Link sat by the peak of Rito village, just next to Vah Medoh. Link sat between the rito’s legs as he slowly made up braids on his boyfriend’s hair, decorating them with his own feathers.
At the question, Link shook his head.
‘Zelda did’ he signed, and Revali frowned.
“I thought she couldn’t command you to leave her side” he said, confused, and Link nodded.
‘She can’t. But she told me she was going to spend some time with Mipha in Zora’s domain, and that is the safest place I have ever been to. So she is safe’ he signed and smiled. Revali smiled back and then chuckled.
“Is she finally going to tell the fish she likes her?” he asked, curious, and Link laughed at that, grinning from ear to ear.
‘I don’t know. But I hope so. Mipha has been crushing on Zelda for far too long and they need to solve themselves’ he giggled and Revali chuckled.
“Don’t act as if this was easy” he said and slowly locked Link’s braid with a clip before plucking out one of his feathers and placing it between the hair and the clip. “We took months to confess”
‘We did. You were too self absorbed’ Link signed and Revali frowned, slapping his arm and making him pout. ‘Ouch! What was that for?’
“Don’t call me ‘self absorbed’” he huffed and crossed his arms. “And besides, it wasn’t like you were doing any better job in showing how you liked me. You were always stoic and quiet around me! You didn’t even speak with your hands!”
‘I know’ he smiled and leaned against Revali, nuzzling on his chest. ‘I was shy okay? And besides, I thought you hated me. So there’
“I didn’t” he said and smiled, slowly reaching towards the second braid and slowly locking it in place with a clip. Then, he reached behind Link’s head and pulled his ponytail loose, letting his hair free to wave with the wind. “Your hair looks way better like this then up”
‘But it gets messy when I fight’ Link signed and looked up at Revali, smiling lazily. The rito champion smiled back. It seemed hard to see Link so relaxed and calm these last weeks.
“You didn’t tell me. How did you get from Zora’s domain to here?” he asked, suspicious, and Link hummed, shrugging.
‘Grabbed Epona in the stable and headed over by horse’
“You what?!” he asked, loudly, and Link looked at him, surprised. “You came all the way from Zora’s domain to Rito village on a horse, on your own?!”
‘Yes..?’ he winced at Revali’s loud squawk of rage.
“Do you know how dangerous it is, to walk around Hyrule Field by yourself at these times?! How dangerous it is to be alone as you go through the Wetlands?! And the field itself?! And…” he stopped and narrowed his eyes as he stared right at Link. “Did you come from Hebra region? Or Tabantha frontier?”
Link took a moment to answer, still taking in all the complaints and angry motions and words.
‘He… bra?’
“For Hylia herself!” he squawked again and Link winced. “Only the coldest region of all Hyrule! A hylian! Without the appropriate clothing!”
‘I stayed in the stable and I made myself some cold resistance food! Besides, you said yourself that the Tabantha region is more dangerous, so I took the longer but easier path…’ he signed and Revali growled, looking away from Link.
“Next time just… Just… ugh” he groaned and looked at Link, who was staring back, eyes wide and apologetic. “Don’t… don’t look at me like that”
‘I’m sorry…’
‘I just… wanted to see you…’
“Link, stop”
‘Next time I will just stay in the Domain…’
“Shush, stupid hylian” Revali huffed and hugged Link tight. “I am just worried, alright? The world is… very dangerous now and I don’t know what I would do if you got hurt because of me. The princess is already trouble enough”
“I love you” Link muttered after a while, hugging Revali back and closing his eyes. The rito felt his heart ache and warm up, warmer than Death Mountain itself. Then, he smiled.
“I love you too” he whispered and nuzzled his beak on Link’s hair as a rito kiss.
They were ruined, and they knew it.
  Revali wasn’t sure of what hurt more: his wing or his pride.
Outside the cave, water poured from the sky like a waterfall on a lake. It was almost impossible to see the trees surrounding the cave, unless there was a lightening, which honestly was never a good sign.
The rito champion was laid next to a rustic fire, with one wing wrapped around a dark blue cloth and spread to the side. Next to him, sat none other than Link, who was quietly trying to find a way of making some more elixirs without a pot.
“I am fine, Link” Revali said for the third time that day, but Link simply stared at him angrily, and that was enough to make him shut up and look away.
Honestly, he understood why Link was so mad. The champions and the princess had been off to find something in the Faron region, close to the beaches. Some type of ancient artifact that wasn’t shieka. However, to reach the beaches, they had to walk through the forests, and upon one of those days walking, they ended up ambushed by a large group of silver mokoblins and lizalfos. Which was just wonderful, considering they had shock arrows and iron weapons that attracted lightening.
Also, for some reason, it always rained in Faron, so they were in troubling territory there.
And while the rest was mostly protected from the shock arrows with elixirs Zelda had made, Mipha, as a Zora, was extremely vulnerable, and such chosen to stay behind the group and not fight unless utterly necessary.
Urbosa and Daruk took the front lines, since they had the least problem with lightening. And Revali himself wouldn’t have had much problem into flying and discharging all his bomb arrows on that group, if it wasn’t for the fact that it was raining. And raining meant inactive bomb arrows and soaked feathers.
He was heavier than a bull.
Because of that, he stayed behind with Link and Zelda. The princess had literally nothing to defend herself with and for some reason or another, the sword that sealed the darkness was extremely lightening attracting, so Link changed his weapon for a wood one instead.
They weren’t taking any risks.
Until the attacking part came.
At first, everything seemed fine. With Link’s help, Revali climbed up a not very tall tree and stayed there, shooting the enemies that came too close to Urbosa or Daruk when they weren’t paying attention. However, at some point, a lightning struck right over Daruk and one of the mokoblins, sending both flying away. Daruk fell over close to the water, which was a blessing because Gorons could not swim, and the mokoblin fell dead on the floor. However, without Daruk, the space to pass opened and while Urbosa tried to cover, a lizalfos used her distraction and sent her flying away with its tail towards Link and Zelda.
The princess was quick to act, grabbing Urbosa and pulling her behind the tree, and Link quickly armed himself, ready to deal some damage on the rest of the group.
There weren’t that many. Two lizalfos and one mokoblin left. However, one of those lizalfos still had a bow, and while it was hidden over a rock formation, it could still hit Link and use the puddles on the ground for its advantage.
Slightly more worried than he should be, Revali decided to take action and jumped off the tree, as high as he could. He knew he didn’t have that many air time, considering his soaked wings, but the time was just enough to perform one of his special moves and get the lizalphos right on the horn, sending it back a long way and his bow falling over the edge of the cliff, all the way down the waterfall.
Link had been already heading towards the mokoblin and the lizalphos when Zelda sent out a warning scream.
“Revali! Behind you!” she screamed.
It was too late.
The shock arrow came right through his left wing, warning the group of the few moblins coming from behind them with more shock arrows.
It took that only single hit for the Rito champion to fall to the ground, unconscious, trembling in place as the shocking effect lasted longer on his wet body.
He felt nothing after that. He wasn’t aware of the fight, of the rest of the champions fleeing the scene, and of Link staying behind and taking him towards a cave. All he remembered was after he woke up, warm and dry, but with a pain in his arm and an angry hero by his side.
He guessed apologies wouldn’t do no good, and Revali was never one to apologize anyway.
But in any case, Link had saved him and parted his ways with the princess, and now the knight was clearly angry and disturbed to be away from her. But there was nothing they could do. So there.
“You know you can leave me and go after them, right? After all, you can clearly handle yourself under rain” he said, as an apology. It was not taken as such, however.
‘Oh yeah? And leave you behind? Alone? When you can’t even use your bow?’ Link signed, so quickly that Revali almost didn’t get it. ‘Great idea. You will survive two days and Zelda won’t have her wind champion and I…’ he stopped and sighed.
Revali didn’t need him to continue.
“You have your priorities. You can mark the cave and come get me after you are sure she is safe” he said, almost mumbling, looking at his wing and touching it with his good feathertips.
It would take a few weeks to fully heal by itself, maybe one week with Mipha’s help. Who truly knew?
Sometimes, it hurt more to have Link to himself than to imagine not having him at all.
Revali was looking at his wing, so he only knew Link was close when he gently pulled his head up, caressing his feathery cheeks gently, his eyes filled with worry and sentiment.
“I should, but while my duty rests on her, my heart rests on you” he whispered, brokenly, and Revali blushed, feathers puffing up as he snapped his face away from Link’s hand to look away. He, however, just moved to face Revali again. ‘Stop shutting me out’ he signed now. ‘We are together. We are partners. You have to trust me’
“I trust you” he said, looking down, and then up again, at Link. He tilted his head. “Why did you stay?”
‘I was worried that if I took you  any farther out, I would find another group of monsters and not be able to fight them off without hurting you even more’
“And do you think the others will keep her safe?”
‘They are the champions. They need to be good at something, right?’
“They all did fail in the little fight we had today, to be honest”
‘So did you’
“I didn’t say I won anything”
They stayed quiet for a moment, just looking at each other, before Link moved closer.
‘Why did you do that? Kill that lizalphos? I knew it was there…’ he signed, and Revali sighed.
“I know you did. I think I was just… too worried you might forget it. So I wanted to get it out of your way as soon as possible” he said, and Link smiled shyly.
‘Such a protective bird’
“Don’t call me bird”
Link responded with a kiss on his beak and promises of homemade simmered berries.
  “The day is coming”
Revali looked at Link slowly from where they sat at the beak of Vah Medoh. He raised an eyebrow, but the hero did not look at him. His eyes were fixated on the castle, the blue darker than ever, as if he was seeing something beyond their world. Also, he had spoken, which meant extremely serious business.
“What day?” Revali asked, and Link barely even blinked, still staring at the castle, the center of all Hyrule.
“The day. The calamity. The rise of evil” he whispered, and Revali just stared at him. He had never seen Link look so dark, so focused, so… obscure.
