#meme rsp
dnxshiro · 6 years
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Totally not my doing but these were hilarious. XP
Rare you goofball
Rare X G is one heck of a disaster ship. Rare is to nervous to admit how he feels to G’s face. G is a dense moron who’s too focused on her machines to notice even though everyone pretty much knows rare likes g.
aaannnnd theyre both stubborn idiots
what even is this ship
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rmolid · 4 years
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pastijasprogram · 5 years
Past Participants of IJAS 2019
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< 2019 Mei Yuzuki  メイ・ユズキ >
The best nine days of my life
For a whirlwind of nine days this past July, I traveled around Japan with four other nikkei from all over America. As a yonsei Japanese-Chinese-American girl, born and raised in both the West and East coasts of America, Japan has always been an alluringly beautiful yet distant and almost impossibly inscrutable country. To travel to Tokyo, Yokosuka, Kyoto, and Kamakura with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Friendship Organization was a dream come true—the best first introduction to Japan I could ever wish for. Walking around the Buddhist temples in the misty Kamakura mountains, I felt as if I was rediscovering a long-lost friend.
I met four other nikkei in the Narita Airport, hailing from Utah (Boone, a quiet and thoughtful Mormon and hapa with a distinct passion for Asian-America), Huntington Beach (Chris, the quintessential Model UN-er Southern-Californian), Sacramento (Grace, an adorable and talkative thespian who was on her 3rd scholarship trip to Japan!), and the suburbs of Chicago (Jaclyn, the bouncy and cheerful junior with an endless number of activities).
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We started out in Tokyo, on “official business”, meeting with Cody Walsh (we called him Cody-san), a charismatic and inspiring US State Department officer as well as a kind and friendly member of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The rest of the trip, however, was jam-packed with sightseeing and cultural exchange. We spent a day-in-the-life at Yokosuka High School, followed by two idyllic days in Kyoto, two nights on a homestay, followed by two last days in Tokyo. 
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All of our host families were great matches—thank you, IFA! I felt right at home in Kamakura despite the language barrier. I stayed in the misty and beautiful suburbs of Kamakura with the Hata family—the father is a gentle and kind architect, the mother is a warm-hearted piano teacher, and their two daughters are right around my age and big Disney fans. I brought my flute along with me, hoping to play with my host mother, and it turns out that one of my host sisters attends music school two hours away. Together, my host mother on piano, my host sister on alto sax, and I on flute played “The Old Folks at Home”. Reflecting back on it now, almost two months afterward, that may be the highlight of the whole trip for me. 
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After our homestay experiences, we regrouped in Tokyo for the last two days of our time in Japan. Before departing for Narita, we spent the morning in the Edo Museum. As I walked through the museum, it was as though I was walking through a physical display of a few of the units from the Reischauer Scholars Program (which completely deserves its own post—that’s to come!). It was the bow on top of the present that the IFA and the whole program had given to me—a deeper and nuanced appreciation for Japan, a foundation for what hopefully will be a lifetime of contact and connection with this country.
Of course, I’ve just barely begun to scratch the surface of Japan. Despite the studying and reading I’ve done on Japan so far, culture shock hit me hard. Towards the end of the trip, I started to really miss three things about America: couches, open fields, and diversity. Laughing loudly on the subways, sitting sprawled out at ramen bars, and not finishing every last grain of rice in my bowl made me feel the most American I had ever felt in my life. On the other hand, the other nikkei inspired me to connect with the Japanese-American community wherever I am in America or the world, giving me a new dimension to my own ever-changing examinations and reflections on my identity.
I am so grateful to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the International Friendship Organization, our tour guide Sugimoto-san, Yokosuka Soga High School, Mrs. Funahashi, my dear RSP instructor, for introducing me to the program, and to Chris (good luck this fall!), Grace (you’re going to rock Newsies), Boone (keep the memes coming please), and Jaclyn (you’re gonna crush junior year) for the best nine days of my life. Thank you to all who were involved in the 2019 Japanese-American Invitational Program, I will never forget this trip and all the ways you all have opened up my connection with Japan.
