#mentioned zane julian
m00nl1ght-sun25 · 1 year
Heya! I'm the greenflower request sjxnks
I really don't have preference
But you can make something connecting with when they live in Darkley, like, Brad or Lloyd remember something similar happened in their children's
Maybe after the s8, or any season after s8 likee s10 or s15
Ok! :D also i realized like a sentence or two before I finished it that I didn’t really have lloyd sick- i was more focused of hurt/comfort and like darklys and all- im really sorry, if you want I can do a part 2 where it focuses more on lloyd being sick, again i’m really sorry. But i hope you enjoy and also if you do end up disliking this fanfic please tell me and and I can always remake it- so the fanfic will be under the cut and also if you do not know, I am dyslexic so to anyone reading, please don’t be rude or mean if I misspell anything wrong or phrase stuff wrong, you can always politely tell me and I will gladly fix it, please and thank you! :D
Heads up
This is after seabound/season 15
I hc that after nya left lloyd ran away to live with brad in a apartment so that’s where lloyd is :)
This takes place after the burning fate oneshot :P
Trigger warning
Suicidal thoughts
Implied Self harm
Implied and mentioned Child abuse(different parts)
Mentioned Suicide attempt
You and I Drink The Poison From The Same Vile
The rain was falling around Lloyd as he blankly looked over the balcony and into the busy streets on the busy city. He often stood here, just wondering what would happen if he jumped off and ended it all… would anyone miss him? No. No one would. 
He was letting him tired mind wonder in this moment of sorrow. He thought about many things… Nya, The others, His parents, Master Wu… He was thinking about it. How this was all his fault. If he wasn’t the fucking green ninja none of this would’ve happened. Nya would still be here if he wasn’t a shitty leader or friend. 
He wonders how different life would be if he hadn’t gotten kicked out of Darklys… would Nya still be here? Yes. She would. Because then Lloyd likely wouldn’t have become the green ninja and so she wouldn’t of had the sacrifice herself for his stupidity. 
Hair falls in his face but he doesn’t have the strength to move it… he’s so tired and his wrists sting so badly and he’s so fucking tired form being unable to get sleep without having night terrors. But he deserves it, does he not? He doesn’t deserve to be content and happy in life. Not after he was the reason Nya, his (adopted) sister, is gone. 
Everyone probably hates him. Why hasn’t Brad broke up with him? He’s a monster. He killed his own sister. All he does is kill. His father, Harumi, Zane with the overlord, Morro, and… Nya. He could’ve saved all these people or taken their place and things would’ve been so much better. But no, their paying the price. The price he deserves, not them…. Okay maybe Morro does deserve to die… but… Even if he did hurt Lloyd so much, Lloyd still feels sick thinking like how Morro does. 
“You’re going to get sick like this, Lloyd…”
The sudden voice made Lloyd jump and he quickly looked back into the apartment balcony door to see Brad, his boyfriend, give him a worried look… Lloyd still can’t get that look out of his face from when Brad “saved him” from committing. The absolute terror and sadness Brad had in his eyes that day… it as only a couple of weeks ago. Lloyd feels like a absolute dick for making Brad so worried. He’s such a burden for Brad. He should just jump. Maybe this time nothing will be in his way and he would make Brad so much happier.
Lloyd flinches a bit when Brad took Lloyds hand in his. Gently intertwining their fingers and giving Lloyd a soft smile. He gently pulled Lloyd into the apartment and closed the balcony door behind him. Brad pulled Lloyd to the couch, which Lloyd followed him with hollow eyes that kept their gaze on the ground. 
Lloyd didn’t say or do anything as Brad sat him on the couch with a soft but worried expression. Ever since Lloyds last attempt Brad has been even more protective and watchful of Lloyd. 
His dull green eyes looked up to see Brad walk into their bedroom and walk out with a blanket a second later. When Brad walked up to Lloyd he draped it across his shoulders and Lloyd looked to the ground as Brads soft blue eyes tried to lock with his.
Brad gently sighed and plopped on the couch next to his blonde lover. The blue eyed boy wrapped his fingers around the green eyed boy’s. A look of love was on Brads face as he looked at the beautiful blonde. 
“Do you want to talk about it Lloyd…?”
Brad tried to tilt his head so he could be in Lloyd’s field of vision but Lloyd turned his head to the side so he couldn’t look at brad. Lloyds shoulders tensed and he shook his head.
Brad was upset but he knew it would only get better if Lloyd talked about it, he gently squeezed Lloyds hand in his and rubbed his thumb across the back of Lloyds hand as he said in a soft voice.
“Please, I just want to help.”
Lloyd knew that Brad wouldn’t stop until Lloyd told him what was bothering him so Lloyd just sighed and leaned onto Brads side and whispered with his voice filled with guilt.
“I was thinking about Nya… and how different things would’ve been if I was never kicked out of Darklys. Like… would I still be the green ninja? Would Nya still be here? Just so many questions….”
Brad flinched as Lloyd mentioned Darklys, the place was hard for them both. But especially Lloyd. The teachers knew how good Lloyd was so they thought that beating it into him would “fix” him. It didn’t. It just made him more traumatized. 
So, Brad thought for a moment of how to respond to Lloyd. He wrapped his arm around Lloyds shoulders and kissed his cheek, Lloyd glanced at Brad with that but then looked away. Brad understood how much pressure Lloyd put on himself… so he didn’t mind. He knew Lloyd loved him.
“Lloyd… I think, in full honesty, being kicked out of Darklys was honestly the best thing for you… I don’t think you would’ve… I don’t think you would’ve survived. They were so brutal, and to you the most. You… You were so skinny and always had cuts and bruises… And with Nya. That wasn’t your fault. It was no one’s. Nya choose to do that, and I don’t think she would want you to blame yourself for her decision.”
Lloyd sat quietly thinking about it, he laid his head on Brads shoulder as he looked up at Brad. He tensed when Brad mentioned how harsh Darklys was… he understood why Brad thought that, but maybe just give Lloyd a few years and he would’ve been just like his father in that hellhole. 
Then he thought about what Brad said about Nya, and how she wouldn’t want him to blame himself. Now, he can see that. But that doesn’t stop him. He feels like a failure, and that’s never going to go away. He’s the leader. It’s supposed to be his role to keep everyone safe, and he failed. He couldn’t save her. He quit when she needed him most…. ninja never quit? Well he must not be a ninja then. 
Brad carried his fingers through Lloyds soft blonde hair, and kissed his forehead. Lloyd felt like melting at the affection. But at the same time he felt like yelling at Brad and telling him to stop, Lloyd doesn’t deserve this. He doesn’t deserve Brad. Or anyone for a matter of fact. 
Instead of doing anything though Lloyd just laid in Brads arms. He was still a bit wet and shaking from standing in the rain… Brad was right, Lloyd would get sick… great. 
He wrapped the blanket from Brad more around himself and then sneezed. His noise started to leak and Brad playfully rolled his eyes and joked to Lloyd.
“Now, what was it I said about you getting sick by standing out there?”
Lloyd just whined in response and Brad playfully rolled his eyes. He stood up and handed his hand out to Lloyd as he smiled to him.
“Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
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cosmothealien358 · 1 month
Part uhhhh 8 I think
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kamisama1kiss · 4 months
Hiii!! I’m back idk if it’s too early for me to request again, 😭 I was thinking maybe you can do a headcanons for the ninja when their lover Y/n calls them a cute name in middle of battle and for Lloyd it could be “Green Bean” but for Kai “Hotshot” (used by skylor) but I can’t think of the other ninja, maybe you can think of ones for them. The ninja would act like they don’t like the nickname but secretly love it, I really wanna hear your thoughts on this 😭🙏
Honestly, this is a very cutie idea!! 😝🤭 Have been thinking about how to write this one for at least a few days since I got it! It's not the best as I did get stuck on some of the characters more than others 😭🙏
How they'd react to cute nicknames in probably one of the most unconvinent timings? {Ninjago's Ninjas}
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~ Lloyd Garmadon ~ {Green Bean}
He halted in his movements after he heard you call out to him, "Grean Bean, watch your left!" You shouted this being the first time calling him this nickname, "What?" Nonetheless of being confused, he would continue the battle. Whilest he concealed a smile throughout it and would never confess nor agree that he did such.
