#mercury in 12th house synastry
celestialscatterbrain · 7 months
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1. personal synastry and composite experiences and observations
Do not interact if you are a minor. (18+)
Sun in 8th house synastry: I was the house person they were the sun. I definitely developed insecurities I never had before as a result of this connection. With the sun shining brightly on my insecurities, they were hard to ignore and even harder to not project them entirely on the sun. A lot of “you did this to me!” energy. I didn’t consider myself a jealous person until this relationship and a lot of it came from wanting to be “good enough” in the eyes of the sun person. It’s like knowing you have these darker aspects in common and wanting them to see you can bond this way and see them in a way no one can. You also end up pushing limits together. You liked this? Now WE love this. You’re addicted to that? Now WE are addicted to it. Moderation is hard to achieve with sun in the 8th house synastry. It can also bring up insecurities surrounding sex with that person specifically, if poorly aspected. Explosive reactions and emotional outbursts aren’t foreign here. The house person can feel like a vampire being sunburned, with all its ugliness revealing itself from its body because of its interaction with this person. The 8H person wants a full, in-depth analysis of the sun person’s thoughts, intentions, and motivations. The plutonic energy wants to completely envelop the sun, compulsively in some cases, to know WHY they are the way they are, and why the sun presents themselves in certain ways. This is especially true if the sun person did something to hurt the 8H person, who can feel it more than is rational. The 8H person can really struggle with getting over any emotional harm or feelings of abandonment that come from the sun person. The 8H person can potentially resent the sun person for not being able to read them as intently as they could read the sun person. The sex, if and once insecurities are worked through, can bring you so much closer to one another and to yourself. I also feel like any disturbances or intimacy problems between you two can easily be felt by others or there can be blow ups in front of people you know, because the sun is a planet that illuminates wherever the light lands, whether you like it or not. Avoid public fights, because you will kiss and makeup but the damage in other people’s eyes will be done and opinions will be made. The 8H person might be able to see through any facade the sun person puts up, and this could lead to deep discussions that could be extremely healing for the Sun who might have to work through some things. The 8H person can also teach the sun person how to make more money and maybe even encourage them to start their own business. They can be known as a couple that makes a lot of money together. The sun person can also give sugar daddy/mommy vibes and the 8H the sugar baby, even if it neither one of the people involved are rich-rich. This is a highly binding placement. You two might find it difficult or even impossible to separate from each other even if the relationship has run its natural course. You guys are known as the couple that is “stuck” to one another.
Moon in 5th house synastry: *weird* but, for those who have this placement with a significant other, do you love to smell their body odor? I think in the house of children and fertility, it makes sense to love your partner’s pheromones. Something as weird as the smell of their armpits or stinky feet becomes comforting, idk?? This house is also really fun, and you can get a lot of emotional fulfillment out of acting like children together. 5H is ruled by Leo, so I also found that we had a lot of fun putting on “shows” for one another, and sort of making up our own characters and accents to make the other giggle. People are also really excited for the prospect of us having children together, and you’ll have friends volunteering to babysit or be the godparent of your unborn children LOL. Dressing up nice and going out on dates to somewhere with a great ambiance can be a great way to feel connected. Sharing perfume, or gifting each other perfumes or colognes. Loving the scents they wear. Same taste in candles? Candles as gifts. Lots of watching TV together? Having “shows” that feel wrong to watch without the other. Being called pretty by the other means a lot, and being pretty in each other’s eyes makes you feel good.
Moon in 12th house synastry: 12H synastry tends to have an awful reputation, and I get it when it’s a relationship that isn’t meant for you. However, my moon falls in my best friend’s 12H, and it is one of my favorite placements of ours. We have a telepathic connection where we can just look at the other and know what’s up. You preemptively know what will bother the other person and find it hard to understand how other people wouldn’t have assumed that thing would annoy your person. You understand each other’s motives, and can provide the ultimate shoulder to cry on or ear to listen with. When it’s a new interaction it can feel a bit intense, because how are you in my head!!! I feel like you can read my thoughts! It was like that for the both of us. It’s like, when together, both our consciousnesses transported to another realm where we are mutually perceiving something and our thoughts are being put on a radio for the other to listen to. Very spiritual relationship. You KNOW the vibes, and those feelings will be verified through the other person who already felt the same. She will never be wrong in my eyes and I will defend her to the death. We don’t even have to speak on certain days, but we can feel whatever mood the other one is in and check-up on each other accordingly. Whenever we have a strange dream or nightmare, the first thing we do is text each other and try to analyze what it could mean. I as the 12H person also dreamt of us becoming best friends before we formally met. The dreams i would have of her would always be loaded with spiritual symbolism. We also grew up with the same level of emotional attachment to our personal spiritualities and shared religion, which plays a large role in our understandings of one another. Most people just won’t get it, but she always will. She could read my crazy journal entries if she wanted to. 12H moon synastry is just unconditional love. Between friends at least, it feels like a long-lost twin connection. Also, her and I had gotten matching tattoos before we even knew of each other, both of them being for the same spiritual meaning!
Composite Mars in 3rd house: Lots of talking during sex, and lots of car sex— It might sometimes feel like that’s the easiest thing to talk about, or the conversation always steers to that direction. Sending nudes? Sexting. Maybe the only way you two could engage your sexual desire for one another is through sexting, because distance might not permit the full physical expression. If you don’t have a lot of experience knowing the other’s communication style, it can lead to a bit of random defensiveness or perceiving the other as communicating abrasively. I think it can lead to one trying to get reactions out of the other by saying something out of pocket.