If you are in high school and are of Japanese or Japanese mixed heritage, be on the lookout for the application for the 2020 Program in the Spring. You can find more information at your local Japanese Consulate or the Embassy of Japan website.
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5 & 17
Thanks for the ask anon-chan (^.^)/
5. Name a few songs that reminds you of someone, and who it remind you of.hallelujah - k.d.lang version Thunder - nuttin but stringzA Nu Day - nuttin but stringzRolling in the Deep - Adele
They remind me of my mum coz she figured out how to load songs into a playlist onto our in built stereo system but instead of loading a decent sized playlist she put ONLY these 4 songs on.  So whenever we turned the stereo on it would automatically default to this playlist and then repeat it. 
17. What’s something positive happening in your life right now?
My cousins are getting married so that’s nice. I guess I am also moving onto a new stage in my life, which is kind of scary but also a positive thing and I’m looking forward to it :) 
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BIENVENIDOS/AS. https://m.facebook.com/groups/240175183057115?ref=bookmarks
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thesilentredgiant · 8 years
you can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. put your mp3 player, itunes, spotify, etc. on shuffle & list the first 10 songs & then tag 10 people, no skipping !!! remember to REPOST not REBLOG !!!
*Hatsune Miku-Blank Space Japanese ver
*True to your heart-98* feat Stevie Wonder 
*Cantarella (grace edition)-Kaito but sung by Nero 
*Miss Jackson-Panic at The Disco
*Bad Apple but English-Rockleetist x Ashe
*If You Do Do-IA,Luka,Rin,Miku,Gumi
*Raise your glass-Pink
tagged by: stolen off of @vaonsx tagging: @thegirlofthewindingwoods @profdaisy @blackmccnsympathy @pokemon-fighter @bigcalavera @leafheld @youhavethatspark @sistervenom @glaciergraced
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brokerplanet10-blog · 5 years
Presenting 2018's Strangest Health and Wellness Trends
CBD Oil? Goat Yoga? Presenting 2018's Strangest Health and Wellness Trends
Some health trends — like intermittent fasting, charcoal everything and infrared saunas — have been bubbling up for a few years now, but in 2018 we saw them explode beyond New York and L.A.’s healtherati circles. While some of these oddball health and fitness fads are rightfully going mainstream, others — like...umm goat yoga...appear to be more fluff than substance. To separate the strange but effective from the strange but insane, we turned to some of the country’s leading health experts. 
Here’s a look at some of the most notably weird (for better or worse!) health and fitness trends of 2018.
Goat Yoga
“Including live animals in any workout routine seems a tad problematic. With goat yoga, playful goats will wander around your mat and even climb on your back while you’re mid-yoga pose. It’s meant to keep you focused, grounded, and connected with both yourself and with nature. I like time-efficient, effective and fun workouts and my gut tells me that goat yoga may only hit on one of these characteristics — no matter how adorably cute those goats really are.” — Brian Zehetner, Director of health and fitness at Planet Fitness
IV Therapy
“Even the needle-phobic are rethinking their aversion now that IV drips and shots are becoming a popular way to hydrate, boost immunity, increase energy, and cure hangovers. No doctor or prescription required.” — Amanda Freeman, Founder/CEO of SLT and Stretch*d
Drinking Mushrooms
“This year mushrooms popped up on the ingredient list of beverages in the form of powders and elixirs. The health-conscious are now relying on mushroom varieties like reishi, cordyceps, chaga, and lion's mane to solve all of their wellness issues, including focus, immunity, and relaxation.” — Amanda Freeman, Founder/CEO of SLT and Stretch*d
Face Fitness
“When you think of workouts, you think of your abs, legs, arms, even obliques, but you likely don't think of your face. Until 2018 when Face Gym, FaceLove, and other facial exercise-focused businesses came onto the scene to convince you that you should spend five minutes a day massaging your face or buy a face roller or, better yet, get a personal trainer for your face.” — Amanda Freeman, Founder/CEO of SLT and Stretch*d
