#mentions of Macuil
randomnameless · 5 months
Wait a second. Now that you mention it how come Sitri and Byleth have problem emoting because they have a crest stone as a heart whereas people who have a crest stone as a heart like Rhea, Flayn, Seteth, Macuil and Indech and even Sothis have no problem emoting ??? Did I missed something or ?
I'd say the difference lays in their creation.
Sothis created Nabateans - who in turn, could have kids (Flayn).
Rhea created Sitri, but Rhea's powers are nowhere near Sothis so I wouldn't be surprised if Rhea's homonculi, Sitri couldn't express emotions like a Nabatean could ; like Rhea tried to play God, but her powers are nowhere close as God's, so her creations aren't as "perfect/complete" as Sothis' creations.
Billy is a special case, because they're born from Rhea's homonculi - so can we infer the "not being able to express emotions" Sitri had was passed on to Billy ? Or is it a common effect of trying to animate a corpse with a crest stone (Billy's heart never worked to begin with, and Sitri was a body without a soul)?
The explanation is vague and maybe in the 10k years of lore so we can only theorise - canon wise Rhea mentions many times how her powers are peanuts compared to Sothis', so in a way, it wouldn't surprise me that Rhea's "creations" aren't as "able/viable/complete" as Sothis'.
Granted we later learn Sitri expressed emotions with Jerry, so maybe it was only something the "homonculi and their descendants" have when they are kids or aren't exposed to a social environment like Garreg Mach where they can interact with people and develop like "regular humans"?
IDK, bit given how both Billy (and from what we know, partly) Sitri managed to, later in their life, express emotions, that plot point always baffled me as weird.
Was it a nod thrown to make us doubt Billy was "human" and actually something else? Just like their mom?
The lack of heart beating was another nod that Billy wasn't "human" either? But then, the game doesn't bother telling us a thing about the "non-humans", so we don't even know if Billy's heart not beating is tied to, you know, their heart being a rock, or if it beats even if it's a rock in Nabateans, so Billy's not "totally" a Nabatean?
(damn, now i'm thinking about hybrid nabateans, like, do Linhardt's hybrid children with Flayn have a beating heart, or do they have a beating rock, or a rock that doesn't beat? FE16 never gives us answers...)
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dazzlerazz · 11 months
Random crest post
(Note: Sacred weapons are sort of like relics, but do not require a crest to wield, but they are more powerful WITH them. Relics can be wielded by those without crests, but wielders take damage when usng them)
Thorn Dragon Sign - Crest of Ernest Anna No relics or sacred weapons
Wind Dragon Sign - Crest of Macuil Monica Wind Caller's Genesis (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Sky Dragon Sign - Crest of Seiros Rhea, Edelgard Seiros Sword (Sacred), Seiros Shield (Sacred), Labraunda (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Crusher Dragon Sign - Crest of Dominic Annette Crusher (Relic)
Shield Dragon Sign - Crest of Fraldarius Felix Aegis Shield (Relic), Sword of Moralta (Sacred)
Bloom Dragon Sign - Crest of Noa Constance Scroll of Talos (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Light Dragon Sign - Crest of Cethleann Flayn, Linhardt Caduceus Staff (Sacred), Amalthea (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Flame Dragon Sign - Crest of Daphnel Ingrid Luin (Relic)
Grim Dragon Sign - Crest of Blaiddyd Dimitri Areadbhar (Relic)
Craft Dragon Sign - Crest of Gloucester Lorenz, Lysithea Thyrsus (Relic), Axe of Ukonvasara (Sacred)
Kalpa Dragon Sign - Crest of Goneril Hilda Freikugel (Relic)
Earth Dragon Sign - Crest of Cichol Ferdinand, Seteth Ochain Shield (Sacred), Spear of Assal (Sacred)
Ice Dragon Sign - Crest of Aubin Yuri Fetters of Dromi (Relic)
Fissure Dragon Sign - Crest of Gautier Sylvain Lance of Ruin (Relic)
Water Dragon Sign - Crest of Indech Bernadetta, Hanneman The Inexhaustable (Sacred)
Storm Dragon Sign - Crest of the Beast Marianne Blutgang (Relic)
Lightning Dragon Sign - Crest of Charon Catherine, Lysithea Thunderbrand (Relic), Suttungr's Mystery (Hopes exclusive, Relic)
Dark Dragon Sign - Crest of Timotheos Hapi Hrotti (Hopes exclusive, Relic)
Star Dragon Sign - Crest of Riegan Claude Failnaught (Relic), Sword of Begalta (Sacred)
Snow Dragon Sign - Crest of Chevalier Balthus Vajra-Mushti (Relic)
Aegis Dragon Sign - Crest of Lamine Mercedes Rafail Gem (Relic), Ichor Scroll (Hopes exclusive, Relic), Tathlum Bow (Sacred)
Honorable Mentions
Crest of Flames
Amyr, Sword of the Creator
Athame, Ridill, Asclepius (Found in Houses files, but can only be wielded in Hopes, attuned to the cut Crest of Agartha)
Dark Creator Sword, forged with the crest stones of Noa and Timotheos
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ilovesmosh55 · 6 months
This is a certified fire emblem headcanon info dump post . Bullet points copied and pasted from my notes app for the most part so sorry everyone if the formatting or grammar or something is weird
Exactly how the Nabateans work isn’t ever fully explained in game so this is. My take on it based on hints from the game and the characters’ relationships with each other and with Sothis:
-Sothis is an otherworldly alien being who DID come from far beyond the stars. Her lifespan is unfathomably long compared to an average human’s (if not just infinite/indefinite. I imagine as long as her home star shines she could live forever) and her godly power is basically like. An average human’s ability to wield magic times one bajillion. Naturally just has More Magic.
-She left the rest of her kind behind to visit earth and settle there but she doesn’t talk very much about her life before earth to anyone even her closest family. She greatly prefers life on earth and forming human connections to… whatever was going on back on the blue sea star.
-She created her children not by giving birth but like the games said . With her blood. She can just sculpt a human form from Anything, press together a crest stone, and blood-let on it a little bit, and badda bing badda boom new Nabatean. A Nabatean’s abilities, dragon form, and personality can be influenced by what she created their vessels out of. The first ones were created from the clay and mud of the earth she landed on hence the name Nabatean meaning earth dragon lol.
-Sothis DID love and want to watch over humanity, despite not being omnipotent and all-powerful like the Church claims. Creating her children and living among them and humans side by side was sort of her way of expressing that love.
