#mentions of beauyasha
marshmallowlemonade · 10 months
Does anyone remember a beauyasha smutty fanfic where Yasha is really physically sensitive when it comes to sex and beau helps her take it slow and have physical intimacy in a way that works for her?
I distinctly remember reading and loving it, but I can't find it.
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ravendruid · 1 year
Food, Friendship and Comfort
This fic is part of the @critter-genfic-events Bingo to fulfill the Comfort and Cooking slots. [Check my bingo card and other works here.] Set post-Campaign 2 and Mighty Nein Reunited. Read on AO3
Beauregard Lionett’s days as a Cobalt Soul Expositor are either dreary and dull with endless paperwork or exhausting with back-and-forth trips to Rexxentrum to track the Cerberus Assembly. Today is one of the latter days where she trades a warm, sunny Zadash for a gloomy and cold Rexxentrum. 
Beauregard scheduled to meet her friend Caleb for breakfast this morning, so as soon as she steps out of the teleportation circle connecting the Rexxentrum and Zadash archives, she speeds past the guardians and archivists without a word and exits the dimly lit library onto the bustling street of the capital of the Dwendalian Empire. The feeling is immediate as the cold hits her uncovered skin and makes her curse between her teeth. Beau doesn’t have time to linger, so she follows the familiar cobblestone streets, ignoring the people rushing to and from work, the colorful buildings, and the heavy presence of crown guards in the more seedy areas.
The cottage that appears when Beauregard turns on another crossroad is a sight that makes the corners of her lips curl and her skin tingle in anticipation of warmth. She should have known better by now and brought a warm jacket along. The two small planter boxes out front are still full of tall, green plants, possibly kept alive in the cold by some arcane means from the owner of the cottage, and as Beau approaches, she notices that it either has recently been harvested or is yet to produce green beans. 
Beau knocks at the rustic door, and where the motion would usually be followed by the sound of a chair scraping the wooden floor, it is now followed by silence. Weird. Caleb knew she was coming. Even if he is still in his arcane tower, he would have certainly set up alarms that would have triggered by now. Beau knocks again, louder this time, but still, no answer comes from the other side. She tries to peek in the side window through the small gap in the curtain but can’t see anything out of the ordinary. The house is intact, with no signs of a struggle (or worse, an attack). Beauregard doesn’t want to expend the single use of her sending stone yet, lest it be needed later. However, the cold is bothering her right now, so she does what any good friend would do if they suspected their friend might be up to something or in a difficult situation: she picks Caleb’s lock. What are the chances that he has arcane wards against thieves? Highly, Beau tells herself as the lockpick clicks. Too late now. However, the door opens with a creak, but nothing explodes in her face. Beau sighs in relief as she steps into the musty interior and relocks the door behind her.
“Caleb?” She calls out to the empty house. It’s cold inside. The hearth is full of ash, and there is a layer of dust on every surface as if someone hasn’t cleaned in weeks. Beau inspects every room, each darker and emptier than the one before until she finally reaches the back room where she knows Caleb often tutors children who didn’t get accepted to the academy. This room, too, is empty and dark. Dust covers the desks and chairs, a few pieces of old parchment are spread out, and empty and dry bottles of ink sit forgotten. At first glance, this would be an average room. Messy, yes, but ordinary. But Beauregard knows better. She knows what to look for and finds it in a corner, slightly obscured by a tall bookshelf, a shimmering door that leads into Caleb’s tower. 
Beau is welcomed by a lit fireplace in the study, a spectral Bengal cat rubbing at her legs, and a mess of Caleb lying on the soft, plush couch by the fire, reading a book about Dunemancy. He is alive but looks almost as bad as he did when they first met. Caleb’s shiny red hair is full of knots, although still in a ponytail, his beard is shaggy and unkempt, his clothes are wrinkly, and there are a few coffee stains on his shirt. Caleb is indeed a mess, which can only mean one thing.
“How long?” Beauregard asks in a harsh tone that means she will take no bullshit. Caleb lifts an eye from his book, finally acknowledging his friend’s presence, but he doesn’t reply. “Caleb, how long has it been?” Beau presses on. She strides confidently to where the man lies on the couch and effortlessly removes the book from his hold, closing it with a thud. Caleb stares at her for a moment, then finally greets her with the hoarse voice of someone who hasn’t spoken in days, “Hello to you too, Beauregard.”
