lillified · 8 months
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fenazepamka · 5 months
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screamerop · 9 months
Hi everyone!
My name is P and I’m new to the transformers fandom and looking to make some mutuals!!!!
Please don’t hesitate to message me or send me stuff!
Here are some things about me
- 21 years of age
- Trans man - He/Him
- recently into transformers my faves being Starscream✨, Rodimus🔥, Bumblebee 🐝, and Knockout 🏎️
- I love legos, especially Star Wars sets
-I am a early childhood teacher (3 year olds)
- I have 3 red eared slider turtles and two dogs
- I’ve recently gotten into model kits and my collection is steadily growing
- I love collecting things, figures, stickers, trinkets, keychains, books just things in general
-I have twitter, TikTok, and discord let me know if you want any of them!!!!!!
(Optimus prime that I colored just because)
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jewelofgems · 2 years
TFA Shattered Glass
Bumblebee, attempting to goad Megatron into his hidden vengeful dark side: Looks like you’ve been left behind by your conjunx and your so-called friends, huh?
Megatron: Oh no, I’m sure they’re doing their very best to get me out of here.
Bumblebee: Well, it must be so upsetting to know how weak and helpless they think you are.
Megatron: Not at all! I am weak and helpless as of now. And I appreciate their understanding and worries for being stuck here while you guys torture me.
Bumblebee: Yes, well, surely it burns you up. I mean, they’re always pointing out your flaws, right?
Megatron: Not really. *shrugs* In fact, I think I’m awfully lucky to have my Starscream and our friends who want me to be the best I can be. *smiles*
Ratchet: You suck at this.
Bumblebee: SHUT UP!
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princeskeltondraws · 1 year
"Who's a good boy"
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This is MegStar so if you don't like it block the tag. This was a quick doodle based off a picture that I couldn't unsee as these two. I'm on the fence about finishing it because when I do my art gets super flat.
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cosmics-beings · 9 months
i love the concept of megatron and starscream never actually being together or attracted to one another during the war, and when they're both in their redemption eras that's when they get attracted to each other but then start to realize things about the other. like for the first time ever, megatron looks at starscream's feet and he's like 'are those heels?' and starscream is like 'you just noticed??? they're specifically stilettos'
and then starscream in turn just stares at megatron like, hard af and then finally says "wait, are you actually an old man? you're still handsome but damn"
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tailung · 11 months
havent watched the episode that supposedly addresses starscreams trauma yet but apparently mae catt wrote it and now im actively dreading completing this show 😭
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sxilor-1010 · 7 months
Would it be a terrible take if I said I don't like the ship megstar (Megatron x Starscream) in the transformers community- /genq
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megastar520 · 29 days
Earthspark X G1
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Earthspark Star and tfp Megs working surprisingly well together. Them slowly growing closer to each other before one of them realize that they're in love. What I'm trying to say is cross dimensional megstar in the jetfamily au.
Oh be still my Megastar loving heart-
Earthspark Starscream is the perfect counter to TFP Megatron. He's every bit as wickedly smart and ruthless as the native Starscream, but he's willing to hit back. Megatron makes the mistake of smacking him once, and even his picture perfect reflexes aren't able to stop Starscream from kicking him square in the face, thruster lit up enough to scorch his metal. It's not enough to knock him down, but it does send him backwards a few paces, enough to make him stumble.
"Don't you ever," Starscream speaks to him in a low, venomous voice that is eerily calm, optics feverbright with his fury. "Put your servos on me again. Ever."
No one's been willing to hit him back since the gladiator pits--even Soundwave wouldn't dare raise a hand against Lord Megatron. That earns ES Starscream more respect than any amount of victories over the autobots ever could. He's not going to take any pitslag from Megatron, and that's the sexiest thing he's seen in millions of years.
Their courtship will be one for the ages, and Megatron is gonna have to work hard to win not only Starscream's favor, but his sparklings as well 🤭
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mychlapci · 1 month
first time sending you anything but i thought you'd like this fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/21418996/chapters/51032479
its a whole story but its basically just megstar eggpreg so i thought of you
hgrfghg megastar eggpreg... thank you so much for the food...
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
I love the idea that the MegStar Problem Children just broke Tarn. He's unmasked face in his hands and he doesn't even know what to do with himself anymore.
Also this might be just my weird brain but I picture Starscream having a meltdown because his seekerlet has mated with an Autobot Grounder, or worse formed a trine with Grim and Swerve.