Cold Workouts
“The sweat addicted have been flocking to hot workouts for years, but 2018 marks the introduction of cold temperature workouts. Benefits of working out in the cold include increased calorie and fat burn in addition to increased energy and stamina to get through a workout.” — Amanda Freeman, Founder/CEO of SLT and Stretch*d
CBD Everything
“CBD, the fully legal part of the cannabis plant, is unquestionably this year's it-ingredient. CBD oils, vapes, creams, and edibles are the number one selling product at Stretch*d. People are turning to CBD to help them sleep, relax, focus, and reduce pain. It's a miracle worker.” — Amanda Freeman, Founder/CEO of SLT and Stretch*d
Pea Protein
“For years, consumers have been trying a variety of dairy-free protein alternatives; everything from almond to oat to hemp to whey has had its day.Pea is the protein of the moment, thanks to it being high in protein, low in sugar, and nutrient-rich. It's not only easily digestible and highly bioavailable, but also aids in muscle development and recovery.” — Amanda Freeman, Founder/CEO of SLT and Stretch*d
Celery Juice
“No, drinking a bitter cocktail of pure celery in the morning will not propel you to realize your wildest health dreams nor will it ‘detox’ your organs, which are already doing so quite well, on account of your natural physiology and anatomy. Celery is indeed a nutritious vegetable and may have antispasmodic effects on the bowels, but juicing it loses the satisfaction factor of mastication and compromises fiber content. While it's probably not harmful to drink celery juice, there is no incredible benefit to juicing anything.” — Monica Auslander Moreno, MS, RD, LD/N, nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition
Cauliflower Gnocchi
“I've seen a meme that says that when you turn 30 in 2018 (which I did), everything you love turns to cauliflower. While I am ALL about people increasing their vegetable intake, I'm a little sad for the great Italian master chefs who must be depressed seeing their gnocchi craft reduced to frozen balls of cauliflower. I think we need to stop thinking so 'black and white' and maybe indulge mindfully and occasionally in REAL gnocchi or do a half and half cauliflower/real gnocchi split, and well-portioned.” — Monica Auslander Moreno, MS, RD, LD/N, nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition
Dousing Goods with Coconut Sugar
“Coconut sugar may be mildly more nutrient-dense and mildly less likely to spike blood sugar than plain white sugar, but nothing significant enough to impact your health. Sugar = sugar = sugar; your body recognizes coconut sugar the same. It's not a health food, it's not something to use with reckless abandon, it's just a little less refined.” — Monica Auslander Moreno, MS, RD, LD/N, nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition
Eating Charcoal
“This still baffles me. Activated charcoal is something I used to see used when I worked in a hospital as an emergency detoxification treatment for severe alcohol/drug overdoses. Yes, it does bind to toxins in your body — but healthy, normal people eating food need to know that food is not a toxin! Eating charcoal will just cause you to mal absorb vital nutrients and it can mess heavily with medications and supplements.” — Monica Auslander Moreno, MS, RD, LD/N, nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition
Intermittent Fasting
“Intermittent fasting is essentially timed eating: a fasting window of 12 hours is practiced for benefits such as weight loss, mental clarity and energy. While the fasted hours are flexible as long as the period is at least 12 hours, most followers generally consume their meals between noon and 8pm at night. In fact, intermittent fasting can be extremely flexible and can be adjusted to each individual’s lifestyle. However, fasting is not appropriate for everyone — particularly pregnant women and those with health conditions such as diabetes. Calorie control and quality of foods still play a large role in the success of this diet.” — May Zhu, a dietitian with Lifeway Foods
Alkaline Diet
