#megumi takagi
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Christine in the ballet: Japan
-1- 井上ちえ (Chie Inoue) 1996
-2- 村田恵理子 (Eriko Murata) 1997
-3- 苫田亜沙子 (Asako Tomada) ? 2007-2009
-4- 土居愛実 (Manami/Megumi Doi) ? 2013
-5- 高木美果/高木美香 (Mika Takagi)* ? 2009
-6- 苫田亜沙子 (Asako Tomada) 2015-2017
-7- 海沼千明 (Chiaki Kainuma) 2020
-8- 藤原遙香 (Haruka Fujiwara) 2022
If anyone can correct or confirm the names I would be grateful as I have likely Mis-identified some of them, particularly the ones with the question marks.
*birth name 최은실 (Choi Eunsil / Eun Sil Choi)
Pictures from various souvenir brochures
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zorceus · 2 years
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Artwork of my characters + fanart of other manga characters
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kkurami · 8 months
( PASILYO ! ) 🌷 ² ˚ ༘ fluff
୨୧ ‧ megumi kept a plethora of secrets close to his heart, some of which were contained within his eraser.
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in the hushed world of rustling papers and whispered secrets, fushiguro megumi found solace in the dance of sunlight streaming through the classroom windows. as they settled into a seat towards the back, the aura of anticipation hung thick, mingling with the delicate notes of uncertainty.
“hey megumi, can i borrow your eraser?”
unfortunately, his peace was sharply broken by his beloved seat partner.
the question was a simple one, yet it caused sweat to precipitate from his forehead.
after all, amongst the gallery of faces megumi saw daily, one stood as a portrait of remembrance—y/n l/n. her presence, a bright sonnet in the midst of cacophony, captivated megumi’s gaze. he wasn’t quite what it was about her, but perhaps it was her alluring personality that seemed to draw everyone in, or the sweet tone of her voice, maybe even the way her kindness shone down on even the worst people. a shining silhouette against the mundane backdrop of his life, y/n’s eyes held a secret language that beckoned megumi deeper and deeper into her being.
“i… don’t have an eraser…” megumi muttered under his breath, hoping y/n would just shrug her shoulders and ask someone else.
but in all his years of being infatuated with knowing her, megumi knew that she was often unrelenting.
“oh, come on! i can see it right there.” she giggled underneath her hand, her other perfectly polished finger pointed towards the eraser that sat on megumi’s desk. “why don’t you want me to borrow it?”
“it’s not that- i just, um, well…”
megumi couldn’t tell her the real reason, he would never live it down. but what other reason was there to tell? what reason could he come up with for not wanting to let her borrow an eraser- the most insignificant of utensils?
the typically stoic boy felt a thunder within his heart as he gazed upon the item of his affection. as his eyes stayed trained on her ethereal figure, megumi felt his lips twitch upwards. he wanted to tell her the deep emotions that swirled inside his soul, the ones he had buried for so long. but he couldn’t. for he was too much of a coward to be vulnerable with others.
“yes?” y/n inquired, raising an eyebrow on anticipation.
ever so nosy as always.
but that was one feature that megumi adored.
she was so precious to him, after all.
“um,” megumi paused as he racked his brain for excuses, “i-it doesn’t work. i’ll get you a different one.”
before y/n could respond, megumi had run out the door to get to his locker.
she was so precious to him that megumi would do anything to keep their sacred bond.
“why did megumi just run outside of the classroom?” miwa’s voice rang through y/n’s ears as she approached her friend from her posterior side.
a smile creeped up her face in pure adoration. “he’s getting me an eraser! the one on his desk doesn’t work.”
miwa let out a chortle in disbelief- was her friend that oblivious? “it’s an eraser, y/n. of course it works!”
the blue haired girl’s hands reached out to take the eraser that laid on megumi’s desk, despite y/n’s protests of invading his privacy, and rubbed it against the pencil stains on her paper. sure enough, the restored whiteness revealed that the eraser in fact did work.
“see!” miwa said, proving her point.
the confused girl stood in the midst of swirling thoughts, her eyes reflecting uncertainty, lost in a labyrinth of confusion as she tried to make sense of the tangled emotions within. “but… why did he lie about it to me?”
it seemed as though a puzzle piece clicked within her brain, as miwa let out a girly giggle. “you know, there’s an old myth that if you write your crush’s name on an eraser and you use the whole thing then they’ll reciprocate your feelings! it was in that one show, ‘teasing master takagi san’!”
within the sacred space of learning, where whispers of knowledge and dreams collided, y/n found herself gaining new realizations. the classroom exhaled a quiet breath, each creak and shuffle composing a delicate prelude to the unknown.
“and i mean… the eraser is basically 75% used up.” miwa continued.
the two girls looked down at the rubber as y/n slowly peeled away the plastic that separated her from the truth of megumi’s feelings.
“which means that…” y/n continued.
sure enough there it was, her name was hidden under the plastic wrapping of his eraser.
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yuzurujenn · 2 months
[2024.07.19-2024.07.21] Yuzuru Hanyu: Interview two years after turning professional (Hochi)
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Figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu (29), who marked two years since announcing his decision to turn pro on the 19th, agreed to an interview. He spoke at length about his two years as a professional, his present and the future, his fateful encounter with a program, and the "ideal" he is pursuing. We will be publishing Hanyu's words, who continues to evolve as an athlete and artist, for three consecutive days. The second and final instalment are a stand-alone interview. (Interviewer: Takagi Megumi)
Part 1:
Hanyu-san appeared dashingly at the studio in Sendai. As soon as he arrived, he started the interview by saying "Thank you." His quick thinking and agility were as good as ever. His black jersey looked good on him as always.
"Honestly, my first year as a professional was a bit of a trial-and-error state; I was constantly thinking about whether I should do this, whether I should do that, what I should do. But this (second year) has been a year in which I have clearly understood what I want to express, and what I want to do as a professional."
Though he was thoughtful at times and carefully choosing his words, he was smiling throughout the interview. Looking back on the past two years, his expression showed how contented he has become as a professional.
It all started with a one-man show “Prologue”. “GIFT,” the first solo Tokyo Dome performance by a skater in history, lasted two and a half hours in which he skated alone. In "RE_PRAY", the second instalment of the ice story following "GIFT", he took on his first national tour.
"In the second year, with 'RE_PRAY', the ice story was completely formed. I think the big thing about the second year was that I was able to properly establish what pieces existed in the story and what kind of story I wanted to tell."
He wrote the story himself, served as executive producer, and performed "Ice Story" by himself. With "RE_PRAY," he created a new form of entertainment that combines gaming and skating.
"It's the same when I choreograph various programs, but I think that the essence of what I want to express is always the idea of 'living' and the constant presence of something like a 'prayer' towards 'living'."
He has changed the concept of a professional skater. He can perform quadruple jumps and perform programs in a variety of genres. His evolution as an athlete and an artist continues in his third season.
"I have finally established the foundation for what I want to do, so as an extension of that, I am wondering how I can improve my skills in terms of expression. In order to convey myself, I believe that I cannot improve my level unless I have a strong technical foundation, as I have always said since my competitive days. I feel that my third year will be a time when I will be working on improving both my technique and my physical strength."
He will be turning 30 in December. He says that his present life is different from the future he envisioned as a teenager. He was supposed to have turned professional after the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics and retire from skating in his 20s.
"The way my stamina and technique have developed is completely different from what I had imagined, but it gives me a real sense of how much more I can achieve, and a sense of great potential for the future. I now feel that humans can achieve much more than I had thought."
He won consecutive Olympic gold medals in Pyeongchang and after his third Olympic Games in Beijing, he turned professional. He had an incredibly intense 20s. What will his 30s be like? "Nothing in particular has changed," he continued, tilting his head.
"While still cherishing who I am, I think that showing my skills and facing skating are a big part of what makes me happy. I want to always have within myself a reason for my existence, a meaning to the past 30 years for everyone. It's not just because my fans watch me, or because skating is all I have, but I want to create more clearly within myself the core of my life in my 30s."
Skating with soul. "Pursuing the ideal," he wrote on his coloured paper. The story of professional skater Yuzuru Hanyu has just begun.
-What have the past two years been like since you turned professional?
"As an athlete, I have really thought about many things in a stoic way up until now. Of course, this is true in terms of technique, but I think I have always been thinking about victory in particular. To be honest, in my first year as a professional, I was feeling my way around; I spent the whole year constantly thinking about whether I should do this, whether I should do that, what I should do. I think this (second year) has been the year in which I have clearly understood what I want to express, and what I want to do as a professional."
-What have you come to understand clearly?
"In the first year, I had 'Prologue,' and I was feeling my way around whether I could skate solo. I was also working on 'GIFT' at the same time. At the time, I wanted to write my own story, and I wanted the audience to experience how the programs they had seen up until then would change as they watched them. This was something I had vaguely thought about since my competitive days. I was able to make this a reality in my first year. In my second year, I had 'RE_PRAY,' and I felt like I had completely formed the ice story. It wasn't just about trying to figure out how to skate by myself or changing perspectives by putting what I wanted to express into a story. I think the big thing about my second year was that I was able to properly establish that this story has these pieces, and that this is the story I would like to convey."
-What kind of year will your third year be?
"I have finally established a foundation for what I want to do, so as an extension of that, I am wondering how I can improve my skills in terms of expression. As for conveying myself, I have always said since my competitive days that I can't improve my level without having strong technique as a foundation. I feel that my third year will be a time when I will be working on improving both my technique and my physical strength."
-Memories from the past two years?