Beau does quick math in her head. It hasn’t been that long since they last saw each other, perhaps two months, not even that long. She remembers Caleb saying then that he was waiting for a visit from Essek, but those were usually short and never resulted in a depressive mood like this. Something must have happened during their Xorhasian friend’s stay, and if the empty look in Caleb’s eyes is any indication of it, then Beau is determined to help and comfort him in any way she can.
“Clean up before I message Jester to tell her you smell and look like a hobo again. Just when she was starting to let it go away…” Beau threatens, scrunching her nose at him. Caleb nods and rises from his nest of pillows and blankets with the groan of someone whose joints are stiff from being in the same position for a long time. Beau shakes her head in displeasure and stares at the back of the man’s head as he lifts through the arcane elevator and disappears above the central iris.
Caleb meets Beauregard an hour later, freshly clean and bear-trimmed, in the dining room, where they plan their day over eggs, pancakes, and pocket bacon. Caleb doesn’t mention Essek, and Beau doesn’t ask questions about the state she found her Empire friend, so the only names said aloud are those of the Cerberus Assembly, particularly Ludinus Da’leth, who is up to no good. Caleb shares with Beau the detailed information he gathered since their last time together, information that cannot fit the 25 words of the sending spell they use for their daily reports. Beau is glad he took the official position at the Soltryce Academy, not for his proximity to the Assembly members, but for how much happier Caleb has been since he was allowed to teach and shape young minds.
When they separate hours later at the gates that lead up to the school, Caleb’s shoulders are lighter, and his smile brighter. Beau knows whatever happened is still lurking in the shadows, but she won’t pull unless he wants to push. So, before she turns her back to him and returns to the archives to fill out report after report, Beau throws her friend an invitation, “Why don’t you stop by later to have dinner with Yasha and me? She would love to see you.” 
“I’ll think about it,” Caleb says, but from the look in his eyes, Beau knows he will knock at her door with a bottle of wine and apple tarts. So be it. She waves him goodbye and leaves.
Caleb is happy to find that Zadash isn’t as cold tonight as Rexxentrum. The smaller city’s lights are already sparkling against the dusky sky, and the aromas of food and burning wood fill the residential area around him. He knows he could have teleported directly to Beauregard and Yasha’s house, but he would hate to intrude on them, so Caleb teleported into a narrow alleyway not far from the center of town and strolled to their friends’ abode. The house is just as he remembers it. Not large, but cozy. The garden that Caduceus has been teaching Yasha how to care for is dormant as the first signs of winter approach, but the ivy growing up the front of the house is still there, larger and taller than the last time Caleb saw it. He stops at the iron gate, peering through the open curtains to see Yasha stirring a pot on the stove. He knows she has been learning how to cook from a neighbor, not always successful, according to Beau’s reviews in the few words they share about their day. Meanwhile, the tall Aasimar’s wife is just finishing setting the table for three people. How Beau knew Caleb would show up, he doesn’t know. Maybe she hoped? Perhaps she just… knew. Either way, Caleb is here now, crossing the iron gate, walking down the pebbled path towards the ivy-framed door, and knocking twice.
Beauregard opens the door with a smirk. She is wearing different clothes than Caleb saw her wear in the morning—more casual, comfortable clothes—her hair is still up in her signature bun, and she is still wearing some of her golden jewelry. The woman in front of him is not an Expositor of the Cobalt Soul anymore, but his friend from adventures that have been almost forgotten in time.
“Hello, Beauregard,” Caleb greets her sheepishly. Beau’s smirk gives room to a bright grin as she greets him back and steps away to let him in the house.
It’s a cozy, lived-in house (although a bit too messy for Caleb’s tastes) that smells of stew and sweets, where a small fireplace crackles in front of a comfy couch and a shaggy rug. The walls are adorned with art, paintings done by their tiefling friend of the Mighty Nein and their allies. Caleb’s favorite piece is definitely the large painting above the mantelpiece of their group of misfits, one that includes Mollymauk at one end, Kingsley at the other, and Essek smiling next to Caleb. Caleb has the same painting in his office in his small cottage (Jester painted one for everyone so they wouldn’t forget about them. So they could look upon it and smile, remember the memories of what they have been through, and soothe the sorrow of missing their friends).