Would approach you after about how it was most definitely irresponsible with the timing. Let's just say that you did recove maybe a kiss or more than usually after.
Even with how much he denied his like for it he did secretly wish for it to be used on a more casual term rather then open in battle, knowing the enemy would most likely laugh at him and not be able to take him seriously.
~ Kai Smith~ {HotShot}
Having you right behind him as his rock to hold him from bring hurt, "I've got your back HotShot." It's hard to believe he could be irritated, upset, or angry about it, especially as his lover. Feeding his ego as which also pushed him to work even better, confidence rushing through him.
His arm does often rest around your shoulders, even more now. When he knows you're capable of giving out nicknames, your shoulders will meet rest once again.
Wouldn't bring it out up right away, but he would use it against you if you tried anything in the near future.
~ Cole Brookstone ~ {Pebble}
Didn't even think twice about it and just accepted it at the time being, being too busy to worry about nicknames. Even if he'd get a few butterflies in his stomach from you every time.
"Need help, Pebble?" You had asked oh so sweetly, yet he acted as if he didn't wish to hear it. Crossing his arms with a neutral expression acting as if he didnt like it, but deep down, we all know he is just a softie who enjoys giving and receiving nicknames.
~ Zane Julian ~ {Sherbet}
He fully stopped coding and looked over at you. The only word to explain how he looked was confused. "Have you named me after an ice cream sort?" But decided to jump back to what he had to finish either way.
"I turned off the cameras on the first floor, Sherbet." Only informing him about the updates yet being confronted with a more suspicious reaction then intended.
~ Jay Walker ~ {Blitz}
"Catch Blitz!" Was the only words he heard before he was hit on the shoulder by the the nunchucks someone kicked out of his grip. His heart raced alongside his cheeks, heating up but luckily hidden under his mask.
He truly did appreciate and adore nicknames from the one and only you! He was embarrassed that it was in front of others, so he would "complain" about how he didn't like it even when he thought it was adorable. Flared his nose and shook his head when it came to this topic of liking the nickname.
~ Nya Smith~ {Lily Pads}
"Use the water, Lily Pads!" Her eyes widened, but shook it off quickly to continue her main gaol at this moment. She was confused at first but did find it cute, so she decided not to comment until a better time, at least until there wasn't someone trying to kill them was there.
Ended up never even mentioning it, but she looked unpleased about it. Having gotten used to you spitting out cute names here and there didn't bother her too much after a while.
A scowl on her lips about it, knowing it's best to show you that it wasn't okay for the nicknames to be spat out in important timings.
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darkeeveeanimatesus · 2 years
We need to know more about movie Zane.
Like, is he living with Dr. Julian in this world, or is he dead and Zane lives with someone else? He mentions a mom at some point. Is he lying about having one to fit in? That would just be kinda depressing if that was true. But he also implied she's a robot, so.... here me out........
Dr. Julian is alive in the movie universe. Except he pulled a "Sonic Boom Eggman" and built himself an entire family. (Which is also kinda sad, honestly) He built a wife and son. After seeing Kai and Nya being best sibling friends, he asked Dr. Julian for a sibling as well. He later creates Echo, except Zane requested a younger brother, so Echo isn't in high-school with Zane, he's in like- 3rd grade or something.
I would love to learn more about how movie Zane works, considering how different he is from the show counterpart.
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Many more questions arise from these answers.
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blog-nstuff2 · 1 year
At Home with Niall Horan Zane Lowe playlist interview april 8 2020:
Niall talked to Ed Sheeran during the beginning of covid lockdown
Slow Burn Kasey musgraves
Hozier is the nicest guy in the world. Take me to church is in top ten songs of past 20 years. From bray or wicklow Ireland. Touches on serious subjects.
Almost by Hozier
Mentioned working with someone who worked with kings of leon only by the night record, talihina sky documentary.
Be Somebody by Kings of Leon
Zane: if you weren't internationally successful, are you comfortable in your own company
Niall: I'm fine on my own but I've been calling people, parents 89 yr old grandma using facetime and the TMS writing and production crew that Lewis capaldi uses too. Might write with them soon. Spoke to shawn Mendes but he's madly in love elsewhere. So much time alone with your thoughts during this lockdown time. Lots more to write abt and good songs will come out of this
Jolene by ray lamontagne
Z: hozier, damien rice, Kasey, ray lamontagne are all monster writers. How do you critique your own words enough to feel good about letting it go to share it esp when measuring yourself against these great writers?
N: I don't know when to let it go so that's why it takes me so long to do stuff. Overthink a chorus but that happens when you've given yourself a timeline. What's good abt lockdown is there is no timeline. When I'm sitting here I'll just strum around and leave it as a melody voice note and come back to it later on
Z: who do you play stuff to when it's ready? Who's the first person
N: depends on the vibe. TMS, Jamie Scott, up tempo I'll play to julian ryan tedder Greg kurstin. Something acoustic might turn into more. Something different on the ear cuz in pop we tend to be very straight but playing around with groups
In your atmosphere john mayer
Z: your message abt canceling tour cuz o covid was very thoughtful. You have crew to be affected
N: fans bought tickets which is amazing feeling that ppl wanted to come to the shows. I figured I'd pause it and refund ppl but hardest part was email to the crew and band. They live tour by tour and live on a bus to make money so that was hard decision
Z: you talk abt bands like kings of leon, john mayer, stevie nicks, there's a musical connectivity there between you and harry. He made a playlist for us and was diving into old soul bill withers shuggie Otis but I know he's a fan of these kinds of artists cuz his music reflects that. Is that something you guys bonded over during time in 1d? It's like your musical taste is align more than ppl would have recognized in those 5ish years
N: we were both heavily into 70s rock. He more into the british end of things. I was more into the eagles, what was happening in laurel canyon. He into that too but more of a stones guy
Z: the irony of that is harry is now managed by irving azoff and is best friends with stevie nicks. He totally jacked your shit. Hahaha
N: to be fair to him he absolutely loves Fleetwood mac. He got me into things like shuggie Otis. We would pass things back and forth to each other but yeah it's funny that he's like you said.
Edge of seventeen could have been on rumors. Lots of that stuff in laurel canyon era. Joe Walsh said every song should be written around a riff like edge of seventeen catches your attention
Z: what's your go to chord?
N: I play a lot in DADGAG. Had two guitars delivered from my freight and they were in dadgad, or simple stuff based on a C. Fast picky stuff cuz I tend to stick to straighter grooves so I've been trying to do different sounding kicks and pulses.
Zane: congrats on heartbreak weather it's your best body of work and production wise and feel wise it's super cohesive songs are fantastic but you've picked songs with 70s aesthetic and laurel canyon like slow burn like la is rubbing off on you. Quite folky. Is that in your wheelhouse for future?
N: yeah what's probly coming is simple stuff cuz I have just acoustic guitars around right now. I listened to damien rice when I was 10 and never wrote a song the same again. Ed sheeran was raised on damien rice too. What is beautiful is that Ed leaves in little mistakes like damien rice does like vocal scratches. Doesn't have to be perfect
The blowers daughter damien rice
Z: you picked billie eilish and it must've been fascinating watching these past 18 months someone get that kind of attention cuz last time someone got that kind of attention it was 1d so she's the first artist to be out on the world stage with that level of attention including weird pressure. Must've been oddly familiar
N: when I see phenoms like that I just hope she's ok. We see horror stories all the time like justin bieber falking abt his experiences recently which I understood his experiences but I had the other boys in 1d to keep me same. Justin and I talk a lot and have a lot in common with fandemonium. Things can go wrong still even if you have tons of money. Billie and her family seem great I met them st the brits 2020.
