#membership fees
543magazine · 1 month
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"Unveiling the Truth: How Health Clubs Really Profit"
Explore the hidden business model of health clubs. Discover how gyms profit from long-term memberships and why they often prefer members not to use their facilities. Visit www.543magazine.com
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noahjamesmass · 2 years
🎟 Kupawn 🎟
¹/₂ Coup Crux Clan Membership
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cfffrk · 3 months
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+ little bonus
I think I accidentally created their son instead of Jeeves when I was drawing the first frame😭
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blessedarethequeer · 1 year
absolutely was not prepared today to learn that one of the most exclusive and wealthy yacht clubs in the US is unironicly named after St. Francis...
...y'know, the patron of the poor, known for embracing a life of poverty and simplicity, dedicated caretaker of creation...
Jesus wept
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sunnyupsidedown · 8 months
One day there’s going to be an investigative journalist obsessed with exy who decides to lookup the net worth of all the top exy players and discover they’re lower than expected.
Initially, they think, maybe they don’t buy a lot and keep most of their money liquid so it’s harder to track their net worth, but then they find out that nearly all of the exy players are generous philanthropists. Donating what they think is well over fifty percent of their income to various charities.
That’s their article, they think. Exy, One of the Most Charitable Sports in Modern History!
But then they start looking into it further and things start to look… suspicious.
Every single Edgar Allen exy alum donates to a mixture of the same ten or so charities. They are all lesser know charities that range from bringing exy to underprivileged communities to children with rare forms of cancer to environmental activism organizations.
Even the power trio from PSU, Day, Josten, and Minyard, have donated to a few on that list and their contributions significant. The difference between them and Edgar Allen alum though is that they also donate to causes not on the list and related to their pasts.
So they look into the charities more, looking at the mission statements, finding their financials, even volunteering at some of them. And they discover that things don’t quite match up. Yes the charities work toward the goals laid out in their mission statement, but the money they receive from the exy donations should vastly change their day-to-day operations.
And that’s how they find out that all those charities are a part of an elaborate money laundering scheme involving the top exy players in the world.
Shortly after figuring that out and shortly after connecting exactly who is doing the money laundering, they disappear without a trace.
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silentspaces · 17 days
I finally did it. I got an expensive gym membership. I had been going to a local little fitness center where you pay like 300-500 yen for the day that you go, but the place closes at like 8pm and sometimes I don't get out of work until 6, and I stopped going like a year and a half ago after I got COVID. This new place is very nice, they give you your own charts to keep track of your weight and blood pressure and workout content. Now if only they had more of the pool free...
Maybe I'll use my Tumblr for accountability and pretend I have lots of followers who will judge me for not going and wasting money
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snommie · 5 months
Anybody else here using sheezy art (newly updating website meant to replicate old dA style)... I'd love to follow/friend/watch/whatever it's called you❤️.
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twicethetrouble · 3 months
Me: I'm going to get so much stuff done today!
Also me: *Plays Warframe instead*
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tennessoui · 1 year
ko-fi fic uploads
hey guys, I'm going to start putting some of my new tumblr prompt fills and writing warm-ups (ficlets of 4k-6k length) up on my ko-fi!!
Monthly supporters will be able to go into the gallery tab on my ko-fi and click on an uploaded image. The title will be which tumblr-based au the ficlet fits into and how many words it is. The description beneath the image will be a quick summary of the au and a link to the google doc containing the ficlet. The "root" au post, aka the post that started the au on my blog, will be linked as well on that google doc.
This will not affect my wips and progress on them in any way! I feel like that's very important to state - I write these sorts of ficlets all the time because it helps get me in the writing mindset for writing ao3 fics. I will just be spending a little extra effort on them to put them up on ko-fi.
I will NOT be posting any ficlets on my ko-fi that you need to read to understand a fic on ao3 - that's some disney monster conglomerate kind of shit. I will also still be posting shorter ficlets (1k-3k) on tumblr as I write them, especially if I'm answering a prompt someone sent me here. Again, I think it'd be a bit of dick move to not do that
I'll try to vary which ficlets go up on ko-fi and every time I upload one, I'll make a post about which au it is as well as a link to the page in case anyone wants to, idk, unsubscribe for a month because they hate the hopeless in coruscant au, and then refollow next month because they enjoy the playmaker au etc etc
I'm definitely still trying to figure out what I want this to look like and what feels fair or reasonable, so hopefully this isn't a huge mess on my end!
All this being said:
I've posted the first ficlet/fic on ko-fi: it's for the Senator Menace AU, an au that's basically "What if phantom menace but reversed? how fucked up would anakin get over the youngling his father master died to protect?"
the first au post is here // my ko-fi is here
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mercurialmalcontent · 5 months
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help I'm drowning under all these links
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brianskangs · 8 months
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at this rate,,, im selling my kidneys.......... 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
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destinyc1020 · 7 months
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This is the stupidest decision from Netflix ever. So, not only are you punishing your already-member customers, but you're making people pay an additional $8.00 a MONTH for EACH additional user on the account while we're in an over-inflated economy and people can barely afford to make ends meet, let alone pay for "fluff stuff" like a streaming service??
Give me a freakin' break. 😤😡
Not only that, but they have the NERVE to raise prices on members AGAIN. 🙄
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tam--lin · 1 month
me: hi, I've been unable to cancel my gym membership through the app and I'm not getting a useful error message, so I called you to try to figure this out! gym guy: ok, what's the problem? me: (patiently repeats that I'm unable to cancel on the app and I don't know why) gym guy: ok, so I'll help you out since I have you on the phone here, but usually you do this on the app
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musicaldeductions · 4 months
I'm listening to my roommate try to dispute some charges on his credit card and I'm realizing that I'm not entirely sure this guy has ever worked in retail for a significant amount of time.
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schwestermord · 2 months
would u guys laugh if I started going to the gym. be honest
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cappurrccino · 5 months
you see, my mistake was thinking "aw man, I'd really like to get my hair colored like D'arcy's, with the balayage and the blue/teal ends" bc now I want to go get that done immediately, when I know have several other more responsible things I need to get done and pay for first 😔
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