“Link? Are.. are you alright?” he asked, worriedly, placing his wing at his shoulder.
Link’s bangs covered his face for a second, or even half of a second, and then Link turned to face the rito, his eyes far, far away, misty with some type of mysterious fog, filled with tears up to the point where they were almost falling from his eyes.
He didn’t seem to be seeing Revali at all. He seemed to be seeing beyond him, to another dimension, another time. Revali was frozen.
“They came to me in dream” Link said, and his voice was thick, as if he was keeping himself from crying. “The goddesses came… They said that no matter what we do, it will be in vain… they said… they said Hyrule will be destroyed… and I will spend one hundred years asleep…” he continued, hiccupping as the tears started to leave his eyes. “They said… they said… that I will forget it all… and that the champions… will die” he continued, his eyes focusing again, looking up at Revali. “That you… will…”
He bit his lip, unable to continue as the tears came full force, and despite not knowing what just had happened, revali wrapped his wings around Link and pulled him close, hugging him and holding him as he cried.
He had never seen the hero cry.
He had never seen Link cry.
And he cried for hours over Medoh, being held by Revali as he tried to understand what Link was saying.
Was that only a dream of someone that could not usually rest, concerned by all those thoughts, or was that an actual vision of what would happen?
He decided to ask Link what he thought in the next morning, when he was rested. However, Link did not remember what he had said.
‘I never said anything like that Revali’ he signed over breakfast, truly confused. Revali as confused too. That had been so personal and… meaningful.
Perhaps… perhaps it had been a calling of some kind.
Or maybe a warning. Not for Link, but for himself.
  “There must be something I can do to help!”
At that phrase, all champions looked at Zelda, surprised but mostly worried.
“No Zelda, you can’t! You must stay safe!” Mipha said right away, walking closer to her and bringing both Daruk and Urbosa to the discussion right away. Revali, however, moved closer to Link and pulled him away from the group, holding his face, pressing their foreheads together.
“Should I even ask you to be careful?” he asked, and Link smiled weakly, shaking his head. “Good. And… I know you won’t anyway but… be selfish. For me”
‘I have to save her and protect her’ he signed, almost resigned, and Revali sighed, closing his eyes.
“It is fine… just… just know that I love you, alright?” he mumbled and slowly took out of his pocket two beads. Link looked down at them, curious, and Revali smiled. “These white beads are… a sign. Of my love to you”
‘I don’t have anything-’ Link tried, but Revali held his hands and nodded.
“I know and I don’t mind. Keep the beads and remember that I… I love you” he whispered, and Link nodded, taking them and kissing Revali’s beak gently.
“I will see you… in a few days” Link whispered, brokenly, and Revali nodded, taking a deep breath so he wouldn’t start crying.
“Remember me” he asked and then pulled away as Daruk called. “Goodbye, Link”
And then, he flew off after the champions, leaving Link and Zelda behind as they headed straight to the divine beasts.
Something inside him begged to stay at Link’s side. However, he knew that if one divine beast was missing, Link would not be able to kill Ganon once and for all.
So, he headed there, keeping Link constantly in mind.
  One hundred years went by. Revali watched Rito village be terrorized by Vah Medoh for a century, with nothing he could do.
And then came Link, to save the day.
A Link that knew nothing about anything. Innocent, sweet boy Link who agreed to help a village. A link that did not remember his name, that did not cry upon seeing him, that did not have the white beads with him.
But it did not matter. Because Ganon was killed and Zelda was back and the goddess was merciful in their souls, bringing all four champions to life.
And despite of everything, Link’s eyes still shone when they saw Revali taking his full, alive body back.
Because love was just like courage: it couldn’t be remembered, because it was never truly forgotten.
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lezzybugo3o · 7 years
A Small Treasure
Hello, guys, gals, and non-binary pals! It gives me great pleasure to tell you all that I finally finished a little fic I had been writing for my favorite fishy prince. It took some time since I took many breaks and this is literally my first fanfic in God knows how long. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it and please feel free to leave feedback. 
Summary: Prince Sidon is feeling a bit down, but a visit to Link and Zelda’s castle may hold something (or someone) to help brighten his day.
Another sigh escaped from the Zora Prince as he stared down the documents before him. He could see the words just fine, but his mind was wandering elsewhere. Sidon rested his cheek on his hand and tapped his quill a few times. After several minutes of staring at the document without making so much as a line, Sidon groaned and decided to get up to take a break. He walked out of his office and took a deep breath of fresh air. The Zora took in the sight of his home and gave a tiny smile. Had it really been only six years since the threat of Calamity Ganon? To him, it felt like only a short time ago. He then thought of Link and whatever high spirits were starting to rise quickly fell back down.
Sidon heaved a sigh as he remembered that day: he was going to express his feelings to Link, only to find the Hylian hero had pledged his heart to Princess Zelda. To add salt to the wound two years later, Link had asked the prince if he would be his best man at the wedding. As much as the Zora’s head told him to say no, his heart won out in the end. He may not have been fond of the turn of events, but there was no way he was going to disappoint his most beloved friend, so he accepted.
“Perhaps a swim will take my mind off of this,” he mused, heading to the open waters near Zora’s Domain. He took off his sash and left his sword by the shore before diving into the river. Sidon let himself drift in the water for a while and closed his eyes, letting his mind wander aimlessly in an effort to calm himself. That was the plan until…
“So this is where you’ve been holed up, your Highness.”
The Zora looked up from his drifting and saw the Gerudo Chief herself, Riju. The young woman had her traditional smirk as she watched Sidon get out of the water and straighten himself up.
“I am honestly surprised to see you here, Riju. Was there a meeting I forgot to attend?”
Riju shook her head. “No, but you have been suspiciously quiet these last few months. I was going to come here on my accord, but then Yunobo, Teba, and I got these important letters. Three guesses as to who they’re from.”
Sidon groaned as he picked up his sword and returned it to his side. “I am in no mood for guessing games, Riju.”
The Gerudo raised an eyebrow, dropping her smile. “Wow. Your spirits must be at rock bottom if you’re not even going to give it a try… you aren’t still thinking about Link, are you?”
“Just tell me what the letters are for, Riju,” huffed Sidon, wanting to avoid the question.
“Very well. Link and Zelda invited us, the new Champions,” she said, emphasizing their role bestowed upon them, “over to Hyrule Castle in order to see the new child that will someday be heir to the throne.”
The very mention of the word ‘child’ was enough to peak Sidon’s interest. “A child? They had a child? Why wouldn’t they send a letter informing us that Zelda was carrying a baby at least?”
Riju shrugged her shoulders and said, “I’m not really sure. Maybe they were pretty busy or they wanted to wait until the child was born to tell us. Either way, you should come with us to see it. Otherwise, you’ll be missing out on seeing Hyrule’s future ruler.”
Oh, yes. I would definitely be missing out on seeing the spawn of Hyrule’s princess and the hero I had feelings for, but could never have, Sidon thought to himself, a little bitter. He exhaled heavily and figured he had nothing else to lose. “Okay. I suppose we should start making our way to the castle.”
The shorter Champion nodded and led the prince to where Yunobo and Teba were waiting, along with Teba’s wife and child. On their way there riding atop of Vah Medoh, Riju noticed Sidon was lost in thought as he said almost nothing. She tapped his shoulder in order to get his attention. “Hey, whatever’s bothering you, you can tell me about it. I promise I won’t make any snarky comments about it.”
Sidon looked to her and sighed. “Alright. I suppose I’m having trouble letting go of the past. To answer the question you had earlier…yes, I still think about Link from time to time. I know it’s wrong because he’s married to Zelda now, but...” He groaned and put his face in his hands, not knowing what else to say.
The Gerudo patted his side in a sympathetic manner. “It’s understandable that you would have some complications. After all, Link is pretty attractive. Nevertheless, he gave his heart to Zelda and there’s nothing we can do about it.” She put her hand on his back and patted it. “Give it time and you’ll be back to your cheery self again.”
The Zora prince looked at her as if she had two heads but smiled afterwards, knowing she at least tried to make him feel better.
“Look sharp, everybody. We’re getting close to the castle, so prepare for a bit of a bumpy landing,” said Teba, looking for a good spot to land the flying beast.
“Oh, good. I’m not a big fan of flying,” groaned Yunobo as he kept his eyes closed, not wanting to look down.
Saki chuckled and patted Yunobo’s head in an effort to comfort him. “Don’t worry, Yunobo. Like Teba said, we’re almost there.”
Once Vah Medoh landed on the ground, the Goron ran off the Divine Beast and panted. “F-finally…solid ground!”
Teba rolled his eyes in annoyance and helped him up. “You’ll get used to it someday, kiddo. For now, let’s find Link. He said he was going to meet us outside.”
Sure enough, the Hylian Champion spotted them and waved them over. Sidon saw him and looked away sadly before following the others inside the castle. Link smiled and shook their hands one by one. “I’m glad you all could make it. I know you’re all very busy with your own duties, but Zelda and I just had to tell you guys about the new baby. Follow me.”
They all followed the Hylian hero through the castle as Tulin bombarded him with questions about the baby, eager to meet it. “What’s the baby’s name? Does it look like you or Zelda more? Does it have Zelda’s powers or yours?” the small Rito asked.
Link laughed a bit, petting his head. “Don’t worry, little guy. You’ll see soon enough.” He came upon a room after leading the others up a flight of stairs. “Well, here we are. You might wanna be quiet in case the baby’s sleeping.” He gently knocked on the door. “Zelda? I brought our guests. Is it alright to come in?”
A slightly tired voice came from the other side of the door. “Come on in. The baby’s just finishing her nap.” Link opened the door and led them in to where Zelda was sitting with a bundle in her arms. She smiled as she saw them all. The princess cleared her throat then said, “I’m sure you’re all rather curious to see the future heir to Hyrule’s throne. Well, here she is.” She pulled the top of the blanket off tenderly to reveal a tiny baby girl sleeping peacefully. The others minus Sidon, who was looking away at the moment, gasped in awe at this new little royal.