Everything I wanted billie eilish the pulse kick and reverb on snare is beautiful
Z: taylor swift with lover shows that she refuses to be boxed in even when ppl want her to do one thing but she did give us what we wanted with lover
N: cant tell ya how much I love this song it's unbelievable. Genius. She's so honest. Ed sheeran Sara aarons Amy Allen Julia Michaels just spit chorus and everything in one go. She's always had a knack for honesty and sweet, but bad side too like bad blood. She's just one of greatest songwriters of her generation. When I'm sitting here writing/playing some chords I think to myself what would taylor do and I've told her that. Few artists here you can think about like that like would she go minor or go major. She deserves everything she gets.
Z: you talked abt taylor in a wonderful way she'll sit on the piano and observe natural human experience and paint that picture. You can imagine what's going on when she writes like capturing a moment forever
N: most successful ppl have been the no beating around the bush ppl like paul Simon, stevie, don Henley, ed taylor swift. Straight down the middle. She just paints the pic and I'm jealous of it sometimes
Z: what happens when you're the subject matter of no holds back writing? Knowing you've been apart of some experience that inspired someone's song and could've been just with your buddies in the band perspective or a relationship. Howard it feel when you're on receiving end of that kind of subject matter when you're a writer too?
N: laughs. You can develop a song based on a story. It can be truthful or you can develop it to make it sexier if original story isn't that interesting. So sometimes I know the truth but I know that that person is a song writer and they can change the narrative. Artistic liscence lol.
Z: without artistic liscence we wouldn't have rumors but we would have teenage dream cuz it's a perfectly constructed robot of a song.
N: I looked up max martin and saw all of what he's worked on. Teenage dream is best pop song of last 20 years. Its genius from the riff to pre chorus middle late double chorus etc. Ahe reminds me that she was the one who put me through on x factor
Z: do you think into future?
N: I do worry that being a musician for the rest of my life won't work out but you can't do that cuz then you've already dug yourself a whole. I'm 26. I've had success with the boys and on my own. I've never been so driven. Idc how much money I get I'll always have that drive. Ed still wants the biggest songs in the world and he'll tell you that. I asked him for a drink recipe that Russell crow gave to him and he replied.
Dancing on my own by Robin is off the charts. This is dream as far as writing pop songs goes.
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Kai: What’s it called when you kill a friend? Jay: Homiecide. Zane: Murder. Cole: Homiecide. ~Flirty
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strangermask · 4 years
I got an opposite au that deals with season 11 stuff. I made three versions, so here is version 2 with not a lot of angst (Also inspired by spinchip nice emperor au).
So I call it the Steam Chapter.
Click “keep reading” if you want to know more. If you haven’t watched season 11 yet, please don’t. It will contain spoilers.
There might also be snippets in here.
So, what would have happened if Zane wasn’t the only person who got sent to the Never Realm?
Kai got in the way while Aspheera tried to banish Wu, but he and Zane both got sent to the Never realm.
snippet 1:
Vex looked at the strange objects that fell out of the sky. Another portal opened, and two people fell down. They landed on the snow, passed out. Vex looked at them. One was laying face down with brown hair and red clothing. The other facing up, wearing white and blue clothing and with titanium skin. The titanium one opened its eyes, and Vex hid. 
Zane opened his eyes. He got up and noticed him sparking. He opened the top hatch on his chest and adjusted the inside. He closed it and looked around. “Hello?” He spoke. “Is anyone there?” He heard groaning and looked down. He spotted Kai.
“Kai!” Zane shouted as he bent down to Kai.
“Ugh,” Kai groaned. “Zane?”
Zane helped Kai up.
“What were you thinking?” Zane asked. “You could have been hurt or-”
“I didn’t want to lose you,” Kai said. “I tried to push you out of the way, but that didn’t seem to work.” He grabbed his right arm in pain.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.”
Zane did a health scan.
“Your arm is broken.”
“Kai, you’re in pain.”
“Just leave it.”
“I am trying-”
“Do you think I could have handled you disappearing again? Stop worrying about me!”
Zane blinked. Kai sighed.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know where that came from.” Kai apologized.
“No, it’s fine...” Zane said. “I shouldn’t have sacrificed myself...again.” He looked at the green titan mech and climbed on top of it.
“Where are we?” Zane whispered to himself.
End of Snippet 1:
So Zane starts to on the green titan mech while Kai rests. Vex is watching the whole time. Zane notices a storm coming and realizes he and Kai need to take shelter. Zane knows he can’t leave the mech, so he tries to use his powers. That didn’t work, so he decides to use the forbidden scroll. He does so and tells Kai to get on the platform with the mech. Then the two search for shelter with Vex following behind. After traveling and getting near shelter, a giant owl appears and attack. Zane fends the owl off with the scroll powers. Zane gets inside, sets up ice defense, and puts the mech up. Kai fell asleep during the trip. Zane starts to work on the mech again then sets up the recording.
Snippet 2:
“And to Pixal,” Zane said. “I’m sorry.” He finished the recording and looked at Kai. 
“As you would say, here goes nothing.” Zane said then connected himself to the mech.
Commencing system diagnostic.
Do not remove data cable. Data interruption may result in system failure and/or memory loss. Commencing diagnostic. 10% complete.
Vex came up to Zane and waved in front of him. He tried speaking to the stranger, but he would not respond. The computer continued to speak. Vex laughed quietly and picked the scepter up. He tried to freeze Zane, but nothing happened. Kai started to wake up and noticed Vex pointing the scepter at Zane.
“Hey,” Kai shouted. “What are you doing?”
Vex looked at Kai as he got up.
“It is not your business.” Vex answered. He looked at Zane and had an idea. Vex walked to Zane, reaching out to the cable attached to his head.
“Leave him alone!” Kai exclaimed as he charged at Vex.
The two started to fight as Kai tried to defend Zane. Soon, Vex got the upper hand and knocked Kai out.
“First, I’ll take care of your friend than you.”
100% complete.
Zane came back online and saw Vex standing in front of a knocked out Kai. Vex turned around and became pale.
“What happened?” Zane asked then noticed Vex holding the scepter. “You...hurt my friend.” 
Vex panicked and ran off with the scepter. Zane ran to Kai. He was out cold.
“Kai...” Zane spoke sadly.
He picked Kai up and looked at the mech. They can come back anytime, but Kai needed help now.
End of snippet 2:
So Zane carries Kai out and seeks for help. After traveling for some time, Zane ran into the palace. He was brought inside with some guards. He begged the emperor to help Kai. Zane promises in return to do some work for the emperor. He felt bad for the two boys, so he let them stay without having Zane doing any work. 
Kai wakes up, and he starts to get better. On the week Kai was fully healed, there was a giant blizzard that was too dangerous to walk through. The Emperor let the two stay until the storm died down.
But then Vex comes in with the forbidden scroll and attacks Kai and Zane. Vex found an ancient magical sword made from the coldest metal in the Never-realm. Kai got hit by magic rays in the eye and cheek. A battle ensues, the Emperor gets hit, and Kai gets his fire back. Vex was arrested and taken to the Palace’s prison. The Emperor knows he’s going to die soon, so he gives the title of Emperor to Kai and Zane.
The Emperor dies, and Kai feels super guilty. The coronation was going to be held after Kai healed up again since Zane doesn’t want to stress Kai more than he already is.
Snippet 3:
It was coronation day for Kai and Zane. Kai was in the changing room looking in the mirror. His left eye was a bright pale light snow blue. His cheek had a permanent scar from the incident. He was dressed in red, black, and golden emperor clothes and his hair tied up. There weren’t any gel to keep his spiky hair, but, hey, what can you do? “Kai?” A voice spoke.
Kai turned around and saw Zane. He was dressed in white, light blue, and grey emperor clothes.
“Zane,” Kai chuckled. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to check up on you. It’s almost time for the ceremony.”
Zane put a hand on Kai’s shoulder.
“Are you feeling alright?” Zane asked.
“No,” Kai frowned. “I don’t think I should be Emperor of this realm.”
“Zane. I barely survived raising my sister alone while maintaining a shop so we can live. I couldn’t handle being a ninja, and I should not have ever become a ninja. I’m a terrible person. Someone like me shouldn’t be emperor.”
“I’m emotionally damage,” Kai started to cry. “I am not stable. I am not perfect. Hell, I had a breakdown for a whole year, and I went to an underground fighting tournament and became an alcoholic to handle it.”
Zane's eyes widen.