-Despite not claiming to be omnipotent and all-powerful, Sothis’s strange appearance and abilities lead the people of Fodlan to begin calling her a goddess and worshipping her, which she happily accepted and encouraged. The idea that she watches over all life from above and is the arbiter of every soul came along with the church after she died (and is not really true). During her lifetime, she was just worshipped and was the queen of Zanado
-Sothis can create and bring life to a Nabatean at any age/stage of life. Rhea is one of the few she created as a baby rather than a fully grown adult, and she raised her as her own as a result.
-Seteth and his brothers are one of many “batches” of Nabateans made as adults and as a result they aren’t nearly as close to Sothis as Rhea is/was.
-Specifically, Macuil seems to even resent Sothis as he mentions byleth “stinking” of her during his battle. I imagine he’s the eldest brother and resents her for seemingly “abandoning” him to watch his brothers alone when others like Rhea got centuries of her time, love, and attention.
-Nabateans are all created by Sothis and most of them view her as a mother or at least a distant family member/matriarch figure but unless specifically made by Sothis to be siblings (as Seteth and his brothers were. Made as a matching set.) Nabateans aren’t actually related to each other. Sothis travelled all over Fodlan and probably other parts of the world too and created countless sets of Nabateans based on all different types of people. She would often make a few sets/unrelated individuals at once so that her creations/children could have like-minded company.
-Flayn’s mom/Seteth’s wife was also a Nabatean but from another “clan” and therefore yknow not his sister. Rhea Seteth and Flayn only really see each other as family in 3h because they are the last of their kind and feel the need to bond together for safety.
-Seteth and his brothers were based on whatever the Fodlan equivalent of Celtic people is. Rhea was made as a baby for Sothis to raise herself and is made more closely in her image than most of the others.
-Nabateans DO age, but very veeerryyy slowly. Rhea was pretty young, about the equivalent of 19 when Sothis was killed and the war of heroes started. By the time 3H canon begins, she’s about the equivalent of 38-41-ish. Seteth is about 40 in human years too, though he’s actually much younger than Rhea because he was created after her but was created as a young adult. Flayn is the equivalent of 15. Was only like 12 when she was injured and fell asleep back in the day.
-Sothis’s body, like when she was alive properly, will never die/rot so long as the blue star shines. However, the other Nabatean’s bodies DO rot but again. Veeerrryyy slowly. It would take centuries before they’d start to smell off.
-Other Nabateans, especially ones created later who weren’t raised and taught how to use their power by Sothis herself are not nearly as powerful as she was. Rhea is one of the strongest and was raised by Sothis personally but even she can’t control herself and goes crazy if she overuses her dragon form too much.
-Rhea was able to create Sitri/the other failed mom vessels because she was taught how to by Sothis. Probably watched her create many other Nabateans. However, since she is not nearly as powerful as her mother (and was just reusing the crest stone of a dead woman), Rhea’s vessels are far more fragile/sickly and humanlike. Most of them died very shortly after being created from their bodies basically being unable to sustain themselves. Sitri was pretty sickly and feeble but she was actually the healthiest and longest living one
-If not properly utilized and honed, Nabatean’s magic also fades over time, hence how Seteth’s brothers are now basically stuck as dragons. They didn’t transform for so long that they got rusty and probably can’t anymore.
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tire-d-falcon · 2 months
Its funny how some Rhea's fans truly believe she was powerless to stop Faerghus's oppression and colonization of Duscur despite there being numerous examples of the exact opposite.
She has power and influence over Faerghus to the point their kings are obligated to protect her from harm.
She has mediated between warring nations within Fodlan and stopped their fighting.
And last and certainly not least she could've done what Macuil did and scared off Faerghus from occupying Duscur in her dragon form. She didn't have a problem transforming into a dragon Infront of her whole army to fight Edelgards army.
Not to mention people with less influential and powerful people like Sylvain have managed to make amends with their neighbors and Gerth has managed to create a ceasefire.
Even if she was powerless to stop the oppression of Duscur she certainly could've refused Kleimans request to help "aid" him in killing Duscur natives from reclaiming their land. But instead she supports Faerghus in commiting the same crimes as Nemesis and the Agarthans, stealing land that isn't theirs and killing it's natives for their own selfish greed.
This is one of the many reasons why Three Houses would've been better off without the violent racism it loves to spew. All this has done is needlessly bog down the story and most characters to no one's benefit.
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bayalexison · 10 months
Ch 2 Dimileth Goggles Preview for WIP Wednesday
WIP Wednesday time! Here’s the beginning of the second chapter of my Dimileth Goggles where Byleth finds out what’s going on behind the scenes. Hopefully the update will be fairly soon!
Several months passed since Dimitri had left Zanado to search for the hobbits. Byleth felt his absence like an empty void in her surroundings. After the time they spent together, she missed him dearly, and had likened his presence to a steamy cup of chamomile tea. They exchanged letters often, with Dimitri letting her know that finding Ignatz took longer than he thought. He had clothed himself as a ranger named Strider to avoid attracting too much attention, but despite his disguise he mentioned he couldn’t cloak either his nightmares or how much he missed her being by his side.
She kept all of his letters in her drawer and reread them daily until the stars and the moon glowed in the night.
She missed their training and Nabatean language sessions, horse rides, and tea parties. She missed her lips meeting as they fell in bed together, and her chest ached from yearning for his return.
During Dimitri's absence, the hobbit Albany Victor arrived in Zanado. Both Seteth and Rhea welcomed him with open arms and had him stay in one of the apartments. Albany worked on a book based on his adventures, There and Back Again: A Hobbit's Tale. That caught Seteth's interest, leading him to ask if he could help out with some illustrations which Albany immediately accepted. From the handful of conversations Byleth had with him, he seemed like a kind and humble gentleman.
On a cool spring evening during the middle of Harpstring Moon, Byleth went to the library to find a book to read. Besides the training grounds, this was her favorite place, as it housed various subjects from history, languages, and even ancient plays. While there, she spotted Rhea and Seteth near the books on weaponry, and hid behind the shelves, just within earshot.
"So the hobbits have managed to outrun the Ringwraiths?" Seteth asked Rhea.
"Yes. I saw through my visions that they took a ferry and were on their way to Bree Village. It will be some time until they reach there."
"Should we let Albany know in the morning then?"
"It would be wise for us to do so. I also predict that Dimitri would cross paths with the hobbits there."
