#mentally cuz stress physically cuz smoke
joy-drops · 1 year
i have never been so happy to hear rain
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noa-ciharu · 1 year
I'm sorry for so many asks but i'm feeling kinda down due to the nintendo 3ds eshop closure... ;-;
So gonna distract myself by asking how each of the tb/x characters would comfort themselves on a bad day (like talking to someone, eating comfort food etc.)
Thanks 👉👈
Oh, idk what that eshop closure thing means but *sends hugs*
Hmmm let's say some mundane daily issues stressed them out and nothing too grand. Ofc 300% serious per usual:
Kamui - goes into full 🥺 mode and waits to be comforted by men. His stress reliever is crying in man's arms or overal physical + emotional comfort. 6/10 on healthy scale and 🌈/10 on gayness one
Sorata - meme it all away. Deals with stress via humor. King. 9/10
Arashi - looks like a type to bottle up. May try some hot tea and meditation so 4/10
Yuzuriha - has no poker face whatsoever, can't keep stiff upper lip to save her life. Will end up bawling her eyes to someone and getting comforted (not in gay 🥺 way like Kamui does tho). Maybe will have Inuki comfort her a bit. Effective overall plus she's 14 so 7/10
Karen - will bottle up and put up a fake smile :< also do some self-deprecating and self sabotaging thing like drug her teammates and go out to fight and die alone :< although her style rocks so 4/10 on common sense scale but 🔥/10 on vibes and sexiness
Aoki - idk rly, guess go to soap lady's hotel room one late at night. To chat with her about protecting kekais duh, ofc no funny business. Happy family man with ounce of common sense yes but can he resist the temptation? 9/10 on he should deal with stress via hooking up with Karen scale
Kotori - cries herself out and gets comforted by her brother or slips into insanity and wants to get crucified no in between. 5/10
Good boy Fuuma - deal with stress by comforting and protecting Kotori and Kamui. Especially Kamui tho, the more touchy feely they are the better Fuuma is feeling. 8/10 on healthy scale since bottling up but 🌈/10 on gayness one
Antichrist Fuuma - I can't possibly state here post will get flagged as explicit. But let's just say it has to do with all kinds of explosions
Subaru - he doesn't deal with stress in any productive way possible, he mops around, smokes it out or sufferes in silence masochistically. That's how 🤕 kinks got as bad as they are, king tried to repress them. Alternatively he deal with stress by wanting to be stabbed. If he dealt with stress by getting railed I would have given him higher rating but this way 1/10 for the masochism and every BDSM-5 mental illness
Yuuto - he fucks it out, no questions. 10/10, Subaru this should be your role model
Kanoe - copes with stress via being sexiest person ever, flirting with absolutely everyone and having sex every day. Also while having them government salary and not doing jack shit beside dreaming in dick throne and having ominous prophecies. Dream coping mechanism 11/10
Hinoto - lies for funsies and makes false false prophecies. She sends seals into death for fun and apperently has a thing for making Kamui's life as hard as it can possibly be. Zero coping mechanism she gave into her dark side but at least we've seen some hinoto-cest pics so for that 2/10
Kusanagi - idk about him rly he seems like most rational one? So something about spilling sorrows to the bartender. Idk let's rate it 7/10
Keiichi - only boy with common sense in this manga he deals with problems resiliently but actually talks about them. 9/10
Nataku - guess they go out and die?? 0/10 on any scale
Kakyou - his coping mechanism is looking pretty and ominous ambiguous prophetic lines. Also I guess eternal pretty boy looks since how does he look the same in TB flashbacks and in X, Kakyou plz reveal me your secret?? 7/10 cuz of L'oreal hair
Satsuki - guess she either does carnage or gets all touchy with Kanoe. Also gets comforted by Yuuto from time to time. Girl has the range and taste so 8/10
Seishirou - god forbid something upsets him cuz he will try all of these, in this order:
Mental gymnastic
Staking Subaru
Drown himself in cigarettes
"Shit I felt something?? Is this an emotion???"
Plot most manipulative non sensical scheme ever that will somehow turn out to work cuz 😎
Go die
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finallyfreetobemee · 1 year
So I've recently escaped from a very controlling and abusive relationship. I kicked him out almost 2 months ago. We have a 6 month old son. At the beginning of our 2 and a half year relationship I purchased a miniature pinscher Chihuahua puppy, Mylo, who soon became my ESA as I struggle with some mental health and PTSD from past abusive relationships. Its been my whole life since 14 years old, every relationship had some sort of abuse, control, jealousy. Well this one was REALLY BAD. By far, top of the list, #1 the most TOXIC, CONTROLLING, all around WORST relationship, even now at 39 years old. I have a 14 year old daughter with someone else, and our 6 month old son. Since I've kicked him out, he has not once called to see how the baby is doing. Up until 4-5 days ago, I was still allowing him to come to my home, take Mylo (my dog) for a walk or a few hours , but all for a price. He now denies the baby, wants a paternity test (by all means, go right ahead. Please do) Not once did I ever cheat on this man. I couldn't go downstairs and outside for a cigarette by myself because he thought I was messing around with the neighbour boy. I DONT EVEN KNOW THE KIDS NAME!! but I couldn't go out for a cigarette let alone find the time to go make a baby with someone else. (Mind you, I have since switched to a vape and quit smoking cigarettes lol) Anyhow, I have 26 voicemails of screaming yelling and threats for visitation for the DOG, not the baby, the DOG. Family and Children's Services has been contacted and he is not allowed access to the baby unsupervised or in my home. So, I was still allowing him to come by and take the dog, but I was still being physically, verbally, mentally abused, up until 4 days ago when he grabbed my cell phone and left my building with it, came back yelling at my bathroom window a few minutes later and threw it at me at the window. I went downstairs and outside to try and find my phone and he seen me in the parking lot and he came after me pushing me around, scrapping my arms and legs up, wrestling me to try and find my phone first which I DID find on the roof where I had to climb out my bathroom window and retrieve. But my whole reason for this brief but kinda thorough explanation is because I've never had a blog but I LOVE to write. So I'm not sure what I'm supposed to write about or even what really I'm supposed to do with a blog. So Ive decided to maybe start with some things (poems, short journal entries) that I have previously written and I thought I would give a quick briefing on the situation and what exactly I'm writing and talking about so then if someone does end up reading my blog (which mind you I don't have to high expectations of cuz like I said I'm not even really sure if I'm doing this right or if anyone is even interested in anything I have to say) anyways, which is okay if there's not, I just enjoy writing and it's my stress outlet and just being able to write is satisfying enough for me) then they know what I'm talking about. But anyways. If anyone IS reading this right now, thanks for taking the time to listen to a very VERY small piece of my very VERY long journey of relationship experience. Really, thank you.
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goremet-chef · 1 year
HI i just got back from a like. 7 hour gaming session of the forest and SHITT MANN (RAMBLE)
we had a few goals, one was to put up spike walls for our upper base, n then another was to finish just small furniture things
the main one was to go to the caves and get the schematics cuz i wanted a glider. we GOT IT and it was all good and we made em but MANNN
my throat started to be like? TIGHT? feeling horribly paranoid and on edge for 7 hours straight will do that to you i guess
we went to the village for cloth and then fucking megan was there and i was like HM theres a PROBLEM leave now so we ran and listen
I WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION that if you SLEPT they just despawned. my impression was incorrect ofc, when you sleep they just move a bit farther away
so.... we went back assuming she was gone and man! she was not gone! i pretty much made direct eye contact with her and my friend is so. SHE. the way like.. WHAT IF I DIDNT KNOWWWW
anytime i see somethin im like PROBLEM theres a problem theres an armsy, cowman, WHATEVER but no she has a sort of. freeze and then flee rresponse, so she saw megan and then saw it start to chase me and ran, said nothing which. GOOD THING I WAS PAYING ATTENTION.
i made some really interesting noises cuz i thought she was RIGHT on my tail like i kept hearing a weird whipping noise and i just thought it was over for me man. literally my friend was shocked cuz like.. IVE MADE SOME WEIRD NOISES WHEN IM SCARED ALRIGHT
being chased in horror games is one of my favorite like... TO ME thats the scariest thing i hate chases they mentally overwhelm me to the point where when im watching someone play a game and their getting chased, i have to pause the video every 3 seconds because i physically cant handle how stressed it makes me SKFJS
so... imagine that but its me and there is no pausing!!!!! horrible awful
we antagonized her a bit and lured her around cuz. for SCIENCE i needed to get close to this creature and hear how she sounded, so i know what to listen for
she despawned eventually which sucks cuz it was right when i was gonna call upon my monster hunter skills and kick her ass but no she vanished (scared obviously)
THAT WASNT THE END THO, no of course not.. so we built our house in the same exact spot markiplier and his friends built theres. it looks pretty similar too (rock walls, 3 doors, you get it) and last time we played, we branched upwards to the area above us. so we built proper walls and weve got 3 cabins up there for each of us and its cute its our little base with our other watch towers
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i hate it up there!!! actually despise it, cuz of how the trees are and the hill its hard to see incoming threats, and we tend to log up there for convenience so. ITS EVEN WORSE when im trying to track several things with my ears at once. gotta listen for deer so i dont get scared, gotta tune out my friends chainsaw (i never log with the chainsaw for this reason, i need my ears so bad when im playing horror/survival games KSJFS), gotta listen for THREATS and look too im reallllll paranoid. IT SUCKS
last time we played, we got wormed, i didnt even see it because i was just hanging out up top finishing our walls and this bitch said "WORM." and she had ALREADY ziplined down to our main house since the cabins werent done yet. i was HORRIFIED because i didnt hear a damn thing!!!! i know worm is quieter but.. when SHE notices something before i do, something has gone wrong KSFJSF so.. it spawned behind, i forgot we had a zipline and threw myself (successfully) down the mountain by habit and i saw little worm bits fall down behind me before i quit the game
THIS TIME, it spawned behind her, and right in front of me while we were going to place the tower for the gliders
literally just glooped up from the ground i didnt even realize what i was looking at at first?? and i was like ah! WORM and we left the game so fast (we dont want that smoke hush)
but we got paranoid because. last time it spawned, she saved and THEN left, so it despawned and that was our worm spawn of the month right
but this time we both just LEFT so i was worried maybe it didnt save the spawn and it would spawn again, yknow? so bottom image is us both hiding up in the towers cuz i was. GENUINELY AFRAID TO TOUCH THE FLOOR
i thought it would just. POP UP BEHIND ME. i think we got really unlucky. cuz i dont think its meant to spawn AT US yknow? like i dont think its programmed to spawn where we are on purpose, its jsut really unlucky that BOTH TIMES it was RIGHT UP HERE SKFJSFS
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thats why i hate it up here, its worm hell!!!!! fuck all that
its fine tho we did it, we made our gliders and flew around a bit it was fun
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it sucked cuz like... we needed cloth and her cloth things were kinda bugged? cuz they werent respawning for her so.. IT WAS ALL ON ME and i HATE going anywhere in the forest. limited visibility, too far from the water, its all bad man
and the last few times!!! once was a cowman, 2nd was megan twice!!!!!!! so i was so fucking reluctant to go grab them but the last time we went, we put on our paint, we were careful (also i told this mfer i said bestie i need you to be my eyes while im trying to look for cloth and she said okay o7 and i turned around and shes like all the way down the hill not looking for me 💀💀)
we went in and got everything and no one even showed up!!! man i was nervous tho kSKFJS so we go it, finished our gliders and flew
overall, horrible day! everytime i got scared like when i was being chased my heart wouldnt even just drop, it would SEIZE UP it legitimately HURT
only good part is i realized i wanted to recreate my cabin in sons of the forest cuz i could put on overhang over my patio like i wanted to (mine is the house with the red icon)
anyways im fucking exhausted and i need to destress so im gonna keep writing my story lmao
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
So I took a look at some of Mosq boys character files again, apparently he's half Christian. Don't ask me what that means, cuz I also forgor 🤠 but yeah, i think we pulled that out of our asses to justify the crosses in his design lmao
Now about Hyena boy... I- listen, listen trust me when I say, no tf u don't wanna get to him, he's like, the trashiest scumbag in existence 😬 like I'm not gonna lie, I think his only redeemable quality is his looks, so here's his part of the "prolly not a yandere" essay + my friends notes on him. Also I think in his hypothetical bad ending you also become a drug addict (because of him) and he accidentally causes you to OD, due to him being careless and giving you wrong amount :,)
Bitch gets "cucked" every other day is it really cucking if none of them were in an actual relationship with him? u honestly think he has any sort of power over u? He barely scrapes enough money together to buy himself a fake gf for like 4 hours and then goes to his shoddy home to eat rotten food, u really think he can take u on?? Male hyenas in nature r basically punching bags, the highest ranked male is still lower in the hierarchy than the lowest ranked female
From my friend:
only connections to hyena that I have rn, is that he's buddies with tiger, and bunny probably doesnt like him
hyena boy looks like he sleeps in a fucking dirty alley way
- actually a pretty face
- trashy
- lives in a shitty apartment
- eats expired stuff, the whole fucking fridge is expired
- smoker
- smells like cigarettes
- takes drugs
- gets money from "sugar mommies n sugar daddies" that basically "own" him. gets money by illegall prostitution n pathetically begging em for money.