Composite Mercury in 12th house: Pay attention to the dreams you have of this person! They will seriously tell you a lot about your dynamic, but don’t take them at face value! Lots of mystical elements to your dreams about them specifically, so maybe reviewing tarot card meanings and astrology concepts can help you decipher the meanings of your dreams. You might find it easier than expected to confide in each other or rant about your brain’s inner workings together. “I don’t know why I’m saying all that-“ or psychoanalyzing each other for fun. Talking about your less-than-desirable attributes. Being honest about your deceptive tendencies or specific lies you’ve told and why. Oversharing things that will usually make other people uncomfortable in the same context (like talking about your exes or failed situationships on a first date). Difficulties communicating when it’s not in person because it leaves too much room for confusion. Deceit is a real possibility though, with someone voluntarily “leaving out details” about their life outside of the relationship to avoid ruining the flow of energy or the dynamic. Having each other saved on your phones under fake names. Having to hide that you’re talking to this person from other people. One of you withdrawing communication to manipulatively make the other think about you more. Taking turns being each other’s therapist. Thinking about each other often but never expressing that, or the extent to which you think of one another. Thinking about the other at night before going to bed. “I started catching feelings for the girl that I’m currently having sex with, so it’s safe to say we don’t talk anymore, unless of course we’re having sex” in Sasquatch .22 by Bay Faction.
Composite Venus in 12th house: There really is a secretive component to this interaction that can feel impossible to bypass. Your family, friends, or society might not “approve” of you two together. One or both of you can be cheating on someone with this person. Only being able to meet up or be affectionate at night or in extremely private settings. The privacy of the relationship can help you open up a lot more than you’d expect to, because there’s no one but you two to perceive the other in this context. No judgments on how you two should behave with one another, so “let’s fully enjoy the moment while it lasts.” No one understanding your interaction or it’s purpose, and you probably don’t understand it either. Sending telepathic love notes. Longing. Intimate and romantic sex that haunts you or catches you off guard. Never wanting to be the first one to admit you’ve caught feelings. Ruining your sleep schedule to spend time with one another. Dreaming about romantically linking with them before it ever happens. Withdrawing once feelings start feeling real. The song “Lips of Angel” by Hinder reminds me of Composite Venus in 12H. “Illicit Affairs,” “August,” and “False God” by Taylor Swift. “Why Can’t I?” by Liz Phair. Gato de Noche by Bad Bunny. Sex by The 1975.
Lilith in 8th house synastry: Wanting to try things sexually with this person that wasn’t necessarily exciting with other partners. “You can do whatever you want to me, and I’ll let you.” Possibly experimenting with or preferring BDSM with one another. That Lana lyric that’s like: You fucked me so good that I almost said “I love you.” It might also be controversial if people knew you’ve had sex with one another. Revenge sex? As in, you two having sex might indirectly be spiting someone else, and it kind of feels like you’re dishing out delicious karma on a surprising silver platter— “lol if only they knew” You two might have fun misbehaving together. Doing what you both know you’re not supposed to be doing can make everything feel better, and even more reason to keep doing what you’re doing. Lana Del Rey in Diet Mountain Dew: “you’re no good for me, but baby I want you.” Wanting to be dangerous together. “Leave me bruised so I can’t forget you.” “Seeing you tonight is a bad idea, right?” This placement somewhat reminds me of a union between the death card and the devil card in tarot, with an emphasis on risk-stained sexual liberation. You can become symbolic of temptation in each other’s lives, so it’s hard to deny your impulses. Toxic by Britney Spears.
-D 🖤🕯
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1111jenx · 1 year
— synastry & composite charts notes💘🤍💘
navi: masterlist I — masterlist II hiii angels👼🏻it's been a while since my last astro post on here, thought I'd drop by with a lil surprise:) enjoy babes🤍
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💘 8th house synastry: A deep and mystical connection, a dance of two souls intertwined. Undoubtedly, this has to be some of the most intense relationships I have observed, yet not necessarily in the way people might think. It goes beyond the surface, beyond the mundane, beyond the small-talk. Sex, death, and other's resources are only the tip of the iceberg. This is about transformation, rebirth, and regeneration. The 8th house is a place where secrets reside, and the planet person might unknowingly tap into that well of darkness within the 8th house person. It's a profound and sometimes frightening journey, but it's also one of the most transformative. The planet person, depending on which planet of theirs, entering the 8th house person's life can open them up like no other, exposing them to their deepest desires, fears, and longings.
If 4th house synastry is referred to as each other's soft spot, then 8th house synastry is each other's weak spot. Romantic or platonic, these relationships are often karmic, acting as a bind between the two individuals, for better or for worse. There's an unspoken depth that pervades the connection, a knowingness that transcends words. It's the ultimate "one stare is all it takes" kind of placement, where even a simple glance can send shivers down one's spine.
In the end, the 8th house synastry is not for the faint of heart, but for those who dare to delve into the mysteries of the soul, it's a journey worth taking. For it's in the darkness that we find the light, and it's in the intensity of these relationships that we find our true selves.
💘 Moon-Pluto aspects synastry/composite chart: If you've followed my blog for a while, you'll know that I don't strongly dislike any placement or aspect, for I believe we must observe the entire charts to draw conclusions before anything else. Yet, there is one aspect that leaves me in awe, time and time again: Moon-Pluto aspects in relationships. They speak of a connection that goes beyond the superficial, beyond the ordinary, beyond the mundane.