Ohhh oh no
I cannot resist the urge to torment Tarn okay
He's having a whole ass crisis, and all we can hope is that this crisis actually leads to him getting better (or at least less of a threat)
The war is over, his Lord defected, he found out that not only is he dating a MegaStar kid but that Megs is gonna have another one with arguably the biggest traitor in the decepticons, it's like taking the loaded gun that is Tarn and taking all the ammo out. Tarn needs some sleep, some therapy, and maybe run a CCleaner a few times to work out some of the glitches.
Oh Starscream is absolutely throwing a fit as if he didn't hook up multiple times with Megatron and had just the messiest and worst relationship in the galaxy with him. That is the funniest trio in the world, I support Misfire, Grimlock, and Swerve in there endeavors.
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fenazepamka · 10 months
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Megatron is so cool that he continues to solve his problems with Star on knees 😎
In general, Megz is angry again at his negligent soldiers and assistants.
And then suddenly you don’t understand why he is so angry.
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
i also want to give u megs and his duplicitous sluts but i have not sorted out their names to memory. the ones i enjoyed from the clips and any other ones he may have that make a fun duo with him
technically in terms of duplicitous sluts i feel like thats just screamer, and a small minority of like. only in one show guys (knock out the gay car, par example). (assuming meaning = duplicitous TO megs) beast wars megs, whose crew is made of entirely of ppl who want to over throw him, minus two extremely horny for him (googles how ants are related to scorpions) Antropods. is an outlier and is not being counted.
but i CAN do u. megstar variations. plus extras.
also COMPLETE opposite of a duplicitous slut megs and his most loyal guy sound.wave (tape deck guy. deadpan guy) is a constant standby classic. competency ship. and comedy gold. and even tho i dont like the show it gets extra comedy points in prime cause that megs is completely off his shit fucked up over the meg.op breakup and (plot bullshit) cursed amulet rocks. i DO think this specific sounders is like. probably ready to explode about how badly this whole operation is going. also all megs are fond of creatures (bond villian ass trait) and he comes with em. so makes sense if tf was a world ruled by logic (its not) and mid compelling.
knock out is only duplicitous when hes following screamer to over throw megs but he has the MUCH higher quotient survival instincts so WILL chicken out and run away. AGAIN in a world with a less divorced megs this would be funny. most deadly guy every and his little unserious fop. who does violence and medical malpractice for fun. does NOT make sense. compels me for its LACK
SAME show meg.star is like. this show is logically challenged. so it doesnt make sense. nothing they do makes sense. its not HIGH on the compells me scale cause its not very cunty either. but theres merits. its. extant.
cv meg.star. already made that post. more unstable variant in the makes sense stat. im eating it up tho.
g1 meg.star THE GOAT!!! makes sense TO MEEEE. Compels MEEEEE. this is cartoon universe with cartoon logic its like tom and jerry romance. please. makes sense in context. COMPELLING
animated meg.star. essentially the same as g1 but screamer basically actually kills megs in ep 1 and when megs gets his body back he kills screamer right back. but. (plot magic crystal) screamer becomes unkillable so. they just go back on to trying to kill each other. EXPLAINED IN UNIVERSE. makes sense slapstick. slightly less compels me personally BUT not its fault.
arm.ada meg.star. THIS ONE IS ACTUALLY REAL AND SAD. instead of an over throwing screamer this one turncoated to the good guys. and hes so conflicted and sad and whatever. wet cat. this arm megs actually beat screamer in a duel and was like. well maybe one day youll get good enough to beat me (chewing glass). AND for the final arc of. the bots and cons have to work together. megs too driven by his own shit to see the.. (handwave) existential threat to them all. oppie is fighting him (their normal way of solving debates) and screamer actually BUTTS IN like. this is MY dramatic emotional gay fight scene. gets fatally wounded on purpose just to ask megs to work with them. 'do it for me'. LITERALLY REAL MAKES SENSE in a tragic failed way. infinitely compelling.
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vermintine · 10 months
raises hand not megstar anon but would like to see the meem
hope one day they will see it and send me slurs
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thatonebasicfan · 5 months
Why the FUCK did transformers official on Twitter kinda make megstar canon?! Like, it's an ABUSIVE relationship.
I'm also biased bc what I know of their relationship is from tfp, but like, STILL.
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