“The Alkaline diet focuses on consuming foods that fight acidity and lead to an alkaline state in the body. The diet is based off the idea that our bodies function at the most ideal between a pH of 7.35 and 7.45, leaning towards the alkaline side. Essentially, it’s a form of the elimination diet and excludes foods such as alcohol, grains, conventional meats, eggs, processed foods, and refined sugar. Dairy is limited to yogurt and kefir, mainly for the probiotics. Followers claim that benefits include lowering inflammation, boosting immune function and enhancing metabolism. While there are definitely positive associations to regular consumption of alkalizing vegetables such as kale and brussels sprouts, there are also other benefits to consuming foods that are high on the acidic list, such as nutrient-rich eggs or certain nuts. Bottom line: eating a variety of real foods and limiting heavily processed foods can have just as much of a positive effect, without going too extreme.” — May Zhu, aa dietitian with Lifeway Foods
Appetite Suppressing Lollipops
“These low-calorie candies claim to suppress appetite and kick cravings, but upon closer inspection of the ingredient list, the first items listed are two different forms of sugar, which are nutritionally void of true nutrients. The star ingredient is a patented saffron extract meant to increase satiety and, as a result, reduce overall food intake. However, it’s currently not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and future research is necessary to provide concrete statistics. When it comes to weight loss, anything that claims to be an appetite suppressant rarely provides long-term results.” — May Zhu, a dietitian with Lifeway Foods
Shoes Off While Lifting
“The storyline of feeling more connected to the ground has been bought into leading to all the shoeless feet across gyms. I don’t disagree that over time shoe wear contributes to weakness in the arches, toes and ankles, however taking off the support to lift and wearing them for the other part of your workout and/or the rest of the day, much like dress shoes, is counterproductive and just makes a scene on the gym floor. The hard-core look and goal of ‘foot feel’ while lifting is trending upward this year and I expect to see more shoeless hard bodies in the new year.” — Joanna Stahl, founder of Go2Practice
The Sweat Stick
“Still one of my favorite Spin Class sightings: a woman applying a stick that looks like a circular deodorant across her arms, shoulders, core, and calves… pretty much everywhere she could reach that wasn’t covered in activewear. Why was she doing this? Sweat sticks create a sauna-like environment for your skin by clogging your pores with the promise to make you sweat more and quicker to enhance your workout.” — Joanna Stahl, founder of Go2Practice
Infrared Saunas
“Infrared saunas are now everywhere. Touted benefits range from detoxification, sore muscle relief, joint pain reduction, clear and tighter skin and improved circulation to weight loss and better sleep. All very similar to old-school sauna benefits, but these higher tech glowing boxes provide effects in less time with less heat and more comfort thanks to new technology.” — Joanna Stahl, founder of Go2Practice
“Collagen is rich in amino acids and helps protect our tendons, bones and joints. Collagen also helps our nails, hair and skin grow faster and look healthier. It’s estimated that in 2018, Americans spent roughly $122 million on collagen supplements. While the research is not strong or high quality, I have seen my nails and hair grow faster and experienced less aches and pains since using it (it’s tasteless in coffee, tea, or smoothies).” — Kristin Oja, founder of STAT Wellness
Chocolate Milk for Recovery
“Chocolate milk is by no means a perfect recovery drink. Training tears down our muscle tissue and so we want to build back up with premium fuel that does the least amount of damage. Chocolate milk gives you some carbs, protein and fat (which millions of other foods can give us), but it also gives us a nasty cocktail of hormones like estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and cortisol and contains saturated fat, which clogs our arteries and slows down blood flow.” — Dotsie Bausch, Olympic cyclist and founder of Switch4Good.com
Fluid Stretching
