#megumi x miyoko
meiissblog · 1 year
Another life: part 1 🤍 Gojo x Fem reader (isekai fic)
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@stsg-losers thank you for the amazing idea! 😊💕
⚠️MAJOR SPOILERS for Jujutsu kaisen ⚠️
(If you’re not caught up with the JJK manga avoid this story at all costs).
Please read all the parts of this story first you can find all the chapters Here.
Angst (some arguing) and a whole lot of fluff hey at least it’s happier than the manga currently). 🥲
After losing to Sukuna and after seeing all his friends in the “afterlife”. Gojo decides to go north and be “reincarnated” into a new world. little did he know this new life would be everything he’s ever wanted.
Gojo POV:
I wake up my head pounding I sit up in a complete daze. Wait-… where the hell am I and why is my sight so different? I look around it looks like a normal bedroom did I survive my fight with Sukuna? Was me dying just a dream? I get up and go over to the mirror on the other side of the room. I’m surprised to see myself looking back but with a giant bandaid wrapped around my head. It’s me but my six eyes ability it’s gone. No not just that all My powers there gone.
“Daddy! You’re awake!”. My eyes widen when a little girl who looks exactly like me, runs up to me wrapping her arms around my lower leg. “Mommy wants you out in the kitchen she made breakfast and you need your medicine”. “O-okay? Lead the way, kid”. The little girl takes my arm and brings me out into the massive home. As we enter the kitchen my eyes widen once again when I see an unbelievably beautiful woman behind the counter. “Oh Toru, You’re awake! Here sweetie your head is still injured sit down”. She walks over pulling a chair out for me at the expensive-looking dining table. I sit down across from a teenage girl who has brown hair wait isn’t that Megumi’s sister? is this some kind of trick? The little girl from earlier sits beside me at the table climbing up onto the chair. she turns back to her mother. “Mommy can I get my art stuff please”. “Sure baby, hold on”. “Mom, I can get it for you”. “no it’s fine Tsumiki I got it, oh and breakfast is done”. I watch as the pretty woman turns off the stove holding a plate full of food. I also watch as she goes into a kitchen door pulling out a notebook and some markers.
She walks back over to the table she puts the delicious-looking breakfast in front of Tsumiki. While also handing the notebook and the markers to the little girl. “Miyoko, are your brothers awake?”. “I don’t know if Kenshi or Megumi are awake Mommy I’m sorry. I think I saw Megumi’s light on this morning”. the woman sighs hold on I’ll go get your brothers.
Megumi is here?! I suddenly feel something soft touch my bare foot I jump up immediately. Just to see it’s a cat.
Miyoko and Tsumiki laugh at me. “Daddy, it’s just kyo”. My head starts to pound again probably from the sudden movement this dream is so strange. Tsumiki must take notice. “Dad, are you okay?”. “Y-yeah I think so?”.
I sit back down when the beautiful woman, Megumi who is not possessed by sukuna, and another teenage boy who also looks exactly like me enter the room.
“alright, Kenshi, Megumi remember after school you have to help take care of the yard the gardeners are off on vacation this week. You guys will get your extra allowance after me and your father talk about prices”.
I watch as the pretty woman grabs two more plates of food from the counter, and the two boys also sit at the table. “Ah! Mom me and Megumi were wondering if we could get about 300$ and get paid together for the work”. “Oh, and why is that”. “Well, Yuji and the other guys wanted to go to a concert together in about a month, and the tickets are kinda expensive”. The pretty woman walks over putting the food in front of the two of them. “A concert? I don’t know concerts are pretty dangerous what do you think toru?”. “Umm.. uh sure, whatever”. Kenshi cheers. “YES!~ you’re the best dad!”. the pretty woman sighs. “Gojo do you want a full breakfast? Or Do you not feel like eating? Like yesterday”. “No, I’m pretty hungry I guess”. We all eat together I watch as everyone chats casually everything seems so strangely relaxed I’m not used to it.
We all go out into the living room area I sit on the couch as I Watch as all the children get ready to leave. “Be careful with your little sister all of you watch her, and Miyoko you make sure to hold onto Megumi’s hand until you get on the bus got it?”. “Yes, mommy”. “Don’t worry I’ll come and get you from kindergarten later”. She kisses the little girl's forehead. “Bye everyone”. A loud cry of bye mom’s echo throughout the living room as they all leave out the door. The pretty woman sighs loudly slamming herself onto the couch next to me laying her head against my shoulder yawning. “Do you feel up to watching TV together or do you want to go rest more? I have your pain medicine ready-“.