"There are a lot, of course. I can't really say just one, but I've had so many different, precious experiences. Most recently, the completion of "RE_PRAY". I had that feeling that it was received well. I'm currently in the middle of the production process (laughs). It's my motivation to keep working hard, it's my driving force."
-Are you currently working on any new projects?
"I've been creating new programs and other things. I've started digging deeper into what I want to express. Because I've been working alone for so long, the emotions that come out of me tend to be biased. My ideas haven't fundamentally changed that much, so my repertoire hasn't expanded that much. But I do feel that my experiences with 'RE_PRAY' and other such things are the driving force behind the birth of new emotions and new expressions."
-Will Ice Story continue to create themes by asking itself these questions?  
"Whether it was when I was creating 'RE_PRAY,' or when I was choreographing programs like 'Goliath,' 'Aqua,' and others, I think that at the core of what I want to express is the idea of 'living,' and the constant presence of something like a 'prayer' towards 'living.' So, what I want to convey on top of that and what I want to dig deeper into may affect the way I present myself depending on the program at hand."
-You'll be turning 30 in December. How does it compare to how you imagined your 30 would be?
"When I was 18 or 16, to be honest, I imagined I probably wouldn't be skating anymore by 30 (laughs). I would turn professional at 24 immediately after the Pyeongchang Olympics, and I thought I'd be active for about five years and then be done with skating. But the way I've developed my stamina and technique is completely different from what I imagined, and I feel a real sense of realization that I can still do so much, and a great sense of possibility for the future. Right now, I feel that humans can still do much more than I thought."
-What kind of person do you want to be in your 30s?
"Nothing has changed in particular. However, the more I polish my way of expression and the more time I spend constantly practicing and facing myself, the stronger my sense of self is becoming, and I feel like my foundation is becoming more and more established. In this way, I will continue to cherish myself in my 30s. But I think that showing my skills and facing skating is a big part of what makes me happy. I want to always have a reason for my existence, a reason for living for the past 30 years. Not just because my fans watch me, or because skating is all I have, but I want to create a clearer core for myself in my 30s."
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Part 2:
It has been two years since figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu (29) announced his professional debut on the 19th. In the second part, he spoke to Sports Hochi in an exclusive interview about his "fateful encounter" with a certain program. (Interviewer: Megumi Takagi)
-Does time pass differently now compared to when you were an athlete?
"When I was a competing athlete, I could just keep thinking about things like building my physique or practicing skating. But when I'm creating something or choreographing a program or doing things like that, I don't have time to just practice. So, I thought, 'I won’t be able to practice during this period, so I'll just try to maintain it’, or ‘I'll try to keep it to a certain level, and since I'm currently in the production period, it can't be helped if I cut down on sleep.' I want to provide something good, and when I think about all sorts of things, I can't sleep. To begin with, I'm the kind of person who tends to live an unhealthy lifestyle (laughs). I know I should sleep more for my skating, or eat more of this or that, but it just keeps falling apart."
-How much sleep do you get?
"It depends on the day. If I feel like I can't take it anymore, sometimes I'll sleep for eight or nine hours straight, and sometimes I fall asleep without realising it. On the other hand, there are also days when I'm awake all day. It's normal to stay up all night even though there's no need to. But it's at times like those that stories are born. It's hard to put into words. It's not that different from writing lyrics or composing music. I guess that's just how it is. I've accepted it and thought that this is just my style."  
-During the rehearsals for "Notte Stellata" in March, you said you were "nervous about the new program."
"Of course, I felt nervous about performing it in front of everyone for the first time, wondering if I’ll make a mistake or if everything will be okay, but if anything, I thought it's great, and the people around also thought it's great. But when that circle expands from me to people who are close to me, and then to my fans and to the general public, honestly I'm really scared about what people will think. People have completely different values, and there's no doubt that the impression people get when they hear a program or a song is different for each person. So I do feel a bit scared that it may go in the wrong direction."
-How have you felt about that over the past two years?
"I've created a lot of programs, including 'RE_PRAY', and it makes me happy to see that people have different preferences for the programs they like. Some people say they like my self-choreographed programs, and others say they prefer programs that are properly choreographed by a choreographer. Some people say they prefer programs that are more like traditional figure skating, and conversely, some people prefer programs that are more over-the-top, like 'MEGALOVANIA', so it really varies. That's also one of my strengths. I'm really happy that everyone has different interpretations of the programs and likes them."
-What programs would you like to try in the future?
"I actually want to make a 15-minute program, but I'm worried it might be difficult."
-Is that a physical thing?
"Of course, it's physically demanding. For example, even if I don't jump that much, I don't want it to become boring. I want to create something with so-called contemporary movements, but I don't think I can keep up."
-There’s a concept.
"I have a vague idea, but I'm not sure if I can go that far yet. I don’t know. I haven't found a song that I want to skate to yet. I just don’t think I’ve found a song that I want to skate to for 15 or 20 minutes."
-"Danny Boy" (※1) has a more empathetic and gentler feel than ever before. Is this due to the fact that your range of expression has expanded over the past two years, or is it a change from within?
"I do feel like I've become able to express emotions that were already there in new ways. That's true when I skate to 'Notte' (Notte stellata) or 'Spring' (Come, Spring). I've been able to express things like compassion or prayer through the melody, the way I use my hands, the way I use my upper body, and so on. Up until now, I've been doing classical, pop, and instrumental pieces, and 'Come, Spring' was originally a pop song. This time, I used a jazz melody, which was something I hadn't done before, and I think the biggest difference is that I feel like I've finally become able to do it. Of course, I think part of it is that I'm getting older and becoming more mature, but I feel like I’m catching up a bit in the way I use my body to express that, and in my thought processes."
-"Danny Boy" was recommended to you by Hoshino Gen.
"That's right. I met Gen-san (※2) on the show and he said, ‘This is a good song’. At that moment, I had a feeling that this was it. I decided almost immediately that I was going to skate to this song."
-Did it come easily?
"It's hard to find songs that inspire me and songs that, when I first listen to them, I can imagine myself standing there and skating to them. I've been searching really hard for songs, but it's not easy to find one. But that song just came to me. I had a feeling that this was it. The melody was not something I could choreograph by myself, and I felt that this song needed to be skated over and over again to mature, so I immediately thought of David (Wilson, ※3) and asked him for help. It was a quick development with the song, and I felt like it was a fateful encounter."
[※1] Performed by Keith Jarrett. Debuted at "Yuzuru Hanyu Notte Stellata 2024" in March this year. [※2] He appeared as a guest on Hoshino Gen's show "Ogen-san's Sabusuku-do" (NHK, broadcast last August). He played the role of "Ogen-san's younger brother" and talked about music. [※3] Canadian choreographer. Choreographed "Romeo and Juliet" for the free skating at Sochi Olympics, "Notte Stellata," and "Spring, Come", among others.
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Part 3:
The final episode of an exclusive interview with figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu (29), who announced his professional debut two years ago on the 19th. He talked about "full effort," "mind, technique, and body," and his "ideal" as an athlete. (Interviewer: Megumi Takagi)
-During a press conference for "RE_PRAY," you said, "I can still improve the composition."
"Originally, in practice, I was practicing 'Messenger of Ruin' with the final axel as a 3A3T (a triple 1/2-triple toe loop combination jump). Sometimes I would also practice the first toe loop in the second half as a 4T3T (a quadruple toe loop-triple toe loop combination jump). I probably wouldn't be able to do it in a real performance, but I was practicing it as a way to build up my stamina and improve my skills. I had some time to spare, so I thought I'd like to do it if possible. I tried it on the final day of the Miyagi performance, and there were some flaws. I guess I was hoping that if I practiced more, I'd be able to do it."
-Will there be a composition as difficult as that (※1) this season as well?
"I would like to do it. However, I think the composition will be completely different depending on what I want to express. Is the challenge a quadruple jump, or something more physically difficult? Also, I think the way it is presented will be completely different depending on whether I am challenging myself expressively. If possible, I would like to improve the composition. However, when it comes to a tour, I wonder if I am really 100% confident that I can deliver something good to everyone. I think it is necessary to always consider the balance and make sure I am not overestimating myself."
-It was the same in the ice shows and exhibitions when you were competing, and of course it's still the same now. Why are you able to give it your all every time?
"On the contrary, I feel more uncomfortable if I don’t give it my all. Performing in front of people is in itself something that may or may not please them, but in that moment, it may also be a catalyst for a change in someone’s life, even if just a little. If it were my own performance, I don't think I could show a half-hearted performance."
-Is that always the case?
"Always. I think I've been like that since I was little. I think my physical ability is pretty high, but if I didn't give it my all, I wouldn't reach that level. Therefore, I had to remove that limiter and try to catch up with my sister (Hanyu started skating because of his sister, who is four years older than him) or try to reach her level, since I couldn’t get that far unless I gave it my all. For example, when I was a novice and I couldn't jump the triple or double axel properly. Other kids could jump them, but I was flexible, didn't have much muscle strength, and wasn't blessed with a body that was so good in terms of explosive power, but when I thought about wanting to be better than everyone else, or wanting to catch up with everyone else, that's why I kept giving it my all. I removed my limiter more than other people. Because I didn't want to lose. I wanted to be praised (laughs). So, removing the limiter is normal for me probably from a young age. I have an older sister, so there’s always someone at home to aspire to. So, I guess I had to remove the limiter in everything. And now I have a sense of responsibility. Because I am Yuzuru Hanyu, the question of how far I can go in my pursuit is gradually coming into play and giving it meaning. If I were to talk about my childhood, I think that's probably what it was like."
[※1] In "RE_PRAY"'s "Messenger of Ruin," he completed a highly difficult routine just like in a competition, including a single quadruple Salchow and toe loop, five consecutive quadruple toe loops, and two triple axels.
