ceoofhelaegon · 1 year
I wanna talk about our Dreamer Queen Helaena' s abilities.
She can foresee life changing events but it is implied she doesn't fully understand them...or can't fully articulate them and thus why no one in the family pays her any mind.
So, I'm starting to wonder if what she sees is actual people or just symbols.
"Beware the beast beneath the boards".
She uses figurative language. And when the event itself arrives, she is super stunned by it. She did not fully expect it, it seemed.
Many haters have said if she can forsee the future, why could she not warn her family directly? Well, I now think it's because she doesn't see literal images of people. But more of gets a vibe and sees imagery she can't fully understand. "Dragons of flesh weaving dragons of thread." etc
This is very different from, say, the rumored witch Alys Rivers. Who is said to have seen Daemon in the flames, waiting for Aemond near God's Eye.
So, if Helaena was to kill herself because of having a vision of any family member, to me it would be more of she felt the vibe rather than saw clearly what happened to them.
She might for instance sense, or be troubled by a vision of Maelor dying.
Many might end up confusing Helaena's unease for a spell of madness.
And when Maelor's death is confirmed by Mysaria when she comes to her chambers to tell her, Helaena is broken.
This might confirm that she doesn't exactly 'see' the people she loves in distress in her visions and will only be driven to action when she's told what's happened.
I'm interested to see how they'll explain this.
But what do you think? Sorry for dropping a whole ass post.
Oh yes, I fully believe that she was actually surprised when she saw Meleys.
You know that feeling you get when you finally understand something?
“OH, that’s what you’re talking about!!! Thinking back it was so clear to see, how come I didn’t understand it before?”
That is the vibe I get from Helaena, because why would she see a dragon as a beast? She has Dreamfyre, she loves her dragon, she probably has seen Meleys before too, there’s no reason for a Targaryen to see a dragon as a beast.
But you know who does? People who are afraid of them, i.e the smallfolk and even her own mother, Alicent Hightower.
So her visions are purely metaphorical, in my opinion, Viserys’ also were but he knew how to interpret them or maybe since he’s not neurodivergent like Helaena, he could see them more clearly.
Off topic but I loved seeing Alicent pregnant with Helaena and he’s actively losing the ability of having dragon dreams. My HC is that Helaena could have dragon dreams since she was a baby, which is why she cried so much. 😭
They could play with this a lot, her visions get slightly clearer but since she’s in so much grief, people around her wouldn’t listen because they would assume her words are because of the grief.
Or, she straight knows what’s going to happen and gets even more grief stricken because she can’t help. Having dragon dreams and having such a deep grief? It’s heartbreaking.
There’s so much that they can do, not sure how they’ll utilise it but hopefully we’ll get lots of our Queen and seeing how she navigates her dragon dreams.
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mejcinta · 2 months
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/silentium/ Latin: being silent
Oftentimes, Helaena felt like a soaring dragon without a voice.
... It was liberating as it was horrifying, to say out loud what no one dared, to nurse that numbing doom and make it less…cutting.
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
HotD confirms Aemond is not the father of Helaena's children
Hello everyone I'm back to talk again about the fact that some people think Aemond is actually the father of some or all of Helaena's children and how it simply isn't true (in the series at least). In my previous discussion here mostly kept to whether that idea was in-character for Aemond (I don't think it is), but I was doing some digging re the HotD intro sequence and found definitive, canonical proof that he is not. I'll explain more below, but this is canon confirmation that Aegon, not Aemond, is the father of all three of Helaena's children. So the idea that in the show Aemond is the kids' father is not a theory, it's not canon-compliant, it's not even canon-possible. It's straight up not true.
I'm drawing on two different posts by @travllingbunny and @mejacinta that analyze the opening sequence over the course of Season 1 here. First, I'll prove that the sigils and their connections represent blood relations, not marriages. Then, I'll show how the sigils confirm Aegon as the father of Helaena's children.