“Was...that the year I died?” Zane asked.
Kai didn’t say anything. Zane hugged Kai.
“I’m so sorry,” Zane said, hugging tightly. “I didn’t realize how much damage I caused you. I promise I won’t abandon you again. I’m going to try and help you. I can’t promise I will make everything better in a snap of a finger, but I promise I’m going to help you.”
Kai choked backed tears and hugged Zane back.
“Thanks, bud.” Kai said.
“It’s my pleasure.”
The two finished up their hug-fest and went outside to get crowned for Emperor.
End of Snippet 3 because I don’t know how to do a coronation speech:
Kai and Zane were crowned Emperor, and it’s been a month since then. Kai and Zane are starting to think the ninjas weren’t going to be able to bring them back. They probably don’t know the two are still alive.
So time went on and Kai started to feel feelings for Zane. After a few months, Kai asked Zane out. And they start to date.
They dated for five years, and Kai was getting ready to propose.
Snippet 4:
Kai hold the ring in his hand. He couldn’t believe he was doing this. “Five years,” Kai whispered to himself. “I can’t believe it’s been five years, but here goes nothing.”
Kai put the ring in his pocket. He went outside to meet with Zane.
“Hello Sir,” Kai said. “Nice day we’re having.”
Zane turned around and smiled.
“You have something planned.” Zane said.
“What do you mean?”
“You use that tone of voice whenever you have something planned.”
“Well...I might have a little something.”
“Oh? What might that be?”
“It’s a surprise, so I can’t spoiler anything.”
“If it’s a gift for our anniversary, I think you’re a little early. That is still one month away.”
Kai started to get nervous.
Just play it cool. Kai thought. He’s obviously joking, right? You don’t have to panic. Just make sure you don’t say something stupid.
“Say, I think it’s time to go to the garthing-I mean garden.”
Zane thought for a moment.
“The garden does sound nice,” Zane took Kai’s hand. “Let’s go.”
The two walked to the palace’s garden. Kai was getting more nervous about the proposal. He was wondering if this was a good idea.
“Kai?” Zane spoke. “Are you okay?”
“I have something to ask you.” Kai blurted.
Why did I say that!? Kai yelled at himself.
“Oh. Umm, okay. What did you want to ask?”
Kai put his hand in his pocket with the ring. He grabbed it and took a deep breath. There was no backing out now.
“Zane,” Kai started. “We’ve been in this world for a while now. It’s a little strange, but it’s nice. We’ve met new people, seen things never seen before, and...discover things. A lot of things.”
“Yes,” Zane said. “I suppose we have.”
“And, well, to add to that, we became emperors. I’ve also gotten better thanks to you. And I was somehow bless with dating you. I have been thinking for a while, and I think we might need to take this to another level.”
Zane started to frown a bit.
“What do you mean?” Zane asked.
Kai took another deep breath and went to one knee.
“Zane, will you marry me?” Kai asked as he pulled out the ring.
Zane’s frown turned into the biggest smile.
“Yes,” Zane said. “I will.”
Kai was shocked.
“Y-You really mean it-mmf!”
Kai was interrupted when Zane kissed Kai on the lips. He kissed back.
End of Snippet 4:
I am going to write how the wedding went, but right now I don’t have much of an idea. (Sorry).
So, Kai and Zane got married. They went around the Never-Realm, interacting with the villages, talking to the formlings, and living peacefully. The years went by, Kai and Zane got older. Both have changed in a good way. Zane and Kai got therapy to help them get through their past lives. Kai became more relaxed and opened about his problems. Zane learned to except himself and to take make sure to take care of himself.
The two have been in the Never-Realm for thirty years. Kai is 49 and Zane about 46ish (Zane’s age is confusing).
While it’s been three decades there, it’s been three days in Ninjago. So the ninjas did the whole shabang in that episode they get ready to go to the Never-Realm. They make it to the Never-Realm, meet up with Akita and Kataru. The ninjas said they were looking for two friends, and the two formlings said that the Winter and Summer Emperors would be able to help them.
So the group traveled to the Palace to meet the Winter and Summer Emperor.
Snippet 5:
“So, the Winter Emperor and Summer Emperor can really help us?” Lloyd asked as they entered the palace.
“Of course!” Akita said. “They’re most helpful people in here. But don’t be afraid when you see the Winter Emperor. He looks more different than everyone else.”
The ninjas looked at each other with worry. Soon, they heard voices. Familiar voices.
“That is dangerous.” One voice said.
“I’ve survived worse didn’t I?” Another asked.
“That doesn’t excuse you to do it.”
“But imagine!”
“I already did, and I didn’t like the results.”
“Winter Emperor!” Akita shouted. “Summer Emperor! We need your help finding two missing people!”
The Winter Emperor and Summer Emperor entered the room. A titanium robot dress in ice-theme robes, and a man dressed in fire-theme robe. Both were very familiar.
“Whose missing?” The Winter Emperor asked.
Akita and Kataru revealed the group of ninjas who were now shocked. Both emperors were surprised. 
“Kai?” Lloyd said. “Zane?”
The Summer Emperor smiled.
“Well, if we knew you were-”
Kai was interrupted when Lloyd ran and hugged Kai. He rest of the ninjas jumped on Zane and Kai hugging them. Akita and Kataru were confused.
End of Snippet 5:
So Kai and Zane explained that they have been in the Never-Realm for thirty years. Along with what happened during their time there. Kai and Zane were surprised that it’s only been three days in Ninjago. 
Lloyd asked if the two wanted to go back home. Kai and Zane did enjoy it in the Never-realm, but the missed home. So they went back to Ninjago, Kai and Zane giving the title of Emperor to someone else. Wu is surprised that Kai is now an adult, but he was happy that they were both back.
There was no discourse between Zane and Pixal since she knew Zane liked Kai more. I’m not making a drama show off of this.
But, now things are going to be different.
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squib-2006 · 2 years
I am going to rewatch one episode of ninjago a day until I ether give up or finish
I will put my thoughts down as I watch it and rate each episode out of ten.
Day 1
Ep 1 rise of the snakes
The old monastery was so empty
Those controllers are huge
I want to play what they are playing why can’t this be a real game
Not cool sensei wu you didn’t even let them save
Cole talks with Kai’s voice wow he is magic
Yes the tornado of creation the super op move that will only be used three(I think it’s three might be wrong) times throughout the intire series, but seriously so my situations could have been solved if they just made the tornado
The game magically didn’t reset and erase there progress
The people that “spotted lord garmadon” need to get glasses. How do you confuse an adult dark warlord, with a literal 10 year old
The ninja bumping into eachother looks so awkward but is still somehow funny
Jay being awkward around nya is always good for my Jaya heart
Really Kai you could have killed someone with opening the door with out checking if someone was under it
Also did the monastery always have a dragon stable or did they have to add it
Jay falling=peek Comedy
Kai stop being sexist to your sister
I miss the dragons they were so cool
Rocky and Cole friendship my beloved
Jays voice was so much lower in the first season it sounds weird to me cuz I’m used to him screeching every five seconds
Dragon acrobatics are cool
Jamanakai village the og village I wish we could go visit it in the newer seasons because I love how it looks
You get ur candy baby
Cole saying that he escaped again implies this isn’t the first time they have delt with him
Wow these adults are a-holes. They gust throw rotten fruit at a child
Kai your parents literally fought in the serpentine wars your telling me they never mentioned anything about the serpentine ever
Why are they carrying Lloyd like that
Oh my god I remember them putting Lloyd up on the sign and finding it funny as a kid but now this just seems cruel
Zane paid for all that candy with a single coin
Mucacho, kai just called Lloyd muchacho. Why
Now they’re just bullying Lloyd with candy
“Kai about to get on his dragon” top ten moments before disaster
Why does wu have a dragon saddle bag
And you cannot tell me wu didn’t put that there on purpose to motivate them
What is it with kai and Cole steeling each other’s voices.