In the depths of their intimacy, there's a touch of mystery, a hint of secrecy, as if they share a bond that's known only to them. In the composite chart, this aspect can be a blessing, for it allows both parties to bare their souls in front of each other, to be raw and authentic, to embrace the vulnerability that comes with true connection.
But there's a caveat, for softer aspects such as the trine and sextile can approach this intimacy with a gentle touch, allowing the connection to grow slowly and steadily. Whereas the harsher aspects, the conjunctions, squares, and oppositions, may ignite a fire that burns bright and hot, causing one or both partners to be wary of the immense intensity that they feel.
Moon-Pluto aspects in relationships are definitely not for everyone, but they can lead to a transformation that's both profound and life-changing. These aspects symbolize a journey towards embracing one's innermost fears and desires, facing the shadows within oneself, and coming out on the other side with a newfound sense of strength and authenticity.
While it may be challenging, the rewards of such an experience can be tremendous. Through the intensity and rawness of the connection, one may find healing, growth, and a deep understanding of the human experience. It's a journey that requires courage, vulnerability, and a willingness to confront the unknown, but for those who embark on it, the rewards can be truly magnificent.
💘 Venus-Pluto aspects synastry: When Venus and Pluto align, their love burns with a fiery intensity, drawing them ever deeper into the mysteries of the heart. Pluto, with its insatiable hunger for truth and transformation, brings a potent energy to the table, stirring up a storm of questions and revelations.
Their relationship is a journey of discovery, a never-ending quest to uncover the hidden depths of each other's being. They crave knowledge of the past, eager to explore the shadows and secrets that have shaped their lives and their loves.
For them, love is a drug, a heady elixir that leaves them yearning for more. Their passion is all-consuming, a fierce and unyielding force that binds them together in ways that defy explanation.
Their obsession with each other is both beautiful and terrifying, a force that drives them to explore the depths of their connection, even as it challenges their preconceptions of what love truly means. But with every step they take together, they discover new facets of themselves and each other, delving ever deeper into the mysteries of the heart.
💘 Sun-Mars aspects synastry: The moment they meet, the attraction between them is electric, a spark that ignites a fire in their hearts. Soft aspects between their Sun and Mars create an effortless harmony, a sense of deep understanding and mutual support that draws them together with an irresistible force.
But for those with harsher aspects, their connection is a battlefield, a clash of egos that sparks tension and desire in equal measure. Sun and Mars are like two lions circling each other, each daring the other to make a move.
Their competitive spirits are brought out in full force, as they push each other to new heights of passion and desire. For Mars, the Sun is the ultimate challenge, a force to be reckoned with that can bring out the best - and worst - in them.
But through it all, there is a deep sense of respect and admiration, a recognition that they are two sides of the same coin, bound together by the fire that burns within them. Their love is a force to be reckoned with, a connection that challenges them to be their best selves and to embrace the full power of their passion and desire.
💘 Gemini Rising composite: Gemini Rising couple is a true delight, their energy infectious and their presence enchanting. They radiate a lightness and joy that fills the room, sparking lively conversations and bringing smiles to the faces of all those around them.
Their connection is a deep and profound one, built on a foundation of trust and open communication. They tell each other everything, sharing their hopes, dreams, fears, and secrets with a fearless abandon.
With their 3rd house in Leo, they embody a regal energy that commands attention and respect. Their style and energy are often very similar, a reflection of their deep connection and shared perspective on life.
Their reunion feels almost spiritual, a cosmic meeting of two souls destined to be together. One partner may take on the role of protector, fiercely guarding the other with a love that knows no bounds.
Despite their occasional heated moments, they speak of each other with the highest regard, always fearlessly protective of their partner's honor and dignity.
💘 Cancer Rising composite: This is one of my favorites, whether it's a romantic or platonic connection! They have a way of making it seem like they've known each other for ages, their bond so deep and comfortable that it feels like home.
They may bicker like siblings, but it's all in good fun - and it's clear that they love each other deeply. There's a sense of ease and familiarity that just makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
They can be in each other's company for hours without saying a word, content in the quiet and the simple pleasure of just being together. And when they do speak, they offer each other advice and guidance, especially when it comes to style and aesthetics.
There's something so special about this connection, something that just feels right. They may not have known each other for long, but it feels like they were always meant to be in each other's lives. They are the ultimate squad, the perfect team, and they bring so much joy and fun wherever they go.
💘 Leo Rising composite: This connection is fiercely possessive in the best way possible. They love to show their affection publicly and make it known to the world that they belong to each other. It's a feeling of pure belonging, an unbreakable bond that just feels so right.
It's one of the hardest relationships to let go of, a connection that just feels too good to be true. They radiate an air of perfection, and those around them can't help but be captivated by their dynamic. They may keep their relationship private once they've settled down, but when they're together, it's electric.
Their pain and struggles may be hidden from the outside world, but within their bond, they find solace and comfort in each other's arms. With Leo Rising in the composite, they were made for each other, their love a force to be reckoned with. And they love to spoil each other, showing off their love for the world to see.
💘 Libra Rising composite: This is the couple that everyone assumes has had a crush on each other since the day they met. There's just something about them that makes it so easy to tell that they were meant to be together. They have a natural ability to enhance each other's aesthetic and just make each other look even better.
When you see them in public, they come off as very friendly and approachable. They love to flirt with each other and with others, and they just exude a harmonious energy that draws people to them. They're like the parents of their group, always there to lend an ear and offer sage advice when others need it.