I grab the woman’s shoulders looking her directly in the eyes. “Who the hell are you and what is this place”. “W-what? Gojo?”. “This is an illusion isn’t it you’re sukuna”. The woman starts to tremble. “N-no I don’t know what you’re talking about you’re scaring me”. “Good acting now get me out of this illusion!”. I start to shake the woman and she frantically gets out of my grip she starts crying a bit. “H-hold on! Let me call Shoko maybe she can help just calm down please”. I get up grabbing the woman again by her arms. “You’re not going anywhere-”. Just then I hear the front door open. “Hey, Satoru! -“. My eyes widen as I see “geto” aka kenjaku. “Hey, Satoru what the hell are you doing? To y/n”. He walks over towards us. “Heh you have some nerve showing up in front of me this illusion it’s your doing isn’t it”. I let the woman go grabbing Kenjaku by the shirt”. “Satoru, calm down”. “I’m calling Shoko! Be careful geto p-please Don’t hurt each other ”. The woman supposedly named y/n leaves frantically.
“Satoru let’s talk this out now just explain to me what you think is going on”. I explain to him everything to the best of my ability.
“Satoru, this is an alternate universe”. “What?!”. “this is a
universe that is free from cursed energy after I died in our original universe, I was brought here as well Don’t you remember? you chose to go north. This is our new reality after being reborn”. “So you’re aware that we were jujutsu sorcerers?”. “Yeah but who cares? this universe is everything I’ve ever wanted and now we can all be happy”. “Wait what about the others Alive in the other universe?”. “They’ll probably be brought here as well someday when they die who knows”. “Is anyone else aware of the other universe? Besides us?”. “Yeah, the other sorcerers and for some reason only the ones who died in the other world”. “Who is y/n? Why am I married to her? And why do we have children”. Geto sighs “Satoru to hell if I know, that woman is way too good for you why the hell she’d agree to marry you in any universe is beyond me”.
Y/n comes back into the living room.
“Shoko is on her way…”.
Shoko examines me. “It seems you might be suffering from some mild memory loss I’m guessing you might have had a small stroke thanks to your head injury and or trauma from the car accident”. “Is he going to be okay”. “Yeah y/n but his memories might be gone for good, unfortunately”. “Oh no..”. Y/n starts crying a bit Geto holds her shoulder. I started to feel very guilty about how I treated y/n.
- a few hours later -
I wake up to shuffling I sit up in the bed when I see y/n packing clothes. “Y/n what are you doing?”. “Oh sorry, I woke you, I’m just moving into the guest room for the time being I know it would probably be uncomfortable to share a room with somebody you don’t know”. I get up from the bed going over to y/n. “Don’t worry about it it’s okay if you want to share with me I don’t mind”. “B-but..”. “Oh, and I’m sorry for now I treated you earlier it was overly aggressive of me”. Y/n smiles at me. “It’s okay”. “If you’d like we could go out and watch some movies”. “You want to rewatch Encanto!”. “Let’s do it”. We go out to the living room and watch movies for a bit. “Oh, it’s time to go pick up Miyoko”. “Can I come with you?”. “Oh, sure if you feel up to it”. I follow behind y/n shocked to see the true size of our home as we pile into our huge expensive-looking car. We drive off the massive property going out of a security gate. Even though I’m well off in the other universe this is pretty excessive how can we afford all of this?.
“Y/n, what exactly do I do for work?”. “Oh, you own a restaurant chain with Geto”. “How many restaurants do we have”. “Three for now but a new 4th one is looking promising”. “Is that all I do”. “Oh, you must not remember my dad was the CEO of a major medical brand in the United States. After he passed away all his assets and money were passed onto me last year. we had a simpler life before this but after Inherited all the money and the company people started
Threatening us so we had to move to a more secure location to protect the kids and us”. “how much is your net worth y/n”. “About eight hundred million not counting the company, with the company it is going into the billions”. well Umm.. what about Megumi and his sister when did they become our children?”.
“Oh… you don’t remember that either.. well, toji fushiguro is my far-off relative he never really cared about his children. he just kinda ran off one day. Before I met you, Megumi and his sister were originally given to my father”. y/n looks off sadly. “My father wasn’t the nicest man much like most of my family and he didn’t want to deal with the two of them. So I volunteered to take them in and they’ve been with us since. I don’t care what anyone else says to me they’re my children”. “What about their mothers?”. “I don’t know”. We pull up to what I assume to be the elementary school.