If it’s the “ancient language of our ancestors” how do you know how to read it. Like I know your a robot but still Zane I don’t think doctor Julian programed that in
This prophecy is incorrect because Lloyd is the green ninja
This competition is so stupid
I should just start a counter for how many times kai and Cole switch voices (3)
Setting up Kai’s obsession with the green ninja
How did Lloyd get to a snowy tundra wasn’t he just on a mountain village
Why is it so easy to open the tombs I think it should be a bit harder to release vengeful snake people
This Ice is so pretty
How is the snake now under Lloyds control if he hypnotized him self. Shouldn’t he be under his own control
Any time baby Lloyd laughs I want to grab him and jut hug him so hard he screams because it is so cute
Any time jay gets hit by something I giggle I don’t know why it’s so funny to me
The kendo suits look so weird to me for some reason
Rip Cole
The combat here seems so clunky compared to modern day ninjago
Baby fire ball is adorable
Jay looks so sad poor bean
Rip pole
Where did the other Shuriken of ice go?
Oh there it is
And then the one underneath coles foot magically goes back to Zane despite it being trapped in the ice
Cole could have chopped Zane’s legs off
Wow petty much jay
When Cole smashes down the scythe of quakes the grounds textures glitch
Sword of fire gets to hot for Kai to control because he is getting to angry more evidence that the golden weapons are sentient
How does the stone light on fire and in a perfect circle around kai
Sparkles are pretty
Lean ninja. They knew what they were doing
Wu gets mad at them for training yet he is the one who wanted them to train
Why are those watermelons so tiny like the cucumbers are larger then them
Baby Lloyd is so cute even when terrorizing villagers
Wu be smoking the good stuff
Kai doesn’t care until he remembers that nya is there. He really loves his little sister doesn’t he
Jays voice was really low when he said “that leaves us with one choice” and then the “run” broke my eardrums
Stealth 100
Not all of them have tails nya
Jay stop being sexist to nya
Kai shaking his head at jay gives me life
Kai ignores his sisters advise and looks the snakes in the eyes
Kai’s whole body flattened when he hit the wall
Also physical Comedy = peek comedy
Always look where your going Lloyd
Also Lloyd is somehow need the fountain now
No one listens to nyas advice they all stare at the snakes
By golly made me cringe
Maybe if you hadn’t strung Lloyd up like a piñata and taken him to wu so much of this whole show could have been avoided
Wu never teaches them anything they ask him to
Patience nya you just have to wait thirteen seasons and you can become a dragon
Why didn’t the anti venom cure Cole
Final thoughts
This is a good intro into the season but it drags on a bit with the green ninja tournament and without watching the pilots you might be a bit confused. Lloyd was as cute as I remembered. The ninja go the other hand were a bit boring. I liked the set up they did and the animation was good if not a bit clunky. Over all I give this episode a 7/10
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captainbetonit · 4 years
Room for more chapter 8
The next few days went well, and as those days bled into a month. Nearly to the date Pixel came back for a check in for the kids. She trusted her friends but needed to put that aside for the well-being and safety, so here she was checking on them.
It was raining that fateful day, near pouring from the dark grey clouds. Thanksgiving will be in a few weeks, the rapid drop in temperature was an odd sensation that she wasn’t prepared for. She didn’t need to knock before Cole opened the door with a smile.
“Hey, come on in.” He greeted her, opening the door.
“Thank you, now you know why i’m here?” Pixel got straight to the point, she wasn’t here as a friend.
Cole nodded, “Of course, now Zane wasn’t sure if you wanted to talk to the kids first or us so both are in the living room.”
She nodded before she brought up their file, it was rather thick and contained the information for both brother and sister. “I’ll talk with the children first, I'm trusting that they're ok.”
“In our words yes, but you have to take their word for it.” Cole simply shrugged, in the end it was up to the kids.
Pixel nodded again, before moving to the living room where the two children sat playing with toys. They did seem happier then when she’d last seen them, more like children.
Zane came out of the kitchen, apron tied around his waist and a tray of drinks in hand. “Hello Mrs. Borg, welcome.”
The children looked up from their toys and smiled at her, Kai seemed hesitant with his greeting but did so nonetheless. “Hello Mrs. Borg!” The two greeted before giving Zane their whole attention.
An exchange of pleasantries and drinks commenced, mostly small talk and such before Pixel cleared her throat, “I would like to speak to the children now please, alone.” That statement made the room feel so much colder.
“Of course, kids go with Mrs.Borg. Show her your rooms and such.” Zane motioned for the two to follow Mrs. Borg when they made no move.
Kai eyed her with caution, he knew she was a nice woman and from he was told she was fair and sweet. But social workers weren’t always nice, they seemed nice but weren’t what they seemed. Nya mostly followed her brother in mannerisms, but never really thought. Like when all the doctors thought her Mama was gonna be fine and she died a week later-or when dad said he’d be back. Nonetheless the two followed Mrs. Borg up the stairs and to Nya’s room where the children share the bed while Mrs. Borg sits in front of them.
Anxiety was a son of bitch, so much so that Cole was cursing every single god to let him be at peace. Granted that probably wouldn’t happen seeing as they didn’t have much to worry about-they shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
“You're pacing a hole in the carpet dear.” Zane mentioned as he sat with a book on the couch and some tea.
“Surprised you aren’t joining me.” Cole snapped before stopping and wincing, “I’m sorry babe, it’s just been really stressful lately.”
Zane sighed as he closed his book before rubbing his eyes, “I know my dear, but please calm down.”
Cole, now tired, collapses on the couch next to his husband. “I hate waiting.”
Zane guided Cole’s head to his lap and started to card his fingers through thick black hair. “As do I, my love, but if we waited this long then perhaps it’s worth the wait.”
The two were silent for a moment, the house rarely creaked but as the silence went on it felt like the house was moving with the wind of the storm.
“Are we good parents?” Cole asks as Zane picks up his discarded tea.
He was silent for a moment, contemplating his husband's words. “I like to think we’re doing a good job so far, but only time will tell really.”
“I’m not talking about that,” Cole sits up and faces his husband, “I’m talking about are we doing the right thing? Like could we be holding them back, are we taking them away from an uncontacted family member, are we doing things wrong and not knowing it?!” His voice rose an octave, panic of unknown answers to rising questions loomed over him like the storm clouds outside.
Zane wasn’t going to lie; questions like those often plagued his mind. It was times like those when he wouldn’t sleep-couldn’t stop the thoughts that reminded him that what they were doing could have been taken away so quickly.
“I like to think we're doing the right thing-we’re hopefully doing the right thing. Maybe we're helping them, or maybe we’re like our parents and don’t even know it. I…” Zane trailed off, the thought of being like either of his fathers was a difficult one to handle. Dr. Julian was a good man, just not a great parent; never really being there for his kids and favoring one over the other. His other father, Arashi was far more old fashioned with just about everything especially parenting. While he was there for things, It always felt like nothing was good enough for him, and in turn neither Zane nor Echo were good enough.
“We’re definitely better than our parents-no offence. I mean we’re going through all these hoops just to be here.” Cole thankfully interrupts Zane’s thoughts. “Plus we’ve done a lot to get here and made progress with Kai.”
Ok that was undeniable-when Kai first got there it was tense and full of trial and error, Nya while younger and mostly followed her brother in terms of what he did. Both have grown so much in the past month, opening up to them and feeling like a family.
“What i’m trying to say is, we can try and hopefully succeed?” Cole gently brought the conversation to a sorta close.
“I suppose your right, but that will never truly answer our questions.” Zane reached for his husband, seeking comfort. “And that’s good right?”
The two were quiet for a moment, before little feet were heard coming down the stairs followed by the sound of Pixels heels.
The two children joined the older on the couch and leaned deeply into their warmth. Whatever they talked about upstairs was clearly behind them.
“Alright so after i take a look around then you can go back to domestic life.” Pixel smiles as Zane detached himself from Nya’s hold on him and led her around the home for her to deem safe for the children.
They passed the check with flying colors, the kids were happy and very safe. Education wise Zane had gotten them workbooks and brought them to speed with 5th and 1st grade respectfully so they could both go to school in the spring. If they were still in their care by then anyways.
Nonetheless things were actually going well for the family, it was perfect.
Then they got a call, rather late at night actually from Pixel who sounded frazzled and stressed.
