#mental health 101 with Hunter
findmeinthefallair · 2 years
A Bit of Mental Health 101 with Hunter: Analyses by a Therapist
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Disclaimer: This is in no way a substitute for therapy: it's only psychoeducation. Please consult a therapist and/or hotline and get the help you need if you are experiencing mental health difficulties, especially if experiencing distress or issues that feel unmanageable.
Warnings: themes such as abuse and trauma ahead.
I thought to share some pieces of info from a few counselling theories and general mental info, which are way easier to grasp when I tie them to specific Hunter scenes. These might lead you to some realizations about yourself or someone else, which you could then bring up with a therapist if you like.
1. Survival Stances/Communication Stances: You might spot these in yourself or those around you. They are responses to stress and anxiety when you interact with other people. There are 5 in total; the first 4 are indicators of low self-worth and are where our childhood wounds are; the last one means you are healthily able to be present with difficult emotions and respond with relative calmness and clear thinking. Each one involves whether or not you are acknowledging three things: yourself (Self), the people you're interacting with (Other), and viewing the situation clearly (Context). The stances come from a theory called Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy (STST), or the Satir Model, invented by Virginia Satir who earned the title of "Mother of Family Therapy".
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It disregards Self, but recognizes Other and Context. You may blame yourself for something that isn't your fault at all. This is very common, especially with many parents in society who fail to acknowledge their child's pain, and who raise parentified children. As you can imagine, the way Belos raised Hunter would make the poor kid quite a Placater.
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The opposite of Placating. Disregards the Other, but recognizes Self and Context. Definitely rare in Hunter, but being raised in the toxic environment of the castle and holding a high rank would've contributed to these tendencies. Maybe the closest thing would be him defensively snapping at Alador as shown above. What he could've chosen to do instead was calmly persuade Alador that he was in fact, not eager to return to Belos and why, independent of what Alador might think. But to do that in a calm manner would've been tough since the Day of Unity affected everyone.
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Disregards Self and Other, only paying attention to Context. Also very common in my experience because we as a whole are a emotions-adverse, grief-adverse and find-quick-solutions/resolve-inconveniences-quickly sort of society. Emotions aren't often given the space they need to be experienced. In the screenshot above, Hunter is emotionally detaching from the validity of his own betrayal-related pain (disregarding Self), saying Gus is foolish and that his points aren't valid (disregarding Other), and trying to use pure cold logic to intellectualize why there's no point of paying attention to what they actually need in their dynamic.
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The opposite of Super-Reasonable. It disregards all three areas, and people in this category are usually the class clowns or jokester types. Their stress response is to try and lighten the mood in the room quickly with something off-topic so that they don't need to feel anxiety. I haven't noticed it in obvious ways in Hunter, but when he quickly cuts Luz off from potentially mentioning that he's a grimwalker above, trying to put on a big smile and act all jolly/positive...it's the closest he's gotten. It would become an issue if repeated jokester behavior to avoid what needs addressing, is not benefitting his relationships with people who are actually trustworthy.
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The healthy stance out of all 5. You are a Leveler if you can be calm, firm and understanding of the current situation, and (the following is to minimize defensive reactions from the other party) respectful of both your views and other people's views, when in conflict with others. However, obviously you should never remain in a conflict if it gets actually dangerous for yourself. (Obviously I would tell anyone to run from Belos! He is physically dangerous, not just emotionally, and we know he won't listen to reason. In the above situation, poor Hunter was in a crazy life-threatening situation)
Two important notes: - Placaters and Blamers may unhealthily attract one another in romantic relationships, friendships, family dynamics, work relationships. I'm not too sure about Super-Reasonable and Irrelevant people attracting one another, though. - However, we can have all of these 5 in ourselves, e.g. you can be either a Placater or Blamer in different situations.
2. Self-Leadership: Draws from the Internal Family Systems (IFS) theory. When we are in touch with what this theory refers to us our Self, it's the best version of us, and you could also say it's your true self. It is split into 8 parts which mean it's often conveniently called The 8C's of Self-Leadership. I guess when you are able to access all 8 of them, you are at a point of self-actualization. I like how it's nicely split up so you can work on whichever areas you feel might need to discuss, with a therapist.
In Hunter's case, you can spot improvements in mental health when he gets in touch with these qualities (man, thank you Dana, directors, writers, storyboarders, animators of the show..the fact that I can easily find which frames to use shows how much quality the writing and visuals have):
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3. Psychological Flexibility
A pretty neat theory called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has the above title as its main goal. (The person behind this theory wrote a book called The Happiness Trap, that goes into why we have unnecessary additional stress by expecting/pressuring ourselves to be happy all the time: instead of the better option of embracing the downs in life too, not just the ups... the book is free if you find it on PDFDrive dot com..)
ACT places plenty of importance on the specific words we use when having our own self-dialogue, which forms what we think of ourselves etc. If a therapist uses the ACT route, they hope to guide their clients towards the three pillars of ACT: being Open, Centered, and Engaged. Each pillar splits into two areas...so it's a total of six aspects of psychological flexibility which I'll list below:
Pillar 1: "Open"
A) Acceptance (its negative opposite is Experiential Avoidance) The simplest way one might break down this one is it's about embracing your demons, not judging them: the parts of you that you wish weren't there e.g. the parts that feel like a burden, any private experience you've had that you never wanted. When I think of this, these precise frames of Hollow Mind and Thanks to Them came into my head:
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This concept operates on the belief that any emotion (like, especially what Hunter will feel when he looks back on the above memories) wants to be seen and is welcomed, like a guest. Even if the scarier, more unruly guests are welcomed and not turned away (which sometimes cannot be done alone: you may need the safety of the therapy room or trusted loved ones), it offers the best chance that they'll soften and become less unpleasant over time.
B) Cognitive Defusion This process is to help us not be fused with the content of our unpleasant thoughts, but to instead just notice that the process of thinking is happening in ourselves (see the difference?). This doesn't mean such thoughts are not allowed or not valid, though. A great analogy to explain how getting consumed by such thoughts and feelings is: if you hold out your hands close enough in front of your face or completely cover your eyes with them, you can't see the rest of your surroundings. If you spread them out and move them further from your face, you can see the rest of the room. Defusion techniques help you get more unstuck from discomfort and remind you of e.g. you are not your thoughts and therefore not fused with them forever, and other things exist outside of them. Very important if Hunter ever has experiences like this again, so that his moments of being inevitably triggered are less intense and their duration is shortened significantly:
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It'll make the ride of being sucked into terrible distress e.g. future nightmares and potentially vivid trauma reminders, a less bumpy one.
Pillar 2: "Centered"
C) Contacting the Present Connecting with the present moment, based on this theory, is to restore control. Having awareness of your senses and being able to be grounded. Instead of being caught up in rumination about the past or future. There are certainly times where the right thing to do is reflect on the past or plan for the future, but during periods where being present would serve us better, that's the time to use this skill. Hunter was already incorporating this below, grounding himself by pacing back and forth. He was in an actually dangerous situation with immediate threats, as a literal survival mechanism for a crisis, so it was on a more extreme scale than us applying in it our everyday modern life:
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(my personal method is having the right kind of music in my earphones to keep me totally present)
D) Self-as-Context (its negative opposite is Self-as-Content) Involves being in touch with something called your Observing Self. An easy way to explain this is, imagine you are a big sky: containing clouds that represent your thoughts and emotions. It can certainly feel like you're caught up in a cloud if a particularly tough emotion arises, but practicing this, whereby you become aware you're the big container with these separate smaller things inside, may help. An example of applying this is your therapist guiding you to say to yourself, "I am having the thought...that I am a failure" and to internalize that statement. This kind of detachment can be helpful because it could lead on to further positive reframing, and reinforcing that reframing, as you heal more.
Intuitively I think Hunter could be in this mode (though he wouldn't be able to put a name to it without a therapist telling him) when he started to feel better after reaching out to Willow. Having a good needed cry, he was less fused with excruciating grief:
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Pillar 3: "Engaged"
E) Values (negative opposite: Lack of Direction) You get to choose what values matter to you. They go deeper than goals you want to achieve, they are qualities you want to align your life with, for life to be meaningful. One value that will certainly matter to Hunter a lot is based on this:
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Kindness/Gentleness. Making sure others are cared for and protected.
F) Committed Action (negative opposite: Inaction/Being Stuck) Taking action to live out the values you choose. Pretty straightforward:
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4. Aspects of Grief (especially, but not limited to, Acute Grief):
Searching Behavior
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Perfectly normal especially in early grief, even though the griever may think they're going crazy. You may catch glimpses of a lost loved one, or reminders of whatever you have lost, on the bus or at the grocery store, in dreams or in other places. Your brain will be thinking thoughts like "Is that them?"..."That's them! It has to be!"..."All that didn't really happen, did it?" because it can be so painful to lose a relationship (not limited to just literal people. It could be a home or job, etc) that you have to still believe on some level that it hasn't been lost. Such numbing and denial is to provide mental cushioning for your mind, or else it would be overwhelmed. This behavior should decrease over time, but there shouldn't be any expectation of it totally vanishing.
Linking Objects
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Objects that are reminders of a lost loved one, and/or which belonged to them, to help the griever feel close to the lost loved one. Usually it's too painful in early grief days to have a high awareness of such objects. Maybe there are other objects that Hunter would want to keep, which Flapjack used or perched on often. And if Hunter wishes, he can create new linking objects from scratch as well, to keep remembering.
5. Self-Interruption A concept I love from the theory of Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT). Because one of the seven therapists I've tried taught me about this, it was one of the first few milestones in my own recovery.
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Notice that this boi switched quickly from being puzzled about something he wasn't even entirely sure was negative, to bounce back and point out what went fine. While he later said "I miss knowing who I'm supposed to be" which was great, there is plenty of room for him to lean into the agency he has had since Camila first welcomed him into her home. I think we self-interrupt pretty often. Self-interrupting means we restrict ourselves from expressing what we feel, we self-censor and disown the important parts of us that have natural emotional responses towards e.g. being treated unfairly. Society's emphasis on staying positive and not being a burden likely reinforces this, and I'm sure Belos disregarded and invalidated his emotions enough that he'd feel he isn't allowed to complain about most things.
A healthy upbringing would mean the freedom to express your needs and desires. It's also perfectly fine and even necessary for Hunter to reflect on positive memories he's had. I'd say it only becomes an issue if he keeps doing stuff like below and if he is cut off from recognizing his own emotional needs:
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(which I don't think he'll continue doing as much: he seems to be quite on track towards healthily exploring what he has been through).
So yeah. This got on the lengthy side but I hope it was informative! Which parts stood out to you the most? Feel free to comment and share your own thoughts~
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anincompletelist · 7 months
hi sarah could u pls Rec me cute kid fics?
so sorry mental health has been in the gutter lately so it's taken me a hot second to fill this one but HERE! have some fluffy kid fics that I enjoyed :') <333
(also, I'm assuming that you mean fics in which there are kids and not fics in which they ARE kids, please let me know if you're looking for something different!)
Biology 101 for Babies (T+, 2k) by @clottedcreamfudge
“There's a boy,” Arthur says seriously, still holding a bright red crayon tightly in his fist. “At nurs... nurs'ry. He's new an' he's brown.” Henry, still twisting round to give Arthur his attention, blinks a couple of times, then very carefully takes his hands out of the washing up bowl and pulls off his gloves. “I see. What's his name?” “Michael.” “Alright. And why is it unusual that he is, as you say, brown?” Arthur frowns. “Nobody else is brown.” Henry realises with dawning horror and amusement that he is about to have one of the weirdest conversations of his entire life. “Arthur, my little love – you're brown.”
Queer little ducks hold a special place in my heart. (T+, 4k) by anarchyat4am (thanks@wordsofhoneydew for the rec!)
Henry... is more than a bit useless around hot guys. So when he finds the lost kid of the gorgeous dad who frequents his bookstore, he pulls himself together until they reunite, only to then be devastated by the revelation that the man thinks Henry hates him. And, well... courage always rises, and all that.
Confidential Memorandum (T+, 17k) by sherryvalli
"Hello, Mr. Fox-Mountchristen's office. How may I help you?" "Hello, can I speak to Mr. Fox-Mount-krishen, please?" Alex blinked. After two weeks of hearing nothing but the voices of snooty men and frazzled secretaries calling in, the person on the other line now sounded decidedly neither snooty nor male nor in any way adult. It was a little girl. "Mr. Fox-Mountchristen's unfortunately in a meeting right now,” Alex began slowly, “but I could take a message?" "Oh." The girl paused. "You're not Mr. Hunter." [Alex starts a new job as Henry's new assistant. Henry's daughter keeps calling the office and leaving him messages.]
[shelter/foster/adoption etc. fics]
Family Line(s) (T+, 26k) by notcanoncompliant
Henry and Alex had been thinking about fostering for years now, they were just waiting for the right kid to (aparently literally) fall into their life.
When You Smile, You Knock Me Out, I Fall Apart (And I Thought I Was So Smart) (G, 3k) by @interestinglittlerelationship
Alex is facing away from him, head bent over a pan of something that smells absolutely amazing. There’s an apron tied loosely around his waist. He looks so painfully domestic that Henry almost passes out. He would make such a good father. or Henry and Alex stumble upon a new dream and build a family together.
[and I know you said cute and probably meant fluffy, but I can't help adding my personal fave kid fic, but PLEASE DO PAY ATTENTION TO TAGS as most of the fluff is within other angst!]
a flicker, a spark (e, 83k) by acastle
“She truly is your daughter, Alex,” Henry sighs, defeated. “Fuck off, sweetheart,” he laughs, a soundbite of the sun. Henry forces himself not to physically react, the term of endearment sweet and menacingly familiar coming from Alex’s lips. It’s been years. “You know they’re useful.” “Ah yes, eyelashes, truly a formidable instrument in managing international relations.” Alex grins, and Henry is too late to catch the slightest downward lilt on the corner of his mouth, “Worked on you once, didn’t it?” Oh, did that ache. (Much had happened since the time Henry had told Alex to leave. Alex had passed the bar, gotten married, had the most beautiful daughter. And Henry, well. He stayed right where he was.)
and the accompanying piece:
sea of endless hope (e, 85k)
Henry watches Alex, the man he adores and loves so ardently, and the moment is palpable, delicate, and yet too large for even the sky to contain. He watches Alex, and in that moment, he wants to be his husband, the ache and urge of it almost unbearable. “Daddy!” Nena takes Henry’s hands, and he looks down at her, the angel who had saved him, and he smiles at her, quiet with emotion, letting her lead him into place. He would follow her, follow Alex, anywhere. (Henry, Alex, and their daughter, and the first years of coming home, forever.)
[and one of my own for good measure ha! again, please check tags!]
Something Borrowed, Something Blue (e, 116k)
When June gets engaged, Alex, her brother, and Henry, her best friend, are asked to be the official Guys Of Honor. There’s a month to plan the whole thing, which would be near impossible anyway, only made worse by the fact that being around each other the last several years has only ever led to petty fights and useless competition. Unfortunately, as the two most important men in her life - aside from her fiancé - they don’t really have much of a choice. Alex has a lot of feelings about this. As it turns out, Henry does too.
I don't read a ton of kid fics, but I'm definitely open to other recs as well! hope this hits the spot for you friend! :D
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lightgriffinsect · 2 years
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I posted 2,778 times in 2022
That's 2,778 more posts than 2021!
