#meg comin in HOT
thebabysittertm · 11 months
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@fierceathlete is back and isn't pulling her punches...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ❝ you’re just a big manbaby who’d rather act tough than show his real feelings. ❞
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ㅤShe'd taken him off-guard, admittedly, so the only saving grace in hiding his surprise was the sunglasses and the other distractions associated with the stupid party that he was surprised she was even at. Meg Thomas wasn't actually someone he'd paid much attention to before this year, mostly because she was a jock (track, but nothing he did) who didn't really spend time with any of the jocks. Her house was out basically in the woods and she'd made it pretty clear over the years that she wasn't interested in partying or the usual shit that his idiot friends were into. That he'd been into for so long.
ㅤHe'd started talking to her just a little bit after he'd started dating Nancy, like Nancy was some strange gateway that opened up to allowing him new perspective and potential interaction with people that he wouldn't have talked to before. Some of them, it would have been social suicide to hang out with, but Nancy was just nice, and like Tommy called her, kind of a princess. She could talk to whoever, and it didn't really affect her social standing, like she was above their opinions - not like Steve. He'd never felt that kind of freedom, but maybe he should have started reaching out and broadening his social circles sooner, potential fallout be damned. The problem was that he'd been so lonely for so long that if he was suddenly dropped by the social circle he was used to, then what would he do?
ㅤNow, he didn't really care about that, but he was still trapped in the mess of it anyway. He had to maintain the expectations that had been wrapped around him lest anyone realize that anything too serious had happened to him after Halloween, but the act felt old and stale even without Meg Thomas calling him out to his face - fortunately without much of a crowd to take notice. The music was loud, everyone else was drunk, and he'd made the stupid mistake of brushing Meg off when she'd asked what the fuck was up with him - a few times at gradually increasing frustration levels. It wasn't like he could tell her anything, so he didn't really see what else he could have done, but the dismissive act was gone, at least.
ㅤ"Okay, shithead, what 'real feelings' am I supposed to be showing right here in a hallway surrounded by drunk people that makes me such a manbaby?" he asked, actually torn between annoyance and laughing. He couldn't even say she was wrong about not showing his real feelings, but the fact that she'd noticed was the unexpected part. He'd been phoning it in for awhile and nobody seemed to really care as long as he played the role.
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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*(y/n)'s POV*
I turn on the sink and cup my hands under the running water. I bring up my hands to my face and splash it over me as I felt a little hot around the face. I let out a sigh and look up at my reflection.
I bite back a smile as I had a feeling that I riled Dean up after showing my technique of flirting. I have to admit it was pretty exciting but I had to stop when I did. If it gone any further, I probably would not have stopped.
I wonder how far I can go with the teasing and flirting banter between us before he either decides to tell me no or yes?
I walk back into the room and see Dean on his phone, talking into it. I shut the door and start walking back to the table and his eyes turn to me and I could see his face turned a slight pink tinge. I smiled at him and winked as I go back to the books while he talks on the phone.
Sometime later, Sam comes in and walks over to us while Dean and I go towards him as we had some more information. "Dude, I gotta talk to you." All three of us said in unison.
"So, hot little Meg is summoning the Daeva?" Dean asked after Sam told us what he found out. "Looks like she was using that black altar to control the thing." Sam said and I chuckled. "So, Sammy’s got a thing for the bad girl." I remarked and Dean and I chuckle while Sam rolls his eyes.
"And what’s the deal with that bowl again?" Dean asked Sam. "She was talking into it. The way witches used to scry into crystal balls or animal entrails. She was communicating with someone." He said.
"With who? With the Daeva?" I asked him. "No, you said those things were savages. No, this was someone different. Someone who’s giving her orders. Someone who’s comin’ to that warehouse." Sam said and we think for a moment while Dean glances at some files on a nearby table. He sits down at the table and looks through them before he said. "Holy crap."
"What?" Sam asked. "What I was gonna tell you earlier—I pulled a favor with my –" Dean said before he clears his throat. "– friend, Amy, over at the police department. The complete records of the two victims—we missed something the first time." He said. "What?" Sam asked as he and I come over to look at the records.
"The first victim, the old man—he spent his whole life in Chicago, but he wasn’t born here. Look where he was born." Dean said and he points to something on the page. "Lawrence, Kansas." Sam and I said. "Mmhmm." Dean hums then he picks up the second file. "Meredith, second victim—turns out she was adopted. And guess where she’s from." He said and we see that the paper reads Lawrence, Kansas. 
Sam sits down in the chair across from Dean, clearly shocked, while stepped back and sat down on the nearby couch. "Holy crap." Sam and I said in shock. "Yeah." said Dean.
"I mean, it is where the demon killed Mom. That’s where everything started. So, you think Meg’s tied up with the demon?" Sam asked. "I think it’s a definite possibility." Dean replied.
"But I don’t understand. What’s the significance of Lawrence? And how do these Daeva things fit in?" I asked them. "Beats me. But I say we trash that black altar, grab Meg, and have ourselves a friendly little interrogation." Dean said.
"No, we can’t. We shouldn’t tip her off. We’ve gotta stake out that warehouse. We’ve gotta see who, or what, is showin’ up to meet her." Sam said. "I’ll tell you one thing. I don’t think we should do this alone." Dean said as he gives us a knowing look.
Later, Sam and I come back in the room, carrying a bag full of weapons, while Dean was on his phone. "We think we’ve got a serious lead on the thing that killed Mom. So, uh, this warehouse—it’s 1435 West Erie. Dad, if you get this, get to Chicago as soon as you can." He said before he hangs up.
"Voicemail?" I asked him. "Yeah." Dean said as he turns and sees the bags. "Jesus, what’d you guys get?" He asked, shocked, while Sam and I chuckle. "We ransacked that trunk. Holy water, every weapon that I could think of, exorcism rituals from about a half dozen religions. I’m not sure what to expect, so I guess we should just expect everything." Sam said and Dean nods, and we begin loading our guns silently.
"Big night." Dean remarks. "Yeah." Sam and I said, in unison, then Sam looks over at Dean. "You nervous?" He asked. "No. Why, are you?" Dean said. "No. No way." Sam said as I shake my head as we stay silent for a few seconds. 
"God, could you imagine if we actually found that damn thing? That demon?" Sam asked. "Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, all right?" Dean said to him. "I know. I’m just sayin’, what if we did? What if this whole thing was over tonight? Man, I’d sleep for a month. Go back to school—be a person again." Sam said an Dean and I look over at him.
"You wanna go back to school?" I asked him, curiously. "Yeah, once we’re done huntin’ the thing." Sam replied and I nodded. "Fair enough." I muttered while Dean said. "Huh."
"Is there somethin’ wrong with that, Dean?" Sam asked him. "No. No, it’s, uh, great. Good for you." Dean said but he didn't sound convincing.
"I mean, what are you two gonna do when it’s all over?" Sam asked us. "It’s never gonna be over. There’s gonna be others. There’s always gonna be somethin’ to hunt." Dean replied and Sam glances over at me. "He's not wrong." I said, shrugging.
"But there’s got to be somethin’ that you guys want for yourselves—"
"Yeah, I don’t want you to leave the second this thing’s over, Sam." Dean shouts over Sam and he walks over to the dresser. "Dude, what’s your problem?" Sam asked him, confused. Dean is silent for a while, then he turns back to Sam.
"Why do you think I drag you everywhere? Huh? I mean, why do you think I came and got you at Stanford in the first place?" Dean asked him. "‘Cause Dad was in trouble. ‘Cause you wanted to find the thing that killed Mom." Sam replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Yes, that, but it’s more than that, man." said Dean then he returns to the dresser and is silent again, then once more turns to Sam. "You and me and Dad—I mean, I want us….I want us to be together again. I want us to be a family again." Dean replied then he turned to me. "And (y/n), you're welcome to join us...be a part of it...if you want." He said and I nod.
"Dean, we are a family. I’d do anything for you. Hell, I'd do anything for (y/n) too. But things will never be the way they were before." Sam said and Dean looks ar him, heartbroken. "Could be." Dean said, sadly. "I don’t want them to be. I'm not gonna live this life forever. Dean, when this is all over, you’re gonna have to let me go my own way." Sam said then he and Dean share a look before Sam goes back to loading up his weapons.
Later, we make it to the warehouse Sam followed Meg and climbed up the elevator gate and reach the top room. Meg was standing at the altar, speaking in an ancient language.
Quietly, the boys and I squeeze through the space between the gate and the wall. We draw our guns and move to the other side of the room, hiding behind some crates. "Guys." Meg said and Sam, Dean and I look at each other, stunned.
"Hiding’s a little bit childish, don’t you think?" Meg asked. "Well, that didn’t work out like we planned." I said to Dean as Meg turns around to face us. "Why don’t you come out?" She asked and we come out from behind the crates, still holding up our guns.
"Sam, I have to say, this puts a real crimp in our relationship." Meg said, sarcastically. "Yeah, tell me about it." Sam growled.
"So, where’s your little Daeva friend?" I asked her. "Around. You know, that shotgun’s not gonna do much good." She said. "Oh, don’t worry, sweetheart. The shotgun’s not for the demon." Dean sneers.
"So, who is it, Meg? Who’s coming? Who are you waiting for?" Sam asked her. "You." She said and, suddenly, Sam was knock to the ground and Dean was thrown into the crates. "Guys!" I shouted before I was thrown back and hit something hard then black out.
Later, I wake up and realized that I was tied up. I look over and see the boys are tied to two separate posts, Meg was sitting before Sam as he starts to wake up. "Hey, Sam? Don’t take this the wrong way, but your girlfriend...is a bitch." Dean said and I nod. "I second that." I said and Sam shakes his head.
"This, the whole thing, was a trap. Running into you at the bar, following you here, hearin’ what you had to say. It was all a set-up, wasn’t it?" Sam asked and Meg laughs. "And that the victims were from Lawrence?" He asked. "It doesn’t mean anything. It was just to draw you in, that’s all." Meg said, smiling, while we looked at her in shock.
"You killed those two people for nothin’." Sam said. "Baby, I’ve killed a lot more for a lot less." She said. "You trapped us. Good for you. It’s Miller time." Dean jokes as he smiles. "But why don’t you kill us already?"
"Not very quick on the uptake, are we?" Meg asked and she leans in closer to Dean. "This trap isn’t for you." She said Dean looks puzzled while Sam thinks and I gasped as I realized something.
"John." I said and the boys looks at me. "It’s a trap for your Dad." I said as Dean looks at Meg, who smiles at him. "Oh, sweetheart—you’re dumber than you look. 'Cause even if Dad was in town, which he is not, he wouldn’t walk into something like this. He’s too good." Dean said. "He is pretty good. I’ll give you that." Meg said as she walks over to him and sits down, straddling his legs. "But you see, he has one weakness." She said.
"What’s that?" Dean asked. "You. He lets his guard down around his boys and his best friend's daughter, lets his emotions cloud his judgment. I happen to know he is in town. And he’ll come and try to save you. And then the Daevas will kill everybody—nice and slow and messy." She said.