“Unlike the stretching of the older days, where you hold the stretch for eight counts, the non-static stretching concept is to stretch, move through the stretch to the next stretch, and then repeat the stretch movement for several reps. The belief is that static stretching is too harsh on your tendons and muscles. I would equate it to a ballet-like warm-up rather than what you would consider typical stretching. The guru for this type of stretching is Miranda Esmonde-White, a Canadian fitness trainer and former ballerina with the National Ballet of Canada.” — Dr. Robb Akridge, health expert and co-founder of Clarisonic
Vitamin Supplements
“The concept of taking vitamins to improve your health is not new to anyone, however, how these vitamins are derived and concentrated is a big trend. There are companies like 8 Greens that create sugar-free, gluten-free and dairy-free effervescent tablets, which can be dropped into your water and are packed with vitamin C, B5, B12 and more. Other companies like Olly create vitamins in the form of gummies. Creating vitamins that are more bioavailable has also become a big trend, as this looks at how quickly products or vitamins are absorbed into your system. There are so many different options these days, which makes it really easy to hop on the vitamin bandwagon.” — Dr. Robb Akridge, health expert and co-founder of Clarisonic
Supplements in Food
“Supplements are no longer restricted to that smoothie you get at the gym bar; now you can add supplements into your food and use different protein- and vitamin-rich powders in your at-home recipes. For example, Vital Proteins creates Bone Broth Collagen Powders, which you can cook with — using it in the broth of soups, as an additive to almond flour to make breaded chicken, mixed with seasoning, sprinkled on your steak…” — Dr. Robb Akridge, health expert and co-founder of Clarisonic
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Source: https://www.askmen.com/sports/bodybuilding/strangest-health-and-fitness-trends-of-2018.html
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somotwrench-blog · 9 years
Tagged by: sotonohito
So the purpose of this meme is to give a little info on your muses without having to rely on others to fill your ask with meme questions. The rules are simple, you do not need to be tagged to fill out the questions, but once you have you must reblog and tag 10 of your followers to spread the love.
Tag: sawingbones, phdinschauerlichkeit, jarredmedicine, aimbct, manofmedicine, soldierdile, crimsonrxcket (EVERYONE’S BEEN TAGGED)
2. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE WORD? “Sesame.” He mutters it, looking away--one of few words that completely revealed his accent.
3. WHAT TURNS YOU ON? “...Um?” Waves a hand at, next question please right now immediately.
4. WHAT TURNS YOU OFF? The same hand rubs at his face, then rises to his hair, giving out a grunt. “No.”
5. WHAT SOUND DO YOU LOVE? “Wind in the trees--and the...the đàn bầu. I forget what it’s called here...”
6. WHAT SOUND DO YOU HATE? “The noise from the printer, when it boots up. That--” he proceeds to try and mimic it, “--EEEEE-EEEERRRRR-R-R-RRR.”
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CURSE WORD? “Mn. I try not to use them... people say ‘fuck’ for this, right? I like bastard, too. Don’t say it, but!”
8. WHAT PROFESSION OTHER THAN YOURS WOULD YOU LIKE TO ATTEMPT? “I want to do mechanical engineering. Things with firearms, cars...I was in college for it before I came back.” Proud lil’ smile.
9. WHAT PROFESSION WOULD YOU NOT LIKE TO DO? “Hah!” What wouldn’t he do for cash? “Mmmmaybe a journalist.”
10. IF HEAVEN EXISTS, WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEAR GOD(S) SAY WHEN YOU ARRIVE AT THE PEARLY GATES? He pauses. "...That everyone is here. Yes, ‘they’re waiting for you.’ I mean, I know I’m going to stay in hell, but I want to know that my dad and mother...they made it.”
1. SOMETHING MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU? "I have not been to a baseball game..."
2. SEXUAL PREFERENCE? "Women?” The heightened pitch at the end doesn’t help your case, Binh.
3. WHAT POSITION DO YOU SLEEP IN? "Many people tell me I sleep straight and stiff. Like a board. Or a corpse.”
4. WHAT IF SOMEONE TOLD YOU…YOU HAD TO LOSE, JUST THIS ONE TIME? “Why? Here’s a word of advice--always question the man. Make them tell you why. If they can’t? Sounds suspicious.”