170 posts created (6%)
2,608 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,716 of my posts in 2022
Only 38% of my posts had no tags
#friday night funkin - 376 posts
#the owl house - 237 posts
#reblog - 183 posts
#toh hunter - 137 posts
#fnf incorrect quotes - 136 posts
#incorrect quotes - 135 posts
#fnf void - 132 posts
#fnf fanart - 126 posts
#art - 101 posts
#fnf agoti - 93 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i always love-hate when a character is starting to have fun again then their past comes crashing down on them and shatters their confidence
My Top Posts in 2022:
Garcello: What's up, guys? I'm back. BF: What the— you can't be here. You're dead. I literally saw you die. Garcello: Death is a social construct.
10 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
(Friday Night Funkin’)
Agoti’s not one to regularly compose poetry in his head. He definitely would ironically, but he normally can’t take himself seriously enough to get overly descriptive of his surroundings. 
But now, as he takes in the sounds and colors of early-evening Newgrounds City two days after escaping the void, he can’t help feeling nostalgic. The noise that everyone around him would consider a chaotic, disorderly pollution has become a long-lost friend. Cars screech at each other, dogs bark and cats yowl, humans try to talk over the convoluted loud and end up only contributing to it. It’s beautiful.
To Agoti, it’s all an orchestra, a song to pick apart to its many elements. Every instrument tells its own tale, as one thread weaving through all the others to create a tapestry illustrating the harmonious noise. 
The sounds have all become so familiar and comforting. He never once imagined missing this so much as when he was drowning in the void’s overwhelming silence, but here he is.
13 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker* Ruv: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know. Everyone: Hex: ...I did. I broke it. Ruv: No. No, you didn't. Agoti? Agoti: Don't look at me. Look at Whitty. Whitty: What?! I didn't break it. Agoti: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken? Whitty: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken. Agoti: Suspicious. Whitty: No, it's not! Aldryx: If it matters, probably not, but BF was the last one to use it. BF: Liar! I don't even drink that crap! Aldryx: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier? BF: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Al! Hex: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Ruv. Ruv: No! Who broke it?! Everyone: Whitty: Ruv...Tabi's been awfully quiet. Tabi: rEALLY?! *Everyone starts arguing* Ruv, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. Ruv: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Ruv: Ruv: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
13 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
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So Entity is canceled. I honestly didn't believe it at first, but after reading through the link, I can say that as disappointing as this is, I understand why it happened.
This was the mod I was the most attached to, and seeing it go is heartbreaking. I loved everything about it and was really looking forward to seeing the full release. However, Sugar and Innuendo and the rest of the team have lives too, and their mental health is more important than the mod. It wouldn't be worth it if working themselves to death on this mod left them negatively affected and resentful. Of course, since we're still allowed to make fan content, this doesn't mean the full, complete erasure of Entity. I still have several WIPs revolving around these characters that I plan to finish. And Solazar's chapter will still be released as well, so that's something to look forward to.
I'll always love the Entity mod. But now we have to say goodbye.
See the full post
15 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
BF: We're supposed to be a team. What happened to this family? Pico: *complaining about everything to nobody* Agoti: *pacing back and forth while murmuring insults* Tabi: *curled up in the corner* Hex: *hitting on a mannequin* Ruv: *dead* Whitty: *crying and shoveling cereal into mouth*
20 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
Can we talk about this fun morsel of Hunter De Vil's physce?
"After being trapped for six months as revealed in Dante's Inferno, Hunter's mental state has been affected where he acts like a dog at random occasions"
Not to mention that he doesn't even want to kill dogs and pulls a redemption because of that fact.
And Auradon somehow looked at him and said "To the Isle with you sir"
I opt for Anita and Roger to adopt all of the De Vils
So, I haven't actually watched the 101 Dalmatians TV series. Or 101 Dalmatian Street; whichever one it is that Hunter appears in. I always get confused.
Despite this, I occasionally put both Hunter and Ivy de Vil in my fanfictions. I usually ignore whatever happened in canon, though; I just put them both as Carlos's cousins, because I found out that they existed and I thought "I might as well give Carlos some relatives that actually do care about him!"
But if you do follow canon, as I so often don't?
So I Googled him.
First of all, his character picture is one of him with an oddly manic, nervous-looking grin.
Why does he have blond hair? Every other de Vil has black-and-white hair!
So apparently he was trapped in a shipping container for six months? How is he even alive? Was there a whole store of food in there or something? Never mind food-wouldn't he have run out of air?
Obviously that affected his mind! To act like a dog-wait, why a dog? The dogs escaped the tripping container! There was just Hunter inside! All by himself...all alone...no human face...trapped...unable to get out...for day...after day...after interminable day....
....So obviously, that affected his emotional and mental health.
And the poor kid randomly acts like a dog.
How old was he, anyway?
And apparently he can understand dogs? Since when? Since being locked in the shipping container? There weren't any dogs in there with him! (I say this like being trapped in a confined space with a dog can help you learn how to speak to dogs.) Has he always been able to understand dogs? Is this a de Vil thing? Didn't Carlos once say something like "I'm Cruella de Vil's son, of course I can understand dogs?" Can Cruella understand dogs too?? And she was planning to skin one hundred and one of them anyway?!
It also seems that being trapped in the container made him more...vicious, somehow? Daring? Forceful?
And Cruella, in six months, never bothered to find out where Hunter was. Of course she didn't.
But then he stopped trying to help Cruella when he realized the puppies were going to be killed? (What did he think she was going to do with them?) And all he ever wanted was to belong to someone....he just wanted a loving family.
This kid does not need the Isle. This kid needs therapy. Anita and Roger should most definitely adopt him and every de Vil child as well.
....The Isle would have just made him worse, wouldn't it have.
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101 DALMATIAN STREET Hunter Dalmatian headcanon
Hunter has nightmares about his aunt but Deepak helps him through it
When he called doug dad for the first time Doug hugged hunter for two hours and cried
Hunter cut's his hair in short but still similar to his original style
Delilah cried when hunter called her mom
He still acts kind of dog like sometimes
He introduces himself as Hunter Rose dalmatian
His favorite besides Dylan are DJ and diesel
He still has school but take time off for his mental health
He is major fan of My hero academia
He like most of the puppies ship Dylan x hansel
He s
He adds sleep with a bunny plush
He doesn't like Portia but his cool with Spencer
Plays poodle wolf with Dawkins Dylan and hansel
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vesperwitch · 5 years
Vesper’s Masterlist
This post is pretty much exactly as the title implies—a masterlist/post! It will consist of all the things I found and liked regarding various topics. Because the post is going to be so long, there will be a “Keep Reading” option provided. Enjoy, and blessed be!
NOTE: This masterlist/post is bound to be edited countless times. If you want to keep up, give a heart and/or save it somewhere. 
> spirit work 101 (protection, etiquette, safety)
> secluded/isolated spirit species/races and what to do
> fae (spirit) work (info-based masterpost provided)
> creating a thoughtform (guide & warnings)
> spirit house rules (guidelines for spirits and spirit companions alike)
> 15 things about the astral (dangers, pros & cons)
> spirit work advice — sincerely, an exorcist (key to ignorance, power of mind)
> spirit communication (non-verbal, the ways they communicate) 
> spirit work: do you qualify (masterpost with other links provided)? (what it is, needs, discernment, divination, protection, banishment, cleansing, energy work, astral travel, dangers, etc)
> working with spirits (protection methods, communication, interactions, ideas for chatter, tips)
> how to banish entities (protection, know the entity, communication, demands, force, help, cleansing)
> dear new spirit workers/companions/psychics (psychic ability, motivation, belief in self, practice practice practice)
> red flags! (anxiety, fear, negative feelings, ever-changing names, too good to be true, manipulation, harm, powerless, switching/possession/oppression, what to do)
> no prior experience (spirit vessel, bonding, yes’s and no’s, misconceptions)
> guide to astral travel (meditation, blocks, relaxation, drifting, tips, planning ahead)
> common spirit scams (two-faced, deceit, excuses, too good to be true, obsession, possessiveness, etc)
> spirit anxiety (warnings, fear of spirits, overcoming fears, mantras, banishings, tl;dr)
> plant spirits (communication, diligence, determination, patience, protection, abuse, sharing energy)
> basic spirit work advice (no personal information like birth name or even nickname, don’t give away their personal info either, practice, patience, diligence, respect, color, binding)
> “I can do anything I set my mind to” (emoji spell)
> “I am safe from evil, abusive and toxic spirits” (sigil)
> “My studies will flourish and I will see results in my success” (emoji spell)
> home sweet home (jar spell, spell jar, jell spar, jsdlfk sdflsj, banishment, old energy, new energy) 
> spoonie spell (energy, mug, teaspoon, ingredients and recipe)
> mentally ill witchcraft (masterpost for anger, anxiety, brain fog + memory, depression, disassociation, fatigue, trauma, insomnia, intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, paranoia, picking (hair, skin, etc.), mood swings/emotional balance spells)
> “I am inspired to write and/or create art” (emoji spell)
> thunderstorm spell (measuring cup, pen and paper, water, sigil, charging, summoning thunderstorms/rain, patience)
> “May the day bring me much joy and prosperity” (emoji spell + morning routine)
> bath magick (ritual, self healing, cleansing, recharging, energizing, self love, prosperity, calmness, beauty, motivation, self love)
> “I attract luck” (sigil, luck, short burst, wrist/hand, piece of paper, burning)
> make a wish (spell, manifestation, penny, visualization)
> your negativity does not affect me (spell, black tea, positivity, sigil, negativity gone)
> glamour magick (what it is, illusion, real, uses, recommendations, how-to, masterpost provided)
> wind enchantment for divination (jewelry, wind, how-to, cleansing)
> easy witchy things to do (elements, nature, candles, aesthetics, motivation, affirmations, spells, motivation)
> daily witch routine (meditation, divination, books, cleansing, praying and offering, energy work, journal)
> wand wood correspondences (alder, apple, bay, beech, cedar, cherry, dog wood, elder, etc)
> full moons of the year (correspondences, wolf, snow, worm, pink, flower, strawberry, thunder, sturgeon, harvest, hunter’s, beaver, cold, blue)
> uranian weather magick (uranus, god of the sky, correspondences, planets, weather, meteorological symbols, talismans) 
> threatened magickal herbs (masterpost, alternatives, endangerment, United PlantSavers)
> self-care (medication comes first, cleansing, grounding, meditating, etc) 
> low-effort witchcraft (emoji spells, sigilscribe.me, music, cleansing, scented soaps, etc)
> witch tip (first of the month, white rabbit)
> super easy and cheap witch tip (bay leaves, wishes, burning, crushing, intent)
> witchcraft 101 — spell jars and bottles! (correspondences, protection, money/lakshmi, wish, ingredients, making them, uses, bottles) 
> importance of purification (ritual purification, body, mind, heart, banishing negativity, cleansing, self love and appreciation)
> things to research when you’ve reached a study plateau (planets, herbs, crystals, days of the week, moon phases, basic mythology and lore, basic divination, anthropology of different cultures/religions, science)
> witchcraft on a budget! (correspondences, herbs, magickal properties, homes and gardens)
> water (correspondences, natural water, simple water, composite water, ideas)
> beginner earth witches! (masterpost, herbal history, types of magick, energy, divination, moon phases, etc)
> getting closer to your craft (motivation, chanting, making lists, research, studying, self love, patience, tips and tricks, methods)
> big witch energy (crystals, sage, just funny stuff)
> a witch’s morning (routine, tips and tricks, tidying up, cleansing, recharging, meditation, tea, fitness, health)
> bedridden witch: wheel of the year edition (masterposts provided, imbolc, ostara, beltane, litha, lammas, mabon, samhain, yule) 
> opposite practices (solar to lunar = lunar to solar, left to right = right to left, up to down = down to up, rivalry, respect)
> ways to connect to nature (non-wiccan, low-energy, strength in craft, taking walks, forests, beaches, mountains, seaside at night, riverside, pond/lake, houseplants)
> bedridden witch: worship edition (masterposts provided, candles, incense, blankets, online devotional blog/alter, chat with others online, sigils, stuffed animals, stones and crystals, astral travel/dream magick, music, praying, meditate, etc)
> witchy asks! (50 questions, all about you, learning more)
> bedridden witch: divination edition (masterposts provided, tarot, scrying, pendulum, tasseomancy)
> bedridden witch: love edition (masterposts provided, tips and tricks, self love, jars, coins, wind chimes, tarot, crystals, etc)
> random witch advice okok (insecurities, self love, confidence, mistakes, simplicity, ingredients, moon water, crystals, scrying, online journals, tarot apps, labels, sources, research, constructive criticism)
> what to do if witchcraft drains you (tips and tricks, foods and drinks, incense/candle, stone, bath/shower, nap, focusing on other things, friends, spirit companions)
> casting circles (methods, color association, scent correspondences, visualization, cleansing, invoking)
.: CAT. 4: TAROT :.
