rubyleaf · 6 years
One of the things I flat-out don’t understand in Greed Pair depictions is when they depict Hyde as the clingy, flirty one and Licht as the tsundere. Like, you guys are really trying to tell me that Hyde “Too chicken to confess to his crush before she died” Lawless would be the forward one over Licht “I don’t care what people think, work hard and seize your dreams” Todoroki?
Counter-suggestion: Hyde only has the guts to jokingly flirt with Licht while he thinks Licht will never like him back or take it seriously anyway. Licht is the one who straight-up tells him he likes him and shamelessly kisses him in public while flipping off his caretakers who try to tell him to mind his manners.
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thedmofarcanelore · 4 years
Names... (a second post)
So, as I look through my outline so far and my various notes I see a lot of [???] and [name this later] ...
As I said before I have a lot of trouble naming things.
A lot of this is because there is a dissonance between how I want the name to sound, and the feeling I want it to evoke. It's either hitting one or the other- very rarely does it hit both.
That's the main reason I can't effectively use name generators or roll on random tables for these things. Sure you get a few (in some cases very few) names that sound great... but theres no *fire* behind them.
Hopefully in writing a campaign, at some point, I'll sort this dissonance out and at long last come up with names that epic tales are sung about. Until then, long live Bobo Melonham.
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rubyleaf · 6 years
Hello kids, guess who’s back~ And BOY HOWDY, was this chapter difficult. Mostly because it doesn’t even have a plot, it literally just deals with the outcome of the whole battle and all the changes in the individual stories... oh well, I hope I still won’t bore you X’D This time on GPF: Consequences coming for Tsubaki’s gang (minus Sakuya), a school in uproar, and several progressing romances. From now on officially nothing will be the same, strap in folks!
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Chapters: 61/?
Pairings: Sloth Pair, JekyllandHyde, Tetsono, TsubaSaku and MikuTsuru
Summary: All Mahiru wanted was to make an infamous delinquent stop skipping class. Getting dragged headfirst into a gang war and making a bunch of very weird friends was never part of the plan.
Chapter Summary: "Well," Misono said, crossing his legs and closing his eyes, momentarily blocking out the chaos of the cafeteria at lunch, "at least the results are worth it."
Hope you like it~!
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rubyleaf · 6 years
Hellooo, guess whose chapter was delayed again~ In my defense, this one turned out a little longer than usual X’D This time on GPF: A mysteriously absent Mahiru, worried friends, and lots of searching... and a piece on the chessboard who doesn’t move as anyone predicted. What here is as it seems, I wonder? Or rather... how should things seem here in the first place?
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Chapters: 57/?
Pairings: Sloth Pair, JekyllandHyde, Tetsono, TsubaSaku and MikuTsuru
Summary: All Mahiru wanted was to make an infamous delinquent stop skipping class. Getting dragged headfirst into a gang war and making a bunch of very weird friends was never part of the plan.
Chapter Summary: Before Kuro could think, the hooded boy snatched his wrist, roughly yanking him around a corner and to a free car racing game, pushing him into one of the seats and shoving a console into his hands.
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rubyleaf · 7 years
Hmm.. Greed pair and SlothPair headcanons because why not? -w-
*jumps out of chair* MORE HEADCANON ASKS HELLTOTHEYES! Sure thing! Boy, I’ve made so many headcanons for these two already, I hope I won’t accidentally repeat anything I already wrote… but anyway, here you go!
Greed Pair:
The ultimate performer team, of course Licht and Hyde have pondered the thought of standing on stage together. Well, Hyde came up with the idea and Licht was unsurprisingly reluctant, although after some thinking he realized the idea wasn’t half bad after all. It has yet to go anywhere, but sometimes when they’re bored they start imagining different variations of the whole thing, from a play with Hyde in the lead and Licht accompanying it with his piano to a mix of readings and music, even if they never end up agreeing on one version to carry it through.
