#mentioned garmadon
m00nl1ght-sun25 · 1 year
Heya! I'm the greenflower request sjxnks
I really don't have preference
But you can make something connecting with when they live in Darkley, like, Brad or Lloyd remember something similar happened in their children's
Maybe after the s8, or any season after s8 likee s10 or s15
Ok! :D also i realized like a sentence or two before I finished it that I didn’t really have lloyd sick- i was more focused of hurt/comfort and like darklys and all- im really sorry, if you want I can do a part 2 where it focuses more on lloyd being sick, again i’m really sorry. But i hope you enjoy and also if you do end up disliking this fanfic please tell me and and I can always remake it- so the fanfic will be under the cut and also if you do not know, I am dyslexic so to anyone reading, please don’t be rude or mean if I misspell anything wrong or phrase stuff wrong, you can always politely tell me and I will gladly fix it, please and thank you! :D
Heads up
This is after seabound/season 15
I hc that after nya left lloyd ran away to live with brad in a apartment so that’s where lloyd is :)
This takes place after the burning fate oneshot :P
Trigger warning
Suicidal thoughts
Implied Self harm
Implied and mentioned Child abuse(different parts)
Mentioned Suicide attempt
You and I Drink The Poison From The Same Vile
The rain was falling around Lloyd as he blankly looked over the balcony and into the busy streets on the busy city. He often stood here, just wondering what would happen if he jumped off and ended it all… would anyone miss him? No. No one would. 
He was letting him tired mind wonder in this moment of sorrow. He thought about many things… Nya, The others, His parents, Master Wu… He was thinking about it. How this was all his fault. If he wasn’t the fucking green ninja none of this would’ve happened. Nya would still be here if he wasn’t a shitty leader or friend. 
He wonders how different life would be if he hadn’t gotten kicked out of Darklys… would Nya still be here? Yes. She would. Because then Lloyd likely wouldn’t have become the green ninja and so she wouldn’t of had the sacrifice herself for his stupidity. 
Hair falls in his face but he doesn’t have the strength to move it… he’s so tired and his wrists sting so badly and he’s so fucking tired form being unable to get sleep without having night terrors. But he deserves it, does he not? He doesn’t deserve to be content and happy in life. Not after he was the reason Nya, his (adopted) sister, is gone. 
Everyone probably hates him. Why hasn’t Brad broke up with him? He’s a monster. He killed his own sister. All he does is kill. His father, Harumi, Zane with the overlord, Morro, and… Nya. He could’ve saved all these people or taken their place and things would’ve been so much better. But no, their paying the price. The price he deserves, not them…. Okay maybe Morro does deserve to die… but… Even if he did hurt Lloyd so much, Lloyd still feels sick thinking like how Morro does. 
“You’re going to get sick like this, Lloyd…”
The sudden voice made Lloyd jump and he quickly looked back into the apartment balcony door to see Brad, his boyfriend, give him a worried look… Lloyd still can’t get that look out of his face from when Brad “saved him” from committing. The absolute terror and sadness Brad had in his eyes that day… it as only a couple of weeks ago. Lloyd feels like a absolute dick for making Brad so worried. He’s such a burden for Brad. He should just jump. Maybe this time nothing will be in his way and he would make Brad so much happier.
Lloyd flinches a bit when Brad took Lloyds hand in his. Gently intertwining their fingers and giving Lloyd a soft smile. He gently pulled Lloyd into the apartment and closed the balcony door behind him. Brad pulled Lloyd to the couch, which Lloyd followed him with hollow eyes that kept their gaze on the ground. 
Lloyd didn’t say or do anything as Brad sat him on the couch with a soft but worried expression. Ever since Lloyds last attempt Brad has been even more protective and watchful of Lloyd. 
His dull green eyes looked up to see Brad walk into their bedroom and walk out with a blanket a second later. When Brad walked up to Lloyd he draped it across his shoulders and Lloyd looked to the ground as Brads soft blue eyes tried to lock with his.
Brad gently sighed and plopped on the couch next to his blonde lover. The blue eyed boy wrapped his fingers around the green eyed boy’s. A look of love was on Brads face as he looked at the beautiful blonde. 
“Do you want to talk about it Lloyd…?”
Brad tried to tilt his head so he could be in Lloyd’s field of vision but Lloyd turned his head to the side so he couldn’t look at brad. Lloyds shoulders tensed and he shook his head.
Brad was upset but he knew it would only get better if Lloyd talked about it, he gently squeezed Lloyds hand in his and rubbed his thumb across the back of Lloyds hand as he said in a soft voice.
“Please, I just want to help.”
Lloyd knew that Brad wouldn’t stop until Lloyd told him what was bothering him so Lloyd just sighed and leaned onto Brads side and whispered with his voice filled with guilt.
“I was thinking about Nya… and how different things would’ve been if I was never kicked out of Darklys. Like… would I still be the green ninja? Would Nya still be here? Just so many questions….”