- throws out money to rental girlfriend
- constantly cucked
Also the game is not even in development, since theres still quite a few characters who don't even have a concrete appearance/personality and it would be wayyyy to much effort to complete it properly for now, since both of us are busy with school 😔 rn we just have the roughest of the rough plot outlines for their respective "routes"
-Ren'py anon
Dw abt the crosses on Mr. Mosq vampire boy. Tbh it's been pretty normalized as casual jewelry. Though I'm not gonna get into any real discourse abt it bc 💀
I saw this video on male hyena's two or three years ago and omg I love this concept for him! Male hyena's are so miserable. They're awesome character traits though! He's not super friendly, kind of creepy ig, has substance abuse issues, scrappy, and a loserrrr.
It would be so awesome to see how the impact of his hyena background influenced his view on other animals/people. Especially females. I would imagine that he would hate most/certain kinds of women because of how female hyena's have treated him in the past. (Not saying misogynistic manners are all quirky n shit, just saying that it would be really realistic and a cool touch to his character)
God, he is really pitiful though. Hyena has to rely on wealthier people that most likely exploit him, desperately does prost1tuation, and then goes on to use that money to try to comfort himself through harmful means. Drugs, and temporary partners that he 'cucks' to release stress/distract himself.
AKA the only forms of safety to him.
The fact that he's used to eating rotten food and living in terrible conditions is also depressing. He's also most likely malnourished. The drugs don't help, and his constant run for money is probably costing him so much mental and physical energy.
Mans is bursting at the seams.
At this point, yalls characters are more like, "We want to make them yandere but they're too sad and weak to even have the time to be obsessed with anything other than their own lives tbh."
Which is even better 😍
Tiger sounds like someone who shows up at Hyena's door at asks if he wants to smoke out some rad meth they just bought off the corner on Buck street.
Or maybe they're really nice and come over to take better care of Hyena idk lolz
It's totally fine if yall aren't even in the dev stage! I was just curious hehe. I love the ocs so much already, and your friend is so talented! I really likeeeeeee that sort of style. Everything I ever wanted when I was 10 lol (That means I wanted to draw super cute and anime kawaii, not that it looks like a children's drawing lol)
Bunny sounds like a prude 🙄 /j
No but fr, I would be weary around Hyena too. He may be sad, but how his life is and all those drugs influencing him, I wouldn't want to get off the wrong foot with him either.
Last thing I wanna mention, I really enjoy that sort of ending. It really ties in with Hyena's character and is super realistic. Maybe Y/n is a rental partner and he's all like, "You wanna hit this? Idk I'm bored and ur like, average so..."
Simple, but effective and entertaining :D
Alexa, play Liquid Smooth by Mitski.
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Survey #423
“i won’t think about you when i’m older  /  ‘cuz we never really had our closure”
Are you better at cooking dinners or making cakes/biscuits/sweets? Neither. Have you ever cut someone else’s hair? No. Who was the last guest in your house and what were they staying for? My late grandmother's husband stayed overnight when he was driving from New York to Florida or the other way around, idr. How many long term relationships have you been in? Two. Do you sleep with all the lights out, or do you leave a lamp or even the television on? My snake's heat lamp stays on. Who is one person you have forgiven, but still have not “forgotten” what they have done? My dad. Are you a fan of Lana Del Rey? I don't think I've even heard one of her songs. Do you know your blood type? A-. Do you know your mother’s birthday? Yes. Have you got your period at the moment? I haven't had my period since I started TMS. It's honestly so fucking frustrating that it obviously had an effect on my body, but not my depression. I've officially finished TMS as of a few days ago and now I just feel so void of hope. Have you ever been pregnant? No. How old were you when you first went on a plane? Idr, I was a little kid. Have you ever had to take out a loan for anything? Not me personally, but my parents have for my education that I threw away. Are both of your blood parents still in your life? Yes. I don't see my dad a lot, but he's still in my life regardless. When was the last time you went apple picking? I’ve never been. Someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say? Happiness. Have you ever been drunk at school or work? I have not. How many bedrooms are in your house? Three. Are you smart about computers? Not really, no. Have you ever played Just Dance for Wii? Yes. My sister loved them, so we have a few. Do you own a Xbox 360? No. I'm a PlayStation girl. Would you ever do a sex tape for a million dollars? No. I'd be mortified. So, do you need a nap? I really should take one. I slept like... maybe three hours last night. I was up most of the night having a fucking life crisis. What would you rather be doing? Something fun. What sport are you the best at? I haven't touched any sort of sport since I was a teenager. Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Yeah, Nicole. Do you complain a lot? Kind of, but I generally try to keep it in surveys nowadays. I'm just tired of shit. Would you rather go to an authentic haunted house or an ancient temple? Ohhh, tough pick, but I've gotta say the ancient temple. Do you like fruity or minty gum? Both, really. Are you looking forward to any day of this month? Well July is practically over, so I'll answer for August. I'm looking forward to my nephew's birthday. Have you ever gotten detention? A few times for getting too many morning tardies in high school. Is there a traumatic event that you’ve experienced that’s changed your life? Definitely. Do you buy a majority of your clothes from a certain store, or do you just pick out items of clothing you could see yourself wearing, not caring about the store it came from? The latter. Have any of the artists you’re fond of released new albums recently? Powerwolf did recently. Would you ever keep your favorite animal as a pet? I could write a college-length essay on why meerkats do not make good pets whatsoever. Do fucking not get one. I can barely fathom how it's legal in some countries. Ever cried so much you threw up? No, but I've gagged. Who is your best guy friend? Girt. What do you two do when you hang out? Mostly just watch TV and play board games. What is a movie that you thought you would hate but you ended up loving? I dunno, really. Do you even like horror movies? I love horror movies. Do you live in the country? I wish I still did. :/ Me and Mom hate hate hate living in these suburbs. What is your favorite accent? British. Have you ever had a boyfriend your parents didn’t like? No. Do you drink Pepsi or Coke? Coke. Pepsi is gross. What do you plan to do on your 21st birthday? I was literally in the psych hospital for my 21st birthday lmao. It's kind of a painful memory, but I also won't forget the love and kindness people showed me. I especially remember the friend I made there getting the lunch lady to literally go and buy me a slice of cake. Everyone also sang happy birthday to me and gaaaah I'm getting emotional. Do you have any person in your family with an addiction to beer? That was my dad's drink of choice when he drank. Do you take a lot of pictures? Unless I have my camera and am somewhere pretty, no. What kind of face wash do you use? Water, lol. Does drama always seem to follow you? Nah. Does anybody in your family race? No. Are you closer to your mom or dad? My mom. How much money did you used to get from the ”tooth fairy?” Uhhh... I want to say $2 or something? I might be way off, idr. How long do you want to live with your parents? I WISH I could have moved out with an s/o already, but that's just not how life's worked out. Do you have a laptop or desktop? I have a laptop. Do you like your parents? I love them. Do you secretly like someone? It's not a secret, no. Would you ever date your best male friend? Tried that once and it didn't work out. I liked him more as like a brother. What are you currently listening to? "Better Than Me" by Hinder. I really need to turn it off, but I can't make myself. Do you want to be single? I really wish I had a partner to love and motivate me to strive to do better, but I know it's better I'm single right now. I'd just relive the Jason situation, I'm sure. I'd just drag the person down and lose them. Did you go out or stay in last night? I'm almost always at my fucking house not doing shit, so. Have you pretended to like someone? No, that sounds pretty stupid... How is your heart lately? Hurting. A lot. Are you wearing socks? I hate wearing socks and I'm in bed anyway, so no. What do people call you? Britt, mostly. Do you get stressed out easily? VERY. Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? No. What is wrong with you right now? Where the hell to begin. Do you own something from Hot Topic? A lot. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? With someone, so long as the bed is big enough to comfortably fit two of us. Do you still talk to the person you last made out with? No. I'm certain he wants nothing to do with me. Have you ever seen your best friend cry? Sadly. Did you get any compliments today? Definitely not. I look and feel like a wreck right about now. There's nothing to praise me about. Have you ever gone to a beach? Many times. What would you say if someone asked you to get high right now? Unless it was an edible, no. I'd do almost anything to try and make me feel better right now, even if just for a little while, but I'm unwilling to smoke anything. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? HELL no. Have you ever done volunteer work just because you wanted to? Honestly, no. Do you have long nails? No; I never do because I have an awful habit of picking at them. Do you like the gender you are? I don't like or dislike it, honestly. I'm just neutral. Do you generally look nice in photos? HA. Have you ever had a stick insect as a pet? No. What colour are your father’s eyes? They're dark brown. If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer? Ozzy, duh. Name three facts about your family? We're very, very spread out geographically, some of us (in other words, me) are emotionally distant, and uh... idk. Would you ever get into a long distance relationship? Only if it was a certain person, our lives were more on track, and we were making plans for either of us to move soon. What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received? Probably this really long letter my mom wrote for me on my bday a couple years ago. What’s your favorite hot beverage? Hot chocolate. Did you ever play an instrument? If so what? I played the flute for many years, all through middle school and through much of high school. Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents? Carve pumpkins, for sure. Do you think you’re important? I don't fucking know. Probably not. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? Idk. Have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders? *hands over thick book* Have you ever moved to another state or country? If so, how did it feel to be new? No. Do you know how to properly eat food with chopsticks? No. My hands are way, way too shaky to ever accomplish that. Are you more of a leader or a follower? Definitely a follower, but I can step up in certain situations. What was the first thing you ate today? Well, I was seriously depression-eating last night, way past midnight, and had a peanut butter sandwich. If you could spend the day, doing absolutely anything, with anyone, anywhere, what would it be like? LET'S NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT RIGHT NOW. If I were to ask you how you are doing, and you were only able to answer completely honestly, what would come out? "Falling apart." I've lost direction, motivation, strength, hope, just everything. What is the one thing that you have been avoiding that you should do? I need a fucking shower so bad that it's embarrassing. I just can't move. I have no energy, emotionally or physically. I just can't make myself do it. Is there anything that you wish you could take back? So, so badly. What, in your mind, could make you truly happy? Actually reaching goals. Losing weight. Healing my legs. Knowing with certainty that I wasn't emotionally abusive to Jason. Moving out of this town and back into the country. Financial stability. A job I thoroughly enjoy. I could go on, but let's not. If you could change one conversation in your life, what would you say differently? Would it have REALLY made any difference? God, let me take back shit I said in that fucking letter to you-know-who. It's so hard to believe I once thought it perfectly justified and realistic. When is the next time you’ll change your hairstyle? Will you color it? I don't have any plans of changing the style in the foreseeable future. I want to color it BADLY. To just SOMETHING. Do people normally say you’re a fast typist, or are you rather slow? I'm like, a lightning-fast typist. Have you ever been considered the ‘smartest person in school?’ No; my best friend in HS was, though. Her GPA was fucking insane. I was in the top percentile, though, so I was up there. What the hell happened to that girl. How many drugs are in your system? If we're including prescriptions, a whole hell of a lot. What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? Jack shit. Like usual. Do you currently have any bite marks/hickeys on your body? No. Do you call anyone baby? Excluding my pets, no. What’s your current mood? lol if you've gotten this far reading, you can make an educated guess. Do you think you are a good person? Bro I just don't know. What were you doing before filling out this survey? I was playing WoW. How late did you stay up last night? Like, 4:30 or so. When was the last time you cried really hard? I wanna say like a week ago? Is your hair longer than your shoulders? No. It still badly needs a trim, though.
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awigglycultist · 4 years
School stories
(because school starts in a week for me)
- there's this girl at my school that everyone hates because: she faked her death, smoked on the bus (even the kids who vape and smoke agree the she shouldn't be doing that on bus) and she faked being a being pregnant and having a miscarriage
- there have been many, many fights at my school
- in elementary a kid threaten to stab another kid, they had a knife with them
- the year before I went into 6th grade a teacher went to jail because she was fucking a student
- me and my friend were walking into to class and she said that made me say "Jesus Christ!" and the substitute sitting silently in the corner (I should mention no one likes this sub) suddenly piped up and said "don't use God's name in vain!!"
- in between periods a kid yelled "if you hate school clap yoir hands" everyone immediately dropped their stuff and clapped their hands, including teachers
- a kid went missing in a field trip, he's back now tho
- 2 minutes before school ended a kid accidentally hit the fire alarm and everyone had to go out into the hail and rain, when the school finally let us back inside to the gave the kids that ride bus only 5 minutes to run from the bus lot, to their lockers to get all their stuff, and back to the bus lot
- one time a kid asked a teacher for pencil and when the teacher said no he had a mental break down and ran out of class yelling and called the teacher a bitch
- at my cousins school someone wrote a fanfic about the music teacher (physically not online) and he found it
- at my other cousins school a girl got pregnant and murdered her child when it was born, people believe that her parents had apart into forcing her to kill the baby, this story has become fairly well-known
- once to kids raised their hands at the same time to ask to go to the bathroom, the teacher didn't want them to go at the same time so she only let one go and she's letthe other one go when he can back. We'll the kid that didn't get go first got pissed about this, started complaining and whining about needing to go to the bathroom (at some point I hear mumble "I need to shiiiit!") the under student told him he could go ahead and use the bathroom first cuz it's not that big of a deal, the kid didn't return until the end class
- my school doesn't do shit about kids that vape
- my 8th grade science teacher who's first year it was teaching 8th grade we convinced to get a turtle and name it Chad even tho he swore to his high school students he'd never get a pet
Here some storied from that teacher
he'll never teach elementary agian because he subbed for 2nd grade once and it was the experience ever. He forgot that 7 yrs old can't tie their shoes and got annoyed that a kid asked for help tieing their shoe, several other things happened and at the end of the day he sat in his car for 10 minutes doing nothing because he was stressed out
When he got Chad he thought Chad died because he sank to the bottom of the tank and when he picked him up to put him at the top Chad simply sunk to the bottom of the tank again
When taught at the high school he had a spoiled bottle of milk in his mini fridge in his classroom (for an experiment or something?) he told his students to never touch it and definitely not to open (even the smell could make you sick) he left and came back into the classroom to find a girl had drank the milk and was ofc very sick now
- one of my teachers from last year also has a crazy story from when she was substitute (at a completely different school than mine): there was a kid who whenevee he decided he was done with class, would get up, start paying a song (I think Rap City or something like that) from his phone and would walk out. He once set a trashcan on fire, and the school, instead of making him not be allowed to go outside of class, the hired and old lady to follow him around all day
This teacher also subbed for the special Ed class alot on which: a student cussed her out the best a student ever has and ever will. There was also a set of twins who would make out sometimes. Now here's where the story gets really crazy-
She once was supposed to sub for the gym class but then she had to also sub for the special Ed class last minute, so the special students were in gym class all day. Well at some point one of the twins got one of the basketballs and carried it around all day and wouldn't let go of it. The in came the kid that set the trashcan on fire class, he decided to take the basketball away from the twin, the twin went into the gym supply closet, took a baseball bat and tried to him the other kid with it. My teacher blacked out and when she came back she had the baseball bat, she has absolutely no idea what happened.
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laurensilog · 5 years
Get to know me...
... cuz im really bored right now 😐
A) What does the last text you sent say? And to whom? ”I need to pee tho” - to my brother 😂
B) What does the last text you recieved say? And from whom? ”It has to be right now before the laker game starts” - from my brother 
C) What time do you wake up most mornings? 6:15am for work
D) Are you afraid of walking alone at night? Sometimes, depends if its a crowded area or not. If I’m afraid, I usually call someone on the phone to chat with me while i walk, which may or may not be a good idea. 
E) What do you do to relax at the end of a stressful day? Video games, watch twitch/youtube, listen to music.
F) Where did your last kiss take place and with whom? 👀
G) Do/did you get into trouble a lot at school? No, i was (still am) a nerd, we don’t get in trouble LOL
H) Do you enjoy your job? If unemployed, are you content being so? I do enjoy my job, sometimes its draining, but I really feel like i can stay at this company for a long time #blessed
I) Do you often pick up on double entendres and innuendos? Big time 😏... daddy. I mean wut?!
J) Have you ever been offered drugs but declined? Yeah, one time some rando came up to me and tried to sell, i was like “no, im cool” 
K) Have you ever met someone who has completely altered your way of thinking? Not really, you have to be pretty convincing to change my way of thinking. I’m a stubborn Capricorn. 
L) Have you ever been offered drugs and accepted? 😬
M) Tell us something weird that turns you on. When someone nerds out about something they’re really passionate about. I think its so adorable lol
N) When did someone last admit romantic or sexual feelings for you? Was the feeling mutual? The other way around. And no, it wasnt mutual. FML
O) What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to “accept” someone completely, even the bad parts. 
P) When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation? I do that all the time at work LOL! I had a patient that I disagreed with, but i had to force myself to see where they were coming from, which is probably just a place of fear. 
Q) Do you usually initiate hugs? No, hugs feel awkward... sometimes. 
R) Are you a very affectionate person? No, i’m the queen of repressing feelings. Gold cage, hostage to my feelings. 
S) Can you roll your own cigarettes? No, i don’t smoke. 
T) What are you looking forward to? Lover Fest West next year!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! 💜
U) Do you have any tattoos. Do you want any/more? No
V) Are you mentally strong? I’d like to think so, but I also have the tendency to just suffer in silence. I can do it for years. It’s probably not healthy. 
W) Are you physically strong? Hell no, i need help opening a bag of chips 😂
X) Do you think you’re a good person? I think so. I try to do the right thing and be considerate to others. 
Y) Name one thing you wish you could change about your life right now. To take more risks. 
Z) What do you usually eat for breakfast? I usually pack a granola bar and string cheese to eat at my desk at work. 
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grimoireofuisce · 6 years
I've been having mixed feelings and really weird dreams about my ex. I've talked to people about it, but i'm not really getting an answer on how to handle the feelings and thoughts. Everyone just says to stay away from things that remind me about them, and that doesn't work for me, cuz they tainted everything in me life. I can't look at anything without them being there in my mind. Do you have any suggestions or advice? Thank you!! I send warm thoughts and good feels.
I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, and I’m sorry no one has given such great advice! :( I’ll try my best. Here’s what I’d do in your situation.
Cutting Ties
What they say about your space helping your mental health is true. If your space is cluttered and messy, you’re more likely to experience stress and anxiety. The same principle applies to removing someone from your life. You may not realize just how much of the other person still lingers in your space.