No matter how close they get, Licht and Hyde always insist on having separate rooms everywhere. For one, they’re awake at very different times of the day and invariably wake the other up if they share a room, and of course they also need a place to retreat whenever their bickering gets a little too annoying. Having separate rooms doesn’t keep them from texting each other half the night though, with Hyde sending Licht cute animal pictures and videos and Licht sending Hyde anything Shakespeare-related he comes across.
While on tour, Licht tends to sleep through the flights whenever possible, whereas Hyde stays awake reading or watching movies. This results in both of them being unusually well-behaved; Licht often ends up falling asleep on Hyde’s shoulder and drooling on his shirt, and Hyde does his best not to wake him until they fly over a particularly fascinating or beautiful sight, in which case he nudges him awake and both of them press their noses against the plane window, pointing everything out to each other.
Sloth Pair:
Although it takes him some time to open up, Kuro is one hell of a cuddler. At every possible opportunity he will seek out Mahiru’s warmth, drape himself over him or wrap his arms around him and nuzzle his shoulder, not even asking for attention so much as satisfying the craving for Mahiru’s presence. It gets even worse during the winter, when he gets cold no matter how many layers he’s wearing and seems basically glued to Mahiru’s side, back, or whatever part of his Eve is close enough to hug. At some point Mahiru gets annoyed, and then Kuro will transform into a cat and curl up as close to him as possible.
Sometimes Mahiru has a really bad day, and on days like that Kuro takes it upon him to do something nice for him. Usually that ‘doing something nice’ encompasses trying to help with the housework or even making an improvised dinner for him, but due to his inexperience Kuro ends up messing stuff up and the whole well-meaning mission derails into disaster. This, of course, ends up making Mahiru’s mood even worse and he yells at Kuro for causing so much trouble, but that anger evaporates quickly, and before he knows it even Mahiru can’t help laughing at the utter chaos his Servamp so innocently created.
You cannot let Kuro get bored, because then he will do what any bored cat does and start pushing things off the table. Mahiru’s go-to solution is to fill every glass within Kuro’s reach with coke, which Kuro likes too much to waste; that, however, has the side effect of Kuro taking in too much sugar and caffeine at once and complaining about being unable to sleep all night till the following morning. Mahiru has yet to find a failsafe solution for that, although he has discovered that scratching Kuro’s ears when he’s in cat form may or may not help a little.
Have these six for now! Boy, I was completely out of shape, but glad I’m getting back into the flow here! Thanks a lot for requesting, dear!
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rubyleaf · 7 years
OH OH! GREED PAIR FIGHT HEADCANONS PLEASE! :D (You’re freaking amazing by the way keep up the awesome work!)
OKAY! OKAY! Fight headcanons or fight headcanons though? You never know with these two… I’m just gonna do some for both, if you want more of either just hit me up again. Thank you very much though, I’m glad I can make you happy with what I do!
You wouldn’t know it from the way they normally act, but when it comes to fighting, Licht and Hyde are basically one mind in two bodies. They come up with perfect strategies in a split second, instinctively thinking the same and not even needing to communicate to carry it out. And even on the rare occasions where they think of different things, they notice it and adhere their own tactics to adjust to the other in a moment, making them both terrifying and impossible to predict.
However, even when they’re fighting together, you still can’t stop them from trying to mess with the other as much as possible. Licht kicks or throws Hyde into a group of enemies he proceeds to beat up, Hyde retaliates by watching Licht struggle with a tough opponent till the last possible second without batting an eye, and so on. However, they somehow always manage to stop themselves just in time to prevent the other getting any serious injuries, although always just barely.
When things get serious, however, these two instantly have each other’s back. Thanks to their weird psychic connection they can always tell when the other’s in a pinch and jump in, defending him before he can injure himself too seriously or, if he’s already been hurt, allowing him to recover. If it gets really, really bad they’ll also carry the other away from the action, although not without trouble because the rescuer will complain about the rescuee being an idiot and a pain and the rescuee will yell at the rescuer that he’s fine and doesn’t need to be saved like some damsel in distress.