Okay so first: Proving that the sigils represent actual lineages, not just marriages. Our case study here will be Rhaenyra and her three eldest children. If the intro was meant to show marriages, the three eldest kids would receive inputs from both Rhaenyra and Laenor's sigils, and no inputs from Harwin's sigil. But as we follow Rhaenyra's bloodline, there's no evidence of any sigil for Laenor- instead, Rhaenyra's blood combines with Harwin's and then branches out into the three children. It's a little hard to see in one image because of the camera moving, but here's Harwin's sigil combining with the blood streaming from Rhaenyra's:
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So again, the sigils show who is biologically related to who, and expose any affairs within marriages. If Aemond is really Helaena's baby daddy, the intro sequence will portray that.
Now, let's look at Helaena's children, and who their biological father is. Aemond's sigil (far right, image of the sapphire eye) doesn't lead anywhere, because Aemond has no children. Helaena's sigil (far left, image of a spider) instead joins with Aegon's sigil (middle, image of a maiden):
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Helaena and Aegon's combined trail of blood then branches out in order to produce three children:
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This means that Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, and Maelor are all canonically Aegon's biological children.
Remember, the intro shows actual biology, so if Aemond was meant to have had an affair with Helaena, we would have seen his bloodline connecting with hers. But it didn't, because he didn't father her kids.
So yeah you guys can ship what you want, but the notion that Aemond is the father of Helaena's kids isn't a "theory" within House of the Dragon, because it's been very clearly disproven by the show itself.
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blackcat419 · 1 year
Themes of House of the Dragon
Part 1. Duty vs. Desire
@mejacinta for helping identify this one!
The biggest theme in HotD has to be doing what is best for society and doing what you want the most. Rhaenyra is motivated by her own desire, be it for love, power, or pleasure. Alicent is motivated by what society expects her to do, she follows her fathers orders and her husband’s orders, she never does anything because she desires it and when this does happen she is immediately remorseful.
Even when Rhaenyra rejects Criston cole I think it’s more out of desire instead of duty. She’s just figured and planned out how she can have a secret lover while still being heir while Criston only offers her the love part with no power attached.
Alicent should of had a shifting in her relationship with duty from being the one acted upon to being the one giving the orders. Instead of her deciding that Aegon should be Heir because Viserys told her so, she should have decided he should be heir because that’s what is best for the kingdom.
Viserys has an interesting dynamic with desire and duty as every action that he makes from his own desire or fulfilling duty fucks up his life in some way. He kills Aemma out of his desire for a son and thus fails her in his duty as a husband to protect his wife. He also loses Baelon which drives home this personal theme for him. Viserys marries Alicent out of desire and thus fails his duty to ensure Rhaenyra is his only heir and also his duty to not ruin her relationship with her friends. His desire for Alicent then leads him to ducking up his duty to have a male heir as he has three sons but refuses to name one heir. This also comes to bite him as Aegon and Aemond (presumably Daeron as well but we don’t get nice things) don’t like him. He desires for Rhaenyra to care for him and not be mad about him setting up betrothals for her so he over looks her bastards thus failings t his duty to keep a true born on the throne. He desires peace within his family and thus fails to bring Aemond justice when he is disabled (literally he should have forced Luke to apologize to Aemond at the very least and acknowledge him as the rightful rider of Vhagar.) he desires peace within the realm so when Vaemond petitions him to keep the driftmark in the Valeryon family, he fails at his duty of doing justice for his subjects by letting Luke remain heir and by not punishing Daemon. The part that is very annoying about Viserys is he thinks he is doing his duty, as he tell Rhaenyra not even he is above duty, but he never truly is.
Corlys is another interesting character as he sees his two different duties clash and one turns into desire. His main drive is to raise his family’s statues which is first seen as a duty to ensure they remain powerful, but this clashes with his duty to keep his family safe as he puts them in positions near powerful figures that ultimately get them killed. His true desire for power is shown when he doesn’t care that the strong boys are illegitimate, that Daemon and Rhaenyra probably killed his son, or that Daemon and Rhaenyra dishonored his dead daughter by laughing and then banging at her funeral. He just wants to be close to power. This sort of puts him in conflict with Rhaenys as she is solely focused on keeping her family safe but because of Corly’s actions, her family is so intertwined with Rhaenyra and Daemon that they have to support them to stay alive.