With Libra Rising in the composite, this couple radiates a unique energy that's impossible to ignore. People are drawn to them like moths to a flame, and they just look so good together. Depending on the composite Venus sign, they may have a more refined or eclectic style, but either way, they're always turning heads and making others green with envy.
💘 Leo placements composite: This is the ride or die couple that everyone wishes they had in their life. When I see this placement in a chart, I know that with time, there will be an unyielding loyalty between them that's hard to come by these days. Whether it's a romantic or platonic relationship, they exude confidence, playfulness, and above all, fun!
They're not afraid to argue or stand up for what they believe in, but what I love about Leo in composite is that they always have a deep respect for each other. It's almost like they know that at the end of the day, they're on the same team and nothing can break their bond.
For the platonic ones, they have a sibling-like energy that's just so endearing to witness. They'll have each other's back through thick and thin, and you know that they'll always be there to lift each other up when times get tough. Whether they're out on the town or just chilling at home, they radiate a sense of loyalty and camaraderie that's truly exciting to be around.
💘 Taurus placements composite: This placement evokes a sense of earthy Venusian intimacy, where mutual reliance and devotion reign supreme. They are like two rooted trees intertwined, weathering any storm that comes their way with steadfast support for each other. The sensuality they share is a true feast for the senses, with each touch and embrace sending shivers down their spines. Their connection is a thing of beauty, a symphony of love and sensuality that fills their hearts with warmth and contentment.
💘 Uranus 7th house composite: Long-distance and medium-distance relationships often display this pattern. While there is no set rule, this relationship style can be quite distinct. Depending on other astrological factors, they may contact each other spontaneously after long periods of silence. It is not uncommon for these relationships to have an undefined label, but the connection remains strong. This relationship is often characterized by a sense of telepathy.
💘 Uranus 5fth house composite: Couples with this placement breathe freedom. Their love is like a wildflower, unconfined by societal norms and conventions. Each partner allows the other to thrive in their own social circles and cherishes the moments of intimacy that come in unexpected bursts. Though their relationship may seem unconventional to some, it is a beautiful and unique expression of love that blooms and flourishes in its own way.
💘 Mars 12th house composite/synastry: This placement can be a bit tricky, as it can swing between playful banter and a more serious, spiritual connection. In the former, the couple may have a lighthearted approach to disagreements, perhaps avoiding confrontation and maintaining harmony. However, in the latter, this placement can signify a soulmate bond, a deep and meaningful connection that transcends the physical realm. Despite the challenges, these couples are able to navigate their differences and find a sense of peace and understanding in each other.
💘 Mars 8th house composite: Passion ignites and they are drawn to each other like a moth to a flame. They long for closeness, craving the touch of the other's skin, desiring to be in each other's embrace constantly. A fiery, intimate connection that is hard to resist. Beware of the green-eyed monster that may rear its head and cause strife in the relationship. But with the right alignment of Mars, a healing energy can emerge and transform the bond into an unbreakable bond of trust and devotion.
💘 Mercury 3rd house synastry: This is the kind of couple that is always laughing and having fun together. Their sense of humor is unmatched, and they just get each other on a whole different level. They can spend hours talking about anything and everything, from the trivial to the profound, and they never seem to run out of things to say.
Their intellectual connection is truly amazing, and they just have a way of understanding each other's minds that is truly unique. From discussing aliens to politics, they can handle any topic with ease and always keep each other engaged. It's a match made in heaven, and it's so much fun to watch them just enjoy each other's company.
💘 Mercury 5fth house synastry: Ah, one of my favorites! There's nothing like seeing two people who can laugh and have fun conversations with each other. It's like watching two stars colliding, creating a beautiful display of light and energy. The Mercury person is especially enamored with the Fifth House person's mind, finding it special and unique. They can't help but give them starry eyes as they speak. In turn, the Fifth House person finds Mercury's communication style to be very slick and attractive. It's a cosmic connection, a meeting of minds that is both fun and exciting.
💘 Mercury 8th house synastry: An intriguing and intense dynamic, often marked by a deep understanding and emotional support between the partners. The Mercury person has a unique insight into the innermost thoughts and desires of the 8th house person, particularly when it comes to matters of intimacy and vulnerability. There's a magnetic quality to their conversations, as they both crave depth and substance in their interactions. In this relationship, superficiality is simply not an option. Over time, the 8th house partner is drawn in by Mercury's irresistible charm and wit, and is willing to reveal their deepest secrets and desires. Mercury's words have a profound impact on the 8th house's psyche, making this placement a powerful indicator of a potential soulmate connection. And let's not forget the dirty talk potential, which adds an extra layer of seduction to this already alluring combination.
💘 Moon 4th house synastry: In each other's arms, they find a sense of peace, like they've finally come home. While their connection runs deep, they may also awaken memories of past hurts, drawing them closer in empathy and understanding. These are the ones who care for each other's every need, nurturing each other's physical and emotional well-being. In this loving embrace, they share both joy and sorrow, weaving a bond that feels like family and lingers in the heart forever.
💘 Moon 9th house synastry: Under the stars, this placement sings a love song of faith and trust, a bond that's hard to sever. Moon person's intuition finds a home in the open-minded, philosophical 9th house person, who in turn feels seen and heard in the presence of the Moon's nurturing embrace. Their love transcends boundaries, be it geographical or cultural, and their connection is not just supportive, but also unconditional. It's a love that validates and accepts all the thoughts, feelings, and ideas of their partner, a love that's both inspiring and uplifting.