"Well, we’ve got news for ya. It’s gonna take a lot more than some….shadow to kill him." I said. "Oh, the Daevas are in the room here—they’re invisible. Their shadows are just the only part you can see." She said as she looks over at me and smiles.
"Why you doin’ this, Meg? What kind of deal you got worked out here, huh? And with who?" Sam asked her. "I’m doing this for the same reasons you do what you do—loyalty. Love. Like the love you had for Mommy—and Jess." Meg said and Sam glares at her. "Go to hell." He spat at her. "Baby, I’m already there." She said as she smiles and slides over to Sam. 
"Come on, Sam. There’s no need to be nasty." She said and she leans in to whisper in his ear. "I think we both know how you really feel about me. You know, I saw you watching me—changing in my apartment. Turned you on, didn’t it?" She asked him while Dean looked over at them in disgust.
"Get a room, you two." Dean said. 
"Yeah, really." I said but Meg seems to ignore us. "I didn’t mind. I liked that you were watching me. Come on, Sammy. You and I can still have a little dirty fun." She said and begins kissing his neck. "You wanna have fun? Go ahead then. I’m a little tied up right now." He said and she smiles and continues to kiss him.
A noise on Dean’s side of the room makes her stop. She gets up and walks behind Dean’s post then she takes the knife our of his hand and tosses it into a corner. Meg swings around to the other side of the post, and smiles at Dean, who chuckles guiltily.
Meanwhile, I was cutting my restraints while she was distracted with Dean. Then she slides back over to Sam as I got loose. "Now, were you just trying to distract me while your brother cuts free?" Meg asked Sam as I quietly get up and walk towards her. "No. No. That’s because she had a knife of her own."
Meg was confused by this as I grabbed Meg’s shoulders and punched her behind her head. Then I toss her aside and she rolls until she lands on her back, groaning. "(Y/n)! Get the altar." Dean shouts and I walk over to the altar and overturn it.
Suddenly, the shadow demon appears and grabs Meg. She gets dragged across the floor and crashes through the window, falling down to the street below. I grab my knife and cut Sam and Dean free from their ropes then we walk over to the window and see Meg sprawled on the sidewalk, dead.
"So, I guess the Daevas didn’t like being bossed around." Sam said as we all let out a breath. "Yeah, I guess not." I said.
"Hey, Sam?" Dean said and Sam looks over at him. "Next time you wanna get laid, find a girl that’s not so buckets-o’-crazy, huh?" Dean said and he smiles and walks away while I chuckle and follow him.
"Why didn’t you just leave that stuff in the car?" Dean asked me as we walked back to our motel room. "As Sam always said; better safe than sorry." I said as Dean unlocks the door and we enter the room only to see an outline of a man standing by the window.
"Hey!" Dean shouts as Sam turns on the light. The man turns around to reveal himself to us, it was John Winchester. "Dad?" Dean said, stunned, as we stared at him. "Hey, boys." John said then he looks at me. "Hey, (y/n)." He greets.
Dean and John walk towards each other and share a long, emotional hug. Sam watches sadly while I give a small smile towards them. Dean and John pull apart a few seconds later then John looks at Sam. "Hi, Sam." John said. "Hey, Dad." Sam said, softly. Sam and John do not hug, but look at each other.
Sam places the bag full of weapons on the floor while John turns to me and he and I go hug each other. "I'm so sorry about your dad, (y/n)." He said as he patted my back. "He was a great friend." I nodded then pulled back from the embrace and looked up at him. "He always said you were like a brother to him, even when you drove him insane." I told John and he let's out a chuckle.
"Dad, it was a trap. I didn’t know, I’m sorry." Dean said to John once I stepped back. "It’s all right. I thought it might’ve been." He said. "Were you there?" I asked him. "Yeah, I got there just in time to see the girl take the swan dive. She was the bad guy, right?" He said.
"Yes, sir." The three of us said in unison. "Good. Well, it doesn’t surprise me. It’s tried to stop me before." He said. "The demon has?" Sam asked him. "It knows I’m close. It knows I’m gonna kill it. Not just exorcise it or send it back to hell—actually kill it." John said.
"How?" Dean asked and John smiles. "I’m workin’ on that." He replied. "Let us come with you. We’ll help." Sam said, determined. "No, Sam. Not yet. Just try to understand. This demon is a scary son of a bitch. I don’t want you caught in a crossfire. I don’t want you hurt." John said to him.
"Dad, you don’t have to worry about us." Sam said. "Of course I do. I’m your father." John said then he pauses. "Listen, Sammy, last time we were together, we had one hell of a fight." He said. "Yes, sir." Sam said, firmly.
"It’s good to see you again. It’s been a long time." John said. "Too long." Sam said then he and John embrace, crying. I smile at this, tears feeling my eyes, before they pull apart. The four of us look around tearfully.
Suddenly, the shadow demon attacks John and throws him into a set of cabinets, making him fall to the ground. Sam gets knocked back just as Dean shouts. "No!" Then both, he and I were thrown to the floor as well. 
The four of us groan and scream in pain as we were flung around the room, fresh scratches appear on our faces. Sam makes his way to the bag of weapons on the floor. He removes a flare from the bag.  Shut your eyes! These things are shadow demons, so let’s light ‘em up!" He shouts as he lights the flare, and the room is instantly filled with smoke and a brilliant white light, which made the shadow demon vanish.
The four of us try to feel our way around the room, coughing and sputtering. "Dad!" Dean shouts. "Over here!" John yells and Dean makes his way to John and helps him up. Sam and I follow them out of the room, carrying the bags of weapons.
We exit the building and walk down an alley to the car, where Sam and I put the bags in the backseat of the car. "All right, come on. We don’t have much time. As soon as the flare’s out, they’ll be back." Sam said as we start to load up. "Wait, wait, wait! Guys, wait." Dean said then he turns to John.
"Dad, you can’t come with us." He said. "What?" I said, confused, as Sam asked. "What are you talkin’ about?"
"You three—you’re beat to hell." John points out. "We’ll be all right." Dean said. "Dean, we should stick together. We’ll go after those demons—" Sam started to say until Dean turns to him.
"Sam! Listen to me! We almost got Dad killed in there. Don’t you understand? They’re not gonna stop. They’re gonna try again. They’re gonna use us to get to him. I mean, Meg was right. Dad’s vulnerable when he’s with us. He—he’s stronger without us around." Dean said, his voice full of tears, and I give him a sympathetic look.
"Dad--no." Sam pleads and he puts a hand on his father’s shoulder. Dean and I watch sadly. "After everything-- after all the time we spent lookin’ for you—please. I gotta be a part of this fight." Sam said. "Sammy, this fight is just starting. And we are all gonna have a part to play. For now, you’ve got to trust me, son." John said but Sam shakes his head no.
"Okay, you’ve gotta let me go." John said. All of us were silent for a moment, close to tears, then Sam looks at his hand on his dad's shoulder, and then pats his father’s shoulder once and lets go. John and Dean share a look, then John looks at me and I nod towards him then he walks to his truck.
Once there, he looks back at us one more time. "Be careful. All three of you." He said then he gets in his truck and drives away.
"Come on." Dean said and he starts to load up in the Impala but Sam doesn't move. "Sam." I said, softly, and he looks at me. "We've gotta go." I said, kindly. He nods and we get into the car and watch as John’s truck turns the corner.
We look at each other knowingly then, without a word, Dean starts the car. He backs into the street, then speeds down the road and around the corner, leaving this town far behind us.
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megmischief · 1 year
Elliott x Meg x Sebastian - Crush Chapter 1
E Rated - Skinny Dipping, Sexual Content, Drinking and Smoking
Trigger warning - This work of fiction is about a polytriad. If you are not interested for whatever reason, you can scroll past. Thank you. (Not that I should have to put a tw for this -.- )
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"Hey, Seb. You okay?" Meg laughed at the visably hot emo, suffering in the summer heat.
Sebastian sighs, rolling his eyes. Holding an ice-pop on his head, he walks over. "Yeah, never better. Bored and hot, but never better."
Meg laughs up at Sebastian, amused by his sarcasm. "Why not come watch the sunset with me? I'm meeting up with Elliott for some beers and a swim." Although she knew Seb hated the water, she had high hopes of him agreeing.
Sebastian scratches the back of his head, sighing. "Sure. Why not?" He mumbles.
Meg squeals with excitement, not expecting the answer she had just received. "Awesome! Let's head to the beach, Sebby!" Grabbing hold of Sebastian's hand, she drags him off of the rusty metal bench outside the saloon and down to the beach.
Reluctantly following, Sebastian sighs upon seeing the ocean for the first time this evening. Despite hating swimming, he definitely found comfort in the serenity of the atmosphere around him. The ocean waves crashed against the shore, and the sunset casted down a glorious golden hue upon everything it touched.
"You comin' in, Sebby?" Meg giggles, pulling off her shorts and top to reveal a black bikini underneath. She throws her clothing and shoes into a heap on the sand, running towards the ocean.
Sebastian feels his face heat up. The sudden boldness Meg had, had caught him off guard. "Y-Yeah...sure..." Pulling off his shirt, he makes his way over to the shore, running over to Meg. "Wait up...!"
Meg grabs Sebastian's arm, pulling him into the warm salt water. "Sebby...I'm kinda cold."
Sebastian chuckles to himself. "How? The water's warm."
Raising her arm, Meg points to the bumps in her skin caused by coldness. "I'm cold. Warm me up, Seb." Meg giggles.
"Hmm..." Face flushed with a slight crimson, Sebastian pulls Meg into his arms to try warm her up. "This better...?" He whispers.
Meg nods in response, about to reply when she jumps at the sound of Elliott's voice.
"Hey! Love birds! The beers are going to be warm if you don't get over here soon!" Elliott shouts over from outside his small beach cabin. He had set up some chairs and a small campfire to keep them all warm as the sun began to set.
Sebastian and Meg slowly began to wade back to shore, Meg holding onto Sebastian's arm for stability on the uneven sand.
Sighing, Meg took a beer from Elliott and sat down on one of the wooden chairs he had put out. "Elli. You know we're just friends." Meg laughs.
"Mmm. That's really what it looks like." He responds, clearly teasing them both.
Sebastian pulls out a cigarette and lights it, trying to stay out of the shenanigans.
Meg gives Seb grabby hands until he gives in and hands her a cigarette and his lighter.
"Heheh. Thanks, Sebby." Meg grins, taking a puff.
Elliott sighs. "You two really should look after yourselves more."
Sebastian smirks. "Elliott. We're already drinking beer. So technically, you should, too."
The trio sits around the fire, enjoying each other's company as the orange hues begin to fade to black. Stars light the night sky, causing ethereal reflections on the sea water.
"Wow..." Meg smiles, taking in the atmosphere around her. "I'm really going to cherish this moment forever, you know..."
Sebastian and Elliott smile at her.
"Me too. I always appreciate company, and you two coming here to enjoy this lovely sunset with me this evening has really lifted my spirits." Elliott gleams over at the pair in front of him.
Sebastian gives a small nod of approval. "Mm...Me too...Despite not enjoying socialising, this has been fun. So...cheers." He lifts up his beer bottle, clinking it against the others.