While we haven’t seen much of the kids’ relationship to duty and desire. Aegon, especially book Aegon, also has a very interesting theme. He is first shown doing whatever he wants and not caring about who he hurts. He is fully motivated by his desire and doesn’t care about duty at all. But this changes when Aemond/Criston tell him that he’ll lose a everyone he’s ever loved if he doesn’t fight and that’s where he starts doing his duty to his family. This shows that above all else, his family is what Aegon cares the most for and he’ll do anything, even something that he doesn’t want to do, to protect them. I really hope they keep this as Aegon’s relationship to duty and honor instead of changing it to him now desiring power.
Jace does have a clear relation with duty and desire as he leans into doing his duty, ex. Learning high valeryan and acting as a diplomat for his mother, but we don’t really know how he views himself as a bastard and such. We get the line “it doesn’t matter what they think” when talking to Luke about him taking driftmark, but we don’t know if this was to reassure Luke or a statement on how Jace views his own bastardhood. I would love to see this fleshed out more, does Jace feel guilt or does he view himself as an exception like his mother? I’d also like to see his duty clash with either his own desire or his mother. For example, Jace could get frustrated that people aren’t willing to fight for his mom even though they swore an oath or Jace does something out of desire (I.e. sleeps with Sara Snow) and then has to chose between the honor of someone else or his duty to another (I.e. marry Sara to preserve her honor or stay faithful to Baela because she’s his betrothed). Jace has a lot of drama that could come from this and I really want him to have an interesting character instead of just honorable boy does all the things correctly then dies sadly.
Criston’s relationship with duty and desire is very straightforward. He is in a position where he should only do his duty but when he does what he desires, he feels immense guilt and tries to right this wrong by doing something he sees as dutiful.
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pearlyiestofhearts · 5 months
Their twisted game was not only hers to win. He could play just as well.
Chapter 11 of The Prince's Pearl (Sacrilege) is now up!!
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apinchofm · 2 years
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@princesssszzzz @daylander1000 @daddyissuesandmissingdragons @mejacinta @an-abyss-of-stars @proversace
Baela hated Dragonstone. She hated her father. She hated Princess Rhaenyra, their dear stepmother.
She hated all of it. She knew Rhaena hated it too, but her anger was silent, more upsetting.
"I miss grandmother." Rhaena frowned. It seemed she was not allowed to come to Dragonstone or would not come, especially given what had happened.
They could not exactly send ravens. Their father would find out.
Moondancer seemed to be in agreement, the dragon growing large, yet still not large enough to perhaps outrun Caraxes or Syrax.
"I want him to find out. So he knows how much I despise him and the Princess."
"Rhaenyra is not so bad." Rhaena shrugged, ever the diplomatic one. She did not mind their stepmother's presence. She was not an evil stepmother, but she was not their mother.
She tried to bond with the girls. She would ask about their days at dinner at which they were all made to sit together. ,
"Well, I kissed a serving boy." Baela announced at the table, "He was very sweet. I can see why you tumble so much in your youth, Father." Her voice was sickly sweet, and Rhaena smiled at her.
Rhaenrya and Daemon were far from pleased, however, dismissing Jace and Luke to speak to the girls. Where her sons had accepted and embraced the new order here, the girls did not.
Baela rolled her eyes, "Yes?"
Daemon glared at her, "Is that all you have to say for yourself?"
"I'm sorry, father, you interrupted me. I am rather exhausted and Rhaena wishes to finish her book." She said sharply, "What do you want?"
"Apologise to Rhaenrya for your behaviour." He said.
"Will she apologise for fucking you just hours after you buried our mother?" She asked sarcastically.
Rhaenyra shifted, "What-"
"For two people so prideful of their Valrayian heritage, you forget that Baela and I speak and understand all dialects." Rhaena said, "We heard you."
They had heard them discussing the matter, wanting to figure out how to approach Rhaenys and Corlys, dealing with King's Landing. The spoke in High Valaryian, knowing Jace and Luke were not fluent outside of commands for dragons. It was merely another sign they had forgotten about the two girls.
"You never loved mother." Rhaena said quietly, yet her voice was steely, "You are cruel. I hate you."
Daemon glared at his daughters but it was Rhaenyra who spoke, gently clasping his hands in front of her, "I believe sleep is needed and we can discuss this in the morning when we have all calmed down."
