#megs team unite
calcifezra · 2 years
I play megamind ps3, ds, and wii games a lot
They’re very fun. Now I’m gonna share each line the doom syndicate say! Because I’m a fucking weirdo who truly enjoys this sorta thing because it says a lot about each character!
Some are repeated!
Not including blue titan purely because I don’t like Hal sorry
PS3/XBOX 360
Destruction Worker:
“Megamind! Prepare to be, de-… destructed!”
Psycho Delic:
"You dare enter my lair, Megamind?"
"Welcome to my world, Megamind. You'll soon be dancing to my tune. *laughs menacingly*"
"Glad you could join us, Megamind."
"Well then, now all the guests are here, let the party begin."
"Not before we party like a plague first, baby. Get that super square."
“Too quick for ya’?”
“You’ll need to be quicker than that!”
“You’ll need to do better than that, Megamind!”
“I’ll make you pay for that, Megamind.”
Hot Flash:
"I see you got past my goons, sweetie."
“You’ll never catch me, Megamind!”
“Defeat him!”
“You’re in hot water now, Megamind!”
“I’ve fired up a buffet of hot stuff!”
“Get him!”
"That was cute, Megamind. No matter, I'll enjoy cooking your goose!"
Destruction Worker:
“I’ll destroy you, Megamind!”
“Megamind! Prepare to be, uh, destructed!”
"Bla bla bla.."
"Curses! I missed!"
"Blue Tighten put me up to it, I had nothing to do with it."
Psycho Delic:
"You'll need to do better than that, Megamind."
"You dare enter my lair, Megamind?"
Hot Flash:
"You're in hot water now, Megamind!"
"You'll never catch me, Megamind!"
"Defeat him!"
"That was cute, Megamind. No matter, I'll enjoy cooking your goose!"
Destruction Worker:
“Give up yet?”
“You can’t beat me, no way!”
“Brawn over..uh..brains! That’s it!”
“Hey mega wimps! What’s the matter? Too tough for ya? Hahahahaha!”
“Hey mega softies! I still got some of the loot! So come get me!”
“Are you guys even trying?”
“I got it!”
“Boo yah!”
“Yeah! Power up!”
“I feel all rested up.”
“Come and get me!”
“I’m the best!”
“This’ll take a little time here.”
“What am I waiting for?”
“Right, I’ll wait here.”
“Uhhh, should we get moving?”
“Come on give me a chance!”
“High score for me baby! Haha!”
“Try to beat that score!”
“More scores for me!”
“What a score!”
“I’m coming in last?”
“I destroyed your score! Score!”
“Yeah! More scores for me!”
“I gotta catch up!”
“I dare ya to beat my score!”
“I destroyed you!”
“I’m dying!” (?)
“I’ve gotta catch up!”
“Got it!”
“Try to beat that!”
“I’m back! Did you miss me?”
“I can do this!”
“I’m coming in last?”
“I’m winning!”
“Time to avoid!”
“Let’s attack!”
“It’s mine!”
“Uhh, I need some points!”
“Run away!”
“We have to avoid this attack!”
Psycho Delic:
“More for me, sucka’s!
“Psycho score! Score!”
“All right!”
“All mine, baby.”
“Psycho power! Hahahaha!”
“Solid mine!”
“I’ll catch up, baby!”
“Give it up square, I’m taking you cats down!”
“I win!”
“Tick tock, I need a lil time, dig?”
“I’ll wait here a while, cool?”
“I’m getting old just waitin’.”
“Should we shuffle off?”
“As rested as a corpse.”
“Uh baby? I’m last.”
“Uhhhh, totally hip high score!”
“Mine. All mine, baby.”
“I can dig this, dig?”
“Come on! Get with it!”
“Gotta catch up, dig!”
“You can’t beat me, baby.”
“Too cool to be schooled!”
“All aboard!”
“Get hip for more points.”
“I’m as groovy as a ghoul, try catch me.”
“Ain’t no way you’re getting me! I’m as cool as an open grave.”
“I’m chilling like a villian!”
“Give it up, square!”
“Taking you cats down!”
“Try to take my hipness!”
“I’m too cool to crush!”
“Peace, love and decay, dig?”
“Let’s attack!”
“Try and beat me, baby.”
“I won!”
“I’m the happin’ hipster!”
“Run away!”
“Betcha can’t beat me, dig?”
Judge Sludge:
“More for me!”
“I’ve got it!”
“Try and beat me!”
“I’ll wait to be called.”
“This…will take some time.”
“It’s not prudent to wait!”
“I’m making a case to move.”
“A well rested recess.”
“Power up!”
“Got it!”
“I’m winning!”
“Must catch up!”
“Oh my.”
“I can judge you.”
“I’m cooking a masterpiece!”
“I won!”
“My sludge is too toxic for you.”
“Waste them with some toxic sludge, goons!”
“Come and get me!”
“You’re guilty of trying to stop me, Mega Squad!”
“You should give up legally!”
“Brains! Over brawn!”
“Don’t judge me! I can judge myself!”
Hot Flash:
“All right!”
“More for me!”
“I got it, sugar!”
“That’s mine, baby!”
“Can’t beat me, honey!”
“You’re mine!”
“Got it!”
“Power up!”
“Let’s attack!”
“I win!”
“I’m feeling well rested.”
“What are we waiting for?”
“I’ll wait right here, honey.”
“Should we get moving?”
“Okay, okay, this’ll take some time.”
“Hot score!”
“If you can’t take the heat, avoid my hotness!”
“I’m the best!”
“I won!”
“I’m winning!”
“I dare you to beat my high score!”
“Can’t beat my heat!”
“Come on! Fire it up!”
“More points, please!”
“Scorching hot score! Score!”
“We’ve almost flamed out!”
“I have the hottest score!”
“Giving up yet?”
“Let’s all attack together, now!”
“Run away!”
“Move in!”
“Hahaha! You’re all goin’ down, fast!”
“Sorry sweetie! This museum’s full of stuff for me!”
“There’s a big price to travel on my freeway!”
“Okay hot stuff, give mama a kiss!”
“Against me? No chance!”
“I’m too hot for you!”
“Look darlings, you can’t cage my hotness!”
“I’m back.”
“More points, please!”
“Get away!”
“You’re too cold to beat me!”
“Come and get me, sweetie.”
“Given up yet?”
“You can’t beat me! I’m hot!”
The Conductor:
“A symphonic high score!”
“It’s mine!”
“The score says I’m last!”
“I must catch up!”
“Give me a chance!”
“I got it!”
“This score must go up!”
“All mine!”
“Shall we begin?”
“Rest ameasure, this will take time.”
“I’m well rested.”
“Is there time to rest?”
“I’ll wait here a bit.”
“My score is one for the ages!”
“I’m in the lead!”
“I’m unstoppable!”
“I’d be shocked if you beat me.”
“Get away!”
“A knocked over cowardice.” (?)
“Do you like my classical arrival?”
“My performance is sure to electrify everyone!”
“Now you will play your final music, mega squad!”
Any with a (?) are ones that might be misheard, but it’s not clear
I might’ve missed a few, but these are like 95% of them I think
All of them had various ‘ow’s and various pain sounds, but ALL OF HOT FLASH’S PAIN SOUNDS SOUNDED SO DAMN SEXUAL LIKE BRUH GHHGHGGGUGUGYGYG
That being said, I am even more gay for her now she’s such a pretty tiny lady she has my heart <3
Not a doom syndicate quote but the amount of times I heard Roxanne say “this competition is getting seriously serious” drove me insane lmaooo
39 notes · View notes
ddejavvu · 2 years
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Team Building - Aaron Hotchner x BAU!Reader
WC: 6.3K / navi / preview / gif creds to @shyhotch, i miss you meg :(
Summary: Hotch whisks you away for a team-building session after you reveal to him that your short time at the BAU hasn't been quite enough to assimilate you into the group. You have a wonderful time, you're just confused as to why he leaves the rest of your team behind.
Contents/Warnings: bau!reader, mutual pining!! lots of puppy love ooey gooey mushy pining for each other, a few sexual innuendos/mentions, rossi is stingy, typical cm case contents
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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In your short time working for the Behavioral Analysis Unit, you’d learned two things:
Never, ever touch Reid’s coffee mug.
Aaron Hotchner is intimidating as fuck.
You lived by these principles; they helped you navigate your work life. You’d carefully avoided the topic of the first one just this morning, quickly putting the mug back in the cabinet when you’d seen the label on it and pretending that you hadn’t touched it at all. Thankfully, the young genius didn’t seem to notice.
But the second one wasn’t so easily avoidable. Your Unit Chief was surly, stubborn, and vigilant, which meant that any little mistake you made put you on thin ice, especially as a newer agent. And that wasn’t to say that he was awful 100% of the time. He joked, he laughed, he smiled, just sparingly. His more common exterior was hardened and cool, which made it tough for you to relax around him sometimes, even knowing that he broke his facade occasionally.
Now was no different. All you were doing was sitting next to him in the van, and he was freaking you out. His commonly-donned suit was fitted tight to his body, and he sat rigid in his seat, never relaxing for a second. You understood the tension, you really did, because you’d just wrapped up a case with a rather unfortunate ending, but you couldn’t understand how he could remain so stoic all the time. You yourself were slumped against the window, the cool glass doing wonders for your heated cheeks.
You told yourself that you were burning up because of the stuffy van, or because you were frustrated over the case you’d just finished. It was local, too, which was a grim reminder that terrible things happened everywhere, even at home. But in reality, you were pretty sure it was because you were sitting close enough to Hotch to smell him.
Equal parts, in fact, attracted to him and afraid of him. That was often the space where horniness brewed. 
You couldn’t say that you were feeling the result of combining those two emotions now, though. You were more silently suffering beside him now than you were fantasizing about his large, calloused hands wrapped around your―
You couldn’t say that you were feeling the result of combining those two emotions now, though. You were more silently suffering beside him now than you were fantasizing about his large, calloused hands wrapped around your―
“Y/L/N,” You blinked bewilderedly at the sound of Hotch’s voice, looking dazedly at him as he gestured to the door, “We’re here.”
“Oh,” You mumbled, your cheeks flaring once again, “I’m sorry, I-”
“There’s no need to apologize,” Hotch let a miniscule, exhausted smile creep over his face, “We’re all a little out of it right now.”
You hummed along in agreement, pulling the latch on the car door and stepping onto the rain-soaked ground. It had mostly stopped raining since you started driving, the only thing coming down being a light drizzle that you avoided by keeping a hand hovering above your eyes.
“I booked us for eight,” Garcia stuck by Morgan’s side as they stepped out of the second van, ensuring a seat beside him, “I thought we could treat ourselves tonight, y’know?”
You peered up at the dimly lit neon sign for the gourmet restaurant that Penelope had chosen, your work attire perfectly suited for the formal dress code. You filed through the door one by one, relishing in the slightly warm, cozy atmosphere of the restaurant.
Hotch held the door for you all, and stepped in just behind you, the last one to enter the restaurant. JJ was already speaking to the hostess, giving them your reservation information. You watched her brow furrow as she turned, her eyes scanning the eight of you before she turned back to the hostess and replied.
It seemed like troubling news, whatever it was that they were talking about. You simply shifted your weight between feet while you waited, your shoulder brushing against Hotch’s gently.
“Sorry.” You turned, edging away from him on the tiled floor so that you wouldn’t bump into him again.
“It’s fine,” He murmured, his hand pressing comfortingly into the small of your back for a split second as you steadied yourself, “Don’t worry about it.”
His voice was arguably more soothing and beautiful than the violin music coming from the speakers. You didn’t usually have the pleasure of hearing him outside of the office, and his work voice contrasted starkly with what you’d just heard. There was no tension, no professional lining to it, it was smooth, and low, and soft.
The feeling of his hand on your back nearly took you out, your head practically spinning as you tried focusing on JJ when she turned to face you all.
“They’re splitting us up,” She started, a sympathetic grimace on her face, “They’ve only got two tables, one for five and one for two. They said we could stick an extra chair at the one for five, but two of us are gonna have to eat separately.”