💘 5fth house stellium composite: This placement is known for its potential to bring some baby fever to the table! When these two come together, it's like fireworks exploding and they can't get enough of each other. The relationship exudes a playful, childlike energy that is infectious to those around them. But be warned - this can also mean that their fights can be just as intense as their love, often stemming from their deep-seated jealousy. All in all, this is a pairing that's sure to leave a lasting impression.
💘 1st house stellium composite chart: Time seems to stand still as they hold each others hands. A union that feels like destiny, a long-awaited reunion of two halves of a whole. They speak a language of their own, finishing each other's thoughts and sentences effortlessly. Every touch, every caress, feels like a deeply profound connection. It's not just about physical intimacy, but an understanding that transcends the superficial. This is the soulmate energy, the kind of love that leaves them wondering, "Where have you been all my life?"
💘 Venus 2nd house synastry/composite: A romantic dance of give and take, this placement sings of love that is nurturing and indulgent. There is a deep need to shower each other with gifts and care, but caution must be taken not to let materialism overshadow their connection. They find joy in providing for one another, and both are lifted up by the other's affection and attention. Behind closed doors, their passion blossoms into a slow and steady burn, where sensual touches and intimate moments reign supreme.
💘 Venus 6th house synastry: Intriguingly, couples with this synastry seem to be entwined in a tapestry of love and affection. They have a knack for creating beauty in the mundane and infusing everyday life with romance. Their love story is not a fairy tale, but a practical one, with the two of them seamlessly integrating into each other's daily routines. They may even find joy in doing chores together. The 6th house partner adores Venus' constant mindfulness and dedication to them, making them feel appreciated and cherished in every moment.
💘 Venus 10th house synastry: In this synastry, a beautiful harmony blooms between two souls. They are each other's pillars of support, always standing by each other's side in times of success and failure. The 10th house person, taken aback by Venus's deep understanding of their goals and dreams, finds solace in their unconditional support. Venus, in turn, cherishes the 10th house person as a prized possession, basking in their admiration and attention. The house person's serious and committed approach to life appeals to Venus's heart, allowing them to thrive under their care. Together, they build a love that is grounded in mutual respect, support, and admiration.
💘 Scorpio Venus composite: In the realm of love, Scorpio's traditional Mars energy now meets the enchanting grace of Venus. A potent mix of complexity, passion, and challenge, this placement creates a bond that is both powerful and mysterious.
Couples with this placement share a deep obsession, not just on a physical level but also an emotional one. Their desire for each other is all-consuming, a deep-seated need to connect on every possible level. Eye contact is a potent tool for them, a way to communicate their desire and passion without saying a word.
Their love is shrouded in secrecy, a relationship that's known only to the two of them. Their feelings run deep, but they may not be expressed at first, requiring time and patience to unfold.
As their connection deepens, they become more and more entwined, their bond unbreakable and unwavering. For both parties, this love will challenge their preconceptions of what love truly means and requires, but the rewards of true connection are worth every step of the journey.
💘 Virgo Venus composite: Their love is a journey of growth and self-discovery, a path that's filled with endless possibility and wonder. They are both committed to learning and evolving, constantly pushing each other to be the best version of themselves.
Their love is reminiscent of Scorpio Venus, with its unsaid feelings and profound depth, but it's also uniquely its own. For them, love is not just about passion and intensity, but about the simple and peaceful moments that make life worth living.
In their relationship, they discover that love can be found in the small things, in the gentle gestures and quiet moments of connection. They remind us that love is not just about the grand gestures or dramatic displays of affection, but about the everyday acts of kindness that we show each other.
Their love story is one that's hard to forget, a testament to the power of gentle love and the beauty of finding someone who truly understands and accepts us for who we are. They remind us that love is not just about what we say or do, but about who we are and how we show up for each other, day after day.
💘 Cancer Moon composite: Their love is a haven, a sanctuary in a world that can often feel chaotic and uncertain. They create a space for each other that's safe and secure, a place where they can be vulnerable and authentic without fear of judgment or rejection.
In each other's presence, they find solace and comfort, a feeling of coming home that's both familiar and reassuring. They understand each other on a level that goes beyond words, their hearts and souls intertwined in a dance that's both beautiful and sacred.
Emotions are shared freely in this space, for they know that true connection requires the courage to be vulnerable and the willingness to listen with an open heart. They hold space for each other's pain and joy, their love serving as a beacon of light in the darkest of times.
For them, love is also an anchor, a tether to the world that keeps them grounded and centered. They remind us that in a world that's constantly changing, the one constant we can rely on is the love that we share with those closest to us. It's a love that transcends the ordinary, a love that's both unique and eternal.
💘 Sagittarius Moon composite: They are more than just lovers, they are best friends, their bond rooted in a deep and authentic connection that transcends the ordinary. They share a rare and beautiful kind of love, one that's built on a foundation of laughter, growth, and exploration.
They are each other's biggest cheerleaders, pushing each other to become the best version of themselves and encouraging each other to explore the depths of their potential. Together, they find joy in the pursuit of higher learning, embracing the world with open hearts and curious minds.
Their love is a journey of discovery, one that's filled with new experiences and adventures, one that makes you feel alive. They indulge in the magic of the world together, savoring each moment with a sense of wonder and excitement. Despite their need for individual freedom, they never tire of each other's company.