Seteth nodded and hummed. "I got word from Macuil that the Agarthans have been destroying more villages. I believe he is also on his way to help out Dimitri and the hobbits."
"I see. I do hope the hobbits wouldn't have to cross paths with the Agarthans on their way."
Byleth's breathing slowed while listening to that conversation. So Epimenides and the Agarthans were already on the move in chasing down Ignatz. It was very likely Dimitri had encountered several Agarthans already. Even though Macuil there put her fears at ease somewhat, Byleth didn't like that she was doing nothing while the threat of Epimenides taking over the world loomed ever closer. With her palm on her chest, she decided that she would attempt to leave and help out.
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You mentioned Seteth and Rhea being siblings in a recent post, and I thought that was worth discussing because I've personally never seen them that way. They are certainly close, both as friends confidence and coworkers, but I always thought of Seteth as a cousin several times removed rather than Rhea's direct sibling. Though for a modern Au with no magic involved, I might rearrange them into being siblings for simplicity sake.
Same would go for Indech and Macuil as well; Flayn does call at least one of them Uncle at one point and I do get the feeling they could be Seteth's brothers, I never felt like Rhea was part of that direct sibling group. Just something about the way they talk to each other, about each other, and about the goddess, I suppose.
Yet another thing we lose by Rhea not having any supports. I feel like if she had a support with Flayn it could have cleared some stuff up.
Your thoughts?
That's entirely plausible ! I'd always assumed they were siblings because it's the most popular interpretation in the fandom. I'd also always assumed it because since Nabateans live so long and Seteth is older than Seiros, i'd thought they were both first generation directly created by Sothis and that Flayn was from the second generation (born to two Nabateans rather than the Goddess herself) if that makes sense. That might just be me forgetting lore stuff, however !
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1setethisneat1 · 7 months
Seteth and Flayn's dragons
Going over the fact that we never get to see them transform I still feel so robbed over the fact that we never get to see the dragon forms of Flayn or Seteth. Not even when we go through the Crimson Flower route do we get to see it. Which is kinda disappointing. Not to mention the dragons are each uniquely designed when we do see them.
Like for example, Indech is a giant turtle which is interesting. Macuil being bird like, Rhea being the immaculate one are all amazing designs.
I think it would have been great to see them, or have them for story reasons, maybe even a sorta boss fight or side story part. It just feels like a missed opportunity.
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quillfulwriter · 9 months
I know the wyverns in the Archanea FE games are demented dragons that didn’t put their power into dragon stones but I’m not sure as to the origin of the wyverns in Three Houses.
Are they children of the goddess that succumbed to madness like Rhea in Silver Snow?
I feel like most FE games don't explain the origins of creatures like pegasi or wyvern, honestly, which could be a lost opportunity for a good chunk of them. Especially with games that have personified dragons in them!
It's a very cool concept that they could be children of the goddess, but because they can be mounts for wyvern classes, it'd be a hard sell to say they've succumbed to madness. Because I somehow don't see anyone taming Rhea in Silver Snow as a mount? But the implied difference in power between Rhea compared to other descendants of Sothis could also be a factor there.
Not to mention personality. Indech and Macuil are both trapped in their draconic forms without losing their minds, and they will both attack you... But Indech seems to be doing it from a place of resignation for the most part. Meanwhile, Macuil genuinely appears to hate all of humanity (the Ten Elites in particular).
So it could be that the some wyverns are children of the goddess who simply can't change back. If I had to guess, I would say they would look different than your standard wyvern (think Hero's Relic vs. standard weapon). Assuming white wyverns aren't common in Almyra, which they could be sorta like the Uromastyx/spiny-tailed lizard, Claude's white wyvern could be one of them.
It's very fun to consider all the same! I think you could 100% write this hc in a fanfic or as a stream of consciousness post and have a blast with it, ngl.
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lananiscorner · 2 years
"The Nabateans don’t count as genocide survivors because they live in positions of power." is also stupid because Flayn literally has no power over people. She can't even take part in classes despite wanting to until Byleth and their class rescues her. And Indech and Macuil are literally in exile.
Thanks for your ask, anon. Honestly, the more I look at this list of garbage-fire takes that I've seen, the more this one comes out as the clear winner, because:
(warning for more mentions of genocide, racism and antisemitism beneath the cut)
Like you said--3 of them don't even live in positions of power. Indech lives in a lake and wants nothing to do with humanity. Macuil lives on a desert island and wants nothing to do with humanity. Flayn was in a 1000-year coma in a remote location where she never got to see anyone except her dad until a few years before the game. Seteth has been in his position of power for less than 20 years. And Flayn is not even a student at Garreg Mach, let alone in a position of power even after she starts living there.
It is debatable just how much power the Church really has, seeing as the Southern Church was apparently disbanded without much trouble by Adrestia, and Rhea and Seteth can't even enforce equal boarding among their nobel/common students.
Literally the only two requirements for classifying as a genocide survivor are 1) you were around when someone tried to systematically wipe out your people or your culture (e.g. Christian missionary schools for Native American children may not have killed those children--or at least not all of them, I know the number is sadly not zero--but they still had the goal of systematically erasing their culture and replacing it with Christian culture) and 2) you are not dead. Seriously, those are the only two criteria and at least 4 of the 5 Nabateans fit that bill (not sure if Flayn was already born when Nemesis decided to slaughter all the Nabateans for parts).
Saying "Nabateans don't qualify as genocide survivors because they are in positions of power" is like saying "people like Obama and Morgan Freeman and Halle Berry are not black because they are rich and celebrities". Or like saying "Paralympics champions are not disabled because they are even fitter than most able-bodied people". Just what the fuck? Oppressed people are not a monolith. Just because you are on the upper end of one axis of oppression (e.g. rich or in a position of political/religious power), doesn't mean you can't be on the lower end of another, and you don't have to be actively suffering right this second to be part of an oppressed group.
This take has such bad antisemitic undertones--it reaks of every "jews secretly rule the world and try to control us all" horse shit that I have ever heard from holocaust deniers on Discord and it just makes me fucking cringe.
It's just such an all-around bad take, I can't even.
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aurheatum · 2 years
tulip :   how does your muse view people in general ?  
so this is going to be long and full of headcanons! spoilers for rheas whole thing and the kusakihara's 10000.... year history crumbs for any who care
Okay so pretty obviously people come in two types to Rhea 1. Humans and 2. Nabateans
Humans first
For context, I tend to assume Rhea was born around the midpoint of humanity/agartha’s war against Sothis.