You watched everyone look awkwardly around, silently praying for someone else to take one for the team. Take two for the team, you supposed.
“I’ll go,” You stepped forward, drawing everyone’s attention, “You guys enjoy your meal together!”
You didn’t feel unwelcome at the Bureau, by any means. But the rest of the team had worked together for significantly longer than you had, and you would feel bad sticking with them while their older friends had to eat elsewhere. You didn’t mind sitting one dinner out, especially if you’d get to eat some of the food that you saw being carted around.
There was a palpable release of tension at your volunteering, a few people sending you appreciatively sympathetic smiles, though there was still the matter of who’d be dining with you. 
You half hoped for Prentiss or Garcia, though you were sure that the latter wouldn’t dare leave Morgan’s side unless it was absolutely necessary. You mulled over the thought of dining with Reid, though you weren’t sure you’d be able to listen to him with the proper attention that he deserved, you were practically falling asleep standing up.
Before you could run through any other possible eating arrangements, that same smooth voice came from behind you, “I’ll join you, Y/L/N.”
You were almost certain that a few of your team members caught the way that your eyes widened a fraction. You turned tentatively to face Hotch, nodding and returning the half-smile that he sent your way.
“Right, well now that we’re all settled,” Prentiss smiled at you, nodding again in thanks, “Let’s eat, I’m starving.”
You joined the group as they were led to their table, hovering awkwardly beside it while the waiter got them situated. You felt Hotch’s presence behind you, intimidating even in silence and out of sight, but soon enough your waiter was leading you to your own table.
The table for two was just as romantically-undertoned as you’d expected it to be. Candles stood tall and flickering between the two plates, and a single rose rested in a vase between them. You felt your legs threaten to give out as you sat down, your brain overanalyzing the way that Hotch pulled your chair out for you.
You busied yourself with your napkin, spreading it over your lap while Hotch sat. You weren’t sure if you’d have been able to stand the sight of his hands gripping the back of the chair, or the way that his pants hugged his thighs as they flexed when he sat.
“We’ll be back to take your orders in a bit, but could we get you started with any drinks?” The waiter hovered beside your table, pen and paper in hand as he looked between the two of you.
“I’ll just have a water,” You started, smiling gratefully at the waiter, “Thank you.”
“The same for me, please.” Hotch folded his hands together on the table, his watch glinting in the low lights of the restaurant, “Thanks.”
The waiter nodded, hurrying off to fulfill whatever orders he needed to bring out next. You glanced around at the floral patterns lining the accent wall of the restaurant, taking your blissfully granted opportunity to look at anything but the man across from you.
“Just water?” Hotch spoke after a moment, his eyes tracking you as you snapped back to attention.
“I’m not really in the mood for much else,” You hummed, “And you?”
“The only other thing I’m in the mood for is alcohol, and I don’t think they serve what I need here.” He cracked one of his rare jokes, a soft smile spreading over his face when you laughed.
“Tonight was tough,” You regretted bringing down the mood at the table, but you weren’t sure what else to say, “I think I’d agree with you that nothing they have here is hard enough.”
The waiter had sidled back over to your table by then, setting your waters down and giving you something to do.
Hotch took a sip of his and you pointedly avoided watching him, but you saw him nod at your words.
“I’m just glad we all made it out of there alive.”
You tried to take his words at face value, ‘we all’ meaning you and your team, but you couldn’t help but think of the unsub’s final victim, shot in the crossfires of the man’s takedown. You were certain you wouldn’t be able to forget watching her lifeless body fall to the ground any time soon. Not all of you had made it out of there alive, and you couldn’t help but blame yourself.
If you had just been faster; better at negotiation, perhaps? You were sure that there was a way to have gotten her out of there before she was killed, and it was disheartening to know that you’d failed her.
“Y/N?” For the second time that evening, Hotch’s voice broke you out of your thoughts. You realized that your grip on the glass had tightened slightly, your fingers pressed against the dewy cup until condensation ran down your wrist.
“Sorry,” You mumbled feebly, your cheeks growing hot as you registered his switch from your last name to your first, “I just- I was thinking about her.”
His face dimmed, and you regretted making the light leave his eyes.
“I am too,” He admitted, “Just don’t blame yourself.”
“But we-”
“Couldn’t have done anything.” Hotch didn’t even let you finish your sentence, giving you a knowing look, “Guilt like that will tear you apart. It gets easier with time, and this is one of your first, so I know it’s a lot. But I- uh, we are here to help, if you need it. Okay?”
His rather impromptu speech seemed to have drained him, his chest heaving with a long exhale when he stopped talking. Your eyes had widened slightly, and you nodded hesitantly at his words.
“Thank you, Hotch.”
“We’re not at work, Y/N,” He seemed relieved that you’d taken his advice, a gentle smile spreading over his face, “You can call me Aaron.”
“Thank you, Aaron.” You corrected yourself, sending him a similar smile as you sipped from your glass, your heart fluttering as his only widened.
“We should figure out what we want,” Aaron suggested, reaching for the menu that was set atop his plate, “It’s been a while since I ate here last.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been,” You mused, thumbing carefully through your own menu, “I haven’t really been out to eat much since moving here.”
Aaron let out a sympathetic hum at your words, “I’ve been living here for years and I still haven’t been out to eat much.”
You let out a short chuckle, your eyes skimming the seafood section of your menu, “Well, maybe if you left the office before eleven every once in a while, you’d have more dinner opportunities.’
“Maybe,” Aaron hid his wistful smile behind his menu, “But how do you know I never leave before eleven?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, trying to stop your bashful grin from spreading, “Well, okay, maybe I should leave earlier too.”
“Definitely,” He nodded, “It’s your first year on the job and you’re already trying to rival my hours.”
“I could never steal your title as reigning workaholic,” You teased, adoring the beautiful grin that seemed permanently affixed to Aaron’s lips now, “I think I’d work myself to death trying.”
He looked down at his menu once more, not to figure out what he wanted, but to keep the fondness he knew was brewing in his gaze out of sight. He could feel the rest of the team staring at the two of you, and he knew that he was acting more open now than he usually ever was with them. It was bound to raise questions.
“Have you two had time to look at the menu?” The waiter came back, asking despite seeing the menus in both of your hands. You nodded, handing them over as he jotted down your orders. The food was expensive, you knew the bill would be large, but Rossi had volunteered to pick up the tab (before he knew where you were going), and you weren’t going to let him take back his poorly timed generosity now.
The waiter left with your orders and your menu, leaving you and Hotch to pick up conversation again. You hoped to steer it away from your jobs, the topic all-too-familiar, and into something that might let you know more about your Unit Chief as a person.
“How’s Jack doing?” It was a good start, apparently, if the widening of Aaron’s smile was anything to go by.
“Good,” He glanced at his phone, and you knew that if he’d tapped the screen a picture of his son would come up, “He wants me to bring him back a book, even though this one was local. We have a little tradition, every time I miss reading him a bedtime story. I have to pick one up from wherever we are. I told him I’ll be home tonight, but I think he went to bed early just to weasel another book out of me.”
“Oh,” You gushed, “That’s adorable! What kind of books does he like to read?”
“We’re in the middle of the Magic Treehouse series right now.” Aaron reached into his suit jacket, rifling through a plastic bag that was tucked inside and flashing the cover for #64, “We’re only on number thirteen, but I miss a lot of bedtime stories.”
You hummed sympathetically, “I’m sure he’s happy when you do get to read them.” “He is,” Aaron smiled softly, images of his sleepy son asking him for one more chapter flashing through his head, “He doesn’t let anyone else read them to him. Just me.”
You cooed at the admission, watching Aaron’s cheeks tinge just the slightest bit pink. You caught Prentiss’s eye from across the room, her own blown wide open as she gestured frantically between you and Hotch.
You looked away as if you hadn’t seen her, not wanting to ruin the moment you’d gotten yourself into with Aaron.
“What about you? Are you a big reader?” Hotch raised an eyebrow, taking another sip from his drink. 
“Well I’ve advanced a bit past the Magic Treehouse series,” You joked, “But yeah, I usually read on the jet.”
“I’ve noticed,” Aaron admitted, not missing the way your eyes widened almost imperceptibly at the thought of him watching you, “Sometimes I can’t even see your face behind the book you’re reading.”
“I just get into it,” You groaned sheepishly, “They’re good books!”
“I’m sure.” Aaron hummed into his glass, the water level dwindling as he glanced around the restaurant. 
By the time you’d gotten your food, you’d received twelve texts. Six from Penelope, three of which had some form of sexual innuendo about them, two from Prentiss, who demanded that you reveal your true feelings over your accidental candlelight dinner, one from JJ, asking you if the bread at your table was as dry as it was at theirs, one from Rossi who had mispelled several words in asking if you were ‘comsiderig tbis a datw’, and finally, one from Reid, complete gibberish which he’d accidentally typed while the phone was in his pocket.
You ignored all but Penelope’s, knowing that she’d come over to your table and talk to you herself, right then and there, if you didn’t answer.
Shut up, you typed, your fingers tapping the screen below your table so as not to look rude, If you guys ruin this for me I’ll ruin you.
You watched with disdain as Penelope handed her phone to Derek, the two giggling at your message before Derek typed back.
Someone’s real defensive ;) - D
Just stop looking at me like you expect me to strip for him right here, I can’t-
“How was your food?” Hotch raised an eyebrow, watching your gaze shoot up to meet his in surprise. He let out an apologetic, ‘oh,’ shaking his head slightly, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“No problem,” You locked your phone eagerly, happy to not have to carry on conversation with the other table anymore, stuffing it in your pocket, “It wasn’t important.”
You would have been content to continue your casual conversation with the man, but his eyes lingered on you, the flickering candlelight between you reflected in his discerning gaze.
“Y/N,” He started, a hint of something you’d never heard (uncertainty?) in his voice, “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” You hoped that the way your voice shook was just in your head, because the simple question had your stomach in knots, “Ask away.”
“Why did you volunteer to sit here so fast?”
“When we got the news that we needed to split,” Aaron gestured back to the hostess stand, “You stepped up almost immediately. Why was that?”
You knew you wouldn’t be able to lie to a profiler, let alone a seasoned one like Hotch. But you tried anyways, letting a smile that didn’t reach your eyes cross your face as you joked, “I just wanted to get things moving along so we could eat faster.”
He hummed in acknowledgement of your answer, but not in acceptance. He took another long sip of his now-refilled water, speaking again after licking his lips softly.
“What you said back there: ‘You guys enjoy your meal together?’”
“What about it?” Your brow furrowed as Hotch quoted you, uncertainty brewing in the pit of your stomach as he kept his eyes locked on you.
“You weren’t taking one for the team, Y/N. You were excluding yourself. Why?”
“I don’t- I don’t really think that-”
“Please be honest with me.” Hotch murmured, his own brows dipping as he watched your reactions to his questions, “I’d like to know what your reasoning was. It’s important to me.”
Another lie was on the tip of your tongue, ready to spill from your lips, but Hotch’s concerned eyes seemed to melt your stubbornness away, and you sighed inaudibly.
“I felt like they’d enjoy a meal together more than if I was there. They’ve known each other for way longer than they’ve known me, it makes sense for me to duck out first.”
Hotch finally seemed to take your answer as the truth, which was good, because you’d never been more honest with the man. His face was set in his usual neutral frown, but his lips shifted miniscully as he monitored your confession.
“I- I know I’m welcome here,” You felt as though you needed to contribute more to the discussion, him having fallen silent and leaving an awkward air behind, “I just thought that I’d let everyone else have their dinner together.”
Before you’d even said the last word, the waiter had come by with your check. Apparently the other table was taking longer, even though Rossi had forbade anyone from ordering dessert and lengthening the bill.
“Thank you,” Aaron broke out of his trance, his eyes leaving yours for the first time in minutes as he slid his card into the folder, “The food was excellent.”
“Hotch,” You murmured, forgoing his first name after your conversation had taken such an intimate turn, “Rossi said-”
“I’d like to pay for tonight.” He stated simply, handing the waiter back your bill, “Would you return the card to that table? We need to leave rather urgently.” Hotch gestured between the two of you, and your heart sunk. Were you terrible enough company for him to want to rush out like this? How awful had your admission been to drive him away?