-How do you increase your concentration before a performance?
"In my case, theoretically, I think that if I can get excited or create a situation that I find enjoyable, I will naturally be able to concentrate. So, although I don't sing it out loud, I think that getting into music is what turns on my concentration switch. It's like my blood gets pumping, or like the switch in my brain changes. I guess it's the song, the music."
-You are still a complete athlete. Athletes often use the phrase "Shin-Gi-Tai” *," but where does ‘mind, technique, and body’ fit into your perspective, Hanyu-san?
"In the end, I think there's no point if you can't find a balance. If you excel in one area… For example, if your heart becomes very strong at one point, but your technique is not strong enough to match the size of your heart, then the heart itself will probably be destroyed and you will be swallowed up. So you definitely need the technique to express your heart. Even if you spread that heart and technique widely, if you don't have the physical strength, if your body itself isn't functioning well, then you will be swallowed up by your technique and your heart. In the end, I think if you really want to level up, you have to make everything bigger."
*心技体 (Shin-gi-tai) – Shin = mind/heart, Gi= skills/technique, Tai = physique/body
-What is an athlete?
"Now, I have the opportunity to work in various professional fields and have more opportunities to come into contact with people whom I really respect, I think that the people I consider to be the very best are all athletes. For example, there is the NHK programme ‘The Professionals’, and people like that are really athletes. Personally, I think the way they use their time, or the way they use their heart and soul, to achieve a certain goal or ideal is what makes them athletes. I don't know whether to call that an athlete or a professional, but that's how I've always been since my competitive days. I think that's what I would like to call myself, an athlete."
-You've often used the word "ideal" since the latter half of your competitive days. It sounds like a declaration of determination not to compromise on that.
"The reason I started talking about my 'ideal' towards the end of my competitive days was because, well… To be honest, I wanted to perform a certain way, but after all, it didn’t always lead to positive evaluation. That's when I decided to shift towards pursuing my ideal."
-Perhaps around Autumn Classic?
"The most significant was Autumn, I guess…Autumn 2019…? At that time, I had no choice but to reconsider and realise that the most important thing was to do what I wanted to do and perform the kind of performance I was aiming for, rather than worrying about scores. I felt that this was equal to making the fans happy. From then on, I am still on that same path. After I become a professional skater, I have to pursue it even more. Because I am skating for the fans. The ideal is getting higher and higher, and I am chasing that ideal."
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Post-interview notes:
Last year, one year after turning professional, Hanyu-san sent a message to his fans to Sports Hochi. "I will continue to strive for my ideal and continue to constantly renew that ideal," he wrote. I think that this past year has been exactly like that.
The path he should take must have become clearer now. His expression was bright and full of contentment. We asked him to write down his aspiration for his third year on a coloured paper. He wrote, "Pursuing the 'ideal’”. "I'm skating for my fans, so the ‘ideal’ will get higher and higher," he said. Beautiful skating that blends in with the music. A range of expression that can only be achieved with advanced technique. I hope that Hanyu-san will continue to cherish the "ideal" skating that he has carefully cultivated. (Takagi Megumi)
Source: 1. https://hochi.news/articles/20240718-OHT1T51180.html?page=1 2. https://hochi.news/articles/20240718-OHT1T51181.html?page=1 3. https://hochi.news/articles/20240719-OHT1T51148.html?page=1 4. https://hochi.news/articles/20240719-OHT1T51151.html?page=1 5. https://hochi.news/articles/20240720-OHT1T51200.html?page=1 6. https://hochi.news/articles/20240720-OHT1T51199.html?page=1
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iloveroblox48 · 2 months
masterlist ❣︎
❣︎ ➝ wanna send a request? read the rules!
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❣︎ ➝ key
🌱-drabble 🌿-smaus 💐-headcannons🌷-fics
☁️-suggestive ☀️-fluff 🌧️-angst 🌦️-fluff & angst
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❣︎ my hero academia
❣︎ ➝ you changed ft: katsuki bakugou, ejirou kirishima, shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya, denki kaminari, hanta sero,ochaco uraraka,mina ashido,kyuka jirou [🌿,🌧️]
❣︎ ➝ summer heat ft: katsuki bakugou [🌱,☀️]
❣︎ ➝ to late ft: katsuki bakugou [🌷,🌧️]
❣︎ ➝ opposites attract ft: izuku midoriya [🌷,☀️]
❣︎ ➝ hammock hangout ft: hanta sero [🌱,☀️]
❣︎ ➝ why not me ft: katsuki bakugou & izuku midoriya [🌷,🌦️]
❣︎ ➝ hobbies ft: shoto todoroki,izuku midoriya,katsuki bakugou,ejirou kirishima,denki kaminari,shinso hitoshi,hanta sero,tamaki amajki,mina ashido,jirou kyouka,ochaco uraraka [💐/🌷,☀️]
❣︎ ➝ to sweet ft: katsuki bakugou [🌷,🌧️]
❣︎ ➝ stuck together ft: hanta sero [🌷,🌦️]
❣︎ ➝ sleeping headcannons ft: katsuki bakugou,ejirou kirishima,denki kaminari,hanta sero,mina ashido (bakusquad) [💐,☀️]
❣︎ ➝ rivalry ft: katsuki bakugou [🌷,☀️]
❣︎ ➝ dating rock lock headcannons ft: rock lock/ken takagi [💐,☀️]
❣︎ ➝ record store ft: present mic/hizashi yamada [🌷,☀️]
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❣︎ jujutsu kaisen
❣︎ ➝ heart to heart ft: megumi fushiguro [🌷,🌦️]
❣︎ ➝more works coming!
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hermitw · 2 months
Seeing the new theories on Yuuji's domain is driving me feral bc
Once again idk what Gege is doing!!
Points are being made and it's so weird bc
My interpretation of the 1st anime opening and my prediction for Yuuji's domain are so different (and I think mine have more evidence but I also spent months collecting that so I'm biased).
Also my interpretation for the false memories around Yuuji is different (kenjaku is also Todo's parent, specifically that Coach Takagi is his other parent).
But memories being involved in Yuuji's domain along w my cryogenic prediction could fit together. It feels like the photography in Link Click, now that I think about it...?
Idk man I stand by what I said before.
But if I have to read into what happened in 264, this is my take on it [spoilers ahead]
The train station's significance....
I think of the train car with transfigured humans.
The way that Yuuji and Mahito loathed each other, and the way that Yuuji said "I'm you."
The train cars being the cryogenic chambers makes so much sense to me. He would be sending off people in the opposite way. To undo the disfigurement.
The train station was significant, it was a place of intense trauma. But I think it could also be a place of redemption. Idk if it's modeled after a specific location. BUT I know that Sukuna's domain can be translated as the place where meals are prepared for the emperor (a reference to his time spent as a slave), or as a small Buddhist shed for storing tools (I'm not sure of the way Sukuna spent his life, but considering the way that he died and some potential irl lore, I believe that Buddhism was a helpful thing for him). I think the duality of his domain is intentional, and it might be similar for Yuuji.
There's also the hand sign for Yuuji's domain, and the prioritizing others' wellbeing over his own.
Anyway, in the opening, the train seemed to he taking Yuuji to someplace he was unfamiliar with. The fish represents Junpei, the water is up to his knees but not in the palm of his hand. He's taking it too easy, u bothered and clueless. I made a post before explaining that I think water in JJK is used to represent the world of jujutsu (it's hard to put into words).
So it makes me wonder if now, this train is taking someone out of the world of jujutsu. Whether as a type of protection, or if he could pull something like Aang in ATLA stealing fire.
I've also talked & reblogged a lot about Sukuna... I really, really want him to just have his own body and autonomy and be able to live a chill life, and not be bothered by anyone as a deity or a monster to hunt or as someone to control.
Maybe we'll get a talk-no-jutsu moment and Yuuji will realize that his body was crafted to be a cage for Sukuna, that he never bothered to listen to Sukuna of all people, and maybe they can work something out. Idk what was in that book of soul stuff that he read. Idk what would happen to Sukuna without a body (maybe he'd just go back into the fingies).
To be clear I do love Yuuji and Megumi and almost all of the characters, but God, killing Sukuna isn't the answer. And to kill him would mean killing Yuuji or Megumi, anyway, (unless Yuuji's CT is going to eliminate Sukuna's life).
Idk what's going on or how coherent this is, I just needed to ramble, I'll update w links later but lmk if you're looking for anything specific and I'll prioritize it.
5 notes · View notes
queenofsliferred · 3 months
Waifu List
these charts are outdated but anyway.