“Oooh, just look at her. She’s so cute,” cooed Riju.
“Isn’t she just?” Zelda gazed down at the baby and gently rocked her to rouse her from her nap. “Wake up, sweetie. We have company.”
Almost on command, the child scrunched up her face and yawned before opening her eyes, showing them to be a lovely shade of blue like her father. She saw all the new people in front of her and tilted her head curiously as if trying to make sense of them.
Saki chuckled at this adorable sight. “Aren’t you a precious one? What’s her name, Zelda?”
“It’s Cordelia. I’ve always wanted to name a daughter of mine something beautiful… that and Link was about to call her Zelda Jr.”
Link laughed, a bit nervous. “Can you blame me? She looked a lot like you when she was born.”
“Seems to me like she’s got the best of both of you,” Teba mused before gently tickling Cordelia’s chubby chin with his feathery finger, making her giggle.
Saki picked up Tulin so he could get a good view of the baby. When the small Rito saw her, he tilted his head in curiosity and wonder. “Gosh, she’s really puny.”
His mother smiled and added, “So were you when your father and I first had you. Who knows, you two might get to play together when she’s big enough.”
“Would anyone like to hold her?” Zelda questioned, holding the baby out to them.
Yunobo twiddled his fingers a bit before speaking up. “I guess I’ll give it a try.”
Link took Cordelia from Zelda’s arms and handed her over to the young Goron. “Be sure to support her head and don’t be scared.”
Yunobo gulped and held on to the baby as carefully as he could. He felt like he was holding a priceless piece of glass that could break with the slightest wrong move. “Ah, um, hi there, little princess. I’m Yunobo.” Cordelia gurgled and reached her hands up to him, wanting to touch his face. The Goron lifted her up closer and laughed a bit when she patted his cheeks. “Awww, she likes me!”
“Hey, don’t keep her all to yourself, silly. I want to hold her too,” Riju stated with her hands on her hips. Sure enough, Yunobo gave the young one to the Gerudo woman. She looked down lovingly at the child and kissed her forehead. “I see you’ll have no trouble entering my home when you come of age, little darling.” Riju glanced at Sidon who had been looking away this whole time and frowned. “Sidon, will you quit staring off somewhere and give a warm welcome to the new princess?”
The Zora Prince rolled his eyes and decided to see what the fuss was about. The moment he took a peek in the child’s direction… his heart skipped a beat. He stepped closer and saw the most adorable baby he had ever laid eyes upon. “By Hylia… she’s… she’s beautiful.”
“And you spent this whole time gazing out into the distance, heh heh,” joked Riju.
Link smiled and pet his daughter’s tiny tuft of blonde hair. “You wanna hold her, Sidon?”
“M-may I?” Sidon stammered. “I only hope she does not find me frightening, given my teeth and large size.”
“You’ll just have to find out for yourself, you big dope.” The Gerudo Champion wasted no time in handing the baby over to the prince.
Sidon gulped a bit since he had only held a few babies in his time and this was no Zora child that was accustomed to the wet environment. Yet his doubts seemed to disappear when he looked into the curious eyes of the Hylian infant. The prince gave his signature grin and greeted, “Hello, young one! I am Sidon, Prince of the Zora. It is a pleasure to meet you!” To his joy, Cordelia laughed giddily at him. He chuckled and let her wrap her tiny hands on one of his fingers.
Link and Zelda beamed with pride as they held one another, taking in the sight of their friends admiring their new child. Riju crossed her arms with a smirk and quipped, “So, are you happy you came along with us, your Highness?”
Sidon brought Cordelia up to his face and sighed as the small one touched his face, cooing at him. He nuzzled her cheek gently before looking at Riju and replied, “Yes I am, Riju... I am fortunate enough to experience such a wondrous little treasure.”
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botwstoriesandsuch · 3 years
I saw someone doing a fanfiction appreciation week and thought of you!! I really really like Parallel Phrases from you, so I thought I shall give you some appreciation!! - -Elsker virkelig arbeidet ditt!! <33
AAA! Thank you very much, I swear I am still working hard on it, as the plan is to post a song with each chapter. Anyhow, why not have a snippet?
"It's all really just...contradictory, isn't it?" Link rubbed at the words on his arm.
"How so?" Sidon eyed him quizzically.
"I......Well..." Link gripped the bottom of his chair, thinking over his words.
"Alright, so recently, I....remembered something. From my old life. 100 years ago, or even more...I dunno..."
"Mhm?" Sidon sat there with a patient smile, seemingly undeterred by Link's babbling, and the...very much unusual circumstances of his entire existence.
Link chewed his cheek. "Ugh, it's...Sorry, it's sort of embarrassing. It was just me and Champion Revali--at least I think it was him, although he acted completely different that how he is now. We were in the sky, he was showing off his gale..."
He was professing his love without any sort of hesitation. No biggie. No big deal.
He scratched his head, moving his fingers through the tangles. "I think....I think I remembered that I loved Revali. B-B-But he's! Y-You know!" Link shook his arm around wildly as if he was wrestling with a snake in his sleeve.
"He's dead! These clearly aren't his words on me! What's the point of me having a different soulmark if not because I have a different soulmate! And if I have a different soulmate, was Revali even....my....to begin with...What do I...? Which is the right option, if ANY of them?? Or perhaps I'm not meant to find satisfaction entirely?? Is he, or...who...them...you...when...R....I'm...."
Link hung his legs over one arm of the chair and rested his neck on the other, the cool metal providing a relaxing sensation.
"You'd think the whole tattoo thing would make everything easier to understand."
Sidon laughed cheerfully, while shaking his head.
"To think that the hero's greatest struggles would lie with a simple phrase. The sword doesn't quite rhyme with the word, as they say."
"Oh, trust me. I struggled plenty with Ruta and Medoh and--"
"Link." Sidon placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's not like that."
The hero gave a deep sigh, before sitting back properly in his chair. His boots squeaked awkwardly across the perfectly polished tile, and he cringed, shaking his head.
"Well, what is 'it like,' then? How'd you figure out things with Bazz? Or yourself? Or...is there some ancient Zora story that I can reference...?"
Now it was Sidon's turn to sigh.
"You know what the problem is, Link? I think you're far too concerned with finding an answer."
There was silence for a moment, Link allowing the rushing water around them to have their turn to speak.
"...Would you rather me find more questions? Cause if I find any more I might develop an addiction."
Sidon laughed cheerfully at that, but Link just crossed his arms. "I-I don't--What?! What are you even talking about? Of course I'm trying to find an answer! That's generally what one does when they have questions."
Sidon rose to walk around, still half chuckling.
"Forgive me, Link. I don't mean to tease you, so allow me to clarify..." He tapped a talon to his chin, thinking. "Take...me and Bazz, for example. I love him with all my heart. As children we had a sort of fake rivalry, but we grew and became the greatest of friends."
He waved both his hands around. "But when we found that the 'words of love' on Bazz were from me, we...I was a bit troubled for a time. I never saw myself as someone for romance, and starting something like that with my best friend made me...more sad than happy."
Sidon reached his hand out towards one of the waterfalls, letting the water rush down his fins. Link could barely make out the letter "W" etched in gold under his fin.
"So I simply didn't, uh, 'romance' him, for lack of other words. Was it the right decision? Was it the right answer? I wasn't sure at the time, but what I did know was that the decision made us both happy."
He let his arm fall, water dripping on the floor as he waved his hand again, cheerily. "And of course, now, we all know it was the right one. Muzu was a bit confused, but Father was all too supportive. Bazz is my soulmate. With him, I am happy. He is my treasured friend."
In the time it had taken Sidon to pace around, Link and flipped himself upside down in his chair.
"See, but that's what I'm missing, Sidon!" He tilted his head, his hair brushing against the floor. "How were you so sure what to do?"
"I wasn't. As I said, Muzu had always told me soulmarks were a marriage thing--"
"Then what do you do if you are wrong, then?"
Sidon crouched down on the floor to meet Link's gaze--which was a bit hard considering his giant figure nearly had to get on his hands and knees.
"Link, my friend, you're missing the point." Sidon's voice was gentle, but firm. "Our choices, our actions, it was in pursuit of making us both happy. Magic words, bound souls--they don't complete you. They don't make you happy. I found happiness and contentment with Bazz, not from him."
He picked a blue ponytail from the floor, and hung it on Link's nose, playfully.
"This drama you've constructed for yourself, as unprecedented as your circumstances are, isn't the issue. You want an answer from me, from Revali, from some unknown soulmate, perhaps even from Hylia herself. And unfortunately I must tell you Link, you won't find it. You're never going to find it. Because completion, and victory, and destiny and all the sort...it doesn't come from anyone else's word but yours.
Sidon rolled up Link's sleeve, presenting his soulmark to him.
"The 'whole tattoo thing' doesn't make everything easier to understand, because no one, in all the powers of Hyrule, will ever understand. In all honestly, my friend, it's a gimmick, and it would be foolish to lay all conclusions of happy ever afters upon it."
Link's eyes flickered between his arm, and Sidon for a moment. He frowned.
"Everything sounds uplifting coming from you, but out of context, that's kind of a downer."
Sidon laughed. "I suppose, although I truly see it as the opposite. There is no singular solution that will satisfy everybody for all time. That is true freedom, is it not?"
There was silence, as Link fiddles with the ponytail around his fingers.
"...Do you think...anyone would even want to be with me? After everything? Am I even worthy of an answer anymore?"
Sidon thwacked Link's chin and he bumped his head against the floor.
"GAH!? WH--"
"Link. I truly must get Father to hire you a literary tutor, since it seems you are incapable of comprehension after 100 years."
