#mention of Koizumi Hanayo
lonelypond · 11 months
Maki & Rin, NicoMaki RinPana mentions, Love Live, 695 words
Maki and Rin have a not so serious conversation.
“It was a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater Sure looks strange to me”
“Does it sound strange to you, Maki?” Rin slid into the opposite side of the booth from Maki, tray full of deep fried finger food ready to be shared
“What were you singing?”
“Kayo-chin’s finding all these weird Halloween songs for the party playlist. That my fave so far.”
“Did she get the werewolf ones I sent her?” Maki started on the french fries, dipping them in her chocolate milkshake. Rin fake gagged, then chugged a handful of jalapeno poppers to chew while singing.
“I lose control, I just can't stop You look so good, like a big pork chop Ripped my pants, ripped my shirt I'm going to eat your mother for dessert”
“That’s disgusting.” Maki snapped.
“I know. Does Nico know you like that song? Or your Mom?”
“I meant eating while singing. And who said I liked that song?”
“It was first on the list.”
Maki lowered her eyes, pretending to be focused on sipping her shake, slight flush on her cheeks. “I like to be thorough.”
“Thorough like a chainsaw.” Rin sawed back and forth through the air. “Does Halloween bring out the beast in you, Maki-chan?”
“There is no beast in me. And you’re practically a cat.”
“Nyat what we’re talking about, Fang-y.”
“Did you decide on your costume.”
“No no, no hints. Nobody will recognize Rin.”
“There’s only so many of us going to party. Line up heights, stare at the tiniest two, realize that one’s not Nico and…” Maki flipped her hands open.
“Rin could wear platforms. Or…did Nico decide on a costume?”
Maki grimaced, grinding a french fry to pulp, “She won’t listen to reason.”
“She still thinks you want to go with Eli?”
Maki hesitated. “Not really. But she got really mad when I suggested she could go as Frankie.”
Rin giggled. “You could have said Bond.”
“That would have made it worse.”
“Nozomi and Eli are coming as Sailor Neptune and Uranus anyway.”
“Yeah, they got Stars. Lucky. What else were we supposed to do with ‘Deadly’?”
“Yeah, that’s tough. You can’t really dress up like a heart attack. Maybe you could be a werewolf attack. Nico likes red. And you could sing about chainsaws: Eat you cooked, eat you raw, I'm going to rip you up like a big chainsaw.”
“Nico’s love for red would not include ‘covered in fake blood,’ Rin.”
“You don’t know if you don’t ask.”
“I do, I really do.” Maki leaned back, smirking. “Plus, my costume looks good, Kotori gave me some tips. Nico will only fake complain that there’s no way I can be hotter than her, but not really mind.”
Rin still had no idea how Nico and Maki worked as a couple, but their friction had sharpened into public flirting that kindled fiercely private contentment. That made her happy for her friends.
“What is Nico coming as?”
“Like you, she won’t say. Just that it’ll be killer.” Maki frowned, “I think Hanayo knows. She and Nico keep giggling on the phone and sending pics back and forth.”
Rin hadn’t noticed. Her head tilted, eyes blinking. Kayo-chin told her everything.
“Don’t go there, Rin. Curiosity killed the cat.”
“Kayo-chin would never hurt me.”
“But she’s keeping a Nico-chan secret.”
Nico-chan would feel hurt, betrayed. It would be Rin’s fault and Nico would be mad at Kayo-chin.
Rin squared her shoulders, “Rin won’t ask.”
Maki's phone pinged, “It’s time to meet them anyway. Nico wants to watch something called “Werewolf By Night” Honoka says Umi passed out during.”
Rin stood up, “People are weird.”
“If Honoka were actually attacked by a werewolf, Umi would chop it in half before it could bite anybody. But on a TV screen…”
Maki chuckled, “Well, I’m glad Umi faints instead of chopping screens in half.”
“But people are weird.”
“Says Fangy with a chainsaw.”
“Don’t even start.”
“Already did.”
“Leaving you behind.”
At that, Rin sprinted off, “Last one there’s a werewolf loser.”
Maki sent Nico a “meet us at the corner instead” text. Rin couldn’t win if she didn’t know where the finish line was.
I love not so serious Maki and Rin conversations. And werewolf-ery, but you probably know that already ; ) Rin and Hanayo's word was "Witchcraft." Any costume guesses?
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marionscriptions · 2 years
HI CAN U DO HANAYO x FEM!READER where they bake together n stuff,, ty in advance!!
꒦꒷ the effort of two. ꒷꒦
DESCRIPTION 𖦹 baking with hanayo!!
CHARACTERS 𖦹 hanayo koizumi, fem!reader, honoka is briefly mentioned
NOTES 𖦹 thank you for the request!! settled on hc's for this after a while.. srry for the delay :')
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𑁍 When you suggested baking during one of your many sleepovers with her, Hanayo was more than happy to assist. Although her specialty was rice, she still thought of baking as fun (despite the fact that she lacked experience).
𑁍 Baking allowed room for creativity (despite how precise of an activity it was), so it was a great sleepover activity.
"(Name)?" "Yeah?" "What exactly are we baking tonight..?" "...Ah."
𑁍 ...One FaceTime call of consultation with Honoka later, you two settled on baking something relatively simple that Hanayo had the ingredients for already — chocolate chip cookies!
"Ooh, sounds good! (Name)-chan, Hanayo-chan, save some for me and Yukiho~"
𑁍 At first, Hanayo felt nervous that she'd mess up. Precision is key in baking. Despite this, you two manage to get through the making dough part without too many hitches. A success!
𑁍 The smell of cookies fills the kitchen as you both wait in anticipation for the cookies to finish baking.
"Ooh, that smells delicious..." "Right? I think we did good, Hanayo."
𑁍 Once the cookies come out, you two leave them to cool for a little while. To pass the time, Hanayo brings out her backlog of idol DVDs to watch. Watching idol lives with her girlfriend is something that she could never get tired of!
𑁍 Once the cookies cool, you both dig in (setting a few aside for Hanayo's unitmates, of course).
"Woah, you're really good at baking, Hanayo... These are super delicious!" "Really...?" "Yeah, you're amazing!!" (cue Hanayo blushing profusely)
𑁍 In short, baking with her girlfriend is definitely something that Hanayo would love to do \(//∇//)\ Regardless of skill level and expertise, baking is therapeutic (plus rewarding! Both memories in the kitchen and good food are made, after all ♪)
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ryqoshay · 2 years
Unstable World: Kotori's Reception
Flagship: KotoUmi Mentioned Pairing: RinPana Also Staring: Nozomi, Eli (they’re together but it’s not important to the story) Rating: G Words: 680 AU: A war-torn dimension other than our own Time Frame: Sometime before the main story Event: Promptober 2022 Event Source: Idol Fanfic Heaven channel on Discord Prompt: Picnic
Author’s Note: Bonus 2nd entry for Oct 13th
Summary: The Pandæmonium Riders return from a mission to a meal prepared by Kotori
“We’ve arrived.” Nozomi’s voice came over the comm. “Thank you for sailing with us today, Pandæmonium Riders, the crew of the Jardin de Verre looks forward to serving you again soon.”
Several riders chuckled at the first officer’s antics and even Umi couldn’t help smiling.
“Alright everyone.” Umi addressed the flight. “Koizumi is standing by to tend to our dragons and Kotori is waiting for us in the mess hall. Then we have the night and tomorrow off.” Barring any unexpected Paragon activity. She added silently.
The flight departed the ship and made haste toward the dragon roost. All were hungry and tired, dragon and rider alike, and looked forward to a nice meal and some well-earned rest.
It came as no surprise that Rin insisted on staying in the roost with Hanayo. And thankfully, Kotori had anticipated as such and delivered a meal for them to share there.
What did surprise Umi, however, was to see the crew of Eli’s ship filing into the mess hall as the riders walked toward it.
“You really didn’t have to do this.” Umi heard Eli saying as she approached.
“I made plenty.” Kotori replied. “And the more the merrier.”
“It’ll be a tight fit.” The captain said, glancing inside.
“It’s fine.” Kotori chirped merrily. “Oh, welcome back, Umi-chan!” She hopped the short distance toward her wife to give her a greeting hug and kiss.
After far too short a moment, Kotori pulled away and turned to address the rest of the riders behind Umi.
“Please remove your armor before coming in.” The smith instructed. “If it has sustained any damage, please leave it in the designated area so I may repair it tomorrow. For you new members, I repeat, any damage at all, even the smallest scratch or crack is a weak point that could compromise your safety in battle. I make your armor to help ensure you come back safely, and I will maintain it, so it continues to do so.”
Umi smiled as she removed her armor. She loved her wife’s concern for everyone’s safety.
“Now, come eat! Come eat!” Kotori gestured to the door.
Umi breathed deep as she entered. What a wonderful smell. By the gods, she loved her wife’s cooking.
And what a lovely, lively sight. Plates, bowls, and mugs floated overhead, heading to the kitchen to be filled per their guests’ orders, or returning filled. Tongs, ladles, knives and serving forks worked in harmony to fill the tableware as they arrived. Kotori’s enchantments were on full display.
The normal mess crew had apparently been given the night off as well, and were seated at the tables, adding to the tight squeeze to find everyone a spot. It was definitely crowded, and yet Kotori managed to make a military mess hall feel like a cozy family restaurant.
They need a night like this. Umi thought as she watched everyone intermingle, sharing stories of daring battle or memories of home and those they were protecting by their service. And this war-torn world needs more people like her, sources of warmth and comfort amid the cold. She turned her gaze back to her wife.
“So how was the mission?” Kotori asked as the couple set up at the end of a counter. It meant they would have to stand while they ate, but it allowed the enchanter the best view of the area so she could address any issues as needed.
Umi gave a brief description of the assignment and discovery of a new type of Paragon sky ship. “It was definitely no picnic, but at least we all made it back.” She concluded.
“Umi-chan, that’s a wonderful idea!”
“I… beg your pardon?”
“A picnic! That’s what I’ll plan next for the Riders. Oh, I don’t think I’ve created an enchantment that can assemble a sandwich before. I could do some with crusts and some without. Then fry those crusts with cinnamon and sugar…”
Umi contented herself listening to her wife chitter away with plans for her next meal for her flight. What a wonderful reception after a mission.
Author’s Note Continued: Kotori is referred to as both a smith and enchanter here, since she is both. Cooking may not be her primary duty, but as should be obvious, it's still much appreciated when she is able to find time to do so.