The trio drink into the night, all of them becoming more and more intoxicated with each bottle.
"You know... I've always wanted to try something... and I'm finally drunk enough to have the courage to do it." Meg giggles, her face bright red.
The men look at each other with confusion and concern.
"And that is?" Elliott questions.
Giggling and hiccuping, Meg begins to untie her bikini, dropping it to the floor. "This." She laughs, heading back into the ocean.
Elliott, although blushing, admired Meg's boldness. Sebastian, on the other hand, had completely hidden his face in his hands; flustered.
"Guys!! Come join!!" Meg called over, waving over to Elliott and Seb.
Elliott smiled down at Sebastian as he stood up. "You coming, Seb? She wants us to join."
Sebastian, still flustered, managed to mumble back. "I...dont know."
"Hey. If you're worried about us seeing you, then you dont have to strip." Elliott puts his hand on Sebastians' shoulder for reassurance.
Sebastian shakes his head. "No...its not that. He blushes, pulling the towel off of his lap to reveal a small tent in his board shorts.
Elliott laughs heartily. "Hey. That's nothing to worry about. No one can see anything in this darkness anyway."
"Mmm... As long as you're sure. I don't want to make her feel awkward, ya know."
Elliott smirks. "I think the time for that has passed, Sebastian. She's literally in the water naked. I'm sure she expected that to happen when she undressed in front of us. I'm sure she'll take it as a compliment." Elliott sighs. "Anyway. I'm heading in." Swiftly, he pulls off his shorts, running towards the ocean to Meg.
It doesn't take long for Sebastian to join. As he approaches the water, Meg grabs his hand, pulling him in. "Look up at the sky!" She says, in absolute awe of the stars surrounding them. It really made her feel as though she was dreaming.
"It's beautiful, Meg." Elliott exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Meg's waist from behind.
"Mm...it is." Meg leans back in Elliotts embrace, enjoying the moment. She pulls Sebastian close, wrapping her arms around his neck. The moment felt too good to be true. She really was dreaming. She sighed contently as she enjoyed the embrace of the men she had feelings for for what felt like years. She was finally at peace in the serenity of their embrace.
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redbelles · 4 months
Hi hello! 3, 7 and 19 for the fic asks??
hi hello!
3. what’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
okay shit this is a tough question! recency bias aside, i'm currently very fond of the repeated image of the lover destroyed and something in the night
bonus answer: the clouds will form a crown because it truly is just peak!meg on every conceivable level
7. how many ideas for fics do you have right now?
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19. give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs
chapter four of our hands are cold, the moon sets low comin' in hot
His reply is low and strangled, a wolf’s growl in a man’s throat. “I’m not a Stark,” he says, furious, packless, aching. “And you made sure everyone knew it.” “You’re a fool if that’s—” He barks out a laugh. “Oh, aye, I’m a fool. A fool who bent the knee to stave off dragonfire. A fool who kept an oath to a woman on the cusp of madness for the selfsame reason.” He laughs again, and it sounds like something breaking. “But of course you would see it that way. Only a fool would trust Littlefinger’s protégé not to turn a secret against them.” She doesn’t know she’s slapped him until her palm burns with the pain of it. It aches and stings, blood rushing swift and red beneath her skin, a prelude to bruise. His cheek is red to match; the sight of it nearly makes her sick. Her anger vanishes like smoke, leaving her hollow once more.
send me some fic asks!
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allsassnoclass · 7 months
let's fucking GO hazel. get those writing gloves on cuz here's 500 words of questions comin at ya hot. 10 (for fic or book whatever), 25, 39, 41, 54. LOVE YOU!!! xoxo
hi @clumsyclifford i love YOU!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for asking!!!!
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about. I think I would struggle with a co-writer, because I struggle enough with letting people beta read my work, let alone working with someone while everything is ugly and unpolished and full of a terrifying amount of imperfections. however! many many many months ago megs was answering a similar question (maybe the same question?) and floated the idea of us writing a she loves me au where one person does the letters and one person does the prose, and that has stuck in my brain! i think megs would be really interesting to work with because i feel like the ways we approach writing are kind of similar but also very different in different ways, and something like that where we have defined roles in the writing but can collaborate on the story feels like something i could do without panicking. so i would say megs with a she loves me au!
25. Linear or non-linear, and why? i think non-linear is SO interesting and wonderful to read, but to date i've only written one non-linear fic (undeniable you). if the story suits non-linearity, then definitely non-linear, but not every story would be improved by a non-linear narrative, yknow? i have one story that i've been thinking about for years that i want to write where it goes both forwards and backwards from a specific point, so every other chapter would be going forward from one point, then the other chapters would be moving backwards in time from that point until we reach the characters' first meeting as kids at the end.
in short, i think that non-linear narratives are so cool and fun and awesome when they are used for the right stories!
39. Do you base your characters of real people or not? If so, tell us about one. a lot of my characters are based on real people in some way, but just echoes of them. Louisa and Daisy from Off-Screen have hints of a lot of different fandom people in them, and Daisy being a nursing student is based on my two best friends being nurses. I'm currently writing a college theater au that I just. inserted my acting professor into. michael in puzzle pieces has the same flavor of asexuality as me. stuff like that!
41. How many stories do you work on at one time? about 50! okay, that might be an exaggeration, but right now alone i have 4 fic docs open on my computer, and i have over 20 wips and over 100 ideas written down. i flick between a lot of different stories unless i have something with a deadline that Needs to get done
54. Any writing advice you want to share? always always always have a silly little thing that you love writing but have absolutely no intention of sharing. let yourself write without inhibitions! let yourself have something that is completely removed from thinking about other people's judgement or whether it has to be good! just have a good time!
0 notes
cyarskj1899 · 2 years
Drake Slammed For Megan Thee Stallion And Serena Williams Lyrics On ‘Her Loss’
Drake is under fire for his Megan Thee Stallion lyrics on "Circo Loco" off his collaborative album 'Her Loss" alongside 21 Savage.
NewsOne Featured Video
Source: Amy Sussman / Getty
Drake is at the center of some heated criticism over his new song Circo Loco featuring 21 Savage. The Canadian Hip-Hop star made the internet raise a collective eyebrow on Thursday when the song premiered following the release of his new album Her Loss alongside 21 Savage.
In one verse, Drake seemingly threw a few lyrical jabs at Megan Thee Stallion, calling the Grammy-award-winning femcee a “b*tch” for lying about her shooting incident with Tory Lanez.
“This b**** lie ’bout getting shots, but she still a stallion/She don’t even get the joke, but she still smiling,” the 36-year-old celeb rhymes. Later in the track, Drake seemingly disses Megan’s graduation from TSU:
“Shorty say she graduated, she ain’t learn enough/Play your album, track onе, ‘kay, I heard enough,” he raps.
Megan Thee Stallion calls out Drake
Well, it didn’t take too long for the heated verse to travel back to Megan. After the song surfaced, the Houston native took to Instagram to call out Drake.
“Stop using my shooting for clout bitch ass N****s! Since when tf is it cool to joke abt women getting shot!” she tweeted. “You n****S especially RAP N*****S ARE LAME! Ready to boycott bout shoes and clothes but dog pile on a black woman when she say one of y’all homeboys abused her.”
Then, the “Hot Girl Summer” MC sent a fair warning to internet detractors, telling them to remember all of their favorite “h*e ass” rappers when the truth about the case finally came to light.  Megan will face Torey Lanez in court in the trial scheduled for Nov. 28.
Social media users slam Drake for dissing Megan Thee Stallion
Online, fans slammed Drake for featuring the questionable verse in the new song. Former CNN anchor Marc Lamont Hill lit into the famous rap star, tweeting:
“Started listening to Drake’s album. Was 3 tracks in when I read about the Megan Thee Stallion reference on Twitter. I won’t be finishing the album,” Marc Lamont Hill tweeted. “And please don’t tell me it’s just wordplay… or that it went over my head. I’m very smart. I got it. Doesn’t make it less gross.”
In a follow-up post, the political correspondentwrote: “If Drake released a song with “clever” wordplay that mocked the shooting of a male rapper, or any man for that matter, the same people defending him would be outraged. But of course, he would never do that…”
Another person noted how the verse was disrespectful, given the recent fatal shooting of Migos rapper Takeoff.
“Drake dissing Megan Thee Stallion is abusive,” the tweet read. “People joking about her allegedly being shot by a rapper is also violent & hypocritical; weren’t y’all just denouncing senseless violence in the industry regarding Takeoff’s passing? Mentally, I hope Meg feels loved & protected.”
Megan Thee Stallion wasn’t the only celeb Drake took a few lyrical shots at on the new album. The rapper also penned some questionable bars about tennis champ Serena Williams on another song off the project called “Middle of the Ocean.”
Drake called the 23-time Grand Slam champion’s husband, Alexis Ohanian, a “groupie.”
“Sidebar, Serena, your husband a groupie. He claim we don’t got a problem but. No, boo, it is like you comin’ for sushi” the rapper says around the 3:35 minute mark of the song.
According to TMZ, Drake may have dissed the Reddit co-founder because he has allegedly taken “subtle jabs” at him in the past. If you remember, Williams briefly dated Drizzy back in 2015, way before Ohanian was in the picture. Maybe he’s still yearning for his old thang? Who knows!
Ohanian responded.
The History Of The Hip-Hop Radio Mix Show
The Legend Of Eric Monte: The Genius Behind The Renaissance Of Black Television
10 photos
Drake Slammed For Megan Thee Stallion And Serena Williams Lyrics On ‘Her Loss’  was originally published on hellobeautiful.com
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keepmovinjunior · 3 years
How about Phoebus? That cutie, soldier, sun god. Smart, handsome—- I think he could keep up with you, Megs~
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"  Yeah,  and  his  girlfriend's  nice,  too. "
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pynkhues · 3 years
Please recommend some of your fav Rio fics!
Of course, anon! Since you asked for Rio fics, I'm going to guess you meant Rio POV fics? If not, I'm sorry, haha, because that's what I've collated, but I hope you give these a shot regardless! They're all fics I think are pretty great. ;-)
Below a cut, because this got long.
But when he does reappear at the store—she still doesn't hear him coming, she needs to work on that—she's wearing a fuckin' dress, and he's glad she hasn't seen him yet because he can't stop himself from grinning.
Maybe it ain't for him, but given the fact that he doesn't think he's seen her legs since he came back—aside from that one night at the bar when she was definitely feeling herself—it seems like this is an intentional break in the pattern. Either way, he fuckin' loves the idea that she's been dressing up all week, not sure if he's coming but wanting to be ready if he does.
Now Use Both Hands by ms_scarlet / @mego42 6k words. Explicit. Beth x Rio. S3 canon divergence.
Ooooof, this fic causes me physical pain, but I love it a whole lot. Meg really captures Beth and Rio at their most acidic, their most sharp edged, while also managing to balance that with the feelings they desperately don’t want to have. It’s a bit magic, and the fact that she follows this up with another fave, Listening Through the Air Shaft is *chef’s kiss*.