> sunrise/sunset (spread, endings, beginnings, focus)
> youtube divination lessons (masterpost, tarot, runes, pendulum, scrying, tasseomancy, cartomancy, bibliomancy, palmistry)
> tarot tip (two choices, two of pentacles, two more cards, lots of two’s)
> moon phases (spreads, new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon)
> getting to know a new deck (spread, greeting, eye contact, handshake, conversation, gift, pros and cons, impressions, compatibility)
> the year ahead (spread, 12 months + the year overall)
> find your path (spread, earth, spirit, fire, air, water, grounding, nourishment, goals/dreams/ambitions, outlooks, giving and receiving love, healing)
> past life reading (spread, attributes, birth, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, death, karma, lessons, purpose, past to now, current)
> why am I so tired? (spread, reasons why, draining, fatigue, exhaustion, solution)
> meme reality check (spread, you, the truth of your situation, your perceptions)
> meeting familiar (spread, familiar, what/where/when, personality, animal) 
> go deeper (spread, exploring the unknown, heart, mind, soul)
> into the heart (spread, where you are, where you will be, outcome, drawbacks)
> taking back the crown (spread, signifier, objectives, advantage, major arcana)
> spiderweb (spread, card stuck to you, signs, importance, what to do, if it won’t leave, interpretation)
> realize your goals (spread, short-term, long-term, help or hinder, outcome)
> midsummer (spread, leaving things behind, baggiage, carriage, qualities/skills, challenges, spirits/deities, what to take)
> evolving character (spread, what’s being left behind, what’s dormant, what’s emerging)
> don’t tread on me (spread, what’s holding you down, retaliation, banishing, changes) 
> star (spread, problem, positive and negative influence, past influence, present, future, outcome)
> facing your sTuPiD aCtiONs (spread, meme, ignorance, contributions, outcome, reaction)
> opal appreciation (correspondences, abilities, pros)
> smoke correspondences (white sage, palo santo, lemongrass, lavender, yerba santa, amaranth, yarrow, cedar, sweetgrass, rosemary)
> reading auras (visualization, difficulty, practice, patience, diligence, colors, interpretations, personal correspondences)
> energy and energy manipulation magick (opinion, mantras, motivation, belief, self, will, negative, spells, patience, emotion, recharging)
> energetic healing, waterbending style (self healing, spirit water, amethyst, moon water, healing herbs, relaxation, visualization, blockages, negativity, cleansing, charging)
> energy work 101 (visualization, how-to, grounding, cleansing, methods, warding, raising, charging, casting, masterpost provided)
> sending dreams (how-to, printing pictures, energy-work)
> raising energy/vibrations (easy, random things, enjoyment, dancing, singing, music, instrument, meditation, bath, gratitude, etc)
> energy tethers 101 (what they are, charging, batteries, connections, energy, vibrations, disadvantages and advantages, modifications, long post)
> energy work: introduction to fields exercise (steps, how-to, read completely before trying)
> cutting energy cords (steps, how-to, cutting connections, cutting both ends, self healing)
> methods of energy healing (increasing healing speed, erasing injury, softening impacts, pros and cons)
> energy work: types and sources (independent energy, dependent energy, personal, organic, rooted, artistic, natural, manufactured, spiritual, programmed, emotional, parasitic, consumable)
> energy work: energy breathing (steps, how-to, what it is)
> healing energy systems (how-to, steps, distance, up close, blockages/anomalies, cleansing)
> true void energy 101 (what it is, cautions, difficulty, dangerous, dangers, pros and cons, important notes)
> true void energy intro (prequel to true void energy 101 ^, what it is, disclaimers, unverified personal gnosis, UPG, uses, description, working with it, compatible alignments, parasites)
> human aura 101: beginning to see auras (how-to, learning, patience, diligence, determination, intuition, other things you may see)
> meditation (what it is, what it isn’t, what to do, how to stop thinking which is REALLY easy, tips and tricks)
> visualization part 2 (part 1 provided, definition, practice, methods)
> cleansing (masterpost provided, visual, cleansing, herb correspondences, crystal correspondences)
>  subtle magick practices for any place (energy, small decisions, scraps, communication clarity, dream supplies)
> visualization aids (gifs, pretty pictures)
> cleansing routine (masterpost provided, to-do list, how-to, steps, meditation, smoke cleansing, self-love, gratitude)
9 notes · View notes
365goalsfor365days · 6 years
2018 Bucket List - August Update (3/365) (Total: 24/365) (I did 0 in July. Oops)
1. Become a Homeowner
2. Get a new mattress
3. Become a First Aid Instructor
4. Become a CPR Instructor
5. Get a position in Labor and Delivery or Postpartum
6. Write a legal will and get it notarized
7. Complete Neonatal Resuscitation Program
8. Obtain a regular drivers license
9. Write a legal advance directive and get it notarized
10. Get a Passport
11. Complete ACLS certification
12. Increase student loans to $350 each/month
13. Get a new couch
14. Get a tattoo
15. Get a permanent position
16. Join the organ donor registry
17. Get a British Bulldog (Winston)
18. Make melted crayon guitar art (JK)
19. Sew a teddy bear
20. Sew a dress
21. Make a quilt
22. Start a scrapbook
23. Crochet a hat
24. Complete grad photobook
25. Complete wedding scrapbook
26. Crochet Christmas stockings
27. Make a Wonder Woman apron (JH)
28. Crochet a hooded owl blanket (MB)
29. Do a cross stitch*
30. Fold 1000 origami stars
31. Make matching Mr & Mrs Scarves*
32. Crochet a black cat blanket with hood (KS)
33. Fold 1000 origami butterflies
34. Make a mobile of 1000 origami cranes
35. Design my own deck of cards
36. Complete wedding photobook
37. Make homemade lip balm
38. Make house key print tree ornament
39. Make carved wood or burned wood personalized wine box (ME)
40. Swap customized keychains with Daniel
41. Sew matching aprons for me & Daniel
42. Make a Feminist cross stitch quilt (CB)
43. Make Lion King cross stitch (JK)
44. Make wine glass winter scene candle holders
45. Make a Little Mermaid Apron (JM)
46. Make carved or burned wood “It’s Always Tea Time” Mad Hatter Tea Box
47. Crochet a Spiderman blanket (LS)
48. Crochet a legend of Zelda blanket (CW)
49. Make jazz guitar print art (SS)
50. Adopt an otter
51. Answer 50 correct answers in a row on Freerice.com
52. Participate in a charity walk/run
53. Donate $50 to the Edmonton Humane Society
54. Run a Hogwarts Running Club race
55. Donate $50 to the Canadian Mental Health Association
56. Donate 5 Items to Ronald McDonald house
57. Donate 5 Items to the Terra Centre
58. Adopt a polar bear
59. Make “Curious Confection” Disney drink
60. Make “Sirens Song” Disney drink
61. Make “Glass Slipper” Disney drink
62. Make “Belle of the Ball” Disney drink
63. Make herb butter
64. Make homemade fried chicken
65. Make caramel apple jello shots
66. Make macarons
67. Make homemade California rolls
68. Make all recipes in Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook
69. Make candy apples
70. Bake a baked Alaska
71. Cook lobster
72. Make Tiramisu
73. Bake Boston cream pie
74. Make homemade basil pesto
75. Roast pumpkin seeds
76. Finish my red recipe book
77. Bake lemony blueberry cheesecake bars
78. Bake cream cheese, banana & coconut pain perdu
79. Make Sims Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich (in real life)
80. Make Mexican tostadas
81. Make 365 new recipes
82. Cook every single recipe in a cook book
83. Make all recipes from Swap & Drop Diet Cookbook
84. Do a chopped competition with Daniel
85. Make fruit sushi
86. Make “Sleep Cycle” Disney drink
87. Make “False King” Disney drink
88. Make “Ohana Colada” Disney drink
89. Make all recipes from Cooking Light Global Kitchen cookbook
90. Make Sims Porcini Risotto (in real life)
91. Make Crepes
92. Go to Dinner Theatre
93. Eat at Café Bicyclette
94. Have lunch at Ampersand 27
95. Eat at Café Linnea
96. Eat at Earnest’s at NAIT
97. Go on a gelato date
98. Have dessert from Italian Bakery Edmonton
99. Eat at the 3 Bananas Café
100. Eat at Dorinku
101. Try a Po’ Boy
102. Eat deep fried ice cream
103. Eat at Have Mercy
104. Have lunch at the Harvest Room at Hotel MacDonald
105. Have dinner on the Edmonton Queen Riverboat
106. Try La Poutine
107. Have breakfast at Under the High Wheel
108. Have dessert at Block 1912
109. Eat at Uccellino
110. Go out for hungover breakfast the morning after a party with friends
111. Have a meal at Bistro Praha
112. Read “Water for Elephants” by Sara Gruen and watch the movie
113. Read Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and watch the movie
114. Read “It” by Stephen King and watch the movie
115. Read “Labor Day” by Eleanor Henderson
116. Read “Three Day Road” by Joseph Boyden
117. Read “The Girl on the Train“ by Paula Hawkins & Watch the movie
118. Read “They Left Us Everything”
119. Read “The House Girl” by Tara Conklin
120. Read all 36 books from the Dear Canada series
121. Read “My Lovely Wife in the Psych Ward: A Memoir” by Mark Lukach
122. Read all 54 books from the fictional Magic Tree House series
123. Read “13 Reasons Why” by Jay Asher and watch the series
124. Read “Dolores Claiborne” by Stephen King
125. Read “We Need To Talk About Kevin” by Lionel Shriver
126. Read all 51 books from the Adventures of the Bailey School Kids series
127. Read “Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers” by Mary Roach
128. Read “The Shift: One Nurse, Twelve Hours, Four Patients Lives” by Theresa Brown
129. Read “Working Stiff: by Judy Melinek and TJ Mitchell
130. Read “Every Patient Tells a Story” by Lisa Sanders
131. Read “The Night Shift” by Dr Brian Goldman
132. Read “Wenjack” by Joseph Boyden
133. Read “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat” by Oliver Sacks
134. Read “Weird Edmonton” by Mark Kozub
135. Read “11/22/63” by Stephen King
136. Re-read Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events series
137. Read all 20 Royal Diaries books
138. Read all the books from the Dear America series
139. Read “End of Watch” by Stephen King
140. Read “I, Ripper” by Stephen Hunter
141. Read “Happyface” by Stephen Edmond
142. Read “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie
143. Read “The Mighty Miss Malone” by Curtis
144. Read “In The Unlikely Event” by Judy Blume
145. Read “Church of Marvels” by Leslie Parry
146. Read “My Secret Sister” by Helen Edwards
147. Read “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” by Annie Barrows
148. Read “The Book of Negroes” by Lawrence Hill & watch the movie
149. Read “The Real Doctor Will See You Shortly” by Matt McCarthy
150. Read “Nerd Do Well” by Simon Pegg
151. Read “Wild” by Cheryl Strayd and watch the movie
152. Read “I Am Malala” by Malala Yousafzai
153. Read “The Book Thief’ by Markus Zusak and watch the movie
154. Read “Welcome to Nightvale” by Joseph Fink and listen to all podcasts
155. Read “1984” by George Orwell
156. Read “Nightmares!” by Jason Segal and Kirsten Miller
157. Read “The Bazaar of Bad Dreams” by Stephen King
158. Read “Finders Keepers” by Stephen King
159. Read the Little Old Lady Series
160. Read “Mr Mercedes” by Stephen King
161. Read “Left Neglected” by Lisa Genova
162. Read “Doctor Sleep” by Stephen King
163. Read “Bringing Adam Home” by Les Standiford
164. Read “Carry On” by Rainbow Rowell
165. Read “Being Mortal” by Atul Gawande
166. Read “A Spy Amongst Friends” by Ben Macintyre
167. Read “Still Alice” by Lisa Genova and watch the movie
168. Read “Five Days at Memorial” by Sheri Fink
169. Read “Canada” by Mike Myers
170. Read “Behind the Beautiful Forevers” by Katherine Boo
171. Read “Quiet: The Power of Introverts” by Susan Cain
172. Read “The Haunting of Sunshine Girl” by Paige Mckenzie
173. Read “Dirty Jobs” and “Second Hand Souls” by Christopher Moore
174. Read “My Sister’s Keeper” and watch the movie
175. Read “Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea” by April Genevive Tucholke
176. Read “Four Past Midnight” by Stephen King
177. Read “Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland” by Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus
178. Read “Anya’s Ghost” by Vera Brosgol
179. Read “Trauma”
180. Read “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” by JK Rowling and watch the movie
181. Read “This is That Travel Guide to Canada”
182. Read “The Trouble with Goats and Sheep” by Joanne Cannor
183. Read “Tough Shit” by Kevin Smith
184. Read “Tales of Beedle the Bard” by JK Rowling
185. Read “The Trouble with Alice” by Olivia Glazebrook
186. Read “The 100 Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating” by Alisa Smith & JB MacKinnon
187. Read “At Home in Old Strathcona” by Gwen McGregor Molnar
188. Read “The Tumbling Turner Sisters” by J. Fay
189. Read “The Dangerous Animals Club” by S. Tobolowsky
190. Read “The Book of Speculation” by E. Swyler
191. Read “The Nurses” by Alexandra Robbins
192. Read “Shine Shine Shine” by Lydia Netzer
193. Read “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel and watch the movie
194. Read the EC Wells series
195. Read “Scrappy Little Nobody” by Anna Kendrick
196. Read “The First Phone Call From Heaven” by Mitch Albom
197. Read “Hope’s Boy” by Andrew Bridge
198. Read “The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August” by Claire North
199. Read “The House At the End of Hope Street” by Menna Van Praag
200. Read “Home” by Harlan Coben
201. Read “The Devil in the White City“ by Erik Lawson
202. Tour the Chicago Connection tunnel in Moose Jaw
203. Tour the Passage to Fortune tunnel in Moose Jaw
204. Visit the Dead Sea of Saskatchewan (Little Manitou)
205. Tour the Royal Canadian Mint
206. Visit the Eskimo Museum in Churchill
207. Visit Prime Berth Fishing Museum in Twillingate
208. Go to the Barbie Expo in Montreal
209. Visit the Acadian Historical Village in Caraquet
210. Visit the Tokyo National Museum
211. Visit the Owl Café in Akhabara
212. Go to the Tokyo Studio Ghibli Museum
213. Visit the Manitoba Museum in Winnipeg
214. Tour the Royal Saskatchewan Museum in Regina
215. See a Sunset Retreat Ceremony at the RCMP Heritage Center in Regina
216. Visit the Canadian Museum of History in Quebec
217. See Head-Smash-In Buffalo Jump in Fort McLeod
218. Visit the Royal BC Museum in Victoria
219. See Niagra Falls
220. Visit the Gopher Hole Museum in Torrington
221. Visit Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada in Toronto
222. Visit the Royal Ontario Museum
223. Do the Underground Tour at Bell Island’s Mine Museum
224. Visit the Western Development Museum in Saskatoon
225. Visit Leo Mol Sculpture Garden in Winnipeg
226. Visit Squamish Lil’Wat Cultural Centre in Whistler
227. Visit the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 in Halifax
228. Visit the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
229. Visit the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa
230. Visit the Fort George National Historic Site of Canada at Niagara-on-the-Lake
231. Go to Science North in Sudbury
232. Take a photo with the Hachiko statue in Tokyo
233. Do a “Disney Love” photoshoot with Daniel
234. Grow a carrot plant
235. Go to new Royal Alberta Museum
236. Catch all First Gen Pokemon Go Pokemon
237. Catch all Second Gen Pokemon Go Pokemon
238. Catch all Third Gen Pokemon Go Pokemon
239. Successfully do winged eyeliner
240. Have a yard sale
241. Build a Bear at Build a Bear
242. Go scuba diving
243. Go rock climbing
244. Go through the Edmonton Corn Maze
245. Attend a Superstore cooking class
246. Bowl a 100+ game
247. Catch a fish
248. Dye my hair blonde
249. Go ice fishing
250. Tour Candy Cane Lane
251. Find 5 Geocaches
252. Go paintballing
253. See the stars at an observatory
254. Go on a double date
255. Can something with mom
256. Play through Fran Bow
257. Visit Dr Woods House Museum
258. Grow parsley
259. Go on a bike ride around Telford Lake
260. Solve a Rubik’s cube
261. Grow oregano
262. Pick berries from a berry farm
263. Host a holiday dinner for family
264. Win something
265. Skip rocks with Daniel
266. Do yoga outside at sunrise
267. Go horseback riding
268. Walk across a suspension bridge
269. Learn how to edit photographs
270. Get a hot stone massage
271. Pose for a nude painting
272. Visit Grandmas grave
273. Be in a boudoir photoshoot
274. Get ears pierced again
275. Learn Under the Sea on xylophone
276. Learn calligraphy
277. Go roller blading
278. See a moose in the wild
279. Learn Over the Rainbow on ukulele
280. Pick a pumpkin at Upick
281. Build a fire
282. Complete Wreck this Journal
283. Build a sandcastle
284. Build a snowman
285. Complete a 1000 Piece Puzzle
286. Get all Pokemon Go medals
287. Try a sensory deprivation chamber
288. Sew all badges on my camp blanket
289. Sign a petition
290. Camp at Elk Island Provincial Park
291. Go to Sea Life Caverns at WEM
292. Go apple picking
293. Go hostelling in Nordegg
294. Photograph a robin
295. Photograph a blue jay
296. Go to the ballet
297. Go to a hot spring in winter
298. Plant a Fairy Garden
299. Fully decorate apartment for Halloween
300. Go to another TWOS Dark Matters Night
301. Go to the Muttart Conservatory
302. Play through Beyond Two Souls
303. Try an alcohol shot
304. Go to the John Walters museum
305. Body paint with Daniel
306. Take a class at the Greenland Garden Center
307. Go Canoeing
308. Play a game of chess
309. Play laser tag
310. Have a girls night
311. Go to a drop in class at the Art Gallery of Alberta
312. Send out Christmas cards
313. Reach level 40 of Pokemon Go
314. Visit the Reynolds-Alberta Museum
315. Go on a Canmore Cave Tour
316. Get a couples massage
317. Have a game night at Table Top Café
318. See a live show at the Roxy
319. Shoot a Gun
320. Juggle 3 balls
321. Pick a door lock
322. See a Rapidfire Theater show
323. Dance on my balcony with Daniel as it gently rains
324. Go to a driving range
325. Write a love letter
326. Go to a U of A varsity game
327. Complete Pocket Posh Logic book
328. Go to a hockey game
329. Go to a football game
330. See the Nutcracker Ballet
331. Play at Breakout Edmonton
332. Complete a coloring book
333. Go peddle boating
334. Visit the Alberta Aviation Museum
335. Visit the Jurassic Forest
336. Play slots at a casino
337. Go skating
338. Try to escape The Cabin at Escape City
339. Complete my Sims challenge
340. Get a BBQ and have a BBQ with friends
341. Tube down the Pembina river
342. Get a facial
343. Take a class at Purdy’s Chocolates
344. Hold Crow Pose (Yoga)
345. Complete 12 months to a healthier you challenge
346. Fit size 6 pants
347. Do 100 consecutive push ups
348. Hold Kala Bhairavasana (yoga)
349. Hold Sirsasana (Yoga)
350. Do 100 Consecutive Sit Ups
351. Reach goal weight of 120 lb
352. Walk 20 000 steps for 3 consecutive days
353. Attend a drop in spin class
354. Attend a drop in yoga class
355. Try Hot Yoga
356. See a movie and have dinner at the VIP Theatre
357. Watch the top 100 movies of 2017
358. See a movie at Princess Theatre
359. Go to the Edmonton Film Fest
360. Watch an outdoor movie
361. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Musical & Art Movies
362. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Movies of 2016
363. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Horror Movies
364. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Documentary films
365. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Comedy Movies
1 note · View note
rangoplanet · 3 years
You love dogs and sometimes believe buying one, but their smell and therefore the shedding is just too off-putting? you only can’t imagine how your new loved one would slot in your clean apartment? Don’t worry, this text will assist you to find the dog you’ve been trying to find.