Zane picked up his phone around 3 am, answering the call without looking at the caller ID. “Hello?”
“Hey Zane-quick thing.” Pixel wasted no time with introductions or greetings. “Seeing as you and Cole are foster parents and while I know you already have two children under your care-” Pixel cut herself off with a quick ‘excuse me’ to supposedly yell at someone.
Cole turned to his side as Zane sat up and clicked on the bedside lamp, “What's happening? Who is it?”
Before Zane could answer Pixel talked to him “Can you take a baby-maybe 9 months old?”
Zane was silent for a moment, needing some time to process her words. “Um, can i talk to Cole for a second then I can talk.” He hung up the phone before letting the phone fall and falling backwards into the pillows himself.
“What happened?” Cole himself turned on his bedside lamp before following his husband and collapsing onto his pillows.
“Pixel wants to place us with a baby.” Was all Zane said. That kind of shocked Cole, when they had first considered fostering they had been open to much younger kids. Now though seeing as they already have two kids-did they really need a baby?
“Do you want to?” Zane asks, before pausing, “Foster the baby I mean.”
“Honestly, we should do it.” Cole answers after a pause. “I mean we're doing pretty good with Kai and Nya and the system doesn’t help kids at any age really.”
He turns to his side, waiting for Zane’s response. He knew Zane wanted a baby, hell when they were in highschool Zane took many babysitting jobs be it with his younger brother or the neighborhood kids.
“I think we should as well.” Zane finally answers after the minutes start to stretch. “But what about Kai and Nya? They should be consulted on this, it’s a very important decision that they should have a hand in.”
“Call Pixel back, and we can talk to them in the morning.” Cole advised as he got up with his phone. “I’ll call in sick so we can all talk this over.”
Before Zane could tell him about the rain from the afternoon Pixel picked up, “Zane, hi. Did you both talk about it?”
“Yes, we’d love to foster the baby but why did you call at 3 in the morning?” Zane also got up from bed-he’d might as well check in on the kids.
Pixel was silent on the other line for a little while before she sighed heavily, “Well seeing as i was handed the baby at 2 am i figured it was better than nothing. And you did answer so.”
Zane was quiet for a second, “I’m sorry what?”
Pixel sighed again before answering, “Watch the news in the morning and you’ll understand ok? So when can i come with the baby?”
“Umm, in two days maybe? We have to talk to the kids and get everything ready.” Zane leaded against the hallway wall. “..What’s their name? The babies?”
“His name is Lloyd, he's nine months old and i think you’ll love him.” He could hear the smile in Pixels voice before his phone pinged. “I sent you some general information, I'll talk to you later ok?” They exchanged goodbyes and hung up.
After checking Kai’s room(it was empty) and then going to Nya’s to see the siblings cuddled close in the bed. After a quick picture of the two he closed the door and went back to bed. Cole was back, the bedside lamp turned off. Zane turned off his light and went to sleep.
Tomorrow is going to be hectic.
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Oni Misako au but here me out Dr.Julian is an old ice dragon who doesn’t give a shit about the Oni-Dragon war. Julian just wants to invent and hoard all his shiny things in peace (he may also be a bit of superslut but nobody mentions it unless they want their lower limbs frozen off). The previous ice master just fell in love with this genius supernatural himbo and married him, they made Zane because he was the best of both of them. The dragon’s instinct to protect others, the coolness and mastery of ice, and shininess of a dragons hoard all in one package.
Can I just make up anything that sounds vaguely in theme for Oni and have you guys accept it as fanon?
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fires-of-ninjago · 4 years
Dr. Hybrid - Prologue
Okay, I’ve been working on this for a while. While I did want to post this as a complete chapter, I thought that it might be better to split this part up into a prologue.
Also, @dangerbuffed I’m tagging you because you asked... Enjoy part 1! ;)
Word Count: 1,315
TW: None
PART 01: The Old Office
“Wow, I can’t believe your dad actually used to teach here,” Jay said as they unlocked the old lab door. Zane was excited; he didn’t even know that his father had once been a professor of Electrical Engineering at the Imperial University of Ninjago.
“I know,” Zane replied. “He never mentioned what he did before he moved out to the woods. I wonder why he left?” It was kind of bizarre in a way; Dr. Julian had been a very private person, but Zane thought they knew everything about each other… Zane stepped into the old office; if it weren’t for the thick layer of dust covering everything, Zane could have mistaken the room for still being currently occupied. Then they turned on the light, and saw the mess that the room was in. 
“Huh...I guess your dad wasn’t really all that into organization,” Jay quipped as they looked around. Kai however, didn’t miss a beat with his own observations.
“Yeah, because it totally couldn’t be all of the giant monster battles that nearly destroyed the city multiple times!” Zane had to agree with Kai’s assessment; the university was close to the South Docks of the city; all of the seismic issues stemming from their battles, not to mention the general number of earthquakes this part of the continent experienced were more than enough to wreak havoc with a space like this.
“This is why the University wants us to clear it out; there’s some kind of liquid draining into the labs below.” Zane searched the room for anything that could be the culprit, but everything looked like it was in order.
“What I don’t get is why the school didn’t clear this place out when he left?” Kai asked as he looked at some of the old technical books on one of the shelves.
“According to my scan of the real estate deed, it would appear that Dr. Julian owned this building, and was leasing it to the University,” Pixal replied.
“Wait, what?!” Jay asked as he dropped one of the files he was looking through. Zane didn’t miss a beat as he too pulled a few files from one of the many cabinets.
“Yes, my father held several patents that are still quite lucrative. How do you think I have been able to afford the Bounty’s fuel all these years?” Zane put the file back, after reading through everything in there. All that he found were the answer keys to various tests that his father used to administer.
“So let me get this straight: Your father built an entire building for the University, claimed a floor of an ENTIRE WING for himself, and they just, what? Left, like, a quarter of the building, completely locked-up for 50-odd years?” Kai asked incredulously. The Nindroid understood where he was coming from, but he didn’t really have an answer that he knew his brother would like...Primarily because he didn’t like it either.
“Well, yes,” he began. “The University had no legal authority to break in, and my father was also paying for all of the building utilities. If they had, then, as per their leasing agreement, they stood to forfeit their usage of the rest of the building. Which would have cost the school a large amount of not only money, but prestige.”
“But...this is a public college; they haven’t charged tuition since the Royal Family of Ninjago became the sole sponsors!” Jay said in his own confusion.
“It still costs metric fuck-ton to relocate a bunch of classrooms and equipment to another building, Jay!” Kai chimed in. Zane nodded in agreement as he opened another filing cabinet.
“Wait, how do you know that?” Jay asked.
“Believe me Jay, I know…”
“Kai spent a lot of time looking at colleges with me before he became a ninja,” Nya replied as she checked-over some old computer terminals.
“Nya was doing pretty good in school...really good. But, our system out in Ignacia only went on until you hit the age of 13 or 14, and then you were done.” Jay took a seat as he thumbed through an old text book while he listened, but Zane could see that he didn’t like the possibilities of what could have happened if they’d never met.
“We were looking into a bunch of different programs for me when Sensei showed up.” Zane perked up at the 
“Wait, are you telling us that the only reason you two stuck around was because of me?” Nya chuckled as she leaned against one of the bookshelves in the back.
“We stayed because Lord Garmadon was still a threat,” she started. “And...because Kai knew better than to stand in the way of me making my own choices.”
“Well, I’m glad that both of you decided to stay,” Zane said as he tried to open one of the cabinets on the other side of the room. He struggled with the handle as he rattled the doors.
“What’s going on? Is the door stuck?” Kai asked as he came up beside him. Zane nodded as he let go of the handle.
“I believe that it’s rusted shut,” he said. “Perhaps you can use your fire to help loosen the lock?” Kai frowned as he grabbed the handle and gave it a quick jiggle to test it’s range.
“It’s pretty bad,” he said. “I can try, but we might still have to destroy the door.” Zane gave him an understanding nod as he stepped back. Kai grabbed the handle and began heating it up slowly. Zane could see the rising temperature from his thermal vision, but the handles didn’t appear to be budging. Just as he thought that Kai was about to give up, a loud ‘CRACK’ sounded from the other side of the door.