Tears stung at your eyes and you ducked your head to hide them from Hotch, though you knew he saw them anyways. The waiter frowned at the odd request, but ultimately complied, leaving your table once more to charge the card.
Hotch stood abruptly, readjusting his suit jacket on his shoulders and subsequently rustling the plastic bag inside. You made to stand up by yourself, but Hotch circled the table, gripping the arms of your chair and gently pulling you out from the table. He laid a hand on your arm, guiding you up and out of the chair, then the same hand flew once more to the small of your back.
You tensed at the contact, and you knew he felt it. But he didn’t back down, waving subtly at the rest of your team and leading you out the front doors of the building.
You followed him without protest, walking side by side through the parking lot. His hand never left its comforting position on your lower back, even though the mood of the situation was less-than-pleasant.
You felt anxiety churning your stomach as he stepped up to the van, unlocking the doors and holding the passenger’s side open for you.
“Hop in,” He offered at your hesitant gaze, “We’re going team building.”
“Team building?”
“Team building.” He confirmed, offering no further explanation, “In.”
You climbed into the van, sliding your seatbelt over your chest and thanking him softly when he went to shut the door for you. You felt your phone vibrate relentlessly in your pocket, probably another round of texts from everyone wondering if you were boning your boss in the government vehicle. Hotch rounded the front of the van in seconds, stepping up into the driver’s side seat and starting up the car.
“Dessert preference?” He adjusted his mirrors, not bothering to look you in your (very confused) eyes.
“Wh- what?”
“What do you want for dessert?” He finally glanced over at you, “We’re stopping by a bakery.”
“Oh, Hotch, you don’t have to-” You cut yourself off at his stern gaze, not sure whether it was because you’d called him ‘Hotch’ or because you were protesting his actions. Probably a bit of both, so you swallowed, starting again, “What do they have?”
“A bunch,” Aaron glanced behind him, stretching a hand to rest on the back of your seat as he turned, backing out of the spot with his free hand, “I usually get a muffin.”
“That sounds good,” You hummed, trying to focus on anything but the soft bulge of his muscles from under his shirt, “Um, Aaron?”
He seemed much more pleased once you addressed him the way he’d asked, turning to face you with a soft smile, “Yes?”
“Why are you doing this?”
“What do you mean?” His smile never fell, traces of amusement lingering as it dimmed.
“This,” You gestured to the road he’d started on, “Why did we leave the restaurant?”
“Because we were finished eating.” He spoke plainly, “That’s what you do once you pay the check.”
“That’s not what I mean,” You let out an exasperated but lighthearted scoff, a small smile creeping over your lips, “I mean, why did we ditch everyone and drive to a bakery at eight at night?”
“Oh,” Aaron feigned surprise, “That.”
“Yes that,” You let out a breathy laugh, “Is there a reason you abducted me?”
“Abducted,” Aaron scoffed, shaking his head as his smile turned fond, “I told you. Team building.”
“Well we left our team back there.”
“I didn’t think you’d want to tell them what you told me.” Aaron’s voice became softer, more sincerity coating it rather than its previously-contained sarcasm.
“So that’s why you’re doing this?”
“Yes.” He nodded once, “I’m glad that you don’t feel unwelcome with us, but if you still think that you’re the odd one out, you clearly haven’t spent enough time with us outside of the office.”
“That’s not- I don’t think I’m the odd one out!” You protested weakly, “I’m just the newest.”
“But that doesn’t mean you’re the least desirable.” Aaron glanced over at you carefully from the driver’s seat, “It’s important to me that this team feels like one. And if you’re not feeling that a hundred percent, I’m going to do something about it.”
His sincere concern for you left more butterflies swarming around your stomach than you’d have liked to admit. You wished so desperately that you could turn off your attraction to him, that you could take his words at face value and treat him like your boss. But there was always the desire for something more hidden deep inside of you, and it crawled further and further towards the light the more he expressed such gentle care for you.
You leaned to the left slightly as he turned the van rather sharply, and his hand shot out to rest on your thigh.
“You okay?” He murmured, his brows furrowed in concern.
“I’m good,” You answered honestly, your eyes locked onto the way that his hand dug slightly into your thigh, “I’m good.”
“Good.” He parroted you, a satisfied smile adorning his features.
When he finally pulled into the bakery’s parking lot, the dimly lit sign flickered with age. It was a little hole-in-the-wall place, shelves lining the walls of different baked goods that looked a thousand times better than any tiny portion you’d have gotten at the restaurant you’d eaten at.
Aaron gestured subtly to the rack of muffins, “That’s what I usually get. But you’re welcome to anything, Y/N.”
Your eyes skimmed over the prices listed on the display cases, flickering away from items whenever the first digit went over 5. You felt in your pocket, making sure that you still had your spare $5 that you’d stuck in there after lunch that day. Finally you decided on a chocolate croissant, smiling kindly at the woman behind the counter as you ordered.
“And a chocolate muffin, please.” Aaron was suddenly right behind you, that comforting touch of his hand on your lower back again, “Thank you.”
You didn’t dare turn, having heard his voice from right beside your head. You weren't sure what you'd do if you made eye contact with him while your faces were that close, but you knew you wouldn't be able to control yourself. If he felt you tense once more at his touch, he didn’t let on, standing confidently behind you at the counter as he waited for the woman ringing you up to be finished.
Your total came out to be less than $5, and you jumped at the chance to repay one of Aaron’s many favors towards you that night. Before you could so much as touch the bill that laid in your pocket, though, Aaron was sliding another card over the counter and handing it to the woman.
“Aaron-” You started, “Please let me pay for this.”
“Not neccessary,” He brushed you off, pushing your hand away when you offered up your cash, “This was my idea, I’ll cover the tab.”
You wanted to protest more, to insist that he let you pay, but you would have caused a scene, and you didn’t want to inflict that upon the poor employee. Instead you merely frowned, nodding in agreement and thanks.
You took the bag that the woman handed you, the brown paper wrinkling under your touch. You could feel the heat from the pastries inside, and even though you’d just eaten, your stomach twisted eagerly at the thought of a warm, gooey chocolate croissant. 
Aaron slipped his card back into his wallet, his hand returning to its now permanent place against your back. His touch was electrifying, burning through the layers of clothing you had on and searing your skin.
You wished that the night hadn’t been as chilly as it was, because when he removed his hand to open the door for you, you felt a chill. You tried to commit the feeling of his hand pressing flush against your back to your memory, ashamed as you admitted to yourself that you’d spend many a night trying to relive the scenario.
You set the bag of warm pastries in your lap, thanking Aaron softly as he helped you get settled again. His attentiveness hadn’t gone unnoticed by you, and you couldn’t help but read further into it than you should have. The attraction that had been swelling in your chest since the moment you laid eyes on the man was starting to surface, and you weren’t sure if you’d be able to contain it if he touched you any more than he already had.
He stepped up into the van with the same confidence he had before, settling himself in his seat but waiting to shut his door. 
He slid his suit jacket off of his shoulders, eyeing your sheer blouse, “You cold?”
You felt heat rise to your cheeks, your jaw tensing before you stammered, “Only a little, but I don’t-” 
Before you could finish your feeble protests he had spread out the jacket, twisting his arms in what was probably a very uncomfortable gesture to lower the fabric over your shoulders. The faint scent that you had caught being sat beside him earlier was nothing compared to the smell that enveloped you as the fabric of his jacket clung to your shoulders, cozy and inviting, faintly husky.
Without meaning to, you shrunk into the jacket, relishing in what would probably be the closest you’d ever get to hugging the man. 
He watched you with that same hint of fondness he’d displayed in the restaurant, finally shutting his door and keeping the cold out. You thanked him softly, biting your lips to contain your overjoyed smile at the advances you were determined to look too far into.
“It’s no problem, Y/N.” His voice, just as low as it normally was, created a completely different atmosphere than it typically did, warming your heart instead of chilling it. While he was usually intimidating and cold, the affection dripping from his sincere smile made you genuinely forget what he looked like when he was stoic.
It was a beautiful expression on him, happiness. You wished that you could see it all the time, that his work didn’t suck so much joy out of his life, but you made a mental note to ask him about Jack more, because the same emotions lit up his face at the mention of his son.
You realized you’d been staring at him for way too long, clearing your throat lightly. Your eyes were locked onto his own, and you must have had some delusional lapse of coherency, because you could have sworn that his eyes had flickered down to your lips for a split second. But you had to be imagining things.
He reached forward, and your chest tightened. You swallowed lightly, preparing yourself for whatever impossible scenario was about to happen, but his hand only curled around the bakery bag, unfurling the crinkled paper.
You cursed yourself for being so hopelessly romantic, watching as he reached in, his muffin and your croissant in the same large hand.
“Here,” He handed you your pastry, “We’re eating in the car.”
“Isn’t that a bit unprofessional?” You teased, priding yourself on your steady voice.
“That’s the point.” He grinned, breaking off a piece of his muffin and popping it into his mouth, speaking delicately around the treat, “We have to be unprofessional together if we want to work well professionally.”
It was a sensible statement, it really was. But your mind began wandering to all of the other unprofessional things that you two could do together, Derek and Penelope’s teasing far too accurate to what ran rampant in your brain.
You took a bite of your croissant to give you something to do, to fill your mouth so that none of the words on the tip of your tongue could fall out and embarrass you.
You hummed softly at the warm pastry, the taste of chocolate fresh on your tongue, “‘S good.”
“Mine too,” Aaron agreed, leaning his seat back so that he was all but laying down, “Y’wanna open the sunroof? We can look out at the stars.”
You couldn’t help but scoff incredulously, an amused smile on your face, “Where did this come from?”
“What are you talking about?”
“This,” You gestured to him lounging in his government vehicle, munching on a warm chocolate muffin far too late into the night, “What happened to you? Is it the jacket?” You brushed a hand against the fabric over your frame, “When you take it off, does it break some grumpy spell you’ve had cast over you by a mean old witch? You’re a completely different person than I’ve ever seen you!”
He laughed, long and loud and free at your accusations, his eyes crinkling at the corners as chocolate stained his lower lip, “That’s why we need to do this, Y/N. We need to know each other outside of the office, or else we won’t know each other at all.”
You smiled, shaking your head teasingly at his words. This was a side of Aaron Hotchner that you liked, one that didn’t make you want to shrivel under his gaze and apologize for something that you didn’t do.
“This is not what I had expected of tonight,” You admitted, rolling back the sunroof and reclining your own seat, “I thought you were gonna fire me or something.”
“Well, I mean, you ran us out of that restaurant like it was rigged to blow!” You urged, eyes wide as you swiped chocolate off of your cheek, “I admitted I didn’t feel like one of the team quite yet and I thought you were gonna ensure that I never would be!”
He let out another one of his laughs, the sound quickly climbing your list of favorites, “I wouldn’t fire you for that. But, I mean, are you enjoying this? Even if it’s not what you’d expected?”
You wanted to gush, to tell him that it was the best night you’d had since moving to Virginia, profess your undying love for the man right then and there. But you caught yourself before you could, your tongue digging at your bottom lip to rid it of chocolate stains, and you spoke carefully and sincerely instead.
“I’m enjoying it. Thank you, Aaron,” His name felt comfortable on your tongue now, instead of foreign, “I really appreciate this. I was nervous, y’know. To tell you. Because I don’t even think I’d admitted it to myself, I.. I was kind of just trying to pretend. Fake it ‘till you make it, y’know?”
He nodded, his eyes drifting to the open sunroof above you and trailing after each star that he could see, “I know what you mean. But I’m glad you’re having a good time, Y/N. I’m sorry I didn’t bring it up until now,” A frown threatened to take over his beautiful smile, and it tugged at your heartstrings, “But you’re just as valuable as anyone else on our team, whether we’ve known your for minutes, for days, or for years.”
His sweet sentiment, murmured in that beautifully low, soothing voice of his, had you containing yet another massive smile. This time you let it break free, though, not even bothering to hide it behind your croissant as you turned to catch his eye.