5. GREATEST FEAR? A harsh laugh. ”Losing everything.”
7. WHAT’S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? "Dennis.” Binh puts on a poker face, then lets out a small snort. “No, no, it’s Manh.”
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[ Meme source ]
Likely not. He doesn’t know as many people and it would be an awful long process filling out the forms, taking the application test again, not to mention he was admitted to BLU only because of outside connections.
However, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. He would do it if it were a completely fresh start… and if he was also given a class change.
Then again, the class change would be a difficult one. He desperately wants to be an Engineer, but his skill level is below most in that category. To add onto that, he’s weaker.
In short– a team change would be the same hell he’s in right now, but with less opportunity.
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somotwrench-blog · 9 years
chinhands tell me u love me
     — source.
If you snuck into my room I would:
[  ] Go back to sleep[  ] Kick you out[x] Cuddle with you {{ if she asked to/was scared :^)[x] Be like “How in the world?”[  ] Let you sleep on the floor[  ] Become angry
If you kissed me (or hugged) I would:
[x] Kiss or hug you back {{ NO KISSIN THE FRIENDO…[x] Smile and laugh[  ] Stiffen, and feel uncomfortable[  ] Push you away[  ] Be shocked[  ] Strike you
If you asked me to go out with you for a day I would say:
[x] No {{ wants 2 be frands pls[  ] Yes[  ] Most certainly not.[  ] Without hesitation.
You are:
[x] Cute[  ] Adorable[  ] Attractive[  ] Beautiful[  ] Okay[  ] Ugly[  ] Am not going to grace this with an answer
You are to me a:
[  ] Stranger[  ] Acquaintance[x] Ally[x] Friend[  ] Love[  ] Rival [  ] Enemy
I find you to be:
[  ] Pathetic[  ] Of no consequence[x] Intriguing[  ] Frightening[  ] Unsettling[  ] Annoying [  ] Infuriating[x] Pleasant company[  ] Comforting[  ]  Unable to be lived without[x] Trustworthy
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somotwrench-blog · 9 years
-throws URL aggressively at your face- o w o!!!!?
|| meme source ||
My Opinion on;
Character in general: If I didn’t have such a dislike for mac n’cheesy, Leona would be my spirit animal. She is a dreamy little winter flower and I like her style very much!How they play them: You’ve mentioned that she is not always the aloof, friendly lil medic she usually is. I have seen her act rude and cruel to people she doesn’t like, but I would also like more threads that prove she is not some cutey who sleeps all the time! Besides that, she has many things going for her–just let Leona break out of the comfort shell, if only a little bit.The Mun: Talking with you is so. Much. Fun. You already write a block of text so it’s similar to our own little thread, but us talking instead. You have a lot to say and I appreciate that you’ve been behind me every step of the way! You’re very kind and I wish we talked more, and we should when we aren’t so busy!
Do I:
RP with them: Yeah!Want to RP with them: um ofc
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Look @ one of the smol ML princesses. She is the tiny ice cube.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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somotwrench-blog · 9 years
puts url on a sticky note for u lol
|| meme source ||
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Bara husbando (mine) est. ‘08, I VERY MUCH enjoyed his development from a closed-off big guy to the a friendly doctor man. He’s classy and strONG, no wonder he attracts so many sorts yknow?How they play them: You do internal conflict so well. Like he wants to be a good man and help everyone, which is a valuable trait in medics! The one thing I’m confused about is how he’s reluctant to kill someone causing both him and his friends grief and, possibly, killing them? I haven’t been on my dash as much so please feel free to clarify if I’m incorrect! Other than that I really do love how you portray Harv.The Mun: We talk occasionally, you’re a cute patoot and I try not to pipe up as much bc I’m afraid I’m bothering you……maybe I’m paranoid idk, either way I enjoy talking to you!
Do I:
RP with them: We hv a few threads goin, or one hahaWant to RP with them: ye!