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Aggretsuko ⦁ Anai (OC Shipped) ⦁ Tadano ⦁ Tsunoda
Akazukin Chacha ⦁ Yakko ⦁ Marin ⦁ Rascal-sensei
Astro Boy ⦁ Rock Holmes (OC Shipped) ⦁ Tamami (Shipped with Canon) ⦁ Abby/Kaaya ⦁ Acetylene Lamp (OC Shipped) ⦁ Hamegg (OC Shipped)
Azumanga Daioh ⦁ Tomo (Kinnie) ⦁ Sakaki ⦁ Yomi
Baccano ⦁ Issac Dian (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Miriam Harvent (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Claire Stanfield
Bakuman ⦁ Akito Takagi (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Eiji Nizuma ⦁ Hiramaru (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Yuriko Aoki (Shipped with canon)
Bastard ⦁ Dark Schneider (Shipped with canon) Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad ⦁ Saku (Shipped with OC/SI) ⦁ Ryunosuke (Shipped with canon)
Berserk ⦁ Griffith (Shipped with canon)
Bleach ⦁ Uryu Ishida (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Ryuken Ishida (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kisuke Urahara (Shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Orihime Inoue (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sosuke Aizen (Shipped with canon and oc)
Blend S ⦁ Miu Amano
Carole and Tuesday ⦁ Angela Carpenter ⦁ Tao
Cells at Work!! ⦁ U-1146
Chainsaw Man ⦁ Denji (shipped with canon and oc( ⦁ Kobeni (shipped with canon)
Code Geass ⦁ Lloyd Asplund ⦁ Nunally vi Britannia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lelouch vi Britannia (shipped with canon)
Cowboy Bebop ⦁ Spike Spiegel (shipped with oc and canon)
Cutie Honey ⦁ Honey Kisaragi
Cyberpunk Edgerunners ⦁ Katsuo Tanaka (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gloria Martinez (shipped with canon) ⦁ David Martinez (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kiwi (shipped with canon)
DNA2 ⦁ Kotomi (Canon) ⦁ Karen (Canon)
DearS ⦁ Neneko Izumi (Shipped with canon and memories of an oc)
Death Note ⦁ Light Yagami (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ L. Lawliet (shipped with canona nd oc) ⦁ Teru Mikami (shipped with oc) ⦁ Mello | Mikhail Kheel (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sayu Yagami (shipped with canon) ⦁ Touta Matsuda (shipped with canon and memories of an oc)
Devilman ⦁ Akira Fudo (Crybaby) (Shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ryo Asuka (Everything) (shipped with canon)
Digimon Adventure ⦁ Jyou Kido (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Mimi Tachikawa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lilymon
Disatrous Life of Saiki K ⦁ Kusuo Saiki (Shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Chisato Mera (shipepd with canon) ⦁ Chiyo Yumehara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mikoto Aiura (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rifuta Imu (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Metori Saiko
Dragon Ball ⦁ Son Gohan (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mai (shipped wiht canon) ⦁ Videl (Shipped with oc and canon)
Durarara!! ⦁ Anri Sonohara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Izaya Orihara ⦁ Walker Yumasaki ⦁ Takashi Nasujima
Elfen Lied ⦁ Lucy | Kaede (not nyu) (kinnie) ⦁ Nana (shipped with canon)
Fate/Zero ⦁ Waver Velvet (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Ryuunosuke Uryuu (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Gilles de Rais (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kirei Kotomine (shipped with canon)
Fate/stay night ⦁ Rin Tohsaka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shinji Matou (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Kirei Kotomine (shipped with canon) ⦁ Cu Chulaain (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Issei Ryuudou (shipped with canon) ⦁ Saegusa Yukika (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kane Himuro (shipped with canon)
Food Wars! ⦁ Megumi Tadokoro (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ikumi Mito ⦁ Akira Hayama (shipped with canon) ⦁ Hinako Inui ⦁ Jun Shiomi (shipped with canon) ⦁ Soma Yukihira (shipped with canon)
Free! Iwatodai Swim Club ⦁ Haruka Nanase (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Rei Ryugazaki (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rin Matsuoka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Gou Matsuoka (not a waifu) (kinnie)
Full Moon o Sagashite ⦁ Takuto Kira (nostalgia waifu)
Goblin Slayer ⦁ Goblin Slayer (shipped with canon) ⦁ Guild Girl (shipped with canon) ⦁ Wizard Boy
Gundam Build Fighters ⦁ Rinko Iori (shipped with canon??) ⦁ Mao Yasaka
Gundam UC ⦁ Char Aznable | Quattro Bajeena | Casval Rem Deikun (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Mirai Yashima-Noa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Bright Noa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kai Shiden (shipped with oc) ⦁ Emma Sheen (shipped with canon) ⦁ Haman Karn (shipped with canon) ⦁ Judau Ashta ⦁ Roux Louka ⦁ Chara Soon ⦁ Mashmyre Cello (shipped with canon and oc)
Gurren Lagann ⦁ Kamina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Viral (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rossiu (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yoko (Shipped with canon)
IdoLISH 7 ⦁ Yamato Nikaido ⦁ Tamaki Yotsuba
Inuyasha ⦁ Miroku (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Sesshomaru (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Inuyasha (nostalgia waifu) (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yura of the Hair
JJBA ⦁ Erina Pendleton-Joestar (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Dio Brando (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Joseph Joestar (shipped with canona nd oc) ⦁ Jotaro Kujo (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Noriaki Kakyoin (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Midler (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mariah (shipped with canon) ⦁ Holy Kujo (shipped with canon) ⦁ Josuke Higashikata (shipped with canon, oc and kinnie) ⦁ Rohan Kishibe (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Tomoko Higashikata (shipped with canon) ⦁ Guido Mista (shipped with canon) ⦁ Foo Fighters (shipped with canon) ⦁ Miuccia "Miumiu" Miuller (shipped with canon) ⦁ Diego Brando (shipped wiht canon) ⦁ Daiya Higashikata (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dragona Joestar
Kakegurui ⦁ Midari Ikishima (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yumeko Jabami (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yumemi Yumemite
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken ⦁ Sayaka Kanamori
Kill la Kill ⦁ Mako Mankanshoku (shipped with canon) ⦁ Aikuro Mikisugi (shipped with canon) ⦁ Uzu Sanageyama (shipped with canon) ⦁ Omiko Hakodate ⦁ Houka Inumata (shipped with canon)
Komi Can't Communicate ⦁ Shouko Komi (shipped with canon) ⦁ Himiko Agari (shipped with canon) ⦁ Omuharu Nakanaka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yadano Makeru ⦁ Shisuto Naruse (shipped with canon)
Laidback Camp ⦁ Aoi Inuyama (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sakura Kagamihara (shipped with canon)
Love Hina ⦁ Shinobu Maehara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mutsumi Otohime (shipped with canon ⦁ Mitsune Konno ⦁ Haruka Urashima
Lucky Star ⦁ Hiyori Tanemura
Lupin III ⦁ Fujiko Mine (Shipped with canon)
Marine Express ⦁ Rock (shipped with canon)
Metropolis ⦁ Rock (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Tima (shipped with canon)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ⦁ Itsuki Koizumi (Shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Yuki Nagato ⦁ Kyon (shipped with canona nd oc)
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid ⦁ Tohru (shipped with canon, kinnie) ⦁ "Lucoa" Quetzalcoatl (shipped with canon)
Monster ⦁ Johan Liebert (shipped with canon) ⦁ Eva Heinemann (shipped with canon?) ⦁ Lotte Frank ⦁ Kenzou Tenma (shipped with canon)
My Dress Up Darling ⦁ Wakana Gojo (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shinju Inui
My Hero Academia ⦁ Yugo Aoyama (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Tenya Iida (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Ochaco Uraraka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Katsuki Bakugou (unfortunately) (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Neito Monoma (shipped with oc)
Naruto ⦁ Hinata Hyuuga (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Rock Lee (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Naruto (nostalgia waifu, kinnie, shipped with canon)
Neon Genesis Evangelion ⦁ Toji Suzuhara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Misato Katsuragi (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Rei Ayanami (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ritsuko Akagi (shipped with canon)
Occultic;Nine ⦁ Ryouka "Ryotas" Narusawa
One Punch Man ⦁ Saitama (shipped with oc) ⦁ Mumen Rider | Satoru (shipped with oc)
Osomatsu-san ⦁ Ichimatsu Matsuno (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ichiko Matsuno (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Choroko Matsuno (shipped with canon)
Ouran High School Host Club ⦁ Kyoya Ootori (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tamaki Suoh (shipped with oc)
Overman King Gainer ⦁ Gainer Sanga (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lioubov Smettana (shipped with canon( ⦁ Jaboli Mariela (shipped with canon) ⦁ Gain Bijou (shipped with canon_
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt ⦁ Panty Anarchy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Stocking Anarchy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kneesocks Demon (shippe with canon) ⦁ Scanty Demon (shipped with canon)
Phoenix: Future ⦁ Rock Makube (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tamami (shipped with cnaon)
Please Tell Me, Galko-chan! ⦁ Galko (shipped with canon) ⦁ Otako (kinnie, shipped with canon) ⦁ Okako ⦁ Nikuko
Pretty Cure ⦁ Laura Apollodoros Hyginus La Mer
Pokemon ⦁ Ash Ketchum (nostalgia waifu, shipped with oc) ⦁ Brock (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lauren | Misaki (Journeys) ⦁ Mr Garrison from the water company | Tuttle… (shipped with oc) ⦁ Nurse Joy
Ranking of Kings ⦁ Queen Hiling (shipped with canon) ⦁ Prince Daida (shipped with canon)