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When he wakes, he's in a hospital bed, mouth dry as bone and he can taste blood, stale and metallic, on his tongue. The pain in his chest has been dulled by the drugs, but it still lingers, a persistent ache that spikes with every breath.
By all rights, he's a dead man walking.
Ten hours, they had him in surgery. From the look of his chart, he'd flatlined twice, and he can feel the consequences of that, see it in the bruises on his chest, the exhaustion lining the faces of his family. He'd woken to a little hand in his, Pop's cheeks damp with tears, and shit, it'd been close. Too close.
Bury a Friend by @ejunkiet >1k words. Mature. Beth x Rio S3 canon divergence.
Pivoting from 3.01, this fic is a wonderful, quiet character study that looks at Rio in the aftermath of the shooting before he explodes back into Beth’s life. It pulses with emotion and with the promise of catharsis, and it’s just a really special little fic. The Rio voice is terrific too.
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He finally gets what he needs one day when Elizabeth’s wearing this tight black sweater with a keyhole that shows off just enough to make Rio’s jaw rock. It’s so out of the ordinary, so unlike her ugly li’l sweaters or her surburban mama button-ups, he does a double take, head whippin’ around so fast that she catches it immediately. Then she catches where his gaze lands, where it keeps landin’ through their whole stilted, irritated conversation, and he sees her chest pinken til he can count her freckles. He sucks his lower lip into his mouth, and her lips fall open just the smallest bit, and then she looks up at him.
Eyes locked on each other, Rio takes a step closer. Elizabeth doesn’t back away.
I Will Collect You and Capture You by @foxmagpie 17k words. Explicit. Beth x Rio S3 canon divergence.
I feel like I've recced this fic 1,200 times at this point, haha, but it really is one of my favourite fics in the fandom. It has this sort of grip on you as a reader that almost embodies Beth's grip on Rio in the story, and the way it builds and builds and releases only to build and build again is really delicious, affecting writing.
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“Com’n her and her lady friends were shakin’”
“Shakin’ about the lemon on the fuckin’ granite, sure.”
They chuckled as the car rolled on, the suburbs slipping away with the sun.
“Think they’ll pay up?”
There was a groan as Rio shifted in his seat, flexing his fingers along the dash.
“Neighborhood like this? Everybody knows someone who knows someone with a trust fund.”
Mick’s lighter flickered, followed by long, rasping inhale. “And a boat.”
Smoke swirled lazily through the open window up into the purple sky.
“And a boat.” Echoed Rio.
Drivin' through the Suburbs by gangfriend / @00gangfriend00 5k words. Teen+. Mick + Rio friendship, Beth x Rio. Canon compliant.
It takes a lot to make me laugh out loud in a fic, but this one does multiple times. It's just insanely fun, and captures Rio and Mick at their most boyish in a way I find utterly charming. It's really, really delightful.
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She’s got her crimes wrapped up and categorized in folders with labels and post-its. Wrapped up in gift paper with a big blue bow on it. And she’ll probably ask Turner do you want freshly baked cookies or some shit when they go raiding her kitchen.
Rio should really get it under control. Her, get her under control.
She opens the door and slumps onto the front seat, her eyes set angrily on him. Nineteen voicemails and she’s still got things to say: he sees it in the twitch of her hand, the restless, frustrated pattern. Any minute now she’s going to settle on new words to voice her complaints like he’s here to listen. Like he’s got the time— like he cares. Like he’d better.
It’s a Work Thing by isoldewas >1k words. Mature. Beth x Rio. 2.12 canon divergent.
I'm a bit of a sucker for a good canon divergent fic, and this one pivots the car break up in 2.12 in a smutty way that just works unfairly well. It's such a great little fic that really settles well into Rio's headspace during the messiness of s2, and I love it.
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They settle in their respective places and Rio takes the opportunity to give Elizabeth the same once over that asshole did. Her ass really does look great in those pants and she could fill out any shirt. Her eyes linger over him too, tracing his skin, the bar tattoos peeking out from under his t-shirt that she’s seen a million times but she devours at every opportunity. Then her eyes meet his and she gives him that small, crooked lil’ smile.
He’s not one for religion, but every so often he takes his mom to Spanish mass. All the viejitos and pious Catholic types think he’s a banger but his ma’s still excited to show him off. He sits with her in the pew and when the priest asks for the congregation to give thanks to God, he says a prayer for the riches that have come to him, the health and brilliance of his son, the vitality of the other little ones in his life now, and Elizabeth. And when he thinks of her in those moments, he sees her in his mind’s eye with this exact look on her face.
A Bit of a Stretch by @septiembrre 5k words. Teen+. Beth x Rio. Established relationship.
Beth and Rio do a yoga class together! There’s such a lived-in feel to this fic that it feels impossible not to fall a bit in love with it – their relationship is explored in a way that feels true to who the characters are, while sanding down the edges to create something that feels sweet in the way they usually aren’t in canon. It's a great fic, but more than that, it really just works in a way that's a lot more complicated than it looks, and it’s all the more charming for it.
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He’s happy to keep kissing her like this. To savour it. Realises she’s undone the last few buttons of his shirt at some point as she shoves it down his shoulders. Doesn’t have a second to think about his ugly scars pressed to her skin. Can just feel her little hot palms snaking up his back and grippin’ him tight. Refusing to let any light between them as they kiss for what feels like hours.
He realises these are the lips he’s been tasting. Searching for in other women when his night’s got too unbearably quiet, hunting for an echo of the thing he really wanted. Comin’ up short every damn time. Sweet and soft and lethal. Unique to her.
It’s longing in a way he’s never felt. This is the taste of it.
As Good as This by @riosnecktattoo 5k words. Explicit. Beth x Rio. 4.05 canon divergence.
Okay, I know I just said how much I loved canon divergence fics, but it bears repeating – I love canon divergence fics, haha. This is such a great alternate take on how the wire scene in 4.05 goes down, and it simmers with tension from the opening line. The way it escalates as Rio navigates this newest betrayal works really well too, and it results in a pretty sexy and surprisingly emotional sequence. Magic!
- - - -
“Do we have a deal?” She asks.
When he turns to look at her she’s smiling, and that’s when he realizes he’s absolutely fucked. He’d just fucked himself out of almost a quarter of a million dollars. He lets his eyes drop down her body, licks his lips and nods.
“I choose the place,” he says and turns on his side to face her. “You owe me half - with interest,” he says and slides a hand into her hair. She’s damp, the sweat slowly cooling.
“That’s not what - “ she opens her mouth to protest and he takes that opportunity to slide his mouth across hers and lick into her mouth.
Long Nights by zetuslapetus / @querenaxx 2k words. Explicit. Beth x Rio. S3 canon divergence.
Rio and Beth bone while negotiating a deal! What's not to love, haha. This has such a fun checks and balances feel to it which just makes me want to peel my skin off, it's so good. It's exactly the way I like my Beth and Rio - hot and snarky and constantly trying to get a leg over the other, literally and figuratively. It's the best.
- - - -
He should go out and find someone to fuck. Maybe text one of his hookups. See if Jen’s working. He has options.
He knows what he should do.
But it turns out fucking other people is a worse hell than the one they create when they’re together.
And now that he’s yielded to this wicked ecstasy, he knows he’ll do anything to keep sitting in the fire with her.
To Sit in Hell with You by @daydreamstew 2k words. Beth x Rio. Explicit. s4 canon divergence.
Canon-divergent from 4.06 – Beth and Rio keep hooking up after the time at his grandma’s place. It’s fun and sexy while also keeping the complicated push-pull and lack of communication at the heart of them. Deeelightful.
- - - -
“Does it make it easier?” Maddie asks him once they’re spent, maybe emboldened because he has already brought her into their bed. Which may be unfair, because Lee had been in their bed from the beginning.
“What?” He seems lost in his thoughts, his arm behind his head. In a few minutes he’ll get up and get ready to get back to the factory. Like always, she’ll be looking for her keys so she won’t be late for work.
“Getting it out of your system before you see her.”
Rio glances at her. “I don’t always see you when I see her.”
It’s so rare for him to explicitly mention this woman, however tenuously, and Maddie waits for more. Rio’s gotten like this about a few women in his life but it doesn’t happen often.
Sure am Using You by aniara 2k words. Explicit. Rio x OC, Rio x Beth.
It's not for everyone, but I absolutely love fics that feature characters with other people in ways that tell you something about the characters' feelings about somebody else. In this fic, Rio's fucking one of his childhood friends, but it's all about Beth really, and the way both Rio and the OC negotiate that is really compelling writing, and feels so in character for Rio. I really love it.
- - - -
Rio dreams of her that night, again. It’s irritatingly pedestrian – Elizabeth’s kissing him deep and then, ah, suddenly his gun’s in her hand and she shoots him, with a double encore. It’s always variations on the same futile theme. When he wakes it’s not that he’s freaked, unaware of reality or his whereabouts. But he’s been soaked in anger for so long. He can’t think straight, not on her. It’s honestly terrifying. Cos stubbornly keeping his head on right is – that’s him. Maybe her entire raison d’etre is destroying every single one of his attributes though.
He ain’t sure if his subconscious is desperately screaming that he’s made the wrong move, letting her live. Or if it’s the total opposite. Could be fucking neither. It’s not – it’s not getting any easier. And that main reason for not biting the bullet, that he’d be mad as hell for being mad as hell at himself over killing her, it's not smelling any less idiotic.
Climbing up the Walls by s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe 8k words. Explicit. Beth x Rio. S3 canon divergence.
Another canon divergence from 2.13 and an interpretation of how s3 could've gone, and another one I really love. There's a throughline of chaotic frustration to this fic that rings true to Rio's character for me, and the way that that reverberates through his moments not just with Beth, but alone and with other women, feels really textured and interesting and real. It's pretty great.
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incorrectdmp · 3 years
To start things off: a summary of where we’ve been the past month
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Bingo bongo
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Cernos calls you a stupid hoe ASMR
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I’d let Her annihilate me until i’m nothing but molecules  😩 👌
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Man ezra really got fucked over by having a mom voiced by the same person as the big stupid jellyfish mom huh
Seasons beatings!
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-thank you kristen for this blessing of a meme
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The french has NO RIGHT to be hot
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S(te)lender man
*chills voice* Ezraaa Craaaaaane big man on caaaampus
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Moms suck pt 2 
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She’s depressed your honour 
The wailing of the damned or the sounds of depression, what’s the difference really
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Checkovs gun weaponized for maximum emotional pain
The cheshire smile is hyper realistic and it couldnt be worse
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I have never been hurt more by the word kachow
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wow toy story sure looks different
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Daniel comin in like the community pizza gif
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Percy the Cowardly Dog 
DMP mic X Dreamland mic is my OTP
Ranch (not farm)
Shhhhh CG percy’s one brain cell is his best trait actually
I’ve got a gun miss M!
