#not actually but
kurjakani · 5 months
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Rare shots of me in tbe wild :D (photos from the exhibition opening) funny 2 see it.
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lovechlodine · 4 months
That one person who wrote the fanfiction about Chloe dying in Nadine’s arms and sobbing because she didn’t want to leave her while Nadine desperately tried to save her I am coming for you
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goldenenene · 3 months
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bowties8glasses · 1 year
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my part of a trade with @spearohero, featuring her sona getting some makeup help from Vanilla, it was a very cute piece to work on
BONUS DODDLE: was very familiar with her sona's design by now so exploration sketches focused on Vanilla , Sonic/Rubberhoose-adjacent characters aren't my lane but Vanilla deviated enough from it already that it helped give me some leeway
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extra trivia bit; the background in the final render had it's opacity slightly lowered to help it look nicer with the characters, the bg colors were based on the "Seraphim" color palette from this post
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alwaysneedyforsir · 7 months
if i don’t look at my bank account and pretend it doesn’t exist does that make my money stay there
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ilovesmosh55 · 10 months
This is a certified fire emblem headcanon info dump post . Bullet points copied and pasted from my notes app for the most part so sorry everyone if the formatting or grammar or something is weird
Exactly how the Nabateans work isn’t ever fully explained in game so this is. My take on it based on hints from the game and the characters’ relationships with each other and with Sothis:
-Sothis is an otherworldly alien being who DID come from far beyond the stars. Her lifespan is unfathomably long compared to an average human’s (if not just infinite/indefinite. I imagine as long as her home star shines she could live forever) and her godly power is basically like. An average human’s ability to wield magic times one bajillion. Naturally just has More Magic.
-She left the rest of her kind behind to visit earth and settle there but she doesn’t talk very much about her life before earth to anyone even her closest family. She greatly prefers life on earth and forming human connections to… whatever was going on back on the blue sea star.
-She created her children not by giving birth but like the games said . With her blood. She can just sculpt a human form from Anything, press together a crest stone, and blood-let on it a little bit, and badda bing badda boom new Nabatean. A Nabatean’s abilities, dragon form, and personality can be influenced by what she created their vessels out of. The first ones were created from the clay and mud of the earth she landed on hence the name Nabatean meaning earth dragon lol.
-Sothis DID love and want to watch over humanity, despite not being omnipotent and all-powerful like the Church claims. Creating her children and living among them and humans side by side was sort of her way of expressing that love.
-Despite not claiming to be omnipotent and all-powerful, Sothis’s strange appearance and abilities lead the people of Fodlan to begin calling her a goddess and worshipping her, which she happily accepted and encouraged. The idea that she watches over all life from above and is the arbiter of every soul came along with the church after she died (and is not really true). During her lifetime, she was just worshipped and was the queen of Zanado
-Sothis can create and bring life to a Nabatean at any age/stage of life. Rhea is one of the few she created as a baby rather than a fully grown adult, and she raised her as her own as a result.
-Seteth and his brothers are one of many “batches” of Nabateans made as adults and as a result they aren’t nearly as close to Sothis as Rhea is/was.
-Specifically, Macuil seems to even resent Sothis as he mentions byleth “stinking” of her during his battle. I imagine he’s the eldest brother and resents her for seemingly “abandoning” him to watch his brothers alone when others like Rhea got centuries of her time, love, and attention.
-Nabateans are all created by Sothis and most of them view her as a mother or at least a distant family member/matriarch figure but unless specifically made by Sothis to be siblings (as Seteth and his brothers were. Made as a matching set.) Nabateans aren’t actually related to each other. Sothis travelled all over Fodlan and probably other parts of the world too and created countless sets of Nabateans based on all different types of people. She would often make a few sets/unrelated individuals at once so that her creations/children could have like-minded company.
-Flayn’s mom/Seteth’s wife was also a Nabatean but from another “clan” and therefore yknow not his sister. Rhea Seteth and Flayn only really see each other as family in 3h because they are the last of their kind and feel the need to bond together for safety.
-Seteth and his brothers were based on whatever the Fodlan equivalent of Celtic people is. Rhea was made as a baby for Sothis to raise herself and is made more closely in her image than most of the others.
-Nabateans DO age, but very veeerryyy slowly. Rhea was pretty young, about the equivalent of 19 when Sothis was killed and the war of heroes started. By the time 3H canon begins, she’s about the equivalent of 38-41-ish. Seteth is about 40 in human years too, though he’s actually much younger than Rhea because he was created after her but was created as a young adult. Flayn is the equivalent of 15. Was only like 12 when she was injured and fell asleep back in the day.
-Sothis’s body, like when she was alive properly, will never die/rot so long as the blue star shines. However, the other Nabatean’s bodies DO rot but again. Veeerrryyy slowly. It would take centuries before they’d start to smell off.
-Other Nabateans, especially ones created later who weren’t raised and taught how to use their power by Sothis herself are not nearly as powerful as she was. Rhea is one of the strongest and was raised by Sothis personally but even she can’t control herself and goes crazy if she overuses her dragon form too much.
-Rhea was able to create Sitri/the other failed mom vessels because she was taught how to by Sothis. Probably watched her create many other Nabateans. However, since she is not nearly as powerful as her mother (and was just reusing the crest stone of a dead woman), Rhea’s vessels are far more fragile/sickly and humanlike. Most of them died very shortly after being created from their bodies basically being unable to sustain themselves. Sitri was pretty sickly and feeble but she was actually the healthiest and longest living one
-If not properly utilized and honed, Nabatean’s magic also fades over time, hence how Seteth’s brothers are now basically stuck as dragons. They didn’t transform for so long that they got rusty and probably can’t anymore.
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daydadahlias · 5 months
i’m OBSESSED with honeysuckle omg… do you think we can get something with the 80s aesthetic? since you mastered the 70s
idk if y’all would be able to handle the hard hitting exposé about the AIDS epidemic id bring to the table with that one
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starts biting my fingerrrrr
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iicynox · 2 years
Bowuigi is canon king they told me so themselves
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therewillbenoromance · 3 months
hot take: destroy to enjoy is the best wwattw song
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ultfan · 11 months
komaeda or something: sir that’s my emotional support rotting left hand
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souvlakicocaine · 6 months
barging into the house like Mom Don’t Talk 2 Me Til I’ve Jerked Off
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rabid-catboy · 8 months
Sighs in a woeful manner. My brain keeps saying i should kill myself so as to avoid burdening people further and to end my own pain and normally I'm just like no I can't do that my friends would be sad . But for some reason that hasn't been working this week
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minniiaa · 9 months
storming like a mofo outside and i'm writing angst while drinking wine in my dark room send help ty
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blueflare7pkmn · 1 year
nope you are very pretty! One might even say beautiful!
...n-no I'm not... you're just sayin that...
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Man, y’all go wild for RTC stuff. Too bad I’m posting Blithe Spirit when I get home from rehearsal
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