While Licht and Hyde yell at each other about pretty much everything, they rarely have any serious fights. Their typical bickering is forgotten in an hour or two, their more serious yelling and punching and kicking matches put aside after a day of sulking and a thorough scolding from Crantz. This is not without good reason – while they’d never admit it, they actually can’t handle not talking to each other for too long, and the one time they had such a serious fight that they ignored each other for a week straight they ended up running into each other’s arms and crying, even if they now pretend it never happened.
When they’re mad at each other, they flat-out refuse to talk. They stare right through each other and pretend not to hear what the other is saying, crossing their arms and sulking in opposite directions even when forced to sit together. Crantz’s go-to strategy is to separate them and try to reason with one, then the other, with mixed results because Licht flat-out refuses to apologize on principle if Hyde is the one in the wrong. They do, however, grudgingly make up by the end of the day though, because otherwise they’ll both wind up sitting in their separate rooms and feeling awful about the whole thing when they should be sleeping.
There you go, have some idiots! Man, I love these dorks, they’re hilarious. Thanks for requesting them, hope you like this nonsense!
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rubyleaf · 7 years
I kinda agree with the other anon >w> Tho Licht isn't much angst fuel or something, I would love to see a fic in which angel-chan suffers and Lawless comforts him~~ Itll be different from the usual Licht comforting Lawless thing, and really interesting as well~ :D
Eh, you all want to see Lichtan suffer huh? Y’all sadists… just kidding XD I understand the feeling! Would definitely be a bit unusual and refreshing, wouldn’t it? I’d definitely love to see a fic like that too! Probably not writing one anytime soon, although I might incorporate Lichtan suffering into GPF… everyone gets their proper share of suffering you know~? Jokes aside though. If any of you guys write that, do tell me so I can share it with all the people who wanna see this!
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rubyleaf · 7 years
yooooooooooo!!!!!i feel like the world needs more licht x lawless angst. I feel bad about it but I kinda want angel-chan to suffer a little, just for the sake of good fluff...god I'm a terrible person but whatever!! Btw ur blog is amazing
Haha, no need to feel bad about it, I know that feeling too well… my writer self is an awful sadist after all X’D Making Angel-chan suffer in the angst way is hard though, I admit that… he’s so confident and determined that there’s very little room for the usual angst fuel like misunderstandings, reading too much into stuff, self-doubt, all those nasties… and he’s not the type to dwell on the past or regret stuff either! Gah, he’s AWFUL angst fuel! *frustrated noise* Maybe one could work with his density and realizing his feelings only when Lawless already moved on? Or unrequited feelings for some time? Or just generally not knowing how to handle his growing crush because he’s never been in love before? Or something happening to Lawless and him suffering because he doesn’t know what’s gonna happen to his precious hedgehog and suddenly realizes how much he needs him? Or there’s always the good old diabolus ex machina with Lawless comforting Licht after something bad happened to him or he lost a loved one or something… Oh hey, those were quite a bunch of ideas after all~ Somebody should write them. Although I might call dibs on one or two of them for GPF? We’ll see, we’ll see! And hey, glad you like my blog BTW
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rubyleaf · 8 years
Whew~ And after some delay, finally the long-awaited new chapter! I apologize for the delay, inspiration is a harsh mistress X’D This time on GPF: What will Licht say to poor discouraged Hyde? What is Sakuya doing in the crowd without his classmates? And, of course, the big showdown: Who will win the finals of this tournament? Read and find out!
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Chapters: 27/?
Pairings: Sloth Pair, JekyllandHyde, Tetsono, TsubaSaku and MikuTsuru
Summary: All Mahiru wanted was to make an infamous delinquent stop skipping class. Getting dragged headfirst into a gang war and making a bunch of very weird friends was never part of the plan.
Chapter Summary: "We need you playing like this for at least one more match!"
Hope you like it~!