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How do the gals cope with that crippling depression?
nico she CURLS UP and CRIES sh e’s got a few scars here and there but she’s TRYING NOT TO DO THA TAGAIN but it’s hard
NOZOMI she’s USED to the sadness she DOESN’t ocp e very well she ONCE learned how to nosoe but she’s NOT GOING THERE
eli she RELIES ON NOZO she ALAYS goes to her noomzmi is her FAOVURITE PERSON
honkers she HONK she HONK into the tissues sh e has her sister to be there fo rher
umi’s BA D at int ern alizing her feelings she LASHES out in AN GER at other people and then get r eal ly upset with her self
kotori she KOOTS she DESTROSY  thing ssh e makes dolls that look like her just so she can TE AR them apart
rin she reLIES on hanyo her BEST buddy pal but even so it can be REALly hard on her and she TRI est o jog it off but it H ARD
hanayo she C REIS she WRI TE s her thoughts down as poe try she a S AD POET
maki she MKAS SH E reso rts to dru gsand alcohol
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raisondetempete · 4 years
Ten Characters Tag
I was somehow tagged by the wonderful @dialovers-translations​???? I’m not worthy of being mentioned by her. Anyways, here’s the post. I am very bad at conveying my opinions so some of the descriptions might be a bit odd.
Rules: make a new post, name 10 of your favorite characters from 10 different fandoms that you like, and then tag 10 people.
1. Hanayo Koizumi (Love Live)
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No offense, but if you didn’t know I loved her, you’re fucking blind. She’s literally my profile picture and header. Anyways, Hanayo is my favorite anime character ever. She and I are very similar in that we’re shy introverts with glasses that love to sing despite having social anxiety. My friends that have watched the show say that we’re basically the same person. In fact, her birthday is 5 days after mine. Her voice is my favorite out of everyone else’s voice in the Love Live series. Her old voice is to die for (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, listen to Love Marginal or Kodoku na Heaven). I could go on about her for hours, but I’ll stop here.
Honorable Mention: Honoka Kousaka
2. Rinko Shirokane (Bang Dream!/Bandori)
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I. Love. Rinko. So. Much. My name in Bandori is “Worship Rinko/Lisa” with one of my banners dedicated to her. Kinda the same reason why I like Hanayo so much, Rinko is similar to me in that we both have social anxiety and can play piano I’m not good at describing this oof. She’s really beautiful and I love her gothic lolita aesthetic. Her voice is also really good (although I prefer Yurika Endo’s voice much more than Kanon Shizaki, her voice is still good)
Honorable Mention: Lisa Imai
3. Reiji Sakamaki (Diabolik Lovers)
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(Fun fact about me: I get really shy looking at characters I think are hot so this was hard for me.) I’m a really kinky person. I’ll be the first to admit it. I’m a huge masochist and am 100% a sub. I also like guys that are smart and formal. So, Reiji is the perfect guy for me. I can’t remember if he was always my favorite character (I watched the anime at least 5 years ago). However, I do know he was my favorite by the time I started reading the game translations (which were about a year and a half ago). Honestly, he can 100/10 tie me up and whip me any day.
Honorable Mentions: Laito Sakamaki, Ayato Sakamaki
4. Saeran Choi/Ray/Unknown (Mystic Messenger)
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So, based off the three aformentioned characters, you can tell I like shy characters and sadistic, dominant characters. Well, Ray is a combination of the two. Although Jumin was my favorite before (that 2nd bad ending yes-), the image above is what sealed the deal. I got almost all his bad endings (could never get the 3rd and my friend was loaning me her account and wanted it back for a bit) and his true ending. The 2nd bad ending was my favorite ending of his route and tied for 1st for my favorite ending in the game (Jumin’s aforementioned 2nd ending is tied with him). I prefer Unknown over Ray as he’s the type of sadist I like (plus, his theme is a bop).
Honorable Mention: Jumin Han
5. Wu Chang/Xie Bi’an and Fan Wujiu/Black and White Guard (Identity V)
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If you been on my blog at all, you know that I love Wu Chang as my header is “Wu Chang is Daddy”. I say this a lot in world chat in-game too. I have a whole folder dedicated to them on my computer. If you had to ask me which one I prefer, I couldn’t answer that question. What I like about Xie (White) is his calm, gentle nature which is perfect for me because I’m really shy and sensitive while Fan (Black)’s nature is aggressive and domineering which I also love.  A fair few of my followers started following me for my Yandere Wu Chang fanfic (link to part 1 if you want to read it) so thanks for that. 
Wu Chang can double penetrate me
Honorable Mentions: Yidhra (Dream Witch), Vera (Chloe) Nair (Perfumer)
6. Vincent Pait (Dead Wishes)
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If you love yanderes and/or games with dark themes, Dead Wishes is for you. I love this game so much and, although I haven’t finished playing yet, I can basically guarantee Vincent is best boi. He’s like Reiji, but instead kidnaps you and chains you up in his house. However, he still does punish the MC a lot. Warning though: the game is not for the faint of heart (I was streaming Vincent’s route for my friends and one of them got so freaked out over a punishment, he banned me from streaming the game and mentioning Vincent).
7. Yuuya Kizami (Corpse Party)
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I’m one of the very few people that like Kizami. Practically everyone else hates him. If I wasn’t a masochistic yandere fucker, I probably wouldn’t like him either. But, you’ve got admit. He’s hot. I find is backstory interesting, as he was always the way he is. Unlike Morishige, the school didn’t change him. Also, another very unpopular opinion, I really dislike Yuka. I find her really annoying. She acts like she’s 8 when she’s 14 or something. Because of this, I didn’t mind her dying.
Honorable Mentions: Sachiko, Seiko Shinohara, Mayu Suzumoto
8. Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji)
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Note: Along with Reiji, I had to work up the courage to search for pictures of him. Sebastian has been one of my favorite anime characters for awhile. I think I watched Kuroshitsuji in 6th grade, so that was awhile ago (I’m not comfortable stating my age). I can’t really describe why I like him so much. He’s just... perfect. He’s a gentleman and incredibly, but is a huge sadist as well which is a huge plus. 
Honorable Mention: Ciel Phantomhive
9. Sal (Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea)
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Ah, yes. The trash himself. Once again, I am in the minority because I like Sal. The rest of the fandom hates him, because he’s an asshole. I love him because a yandere. In fact, he’s one of the few male yanderes listed on the Yandere Wiki. I discovered WATGBS in 8th grade and instantly fell in love with him once he showed his true colours. The possessiveness. The obsession. All things I love in a lover.
Honorable Mention: Wadanohara
10. Aya Drevis (Mad Father)
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Mad Father and Ib were the games that got me into horror. Although I wanted to put Mary from Ib on this list, I like Aya and Mad Father just a bit more. Aya is this cute, adorable girl that, as the game goes on, reveals her dark nature. She frequently killed her rabbits, albeit unknowingly, chainsawed someone in half, and then went on to use humans as parts for dolls. All in all, 10/10 character. Bonus Reason: I adore the aesthetic of Mad Father. I love the use of dolls in games. I love the themes. I love the yandere themes in it (even though it’s platonic). Mad Father is a great game.
Honorable Mentions: Alfred Drevis, Ogre, Dio
I’m not tagging anyone because I’m really antisocial and don’t know many people on here-
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drjingujisclinic · 5 years
Things No One Asked For: Hypmic Boys Government Assigned Love Live Girls
I did this on twitter and I wanna do it here for your amusement. And also because I saw the DV for the Aqours Fifth Live and I’m Still Crying Scoob. Under the Cut because it is LONG
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They’re both the excitable, otaku leader of their group! They’re also both a little reckless and need to be reigned in sometimes, and generally really nice and good people! What they both really want is to see themselves and their friends succeed. 
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Jiro and Ruby are both kind of shy when it comes right down to it. But if you get them on their interests, well, they’re all of a sudden very talkative. Not to mention both of them idolize their older siblings. 
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Definitely, the type to think they’re 100% better than you and that they don’t need friends. But really, they’re actually kind of shy, the grumpy edgy teen attitude is just to keep themselves safe. At the end of the day, both Saburo and Maki just want friends.
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“If you even look at my little sister I swear to god I will stomp you to death with my hooves.” They both seem a little too serious for their own good (or at least, Dia succeeds at it where Samatoki fails) but are really just goobers underneath it all. 
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The only ones with the fucking brain cell, apparently, but definitely prone to losing it on many an occasion. They really have to spend a lot of time reigning in the others, but are just both good, loyal friends. 
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They both are sitting there, making strange food concoctions, and having more money than you. Both the type to crash a helicopter for funsies. While Mari might be a little more expressive than Riou, they’re both definitely adventurous spirits with a heart of gold! 
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y’all got eyes right 
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Both of them are the literate friend. But seriously, both are playful little jokers even though they seem old fashioned. I also don’t trust Gentaro to know how to work technology beyond the typewriter. They seem like shy types, but are 100% about to get in on the antics. 
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Gremlin children who are considered a little weird by their friends, to say the absolute least. Also really going to be teased by everyone else for their habits and nature, even if it goes over their heads. 
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S P I R I T U A L. P U R B L E. At their core, they really want to see everyone around them do their best and do what makes them happy, even if they’re working from behind the scenes. And by working behind the scenes, of course I mean pulling serious strings to get people to do what they think is best. And what they think is best is usually right, anyway. 
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Yellow, dayo! ~ Energetic and have friends that they absolutely need to drag around everywhere. Generally down for most anything and everything, but they have their own fears and doubts that can get in the way sometimes, to say the least. 
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The friend who gets dragged around everywhere. Generally they’re not confident, and have a lot of doubts about themselves. Also they’re both very docile and try to be unassuming. However, both of them have a switch inside that, once flipped, they lose their fucking minds. Let them mcfreakin lose it. 
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cruger2984 · 5 years
Love Live Idols and its Saints - µ's
So here we are again in this edition of the '...And Its Saints' series and now it is the Love Live idols to shine through, so first up is the OGs that is µ's!
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January 17 - Hanayo Koizumi
St. Anthony the Great: Egyptian monk and is known as the Father of Monasticism. For his importance among the Desert Fathers and to all later Christian monasticism, he is also known as the Father of All Monks. There are various legends associating the monk with pigs: one is that he worked as a swineherd during this period. He is the patron of skin diseases, basket makers, gravediggers, and the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy in Rome.
April 19 - Maki Nishikino
Pope St. Leo IX: 152nd successor of St. Peter who is an aristocrat from Germany and a powerful ruler of central Italy while holding the papacy. He is widely considered the most historically significant German pope of the Middle Ages and was instrumental in the precipitation of the Great Schism of 1054, considered the turning point in which the Catholic and Orthodox Churches formally separated.
March 15 - Umi Sonoda
St. Louise de Marillac: French widow and social service worker who is the co-founder of the Daughters of Charity alongside Vincent de Paul. Her major shrine can be found in Rue du Bac in Paris, and is the patron saint of widows, social workers and the Vincentian Service Corps.
