#meikai (mogeko)
staticevent · 2 years
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my dear girl
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lxvermachine · 1 year
hey, good morning/afternoon/night, sorry if i send you this during a bad time or if you're busy, but i want to make a request (accept it if you still do them, if you stopped, it's fine) but i wanted to know if you could draw some Meikai x Rocma, i'm the only one in the entire Funamusea fandom who ships them, and i want to see more art of them together, again, if you're not doing requests anymore, i'm sorry for interrupting you or being annoying, thank you (sorry for writing too much, too)
Of course! Here you go ^^
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kandyrezi · 2 years
[ ♡ / ♢ ] Meikai x Rocma HCs;
@ungojirasapiente asked: hi, this is my first time requesting something on tumblr, sorry if i did it during a bad time or if something's iffy with the request, but could you do some Meikai X Rocma headcanons, i know it's a bit of a weird ship but i'm the only one who ships it and i wanted to see some content from some other people :D (it can be either fluffy or yandere stuff, i don't mind )
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(a/n: yeah sure, why not. i love crack ships.)
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✧; the two of them would likely meet on meikai's ventures outside the sea; he has never really left his home, and despite how many stories he's heard of coming from the land far from the sea kingdom, he would become curious and want to experience different cultures from where's from.
✧; upon his arrival to the iceberg isle, he would stay there for the entire day, asking around and getting to know the residents, getting variably mixed results from both warm greetings, hostility, or mild unease.
✧; rocma is understandably wary of any newcomers and outsiders, so she keeps him at arm's length, with a rigid and firm posture, and making sure everyone else is safe. she especially doesn't trust any witches (or sorcerers, despite them being a rarer sight), as they have in the past come to the iceberg isle to forcibly collect and take away animals to be their familiars.
✧; but she senses no threat from him (though she keeps her guard up), when meikai affirms he already has familiars, and isn't there to take anyone away by force.
at the end of the day, when the sun was ready to set behind the horizon, would the first non-hostile words she says to him be; "...aren't you cold in those clothes?"
✧; the iceberg residents are fascinated by meikai's presence, especially peraco and mafuyu, and the former insists on seeing some cool magic tricks, for which meikai is more than glad to oblige. mafuyu is easily impressed and wowed, particularly by the shiny, floating blue stars that meikai manifests out of thin air. the little seal thinks of him as a fun, cool uncle!
✧; the sea in the south is too warm for a polar bear like rocma, so meikai would visit her periodically, when he isn't attending to his duties given to him by the sea king. but those in the sea kingdom closest to the great sorcerer would likely notice his frequent absence.
✧; whenever he comes for a visit, he brings as a gift some mikans for rocma (which he learned are her favorites, from peraco, obviously).
✧; meikai has taken rocma flying on his broom, once and just once, over the vast arctic sea. the feeling of being so high up in the air with no solid ground to safely land made the polar bear feel agitated, alongside with the growing temperature the further they would venture from home. during the flight she sunk her claws into his arms and stated firmly, "i want to get off."
"a-alright, we'll turn back around." he says, momentarily startled with the pain from her claws, but tries to ease her fear, "don't worry, rocma, you're safe with me."
"i'm not... worried." she refutes. (she's lying.)
✧; on particularly cold and stormy evenings the sorcerer will stay on the iceberg for the night at rocma's house. it's his turn to make some hot chocolate for the two of them, and he, of course, adds some heart-shaped marshmallows on top of the foam. the polar bear is too stoic and straight-faced to say she thinks it's a cute gesture, so she just mumbles, "ah... i see that. thank you."
✧; (rocma has tried the coffee that meikai brought with him once as a wake-up drink for a change, but she didn't like it, insisting it made her feel jittery. sharpening her claws and practicing her combat capabilities on the punching bag hanging from the ceiling remains the best morning routine.)