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rubyleaf · 8 years
Yoohoo, the fun AU train is back~ Who’s in for a ride? Okay, that sounded... a bit weird X’D This time in GPF: The long-awaited start of the tournament (aka the beginning of the end of this lighthearted arc...)! Will Shuuhei and Tinker be freed from their banner prison? How does Team Kuro start into the tournament? Does Misono keep his promise to watch Tetsu play? And has Hyde really improved his volleyball skills enough to stand his ground in the tournament? Find out here!
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Chapters: 26/?
Pairings: Sloth Pair, JekyllandHyde, Tetsono, TsubaSaku and MikuTsuru
Summary: All Mahiru wanted was to make an infamous delinquent stop skipping class. Getting dragged headfirst into a gang war and making a bunch of very weird friends was never part of the plan.
Chapter Summary: The air smelled of excitement and fun.
Enjoy the read~!
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rubyleaf · 8 years
Aaaaand the second update I’m whipping out in one day~ Although I swear it’s just a coincidence, not planned or anything X’D This time on GPF: Mahiru being a supportive friend, Yumi being a protective friend, MikuTsuru backstory, a harmless bit of TsubaSaku fluff, and Hyde having a rather meaningful dream. And a harmless cliffhanger for everyone’s enjoyment!
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Chapters: 23/?
Pairings: Sloth Pair, JekyllandHyde, Tetsono, TsubaSaku and MikuTsuru
Summary: All Mahiru wanted was to make an infamous delinquent stop skipping class. Getting dragged headfirst into a gang war and making a bunch of very weird friends was never part of the plan.
Chapter Summary: A small, nagging voice whispered in his mind, sneaking around him, always just out of reach.
Enjoy the read~!
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thedmofarcanelore · 4 years
An elf by any other name:
Names. Lord help me... names...
I have absolutely never been good at creating names for things as far back as I can remember... and I feel like this is problematic, especially now that I have embarked on this whole "writing a campaign" thing.
For comparison where others may say: "Before you stands the a high elf. He bows gracefully and introduces himself. 'I am Gaialus Laroneth of the kingdom Malronia' ..."
I feel like I would stutter out: "So behind the counter is a portly, smiling dwarf. ...his..his name? ...why it is ... Bobo... Melon... ham. Yup! Bobo Melonham the dwarf."
...and of course Bobo Melonham would be THE npc people latch on to and I'd have to face that shameful name until the campaign ends.
I really, truly need to sort out how to be creative with names.
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rubyleaf · 8 years
Hey! Just thinking about the ship name of Lawless x Licht / Licht x Lawless! Any idea?
Oh dear, anon, I’m just gonna warn you that this is a Highly Sensitive Topic in this fandom and has caused lots of controversy X’D Just kidding, it’s not that bad, but the fandom can’t agree on one. I (along with a handful of others) use JekyllandHyde, others use LawLicht or just call them Greed Pair, just pick whichever you like best or something. This fandom has more ship names than actual ships! Sorry I couldn’t give you a clear answer, but I hope that still helped you~
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rubyleaf · 8 years
Do you think that Licht has warmed up to both Hyde and Mahiru?
Ah, that’s an easy question~ XD The answer is… yes! I think he’s started to warm up to both of them by the end of volume 7. When the Sloth Pair shows up to rescue him and Hyde, he makes a remark that Mahiru interprets as Licht acknowledging him, and then there’s that one scene in volume 8 where he turns up in Hyde’s hospital room and wordlessly throws the Hyde name tag in his hands, kind of a symbolic gesture as he’s practically telling his Servamp that he’s renewing their contract, showing that he doesn’t really hate Hyde anymore, not the way he used to. He’s accepted him as a partner during the Higan fight, calling him “Hyde” for the first time (instead of “Lawless” or some variation of “stupid rat”) and willingly working together with him, and even before he might already have kind of cared about his Servamp, because why else did he make that amazing motivational speech? Of course, that may also be because he just couldn’t stand that cynical worldview of Hyde’s, but was that really the only reason?
So, long story short, he’d probably never admit it, ever, but yes, Licht has actually warmed up to Hyde and Mahiru by the end of volume 7, or at least started to ^.^ I hope that answered your question, anon! Thanks for asking~!