Link stuck his tongue out, and Sidon did the same. They both chuckled.
Shaking his head, Sidon picked Link up by his tunic and set him upright in his chair.
"Very well. You want the answer to your woes? How about this: There is no answer, there will only ever be the never ending journey. Your life is not as unique as you think it is. It is full victories and defeats like everyone else. Chase after what you believe will make you happy, then win, or lose. And when all that's done--Start the chase again."
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quillandink333 · 4 years
64. 69. & 70. For the BotW ask game?
Thanks for the questions nonny! 💕
64. Ramble about how much you want to pet the animals, I know you want to get it out of your system.
Sorry if this answer disappoints you, but honestly I’m just not a fan of big dogs like the ones in this game. They’re loud and hyper and their claws hurt when they jump on you. 😥 I love petting the horses tho!!
69. Where is your favorite view in Hyrule?
This would definitely be the top of that one big pillar just north of Kakariko Village with all the pretty blue flora at the top. There’s a scene in my fic Sunrise that takes place there and it’s one of my favorite scenes I’ve written ✨
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70. What Divine Beast was the most fun to get to?
The most fun to get to? Lol that’s an interesting question. Well, I did not enjoy having to navigate Yunobo past the guardians, so Vah Rudania is out. Same with the Yiga hideout and Vah Naboris tbh, sneaky game levels like that stress me out 😅 I guess Vah Medoh?? Idk this is a weird question haha
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queenof-literature · 4 years
I absolutely loved the gerudo story a lot! If you are still taking ideas/suggestions may you please continue on with wild telling them about the others? I liked medoh and the rito the most lol but any will be awesome I loved how happy wild and the others were while hearing the story of Riju and nabrois.. thanks 💚💜
Thank you for your kind words! I turned this into a series on my AO3 (queenofliterature) since it has gotten multiple requests. I hope you enjoy and your cosplay is super cool!
“Pleeeeeease!” Wind continued to beg Wild over dinner. It had been a couple of days since Wild told the story about his time with the Gerudo, and Wind was desperate for Wild to tell more, as he had made very clear. Since the first story, they had traveled to Twilight’s Hyrule, although no villages were close enough to get to tonight.
“Dear Hylia. Wild please tell him another story before he explodes.” Legend yelled from across camp.
“Wind, Wild doesn’t need to tell us anything else if he doesn’t want to.” Time lectured Wind, who was attached to Wild’s back, arms wrapped around him like a stationary piggyback ride. Wild didn’t find himself minding. Ever since he had returned Wind’s hug the first night he told a story, the kid had seemed comfortable with attaching himself to Wild like he would Hyrule and Warriors. It was surprising at first, but Wild got used to it, and kinda liked it.
“Um that’s okay. I can tell more stories. I just don’t want them to be boring or anything. There’s no more dressing as a woman and seducing people for items or sneaking into Yiga bases.” Wild joked although he was slightly nervous about his other stories not measuring up.
“But you still have three more divine beats to go right?” Sky voiced curiously.
“And your fight against Ganon!” Warriors called.
“And all your crazy ideas along the way!” Hyrule finished as the rest of the group laughed, Wild included.
“Okay, just let me pass out dinner.”
Once again, the group was all gathered around the campfire, eyes on Wild. Wild still found it intimidating, but it was far less scary this time.
“Well… I guess I could tell you about the Rito?” There were some questions and confused murmurs among the group, except Wind, who lit up at the mention of the birds who lived on Dragon Roost Island.
“You have Rito in your Hyrule too?” Wind questioned excitedly.
“Yeah I do. Do the rest of you not?” There were ripples of no’s throughout the camp.
“Oh, well they’re basically really big, talking birds? That might be an offensive way to describe them. They’re like Zora are to fish I guess.” Wild stated awkwardly. He didn’t really expect to have to explain what a Rito was.
“I can just show you!” Wild remembered he had a picture of Kass and his children on his slate. When they first saw the Sheikah Slate, all five of the girls had crowded around him and demanded to see it. When they saw the photo rune, they wanted him to take a picture of them and their mother and father. He told them he had no way to let them have a copy or anything, but they just wanted to be with him in his travels. It was a very sweet sentiment and Wild absolutely loved that picture.
“Oh wow, you weren’t kidding about them being giant birds.” Hyrule commented when Wild flipped his slate around for them to see.
“They look a bit different from the Rito from my Hyrule but that’s kinda been a common theme among all of us.” Wind noted.
“They’re very nice and welcoming people.” Wild confirmed as he put the slate back on his hip. “When I first got to the village, I had to walk up a whole bunch of bridges that just kept getting higher and higher. The Rito were really upset and worried, since the Divine Beast, Vah Medoh, was causing chaos and shooting anyone down that flew up too high.” Wild remembered the ear-piercing screech that greeted him when he first arrived. All of the Divine Beasts had a call, but none were quite like Medoh’s.
“Oh no that’s awful! The Rito love to fly! Was anyone hurt?” Wind questioned, genuinely concerned for the villagers.
“Unfortunately yes. Some men went up to try and defeat Medoh, but one got shot down and hurt his wing, his name is Harth. He’s alright now. The Rito that went with him, Teba, got him to safety and was planning to face Medoh once again. I spoke with the chief of the village, named Kaneli. He’s very kind, and he has a very deep and hearty laugh.” That was one thing about Wild the group had noticed. He always remembered odd or specific details of people. It may be connected to his loss of memory, but that was simply the person he was. He wanted to get to know as many people as he could and help them when needed.
“So do any of the leaders know that you’re the hero from 100 years earlier?” Four questioned. He really hoped he wasn’t crossing a line by asking, he was just truly curious.
“It kinda depends. The Zora live to be centuries old, so most of them knew me, well… the old me.” Wild stated uncertainly. The rest of camp knew Wild’s struggles with his past self, almost seeing him as a different person than the one they knew now. They were slightly curious about what Wild was like before. They would never trade Wild for anything, but it would be interesting to see how much he had changed. Twilight, who was sitting on Wild’s left, put a gentle hand on his shoulder, while Legend scooted a little closer on Wild’s right, almost unnoticeable to everyone but Wild.
“The Gorons didn’t care all that much, just as long as I could board Rudania. Riju knew that I was friends with Urbosa, or that she at least sent me. And the Rito thought I was the champion’s descendant.” Some snickers left the group at that.
“Hey, I tried to tell him it was really me, but I didn’t have the Master Sword yet. Even then, I’m not sure if he would have believed I was the actual champion, but he was worried for his people. He asked me to help them with the Divine Beast since I was the only one who could board it.”
“Why are you the only one who can board it?” Warriors asked.
“Well, I don’t have a solid answer for you, but it’s because I’m the Hylian Champion.” Wild answered. There wasn’t a scientific answer he could really give, that’s all he really knew.
“Wait, since you’re a champion, do you have a Divine Beast too?” Hyrule exclaimed, eyes shining with anticipation and mischief. Oh Hylia, if WIld had one of those things and he and Hyrule teamed up... Please say no, please say no, please say-
“Well, sorta.” Wild rubbed the back of his neck as gasps (and some groans) arose around him. “It’s very small, smaller than a horse. But it has two wheels and it’s faster than anything I’ve ever ridden. It’s loud though and has to be powered by materials. I’ll show you when we get back to my Hyrule, I’ve tried summoning it here and it doesn’t work.” Wild wished he had a picture of it, but he would show them the real thing soon.
“That sounds amazing!” Surprisingly Hyrule didn’t yell this, but Legend did. He blushed, realizing how loud it was. The rest of the group chuckled. Legend could pretend to be snarky and cool all he wanted, he was such a nerd for new items.
“It really is. I can run over so many monsters, and jump off so many cliffs without getting hurt! And it goes over pretty much any terrain! I just have to be careful not to fall backward down a hill or something. But that doesn’t happen often and-” Wild rambled on, oblivious to the look of horror on Twilight’s face.
“Um, Cub. We love hearing about your Hyrule but… I think you’re going to give Twilight a heart attack.” Time teased, looking at his protege’s face.
“Hehe. Whoops.” Wild laughed, the rest of the heroes joining in, except for Twilight of course who simply glared at his mentor.
“Anyway.” Wild continued, still giggling a little. “The elder sent me to Teba’s wife and child, who begged me to go to the Flight Range and stop him. She said that I could just jump off the Revali’s Landing, a platform named after the Rito Champion from a hundred years ago.”
“Did you remember him at this point?” Sky questioned reluctantly. Like Four, he was nervous about crossing a line.
“I actually remembered him when I looked at the landing.” Wild’s eyes grew slightly distant. “Revali was a complete and utter asshole.” There were surprised huffs of laughter from around the group. That certainly wasn’t what they were expecting. “But… I understood why.” Wild stared into the fire. “He was hurting I think. I got to read his journal and he worked really hard to develop Revali’s Gale, the wind I use now. He worked to become the best archer and protect his village. And then, some random Hylian kid comes and takes the Master Sword and becomes the princess’ appointed knight. He always taunted me, kinda telling me that I was only getting to fight Ganon because of the sword, while he had to sit in his Divine Beast. But I got the sword when I was twelve, and my training started long before that from what I can remember. And I don’t - I don’t think I ever wanted that.” Wild’s breathing hitched the tiniest bit. Not enough to be noticed by anyone who didn’t know him, but this group knew him well.
Twilight instantly pulled him into a hug, and Wild didn’t fight it. He didn’t cry or feel a huge panic coming on, but the hug felt nice all the same.
“It sucks that Revali went through that Wild.” Warriors stated, smiling at the teen gently. “But that is not your fault. You didn’t choose the sword, the sword chose you.” Wild nodded from where his head was on Twilight’s shoulder, before pulling himself away gently. Meanwhile, Time cursed Hylia in his mind, again. Twelve… He understood there was a fight coming, he really did, but this boy was only twelve. No, he was younger when he was forced into training. Wild mentioned to Time when talking about Mipha that he traveled there with knights as a child. He was a child. He still was a child… Time pulled himself out of his own head. There was no changing Wild’s past. That was over one hundred years ago. They could help him now.
