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Meanstiel time!!! Still working on that ao3 series of 'em. Close-ups under the cut
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spnkinkbb · 9 years
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Prompt Number: 2 Title: In Hell Author: SkittytheGreat Pairing(s): Meg/Dean Rating: Explicit Word Count: 8887 Warnings/Kinks: Bloodplay, Bondage, discussion of Torture, Hell setting Summary: For thirty years, Dean said no to taking up the knife. When he finally said yes, it was the act of a broken man. Meg, watching him struggle, is torn between amusement and understanding. In each other, they find the only kind of violence they can truly control. The only kind of pain they actually want. Link: AO3 Artist: MSDoomandGloom Link: Cover Art, Gif, Bondage 1, Bondage 2
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lily-skellington · 10 years
enchanted au where meg is giselle and cas is edward and dean is robert
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cuddleslutloki · 10 years
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i apprenticed under alastair in hell, just like your brother
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skwareroot-blog · 11 years
"Cataclysm" by Rogue (ft. Meg Dean)
Wow, where do I begin with this amazing new track from Rogue? The production quality of this song is so high, that he must have been working on it for months! Let me just list everything I like about "Cataclysm": Meg Dean's beautiful vocal work, the unique lyrics, the length (love tracks that are longer than 4 minutes and this one is over 5!), the progression (each minute gets better and better), and of course the music/production quality is top notch. Rogue just set the bar for quality electronic music with this jaw-dropping song. Listen to it now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWizvjVHQBA Skware Root Description: Beautiful, high-quality moombacore
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hawkngbird-blog · 11 years
Yeah I for sure need you to explain to me why you ship Dean and Meg.
I’m shocked no one has questioned some of my ships before, because there are some weird ones.
But this is one I can actually explain, sort of.
I feel like they have really similar personalities. They’re both incredibly loyal and snarky and just I really like the way their personalities go together?Though, canon wise, it would never be anymore than Hate-sex. 
It’s honestly not something I hardcore ship. It’s one of those things where sometimes I feel like something different, and it’s one of my fallback ships. Because, yeah, I adore Destiel and Sabriel, but sometimes I’m in the mood for something different.
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I can’t stop imagining Meanstiel on a drunken horror movie binge and Meg’s all wrapped on top of Dean like between his legs but her back to his stomach while he has a bottle in hand and they’re bitching about the stupid special effects and are like “really? They think that’s what happens when humans get stabbed there? I could write realisitc-er than these bitches” and Cas has been fast-asleep since like midnight and he fell asleep in his clothes and is like halfway off the bed and the only reason he hasn’t fallen off yet is because Meg hooked their legs and she’s Strong™ and Meg’s head is right under Dean’s chin and whenever some beer spills from Dean’s mouth it just trickles down Meg’s face and they can’t stop laughing and they laugh so loud that Cas wakes up and falls off the bed actually and they laugh so hard that they can’t breathe and their rolling on the floor and yeah meanstiel for the win
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forestiel-blog · 11 years
solidaritysandwich replied to your post: .
oh me too me too :(  
at least at the end they talked a little and walked side by side and dean asked where was meg :(  
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tsundeanre-archive · 11 years
She had discarded the gag a long time ago, preferring everyone hear the sweet noises coming from his mouth. If she had known Dean was this noisy of a slut she would have fucked him a long time ago.
Instead she's got him in her lap now, his panties pushed aside as he bounces on the silicone cock. Low, throaty moans keep leaving him, head thrown back, and she bets that his eyes are blown wide behind the blindfold she has on him.
He keeps struggling in the binds the has on him, arms tied behind his back so he can not fight her. He wanted this though, the both did, a quick hate fuck to let out pent up frustrations. Meg laughs internally, knowing he will hate himself for this later, throw some stupid threats, claim she coerced him into this when they know he had been begging her for it.
Whining and needy as she had wrapped her hand around his pretty little throat and kissed him until his lips were swollen and raw. Had him eating at her cunt till his face was covered in her juices. Here he was now, begging her to let him come and she would not let him. Not until she had her fill of him. Until she was done teasing him, and marking him up so even Sam and Castiel knew just what had happened and how much Dean had wanted it.
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I hate how Meanstiel fic writers almost always put more emphasis on Destiel than their relationships with Meg. Meg and Dean's dynamic in fics are 100% unhealthy and toxic, why are they together if they can't stop fucking fighting? Dean would not want that, Meg would not want that. I love when they fondly bicker and sweetly banter or gleefully consent to being insulted by the other, but straight-up, constant actual arguments? That's a sign of a toxic relationship! They wouldn't stick together if that happened, even if it was for Cas! Clearly neither of them are comfortable with the arrangement if they're fighting nonstop! It's so fucking tiring. And another thing; most fics just sideline Meg! They ignore her, she's like a background character in her own fucking ship! It's gross, that's not how polyamory works. I should fucking know, I have two joyfriends! And it's awesome! And even if Dean and Meg wouldn't be involved together and it'd be a V, I love my metamour, she's fucking awesome and I wish her all the best, so that would not mean Cas doesn't love them equally. The fuck is "equal" love, anyways? Can you measure love, can you put a fucking number on it? Hell no! You love people /differently/ because you have different relationships with people because they're not the same fucking person! Fuck, sorry, it's just gross and not at all what polyamory is about. I just want some good, healthy, fair ot3 bizz, but of course, I have to do everything myself around here
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cuddleslutloki · 10 years
post/85463752406 I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE
[x] are you sure, friend?
Meg saunters up to him and kisses him and it almost starts a third round before he pulls back. Her stare lingers for a second before she starts getting her own clothes back on.
Dean pulls his shirt over his head and watches the swell of her ass disappear into her pants. "I'm just as bad as my brother was."
Meg turns to him with a hard look on her face. "Don't compare me to Ruby."
"You're both demons."
"I'm not lying to you like she was to Sam."
The last thing Dean ever expected to hear was a demon getting offended at being called a liar. He finishes getting dressed and packs what little crap he brought. Meg sticks around long enough to give him another kiss, biting him at the end and almost splitting his lip. He shakes his head and walks off.
i need you to be completely certain
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skittythegreat · 10 years
Wiping the blood from her hands, Meg turned away, ignoring the human soul sobbing on the rack between them. Her true form’s tail stretched out across the body, lazy and relaxed. “Hey, Meg?” “What, Dean?” She stiffened when a hand closed around her tail and gave it a painful tug. She turned to glare and saw his eyes sparkling with mischief. For a moment she saw the human boy he’d been. “So, when do I get a tail?” For the first time since they'd come together, Meg let out a genuine laugh.
OMG I somehow missed this one
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hawkngbird-blog · 11 years
So, is there a secret ship name for DeanMeg I haven't found or is DeanMeg or MegDean it?
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