No mercy percy reaches his final form
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“GET OFF MY LAWN” -percy
Haha cancer boy got no hair again
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Twitch chat’s consensus on jason vile:
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Seasons’ beatings [2]
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“How do you feel about Moulin Rouge Miss Garden?” (i literally dont know where else to put this but it was necessary)
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(and an alt version of this image upon juno’s request:)
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Lol CG with his stupid lil army hat
To the tune of jolene: “vincent, vinceeent, VINCEEEENT, VINCEEEEEEEENT”
Vinny carrying sam like a fucking child
Now presenting: Who’s on First
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Vinny is a man who can and will fight god
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*record scratch*
Vinny really said let the bodies hit the floor
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CG takin’ the L here
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Existential fourth wall breaking
Multicolour chicken leg
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@queen’s acting: “IT’S FUCKING RAW”
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Vinny and grace scaled the fifth floor of void building
Hair acquired in lotus eater count: 2
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Haha hat boy
Look at his paintings he’s so talented <3 (this isnt a joke i just love percy)
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Bro out here really making a whole ass 9 minute shaded animatic huh
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Little macaron
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I dont have any jokes for this im just crying ok
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Uprising was like “i am going to make val extra and make it everyone elses’ problem”
PLEASE can i lick the colours on this art
Wake up baby naptime’s over
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“You’re my favourite deputy!”
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This scene is fucking weaponized emotions twitch chat is collectively SOBBING
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Just UprisingAttorney from Real Life
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It sure is weaponized emotions hours FUCK
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so i think chat liked the kiss
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“tfw you gotta clap this rat mf twice in one episode” -Juno
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-also by juno
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-edit by alex. thank you for deep frying my rat
“Ezra i dont feel so good”
Thorin rides away on his noble steed
Baguette wizard
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Ste got glass in he hand
The true moral of dmp: pissboy nerds get punched by jocks
 The crane/reid bloodline really loves beating the shit out of twinky nerd men
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Awakening: everyone is here edition
“So tell your boogeyman family to fuck off”
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Stephen really saw god Herself and was unimpressed 
Ezra: someBODY-
Doc having a mental breakdown on the floor like:
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Ezra gets one singular leg in this image as a treat
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Another group shot another contractually obligated stupid percy (nobody told me to do this)
Percy: :▷
“Ok :)” thank you stephen
Charlie is just…. COMICALLY small
Another group shot another stupid percy [2]
Percy go: c:<
Powerful Percy
Stephen can also be stupid: c:
Val and ezra h*lding h*nds
Baby said ass
Everyone cheers for Ste, as THEY SHOULD
The most evil thing CG could possibly do: a to be continued screen
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nedlittle · 3 years
hey, i love your blog!! 29 and 45 for the shakespeare asks? x
howdy, two answers comin right up!
29. pick a setting or concept to stage [play] and share some ideas
ROARING TWENTIES TWELFTH NIGHT!!!!!!!!! think about it, the clowns are running a speakeasy out of olivia's basement, malvolio's got a temperance union badge, viola accidentally decides on a stupid transatlantic accent for cesario's first line and decides to commit to it, the parties, the gay chaos of it all. not even to mention that late 20s fashion lends itself exceptionally well to androgyny
45. share a Shakespearean hot take or unpopular opinion
is it an unpopular opinion to not like richard iii? reading it did absolutely did nothing for me, but maybe if i were to watch a production....also piggybacking off of one of meg's answers, but i would much rather watch a proshot stage production than a film that takes itself too seriously (unless of course it's something ridiculous and goes fully off the deep end). audience-actor interaction is so special and that's what makes it feel more real to me. when the audience absolutely loses their mind at a joke or gasps at some blood, that's good shit.
send me shakespeare q's! 💌
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shes-ghostface · 3 years
Could you do a small legion playlist? 🥺 like what all four would have as their top 5 songs kind of thing 👉🏽👈🏽
Ps, love u 🥰🥰
Thank you for this ask!! Killers and their music are a favourite of mine to do! (Love u 🤍)
I guess this is a mix of what songs they would (maybe) be into and what songs remind me of them, hope that’s okay!
I’ll link the songs incase some people haven’t heard any of them before! 🖤
Frank’s top 5 (no particular order):
Hollywood Undead- Everywhere I Go
Papa Roach - Last Resort
Hollywood Undead - Comin’ in Hot
Imagine Dragons ft. Lil Wayne - Sucker for Pain
Gorillaz- Kids with Guns
Julie’s top 5 (no particular order):
Billie Eilish - you should see me in a crown
Charlotte Lawrence - Jokes on You
Ruelle - Monsters
Halsey - Control
Meg Myers - Desire
Joey’s top 5 (no particular order):
Twenty one Pilots - Heathens
The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather
Linkin Park - Numb
The Neighbourhood - Afraid
Hollywood Undead - Hear Me Now
Susie’s top 5 (no particular order):
Lorde - Ribs
The Runaways - Cherry Bomb
Billie Eilish - bury a friend
Halsey - Gasoline
Ava Max - Sweet but Psycho
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Cell Block Tango, Ft. One Wilford Warfstache
ty @executiveespressodepresso​ for the request
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A/N: I KNOW, I know. It took a long time. A really long time. 2 weeks is actually not that long but I GET IT. I’m done though! I am finished, I have completed one(1) fic, and I can rest easy now. I’ve had a bit of trouble with these types of fics before, mainly I just didn’t know how to write them. But I figured it out! Maybe. Sorta. I dunno, I kinda like it... ANYWAYS uh song bumps the rating up to a T, but there’s not really much else. You perform a song for Wilford after a long day! That’s it. Also Talking about Feelings at the end because I was feeling Angsty and wanted some Plot. It’s a long one dhwukcgfeywf anyways enjoy!
Word Count: 3.0k
Performing the Cell Block Tango for Wilford
You plopped down onto the living room couch and sighed. What a day! What a great, awful, stressful day. You loved Wilford, absolutely, but the man could be a handful.
You weren’t sure how it was possible for someone to have so many bullets in one gun.
In any case, you had to stop him from KILLING PEOPLE for a while before getting to come home. 
You didn’t have the emotional capacity to be mad at this point. You really needed to wind down.
First, you should make dinner. Last time Wilford stepped foot in the kitchen the whole house went up in flames. You grabbed your phone and called to order take out. 
You rubbed your eyes, suddenly feeling very tired. You shook your head, knowing if you fell asleep Wilford might kill the delivery person. You went to the bathroom.
You turned the sink faucet on and splashed your face a few times. You looked in the mirror at your soaking-wet face. God Wilford was so difficult to deal with. Well… he’d gotten better… but he still had a long way to go before you could even consider taking him anywhere. If he wouldn’t pull a gun on all the therapists you took him to maybe he’d have gotten a little better in the time that you knew him.
Now that Wilford was back on your mind, you thought of a way you could maybe relax.
You walked back to the living room and looked down at the phone that you’d thrown on the chair beside the couch. You looked up, not seeing Wilford anywhere. You took a deep breath, and decided you deserved a little performing. As a treat.
You pressed play on the song when you found it, and you stood up. You stood with your back to the music, facing the wall.
"Pop. Six. Squish. Uh-uh. Cicero. Lipschitz," you said quietly. "And now, the six merry murderesses of the Crook County Jail, and their rendition of the Cell Block Tango…"
You began moving your arms in rhythm to the song. A smile twitched at your lips. This might’ve seemed a bit silly to anyone else, but luckily, you were alone. Right?
Yes, Wilford went to go see Dark. You were absolutely, 100% alone.
In fact, you were so sure that you were alone that you didn’t hear Wilford walk into the room. He saw you… dancing? Were you dancing? He didn’t think you danced. You didn’t seem like the type to dance. He tilted his head to the side a little, about to ask what was happening, before hearing the music play from the phone and closing his mouth. He decided to stay quiet and just… watch. 
The music began speeding up and you started to get really into it, moving around a lot. As the chorus got close, you turned around, only to find Wilford staring at you. He was standing in front of the couch, near your phone. You stared back at him, the heat of embarrassment rising in your cheeks. You prepared to shamefully walk away, to avoid him by taking a shower or saying you had to run to the store, to make sure he said nothing about this to you or anyone else.
But, Wilford seemed to have other things in mind.
Seeing you watch him like a deer in headlights, he thought there was something he should do in this situation, something to make you more comfortable.
With that in mind, he plopped down onto the couch, respectfully folding his hands in his lap, and looked at you expectantly.
Was that the right decision? Too late to take it back now. Hopefully it was.
You blinked for a moment before you got the memo and started moving again. You felt your skin burn in the still-present embarrassment as you continued your… well, it wasn’t quite dancing. Something along those lines, maybe. You expected Wilford to talk, laugh, comment, make any noise at all. But he just sat, watching you. You looked at him, nervous. He smiled brightly at you and you remembered that this was Wilford, dammit! The man loved you and would never wish any harm on you, physically or emotionally. And that’s when you decided to put a little trust in your boyfriend, and started to sing right as the chorus started up.
“He had it comin', he had it comin', he only had himself to blame… If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it, I betcha you would have done the same! Pop! Six! Squish! Uh-uh! Cicero! Lipschitz! Pop! Six! Squish! Uh-uh! Cicero! Lipschitz!”
Wilford nearly got whiplash when you started to sing. Since when? Could you do this? You had never? You were also quite good, so… why didn’t he know? 
You started getting more exaggerated and “angry” with your movements, which made Wilford smile. You looked like you were having fun(which you were) and he was happy about that. He also appreciated the few lyrics he processed over the look of joy on your face taking full control of his mind. He could relate to it, at least a little. He wondered if that’s why you liked the song…
He then realized that it probably wasn’t, but he liked the thought nonetheless.
“You know how people have these little habits that get you down? Like Bernie. Bernie liked to chew gum. No, not chew: pop! So I came home this one day, and I am really irritated and I'm looking for a little bit of sympathy. And there's Bernie, laying on the couch drinking a beer and chewing. No, not chewing: popping!” You were waving your arms around while telling the story, and got this angry look on your face at certain points. While making the face, you pointed at Wilford accusingly. He frowned at first, before remembering you were acting. And, damn, you were good at it! "So, I said to him, I said, "You pop that gum one more time..." And he did. So I took the shotgun off the wall and I fired two warning shots... into his head.” You made a fake gun with your hands and fake-shot at Wilford. He leaned back on the couch, put on a surprised look, and laid a hand over his chest, playing along. You smiled at him joyfully before going back to singing.
He bit his lip to not laugh, as you might’ve taken it the wrong way. He was just very… happy. And entertained with what was happening.
“I met Ezekiel Young, from Salt Lake City, about two years ago, and he told me he was single, and we hit it off right away. So, we started living together. He'd go to work, he'd come home, I'd fix him a drink, we'd have dinner. And then I found out. "Single," he told me? Single, my ass. Not only was he married, oh, no, he had six wives. One of those mormons, you know? So that night, when he came home from work, I fixed him his drink, as usual.” Wilford got a bit distracted at this point, just by you. Everything you were doing. The dancing, the acting, the singing, the smiles… you looked so happy. He wondered why you didn’t look like this more often. He wondered how he could get you to look like this more often.
He’d heard someone talk about karaoke at the store one day.
Could he do that? Could he buy a karaoke machine? Would you want a karaoke machine?