Brad flinched as Lloyd mentioned Darklys, the place was hard for them both. But especially Lloyd. The teachers knew how good Lloyd was so they thought that beating it into him would “fix” him. It didn’t. It just made him more traumatized. 
So, Brad thought for a moment of how to respond to Lloyd. He wrapped his arm around Lloyds shoulders and kissed his cheek, Lloyd glanced at Brad with that but then looked away. Brad understood how much pressure Lloyd put on himself… so he didn’t mind. He knew Lloyd loved him.
“Lloyd… I think, in full honesty, being kicked out of Darklys was honestly the best thing for you… I don’t think you would’ve… I don’t think you would’ve survived. They were so brutal, and to you the most. You… You were so skinny and always had cuts and bruises… And with Nya. That wasn’t your fault. It was no one’s. Nya choose to do that, and I don’t think she would want you to blame yourself for her decision.”
Lloyd sat quietly thinking about it, he laid his head on Brads shoulder as he looked up at Brad. He tensed when Brad mentioned how harsh Darklys was… he understood why Brad thought that, but maybe just give Lloyd a few years and he would’ve been just like his father in that hellhole. 
Then he thought about what Brad said about Nya, and how she wouldn’t want him to blame himself. Now, he can see that. But that doesn’t stop him. He feels like a failure, and that’s never going to go away. He’s the leader. It’s supposed to be his role to keep everyone safe, and he failed. He couldn’t save her. He quit when she needed him most…. ninja never quit? Well he must not be a ninja then. 
Brad carried his fingers through Lloyds soft blonde hair, and kissed his forehead. Lloyd felt like melting at the affection. But at the same time he felt like yelling at Brad and telling him to stop, Lloyd doesn’t deserve this. He doesn’t deserve Brad. Or anyone for a matter of fact. 
Instead of doing anything though Lloyd just laid in Brads arms. He was still a bit wet and shaking from standing in the rain… Brad was right, Lloyd would get sick… great. 
He wrapped the blanket from Brad more around himself and then sneezed. His noise started to leak and Brad playfully rolled his eyes and joked to Lloyd.
“Now, what was it I said about you getting sick by standing out there?”
Lloyd just whined in response and Brad playfully rolled his eyes. He stood up and handed his hand out to Lloyd as he smiled to him.
“Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
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nicolloyd · 8 months
the characterisation of lloyd in the games is my favourite thing ever he says stuff that early season lloyd would not say and i really appreciate his sass
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withdenim · 1 year
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How sad to watch him grow
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kindaasrikal · 3 months
You know what i love to headcanon.
Jay is actually the average height for males, maybe even just a tad above it. He’s gone through his whole life being told he’s tall or just no one even commenting on his height. But then he joins the ninja and God he hates their genes.
Like why are they towers, why are they so big in length, where does the width come from, why are they so bloody large this isn’t fair-
Even Nya, who used to be shorter then him and the average height for females, shot up to be just half a head taller then him and he hates it because why is that he’s now only barely taller then Lloyd.
He thinks he’s taller than Wu until the old man finally straightens his back. Mf TOWERS over him like how COLE AND ZANE DO.
He’s thankful everyday that Kai is only like a bit taller than Nya or he’d throw a fit every time they argued and Kai called him shortie whilst only being a head taller than him.
He fears the day Lloyd shoots up due to his own freaky genes.
(Jay has gotten into the habit of wearing platform shoes, all the ninja laugh at him for it but he has successfully intimidated them into not telling anyone.)
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blogquestionmark · 5 months
about this scene
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i feel like this scene implied that theres more than lloyd not mentioning his ancestry bc "it never came up" to him. the expression when life called him "descendant of the first" i find it an odd reaction, why did he made a sad face?
maybe deep down he hates his ancestry that he keep it away from his mind and subconsciously treat it like its a trivial fact or he felt like he doesnt deserve to be called fsm's descendant
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arolegos · 13 days
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in my uni class straigt up jorkimg it. and by it.haha . lets just say. Im killimg myself (bored out of my Mind...)
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dresh-rx · 13 days
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cable-salamder · 3 months
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They both have a dadao (the sword)!!!!!!
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manochulios · 2 months
Ok FIRST OF ALL!!! follow me on tiktok and AO3!! I'm posting my art there and I have a fanfic project centered on Nya (and Morro) that I started writing, I think you might be interested!
Secondly..... YES! After less than a week of posting the first designs, I decided to change some things!!!!! If you compare it to the old post you'll see that there weren't any very drastic changes, but there were a few things that were particularly bothering me and now I feel like I'm satisfied (for now.....)
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Obviously, as you can see, I haven't changed a lot of things. Maybe I shouldn't have made this update in a new post, changing the main one would have been more than enough but.... nah.
Colors of the gold armor - I gave them a brighter tone, the old one was very dull
Zane and Nya's boots - brother wtf were those, now they are sooo much better
Zane gloves - I totally forgot about them in the first version, but now he has them!!