General timeline would be Sothis decides to have one (1) more mitosis baby > She puts the Torment in the Valley of Torment > Eventually humanity exhausts its nukes/agarthans retreat and Sothis gives up the last of her strength to heal Fódlan’s land
Strictly speaking we don’t know what Fódlan’s technology was like post Sothis going to sleep but I think we can assume it is about where 3H proper is just based on the particular technologies Rhea bans (no oil or electricity for u). I think that speaks volumes to how little Rhea trusts humanity and how foolish a collective she thinks them.
But then there’s Wilhelm.
“He saved me. Supported me. Gave his all to the cause of defeating Nemesis.”
Even after all these years Rhea still speaks of him like she owes him a debt. Fitting, since she would have met Wilhelm shortly after seeing the entirety of Zanado slaughtered by humans (sans nukes this time!) – and it was only with his help she was able to reclaim her mother’s bones.
(I think this was probably the most hopeful time for her: she would never have predicted that once her enemies were defeated the goddess simply wouldn’t return.)
And he’s certainly not the last in a line of humans she continues to trust. There’s Jeralt who would have basically been her son-in-law had Sitri survived, and Catherine who’s the sole person she relies on in the Crimson Flower route.
Two out of three of those humans first encounter Rhea-as-Rhea when she plays nursemaid to them. That, and the fact, in every route besides CF Rhea is willing to sacrifice herself just to prevent Garreg Mach from becoming another Zanado makes me think while Rhea certainly doesn’t entirely trust humans, she’s never been able to entirely hate them either.
Part of her putting her life on the line is absolutely because she thinks it’s what Sothis would do in her place, duty rather than sentiment. Largely she does sees the humans of Fodlan as her flock but the little details we get about her relationships with Jeralt and Catherine, and the simple fact she admits being archbishop is lonely in her teatime talk, makes it pretty clear that as foolish and ignorant as she thinks humans are she also cannot help but want to find companionship in them.
Rhea’s a fool too, after all.
And lonely! More on that in the next bit.
So the only surviving family members we know Rhea has are:
-Indech (currently chilling in a lake #respect)
-Macuil (got the hell out of Fódlan and became an angry desert hermit)
-Flayn (up until the last decade has been in dragon cryostasis)
and Seteth.
(The four apostles were also probably nabateans/their descendants based on Yuri’s backstory. Important to point out that Aubin would have been wandering Fódlan for some time before coming to save little kid Yuri and then peacefully dying.)
What do they all sans Seteth/Flayn duo have in common?
Oh, right. They all left her!
I imagine since Rhea is on her twelfth attempt to make a Sothis soul jar just twenty years prior to the game that this has been going on for… awhile. We know the apostles were involved in the founding of Garreg Mach, and I would assume the same of at least Indech if not Macuil. But bit by bit the years wore on them as did Rhea’s stubbornness and they went to go make the best of their long lives.
I think it’s important to note Seteth’s profile mentions he’s only come back to Garreg Mach recently ( I just double checked and it's legit the year after Jeralt sets a fire. Seteth is just the community pizza man gif.).** From a writing standpoint this is done to explain how and when Flayn awoke, and to give Seteth a reason for having no idea what or who Byleth is in the game proper until Rhea outright tells him.
But like. That’s the thirteenth vessel Rhea’s (albeit unintentionally) made. You really think that Seteth never knew about any of the others? I doubt it. He clearly disagrees with Rhea’s fixation on Sothis but continues to support her all the same.
Family means a lot to the both of them. Rhea especially.
I think she resents Seteth’s brothers for leaving, but I do think she’d welcome them back all the same, as for Seteth and Flayn: she may not say it but they mean more to her than anyone else, particularly in Seteth’s case because he always came back.
explains inoues banger performance here
**ok fire was 1159. Seteth comes back 1162. I still think Seteth pizza guy is funny and also a tldr of his relationship w rhea
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bbq-hawks-wings · 2 years
Hey Three Hopes, peeps! Did we ever find out who tf Saint Luca was from the Tome of Comely Saints?
I know we all had a good guffaw at "Macuil's beauty and gettin' freaky with the humans may have spurred on a renaissance of women artists and writers in Fodlan" and the classic "St. Cichol was so hot and everyone wanted him, but he only had eyes for his wife" and it is this author's opinion that the rumors of him having countless lovers may have just stemmed from the two of them sneaking off together regularly and often, if you know what I mean; but then we got this mention of a "St. Luca" who not only had enormous amounts of children of ambiguous heritage, but it was hinted completely out of nowhere that he may have been using some sort of disguise magic for most if not the entire time - possibly disguise magic that might work suspiciously close to the Agarthans disguises and it's never brought up again.
Nintendo, Intsys, you planning on clearing this up in DLC or what?!
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randomnameless · 5 months
AG AU - random Seteth stuff
Being the good host he is, Dimitri heard Seteth's birthday happens on Saint Cichol's Day, and he remembers how Seteth mentionned more than once how Cichol's Treatise on Strategy is very informative and one of the best books about strategy around.
So, even if Seteth might have one copy at the monastery, right now he doesn't have one, right? He found the perfect gift for him!
(also, Lady Rhea assured him he would really appreciate it)
As expected, Seteth was very enthusiastic and thanked him a lot for his thoughtful present. As Rhea didn't expect though, Seteth enjoys collectioning different versions and editions of Cichol's Treatise on Strategy, to check what humans modify with the passing of time and how close they are to his, I mean, Cichol's original version.
Passably annoyed at seeing one of his top strategies being attributed to Saint Macuil ("first he appropriates Indech's achievements and now mine??"), he became really annoyed when some paragraphs mention how Emperor Wilhelm assisted to strategy meetings ("Him?! He always had a hangover or was too busy doing whatever to attend strategy meetings, and always sent his Vestra!")
He became Big Mad (tm) at Rhea ("it wasn't me? Why would ever edit your boring books?") but then Cyril asked him - unaware that it was his birthday - if he could train him with the lance.
Indeed, after talking to Catherine about his problem - aka Rhea not really wanting him to fight because it's too dangerous and he might die - Catherine told him, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, to train to become stronger, duh. So he won't die, and Lady Rhea won't be upset!
Baffled by this "logic", Seteth first wants to refuse, but Cyril insisted. Well, Seteth says he isn't using a lance right now, because the Kingdom needs more axe users, but if he wants, he can try with the young knights under Gilbert's tutelage? He's sure Gilbert will accept to teach Cyril.