June 9 - Nozomi Tojo
St. Columba: Irish abbot and evangelist who is known for his monicker, 'the Apostle to the Picts'. At the beginning of the Hiberno-Scottish mission, he is credited with spreading Christianity in what is today Scotland. In addition for being one of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland along with Saint Brendan, his major shrine can be found in Iona, Scotland.
July 22 - Nico Yazawa
St. Mary Magdalene: One of the most prominent figures in Christianity and, according to the four canonical gospels, traveled with Jesus as one of his followers and was a witness to his crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. Mary is mentioned by name twelve times in the canonical gospels, more than most of the apostles. Mary Magdalene is known in many Christian traditions as the ‘Apostle to the Apostles’. All four of the canonical Gospels  identify her, either alone or as a member of a larger group of women, as the first witness to the empty tomb, and the first to testify to Christ’s resurrection. She is the patron of penitent sinners and converts.
August 3 - Honoka Kosaka
St. Lydia of Thyatira: A holy woman who is mentioned in the New Testament, and is regarded as the first documented convert to Christianity in Europe. Her appearance can be found in the 16th chapter of Acts (verses 14 and 15).
September 12 - Kotori Minami
The Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary: This Marian feast day is an optional memorial celebrated in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church and it has been a universal Roman Rite feast since 1684, when Pope Innocent XI included it in the General Roman Calendar to commemorate the victory at the Battle of Vienna in 1683. Promoters of veneration of the Holy Name of Mary including Anthony of Padua, Bernard of Clairvaux and Alphonsus Liguori. Its objective is to commemorate all the privileges bestowed upon Mary by God and all the graces received through her intercession and mediation.
October 21 - Eli Ayase
St. Ursula: Her name stands for 'little female bear', and is a martyr who died in 383 AD. Her major shrine can be found in Cologne, Germany, and is the patron saint of Cologne and Binangonan, Rizal Province in the Philippines.
November 1 - Rin Hoshizora
Solemnity of All Saints: Also known as 'All Saints' Day' or 'All Hallows' Day', it is a celebrated event in honor of all the saints, known and unknown. The Christian celebration of All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day stems from a belief that there is a powerful spiritual bond between those in heaven (the 'Church triumphant'), and the living (the 'Church militant'). In Catholic theology, the day commemorates all those who have attained the beatific vision in Heaven. There are so many customs during the event, including in Europe, Mexico (as Día de Muertos) and the Philippines (as Araw ng mga Patay/Undás).
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Finally, the idolfest has happened! Has been an incredible experience, with all the obstacles and negative feelings, the fear and the nervousness, that I had the previous days and weeks. It was the first time that I presented myself alone to a contest, and my friends have supported me very much. Enjoy every second on the stage, and I could have a performance without fail! The audience and the judges were great and very dedicated, and all the other participants of the contest were simply wonderful and very warm to me, they gave me lots of encouragement, and they danced with me from below the stage! I would repeat the experience without hesitation! Besides, although I had no intention of winning anything, I just wanted to dance, they gave me a special mention, and it was a very beautiful and special moment for me! I had to hold back the tears very hard. THANK YOU TO ALL THAT YOU HAD DONE IT POSSIBLE!
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(( I am so sorry that I went kind of MIA for a bit. My vision issues and work took over tenfold, but are calming down again.
I was tagged by @kevinofdesertbluffsposts to do this. I am sorry it took so long.
Rules: Answer 21 questions, then tag 21 people who you want to know better.
1) Nickname: My name is Varian, but my coworkers and friends call me V.
2) Zodiac: Gemini
3) Height: 5' 2"
4) Lucky Number: 3 or 13
5) Last Movie I Saw: Bird Box
6) Last Thing I Googled: Hanayo Koizumi
7) Favorite Musician(s): Honestly, I really don't have one. My music taste is all over the place.
8) Favorite Song(s): Pretty much anything in the Firebringer Musical
9) Song Stuck In My Head: Ready As I'll Ever Be from Tangled: The Series
10) Other Blogs: I have 2, but, prefer not to mention them because one's more an Archive and the other is the one I use to talk to a few friends.
11) Do I get Asks?: Due to my blog being fairly new, and the vision issues I've been having, I do not. But, I'd love to get some and answer them!
12) Blogs Following: 28
13) Amount of Sleep: Either 30 Minutes or 15 hours. There is no in between.
14) What I'm Wearing: The shirt Larry wears in the game Sally Face, plaid boxers and fuzzy socks
15) Dream Job: My own business, working with animals, as either a day care, kind of thing or a grooming/training center.
16) Dream Trip: To visit all the friends I cannot see on a daily basis for at least a week each.
17) Favorite Food: Anything that is based with potatoes
18) Instruments I play: I do not play anything, but I own a Ukelele, A keyboard, and a guitar, that I am trying to learn.
19) Languages I know: English, But I took 3 years of Spanish and 1 year of French in High School
20) Random Fact: I am thinking about maybe incorporating cosplay into this blog, if I can bring all the materials together. If anyone has thoughts, I would appreciate your input!
21) Describe Yourself in Aesthetic Things: Pastel, Black and Gold.
Tagging: I honestly cannot definitively say that I know 21 people right off the top of my head, that A) Know of this blog, or B) Have not already been tagged.
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💕 Your two top fave fictional characters: Oh god, pick the hardest one why dont you? ekfverjfvrh im kidding, but fuck... I guess, right now, its Kirishima Eijirou and Ouma Kokichi! Its so hard to pick tbh! Honerable mentions go to Crona from soul eater, Chihiro Fujisaki, aaaand Hanayo Koizumi!
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lonelypond · 5 years
Au Yeah August, #WTF Wedding
Love Live, NicoMaki, 2K
Summary: Nico Ni has a late flight, a concert to make, and Nishikino Maki TWIG stalking her. How's your day?
#WTF Wedding
Frank Kamura @franklythebeast 3:54 p.m. Flight landed. SO LATE. Will be so glad to not be on a plane with #NicoNi #whatanass
Nishikino Maki @TheNishikino 3:55 p.m. #Whatanass #Thatswhatshesaid #Imeanmesaid #lastFriday @NicoNi
The NicoNi @NicoNi 3:55 p.m. @THeNishikino @franklythebeast No
Nishikino Maki @TheNishikino 3:56 p.m. @NicoNi @franklythebeast That’s not what she said ; )
The Nico Ni @NicoNi 3:57 p.m. @TheNishikino @franklythebeast Think of the children
Nishikino Maki @THeNishikino 3:58 p.m. @NicoNi @franklythebeast I am ; )
Frank Kamura @franklythebeast 3:57 p.m. @NicoNi @TheNishikino UNTAG ME
The Nico Ni @NIcoNi 3:58 p.m. @TheNishikino @franklythebeast I can’t believe I agreed to this
Nishikino Maki @TheNishikino 3:58 p.m. @NicoNi @franklythebeast It’ll never be the same after today
Frank Kamura @franklythebeast 3:58 p.m. #NicoNi and #MakiNishikino are breaking up in my mentions and I CAN’T GET THEM TO UNTAG ME. Is this hell? Did my plane actually break apart over the Pacific.
DM @NicoNi to @TheNishikino 3:59 p.m. You are LITERALLY a TERRIBLE PERSON.
DM: @TheNishikino to @NicoNi 4:00 p.m. I am LITERALLY a TALL person. Anecdotally, I’m terrible. According to toi ; P
DM: @NicoNi to @TheNishikino 4:03 p.m. (▼-▼*)
DM: @TheNishikino to @NicoNi 4:05 p.m. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
DM: @TheNishikino to @NicoNi 4:08 p.m. I can’t wait to see you. Glad your flight finally landed (๛ ˘ ³˘)۶
DM: @NicoNi to @TheNishikino 4:09 p.m. Nico is glad too. Stay out of trouble ‘til I get there (◦˘ З(◦’ںˉ◦)♡
DM: @TheNishikino to @NicoNi 4:10 p.m. No promises; better hurry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sonia Alvez @senoritaseeker 4:20 p.m. #MakiNishikino is here at #OharaOceanView and boi, she is H O T  A S  F U C K #thatdress #fire
Adara @darkandfullofwonder 4:22 p.m. I no longer identify as a bisexual I AM A NISHIKINOSEXUAL #thatdress #MakiNishikino #waitaretheybreakingup @franklythebeast do you know?
@franklythebeast has blocked @NicoNi @TheNishikino @darkandfullofwonder 4:23 p.m.
Adara @darkandfullofwonder 4:24 p.m. Wait, that’s a NishikinoYESsexual #MakiNishikino #thatdress
The Nico Ni @NicoNi 4:25 p.m. Me too. Nico commends your taste. @ me a snap, please and thank you.
Mr. Buchanon @buckleupbilly69 4:27 p.m. #NicoNi just kicked the side of a plane. WHO DOES THAT?
DM: @ayasesan to @NicoNi @NozyItAll 4:29 p.m. We’re waiting.
DM: @NicoNi to @ayasesan @NozyItAll 4:30 p.m. Nico LITERALLY just got off the plane. ANd change your fukkin @, Eli, you’re not in high school anymore. #ridiculous
DM: @NozyItAll to @ayasesan @NicoNi @TheNishikino 4:32 p.m. How about gay-ASS-esan? #whatanass
DM: @TheNishikino to @NozyItAll @NicoNi @ayasesan 4:33 pm. That’s Nico’s #hashtag; back off (ง •̀_•́)ง
DM: @ayasesan to @NicoNi @TheNishikino @NozyItAll 4:34 p.m. MAYBE IF YOU PUT YOUR PHONES DOWN, NICO COULD GET HERE FASTER.
MickE Mights @Beoruff 4:35 p.m. #NicoNi just flipped off her phone. #theNishikino is #single #CONFIRMED
Sari Dbuto @drsari 4:36 p.m. Tiny person in front of me in the baggage claim area muttering. Turns out it’s #NicoNi. Something must be up.
Kary @killingitwithcutenezz 4:38 p.m. #MAKINISHIKINO JUST GOT SWARMED BY EVERY GIRL IN THE #OHARAOCEAN LOBBY #somuchscreaming #thatdress
Kenneth Clark Kent @supershirtswami 4:42 p.m. #NicoNi just zoomed out of the Admirals Club; her hat belongs on a Bond villain. Also #sotiny #somanyruffles #sopink
Serena Swift @popmuze201 4:44 p.m. #NicoNi dressed like she’s storming the Alamo or about to wield a light saber in a mariachi band. #somuchpink #wtfruffles
Nishikino Maki @TheNishikino 4:45 pm. @popmuze201 Pics, please.