“You know... some guys just can't hold their arsenic.” He was snapped back to reality,(ope, there goes gravity) when you ruffled his hair harshly at the last line. He looked up at you again and found you were still smiling. He automatically smiled back.
“Now, I'm standing in the kitchen, carving up the chicken for dinner, minding my own business. In storms my husband, Wilford, in jealous rage.” You accidentally said “Wilford” instead of “Wilbur”. Who could blame you, honestly. To save it, you started acting like you were talking directly to Wilford instead of just a make-believe audience. Wilford, on the other hand, panicked a little when you said his name. It wasn’t the same name as the song said, so… what? He then came to the conclusion that you just wanted to get him to pay more attention. 
"You been screwing the milkman," he says. He was crazy and he kept on screaming "You been screwing the milkman." And then he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife ten times.” You leaned towards him, got up in his face, and grabbed and shook his shoulders. Wilford just kind of… sat there and took it, since he didn’t know what he was supposed to do. He nodded a few times as well, seemingly a bit intimidated by you. It took much of your willpower to not break and start laughing at him.
His cheeks dusted a light pink because of how close you were getting to his face. He nearly leaned forward and kissed you, but caught himself. You were performing and he had no right to interrupt.
Still, your lips looked awfully kissable… 
“If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it, I betcha you would have done the same!” 
You had to mentally prepare yourself for the Hungarian part. You took a breath to lower your heart rate and told yourself that even if you messed it up, it was fine. It was just Wilford.
“Mit keresek én itt? Azt mondják, a híres lakóm lefogta a férjem, én meg lecsaptam a fejét. De nem igaz. Én ártatlan vagyok. Nem tudom, miért mondja Uncle Sam, hogy én voltam. Próbáltam a rendõrségen megmagyarázni, de nem értették meg.” You had to suck in a breath and miss a few lines to get your brain back on track. “Uh-uh! Not guilty!” 
Wilford was thrown completely off guard at the Hungarian and he stared at the phone. Where the hell did that come from? More confusingly, when he looked back at you, you seemed to be keeping up with the words, for the most part. Did you know Hungarian? Did you just know this part? You slipped up a few times but, hot damn, it was impressive.
You had this sad, innocent look on your face the whole time. One that made him wanna get up and hug you. But he didn’t because he knew that you were fine and you were acting and he was gonna let you finish this wonderful performance of yours even if it fucking killed him, goddammit!
Okay, he was being a little dramatic. Even so.
“My sister Veronica and I had this double act, and my husband Charlie traveled around with us. Now, for the last number in our act we did these twenty acrobatic tricks in a row. One, two, three, four, five, splits, spread eagles, back flips, flip flops, one right after the other. So this one night before the show, we're down at the hotel Cicero, the three of us boozing, having a few laughs. And we ran out of ice so I went out to get some. I come back, open the door, and there's Veronica and Charlie, doing number seventeen: the spread eagle! Well, I was in such a state of shock I completely blacked out, I can't remember a thing. It wasn't until later, when I was washing the blood off my hands, I even knew they were dead.” You decided you kick your leg up a little both times you mentioned spread eagles. Wilford shook his head, a little dumbfounded. He understood the implications in the song, and his face flushed darker. He wondered if you did too, because it just seemed like you did it for fun. In any case, he coughed into his hand quietly, as to not make you worry. 
You look at Wilford, a bit confused, but he just gave you a thumbs up for you to continue. You smiled and kept doing what you were doing, not noticing how flushed he was.
“They had it coming, they had it coming, they had it coming all along! I didn't do it, but if I'd done it, how could you tell me that I was wrong?”
Wilford watched in utter fascination at how you were moving. If he didn’t know better, he’d say you choreographed this.
Well… he didn’t know what you did when he wasn’t home.
But you moved fairly fluidly through dances and you seemed to be on-tempo, even if the dances seemed random.
Random does not mean unplanned, he reminded himself. 
He was also a little distracted from your dancing by the song, because it was making him feel emotions he wasn’t sure existed. He was determined to memorize your every move, however, so that would just have to wait until another day.
“I loved Al Lipschitz more than I can possibly say. He was a real artistic guy, sensitive, a painter. But he was always trying to find himself. He'd go out every night looking for himself, and on the way he found Ruth, Gladys, Rosemary and Irving. I guess you can say we broke up because of artistic differences. He saw himself as alive... and I saw him dead…” You stood pretty still for this part, since the song was almost over and you were feeling pretty tired. 7 minutes didn’t seem like a long time, but it’s different when you’re working out.
You did pace a little bit, while keeping your arm movement to a minimum. You felt your heart beating due to the exercise and also the anxiety of your boyfriend watching you. 
You did make a last-second decision to boop his nose when you got to the last word. This made Wilford blink harshly and look up at you with a pout. Before you went back to your original spot in the room, you gave him a little kiss on the nose. That made him grin from ear to ear and dig his fingers into his legs. You bit back a chuckle and started up again.
“They had it coming, they had it coming, they had it coming all along! 'Cause if they used us, and they abused us, how could you tell us that we were wrong? He had it coming, he had it coming, he only had himself to blame! If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it, I betcha you would have done the same!” You kept dancing the same as you did before, even though your legs were starting to burn, and you were having trouble keeping the same fluid movements. Some of them became a little more jerky and forced than you wanted them to.
Wilford noticed this and brought his arms up a bit, leaning forward in case you needed help. He figured you wouldn’t, but he didn’t want you cracking your skull open or anything.
He’d be very upset if you did that… 
“You pop that gum one more time! Single my ass. Ten times! Miert csukott Uncle Sam bortonbe! Number seventeen: the spread eagle. Artistic differences…” You did all your previous movements for each woman’s line. Which included: The shotgun, throwing both hands above your head, getting in Wilford’s face, wiping a fake tear, kicking your leg, and shrugging, in that order. You were very out of breath and a bit disoriented, but that was okay because there was only a little bit left!
“Pop. Six. Squish. Uh-uh. Cicero. Lipschitz…” You ended the song by walking directly in front of Wilford and falling to your knees in front of him once you were sure the song had ended. You breathed heavily, feeling the tiredness from the day and the dancing catching up to you. You were about to ask Wilford “So, how bad was it?” before he slid to the floor and wrapped his arms around you. You froze, not knowing what was happening.
“You were fantastic,” He whispered. Which you thought was very strange because Wilford couldn’t speak lower than a yell, in your experience. You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Wil, what’s happening?” You asked, still out of breath. He squeezed you a little tighter.
“I just… wanted to show love to my partner?” He said hesitantly. You scoffed and hugged him back.
“Do you feel guilty because you embarrassed me?”
“Wil, you’re fine, I promise.” You chuckled. He sighed and sat back. You looked at him and frowned.
“I…” He ran a hand through his hair and avoided looking at your face. “I… know I’m not the easiest to deal with and… I… I wanna… make you feel comfortable…”
“You do make me feel comfortable!” You took his hands in yours.
“But every time I’ve looked at you today you were always scared or angry!” He argued. You closed your mouth, not really having any argument.
“Mm…” You hummed.
“I… wanna… get better. I wanna be better. For you.” He grumbled. You smiled and twisted yourself around so you were sitting between his legs with your head resting on his chest. He laid his chin on top of your head. 
“I think you’re perfectly fine.” You sighed.
“I don’t wanna be perfectly fine, I wanna be perfect!” He whined.
“Well, that’s an impossible goal.” 
“Then… I wanna be perfect… for you.”
“That’s a better one.” You looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back, feeling a warmth spreading through his chest. You were listening. You understood. 
And you loved him.
“Am I a good boyfriend?” He asked.
“Of course you are.” You snuggled into his chest.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked softly as he could. You squinted at him as he gave you his very best puppy eyes. You gave in, and gave him a peck. You could feel his arms waving around as he tried to decide what to do with them. Eventually, he placed them on the sides of your neck. You pulled back after a little and he stared at you adoringly.
“Don’t you look at me like that…” You warned.
“I love you…” He sighed and wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly. You squirmed, trying to get out, but he didn’t move.
“Wilford…” You whined. “Lemme go! I ordered food!”
“Ok, I’ll let you go when the food shows up!” You huffed and let your body go limp as you succumbed to the hug.
You should’ve just cooked something.
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
Your usual?
Pairing: Jack Castello x reader
Synopsis: (Y/N) is a waitress at a diner down the street from Ace studios. Many aspiring actors and actresses end up there each day after being rejected. But she becomes friends with one of her regulars, Jack Castello. She falls in love with him over many cups of coffee, but will he love her back, especially since she’s only a waitress?
Word count: 2,232
Warnings: (Y/N)’s parents and best friend are assholes. Like one swear word I think. A slight sexual innuendo. 
A/n: I didn’t expect so many of you guys to like my last Jack fic! Thank you guys so much for the support, it means the world to me. Truthfully, I have a love hate with this fic, but I hope you guys like it more than I do lmao.  Obviously this spoils the plot of the show.
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You worked in a little diner down the street from Ace studios, it was made from the body of an old metro dining car. Respectively named crossroads diner, you had to wonder if there was a double meaning. Alex, the owner, swears that it's named after railroad crossings; but it made you think about the whispers about men and women selling their souls to make it big here in Hollywoodland. You didn’t dwell on the name too much, it paid good money and you got good tips. So every day you wake up and put on your uniform: a blue collared dress, sensible black heels, and a little white apron.
You get a rush of customers right after noon everyday, dejected men and women in their late twenties and early thirties fill the diner. You had lots of regulars, aspiring actors and actresses coming to eat their sorrows away and drown in bottomless coffee when they don’t get picked to be a walk on. But by far, your favorite regular was Jack Castello. He always ordered a cup of coffee- black, and a cheeseburger with a side of fries. 
Jack Castello the owner of the biggest most beautiful blue eyes to ever exist. He’s so bright eyed and bushy tailed that you envy him, the joy the smallest things in this town can spark. Even though you aren’t supposed to, it's bad for business and your tips, you always find time to steal away and talk to him when he stops in. If he flashed you those blue puppy dog eyes, you swear you’d do whatever the man asked you to.
It had been months since Jack had last come in, every day you would watch the door and hope he would enter. But he never did, you wondered how he was, what he was up to these days. So when the bell jingled alerting you that another customer had entered the diner, you didn’t even bother to hope. Your coworker's infant was sick so you picked up her shift for her, so you had been on your feet for close to twelve hours now, you just wanted every customer to leave. But then you looked up and saw those bright blue eyes, and could quite literally feel your spirits rise as you smiled at Jack. 
“Well look who finally came back to visit me,” you grin, leaning on the counter that stood between you two. He had brought a friend with him tonight, who was smiling at the interaction between you and Jack. They took seats at the bar top, Jack didn’t bother to pick up one of the menus. 
“It’s been a while,” he gave you a soft smile, as you grabbed the fresh pot of coffee from behind you to pour him a cup. He just grins at you for a minute before his friend clears his throat, causing Jack to turn and smile at the man. “This is my buddy, Archie.”
“Pleasure to meet you sweetheart,” you smile politely as you shake the man's hand. “What can I get you tonight?” you lean across the counter pulling out your notepad for his order. 