"But Lady Rhea said you're the strongest fighter she knows!"
Moved by this declaration, and knowing very well his wyrm of a sister would rather burn her ridiculous hat that say this to his face, he relents and accepts.
Later that day, he meets her and pats her head - like he used to when she was still the sister who found everything he did awesome, and pestered him to have him read her a bedtime story. Rhea smiles, unnerved, and refrains from calling him senile now that he is older.
Meeting with Flayn and her friends, Seteth dreads to eat the cake she most likely made for him today, but thanks to "her friends", it was actually edible, and he thanks, in private, Dedue for helping arrange this "party".
He receives a new quill, a special edition of "Loog and the Maiden of Wind" but the non-racy one, courtesy of Ashe who managed to find one after Flayn told him what Seteth enjoys in his books, a new fishing rod, a dagger from one of his admirers, and a Zanado Fruit (to which Ingrid wondered who put that thing here? It's inedible!).
Thanking everyone for the party, knowing well it was complicated to pull off given the actual context and the on-going war, he returns to his quarters not before patting Rhea's head once again to thank her for the Zanado Fruit - because she can't do anything today it's his birthday, even if he knows she will have her revenge in two weeks.
Rodrigue, who observed that scene from afar wonders, are they siblings or something?
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galaxietm · 2 years
so, here’s a small dump of ideas for Katarina + Keith’s Three Houses verse! they’re still wip, but i hope they sound okay! before i even do this dump, up front i’m gonna say: they’re in the Blue Lions, okay? okay.
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Born to a pair of nobles; Millidiana Adeth from the Leicester Alliance and Luigi Claes from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus; Katarina Claes was an only child for the first several years of her life. With the Claes estate near the border of the Leicester Alliance and the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and in between the county of Charon and the county of Galatea, Katarina grew up with a love of farming (much to her mother’s chagrin) and a personality more befitting of a commoner than a noble. After the Claes family adopted Keith, Katarina was determined to make her brother feel just as loved and welcome as she. The two had soon become nearly attached at the hip, doing nearly everything together. Despite Katarina’s dislike of schooling, they had done that as well as learning self-defense.  However- Keith soon had gotten the affectionate nickname from Katarina’s personal maid and their mother of ‘Katarina’s impulse control’. As the two neared the age of 16, Katarina's parents mentioned sending the pair of siblings to the Officer’s Academy; as a way for them to broaden their horizons (and hopefully Katarina could shake the farming hobby her mother frowned upon) and get practical experience.  After being placed in the Blue Lions, Katarina quickly lived up to her reputation as a humble and kind tomboy with an affinity for sweets; even if she’s a little bit simple-minded at times. However; due to her hobby of farming (don’t tell her mother she’s still doing it) Katarina has become one of the physically strongest members of the Blue Lions class. Combat Classes:  Noble > Myrmidon > Swordmaster > Mortal Savant  Has strengths in Swords, Axes, Gauntlets, Authority Has weaknesses in Bow, Faith, Reason, Flying Has hidden strength in reason 
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Born to a prostitute and a noble who happened to be a distant relative of the Claes family, Keith;s birth father was a nobleman from the Adrestian Empire. After hearing that he had inherited his father’s crest- a major crest of Macuil, his birth father reluctantly agreed to take Keith in when he was 3. However; things were far from perfect. His father willingly ignored Keith’s existence, his step-mother and brothers harassed him daily, and he had been neglected at every turn.  One day, when he was being bullied to a particularly nasty extent, Keith’s crest had activated for the first time. After accidentally injuring his brothers, they had run off. Shortly after this incident, Luigi Claes had heard about Keith’s crest and potential, quickly offering to adopt him. Soon after, Keith became a member of the Claes family at 7 years old. While initially uneasy about the new environment, the moment he was greeted by his new sister and shown acceptance from her family, he started to feel comfortable. Him and Katarina had become close; his sister refusing to make him feel lonely, even going so far as to promise him that she would always be there for him.  Years later- the two had begun to ready themselves for the Officer’s academy. After promising their parents (namely their mother) that he would look after Katarina, Keith was ready to look towards the future. Maybe he could find his happy ending- if is sister’s clumsiness didn’t get the better of both of them. He’s got a reputation as someone who is kind, gentle and willing to help those around them- as well as attempting to keep his sister out of trouble.  While Katarina is one of the strongest physical fighters in the Blue Lions class, Keith is one of the strongest magic users. 
Combat Classes:   Noble > Mage > Bishop > Holy Knight Has strengths in sword, faith, reason, authority  Has weaknesses in axes, gauntlets Has hidden talent in horseback riding
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fodlansbestmom · 4 months
Anonymous asked:
There is a smile on his face as he listens to her talk about her family. Learning that her kids are adults only has him smiling wider. They're all grown up...
There is a brief flicker of confusion when she says she cannot remember 2 of her children, but that's quickly overshadowed when she mentions a granddaughter. A granddaughter! And she's a student here! It's good her room is between her children's; he would love to meet them all!
"You have such a large family..." His eyes are soft, but his confusion returns. "What about the two other children you mentioned? The ones you don't... remember." He can't imagine forgetting his own children.
“No. I use to have a large family. Hundreds, perhaps even a thousand, children, but..” Sothis trailed off then shook her head. Her memories were still locked and no matter how hard she racked her brain.. nothing really came back.
”I don’t.. I don’t remember a lot of things after coming back from Tartarus. I know they are out there, somewhere. Their names..” She paused, brows furrowed. No, she knew names. “…Macuil and Indech. There’s statues of them here. Of all the saints.” What Else was there? A lot but she can’t tell anything else. “What of you? Do you have any children?”
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galeforged · 1 year
Absence Makes Us Fonder (Forwin and Vi Paralogue)
Upon learning of his mentors’ whereabouts, Forwin prepares to leave the monastery with great haste. Vi initially dismisses the idea of joining him, but curiously changes her mind once she hears of his destination…
—Opening narration
Absence Makes Us Fonder is Forwin and Vi’s Paralogue Chapter in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. This chapter takes place in Albany territory in the Leicester Alliance, and is available on all routes during Part 2 after completing Chapter 15. Like A Cursed Relic and Black Market Scheme, this Paralogue Chapter is only available as downloadable content via the Expansion Pass bundle.
Available until: 8/30
Suggested level: 29
Units: Forwin, Vi
Weapon: Sword of Fragarach. Sacred weapon (Crest of Macuil) that restores HP every turn. Effect increased with Crest. Effective against Flyers.