“Thank you, Aaron, again.”
“Anytime,” He hummed, “You can tell me, you know? If things don’t feel right.”
What didn’t feel right was that you weren’t in his arms. He wasn’t holding you, he wasn’t kissing you, he wasn’t loving you. But you shook those desires away, nodding thankfully.
“I will,” You weren’t sure if you’d keep that vow, the threat of annoying him with your mediocre feelings scarier to you than feeling out of place. But you placated him with promises anyways, so that he settled back into his seat, his muffin nearly gone.
“Favorite star?” He asked, breaking a moment of silence.
“I- I don’t have one,” You hesitated, frowning slightly, “Do you?”
“No,” He admitted, a light blush dusting his cheeks as they raised into a bashful grin, “I don’t know why I asked.”
You laughed, the sound lighting up his expression just like his had done to you, “You don’t have to make conversation if you don’t have anything to say,” You chided him, “I’m perfectly happy to sit in silence for a bit.”
“You are?” He glanced over at you, something hesitant lingering behind his eyes.
“Of course!” You took another bite of your croissant, careful not to get crumbs on the jacket still draped over you, “This is nice.”
“It is.” A wistful smile broke out over Aaron’s face, and he tore his eyes away from you before he could do anything rash, “Thank you for opening up to me, Y/N.”
“Thank you for joining me tonight,” Your words held more behind them than you hoped Aaron perceived, “I’m glad it was you.”
You were too busy staring at the stars to watch him react to what you’d said, so you missed his eyes darting to your cozy figure, curled up on the seat in his jacket with your croissant in your hands. He admired you for longer than he’d like to admit, his eyes raking down your form and back up again, drinking in the sight of you in his jacket.
“Me too, Y/N,” He murmured, turning back to the stars, “Me too.”
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feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
A/N: i hope you enjoyed!! i've actually got a multi-chaptered hotch x bau!reader story in the works, and i might tweak this and add it in as a chapter. but for now, it's a standalone!
taglist: @sunflowermotel @honeybrowne @red-red-rogue
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kerryweaverlesbian · 4 months
Have you ever thought "What if the CW's Supernatural was about Meg Ruby and Ava?" Well. you have now. Since we're all on the same page, read the first two chapters of my Meg Ava Ruby fic, By Any Other Name. To be clear this is like a behind the scenes canon divergence not like, them taking on the roles of team free will. Here is a snippet:
"Your girl Ava, she believe in something?"  Intel never hurts. Besides, she is genuinely curious. What's got Azazel's number one gal barking up another skirt? 
"My girl," Meg's pride is obvious. One of those sins Ruby never really saw the big problem with. Along with gluttony, lust, sloth, envy, disrespect...it just doesn't strike her as all that fair. Then again, she is a demon. When's anything fair? "Ava believes, alright." 
"...anything you tell her?" 
Maybe Meg's just looking to brag about a skilled manipulation. Ruby kinda wants to brag about winding Sam up, but she can't talk too far into the plan. Better for Meg to believe she's a loser, even if it rankles. 
"No," Meg says, drawn out, teasing, then she skips a few steps ahead and spins around on her toes. There's an energy in her Ruby hasn't seen before, not in all their years side by side on the racks. Not that there's much cause for conversation down there. If you're caught slacking you might just end up back under the knife yourself, to be shown how it's done. That's why it's hard to trust a demon. The only thing that unites them is that they're all so fucking scared. 
"Spit it out, then."  "She believes in me."
Ruby laughs again, hysterical, unstoppable, cruel. She clocks the hurt on Meg's face before she shields it again, and that's even funnier. Meg thinks they're the same, and she's right, where it counts. That's how Ruby can gasp out, with perfect, unholy honesty: 
"You? You're nothing!"
Read more on ao3!
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unidentifiedprimate · 2 years
Meg vs. Herbert in the fight for Dan's affection.
Love the blocking in this scene. It begins with Meg and Dan together as a team:
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But as soon as Herbert shows up he and Meg start competing to maneuver themselves between the other one and Dan:
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(I also love that Herbert calls him "Danny" here, mirroring Meg)
Then, when it's clear that Herbert is winning, he squares himself up with Dan so they're united against Meg:
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And it ends with Dan and Herbert together. The new team:
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transingthoseformers · 2 months
Something wholesome to wake up too :D. I remember stumbling upon your post about both Megatronus and Orion being clerks/librarians/archivist thanks to the TF One movie making them both miners sooo have like my spin on it/headcanons based on the idea? -Megatronus and Orion met when Megs was still D-16 aka a miner. When Terminus managed to get a break from the mines, which was so rare, he would sneak Megs with him so the young miner could experience more. He took him to the Iacon Hall of Records since D-16 mentioned being curious about the history of Cybertron, there he met a young Orion.
-Orion and him would bond over data pads Orion managed to smuggle to the mine site, lots of them being old poetry and history that excited D-16. It is also how D-16 gets his name of Megatronus
-At some point, Alpha Trion catches on, and instead of being anger, decides "Eh fuck it, Orion needs someone around his age to talk to" //proceeds to yoink the young miner and giving him a better life
-Now a proper clerk for the Hall of Records with Orion, it is kind of chaos. It's basically "An introvert and ambivert become friends and they have to play rock, paper, scissors on who deals with people". Megs always loses, he hates it.
-Orion has def snuck Meg's poetry and writings into the records because he is so proud of Meg's work. Megs gets flustered.
-I lowkey just picture this AU being more chill. Yeah, Megs still wants the caste system gone, but is less violent about it, trying to use his words and peaceful protests first before being forced to go to more extremes. Orion maybe backing it up too because maybe the council just straight up ignored Megs because they see him as low-caste still and he's just "Ayo wtf".
-When maybe Orion becomes Optimus, Megs backs him up, helping archive everything while helping him connect with the low-castes who are wary of OP. Also def acts as OP's scary dog without realizing it lol
-Honestly i cant see clerk!Megs becoming the con tyrant warlord we know him as, I feel like he would be more calm and chill, preferring to spread his message while also like keeping OP in check so he doesn't become a tyrannt
-Would still call OP "Orion", and no one can stop him. Not even OP. As revenge OP scatters Megs poetry. In summary: Megs helps break the "serious and cold" prime act alot and helps a lot of the team connect with Optimus on a personal level
Sorry that this is long, but these ideas plagued me i hope that is okay!
Ooo on Terminus and Megatron sneaking to the surface, and that being how Orion met him
Yes on the smuggling of datapads to D-16, and makes sense he'd get his new name from them
Alpha Trion just... Taking Megatronus has to have consequences, significant consequences
Sfsgd yes, "you do it" "no you do it" "you lost, you do it" "🤬🤬🤬"
Yes on Orion and Megs sneaking the poetry into the records, preserve it yes
100% this is a more chill au idea, always was meant to be a more chill au idea
Interesting way it changes Megatronus
We really "the power of friendship"-ed this up, it's v cool. Megatronus has grown into himself in a different direction, and I bet their friendship being earlier and arguably closer effects Orion in an interesting way
I am a SUCKER for characters calling Optimus "Orion" as a sign of closeness, oh it's gotta have fun moments
OO on the team part? Does the war still happen and Op and Megs are on the same side, or does the team unite in a different different way?
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year
This is a list of ideas/headcanons of the tfa fandom that crossed my mind, piled into one giant mess. Enjoy.
those are things that i consider canon in my works. (outside of AUs)
1. Bee has a golden voice when singing, he’s anxious about it tho. [the whole headcanon explained] After some time and events this scenario happens and Bee gets more comfortable around others.
2. Bee is basically a stuntman when skating. Casual or on battlefield, his actions are purely impulsive. Sometimes he’s lucky and pulls off that sick move... sometimes he ends up in medbay for many long hours. Here’s an example.
3. Bee is a good actor, he can lie on the spot and get away with it... most of the time. He’s also good at hiding his emotions. Fake it till you make it... or at least before Prowl comes knocking at your door.
4. Bee has 3 modes; Chaotic/Feral Gremlin, Kind Child and on rare occasion; Lazy Ferret. When he dates someone, there comes a 4th one; Lovestruck Idiot.
5. Bee is the early bird and wakes up way before the rest of the Autobots. He’s made a little routine of making the morning oil for the rest of the team. It’s the only thing he can “cook” really.
6. Sari keeps the weird healing powers the key had when she upgrades herself. Ratchet helps her figure it out and teaches her cybertronian first aid.
7. Rachet knows human curses and will use them when things are going down.
8. Sari and Bee are the young sibblings™. Prowl plays the role of the babysitter, keeping those two out of trouble.
9. Bee often vents to Prowl about topics he wouldn’t talk about with anyone. They have an unspoken agreement to never do anything to mess with the other when it comes to these meetings.
10. Prowl is accidentally creepy, he will eavesdrop or spy on someone unintentionally. He doesn’t mean it, but his curiosity can get the best of him sometimes. Here’s a list of things he eavesdropped so far.
11. Optimus is a kindsparked leader, he’ll think of the person’s wellbeing first instead of “is this okay with the law?”
12. Bulkhead sometimes helps the architects with building stuff, he likes the art aspect and the job is easy cuz he can carry like few tons of materials at once.
13. Random!Blitz will eat various things that are definitelly not meant to be eaten. Glow sticks, scraps, paint and even some organic things. He also chews on anything that he find appealing. Somehow, he has yet to end up in medbay for doing that.
14. Blitzwing likes to sculpt, he’ll carve in wood, stone, ice and metal.
15. Bee likes to set up harmless traps to mess with Prowl, his time repairing space bridges taught him how to construct things. He’s quite crafty. Unfortunatelly, Prowl still remmebers how to pull a prank in return. Here’s one of them.
16. There’s 2 versions of Megatron: cold and sadistic villain(canon) or scary but thoughful “father”(Cons Are Good AU)
17. Longarm(Shockwave) actually kinda likes Bee. The bot is optimistic, kind and funny. He likes to hang out with the scout and have some fun, but other than that he focuses on his duties as a traitor Prime.
18. Lugnut is Lugnut, he’s basically in love with Megs. Megs wants nothing to do with him except for work.
19. There’s 2 versions of Decepticons; they either want to to take over Cybertron(canon) or want equal rights and fix whatever the council has fucked up. (Cons Are Good AU)
20. Autobots and Decepticons are not separate species of transformers like i often see. They just have different builds and codings. A transformer who’s not aligned with any of the factions doesn’t have any specific behavior attached, it all depends on what they learn as a sparkling. If they choose a faction, an additional coding is added to their system which might alter their behavior slightly.
21. Since time units are very confusing in the fandom i decided to settle on this: Nanoklik (1 second), Klik (1 minute), Joor (1 hour), (Solar/Lunar)Cycle (day/night), Decacycle (week), Orbital Cycle (month), Stellar cycle (1 year). Then it all goes like normal; decades, centuries, millennia. Sometimes i will use other transformer time terms when i don’t know what else to use.
22. Ratchet, despite being a medic, dismissed his own small damages. He says he will take tare of them later but never does, which later comes back as a bigger problem. Like a trembling wheel, dimmed light or glitched comm piece. He’s learned to go fix himself when reminded about them or look for Sari.
23. Prowl has a bad habit of nightly snacking, he meditates all day long and sometimes forgets to refuel. Bad habit but he’s not really keen on stopping.
24. Shockwave/Longarm is the tech folk, the one who manages files and all, but he’s also somewhat of a medic. He knows how to patch system errors/viruses as well as fix some external damages.
25. Megatron actually remembers Optimus’ name, he just chooses to avoid using it because he has a grudge agaist the Prime for kinda offlining him.
26. Prowl doesn’t die in my timelines/AUs. Nor does Blurr. Nobody does(permanently). I just can’t let them.
27. Claws and sharp dentae are a basic upgrade you get when becoming Decepticon. Based on the frame type, there are few exceptions, example: Blitzwing has both sharp teeth and claws, but Lugnut has only sharp teeth cuz his servos are not compatible with the claws. Same with Shockwave but he's only got claws.