✧; despite meikai's level-headed nature, and intelligence, he isn't the most observant of other people's feelings. combine that with rocma's taciturn personality, being a bear of few, blunt words with a penchant for aggression—but rocma has a kind heart (deep down), and so does meikai, he's easily able to adapt to any quirks another person (or animal) may have.
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(a/n: peraco is 100% the one who plays matchmaker btw.)
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ungojirasapiente · 1 year
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(i will admit, this one was incredibly rushed) poor Meikai, what happened to him? today's prompt is sickness, so have a bit of whump! ------ (tengo que admitir, esto esta increíblemente apresurado) pobre Meikai, que le habrá pasado? la temática de este día es enfermedad, tomen algo de whump! --- WATGBS (and Meikai) by Deep-sea Prisoner
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ledhomeonhigh · 2 years
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Mogeko March 2023 Day 9 - Star
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j0rk · 6 years
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based off a true story..
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fofurinhaz · 3 years
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omg kitties? 🐈 *chef kiss* think about meikai 24/7
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moonplata · 3 years
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WATGBS memes, courtesy of @valkryie1
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TATSUMIYA: Wait, isn't that Meikai's staff? Have you talked with him?
WADANOHARA: I'm not sure, but sometimes when I'm fighting it's like I can feel a powerful voice inside my head, telling me how to win.
MEMOCA: Does that mean you've been cheating?
WADANOHARA: Well, it's more complicated than that.
CHLOMAKI: Sounds like cheating to me, Wadda.
WADANOHARA: It's not cheating! It's more like a spiritual connection that goes far beyond any-
MEMOCA: Hey, Meikai. Has Wadda and you been cheating this whole time?
MEIKAI: *appears and nods*
WADANOHARA: Oh, you guys can go straight to hell.
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lxvermachine · 4 years
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kandyrezi · 2 years
If you don't mind, can i ask for a cute fluffy Meikai x reader?
(a/n: u know what...... yes, you can. because i need something cute every once in a while to pacify my soul.)
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prompt: ❝ you don't get enough sleep. ❞ in which meikai falls for a human living in a waterside home with a fascination of the stars. | au
It’s quiet, he can faintly hear the sound of waves from his beloved sea rippling against the docks from outside  — it’s comforting and he feels at ease. The place has become almost a second home for him. After returning from the kitchen area, he passes the second mug over to the astronomer. He knows you aren’t much of a caffeine drinker, and he isn’t trying to rouse you anyway, despite the hour.
The sunrise from outside the window paints an orange, lightly pink glow on your features. Meikai sits on the royal-colored chair adjacent to the writing table. The galileoscope leans against the edge of it, light glinting off of the glass. He’d left his cape and hat on the coat hanger near the entrance door.
A sip of the sweet-tasting, foaming drink leaves pleasant warmth lingering inside your body, and his as well.
"This hot chocolate is so good... I'd marry you if I could just wake up to you making it with your amazing wizarding prowess for me... erry’ dayyy..."
You drawl out the last word as you yawn almost on cue, confirming his worries he’d been thinking of before when he saw you hunched over the desk, using your arms as makeshift pillow to lay your head on.
And Meikai takes note, "You've kept up this habit of yours, all this time."
"Hmmm? Which one?"
"You don't get enough sleep."
"You're always drowsy, and you have this half-lidded gaze as if you're barely able to stay awake," he smiles, "I'd make it for you again if you had a good night's rest, or rather, good early dawn’s rest right now."
"Well... I can't sleep because I'm always waiting for you to come back," you return the smile sheepishly, “And, you know... the stars are normally brightest after midnight...”
Evidently. Your leather journal (quite old, from the yellowing pages and the cracked binding) was left open, names of all the constellations, asteroids, far-away planets written down and drawn in graphs. All of the ones you discovered by yourself and the ones he introduced when he took you stargazing in the Star Isle located to east in the Great Sea. On the open page, illustration of the constellation Orion with scribbled notes from top to bottom (’old as time?’ ‘named after divine entity. were they a real person or being?’)
“I got three solid hours of shuteye... not consecutively, but still, it’s fine.”