"Of course, Princess." Rhaena muttered.
Rhaenys sailed to Dragonstone one moon later. Rhaenyra had written, expressing her concern.
"Grandmother." Rhaena smiled upon seeing her, running to her and hugging her when she saw her. The Queen Who Never Was embraced her tightly, still dressed in black but regal as every.
"Rhaena. My darling girl." She greeted, stroking her hair gently, "Where is your sister?"
"Father confined her." She said with a pout.
After the argument, Baela took her rebellion to a new level and Daemon locked her in a separate room. Rhaeyns frowned at that.
"The last thing we want is for her to influence Rhaena." Rhaenyra said gently, "The two have been
"It could have something to do with them losing a mother and uncle." Rhaenys snapped.
"You once offered to foster one of the girls," Daemon said, "Do you still wish to?"
"Baela can come with me." Rhaenys said, "She could inherit Driftmark one of these days. She should know her mother's home."
"Why can't I go too?" Rhaena asked sadly. She was trying not to cry. She willed herself.
Rhaneys sighed, "I would take you too. But they are convinced the two of you must be separated to grow." The younger girl sniffled and her grandmother simply hugged her tightly.
Baela and Rhaena hugged tightly, "I shall write. And when Moondancer is big enough, I'll fly here to get you." She vowed quietly.
"You must come and visit." Rhaenys said pointedly, "So that she may see her mother's ancestral home." She glared at Daemon, before pressing a long kiss to Rhaena's forehead.
"Listen to me. Sweet girl." Rhaenys spoke lowly, wiping her tears, "You may not ride a dragon or wield but you are the blood of the dragon. You are strong and you will flourish."
Rhaena looked at her father.
"It's for the best." He said, after a while, "Independence, especially for twins is a good thing."
"You married a mere day after Mother's death. I am surprised you care for independence." Rhaena said, storming back to her chambers without caring for his response.
She was not Baela. She had no dragon, no physical weapon. So she would have to find another way of escape.
"I wish to go to court." Rhaena announced at dinner, "In King's Landing."
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I have never loved a fictional family more than I love them 💜💙🖤💚 and trying to express just how much I love them, my mind comes out blank. Because there's not enough words in any language to explain how important these characters had become to me in the past 4 years. But more about that tomorrow.
This is the first time in my life as a fangirl that I have been this involved and invested in a fandom. First time I've made such wonderful friends in the online space, first time I've felt like I've finally belonged somewhere. So, with less than a day until the end of this beautiful journey, I just want to say, thank you.
For the laughs. The inside jokes. The screaming and plotting and crying. For the art, the gifs, the fics, every bit of creative genius this show had pulled from us. For the late hours I've spent laughing at my phone so hard my cheeks hurt and for the days a paragraph in a fic made me scream into my pillow. For taking the time reading what I've written and all the biggest and the smallest reviews left under it. For the cheers and pettiness and genius minds thinking alike. For the good days and the bad days. For everything and more.
You've made my time in this fandom so special. I wouldn't trade it for anything else. Just like our beloved family, we found each other and created something incredible. Our own little family. We stayed strong through thick and thin. And I'm sobbing as I'm writing this but I feel so so so grateful. I wish I could gather you all in one room and hug you all.
@wonderbatwayne @ambeauty @escapism-through-imagination @meetmeunderthestarrynight - my Queens. My TBS. I don't have words to fully express what your friendship means to me. I haven't met such wonderful, incredible, amazing, beautiful ladies yet irl and unless we ever by some miracle see each other face to face, I don't think I ever will. Your passion for the things you love, your dedication and hearts so full of love and fire and genius are hard to come by. I've learned so much from each one of you. Thank you for your openness, your honesty, your compassion, everything. Let's celebrate this end of an era the way only we can do 🥂
@legendsofentity thank you for sharing your love for Dick&Rach with me, for making me smile with your cute headcanons and being excited with me over the littlest things. It might seem like nothing but it means absolutely everything to me.
@undertheknightwing my writing twin 😂 the Gar to my Rachel. We've always supported each other, sometimes up close, sometimes from afar. Thank you for being one of those who let me lean on you when things got tough. I got your back and you got mine.