28. Bee was raised in the orphanage, he never brought it up to anyone. The only one to know might be the one he’d date. [See this post but exclude the adoption part]
29. Since Shockwave has 2 forms, he has something similar to Blitzwing’s multiple personalities thing- it’s not that intense, but there is a weird switch in his mind that he can activate on command. He is more laid back and cheery when he’s Longarm. When he’s Shockwave he’s very calm and focused- It’s his peak performance form, so to say. A weird thing that happens with Longarm is that he’ll be focused and calm with everyone but the second he, Bee and Bulkhead are alone- it’s time for wild fun.
30. Everyone thinks Random is the cannibal. He’s not, Icy is the one enjoying devouring a fellow mech. He keeps quiet about it, Random is just hyping it up like he usually does with everything.
31. Blackarachnia may be a mad scientist but she would help someone out if they begged her enough. She’d do everything to fix a bot- but then use them for her own goals. Every “transaction” you make with her will have the consequences... well, unless she’s “feeling generous”- which is like a miracle and you’ve probably made her feel bad if she does this.
32. Bumblebee loves to dress up. He loves human clothes, he loves cosmetic upgrades, he liked the temporary paint that is make up. He’ll never admit or show it though. He feels like if he does, he’s gonna be judged and everyone’s gonna stop liking him. Dressing up makes him feel like he’s truly pretty and amazing. He doesn’t want that feeling crushed if others find it weird and tell him to stop. Idk if “Drag Queen” is the correct term for this but he defo likes dresses and painted details like make up.
33. Bee dresses up for Halloween with Sari. Despite what i said in the previous point, he allows himself to dress up in cool costumes- usually the classics like a vampire or ghost. Never anything cute tho- those costumes are saved for his time alone. One time he made himself look like the haunted black taxi from that one movie- Optimus was on patrol and heard about some shady car scaring people so he went to check it out. Poor Bee tried to scare him too and got send to medbay. Optimus apologized for two days after that incident.
34. Bee has a job that earns him human money- in some weird chain of events he met a guy with a shop that sells old and damaged stuff. He offered to pay Bee money to bring him old stuff from garbage yards/trash stations that may be restored and sold. So now he has a fun and productive way of earning money to buy new games. He goes treasure hunting at least once a week.
35. Bee is really flexible and can basically squeeze anywhere he desires. No one knows how he does it and he constantly gets stuck in weird places. You wouldn’t think he’d fit into that heavy duty airvent, but alas, he’s there waiting for help. 
36. Bumblebee and Prowl are almost the same height; motorbikes are small, even when compared to tiny cars. Prowl is only few inches taller than Bee. He is very thin in build, Bee is more bulky and wide. Bee is also physically stronger than Prowl- Prowl is always using tactics and momentum and physics and such to gain advantage over stronger enemies.
37. Bee is a natural climber- being the short bot, it’s obvious he has to climb to reach that shelf. His servos have rough pads on them to help him stick to sufaces better. It’s especially effective with earth’s buildings since they’re made of rough concrete.
38. Bee naps in riduculous places, he’s like a ferret. He’ll squeeze or climb into places and sometimes get stuck there so others have to get him out. His favorite places to nap are Bulkheads subspace and under his berth.
39. Bee will learn anything about any game just to win. He has a self-claimed title “Game King”. One time he found out about Prowl liking chess- he spend the next few cycles on research and perfecting his skill with online chess. The “Game King” title has been made valid by everyone after Prowl got obliterated in chess by Bee.
40. Prowl has to temporarily move out of his room in winter because there is no roof. He has a back-up room for when the snow starts piling up and he can’t recharge in it. He also has to recharge in the back-up room when there is a heavy downpour and his room floods.
41. Each Team Prime member has their own love language/way fo showing affection/care. [Here i listed them]
42. At some point in the story, Bee and Bulkhead would become Amicas. Not Conjunxes(spouses)- they are Amicas(long-term best friend). [this and this]
43. I imagine Bumblebee would be a great parent- sure he’s reckless most of the time but when it comes to Sparklings- something in his mind switches and he goes full ‘Mama Bear mode’. [exaples: this and this]
44. Optimus is a great cook, he especially loves to bake. Bee is into mixology- he makes morning oil for everyone after all. Prowl cooks with organic ingredients for Sari, he wants her to eat more healthy so he takes it upon himself to make sure she does. [anker post]
45. Bee loves racing, in AU or not. He’ll go up to anyone and challange them to a race. The winner gets the respect of being faster. Blitzwing is Bee’s go-to race rival, they have fun together and mess around on some occasion. [anker post]
46. Bee got crayons from Bulkhead. Sometimes he will draw things- he drew a picture for their first christmas and everyone loves it, it’s hanging in the main room now.
47. Here you have Halloween and Christmas traditions with the group cuz i’m too lazy to write an entire point for it.
48. IMPORTANT FOR ALL NSFW WORKS: Interfacing and Sparklings. My version is different from the ususal sexual spike/valve thing. C’mon they’re ALIENS. I have it all written out in this post.
49: Bumblebee, Sari and Bulkhead are The Gamer Trio. They always play multiplayer games together when they’re not busy. Sometimes Prowl joins them for specific games. [anker post]
50. Team Prime + Sari have preffered food flavors n such. [anker post]
51. Team Prime + Sari having trouble sleeping/recharging and doing stuff instead of that. Nightly habits list. [anker post]
52. Bee has ADHD, you can’t convince me otherwise. He has also been diagnosed with depression later on. Oh, also Prowl is on autism spectrum. Dw, they take meds for that. [adhd+autism post here, Bee having depression here]
53. Bee talks in his sleep. It’s easy to tell if he’s having a nightmare or not. He’s just murmuring what is happening in his dream, not every night but surprisingly often. Funny enough you could have a conversation with him like this. [anker post]
54. Ratchet volunteers as medical assistance in Detroit. The messed up USA healthcare system is beyond what Cybertron had.
if there’s more i come up with, i will update this post. thank you for reading this text wall.
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nova--spark · 5 months
So. Mortal Machines Ex-Cons. Could always explain their existence as an additional punishment for the too well adapted Team Prime.
Knockout is gonna freeaaaaaaaaaaak. When all the biology explanations are done, he will likely demand a mall trip. And try getting drunk. He also gives me the air of a nervous driver for some reason? Like, we all know he was vain as all get out. So maybe that transfers into an extreme fear of being hurt, because humans can scar, and it does NOT buff out. Add to that the fact that he is well versed in the darker aspects of driving and yeah. Paranoid KO.
Starscream would be a funny outlier to add to this as well. Like, dudes casually in a coma then POP he's in Unit Es base, with the other cons, and wide awake. How would flight-withdrawal affect him I wonder.
Shockwave would immediately be trying things out with his new form. Once done, he would throw himself into fixing the Squishy Plague.
Soundwave has a pet birb. African Grey Parrot maybe? It's Laserbeak. He's his usual quiet kid self. Maybe Bee teaches him sign? Human sign ofc. He totally knows CSL already.
Megs is just broken. And broken Megs is vulnerable Megs. He defiantly has ADHD tho. Idk why. I just always HC he does.
oK i LOVE all of this???
Knockout is absolutely uneasy, he knows very well humans are fragile [Silas was a fun little test of how fragile] and so, he is indeed a bit of a nervous driver, because while he could buff out a scratch as a bot, he can't replace anything in a human body as easily. And he absolutely made sure everyone has an impeccable wardrobe, i feel sorry for whomever is paying for it though--
Starscream is just wondering if this is just some horrendous nightmare most of the time, and he really just wants everything done with.
Shockwave surprisingly ??? Creates a bunch of cures??? For human illnesses that tend to frustrate people, and he simply shrugs when asked how he did it. Cybertronian science apparently made the cure for the common cold easy.
Who'd have known?
Soundwave is indeed now with an entire menagerie of pets, because he now has adopted 2-3 birds, 2 cats, a lizard, and somehow, a bat. In his defense, he didn't know bats weren't normal human pets, but the little one was doing no harm, being a fruit bat.
He has also kindly taken to the ASL lessons, but has also received a phone from Raf, which he uses a Text to Speech app on. Alternatively, he's resorted to using social media audios to express certain emotions.
The kids cannot stop laughing.
Megatron had...some issues adjusting, his fighting instincts indeed manifesting into what humans would call ADHD, for which he has taken to mild sparring, if only to calm his nerves.
Optimus has offered him to perhaps spend some time, and talk. After all, for them all, it has been a very overwhelming experience.
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artsy-hobbitses · 10 months
What does look like everyday life apart from war and fighting in Decepticon HQ? Autobots seem for me more like family/group of close friends and among Decepticons there is Soundwave with their companions but what about the rest? And how Megatron treats his soldiers (generally, not only the main cast)?
Megs actually treats his (loyal) soldiers pretty decently. He's an okay boss to work for like, 75% of the time, he's a HARD taskmaster, but a fair one who compensates you properly---you're talking to an ex-manual who used to be part of a union after all. Note that almost ALL the Decepticons' armor is actually made BY him with his own two hands (he became a good metalsmith during his time in the pit having to craft his own armor and helping his partners with theirs), and he sits down and talks with them to get to know them better/figure out what they want. (The exception is Starscream, who was one of the earliest members of the rebellion and whose armor was a prototype designed by Senator Shockwave)
So he's not an asshole boss PROVIDED you stay loyal to his cause. He can flip a switch from warm and understanding to cold and remorseless, though note that even with his warmth, there's a strong presence of danger lurking underneath, like a lion choosing to sidle up to and affectionately headbonk you, and you knowing full well it could rip off you head if it wanted to on one wrong move.
His soldiers' loyalty and dedication to him are not without merit as such. Their fervour can blind them to other atrocities he commits.
Generally the Decepticons feel more emotionally detached and 'professional' compared with the Autobots, because they are, by design, a military force (The Autobots function more as a very hands-on NGO), and there's always a businesslike air among them/a bit of a cutthroat environment in that aspect. Because Meg can flip on a switch and they know what happens to traitors, friendships tend to be more surface-level compared with the Autobots (except for Soundwave and Co who are a little bonded family unit of their own) since you don't know who's going to defect and who might be mysteriously gone tomorrow, and you're left questioning if you ever knew your team mates at all.
Most of the time they mainly see each other during meetings and training sessions, and don't really engage with each other beyond that.
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New SpaceTime out Friday....
SpaceTime 20240202 Series 27 Episode 15
Could atmospheric pressure changes be driving Martian methane pulses
New research shows that atmospheric pressure fluctuations that pull gases up from underground could be responsible for releasing subsurface methane into the Martian atmosphere.
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Can red dwarf stars host planets with life after all?
A team of scientists are proposing that rocky, Earth-like planets orbiting some of our nearest neighbouring stars could host life.
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The Axiom Mission 3 to the International Space Station
SpaceX has launched another private manned mission to the International Space Station for Axiom Space.
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The Science Report
People with strong obsessive-compulsive disorder traits have an 82% higher risk of death
Claims the Meg was slimmer than thought.
North Korea claims it’s just tested an underwater nuclear weapon system.
Skeptics guide to the coffee survey
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SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. Later, Gary became part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and was one of its first presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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makshu · 3 months
Drum roll! I'm finally going to post about my OCs! :D
Now then, I'll start with fandom OCs, and the fandom in question is The Backrooms (Wikidot)
The Backroom gang, that's how I call them, their group doesn't have a name yet, but one day I'm sure the perfect name will appear
Here they are
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We have Amber, Tyler, Fuyuki, Andreas and Lavínia
A group of backroom walkers who fight together to find a way out. They are not part of any larger group, but they have contacts with people from groups like MEG and BNTG.
Let's take a closer look to each of them
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Amber: The leader of the group. Amber is 27 years old, being the oldest of the group, she fell into the backrooms before them all, having 1 year of experience behind her. Before she landed there, she lived in the United States, speaking fluent English, and she also speaks basic Spanish. Amber is constantly fighting alone to find a way out even though it's impossible. But she has a boyfriend and children to take care of outside this hell. She is determined and serious, working in direct directions and almost without breaks, very good in fights, and has her ax as her best friend. Even so, she is a very loving and dedicated mother, always looking for the best for her children (whether biological or not). Her group is very peculiar, with most of its members being children and teenagers, yet it is a group that has become very skilled. She swore on everything that she would protect these children. And that's what she'll do as long as she's alive.