“Hey-hey, I think I got it!” He said triumphantly as he twisted the handle down freely. Kai pulled the cabinet doors open quickly to see what was inside.
“Well, what’s in there?” Nya asked as she and the others stepped over to see what they were looking at. They heard her gasp in surprise as she saw the interior. The back wall of the cabinet had been removed, and instead of containing files or old experiments, its doors hid an extra entrance to a whole other room.
“I think we found where that leak’s coming from,” Kai said as he took a step into the hidden room. Almost in a trance, Zane followed him inside; taking in the number of glass water tanks, and computers that lined them.
“What is this place?” Pixal asked as she picked up an old clipboard. Zane touched the glass pane of one of the empty tanks closest to the door; looking it up and down. Somewhere deep inside his mind, he started having flashes- Little blips and images of being inside of one of these tanks. After a couple of moments of silence, Zane finally responded.
“I think,” he began; “I think this is the lab where my father created me.” Zane stared at his own reflection in the glass, trying so hard to dredge more of those memories to the surface.
“Uh, guys? I don’t think we’re alone in here…” Jay said from further down the line of tanks. Zane shook himself out of his riviera to see what he was talking about.
“What do you mean? What’s-HOLY CRAP!!!” Kai yelped as he reached the tank Jay was staring at. Zane ran up to see what they were talking about, but nothing prepared him for what it was. He looked into the tank to see his own face staring back at him. Except...much much younger. Looking down the rest of the line, he could see that there were other versions of him in most of the tanks...along with a tag at the very top with read: ‘CLONE STATUES: DECEASED’.
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zebra-all-the-time · 4 years
if you don't mind me asking, in the drafted AU, how do Zane and Echo feel about each other?
This has been sitting nicely in my inbox for a while I’m sorry!
Echo’s,,, sad at Zane. At least at first. He doesn’t want to be, but he can’t help it. Even if Echo is his own person and really understands that now, for years of his life he’d been told that one day he would be replaced. For years of his life he’d been told how much better his replacement would be. For years he’d been told that when that day came... he’d be scrapped.
When that day never came and he thought Julian died, Echo’s entire world shifted. He had never even tried to imagine a world where his future would be any different than what he’d always been told. Meeting the ninja and growing into his own person felt like he was in control for the first time in his life. He liked not knowing what came next.
But meeting Zane, as you can probably guess, was even more terrifying than finding his father.
It made him think that maybe he’d been living a fantasy. Maybe he’d been wrong to think that his life would end up being any different. Maybe he really was worthless. Maybe he would be better off scrapped. Maybe he’s undeserving of his new status. Maybe there was a mistake. Maybe he was never supposed to be here. Maybe-
And Zane thinks Echo’s neat! His father never mentioned that he ever made any other bots. It’s a nice surprise to find out he has a brother...
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darkeeveeanimatesus · 2 years
So, I previously mentioned that Echo in my "The Tribes AU" is a human while everyone else in the Ice Tribe is a formling. There is a reason for that. A sad reason. Dr. Julian is alive in this AU, and is also a falcon formling. He was flying around and spotted a small child near a river. He investigates to find that he looked to have been put in a basket and sent down the river. His wrists and ankles were bound and his clothes were torn. He had passed out from the cold temperatures of the mountains, and was barely breathing. Dr. Julian panicked and rushed him back to his hut to try to warm him up. Echo was only four years old at the time. Thankfully, the fire and several blankets were able to bring him back. Zane was only 10 at the time, but was still considered the leader. He was hesitant about taking Echo in at first, since he was from another tribe, but quickly gave in. When Echo woke up, they gave him food and a name. He didn't remember how he got in the situation, but he did remember that he was from the Fire Tribe. (The villain in the AU)
He loves his new home and family, and doesn't care that he's not a formling. He's just happy to be loved.
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ysalamiri-queen · 4 years
Thanks for the tag @crimsonlostsoul ! This is a 10 characters meme were ya list out 10 of your favorite character from 10 different franchises!! Should be fun!
1. Star Wars- This is a big old tie between Luke Skywalker and Eli Vanto... Luke has some GIF’s so I’ll picture him but yeah, you could not make me pick between the two!
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2. Naruto- Rock Lee- go you funky little green bean go!
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3. Ninjago- Zane Julian- yeah there are going to be a good few ninjas on this list... Little me had very narrow interests and they stuck
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4- Marvel- Another tie between Iron Man/Tony Stark and Talos... becuase I actually wrote a fic for him the crown goes to Talos! (Also just... Ben Mendo...)
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5- She Ra- Bow- I don’t really need to explain he’s fantastic! Such a fun character I was in love by like, episode 2 XD
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6- Mike Tyson Mysteries- Marquess of Queensberry- Have you seen my blog lately? LOL
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7- Pokemon- Feraligatr- More of a species than a character but ugh I ADORE these guys!
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8- Star Trek- Data- You know how I mentioned ninjas earlier? Also androids, lots of androids...
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9- Teen Titans- Cyborg- Another one!!! I thought (and still think) this guy was SO COOL!!
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10- Gorillaz- Murdoc - he’s an asshole but I had to include him X’D
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If anyone else wants to do this go right ahead!! It took a while to even remember 10 franchises I’ve been into tbh, right now I’m kind of cycling through the same 3 things oops X’D
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Tmnt 2012 ninjago vers crossover/au idea that im gonna ramble about
Im actually writing a story for this...and rewatching tmnt 2012 cause Im forgetting some kinda important details. But I kinda wanted to ramble about this and some of the details about it.
First off in this au ninjago is gone. Something happened and ninjago just vanished. Everyone from ninjago however ether escaped to another world(the serpentine ended up in Chima) or got reincarnated.
However vecause of some magical shinanigans the powers of the elmental masters turned into crystals. These crystals can only be used by the ones who hold the soul(s) of their previous users.
The ninja their family friends and a good deal of their enamies got reincarnated in the world of the 2012 turtles. This is where things get...complicated.
Jay's biological mother was reincarnated as Hamato Yoshi's younger sister. She looked up to him and her adopted big brother, Saki. She was also the one who litsened to Saki when he was having romance issues. She actually managed to get on Saki's do NOT kill list cause of the fact she was in the dark about a lot of things. He sent her off to new york to meet a movie star she'd become a fan of.
Jay was reincarnated as her kid. However due to some underminer in the foot, that Saki killed for disobedance, she had to hide Jay. She ended up hiding him with a reincarnated Ed and Edna walker, who have the same name. She still died, after fleeing to new york which is the last place she thought she'd be found. So yeah Jay is the biological cousin of Karai and the cousin of our favorite turtles cause of this.
Cole's mom was part of a clan that were allies to the Hamato. After Saki killed off all the Hamatos he could bring himself to kill or could find, given their are only 4 or 5 and the clan had been a lot bigger that's not saying much, he went after the allied clans.
Though Saki hadnt been Cole's mom only problem. Her clan was pretty strick on the aranged marage thing. She however fell in love with Lou (again technically). The two married in secret and had Cole. Since this was a secret from her whole damned clan when Saki killed her clan including her there was two thecnical servivors: Lou and Cole.
Lou is very aware of this. He knew the clan didn't know and he knows Cole will probably never know but he still worries. He also misses his wife. (The clan name I havent figured out.)
At this point Im just gonna drop the reincarnated reminders cause it's getting to be a headace to rember to add it.
Dr. Jullian was also from an allied clan, the Hanafuyu clan. However he hasnt died. He hid really well able to change his name without Saki finding out and hiding in Alaska where he built and raised Zane and Echo...and Falcon sorta. The two are very aware they are in danger if Saki ever finds out about them.
Kai and Nya's story is actually relatively the same. Ray and Maya were not connected to the Hamatos. They were still captured and forced to work for an enemy. The biggest change is that Wu went and got them to raise them due to reasons.
Lloyd sorta has a similar backstory to cannon too. However what caused Garmadon to become corrupted was something diffrent this time and the man joined Saki. Misako hid Lloyd with Wu this time around while she went to look for a way to cure her husband.