I watch as y/n brings out Miyoko I smile a bit as she skips along with her mother. y/n opens the car door. “Daddy! Hi”. “Hey, kid”. I Watch as y/n helps miyoko into her car seat. “Mr. Kento let me make you something since you still aren’t feeling too good”. I let out a slight laugh no way Nanami is her teacher?! I take the picture from Miyoko unrolling it. “Oh, it’s a sparkly fish”. “Oh, I thought you’d like the sparkles”. “No I don’t like them I love them thank you miyoko it’s beautiful”. I reach back patting her head when y/n gets in the front seat. “Alright everyone let’s get home!”.
I hope this is what all of you wanted.
Read part 2 HERE
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kurayamineko · 7 years
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“I told you to hit me up if you needed...” “I wish I could help you out...” “I hope I can be like you soon...”
I Ship! I Ship! I Ship! <3
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polar-stars · 4 years
some random Shokugeki breakfast headcanons
(SnKimiko-Verse related)
Breakfast Headcanons for the different families in my “Shokugeki no Kimiko”-Verse. For...some reason. 
The Yukihiras (SoRina Family)
When Hiraku & Kimiko were still going to the local school, Soma and Erina always had a competition every night after the restaurant closed over who’d get “Bento-Rights” the next morning. Whoever won got to make the Bento obviously ahdh. 
Soma really loves to make them all kinds of Onigarazu, while Erina has developed her own kind of honey-pork dumplings, that Hiraku in specific loves a lot 
During the week, while the children get their bento for school, the adults usually each make an individual, quick breakfast for themselves at different times. Although with Soma and Erina of course they are proud enough of their creations to urge the other that they should have a taste as well. 
Once they’re old enough, Kimiko & Hiraku tend to take over breakfast on weekends as the family is more prone to breakfast together on these. 
EGGS, lots of EGG-DISHES. What household do you think this is?
The Nakiris (RyoAli Family)
Back when the Nakiri-Twins were smol, Alice & Ryo made a great effort to be around them as much as they can...so they usually also ate breakfast as a family. When the twins are older and can take better care of themselves it decreases a little but ultimately this family still does eat breakfast together at least once a week.
Usually it’s prepared by one of the cherry-picked chefs working in the Nakiri-Mansion, but being great chefs themselves one of the family-members tends to prepare breakfast as well at times.
Once Akio Hayama moves into the the Nakiri Mansion he sometimes prepares breakfast as well, but more on that later.
They tend to have a rather sumptuous breakfast, with a lot of options to pick from: Various types of cheese, croissants and other pastries, freshly-baked bread, fruit...etc. Some Instagram-worthy stuff.
Despite all these luxuries, Mona and Lola Nakiri never fail to voice that they prefer when their parents cook breakfast.
Rest (AkiSako, IsaMegu, ShuYoko and so on) under the cut
The Hayamas (AkiSako Family)
Akira and Hisako both don’t like other people preparing their breakfast. Whenever the Hayama-Family is staying at a hotel, these two are sulking at the hotel buffet. 
Akira & Hisako quite frankly love to prepare breakfast for their children and, while not always, they do tend to do it together. With these two teaming up it’s usually a very healthy, energizing breakfast. 
But despite the teamwork, these two also have some competition going on every morning as Hisako prepares tea, while Akira prepares coffee. The competition is about which drink their children will pick up (who like both). Real fancy tea blends & coffee-combinations are born in this competition. 
Kaori & Akio pick up a lot from their parents. It’s become common knowledge around the E10 that Akio makes the best tea, while Kaori could 100% work as a barista if she wasn’t a cook. And they both have a lot of breakfast-recipes stored in their head.
Once Akio moves into the Nakiri-mansion because of Hiraku, he actually does prepare breakfast from time to time. At first he usually eats on his own, because he feels awkward sitting at the same table as the headmistress but Alice’s pushy nature get him to sit with them in the end. 
The Japan Aldinis/Aldini-Tadokoros (IsaMegu Family)
Megumi and Isami prepare breakfast together almost every day. It’s a great way of bonding for them. It usually turns out to be a pretty rural-breakfast but it’s very comforting and their children love.
Yes, they bake their own bread. I believe in this firmly. 
Hiroshi Aldini-Tadokoro, when old enough, also tends to help out with breakfast or he goes out to pick some berries. Maja and Nino Aldini-Tadokoro often end up settling the table. This is more for weekends though. 