Tyler: The classic American movie bully. But he's neither a bully nor a scoundrel, so he just looks like an American bully. Tyler is 18 years old, being the second oldest. He's a very confident and charismatic guy, easily getting along with people. Even though his appearance conveys courage and bravery, he is actually very fearful, being very afraid of levels and dangers. Always avoiding the front lines, but having a strong sense of protection for his family, helping whenever possible and facing his fears. He has teamed up with Amber and is constantly looking for a way out, the pain of no longer being with his little sister and friends hurts him daily. He's also from the USA and speaks fluent English.
Moving to the younger trio
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Fuyuki: The front line. Fuyuki Watanabe is 17 years old, just a teenager. Before falling into the backrooms, he lived in Japan, and knows Japanese and English fluently. Even with his light clothes and bluish hair, his personality is not at all pleasant. He always has a frown on his face and is rude to others, being armed with people he doesn't know. The only exception to his rude manner are children and people close to him. Even though he's a hard shell to break, when you reaches the center he is just someone confused and stressed about this entire situation, wanting to find a way out of the Backrooms. He's usually careful and concerned about those close to him and is always on hand to protect his family. He has finally found a place where he is accepted, and he will protect them with everything he has.
Andreas: The active little brain of the group. Andreas is just 12 years old, one of the children. Before falling into the backrooms he lived in Germany, knowing how to speak fluent German and a little bit of English. He is a curious and somewhat temperamental boy, having some emotional peaks. Being very passionate about discovering more about the things he likes, thus having a lot of knowledge on specific subjects. He was certainly scared by everything, but he already knew the backrooms before because of stories, knowing the basics so as not to die quickly. He has become an important part of the group due to his knowledge, he also knows how to handle a weapon if he needs to protect himself. Despite everything, Andreas is a lively boy who loves being around his family and sharing his discoveries. He finally has the protection he needed and now he's more ready than ever to discover this world alongside the people he loves.
And finally, Lavínia: The sweet sunshine. Lavínia is the youngest of the group, being just 5 years old. Before falling into the backrooms she lived in Brazil, being very young she only knows Portuguese (which is not fluent either). Lavínia is a sweet and adorable child who loves her friends and family very much, and is always ready to play and talk. She really likes to be tidy, coming from a rich family and having many accessories to choose from. She's far from being a snob, she's just a little girl who likes to play dress up. She is still very scared about the situation she finds herself in, constantly crying in dangerous situations, but she always has her brave friend by her side! A teddy bear named Austin. Her worst problem is lack of communication. No one in the group understands what she says and she doesn't understand anyone, making everything more difficult. But even so, she found a way to communicate, through miming and trying to understand some words. Lavínia is very scared of being ripped away from her normal life, but even though she is in hell she has a family that does everything to keep her safe.
Fun facts!
• Andreas has heterochromia and is autistic. He was also born without part of his right arm (in the drawing it must have been mirrored) so he has been using a prosthesis since he was very young;
• Fuyuki has anxiety and a mild attention deficit disorder. And he is a trans boy (I had posted a drawing about this before);
• Amber was an English teacher before;
• In total, Lavínia wears a gold bracelet with a heart, a star necklace, gold teddy bear earrings and a cat clip in her hair;
• Tyler has a lot of freckles on his face and arms;
• Amber and Tyler met first and formed a duo. Andreas found Lavínia first and then the two of them together found Fuyuki. And finally, the two groups met and became one;
• Order that they fell into the Backrooms: First Amber a year before the others, then Fuyuki, Andreas, Tyler and lastly Lavínia;
• Lavínia was the only one who didn't drop straight to level 0. Her entry level was level 2;
• Their full names: Amber Williams, Tyler Lloyd, Fuyuki Watanabe, Andreas Böhler and Lavínia Castello;
• Both Tyler and Andreas have sisters, with Tyler's sister being younger than him and Andreas's being older than him;
• Andreas has hyperfocus on forests and is primarily focused on foxes;
• And, in case you haven't noticed, they are a found family :)
Important note: I'm based on wikidot backrooms, but I'm also taking the liberty to add a little of my backroom history. And if anyone wants to criticize, remember that Backrooms is a community story. I'm just trying to have fun with my OCs.
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Summary: Dean Winchester is an addict and an alcoholic, a USMC veteran, a father, and an older brother. As Battalion Chief with Lawrence Fire & Medical, Dean comes under investigation when he makes a dangerous and impulsive decision, defying his superiors and abandoning the team he is supposed to lead. He is given a choice to go to rehab for 28 days or jail. His lawyer insists on rehab, and Dean begrudgingly abides.
Chapter Characters: Dean Winchester, Jack Kline, Missouri Mosely, Meg Masters, Billie (Pilgrim), Pamela Barnes, Crowley, Rowena Macleod, Constance Welch, Gabriel
Chapter Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, Meg (lol), Dean's first therapy session, sexual content
Words in this chapter: 3,600
AN: Dean’s experience with Billie is unique to his experience and influenced by themes from SPN. Please do not take his scenes with Billie (or anything from this story) as a reason not to seek therapy.
While very important to me, this story is a work of fiction and is not meant to represent all aspects of addiction and recovery. In Dean’s case, he is in no danger of delirium tremens, but withdrawal is always a lengthy and challenging process. Since Dean’s tox screen was positive for Valium, a go-to alcohol withdrawal treatment, as well as Vicodin, his doctors have prescribed Gabapentin (for pain, tremors, and anxiety) and the vitamin Thiamine (an essential micronutrient that cannot be made in the body of which alcohol prevents absorption). The treatment is meant to relieve Dean’s discomfort, prevent the development of more serious symptoms, and forestall cumulative effects that might worsen future withdrawals (i.e., delirium tremens). 
Mental illness, alcoholism, and addiction run in my family. Yesterday, I lost another close relative to alcoholism. He was a beautiful man who loved his family and brought us joy and warmth through the years. Rest in peace, Kent.
If you or anyone you know are facing mental and/or substance use disorders, please do not hesitate to reach out:
United States | UK | Ireland | Canada | Australia | New Zealand | India | Philippines | South Africa
All my love and thanks to @stusbunker and @brrose-apothecary for reading and discussions and holding my hand
text divider by @talesmaniac89
Sun filters through the bare windows, heralding a new day.
Dean made it through the night, and, of that, he’s pretty fucking proud. He even got a good 90 minutes of sleep in, which is wild considering the total lack of valium. 
He peers over at Jack’s bed and sees the kid sound asleep, drooling all over his pillow and stuffed guardian like a good kid should. The sight makes Dean’s stomach flip, but he smiles as he sweeps his blanket aside to cautiously roll off his bed.
He’s aching from head to toe, and the cool air has him shivering. Overall, his symptoms seem to be subsiding, but maybe he’s just too tired to feel it all. 
Under his shower's hot, steady spray, he gets warm and limbers up. His range of motion, though stiff and painful, is returning to his shoulder and hips. He wishes he could soak in a tub like the one they have at the station. 
His heart sinks, thinking about the station — about his team and Tessa. He hangs his head, letting the hot water soothe his muscles and trying not to think too much about how disgusted they all must be.
His spiral of guilt and shame is interrupted when his stomach growls. Hunger’s probably a good sign since the mere thought of food made him want to hurl yesterday and the day before. 
More than anything — well, not anything, but more than food — he wants coffee.
After his shower, he quickly and quietly dresses, trying to remember what Missouri told him yesterday (which seems like a fucking year ago) about breakfast. He doesn’t recall the time she mentioned, so he wanders to the front desk to see what he can find out.
Missouri’s in her office as if she never left. She’s busy setting out little paper cups on trays, and without looking up, she greets him.
“Good mornin’, Dean.”
“Mornin’, ma’am.” 
“How’d you sleep last night?” 
Dean leans on the counter and watches her work. “Not a lot, but better than nothin’, I guess.”
Missouri hums. “You’re early, but I’ll get you fixed up.” 
Dean’s brow furrows when she hands him one of the tiny paper cups with two pills inside. 
“Your doctor told you we’d be givin’ you thiamine and gabapentin?”
Dean nods.
“You’ll get one low dose each every mornin’ from me, or from Alex. Just come right here and we’ll have it for ya, and then you can go to breakfast.”
Dean stares at the pills. He’s taken enough first responder classes to know what they’re used for, but he doesn’t feel sick enough for thiamine. 
“They’re not gonna bite ya, boy. They’re better for ya than whatchu been swallowin’ — go on, now.”
Dean looks up at Missouri, and her stern, warm eyes calm him enough to throw the pills back and accept the cup of water from her. He crumples the water and pill cups into his fist before handing them over for Missouri to discard.
“What time d’you say breakfast was?” Dean asks.
“Not ‘til 7:30, but there’s coffee.” 
Missouri tsks and furrows her brow at his language.
“Apologies, ma’am.” 
Yeah, he apologizes, but he can barely contain his excitement, and he almost cries when he sees the tall carafe. As he reaches for a clean cup, Meg appears at his side out of fucking nowhere, peering over a steaming cup of her own.
“You know, I’ve heard of dry-out joints where they don’t allow caffeinated beverages of any kind.” Her eyes narrow, and her voice hollows like she’s relaying a dreadful urban legend.
“That so?” Dean arches a brow as the liquid gold fills his cup. 
Meg, clearly better caffeinated than he is and dead set on engaging him pre-coffee, makes a show of lounging against the beverage cart.
“Or cigarettes,” she adds, taking a pointed sip of her coffee.
Dean takes his first blessed drink with a deep moan and then realizes what she’s actually said. “Wait— we have cigarettes here?”
Meg slowly nods with the most impish smirk Dean’s ever seen, then inserts herself between Dean and the carafe to top off her own cup.
“You can buy them at the commissary. Except they’re almost always out. I have my sister send them to me by the carton.”
For the second time in barely 5 minutes, Dean feels like crying from joy. He examines his tiny savior as she turns to look up at him, blowing across the lid of her cup in what he assumes is her natural state of absolute mischief before taking his leap.
“I dunno how to say this without sounding sad and desperate, but I’ll do just about anything for a smoke right now.”
Meg chuckles, raking her gaze up and down his form. “Damn that pesky no-fraternizing rule.”
Dean narrows his eyes as he tilts his head and purses his lips. Turns out he doesn’t need to be all the way at the top of his game to charm the smokes out of even the shrewdest holders.
“You’re adorable.” Meg purrs, reaching her inside jacket pocket. “Does anyone ever say no to you?”
Dean mocks up a thoughtful expression. “Not usually.”
She pushes away from the coffee bar, sticking a cigarette between her lips and waving a second like a dog biscuit. “C’mon. Outside.”
Meg will either be his new best friend or his demise. Either way, he’ll do whatever she asks right now.
On their way out to the deck, a woman brushes past them, openly eyeing Dean. She’s petite and seductive, with dark hair, dark eyes, and porcelain skin. Dean licks his lips, and his pants excessively tighten for 7 o’clock in the morning.
Meg whistles and Dean jolts from his trance before following her out to the deck. 
“You know you’ll get booted for that, right?” She tucks into herself and lights her smoke.
“What?” Dean plays dumb, accepting his treat and her simple plastic lighter.
Meg rolls her eyes and exhales. “Sex addict to sex addict? I could hear your dick serenading her.”
Dean chuckles and rolls his eyes, firing up his reward. He inhales deeply and revels in the mingling of nicotine with caffeine. As he exhales, a warm buzz seeps through his brain and out to his extremities.
“Might be worth it. Fuck, I need somethin’.”
“You don’t need that, I promise.” Meg leads Dean to a long sturdy table overlooking a wooded area. “Billie will not even think twice about transferring you out, and then you start all over.”
Dean chews his lip, letting his second exhale roll from his lips. He shakes his head and hands her lighter back to her as she hikes up onto the table, planting her feet on the bench. 
He doesn't tell Meg that he wouldn’t go to another rehab; he’d go to jail — no Passing Go, no two hundred dollars, no starting over.