They remind us that the best kind of love is one that's rooted in friendship, in a deep and authentic connection that goes beyond the superficial. For in the heart of true friendship lies the key to unlocking the full potential of the human experience.
💘 Aquarius Moon composite: Their relationship is built on a foundation of mutual respect and understanding, a deep appreciation for each other's unique qualities and preferences. They're both highly idealistic emotionally, driven by big dreams and a desire to make a difference in the world.
In their partnership, they recognize each other's potential and provide unwavering support and encouragement to help each other achieve their goals. They approach matters of the heart with a sense of clarity and precision, able to articulate their emotions in a way that's both logical and deeply felt.
Their love is a journey of discovery and growth, one that requires patience, dedication, and a willingness to see the world through each other's eyes. They understand that a healthy relationship requires a deep sense of empathy and the ability to communicate effectively, even in times of stress or conflict.
For them, love is not just a feeling, but a choice, a commitment to each other's growth and well-being. They remind us that a successful relationship requires hard work and dedication, but that the rewards of true love are worth every effort.
💘 Ascendant 10th house synastry: Mutual admiration is the foundation of their connection, a deep and genuine appreciation for each other that goes beyond surface-level attraction. They may have met in a public setting, amidst the noise and chaos of the world around them, but their hearts were drawn together in a way that felt inevitable.
Perhaps they had heard about each other before their encounter, but it was in that moment that they truly saw each other for who they were. Two individuals, each with their own unique qualities, coming together in a way that felt natural and effortless.
In each other's presence, the world falls away, and they're left with a deep and profound connection that speaks to the power of true chemistry. They remind us that sometimes, the most meaningful connections can be found in the most unexpected of places, and that it's the quality of the connection that matters most.
💘 Ascendant 11th house synastry: There's a magic that surrounds them, a feeling of ease that envelops them from the moment they meet. Conversations flow effortlessly between them, like a gentle stream meandering through the forest, each thought and idea sparking a new connection. They find a friend in each other, someone who understands them on a deep and profound level.
In the 11th house, they find a higher ideal, a connection that transcends the ordinary and reaches for the stars. They've found their "ideal type," a partner who shares their values, their passions, and their dreams. It's a feeling of coming home, of finding someone who sees the world through the same lens.
This placement also signifies the power of online encounters, a reminder that connections can be made in the most unexpected of places. They may have met through the digital realm, but their bond is as real and tangible as any other.
Together, they embody the beauty of true connection, of finding someone who understands and accepts them for who they are. They remind us that the world is full of magic and wonder, and that sometimes, all we need to do is open our hearts to find it.
💘 Sun in 1st house composite: Their love is a force of nature, a vibrant and pulsating energy that radiates from their very being. To them, the relationship means everything, and they pour their hearts and souls into tending and perfecting it. They're like two flames dancing together, their attraction burning brightly, igniting the world around them.
In each other's embrace, they find a home, a place of safety and belonging. They bring out the best in each other, inspiring and motivating one another to be the best version of themselves. They're like two sides of the same coin, perfectly complementing each other, and yet each unique in their own way.
In the presence of this couple, others cannot help but feel the intensity of their love. It's a love that's all-encompassing, leaving no room for anyone else. They are inseparable, two halves of a whole, their energy intertwining in a dance that's both beautiful and mesmerizing.
They're a super expressive couple, unafraid to show their true selves to the world. Their love is unapologetic and raw, a testament to the power of vulnerability and authenticity. They remind us that love is not just a feeling, but a choice, a commitment, and a journey of growth and self-discovery.
💘 Sun in 7th house composite: Together, they are a symphony of souls, each note blending seamlessly into the other, creating a melody that resonates with the universe. It's a rare and beautiful thing to witness, for they complement each other in ways that go beyond words. From what I observe, these couples see a future with each other, a future that's intertwined with love, trust, and commitment.
Even if they don't express it outwardly, there's an unspoken bond that ties them together, a feeling of wanting to keep the other close that's ever-present. Publicly, they strive to be the "ideal couple," one that's admired and emulated, and they're often sought after for their relationship advice.
But there's a seriousness to this placement, a need to formalize things with time, to solidify their commitment to each other. They understand that relationships are not built on fleeting moments, but on the foundation of trust, communication, and dedication. And they're willing to put in the work to make it last.
In this partnership, there's also a desire to grow individually, to bring more to the table, to be the best version of themselves for each other. For they know that in committing to each other, they're committing to a journey of growth, of becoming, of evolving together.
The themes of commitment and trust run deep in this placement, anchoring them to each other with an unbreakable bond. For they know that in each other's embrace, they've found a home for their hearts.
saint jenx🪐
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astrologydayz · 30 days
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MERCURY IN PARTNERS 1ST HOUSE = house person can be very attracted 2/interested in the Mercury persons mind/voice/language/the way they speak/articulate themselves🗣️. They can also be very attracted 2 Mercury persons hands/fingers - or notice them very quickly! House person feels understood on a very special level here - Mercury is always a step "ahead" in knowing what the house person does next/Mercury sees right through the house persons reactions🫶🏼 - why they react the way they do, & why they have the worldview that they have - mercury doesn't judge, or criticise but listens, understands, &gives their advice/opinion if needed🧡. House person can become more mindful, but also more expressive, more talkative/vocal, or much more social in life because of the Mercury person<33. Conflicting aspects can show issues because house person can feel criticised/judged here/issues bc Mercury can't understand the house persons way of seeing/doing things.
