forasecondtherewedwon · 8 months
Tag game: tag 9 people you'd like to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me, @sergeantpixie!!
Last song: "Flight Director" - Jeff Russo (For All Mankind score)
Currently watching: Percy Jackson and The Bear
Three ships: Midge x Lenny (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel), Bess x George (Nancy Drew), and Max x Lucas (Stranger Things)
Favorite color: Kelly green
Currently consuming: hot choco
First Ship: Rory x Jess (Gilmore Girls)
Relationship status: Whoopi house quote, etc.
Last Movie: Scream V rewatch, I think!
Currently working on: multi-chapter fic for dodgerfox week :)
Tagging: @mjonesing @spiderman-homecomeme @karinaisloud @wildwren @bethanyactually @jonairadreaming @cadetcama @memyselfandwifi @myladyofmercy
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doctorcziken · 2 years
10 characters, 10 media, 10 tags
thank you so much @chaoticdweeb​ for tagging me 💜💜🥰
1. Oswald Cobblepot - Gotham
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2. River Song - Doctor Who
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3. Castiel - Supernatural
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4. Gloria Pritchett - Modern Family
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5. Jesse Pinkman - Breaking Bad
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6. Mickey Milkovich - Shameless
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7. Mazikeen - Lucifer
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8. Klaus Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy
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9. Marcus Keane - The Exorcist
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10. Ron Swanson - Parks and Recreation
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tags: @memyselfandwifi​ @ferociouslycreativemystery​ @lightasthesun​ @retro-wallflower​ @sneakyboymerlin​ @stars-bean​ @encori​ @gaysparklywizard​ @emryssstressed​ @imaybeabear​
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martziplier98 · 7 years
aaw no honey that's horrible i'm sorry
I'm going to be okay, I guess..Thank you!
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sparklypunk · 7 years
i've been having anxiety attacks weekly at least now and it fuckING SUCKS
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jilyyall · 7 years
i-saw-you-sneaking-food-out-of-the-dining-hall college AU for jily prompt? i loooove the neighbors one you just posted 👌🏻❤️
Here you go! This was fun to write :) Thanks for sending me a prompt!
It Began with a Dare
He’s rounding the corner of the dining hall when she stopshim – the beautiful redheaded girl from his history class. Just appears out ofnowhere, really, running up from behind him and swinging round in front of himto corner him there. For a long moment, she just stands there and stares athim, wide-eyed and crazed and pretty. His hand jumps to his hair, gives it aslight ruffle.
“Hello,” he says, trying his best to sound confident andcharming and even half as cool as his best friend and roommate, Sirius, who hashad more girls in his bed since the start of term than James and their twomates, Remus and Peter, have in their lives combined. “Not that I mind beingcornered by a beautiful woman, but…”
Before he can give his best attempt at charming her, shecuts him off. “I saw you.”
“Yeah?” His eyebrows, he is sure, are attempting to join thegravity-defying mess atop his head, but she doesn’t seem to care. “I saw you,too.”
He had, after all, seen her in class earlier. He didn’tthink she had seen him, though. Until this moment, actually, he had been underthe impression that she had no idea he existed. She sits nowhere near him, isalways there before him, and tends to stick around after class to talk with asmall group of girls long after he heads out for his next class.
Her eyes narrow in confusion. It isn’t until she switchesher focus to his face that he realizes she has been staring at the two bagshe’s got slung over his shoulders this whole time. Oh shit.
“What are you talking about?” she asks, studying his facefor a long moment and then raking her gaze down his body.
He wants to think she is checking him out – she may verywell be, he’s no slouch – but he gets too caught up in the fact that she isstaring at him like she has never seen him before in her life. He is toocrushed to have his long-held theory confirmed to rejoice in the fact that herface flushes when she realizes he caught her.
“What are you talking about?” he parrots back at her, tryingto keep the surliness out of his tone. Why he is so crushed that she’s nevertaken any notice of him before, he doesn’t know. He knew she had never seen himin history before. He sat in the seat very nearest the door and never spoke inclass, preferring instead to alternate between quietly staring at her andtexting his mates who had somehow managedto get into a different history class than him, all three together. Itshouldn’t bother him that she hadn’t noticed him. It was his own fault, really,for not speaking to her before even though he’s been staring at her for fivesolid months.
He hefts his loot more firmly over his shoulder, which is amistake. In an instant, she is staring intently at the two bags he is carrying,like a lioness tracking her prey. He makes to step around her, but she shiftsto block his way.