Restaraunt to Another World ⦁ Victoria Samanark ⦁ Adelheid (shipped with canon)
Sailor Moon ⦁ Prince Dimande (shipped with canon) ⦁ Usagi Tsukino (shipped with canon) ⦁ Makoto Kino (shipped with canon) ⦁ Haruka Tenoh (shipped with canon) ⦁ Artemis (shipped with canon) ⦁ Zoisite (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jadeite (shipped with canon)
Samurai Champloo ⦁ Jin
School Rumble ⦁ Kenji Harima (shipped with canon)
Shugo Chara ⦁ Ikuto Tsukiyomi (nostalgia waifu, shipped with canon) ⦁ Kairi Sanjou (shipped with canon)
The Slayers ⦁ Zelgadis (shipped with canon)
Sonic OVA ⦁ Princess Sara (shipped with canon)
Sonic X ⦁ Shadow (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Amy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rouge (shipped with canon)
Space Dandy ⦁ Dandy (shipped with canon and "oc")
SPY x FAMILY ⦁ Yuri Briar (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yor Briar-Forger (shipped with canon) ⦁ Damian Desmond (shipped with oc and canon)
Sugar Sugar Rune ⦁ Chocolat Meilleure (kinnie) ⦁ Jun Mimura (shipped with canon) ⦁ Hajime Nishitani (shipped with canon)
Summer Wars ⦁ Kazuma Ikezawa
Steins;Gate ⦁ Okabe "Okarin" Rintaro | Hououin Kyouma (Shipped with canon)
Tiger and Bunny ⦁ Kotetsu Kaburagi (shipped with canon)
Tokyo Ghoul ⦁ Shuu Tsukiyama (shipped with oc)
Touken Ranbu ⦁ Akashi Kuniyuki (shipped with oc) ⦁ Kikkou Sadamune (shipped with oc) ⦁ Tomoegata Naginata (shipped with oc) ⦁ Shizukagata Naginata(shipped with oc) ⦁ Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki(shipped with oc) ⦁ Heshikiri Hasebe(shipped with oc) ⦁ Ichigo Hitofuri (shipped with oc) ⦁ Fuduo Yukimitsu ((shipped with oc) ⦁ Kotegiri Gou (shipped with oc) ⦁ Buzen Gou (shipped with oc) ⦁ Matsui Gou (shipped with oc)
Trigun ⦁ Vash the Stampede
The Vampires ⦁ Rokuro Makube
Video Girl Ai ⦁ Ai Amano (shipped with canon)
YuGiOh DM ⦁ Joey Wheeler | Katsuya Jounouchi (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Serenity Wheeler | Shizuka Kawai (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Seto Kaiba (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Rebecca Hawkins (shipped with canon) ⦁ Espa Roba (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Ryou Bakura (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yami Bakura (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Thief King Bakura | "Akefia" (Well aware this is just a fan nickname) (shipped with oc and canon)
YuGiOh GX ⦁ Judai Yuki | Jaden (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Asuka Tenjoin | Alexis Rhodes (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rei Saotome | Blair Flannigan (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jun Manjoume | Chazz Princeton (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Daichi Misawa | Bastion (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Momoe Hamaguchi | Mindy (shipped with canon and oc) YuGiOh 5Ds ⦁ Jack Atlas (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Crow Hogan (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Carly Carmine | Carly Nagisa (shipped with canon)
YuGiOh Zexal ⦁ Shark | Ryoga Kamishiro | Reginald Kastle (shipped with canon) ⦁ Anna Kozuki | Anna Kaboom (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Cathy Katherine (Shipped with canon)
YuGiOh Arc V ⦁ Reiji Akaba | Declan (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Shingo Sawatari | Sylvio (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Yoko Sakaki (shipped with canon)
Yu Yu Hakusho ⦁ Yusuke Urameshi
Tumblr media
Anastasia ⦁ Anya | Anastasia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dimitri (shipped with canon)
Avatar the Last Airbender ⦁ Jet (shipped with canon and oc) ⦁ Zuko (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mai (shipped with canon)
Cybersix ⦁ Cybersix | Adrian (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lori (shipped with canon)
Downtown ⦁ Alex Henson (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jen (shipped with canon)
The Real Ghostbusters ⦁ Peter Venkmann (shipped with canon) ⦁ Egon Spengler (shipped with canon) ⦁ Janine Melnitz (shipped with canon)
Legend of Korra ⦁ Tahno (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Huan Beifong ⦁ Eska (shipped with canon)
The Lorax ⦁ The Onceler (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ted's Mom (HC that her name is Pamela)
Martin Mystery ⦁ Martin Mystery (shipped with canon)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ⦁ Twilight Sparkle (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sweetie Belle ⦁ Rarity (shipped with canon) ⦁ Photo Finish (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sugarcoat ⦁ Violet Blurr ⦁ Pixel Pizzaz
Neo Yokio ⦁ Kaz Kaan (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sailor Pellegrino (shipped with canon) ⦁ Arcangelo Corelli (shipped with canon)
Oliver and Company ⦁ Georgette
She-Ra ⦁ Glimmer (shipped with canon)
Spider-Verse ⦁ Peter B Parker (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Miguel O'Hara (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Peni Parker (shipped with canon)
Steven Universe ⦁ Peridot (shipped with canon) ⦁ Opal (shipped with canon) ⦁ Garnet (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kevin
Teen Titans ⦁ Starfire (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jinx (shipped with canon)
Totally Spies! ⦁ Alex (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mandy (shipped with canon)
Twelve Forever ⦁ Butt Witch
Voltron: Legendary Defender ⦁ Lance McClain (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Lotor (shipped with canon) ⦁ Allura (shipped with canon)
Tumblr media
Harry Potter ⦁ Luna Lovegood (shipped with canon) ⦁ Oliver Wood (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Cedric Diggory (shipped with canon)
Maximum Ride ⦁ Iggy | James Griffiths
The Outsiders ⦁ Johnny Cade (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Dallas "Dally" Winston (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ponyboy Curtis (shipped with oc and canon)
Vampire Academy ⦁ Adrian Ivashkov (shipped with canon)
Tumblr media
Deadpool ⦁ Deadpool | Wade Wilson (shipped with oc and canon)
Scott Pilgrim ⦁ Knives Chau (shipped with canon) ⦁ Matt Patel (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lisa Miller (shipped with canon) ⦁ Gideon Graves (shipped with canon)
Sonic ⦁ Shadow the Hedgehog (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Amy Rose (shipped with canon) ⦁ Bunnie Rabbot ⦁ Mina Mongoose (shipped with canon)
Spider-Man ⦁ Spiderman | Peter Parker (shipped with oc and canon)
Teen Titans ⦁ Koriand'r | Starfire (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dick Grayson | Nightwing (shipped with canon) ⦁ Antonia "Toni" Monetti | Argent
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Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul ⦁ Jesse Pinkman (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jimmy McGill | Saul Goodman
Friday the 13th ⦁ Jason Voorhees (shipped with oc)
Ghostbusters ⦁ Dr. Jillian Holtzmann (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Egon Spengler (shipped with oc and canon)
The Grand Budapest Hotel ⦁ Dmitri Desgoffe-und-Taxis (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Vilmos Kovacs (shipped with oc and canon)
Halloween ⦁ Michael Myers (shipped with oc)
Independence Day ⦁ David Levinson (shipped with oc and canon)
Jurassic Park ⦁ Dr Ian Malcolm (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Owen Grady (Nostalgia waifu?) (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Claire Dearing (shipped with oc and canon)
Kung Fury ⦁ Kung Fury (shipped with oc) ⦁ Hackerman (shipped with oc)
MCU ⦁ James Wesley (shipped with oc) ⦁ Ultron (shipped with oc)
Power Rangers ⦁ Adam Park (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Billy Cranston (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Tommy Oliver (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Katherine Hillard (shipped with canon) ⦁ Aisha Campbell (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rita Repulsa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Scorpina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Carlos Vallerte (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ TJ Johnson (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Divatox (shipped with canon) ⦁ Vypra (shipped with canon) ⦁ Chad Lee (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Toxica (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alyssa Enrile (shipped with canon) ⦁ Danny Delgado (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Trip (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Nadira (shipped with canon) ⦁ Cameron Watanabe (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Cyber Cam (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Antonio Garcias (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Preston Tien (shipped with oc and canon)
Riverdale ⦁ Dilton Doiley (shipped with oc) ⦁ Reggie Mantle (shipped with oc)
The View Askewniverse ⦁ Dante Hicks (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gil Hicks (shipped with oc) ⦁ Grant Hicks ⦁ Brodie Bruce (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jay (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Randal Graves (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Becky Scott (shipped with oc and canon)
VR Troopers ⦁ Ryan Steele (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kaitlin Starr (shipped with oc and canon)
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Aboslute Obedience ⦁ Kia WelBehenna (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ashraf Ali Ibrahim (shipped with canon)
Ace Attorney ⦁ Godot | Diego Armando (shipped with canon) ⦁ April May ⦁ Wocky Kitaki
Animal Crossing ⦁ Peanut (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ed (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Judy ⦁ Meow ⦁ Tangy (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Fuschia ⦁ Shep ⦁ Quinn ⦁ Eugene ⦁ Phoebe ⦁ Sasha ⦁ Tiffany ⦁ Muffy (shipped with oc) ⦁ Wendy ⦁ Marshal ⦁ Isabelle ⦁ Reese ⦁ Sable
Arcana Heart ⦁ Mei Fang ⦁ Liselotte Achenbach ⦁ Kira Daidouji
BanG Dream! ⦁ Rimi Ushigome (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kaoru Seta (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ako Udagawa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rinko Shirokane (shipped with canon)