“I’ll have a coffee too,” he glances at Jack who is already halfway done with his cup. You laugh, grabbing another cup for Archie before topping Jack’s off. “But other than that I’m not sure, Whatcha’ getting Jack?”
“Probably his usual, an american sizzler with a side of  hot chips?” he grins and nods at you, those big blue eyes practically glowing in excitement that you remembered what he likes. 
“It’s a cheeseburger and fries,” Jack clarifies, even though Archie had already known. You hide a smile of amusement behind your own cup of coffee as Archie gives you a look that screams are you kidding me. 
“I’ll take the same,” he says before smiling at you. 
“Great, that should be up shortly,” you grin at both men. You quickly take the note to the chef, before filling other patrons drinks. 
You don't get back over to Archie and Jack until their food is done, much to your disappointment. Luckily, most of the other customers had left so you could stay and chat with them. Jack explains, between large bites, that he became a contract player at Ace studios and that’s why he hadn’t come in in weeks. 
“Wow sugar!” you grin so wide that it hurts your face, ignoring the fact that he left a few months out of his explanation. “That’s fantastic! Something tells me you’re gonna make it big!” 
“Archie sold a script and I’m auditioning for the lead!” he practically bounces in his seat, and one glance at the silver ring on his finger reminds you that you have to ignore the way your heart flutters. 
“That's amazing! Both of you!” you turn to look at Archie now. “So what’s the script?”
“It’s about Peg Entwistle,” his face lights up as he talks, making it obvious that he truly loves writing. “The British woman who jumped off the hollywoodland sign after she got cut from the movie she was in.”
“Oh wow, that sounds interesting,” you give Archie a sad smile. “Sad, but interesting. About being an outsider,” it comes out as more of a statement than a question.
“Yeah,” Archie nods. “So tell me, (Y/N), what brought you to Hollywoodland?”
“Well, I was doing community theater with my friend back home when a talent scout approached us,” you admit for the first time, lifting a weight you didn’t know you had, off your shoulders. “He wanted the two of us to come out here, audition for pictures together. He said we had great chemistry, and liked our banter.” 
“You never told me this,” there's sadness in Jack’s eyes and you can’t figure out why, it’s not something you go around telling people.
“You two are the first people I’ve told,” you try to reassure him. “Anyway, my parents didn’t want me coming out here, they said that I would never make it. I had saved up enough money to buy a one way ticket, and had enough left over for my friend and I to split rent for a few months. My parents parting words to me were not to crawl back to them when I got rejected.”
“What happened?” Jack is leaning forward, completely invested in your story. You blink back tears at the horrid memories of the fight with your parents, and then your friend abandoning you. 
“My parents were right. I wasn’t good enough for this town, sugar. My friend is a contract player now, she’s getting pretty famous too. The moment she knew she was good, the moment people started to treat her differently because she became this larger than life character the studio made her out to be, was the moment she started treating me like shit and left me. So now I’m a lonely struggling waitress, that’s the reality of this town.”
“I’m so sorry,” Archie’s voice drips with sympathy and empathy. 
“Thanks,” you smile, but it comes out as more of a grimace. 
“You should audition for Peg!” Jack practically shouts. 
“Oh no, my acting days are way behind me,” he seems to deflate at your words. “Anyway, slice of apple pie?” you gesture behind you to the last two pieces of pie left on the serving platter. 
“You know me so well,” Jack beams at you, blue eyes round and happy again. Making your heart flutter yet again. 
“Well I have to, gotta keep my favorite customer coming back,” your smile and tone are borderline flirtatious, and so is the way you lean across the bar top to get closer to him. 
Jack gulps as his eyes flick down to your lips, acutely aware of how close to two of you actually are. Archie smirks into his almost empty coffee mug, trying not to laugh at Jack’s reaction to you. Before Jack can lean forward and close the distance between you, something he was talking himself into doing, you pull away and grab the last two slices of pie for the men. 
You run to the kitchen to grab the bowl of homemade whipped cream, just because they put it in cans now didn’t mean the diner used them. There was no way they would taste as good. You put a giant dollop on Jack’s slice, knowing how much he loves the rich topping. You offer Archie some, giving him a dollop about the same size as his friends. There was a spoonful left in the bowl, quickly checking to make sure your boss and the cook weren’t around, you devour it. You look Jack directly in the eyes as you slowly lick the fluffy cream from the spoon. He chokes on his pie and goes red in the face as he watches you. This time Archie can’t hold back his laugh. 
“You okay sugar?” you feign innocence.
It had been months since that night in the diner. Jack hasn't come in since. You read in the paper that he was cast as the love interest in the movie, now entitled Meg and following an African American woman. “Good for him,” you murmur to yourself, happy that someone with so much talent and passion got the role. That Jack got it.
“Good afternoon (Y/N),” Archie’s grabs your attention from the counter you had been cleaning.
“Hey sweetheart,” your heart falls a little when you see that the tall dark haired man next to him isn’t Jack. This man is larger, has broader shoulders, seems like he’s all brawn. “Who’s this?”
“This is Rock,” you watch the way Archie’s hand caresses Rock’s shoulder after he gave it a pat during the introduction. “He’s an actor.”
“Nice to meet ya,” you smile at how flustered the larger man gets when you lean in close to him. “What can I get you both?”
“Two of Jack’s usual,” Archie answers, Rock just sits there, still flustered. 
“Comin’ right up,” you pour them coffee and head off with their order. 
“He’s getting a divorce,” Archie tells you as you set their food down.
“Huh?” you ask, trying to get the hope bubbling in your gut to simmer down. 
“Jack and his wife, she was cheating on him,” you gasp at the news. 
“Is he okay?” your brow creases in concern.
“Yeah, he’s hurting, but he’ll be okay,” Archie sounds so sure of himself. “He wasn’t in love with her anymore, don’t think he ever was.” 
“Give him my best,” you smile sadly. “And I hope your romantic endeavors fare better than Jacks,” you give Archie a knowing look, winking at the writer.  
More months pass without Jack or Archie stopping in. You read in the papers that there's a romance blossoming between Jack and up and comer Claire Woods. You held back tears, you never would have worked anyway. You were just a waitress, Jack was always going to end up with someone better, someone as talented as him. 
Bing Crosby’s silky smooth voice plays from the jukebox in the back corner, filling the entire diner with his words. It was early yet, the rush from the studio hasn’t come in yet. The bell jingles, you go to welcome the customer when your eyes meet familiar blue ones. 
“Jack?” you ask softly, shocked that he’s there. You quickly pour a cup of coffee for him, it’s sitting on the counter before he gets to his seat. “Your usual?”
“Not today,” you look up from your pad, shocked by his words. “I’m here for a date.”
“When will she get here?” you put on a fake smile, hopefully masking your hurt. 
“I don’t have a date, I need one,” he says confidently. “For Meg’s premiere.” 
“What about someone from the movie?” you ask, wondering why he came to talk to you about this. 
“No, no one from Meg,” nervousness swims in those deep pools of blue. “So will you go with me?”
“Me?” you ask, accidentally dropping your pad of paper. 
“Yeah you,” he gives you a dopey smile. “I really like you (Y/N), and I want you to be my date.”
“But-” your mouth opens and closes like a fish. “I-I thought you were with Claire, that’s what the paper said.”
“Claire is my friend,” Jack hops onto the counter and slides over to the inside, so he’s standing directly in front of you. His hand comes up to caress your cheek, you can’t help but lean into his large warm palm. “I only have eyes for you.”
“I like you too, Jack,” he leans down, finally capturing your lips with his. The rest of the world fades away, all you can focus on is how soft and plump his lips are. After months and months of pining, you finally got to kiss him!
“So you’ll go with me?” he asks between more kisses. 
“Of course!” you pull him back to you by the collar of his shirt. 
“You have to audition for my next picture,” Jack's blue eyes are loving and sincere. 
“I’ll think about it.” 
“Now that I have my date,” the pad of his thumb soft and soothing as it slides over your cheekbone. “I’m kinda hungry.”
“I’ll get you your usual, sugar,” you peck his lips one last time before shooing him back to the other side of the counter.