Tidy the space - do a quick clean up, picking anything up off the floor, clearing off counter spaces, etc
Rearrange things - Move your bed to a new corner of your room, change around the furniture, decorate in new ways that you haven’t before
Do a thorough clean - take some cleaning wipes to the surfaces, do a load of laundry, vacuum the floor, mop, dust. Make that place shine like the top of the empire state
NOTE: Turn on some dance music while you’re cleaning. Dancing is a great way to get rid of negative vibes, and it’ll help you feel better physically, too. I’ve definitely had some Glee dance sessions alone in my living room and I always come out of it feeling a million times better than I did.
This step may be a bit uncomfortable, but the hope is that you’ll come out of it feeling renewed and with a better flow of your energy. You can do the first few parts of this step while CLEANING your space, but I wouldn’t suggest doing so unless you are experienced in energy work and meditation.
Meditate - find a safe space, one with little to no negative energy, and begin meditating. Scan your body then focus on your mind, what you are thinking about, how your thoughts form, what control you have over those thoughts, etc
Think of the person you’re cutting from your life - this may seem counterproductive, and it may hurt, but let them enter your thoughts. Gather all of your thoughts of them and imagine them forming a big ball of energy. Any time new thoughts of them form, don’t linger on the specific thought too long, just shove it on into the energy ball
Release the energy - take their energy that is stored inside you and picture it releasing from the top of your head. Don’t stop there, because you don’t want the energy lingering around in your space. Push the energy far away from you, up into the sky, beyond the atmosphere and out into space. Somewhere where you will never have to deal with it again
Scan once more - do another scan of your thoughts, how they are forming, and if you notice a difference in how you are feeling both mentally and physically. Do a few stretches and really let yourself feel the lightness of your thoughts and body now
Don’t forget little nooks and crannies around the house. Closets, under the sink, the junk drawer that you haven’t opened in literal years that now has battery acid from old batteries all over, literally every space in your home. I’ll list a few methods of cleansing below, but if you’re unable to do these things or don’t have the tools, I would suggest looking up different ways of cleansing a space without using too much of your own energy. This exercise is draining enough as it is, you don’t need that.
Smoke cleansing - this can be done with incense or a bundle of dried herbs. The idea is to light the herbs/incense and wave the smoke around. Smoke is a great way of getting rid of negative energies and entities
Rosemary spray - this one is soooooo easy. Literally just steep some rosemary in water as if you’re making tea, throw it in a spray bottle and start spraying the heck out of everything. Spray it in the air as a freshener, spray surfaces (but be sure to wipe things down with a cloth if you’re doing this), etc
Crystal grid - if you’ve got an abundance of crystals, a good way to get negative energies out is to literally channel them out using a crystal grid. Using stones like Citrine and Selenite as a center help capture the negative energies and send them on their way along the grid. I’d say leave this over night then line windows and doorways with onyx or obsidian or black tourmaline. Black tourmaline would be perfect for this
There’s really no way to go about this in this situation, and you definitely don’t have to do this step if you don’t want to, I just think that part of the healing process and letting go of someone is mentally thanking them for the lessons they taught you. I don’t believe in coincidences. Everything happens for a reason, and specifically with people, most that don’t stay in our lives served the purpose of teaching us something, either about the world, other people, or ourselves.
I don’t perform a lot of spells. Most of my magick is done through energy work and crystals, not really any sort of ritual. However, I heard of a spell similar to this years ago when I first started my path with witchcraft and it stuck with me through all the twists and turns.
You will need:
2 black candles
knife or other etching tool
To perform:
Carve your name on one candle and the other person’s name on the other
Place them before you and tie the candles together near the middle
Light the candles all while keeping them in your thoughts, but not in the forefront. Imagine you are both in a crowded room on opposite ends of it, hardly even noticing the other is there
As you imagine them walking out the door, cut the string that connects the candles. Think to yourself or say out loud “I am no longer burdened by _____’s presence”
Let the candles die out on there own, dispose of the string remnants somewhere away from your space (maybe take a nice walk to a local business or something)
The true key to letting go of them is changing the way you respond to thoughts of them. Instead of letting them be negative and painful thoughts, try working toward using the thoughts as a reminder of the good that came from the relationship (ie. the lessons you learned and how you grew as a person because of their presence in your life). I went through something like this with my ex girlfriend. I couldn’t get her out of my head, the pain of thinking of her was becoming physical, my depression was at its worst because of what had happened between us. But over time I learned that I grew so much as a person from being with her. I learned so much about myself, the type of person I am, and how to love myself. This list isn’t a comprehensive cure-all. It may still take time for the pain to go away, but know that one day you’ll be able to think back on these experiences and appreciate them for the life experience they gave you.
I hope this helped, and I hope things get easier for you soon, friend. If you need someone to talk to please please please don’t hesitate to send us a message.
Love and light xoxo
- Mod K Hart
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eallisnwndrlnd · 6 years
Moving On From 2018
One thing I can say that I love about New Years is that it’s like life feels like it gave you a bit of a reset button. Not erasing anything but at least working towards improving what you did or didn’t do the past year. I definitely need that reset for this past year 2018. 
Most of the year was in a bit of a stressful blur. I’m not going to bother reflecting on my previous New Years post since most of what I had hoped to come into fruition didn’t. All I can say is despite my battle with my depression and anxiety being the major factor in my stressed out year, I managed to accomplish some things. May not have been most of what I had planned but hey, that’s life sometimes. 
This past 2018 I completed my 3rd year, completed my internship hours and my first semester of my last school year in college. 
Even if I didn’t get in any of the companies I may have wished for my internship, I was lucky to find a company where I had a chance to utilize my skills and creativity in my writing and photography. It was pretty stressful initially when I was not getting any response from any of the fifteen companies I applied to. Thankfully it all worked out in the end. I even had fun and made it feel like a vacation with a classmate that became roommate and friend. I was feeling less claustrophobic when I was in our shared apartment in BGC, Taguig, away from the many reasons for my stress and anxiety. I was able to let myself forget about it at least during those short two months during break. 
Going straight into the start of 4th year with unresolved issues and things that needed to be done, my stress and anxiety kicked into overdrive as schoolwork and personal issues at home gradually stacked up against me. By the end of the semester I was completely wound tight and sensitive as hell where I felt at any moment I could break. There were some close calls close to the end that’s for sure. Especially with some family drama that nearly buried me in an emotional quicksand. I ended up breaking down in front of my teacher for thesis because I thoroughly let myself down on that one. I was in no shape to complete it in time for the scheduled defense that was a few weeks ago. When it all comes down to it, no one is harder on me than myself. I put the high expectations on me and when I don’t meet them or make a mistake or complete it short of perfection, I dwell on it to no end. Then there was the matter of film and theatre class, where if I were back home, I may have enjoyed and been extremely enthusiastic about but alas due to my poor fluency in Tagalog I wasn’t able to truly be a part of the major projects we had to complete. I ended up taking roles that were so far away from what I really wanted to contribute but as the stories were in a language and culture that I still didn’t fully understand, I was in no way able to contribute in the way I would have wanted to anyway.(One of the brighter spots of film was being able to share some of my favorite films of all time and also participate in our groups documentary on a Badjao community despite being in pain and sick more than half the time. Seeing and meeting some of the people with their strength and courage and determination despite their hardships, really helps one put things in perspective.) With the organizations I am a part of, even if I had a minor role in all three, I still didn’t feel up to the task. I really kind of played dead dog for most of my responsibilities in ISO. 
Honestly, this semester and even last semester, I felt myself ever so slightly detach from everything and kind of just mechanically go through the motions just managing to barrel through out of sheer need to complete my four years in college, do well and graduate. This semester is the first time in over four years where I found myself nearly having an anxiety attack. Not once, but three times. Once during debate when my brain refused to memorize my speech and then I fucked up completely during the recitation for my midterms. (I’m just thankful that my written speech helped me pick my grade up for that. Writer I may be, but speaker I sorely am not) It didn’t help that I still get a bit of stage fright every once in a while. Then the second was when my cousin messaged me about my mother having a schizophrenic episode and that it was causing drama and issues. The third one was during one of our theatre rehearsals and that one had no initial trigger except my stupid bronchitis that refused to go away that came out of a cold that has lasted frakking forever. Toss in several emotional breakdowns and smoking a ciggy after three years ciggy free and I could say I was down for the count. These past holidays of Thanksgiving and then Christmas were kind of meh considering I was sick for the first one and ma and I both were sick for the latter. But I pretty much had been sick on and off all this past semester and throw in my fibromyalgia kicking in worse than its been in the past four years, bringing spasms of pain that brought me to tears and bouts of insomnia this entire past year, 2018 brought more pain in more ways than one than anything else. I’m just thankful my ma, pop and family and friends (and my possessed cat, Gandalf) are still healthy and those that aren’t so much are on the road to being so, hopefully soon. 
This new year 2019 is hopefully the year where I finally meet one of my lifetime goals of graduating and getting a college degree. After so much work and sacrifice not only from me but my parents, I need to reach that goal. I will be starting my fourth year second semester at the end of this month but before that hopefully will have completed our final film and theatre projects as well as getting some traction in completing my thesis that is now not a solo one as I included three classmates to be a part of it. At the end of the day, even if I had wanted my thesis, that I started with on my own, to be solely mine, I had to consider my health both mentally and physically which became the deciding factor in no longer trying to push myself in such a way that would’ve hurt me rather than help. As I near graduation, I will set out in determining what I want to do afterwards. Whether I stay here (that’s only if I get an opportunity down the road) or go back to the States or go to another country has yet to be determined. If I were to go back to the States, I’d then have to decide which state I’d be moving to. Or rather, WE would be moving to. We as in me and mother. Yes, my mom is a big factor in my decision. She has to be, there’s no point deluding myself that I would be comfortable with any other scenario. I’ve watched over that woman pretty much all my life and have been a sort of parent-like person for her since I was a kid. As she grows older and goes deeper into her schizophrenia and becomes more fragile, I cannot in my heart think of any other alternative other than keeping her with me. It’s not some martyrdom complex or anything like that, it’s just how I am wired. Even with all my issues and the mental, emotional and physical toll it has taken on me, I love my mom and she brought me up the best way she knew how or could do. I can’t fault her for her illness and I can’t ignore the fact that she needs me as much as I need to know she is ok...as ok as she is capable of being. I may gripe and such but let’s face it, these are the cards I was dealt and I’ve managed all this time somehow and I’m pretty sure as I get older and wiser I’ll get better and better at doing so. But for the most part I can say I’m at peace with my decision (even when a tiny voice inside my head screams at me WTF are you thinking!!! HEEELP MEEE!) Now I’m just torn between should I stay or should I go (now. ....sorry had to. As I was typing those words I was singing it dammit!!!) And if I go, go where exactly? What do I do with my cat? How tf am I getting the beloved furry pain in my butt to come with me? What best fits not only my needs but my mothers and (if my furbaby is coming) Gandalf? New York? (That’s expensive AF) San Francisco? (SAME! but but SWEATER WEATHER LOVE!!!) L.A. (I’m not gonna lie, my home city is the last choice on my short list) Seattle? (perhaps but can my ma stand the so called gloomy weather which I am partial to?) S.A. (STOP! HAULT! DO NOT GO THERE! Though I have many fond memories and do love the city in many ways including my family and friends..and cheaper rent per square foot...and delicious bbq...I just can’t...cuz politics, namely its states’ politics. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t want my tree hugging, In-N-Out loving ass either anyhow.) I guess I can only say We’ll see. As I get closer to the end of my fourth year I’ll be more sure of which direction I’d want to go but so many things can still happen from now to then so I just want to leave myself open to any possibility that I may not have even thought of. 