Bazooka Cafe ⦁ Mitsuki Takahara (shipped with oc) ⦁ Cocoa Nitta (shipped with oc)
Blush Blush ⦁ Cole (shipped with oc) ⦁ Boss (shipped with oc) ⦁ Ferris (shipped with oc)
Casual Romance Club ⦁ Amy O'connour | Nanase Horikawa (shipped with oc) ⦁ Sidney O'connour | Mutsumi Horikawa (shipped with oc) ⦁ Jeannie Hamill | Hinako Kawai (shipped with oc)
Catherine ⦁ Vincent Brooks (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Catherine (shipped with canon)
Crush Crush (Everyone is with an OC) ⦁ Elle ⦁ Generica ⦁ Ayeka ⦁ Nina ⦁ Luna ⦁ Eva ⦁ Sutra ⦁ Charlotte ⦁ Shibuki ⦁ Sirina ⦁ Peanut ⦁ Juliet ⦁ Wendy ⦁ Lustat ⦁ Renee ⦁ Nova ⦁ Pepper ⦁ Sofia ⦁ Caitlin ⦁ Honey ⦁ Willow ⦁ Blanche ⦁ Mur
Cyberpunk 2077 ⦁ Evelyn Parker (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Viktor Vektor (shipped with oc) ⦁ Johnny Silverhand
Dance Dance Revolution ⦁ Maid Zukin
Danganronpa ⦁ Byakuya Togami (shipped with canon) ⦁ Touko Fukawa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Celestia Ludenberg | Taeko Yasuhiro (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kiyotaka Ishimaru (shipped with oc and canon)
Darkstalkers ⦁ Morrigan Aensland (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lillith Aensland (shipped with canon) ⦁ Hsien-ko | Lei-Lei ⦁ Rikuo | Aulbath (shipped with canon)
Day of the Tentacle ⦁ Laverne
Deadly Premonition ⦁ Francis York Morgan (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Francis Zach Morgan (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ushah Johnson (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Fiona "Freckles" Redtree (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Helena Dauman
Devil May Cry ⦁ Dante Sparda (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Nero (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kyrie (shipped with oc and canon)
Dead or Alive ⦁ Kokoro (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lisa Hamilton (shipped with canon)
Doki Doki Literature Club ⦁ Yuri (shipped with oc)
Dragon Age ⦁ Alistair Theirin (shipped with oc) ⦁ Gorim Saelac (shipped with oc) ⦁ Krem (shipped with oc)
Dramatical Murder ⦁ Clear (shipped with canon) ⦁ Virus
Dream Daddy ⦁ Mat Sella (shipped with oc) ⦁ Craig Cahn (shipped with oc) ⦁ Damien Bloodmarch (shipped with oc)
Enzai ⦁ Guildias (shipped with canon) ⦁ Durer (shipped with canon) ⦁ Jose (shipped with canon)
Fate/ ⦁ Rin Tohsaka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yukika Saegusa (shipped with canon) ⦁ Himuro Kane (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shinji Matou (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Issei Ryuudou (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Waver Velvet (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ryuunosuke Uryuu (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gilles de Rais (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mordred (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Musashi Miyamoto (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Suzuka Gozen ⦁ Jason ⦁ Medb (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Astolfo (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Katsushika Hokusai ⦁ Watanabe no Tsuna ⦁ Gilgamesh (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ David ⦁ Ishtar ⦁ Ereshkigal ⦁ Osakabehime (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Calamity Jane ⦁ Sei Shonagon ⦁ Anastasia Romanov ⦁ Cu Chulaain ⦁ Lancertoria ⦁ Kiyohime ⦁ Minamoto no Raikou ⦁ Edward Teach ⦁ Alexander the Great ⦁ Iskander (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sakata Kintoki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ozymandias ⦁ Bartholomew Roberts ⦁ Carmilla ⦁ Shikibu Murasaki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Nursery Rhyme ⦁ Geromino ⦁ Circe ⦁ Erik | Phantom of the Opera ⦁ Henry Jekyll ⦁ Edward Hyde ⦁ Tamamo Cat ⦁ Tamamo no Mae ⦁ Paul Bunyan ⦁ Salome ⦁ Himiko ⦁ Jalter (Berserker specifically) ⦁ Passionlip
Final Fantasy ⦁ Squall Leonhart (kinnie) ⦁ Seifer Almasy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Selphie Tilmitt (shipped with canon) ⦁ Quistis Trepe (shipped with canon) ⦁ Aerith Gainsborough (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rikku (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lulu (shipped with canon) ⦁ Paine (shipped with canon)
Fire Emblem ⦁ Tharja (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Olivia (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Maribelle (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Lon Qu (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Chrom (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gunter (shipped with oc) ⦁ Xander (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Camilla (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Byleth Eisner (Fem) (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Manuela Casagranda (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Bernadetta von Varley (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Marianne von Edmund (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mercedes von Martritz (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Constance von Nuvelle (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Claude von Riegan | Khalid (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yuri Leclerc (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ferdinand von Aegir (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yunaka | Larimar (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Goldmary (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Citrinne (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alear (Fem) (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Vander (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alfred (shipped with oc and canon)
Genshin Impact ⦁ Fischl | Amy (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yun Jin ⦁ Lumine (Shipped with canon)
Guitar Hero ⦁ Midori
Harvest Moon ⦁ Cliff (shipped with oc) ⦁ Popuri (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mary (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Elli (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Manna (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Anna ⦁ Muffy (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Leia (shipped with oc) ⦁ Keira (shipped with oc) ⦁ Pony (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Chris (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jin (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Toby (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Luna (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Candace (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jessica ⦁ Ayame ⦁ Oracle (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mikhail (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sabrina (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Dia (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Gina (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Lyla (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Maria (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Nina (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Liz
Hatoful Boyfriend ⦁ Shuu Iwamine (shipped with oc) ⦁ Yuuya Sakazaki (shipped with oc)
Haunting Ground ⦁ Fiona Belli (shipped with canon)
Honkai Star Rail ⦁ Pela (shipped with oc)
HuniePop ⦁ Beli Lapran (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Momo (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jessie Maye (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kyu Sugardust (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sarah "Suki" Stephens (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Candace "Candy" Crush (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Denise "Zoey" Greene (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Abia Nawazi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Polly Bendleson (shipped with oc and canon)
Idols Galore ⦁ Yumiko Akane (shipped with canon) ⦁ Megumi Tsukikusa
Katawa Shoujo ⦁ Misha | Shiina Mikado (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rin Tezuka (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shizune Sakamichi
Kingdom Hearts ⦁ Roxas (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Olette (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sora (nostalgia waifu) (shipped with oc and canon)
Love Nikki ⦁ Nidhogg (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yvette (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mela (shipped with canon) ⦁ Orlando (shipped with canon)
LoveLive! ⦁ Rin Hoshizora (shipped with canon) ⦁ Nozomi Tojo (shipped with canon) ⦁ Hanayo Koizumi ⦁ Yoshiko "Yohane" Tsushima ⦁ Chiduko Sakamaki ⦁ Hitomi Shiga ⦁ Sakura Kurobane ⦁ Sakuya Kurobane ⦁ Rebecca ⦁ Jennifer ⦁ Emma Verde ⦁ Kanata Konoe ⦁ Rina Tennoji
Mario ⦁ Princess Peach (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Princess Daisy (kinnie) (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Pauline ⦁ Princess Shokora ⦁ Wapeach ⦁ Potato
Mortal Kombat ⦁ Johnny Cage (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Mileena ⦁ Nightwolf (Shipped with oc) ⦁ Kurtis Stryker (shipped with oc and canon)
Nikke: Goddess of Victory (Everyone Is With An OC.) ⦁ Folkwang ⦁ Guillotine ⦁ Ludmilla ⦁ Mary ⦁ Mordernia ⦁ Pepper ⦁ Rupee ⦁ Rapunzel ⦁ Sin ⦁ Anis ⦁ Ether ⦁ Mihara ⦁ Neon ⦁ Neve ⦁ Ade ⦁ Soda ⦁ Cocoa ⦁ Viper ⦁ Signal
Overwatch ⦁ Pharah | Fareeha Amari (shipped with canon) ⦁ Symmetra | Satya Vaswani (shipped with canon) ⦁ D.va | Hana Song (shipped with canon) ⦁ Mei | Mei-Ling Zhou (shipped with canon) ⦁ Reinhardt Wilhelm (shipped with canon)
Panel de Pon ⦁ Thiana ⦁ Elias ⦁ Neris ⦁ Seren ⦁ Nathia ⦁ Sala