“I’m glad you could join us, Caleb,” Yasha greets him, bending to give the man a bear hug. Beauregard must have told her wife the situation she found him in that morning because he sees compassion and comfort in Yasha’s eyes. Caleb merely nods and drapes his coat over the back of the couch. He produces a bottle of wine and a plate of apple tarts—not homemade today, though—that he kept in his private pocket dimension and hands it to Beau, who tuts at the wine label reprovingly but promptly uncorks it nonetheless. 
Dinner doesn’t take long to be served, and it’s not half-bad (a vegetable stew with harvests from Beau and Yasha’s garden with a side of rustic bread also made by the latter). The conversation flows nicely between the three, sometimes pausing to sip on wine or to change the subject. Caleb listens attentively to Yasha’s tales about their neighbor, Martina, who has been teaching her new recipes to use their produce (she was, apparently, the one who taught Yasha the stew recipe they are eating). The conversation changes again to Beau and Caleb’s work tracking the Assembly, and the three discuss and share theories about Ludinus’s plans. Through it all, no one mentions the name of their drow friend, the war criminal who has been running from both the Empire and the Dynasty, which makes Caleb relax. 
Essek doesn’t get the opportunity to visit often, and when he does, it’s in disguise, so Caleb has learned to cherish those fleeting moments. However, things seemed to have calmed down for a while, and Essek’s stay was extended to over a fortnight before chatter began, and the man departed again under the light of the moon. He hasn’t heard from his Xorhasian friend in weeks, which is not uncommon, but this separation has taken a harder hit on him. Beau clearly saw it that morning. She guessed from the state she found Caleb’s house in but didn’t ask, and neither did Yasha. Caleb knows the women will wait until he’s ready to share, and he’s thankful for that. He makes sure to give them a smile to convey his gratitude, and, in response, he is offered a place to stay overnight so he doesn’t have to return to his empty house and empty cold bed. Here, surrounded by two of his dearest friends, chatting happily about vegetables, fertilizer, and power-hungry mages, Caleb is still far from healed but on the mend, and the dark loneliness in his starts to vanish.
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
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artemis-pendragon · 2 years
Okay so obviously I had a massive exposure to COVID via my mom and sister this last Saturday and I realized if I test tomorrow midday (day 5) I won't get my PCR results back until after the Mighty Nein theater showing tomorrow night 😭 like morally I'd be mad if someone else went to a big five hour long indoor gathering knowing there's a huge chance they have Rona but god damn it I wanna hang out for five hours screaming in a room full of Critters 😭😭😭😭
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hemisphaericas · 3 months
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I loved the 4SD mention of Beauyasha spending Pride in Hupperdook and had to draw something before June ends.
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simplysparrow14 · 7 months
This is an Annual Reminder that Laura Bailey has always been the Ashley Johnson romance shipper
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Bonus mention to her husband:
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(Top Row - Pikelan; Middle Row - Beauyasha; Bottom Row - Callowmoore)
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tiamat-zx · 1 year
So I’ve been rewatching the Beauyasha supercut compiled by Astro Edits on YouTube, and… I’ve realized something.
When Yasha is recounting the day that she lost Zuala, she remembered it as her running away from the execution, and that she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes.
However, that’s not what really happened.
She did, in fact, witness it. She witnessed the Skyspear stabbing Zuala with her blade when the latter had tried to convince the former to allow their union. She had also slain the Skyspear in retribution.
To be fair, it’s not out of the question to declare that Yasha was an unreliable narrator when by her own admission she had been missing some time in her memory, and thus may not have fully recalled everything at the time due to her rage and sorrow rendering it all a blur.
I bring this up because, from what I understand, the fog had faded the moment that Obann had shackled her once more. She had suddenly remembered what she had done.
And nowhere was that made ever clearer than the moment that she had been forced to stab Beau in the Chantry of the Dawn.
As I stated before in a post a while back, the “imagery she had seen once before” was not that of Molly’s death, but that of Zuala. At that point, she had regained a significant portion of her memories, including what had occurred on that day. She had even expressed confusion during her epilogue when she saw Jadek in the armor of the Skyspear, and then Yasha quietly realized that the previous Skyspear had been felled by her own hand.