“I’m sorry, Wild.” Wind sighed out. “I didn’t mean to bring out bad memories.”
“You didn’t, bud.” Wild reassured. “Sometimes memories just come into my head, even if I’ve seen them before. I wouldn’t tell you if I didn’t trust you.” That halted the camp entirely. Wild had made a lot of progress in trusting them, but they were happy to hear him say it. Before they could dwell too much on what Wild said, he continued his story.
“So anyway, I talked to Harth, the Rito that broke his wing, and a couple of other Rito. Including the girls you all saw in the picture. They’re Kass’ daughters!” Wild stated excitedly. He told them previously about Kass and how much he adored hearing his songs. Wind once asked Wild to sing one, but he blushed a bright red and furiously refused. Wind bet Wild had a pretty voice and he was just embarrassed about it…
“Their mother was worried sick for her children, along with the other parents in the village, and the children were all disappointed they couldn’t fly and play. Well one didn’t want to go to singing practice, but I still had to get the Divine Beast under control as fast as possible. So I bought the Snowquill Set that keeps you really toasty and rushed to the Flight Range to help Teba. When I got there, Teba said he didn’t need any help but I insisted. So he told me that he would challenge my archery skills.” The group leaned in, what sort of test? “He made me shoot five targets in three minutes with my paraglider.” Wild stated in a deadpan voice. The boys froze, then burst out laughing. Wild could shoot three arrows at once, sometimes five with the proper bow! Five targets in three minutes were nothing! Wild chuckled along with the group. He wasn’t arrogant with his archery, but five targets in three minutes was a little too easy. He expected Teba to continue challenging him, but he never did.
“So he gave me some bomb arrows and told me to jump on his back, we were gonna go defeat the Divine Beast.” Wild continued.
“Woah wait, already? Didn’t the other Divine Beasts take you a little time to get too?” Warriors questioned.
“Well Naboris took a little more time since the Yiga clan were causing trouble, but there was nothing else I could do to prepare.” Wild shrugged. “So we flew up into the clouds, Vah Medoh was huge up close! It had a giant courtyard type structure on its back! And it could shoot lasers and had a shield around it! So while Teba distracted it, I used the updrafts to shoot at all four points the shield was powered by. Unfortunately, Teba got grazed by the lasers. He was okay, but he had to land. So I started the puzzles in Vah Medoh. They were so fun! There was one where I had to get in this ride on a track and tilt the beast so I got to ride to the other side! And I was so high up!” Wild continued rambling on about the puzzles he had to solve.
The other boys in the group smiled softly. One of the reasons they enjoyed Wild telling stories was because of how excited he would get while telling the parts that didn't haunt him. The others sometimes struggle with Wild’s Hyrule because of the ruins of the structures they know, but Wild truly loved it, which made sense, it was just like the hero who came from it, wild and untamed.
“So finally all the puzzles were done and all the terminals were unlocked, and the main control unit was unlocked. Like the others, when I put my slate up the control unit, a Ganon Blight came out. This time it was Windblight Ganon. He was easier than the others, but still hard. He could summon tornados! And I had to rely on arrows a lot since he flew out where I couldn’t reach him. But eventually, I got his health down enough for the final blow. When I activated the main control unit, Revali appeared.” Wild smile became bittersweet like it did when he talked about any of his friends from one hundred years ago. “He teased me again, but this time, it seemed more friendly and less bitter. He gave me Revali’s Gale so I wouldn’t always have to rely on cliffs and high places for my paraglider. I went back to see Harth and Teba, and they and their families were fine! The elder thanked me a lot and gave me Revali’s old bow. It’s in my house with the rest of the champion’s items. I used them against Ganon. A little bit to avenge the other champions. You know?” Wild looked to find them all staring at him. “Uh… The end?” Wild ended awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. The rest of the group seemed to snap out of it. Wild was amazing. And highly intelligent. His stories of battles and puzzles and shrines only proved that. Once again, just like when he ended the first story, Wind crashed into Wild and knocked the breath out of his lungs.
“You’re a great storyteller Wild!” Wind cried happily.
“The sailor’s right, Cub.” Twilight smirked, but the kind look in his eyes betrayed his teasing lilt.
“Well, that was a perfect little bedtime story.” Legend yawned and clapped Wild on the back.
“Legend is right, it’s getting a little late. Warriors, you have first watch right.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know Old Man.” Warriors huffed but smiled and ruffled Wild’s hair as he passed, earning a lot of protests to which Warriors just laughed at.
The rest of the group thanked Wild for the story and headed to their bedrolls. The Links were happy that Wild was talking more, and didn't want to make a huge deal out of it and scare him into science once again. But they also wanted him to know they appreciate him trusting them enough to tell them of his trials.
After making sure no one needed his help with anything, Wild collapsed into his bedroll. He enjoyed telling the others his stories, but he still wasn’t used to talking for long amounts of time.
A couple of minutes later, Twilight, who was preparing his own bedroll, realized he hadn’t heard Wild shuffling about like he normally did. He turned around to ask if he was okay, only to see him completely conked out on top of the blankets, apparently tired from talking so much in one night. He snorted softly at the smaller teen, before slowly going over and tucking him in. If Wild wasn’t completely passed out, he would have denied what he called being treated like a child, but there wasn’t a single protest as Twilight lifted Wild slightly and put him under the covers, tucking them around him. There was only a small sound that Twilight absolutely would not admit not to find adorable, as Wild snuggled into the blankets covering him. Time hummed slightly, making Twilight turn around.
“He was too young.” Time said solemnly, referring to what Wild told them earlier that night. Twilight had similar thoughts. Wild had told him after a memory that he was only twelve when he got the Master Sword. Twilight knew he was too young. A lot of the group was.
“Yeah… But he has us now.” Twilight smiled at Time, who looked at his pup with pride in his eyes. Those who weren’t asleep or didn’t have the first watch were soon wrapped in their bedrolls peacefully, the only sound being crickets chirping around them.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Yo what if the Champions’ spirits stuck around long enough to train the next gen? Hcs for that?
*blows dust off of ask* Sorry this took so long, hope you weren’t too comfy sitting in my inbox there. Alrighty! Time for some
Training Montages *Rocky Theme Plays* (Headcanons)
Credit to @champion-of-the-sky​ for some help with the hcs
Ok, the first part of this post it just gonna be some of my thoughts into how the Divine Beasts actually work, because that’s kinda of necessary information if you wanna train them. So here is another one of my big boi head canon posts because sometimes I can’t shut up.
So firstly, the Divine Beasts can draw immense power from Hyrule which is stored over time and charges their giant laser thingys (Naboris draws power from the earth and makes electricity, Ruta takes in water from the atmosphere, Rudania is fire boy, Medoh has wind and thermal (from the atmosphere) generators, etc. etc.)
The Ancient Sheikah were like “hey wow these are really powerful beasts so maybe we should make sure that no one unworthy gets their hands on them”
Their solution was to have a spiritual bond between the beast and the pilot. Each Divine Beast has their own “soul” or personality and can judge someone of being worthy of piloting them. And only that person would have the power to use the Divine Beast to its full potential (AKA use the giant Anti-Ganon lasers)
Ergo, the Champions
When the died 100 years ago, their spirits stuck around because Ganon need to trap their spirits in order to get the Divine Beasts to actually work
[And then this would be a good segue-way into that cool idea where the Link has to fight the Champions taken over by malice, instead of the blights. BUT we’re not talking about that today]
Ok, so you know the story. Link frees the Divine Beasts from Ganon’s grasp. The spirits of the dead Champions command a legendary blow against the blight of Hyrule. Zelda and Link help save the day. Yay!
HOWEVER! The Champions are still there, their spirits persist.Turns out their spirits cannot go away, because the Divine Beasts don’t really wanna go without an owner, considering they’ve been controlled by Ganon for 100 years, so fair.
Basically, the Beasts wont let the spirit of their old pilots go until they find a suitable successor
Enter, new gen Champs!
Training with a Divine Beast is not unlike trying to form a bond with a real animal. In fact, the Beasts do behave with a mind of their own, so that might as well be an on point analogy
Daruk struggled with Rudania because its personality was very stubborn and blunt, much like the Goron race anyhow. As said in my other post, Rudania’s personality clashes with the playful and loving nature of Daruk
The only reason Daruk even got the handle on things was becuase Link forced him to spend a whole day in the Divine Beast. We can only speculate that from that time, Daruk must have somehow formed a mutual respect or protective bond with the giant lizard
So essentially, when he’s training Yunobo, he does the exact same thing
“You just gotta walk around for a bit, Yunobo. Get a feel for ol’ Rudania. They’re a grump, but you’ll get along.”
“G-get a feel? We’re surrounded by lava! What if I mess up? What if your Divine B—”
“Your, Divine Beast”
“Right, right… but what if it doesn’t like me and tips my into Death Mountain’s core!”
Daruk gives a hearty laugh. “Kid, you helped save ol’ Ruddy from Ganon, remember? You’ve already got a good bond going. So just walk around for a bit and just take ‘em all in. Good luck!”