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rubyleaf · 8 years
Sorry for asking, but I was wondering if you had any prompts on the Greed Pair or any personal opinion on their relationship?
No need to apologize, you know I love being given reasons to talk about my opinions on stuff! XD I love the Greed idiots a lot - I’m not as emotionally invested in them as in Sloth Pair and it’s more of a casual ship, but they’re very fun to watch and I think it’s really interesting how they’re portrayed as polar opposites but also two sides of the same coin! But mostly I really like watching them get on each other’s nerves X’D Prompts, huh…? How about…
At one point Hyde does something really ridiculous and stupid and instead of getting mad like he usually does, Licht just bursts out laughing and can’t stop. Hyde adores his laugh and later proceeds to tease him about it, but Licht comes up with some excuse why he cracked up.
Licht has to go to a big family meeting (parent’s/grandparent’s birthday, Christmas, Easter, you name it) and of course Hyde tags along. It’s his first meeting with the family and Licht’s mom immediately mistakes him for her son’s boyfriend, despite the latter’s protests. Hilarity ensues.
Licht and Hyde somehow start a prank war that goes completely overboard and involves all of their friends and family, as well as their friends’ friends and so on. It’s a lot of fun and they get way too invested in it, but at some point they take it too far and have to sort out the mess they made and make up.
Licht takes part in a huge piano competition and despite his usual attitude, he gets nervous and insecure. Hyde, who will be sitting in the crowd, tells him that even if no one else will applaud, he will cheer so loudly it’ll sound like an entire hall. Licht gets grumpy but still feels reassured.
I hope you like my handful of prompts, anon~! I’m afraid I just can’t think of anything more than “hilarity ensues” when it comes to these two losers, aside from one or two exceptions… But I’d still love to see something based on these ideas, so if you should ever draw or write them, do me a favor and tag me! ^.^
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rubyleaf · 9 years
Holiday Headcanons!
Yay, it’s that time of the year again and I honestly couldn’t care less that it’s not December yet, it’s never too early for some holiday headcanons! Told you I’d post some so here you are~~
Sloth Pair: Kuro has a weakness for all kinds of Christmas decorations and keeps nagging Mahiru to buy this and this aaaand that too so they can decorate their apartment with it, to Mahiru’s annoyance because to him most of these things are useless and expensive. “Buuut Mahiru, don’t be such a grinch! Have some holiday spirit!” “For the last time, Kuro, it’s October!” During the actual holiday season, Mahiru loves baking cookies and giving them to everyone he cares about, and of course Kuro always gets the most. One time they tried to bake together, but Kuro kept snacking on the dough and got kicked out of the kitchen. On Christmas Eve itself, they like to look at all the lights for a bit before curling up under a blanket and marathoning old movies on TV. The next day they’re always invited to the Alicein estate, along with all their friends, and usually “accidentally” (really, Lily?) end up under the mistletoe together. Their gifts to each other are always sweet and heartfelt and especially Kuro treasures every little thing he gets from Mahiru, no matter how mundane or insignificant.
Lust Pair: All the little subclass kids adore the holiday season, and Misono finds himself getting dragged along by them. They love decorating the house and the decoration always looks a bit messy and less-than-perfect, but since they’re so proud of it, nobody has the heart to fix it. Lily and Misono help them decorate the house and the gigantic Christmas tree, make new decorations out of colored paper, and bake tons of cookies. Every single year Lily produces a new set of hideously lame holiday sweaters out of who-knows-where, and while the vampires all wear them with pride, poor Misono wouldn’t be caught dead in them but wears them anyway, just to please his big vampire family. On Christmas Day Lily invites everyone over for a party, gifts are exchanged, and aside from the usual stuff from his family and friends, Misono also gets lots and lots of hugs and tiny handmade gifts from the subclass kids. He’s flustered as hell but also incredibly happy and gives them one of his rare smiles, and at the end they all take a group picture. Lily’s favorite is the one with the Christmas tree falling over. Don’t ask, it’s a long story.