So when you think about it, this explains the supposed contradictions between what was mentioned in the campaign and what was depicted in her origin comic. Because there weren’t any contradictions at all.
Regardless, there is still one fact that remained constant: her belief that she was a coward for the longest time whether it was her long-held belief that she had run away from the execution, or the sad truth that she didn’t have the courage to confront the Skyspear herself, the latter of which had led directly to Zuala sealing her own fate.
It wasn’t until she had found the second love of her life that she began to realize that she wasn’t a coward, but a survivor. And it wasn’t until she had found Zuala’s grave that she finally made peace with her loss, and had been able to forgive herself.
To this day, Yasha Nydoorin still remains my favorite PC to come from the creative and talented mind of Ashley Johnson. And this is but one of many reasons as to why.
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pleasantmsp · 1 year
Been rewatching some of the Mighty Nein campaign cause I was missing them and also I'm excited for their one shot soon! I've seen a few people speculating about the one shot so thought I'd put my thoughts out into the void as well.
I honestly don't know at all what to expect from this one shot. I don't even remember what the description was beyond that it has to do with the apogee solstice stuff. I haven't kept up much with campaign 3 for my own reasons that I don't need to get into now. However, I did actually watch a couple of the episodes during the solstice and got lucky with watching the ep with beau and caleb in it. But otherwise, I barely know what's going on. I have no idea what the M9 will be dealing with. My theories include anything from getting Beau and Caleb back and dealing with cultists along the way to dealing with the Cerberus Assembly's/Ludinus' attachments to this whole thing to stopping Tharizdun or some other entity from doing some fuck shit. Honestly, I don't fucking know man. I don't even really think any of that shit will happen.
I don't know if it's been confirmed that Caduceus is gonna be the one in this one shot but I really hope it is him. One of the things that's been bothering me about this arc from the BH perspective (at least that I've seen) is that none of them or any that they've come across has been able to argue for the side of the gods and the good that some of them can do. As someone who really likes the worldbuilding and rp that gods can bring to settings like this, not having that perspective represented has been disappointing for me. (This is not the fault of the cast or their guests or anything like that, that is not what I'm saying. It is their choice what characters they play and it is Matt's choice as the DM which NPCs/areas they come across in wherever they decide to explore. I'm just mentioning my own preference and feelings as it pertains to the one shot which is what I'm talking about). Anyway, I hope it's Caduceus because I think he will bring an incredibly interesting perspective on this whole thing. And I think Fjord will too but not to the extent that Cad can since Cad and his family grew up as worshippers of Melora.
We don't know the fate of Beau and Caleb and while I don't think they're dead, I really hope they aren't gone for most of this one shot. Beau is my favorite character in any media ever. I fucking love Beau so much. And Beauyasha is my favorite couple, I love them. I will be literally so sad if Marisha isn't playing Beau for this one shot. Like I'll understand but also I will indeed be devastated. Beauyasha is like my Roman Empire (this joke will be aging this post LMAO but its a good comparison honestly), I think about them A LOT. I want to see more content from them. I was at SDCC, I was there when Ashley said she felt like she wasn't fully finished with Yasha and that's exactly how I feel. The Mighty Nein's story was so good but the way it ended felt so long and then so abrupt (but that's another post). I will always be wanting more of Beau and Yasha's story. I want to know as much as Marisha and Ashley are willing to give us. So I hope the one shot starts with Beau and Caleb and how they reunite with the Nein and then get to business. Or even better, with them already reunited for maximum Nein time.
Those are my main two thoughts for now. I actually need to go to bed cause I got work in the morning and it's been kicking my ass these last two weeks so imma cut it there and check back tomorrow. If you somehow see this, I hope you enjoyed my ramblings lol
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utilitycaster · 11 months
I'm so kdhdkdjdkd jazzed about the fjorester proposal !!!! But something that popped up pretty immediately that baffled me was these like... cope posts i guess? Of how "beau and jester should cheat leaving their partners for eachother and how dw guys marriage is just going to spice up the inevitable affair" and it's not even treated as a joke and Im just confused? Like i got into cr2 by the time it was over with so idk what it was like waiting for releases, but why after all this time do people hold on as much as they do? Do they like the story or not?