“Who’s Billie anyway?” He takes another drag and eases up onto the table next to Meg.  
“Therapist,” she grunts, then exhales. “Recovering addict, general badass, and doesn’t miss a thing.”
He rolls his cigarette between his fingertips, momentarily lost in the glowing tip. “There’s gotta be a way around some of these bullshit rules, huh?”
Meg shakes her head. “Nope. I mean, some people get stuff or fuck around, but they always find out.”
Dean huffs a laugh and exhales. “Fuck around and find out — cute.”
She shrugs, chuckling along with him. “I have a few good ones now and then.”
They’re quiet as they finish their smokes and their coffees cool. Finally, Meg tosses her butt into the bucket of sand as she hops down from the tabletop. 
“Breakfast? The bacon’s not bad.” She shoves her hands in her pockets, giggling when Dean groans.
“Oof, talk dirty to me, darlin’.” He squeezes the cherry from the end of his smoke as he slides from the table and follows Meg back inside.
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Billie Pilgrim appears just as Dean imagined she would. She’s professionally dressed and attractive, but not overwhelmingly so. Yet Dean can feel the light tremor of gamma-ray inquisition flowing from underneath her calm exterior. 
“Good morning, Dean.”
“Mornin’,” he replies, mimicking casual as he glances around the uncluttered and ordered office.
There’s a wall of louvered glass doors similar to the cafeteria but on a much smaller scale. It’s a neutral, open space designed to promote conversation; even Dean knows enough about psychology to suss that out.
“Have a seat.”
Dean nods before settling into an armchair. His anxiety kicks in when he sees Billie round her desk with a thick manila folder and a legal pad.  
“Can I get you anything? Water? Coffee?”
“No thanks,” Dean answers, studying the chair’s upholstery and contrasting it with the denim of his worn jeans. 
As Billie takes the seat across from him, he realizes too late that he still hasn’t made eye contact. When he finally does, he discovers her observing him without expression. He holds her gaze just as he shifts for comfort or cover. 
“How’s your pain, Dean?” Billie opens the manila file.
“Better,” he replies.
Billie nods, flipping through the pages in the file. “Any questions about your prescribed medication?”
Dean shakes his head. “Discharging doc told me what to expect. Missouri’s a pro. Think we’re good.”
Her mention of medication as she peruses a hefty file all about him makes his chest tight, but he smiles and breathes through it.
Billie nods, organizing the file and her notepad before lacing her fingers together in her lap. “Well, then, let’s hop right in.”
“Great,” Dean agrees. 
Billie fixes her face with a small smile but remains quiet. 
Dean waits, not wanting to break first, but he’s agitated. He rolls his eyes. “This uhh... silent treatment/staring contest thing — does it really work for you?”
Billie chuckles before flipping to another page in her folder and making a note. She doesn’t answer his question.
“Are you aware of what caused you to lose consciousness on the morning of the incident?” She pauses, bringing her gaze back to him before swiping a hand down her notepad like she’s brushing away some ill-perceived dust. 
Dean sticks his tongue into the side of his cheek and tilts his head. “I’m gonna go with drugs, alcohol, and an explosion. Am I warm?”
Billie nods. “To be clear, Dean, my job is to help you piece things together so that you better understand your story.”
“My story.”
Jack mentioned Crowley’s story last night. The psychobabble is going to drive him off a cliff.
“I’m asking if anyone has reviewed the series of events, the toxicology report, and your subsequent injuries with you.” 
“Yeah, I got fucked up, disobeyed direct orders from my boss, and almost got myself blown up.”
Billie narrows her eyes and nods as she begins to read from the file.
“Your attorney agreed to tests and a search of your person. You carried 1.5 grams of cocaine for assumed personal use into a massive conflagration for which you were the chief in charge of four other firefighters — plus the life of a teenage boy inside the building.”
Dean drops his eyes and bobs his head, then squeezes his eyes shut.
“All stop. All stop!”
The blunt edges of his fingernails dig into his palms.
“You then tested with a BAC of .23. At 9 AM.”
Dean nods again as the words knit together to tell his story — one of negligence and ruin. He knows this; she doesn’t have to tell him. Why the fuck does she think he drinks?
“Also found in the tox screen: marijuana, Vicodin, Valium, and coke.” She closes the file and slips it under her notepad. “Quite the mix.”
Dean twists his lips into a wry smirk. “Well, I like to be thorough,” he drawls.
Billie studies him closely. “Do you always use humor to deflect?” she asks, jotting more notes.
“No, sometimes I use sex and drugs.”
She continues to write things on her giant pad and act like she isn’t conversing with a human being while Dean grinds his teeth and imagines what it would feel like to punch a hole through the wall.
“I understand you have a teenage daughter.” 
“Anything about me you don’t know?” He gestures toward the fat file in her lap.
Billie shakes her head. “Just the basic outline. I’m hopin’ you’ll give me the colors.”
Dean remains silent. So far, her line of questioning has been nothing but intimidation tactics and shaming. Dean sees no reason to team up with her.
She sighs, sliding her notepad inside the big file with the rest of Dean’s mistakes. “Listen, Dean; I’m here to help you. You did some bad things that your brother Sam can’t defend, and over the next 28 days, you’ll need to decide how you want to move forward with your life.”
“Yeah. I get that.” He grinds his teeth.
“Especially with joint custody of a teenage girl.”
Dean flicks his eyes to hers. He can no longer stem his rage. “Are you threatening me?”
Billie doesn’t miss a beat. “You’re threatening yourself, Dean.”
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“Alcohol is a depressant; after prolonged use, the body must respond. To offset those effects, the brain starts producing a large number of chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and epinephrine.” 
Dean is absolutely positive that the slide presentation is filled with the most gruesome and extreme photos of alcohol- and drug-damaged organs anyone could find on the world wide web. 
“Jesus Christ. What’s next, a honey bath with a million red ants?” 
“Shut up,” Crowley hisses from four seats over, and Dean rolls his eyes, snatching a baby carrot from Pamela’s bowl of raw vegetables.
He scowls at the tiny, orange root before deciding to gnaw on it anyway.
“What’s his fuckin’ deal?” he murmurs, slumping into his seat
“Other than being a miserable old queen?” Meg asks, reaching across Dean to nab a slice of bell pepper from Pamela’s stash.
“Really?” Dean raises a brow as he chews.
Pamela snorts. “What’s the surprise — that he’s pathetic or gay?”
Dean pulls a sturgeon face. “I dunno why I even care, honestly.”
“When you suddenly quit alcohol, the brain continues to produce these substances in the same quantities, and the body’s flooded with chemicals at dangerously high levels. 
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include insomnia, restlessness, hand tremors, anxiety...”
“Do they think we’re all layin’ around gettin’ a full eight hours every night?” Dean gripes.
He doesn’t see it, but he knows Crowley and Rowena are glaring at him. He should probably reel in the MST3K of the educational videos for a while.
He sinks lower in his seat with a pout. “Why’s she so chummy with him, ya think?”
Meg shrugs, nibbling on her bell pepper and sliding her stocking feet across Dean’s lap. “She mothers everyone. Jack? I get. But him? Ugh.”
Dean immediately sets to work, kneading and squeezing Meg’s feet like they do this kind of thing all the time. It’s comforting to have the connection. He’s thankful he found her and Pamela so quickly; otherwise, he’d already be in jail. 
The instructor raises the lights and takes questions as she loads up the next reel of slides. Meg’s gaze wanders momentarily until she locates Jack sitting on the floor with a couple of other teenagers.
“That was me when I was his age, ya know? I started just as early.” 
Dean quietly rubs her feet, listening. He wouldn’t say he was Meg or Jack, but he did some shady shit when he was a teenager to put food on the table for himself and Sam. 
“Not to be Debbie Downer,” Meg quips.
“That’s what we’re here for, right? Sharin’ and growin’?” Dean smirks, digging a knuckle into her arch. 
Meg’s eyes roll back and she moans, curling her toes. “Holy shit.”
Dean chuckles, pressing his tongue behind his teeth, and Pamela says something about getting a room.
“You haven’t shared yet, though.” Pamela points out, offering him another baby carrot. Dean opens his mouth and she pops the small veggie into the abyss. “How’d things go with Billie today?”
Dean munches his snack with an eye roll. “Slapped my wrist, gave me homework, and now I get to clean up after dinner.”
“So, standard first meeting,” Pamela says, and Meg nods.
“I dunno, man, it felt like she was trying to piss me off. Like she had a score to settle. She kept bringin’ up my daughter.”
Pamela nods, turning closer toward Dean. “Does your daughter live with you?”
Dean glances at Pamela then sort of shakes his head. No one likes people who put kids in danger — their own or anyone else’s — but he can’t say that Em wasn’t there that morning as some kind of answer because she’s seen plenty.
“Joint custody.”
The lights go down again, and the instructor starts the audio. Before the second slide, Pamela nudges Dean and slides him her phone.
“Hey, how d’you get a phone?” he whispers, and she chuckles.
“You’ll earn it back." She points to two young kids on her screen. "These’re my boys. Jesse Jr. and Bodhi.”
Dean grins at the sunny smiles, radiating from the screen. “Coupla handsome kids ya got there, PB. Jesse Sr.?”
“Killed in Afghanistan.” Pamela’s smile and answer are both soft and subdued as she pockets her phone. “What’s your girl’s name?”
Dean suddenly feels very heavy and tired. “Emma.”
“As soon as you get your phone back, you call Emma,” Pamela whispers before relaxing back into her seat.
Dean nods.
Emma stopped taking his calls and blocked his texts months before. Should he say that to Pamela?
Meg drags her feet from his lap and leans forward. “Welp, I’ve seen this one, folks, so I’m gonna duck out and play cards with Gabe.”
“But this is riveting cinema, Megan,” Dean mutters, and Meg chuckles, ruffling his hair.
“See ya at dinner,” Pamela whispers, and Meg waves. “Do I get a foot massage next?”
Dean snorts a laugh, turning to face Pamela as she kicks her clogs off to rest her feet in his lap.
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Later that week, Dean sets about his assigned tasks of wiping down every table and chair before laying out breakfast set-ups for the following day. He appreciates the rote chores because they allow him to just breathe for a bit — no purposeful conversation or tip-toeing around bitchy, old Crowley.
As he’s stripping the required protective gloves off to wash his hands, he spots the dark beauty he and Meg saw on Tuesday morning. She’s alone in one of the peripheral seating areas, watching him over the top of an open book. 
He drops his gaze to see the hand not holding her book buried between her legs. His gut clenches, and his cock stirs. He bites his tongue and wills himself to breathe as he tosses the gloves in the trash and turns to wash his hands. 
He’s staring into the steaming stream of water when she speaks.
“I’ve seen you around. I’d like to see more.”
Dean closes his eyes and swears under his breath. She slides up against his backside like they’re in a dance club, skating her hands up under the front of his t-shirt. His core muscles clench so hard it hurts. 
“You’re really hot.”
He twists the knobs to close before dropping the nail brush into its grated plate and shaking the excess water from his hands. 
“Is your dick as pretty as your face?”
Dean slowly turns and places his hands on her shoulders. “You’re gonna get us into trouble.”
“C’mon, Dean.”
He tilts his head, searching her dark eyes and lifting her chin with a thumb and forefinger. “How d’you know my name?”
She laughs; it’s practiced and sensual. “Everyone with a pulse in this place knows your name, Dean. I’m Constance.”
She reaches for his other hand and slides it into the loosened top of her dress. Saliva pools in his mouth as she closes his fingers around her bare, heavy breast. 
He moans and dips in to kiss her mouth, jaw, and throat, then slides his hand into her dark locks. She feels so good — familiar and welcoming. He wants to rip into her, to be on his knees with his face in her cunt, to feel her throbbing heat. 
“Did you make yourself come, watchin’ me?” Dean walks her backward into the dark, quiet kitchen.
“Uh-huh.” She slides her hand down and wraps her fingers around the growing bulge in his pants. “Fuck, I want this inside me.”