"There would be nothing on my conscience if i was able to somehow reverse that effect on you. For the sake of your well-being."
“I’m alright, but thank you anyway...”
The sorcerer says softly, “I insist.”
It doesn’t take much for you to relent; perhaps you know how aware he is of your own mortality, as a result, his attention to your condition manifests in ways only he knows how to show.
“Ah, well... if, you so insist, then I guess...”
You remove yourself from the chair to sit on the mattress, then gracelessly fall with your head down onto the pillows with a ‘flop’ and a groan. Meikai puts his hot drink aside on the woven table mat.
“Maybe one day you’ll get to meet the one who made all these stars.” the sorcerer mentions, glancing at the journal again. You have a curious, beautiful soul.
“So many of them are faraway planets...” you yawn again, “I wonder who lives on them?”
“I wonder so too... there’s a vast universe out there we haven’t yet met.”
He inches closer so he can raise the duvet up to your shoulders, the soft fabric engulfing your frame.
Worriedly, you ask, “Are you leaving?”
“Not yet. I only just arrived.” he replies.
You poke your hand out beneath the comforter, reaching out with fingers. He takes notice, and holds onto your hand in return — your fingertips are always cold, compared to the rest of the body heat you normally excluded.
“Can we go to the Isle again when I wake up? It’s my favorite place.”
“I know, and of course.”
“And... since you played the piano for me last time, I’ll play violin for you.”
You keep the grand piano in your house as bequest from your late relatives. It looked lonely in the parlor collecting dust (”in human culture, having a piano in your home shows off aristocracy and sophistication. You don’t even need to know how to play. And, I prefer the violin anyway.”), and so he offered to play for you.
He sits by the bedside and waits - which does not take long, no matter how you tried to hide how fatigued you actually were - until your grip on his hand becomes progressively feeble, as you eventually fall into slumber and (hopefully) good dreams overtake your mind, quiet breaths become slower and shallow.
He retracts his hand slowly, rummages around in the pockets of his blazer and grabs the item nestled there.
(‘I'd marry you if i could just wake up to you making it with your amazing wizarding prowess for me...’)
It’s a good thing he won the inner debate on bringing it with him earlier, then.
He wonders what kind of wedding would you prefer. If he granted you ability to breathe underwater to have a big ceremony with everyone in the sea kingdom invited. So its denizens could meet the mysterious creature on land who managed to capture his affections. Would you wear something closely sea-themed, azure or teal fabric with clam ornaments, or would you prefer to stick with your customs of wearing pure, elegant white.
The thoughts linger, he carefully slips the lapis lazuli embedded onto band of silver on your ring finger, as it glistens under rays of early sunlight.
You had all the time in the world to figure it out.
He just didn’t know how long things would stay peaceful in the sea until then.
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ungojirasapiente · 1 year
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day 29 of Mogeko March 2023 (only two more days to go, jesus, it's almost april!) the prompt for today was a role-swap between two characters, so for this occasion, have Rocma, the witch of the artic... and also bear Meikai... Bearkai? ------ día 29 del Mogeko March 2023 (solo dos días antes de terminar, dios, casi es abril!) la temática del día un cambio de roles entre dos personajes, así que para esta ocasión, tengan a Rocma, bruja del ártico... y también Meikai oso... Bearkai? --- WATGBS and Ice Scream (and Rocma and Meikai) by Funamusea
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mulhealer · 4 years
🌟👹15 & 16 Day: Favorite Wizard/ Yokai 👹🌟
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Meikai is my favorite in short and again I feel the cosmic art is beautiful and good, I love and adore Kiku, it is my first time drawing her 🌟👹
Meikai es mi favorito en definitiva y nuevamente siento el arte cósmico va hermoso y bueno, amo y adoro a Kiku, es mi primera vez dibujandola 🌟👹
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allybit · 4 years
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MOGEKO MARCH 15. Favorite Witch/Wizard.
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syreni-sync · 4 years
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