And he slams the door behind him, leaving Yunobo in the dark
But he’ll eventually get around to forming a bond. But Rudania’s probably a little grumpy that they’ve gone from reckless pilot who laughs too much, to timid teenager gifted with a powerful champion ability that he is self-conscious about
Daruk is hella encouraging with Yunobos training. The kid will eventually be the second best with his Beast. Daruk is patient with Yunobo because he sees himself in him. And he also teaches him some cool tricks like if you tilt Rudania just right, you get a cool slip and slide ramp that’s perfect for the hot springs
Urbosa/Riju [not a lot for these guys bcs I’m lazy and this post is long anyway]
Urbosa would be playful with Riju when they train, making goofy jokes about things, letting out a quick joke to lessen and tension Riju might feel from her anxiety to lead her people. At the same time, she also explains things with good detail
Riju is third best with her beast. Occasionally, she’ll be intimidated by Naboris’ strength and power, especially considering she had an incident with Patricia the Sand Seal back when it was shooting lightning everywhere
However, she’s the one to ask the most questions, half of which Urbosa can’t answer. She’s got that childish curiosity that serves well in her understanding of Naboris
Mipha/Sidon [also not a lot because using your imagination can be hard]
Mipha and Sidon just act like siblings, much to both of their delight. It’s less of training, and more of catching up on everything over the last a hundred years on top of a giant elephant.
Because they’re siblings, Mipha pulls little pranks on her little brother on purpose. But neither are really annoyed by it, as they both laugh it off
Like Mipha will tell Sidon to stand in a certain spot to see how the parts of Ruta move. Then she makes Ruta move in such away to splash the poor prince in gallons of water
You’re gonna ruin his handkerchief Mipha!
Sidon is the best at managing his Divine Beast out of the four, for not only does he have a strong bond with the previous pilot, but he gets along well with Ruta’s playful personality
Local birds butt heads because they’re both egotistical idiots
Revali continues to be as dramatic as usual, while also maintaining his image by claiming that Teba will probably never master Medoh as well as him
Teba respects Revali given that he was his childhood hero. Yet at the same time Revali isn’t exactly what he expected, and he’s not down to take this sass from a teenager
Perfect storm of dumb banter, because both have reluctance in the whole situation
Teba gives out a groan, frustrated. “Argh! This damn bird wont start its propellers. How do I get it to work?”
“Perhaps Medoh is still tired. After all, you’ve been complaining none stop all day.”
“Right, my voice is the problem.”
“Why don’t you sing her a lullaby, she’s probably so sleepy.”
Teba scoffs, “You’re kidding. There’s no way that would work. Beside, there’s no way I’m sing—”
“Why don’t you hold your tongue, my dear apprentice,” another groan escapes Teba, “You’re going to hurt Medoh’s feelings with that attitude. Tulin is your son, yes? Surely you’ve sung a tune or two back in his fledgling days?”
“Sure, but I’m not gonna—”
“Medoh wants to hear you s i n g~”
Revali is strict with his training, and Teba probably struggled with Medoh the most out of the four, considering that before Link came along, he had the mindset of killing Medoh. 
Teba still repescts everything Revali is doing, making sure to call him “Master Revali.” And though he would never admit it, Revali’s feathers would always fluff with pride at the notion of it
Also he’s gonna call Teba his pupil/apprentice throughout the entire session
Angsty moment: when each Champion thinks their apprentice is ready, THAT’S the time they get their final rest and their spirits move on. Like, imagine Sidon wanting to Master Ruta to make his sister proud, but at the same time the day he does is when she is gone for good.
That looks like a good note to end off of! So yay :)
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obviouslyelementary · 7 years
If memories could speak
If memories could speak...
Mine would be saying...
I loved you.
 “Good luck sealing the darkness!”
Revali flapped his wings once more, using the whirlwind to his advantage to go all the way up Vah Medoh. Upon looking back one more time, he saw the Hero calmly staring back, and then slowly retrieving from his spot towards the village.
Revali let out a loud, deep sigh upon reaching the divine beast, landing on its left wing and watching from above everything surrounding the region, or more specifically, the village itself, with little to no detail on its habitants.
Why couldn’t he ever come to terms with himself?
“Bird boy?!”
Revali groaned and sighed again as he heard Daruk’s loud voice coming from the main pillar of Medoh. He flew over, touching the pedestal and closing his eyes.
“Do not call me bird boy” he growled to the goron. He was still very uncertain of how the divine beasts could communicate, even if they were several kilometers apart. “What do you want?”
“Apologizes, Revali” Daruk responded. “I was just wondering, since you were the first champion to connect with your divine beast, if you could give me some advice on my own! Rudania is very… unpredictable”
“Luckily for you and your own species that you are all made of rock” he said and chuckled at Daruk’s confused hum. “What did it break this time?”
“It broke part of the volcano, and it went flying all the way down to the northern mine” Daruk grumbled, and Revali hummed. “Anyway, can you help? If you are busy, because I have heard that the princess is around Rito village, I can just call Mipha or Urbosa”
“There is no need. I am not accompanying the princess or her… knight” he said, face showing a displeased frown. Not only his face seemed to be showing his unhappiness, since Daruk hummed on the other side.
“Hey Revali, I know you are the champion and all, such as I am, and it is pretty obvious that you do not like Link, but you need to give him a break” he said, firmly, and Revali furrowed his eyebrows.
“Why? Isn’t he the hero almighty? He should be able to deal with a few of my teasing if he wants to defeat the Calamity. At least that” he huffed. “Besides, he should really be battling all of us, so we could see his… true potential. If he cannot defeat the champions, he is not fit to seal the darkness”
“You Ritos may say our heads are as empty as our stomachs, but your hearts are as harsh and pointy as your beaks” Daruk said, clearly angry and disappointed. Revali’s eyes opened in surprise, before his hand curled up over the pedestal in anger.
“If you think that, go to those softies you call friends for help” he answered, his eyes still opened and connected to Medoh. Upon retrieving his hand from the pedestal, his accumulated anger made the beast rise in the sky, fast and far, and Revali’s own body fell to the ground at the strength of gravity as it moved up. With his hand still curled into a fist and his brain burning with anger, he didn’t let the situation with Medoh worry him.
He just stood once it stopped and walked towards the edge of the beast, now seeing nothing but clouds and the peak of Hebra’s mountain.
As he looked down, he knew under him and Medoh was Rito village, far under the clouds. He growled as he sat down, legs dangling outside as he crossed his wings over his chest, still thinking about the goron’s words. He did not mean to dwell on them, what good would it do? But they seemed… so familiar. So alike words he had heard before… words that… had surely being spoken to hurt.
He knew Daruk had a heart as warm as the Death Mountain itself. It wasn’t possible for him to… be so mean deliberately. He meant something beyond what he had said, but as usual to gorons, he wasn’t able to fully put his message across.
However in the back of Revali’s mind, those words kept repeating themselves with another voice, another tone, and not about the ritos as a species, but about himself… as an individual.
At the time he heard them for the first time, he was but a child. He had cried, alone, on the top of Rito village.
Now, however, he was older. Wiser. Stronger. And those words couldn’t defeat him so easily.
Just like his feelings couldn’t control him.
Even if they really wanted to.
  Upon seeing you in my memories…
Through my eyes…
You will know
 They were united once again, now because Daruk had had the wonderful idea of a gathering between champions.
Revali did not want to go. He didn’t wish to be there. He was tired from his constant training and usage of Medoh, and he didn’t even like the rest of the champions. However, there he was, sitting between Urbosa and Mipha, staring at the fire in front of them.
Had the gerudo chief not threatened to burn all his scarves, he wouldn’t have come. What choice did we have?
“How… long are you planning for this trip to be, Daruk?” The princess asked, her voice always soft and sweet. At least when she talked to the goron, that was. Daruk smiled, wide, and Revali held back the need to cringe.
“At least a week, little princess! Urbosa and I think it is important for all six of us to try and connect with each other before anything happens!” he said, always optimistic. Urbosa nodded.
“Indeed. We must know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and be at least a little in tune with each other’s ways of living, acting and culture. That is how I see it at least” she said, smiling at the princess. She smiled back, and nodded.
“Yes! And while together, we can also discuss about how the beasts are going, if there is anything wrong with them or any requests from your towns, as well as how this slate actually works” she said, happily, pulling out the Sheika Slate from her pocket. Revali huffed quietly and rolled his eyes, looking away onto the hills ahead, watching as the moon and the stars seemed to slowly move in relation to it.
“Well… then I suppose, we should tell each other a little about ourselves!” Mipha said, smiling, and all the rest agreed. Revali tried not to show his lack of interest, really not in the mood for unnecessary fights or disagreements that night, and as he moved his head to pretend to pay attention, his eyes drifted to Link.
Link, the hero, Hyrule’s mightiest knight. Who, unlike the rest, seemed just as interested in that gathering as Revali himself, staring down at the ground under his feet, scratching the surface as he leaned on one leg, the other lazily laid on the ground on a triangular formation.
If not bored, he seemed contemplative.
“Why doesn’t our favorite bird boy start?” Daruk offered, smile still big, and Revali felt his wings puffing up as he looked up at the goron.
“Don’t call me bird boy!” he said, loudly, slamming his wings on the ground. It made a slight wind effect, that made Mipha gasp and Zelda laugh.
Link, for the first time that night, looked up.
“Calm down there, hurricane” Urbosa teased. “Tell us a bit about yourself”
“I do not have anything to tell that you all don’t already know” he said, wiping his wings and relaxing before placing his right hand over his chest and lifting his face. “I am Revali, the champion of Rito village, the Rito’s mightiest warrior, master in the arch and bow and the first and only to be able to propel myself upwards with my own special technique! I am the most intelligent, strong and fierce r-”
“Okay okay” Zelda interrupted, and all the eyes went to her, even his own. She was smirking. “Whatever, mister all mighty. Now tell us what we want to hear. The juicy details”
Revali’s wing slowly came to rest on his crossed legs. Juicy… details?
“Yes! A champion such as yourself must have a lot of fun and interesting stories to tell!” Mipha agreed, smile always sweet. Too sweet. “Maybe about… about romances!”
“Or about failures” Zelda added, chuckling, and Revali could feel his cheek feathers puffing up.
“Maybe some stories your parents told you as a child? That inspired you to become what you are” Urbosa complimented, her smile serene as her figure.