forever tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny​
people who were interested in me writing for Jack: @elleclairez​ @antoouu​ @dianaothemyscira​  @senethmamandi​ @daughterofthesunanditsangels​ @writeroutoftime​
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shanascarlett · 4 years
Songs from Transformers playlist
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AC/DC - Thunderstruck
Art of Dying - Die Trying
Extreme Music - Skin Em Up
Glitch Mob - Better Hide, better run
Glitch Mob - Animus Vox
Hollywood Undead - How We Roll
ill Factor - Champion Sound
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
Imagine Dragons - Cha-Ching (Till We Grow Older)
Imagine Dragons - I’m So Sorry
Imagine Dragons - Warriors
Imagine Dragons - Battle Cry
Lemaitre - Day Two
Linkin Park - Final Masquerade
Linkin Park - A line in the sand
Linkin Park - Lost in the Echo
Linkin Park - Burn it Down
Linkin Park - Road Untraveled
Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
Linkin Park - Shadow of the Day
Linkin Park - What I’ve Done
Linkin Park - The Little Things Give You Away
Linkin Park - Iridescent
Ryan Star - Brand New Day
Skillet - Feel Invincible
two door cinema club - Undercover Martyn
USS - Who's With Me
Fall Out Boy  The Last of the Real Ones
Linkin Park ft. Steve Aoki - A Light That Never Comes
One Republic - Counting Stars
USS - Work Shoes
Panic! At The Disco - Victorious
Worlds Collide - Extended Orchestra Mix (ft. Nicki Taylor)
Youngblood Hawke - Pressure
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Optimus Prime
As Lions - World on Fire
Fired Earth Music - Aphelion
Hammock - Numinous
Hollywood Undead - Take Me Home
Immediate Music - Rising Empire
Immediate Music - WIth Great Power
Linkin Park - I’ll be gone
Linkin Park - Powerless
Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
Poets of the Fall - No End, No Beginning
Red - House of Glass 
Tribal Society  – Kings
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Arcade Fire - Rococo
Avicii - Wake me Up
Imagine Dragons - It’s Time
Imagine Dragons - Cha-Ching (Till We Grow Older)
Linkin Park - Road Untraveled
Linkin Park - Robot Boy
Swedish House Mafia - Don’t you worry child
Panic! At The Disco - Vegas Lights
Sideburns VS Matisyahu - Let Go (Fight Like A Warrior)
TobyMac - Ignition
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Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime
Fitz & The Tantrums - HandClap
Hollywood Undead - Live Fast Die Young
Linkin Park - Road Untraveled
Bassnectar - Into the Sun
Saint Mesa - Lion
Skillet - You Take My Rights Away
Thousand Foot Krutch - Untraveled Road
two door cinema club - Undercover Martyn
You Me At Six - Fast Foward
Panic! At The Disco - Vegas Lights
One Republic - Counting Stars
TobyMac - Ignition
Panic! At The Disco - Victorious
Vincent Steele, Michael Woodenbridge & Nine One One - Rise UP
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Flume - Greatest View
Icon For Hire - Too Loud
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Papa Roach - Maniac
Ill Factor - Champion Sound
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Linkin Park - Crawling
Linkin Park - Road Untraveled
Linkin Park - Blackout
Sidewalks And Skeletons - Morphine
Meg Myers - Make A Shadow
Dirty Palm - Oblivion
Vincent Steele, Michael Woodenbridge & Nine One One - Rise UP
Paramore - Ignorance (Animated ver)
Icon For Hire - Iodine
Icon For Hire - The Grey
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Imagine Dragons - Gold
Woodkid feat. Max Richter - The golden age - embers
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Icon For Hire - Pulse
Icon For Hire - Demons
Icon For Hire - Make A Move
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Linkin Park - Crawling
Linkin Park - Waiting For The End
Klangkarussell - Sternenkinder
Within Temptation - Running Up That Hill
Dirty Palm - Oblivion
Vincent Steele, Michael Woodenbridge & Nine One One - Rise UP
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TobyMac - Ignition
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Papa Roach - Maniac
TobyMac - Ignition
Vincent Steele, Michael Woodenbridge & Nine One One - Rise UP
Icon For Hire - Hope of Morning
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Dpen and Nick Varon - Grasshopper
Within Temptation - Running Up That Hill
Within Temptation - Mercy Mirror
Tommee Profitt - Enchantment (feat. HEAVYOCITY)
Tommee Profitt - This Ship Is Going Down (feat. Xeah)
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Mistress of Flame
Within Temptation - Mercy Mirror
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Skillet - You Take My Rights Away
You Me At Six - Fast Foward
The Prodigy - Wild Frontier
TobyMac - Ignition
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Linkin Park - Roads Untraveled
TobyMac - Ignition
Dirty Palm - Oblivion
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Papa Roach - Maniac
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Foster The People - Helena Beat
Foster The People - Houdini
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Dirty Palm - Oblivion
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two door cinema club - Undercover Martyn
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Foo FIghters - Rope
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Alpha Trion
Ryan Star - Brand New Day
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Deuce - I Came To Party
Hollywood Undead - Apologize
Hollywood Undead - Lights Out
Hollywood Undead - Tendencies
Hollywood Undead - Lump Your Head
Hollywood Undead - Le Deux
Hollywood Undead - War Child
Hollywood Undead - Comin In Hot
Hollywood Undead - Dead Bite
Hollywood Undead - We Are
Imagine Dragons - Who We Are
Julien-K - This Machine
Linkin Park - Plc.4 Mie Haed
Linkin Park - When They Come For Me
Powerman 5000 - How to be a human
Red - Outside
Within Temptation - Tell Me Why
Front Line Assembly - Sturm (Seekers Theme)
Clarx - H.E.Y. (Seekers Theme)
Within Temptation - Mad World
Powerman 5000 - Invade, Destroy, Repeat
Powerman 5000 - We Want It All
grandson - Blood Water
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Adelitas Way - Sick
Hollywood Undead - Dove and Grenade
Imagine Dragons - Monster
In This Moment - Adrenalize
Nine Ich Nails - Meet Your Master
Nostalghia - Homeostasis
Red - Damage
Warmer - in my head its like hell
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Franz Ferdinand - Evil Eye
Hollywood Undead - Levitate
Inner Party System - Don’t Stop
Missio - Twisted
Bring Me The Horizon - nihilist blues ft. Grimes
3OH!3 - Anything I Want
Machinae Supremacy - Gimme More
PhemieC – Ugly Story
USS - This Is The Best
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Current Value - Dark Rain
Dead Fetus - Mind of God
King Plague - Ave Plague
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Angelsplit - 100%
Family Force - Chainsaw
Franz Ferdinand - Evil Eye
Ken Ashcorp - Absolute
Prodigy - Destroy
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55 Escape - Addiction
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Sayonara Maxwell - Decay Queen
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Imagine Dragons - Demons
Three Days Grace - I Am Machine
Three Days Grace - Just Like You
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Actual Phantom - 7 Nation of Army
Barns Courtney - Champion
Beastie Boys - Sabotage
Blue Stahli - You’ll get what’s coming
Bring Me The Horizon - Mantra
Celdweller - Own Little World
Celdweller - IRIA
Celdweller - Shapeshifter
DVBBS & Borgeous - Tsunami
Hollywood Undead - Pray
Imagine Dragons - Battle Cry
Inner Party System - Don’t Stop
Kings & Creatures (Wolfpack) - Hunted
Linkin Park - Wastelands
Linkin Park - With you
Linkin Park - Points of Authority
Linkin Park - Burn it Down
Linkin Park - Lies Greed Misery
Linkin Park - Pts. Of. Athrty
Linkin Park - P5hng Me A_wy
Linkin Park - Rnw@y
Linkin Park - By_Myslf
Linkin Park - Kyur4 Th Ich
Otep - Lie
Red - Falling Sky 
Red - Death of Me (Guillotine Remix)
The Used - Revolution
USS - Yin Yang
Within Temptation - Endless War
Fall Out Boy – Light Em Up
Hollywood Undead - Already Dead
Within Temptation - Holy Ground
Imagine Dragons - Believer
Within Temptation - In Vain
Within Temptation - Raise Your Banner
Within Temptation - Reckoning
Tommee Profitt - In The End
Julien-K - Technical Difficulties
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Calm time
Arcade Fire - Suburbs
Arcade Fire - Rococo
Dirty South - Unknown
Ellie Goulding - Your Song
Everything Everything - Blast Doors
Florence And The Machine - Hurricane Drunk
IAMX - Alive in New Light
Imagine Dragons - Tokyo
Imagine Dragons - Working Man
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive (Synchronice Remix)
Imagine Dragons - Fall
The Kills - Sour Cherry
Lemaitre - Day Two
Ludovico Einaudi - Life
Raign - Empire of our own
Battle Tapes - Feel The Same
Ki:Theory - Kitty Hawk (Break Science Remix)
Leon Else - Tomorrow Land (All Fall Down)
Tom Day - Who We Want To Be
Fall Out Boy - Centuries (Gazzo Remix)
Fever Ray ��� If I Had A Heart
Glitch Mob - Fortune Days
Panic! At The Disco - Vegas Lights
Rabbit Junk - Bubble
Ruelle  - Take It All
Ruelle - Until We Go Down
USS - Work Shoes
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As Lions - World on Fire
Bastille - Pompeii
Imagine Dragons - Nothing Left to Say
Linkin Park - P5hng Me A_wy
Linkin Park - Fallout
Perfume Genius - Longpig
Confidential Music – Albatross
Ruelle - Until We Go Down
Woodkid feat. Max Richter - The golden age - embers
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Dead Can Dance - Black Sun
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Optimus x Elita
Avril Lavigne feat. Nickelback - Let Me Go
Linkin Park - Jornada Del Muerto
Adam Lambert - Evil In The Night Lyrics (Transformers Animated Ver)
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Hot Rod x Arcee
Of Monsters And Men - Wolves without teeth
Goo Goo Dolls - Before It's Too Late
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Starscream x Windblade
Twenty One Pilots - Doubt
Bring Me The Horizon - in the dark
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redbelles · 3 years
✨ CONTENT CREATOR: 2020 Year in Review ✨
rules: answer the questions and then tag 10+ other creators to answer the questions!
tagged by: the lovely @oswiins and delightful @ww84
first creation and most recent creation of 2020:
first was this bethyl set and most recent is this frank castle set
one of your favorite creations from 2020:
i’m never gonna make anything this cool ever again: mako mori + a softer world
a creation you’re really proud of:
i’m going to go with this kastle set, since it was the first time i attempted blended gifs, and i think it turned out super well!
a new style you tried this year and a gifset that uses it:
me? trying to figure out typography? sure, jan
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes:
comin’ in hot with the witcher calendar set i made like a week ago
a creation you think deserved more notes:
i put so much work into this thobm set that the like/reblog ratio makes me a bit sad :(
a creation with a favorite scene/quote:
it’s kastle + richard siken + pain, so you know i’ve gotta go with this one
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it:
does it count if i say the witcher? i’m gonna go with yes
a creation you made that breaks your heart:
rolling in the deep.mp3
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love:
the gifs are so fuckin’ crisp! look at them!
a creation that was inspired by another one (add both your creation and the one that inspired it):
lmao this reylo space sexting shitpost! inspired by this emma set
a favorite creation created by someone else:
giffing from game trailers is SO HARD but @boozerman’s ac: valhalla set is gorgeous??? h o w.
some of your favorite content creators from the year:
omg there are so many! there’s no way to name them all, but definitely @chris-evans @ninzied @bladesrunner @witch @anya-chalotra @kylos @timothyolyphant @alessandroborghee @clayymarek @hollywoods and my fellow meg @danslevy
and for good measure, another a couple more creations of yours that you love:
elmo & robin williams, horse girl geralt, and (yet another) kastle set
tagging: i think p. much everyone’s been tagged, so i’ll open it up to anyone who wants a go!
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allsassnoclass · 3 years
what up what up what up! it's ya hoops boy comin at you hot from 1:20am in the education office, where i have recently polished off four cookies, three cheese sticks, half a sleeve of saltines, and a delicious cup of tea. i have an important question for you. picture this. it's me, you, peyton, and megs, and we bodyswap with the members of 5sos. now tell me (1) who would make the funniest set of bodyswaps and (2) what would you do when you woke up as whomever it is you think you'd swap with. and (3) what do you think the person would do when they woke up as YOU?
ruminate on this, it's a very serious question and i need a very serious answer. meanwhile i am gonna go to sleep, i guess, because my back hurts and i feel like laying down will probably fix that. fingers crossed my room isn't so humid anymore. i opened the windows so i'm praying that helped. OKAY I LOVE YOU GOODBYE! xoxo
yo doggy troy my hoops boy this is a very interesting question. i saw it last night and decided to sleep on it and still will likely be making up the answers right now
1. FUNNIEST???? well that's gotta be you swapping with ashton for sure. then i think i want to see peyton swap with luke, and...... idk megs with mike and me with cal? those two are probably interchangeable on the funniness scale
2. assuming that bodyswap means i'd land in calum's body in his house i 100% would pet duke. i'd snuggle that guy so much all day. i also would go through his phone just to see what's happening (hoping he has fingerprint or facial recognition because otherwise i wouldn't have his password) i wouldn't mess with anything or share any info i found but i'd be searching specifically for 5sos5 news for my own private satisfaction. i also would read through the band groupchat. then i would ask roy when he and michael lived together because i have no clue when that could've happened and it haunts me.
3. calum would accidentally scare my roommate because i assume he'd have a slight freak out and then. oh boy. then he'd be forced to go work at the arts center. have fun buddy. he'd probably get me fired. he knows nothing about theatre. he doesn't know my lines for the arts carnival. he can't block a musical. he might be semi-passable with the small children but he doesn't know any of their names so they'd get offended. yikes he'd also be able to go through my phone because i don't have a lock on it so hopefully he doesn't find anything even remotely fic related on there.
i hope you find my answers satisfactory. love you too i know you didn't go to sleep when you sent that but i hope you got good sleep anyway
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