In this article you'll learn everything about Top 10 non-smelly dogs breeds, so confirm you read till the end.
Dog smell is not much of a big issue, they're satisfied with their dog's company and they are willing to put up with a few of the negatives, however, others prefer dogs that smell as little as possible, often those are people who live in apartments or people who simply can't put up with smells.
Any dog can stink once in a while, some dogs however stink most of the time, any dog breed that produces a lot of skin wax will also smell a little stronger than other dogs.
Dogs that are fed a raw diet that keeps their teeth polished and not going to develop smelly periodontal disease, and will not have doggy breath. If you're someone into dog kisses this is a very important trait to pay attention to, if you're out to get a new dog and especially if you live in an apartment or a little house, the smell might be a crucial factor to assist you to opt which breed you would like.
Here are the top 10 breeds that you might want to consider and many other areas in which they excel.
1- Basenji
The first on our list of non-smelly dogs is the Basenji. This slacker dog was bred to be a hunter and cannot upset the sport, since he's one of the cleanest breeds around.
This is a small pup from Africa and it does not have a traditional strong dog smell, this is probably because of its short and smooth coat. The basenji owners usually take pride in how fresh their dog's smell, making you suspect that they raid the cologne and perfume bottles in the bathroom when home alone.
Basenji do tend to urge bored if left around with nothing to try to do and like all dogs, they have an honest walk a minimum of once each day, this dog is also popular because he doesn't bark much.
The Basenjis have a famous yodel though which goes well with their fresh smell, this is good news for owners that are looking for a furry friend to add to their household.
2- Boston terrier
The second on our list of non-smelly dogs is the Boston terrier. This cute and mighty pup was originally bred as a fighting dog, now it is a loving companion with a famous personality in family homes.
Due to their black and white markings that make them look like they're wearing a tuxedo, they are often called the American gentleman.
This is a breed with a short nose, which means they cannot deal with hot weather of course having a short coat means they are not fans of winter either. This means they're an inside dog and will only be exercised in weather, somewhere in between a hot summer and cold winter. Due to their distinguishing traits, this breed doesn't smell and the best part about their coat is that it doesn't require a lot of grooming.
Read also: Top 10 Most Common Dog Disease and Health Issues
3- The Dachshund
Dachshund is among the most lively and cheerful dog breeds there are, incredibly active in constant search of something to hunt for and to play with.
They are excellent family pets, they shed very little and don't smell which makes them excellent indoor pets. They really really like to dig through however, that's another issue, the reason why they get third place on this list is that they are completely stink-free.
 4- The Whippet
The whippet is a good dog with a lot going for him. He's a medium-sized dog but since he's so thin he's like a small dog, he doesn't bark much, spends most of the day sleeping, and makes an ideal companion for a small apartment.
Whippets are also well known because they do not have a doggy odor, which is a good thing since this thin dog will probably be up on your sofa every time you turn around.
 5- The Siberian Husky
Like many of the arctic breeds, the Siberian husky is clean. That is to say, they do not smell they do like to get out and have fun running through the mud though and they do shed a lot, if you happen to have a few of these odorless dogs living inside your house, their hair seems to get everywhere.
Are they good in an apartment? not really, this breed does need a lot more exercise than many other dogs. A walk around the block once or twice a day just won't do it, if you try to ignore his needs your side is likely to dig up your yard or simply chew up your favorite shoes.
This breed is perfect for someone with a big yard looking for a non-smelling dog, regardless of the amount of time your Siberian husky spends outside it won't stink.
6- The Alaskan malamute
Another sled dog that doesn't have a doggy odor is that the malamute. just like the Siberian husky they need a thick coat and shed everywhere.
Like the husky, malamutes also need plenty of exercises, they're likely to sit around and wait for you to get to them, so they're a good option for someone who spends a lot of time at home like a writer, if you can stand the fur everywhere and you're looking for a big dog that does not stink, the Alaskan malamute is a good choice.
Read also: 15 Dog Breeds That Hardly Ever Bark
this livestock guard has a thick double white coat and like the Alaska malamute and Siberian huskies lacks the typical doggy smell. They are big dogs sometimes over 100 pounds about 50 kilos, and they do shed but they will manage to do so without stinking up your house.
They are not apartment dogs but if you have a lot of space and provide them with plenty to do they are great, since they do get so large they need to be well socialized and are best for experienced dog owners if CUVASZ features a flock of sheep to guard he is going to be content, if not he's likely to spend his energy caring for and guarding his human family.
8- The Dalmatian
While this pooch is recognized for its role in 101 dalmatians and in firehouses and films it is also known for being a non-smelly dog.
 This is due to its short and dense coat, typically this does not harbor dirt or any odors so you may think that dalmatians look clean with their white fur and black spots but it turns out they genuinely are.
Dalmatians do not require a lot of grooming as they tend to remain quite clean.
 9- the German pinscher
The medium-sized German pincher is a popular pooch that originated in Germany. Due to having a brief coat, these little furry friends won't smell like other breeds do.
This canine is a working breed which means they require a lot of exercises as well as having a job, they respond well to training and this can provide them with mental stimulation indeed they are playful and love a squeaky toy, but they also know how to destroy them pretty fast, they make good family pets and guard dogs for your home.
10- the Saluki
The last on our list of non-smelly dogs is the Saluki, again this is often another dog breed that doesn't smell because they need a really short coat.
Most of the fur they have is based on their ears, this is why they are referred to as supermodels.
They are beautiful looking dogs and easy to groom, this is an Arab dog that is famous for its speed and endurance, they're also affectionate and make a good companion with their instinct to chase they may have to stay on a lead or only access fenced areas off-leash.
If these 10 breeds do not appeal to you there are several lovers to choose from, if you are trying to avoid a smelly dog stay away from breeds with excessive folds and floppy ears.
0 notes
healingtheblackbody · 4 years
Sign Up For Our Community Ritual! Links Below. All events are ASL Interpreted.
Moe, The H.o.e.listic Health Coach
Friday, January 29th - 3:00 - 5:00pm
Join Moe for a workshop on an exploration of magical medicine, self and community healing. A 3 part presentation including a Prayer Energy Medicine Guided Meditation, Ancestral Spiritual Nutrition 101 Intro, and Health & Wellness Q&A.
Moeniesha Richelle is the Hoelistic Health Coach! Serving the community through
Pleasure Based Wellness Coaching for QBIPOC+Allies by -Activating Ancestral Cellular DNA w/Mystical Nourishment, Sexological Shamanism, Creation&Play-
Taja Lindley
Friday, January 29th - 6:00-8:00pm
Join Taja Lindley on an Artist Talk and Film Screening!
Can we grow gardens out of graves? How can we recycle the energy of protest, rage and grief into creating a world where indeed Black Lives Matter? What is the role of memory in our movement building work? And who will be responsible for this labor? These are the questions that haunt the work of visual and performance artist Taja Lindley.
As a memory worker, Lindley explores what has been abandoned, erased, silenced or distorted in our individual and collective consciousness. During her artist talk, she will screen her short film “This Ain’t A Eulogy: A Ritual for Re-Membering” and will discuss her most recent projects: “The Bag Lady Manifesta” and the "Birth Justice Podcast NYC." There will be time for community conversation and Q&A.
Through iterative and interdisciplinary practices, Taja Lindley creates socially engaged artwork that transforms audiences, shifts culture, and moves people to action. Since 2014 she has developed a body of work recycling and repurposing discarded materials. Her 2017 residency at Dixon Place Theater culminated in the world premiere of her one-woman show "The Bag Lady Manifesta" and it has been presented at museums, theaters, and universities nationwide. Her films and installations have been featured at Brooklyn Museum; the Philbrook Museum in Tulsa, Oklahoma; the Carver Museum in Austin, Texas; the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, California; and more.
In addition to being an artist, Lindley is actively engaged in social movements as a writer, consultant, and facilitator. For over a decade she has worked with non-profits, research institutes and government on policies and programming that impact women and girls, communities of color, low/no/fixed-income families, queer people, youth, and immigrants. Most recently, she served as a Sexual and Reproductive Justice Consultant at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, co-facilitating a community driven process that created The New York City Standards for Respectful Care at Birth. She is a 2019 NYC Public Artist in Residence and a 2020 A Blade of Grass Fellow. TajaLindley.com
Friday, January 29th - 8:30 - 9:30pm
Get this healing with LINDA LA’s Performance Ritual!
Adjusting My Crown is a meditative, ritual performance born out of recurring themes exploring self worth and self preservation in combat with societal norms. It is an intimate homage to life before the pandemic, set in quarantine, including original movement, music and poetry. This project is intended to re examine the ways we value stillness, solitude and technology. As well as commemorating queer and trans life in spite of the hardships in love and everyday societal rejection.
Linda La is a multidisciplinary artist, teacher, curator, host and organizer from the Boogie Down Bronx, New York. Born out of the Iconic House of LaBeija, her creative work has been articled in both AFROPUNK and The Fader. She has also been featured in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Timeout New York and W Magazine. This past year, she graciously performed under the direction of Bill T. Jones and Lee Mingwei at the MET and performed in the Obie Award winning The Fire this Time Theater Festival. She is currently working on her first studio project set to include original music and poetry. Her work can be found on all music streaming platforms and archived at the Brooklyn Museum in the “Nobody Promised You Tomorrow: Art 50 Years After Stonewall” exhibit. Find out more at Lindala.world
Shanel Edwards
Saturday, January 30th - 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Get this healing with Shanel’s Workshop, How to build a home!
'How to build a home pt. 2' a co-collaborative creative space that asks participants to remember permission, intimacy, safety, play, and connection in our bodies. We are rebuilding a home that remembers our traumas but does not require them, leaving oppressive systems "at the door". We are remembering interconnectedness, remembering care. All black queer and trans folks are welcome to attend, there movement will be involved. Come with a notebook, pen/pencil, any special items to build an altar, and water.
shanel edwards is a Philadelphia rooted, first-generation Jamaican, Black, Queer, Non- binary, artist, and world-builder. They utilize movement, filmmaking, hairstyling, poetry, and photography as channels. Their creations are birthed through their Black queer and trans existence, tenderness, water, intimacy, and collective dreaming. shanel is a 2020 Mural Arts fellow and was a 2019 Artist in Residence with Urban Movement Arts (Philadelphia). They have choreographed for productions at The University of the Arts (2019), and Princeton University (2020). shanel works closely with spirit and their ancestors through herbal knowledge, divination, and channeling through movement to envoke and envision a world where Black trans women are liberated.
Olaiya Olayemi
Saturday, January 30th - 2:00pm - 3:30pm
throwing the bones and working the roots: a (writing for) performance workshop
this highly anti-disciplinary and experimental workshop/seminar uses writing, image-making, movement, and sound-based exercises to create a brave space where students can excavate and craft their own performative conjurations and divinations; this class explores artmaking as a catalyst for social justice and as a healing modality.
olaiya olayemi is a blk/trans/femme/womxn/anti-disciplinary artist/educator/and organizer who centers womxn of the african diaspora in her performative/literary/cinematic/and sonic works of art that explore love/sex/relationships/family/history/memory and radical joy/pleasure. her work is informed by blk/queer/feminist theories/aesthetics/and politics and african indigenous and diasporic spiritual traditions. she has performed at Brooklyn Arts Exchange, JACK, AAA3A, metaDEN, The Wild Project, The Langston Hughes House, Starr Bar, Mayday Space, and Dixon Place. she holds a bachelor of arts in english/creative writing (with a minor in african/black diaspora studies) from depaul university and a master of fine arts in creative writing from emerson college where she was a recipient of the Dean’s Fellowship. she is a 2019-2020 Performance Fellow in Queer Art’s mentorship program, a Fall 2020 Brooklyn Arts Exchange Space Grantee, a finalist in Fresh Fruit’s Film/Monologue Festival, a 2020-2021 American Woman Fellow in Dramatic Question Theatre’s American Woman Lab, and a participant in Gibney Dance’s Black Diaspora group. her experimental screenplay was recently advanced to second round consideration for the Sundance Screenwriter’s Lab. she currently lives in philadelphia.
Brother(hood) Dance!
January 30th - 5:00pm-6:00pm
Brother(hood) Dance! will offer a movement experience that engages your full sense of awareness and connectedness to past present and future. We will work through African Diasporic techniques to ground and be rooted.
Brother(hood) Dance! is an interdisciplinary duo that seeks to inform its audiences on the socio-political and environmental injustices from a global perspective, bringing clarity to the same-gender-loving African-American experience in the 21st century.  Brother(hood) Dance! was formed in April 2014 as a duo that research, create and perform dances of freedom by Orlando Zane Hunter, Jr. and Ricarrdo Valentine.  We have performed our works at FiveMyles, Center for Performance Research, B.A.A.D! (Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance), VCU-The Grace Street Theater, DraftWork at St. Marks Church, JACK, Movement Research at Judson Church, Colby College, Denmark Arts Center and other venues.
As a collective, our work demonstrates how life extends beyond its own subjective limits and often tells a story about the effects of global cultural interaction over the latter half of the twentieth century. It challenges the binaries we continually reconstruct between Self and Other, between our own ‘cannibal’ and ‘civilized’ selves. By rejecting an objective truth and global cultural narratives, we find that movement reveals an inherent awkwardness, a humor that echoes our own vulnerabilities. Brother(hood) Dance! considers movement as a metaphor for the ever-seeking man who experiences a continuous loss. Brother(hood) Dance!'s work urge us to renegotiate performance as being part of a reactive or – at times – autistic medium, commenting on oppressing themes in our contemporary society.
Sasha Schaafe
January 30th - 7:00pm-8:30pm
Whip your herbs out of the kitchen for this magical herbalism workshop!