Persona ⦁ Yuka Ayase (shipped with canon) ⦁ Elly Kirishima (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kei Nanjo (shipped with canon) ⦁ Eikichi Mishina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Fuuka Yamagishi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Saori Hasegawa (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yuko Nishiwaki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Elizabeth (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Junpei Iori (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Andre Laurent Jean Geraux | Bebe (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Shuji Ikutsuki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Keisuke Hiraga (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yu Narukami (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kanji Tatsumi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Tohru Adachi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ryotaro Dojima (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Rise Kujikawa (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ai Ebihara (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ayane Matsunaga (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Noriko Kashiwagi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Chie Satonaka (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Joker | Ren Amamiya (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Goro Akechi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Yusuke Kitagawa (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Suguru Kamoshida (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sugimura (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kunikazu Okumura (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yuuki Mishima (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Takuto Maruki (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ango Natsume (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sojiro Sakura (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Toranosuke Yoshida (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Munehisa Iwai (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Shinya Oda (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Haru Okumura (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ms Usami (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Ichiko Ohya (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alice Hiiragi (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sophia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tae Takemi (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Kayo Tohyama | Okyann ⦁ Tomoko Noge | Kotomo ⦁ Kumi Katayama ⦁ Minami Miyashita ⦁ Aran Hirai ⦁ Narumi Nashimoto ⦁ Mika
Pokemon (Assume everyone is shipped with the Player Character/OC) ⦁ Sabrina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lorelei (shipped with canon) ⦁ Brock ⦁ Red ⦁ Blue | Green ⦁ Giovanni ⦁ Whitney (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lyra ⦁ Bugsy ⦁ Morty ⦁ Silver ⦁ Roxanne ⦁ Winona ⦁ May ⦁ Courtney ⦁ Shelly ⦁ Phoebe ⦁ Norman ⦁ Dawn ⦁ Candice ⦁ Barry ⦁ Bianca ⦁ Hilda ⦁ Lenora ⦁ Skyla ⦁ Shauntal ⦁ Fennel ⦁ Juniper ⦁ Rosa ⦁ BW Mom (HC her name as Touko) (shipped with canon) ⦁ BW2 Mom (HC her name as Mei) (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yancy ⦁ Cheren ⦁ Grimsley ⦁ Valerie ⦁ Drasna ⦁ Siebold ⦁ Moon ⦁ Mallow ⦁ Mina ⦁ Wicke ⦁ Fem Skull Grunt (F) ⦁ SuMooMom (HC her name as Mizuki) ⦁ Plumeria ⦁ Kukui ⦁ Melony ⦁ Sonia ⦁ Oleana ⦁ Klara ⦁ Team Yell Grunt (F) ⦁ Honey ⦁ Gloria ⦁ SwShMom (HC her name as Yuuri) ⦁ Bede ⦁ Raihan ⦁ Kabu ⦁ Gordie ⦁ Katy ⦁ Ryme ⦁ Tulip ⦁ Team Star Grunt (F) ⦁ Penny ⦁ Amarys ⦁ Lacey ⦁ Miriam ⦁ Jacq ⦁ Larry ⦁ Giacomo ⦁ Ortega ⦁ Anthe ⦁ Pesselle ⦁ Akari
Primal Rage ⦁ Vertigo (shipped with oc)
Rance ⦁ Rance (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Dark Rance (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Souun Houjou (shipped with oc) ⦁ Ryoma Sakamoto (shipped with canon) ⦁ Suzume (shipped with canon) ⦁ Menad Shisei (shipped with canon) ⦁ Maria Custard (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lia Parapara Leazas (kinnie) (Shipped with canon) ⦁ Eropicha Nyanko (shipped with canon) ⦁ Manmaru (shipped with canon) ⦁ Nozomi Okita (shipped with canon)
Resident Evil ⦁ Albert Wesker (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alcina Dimitrescu (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Jill Valentine (shipped with canon) ⦁ Carlos Oliveira (shipped with canon)
Rumble Roses ⦁ Makoto Aihara (shipped with canon) ⦁ Anesthesia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Aigle (shipped with canon) ⦁ Reiko Hinomoto (shipped with canon)
Rune Factory ⦁ Bianca (shipped with canon) ⦁ Melody (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tabatha (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tori (shipped with canon) ⦁ Sabrina (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ivan (shipped with canon) ⦁ Raguna (shipped with canon) ⦁ Alicia (shipped with canon) ⦁ Yue (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dorothy (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tanya (shipped with canon) ⦁ Eunice (shipped with canon) ⦁ Arthur (shipped with canon)
Sonic the Hedgehog ⦁ Amy Rose (shipped with canon) ⦁ Rouge the Bat (shipped with canon) ⦁ Tikal (shipped with canon) ⦁ Shadow the Edgehog ⦁ Miles "Tails" Prowler (nostalgia waifu) (shipped with canon)
Soul Calibur ⦁ Amy Sorel ⦁ Tira ⦁ Ashlotte Maedel
Stardew Valley ⦁ Haley (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Caroline (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sandy (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Alex (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Sebastian (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Olivia (Expanded) (shipped with oc)
Street Fighter ⦁ Juri Han (shipped with oc) ⦁ Sakura Kasugano (shipped with canon) ⦁ Makoto (shipped with canon) ⦁ Karin Kanzuki (shipped with canon)
Tekken ⦁ Alisa Bosconovitch (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ling Xiaoyu (shipped with canon) ⦁ Lili | Emilie de Rochefort (shipped with canon) ⦁ Anna Williams ⦁ Julia Chang
Touken Ranbu (Everyone is with an OC) ⦁ Akashi Kuniyuki ⦁ Kikkou Sadamune ⦁ Tomoegata Naginata ⦁ Shizukagata Naginata ⦁ Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki ⦁ Heshikiri Hasebe ⦁ Ichigo Hitofuri ⦁ Yagen Toushirou ⦁ Houchou Toushirou ⦁ Kotegiri Gou ⦁ Nakigitsune ⦁ Aizen Kunitoshi ⦁ Fuduo Yukimitsu ⦁ Doudanuki Masakuni ⦁ Buzen Gou ⦁ Matsui Gou
Trauma Center ⦁ Derek Stiles
Unison: Rebels of Rhythm & Dance ⦁ Trill ⦁ June Baby
Until Dawn ⦁ Josh Washington (shipped with oc and canon) ⦁ Hannah Washington (shipped with canon)
The Urbz (Everyone is with an OC) ⦁ Mazuiko Jackson ⦁ Venus Moonflower ⦁ Sara Tonin ⦁ Babbette Couture ⦁ Toots Sweet ⦁ Isis Ice ⦁ Sharky Splitz ⦁ Suzie Mack ⦁ Cash Monet ⦁ Roxanna Moxie (GBA)
Va11 Hall-A ⦁ *Kira*Miki (shipped with canon) ⦁ Alma Armas (shipped with canon) ⦁ Kimberly La Vallete (shipped with canon) ⦁ Dorothy Haze (shipped with canon)
Zelda ⦁ Oot Zelda (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ruto (shipped with canon) ⦁ Malon (shipped with canon) ⦁ Ganondorf (shipped with canon)
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doll-shaped-cyanide · 10 months
Story Arc: Fearsome Womb
Episode Title: Ryomen Sukuna
Summary: Yuuji Itadori, a normal high school student with incredible athleticism, would rather hang out with his senpai in the Occult Club than run on the track. However, after losing his grandfather, Yuji's club comes face to face with the grim reality of curses. In order to save his friends, Yuji teams up with jujutsu student, Megumi Fushiguro, to exorcize the curses and recover the cursed object: Ryomen Sukuna. [TAKEN FROM Episode 1 | Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki]
Character List: Yuuji Itadori, Satoru Gojo, Wasuke Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Setsuko Sasaki, Takeshi Iguchi, Takagi, Ryoumen Sukuna
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newsintheshell · 2 years
CAMPFIRE COOKING IN ANOTHER WORLD WITH MY ABSURD SKILL: la serie fantasy gourmet sbarcherà in tv grazie allo studio Mappa
L’anime tratto dalla light novel di Ren Eguchi andrà in onda da gennaio 2023.
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Il meme è sempre più potente, signori: ecco a voi l’ottocentesimo annuncio della settimana, che è al contempo l’ottocentesimo isekai e l’ottocentesimo anime targato MAPPA! (Li dovranno pur mettere all’opera quei 300 e passa dipendenti, mica possono tutti stare a fare le microespressioni su Chainsaw Man :v)  
Bushiroad ha aperto un sito ufficiale per la serie animata di “CAMPFIRE COOKING IN ANOTHER WORLD WITH MY ABSURD SKILL” (Tondemo Skill de Isekai Horo Meshi), da gennaio 2023 porterà il fantasy gourmet di Ren Eguchi in tv. 
Un primo teaser verrà mostrato durante una diretta speciale, fissata per il 4 novembre.
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L’adattamento è diretto da Kiyoshi Matsuda (Re-Main, Kakegurui xx) e Michiko Yokote (Tsurune, Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san) ne supervisiona la sceneggiatura.
Al character design sta pensando Nao Otsu (Beastars, The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace), mentre le musiche sono firmate da Masato Koda (KonoSuba), Kana Utatane (Akebi's Sailor Uniform) e dal Kuricorder Quartet (Tsuritama).
Insieme ad altri tre futuri eroi, il ventisettenne Mukoda Tsuyoshi viene trasportato in un mondo fantastico, per salvare un regno da una misteriosa minaccia. Tuttavia, diventa presto chiaro che Tsuyoshi è stato trascinato nel rituale di evocazione per caso. La sua unica abilità si rivela infatti essere il “Menu del cibo”, che gli permette di aprire un'interfaccia in cui può acquistare e ottenere articoli dai supermercati del Giappone.
Cacciato dal palazzo senza tante cerimonie, Tsuyoshi si mette in viaggio da solo. Tuttavia, la sua capacità di creare piatti deliziosi sconosciuti a questo mondo dà presto i suoi frutti, attirando persino il leggendario lupo Fel. La creatura è talmente affascinata dalle sue ricette che stringe immediatamente un contratto con Tsuyoshi, diventando il suo famiglio. Accompagnato da questo stravagante essere mitico, Tsuyoshi comincia a guadagnarsi da vivere come mercante e avventuriero, viaggiando e cucinando piatti appetitosi che non mancano mai di stupire gli abitanti di questo nuovo fantastico mondo.
Tsuyoshi Mukoda: Yuma Uchida (Megumi Fushiguro in Jujutsu Kaisen)
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Fel: Satoshi Hino (Ainz Ooal Gown in Overlord)
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Sui: Hina Kino (Alas Ramus in The Devil is a Part-Timer!)