During the week, Megumi & Isami make bentos. Bentos for the kids and Megumi also makes one for Isami, while Isami makes one for her. He even came up with an “Italian-Styled Bento” just for this. 
The Tuscany Aldinis (TakuIku Family)
They don’t always manage to, but really try their best to eat together as a family. In Summer specifically. They always eat outside when the temperatures are warm enough. 
There’s three kinds of breakfast: When Ikumi prepares it, it’s usually the very healthy, nutritious kind that actual athletes would eat. Like idk, greek yogurt with fruit and chia-seeds, avocado-sandwiches...meep. 
When Takumi prepares it, it’s a sumptuous but also cozy European breakfast including lots of freshly picked tomatoes, egg, sausages etc. 
And then there’s the times when their daughter Mika prepares breakfast, even bringing it to her parent’s bed when she’s awake before them. Mika usually finds a middle ground between her mother’s breakfast style and her father’s breakfast style. 
The Ibusakis (ShuYoko Family) 
Ryoko makes very traditional bentos on weekdays. 
On weekends, she goes out even more and sets the table very lovingly. Shun also involves himself and smokes some bacon, eggs or so. 
Ryoko has found herself a hobby in jam-producing. In the nearby forest (the Ibusakis live close to one), she tends to pick berries (or Kasumi does that for her), or gets some fruit from the market in their small village and she makes jam out of them. She came up with some truly delicious combinations on her own. Yuki always takes at least 10 glasses with her, whenever the Maruis are over. 
Shun probably also bakes bread himself at times, idk I can just picture him doing that. 
The Maruis (MarYu Family)
Yuki makes Bentos for Takahiro (and back when Chieko wasn’t on Totsuki, also for her ofc) during the week. And she always includes some animal designs. Because she’s Yuki. 
They don’t always breakfast together on Saturday but they sure do on Sundays. This is a sacred tradition to Yuki. If it’s sunday and all of the family-members are home...They will have breakfast together. 
Zenji gets send out to get bread and usually he also buys some pastries or cakes for the children (and Yuki). 
Yuki meanwhile prepares the best (according to Takahiro) hot chocolate for Takahiro & Chieko (and herself). 
Zenji drinks coffee or tea meanwhile. 
Chieko really loves to have blueberries at breakfast. So sometimes Yuki incorporates them into pancakes. She likes making pancakes. 
The Hojos (Terunori Kuga x Miyoko Hojo Fam)
They tend to end up eating together. Suzume & Miyoko wake up the earliest usually and while Suzume goes for a morning-jog, Miyoko often begins preparing breakfast. Takayuki comes down to drink tea closely after and lastly Terunori wakes up, when everything is finished usually. 
Suzume loves having smoothies for breakfast, especially since she’s already being active early in the morning. 
Miyoko, like Ikumi, tends to go the healthy, energizing road for breakfast but she does also prepare buns which everyone loves. 
If Miyoko can’t prepare breakfast because she’s out or so, it’s either Terunori’s call or the kids go out themselves to eat out because they got too tired of waiting for their dad to wake up. 
The Eizans (EtsuNe Family)
This family struggles to find time to breakfast together and when they do it’s usually on vacation, or on weekends.
Nene is the one who pushes the most for a breakfast together and when she sees the opportunity, she’ll go full out in preparation. And when the family sits together, no one is allowed to even look at his phone and ruin Nene’s precious family-together time. 
Normally though, Nene & Masashi individually tend to prepare Miso-Soup or something for themselves, while Etsuya & Shigeo have gained a habit of eating out by getting something from a bakery, sit in some café or Etsuya lets his personal assistant get him (& whenever Shigeo has come to the company with him, him of course as well) something. 
Kei alters between either getting something from his mom or Masashi or getting himself something outside as well. 
The Saitos (SoMomo Family)
Momo often ends up making breakfast on weekends, although Kiyoko Saito later takes on the task as she’s awake earlier. Anyway this is some very sweet, Instagram-worthy stuff. 
Waffles, yogurts with fruits, macarons, croissants, fine jam.....That kind-off stuff. Though Momo never fails to prepare one miso-soup and a bowl of rice, as this is all Somei asks for. 
In the week, Somei is the one preparing bentos. His daughter Moe ended up helping him out at a rather young age, as she thought that the bentos could be a lot cuter. Moe ended up developing a passion for bentos through that and on Totsuki she always wakes up early and makes one for her big sister Kiyoko & also Shigeo. Moe’s bentos are legendary. 