So I will be totally honest: I am not above checking the blogs of those I know hold terrible opinions, for a number of reasons both reasonable (keeping an eye out for potential harassment; inspiration for meta; my genuine enjoyment of analyzing fandom trends) and less so (schadenfreude and sending DMs that say Can You Believe This Idiot) but I actually have not seen this! To be clear, I would not be surprised it was out there - heaven knows this was a refrain during late Campaign 2 and in the leadup to the two-shot - but I thought that most people finally gave up in late 2022 after the two-shot made it clear the existing relationships are still very much in place. Granted I, as always, rarely go on Twitter.
Anyway. I think some of it is just that people whose enjoyment of works hinges on their ships becoming canon, rather than that being one of many facets to their fandom, also tend to not know when to give up just generally (you can look around this website and still find people hopping mad and/or pining for resolution regarding shows that ended before Campaign 2 even started). I think most of them did finally give up and leave, which is probably healthier for both them and the fandom, but there will probably be a dwindling number of holdouts who will gasp out on their deathbed fifty years hence "Beau and Jester should have been together" to a politely confused hospice nurse.
To actually answer your question, no, they do not like the story. I know I've been very hard on people who seem to only be able to enjoy fiction through a lens of either shipping or intense projection of the self onto existing characters, but in my defense, I'm right. This is a whole separate post, which to be honest I've kind of already made several times, but the usual complaint about the Campaign 2 noncanon ships (echoed in the complaints about Campaign 3 primarily by those who do like the canon ships thereof) was that they would have happened and been flawless and perfect but for that Pesky Plot, ie, the story. Unless the entire point of a story is a romance (eg: the genre that is cleverly titled "Romance") romance is always optional.
I also think, to be honest, Campaign 2 attracted people who were patient. This is a good thing! I think that, for example, people who are not entirely feeling Campaign 2 13 episodes in are valid, because I was similarly enjoying myself but not entirely won over by the plot yet, and it was only a combination of that patience and the burgeoning character dynamics that kept me going (plus the fact that watching week to week is a lower commitment than a binge). Granted I think if you fully give up at that point you are weak and will not survive the winter and should probably go watch Michael Bay movies or Bluey, but that's a separate point. Anyway. Some people are patient beyond a point where it is rewarding or even neutral and pass into a realm of showing up to the Story That Has Fjorester and Beauyasha In It muttering "I hope this doesn't have any fucking Fjorester and Beauyasha". I don't know how to help them, nor do I particularly want to, but I do know that not going on Twitter has been super helpful.
One final note: again, haven't seen the thing you mention in your ask yet in relation to this one-shot and not for lack of poking around Tumblr at least; but I have seen people who were deeply bitter about Campaign 2 but are still around for Campaign 3, though not a ton, and this was also frankly true of people who loved Campaign 1 and have not really cared since but still stick around. There's a weird zombie problem in the fandom; you get people who are very invested in being a fan of Critical Role and can't seem to leave, but haven't actually been happy for literal years, either because they were ultimately only fans of Vox Machina, or the Mighty Nein, or a specific ship within that. It is actually something I try to be cognizant of because I was very cautious about becoming that during the stretch when I was more frustrated by Campaign 3 than I am now. I think, ultimately, it's a conflation of one's fandom with one's external identity and I don't know how that happens or how to fix it but that might also be a factor: people who really don't like the show and haven't for years and are grasping at a thing they think would fix that and make them happy again, and refuse to admit it might be time to move on because that would mean they need to change their conception of themselves.
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Since I know there's a decent overlap of RWBY and CR fans, there's something that is so endearing about the actors being so happy and enthusiastic about their characters and who they are shipped with. During the 4-Sided Dive Ashley being super concerned about Beau and yelling "Beauyasha forever!" when Marisha voted for her during the game. And of course we have Barbara and Arryn who have been doing little hints along the way and super happy about anything mentioning bees. Arryn especially, who was always saying more than she probably was "allowed" to and just being so happy to talk about the bees. And both of them talking about how important it was for both of them to get the confession scene right.
It's so nice to see so much enthusiasm and joy in the people closest to these characters.