What is my;
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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somotwrench-blog · 9 years
slides url slowly at first thEN MUSHES IT INTO UR MEME FACE
|| meme source ||
My Opinion on;
Character in general: A FUCKGNGN BBAY…. BROTP UNTIL I DROWN OMW TO MEMETOPIA. She’s developed a lot n I wanna see more, I want to see her come out of her shell more too nnn…How they play them: Cutiepie w/ a nice over layer of sass, I enjoy how you incorporated the use of marijuana into her job bc cool kids do drugs rite. I jsut….. like, I KNOW she is smol n stutters but I want a scene where she beats the fuck out of someone. Cause she is also v strong. I crave.The Mun: Sinner-in-law. We talk abt our ocs!! And skyping w u is fun, except that when u r finally home it is 10 PM AND I AM TRYING TO SLEEP
Do I:
RP with them: screechesWant to RP with them: S C R E E C H E S LOUDLY
What is my;
Overall Opinion: shela pls/check them out because they’ve had some very drastic character changes, and I think it’s made the oc much more interesting!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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somotwrench-blog · 9 years
slips in my URL if it's not too late
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My Opinion on;
Character in general: I don’t know much besides that she is huge hair cannibal babe AND I WANT TO KNOW MORE…….she has a lot goin for her despite all the negative development, there is still more to do my friend and I am willing to help out if you’d like!How they play them: V silly. Piece of trash but there is more behind that I swear, I beLIEVEThe Mun: Cool meme friend who recommended me animes and music and talked to me until eleven!! You’re rly cool and were nice to me, we talked about absolutely nothing for an hour or so and I loved it.
Do I:
RP with them: noooWant to RP with them: IF U WANN
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Give them the loves + buy their mixtape (it’s fire).
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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somotwrench-blog · 9 years
sneaks my url in ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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My Opinion on;
Character in general: *deep breath* I love uw–
okok, honestly Fish had me fooled at first. I’m sososo glad you’ve shown this side of him bc it’s so real! Unpopular opinion but I don’t really get characters who are so open to…cross-faction and……relationshipsandbeingsodamnnice AND it’s refreshing to see a man who plays both sides of the looking glass! I love the reasoning for it as well! I need to work on revealing Binh’s hidden side too ugh, I’ve enjoyed the compliments on how he’s a sweet bean baby but they’re MURDERERS and yesss we must show the world what they can do. Bravo!!How they play them: He’s a scheming genius/trash bag and you have the perfect balance for that. I take a lot more notes on this than ppl would think (for my own purposes) and while I know you’ve gotten multiple kudos for that part of him, I want to add onto it and say your development is superb. Keep going! I also have many questions for you about Fish so tell me if it’s okay to ask them…..The Mun: Sin master. We’ve talked a lil but we have similar interests, and I’ve won you over with my dog ;^{)
Do I:
RP with them: ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)Want to RP with them: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)
What is my;
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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somotwrench-blog · 9 years
[[ slides u my url, clearly "phdinhands" ]]
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My Opinion on;
Character in general: Mattass has grown on me v much! It started out with just a general attraction to his realistic-ness (despite the blue hair but OC QUIRK), but over time I’ve started to take notes on his development. For reference ofc…I love where he’s going, how he’s become healthier through time, and that there’s been obstacles he’s had to face with both friendship and his inner demons. And he conquered them. Like a king. So ya i lov.How they play them: I kinda answered this??? Just…GR8……I like watching characters develop and I want to see more I’m so greedy. Pls talk to me about your OC.The Mun: “this match my pants” you’re so nice and funny I hope you love college bc I’m goin next year too,, want to talk more too but SO BUSY, i will hit u up more once swim season is over. Also just a special thank you for all the advice you ever gave me, I’ve made some drastic decisions last week and I kinda referenced you in my head :^))
Do I:
RP with them: yaWant to RP with them: SWEATS AND GLANCES @ FROM ACROSS THE ROOM
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Follow trash king bc Binh is trash prince and you will need all the royal pieces to unlock a good time (EDIT;; BRING BACK MATTXBINH’S HANDS OTP)
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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