And a few others absolutely worth mentioning. Maybe we haven't talked that much but you've supported me and seeing you pop up in my notifications always made me smile and I cherish every single interaction. @lady-stirling @kirjavasblade @graysonfamfan2021 @koryvndr @mejacinta you guys are the best!
If I forgot someone, know that you are in my heart forever, I'm just too much of an emotional wreck right now (seriously, not a pretty view) to get it out of the depths of my mind.
Titans forever. Let's do this one last time.
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ladystarksneedle · 10 months
do you even realize the show's been totally switched up from canon? Daeron isn't comin back if he is skipped from season 2.... so much is diff! and I'm just picturing yours witheredoffherwitch and mejacinta's faces when all of you get proven wrong!! haha stay MAD!!
Honey why are you still stuck on that, I thought that topic was closed ages ago. We're still not sure whether Daeron's being cut, he may show up in season 3 or even 2 for that matter, I'm not putting any stock in rumors till the trailer is out. Coming into my ask box and mentioning my moots "staying mad" isn't going to earn you any points tbh and is kind of ironic if you ask me. Again, if helaemond happens it happens and I hope for your sake it isn't portrayed in a way that completely butchers both characters.
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
I tell you one thing ...
Everyone offended by my *reads notes off clip board* "Treating grown ass women like adults" is actually a blessing.
Now I can actually answer all 153 asks in my mail bag.
I fully believe that Season 2 will be so divisive, so corporately written, that there are gonna be extinction level riots in the HOTD fandom and when it's all burning to the ground, @mejacinta and I will probably be standing around with coffee mugs watching fanatics on both sides smash up the ASoIaF fandom irreparably, sipping laconically while the craziest shit happens. (My money is on death threats.)
But worst things have happened, and I think we're gonna be okay.
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
this didn’t make the final cut in a full shot but it’s from bts vids
luke got what he fuckin deserved poor bby aemond
TW: gore / Aemond’s actual eyeball
that’s insane dude omg
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ladymorghul · 1 year
remember when mejacinta was defending her right to call helaena a hoe on the helaemond ship tag? well what do you know she’s back with another “splendid” take on twitter.
when i tell you someone is a manace you gotta believe me lmao
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ceoofhelaegon · 1 year
This might be too much for the writers to even conceive and write down, but I'm so curious about Helaena's thoughts on her somewhat one-sided open marriage with Aegon.
How does she feel about his lovers/whores in the brothels? How does she vocalize her feelings on it? What does she feel for Aegon? A dutiful love, a fraternal love? A mix of both?
You made an excellent post about her reaction to Aegon trying to flirt with Baela and his neglect of her. I just wish the writers would dig deeper into that and give us scenes with just the two of them to see how they get by as a married couple.
When Helaena walks in on Aegon naked after apparently r-wording Dyanna, she doesn't vocalize what she feels but she's somewhat resigned? But I need to hear her say something. I want her to poke him and for him to respond to her!
What can a viewer do to get a more revealing scene of a complex character dynamic like this????
I have no idea, tbf. In my interpretation, Helaena knows that this is the costume but she doesn’t like it. I don’t think Aegon has any meaningful relationship outside of Helaena, he might even be a sex addict. This was the way he processed all of his trauma.
Going to the books, the Maester say that he had a paramour that was well taken care of. This is more acceptable than him being with whores, because I know that Helaena wouldn’t have Aegon having a paramour, and if he did, we would more than likely know about her, and I don’t believe Mushroom saying he had bastards. Gaemon might be his, but I don’t think the other two are real.
Helaena might have the “Aemond wouldn’t do this” kinda approach when it comes to Aemond, IMO. I don’t think it goes further than that.
I don’t think Helaena ever saw Aegon doing anything to Dyanna, when she barges in the bedroom, she looks rather annoyed if not full on angry. Maybe she saw how Aegon looked at Dyanna at one point and thought that she would be there with him. The reason for that would be that Helaena doesn’t feel threatened at all by Aegon, so she might’ve think that the encounter was consensual. Which is probably why Alicent’s hug froze her, she had no idea why she was doing that.
This is just me speculating, and I hope I’m right. But with the writing we got, I wouldn’t bet on it.
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mejcinta · 5 months
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Their twisted game was not only hers to win. He could play just as well.