“Or friends you may have made! People who were important for your growth!” Daruk continued along. The three champions and the princess were staring at him with quite some… anticipation in their eyes.
He turned to Link, waiting for some commentary by the Hero’s part.
Link just tilted his head.
It seemed like he was asking all those questions at once.
“Fine” he sighed and crossed his wings once again, face turning away from them all, eyes closing and then opening again to stare down at them. “Which one of those you… wish to know first?”
“Anything you are willing to tell” Urbosa said, nodding towards him. All their eyes were fixed on him as they waited. Even Link’s.
“Well… as most of you can probably expect, I did not have that many friends” he said, and Zelda chuckled.
“I wonder why” she said and he glared at her.
“Do you wish to tell my story for me, princess?” he asked, rudely, and she waved her hand.
“No no, of course not. Keep going” she encouraged and he sighed before returning his eyes to the skies and his attention to the stories.
“As I was saying… I did not have many friends” he said, again, and this time no one interrupted. “And unlike what you may think, it was because I was… extremely shy”
“Shy?” Urbosa asked, and Mipha’s eyes widened a bit.
“I cannot imagine how a shy Revali would be like” she giggled and he looked over at her.
“Perhaps more or less like you” he smirked and she blushed ever so lightly. “Anyway. Yes. I was shy. Shy and quiet, specially for a rito. I know it is more common for us ritos to be loud and obnoxious, as we are told by basically every single other species, but… in my case, I was collected, shy, did not sing as much as the other children in the village, or adults. I found more pleasure in staying inside my shack and reading old text books about the olden days. From the evolution from zoras to ritos and how our communities grew apart and came to be as a whole”
“So you know at least a bit of zoras culture” Mipha said, smiling, and he nodded.
“Yes, of course. Our cultures don’t diverge that much, no matter how many thousands of years have set us apart” he said, smiling a bit at the zora. Then, he returned his attention to the rest of the group. “I grew, because of my ways, a bit far away from the others. I did not mind it one bit, but my parents were sociable and they complained quite often about my lack of interest for the present and fascination for the past. We grew apart as a family, and the entire village knew about it. Those weren’t very fun times for me, I must say, but I overcame them easily. For the rest, I had a normal youth. I started to train to become a warrior very early in age, after my father suffered many injuries after a battle with the Yiga clan. I became an expert with the bow and sooner than later, I was the best warrior the village had ever had. I mastered the wind and the sky and by my own training, I was able to create what I now call Revali’s Gale, the whirlwind. Now I can fly up as much as I want, without any help” he smiled, proudly, and Zelda hummed.
“Interesting story. What about girlfriends? Boyfriends?” she asked, bluntly, and he felt his cheek wings puffing again.
“Relationships. Romances. Courtships. Those things. Don’t you ritos have rituals or something?” she asked, and Mipha beamed.
“Yes! In zora culture, we ladies make an armor to our possible husband, to ask them to marry us!” she said, happily, and Revali raised his eyebrow slowly.
“We have rituals but I have never participated in one. I used all my time to practice to be a warrior and never had time to court anyone. And in rito culture, if you are older than 12, you certainly do not have any chances for courtship. So I never truly even tried. Despite of not having anyone I wanted to try it with” he shrugged, and Urbosa chuckled.
“I see your struggle. When I told the rest of my clan I did not wish to marry any hylian or anyone by that sort, they did not comprehend. Now they have accepted it, but they still think it is absurd that I don’t have at least an heir to the throne, despite the fact that I have already chosen my successor.” She chuckled and Daruk laughed.
“You would find yourself quite comfortable in Goron city then, Urbosa! We do not marry nor have any mating rituals! Any new integrant of our species is born from a rock of our own choice! Any and all gorons have the ability to give life to rocks, and from there, our species continues!” he said, happily, and Zelda hummed in interest.
“Have you ever been with anyone, princess?” Mipha asked, shyly, fiddling with her tail, and Zelda blushed ever so slightly before shrugging.
“Oh no. Give us the details now” Urbosa said, poking her, and Daruk nodded.
“You made Revali speak, now let it out, little princess!”
“Ugh fine!” she said and scratched the back of her head. “I may have had a few… datemates here and there… but not many! And most innocent!” she said, and regretted it immediately.
“Most?” Revali asked, smirking, and she blushed even more, making all the rest laugh. All the rest but Link. He caught Mipha’s quick glance to the hero and hummed. “What about you, Mipha?”
“M-me?” she squeaked out, and he nodded. “O-oh well I…”
“Come on, Mipha!” Zelda said, quickly, wanting to stay out of the conversation again. Mipha blushed more and looked down at her hand nervously.
She gasped when Link placed a hand on her shoulder and nodded. She smiled and took a deep breath,  and for some reason, the simple gesture made Revali’s blood boil.
Not until that moment he had felt anger towards Link. Now he was, and for unknown reasons.
“I have… I have courted some… someone before, but I don’t think he… he ever noticed” Mipha said, shyly, and Revali rolled his eyes.
“Well then you should tell him!” Daruk said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Revali looked at the sky again, annoyed. They were all so… innocent and stupid.
It was so obvious. Didn’t they know?
“Will you make him an armor?” Urbosa asked, curiously, and Mipha nodded quickly.
“It is… already being made” she smiled and Zelda clapped her hands.
“Very good! Someone with courage around here!” she said, and Mipha giggled in a thankful manner.
“What about you, Link?”
Revali slowly turned his gaze to the hero at Urbosa’s question. All eyes were focused on Link as he stared at the gerudo chief.
He shook his head, and she chuckled.
“A man of few words” she said, and Link shrugged.
“Come on little guy, open up a bit more” Daruk pushed, smiling, and Link looked at him before lifting his hands.
‘Had no time. Lessons and sword training together with knight practice and endurance tests didn’t let me think about those things’ he signed.
Somehow… Revali’s chest squeezed with a sad familiarity.
“You weren’t like that as a child though” Mipha said, and Link looked at her. His eyes seemed to smile, but his mouth did not move.
‘Yes. I was a happy, excited child. Sometimes, I miss those days, but not usually. I like my job’.
Revali’s side glance caught the princess holding her hand over her heart, and her eyes avert to the ground, in a gesture that he was unsure if it was guilt or rage.
In each case, it didn’t matter. The feeling was mutual all around the fire.
  My feelings fled with the winds…
And yet do you even remember…
What we went through?
 “You again?”
Revali raised his eyebrow as he saw Link once more in the platform, staring at nothing as he probably waited. He sighed when the hero turned to face him, raising an eyebrow of his own.
‘The princess is looking for you’.
‘If you want me away from the village, you should go talk to her’.
“As much as I want you as far away from me as possible, I would rather have you for an entire week than talking to her” Revali said, crossing his arms and staring to the mountains beyond their view. Link moved away from the edge, closer to Revali himself.
‘She told me you are having problems with Medoh. That is why she came’
“I am having no problems with the beast, thank her very much. Now if you would just find her and leave, that would be a pleasure on my part” he said, looking at Link, or rather down at him, his beak high. Link just stared back for a few seconds.
‘You know it is not the end of the world if Medoh isn’t working right, right? You know it isn’t necessarily your fault’ he signed, and Revali felt his blood boiling again.
“I know that very well!” he said, loudly, wings puffing up slightly. Link tilted his head. “And I also know that Medoh and I are doing just fine!”
“I am glad to hear it, but that is a lie” he heard Zelda saying, and Revali took a deep breath before slowly turning around to face her, a smirk appearing on his beak. “I have been talking to the elder, and he agrees that something is wrong. Could you stop being so full of yourself and just show us what is wrong so perhaps we can fix it?”
Revali held back a sigh of frustration and bowed, oh so sarcastically.
“It will be my pleasure” he said and looked up at her before spreading his wings and making a whirlwind upwards. He flew off and she gasped as he went right to Medoh.
“Revali! Wait!” she screamed out before she growled. “Oh my Hylia! He is so petulant and so annoying!”
Revali smirked from up there, laughing to himself as he landed on Vah Medoh and stared down to them. There was no one any one of them could get to Medoh now. They would have to wait for his own good will to stop it at the top of the village, and then they would have to climb, because he wouldn’t bring anyone aboard.
After laughing for a while longer, he left to the Flight Range, leaving Medoh in the air. There, he trained for long hours, only stopping sometimes to eat and rest. One of those times, he sat down, gathering his ingredients to make a delicious berry pie, and it wasn’t until he was halfway done when he started to hear the sound of wood breaking.
Curious and suspicious, he stood and moved to the edge of the shack, letting out a revolted and angry gasp as he saw no one other than the knight himself using his stupid paraglider to fly around the range, shooting the targets with a lesser bow.
“What are you doing?!” he asked, angrily, barely screaming. Link shoot the last target before using his glider to glide all the way towards the shack. “Who told you you could come here?! Why haven’t you left already?!”
Link dropped from the paraglider and out it next to himself, taking the snow off his clothes and then looking at Revali with his same old neutral expression.
‘The princess hasn’t left. She is asleep by now, or writing her journal. She is waiting for you to show her Medoh. As to me, I was not tired enough to sleep, and the elder recommended this place’
Sometimes… no, he wanted to kill that old owl all the time.
“Well, you can’t. Now go back to the village, I am training here” he said, coldly, and Link stared at him, before raising his eyebrow.
‘I thought here would be a great place to settle our rivalry’ he signed, and a hit of a smile curled up on his mouth. Revali was… astonished by it, but made no comments.
“W-what? Why?” he asked, confused and suspicious, eyes narrowing, but Link simply shrugged.
‘Didn’t you say you wanted to settle this? One on one? See who is the best warrior? Why not today? This way, we can finally be done with it’
“Aren’t you afraid of losing?” he asked, and Link actually smiled.
His smile provoked the most weird sensations inside Revali’s chest.