MERCURY IN PARTNERS 2ND HOUSE = something about the way the Mercury person communicates, makes the house person feel so fucking comfortable, & secure🔒<33. House person can find much value in the way the Mercury persons communicates/find much value in their mind/mentality here. Mercury can hype the 2nd house up a lot - always being in their corner2, & being very vocal about it<33 - which adds even more security 2 the house person. House person can be very trusting of the Mercury person here - always listening, & taking their advice, when it comes 2 their income - finances/self worth/values/material possessions - they can also talk about/discuss those things a whole lot together in general❤️. Conflicting aspects can show arguments/conflicts over money/arguments because Mercury can make the house person insecure/issues bc Mercury can be 2 into giving their advice/opinion, when it ain't needed.
MERCURY IN PARTNERS 3RD HOUSE = These two can talk 4 daaaaays, & they would not get bored🗣️ - trust😭. Mercury person can make the house person smarter/more knowledgable on certain topics, or in certain interests they both have😍<33. These two are the ones still talking in a moment where they're really supposed 2 shut up😭😭🤣😻😻. House person feels understood on a mental/intellectual level here<33. The Mercury person could also talk a whole lot 2 the house persons siblings/cousins - or that can be something that these two talk about/discuss a lot - house persons siblings/cousins. Conflicting aspects can show issues between them, because they can argue a whole lot/issues because they can't find mental peace together.
MERCURY IN PARTNERS 4TH HOUSE = Mercury person can be very interested in the house persons childhood/upbringing/family/or family history here - always asking questions<33 - It could also be something that these two talk about a lot in general<33. If house person has any childhood trauma/family trauma = mercury can help them with REALLY talking through it/help them come 2 a place of "acceptance"❤️‍🩹. Mercury person could also talk a lot 2 the house persons mom/family members. House person feels heard, & listened2 when they run into any family issues/home issues - Mercury can also give them advice here, when it comes 2 what's the best thing2 to do in those types of situations🫶🏼<33. Conflicting aspects can show miscommunications/arguments over/because of house persons family/issues because house person can feel pressured 2 talk about the things they wanna keep 2 themselves.
MERCURY IN PARTNERS 5TH HOUSE = house person can find the Mercury persons humour 2 be the best ever here - house person can laugh, & be entertained by them 24/7😍🥰<33. These two could be the ones always having their own fun when they're at a party/out having fun with friends - inside jokes can also be a very big thing between them😘. People can also feel kinda left out when they're with em, like they can't really catch up2them😭😂. Mercury person can show a big interest in the house persons meaning of romance/fun/their way of being creative/in their self expression, in the house persons kid/s🧡<33 - or those topics are something they can talk about/discuss together a lot<33. Sex could also be something they talk about/discuss a lot together💋<33 Conflicting aspects can show them having two different kind of humours - house person can get offended/arguments, or miscommunications over/because of kids/issues bc conflicts can arise when one, or both is out enjoying themselves/having fun.
MERCURY IN PARTNERS 6TH HOUSE = these two can be in contact all day, everyday<33. House persons everyday life could have gotten a lot more interesting/exciting when the Mercury person came into the picture🥰 - Mercury person can get the house person out more/get them 2 be more vocal/mindful in their everyday life❤️/or help them communicate more clearly when it comes 2 their work - coworkers<33. Mercury can be very interested in the house persons everyday life/routine/health here🫶🏼 - or they could talk a lot about those things together<33. Mercury person could also want 2 give the house person their advice/opinion on those things a lot<33. Conflicting aspects can show arguments/conflicts in their daily life together/arguments, or conflicts over petty/small things.
MERCURY IN PARTNERS 7TH HOUSE = the way the Mercury persons mind works/the way they communicate - with others, & in general is just what the house person search 4 in a marriage💍/stabile partner🔒<33. Mercury person can help the house person with communicating better/more clearly in their relationships - when/if house person runs into any arguments with others - Mercury can also help them with how 2 properly solve them, & help put things into perspective🫶🏼. House persons important relationships/partnerships/business deals/contracts could also be something the Mercury person is very interested in/interested in giving advice on💅🏽<33 - or those things can be something these two discuss/talk about a lot. Conflicting aspects can show arguments/conflicts bc of/over house persons relationships/arguments because house person can feel like their wants/needs doesn't matter 2 the Mercury person/issues bc they got two different ideas of where their connection is supposed 2 go.
MERCURY IN PARTNERS 8TH HOUSE = if house person has any obsession issues/traumas💔 that they need 2 work through = mercury can put things into perceptive 4 the house person, & help them start their transformation/rebirth at last - House person could have been avoiding change, before the Mercury person came along, & sat things straight/told them wassup🗣️. Mercury is interested in all the things the house person wants 2 escape from/keep 2themselves forever. House person can feel very close 2 Mercury here, bc they talk about everything together - Mercury person could know the house persons darkest secrets💜<33. Oral sex/handjobs/fingering can be/feel very transformative 4 the house person here/or it can be something they're really into with Mercury here, bc of the intimacy they bring with it💋<33 - Dirty talk from Mercury could also be something that really gets the house person going. Conflicting aspects can show issues between them because of secrets/lies/issues because one can be way more taboo/darker focused/minded than the other. MERCURY IN PARTNERS 9TH HOUSE = Mercury is very interested in the house persons philosophy/"journey" in life/very interested in where they've travelled2, or want 2 travel 2✈️🌍/interested in their beliefs/religious views/higher thoughts/or in their education📚 - these things can also be something they talk about/discuss a whole lot together<33. If house person is gunning after a higher education = Mercury can help them read up on their shit/help them with studying📖 - kinda like a teacher, & a student = Mercury being the teacher, & house person being the student here. House person can look up 2 the Mercury person, & trust their judgment/guidance on a whole lot in life<33. Conflicting aspects can show arguments over/bc of in laws/issues bc house person can feel like Mercury is always trying 2 "one up them" - like "they always know better"/conflicts bc they got too different beliefs.