“If you don’t share, I may kill you.” Her voice, previouslyso light and soft and adorably confused, comes out in a low growl. James pauses, looks at her, laughs. And instantly regrets it when she stalkscloser. His grip tightens on the straps of his bags and he clears his throat,his heart pounding and thinks, dear God,she’s not only beautiful, she’s crazy.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says aloud.
“The scones, you prat!” She grabs for his bag, and heinstinctively steps back.
She trips, nearly falls, catches herself against the brickwall next to them. He grips her shoulders to steady her, eyeing her warily.When she flushes, clearly embarrassed, he reluctantly relinquishes his grasp onher.
“Are you okay?” he asks. He wants to ask if she’s stoned asfuck because, honestly, who else cares this much about a scone? Her eyes areclear and focused and she seems perfectly in control of herself, if not a bitscone-crazed, so he thinks she probably isn’t stoned.
Sconed, says thevoice in his mind and he nearly laughs aloud, but refrains, not wanting to seethat warning flash in her eyes again, not so soon anyway.
“I’m fine. Sorry.” She looks down at her feet for a moment,then takes a deep breath and looks up into his face again. He is momentarilystunned by the pure green of her eyes. “It’s just… I really fucking love thosescones. They’re the only thing that they serve consistently that I actuallylove and you’ve gone and taken them all!”
Her eyes widen and go a bit glassy and he is horrified tothink that she may actually cry? Over scones? Jesus Christ, she is actually araving lunatic. He may also be in love with her, which is ridiculous and justas horrifying a prospect.
“What on Earth do you need with five dozen scones anyway?”she demands, thankfully not crying.
“I don’t…” He trails off, unsure of what he should say.
“Don’t try to play innocent!” She jabs a finger at him,stopping just short of actually prodding him in the chest. “I saw you! Youwalked right up to the scones with your empty booksacks and started talking topoor Myrtle…”
“Myrtle?” he cuts in, genuinely confused.
“Yes, Myrtle! The scone lady! Myrtle!”
Judging from the look on her face, he is a right asshole fornot knowing the name of the woman who serves the very dry scones in the dininghall. He wonders if this girl knows the names of every server in the dininghall. He reckons it’s probably not the best time to ask, though, so he nodsinstead.
“Oh, yes, of course. Myrtle the Scone Lady. Very sorry,continue.”
“You were talking to Myrtle, distracting her with yourdashing looks and your charming smile and your bedroom eyes and she didn’t evennotice you stuffing five dozen of myfavorite scones into two bags!”
They stare at each other for a moment, both wide eyed forprobably two very different reasons.
“Look, I’m going to be honest with you,” he finally says. “AllI got from that was that you were watching me and think I’m attractive.”
“I didn’t – I never – now you just…!” She sputters, gasps,and chokes on the words that won’t come out.
“Now, don’t worry. I’ll level with you. I have watched youbefore…” When she takes a step back, he realizes what he just said, and hiseyes widen. He holds out both hands in a reassuring gesture. “Oh God, no. Thatsounded awful. I just meant…”
He stops, rakes a hand through his hair, fights the urge torip it right out of his scalp. Fuck, I’mnot Sirius I can’t be smooth.
He takes a deep breath and lets it out in a whoosh, forcing himself to calm down andspeak rationally in spite of the erratic beating of his heart. “I’ve noticedyou, is what I mean, and I find you rather attractive as well.”
“I don’t – That’s not - I just –”
“And that’s why,” he interrupts her, swinging one bagaround, unlatching it, and holding it out to her, “I am willing to share myhaul with you.”
She eyes him uncertainly for a moment, then stares down intothe bag. The look on her face is absolutely hysterical – it’s as if he has justpresented her with the Mona Lisa. Sheis either half starved to death or she actually just really, really loves thesescones.
She picks one out of the bag, and immediately startsdevouring it. He decides not to tell her that these are far from the bestscones he’s ever had. She may literally kill him if he did.
When he zips up his bag and swings it back over hisshoulder, she sends him a reproachful look. He sighs and reaches for it again,handing her one more. This is the last one, he vows silently, because if hegives her any more, then everything could very well be ruined. One missingscone? Easily explained as a miscount. Two missing scones? Well, it’s not hisfault if the server –Myrtle the Scone Lady – decided to take one or two forherself before serving.
“Stingy,” she says, but smiles nonetheless.