So besides all that ‘off to the future I go’ crap, lets see...what do I want to see myself accomplish this year. I...
Must read more books (last year was depressing af for my bookwormish self as I only read three books, actually technically two were only completed in 2018 but I started in 2017. Now that’s sad for someone who used to down one to two books a day and read as she walked) 
Must get rid of more of my shit (I actually have been slowly accomplishing this little by little but seeing as it is nearing the end of my time at UB I must do this in its entirety by the middle of the year.) 
Must write at least one script of my own and complete it. (I have a few synopsis ideas written down, I just need to sit my butt down and make it a full story) 
Hope to go to Tokyo, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and again to South Korea. (At least Tokyo I hope for this year) 
Must lose the weight I gained only during this past semester. (I can only fit my rollies into two of my jeans and both have holes, one was bought that way and the other lost the battle with a tricycle and a school chair) 
Must cook more (I actually have been little by little doing just that, thanks to Instagram people who post recipes that motivate my lazy ass into wanting to cook what’s in the picture.) 
Must regularly volunteer again(Unfortunately I haven’t taken much time to do any since I’ve been here. Hopefully once my workload at school eases I can finally take the time to do this. It’s one of the things I love doing with my time because it’s the time when I can do something that isn’t for me but for someone else which I guess in a way is also for me in the sense that it just makes me feel good.) 
Must explore more of the Philippines (hopefully after I graduate we can do this) 
Hope to get to Guru level on Gurushots (only need to mark off four more of the criteria to get there) 
Hope to learn a third language (I’m thinking either Spanish or Korean since I at least know some vocabulary and short phrases already. The fact that I would love to be able to watch my kdramas without subtitles definitely gives me the incentive to lean toward the latter.) 
Hope to get more than four hours of sleep on average. (I would love that, only if my neighbors (front, both sides and back) dogs and Gandolf agree to keep it quiet during the wee hours in the morning)  
Must follow my daily, weekly, monthly goal checklist for more than just one month (yup that’s pretty much all that it lasted give or take a few weeks then days, last year) 
If I can manage to even complete a fourth of that which is mentioned above, I will have done this long ass blog entry justice. So if y’all managed to reach the end of all this ridiculousness, I wish to say to you HAPPY NEW YEAR and may this year and the many years to come bring you all you hope for and more. Let’s 2019 the shit out of this frakking year and make it our bitch!!!
(At least I can say with this yearly blog entry that I’ve managed to keep this one and only friggin tradition during New Years)
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ronsgayplace · 6 years
Long post with lots of CWs
Cw swearing, suicide, gender dysphoria, disabilities, physical pain, mental health probs, menstration, death, drugs, nazis, end of the world
Aaaah this post is a lot of ranting and maybe not for the faint of heart or anyone who might get worried about me.
Like i knoowwwww this pain I feel is magnified by a lot of shit like pms and dysphoria for example. Also cramps. I have cramps and my period isn’t for 5 more days. Thanks body, you asshole.
Like damn can’t I just sleep? Or fall asleep silently crying without getting a sinus headache from trying to cry quietly for my roommates’ sake??
There’s so much yet so little wrong.
The world is literally ending and falling apart.
Yet I want to die anyway so good I guess?
My body is a huge fucking mess. Physical health problems such as bad joints, shoulder and back pain from having huge tits I hate, bladder problems from being scared to use the school bathroom as a kid cuz it was germy so I held it in too much, cysts on my fucking useless ovaries that hurtt, my eyes don’t see things right and it makes me scared to drive, getting sick every month or so cuz fuck if I know but it sucks, stomach and guts problems that are pretty stupid too.
But omg my mental health?? Like my anxiety and sensory stuff is wild. My ease into sliding into sucidal thoughts is worrisome to say the least. Memory issues cuz of the weed I used to smoke as a youngin, the stress I was always under, or the fucking psych meds I’ve been on since the age 14. Oh and I either need to drink a shit ton of caffeine(mountain dew) to stay awake daily or I fall asleep sitting up.
And please don’t get me started on the dysphoria here people. My god I’m getting started! I hate my chest it hurts me so much lately, like physically. Plus like I dislike them more and more as time goes on. I literally want to lose weight just so maybe they’ll go away. But like top surgery seems so far away and I’m not knowledgeable on the process. And I know very little about T too. I just want my face too look less femme and stupid. And my tits not to be there or be so fucking huge. Idk my dudes. My period is crazy dysphoria inducing and I’m crying and aaahhh
I can’t fucking sleep.
I have a project due tomorrow and I barely have anything done and I wanted to wake up early to work on it all day but GUESS NOT. GUESS IM A FUCKING MESS AT 2am again.
Why am I even in college rn. I’m gunna die in a few years tops. And I’m gunna not get anything useful out of this. Just putting off my career of nothingness and cashiering till I die artfully by starving.
Abilty to hold a job? With this mess of a flesh vessel? HA!
Oh and I had a lil party tonight. In which I cried at the end of the night. We watched a apocalyptic movie and I cried like damn I might die cuz that dbag might actually get the nazis to kill me and the world is actually ending and oh god. Or I might just kill myself like fuck if I’ll let the nazis win, my man.
Oh and I missed my two best friends tonight too. God damn it are all the feelings dumb tonight.
I’m lucky I have a small amount of family and Marina and some good glimpses of happiness that I can remember when it’s not 2am and I’m crying in my apartment in my underwear before my period and after a long ass day. God knows what would happen if I didn’t have those things. I mean I knows what would happen. But I’m not gunna say it cuz I basically already did like half a dozen times in this post.
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easytofiind · 6 years
tw: long post
Who is more likely to raise their voice? - Rosie, I think. It takes a lot for Aidan to raise his voice and get real heated. Who threatens to leave but never actually does? umm neither of them its a ride or die how dare you. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? fUck, either of them Who trashes the house? …Rosie Do either of them get physical? Not with each other, no. Good lord. How often do they argue/disagree? They have small disagreements (especially when Rosie is doing something DANGEROUS), but overall they trust each other and it’s not super frequent. Who is the first to apologise? No apologies ever. 
Who is on top? ??? they switch it up ??Who is on the bottom? ?? this question confuses me.Who has the strangest desires? Rosie. She wanted to have sex on top of money and jewelry. Any kinks? Does having sex on money count as a kink? lolWho’s dominant in bed? Uhhh …look don’t shame, but, Rosie tbh. Is head ever in the equation? what. yes, it’s a thing. If so, who is better at performing it? they’re both great. good job, guys.Ever had sex in public? eh Aidan is private so no.Who moans the most? Rosie Who leaves the most marks? Aidan Who screams the loudest? Rosie Who is the more experienced of the two? I  d k Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? fuck Rough or soft? depends How long do they usually last? depends! sometimes its only time enough for a quickie. Is protection used? yes of course Does it ever get boring? noWhere is the strangest place they’d have sex? pff ontop of a roof somewhere idk
Who likes to cuddle? EhWho is the little spoon? Rosie, but Aidan will be if he’s too tired Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Pffff RosieWho struggles to keep their hands to themself?  Both lmao How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? is it really uncomfortable if it’s that someone is horny lol. Who gives the most kisses? i feel like neither of them is overly affectionate?? What is their favourite non-sexual activity? MURDER (lol jk, its stealing)Where is their favourite place to cuddle? a big bedWho is more likely to playfully grope the other? lol How often do they get time to themselves? as much as they can tbh 
Who snores? Aidan maybe cuz he smokes??If both do, who snores the loudest? Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Sleep together when they canIf they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Depends on the moodWho talks in their sleep? Aidan What do they wear to bed? I could see Rosie always putting on fancy night gowns/lacy or silk things and Aidan just wearing shorts Are either of your muses insomniacs? uhh i dunno Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? noDo they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? snuggles Who wakes up with bed hair? Rosie Who wakes up first? Aidan Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? ppf neither What is their favourite sleeping position? Sprawled out together Who hogs the sheets? Aidan b/c he’s an asshole Do they set an alarm each night? NoCan a television be found in their bedroom? Not at Aidan’s Who has nightmares? BothWho has ridiculous dreams? Both Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? BothWho makes the bed?  Neither What time is bed time?  IDK they are adults Any routines/rituals before bed? Teeth brushing Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? lol Rosie 
Who is the busiest? Aidan Who rakes in the highest income? Both, bitchAre any of your muses unemployed? No??Who takes the most sick days? lol doesn’t applyWho is more likely to turn up late to work? this is hilarious i can’t answer themWho sucks up to their boss?What are their jobs?Who stresses the most?Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?Are your muses financially stable?
Who does the washing? The HelpWho takes out the trash? The Help Who does the ironing? The laundromat Who does the cooking? They go out to eat more than anything Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? fofffdkfljsfl idk Who is messier? Rosie Who leaves the toilet roll empty? UHHH Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Both, Aidan is lazy too ya’ll Who forgets to flush the toilet? neither??? Who is the prankster around the house? Rosie Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? idkWho mows the lawn? Someone else Who answers the telephone? Who has a telephone Who does the vacuuming? the HelpWho does the groceries? Literally anyone idk Who takes the longest to shower?  Aidan. He likes showers. Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Close tie because of Aidan’s long showers. 