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La light novel viene pubblicata da Overlap dal 2016, con le illustrazioni ad opera di Masa. Il 12° volume è uscito in Giappone lo scorso giugno. A cominciare dal 217, ne viene serializzata una versione manga disegnata da Akagishi K (Sabikui Bisco), giunta al 6° volumetto.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer
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ao3feed-jjk · 12 days
Bajo la noche carmesí
by aliso Yuuji ha perdido a dos de las personas más valiosas para él en el mismo día: su novia Yuko y su padre, Jin Itadori. Pero Yuuji está confundido, porque no logra recordar nada, salvo una palabra: vampiros. Y con esa simple palabra y la entrada triunfal de un idiota llamado Satoru, el mundo entero de Yuuji se pone de cabeza. Words: 8248, Chapters: 2/30, Language: Español Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Itadori Yuuji, Negi Toshihisa, Itadori Jin, Itadori Kaori, Tsukumo Yuki, Kuroi Misato, Kenjaku | Fake Getou Suguru, Mei Mei (Jujutsu Kaisen), Kugisaki Nobara, Ozawa Yuko, Gojo Satoru, Gakuganji Yoshinobu, Choso, Kamo Noritoshi, Amanai Riko, Zenin Mai, Sasaki Setsuko, Muta Kokichi | Mechamaru, Yoshino Nagi, Yoshino Junpei, Ino Takuma, Nitta Akari, Nitta Arata, Haibara Yu (Jujutsu Kaisen), Hakari Kinji, Ieiri Shoko, Zenin Naobito, Fushiguro Toji, Fushiguro Megumi's Mother, Getou Suguru, Inumaki Toge, Fushiguro Megumi, Zenin Maki, Itadori Wasuke, Sotomura (Jujutsu Kaisen), Takagi (Jujutsu Kaisen), Kusakabe Atsuya, Nanami Kento, Iori Utahime, Okkotsu Yuuta, Yaga Masamichi, Eso (Jujutsu Kaisen), Hoshi Kirara Relationships: Gojo Satoru/Itadori Yuuji, Itadori Yuuji & Ozawa Yuko, Itadori Yuuji & Kugisaki Nobara Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Teacher-Student Relationship, Blood, Character Death, Itadori Yuuji Needs a Hug, Gay Panic, Murder Mystery, Mentions of Myth & Folklore, Other Additional Tags to Be Added via https://ift.tt/xjwXcLd
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bongaboi · 2 years
ISML 2022: That's! A! Wrap!
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ISML 2022: That's! A! Wrap! An Era Of Saimoe Finally Draws To A Close
By Jo-Ryan Salazar The Bedlam On Baltic Avenue 22 February 2023
This is the final Saimoe news bulletin for the International Saimoe League on The Bedlam on Baltic Avenue. Nearly two decades of memories, great battles and countless sagas in the Saimoe movement drew to a close with the conclusion of Match Day 8 in the 2022 International Saimoe League Eliminations Period.
The first of three Female Division necklaces up for grabs went to Mashiro Shiina, who defeated Violet Evergarden 3241-1550. Elaina was third with 1222 votes, Nao Tomori was fourth with 870 votes, Miko Nakano was fifth with 781 votes, Mai Sakurajima was sixth with 66 votes, Rem was seventh with 564 votes and Yukino Yukinoshita was last with 500 votes.
The second Female Division necklace went to Yui Yuigahama, who defeated Shiro 2598-2256. Nagisa Furukawa was third with 1306 votes, Nanami Aoyama was fourth with 820 votes, Illyasviel von Einzbern was fifth with 680 votes, Konata Izumi was sixth with 434 votes, Yuri Nakamura was seventh with 378 votes and Yui-nyan was last with 237 votes.
Ai Haibara won the third Female Division necklace, prevailing over Kumiko Oumae 3420-3376, Shouko Nishimiya was third with 1100 votes, Isla was fourth with 720 votes, Hu Tao was fifth with 576 votes, Iroha Isshiki was sixth with 469 votes, Megumi was sixth with 402 votes and Eriri Spencer Sawamura was last with 345 votes.
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The first Male Division pendant up for grabs went to Conan Edogawa, who delivered the Final Upset of the Round as declared by the Bedlam, a 2968-2796 scalp of Miyuki Shirogane. Accelerator was third with 1344 votes, Sakuta Azusagawa was fourth with 1100 votes, Kazuto Kirigaya was fifth with 873 votes, Taki Tachibana was sixth with 654 votes, Subaru Natsuki was seventh with 508 votes and Touma Kamijou was last with 470 votes.
Takashi Natsume took the second Male Division pendant after belting Shidou Itsuka 2321-1793. Shirou Emiya was third with 1354 votes, Saika Totsuka was fourth with 1103 votes, Saitama was fifth with 870 votes, Ryuunosuke Akasaka was sixth with 761 votes, Kazuma Satou was seventh with 617 votes and Ainz Ooal Gown was last with 560 votes.
Tanjiro Kamado earned the third Male Division pendant of Eliminations 8, a 2058-2021 victor over Sasuke Uchiha. Gilbert Bougainvillea was third with 1502 votes, Inuyasha was fourth with 1181 votes, Nasa Yuzaki was fifth with 1019 votes, Mikaela Hyakuya was sixth with 904 votes, Mochizou Ouji was seventh with 789 votes and Tomoya Aki was last with 560 votes.
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Finally, a convoy of dual matches and the odd race involving more than two took place to cap off an era of Saimoe to be believed. Schwi Dola flew past Jibril 2294-1552, Mahiro Oyama defeated Hideyoshi Kinoshita 1905-1417, Hitori Gotou rocked Yui Hirasawa 2793-2192, Jinx leveled Vi 1777-1017, Pikachu shocked Ai Kizuna 2879-1639, Aqua Minato prevailed over Kokori Amamiya 1607-1555, and in a battle of hololive rivals, Gawr Gura (1336) outlasted Pekora Usada (1281) and Kanaeru Kobo (958).
Amiya sailed past Laffey 2004-1353, Mikoto Misaka finished off her service to Saimoe with victories over Gotou (3454-2344) and Kanade Tachibana (3400-2172), Takagi took down Nagisa Kubo 2142-1498, Raiha Uesugi rolled past Takebayashi 1782-1594, Wein Salema Arbalest won a 1459-1246 snoozer over Kazuya Souma, Nodoka Manabe barreled past Jun Suzuki 1850-1355, Shuu Ogata defeated Haruhiko Ichijou 1632-1438 and Tom outdid Jerry 1987-1904.
Chisato Nishikigi routed Kei Karuizawa 3316-1315, Satoshi and Pikachu eased past Sakura Kinomoto and Cerberus 2713-2142, Mio Akiyama boomed past Ryou Yamada 2694-2107, Lelouch Lamperouge stormed past Light Yagami 2694-2107, Yuki Nagato hammered Fate Testarossa 2206-959, Archer torched Loid Forger 2366-2334, Yuki prevailed over Shinya Yukimura 1493-1304, Lyrule drove past Yu-no 1402-1195, Catarina Claes clocked Aileen Lauren Dautriche 1628-1303 and Seika Ijichi pulverized Kou Yagami 2532-1166.
Nishikigi and Takina Inoue teamed up to defeat Azusa Nakano and Yui Hirasawa 2691-2498, Umaru Doma trounced 2652-1049, Erika Kurumi defeated Laura La Mer 1441-993, Kana Sukoya blew past Himiko Toga 1720-1051, Yamada bounced back with a 2616-2487 statement win over Konata Izumi, Sanae Dekomori thumped Souji Mitsuka 2281-1016, Eru Chitanda had Houtarou Oreki's number 2431-1840, Shuu Ogata outhandled Rentarou Satomi 13900.2-12321.9 and in a special group race, Saber came away victorious with a score of 23777.7.
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Wrapping up an era of Saimoe that millions around the world witness in real time, Shinku defeated Yaya 1650-1406, Isuzu Sento drove past Mai Kawakamu 2013-1292, Seiya Kanie overcame Tatsuya Shiba 1689, and Rudeus Greyrat closed the Saimoe era with a 1766-1281 victory over Naofumi Iwatani.
That's. A. WRAP! The International Saimoe League has concluded for the very last time, and the Bedlam on Baltic Avenue thanks you for what has been a journey of anime greatness to remember. This blog will continue to cover other things, such as content on its YouTube sister channel (Bongaboi151) and sports recaps, but all the bulletins you see here can be viewed in their entirety on bedlamba.blogspot.com. Thank you for your support of the International Saimoe League. May your love for all things anime shine here, now…and into the future.
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makimai-ao3feed · 2 years
0 notes
radiodread · 6 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern.
Tagged by @skyfish7 - thank you ❤️ I'll tag people before the cut to be nice :P @maybeillride, @iskabee, @rewordthis - if ya wanna!
"Loneliness can do a lot to a person." — "do the right thing" (NANA, Nana Osaki/Yasushi Takagi)
"It’s not unexpected that this would happen, but it does sting that it has to happen around this time of year." — "be my (fake) valentine" (Cherry Magic, Kiyoshi Adachi & Nozomi Fujisaki)
"Just because Shouto is used to having nightmares doesn’t mean they become any less awful and harrowing." — "saved by the belles" (Boku no Hero Academia, Shouto Todoroki & Tsuyu Asui & Ochako Uraraka)
"If someone told Ugetsu that he’s spoiled because he’s never had to cook in his entire, twenty-one year long life, he most certainly wouldn’t disagree." — "off the record" (Given, Ugetsu Murata & Mafuyu Satou)
”You don’t bear any responsibilities towards me anymore, you know." — "chasing feathers" (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom, Link/Kass)
“I’m home.” — "it takes three" (Jujutsu Kaisen, Megumi Fushiguro/Yuuji Itadori; Megumi Fushiguro/Satoru Gojou)
"Kento is violently dragged out of dreamland by a buzzing noise on the nightstand mere inches away from his face." — "(not) sorry to disturb" (Jujutsu Kaisen, Kento Nanami/Satoru Gojou)
“So you don’t wanna go?” — "on the line" (Given, Ritsuka Uenoyama/Mafuyu Satou)
"His back hits the diner’s brick wall with a loud thud, and a groan escapes past Izuku’s lips." — "loosen up" (Boku no Hero Academia, Izuku Midoriya/Shouto Todoroki)
"He can’t leave the hospital, not just yet." — "even heroes cry" (Boku no Hero Academia, Izuku Midoriya & Mirio Toogata)
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anime-end-cards · 4 years
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March Comes in like a Lion
Episode 26 end card by Umino Tsunami
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thenichibro · 7 years
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18 notes · View notes
detectiveconansnaps · 4 years
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12 notes · View notes