Gerth Magic Militia: A group of mages that long served as a private army for the noble House Gerth. Associated with Forwin.
Gambit: Resonant Wind. Powerful wind magic that affects a wide area. Range 1-2. Effective against Flying foes.
Nilsson Sedation Corps: An independent group of chemists who once assisted the Eastern Church. Associated with Vi.
Gambit: Poison Wave. Inflicts poison status on all targets in the area. Range 1. Effective against Armoured foes.
Before Battle
Ashen Wolves Classroom
(Forwin enters)
Vi: You appear to be… unusually frantic, Forwin. Did something you eat not agree with your stomach? Should I begin preparing a remedy? Forwin: What? No, Vi, I’m fine. I-I appreciate the concern, but I can’t afford to stick around right now. Urgent personal business and all that. I am only here to grab my things and go.
Choice 1: What urgent business? (continue below)
Choice 2: Are you sure it’s not your stomach?
Forwin: Not you too, Professor. My health is in top form, that I can assure you!
Forwin: Right, so… A while ago, in exchange for a favour of his choice, I asked Yuri if he would keep an ear to the ground for my old mentors. With Fódlan in disarray, I started to doubt whether anything would actually ever turn up. Honestly, I considered giving up on the search altogether, but one of his associates just returned with some troubling news as to their whereabouts.
Byleth: Do you intend to follow up on that lead?
Forwin: Yes. You see, back when I left House Gerth, I was fortunate enough to be taken in by the Leverock Traveling Theatreworks! They were this group of performers led by Davina Leverock, a former Mittelfrank Opera Company songstress, and her wife Tristine, who worked as our coordinator. We toured around Fódlan, up into Faerghus and down through Leicester… but since the war began, it seems as though the Theatreworks disbanded entirely. Vi: I recall a troupe of that name visiting Nilsson a few times, over the years. My… my sisters and I enjoyed their shows together. Forwin: Ha, small world! Perhaps I saw you in the crowd once... though I don't remember you mentioning sisters before. Vi: No one asked.
Byleth: You're planning on going alone.
Forwin: If I have to, yes. I owe all that I am to Lady Davina and Lady Tristine, so I can’t stand idly by while they are in danger. They and the Theatreworks were the closest thing I had to a real family after I left home. Of course, that applies to the Ashen Wolves now too, but... those two are still family to me. Vi: Regrettably, I am currently too busy with an experiment to accompany you. I apologize, Forwin, but I wish you luck all the same in your endeavour. Forwin: It’s alright, Vi. No harm done. I already planned on going by myself anyway.
Choice 1: Where are you going then?
Choice 2: So Davina and Tristine are… where?
Forwin: Well, word has it that they are currently being chased over treasure of sorts in their possession. Thankfully, though, they’re not far from here. From what I heard, they were last spotted in the Viscounty of Albany, in Leicester. Vi: (gasps quietly) Forwin: If they still had the troupe, I wouldn’t be so worried… though it sounds like it’s just those two by themselves. They’re fierce, sure, but if something actually happens to them… Vi: I will go with you. If the situation really is as dire as you make it sound, then I can’t, in good conscience, allow you to charge in by yourself. Forwin: Wait, did you just change your mind? What about your project? Vi: My sisters… They are in Albany. A lot of time has passed since I last saw them, as venturing by my lonesome outside of Abyss before proved unwise. Now, circumstances have changed. Strength in numbers will better assure success for both of our aims. You will reunite with your mentors, and I will finally visit my sisters. For that, my work can wait. Forwin: That’s perfect! I can’t thank you enough for this, Vi. Vi: Professor. You will join us too, won’t you?
Choice 1: There’s no time to lose. (Begin Paralogue battle)
Forwin: Fantastic! It will put my heart at ease to see them once more. Let’s sally forth!
Vi: Florine, Rusalind… At last, I will see you again. -x-
Choice 2: We can’t just rush in. (Return to previous screen)
Forwin: A-ah… and here I started to get excited.
Vi: Regrettable… However, we did just propose this to the Professor. Once you’re adequately prepared, then?
Victory Conditions: Rout the enemy. Defeat Conditions:
Casual Mode: Forwin, Vi, Davina, or Tristine fall in battle.
Classic Mode: Byleth, Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude, Forwin, Vi, Davina, or Tristine fall in battle.
Beginning of battle
Bandit Leader: After them! Those two couldn’t have gone far! So help me, if they get away with our big payday-! Vi: Marauders… and many of them. It appears we were already beaten to the punch.  Forwin: No, listen! It doesn’t sound like they found them yet. We're not too late! We can still turn this around! Davina: Great, more enemy reinforcements? …hold on, those ones aren't dressed like they’re with the thieves… Tristine: Love, it’s only a matter of time before those bandits search this stronghold. We have to move!
End of Player Phase 1
Davina: Well, well! I guess we’re not total goners. Look alive, Tristine! The cavalry is... Hey, wait a second. Are my eyes finally failing me or is that-?! Tristine: I can't believe it... Forwin!
Talking with Forwin
Davina: Long time no see, little bard. Here I thought you bit it when Garreg Mach fell years ago! Forwin: Let’s just say that reports of my death were greatly exaggerated. It’s so wonderful to see you again though, Lady Davina! Truly. Davina: Yeah, yeah, missed you too. Save the sappy stuff for later, we have to survive this first! Forwin: Right, you can count on me!
Talking with Byleth
Davina: So you’re the infamous Ashen Demon… Charmed to finally make your acquaintance. I can rely on that frightful power of yours to get us out of this mess, right?
Talking with Forwin
Tristine: It really is you! You’re alive! Oh, Forwin, I thought you lost forever-! Forwin: Lady Tristine! Goddess, I’m SO relieved you’re… Wait, that sword! Is that what these thieves are after? Where did you get that?! Tristine: We… We have a lot to discuss, darling. After the battle is over, I promise you. Forwin: Tristine… A-are you-?
Talking with Vi
Tristine: My, my… Are you a friend of Forwin’s? Vi: Yes. I’m Vi, an apothecary. Pleased to finally meet you. My family enjoyed your shows. Tristine: And a fan, too! It comforts me to no end to see he found such dependable companions. Thank you, Vi, for looking after my son. Vi: Naturally. I am—Wait, did you just say “son”-?