This time when he laughs, she doesn’t look angry. She justcontinues happily munching away on her subpar scones.
His phone vibrates in his pocket, his friends undoubtedlyinquiring as to the status of his mission.
“I’ve got to go,” he tells her regretfully. “But I’ll seeyou around.”
“Where?” She asks, and he understands that she’s asking howhe knows her when clearly this is first time she’s ever noticed him.
“Tell you what,” he says, grinning when she looks up at him,crumbs coating her lips. “You figure out where I know you from and I’ll buy youall the scones you want.”
She flushes and makes to wipe her mouth so she can replywith some dignity, but James has already turned to leave, convinced that thatis the smoothest statement he is capable of making and choosing to leave it atthat.
Somehow, for the first time ever, he is running early onMonday morning. When he slips into his seat at the back of his history class,his gaze slides immediately to the seat she always occupies – six aisles downand four rows to the right. His heart sinks when he finds her spot empty.
His phone vibrates in his pocket. Before he is even able toget it out of his pocket, it vibrates three more times. For once, he isrelieved at the fact that his mates are going to be chatting in the group allclass; the object of his affection isn’t in class today, so the texting won’tbe a distraction. He holds his thumb over the home button and his phoneunlocks, immediately opening up to the group chat.
SB: bets on whether ornot prongs gets a date
PP: not
RL: Bets on whether ornot Prongs even gets noticed?
JP: i hate you all.
SB: hey two scones isworth a date right
PP: unlikely
RL: For what it’sworth, I think she’ll at least recognize you.
PP: rly
JP: what a lad, moony.wormtail, you’re my least favorite.
RL: Sure. Wouldn’t theface of the absolute nutter who stole every last scone in the dining hall andfelt it appropriate to only give you two of them be forever burned in yourmind?
JP: don’t act likeyou’re not the one who dared me to filch them all.
JP: by the way, i takeit back. i have no least favorite. i hate you all equally.
SB: chin up mate
SB: just ask her out
SB: if nothing elseyou can always lure her in with the promise of free scones
PP: tru uve alrdy prvnurself capable
JP: what? couldn’tfigure out how to shorten capable?
PP: rude
RL: He’s not wrong. Imean, you all need to work on your punctuation and capitalization, butWormtail, it hurts to read your texts sometimes.
PP: :( 
SB: enough of that
SB: back to matter athand
SB: are you going toask her out
JP: she’s not evenhere.
PP: she h8s u
SB: shes avoiding youlol
JP: fuck off.
RL: She doesn’t evenknow you’re in that class. It’s still early yet. There’s time.  
JP: okay, okay, i’llcome clean. moony, you’re my favorite.
SB: that hurts
PP: dnt wry hes vfickle ull probs b his fav in a few
Someone sits down next to him, and he looks up expecting tosee his usual neighbour, a pale, perpetually-tired-looking boy who usually payseven less attention to the professor than James does. Instead, he sees long redhair and vibrant, triumphant green eyes.
“I believe you owe me all the scones in the world.”
His grip goes slack for a moment, just enough for his phoneto slip out of his hands and clatter loudly to the floor. He ducks down to grabit. When he sits up straight again she is smiling at him.
“James Potter,” he says, holding out his hand with a widegrin.
When her small, soft, warm hand slides into his, his heart stutters.He is staring at her, absolutely enchanted by her, but she’s staring rightback, the smile on her face a perfect mixture of triumph, happiness, and excitement and he thinks, really hopes,that he’s not imagining the flush on her cheeks. She bites her lip and ducksher head, but still manages to maintain eye contact with him.
“I’m Lily Evans.”
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AAAAAA HELP i've just finished downton!!! like the whole show!!! i'm an emotional wreck!!! it only took a couple weeks to watch it but this has been an eRA IN MY LIFE
OMG I KNOW RIGHT!? This show was so intense, like for real! One of the best shows I’ve ever watched… :o 
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caffeinecxld · 7 years
sweet and cutie ✌️
sweet- what’s your favorite type of candy?Oh shoot uh,,, probably chocolate tbh, I love chocolate sooo much
cutie- what’s your favorite orange thing?My cat, Miss Kitty
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fandomqueen18 · 8 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAYY🎶✨🎂🎉🎁 hope you have a good one :D
Thank you so much :)
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I posted 3,541 times in 2022
615 posts created (17%)
2,926 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,506 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#coming out of my cage and i've been queuing just fine - 1,715 posts
#my writing - 341 posts
#nancy drew - 303 posts
#this sparks joy - 267 posts
#i burst out laughing - 221 posts
#top gun: maverick - 205 posts
#asks - 147 posts
#the marvelous mrs. maisel - 144 posts
#am watching - 142 posts
#stranger things - 132 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#last night i had a dream i was trying to pick up jason sudeikis so thank you for the metaphorical cold-water splash of ted doing the carlton
My Top Posts in 2022:
I did not think I would care for the boys’ group, but now that sad little nail-polished boy scout is my son and there’s no going back.