Is money a problem? NoHow many cars do they own? A few Do they own their home or do they rent? Owned Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Neither Do they live in the city or in the country? CityDo they enjoy their surroundings? YeahWhat do they do when they’re away from each other? Probably just do crime shitWhere did they first meet? At Aidan’s bar (i think)How did they first meet? uh they met and talked lolWho spends the most money when out shopping? RosieWho’s more likely to flash their assets? Rooosie Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? I don’t understand this oneAny mental issues? I have no idea.Who’s terrified of bugs? Me.Who kills the spiders around the house? Not Aidan.Their favourite place? A Bed or a Fancy Party Who pays the bills? Aidan, but also Rosie? It’s complicated. what are bills.Do they have any fears for their future? NahWho’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? AidanWho uses up all of the hot water? fff they both doWho’s the tallest? Aidan Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Rosie lol we stanWho wanders around in their underwear? ROSIEWho sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Rosie.What do they tease each other about? Aidan teases her about her sticky fingers, Rosie teases him about his grandpa clothing (lmao) Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Pff Both. Aidan dresses like hes 70 sometimes i swear Do they have mutual friends? YeahWho crushed first? Lol what’s a crush. they are adults. Any alcohol or substance related problems? We all love booze.Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Both, together.Who swears the most? Lol both 
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Nerd here: Reading back on everything said here. First off, I do think it’s highly suspicious that Duggy and that Sensei hoe was following each other prior to this incident because listen, this girl has about 3-4 videos on YouTube talking shit about Bruno. And these videos date back to at least 2015. Plus she popped shit online about Bruno many times before on her Twitter account and me personally I had to put her ass in check back in 2016 because her ass was talking shit in the comment section of YouTube. Saying inaccurate facts talking about Bruno doesn’t write his own songs and he sings about catching bodies and shouting out Memphis hoods. This is what this bitch said! And shit got me IRATE! Okay? Because this bitch just be saying anything and straight lying. And when I checked her ass for it and revealed what kind of fraud she was, she somehow deleted my comments so nobody could see it. So I KNOW she a fake ass hoe! I been told y'all about this chick last year, when one of the anons here submitted a video of the sensei bitch and was agreeing with her. Saying that she got a point. Like hell nah, she just a hating ass bitch. Deadass. She hates a lot! She even made a joke about Aaliyah dying. Now where is the excuse for that huh? Aaliyah was a Black R&B singer. Who didn’t do anything and she passed away a long time ago. So what’s the excuse? She’s a jealous, hating ass bitch. That’s what it is. And Duggy must have known that by following her dumbass Twitter account. So yes he mad suspect in my book. How you suppose to be friends with Bruno, but you down with a bitch whose against him? 🤔
As for Bruno’s personal health. I agree that he should go back to Hawaii for a while and see his family again. Not because of that Sensei bitch talking shit, cuz honestly fuck her. It’s not about running away, even before that rat faced hoe opened up her crusty ass mouth, I been noticed that Bruno looks tired and exhausted. And he’s stressed out. I remember in the BET article and they interviewed him talking about 24kmagic, he asked the interviewer if he could smoke because he was stressed out and he wanted to calm his nerves. Something like that. It was in the article. Bruno is definitely going through some hard times emotionally. And I do agree that going back to Hawaii for awhile, seeing his family, breathing in that fresh Hawaiian air will do this man some good. And when Bruno is ready, he can go back out, and conquer the world once again. Whether if it’s another album, or some business ventures, or acting. Bruno just needs a break. Above all else, his mental and physical health is what’s most important. And I just want to see him be truly happy again. All his REAL fans do. And Bruno if you’re reading this, just know that we love you, and we got your back. Fuck all these haters. The reason they talking now is because you are a force to be reckoned with and they’re intimidated by you. That’s why they are trying to take you down. But they won’t. Greatness can NEVER be taken down.
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Home and Healing
Summary: Izzy and her family faces an uphill battle towards healing. After all, she’s 16 and has experienced severe mental and physical trauma. But Izzy is also resilient. She’s surrounded by her mom, dad, brother and a host of aunts and uncles.
Warnings: Crude language, angst, and in the end, triumph!
Words: 1,349
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Izzy Barnes x Y/N    OFC: Dr. Cho, Dr. Samantha Burgdorf, Little Stevie, Tony, Pepper, Wanda, Nat, Bruce, Clint, Maddie, and Kayla
The fallout from Izzy’s kidnapping  was stressful for the Barnes family. Dr. Cho recommended therapy for everyone. The first session took its toll on everyone, especially Izzy. She would sit with her legs pulled to her chest, staring into nothingness.
A well-known female family therapist came to the Tower twice a week; one session with the family and one with Izzy. Determining the terrified teen suffered from PTSD, a mild sedative was prescribed to help her sleep.
At first, the medicine had virtually no effect on Izzy. Her nightmares were horrific. She would vault up, in a cold sweat, chest heaving looking around the room, reaching out for her dad.  Bucky started sleeping next to her bed. She would hold his hand and drift off to sleep. With time, the nightmares dwindled and Izzy was able to sleep on her own, with a night light.
In spite of her progress, Izzy remained apprehensive about venturing outside until her therapist suggested a rooftop session, with Bucky in tow.
Dr. Samantha  Burgdorf, coaxed Izzy outside. Reluctantly, she agreed. Bucky held her hand as they walked through the doors leading to the pool area. Immediately, Izzy started to shake and hyperventilate.
Recognizing a panic attack, Izzy’s attentive father whispered soothing words into her ear.
Finally, her breathing evened out. Dr. Burgdorf asked Izzy if she wanted to go inside and she shook her head ‘no.’ Bucky continued to sit on the chaise lounger holding Izzy’s trembling body.
The session lasted longer than normal. After Izzy’s panic attack, she opened up more, discussing in detail what she really went through. Tears rolled down her father’s face listening to his daughter talk about how she was treated by the man who helped create her.
Voice barely above a whisper, Izzy picked at her fingernails as she spoke.
“Ro-Rodney said so many nasty things about mom. He called her a whore and a mattress; something for a man to jump up and down on!
When I wanted to cover my ears, C-Caleb tied my hands and made me listen. It felt like a tape recorder playing over and over again in my head!”
Izzy shook and sobbed loudly. Bucky cradled her against his chest, rocking back and forth.
Continuing, “When I had to use the bathroom, Caleb would watch me walk in. One time he opened the door while I was on the toilet! Rodney slapped him.
They snorted cocaine. That’s when I was really afraid because their eyes got real big and they talked funny.”
Seeing how drained Izzy had become, Dr. Burgdorf ended their session. “Isabella, I’m so proud of you for taking an important step. This is the first time  you’ve been outside in over 3 weeks. That’s progress.” Izzy pulled her lips into a tight smile. “Thank you.”
Holding Bucky’s hand, Izzy walked alongside her dad inside the Tower. He shook hands with the doctor and waited as she entered the elevator.
Turning to his daughter, “I’m so sorry you that happened to ya Izz, but we’re here for ya okay?’ “Okay dad. I know.” She kissed his cheek, giggling as his stubble tickled her lips.
Y/N felt left out and useless. She couldn’t understand why Izzy gravitated to Bucky and not her. 
Understanding her concern, Bucky made sure his wife felt loved and needed.  
He bought rose petals, scattered them from the bed to the bathroom. 
Sandalwood candles cast a shadow on the tiled walls and her favorite bath bomb, “Fresh Rain,” provided a calming aroma.
Gently removing Y/N’s clothes, Bucky carried her to the clawfoot bathtub bridal style and lowered her weary body in the soothing warm water. 
Without a word, Bucky washed her hair, then moved to Y/N’s body; massaging her shoulders. A moan emitted from her mouth as her attentive husband rinsed and dried her off.
Moving to their bed, Buck lotioned Y/N’s body and she put on one of his shirts. Placing a searing kiss on his lips, she mouthed ‘thank you’ as tears escaped her dark circled eyes.
“Buck, how did you know what I needed.” Pulling her body flush against his, “I love you doll, a helluva lot. You’re the love of my life. Izzy’s not the only one feeling low.  You’re the woman Imma spend the rest of m’life with.”
Turning to face her wonderful husband, Y/N whispered, “James, you’re the air I breathe. Thank you for being supportive to our kids and me.”
Bucky’s voice dripped with sincerity. “Ya know Izzy’s gonna be alright? Don’cha ever feel like she doesn’t need ya cuz it ain’t true. Give her time.”
Laying her hand on his face, “I know baby. Sometimes I feel a little left out, but you’ve dealt with trauma and understands better than I do what she’s feeling. Thank you.”
“No thanks needed, It’s m’pleasure. C’mere, I’ve missed ya woman.”
Yawning, “I’ve missed you too.”
3 months passed and Izzy became antsy. She longed to go outside and play with her brother and friends. Little Stevie sorely missed his big sister. They shared an unshakeable bond.
The sun beamed through her teal and white curtains. Stretching, Izzy placed her feet on the floor and stared out of the large window. It was time to take her life back.
Making her way to the elevator, Izzy visited Uncle Tony in his laboratory. He was thrilled to see her.
“Hey Izz, what brings you to my humble abode?” As usual, he sat at a table, tinkering with one of his latest creations.
Sighing, “Uncle Tony, can we have a barbeque out back? I’m ready to go outside and it would be great if everyone came too.”
Pulling her into an embrace, Tony was ecstatic. “Yes! I’ll have Pepper get everything together and have FRIDAY alert the team. It’ll be small, just us. Happy you’re feeling better kiddo. I’ve missed you.”
Wrapping her arms around his waist, Izzy spoke into his chest. “Missed you too Uncle Tony. Thank you for being there for me and my family.  It means a lot.”
“The pleasure’s all mine sweetheart. Get outta here. I have a shindig to plan!”
As promised, Pepper and Tony went all out for this family gathering. Kayla, Maddie and their parents showed up.
Time came for Izzy to take the first steps to reclaiming her life. With Y/N, Bucky, and little Stevie by her side, the determined young lady sighed heavily, with her hands on the door handle leading to the backyard.
Left foot...right foot...breathe
Izzy could feel panic bubbling in her chest but refused to allow it to stymy her progress.
Left foot...right foot...breathe
She relished in the smell of crisp air, fresh cut grass, and food smoking on the grill.
Left foot...right foot...breathe
An overwhelming sense of relief ebbed and flowed through her body. For the first time in almost 5 months, Isabella Marie Barnes greeted her extended family and friends. They in turn, applauded and shed tears.
Y/N and Bucky beamed with pride at her spunk. Little Stevie held her hand as she received hugs from everyone. Even Dr. Burgdorf’s eyes were damp. She knew the hell Izzy had endured. To see her progress warmed her heart.
Izzy, Stevie, Maddie and Kayla froliced in the yard playing soccer against Sam, Bucky, Steve and Peter! Nat and Wanda held Y/N tight as they openly wept.
The sun shined bright, birds chirped a peaceful melody and laughter filled the air!