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critter-genfic-events · 8 months
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This week, we're focusing on Yasha! Nine (nein) fics focusing on before she met the nein, her dealing with the events of campaign 2, and her managing to settle down afterwards. Check them out under the cut, and as always, don't forget to comment or kudos if you like them!
warm, unalone (come settle down) by Meridas (20811,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Molly & Yasha
Yasha and Molly, as queerplatonic partners, move to Zadash together.
Reccer says: It's so incredibly soft and such a wonderful take on these two. I adore the Circus Kids as QPPs and this series is in large part responsible for that. It's tender in all parts, the atmosphere feels as soft as a well-worn T-shirt.
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heart of winter by venndaai (2779,Teen) Warnings: implied cannibalism, blood Pairings: Yasha & Molly
Yasha makes her own deal with Isharnai. Molly comes back wrong.
Reccer says: It's dark and bleak, but in a good way. An interesting look at the possible dark sides of resurrection magic and the things a desperate person will do to save their friends.
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Loving Again by wanderstar (1312,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Kingsley & Yasha, Molly & Yasha
Yasha once thought she'd never find love again. Luckily the world, and her friends, are able to prove that wrong.
Reccer says: I liked it
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remember me as something bigger than i was by grayintogreen (1882,General) Warnings: Pairings: Kingsley Tealeaf & Yasha Nydoorin
Kingsley is ready to hear Molly's story from Yasha.
Reccer says: I love the way that this allows Yasha to grieve for Molly but also accept Kingsley as someone else. It's a soft and sweet tribute.
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the mariner's hollo! by Beans_McGee (4341,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Mollymauk Tealeaf & Yasha Nydoorin
Yasha and M.T., before the Mighty Nein
Reccer says: I need so many stories about Yasha and Molly being friends, and this does both characters justice
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patching up by Windward_wings (1664,Teen) Warnings: Discussions of past manipulation and abuse, unhealthy coping mechanisms Pairings: Caleb & Yasha
After the Nein's night at the Rexxentrum fighting pit, Caleb goes to find Yasha.
Reccer says: I love this take on their friendship - both are awkward, but also talking about their shared experiences with being manipulated
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Inventory by Operafloozy (3862,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Essek & Yasha
It’s the day before Essek heads out to an expedition in the Savalirwood with Calliope and Reani. Yasha helps him sort out a few things.
Reccer says: It's nice Xhorhassian bonding over cultural differences and also funny and sweet
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speak of life and i will learn to cherish it by Ink_Beneath_Her_Fingernails (830,Not Rated) Warnings: None Pairings: Caleb & Yasha
Yasha listens to Caleb speak Celestial and feels things.
Reccer says: The idea that both Yasha and Caleb are speaking their second language (or might be, in Yasha's case) is rarely touched upon, and this is a sweet little bonding moment between the two of them
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with the sun (i will rise) by lostinwriting23 (3765,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Background Beauyasha
Beau's been gone for a while. The solstice has happened and Yasha's not been able to reach any of the people she loves.
Reccer says: I love Orphantaker fics and this glimpse of an older Yasha worrying about her wife and kids is so compelling
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring fics that mention clothing! A lot of the characters in Critical Role have a special item of clothing or relation to clothing, so there's a lot to explore there!
Then, it'll be Time Skips, Pranks, and then Ashton
Any fics coming to mind?  Well, then use this form to submit!
If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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essektheylyss · 2 years
CR is WILD for ships like, I feel like all the characters have such unique and interesting dynamics that you can nearly ship each one with any other one and come up with a valid argument. It's the only piece of media that I can't devote myself to a single relationship because they're all so interesting in their own ways
I have two kind of parallel thoughts on relationships in CR because on one hand, you're so right that all of the characters play off each other in SUCH fun ways, and all of them are a little different!
But then at the same time, having primarily watched campaign 2, pretty much all of the ships that turned out canon by the end were deeply ingrained into their character arcs, and I eat that up so much; I think a lot of pushback against romance in media stems from the fact that often romance feels very tacked on, and that's never the case in this show! Which is STELLAR. But it does mean that I end up with preferences, but usually only in hindsight (or well down the line).