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144 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
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171 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
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185 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
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191 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Also, the insane energy of the Rachel/Leah duo pulling each other back from the brink to become the most productive members of the Unsinkable Eight AND the island’s only greatest band?? Fucking inspiring.
874 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
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bookishandbossy · 8 years
(relating to your last post) OH MYGOD DO IT PLS DO IT FOR ALL OF US
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doctorcziken · 2 years
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super fade - fall out boy
for @memyselfandwifi
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hellapj · 7 years
31 and 32?
31 + 32.) 3 favorite boy/girl names?
this took me forever to think of um i like the names oliver, finley, and nate? i liked a name before but i cant remember what it was :/ either way i really like androgynous names
ask me something strange
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martziplier98 · 7 years
happ birth
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sparklypunk · 7 years
the fact that u said "i feel it in me tiddy" made my entire day and im going to use that phrase everyday my friends are gunna hate it i love u
bonus points if u cup ur tiddy while u say it
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jilyyall · 7 years
everytime i get like neck deep in your fantastic blog i close the app to reply to a text and then come back AND ITS ALL THE WAY BACK AT THE BEGINNING WHY TUMBLR I JUST WANT TO SCROLL A SWEET BLOG
Hahaha omg, that’s so sweet! I’m glad you like my blog so much. I definitely appreciate all the love you’ve been leaving :) Also, I got your prompt/request and I’m definitely going to work on it as soon as I have time!
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ohmababypoe · 8 years
for the personalized fics (hope I'm not too late) MK Star Wars Poe Dameron Stars and hand holding FLUFF SHAMELESS FLUFF
“Poe, what are you doing?” Y/N said gazing at Poe. He just kissed her lips and walked away with BB-8 behind him.
 “What’s up with him?” Finn said putting down the blaster you were showing him.
 “No, idea. Let’s continue. This is─” Y/N explained to Finn every weapon available for the Resistance to him. He was a great shooter with every weapon she had shown him.
 Y/N closed the door behind her, a pair of hands over her eyes. “Guess who is it?” Poe asked in a girly voice. She rolled her eyes and Poe asked again with a deeper voice.
 “Clearly, it’s Chewbacca” Y/N said taking Poe’s hand and removing it from her eyes. She turned around and saw Poe frowning. “What, I knew it was miles from you, Poe. You’re the only one brave enough…” she said standing on her tippy toes kissing him.
 “Wait! Chewbacca? I don’t have hairy arms Y/N” Poe whined as he cached up with her. He took her hand and they walked down the base. “I have smooth and beautiful hands” He added showing her the other hand.
 “Yes, you’re the one with woman’s hands; Poe” Y/N with a smile as Poe faked a frown. “Is the pretty lady angry?”  She joked, Poe shook his head and kissed their intertwined hands.
 “Get married already!” Jessika shouted from the other side of the base.
“That’s so much honey the bees are just around you”
 “You want to clean all the X-Wings, be my guest” Poe shouted at the top of his lungs. He smirked when he heard the pilots laughing at Jessika.
 Y/N stretched her arms over her head and a strong smell of food hit her nose. She opened her eyes, in front of her was a recently made food. Y/N just smiled at the note.
 ‘For the most beautiful woman in the galaxy’
Y/N nodded looking down at her new arsenal. “I am so─”
 Y/N gasped as someone put their hands on her waists twirling around the room. “Put me down, Poe”
 “Why didn’t you tell me?” Poe asked with a gigantic smile on his face. Y/N tilted her head to the side frowning. He took her hand and started to draw random patterns on her palm.
 “Poe, I have no idea what are you talking about” Y/N said, he looked at her.
 “You’re pregnant, you were throwing up─”
 “The breakfast my dear, it was a little bit undercook─”
 “BB-8, you vile droid come back here”
 Y/N laughed as BB-8 ran around circles as Poe chased him with a wrench.
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