The Nico Ni @NicoNi 4:46 p.m. @popmuze201 @TheNishikino NO SPOILERS ( ˘ ³˘)❤
Nishikino Maki @TheNishikino 4:47 p.m.
@niconi @Popmuze201 ( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ _ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )
Serena Swift @popmuze201 4:48 p.m. @NicoNi @TheNishikino (*≧▽≦)ノシ))
The Nico Ni @NicoNi 4:50 P.M. Hey frens and fans, it’s a big day for Nico but no pics ‘til later, please. #Itsasurprise #THANKS See you at the concert! #NicoinLALALand
Ty @haircutTRONy 4:52 p.m. Look, internet, here’s a pic of a sampler of the new #neondragonfruit drink. Guess what? Same tiny size, same #WTFPINK as actual #NicoNi
Nishikino Maki @THeNishikino 4:53 p.m. @NicoNi @haircutTRONy #THIRSTY
The Nico Ni @NicoNi 4:54 p.m. @TheNishikino ha! also, YOU’RE KILLING ME.
DM: @ayasesan to @niconi @TheNishikino @NozyItAll 4:58 p.m. Just lost Nozomi to a stranger
DM: @niconi to @ayasesan 4:59 p.m. ?????????
DM: @ayasesan to @niconi 5:01 p.m. Tarot reading; just hurry up.
DM: @ayasesan to @TheNishikino @ NicoNi @NozyItAll 5:05 p.m. Your ^ↀᴥↀ^ friend is weird.
DM: @ayasesan to @TheNishikino @ NicoNi @NozyItAll 5:05 p.m. But nice. Like SUPER nice.
DM: @ayasesan to @TheNishikino @ NicoNi @NozyItAll 5:06 p.m. And cute : D
Ayase Eli @ayasesan 5:08 p.m. Found @NozyItAll; she’s now fascinated by @nyataproblem #HURRYUP #NICONI
Toru Melo @velvetfoghornbooms 5:12 p.m. How can @NicoNi run in pants that tight? @TheNishikino’s not wrong though #WHATANASS
Nishikino Maki @TheNishikino 5:14 p.m. Still #THIRSTY @NicoNi @velvetfoghornbooms
DM: @NicoNi to @TheNishikino 5:18 p.m. I’m trying 。。゛(ノ><)ノ DM: @TheNishikino to @NicoNi 5:19 p.m. I know; I miss you
DM: @NicoNi to @TheNishikino 5:19 p.m. Nico’s all yours after the concert...for weeks Σ(T□T)
DM: @TheNishikino to @NicoNi 5:20 p.m. And the other thing
DM: @NicoNi to @TheNishikino 5:21 p.m. That too (。♥‿♥。)
DM: @TheNishikino to @NicoNi 5:22 p.m. So what are you wearing? Exactly what shade is #WTFPInk?
DM: @TheNishikino to @NicoNi 5:22 p.m. Selfie?
DM: @NicoNi to @TheNishikino 5:23 p.m. You’ll have to wait. It’s a surprise.
DM: @TheNishikino to @NicoNi 5:24 p.m. You have self control?
DM: @NicoNi to @TheNishikino 5:25 p.m. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
DM: @TheNishikino to @NicoNi 5:26 p.m. You won’t after you see this dress (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Jane Jones @barkleynightingale 5:28 p.m. Who wears a #trenchcoat on a bright sunny afternoon? #NicoNi that’s who. And why is it pink? #wtfpink
Dimitra Zar @69MetsNotasexthing 5:30 p.m. #NicoNi is Midas for PINK @barkleynightingale
Jane Jones @barkleynightingale 5:31 p.m @69MetsNOTAsexthing #TRUTH
MJ Parker @noswingingnyc 5:32 p.m. Just clocked #NicoNi zooming through #LAX at #THIRSTY mph. Is #TheNishikino still single?
Lenore C @noravensallowed 5:33 p.m. Just spotted @TheNishikino giggling at her phone in a bar. IS THAT DRESS SEE THROUGH (⋆⁰ ̥̮⁽⁰)(⁰⁾ ̥̮⁰⋆)
Lenore C @noravensallowed 5:35 p.m Her friend is cute. Wonder if I can get her number?
Koizumi Hanayo @DreamsOfRice 5:36 p.m. @noravensallowed No
DM: @NicoNi to @ayasesan 5:37 p.m. Is Nozomi all right? She hasn’t harassed me on TWIG since I landed.
DM: @ayasesan to @NicoNi 5:38 p.m. I took her phone
DM: @ayasesan to @NicoNi 5:38 p.m. You have enough distractions
DM: @NIcoNi to @ayasesan 5:39 p.m. Truth DM me a dress snap
DM: @ayasesan to @NicoNi 5:40 p.m. NO
DM: @NicoNi to @ayasesan 5:46 p.m. Little detour, finding the limo now.
Charlie Chihua @l00bn00b 5:47 p.m. DAYUM!!!! If I were #NicoNi and my girl was in THAT dress in any bar, I’d be going so K K K K K K K KRAZY I couldn’t see straight….oh wait, #NicoNi’s never seen straight (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ω˂̣̣̥)੭ु⁾⁾
Carly Roy @songburger78 5:47 p.m #NICONI SAID FUCK LIKE 8000 TIMES AND IT'S MY NEW RINGTONE
Akpobome Wilsom @69387x 5:47 p.m. Wait, #Latetotheparty but if #TheNishikino is single that means #NicoNi is too @homeyholmes
Irini X @homeyholmes 5:48 p.m #NICONI IS SINGLE? WHERE? @69387x
Doriya @givemeaspear20xx 5:49 p.m. #NicoNi is a goddess. Her driver just helped me with my luggage and she’s dropping me off at my mom’s.
DM: @TheNishikino to @NIcoNi   5:50 p.m. : /
DM: @NicoNi to @TheNishikino    5:51 p.m. Driver’s dropping Nico off first
LouLou @creolechassis 5:55 p.m. Just saw #MakiNishikino on the beach, kicking sand. Is she in town for the #NicoNi concert? I thought they were over?
Jayme Lunce @jazzbanglejangle 5:57 p.m. @creolechassis #NIcoNi’s been in a slump since the #IMAincident. Why couldn’t #TheNishikino stick to models. Music needs Nico Ni.
FKM @hispeedhorror 5:58 p.m. @creolechassis @jazzbanglejangle PHOTOGRAPHY NEEDS #NICONI TO LEAVE #MAKINISHIKINO ALONE
Lenore C @noravensallowed 6:02 p.m. OMG Sonoda Umi just walked into the lobby of the #OharaOceanView with both her girlfriends #TeamPoly
Bobbi Brightwing @LAstylesnaps 6:04 p.m. Minami Kotori sighting that dress is goassamer and seafoam and bliss wait is #TheNishikino’s dress a #Minami original #mindblown
Ty @haircutTRONy 6:05 p.m. ALL DAY, all day dudes, saw NOTHING but P I N K
Fuck #niconi #myeyeshurt
Macy Bordeaux @pourme2others 6:06 pm. Forgot about the #NicoNi concert tonight. Probably why every plane was late. #NIcoInLALALAND
Ahmed J @immahustle334 6:10 p.m My Tarot card reader was some kind of minister; doing a wedding tonight. Is that lucky?
Maria Tran @mebeachallday 6:15 p.m. Kicked us off the beach for some wedding #EatTheRich
Dusty Dawn @theywereUNDERSEAroommates 6:22 p.m This tiny tiny pink puff is marrying a redhead in a SEE THROUGH dress #WTFPink #hot
Mel radio silence just surf Mazz @20thCenturySurf 6:23 p.m. @theywereUNDERSEAroomates WHO NEEDS X-RAY VISION I NEED BINOCULARS
Lenore C @noravensallowed 6:35 P.M. #MakiNishikino just dropped to her knees in the sand and #NicoNi is drying her tears. #soromantic
It’s like a scene in a movie #swoon #NicoNishikinoWedding
Mel radio silence just surf @20thCenturySurf 6:40 p.m. DAM DUDE I JUST WANT TO SURF gO haVe sEx aLrEAdY #NicoNi #Imeanthatdress
Qu Teen @binowbaby 6:48 p.m. FREE THE BEACH #NICONI
Hoshizora Rin @nyataproblem 6:58 p.m. I bet I can eat a whole tier #weddingcake #YazawaNishikino
Kosaka Honoka @gingerbakernodrums 7 p.m. @nyataproblem I can do 2
Hoshizora Rin @nyataproblem 7:02 p.m. @gingerbakernodrums shotgun bottom tier
Sonoda Umi @oceanverse 7:03 p.m. @nyataproblem @gingerbakernodrums No. I will not repeat myself.
DM: @NicoNi to @TheNishikino 7:05 p.m. You stole my hat
DM: @TheNishikino to @NicoNi 7:06 p.m. And your heart ; )
DM: @NicoNi to @TheNishikino 7:07 p.m. And my habit of starting concerts on time
DM: @MrsNicoNi to @NicoNi 7:08 p.m. And your name ; )
SoOp McCoop @MrsNicoNi 5:30 p.m. So @TheNishikino just offered me 5K for my Twig handle #bitch
SoOp McCoOp @5Kaintchumpchange 5:35 p.m. ...ok so I took the cash…guess I’ll donate a transpizza
Kiss O Me Nico Ni @MyPlaylistSlays 9:18 p.m. where #THEFUCK is #NICONI…#NicoInLaLaLand should have started 2 hours ago
Raj @mistermarple 10:42 p.m. Who buys pizza for a whole stadium and then sings an acoustic set while her wife plays piano in the rain? #NICONI that’s who #LEGEND #NicoInLaLaLand
Didi Daro @NicoKnowzBetter 10:48 p.m. Spotted #MinamiKotori backstage with @gingerbakernodrums Is #NicoNi getting new costumes cause #wtfPink suit
Elle Woodie @allfluffnofuss @11:52 p.m. @NicoNi @MrsNicoNi Happy Honeymooning!!! Thanks for the selfie ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡ #socute #sopink #soperfect
Tojo Nozomi @NozyItAll 11:54 p.m. #NICONI PARTY IS OVER
Nishikino Maki @MrsNicoNi 11:55 p.m. Damn Right Tojo Nozomi @NozyItAll 11:54 p.m. #NICONI PARTY IS OVER
Frank Kamura @franklythebeast 12:01 a.m. Back on flight So is #NicoNi #killmenow #sheissinging #AGAIN
DM: @NicoNi to @MrsNicoNi #NicoNi Party is private ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ) #thatdress
DM: @MrsNicoNi to NicoNi Damn right(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
A/N: That was fun. Have one more AU Yeah August request but that's on September's to do list because I want to finish 'Can't Get Started' and get back into werewolf mode. Actually visited the ocean and my family and had fun hanging out with siblings and nieces and nephews. Hope your summer is finishing well. Take care!