Bandit Leader
Vs. Forwin
Forwin: Didn’t your parents teach you better manners? It’s poor form to insist on a woman’s company after she declines, you know. Bandit Leader: What the... A minstrel? Bahahaha!! Whatcha gonna do, play me a little tune?! Forwin: For threatening the lives of my mentors, I think it’s only fair that I get to send you off with a smile and a song. Off to your early grave, that is!
Vs. Vi
Vi: No… I will not allow that same tragedy to repeat itself here. Not here, of all places. NEVER again! Bandit Leader: Don’t you think you’re a little out of your depth here, girlie? A shrimp like you don’t stand a chance against me! Vi: Then let’s put your theory to the test, shall we? Your witless tongue against my poisons. Conclusion? Let's find out together!
Vs. Anyone
Bandit Leader: Playing the hero, eh? I don’t care who the hell you think you are. You are not getting in between me and my mark! Not today!
Bandit Leader: Damn it…! Got so close… to finally striking it rich… That sword should’ve been mine…!
After all enemies are defeated
Vi: There… I believe that should dissuade others from attempting the same. We’re safe. Forwin: Tristine, I can think of only one other person who would have that sword. You know I have to ask. Just... who are you, to me? Really? Davina: Honey, I think it’s about time we tell him. We owe him and his friends that much for saving our skins. Tristine: (sighs) Very well. You have a right to know.
After Battle
Visconty of Albany | Daytime
Tristine: Davina and I… We were in love ever since I first saw her onstage in Enbarr. We shared this dream of starting a travelling theatre company together, after she retires… but my parents ordained that I would marry another, instead.
Byleth: You were a noblewoman, Tristine?
Tristine: Indeed. Though I am Crestless, any child I carried could potentially inherit my family’s Crest. Thus, my House and land folded into my husband’s. Isolde von Ulrich married Duke Gerth… then the burden of Saint Macuil’s Crest awakened in my only child. In… you, Wyndell. Forwin: So it really is you… Why didn’t you tell me sooner? We were together again, and for two whole years! Mother, you could’ve said something! Why-?! Davina: Calm down, kiddo. Let her finish. Tristine: Roland gave me an ultimatum: either I stay to bear him more children with Crests, or I leave alone with nothing. He already got what he wanted, and I couldn’t stand the thought of mothering more young for someone whom I feel no affection. Leaving you behind, my sweet boy… it tore my heart in twain. Davina: So, she returned to me with a settlement of gold, House Ulrich’s heirloom, and a new name. From there, we finally wedded, made good on our dream, and toured Fódlan together. Still, not one day passed where you weren’t on her mind. Tristine: I couldn’t believe my eyes when we found you in Remire, years later. Frail and frightened over every little thing! I knew then I made a mistake. I should have stolen away with you before. Isolde lost all right to call herself your mother... but as Tristine, I believed we could start over. Davina: Then we brought you in, gave you a fresh start with the Theatreworks… and you know the rest.
Byleth: Forwin, are you alright?
Forwin: Y-yes, it’s… just a lot to take in. Goddess, damn these tears- Tristine: If nothing else, I can finally pass along what was meant for you. The Sword of Fragarach, from House Ulrich, is your birthright. May it serve you better than it did me. Davina: You’re not our anxious, mousey stagehand anymore. You’ve really grown, little bard. We’re proud to see what you’ve become. Forwin: Thank you both… F-for everything you did for me. (sniffs) Thank you. Vi: I did not expect a family reunion for you today, Forwin. I’m… happy. Forwin: Oh wait, Vi! Didn’t you come for your sisters? Where are they? Let’s escort you right now! Vi: See that ridge? Just on its other side, there is forest. Their graves are there.
Byleth: Graves…?
Forwin: Oh no... Vi: We Februs were a family of healers who long worked for the Eastern Church. However, we fled after they committed a taboo for the benefit of medical sciences. We made for Abyss, but the Knights of Seiros intercepted us here… and slew them. Now, Rusalind and Florine are survived only by their youngest sister, Virgilia. Me. Forwin: That… explains a lot. Now I understand why you hate the Church so much… Vi, I-I’m sorry. I must’ve been insensitive just now. Vi: Don’t be. I kept it secret from you and the others all this time. Besides… thanks to your efforts, we three shall meet again. That’s all that matters to me. Forwin: Well, I meant what I said before: the Ashen Wolves are my family. Whatever you need, in thunder, lightning, or in rain, I’ll be there. Vi: Additionally, this would be impossible without your indispensable aid. Thank you, Professor. Davina: Say, you’re not in any rush to leave, right? We’d like to catch up with our boy before we part ways. Tristine: And to get to know his little friend! After she sees her family. Virgilia, was it? Vi: Y-yes, that… sounds delightful.
Choice 1: We can stay for a little while.
Choice 2: Alright, but not for too long.
Davina: Cheers, "Professor!" You’re alright. Now, Forwin, tell me: how the hell DID you survive that Garreg Mach raid? Where’d you disappear to? Forwin: Wow. I, uh, don't think we'll have enough time for ALL of that...
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blarp-is-tired · 1 year
Freeing Fódlan: Prologue
Welcome to redacted, where somehow anything and everything goes wrong! It's usually warm here and a little cloudy. There's no set weather type, anything can happen. There are quite a few trees here as well, all green and pretty. But we aren't going to stay here. No, we're going to Fódlan, more specifically Garreg Mach Monastery.
Fódlan is a large continent, split into three parts. Adrestia, the westmost part of Fódlan, is ruled by the Hresvelg royal family. No one truly knows what happened to the former Emperor, but the next person in line is the Imperial Princess: Edelgard von Hresvelg. Then, to the frigid north, lies The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, the Bladdyid bloodline is in control here. The young man who will soon seize the throne is Dimitri Alexandre Bladdyid. His father, the King, died a tragic death in the Tragedy of Duscur, his brother, Count Rowe, is acting as the King. Finally, to the southeast is the consistently warm Leicester Alliance, usually just called the Alliance. This country functions like a government. Five families split control here, the most important one is the Riegan family. The current Duke Riegan will retire soon, passing a hefty torch to his grandson: Claude von Riegan.
Remember how I said there were three governing powers in Fódlan? While that is technically correct, there is one particularly important part that I didn't mention. A key component of the lives of Fódlan's citizens, The Church of Seiros. Despite the name "Seiros," she is not the god governing Fódlan, no. Seiros is the daughter of the Goddess, Sothis. It is simply called the Church of Seiros because she founded the religion in her mother's memory. The Goddess had five "children” the Saints. They are Saint Cihol, Saint Cethleann daughter of Cihol, Saint Indech, and Saint Macuil. Truly though, Seiros is the only daughter of the Goddess.