Whenever Kiyoko is in any-sort off city, she really likes eating breakfast at various cafés. Sometimes she takes Masashi with her. 
The Tsukasas (for @blas-i-us *blows kiss*, but yes EiRin Family)
I think I’m gonna make it a running gag that this family rarely eats breakfast at a table, much to Eishi’s frustration. They often end up sitting on the couches in front of the fireplace or the children bring breakfast into their parent’s bed or so. When they do sit at a table, it’s usually outside during warm weather. 
They do always eat together though. And they prepare it together as well. The Tsukasa children started to participate at breakfast-preparation. In fact they often end up starting the preparation as they’re awake first.
Lots of cheese, because they live in Switzerland. 
Tsubame Tsukasa also tends to collect ingredients from the outside by running out into the morning rays and picking berries, mushrooms etc. 
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taihorror · 4 years
Rarepair hell
So no one else, apparently, ships: Sylvain X Seteth (FE3H) / Megumi X Miyoko / Megumi X Shinomiya (Shokugeki). Ok lor...
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shokugekinospice · 5 years
Would you consider shipping Kuga with Miyoko??
Sure, why not? I am a multishipper sooooooo
I’m all for Kuga with a lot of people tbh, I even support him with Nene and Megumi? I even support him with fucking Shouko as a crack ship, and I have considered him with Miyoko!
I do have an otp with him, but I support him with about anyone so like, go wild my dudes!
My otp is TeruSae, and it is a FUCKING BLESSING! It is a canon x oc ship, Masae belongs to @soaringlanddormitory and god, I love them so much
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Cherry Red and Green with Envy
Prompt: Yuki x Marui + dance/ball 
A/N: @polar-stars Thanks for the lovely prompt and for always supporting my writing! (Hands you a flower crown)
It was the night of the spring formal at Tōtsuki. In apartments, mansions, and hotel rooms surrounding the campus, the ladies of the 92nd generation decked themselves out in pearls and pastels. All except for Yoshino Yuki, who sat on the floor in her bedroom wearing a bathrobe with only her animals to attend to her. 
The usually energetic girl sighed, resting her forehead against her knees. Save for Fumio-san nursing her sake downstairs, the dorm was completely empty. 
Since the beginning of their second year, Ikumi had reclaimed her spot in Erina’s inner circle—admittedly a kinder circle than it had been in the past—and she’d been spending more and more time at the Nakiri mansion. 
At that very moment, Yuki imagined that Ikumi, along with Erina, Hisako, and Alice were putting on gowns that cost more than her parents’ mortgage. And that was to say nothing of the jewelry and the shoes. She knew Ikumi only wore real diamonds, when she wore jewelry at all, and Nakiri Alice had a penchant for Louboutins. 
To their credit, they had invited Yuki and the other Polar Star girls to come dress shopping with them, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to afford anything in the stores they frequented. 
She had been planing on shopping with Megumi and Ryouko, as they usually did things like this together, but at the last minute Hojo Miyoko had told Megumi that they were getting their outfits custom made by a local designer she knew. Yuki had to admit, the dress Megumi ended up with—short silky lilac with open sleeves—was nicer than anything she would’ve found with them. 
In the end, when she and Ryouko finally went dress shopping, the voluptuous fermentation specialist had looked stunning in the first gown she tried on—a floor length smoky gray dress that hugged her figure. Meanwhile, it had taken Yuki over three hours to settle on a short white dress with cherries on it. 
And so, it went the way it always did. Ryouko looked like a woman, Yuki looked like a child, Megumi looked like a a princess in disguise. And she was so sick of all of it, of being an afterthought, a side character even in her own stories. That was why when all her friends had gone to pregame at the Aldinis’ apartment or wait for the limo at the Nakiri mansion, Yuki had smiled and told them she’d meet up with them later. 
That had been two hours ago, and still she couldn’t bring herself to do anything but glare at the dress that would surely make her look good but not spectacular. She would have been content to sit on the floor all night, but it seemed that the universe had other plans.
“Yoshino-san!” All of a sudden, Marui was outside knocking on her door. “Are you still there, Yoshino-san? Yoshino-san!”
Yuki glanced at the headphones sitting on her bed and considered tuning him out, but she decided against it. He’d be the type to actually call an ambulance if she didn’t answer. 
She opened the door and plastered on a bright smile. “Yo, Marui! What are you doing back here?”
“You were taking a while, so people got worried.” The bespectacled youth glanced down at her attire with a quizzical expression. “Why aren’t you dressed?” 