Also, this is actually the first NicoMaki wedding I've ever written. So what'd you think? #thatdress
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ryqoshay · 3 years
Putting on Hairs: Monster Manual
Summary: Short descriptions of the monster types of each girl and the role they play in the theater or in association with it. Warning: This Manual may contain ***SPOILERS*** for characters not yet mentioned or explored or for scenes that have not yet been written, though I will try to keep things limited to what has been revealed.
This chapter also may end up being edited. A lot. This whole thing is a work in progress, so unrevealed or unexplored characters may have their monster types or roles, or both, changed if a better idea presents itself.
Name: Yazawa Nico Race: Weredog Werewolf Role: Star of Putting on Hairs Background: Inspired to be an actress by her father, who wanted her to share her smile with the world. She has been acting pretty much as long as she has been able to talk. She had many lead roles back in high school and college, but was unable to land one upon becoming a professional, despite her popularity with both critics and general audiences. She earned enough to hire an old high school friend, Nozomi, to be her agent. It was Nozomi that found a newly opened theater willing to give Nico her first shot at stardom on the professional stage.
Name: Nishikino Maki Race: Salamander Role: Costar of Putting on Hairs Background: Maki was born into a family of famous and wealthy movie stars. However, she grew up falling in love with live theater, instead of the silver screen. Still, she obeyed her parents' wishes and became a child star in a television series and appeared in many commercials afterward. After college, she manged to persuade her parents to let her try performing in live theater and they made the connections that landed her costar role alongside the rising star, Nico.
Name: SakurauchiRiko Race: Demon, formerly of Amdusias' legion Role: Pianist in the orchestra Background: Fearing facing an eternity of playing the cacophonous music of Hell, Riko fled to Earth in an attempt to find something else. She was quickly drawn to the piano and was able to earn a meager living playing in bars and other small venues. She applied many other places and was eventually accepted at a newly opened theater.
Name: Tsushima Yoshiko Yohane Race: Angel, Fallen Role: Assistant in the costume department Background: Cast out of heaven and cursed, Yoshiko has spent years trying to find her place in the mortal realm. Somehow, she found herself in Tokyo and stumbled into a kind woman, Kotori, who offered to teach her how to weave her own feathers into garments that could be sold at a premium. When Kotori accepted a position at a theater being opened by her childhood friend, Umi, Yoshiko decided to follow and continue her apprenticeship. Name: Toujou Nozomi Race: ??? Role: Nico's agent Background: Nico's closest friend since high school where they were in the same drama club. They moved in together in college and have lived together since. Nozomi majored in business and began her own talent agency with Nico as her first client.
Name: Minami Kotori Race: Crane Role: Head of costume department Background: Childhood friend of Umi and Honoka. Has always had an affinity toward clothing and design. When Umi started working with Dia to open a theater, Kotori jumped at the chance to make outfits for the cast. She is quite skilled at using her own feathers to imbue exceptional qualities in the clothing she creates and is happy to pass this knowledge to Yoshiko, her assistant. She is also capable of using other materials derived from other beings, e.g. Phobetor's fur or Riko's wings. Favors are her preferred currency, particularly those that will benefit the theater.
Name: Sonoda Umi Race: ??? Role: Co-founder and Co-owner of the Sonoda Kurosawa Theater Background: Childhood friend of Kotori and Honoka. Daughter of the renowned Sonoda family who already have a theater in Tokyo. However, as her elder brother stands to inherit the family theater, she has decided to open one of her own in a different district.
Name: Kousaka Honoka Race: ??? Role: Owner of Kousaka Catering Background: Childhood friend of Kotori and Umi. Took over the family catering business when her parents retired. Happily contracts with Umi's theater as often as possible.
Name: Hoshizora Rin Race: ??? (cat something) Role: Delivery girl at Kousaka Catering Background: Childhood friend, now girlfriend of Hanayo. Happily supports her girlfriend's theater obsession, even if she doesn't share it.
Name: Koizumi Hanayo Race: ??? Role: Cast member Background: Childhood friend, now girlfriend of Rin. Obsessed with theater from a young age, Hanayo has always dreamed of becoming an actress. However, she lacks courage. Rin's encouragement and support were the driving force behind her joining the theater club in high school and eventually earning a degree in acting. It was also Rin's connection with Umi through Honoka that led her to be brought on at the new theater.
Name: Ohara Mari Race: ??? Role: Heiress to the Ohara chain of hotels and patron of the theater Background: Childhood friend of Kanan and Dia. Lost track of her best friends when she moved to the United States to finish high school and then Italy for college. Returned to Japan but was only successful in reuniting with Kanan. Both moved to Tokyo when they heard Dia was opening a theater there. She owns a sizable penthouse apartment near the theater where she lives with Kanan. She leaves a room open for Dia, should she ever wish to accept the offer.
Name: Matsuura Kanan Race: Kraken Role: Owner of a dive shop and driver for Mari Background: Childhood friend of Mari and Dia. Lost track of Mari when she moved to the United States to finish high school and Dia when she moved to Tokyo for college. Reunited with Mari upon her return to Japan and agreed to move to Tokyo with her when they heard Dia was opening a theater there. She lives with Mari in a sizable penthouse apartment. As Mari refuses to charge her rent, she contributes to the household in other ways, like driving for Mari.
Name: Kurosawa Dia Race: ??? Role: Co-founder and Co-owner of the Sonoda Kurosawa Theater Background: Childhood friend of Mari and Kanan. Lost track of Mari when she moved to the United States to finish high school. Then she moved to Tokyo for college and lost track of Kanan. She is not entirely sure how Mari and Kanan learned she was opening a theater, but she is grateful for the generous donations made by Mari. She is also grateful Mari has not attempted to use the donations as leverage in her repeated efforts to get Dia to move in with her and Kanan. As for the theater, she has not openly discussed her reasons for moving to Tokyo instead of staying in Numazu where her family was already established in the industry. Upon opening, she extended an offer of employment to her younger sister, Ruby.
Name: Kurosawa Ruby Race: ??? Role: General staff at the theater Background: Younger sister of Dia. Grew up obsessed with acting, though has never had the courage to try becoming an actress herself. She moved to Tokyo when Dia offered her employment at the theater she was opening. Her best friend, Hanamaru, has suggested trying for a few minor roles, but time will tell if she does so.
Name:Kunikida Hanamaru Race: ??? Role: Theater crew Background: Best friend of Ruby who she met in middle school. Raised in a temple with few modern amenities, she has limited experience with technology. However, the temple did host many events over the years, most of which included some sort of theatrical performace. As such, Hanamaru decided to join Ruby in moving to Tokyo and applied for a position in the crew for Dia's theater.
Name: Emma Verde Race: ??? Role: ??? Background: Born and raised in Switzerland, she moved to Japan to learn more about the country's culture by way of its theater production. At least that is what she would say if asked in a public interview. In private, among those she trusts, she would admit she wanted to learn more about the differences of public perception and acceptance of monsters in Japan compared to the rest of the world.
Notes: So, that's what I have at the moment. I'll keep adding details as they come to me.
As mentioned above, I will attempt to keep this chapter spoiler-free. However, as spoilers personally do not bother me, if the interest is there with my readers, I will put everything I have here, not just the details revealed in the story, up to wherever I have managed to write. This probably will result in more edit notifications, as I will undoubtedly change things, right up to the point of it being used in the story. And I'm not opposed to possible retcons if better ideas come later.
Also, many of the ??? entries are due to me not having assigned that monster type or role to that girl, though some I have assigned, but have not yet revealed. I am still working on filling my spreadsheet and bouncing ideas off several fellow authors.
However, I am more than happy to accept suggestions from my readers as well. Feel free to comment over on AO3 or send a suggestion anonymously here, or message me directly here, on twitter or Discord. If I like the idea or your reasoning, I may end up using it, and as always I will do my best to credit the sources of my inspiration.
Also, the idea doesn't necessarily need to be a perfect fit. Koto's is probably the best fit out of all of them; I really don't think I will end up doing better. WoofNic is shamelessly stolen from daily-nicotine. Krakanan was too funny not to use, though I knew she had to be some sort of sea critter. Maki started as an Ifrit and was changed to salamander because I love the idea of her being smaller than Nico. Riko is a demon to be an opposite to Yohane's angel, but I'm also amused by the contrast between Riko's canon traits and those stereotypically assigned to demons.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 6 years
Danaganronpa / Love Live! AU Chapter 7
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Lb4ikb
chapter 7 of my LL/DR AU! Here is the usual reminder to read the previous chapters first if you haven't already!
Words: 15920, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of The Killing Idol Festival
Fandoms: Love Live! School Idol Project, Love Live! Sunshine!!, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, Multi
Characters: Takami Chika, Watanabe You, Sakurauchi Riko, Kunikida Hanamaru, Kurosawa Ruby, Tsushima Yoshiko, Ohara Mari, Matsuura Kanan, Kurosawa Dia, Kousaka Honoka, Minami Kotori, Sonoda Umi, Hoshizora Rin, Koizumi Hanayo, Nishikino Maki, Yazawa Nico, Toujou Nozomi, Ayase Eli, others mentioned - Character
Relationships: Sakurauchi Riko/Takami Chika/Watanabe You, Nishikino Maki/Yazawa Nico, Ayase Eli/Toujou Nozomi, Matsuura Kanan/Ohara Mari, Kunikida Hanamaru/Tsushima Yoshiko, Kunikida Hanamaru/Kurosawa Ruby, Hoshizora Rin/Koizumi Hanayo, Kousaka Honoka/Minami Kotori/Sonoda Umi
Additional Tags: Crossover, Implied/Referenced Suicide
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Lb4ikb
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mackinmacki · 7 years
Pana of the Month
Rating: T
Word Count: 6243
Summary: Hanayo's getting ready for her first date with hot model Maki by completely panicking. She's just gotta believe in herself, like Kotori tells her... before she falls asleep, anyway.
Pairing: MakiPana, KotoUmi, NozoEli (mentioned)
Notes: A pseudo-sequel to Centerfold. Happy (late) b-day to Hanayo!
Links: (FFN) | (AO3)
"Oh Gods, this is a disaster!" Hanayo tugged nervously on her sleeves, pacing around the living room of her shared apartment in a panic. On the couch, Kotori sat on the middle cushion with a sympathetic but tired expression. She had told Hanayo that she'd help out with her little date problem, but now that the clock had passed midnight, all she wanted to do was flop down on the couch and fall asleep. "Somebody help me!"