I can't talk about Fódlan without explaining Crests. A Crest is something passed through bloodlines. There are 16 Crests in total: The Crest of Flames, Seiros, Indech, Macuil, Cihol, Cethleann, Bladdyid, Fraldarius, Dominic, Gautier, Daphnel, Charon, Reigan, Glouscter, The Beast, and Ordelia. The ones I listed starting from the Crest of Bladdyid and ending at Charon are all split into noble Faerghus houses. The rest are in Alliance territory. None are in Adrestia as only the Crests of Saints are in noble bloodlines. Onto the main characters.
Let us paint a portrait of the elder brother first. He's quite tall, standing just under 6 feet with deep brown eyes and skin to match. Short black hair and a wide frame of “pure muscle”. He can often be seen sporting an orange hoodie and grey sweatpants and a myriad of coloured trainers. His name is Xiyon. The younger sister is a bit short at 5 feet “that's taller than my mom,” is how she'd respond to that comment. With the same eyes and skin as her brother, she usually has her hair braided or bleached blonde. Typically, she'll be seen wearing her school uniform with a cardigan, thick glasses, and strange socks. Her name is O'Ren (yes, I'm the main character).
Their journey begins on a Sunday afternoon, just the two of them, and their dogs in their worn grey house. They're sitting in the living room, chatting about their two schools. O’Ren goes to the “Academy”, a name the school itself had earned from time immemorial. While Xiyon attended a normal public high school. Let’s see what they’re talking about.
“I'm telling you; his laugh is weird!” “Whatever you say, Sis.” Never mind, I lied, they were gossiping. “ANYWAY. I told him that...” O'Ren’s sentence was cut off by a knock at the door, causing their dogs to start barking. “Artemis, Diva! Be quiet,” Xiyon shouted. “Were you expecting anything, Ren? Are those the lights you ordered?” “No, that came last Friday. I thought you ordered something,” was the girl's confused response to the questions.
The pair ignored the knocking for a little while longer, before the person at the door seemed to get desperate. “Ugh! I’m starting to get sick of that guy,” O’Ren complained loudly. This caused her brother to sigh. “Maybe if we ignore them for a little while longer they’ll go away. But I agree with you, I’m starting to get sick of it as well,” he muttered more to himself than her.
Against their better judgement, they opened the door, finding a large black box with a strange “symbol”. O'Ren recognized it first, The Crest of Flames. This made the short girl gasp. 
“Hey! I recognise that! It’s the Crest of Flames! From Three Houses. The one that Byleth has,” she exclaimed. “So you bought another pendant? This time with the Crest of Flames?”
She raised a brow at this. “No, I didn’t buy any Three Houses merchandise. I don’t even think they sell stuff like this,” she said, confusion lacing her voice. “Maybe Iya got into it and she bought it,” she questioned.
“Hmm.. Possibly,” Xiyon said in agreement. “Sooo,” O’Ren stretched out the word. “We should open it right!? Right,” she said with excitement, clear in her tone. Xiyon shook his head. “Sis, when have you ever seen a mailman so dedicated to their job here? This has ‘suspicious’ written all over it! Use your head for once,” Xiyon chastised gently.
 Like the ingenious person she is, she opened it. “Didja say somethin’ Xai? I was too busy opening the oh-so mysterious package.” She looked down into the large box, finding a piece of parchment on top of a sword and axe. Both weapons looked awfully expensive, made of the finest silver. “O’Ren you idiot! Why would you open a box like that!? What the hell is wrong with you,” Xiyon yelled at his sister. “Wait, shut up for a second. There’s a note in here,” she shushed her fuming brother. “Do you wanna read it, Xai?” “Ugh! Fine,” Xiyon said angrily.
“You have been cordially invited. Wake up, Children of the Goddess,” Xiyon read aloud. “Um… Invited to what, exactly..? And what ‘Children of the Goddess’,” O’Ren questioned nervously. Her eyes darted around. O'Ren was feeling anxious, even more so than usual, and Xiyon could tell. "Calm down, Ren. Everything will be fi-," Xiyon's sentence was cut off when a bright light suddenly started shining. “Your journey is about to begin. May the Goddess protect you throughout your travels,” a feminine voice boomed. Just like that, the teenagers and the box were gone.
Xiyon woke up in the woods during the late afternoon, the axe lying next to him. Disoriented and confused, he started looking for his sister. “Ren? Ren! Where are you,” he called anxiously. He saw a relatively large group of people being led by an older blond man and a younger blue haired one. Picking up the axe and hiding it behind his back, he walked over to them. “Um, excuse me? Have you seen a girl wandering around here,” he asked the blond man. “What are you doing walking around here? Where are you going? Where are your parents,” the blond man asked in a rapid-fire manner. “My sister and I suddenly woke up here, but I couldn't find her. Do you know where the nearest town is?” “My name is Jeralt and this is my son: Byleth. We're headed to Remire Village, we might find her there.” “Thank you, sir. My name is Xiyon,” he said. He tried not to look at the Byleth, he looked so lifeless.
Proceeding to the village, they bumped into some thieves. “Stay back, Xiyon,” Jeralt ordered. Pulling out the axe, Xiyon got ready to fight. “I can help you, just tell me what to do.” Just like that, the group rushed into a short battle. The thieves' morale was low and Jeralt's group was large. Soon enough, the thieves ran away. “Hopefully, your sister didn't run into them,” Jeralt muttered. They went to a small, lightly wooded area near Remire without any incidents after that.
“Ren,” Xiyon exclaimed. “Xiyon! Where have you been!?” O'Ren ran over and hugged her brother, happy to see him, noticing Jeralt and Byleth, she bowed in thanks. “Thank you so much for helping my brother.” “It's no problem, kid,” Jeralt said. Noticing her sword, a puzzled look crossed his face, but he decided not to question it. “Now then… Your brother never said, but do you know where your parents are,” Jeralt asked the small girl. O'Ren was barely listening, though. She was too busy looking at Byleth, he looked familiar, but there was no time for that. “We'll join you,” Xiyon said. Little did he know, that would be the biggest mistake of his life.
This is Freeing Fódlan, a story about my brother and I basically getting isekai’d to FE3H. This is already up on my Quotev account which you can find here. I’ll just be rapid posting the chapters so enjoy!
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