Wu was living in New York. Lou and cole moved there when Cole was 9. The walkers and Julian's moved there when their kids were, roughly, teens or becoming teens (in Echo's case). Wu trianed Kai, Nya, and Lloyd as ninja since he became their guardian. He started training Cole after the three meet him in elementery school and realized something. Dr.Jullian being part of a ninja clan taught Echo and Zane. Jay ligit is the only one withput ninja training, besides April, of the main cast when the story starts.
Now I know I mentioned the crystals and that is important. Wu and Garmadon both know about them, and Wu had to tell Kai, Nya, and Lloyd about them and later Cole. The ninja actually all have theirs. Jay and Cole wear theirs as braclets, Kai and Lloyd wear them as necklaces, Nya wears her's as a hair clip. Zane's is in his chest as his power sorce.
Jay is the only one unaware he has powers. Zane discovered his durring training. The others were told about theirs. He also never questioned why he never got shocked when working on things.
This only covers the ninjago half jeeze. So for more of the tmnt half. Yoshi is aware that his sister and Cole's mom are dead. They died roughly around the same time and it was put into a news paper. He knew Coel's mom personally, they were friends, and he mourned their deaths. He dosent know what's happened with the allied clans other wise. He also had known Wu before he got mutated though he hasnt seen him since due to well mutation.
I'd say more but then I might ruin what I got planned for the story. But I do say the story starts with Zane and Jay transfering to their high school, which is the same one April goes to, and April showes them around. Theres a few chs before
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rose-of-pollux · 6 years
Ok, so, I said I should make a masterlist of Robert Vaughn roles and whether or not each character survived, so here it is, under the cut--presented in chronological order of release/airdate, here are the roles that @ksturf​ and/or I have seen (will be updated as we see more).
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(Obviously, spoilers...)
Hamlet (Hamlet) -- death by poisoned blade
Pharaonic solider (Ten Commandments) -- death by Red Sea re-merge
Idol Worshipper (Ten Commandments) -- death by the wrath of God (yup, two bit parts in this move, and they both got killed off...)
Mr. Beekman (Father Knows Best) -- survives
Bob Ford (Hell’s Crossroads) -- survives
Buddy Root (No Time to Be Young) -- survives
Billy Jack (Zane Gray Theater) -- death by gunshot
Johnny Adler (Zane Gray Theater) -- survives
Kid (Gunsmoke) -- death by gunshot (after literally twenty seconds onscreen)
Andy Bowers (Gunsmoke) -- survives
Frank Elliot (Panic!) -- survives
Symbol Maker’s Son (Teenage Caveman) -- survives
Hank Barlow (Mike Hammer) -- survives
Dr. Dixon (Whirlybirds) -- survives
Don Bigelow (Unwed Mother) -- survives
Marshal Dan Willard (The Rifleman) -- death by gunshot
Eddie Campbell (Good Day for a Hanging) -- death by gunshot
Miguel Roverto (Zorro) -- survives
Lloyd Stover (Bronco) -- survives
Stan Gray (Frontier Doctor) -- survives
Chester Gwynn (The Young Philadelphians) -- survives
George Jones (State Trooper) -- death by execution
Roger Mowbray (Riverboat) -- survives
Art (Alfred Hitchcock Presents) -- death by gunshot
Theodore Roosevelt (Law of the Plainsman) -- survives in the episode, but as he’s playing a historical figure who eventually dies, idk what to count this one as...
Asa Bannister (The Rebel) -- survives
Perry Holcomb (Men into Space) -- survives (just barely)
Lee (The Magnificent Seven) -- death by gunshot I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS; YOU CAN’T MAKE ME 😭
Sandy Kayle (Laramie) -- death by gunshot/rock slide combo (I think; it’s been a while since I seen this one)
Dr. Guy Collins (The June Allyson Show) -- survives
Roy Pelham (Wagon Train) -- survives
Roger Bigelow (Wagon Train) -- survives
Dr. Frank Cordell (Thriller) -- death by falling
Billy the Kid (Tales of Wells Fargo) -- survives
Luke Martin (Bonanza) -- survives, but his fate isn’t so good as he’s pretty much promised death by hanging
Earl Rogers (G. E. True) -- survives
Simon Clain (The Virginian) -- I’m 99% sure he survived (it’s been a while)
Jim Darling (The Dick Van Dyke Show) -- survives
Capt. Raymond Rambridge (The Lieutenant) -- survives
Napoleon Solo (The Man from U.N.C.L.E.) -- survives (after 10,000 close calls, but still!!!)
Bill Fenner (The Venetian Affair) -- survives
Walter Chalmers (Bullitt) -- survives
Antonio (If it’s Tuesday, it Must be Belgium) -- survives
Paul Krueger (The Bridge at Remagen) -- death by execution
Casca (Julius Caesar) -- not entirely sure, but seeing as though he is last mentioned by an angry mob out to get him and is never seen after that, I’m going to guess death by angry mob
Ray Whitely (The Statue) -- survives (but his dignity does not)
Neilson (Clay Pigeon) -- death by gunshot
Jerry Hunter (The Woman Hunter) -- death by gunshot or a fall (forget which...)
Harry Rule (The Protectors) -- survives
Parker (The Towering Inferno) -- death by fall
Charles Clay (Columbo) -- death by blunt force trauma
Hayden Danziger (Columbo) -- survives
Proteus IV (Demon Seed) -- survives... in a manner of speaking (he’s a sentient computer who uploads his sentience to a human body as he’s being shut down, so technically, he lives)
Col Rogers (Brass Target) -- death by gunshot (I think?  It’s been a while)
Sebastian Rolande (Hawaii 5-O) -- survives
Hud (Cuba Crossing) -- death by gunshot
Harrison Crawford (City in Fear) -- survives
Barkley (Virus) -- death by genetically modified flu virus (saw that coming a mile and a half away...)
Gelt (Battle Beyond the Stars) -- death by intergalactic battle
David (S.O.B.) -- survives
FDR (FDR: That Man in the White House) -- survives, but, again, he’s playing a historical figure who suffers death by polio...
Ross Webster (Superman III) -- survives
Ed Ryland (Black Moon Rising) -- death by car
Stanley Auerbach (Prince of Bel Air) -- survives (not to be confused with a popular 90s sitcom of a similar name)
Hunt Stockwell (A Team) -- survives
Ray Melton (Nightstick) -- survives
Jerome Huxley (Ray Bradbury Theatre) -- death by strangulation
Schneider (Skeleton Coast) -- death by gunshot
Byron Orlock (Transylvania Twist) -- undead/temporarily dead
Gary Julian (Buried Alive) -- alive but presumed dead
Gideon Armstrong (Murder She Wrote) -- alive
Edwin Chancellor (Murder She Wrote) -- alive
Charles Winthrop (Murder She Wrote) -- alive
Col. Gavron (Tatort) -- death by explosion
Dennis Forbes (Dancing in the Dark) -- alive
The Devil (Witch Academy) -- immortal
Dr. Stewart Rizor (Walker, Texas Ranger) -- death by gunshot
Bill Stratton (Diagnosis Murder) -- death by gunshot
Alexander Drake (Diagnosis Murder) -- death by gunshot
Prof. Michaels (An American Affair) -- alive
Ron Fairfax (The Sender) -- death by gunshot
James Sheffield (The Nanny) -- death by old age (I think?  I didn’t watch the ep where he died so if someone can fill me in on how James died, that’d be helpful)
Carl Anderton (Law & Order) -- survives
Tate Speer (Law & Order SVU) -- survives
Walter Briggs (Law & Order SVU) -- death by old age/illness
Baxter Cain (Baseketball) -- survives (but, again, his dignity does not)
Mr. White (Recess) -- survives
Vince Deal (The Sentinel) -- survives
Judge Travis (The Magnificent Seven Series) -- alive
Benny Palladino (Hoodlum & Son) -- survives
Albert Stroller (Hustle) -- alive but presumed dead/faked his death
Jacob (Excuse Me for Living) -- alive
Silver-Haired Man (The American Side) -- alive
Carmine (Gold Star) -- alive, but outlook not so good 😢
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