Kai and Nya eyes - in the old version they already had matching eyes (main color in their own color palette and pupil in the color of their siblings), but I made Nya's eye color more towards gray and Kai's towards brown, instead of the dark -cyan-almost-green and amber that they had)
Nya's hair and sleeves - I left her hair a little closer to her original hair, I felt that in the old one I ended up giving her a hairstyle more similar to mine in real life..... oops? I also changed the flowing sleeve to a more well behaved one similar to Kai's, I don't know if I totally like this change to be honest
Marks on their body - Lloyd now has marks from the oni transformation!! although they are not that visible from far; Nya and Cole's marks are better done than before and Zane has more robot features (although these three in particular are more visible under his clothes *wink wink*)
Jay has goggles now :D
Some close ups (I swear I don't know what I'm doing wrong for the images to be saved in SUCH poor quality)
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Some headshots
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So I guess this is it? NOW I'm gonna leave these designs alone. I already posted on my tiktok too, so if you can stop by and give me a boost I'd really appreciate it!! I'm already working on the individual images of each one with some headcanons and more specifications on the details of each one's designs, but it will probably take a while. I also plan to do a part two of the designs with some secondary characters, but that totally depends on my willingness and willpower LOL
see you soon <3
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 3 months
I am so mentally ill over Spinjitzu family and how FSM failed but Lloyd succeeded, and why that was.
Like, listen, FSM was a child soldier destined to be something great, to be the balance between the Oni and the Dragon, but FSM was born as two separate entities, even if one was just a mere shadow, and then, Garm and Wu were supposed to be the balance, but they were also born as two, because there was something missing, a common ground for the two sides to grab onto and make peace.
Then, Lloyd happened, he was born as a singular entity. Why was that?
You see, he was now different from the previous generations, he was part human, a mortal. Humanity is morally grey by default, not really going to either side, they created and destroyed equally. Lloyd holding the DNA of mortals gave the common ground needed for creation and destruction to properly coexist in this cycle of life.
His mortal side was what was needed for success, for the balance to truly be.
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nerdyenby · 3 months
Zane: can’t stop fucking dying
Jay: can’t fucking die
Kai: just some fucking guy
Cole: died without dying that one time
Lloyd: can’t fucking stay dead
Nya: just some guy- WHAT THE FUCK SHES IMMORTAL NOW- oh wait, nevermind
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writer-room · 1 year
Obsessed with Lloyd never mentioning his grandfather is the First Spinjitsu Master, apparently to the point even Arin didn't seem to know, because "eh, it never came up". Cause like, yeah, sure, my grandfather is God, what of it? Normal day for me. Shit happens. My dad is also evil, you wanna talk about that? I sure don't.
It's also funny from a character arc perspective. Here's itty bitty baby first season Lloyd, loudly proclaiming he's the son of Garmadon, and probably also making sure everyone knows he's God part 3 electric boogaloo. And then one Tomorrow's Tea and a few more years later and he's doing everything physically possible to NOT care about his heritage. In fact he'd probably rather his parentage was literally anyone else. Dude could care so less he forgets about it most of the time. King behavior.
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benjimatorarts · 1 year
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No... He would not be happy with chen...
You would correct that a lot of things would not happen if Garmadon left the overlord on the island but I bet the overlord would get his way one way or another. As for the twin-time brothers, perhaps they could fight off Acronix but Krux was already scheming a plan for years. Something might come up.
The Sons of Garmadon cult would probably still form following Garmadon around in secret.
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kindaasrikal · 3 months
Quick dragons rising theory about that one graveyard vision and Lloyd’s element:
Hey so remember how Nya is elementally stronger when surrounded by water?
And Cole was shown to be stronger when deep underground?
And when Jay is surrounded by lightning/storms he’s shown to have INCREDIBLE capability of controlling and handling it?
ANDD Zane and Kai, who were the first and last (the two hardest positions to actually have in something like that, one having nothing to base it off of and the other is therefore the one whose having the most difficulty doing it) to unlock their true potential ended up doing it surrounded by their elements? (Which Jay and Cole didn’t do as the middle ones)
So why did we just decidedly not realise that the reason Lloyd, whose element is described as energy or life, is so elementally strong because he’s is constantly surrounded by his element and there is no situation where he won’t be?
Unless…the graveyard scene in one of Lloyd’s visions in Dragon’s rising and Doc Wyatt implying on twitter that it may or may not have deeper significance-
(Euphrasia and Morro are the only two other people who are constantly surrounded by their elements and therefore shown as elementally stronger 9/10 times, and whilst they probably have slightly more possibilities of not being surrounded by their element when compared to Lloyd (he’s got like 1, they have like 4 kinda comparison) they are just as unlikely to not be surrounded by their element.)
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spinchip · 1 year
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ninjagofan420 · 1 year
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