Yuki only shrugged. “I think I’m gonna sit this one out.” She gave him a gentle push out of the doorway. “So just get back to the dance and tell everyone to have a good time for me, okay?” 
“Wait, what?” he said before she could lock him out. “But you love this kind of stuff.”
“Yeah, but I’m not in the mood today.” 
“Why not?” he asked. “It must be something serious for you to miss it. You’ve been blowing this dance out of proportion since we were in middle school.” 
Yuki sighed. “You look like a smart sort of guy, but you really don’t know how to read the mood, Marui.” 
“Can you explain it, then?” 
Wordlessly, she dragged him back to the room until he was staring at the dress she’d bought for the spring formal. “Look at this.” 
Marui adjusted his glasses and looked closely, probably searching for some terrible rip or stain. When he saw nothing of the sort, he turned back to his dorm mate. “What’s the matter with it?” 
“Who’s going to see me in a dress like this when everyone else is wearing designer from head to toe?” 
“I mean...” He searched her face for a clue that might show him the right thing to say. “Your friends would see you. They’d probably want to take pictures together and everything. There’s a photo-booth so...” 
“A photo-booth? Like at the mall?” For a moment her eyes lit up, but they soon turned downcast again. “It’s still pointless. At the end of the night, everyone is going to remember how Erina-chi looked when she danced or what Alice was wearing, or how Takumi or Yukihira or somebody’s face lit up when Megumi stepped into the room. No one’s even going to look at me, so...” By now she was wiping hot tears away from her cheeks. 
“I’ll look!” Marui promised. “I’ll stare at you for the entire night if you want me to. I can even take detailed field notes cataloging everything you do for the entire night. So please don’t cry, Yoshino-san!”
Yuki swiped across her eyes with the sleeve of her robe, brushing the last of her tears away. “That’s crazy, Marui.” 
He shrugged. “I don’t mind at all. So do you want to get dressed, and I’ll meet you downstairs in ten minutes?”
“Ten measly minutes!” she exclaimed. “Do you think a lady can really prepare for a black tie affair in such little time? Honestly, those glasses really are for show! I’ll see you downstairs in half an hour.” Then she pushed him out of her room again and shut the door behind her. 
In all of forty-five minutes, they headed off to the dance, Yuki holding a cherry red clutch and Marui filming her with his phone. It turned out to be a lovely night after all. 
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recentanimenews · 8 years
"Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry" And "A Silent Voice" Anime Movies Featured In Official English Subtitled Trailers
Distributor Madman will be presenting the award-winning Silent Voice anime movie in Australia and New Zealand next month, and Fairy Tail - Dragon Cry soon after. With these in the works, they have posted English subtitled trailers of the two. 
  The film opening in JapanMay 5th will feature original characters Sonia, Zashu and Animus with series creator Hiro Mashima as producer. Tatsuma Minamikawa, an episode director on series such as Attack on Titan and Gate, steps up to helm the A-1 Pictures production with series vet Shoji Yonemura writing the screenplay and Yasuharu Takanashi on the music. Yuuko Yamada (Person 3 The Movie) provides character designs. 
  A gorgeous new film from Kyoto Animation and the director of K-On! is coming to cinemas across Australia from April 6 and New Zealand April 16 for a strictly limited season! 
Shoya Ishida starts bullying the new girl in class, Shoko Nishimiya, because she is deaf. But as the teasing continues, the rest of the class starts to turn on Shoya for his lack of compassion. When they leave elementary school, Shoko and Shoya do not speak to each other again… until an older, wiser Shoya, tormented by his past behaviour, decides he must see Shoko once more. He wants to atone for his sins, but is it already too late…?