Spiritual Healing & Protection with Herbs : Thyme & Bay
With respect to necessary uprisings in honor of black lives, while in the space of a global pandemic, it’s absolutely vital to our whole wellness that we practice spiritual hygiene & empower our spiritual bodies with clarity & protection. In this workshop we will focus on two methods & one medicinal preparation, with the support of our plant allies/“plantcestors,” that powerfully heal, cleanse & protect us during these difficult times.
Spiritual baths & headwashes are healing & maintenance methods that have been employed in indigenous practices throughout Afro-diasporic traditions, with special attention to the “head.” We will bring focus to two easily accessible herbs that provide clearing & protective support in efforts of providing our aura & spirit with clarity, removing energy that isn’t our own. We ask that you enter this space as your full & authentic selves, so that we may co-create & infuse our healing experience with powerful, loving intention.
Workshop Materials:
- Bay Leaf (Mediterranean- Laurus nobilis OR West Indian- Pimenta racemoca)
- Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
- Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus)
- Tulsi/Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum)
- Freshly boiled water
- *OPTIONAL: Citrus peels (lemon & orange)
- *OPTIONAL: Florida Water or Kananga Water
- Bay Leaf
- Ginger
- White Rum (40% ABV / 80 proof or Wray & Nephew- 100 proof)
- *OPTIONAL: Allspice/Cinnamon/Nutmeg
- *OPTIONAL: Orange Peel
Sasha Schaafe is a spiritual herbalist apprenticing within the Sacred Vibes Apothecary community, under the tutelage of Karen Rose. Her background experience with “food as medicine” is informed by her family’s Jamaican/Chinese roots & upbringing. Her spirituality largely stands on the strength of ancestral connection & veneration. Operating through love & intuition, Sasha commits to being of service to community with a village-mind — honoring her purpose & the purpose of all those who are a part, as we all have a role to play. She concerns herself with being in right relationship with the land & energies within & around nature. She trusts that our planet heals itself & most effectively heals us when we nurture & nourish ourselves with respect to our relationships with nature & spirit.
Kiyan Williams
Sunday, January 31st - 2:00pm-3:00pm
Tune into this Artist Talk by the phenomenal Kiyan Williams!
This Bridge Between Starshine and Clay: An Artist Talk With Kiyan Williams
Artist Kiyan Williams will share the development of their art practice, which draws on and is inspired by traditions of Black feminist, queer, and trans creative practice as rituals of self-determination.
Kiyan Williams is a visual artists from Newark, NJ who works fluidly across performance, sculpture, and video. They often work with soil and debris as material and metaphor to unearth Black queer subjectivity.
Ọmọlólù / Ma’at Works Dance Collective / Ricky
Sunday, January 31st, 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Join the finale of our opening weekend with these three powerhouse healing artists!
Believing in the depth of healing that resounds in blx sonic force ọmọlólù will give a sonic offering. Using harmonized loops and mantras ọmọlólù hopes to welcome folx who bare witness into a state of ease, reflection and blx ecstatix bliss.
ọmọlólù refilwe bàbàtùndé is an educator, african surrealist documentarian, digital griot and blx ecstatix performance artist. A diasporic daughter of blx Southern migration she is in constant practice, reverence and searching for blx sounds in all it’s haptic, visual, sonic, strategic, mobile, logical mutations. Using image, video, prose and sound she attempts to stun whiteness and create a divine glimmer of blx relief, a brief moment of sanctuary for folx to come home into. She is co-founder of rogueTHEIF, an upcycle denim brand/performative gesture which strives to poke holes in capitalist modes of exchange while also being a platform to celebrate ancestors whose memory challenges us to fight for more liberating realities for ourselves and those coming after. She has performed at the New Museum, Northstar Durham,  and many intentional DIY spaces. She released her first EP “laiii 222 rest ooo : blx ancestral sonix salves” on Don Giovanni Records in October 2020.
Ma’at Works Dance Collective
This offering is a meditation in nature, a practice of process, tenderness and stillness. A conversation with the tree branches, the stream, the birds and the sky. I'm interested in what helps to heal black bodies and I think mending our relationship with the woods is a great place to begin.
Ama Ma'at Gora is a Philly based dance artist, educator and choreographer. She received her BA from Georgian Court University and her dance MFA from Temple University. She was given opportunities to work with choreographers such as, Kariamu Welsh, Lela Aisha Jones, Earl Moseley, Sidra Bell, Gregory King and more. She now serves as Community Based Learning Director at Drexel University; overseeing artistic civic engagement. She established Ma'at Works Dance Collective, as a way to hold space for controversial dialogue. Her work centers identity, historic trauma and restoration. Thus she intends on crafting spaces which reflect, healing. As co-founder of The Juba House, she’s been able to serve local artists.
for those in between: a meditation on black mania, magic, and multidimensional living
ricky is an artist, musician, performer, writer, and diviner. last year they released WAHALA, their second solo album as YATTA . the release was accompanied by a theatrical production called An Episode: Ricky’s Room, commissioned by The Shed. this year, they dropped ‘Dial Up’, a collaboratively dreamt up album with philly musician and poet, Moor Mother. ricky has shared a stage with musicians like The Sun Ra Arkestra and Cardi B, creating multimedia performances that tour astrally, nationally, and globally.  
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sociologyontherock · 4 years
Sharing the Disciplines
By Rainer Baehre
At MUN’s Grenfell campus, I am an historian in the Historical Studies program and cross-listed with Social/Cultural Studies. As my training is in history, tangible historical evidence remains integral to my work. Yet I have also relied on sociology and related social science disciplines to frame and address questions of interest in order to make sense of historical persons, groups, events, and developments. I apply these ideas to topics that resonate in the present, such as racism, social inequality, and marginality. How I got to where I am is a bit of a shaggy dog story.
My journey began as an undergraduate student at the University of Waterloo during the heady Counterculture days of the late-1960s and early 70s. Initially, I dabbled in philosophy and psychology, thinking that they would reveal the workings of the human brain and human consciousness. In my effort to acquire further insight into the turbulent and often contradictory world of the civil rights movement, political assassinations, the Vietnam War, the nuclear arms race, student protest, decolonization, and so on, I was also attracted to the writings of the New Left and neo-Marxist critiques of modern capitalist society. To make a long story short, I found studying psychology and philosophy, though often interesting, too limited and too narrowly defined for my liking in helping me to find better answers to the “big” questions that befuddled me, a somewhat disillusioned twenty-something.
 During my senior years as an undergraduate, I began taking history courses. I had never considered this discipline as a field of study, even though “history” had heavily shaped my upbringing. My parents had grown up in Nazi Germany and my family on both sides had experienced the horrors of war. The heightening Cold War and the threat of World War III prompted my parents to leave Germany in 1952, when I was three-year old, and to settle in Kitchener-Waterloo. While I was raised as a “Canadian,” I nevertheless always remained acutely aware of my origins, a self-conscious awareness and formative identity that follow me to this day, which give me a particular perspective as an outsider.
 After finally finishing my undergraduate degree and before entering graduate school at the University of Waterloo, serendipity intervened. I was hired as a part-time research assistant, then course instructor, in an experimental Field Studies program headed by sociologist Dr. H. David Kirk at the University of Waterloo. (Professor Kirk passed away on December 14, 2019, at the age of 101.) I cannot understate how important David Kirk was, first, as a professor, then mentor and good friend. The Field Studies program he designed focused on participant and non-participant observation, and students were placed in settings such as a magistrate’s court, churches, and hospitals. In such settings, students were expected to study what their sociology text had to say about “society” and compare the text with their own observations in order to develop a more critical and grounded understanding of the discipline and to move away from recipe knowledge, that is simply reading the assigned material and following the “menu” uncritically without further thought. I was hired primarily because of my previous work experience as a resource person at the long defunct Allen Street Free School in Waterloo and as a junior attendant in a psychiatric hospital, as well as my critical perspectives on the educational system, as it then existed, and on my personal and direct observations of institutionalization and decarceration.
 Kirk taught me classical and modern sociological theory, as well as basic qualitative and quantitative methods. For the first time, I became acquainted with the works of Durkheim, Weber, Simmel, and Veblen as well as contemporary sociologists such as Hughes, Mead, Merton, Mills, Whyte, Goffman, Berger, Luckmann, and others. Rather than emphasizing biological and structural factors, Kirk’s own research was heavily influenced by symbolic interactionism, that is, examining how social/cultural beliefs became internalized and how they shaped our lives and identities. This is demonstrated in his book Shared Fate: A Theory of Adoption and Mental Health (New York: Free Press, 1964; revised edition 1984 subtitled A Theory and Method of Adoptive Relations). He also believed in grounding theory in direct observation, in seeing if and how sociological models worked in the particular, or in other words, in an individual’s everyday world.
 We also shared some other important elements. Kirk was German-born and of Jewish background, raised in an upper-class secular household. He was sent to England by his parents at the beginning of the Nazi era and then went on to the United States, where his parents joined him in 1938 after Kristallnacht. A Quaker and conscientious objector during World War II, Kirk gradually returned to his Jewish roots and became preoccupied with the Holocaust – what had happened and why. Our common German backgrounds and common interest in historicism led to many conversations about stigma, ideology, racism, social movements, irrationality, totalitarianism, and total institutions. During those days, I read extensively about the Holocaust and joined him, as his research assistant, on trips to Vienna where we met the Nazi-hunter and Holocaust researcher Simon Wiesenthal, observed the war crimes trial of the architects of Auschwitz Fritz Ertl and Walter Dejaco, and interviewed camp survivors, and subsequently went to Israel. The personal impact of reading this literature, our attempts at analysis, and personal contact with living history cannot be understated. These readings and encounters left an indelible impression, both intellectually and emotionally, and still influence how I shape much of my research, especially in examining what I consider significant historical questions by using oral history, as well as traditional historical sources.
 Subsequently, I became drawn ever more to historical research, as a way of understanding the present, and I completed an MA in European and Russian history, including writing a major cognate essay on Hitler and how he reflected Max Weber’s concept of charisma. I also took a course on European intellectual history, which introduced me to the works of Michel Foucault and Paul Ricoeur, who have since influenced many disciplinary modes of thinking.
 I decided then to take another graduate degree in Canadian instead of European history, though my previous influences carried over. In one course, I examined the ideological origins of the Kingston penitentiary and for my M.Phil. Thesis focused on the emergence of nineteenth-century Ontario psychiatry, influenced in my thinking by Marx, Weber, Goffman, and Foucault. During my subsequent doctoral studies at York University, I extended my work on the early history of Canadian psychiatry, its founders, and its institutions, shaped by Foucault’s idea of “power/knowledge” – an approach which made some members of my doctoral committee very unhappy, as inappropriately theoretical, and not historical. Although history, as a discipline had by then begun to shift gradually towards social and cultural perspectives, topics such as the state, social welfare, institutions, incarceration, stigmatization, and marginal peoples were still viewed by more traditional Canadian historians as belonging to sociology or social work, not to history.
 After coming to the Grenfell campus in 1989, my research and teaching interests shifted yet again, now focusing more on topics related to Newfoundland and Labrador’s social and cultural history. In Outrageous Seas: Shipwreck and Survival in the Waters off Newfoundland, 1583-1893 (Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1999), I attempted to use shipwreck narratives as a way of understanding maritime encounters with the sea, by means of historical narratives. I was interested in “fate” and the trauma of shipwreck, how survivors made sense of and gave meaning to their experiences in the face of “nature,” and how their thoughts and beliefs reflected important aspects of Newfoundland’s social and cultural identity. More recently, I have worked on aspects of the province’s Indigenous history, such as addressing the role and pre-eugenics discourse of nineteenth-century medicine, anthropology, and ethnology in constructing the stereotype of “the Eskimo” of Labrador. I have also studied the former “jackatar” community of Crow Gulch and the relocation of former residents into Corner Brook’s first assisted housing projects. It had never been written about by scholars, and I relied heavily on local interviews to collect information and make sense of its history. How this community was viewed during municipal urban renewal schemes of the 1960s illustrates passive forms of local racism and micro-aggressions against peoples of French and Mi’kmaq descent, how stereotypes rooted in history and social and economic inequality developed, and how the current identities of individuals linked intergenerationally to Crow Gulch now see themselves within that historical context.
 In closing, I am very comfortable in describing my scholarly place as “historical studies.” I no longer see historians engaged in an entirely “objective,” top-down, empirical enterprise – which is what I was first taught. I am equally comfortable in looking to sociology and anthropology for theoretical and methodological insights and information as well as to oral history for hearing and giving voice to previously voiceless individuals. I also have always attempted to ground my work within an empirically based historical context as opposed to fitting it into a theoretical framework. Nevertheless, I also continue to pay heed to current social theorists, sociologists, and anthropologists who write about post-modernism, intersectional theory, post-colonial theory, identity theory, disability theory, and gender theory. And I remain convinced that one cannot understand the present without placing our social and cultural worlds into an historical context. To that end, historians need to examine the theoretical and the particular, the interrelationships between the macro and the micro, and what other disciplines have to say about the past.
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feetglider2-blog · 5 years
This is the Cubs prospect to watch in camp
The countdown to pitchers and catchers reporting is down to single digits for all 30 MLB clubs, but as exciting as it is to see the return of Major League stars, it's also a time to dream about the next wave of baseball talent. With the help of MLB.com's beat writers, here's a prospect to keep an eye on for each and every team in 2019.