Chapter 11 of The Prince's Pearl (Sacrilege) is now up!!! Happy belated Valentine's Day :)
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
I’m only saying this because I really like your blog and I don’t think you would be someone that would support that, but @/mejacinta is a terf. They reblog a lot of transphobic misinformation
good to know! i don't recognize the username and don't follow them so previously had no idea what they posted about, but they're blocked now bc some of the stuff i found on their blog was.... YIKES.
when i reblog something from someone, it does not mean that i agree with anything they post about aside from that one specific post that i have reblogged. i will very frequently reblog things from searches, tags, or my recommendations, without ever visiting the actual blog. it's more likely than not that the reblogged post is the only one i've seen from them.
if you ever see me reference a problematic blog, feel free to let me know, bc i promise it means i don't know what else they've been posting about. i'm happy to block them so i don't come across or promote their stuff in the future.
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hieronymph · 1 year
HoTD fandom ask game
Who's your favorite character? What draws you to them?
Aemond Targaryen. I have a soft corner for neglected and parentified kids. I will always root for the underdogs. His experience with being bullied about lacking something also made me quite protective of him.
Alicent Hightower. An SA victim who is trying to make the best out of her worst situation. One of the threats to her children and her is her ex whom she loved the most. Her unique and painful relationships with each of her children are quite fascinating to me. It doesn't hurt that her outfits are also dope and I can't stand to look at her teary eyes.
2. What's your favorite episode of the season?
Episode 8 - Lord of the Tides. We see Rhaenys' conflict and displeasure about supporting Rhaenyra. A closer look at Rhaenyra's desperation to hold onto her power is made visible by her offer to Rhaenys. Alicent trying to do what's right with respect to Driftmark and Dyanna. Aemond absolutely owns the Strong boys. And that dinner scene with the Green kids being sidelined, the Black kids being favored, Rhaenyra and Alicent trying to mend bridges, Baela growling and needing to be held back from pummeling Aegon, Aegon hitting Lucerys and calling him "A little shit" and a decaying Viserys still fucking things up from one step in the grave.
3. What is your favorite line from the season?
"Why. Do you not think yourself strong?" He is being such a little shit with this line. I love that.
"Where is duty? Where is sacrifice? It's trampled under your pretty foot again.
...and now you take my son's eye and to even that you feel entitled” OLIVIA COOKE IS WHY I LOVE THIS LINE!!!
4. Which actor's portrayal is your favorite?
Olivia Cooke as Alicent Hightower
Tom Glynn Carney as Aegon II Targaryen
5. Which character would you most want to be stuck on a deserted island with?
Aemond Targaryen or Criston Cole. They are capable enough to keep me alive.
6. Name a minor character you want to know more about!
HATE that Baela and Rhaena are minor characters in S1. I absolutely want to know more about them especially, Baela.
7. Who's character arc are you most interested to see continued, for better or worse?
Aemond, Aegon, Alicent, Rhaenys and Baela
8. Who's your most anticipated new character of Season 2?
Alys Rivers and Nettles
9. Which are your favorite dragons of the ones we saw?
Seasmoke, Caraxes and Meleys
10. What's your favorite relationship from this season? (romantic, platonic, antagonistic- whichever!)
Alicent and Rhaenyra
Aegon and Aemond
Thanks for creating this @jotterjots !
We definitely do need some positivity in the fandom.
No pressure tags: @pendragora @rhaeoflight @bottlesandbarricades @thewitchqueenofharrenhal @chompchompluke @oneeyedvisenya
@visenyaism @mejacinta and everyone else who wants to!
I will be reblogging with the bonus questions soon!
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florisbaratheons · 1 year
What are new leaks about Aegon? Are they really that bad?
Take a peek through @mejacinta's blog, they've got most of them there and a lot of posts talking about them. They're not horrible, per se, it's just from what I am gathering, they are diverting further and further from book Aegon, and personally, I'd be shocked if Tom Glynn Carney reupped for season 3 if even 40 percent of these are true.
And I did hear some concerning things about how Nanna Blondelll (Laena) was treated during the auditioning process and how much of adult Laena's storyline was wacked down into nothing...Idk, it's just concerning to me.
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