  Cast includes
Shoyo Ishida: Mayu Irino Shoko Nishimiya: Saori Hayami Yuzuru Nishimiya: Aoi Yūki (My Hero Academia's Tsuyu Asui) Tomohiro Nagatsu: Kenshō Ono (Bungo Stray Dogs' Ryūnosuke Akutagawa)
Naoka Ueno: Yuki Kaneko (Tamako Market's Midori Tokiwa) Miyoko Sahara: Yui Ishikawa (Attack on Titan's Mikasa Ackerman) Miki Kawai: Megumi Han (Hunter x Hunter's Gon) Satoshi Mashiba: Toshiyuki Toyonaga (Bungo Stray Dogs' Jun'ichirō Tanizaki) Shoyo Ishida (elementary school-age): Mayu Matsuoka
  Staff includes:
  Original work: A Silent Voice by Yoshitoki Oima (published in Weekly Shonen Magazine by Kodansha)
Director: Naoko Yamada
Screenplay: Reiko Yoshida
Character design: Futoshi Nishiya
Animation production: Kyoto Animation
Production: A Silvent Voice Production Committee
Distributor: Shochiku
    See more at http://ift.tt/1kB4PY0
  ------- Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime
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kurayamineko · 7 years
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That Miyoko! <3
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polar-stars · 7 years
Erina, Takumi, Isami, Soma, Hayama, Alice, Megumi, Rindo, Yuki, Isshiki, Zenji, Ryoko, Shun, Hisako and Ochako for the character thing? Thanks! (Sorry if it's too much)
*cracks knuckles*
After Erina, everything will be under the cut 
(Original Meme)
My NOTP for them
Erina /x/ Azami, Romatic!Erina /x/ Alice
My BROTP for them
Erina & Hisako, Erina & PSD (mainly Megumi, Fumio, Yuki and Ryoko), Erina & Alice, Erina & Ikumi, Erina & Takumi
My OTP for them 
Erina x Soma
My second choice pairing for them 
Erina x Hisako
My fluffy pairing for them
Aside from HisaEri, Erina x Megumi perhaps
My angsty pairing for them 
Erina x Eishi
My favorite poly ship for them 
Erina x Ikumi x Hisako
My weirdest pairing for them
Erina x Isshiki maybe…. o3o
My NOTP for them 
Romantic! Takumi /x/ Isami
My BROTP for them
Takumi & Soma, Takumi & Isami, Takumi & Megumi, Takumi & Erina
My OTP for them 
Takumi x Ikumi
My second choice pairing for them 
SouTaku or TakuMegu
My fluffy pairing for them
My angsty pairing for them 
…SouTaku a little bit
My favorite poly ship for them 
Don’t have one
My weirdest pairing for them
Takumi x Hisako
My NOTP for them 
Romantic! Takumi /x/ Isami
My BROTP for them
Isami & Takumi, Isami & Soma, Isami & Hisako, Isami & Ikumi
My OTP for them 
Isami x Megumi
My second choice pairing for them 
Isami x Bianca
My fluffy pairing for them
IsaMegu !!
My angsty pairing for them 
Isami x Biance, in some way
My favorite poly ship for them 
Don’t have one
My weirdest pairing for them
Isami x Urara
My NOTP for them 
Kojiro /x/ Soma, Jou /x/ Soma
My BROTP for them
Soma & Megumi, Soma & Takumi, Soma & Hisako, Soma & Zenji & Shun, Soma & Ryo & Hayama, Soma & Alice
My OTP for them 
My second choice pairing for them 
SouMegu, honestly
My fluffy pairing for them
Soma x Mayumi perhaps
My angsty pairing for them 
My favorite poly ship for them 
Soma x Ryo x Hayama
My weirdest pairing for them
Soma x Nao
Already Done
My NOTP for them 
Romantic! Alice /x/ Erina
My BROTP for them
Alice & Hayama, Alice & Erina, Alice & Hisako, Alice & Ikumi, Alice & Soma
My OTP for them 
Ryo x Alice
My second choice pairing for them 
Alice x Hayama
My fluffy pairing for them
Alice x Megumi
My angsty pairing for them 
Alice x Central!Hayama maybe
My favorite poly ship for them 
Alice x Ryo x Hayama
My weirdest pairing for them
Alice x Hisako
My NOTP for them 
Kojiro /x/ Megumi
My BROTP for them
Megumi & PSD (most notably Soma, Ryoko, Yuki and Erina), Megumi & Takumi, Megumi & Ikumi, Megumi & Miyoko
My OTP for them 
Megumi x Isami
My second choice pairing for them 
My fluffy pairing for them
Aside from the two mentioned above, TakuMegu
My angsty pairing for them 
Erina x Megumi a little bit maybe
My favorite poly ship for them 
Don’t have one
My weirdest pairing for them
Megumi x Hayama
My NOTP for them 
Don’t have one
My BROTP for them
Rindo & Isshiki, Rindo & Nene, Rindo & Momo