"Hanayo dear, I've been helping you for the past three hours now." Maybe these things just seemed easier to her because she'd found the love of her life in high school, so she didn't have to worry about the perils of university dating. At the same time, she was somewhat frustrated that Hanayo had spent nearly three weeks having constant panic attacks over the date that she was soon to go on with Maki. It never seemed to cease, no matter what advice she gave. "Plus all those other hours for the last three weeks. You haven't taken any of my advice."
"I know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Hanayo stopped her pacing, but she didn't look any less nervous. "This is just the scariest day of my life! I can't believe Maki agreed to go on a date with me. The Nishikino Maki! This is awful! I don't have anything special to offer someone like her! She's going to hate me for wasting her time!" The shock of meeting the model she'd been ogling in her less-savory magazines had legitimately caused her to faint. Yet somehow, despite passing out right in front of her, Maki had been totally cool about it. She'd even agreed to go on a date. A date! What mania had possessed her to even ask such a thing? She still didn't know whether to thank Nozomi or try to evict her from their apartment.
"If she felt that you were wasting her time, she wouldn't have agreed to the date." Kotori yawned and laid down on the couch, shutting her eyes. "Just have confidence in yourself, and let her lead. She seems like the kind of person who likes being in control anyway. You're gonna do great, Hanayo. I love you. Knock her dead." She gave Hanayo a thumbs up, quickly slipping into unconsciousness.
"Kotori, don't go to sleep! I still have questions!" It was too late, though. Kotori was already out of it. Sighing, Hanayo lowered herself to the ground and laid back on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. This was absolutely a disaster and a half. Confidence? She'd never met her. If only Nozomi could transfer her some of her spiritual powers. She'd been nervous, which she had admitted, when going to see her former high school crush, and they'd ended up doing... things that she wished she didn't hear. It'd all worked out for her. If only Hanayo could feel the same about her own future...
Her date was tomorrow. Maki had said she'd be there around noon to pick her up, so Hanayo had less than twelve hours now to think about her imminent doom. What did she even know about Maki? Well, she was an insanely hot model, a university student... and she liked tomatoes. Damn, if all she knew about her date was what was in her Playboy bio, she was in trouble. Where was a real life 'get out of jail free' card when she needed it?
She ended up falling asleep on the floor, her entire night filled with troubled dreams. It kept waking her up, but not enough to gain her any energy, so she kept falling back into restless sleep. She dreamed of failed dates, of being mocked and laughed at, and even walking outside without her pants. Her troubled slumber finally ended just as Maki was starting to laugh at her underwear, yellow and adorned with rice balls.
Sitting up with a start, she gasped aloud, feeling like she was covered in a cold sweat. She grabbed the hem of her shorts and pulled them down a bit, breathing a sigh of relief when she realized she wasn't wearing that embarrassing pair of underwear. Then she pulled her phone out to look at the time, and her relief quickly pivoted towards terror: it was five past ten. Maki would be there in less than two hours.
Jumping up, she began babbling desperately as she ran to her room, nearly slamming into the door in her haste. She flung open the door and rushed into her closet, trying to find the clothing that she and Kotori had decided would look the best on her. They had been delicately hung on hangers, but she still nearly missed them regardless. She was about to grab them, but then thought about any potential damage they could take when brought into the bathroom. What if they got wrinkled or wet? That wouldn't do at all.
She didn't like to shower without a change of clothes at the ready. Unlike her roommates, she wasn't all that comfortable walking around in just a towel and showing off to God and country. Desperate times called for desperate measures, though. Hopefully her time-induced panic would outweigh her embarrassment. Or maybe they'd join forces in order to destroy her.
Abandoning her room, she went to the bathroom and pulled the door open, only to be greeted by the shower already being occupied by a very naked Nozomi. Squeaking loudly, she covered her eyes and went bright red. "Nozomi! You left the door unlocked again!"
"Oh, whoops." Nozomi poked her head out of the shower, grinning cheekly. Of course she held no embarrassment from this. The queen of the 'free breast exam' had no need to feel shame. Except when it came to Eli, apparently. "I'm almost done, Panacchi. Unless you want to come join me."
"No no, I'm okay!" She escaped from the bathroom and slammed the door shut, sinking down to the floor. Tears felt like they were going to burst forth and leave her wailing. How was she supposed to do this? She hadn't showered, her hair was a mess, and she was supposed to go on a date with a model. A model! She wanted to die, at least to spare Maki the disappointment.
All the commotion apparently woke Kotori up, as she ambled over to Hanayo and sat down, putting an arm around her shoulder. "Hanayo, it's going to be okay. You worry too much."
"How can I not worry?!" Hanayo whimpered out, tears prickling the corners of her eyes. "I'm going to make a fool of myself and I'll never be able to look at Playboy again! ... Wait, that isn't what I meant."
"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that either." Kotori giggled and gave Hanayo a quick hug. "Just be yourself. That's all you can do. It's what I did with Umi, and that's what Nozomi did with Eli. If it's meant to be, it'll work out. If it doesn't, then she doesn't deserve you anyway." Seeing Hanayo smile, however slightly, made her smile too. "Besides, you have an entire Playboy magazine to look through. There'll be another girl to schlick to."
"Articles, Kotori! Articles!" At that moment, the bathroom door opened, and Nozomi looked down at them in nothing but a towel. Kotori lazily looked up, while Hanayo did her best to look at anything else.
"Alright, you can use the shower now, Panacchi! Oh, is Kotori joining you too?"
Hanayo had eventually gotten ready for her date. She'd showered and endured the embarrassment of having to hurry over to her room in just a towel, with Nozomi querying if she wanted a picture taken to use 'for Maki in the future'. She'd gotten changed into her carefully chosen outfit, and then she'd spent ten minutes standing by the door, staring through the peephole. Her hands were shaking and there was sweat forming on her forehead. She was going to kill herself with worry before Maki even got there.
"Remember what I said, Hanayo. Just be yourself, and it'll be fine." Kotori came over and patted Hanayo's shoulder, smiling at her. "It'll be fine." She got Hanayo to smile again, until there was a knock on the door. Hanayo nearly jumped right out of her shoes, rendering Kotori's assurances useless. She looked like her entire body had obtained primo rigor mortis, leaving her incapable of opening the door. "Pull it together, Hanayo!" she whispered, staring right into Hanayo's eyes.
"I-I can't open the door, Kotori..."
"Yes you can! You want this date. You got this date. Show Maki what a Koizumi is made of!"
"Rice and fear..."
"Except for those things." At that point, Hanayo's nerves worked towards her opening the door, since she began internally panicking about Maki waiting out there forever, wondering what was going on. Swallowing her sickening shyness, she unlocked the door and opened it. It was indeed Maki standing there, looking ridiculously good in what was likely an expensive outfit. Hanayo immediately felt underdressed and lesser in comparison.
"Good afternoon, Hanayo. You look very nice today." Did she? Hanayo was sure that wasn't the case. Compared to Maki, she was an absolute troglodyte. She was unworthy to stand in that radiant light. Maki's attention then turned to Kotori. "And you must be... Ah, I'm blanking on your name." She snapped her fingers, trying to recall Kotori's name. "Eli said you sleep a lot."
"Or you can just call me Kotori." She didn't seem offended, though. Smiling softly, she waved in Maki's direction. "I hope you'll be taking care of our little Hanayo." That made Hanayo blush, looking over at Kotori with an almost offended expression. That sort of 'Mommm, don't embarrass me!' look.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of her." Maki smiled back, then gazed between their shoulders. "Is Nozomi here?"
"She left not that long ago. I think she was going to visit Eli," Kotori responded.
"Oh good. Guess I won't be going back to the apartment tonight." Maki rolled her eyes and offered her hand to Hanayo. "Well? Shall we go?" Hanayo stared at Maki's hand like she was being offered the holy grail. Eventually she realized how much of a goober she looked like, and she tentatively took her hand. Maki smiled at her, which made her feel a little reassured. Then the two of them began to walk away from the apartment and towards the parking lot.
"Have fun! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Kotori called out cheerfully.
"That's a lot of things we can do, then!" Maki shot back, making Kotori wonder if that was some sort of quip, or if Maki actually knew about her bedroom habits. Nozomi better not have snitched on her...
Hanayo was flabbergasted when they got into the parking lot and she saw Maki's car. She should have expected to see something so fancy: a bright red sports car, looking so out of place among all the normal cars around it. She'd never been in a car like that, though, so she felt she had to be extra careful not to damage anything. She'd never opened a door that carefully in her life, and when she sat down, she kept her feet up in the air, lest the dirt she'd accumulated on her soles sully the beautiful interior.
"Are you ready to go?" Maki looked over at her, and Hanayo felt like she was being scrutinized. Maybe it was just a natural look for those lovely eyes. "I hope it's alright that I picked where we're going on our date, since you're the one who asked me out."
"It's alright. I liked your idea." Truth be told, Hanayo had actually been dreading coming up with a place to go on their date. First and foremost, she didn't have a car: her roommates or public transit was how she got around. Having Kotori be their driver would've been so awkward. As for where they'd go on their date, she'd been obsessing over the perfect place every day until Maki brought up her own suggestion. Was a movie and dinner too cliche? Was a concert too big - and too expensive - for a first date? She hadn't said it, but she was wholly relieved when Maki had stepped up to the plate.
Maki's idea brought forth a new set of anxieties, though. She'd never gotten a professional massage before. Apparently Maki had thought she needed something 'relaxing' due to her fainting spell, though she had a feeling that anything involving the two of them in the same room wearing just towels was not going to help her relax. That was just a guess, though. A very educated guess.
She didn't understand how Maki could be so comfortable with strangers putting their hands all over her. It made her want to panic, and they hadn't even gotten there yet. What if their masseuses started judging her for her appearance? She wasn't exactly Japan's next top model or anything. And what about those 'happy endings' she kept reading about online? Were they really going to... do that to her? In front of Maki? She would not be happy, rest assured!
"Are you alright? You've been pretty quiet." Maki's voice broke her from her thoughts. She looked over, suddenly captivated by Maki's immense beauty. She just looked so damn good. Like an unfair amount of beauty. She was wearing a sweet pair of sunglasses, even though it was overcast outside. She really could be the poster girl for 'too cool to care'.
"S-Sorry, I was just... thinking about the massage." Now that she wasn't wrapped up in her thoughts, she was also now aware of how fast they were going. Maki was really booking it to the parlor. Hopefully they didn't die in a fiery explosion, though maybe that wouldn't be so bad. She wouldn't have a chance to embarrass herself any more on their date if that was the case.