This campaign, though, hasn't had that set up nearly so clearly, whereas you can see how beauyasha and fjorester at the very least were set up from episode one, and then even when you consider shadowgast, although that was never a guarantee, there's a lot to establish why they gravitated towards each other (pun intended lol). (I'm not mentioning the Brenattos because they were married prior to the campaign and also because Veth was blatantly obscuring her interests through the first 40 episodes, whereas Caleb lays out his own interests a lot earlier on.) And I'm really excited about how Laudna and Ashton are engaging now! There's been some indications of it, but primarily on 4sd out of character, and the canon conversation was SO juicy, oh my god.
But honestly, this is why it's so fun thinking about how all of them interact with each other on multiple levels of relationships—and why I've in the past been :/ about collapsing relationships in this show in particular into 'ships'. I was actually already thinking about this this week lol—I... may have considered sourcing and writing a whole essay about how ubiquitous a term 'ship' is in fandom culture, and how it suffers deeply for the fact that it is a very broad brush used to paint any character interaction and dynamic without accounting for the very messy relationships that people can have. The CR cast does SUCH a good job creating very realistic, complex character relationship dynamics, and it often feels like a term that is too overburdened to engage with canon well.
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What I understand happened in part two based on my dash this morning:
- Beauyasha being beauyasha
- betrayer god???
- fjord’s having a patron party but they all hate each other and are only there for him (a couple of them also hate him)
- Caleb and Beau have combo moves now
- shadowgast kiss. I saw exactly 1 (one) mention of this and idk how it wasn’t flooding my dash fhdgjgdh
- fjord sexy. just in general.
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elliesgaymachete · 6 months
Boop! Just a random ask!
What's your favorite ship and why? If you don't have *one* favorite, how about a top three?
Oh, man that’s so tough cause it constantly changes!!! but I thiiiiiink my top 2 all time favs might be korrasami and beauyasha
Honorable mentions gotta go to brittana and bering and wells because those were the first ones I was actively involved in femslash fandom and have a special place in my heart💛
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neinofthem · 11 months
it’s so hard seeing beauyasha be so loving and worried for each other and caleb not even MENTION essek
like my dude…
i bet they’re in one of their divorced eras don’t worry it won’t last
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
What’s beauyasha?
:vibrates at high speed: nonnie I am gonna make your day
Have you heard of our lord and savior Matt Mercer, hobo Jesus of Critical Role fame? if so, maybe you have also heard of his lovely wife, Marisha Ray, and their buddy Ashley Johnson?
Together, these three geniuses posed to us a very important series of questions.
(under the cut = spoilers for Critical Role, Season 2)!
What if there was a tough, butch, adhd lesbian monk with serious daddy-issues who was so desperate to be taken seriously and respected? Who acted so tough and tried to pretend nothing ever hurt her? Who was genuinely an amazing leader with a heart of gold, but who suffered from self esteem issues a mile deep?
What if she started aggressively flirting with her teammate, a mysterious tall, hot-goth barbarian lady who was oh-so-quiet and stoic and badass and most likely autisitc and - uh, did we mention hot? Like, literally from the first moment she saw her?
What if it started off as a 'haha me lesbian, you sexy lady' joke, but it grew into so much more?
What if, over the years that they knew each other, that monk came to realise that this barbarian lady was tough and sexy, yes, but also soooooo broken? That she was so traumatised and brutalised by the monsters of her past that she had forgotten everything - half magical-amnesia, half desperation to escape who she used to be?
What if that tall, hot-goth barbarian lady was a fallen Aasimar who had married young and had her wife ripped away from her and murdered by her cruel tribe? Who hated herself so much for being unable to save her wife that she let a demon take over her mind and use her as his puppet for so very long? Who eventually escaped his grasp, but could never quite eradicate his touch from her mind?
WHAT IF SHE WEEPS HELPLESSLY AS SHE EXECUTES THAT KIND, TOUGH, MOUTHY LITTLE MONK WHO SHE HAS BEEN STEADILY GROWING CLOSER TO (and may be the first person after her dead wife she's permitted herself to view in a romantic light)?
WHAT IF SHE REGAINS HER WINGS IN A GLORIOUS SCENE WHERE THE MONK IS FALLING OFF A CLIFF AND THE ANGEL CATCHES HER (and then the wings vanish after like ten seconds so they both fall into a pool of water like IDIOTS and have SUCH a cute little awkward laugh about it)?
Anyway if you like the sound of this, you should totally check out my fics hohohoho:
Quiet, Quiet
You Got Daddy Issues
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