There were setbacks. But for every dismal day, 3 good days took its place.  
The Barnes family crossed a major hurdle with determination, love and support. Times like these caused Bucky to reflect on his life and why he wouldn’t change anything....James Buchanan Barnes, family man!
TAGGING: @omalleysgirl22 @bolon-tiku @supersoldierslover @rebelslicious @jrubalcaba   @sgtjamesbuchananbarnes107th @love2rhyme @buckybabybaby @irene-rogue-adler @rda1989 @justareader @beccaanne814-blog @erisjade@caplanbuckybarnes @reniescarlett @katiej98 @katykyll @e-g-b-o-k @shy2shot @debzybrazy @eve1978 @arabellaaurorabarnes@wintersmiless-blog @this-kitty-has-claws @gingerbatchwife @goodnightwife@pegasusdragontiger @the-witching-hours12-3 @jurassicbarnes @mcuimxgine@winterssmiles @anbanananna @jrubalcaba
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Survey #236
“so i asked you once, and i ask you again: where do your roots start, and where do your roots end?”
Do you wear a ring on your finger? Yeah, a Supernatural reference best friend one. Do you listen to your friends’ advice when they give it to you? I mean, it depends on the kind of advice and the seriousness of the issue. I'd say in most cases, yes. What’re you listening to right now? "Angel Eyes" by New Years Day ft. Chris Motionless. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? It has been, twice. I don't think I'll do it again because my glasses are just in the way and they come out and get lost too easily. Is your last ex still someone you care about and do you still have romantic feelings for your ex? Yes to both. My feelings towards her haven't changed at all, we just made a heavily-discussed, hard, but wise decision for the time being. Are you someone’s best friend? Sara. What’s the biggest annoyance in your life right now? Annoyance, ummm... oh, easy. Being poor as dirt. That's only slightly under my skin, y'know? Have you spoken to your mother today? Yeah, I live with her. When was the last time you cried and why? PTSD. It's started to become relevant again, jOY to THe WOrlD!!!!!1!!!1!!!!! Is there someone who makes you instantly smile when you receive a message from them? I mean I don't always smile, but I consistently do get excited. If someone loved you right now, would you want them to tell you? *confused screaming* Do you like to cuddle? If I'm seriously romantically into you, yes. Is any part of you sad at all? I think that's always going to be a thing for me, somewhere down in there. Do you like seafood? Only shrimp, and even that I don't like in some forms. Do you have any of your exes as friends on Facebook? Yeah. Does more than one person like you? Idk. Do you ever worry that people might be talking about you behind your back? Always. Fuck, I think Sara's the only person I can count on to never. Do you call your partner ‘baby’? I hated it and never used it 'til Sara. I eventually did, and somehow, it felt okay and not disrespectful??? Idk if I'll use it again. What's the most boring guy’s name out there? Like, "Bob" or something. Do you know how to play Mahjong? Nope. Ever had a promise ring? No. What’s the biggest turn off in the opposite sex? Send me a dick pic and I will actually KICK you in the dick. Fun fact, even though I'm still bi, visually, penises gross me the fuck out and so I'd rather see someone's as little as possible, m'kay? Doing that is like a surefire way for me to decide "oh no bye boy." How often do you catch yourself daydreaming? A whole lot. This time last year, were you single? No. Who is someone you’ll always hate? The doctor that put me on a medication that put around 100 pounds on me and blamed it aaaaaall on me. :^) Do you know anyone with the same name as you? Yeah, just spelled differently. Who knows your biggest secret(s)? Sara. Do you ever read the threads on r/AskReddit? No. Are you currently stressed out about anything? You have no fucking idea. What’s your Instagram @? brittanymphotography or eldritch_obscura, depending on what kind of photography you're into. Don't have a personal one. Have you ever smoked a cigarette? No. Are you in love with anyone at the moment? It's so complicated. I think, but I also question the "in" love part. That and just "loving" are different to me. I want her, I want Jason, and here I am strictly monogamous. I barely understand what I feel romantically rn. If a friend called you to help hide a body, would you help or turn them in? UM fuck that I'm calling the cops. Have you ever had a crush on someone that, now as you look back, is completely embarrassing? Not really. How would you react if a friend started dating your ex? When "ex" is used singularly, I always assume you want The Ex. So, regardless of friend, that'd feel weird, but with certain people/levels of friendship, less so than others. If you were in an emergency, which friend would you call first? So not family? Uhhh, I don't know. It depends on the kind of emergency. Ever kissed someone who wasn’t single? No. Other than that "someone who wasn't single" being my partner. Are you single? if no who are you dating and for how long? Not right now, no. What kind of music do you listen to? Tons of different forms of metal, rock, indie, and I'm even into some electro stuff now. Do you have any YouTube videos of yourself? Thank the merciful lord, not anymore. What’s your fave YouTube video? BIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHH the one featuring Dark in A Heist With Markiplier. I am not exaggerating my love of White Suit Dark. Use three words that best describe your best friend: Passionate, loyal, and resilient as a motherfucker. Now use three that best describe you: Also passionate, empathetic, and caring. List three things that describe your crush/love: Look I love someone but am also preoccupied with the idea of Jason coming back to me. It's not a "crush," it's being in love with a memory. I don't have a clue how to answer this rn. Is there someone in the family that no one really talks to? As far as extended family goes, yeah. Have you ever been romantically interested in a coworker? N/A What is the game you’re currently playing most often on your phone? None; I have no games on it because my phone has incredibly small memory. Same. Are you close to someone who is mentally unwell? Well, define "unwell." I have a load of friends and family with mental disorders, but calling them "mentally unwell" seems too severe. Do you have an opinion on adopting/purchasing a pet? Adopt, dude. There are so, SO many cats and dogs and I'm sure more that need a home, but you'd rather pay hundreds for a dog with likely some sort of health problem from extreme breeding than adopt an animal for a far cheaper price that ALREADY needs a family? Come on, now. Have you ever read any of your idols’ books/autobiographies? I read Ozzy's autobiography. Do you know anyone who is freaked out by cats? ???????????? no????????????? What name would you pick for yourself? Probably "Zoey." Do you enjoy going to live shows? Do concerts count? 'Cuz yeah. Who do you spend the most time with? My mom, I guess? She's the only one I live with, but she's like, never home because she works more than she breathes. What color do you wish your hair was? Natural hair, blonde. So much easier to dye, jc. Does any of the jewelry you wear have sentimental significance? The ring mentioned earlier, as well as the bracelet Sara also gave me. Who is your favorite drummer? Eh, no op Do you find musicians attractive? This is a dumb question... It depends on the musician??? If you could get any piercing, what would it be? I want a microdermal below/near the outer corner of my eye NOW. But I have glasses so it would totally ruin the purpose, ugh. Do you scream, yell, jump around and dance at shows or do you stand still? Just cheer, really. I wouldn't call it "screaming." I guess I can yell, too? Have you ever lost your voice from screaming so much? "No. I’ve had a sore throat." <<<< This. What’s your favorite color on the person you have feelings for? Both Sara and Jason, as well as like anyone, I love wearing black. Actually, Sara is super cute in light colors, like baby pink. Ugh talking about them at the same time feels fuckin weird. Who’s your favorite horror monster/killer? Alright, let's just say like, the "traditional" guys. I suppose Jason? His silence, totally casual pursuit, and mask creep me out, man. What kind of music do you prefer to listen to when driving? When I myself am driving, I don't want music on. I can't concentrate. Are you willing to board airplanes? I've gone up to see Sara like... three times within two years, I think? They don't scare me too much. I don't like takeoff, though. Too rocky and dizzying. Do looks really matter to you when it comes to friendship? ??????????? what?????????? the fuck??????????????? Do you accept friend requests from people you don’t know? Nope. I have to not only know you, but care more about you than like the average acquaintance of whatever. What is one of your best talents? Writing, I guess? Are/were you a rebellious youth or angsty teen? ha ha oh BOY Do you put your change in a jar for savings? No. How do you feel about transvestites? BITCH y'all great. I love you. Fuckin ROCK YA SHIT. Do you know anyone with a land line at their house? Yes, actually. Do you have any guilty pleasures? Certain kinds of daydreams. Have you been in a fist fight with someone you didn’t want to fight? I've never had a physical fight. Has anyone ever convinced you to do something you didn’t want to? Sure. Usually for my own benefit/growth, though. Are you a sensitive person? Yeah, quite a bit. Do you enjoy writing? Yep. Are you a germ-o-phobe? YEAH. Would you ever own a hairless rat, cat or dog? I would TOTALLY have a sphynx. There's this one breed of dog too and is furless on most places but does have some furry areas and are so ugly they're cute, and I once almost did adopt a hairless rat. So there's your answer. Do you prefer big, fluffy towels or normal sized/smaller towels? BIG FLUFF What is the image on your beach towel? Don't have one of those. Are you good with making eye contact? NO. I never know how long to maintain it and overthink it HEAVILY. I avoid it most of the time. What is your favorite book that was turned into a movie? Probably The Outsiders. I thought it did the book great justice. Do you like the movie or the book better? I don't remember either well enough. Do you watch porn? No. I don't want to watch some strangers bang each other. It's in no way arousing to me. What’s your favorite flavor of applesauce, if any? I guess just normal? Do you go to a firework show every 4th of July? Nah. Are you diabetic? No. Are you allergic to gluten? No. I don't think I'd survive. Are you lactose intolerant? No. Do you live with your parents? Just my mom. Parents are divorced and Mom had full custody, and my two sisters are proper adults that can survive without their mommy. :^) How much experience do you have written down on your resume, approximately? NOT A LOT!!!!!!!! I only count like, one damn job that was valid/lasted a couple months, but only because I very rarely worked. I also only include my previous online college, and should I create a resume now, obviously the one I currently attend. What’s your favorite song to dance to? I do not dance, my friend. What do you think of your parents? Both of them are great. Mom is the reason I'm (in the big picture) healthy, even alive. I WOULD be dead, died a long time ago, if it was not for that woman. Saved my life again and again and again, been there for me through both the same old shit and new madness. I'mma stop here before I actually cry just thinking about how thankful I am for her. Dad, too, I love, and I aspire to be as positive as he seems nowadays. His loyalty to my sisters and me, especially after the shit I've said, is incredible. He doesn't take a lot too seriously, and that's nice, especially when you're having a hard time. He's an optimistic guy now that always makes an effort to cheer you up. He's a total goof, too. He's just fun to be around. What do you think makes you attractive to other people? HA, fuck if I know. I guess my vertical lip labret stands out? Everyone I've dated since having it has at some point pointed out that that's like, my trademark that makes me recognizable right off the bat and that it looks good on me. One of the few things I even like on myself. Would more money make you happier? Look me right in the fucking eye and answer "no" to this. What is one of your favorite memories as a child? Watching my older sister play demo discs' video games after waking up. It's something so simple, but idk, I love remembering that. What’s your favorite kind of cake? Probably red velvet, like gd that shit good. Who is your favorite sports team? Idc. Like I have a natural fondness towards the Carolina Hurricanes 'cuz they're Dad's favorite and we've gone to some games together, but I really don't care. Who would you like to get to know better? I have this high school acquaintance named Courtlynn on my Facebook that seems so cool and relatable. She seems to like me too (not romantically, but she's really supportive, hearts like everything, comments the sweetest stuff sometimes, all that), I just think both of us are shy to reach out. What is the strangest food you ever ate? "I don’t eat anything I consider strange. I’m so picky and basic." <<<< Big 'ole fat same. What’s your favorite thing to order at a Chinese food restaurant? I exclusively only eat pork fried rice and/or egg rolls. Are you an organ donor? YES!