"It's your first time getting one, isn't it?" Hanayo nodded slowly. "That's alright. I think you'll enjoy it. They're very relaxing." Showcasing her own relaxation, Maki leaned back against her seat, leaving one hand on the wheel and Hanayo on edge. "I like to come here and get one every so often."
"Are you stressed often?" She hoped that wasn't too personal, but Maki didn't seem to mind.
"Sometimes. Being a model isn't all fun and games. There's a lot of different personalities you have to deal with." Maki huffed, and even with her sunglasses on, Hanayo felt like she could feel Maki rolling her eyes. "And I dislike all of them. I wish I could just... pop off their heads like cherries." She stretched out her arm and made a 'popping' motion with her fingers, which made Hanayo laugh. It was sort of violent, but it showed a different side of Maki than the cool and caustic girl she'd seen so far. Though maybe it still fell under that 'caustic' part.
"What about Eli? You two are friends, right?"
"Yeah, she's the one I can tolerate the most. We just kind of... click, I guess. I'm not sure how to explain it, but we're friends. You always need one person to watch your back." There was a lot to the model industry that Hanayo was unaware of. It cast her Playboys in a completely new light. "Well, we're almost there." They were? Hanayo looked out the window and saw the massage parlor Maki had told her about. They really were there. Apparently the speed limit was just a suggestion for Maki.
Maki parked the car and both of them got out, with Hanayo looking up at the sign nervously. She wasn't prepared for this, but there really was no way to be truly prepared. Hopefully she wouldn't say or do anything stupid and make Maki regret the entire day. Taking a deep breath, she followed Maki into the building, taking everything in. It had a very nice-looking atmosphere, with marble-white fountains and pillars. She had a feeling something like this was way out of her price range. Hopefully her wallet could take the critical hit.
"Ah, Miss Nishikino. So glad to see you again." The woman at the front desk smiled as they approached, looking from Maki to Hanayo. "And you've brought a friend."
"This is Hanayo. She's my date." Hanayo waved shyly, blushing at Maki out and out saying they were on a date. The woman seemed surprised, but bounced back chipper as ever
"Well isn't that just sweet? Will you be having your usual today?" Maki nodded, and the woman gestured towards the hallway to their left. "You two will be in room ten. Your masseuses will be with you shortly." Both of them thanked her, then walked down the hall, with Hanayo following Maki. Her nervousness was increasing exponentially with each step they took towards the room. Everything looked so grand... She was way out of her element. Would Maki realize she was so out of place? She admittedly knew little about her. Maybe she really wanted someone who was more like her.
When they entered the room, Maki immediately started walking towards another door. "Over here's the changing room. There are hangers in there for your clothes, so just leave them there." Maki opened the door and walked inside, shutting it behind her before Hanayo could get a good view of what was inside. Now she was left alone and nervous. This really was happening. She was really going to go in there and walk back out in just a towel. This was the most intimate thing she had ever done that didn't include Nozomi and a bottle of scotch.
When Maki came out, she forgot about being nervous, or where she was. Try as she might, she couldn't stop herself from drinking in every gorgeous inch of Maki, wrapped so snugly and so perfectly in a fluffy white towel. It was like a shot from a modeling job come to life, but without the cameras. There was nothing but them, lavender-scented candles, and two intimidating-looking tables that they were supposed to be laying down on. She really hoped she wasn't completely obvious with her ogling, but she had a feeling that hope was for naught.
Tentatively she walked over to Maki, trying not to think about the way her breasts pushed teasingly against the towel. Maki stepped to the side, and Hanayo walked into the room, slowly closing the door behind her. She took another deep breath, trying to relax herself. There were quite a few hangers dangling from two long bars and a chair, but that was all there was in the room. She stripped herself down to her bra and panties, figuring she could at least keep those on. It'd be even worse if she couldn't.
She carefully folded her clothing, not wanting to get any wrinkles on her good outfit. Even in a room by herself, she felt hopelessly exposed. Probably because Maki was just outside the door. She grabbed her own towel and wrapped it around her body, but then she noticed Maki's clothes hanging impeccably. Curious, and with no way for Maki to know, she walked over and took a look.
Just as she expected, her clothing had the logos of rather expensive brands, confirming Maki's tastes. Her eyes then traveled from her dress to the next hanger, her breath catching in her throat. There shouldn't have been another hanger needed: not with Maki having worn just a dress. Alas, there was, and Hanayo's breath came back in short, rapid bursts when she saw red panties and a matching bra hanging there.
Her first thought was not as pure as she hoped. Then again, it wasn't easy to remain innocent when she could just grab and sniff the panties of the hot model she'd been crushing on. She was not going to do it, but it was tempting... Wow, she really shouldn't be thinking like that. Bad thoughts, bad thoughts. She had to switch over the other bad thoughts: that Maki wasn't wearing any underwear. It would've been totally called for if she started screaming.
They were actually supposed to get naked? Like, completely naked? Hanayo looked down at herself and felt lots of embarrassment and body issues all at once. Maybe she didn't have to. Would they even notice underneath the towel? Ah, but if they did, would they tell her she needed to remove it? They'd say that out loud, in front of Maki. Maybe that 'dinner and a movie' cliche would've been a better choice. No, it absolutely would've been a better choice.
Sighing in resignation, she dropped her towel so that she could remove her bra and panties, feeling even more exposed than before as she hung the garments up. Even her underwear was less fancy than Maki's. Did it mean something that she was dressed to the nines even beneath her dress? If she thought about that anymore, she would certainly pass out in the dressing room, and she had locked it, so she wouldn't be saved until it was too late. Wait, how long had she been deliberating on this?
Hurriedly, she grabbed her towel and wrapped it tightly around herself, making sure to tie it properly so it wouldn't accidentally fall off. Then she opened the door, seeing that there were two new people in the room, along with Maki. They must've been the masseuses. She really had taken a long time... Maki smirked slightly when she saw Hanayo. "I thought you might have passed out again."
"S-Sorry," she whimpered, shutting the door and looking around awkwardly. She didn't know if she was supposed to go lay down on the tables or wait to be instructed by the masseuses. Was there a certain table she was supposed to lay on, or did it not matter? This was one hell of a first date. "Uh..."
"Just lay down on whichever table you want. They'll do the rest." Maki's smirk turned into an easy smile, and Hanayo felt slightly more at ease. Slightly. She nodded and walked slowly towards the tables, not wanting to take any risks that would make her towel fall off. She decided to take the table closest to her, lifting herself onto it in an awkward way. This time she was trying to avoid any accidental flashing. This was a lot more work than she expected.
In the table was a hole, which she figured was where she was supposed to rest her face. She laid her arms at her side and put her face into the hole, staring down at the ground. It was basically spotless, like they had just cleaned it before they came in. Though there wasn't anything to look at now except for the floor, which was kind of boring. If only they had put a TV down there or something.
She couldn't hear anything outside of her own breathing, so she wasn't sure if Maki had laid down or not. When she felt the masseuse's hands press into her back, she had to assume that Maki was lying down and getting the same treatment. It felt... well, it felt good. She let out an unintentional groan of satisfaction, which got a chuckle out of Maki. Yup, she was lying down.
"It feels good, doesn't it?"
"Yeah..." It really did. Her masseuse really had magic hands. She could feel a lot of tension she didn't even realize she had washing away just like that. She wondered if she was supposed to make conversation while they were like this. All she could see was the floor, which made conversing a bit awkward. She didn't want to seem disinterested, though. What was she supposed to do?
"Is this the first date you've been on?" Maki once again took the charge with some straight-to-the-point questions. She didn't want to lie, but would it make her seem lame and inexperienced if she said she hadn't? Well, it was probably bad if she had to start lying on the first date...
"I guess this must be an odd first date, then." She laughed, and Hanayo wished she could see her face, because it must've been beautiful. "I'm not much of a movie buff. This is more my speed. Modeling takes enough of my energy already." So she liked her life slow paced, then? Thank goodness. Hanayo's life was a glacier. "And don't worry, our date is on me."
"A-Are you sure?"
"Of course. I just got paid, so it's no problem." Well, at least her wallet wouldn't vanish from existence. She still felt somewhat bad that she wasn't contributing. She could pay for the next date... if there was one, anyway. It wasn't good to assume that kind of stuff.
"Have... Have you been on any dates?" She normally wouldn't have asked that question, but the massage was starting to feel really good. Her body was becoming more and more relaxed, which loosened her tongue a bit as well. She was sure that Maki had gone on plenty of dates before, but the question just slipped out. If only her masseuse's hands didn't feel so good against her neck. Maki took a moment before answering.
"I've been on a couple of dates, yes. They were when I first started university, though. They..." She paused, leaving Hanayo hanging. She couldn't see Maki's face, so she didn't know what was going on. "They just didn't work out. So I don't go around looking for dates or anything." There was something in the pauses that gave Hanayo pause. She felt like Maki was holding information back, but she wasn't sure what it was. It obviously had to do with these dates, but she didn't want to pry. They barely knew each other.
The rest of the massage went well. She felt very relaxed when it was all said and done, and there wasn't even one of those 'happy endings' to freak her out. When they were done, they both went into the changing room - separately - to put their clothes back on, then Maki tipped the two masseuses. After that, they were out the door and heading out of the building. It was when they almost left that Hanayo remembered they were supposed to pay for the massage in general.
"Maki, aren't we supposed to pay for this?"
"It already is. They have my credit card on file."
"I have a lot of stress in my life."
"Would you like to go stargazing with me?" That question would have been surprising enough for Hanayo, since she was sure that the massage would be their entire date. What was more surprising was that it came out of the blue as Maki was driving Hanayo home. They were about halfway there when it was asked, but there were certain signs that Hanayo had gathered that maybe Maki had been deliberating on the question for longer than it seemed. She had noticed looks of concentration on Maki's face when she felt confident enough to look over, and they weren't even going thirty kilometers over the speed limit.
"I... I would love to, but isn't it..." She looked out the window at the clear blue sky. "... a little too early?" Maki chuckled and tapped her fingers on the steering wheel.
"Yes, I know. I can drop you off and then come pick you up when it gets dark." Well, that made sense. Hanayo agreed, and Maki resumed her speeding ways. When they got back to the apartment, they said their goodbyes with the promise of meeting again that night. As she watched Maki drive away, Hanayo began to count all the hours she had left to completely panic about the continuation of their date. She hadn't made a fool of herself yet, but now there was more time for her to do it.
Kotori was surprised to see Hanayo home that early. Probably because she was snuggled up on the couch with Umi and watching TV. "You're home early," she quipped, while Umi looked away in mild embarrassment. "Was she a bitch?"
"Wh-What? No! She's great! We're, uh, going stargazing tonight, that's all."