Greed Pair: For Licht, the holiday season is the highlight of the year. He normally hates the cold, but bring in snow and lights and he’ll get sparkly-eyed like a little kid. His birthday is on Christmas Eve, and every year his entire family gets together on that day to celebrate both the holiday and his birthday. In Austria, presents are exchanged on the evening of the 24th already, so every year he’ll get a ton of both birthday AND Christmas presents, to Hyde’s exasperation (”It’s great that I only have to look for gifts once a year, but then I always have to find two gifts at once!”). He also adores Christmas markets and will invariably drag Hyde to one in every city they visit in December. Hyde tags along, mostly for the food, but also for the rare sight of sparkly-eyed Angel-chan gaping at illuminated stalls, fresh snow, gingerbread and Christmas trees and eventually buying a ton of angel stuff to decorate his grandparents’ tree with. The first time he tagged along, Hyde was really nervous about feeling out of place at the family reunion, but he fit in with everyone seamlessly and got a rare glimpse of Licht smiling as he played in the snow with his younger cousins.
Pride Pair: Tetsu and his family don’t really make a big deal out of Christmas. They get cake and meet up with their friends and neighbors to talk, eat and exchange small gifts, but they don’t decorate much and they don’t have a Christmas tree either. Hugh was pretty bummed about that the first year, but now he’s gotten used to it and almost doesn’t complain anymore. It’s a merry gathering though; Tetsu’s oldest sister comes over with her fiancé and her little son, the second one invites her boyfriend, almost everyone from the neighborhood shows up, and the few people who visit the onsen during the holidays are also invited to join the celebration. The Sendagaya family and some neighboring families also do a secret santa, and Tetsu would probably forget to have a gift ready if it wasn’t for Hugh. Tetsu’s grandma bakes the world’s best cakes and personally brings them to all her friends, with Tetsu and Hugh tagging along to carry the cakes. On Christmas Day the two of them also go to Misono’s place for the party, and Tetsu always ends up befriending the subclass kids, to everyone’s amusement.
Envy Pair: Neither Mikuni nor Jeje are the types to celebrate the holidays much. More often than not, they’ll just get a cake and continue with their normal everyday life; most of the time, however, Mikuni winds up getting bored because everyone else is busy celebrating and no one’s on the street, and he either starts messing with Jeje or seeks out Shuuhei to get on his nerves. He makes a point of always doodling holiday motives on Jeje’s paper bags, and once or twice the vampire was stuck wearing a Santa hat (long story). After many years of banishment from the Alicein estate, he’s now getting invited to spend the holidays with his family again, and when he’s not busy traveling the world he actually does. He seems to act much the same as he usually does, but Jeje notices that he becomes more relaxed after meeting his family and even gains some holiday spirit, genuinely offering the vampire to drink his blood. Jeje is creeped out, but when Mikuni reverts back to his usual self the next day, he finds that he kind of likes that relaxed Mikuni a lot better.
Melancholy Team: Watch out, it’s a party! Christmas with Tsubaki’s crew involves a lot of food, drinks, snowball fights, silly photos, loud music, and bad jokes shouted all over the place. They do a secret santa every year and everyone always knows when they get a gift from Tsubaki because Tsubaki only ever gives out prank gifts, and for some reason Sakuya always ends up getting all those dangerous pieces of junk, he’s got quite a collection by now. Berukia insists on performing a flashy magic trick in front of everyone, and then they play cards for some time before going out on the street in search of some party to crash. Tsubaki ends up getting pretty drunk over the course of the evening, and the next morning he finds selfies of him wearing a Santa hat and a string of party lights around his neck on his phone, with no recollection of taking them. Sometimes they also go for karaoke (and got banned from quite a few places already), and the next day they turn on the TV and watch some holiday movies. Tsubaki cried while watching Frozen, but don’t tell anyone.
This~ was~ fun~! I’ve been thinking about all of those for some weeks now, so I’m glad it’s finally time to post them! Spread the holiday loooooove~
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