Blue Jays: Vladimir Guerrero Jr., 3B The Blue Jays might be in the process of rebuilding, but their upcoming Spring Training will be must-see TV because of one player. Guerrero, arguably one of the most hyped prospects in history, will report to big league camp for the first time in his career. Guerrero appeared in a handful of spring games for Toronto in 2018, but he's never been a full participant in camp and this will be the first time fans get to watch his progress from start to finish. Guerrero vs. Chris Sale, Blake Snell, Aroldis Chapman and Masahiro Tanaka: These matchups have never happened before, but they might this spring -- and if they do the entire baseball world will be watching. If Guerrero comes anywhere close to matching the hype, there are certain milestones of his career people will not want to miss, and his very first Major League Spring Training is one of them. Circle Feb. 23 on the calendar because that's when all of the fun could begin with an afternoon home game vs. the Tigers. -- Gregor Chisholm
Video: MLB Network on Vlad Jr. being game's top prospect
Orioles: Yusniel Diaz, OF Orioles camp will be full of blue-chippers eager to show the new regime what they can do as the club heads into a season in which big league opportunities figure to be available in plenty. The crop includes fast-rising Ryan Mountcastle, rebound candidates Hunter Harvey and Austin Hays, and late bloomers Ryan McKenna and Dean Kremer. But the obvious choice here is Yusniel Diaz, the prize of the Manny Machado trade and the Orioles' No. 1 prospect per MLB Pipeline. The 22-year-old Cuban slumped at Double-A last summer, but has generally rose steadily since signing with the Dodgers in November 2015. He is considered a potential five-tool player with an advanced approach at the plate, an ability to play all three outfield positions and a shot at debuting in Baltimore as early as this summer. -- Joe Trezza
:: Spring Training coverage presented by Camping World ::
Rays: Nate Lowe, 1B Once the Rays decided to trade Jake Bauers to the Indians this offseason, it became clear that the organization believes Nate Lowe is the first baseman of the future. Lowe won the Rays' Minor League Player of the Year Award in 2018 after dominating three levels in the Minors. The Rays' No. 13 prospect according to MLB Pipeline finished with 27 homers in 2018, and scouts have little doubt that the power will translate to the Majors due to his 6-foot-4, 235-pound frame. Lowe is one of the 24 non-roster invitees at this year's Spring Training, and it will be interesting to see what Lowe can show in just over a month. There's a good chance we see Lowe at the big league level at some point in 2019, but the 23-year-old will look to display his power all throughout the spring. -- Juan Toribio
Red Sox: Bobby Dalbec, 3B The power-hitting third baseman will be in big league camp for the first time, and Red Sox fans look forward to watching him take aim at the replica Green Monster at JetBlue Park. Dalbec has the best raw power in Boston's farm system, and his batting practice sessions could be a must-see event for fans roaming the back fields. But Dalbec isn't just about offense; he was a much-improved defender at the hot corner last season, displaying a quick first step and a strong arm. Look for Dalbec to start 2019 at Double-A and likely finish it at Triple-A. A September callup isn't out of the question. -- Ian Browne
Yankees: Clint Frazier, OF Frazier's 2018 season was derailed in the Yankees' second exhibition game, when he sustained a concussion slamming into the left-field wall in Bradenton, Fla. Recurring symptoms dogged the promising outfielder throughout much of the campaign, but he recently received a clean bill of health and has eyes upon claiming the starting left-field job from Brett Gardner. Frazier was lauded for his "legendary" bat speed in 2016, when he served as the centerpiece in the Andrew Miller trade. -- Bryan Hoch
Indians: Bobby Bradley, 1B For those who enjoy the long ball, Bradley will be one to keep an eye on during Spring Training. The 22-year-old first baseman has demonstrated plus power in every step of his Minor League career, launching at least 20 home runs over the last four years (27 in Class A Advanced Lake County in 2015, 29 for Class A Advanced Lynchburg in '16, 23 at Double-A Akron in '17 and 27 between Double- and Triple-A in '18). In '16, he also knocked in an impressive 102 runs in 131 contests. Bradley's powerful bat is definitely something the Indians could use in their lineup once he continues to improve his defense and trim his strikeout rate. But it may not be too much longer until he gets his chance to hit long balls and drive in runs for the big league club. Either way, look for his power to be on full display once the team arrives in Arizona. -- Mandy Bell
Royals: Richard Lovelady, LHP As we've mentioned numerous times on royals.com, Lovelady, 23, doesn't have to go on the 40-man roster until next fall. But Lovelady, who posted a 2.47 ERA last year at Triple-A Omaha with nine saves, may force the Royals' hand this spring. And there certainly are plenty of open spots in the bullpen for Lovelady to grab. A lot of eyes will be on Lovelady when camp opens. He has swing-and-miss stuff and a bulldog mentality, and general manager Dayton Moore brought his name up at the team's recent FanFest as one of those pitchers who could be the next Greg Holland, Kelvin Herrera or Wade Davis. Lovelady just needs an opportunity. -- Jeffrey Flanagan
Video: Callis on the potential of No. 17 prospect Casey Mize
Tigers: Casey Mize, RHP Mize won't be pushing for a roster spot after just 13 Minor League innings last summer. But what last year's top Draft pick shows in camp should play a big role in determining his eventual path to the big leagues.
"I'm not going to even touch the delivery," pitching coach Rick Anderson said of Mize a couple weeks ago at TigerFest. "You just let him get adapted to where he's at. I'm excited to see him, just as I was when [Beau] Burrows and [Matt] Manning came up. You get a chance to see these guys and then you sit down with [roving pitching instructor] A.J. Sager and the Minor League people and talk about where we're going with them and what their thoughts are. It's going to be fun to see him."
The Tigers' decision to invite Mize to Major League camp is similar to what Detroit did with fellow right-hander Alex Faedo, their previous year's top Draft pick. The Tigers rested Faedo for the summer of 2017 after taking him with their first pick, letting him rest his arm following extended work during the University of Florida's run to the College World Series. Before Faedo embarked on his first pro season, the Tigers gave him a glimpse of Major League pitchers and the routine they build to prepare for a season. He pitched in the Tigers' spring exhibition game against Florida Southern College before heading over to Minor League camp. Expect much of the same for Mize. -- Jason Beck
Twins: Alex Kirilloff, OF Kirilloff missed the entire 2017 season after undergoing Tommy John surgery, and his only goal entering '18 was to play a full season of healthy baseball. The former first-round selection from the '16 MLB Draft not only stayed healthy, but also had one of the most productive seasons in the Minor Leagues, leading all full-season Minor League hitters in doubles (44) while hitting .348/.392/.578 with 20 homers and 101 RBIs across two levels. The 21-year-old was named the Twins' Minor League Player of the Year, shot up to No. 9 on MLB Pipeline's top 100 prospects list and earned an invite to big league camp this coming spring.
"I'd never had an injury like that, that caused me to miss that much time," Kirilloff said. "But once it got past that point and I accepted everything, I took it as a challenge and tried to make myself better from it." -- Do-Hyoung Park
White Sox: Eloy Jimenez, OF White Sox fans continue waiting on decisions from premium free agents Machado and Bryce Harper, but in the meantime, believe they have a star of their own in the making in Jimenez. Those same fans were disappointed to not have Jimenez come to the Majors at all in 2018, especially after getting a glimpse of his raw power during Spring Training and then watching Jimenez tear through the Minors offensively. The game's No. 3 prospect overall, per MLB Pipeline, has worked diligently on his conditioning in the offseason and seems primed for an impressive rookie campaign, which should begin sometime in mid-April. -- Scott Merkin
Video: All eyes on Jimenez at White Sox Spring Training
Angels: Jo Adell, OF Adell, ranked as the No. 14 overall prospect by MLB Pipeline, is a true five-tool center fielder who has continued to make impressive adjustments in the Minors. He's coming off a breakout year that saw him hit a combined .290/.355/.543 with 20 homers, 32 doubles and 15 stolen bases in 99 games across three levels, including his first stint at Double-A despite being only 19. He'll be in Major League camp for the first time this spring, but isn't likely to reach the Majors in 2020. He'll be in the upper levels of the Minors this season, however, and is the club's most exciting home-grown prospect since Mike Trout. -- Rhett Bollinger
Video: Callis on Forrest Whitley being top pitching prospect
Astros: Forrest Whitley, RHP Whitley, the seventh-ranked overall prospect by MLB Pipeline, is one of the Astros' most highly touted prospects in the last couple of years. Whitley, who dominated at the Arizona Fall League after being held to 26 1/3 innings at Double-A Corpus Christi last year following a 50-game suspension and a pair of injuries, will probably begin the season at Triple-A Round Rock and should make his way to Houston at some point in 2019. There's a reason the Astros came out publicly and said the 6-foot-7 Whitley isn't available in trades this offseason. -- Brian McTaggart
Athletics: Jesus Luzardo, LHP All eyes will be on Luzardo when camp opens next week. The A's top prospect, all of 21 years old, is the most intriguing Opening Day rotation candidate. The southpaw sensation -- who was recently anointed the game's top left-handed pitching prospect by MLB Pipeline -- climbed three levels in the Minors in 2018 and put together a 10-5 record and 2.88 ERA with 129 strikeouts in 109 1/3 innings. Despite having just four games under his belt at the Triple-A level, the A's won't hesitate to throw him in the big league rotation with a strong spring showing. Conversely, they don't want to rush him if they feel he's not ready, and wouldn't shy away from giving him more time at Triple-A. Either way, the hype is real. Luzardo is armed with a premium arsenal -- including a high-90s fastball that features a high spin rate and an elite changeup -- and the kind of pinpoint command that typically eludes young pitchers. -- Jane Lee
Mariners: Kyle Lewis, OF With all the offseason moves by Jerry Dipoto, the Mariners are suddenly loaded with interesting young prospects, including promising pitchers Justus Sheffield, Justin Dunn and Erik Swanson, who all could impact the rotation before long. Nine of the club's Top 30 prospects per MLB Pipeline were acquired this winter. But there's a returning prospect who might be even more intriguing to keep an eye on this spring, as Lewis -- the club's No. 1 Draft pick in 2016 -- should finally be at full strength in his return from knee surgery. Fans will finally get to see Lewis in action at his first Major League camp as the 23-year-old looks to re-establish himself as a key part of the franchise's future plans. -- Greg Johns
Rangers: Taylor Hearn, LHP Spring Training will give the Rangers a chance to take a good look at Hearn, 24, who was acquired from the Pirates in a trade for Keone Kela at the end of July. He is at the forefront of a group of Minor League starting pitchers who are expected to make an impact at the big league level in two to three years. Hearn, who is from nearby Royse City, has a fastball that hits 97-98 miles per hour but still has to refine his location. He has a good feel for a changeup, but is still working on his slider. He could end up with a future in the bullpen, but the Rangers will give him a chance to start and he could be fun to watch in Spring Training. -- T.R. Sullivan
Braves: Cristian Pache, OF Andruw Jones says Pache is already the best defensive outfielder within an organization that includes Ender Inciarte, who has won three straight Gold Glove Awards. Other evaluators have opined the 20-year-old prospect might be the game's best defensive outfield prospect. The young outfielder hit the first nine homers of his professional career last year and his power will likely increase as he continues to physically mature. Pache held his own while experiencing his first big league Spring Training last year. His presence during this year's camp should give Braves fans further reason to be excited about the possibility he might be roaming the outfield with Ronald Acuna Jr. at some point during the 2020 season. -- Mark Bowman
Marlins: Victor Victor Mesa, OF Mesa, Miami's No. 1 prospect and baseball's 99th overall per MLB Pipeline, enters Spring Training as a non-roster invitee and a bit of a mystery. The 22-year-old and his younger brother, Victor Mesa Jr., defected from Cuba last May and he has not seen any real game action since. He signed for $5.25 million (and his brother for $1 million) with the Marlins in October.
The fact that the elder Mesa hasn't played in games in about a year will create plenty of intrigue as to what he can do. A speedster with a cannon for an arm, Mesa draws praises from scouts for his defensive abilities. His approach at the plate is also solid, and the thought is that he will hit for average. But there are questions as to how much power he will provide. The Marlins will give Mesa every chance to showcase himself; along with game action, he is expected to be in the bullpen tracking pitches during pitcher warmups. Marlins fans are wondering when to expect him in the big leagues, but they will have to wait because he will likely start off at either Class A Advanced Jupiter or Double-A Jacksonville. -- Joe Frisaro
Video: WLD@USA: Alonso mashes a 2-run homer to left field
Mets: Peter Alonso, 1B A vocal segment of Mets fans wanted top-ranked prospect Peter Alonso in the Majors last season. They'll be back in full-throated support of Alonso this spring, when he attempts to make the Mets' Opening Day roster despite odds stacked against him. While Alonso has nothing left to prove offensively in the Minors, slugging 36 home runs over two levels last season, the Mets must keep him down until mid-April if they want to ensure an extra year of team control.
Regardless of that decision, Alonso promises to be under a microscope this spring, as the Mets try to figure out if he really is their first baseman of the future -- particularly on defense, where he has struggled since the Mets drafted him in the second round in 2016. If all goes well, Alonso has potential to develop into one of the best right-handed sluggers in baseball. -- Anthony DiComo
Nationals: Victor Robles, OF One of the biggest reasons the Nationals could potentially lose Harper and still be OK? Robles, the club's top prospect and MLB Pipeline's No. 4 overall prospect in baseball. Had he not hyperextended his left elbow on a diving catch last April, Robles would have received his chance in D.C. last season. Instead, his friend Juan Soto got the chance and he ran with the opportunity. This year will be Robles' turn.