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE BE ONE!!!!!!!!!! YOU DON'T NEED THEM ONCE UR DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!! THE LIVING DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAVE SOME LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What’s your favorite candle scent? FRESH BAKED BREAD MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM What would you do if you found an abandoned animal? Check for identification and call if a number is given, offer it food and water, put a notification up on Facebook about a lost pet... all that stuff. We'd try to avoid a shelter, probably, because yeah. Euthanization is a thing. Have you ever kissed someone who had a tongue piercing? I am the one with the tongue piercing lmao. No. Is it easy for someone to make you cry? OH YES, QUITE. How many children can you see yourself having? IF I had kids, IF, I could not possibly imagine myself with more than two. What is your favorite PlayStation 1 game? SILENT HILL FUCK MAN I LOVE THAT SHIT. Are you competitive? Not really. Depends. Black and white or colored photos? It very much depends. Composition, lighting, content, all that contributes to what I find more aesthetically pleasing. Do you prefer to date younger, older, or the same age as you? Preferably around my age. What’s something from the past that you don’t miss at all? Being a depressed mess every waking moment of my life. Do you like ice cream cake? Not really. Do you wash your hair every day? No, every day is bad for your hair. Do you have trouble sticking to promises? Definitely not. I'm good at that. Have you ever made out with someone of the same sex? Very briefly. She thought she was ready, but not quite. What kind of headphones do you have? Right now they're literally just flimsy hot pink earplugs from a dollar store lmao. How often do you go to parties? Never. Do you sleep in awkward positions? I don't think so. Do you experiment a lot with new looks on yourself? Not really. Where is your favorite place to be kissed? Don't touch my tits with, like, anything. Do you ever quote your favorite movie in normal conversations? No? Do people ever tell you that you look stoned when you’re not? No. Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? *shrugs* why not both? Do hospitals freak you out? To a degree. Been there enough times to both get semi-used to it, but it also agitates old wounds and makes me antsy to get out. What about cemeteries at night? I've never experienced this, so I can't say. But the idea doesn't really creep me out, no. What is your favorite Nintendo 64 game? I never had one. Were you mean as a little kid? Nah, I was a good kid actually.
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the-firebird69 · 5 years
I take your advice and fire up the Shapes on a regular basis i heard the interest they said keep doing it until we meet opposition. And we understand the dangers but these are so intolerable it's gross.
Hitting now, firing all main reactors. Juicing waiting, hitting. We let it run, higher it goes up, firing, and down charging, hitting, firing up secondary reactors, huge billows of steam Rise tons of moisture. Do much it will help yiu breath. Firing up all main reactors globally. Massive crowds assemble outside its range, show fear, rush in not out, heard you no, it's exhilaration they feel gives them a boost, usually happens to them, it's hard to resist. Like being really horny
And he does resist similar all day and night. Tons of times.
The entire crowd follows, curious and content it's safe feel exhilarated, run in. Fire weapons at it it bounces off or is destroyed we hear doit again. They fire bigones the same way hit more then. Try harder maybe higher??
They get knocked out... It hits here, all around here.
We fire the short haul crew gay jackass macs disguised as blacks.
Continue coming we continue killing, what idiots race in like idiots to tell us
....... So your dead.
They fire up to max hit they fall, huge gashes in some as raw metal was right next to them. Giant things stuck in them they were working on.... Antenae stuck right through them
Massive coronary from following bja diet, huge pieces of fecal matter in thier shorts usually discolored or halfdigested. Mega gas in thier decomposing bodies from sugar and bad as hard water grows bacteria.
Massive wounds fromstomachs exploding afyer being dead for only minutes.
Animals have been found eating them but as if sick and continuing. We haul them in clean them up and give them job's. Usually quite sick. Cats and dogs survive better than these old imbiciles.
Giant piles of crap on the floor as corky forgot to pay rent or too cheap to buy a plunger.
It's sick these are very sick too, far too many diseases to be near him not to mention on top of him as they threaten, having beer w them got them all riled up, tons found the time to drink. Huge piles of fecal matter by the road where lots had to stop 3-4" High, 10-12" around empties them all out.
We find it atrocious. All fags here gross comments all day and it's non productive just repeats.
No more ppl please. No more. Mine.
We hear you and demand ours come forwards and explain why
They say it's death and can't help it. We research it some of it is mostly they use it as cover or a motif or like abusing him and are oblivious.
A class a answer
They think it works, have been what they think they call"using it" to take over... Threats on me to hit thier father in turn those threats used for wwiii or other. They say it's concealment and moreso a constant threat, feel the threats will leed to a wmd detonating of thier own and war would begin. The constant threats used to signal threats on ours as they use a tight analogy to my body to my ppl. Issue actual orders with it as they may try to tommorow if Trump's impeachment is handed to the Senate this validating it, trial or not it is then a valid impeachment by the house house being analagous to this house and where ours live, documents drafted, units sent
Volunteers now accepting for this task from hunting issuers and enforcers to house ours to seeking persons who hire ppl to
Trillions and more roll in. This one and freeing ours are open ended and voluntary conscription into our formal ranks.. now accepting for the above. We track allours volunteering now send them greetings and instructions and announce instructions now
Tons of threats for the orders purpose and all blatantly obvious. It's like being in the jungle surrounded by sick chimps. Do this and this only. Try to overcome they leave it on even if it's petty stuff they shouldn't do
Yimmer yammer all day to harrass have me Yammer I hit them here with it and nearby
Lately I couldn't bear it death on them not fast enough for me to eat properly enough as they addictively try to incarcerate me as a way of ammassing power for a few and to send orders.. usually both always resulted in thier failure in the past
None of them acknowledge the failures occured none have recolection of living in any of the places he was in, most make it up.
Tons of errant calls and idiot statements to threaten me and try to hospitalize or imprison and now both to kidnap me to DC for a rigged trial probably using Trump as he hates us for our role in his life Mac had us do.
And connecting me a youngster with evil characters and top brass to be threatened coerced etc for an unending amount of time
Physical abuse daiky walking me excessively trying to incurr disease death threats for stress bad food wrong food cutting off things or trying too ie turkey, reducing caloric intake after working out reducing oxygen often serious bug bites lots of times. Warts infesting me all as threats for things we
We never comply never provide. Never
The threats are to deconstruct your rhealm. Reduce your forces and standard of living and power to start wwiii.
Mostly I am abused severly at times, daily. And my income is always threatened such a teensy fraction of what I'm owed, standard I kiving low very low atmosphere very hostile Joe is half orc is violent has a gun is sickly angry due to his poor treatment, Preston I'll from plastic poisoning and on blue is angry large and his person has killed millions by hand over the past few years. Others here abused tortured HV hair triggers are called guns threaten me.
No war only me getting out down constantly turned away stolen from a bit and I sit doing nothing but my work you lose to but I'm threatened with
A ball injury imnever happy with killing quadrillians if you s for as you never let me up and simply don't do any of the killing now just bother me too not allow yours to live in any capacity to recover with
And you deteriorate now quickly your mental status is very poor angry suicidal and you go out shooting ppl as monsters to vent. We allow it as we sponsor it.
But my personal time is bill, I'm numb or in painno emotion usually definitely not allowed to feel good mb a second here and there on purpose held off me.
Push me taunt to get a reactionthreats to do stuff i always counterman or detonate destroy including your here escape vehicles, nukes wmd DOOMSDAY and anything you can war using including comm just to get you louses off me so I can eat or shower so hearing stupid crap for hours.
You need to stop coming here thinking threats on me bear fruit or stay ing fmdoung it. Your leadership turned into cats and eaten as cakes. Mostly nuke your own stuff and are incinerated doing so.
What I'm saying is in English and easy to read comprehend and verify, yeh, you s do all this, deconstruct as Mac planned fight for DOOMSDAY for one idiot, but, in your threatening I'm forced to have your escape methods erased, your wmd and somuch more and you still can't figure it out
Are you stupid s??.
It gets broken we put u in the middle as we did with the Ukraine.
Without heat no fire without fire no smoke without potential for massive fire no firemen. Dork
I finally figured it iut you say a few hotspots sufficed then Ukraine then infight then we stalked blaming no war on yiu tards do it religiously, a gig. But for real yes they do. Ours use real stuff. Not just wackung the same idiots at the ymtoop.
True too we come dn onhimit hurts
So you see. Problem being too late. No ody of mine wants to live like me and I'm very valuable most don't want to live like me if they are really smart most. It's so fantastically assinine I'm amazed any s is alive, vulgar. Ohh we don't need to pay you a dime, cuz ull do it regardless.... How so, any human being treated as such might not but I'm familiar emwith your sophomoric method. Stockhlm and a couple other cheese sticks
What you HV smdone has caused half or more of yiur s to die the majority of mine I those areas cleared safe now, away from you.
And yet you persist, ignorant to most math and other. Foma basic human standpoint most would plot to burn pc to the ground just due to the call letters I'm a very intolerant person and meaner than ghwb but other govts will pay me not spit on me. Do Macs fuck off. Die be proud you started a war between our kinds be knowledgeable that your losing, cry out yell like corky, demand and lose.
Keep being a loser I mean don't you see?? You gotta do what your doing now have to it helps me and mine.
We plow through your ranks in the Midwest closing city agmfter city, crushed the north, it began falling grabbed the south it weakened, blasted the north the Midwest caves now we almost have it all cleared zapping in progress, the north teeters he says take weakin the Midwest, we did, oh yeh the upper Midwest, we shall, then work a patch work, thanks Macs helpful and refreshing
Zues mostly my story above
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