‘Why would I? If I lose this battle, I could finally win a friend’ he signed, the smile never leaving his face.
It was so sweet… it fit his face so much…
“A… friend...?”
“There you are!” Zelda’s voice came as an avalanche to Revali’s years, making him turn around quickly and frown as she climbed upstairs. Link was quick to rush towards her, but she just pointed her finger at him. “You shouldn’t be here! You should be in bed!”
“Calm down, princess. I called him here” Revali caught himself lying, and Link looked ta him surprised as she turned to face him, eyes narrowed, angry.
“Oh. I see. So you ignore me and my pleas to go see Medoh but you call Link at the darkness of night to have a little brawl?” she asked, and then chuckled. “I should have expected as such. Fine. But if tomorrow you don’t show me Medoh, I will talk to my father about your behavior!”
“Fine. It is not like I own your father any answers to my actions” Revali said, easily, and she frowned.
“He is your king!”
“He is your king. He is my nothing” he said and grabbed his bow. “Now if you two excuse me, I need to practice”
Without any more words, Revali flew off, grabbing the bow with his claws and flying away towards the night sky. He flew as high as he could, stopping at the top of the mountain close to the flight range, watching the beacon of light that Zelda’s torch emitted in the darkness.
He curled up on the peak, wrapping his wings around his legs and staring as they walked all the way back to the village.
For some reason, the thought of the two alone together made him extremely angry.
In the next day, he would show Zelda the problems Medoh was having.
That way, they could leave all the sooner.
   There were others like me…
Who saw you smile…
But do you remember?
 “Where is Link?” Mipha asked as, once again, the champions and the princess were united around a fire to have their bonding moments.
“My father said he is grieving” the princess said, poking the fire with a stick. All guardians frowned, Revali included.
“What for?” Daruk asked, and Zelda sighed.
“His father… is diseased” she mumbled, seeming way too upset. That was not very usual of her. Urbosa slowly caressed her hair, and Mipha gasped.
“Oh no… should we go comfort him?” she asked, worriedly, and Zelda shook her head.
“I don’t think we could, even if we should. He left this morning after the nurses were certain. We haven’t seen him since” she mumbled, and Revali frowned deeply.
“What do you mean? The hero hasn’t been seen for an entire day and no one is after him?” he asked, with a bit more concern than he had anticipated. Zelda lifted her head and furrowed her eyebrows.
“Do you think we haven’t looked?” she asked, almost angry, and Revali stared right at her. “You think we would just let him go and not do anything about it? There were several guards sent to look, but no one was able to find him. He is an expert in stealth and Hyrule is enormous. But if you think we are making such a poor job, you might as well go and look for him yourself!” she said, loud now, and crossed her arms, looking away from him. Revali frowned and stood up.
“Fine. I will” he said, and before anyone could tell him no, he was already flying away.
Worry was settling on his stomach, and he did not feel good. At all.
The winds guided him around the plains they were camping. He flew up in the sky and looked around, as far as he could see, before heading towards Hyrule castle.
His intentions were good, but he had no idea how to find the hero of Hyrule. Where he could be. He knew nothing of the boy.
He flew around the regions surrounding Castle Town for the entire night. He did not return to the camp, and didn’t make any attempts of contacting the others.
It was already hard enough to find Link on his own, imagine with the other’s help.
At some point, he found himself heading to Zora’s domain, and stopped once he arrived, looking around at the empty bridges. He frowned, but kept walking, slowly, towards the king’s  room.
The king, as usual, was there, despite of apparently all his guards were missing.
“Revali, the Rito Champion” he said, and Revali bowed slowly.
“Sir. I am looking for Link, the hero. Have you seen him anywhere? Has he been through the surroundings of your domain?” he asked, politely, and the king shook his head.
“Unfortunately, no. All my guards are after him as well, by my daughter’s demand. However, since I have known that boy, he has always been fond of forest areas. If I were you, I would look around them”
Revali hummed and nodded, bowing and saying goodbye. As he walked away, however, he saw by the corner of his eyes an open room. Upon coming closer and checking inside, he found an almost perfect zora armor.
Mipha had been wanting to ask someone to marry her… she had been waiting to ask Link to marry her…
Revali had never though she was actually serious about it. However, there he was, seeing the concrete proof.
And there it was, the burning in his veins, again.
The reason becoming clearer and clearer in his mind.
  People did not stay between us, however…
I stayed between us…
Forgive me
 The threat was closer and closer from erupting. Chaos ruled  the land of Hyrule, together with fear and hope.
The princess still had one fountain to visit. She was about to, in a few weeks, on the day of her birth. Before that, however, she was spending some time with the divine beasts and their champions, just to make sure everything was in order.
“You do not need to worry, little princess” Daruk informed as she ran around Rudania, checking every single plug or screw. “This beast will be ready to destroy Ganon, at your command!”
“I-I know” she said, sighing, and all the champions watched her as she sat down by a door, holding her own hands. “I know… But… this makes me more comfortable.”
“You shouldn’t be overthinking it. Your father is making you mad” Urbosa said, clearly angry, but Zelda shook her head. She seemed terrified.
“He is right. I need… I must be able to awaken my powers before… before…”
Link walked forward through them and placed his hands on her shoulders. She looked up with a soft gasp, and then looked at him, tears in her bright green eyes. He smiled at her, and gently wiped her tears away with his thumb.
He did not need to speak, or sign, to make himself be understood.
“He is right. You shouldn’t worry” Urbosa said, and Link nodded as Zelda sniffled and a small smile curled up on her face.
“Why are you so good to me, when all I did was be rude to you?” she asked, softly, and looked at his face again. Link simply smiled. He seemed so… calm. They were all terrified. But Link… Link seemed to know what would happen. Only someone with a clear vision of the future could be so calm at times like those.
That night, they all slept by the stable close to the mountain. They did not sleep at the stable, but outside, around some type of forest in the area. Zelda was the first to fall asleep, followed by Daruk and then Urbosa. Revali pretended to sleep, but was unable to. Mipha and Link stayed awake for quite a while.
“Are you sure you are okay?” he heard Mipha ask at some point. Upon her sigh, he figured he had nodded. “You… you know you can count on me to help you with anything you need, right?”
More silence. This time, she didn’t answer either. Both of them stayed silent.
Then, he heard steps moving away from the camp. He opened his eyes and saw Link walking away. Away from the stable, and away from the group.
Revali checked to see if Mipha was still awake, and waited. Once she had fallen silent, he stood, and made his way towards where Link had left to.
Not many minutes later, he found the hero by one of the goron’s warm lakes. He was staring at the warm water, only his feet inside of it, sword placed comfortably next to him.
“Mind some company?” he asked, and Link looked at him, before he smiled and shook his head. Slowly, he headed towards him, sitting down with his legs crossed, away from the water. “What are you doing out here, so late?”
Revali did not expect an answer.
“Thinking. How about you?”
He took a moment to answer. His ears collected the sound of Link’s voice as it entered them, making almost all the feathers in his body move. He had never heard something so sweet… calm… kind… He could describe the voice for ages, if allowed.
“Couldn’t sleep” he said, and Link hummed, nodding. “What are you thinking about? Ganon?”
“No” he answered, his voice a bit raspy for not using it for a while. “I am thinking about all the foods I did not get to eat”
Revali chuckled quietly as he stared at the water in front of them. Typical.
“You still have time. And it is not like these are the last weeks of our lives” he said. He was trying to stay positive. That was not his forte, he realized. Link just chuckled.
“If I go to your village in one of these last weeks, will you make me some food?” he asked, turning his gaze, and Revali met it.
“Sure. Anything you desire”
“Revali… are we friends?”
He stopped, and looked at Link, a sad sile growing on his face.
“We don’t have time for that”
Link looked at him and then hummed, nodding and looking away again.
He did not speak again.
  She knew, she knew, they all knew…
They all, but not you…
Forgive me
 “Tell him”
Revali looked at the princess as she grabbed him by his scarf. He stared down at her, offended.
“Excuse me?”
“Tell him, Revali” she repeated. “Tell Link how you feel”
He stared at her and then chuckled loudly.
“Really? I don’t know what all the pressure is doing to you, but you are crazy, your h-”
“Don’t do this right now” she said firmly, and pulled him closer until they were nose to beak. “Tell him. Before it’s too late” she said and then pushed him away, making him almost fall.
Then, she walked away, and left Revali all alone.
Perhaps… perhaps she was right.
  I’m sorry…
I’m sorry…
Forgive me…
 “I should have told him”
“I should have told him”
“I should have…”
Another hurricane passed by his hiding spot, making him gasp and recoil some more.
He could see those little machines surrounding the area, trying to locate him.
Revali closed his eyes and took at deep breath. The world was doomed. He couldn’t even defeat part of Ganon. How had he dared say he could be the hero?
It didn’t matter. Not now.
As he closed his eyes, all he could do was wish Link good luck.
And then, it was all gone.
  I’m sorry…
Forgive me…
Remember me…
 “The princess has been waiting an awfully long time…” he said, to the sky, as Link became a spot of light and left Vah Medoh forever.
Revali watched as the light went down to the peak of the Rito village, and kept looking as Link made use of his gift for the first time and flew off with no second glance, no hesitation, ready for a new adventure after one hundred years of deep, deep slumber.
He turned towards the castle and pet Medoh gently.
“You were right, princess… I should have told him. But now, it is too late. Hang on tight. He is coming to save you…”
  “I... I am sorry, Mipha”
The princess of the zora stared at Link as she held out to him the armor of courtship. Her eyes filled up with tears, and she pulled it away.
“You… you love someone else, don’t you?” she whispered, looking down, and he sighed.
“Yes… forgive me…”
“It is… it is okay… I knew as much” she whispered and looked up, smiling weakly. “I hope Revali loves you all the same”
Link smiled weakly.
“He doesn’t know just yet”
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