Washington is going to hand Robles the job as the everyday center fielder because the team believes he is ready to show off all of his tools: The speed around the bases and in the outfield, the instincts and arm on defense and an approach at the plate that they do not believe will be overwhelmed by big league pitching -- along with enough power to make pitchers pay for mistakes. Robles is about to get his chance to prove himself this season, and the Nationals hope he will end up roaming the outfield at Nationals Park for years to come. -- Jamal Collier
Phillies: Adam Haseley, OF The Phillies selected Haseley with the eighth overall pick in the 2017 MLB Draft, and there is some thought that he could push for a job on the big league roster later this season, if he plays well and if there is a need. Haseley opened last season with Class A Clearwater before being promoted to Double-A Reading. He put up impressive numbers with Reading, batting .316 with six home runs, 17 RBIs and an .880 OPS in 159 plate appearances. If the Phillies sign Harper at some point this spring, it obviously hurts Haseley's chances to make a big league impact in 2019. But if Harper signs elsewhere, the Phillies could have a use for Haseley mid-summer, especially with outfielders like Odubel Herrera and Aaron Altherr trying to rebound from disappointing seasons, and Roman Quinn having an extensive injury history. -- Todd Zolecki
Brewers: Keston Hiura, 2B In this case, the must-see prospect in camp might also be the one with the chance to make the biggest impact. Hiura impressed manager Craig Counsell and the Major League staff last year by batting .419 with a .986 OPS in 31 Cactus League at-bats before a solid season split between Class A Advanced Carolina and Double-A Biloxi -- as well as a strong showing in the Arizona Fall League, where he posted a .934 OPS. President of baseball operations David Stearns has already said Hiura will begin the season in the Minors, but with the big club poised to start a platoon of Cory Spangenberg and Hernan Perez or Tyler Saladino, Hiura could have callup potential once Super 2 territory is cleared. -- Adam McCalvy
Video: Mayo on Reyes being a prospect to keep an eye out for
Cardinals: Alex Reyes, RHP Reyes has been the Cardinals' top-ranked prospect for four straight seasons, but he's eager to graduate from that list this season. He missed 2017 while recovering from Tommy John surgery and made just one start (four innings) in 2018 before requiring surgery to repair a torn tendon in his lat muscle. His rehab schedule has him on track to be ready to pitch in Spring Training, and the Cards will use the next several weeks to assess his health and optimal fit for the season ahead. They remain open to using him as a starter or reliever, depending on need. -- Jenifer Langosch
Cubs: Nico Hoerner, SS Chicago built its core through position players at the top of the MLB Draft, and the club is hoping that Hoerner (taken 24th overall in the '18 Draft) will soon fit into that same category. The 21-year-old Stanford product has certainly turned heads since turning pro. A left elbow issue limited Hoerner to 14 games last season, but the shortstop posted a 1.021 OPS in 60 plate appearances. He then opened eyes with Mesa in the Arizona Fall League, hitting .337 with one homer, four doubles, four triples and an .867 OPS in 21 games. With his bat-to-ball ability and impressive exit velocities, Hoerner could develop fast and grow into more power. MLB Pipeline listed him in the final spot in the latest Top 100 rankings and projected that he could reach MLB by the 2020 season. If Hoerner gets some Cactus League action this spring, Cubs fans will want to pay attention. -- Jordan Bastian
Pirates: Mitch Keller, RHP Last year, Keller said it was "kind of a big deal" to pitch two innings in a mid-March Grapefruit League game. Pirates fans will get a much longer glimpse at the club's top prospect this spring. Keller, MLB Pipeline's No. 19 overall prospect, will be in big league camp from the start and may be preparing for his Major League debut at some point this summer. He has a plus fastball and curveball, and the Bucs have been stressing the importance of his changeup over the past few years. The 22-year-old right-hander is set to begin the season with Triple-A Indianapolis, where he initially struggled last season before finishing strong. Third baseman Ke'Bryan Hayes, Pittsburgh's No. 2 prospect and a dynamic defender with an improving bat, will also be in big league camp for the first time this spring. -- Adam Berry
Reds: Nick Senzel, 3B/2B/OF Cincinnati's prospect to watch happens to also be the organization's No. 1 prospect, according to MLB Pipeline, and MLB's No. 6 overall. Senzel is back for his second big league camp, but this one has much more at stake. The Reds have an opening in center field and Senzel -- a career infielder -- has spent most of his offseason learning the position to try to make the team. Senzel could also make the club in a super-utility type role where he plays regularly. If the 23-year-old hadn't had a bout of vertigo and a broken right finger last season, he likely would already be in the Major Leagues. Now he must show not only that he can stay healthy, but that he can also be a quick learner to take on a new position at the game's highest level. -- Mark Sheldon
D-backs: Jazz Chisholm, SS D-backs fans who got out to watch Arizona Fall League games last year got a sneak peek at Chisholm. Signed in the 2015 international class, Chisholm is an athletic shortstop that has moved up steadily through the system. While his ETA in the big leagues is probably not until 2020 and he could be one of the early cuts in camp, D-backs fans should take advantage of the opportunity this spring to get a glimpse of what the future looks like for the organization at shortstop. -- Steve Gilbert
Dodgers: Keibert Ruiz, C Assuming he isn't dealt in a trade for J.T. Realmuto or Corey Kluber, Ruiz will be the prospect that draws the most attention because he's younger than outfielder Alex Verdugo or fellow catcher Will Smith -- and might also have the highest ceiling. Ruiz spent all last year at Double-A and is only 20 years old now. With Austin Barnes, Russell Martin, Rocky Gale and Smith ahead of him on the depth chart, the big question is how much spring playing time Ruiz will get. -- Ken Gurnick
Giants: Joey Bart, C Bart, the Giants' top prospect, will headline the list of 18 non-roster invitees at big league camp this spring. The second overall pick out of Georgia Tech in last June's Draft, Bart quickly lived up to expectations after batting .298 with a .983 OPS and 13 home runs in 45 games with Class A Salem-Keizer in 2018. With Buster Posey on the mend from major hip surgery, the 22-year-old Bart could see a lot of action early in camp, giving the Giants plenty of opportunities to evaluate their promising young catcher. -- Maria Guardado
Video: MLB Network highlights No. 2 prospect Tatis' talents
Padres: Fernando Tatis Jr., SS Who else? Tatis is presumably the answer to the Padres' decade-long shortstop question, and there's a chance he answers it in a big way. MLB Pipeline rated him as the sport's No. 2 overall prospect, and he's the rare five-tool talent without a glaring flaw in his game. Tatis, who has only played a few months at Double-A, will have his work cut out for him to make the Opening Day roster. He's got service-time concerns working against him as well. But he's going to arrive in San Diego soon enough. And he'll bring plenty of swagger with him. -- AJ Cassavell
Rockies: Brendan Rodgers, INF Rodgers -- the No. 10 prospect in the Majors according to MLB Pipeline -- is in Major League camp for the second straight year, but this is his first shot at breaking with the big club as he competes for the starting second base job. Ryan McMahon, Garrett Hampson (the Rockies' No. 4 prospect) and Pat Valaika also are in the running for the job. Realistically, for Rodgers to not start the season at Triple-A Albuquerque, he'll have to win the job with a breakthrough spring -- like the one shortstop Trevor Story accomplished in 2016. -- Thomas Harding
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Source: https://www.mlb.com/news/each-mlb-teams-prospect-to-watch-in-2019/c-303523464
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sylvaetria · 7 years
My ex hurt me very deeply, and I'm looking for little curses or hexes to make him see the error of his ways. Any ideas? I've never done curses before
[Devour Course] (to suffocate someone’s power over you and justly punish them for wrong done to you)
[Forget Me Not] (a curse full of regrets made with no regrets)
[Lunar Punishment Curse] (to discipline one’s target and make them realize the severity of their actions) (tw: gif)
[Mirrorbox Curse] (a curse for someone to learn a lesson, with a side of sheer malice for personal justice’s sake)
[My Pain to Yours] (a curse made for those who knowingly or unknowingly hurt you and continue to do so)
[Night of the Hunter] (a revenge curse to give the worst of ill wishes to the target)
[“Only a Memory” Curse] (for someone who has deeply wronged you and messed with your mental health; to banish them from your life and force them to face all the wrong they’ve done to you, and to allow you to let go of the pain and move on with your life) *my favorite*
[The “Poor Unfortunate Soul” Curse] (for use on those who have wronged you in the past)
[A Serious Curse for a Serious Crime] (for a target who has inflected personal pain on somebody, who has caused trauma, who has wronged other people or animals, etc., to “flood them in their wrongs”)
[‘The Source’ Curse] (to reflect everything you’ve experienced because of the target; additionally, it will cause paranoia, fear and often, a rash of extremely unpleasant dreams)
[Wake-Up Slap] (to make your target wake up and see what they’ve done) (tw: gif)
[Walk-a-Mile Hex] (to enlighten the target through disciplinary action; to force someone to see through the eyes of another, for the oppressor to feel their own oppression)
[“You Oughta Know” Curse] (ideal for getting back at an ex-lover, but should work for anyone who has wronged you)
[Your Joy Will Turn to Ashes, a Curse] (for someone who has wronged you in a grievous manner, especially by committing abuse; to return the negativity and pain to the target)
If you’ve never cursed before, I recommend really making sure this is what you wanna do, and that you’ll be committed to it. Not for any morality reasons - just doubt can (not always, but can) manifest interestingly in magic, particularly in regards to curses. If you’re not sure if you really want to send the curse, it might misfire or even rebound on you. You’ve gotta be confident that this is what you really want, and that you can stick it through, not regret it, and deal with any repercussions there might be. (Might, not guaranteed, and solid protections and cleansing can deal with most of the “backlash” from curse-slinging.)
[Curse Basics]
[Curse Correspondences]
[Cursing 101]
[Does Cursing Give You “Bad Karma?”] (an ask)
[A Few Ways to Protect Yourself When Casting Curses, Hexes and Bindings]
[A Hearth Witch’s Defense, Part Three - Curse Slinging]
[Herbs for Curses & Hexing]
[Misfired Curses (and How to Avoid Them)]
[On the Ethics of Cursing]
[Potential Curse Ingredients]
[Self Care After Cursing]
[So You Just Did a Big Curse… Now What?]
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witchlingsway · 7 years
Popular Culture Curses
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Since a lot of these spells are taking up my blog randomly I decided to add them all as links for easier viewing. NONE of these are mine, just spells I reblogged and was interested in.
Constantly Updated(Last Update: 08/18/2017)
Basic Info.:
A Quick Spell to Dispel Previous Spells
Blowing Out Candles
Magic Failure: Why Wasn’t My Spell Successful?
Taglocks and Magical Links
The Very Best of Taglocks - An object that forms a link with the individual to be manipulated.
To Break a Spell You’ve Cast
To Reverse a Spell
Why Aren’t My Spells Working? - A break-down of why your magickal intent may not be taking effect in your life.
Witchcraft 101: Taglocks
Basic Info: Specific
A few ways to protect yourself when casting curses, hexes and bindings.
Basic Revenge Magic
Diagnosis of the Evil Eye
Difference Between a Jinx, Hex and a Curse.
Basic Info.: Curses
Cursing 101
Don’t Want to Curse Anyone? - Satisfying Magical Alternatives to Cursing.
Misfired Curses (And How to Avoid Them)
On Cursing.. - Pro-cursing.
Self Care After Cursing
Potential Curse Ingredients
Curse Removal
Anti-Curse Powder
Charm - Curse/Spell Breaker - The ingredients can be used in a single spell around the boarder of your house if you do not want to make many charms. The ingredients can also be used in war water as another effective curse breaking ward or purifier for your property or home. Or you can make several charms and place them at the corners of your house/yard/room, or carry one with you.
Curse Removal & Reversal - A Few Methods of Curse-Removal.
Curse Turner Powder
I think someone cursed me :( How do I get rid of it before things get worse?
- An ask.
Old Mother Redcap’s Black as Night Curse Removal Scrub
Simple Hex/Curse Reversal - This is an aggressive reversal spell intended to harm or hurt whoever hexed you. This spell also has instructions for a simple hex negation instead of a full reversal.
Two Traditional Ways to Remove a Curse
Popular Culture Curses
Abaddon’s Curse Against Sexual Harassment - To establish dominance over someone who is sexually harassing you.
A Curse for Loneliness & Isolation
A Curse to Make People See the True Nature of Someone.
“A Little Priest” Curse - For Consuming The Souls Of Your Enemies
Bleeding Out, a Poison Apple Curse - Is meant to cause the truth to come to light
Box Ghost’s Curse of Annoyance - To make the target constantly annoyed by everything around them.
But Nobody Came - A curse meant to isolate a target and make their lives a living nightmare. Not to be used lightly.
“‘Cause of all the witches working, I’m the worst.” - Now, this is a spell to string someone along. To cause them to be hopefully lost on you before you crush them and break it hard. It is a curse and rather horrible one at that - perhaps use it as revenge on someone who used you, played you, or strung you along for a period of time.
Cherry Pit Curse - To cause your enemies to become physically ill.
Comet Punch - Shoot your subject out of the sky with a swarm of magickal punches to knock them down.
Cunning Celt’s Headless Horseman Curse - This spell is designed to ‘behead’ your enemy, to make him powerless against you.
Death Note Inspired ‘Curse Book‘ - It’s not a killing type of curse, more of a minor inconvenience type of thing.
“Don’t Trust the Lying Murderous Asshole” Curse for Betrayal of Trust - This is a curse for somebody that has betrayed your trust beyond repair.
“Don’t worry, old thing,” Sophie said to the face. “You look quite healthy. Besides, this is much more like you really are.” - A curse to make people see the true nature of someone.
Dragon Age Cursing Cloud - To cause temporarily ‘spirit’ or mental attacks on someone who has invaded your space or pushed your boundaries without your permission.
Elsa’s Lunar Punishment Curse - To discipline one’s target and make them realize the severity of their actions.
Flow Disruption - Through this, the affected person is prevented from releasing all power raised for any given working. This will build up over time creating a sense of uneasiness, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, and paranoia in the target (other manifestations of this buildup can occur but are dependent on the type of power being raised-and-not-expended).
Friends on the Otherside Curse - To cause nightmares for someone who is insulting you, gossiping about you, or otherwise making your life difficult by running their mouth.
Gabriel’s Candy Curse - The intent is to cause a little havoc in the lives of those who are getting on your nerves (but you still interact with frequently).
Had Enough? Curse - This is a curse for someone who wants to have it all/who is greedy.
Hellfire - For someone who’s really. really done you wrong and you want them to put them through some real hell.
Hell In High Heels: Curse to Crush Your Enemies
“It’s Going Down” Timber Curse - The intent of this curse is to cause someone’s reality to come crashing down around them and force them to see their own horrible personality traits.
“Ignorance is your new best friend.” - This is a curse for your ‘friends’ who don’t like that you’re ‘changing’.
In the Dark Of the Night - So here’s a really, really simple spell to curse someone with nasty nightmares.
“I’m Just Your Problem” Curse - This curse is to be used to cause nothing but problems for the one it’s cast on, and to get them OUT of your life.
Khal’s Maleficent’s Revenge Curse - For when you’ve been seriously insulted and it’s time for payback.
Khal’s Gaston Vanity-Breaking Curse - A curse to take someone’s self-esteem out at the knees.
Khal’s Queen Grimhilde ‘Poison Apple’ Curse - A curse to bring about poor health, illness, and general suckiness.
Khan’s Fear & Intimidation Curse - This is a curse intended to strike fear and intimidation into the heart of your target.
Khan’s Punishment Curse - This is an emotion-driven curse designed to punish those who have pushed you too far. The extent of the punishment is entirely up to you.
La nuit du chasseur — Night of the Hunter. - It’s time to get revenge. Tonight it will all end. A Revenge curse.
Lilacwitchery’s Devour Curse - To suffocate someones power over you and justly punish them for wrong done to you.
Lilos’ Punishment Curse - A curse for friends which you are fed up with, but don’t want to legitimately make suffer. (Too much.)
Moriarty’s “Did You Miss me?” Curse - To strike the fear of God (all of them) into your enemies. This curse is meant to cause someone enough paranoia and fear that they think you’re after them and lurking over their should waiting to strike, even if you’re not.
Never Had a Friend Like Me - A year ago today, I was in a completely different place with someone who I thought was genuine so in honor of them (Ahaha, no) Here is this simple curse for all of you who have been wronged by a friend in the past and want them to feel isolated.
Not One of Us Curse - A curse to make someone feel utterly alone.
“Only a Memory” Curse - So this is a sort-of-spell, sort-of-curse against someone who has deeply wronged you and messed with your mental health. It has two purposes: 1) to banish them from your life and force them to face all the wrong they’ve done to you, and 2) to allow you to let go of the pain and move on with your life.
Pouláki’s “Loaded Dice” Curse - To “Call Someone Out” on Their Lies.
Pumpkin Head Curse - A seasonal curse for banishing and “burning” that you can set whenever you feel the person has wronged you.
Rapunzel Anti-Intruder Curse - This can apply to anyone who has trespassed in any kind of way, be it on your property, on your person, or on your thoughts. Best to do this where other things won’t be casualties.
Rose’s Perfume Bottle Curse - Inspired by Lanalee’s methods in “Devilish” by Maureen Johnson. To cause others to forget about one’s target, and to keep one’s target from making themself known.
Sam’s “Don’t Snoop Through My Shit” Curse - For those who seem to want to stick their nose where it doesn’t belong.
Sassy Spock’s “Love Long & Prosper” Curse - This is basically a “fuck off, stay out of my life, I hope your planet gets destroyed (ow why did I say that?)” curse for anyone who has greatly offended you.
Song by John Donne: The Witch of the Waste’s very customizable curse version - Basically, this curse covers everything.
Son of a Bitch: A Dean Winchester Curse - This jar is to silence someone who has pushed one too many buttons, it will make their own nastiness come back to them. It will make them unhappy, have bad luck, and loose some sleep.
Storm Witch’s “In All My Dreams I Drown” Curse - The goal here is to drown your target in nightmares.
Strexpet Curse - Need to quietly and underhandedly bring about someone’s ruin give someone the gift of an everlasting and friendly companion? StrexCorp Synernists Inc has just the thing for you!
Supernatural Soul Eater Curse - This is the curse to really fuck someone’s shit up. It causes the target’s happiness to drain away from them in this form.
SwampSeer’s ‘The Source’ Curse - This is one of my “just fuck me up” curses. If done properly, this will reflect everything you’ve experienced because of them. Additionally, it will cause paranoia, fear and often, a rash of extremely unpleasant dreams. It’s meant to be used one someone you know that’s been abusive or otherwise messed with your mind/body/soul/etc in an unforgivable way.
The Curse of the Golden Chrysanthemum
The Deadpool Curse - This nasty little thing is to drown your target in anxiety, paranoia, and possible insanity. Not for the faint of heart! (blood would make this curse stronger, however, it’s up to you whether or not you want to use it)
The “Poor Unfortunate Soul” Curse - This is a curse that would probably work best for you if you’ve been wronged in the past by your target but can easily be changed to suit whatever need you have. And just a heads up, it’s a pretty nasty curse.
The Silent Hill Curse - In true Silent Hill style it is only be broken once your target realises what they’ve done and shows true remorse.
The Wrath of Sauron Curse
To the Bottom of the Ocean - A Curse for the Mistreated, and the Misused
“Tiger Fucker” Curse to Muddy Someone’s Reputation - Sort of a lighter curse to prevent others from taking someone seriously and turn them into a joke.