Dean’s mind races with how exactly Billie defines fraternizing. What if he fucks her standing up? What if he just fingers her or tastes her? God, he wants to taste her.
But he knows what happens if they get caught.
Before he can further hypothesize, the kitchen lights are glaring. Dean breaks away from her hot curves, and she gasps.
“Hey! There you two are!" Gabe grins like a game show host, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. In fact, he looks terrified. "We’re watchin’ Titanic. You should join. We’ve got a pool goin’ — could Jack fit on that door or not?”
Dean huffs a laugh and pushes his hand through his hair. “Damn, I do love Kate and Leo.” He doesn't look at Comstance when he wipes his mouth with a wince. He stopped wearing the arm sling, but that doesn’t mean his shoulder’s completely healed. 
He exits the kitchen quickly, with Gabe on his heels and Constance calling his name in the distance.
“Uh, you’re welcome,” Gabe mutters when he catches up to Dean’s retreat. 
Dean sighs and tosses Gabe a look of appreciation. “Thanks, man.”
“That Constance Welch, what a fuckin’ menace,” Gabe cracks as they round the corner to the TV room, and Dean busts out a genuine laugh.
Chapter 5
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byneddiedingo · 6 months
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Gabrielle Anwar and Billy Wirth in Body Snatchers (Abel Ferrara, 1993)
Cast: Gabrielle Anwar, Terry Kinney, Meg Tilly, Billy Wirth, Reilly Murphy, Christine Elise, R. Lee Irmey, Kathleen Doyle, Forest Whitaker, G. Elvis Phillips. Screenplay: Raymond Cistheri, Larry Cohen, Stuart Gordon, Dennis Paoli, Nicholas St. John, based on a novel by Jack Finney. Cinematography: Bojan Bazelli. Production design: Peter Jamison. Film editing: Anthony Redman. Music: Joe Delia. 
Abel Ferrara's version of Jack Finney's novel The Body Snatchers is nothing if not economical. The economy extends to the title: Don Siegel's 1956 version and Philip Kaufman's 1978 one were called Invasion of the Body Snatchers; Ferrara even drops the definite article. The story, too, has been pared down. Ferrara's version sets the story on a military base in Alabama instead of the urban California of the previous films. It also shifts the focus to a teenage girl, Marti Malone (Gabrielle Anwar), who comes with her family to the base when her father (Terry Kinney) is sent there by the EPA to investigate chemical pollution. The dynamic of a rebellious adolescent in a military culture is perfect for the conflict between individualism and conformity, the theme that unites all of the versions of Finney's story. In addition to her father, Marti's dysfunctional family consists of her stepmother, Carol (Meg Tilly), whom she dislikes, and her young half-brother, Andy (Reilly Muphy), who annoys her. Andy is the first to sense that something is seriously wrong in their new home when, during an art class at day care, all the other kids produce identical finger paintings. As they hold up their paintings, the teacher murmurs approvingly at each one until she comes to a halt at Andy's, which is unique. She clearly disapproves. One by one, the fact that people are being somehow replaced by identical but emotionless beings becomes clear. Ferrara is not particularly interested in the mechanics of invasion and transformation that took up more narrative space in the previous films. We get some nicely disgusting body horror scenes, but the response of Marti to the alien takeover is what drives the plot as she teams up with a handsome young helicopter pilot named Tim (Billy Wirth) to fight off the invaders. Tim's stoic military manner keeps us unsure whether he's not already one of the pod people, an ambiguity that persists until the end of the movie. Body Snatchers is a good rethinking of material whose previous versions are now considered classics. The source material was mined again for a fourth version, The invasion (Oliver Hirschbiegel, 2007), which starred Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig but bombed with the critics.   
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razertail18 · 2 years
This sounds like a stupid fic idea but I dunno also possible Earthspark spoilers(maybe?)
For some odd reason, my brain seemed to really like the idea of what if in Earthspark the backstory of like Megatron, Soundwave and Starscream is that they used to be really close friends before the war and during the war the friendship slowly breaks and completely shatters when the war ended or when Megatron decided to team-up with the Autobots.
Also like it would be cool like the Decepticons(just like TFP or IDW) were just victims of the caste system and had started out as an act of hope and freedom for a better life and became friends because of this but relationships crash and burn as the war started and in the end became divided and scattered. Meanwhile the Autobots just wanted to the Decepticons to, you know, keep them inline or minimize damage and in the end the Autobots changed their morals and became united in the end.
This could be the reason why Megatron doesn't want to see his Decepticons stuck in a jail or being mistreated. These are his comrades, his people. He knew their reasons for their actions.
Also I think in the episode where Megatron and Soundwave fought, he looks kind of a bit shocked that Soundwave considered him a traitor. And the fact that Sounders is just so feral to him, you know there's more ✨ drama ✨ to this and them being very close friends waaaaaaay before the war is definitely going to hurt soooo bad. Maybe it's because of this too perhaps Megatron has some hope that Soundwave could join him trying to make peace.
Now for Starscream... we don't know anything about him in Earthspark other than he cackled like mad for 5 seconds probably implying that he is still the scheming seeker that we know. Heck, I was kinda hoping that just like Megatron and Soundwave his personality is somewhat altered in this universe. (You know like Megs being close with a human and Sounds being feral and looks like having issues with his casseticons)
Who knows, for all we know Earthspark could shock us by making Starscream, just like Soundwave, wanted revenge to Megatron although with a lot more personal grudge that had brewed over the years they had together (these grudges probably formed during the war).
But honestly, anything works for me... BUT PLEASE I DON'T WANT STARSCREAM TO BE A PUNCHING BAG AGAIN. I mean they could use it as a plot device (?) like he would get so sick of it and proves to them that he is more than that and becomes the town's ✨ local menace ✨ just because he can.
Anyway that's about it. I know it sounds so far fetched but I want to get this out of my brain
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thewittyphantom · 1 month
In Duel Links, I got two Dennis events, with more to come later!
Meg: Aww...I lost... Dennis: Trapeze Magician swooped and swung to a tremendous triumph! Everyone, did you like the Duel? Emma: No - I LOVED the Duel! Meg: Even though I didn't win, I had so much fun! Thank you! Dennis: No - thank YOU! You almost stole the show! Mickey: Hey! Can you teach me how to Dueltain? Emma: Me first! Dennis: Now now, don't argue. I'd love to teach all of you when I see you again! Mickey: Okay! Emma: Hooray! Dennis: That ends today's performance! And I hope you come back for the next one! Yuya: That was a great show. Dennis: Oh? Yuya: Dennis... Dennis: Yuya!
Yuya: That was a great show, Dennis! Dennis: ...Yuya! Instead of just watching my performance, you should've joined in! Don't be so shy next time, Yuya! Yuya: Hahaha! Sorry! I didn't wanna interfere. Dennis: Do you remember the first time we met? Yuya: How could I forget! It was during the battle royal at the Arc League Championship. Dennis: That's right! I saw you having a great time battling two Duelists at once! Yuya: No I wasn't! I was in the fight of my life! Dennis: Were you? Oh. Anyway, I decided I had to join in the fun - even if it cost me a penalty! [flashback] Dennis: My name's Dennis McField. I'm an exchange student from LID's School for the Performing Arts! Yuya: ............. Dennis: Your first round battle was breathtaking. Your performance was so inspiring! Yuya: Can you do this later? I'm in the middle of a Duel! Dennis: On with the show! This'll be hot! By using 1 Overlay Unit, Trapeze Magician allows a monster to attack not once - but twice! And that monster is going to be Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon! Yuya: Now I'm up! I use 1 Overlay Unit to power up Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon's ATK! Treason Discharge! Let's battle! Due to Trapeze Magician's effect, Dark Rebellion can attack twice! Mauling Mandible Charge! [end flashback] Dennis: It was great that our Dueling styles were so much in sync, Yuya. Yuya: You said it. It felt like I was teaming with my Dad. Dennis: That's no surprise. After all, Yusho Sakaki is like a hero to me! I can't wait to Duel with you together in this world too! Yuya: Same here!
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A Bay Area OB-GYN is organizing an effort to bring abortion services and reproductive healthcare to several southern states bordering the Gulf of Mexico via a ship sailing on federal waters.
Dr. Meg Autry, who also works as a professor at UCSF, had already been working to bring this effort to life. But when Roe v. Wade was overturned, Autry said their plans were accelerated.
As first reported by KCBS, this plan called Protecting Reproductive Rights of Women Endangered by State Statutes (PRROWESS) aims to bring reproductive healthcare to states where abortions are banned, limited, or hard to access.
In an interview with NBC Bay Area, Autry noted that people living in southern parts of states with restrictive abortion rules like Texas and Louisiana, are actually closer to the coast than to nearby states with more abortion access. Additionally, it is less expensive to board a boat than buying a plane ticket to another state.
Autry has performed abortions for decades and refers to herself as "a lifelong educator, a lifelong career abortion advocate."
"It is my life’s work," she said.
"Part of the reason we’re working on this project so hard is because wealthy people in our country are always going to have access [to abortions], so once again it’s a time now where poor, people of color, marginalized individuals, are gonna suffer --and by suffering I mean like lives lost," Autry said.
She explained that this ship will operate on federal waters — nine miles from the coast of Texas and three from the coast of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi — where it can evade those states' abortion restrictions. PRROWESS will arrange for patients to be transported to the ship, which will vary depending on where they are coming from, once they pass a pre-screening process.
Autry and a team of licensed medical professionals will offer surgical abortions for up to 14 weeks of pregnancy. The PRROWESS team would also offer other point-of-care gynecological services such as testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections.
"The project is being funded with philanthropy and the patients care is on a needs basis, so most individuals will pay little to nothing for services," Autry said.
Stacy Cross, president of Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, which offers services in California and Nevada, said it's not surprising that health care providers are teaming up to offer services on the seas.
Cross explained that the abortion service provider community has been preparing for the possibility of a post-Roe world for some time now and that, "over the years we’ve talked about things like boats on federal waters out past the 5-mile line."
"It's just it’s a testament to the time we’re in, because its really horrific that we’re having to think of these things in the United States of America, how to keep people safe," Cross said.
Several California Planned Parenthood chapters told NBC Bay Area that demand from out-of-state patients at California clinics has actually been up for months already due to policies in other states.
“I think people are going to be as creative as possible, the people who have the funds are getting on planes and flying, we’re seeing other people drive here,” Cross said.
Autry's organization is still raising money to secure a ship and retrofit it for medical use. Once that happens, she says they'll put the captain, crew and medical team aboard and set sail.
Autry and her team maintain the process is legal in federal waters. Still, they expect legal challenges from those states every step of the way. The PRROWESS team has already tapped multiple lawyers to help them as they continue with this voyage.
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Megatron's heat/rut. Ultra Magnus geting panicked messages from the Elite Guard unit that Megatron have captured Mister Sentinel Prime! Megatron thought he was Starscream and he smelled funny! Megatron not Mister Sentinal Prime" Ratchet in the background from another room behind a closed door "what do you Megatron Smelled Funny!"
Ultra Magnus face palming, " Smelled Funny how?"
"It was weird and heavy, Mister Ultra Magnus Sir!" "Jazz made us all hose off before coming on to the Steelhaven, Mister Ultra Magnus Sir!" He said we should report while everyone else finished in the wash Racks!" "They been in there for a while." "They were starting to make funny noises when we left." "Should we check on them, Mr. Ultra Magnus Sir?"
"Leave that to Ratchet. Hold down the fort untill Jazz gets out of the wash racks and Ratchet clears him." UM cuts the transmission and faceplants his desk. "Frag my life." (I hc the twins were too young to be affected and were the reason Megatron didn't have the whole team as a harem.) Sentinel "bravely" took one for the team so they could escape the evil Deceptacon pheromones. BA was on the ground laughing when she heard. The Deceptacons probably cleared a path for the bots while Lugnut was snoring.
Oh mags
oh sent
oh megs
oh jettwins
Mm. Yes. "Bravely took one for the team". Riiiight.
Evil decepticon pheromones
Sdfdsdg. Yeahhhh say that until one of the autobots goes into heat, then what then what lol
Blackarachnia get the energon puffs you're watching this shit live
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