"Ooh, how romantic!" Kotori squealed happily and pushed off the covers from her lap, running over to give Hanayo a hug. "Sounds like it went well, then!"
"Y-Yeah, it did." Hanayo looked down at the floor, twiddling her thumbs together. "I'm just worried that it's not going to go well..."
"Oh Hanayo... C'mon, come sit down." Kotori took Hanayo's hand and led her to the couch, making her sit down before taking her own spot next to Umi. "Why do you think it won't go well?" Hanayo let out a quiet whine, looking over at Umi. She didn't know how much she wanted to say in front of Kotori's often-elusive girlfriend. Umi just shrugged, so she decided 'eh, might as well'.
"I just feel out of her league still. She's a model, and she's definitely rich. Really, uh, attractive. I don't even know why she agreed to go on a date with me." Those self-deprecating thoughts had plagued Hanayo ever since they'd first agreed to go on a date, and they hadn't ceased just because she couldn't call the first part of their first date a failure. She'd always have time to completely ruin it.
"Well maybe you're what she's looking for. She's probably not interested in dating some rich, skinny as a rail model. If she hangs around them all the time, don't you think she would've gotten with one of them by now?"
"She did say the couple of dates she'd been on hadn't worked out." Kotori's words held some truth. After all, she hung around super hot ladies every working day, but apparently they all annoyed her. There was just Eli, who she 'tolerated', which Hanayo could only assume that was equivocal to friendship, and Eli was dating Nozomi. So maybe that really wasn't her type.
"See? Exactly!" Kotori smiled triumphantly, patting Hanayo on the shoulder. "And think about it. Stargazing is such a romantic thing. Do you think she'd invite you to do that if she didn't want to go on another date?"
"Well, no, but-"
"So there you go! Just keep being yourself, because it sounds like she likes that. Just sit here and watch TV with us. You won't have to worry about messing up the date. Let TV be your distraction. That's fine, right Umi?" Umi again shrugged, leaning back against the couch. Kotori giggled and hugged Umi's arm, giving Hanayo a quick smile before splitting most of her time between the TV and kissing Umi either on the arm or the cheek. Hanayo could specifically hear Umi mutter, "Not in front of your roommate..." but it appeared to be of no avail. She just blushed and pretended it wasn't happening.
Kotori was probably right. Worrying would just make things worse, but it was tough for her not to. She'd been a professional worrier for the longest time. It was hard to just not do it. There was lots of logic in what Kotori had said, though. Maybe her quiet, unmodel-like self was what Maki looked for in a prospective partner. That at least gave her a little bit of confidence. She quietly thanked Kotori by not bringing notice to the fact that she was trying to get frisky with Umi right in front of her. Poor Umi... or maybe poor herself.
She only watched TV with the two lovebirds for an hour before escaping to the comforts of her own room. The next handful of hours were spent worrying, playing Animal Crossing, eating dinner, and having some quality Playboy article reading time. Time seemed to pass rather slowly, and she kept checking her phone as if that would magically speed up time. She didn't know whether she wanted the next part of their date to get there quicker or not get there at all.
Eventually there was a knock on the door, which Hanayo answered without any hesitation this time. She had been standing in front of the door for ten minutes, pacing and tapping her foot anxiously. This time they didn't spend much time standing there and exchanging pleasantries. They said hi, then Hanayo said bye to Kotori and left the apartment. She wasn't even sure Maki had noticed Umi was there.
She wanted to try and start conversations, but she couldn't get herself to speak. This time Maki wasn't speaking much either, and they drove on in relative silence. Hanayo wasn't sure what to make of that, but it made her nervous.
They ended up driving to a forested area, though that wasn't the intended destination. Once they got out of the car, Maki led Hanayo to a hill in front of the forest edge, which they both trekked up. When they got to the top, Maki laid out a blanket she had taken from the backseat and laid down on top of it. Hanayo followed suit, looking up at the night sky. It was a lot clearer out there than from her apartment. The stars were a lot more visible.
"Wow..." Hanayo whispered, looking over at Maki. She was looking up at the stars with an easygoing smile on her face. It was so pure, it stunned her into silence. Then again, she'd been pretty much silent the entire drive over, so it wasn't that hard to get that going.
"The stars are beautiful out here, aren't they?" Maki looked over at Hanayo as well, the two of them making eye contact. "I like to come out here because it's clearer than from my apartment. Too many lights." Hanayo nodded in agreement, having been thinking the same thing. Not that she was much of a stargazer. Maki was the biggest star she'd ever gazed at, and she absolutely would never say that out loud.
They laid out there in silence, but this time it was a more comfortable silence. Or at least it was less uncomfortable. Something like that. Hanayo wished she knew the smooth thing to do. She didn't know the proper protocol for a first date, so she didn't want to do anything that would be uncouth. Maybe she just needed to be quiet and things would work themselves out. She looked over again and found Maki looking at her, which made her squeak in surprise.
"I'm glad that you wanted to come stargazing with me. Eli was never interested in it, so I always came here alone." Her smile held a hint of sadness, which made Hanayo frown. Again, there was something there, but she wasn't sure what it was. "I appreciate it."
"I'm happy you asked me to come. I didn't expect it." She gazed back up at the stars, watching them twinkling in her vision. Overall, this had been really nice. She'd never expected to meet Maki at all. She just figured she'd read her magazines and that was that. So that was surprising enough, but to actually be able to go on a date with her was incredible. It was more than she could've ever imagined, so she finally realized that she needed to calm down and enjoy the moment. The likelihood of them going on another date, or even seeing each other again, was slim. It had taken her way too long to come to that obvious realization. At least she could look back on the day fondly in the future.
She turned to look at Maki again, only to find out that she had closed the gap between them. There was barely enough time to register surprise before she felt warm lips against her own. That sent her mind into overdrive, freezing her in place as Maki's lips left as quickly as they'd come. Maki was staring at her with an intense but curious expression. "Wow..."
"Too soon?" Maki seemed surprisingly unsure for someone who had just kissed her out of the blue.
"Perfect," Hanayo whispered back, slowly regaining the ability to move her body. "So I... guess the date's going well, then?"
"You could say that." Laughing, Maki took Hanayo's hand and held it. "This has been... comforting. I've never been on a date with someone like you. It's been nice." She bit her lip, pausing before speaking again. "I'd like to go on another date with you, if... if you want to."
"Really? You... with me? You want to?" Hanayo realized she was talking like a buffoon, making her shut up real quick. Not trusting herself to say something intelligent, she just nodded vigorously, which brought a big smile to Maki's face. She leaned in and gave Hanayo another kiss, which she had the presence of mind to reciprocate this time.
"Yes, with you. Just being out here with you, I've gotten a good feeling. I'd like to do this again. Maybe we can have that cliche date, if you want." Hanayo giggled, squeezing Maki's hand. She was absolutely elated to hear that Maki had a good time with her. It made her worries wash away, replaced by temporary confidence. She was being asked on a second date! Nozomi and Kotori would never believe it.
"I'd like that." With her temporary confidence, Hanayo leaned over and initiated a kiss with Maki. This was definitely, without a doubt, the best day of her life.
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facts about me I may not have mentioned before
I started drawing when I was 12 out of a desire to draw humanized mlp fanart
my first crush was twilight sparkle when I was 14, I regret this fact but it's true so I won't hide it.
I love collecting miniatures and things like nendoroids!
I had this stupid phase where I would call (particularly anime) lesbian ships "yuri, yuri, yuri" bc I was still feeling awkward about the word lesbian.
My favorite outfit would be a flannel shirt (from the men's department if possible), converse and jeans
my favorite fictional character is hanayo koizumi
I've tried a ton of ADHD medicine and none of them work very well so don't sweat it if it takes a while for medicine to work
for the longest of time I just drew in a general crappy anime style before finding a style I enjoy and fits me
I really like catgirls, it's kinda embarrassing but come on cats and girls in the same concept? that's fucking gold
I really enjoy girly things despite my usual fashion style and the fact i'm non binary, it's hard finding a balance that doesn't keep me from the things I enjoy but doesn't give me dysphoria
my first anime/manga was tokyo mew mew and it's actually really cute?? the manga affected my art style for like a year though I really admired Mia Ikumi's style
despite being almost 18 I still don't have my driver's lisence
I've tried just about every free art program online as well as photoshop, paint tool sai and manga studio, I personally like paint tool sai the best however
when I started drawing all i'd use was crappy copy paper, if you do need cheap doodle paper I do actually recommend copy paper
it took me a long time to get comfortable with the term lesbian?? like my sexuality has confused me a lot but now knowing comp het is a real thing has actually helped a lot
i'm out of facts for now if there's anything else you wanna know shoot me an ask and if this post does well I'll make another soon!
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star-trashinum · 7 years
Too Comfy to Leave
Characters - Maki Nishikino, Hanayo Koizumi
Notes - I'm finally in the mood to write =w=;; I wanted to start of with something small, and @banana-moon-moon suggested something I love, so i decided that I wanted to write about my favourite ship!
Awoken by the harsh noises of her alarm going off, Maki’s face grimaces at the as she attempts to rub the sleep from her eyes. Putting her hands to her sides, Maki tries to push herself up to a sitting position, only to be caught off guard by something resting on top of her. With a small smile, Maki raises the covers to see Hanayo, arms wrapped around her hips, one cheek pressed against Maki’s stomach with a large, goofy grin. Checking the clock, Maki sees that they both have plenty of time before the day was to begin, but by the look of Hanayo’s joyous face, it was going to be hard getting her girlfriend out of bed. “H-Hey, Hanayo, i-it’s time to get up; we gotta get ready for work,” Maki calmly states, slowly shaking the other girl’s shoulder with one of her hands, “I know y-you’re comfy but we gotta make bre-- H-Hey that tickles!!”
Maki’s plea is interrupted by Hanayo cutely nuzzling to Maki’s stomach, peppering it in dozens of quick kisses. “T-Too bad… tummy is too comfy,“ Hanayo mumbles as she wraps her arms around Maki a bit tighter, holding onto her girlfriend like her life depended on it.
“C’mon baby, we gotta make breakfast too,” Maki replies, as she reaches down to run her hands through Hanayo’s hair, “I’ll even make you your favourite chocolate chip waffles if you get up right now.” “O-Oh… well I want extra chocolate chips in mine then,” Hanayo bluntly answers, interrupting her loving caress at the mention of waffles, “B-But before we go… can Maki carry me to the kitchen?; I-I’m still too sleepy to move…” “Gosh, you’re illegally cute sometimes, baby,” Maki admitted, watching as her girlfriend finally got up out of bed, arms outstretched for Maki to pick her up and carry her to the kitchen.
“Now, let’s go and make you some pancakes, Hanayo.”
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