Wake Up Slap - Fighting Type: Curse. A special kind of curse to make your target wake up and see what they’ve done.
“What are you doing!?” - “I’m done being everyone’s prisoner! Now you’re my prisoner… And I’m never letting you go!”
“Why’d you have to go and turn to ice?” - This is a curse meant for someone who’s become cold and lost all emotion. Just being a real cold heartless bitch. Y’know?
You Have Heart: A Curse - The intention of this curse is the steal the heart of the victim. It will make them unhappy, essentially. It’s really simple.
“You Oughta Know” Curse - Ideal for getting back at an ex-lover, but should work for anyone who has wronged you.
Your Joy Will Turn to Ashes, a Curse - This is a curse aimed at someone who has wronged the caster in a grievous manner, especially by committing abuse. The goal is to return the negativity and pain to the abuser.
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savetopnow · 7 years
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0 notes
entergamingxp · 5 years
The Suicide of Rachel Foster review
It doesn’t take much to make a big, old, empty house feel creepy. Indeed, the more actual, overt threat you add to such a setting, the less fear it inspires – better to let your visitor wander undisturbed, drinking in the silence of the hallways and spotting goblin faces in the contours of broken plaster. This is one thing the creators of The Suicide of Rachel Foster grasp well, though their workmanlike blend of Firewatch and Gone Home is ultimately tripped up by a half-baked story.
A three-hour, first-person psychodrama with a gossamer-thin dusting of puzzles, the game is set in the Timberline Lodge, an abandoned mountainside hotel in 1990s Montana. You can roam about freely from the outset, though chapter breaks teleport you from room to room, and to do so is to be gently assaulted by the peculiarities of a structure that wouldn’t seem out of place in Silent Hill. Floorboards creak, window-frames rattle, beams shift under a mounting weight of snow. Photographs stare from the ends of corridors, shrouded objects tempt you to look beneath them, and stainless steel kitchens tease your fight-or-flight circuits with their abundance of gleaming points and angles.
The Suicide of Rachel Foster review
Developers: One O One Games, Reddoll Games, Reddoll S.R.L., Centounopercento – 101%
Publisher: Daedalic Entertainment
Platform: PC
Availability: 19th February 2020
Spread over three storeys plus a basement and carpark, the Timberline is closer to a Comfort Inn than some Gothic resort, but in the absence of holidaymakers and staff, its spaces loom. It’s also a not-so-discreet homage to The Shining’s Overlook Hotel, which means that the sightlines and decor feel vaguely predatory, like they’re trying to get into your head. You’ll find those legendary geometric carpet patterns, a mountain diorama akin to the Overlook’s model maze, and bathrooms painted a diabolical red.
Mixed in amongst these mildly threatening objects are hints of outright paranormal activity – a point on the stair where you can hear a voice (or could it be the squeak of carpet on wood?), a strange pink butterfly, hovering by a gap in the wall – but the spooky elements are sparingly deployed. Where mood is concerned, The Suicide of Rachel Foster trusts its architecture to do the heavy lifting. At least, that is, until the memories those walls contain emerge into the light.
You play Nicole, daughter of the hotel’s owners. Years ago, she and her mother fled the property after learning of her father’s infidelity with the titular Rachel, 16-year-old daughter of a local reverend. With both her parents and Rachel now deceased, Nicole has returned to survey the Timberline before selling it off and washing her hands of a painful upbringing. Fate, as ever, intervenes, and Nicole is trapped for several days by a snowstorm, holing up in her old teenage room and scouring the property for supplies. Keeping you company throughout this unintended vigil is Irving, a boyish FEMA agent who contacts you over cellphone to offer survival tips, banter and a sympathetic ear as Nicole picks through old belongings and their associations.
It’s a straightforward journey of self-discovery, nudged along by a very undemanding to-do list. Each chapter is mostly about going from A to B, whether to fetch beans from the larder, restart a generator or investigate a distant noise. You’ve got a paper map with the objective doodled on it, and Nicole picks up a few tools to help her explore – a Polaroid camera, a hand-cranked torch, and a radar-dish microphone, borrowed from some long-fled ghost-hunters.
These items tantalise with the thought of Paranormal Activity-style forensic investigations. I was hoping the Timberline would contain a darkroom, so I could discover what I’d unwittingly photographed while using the Polaroid’s flash to navigate during a blackout. But the puzzles remain scanty even as the plot builds to a head – they exist to keep you moving back and forth through chambers you’re increasingly wary of, rather than to satisfy in themselves. You’re required to use the antennae a grand total of twice, though I kept waving it at walls in case some passing phantom fancied a word. The lack of gamey elements is to the atmosphere’s benefit, perhaps, but the game does feel oddly timid about its own tools. I don’t need a full-on subgame in the style of Condemned’s CSI mechanics, but another couple of chapters in which to play detective wouldn’t have hurt the pace.
The story’s major revelations surround those few parts of the house that are tricky to access: the unlit crawlspaces that seem to have exits everywhere, and the ruined wing on the second floor. Piercing those recesses is fun, but the revelations themselves are a disappointment softened only by the ease with which you see them coming. The Suicide of Rachel Foster is quite effectively written and acted, at first – Nicole is an endearingly tough, drawling lead, and there’s some pleasant suspense around Irving, the bumbling guardian angel who has secrets of his own. Dialogue options allow you to tweak their relationship a little, providing you react in time – you might steer Nicole toward or away from the thought of ghosts, for example – but while there are several endings, the arc of the plot is set in stone.
Sadly, what spark Nicole and Irving share is lost in a giant, ketchup-bottle dollop of exposition towards the finale, which exposes the game’s thinking about grief and toxic family dynamics for a bunch of very old rope. The script regards things like trauma and self-harm as morbid literary devices, rather than psychological concepts. It doesn’t add to your understanding of these difficult emotions, or question its own assumptions – dealing with pain doesn’t have to boil down to “confronting the past”, for instance. Moving on may be the healthier option.
A work of fiction is, of course, under no obligation to speak usefully about grief and suicide, but this is a mental health fable I’ve heard many times before, wrung dry of curiosity or power. I’d like to play more games that tackle these subjects in more alert, challenging ways. More seriously, The Suicide of Rachel Foster is pretty indulgent of the whole “sleeping with under-age girls” thing, though we should be careful not to confuse what characters say with authorial statement. It toys with the concept of a forbidden love, and ultimately lumbers Nicole, a child bystander, with the burden of processing the fallout. There’s the suggestion, at times, that the real villains of this piece are not misbehaving men but the women caught up in their orbit.
It’s a shame, because the Timberline Lodge is a place you won’t soon forget – at its best, it reminds me of Kitty Horrorshow’s ANATOMY, which puts the idea of house as paranormal entity under a microscope without, somehow, robbing this concept of its chill. If you’re planning on playing it, I advise you to spend as much time as possible avoiding the plot, touring this lovingly put-together structure and filling it with spooks and speculations of your own.
In the UK and Ireland, Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123 or email [email protected] or [email protected]. In the US, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is 13 11 14. Other international suicide helplines can be found at www.befrienders.org.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/02/the-suicide-of-rachel-foster-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-suicide-of-rachel-foster-review
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hans-echo · 5 years
#OnPoli from KathrynKaiser.ca
Here’s the list thus far of what Doug Ford has done in six months.
Thanks to Debra Gallant, Antonia Zerbisias and Kev Holman for it’s beginnings.
1. Killed Cap & Trade resulting in $3-$4B in lost revenue (not including lawsuits). *edited
2. Fired Privatization Officer
3. Fired Chief scientist
4. Fired Investment Officer
5. Refused assistance to asylum seekers
6. Killed legislation to reduce scalping prices
7. Killed Bill 175 updating the police service act (police oversight legislation)
8. Delayed Immunization reporting rules
9. Ends electric & hydrogen vehicle incentive program
10. Cut the budget for school repairs
11. Cut 700+ green projects ($100M to shut down 1 wind farm alone)
12. Rolled sex ed back to 1998
13. Cancelled TRC school curriculum after it had already been researched, paid for and was ready to put in place.
14. Cuts Toronto City council in half.
15. Cut promised 3% increase for OW & ODSP & will change definition of disability, leading to further poverty.
16. Basic Income pilot project stopped
17. Considers no more minimum wage increase (considering rolling back implemented wage increase in 2020)
18. Reduced Pharmacare availability
19. Cuts funding for guide dogs for visually impaired
20. Cuts advanced age allowance for elderly
21. Common law changes deleted
22. Cuts to funds to repair social housing
23. Cancellation of opening new overdose prevention sites
24. Buck a beer at taxpayer expense.
25. Launches “Ontario News Now”, a third world style propaganda news site payed for by taxpayers.
26. Reneges on $500,000 for after school music program for kids at risk
27. Muzzles civil servants from using words “climate change” in any social media release
28. Removal of For Profit Maximum Threshold - big box day care coming
29. Fired Howard Sapers - Correctional Reform
30. Fired Frank Iacobucci re: ring of fire consultations
31. Dismissed - high speed board
32. Sued by and lost to Tesla
33. Sued by teachers re: Sex ed
34. Sued by City of Toronto re: Bill 5 / 31
35. Streamlining rules to allow for faster passage of Bills (less debated etc.)
36. Governance deficiency results in downgrade of Hydro One credit rating (interest on debt rises)
37. Invokes s33 of the Charter for the 1st time in Ontario
38. Back to work legislation for CUPE 3903
39. Regulations re: vaping put on hold
40. Mental health funding cut by $1.34B over four years* Udpated
41. Snitch line to complain about teachers introduced
42. Indigenous and ESL language training for schools cut
43. Stops the ban on back end payment mutual funds (cheap up front a mess at the end)
44. Proposed safe injection sites put on hold (google Naloxone)
45. 2 of 4 credit rating agencies downgrade Ontario from stable to negative.
46. Disbanded Anti-Racism Directorate and all sub-committees
47. Stopped WSIB UFL 10 years ahead of recommendation of the Auditor General
48. Considers govt takeover of TTC
49. Cut WSIB payments to injured workers by 30%
50. Kills Bill C-148 which gave p/t workers the same pay as f/t, guaranteed 10 days off (2 paid) & other benefits (reducing bereavement days to TWO days)
51. Ends the Drive Clean program.
52. Paused the parents reaching out program - funding for parent councils for schools including breakfast programs and assisting with tutoring.
53. Cancels or postpones 33% increase to shelters
54. $35M to fight the federal carbon tax
55. Cuts French Language Commissioner
56. Cancels plans for French Language University
57. Promise not kept - allows pot dispensaries within 150m of schools (oppose Libs 450 m rule)
58. Shuts down College of Trades (who had a 20M reserve fund i.e. operating at a surplus)*edited
59. Removes rent control. No rent control for new units (not previously rented)
60. Reduces oversight on the Environment
61. Will not implement tax increase on 1% ($275M in lost revenue) *edited
62. Appoints OPP Commissioner of questionable qualifications (& lied about pulling strings to put said buddy in charge of the OPP)
63. Pulled the plug on expert panel to end violence against women. * edited Feb16
64. Overruling Hydro One Board’s selection for CEO (see #87)
65. Ontario Chief Comptroller (accountant) resigns because she won’t sign off on the lie that there was a $15B deficit
66. Cut protections for water, food, childcare safety and opened up the greenbelt to development (Greenbelt development currently on hold) *edited
67. Cut all funding for the College of Midwives (retroactively)
68. Cut funding for Indigenous Cultural Fund
69. Slashed funding for Friendship Centres
70. $5m slashed from Ontario Arts Council (retroactively)
71. Limits grant for post secondary education, reduces tuition by placing cost on universities and colleges
72. Ends the gap time for repayment of student loans
73. Dissolving LHINs (Local Health Integration Networks) & replacing with no more than 5 oversight bodies) *
74. Pander to Hunters with odd reduction in permits and proposed Double Crested Cormorant cull.
75. Appoints friends to Boards with exceptional salaries
76. Bill 66 - allows municipalities to ignore environmental, heath and safety regulations
77. Consideration of ending regulations to protect endangered species to allow for development
78. Looking for additional $1B to cuts in education
79. Offered $150K to 97 year-old Hazel McCallion as advisor- who pressured Wynn for years to open the Greenbelt to development. McCallion turned position down. *edited
80. Removes electric vehicle chargers from GO station parking lots.
81. Considers removing caps on kindergarten, primary class sizes. Will not guarantee full day kindergarten in 2019. *
82. Removed “red tape” for farmers. (Details TBA) (backed down in section 10)
83. “Streamlines” Landlord Tenant Board. (more to follow)
85. Decision made to appeal the Robinson Huron Treaty claim, after feds agreed not to.
86. Promoted white supremacy and paid zero political price for it.
87. Costs HydroOne $136M in termination fees to Avista and $49M in commissions as a direct result of govt meddling in a $4.4B merger. Hydro One posted a $227M profit in it’s most recent quarter. Growth strategy now toast. see #64.
88. The “keep it off the books” (and paid for by the OPP) personalized camper van request.
89. Backed out of gender identity debate.
90. Refuses to honour funding for sexual assault centres.
91. Fired children's advocate, and closed Ontario Child Advocate’s Office. Elman found out through the media his office had been closed.
92. Scrapped funding for three satellite University campuses citing deficit (see #65)
93. Scrapped the Social Impact bonds issued by the previous government to help pay for social programs.
94. Increased their own monthly housing allowance over 20% (retroactive to July 2018) to combat inflated costs. (see #59)
95. $8M first year loss at OCS (Ontario Cannabis Store)
96. Strips protections for apprentices (1:1 ratio apprentices to skilled tradesmen) therefore placing ALL workers under risk. See injury rates in B.C.
97. Cuts in pay for family doctors working in new primary care models in Ontario (introduced to counter the shortage of docs in 2000)
99. Took credit for CAMH expansion (on Bell Help Day)
100. Docs uncovered by the minority NDP party of a total revamp of the healthcare system with a two-tier privatization system for Ontario residents (done behind closed doors). Records indicate it is already a DONE DEAL.
101. Ford calls on the OPP to investigate #100
102. OPS employee who leaked health docs is fired.
103. Calls on Fed Govt to end all tariffs on steel and aluminum.
104. As part of the OSAP changes, announced a provision making compulsory, non-academic fees optional (hurting much-needed support services to students, and more to the point student unions) *Edited Feb 16
105. Pushes to privatize Ontario place.
106. As per #83 cuts eviction notice time to 6 days, allow private bailiffs to remove renters.
107. Illegally cancelled the Task Force (which made reconciliation possible) that resulted from the OPSEU College Faculty strike in Fall 2017. Sued by task force.
108. Announces plan to upload TTC subways to province spring of 2019, and increase fares. (see #48)
109. Huge cuts and changes announced to Autism funding and entire program with no clear path forward.
110. ONTABA threatened by MacLeod to provide a quote of support for the govt’s new (vaguely revealed) program. ONTABA not consulted in new program after requesting numerous times to meet with MacLeod since last fall.
*edited* I did not expect the list to go quite this viral. Thanks for all the shares, and for taking the time to respond in a helpful way. So many of us are negatively impacted by these decisions.
FYI this photo is one of Ford & Dean French. If you don’t know much about him yet, you should.
Keep writing letters, filling out surveys and contacting your MPPS. And let me know when we are hitting the streets.
If I have omitted anything, or made a serious error, please let me know in the comments. I will try to keep up, but will not be able to respond to everyone.
#onpoli #openforbusiness #fordnation
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