My OTP for them 
Rindo x Eishi
My second choice pairing for them 
Rindo x Tosuke
My fluffy pairing for them
Rindo x Soma
My angsty pairing for them 
Rindo x Tosuke
My favorite poly ship for them 
Rindo x Momo x Nene
My weirdest pairing for them
/shrugs/ Don’t think I have one just yet
My NOTP for them 
Romantic ! Shun /x/ Yuki
My BROTP for them
Yuki & PSD (most notably Ryoko, Megumi, Erina, Daigo, Shoji and Fumio), Yuki & Alice, Yuki & Ikumi, Yuki & Takumi, Yuki & Ryo
My OTP for them 
Yuki x Zenji
My second choice pairing for them 
…..Ryoko x Yuki, I guess
My fluffy pairing for them
My angsty pairing for them 
…OTP, if I try
My favorite poly ship for them 
Don’t really have one
My weirdest pairing for them
My NOTP for them 
Isshiki /x/ Nene
My BROTP for them
Isshiki & Nene, Isshiki & Eizan, Isshiki & PSD (most notably Shun, Ryoko, Soma, Megumi, Fumio and Erina)
My OTP for them 
Isshiki x Shokugeki
My second choice pairing for them 
Isshiki x Megumi, I guess 
My fluffy pairing for them
Isshiki x Megumi or Erina
My angsty pairing for them 
Isshiki x Eizan
My favorite poly ship for them 
Don’t have one
My weirdest pairing for them
Isshiki x Erina or Hisako
My NOTP for them 
Romantic! Ryoko /x/ Zenji
My BROTP for them
Zenji & PSD (most notably Shun, Ryoko, Daigo, Shoji, Fumio and Soma), Zenji & Hisako
My OTP for them 
Zenji x Yuki
My second choice pairing for them 
Zenji x Madoka maybe….
My fluffy pairing for them
My angsty pairing for them 
OTP…when I try…It’s much more fluffy though
My favorite poly ship for them 
Don’t really have one
My weirdest pairing for them
/shakes head
My NOTP for them 
Romantic! Ryoko /x/ Zenji
My BROTP for them
Ryoko & PSD (most notably Yuki, Satoshi, Zenji, Fumio, Megumi and Erina), Ryoko & Hayama, Ryoko & Isami
My OTP for them 
Ryoko x Shun
My second choice pairing for them 
Ryoko x Yuki…
My fluffy pairing for them
My angsty pairing for them 
My favorite poly ship for them 
My weirdest pairing for them
My NOTP for them 
Romantic! Shun /x/ Yuki
My BROTP for them
Shun & PSD (most notably Zenji, Yuki, Shoji, Daigo, Satoshi and Soma)
My OTP for them 
Shun x Ryoko
My second choice pairing for them 
Shun…x Urara
My fluffy pairing for them
My angsty pairing for them 
My favorite poly ship for them 
/more sighing
My weirdest pairing for them
Welp…Shun x Urara
My NOTP for them 
Don’t have one
My BROTP for them
Hisako & Erina, Hisako & Alice, Hisako & Ikumi, Hisako & Isami, Hisako & Zenji, Hisako & Ryo
Hisako & Daigo & Shoji
My OTP for them 
Hisako x Hayama
My second choice pairing for them 
HisaEri or Hisako x Nao or Hisako x Ikumi
My fluffy pairing for them
My angsty pairing for them 
My favorite poly ship for them 
Hisako x Erina x Ikumi 
My weirdest pairing for them
Hisako x Takumi, Hisako x Ikumi
My NOTP for them 
Ochako /x/ Bakugo
My BROTP for them
Ochako & Tenya, Ochako & The Other Girls
My OTP for them 
Ochako x Izuku
My second choice pairing for them 
Ochako x Tsuyu
My fluffy pairing for them
The two mentioned above
My angsty pairing for them 
My favorite poly ship for them 
My weirdest pairing for them
Thanks for asking!
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Currently Accepting Shokugeki no Soma Prompts
Hey fandom! For the next month or so before the fall semester starts I’m officially accepting prompts for short fanfics, headcanons, and character/ship analyses. 
I definitely multiship in this fandom and I don’t really dislike any pairs (well, I do have one NOTP but I’m not gonna get into that right now) but I’ll provide a short list of my main SnS ships below
Soueri (mostly when they’re in their twenties and beyond) Soumegu (mostly as high school sweethearts/recent grads) Ryoali  Hisakira/Akisako (Hisako x Hayama) Takumegu  Takumi x Ikumi Isami x Ikumi Erina x Hisako Shun x Ryouko Yuki x Marui Isshiki x Nene 
(I’m also kind of into Eishi x Rindou, Hayama x Ryo, Miyoko x Megumi, and Hayama x Alice, but I’ve never written these ships before)
Have a great day!
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