MERCURY IN PARTNERS 10TH HOUSE = Mercury can make the house person more expressive/vocal/mindful in public/make them more mindful/vocal in/about their career here🗣️<33. Mercury can also be very interested in the house persons worldly goals/social status/career, & can help them make future career plans - guide/advice them 2 what the "wisest"/best moves 4 them 2 take 2 move upwards are💅🏽 - Mercury person being the house persons "professional advisor" here kinda energy<33. Mercury can talk the house person up a whole lot 2 others🫶🏼😻 - up their reputation a whole lot/or even defend their reputation/career if needed🗣️<33. Conflicting aspects can show arguments over/because of house persons reputation/career choices/issues because Mercury can talk/gossip a whole lot about the house. MERCURY IN PARTNERS 11TH HOUSE = Mercury can be very interested in the house persons community/social media/humanitarian goals/social circle - network/dreams here - or it's something they can talk about/discuss a whole🫶🏼<33. Mercury could also interest the house person with a new cause worth fighting for together💋<33. House person, & Mercury person can be seen out networking together a lot🤝/they can be seen out being vocal about the causes they fight for✊🏽/are interested in together<33. If they don't have the same friend group = house persons friend group/social circle can see the Mercury person as humorous, talkative, vocal, & very expressive here<33. Conflicting aspects can show arguments/miscommunications because of the house persons friends, or arguments over them/arguments because of the house persons dreams/social media. MERCURY IN PARTNERS 12TH HOUSE = these two can have a telepathic connection🫶🏼 - House person could also receive messages from/about the mercury person in their dreams here😴<33. Mercury can read the house person like an open book📖 - they could ask the house person many many questions, but really already know the answer 2 each one😘. These two can talk a whole lot about their addictions - or past ones/their fears/phobias, spirituality - their spiritual beliefs, spiritual connections/bonds♾️. Mercury person can bring light 2 the house persons subconscious habits/mind, & it's either really really appreciated💋, or really not so much🙂‍↔️ - look at aspects. Conflicting aspects can show issues because Mercury can seem questionable/worrisome 2 the house person/issues because house person can feel distressed/troubled when Mercury is around them.
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ranastro · 6 months
When angry with someone, Venus Aries tends to solve it immediately and then won't take it to heart, while Venus is the opposite, they will suppress themselves and find someone else who makes them more comfortable.
Juno in the 8th house shows that the partner is jealous, possessive, quite controlling, does not want their lover to have a relationship with another guy, even just friends or thinking about someone else. They want to be the one to see and have the deepest, most secret feelings of the person they love, the most beautiful things, desires, fears, love, pain,… of the person they love. This position is obsessive and both partners may feel safe with each other but there may be frustration if they don't give each other space.
Sagittarius people love to travel or have dreams of going abroad. They may like to study the culture, traditions, and religions of different countries.
When Sagittarius Mars wants to do something, they will act immediately
Water positions in the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus like to listen to music, see places with water and feel comfortable somewhere clean and airy. Maybe they think that if they are dirty, it will affect their health and those around them (especially Cancer at MC, Sun, Moon).
Gemini, Pisces, Cancer AC bring childish features to the face
The position of the Moon conjunct the Sun, the trine/sextile moon and Venus in the synastry map are really great positions that bring empathy, trust and a feeling of safety and openness to each other.
The Moon in the 8th house is often impressed with the dark sides deep inside a person, especially women, they feel the dark and light sides of femininity, their reactions are often strong and when When they are young, they often cannot handle their own emotions. People around them may have different feelings from them, so these people easily choose to hide their emotions. Sex, mystery, spiritual research may be topics of interest to them. This is a position that brings a difficult childhood mentally, but will get better over time, as they accumulate experiences, they will enjoy the blessings of femininity, women in the family. If they have more relatives, they can receive material support and be raised by more females than males in the family.
Mercury conjunct the sun has a desire to study all their lives, they don't want to get confused when they get old and have excitement and butterflies in their stomachs when absorbing knowledge that they feel is helpful to them. they/ are called
Capricorn's position can receive the love of animals, they can remember their domestic pets for a long time
Pisces, 12th position has the ability to sense thoughts, surrounding energy very well and also the source of energy coming to them. They may have a path to the spiritual path, communicate with their ancestors in the future, some people have artistic talents such as musicians, singing, painting, etc. They are dreamy and also like romance.
Have a nice day, you guys
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youmeandthestarsss · 1 year
🩵Astrology observations
🪬Juno/Lilith aspects in the natal chart indicate there’s something taboo about the natives marriage or marriage partner… (class difference, race difference, wide age gap, etc.)
🪬Mercury in gemini in the fire houses (1,5,9) of one’s natal chart like fast cars
🪬Scorpio’s are more passive aggressive than Libras. I had a best friend with 5 of her planets in Scorpio and let me tell you….😂
🪬You typically get the sign or opposite sign of either your parents sun sign or rising sign (i.e if someone mom is a cap rising the child may end up getting a cap sun or cancer sun or if someone’s dad is a Gemini sun the other child may get a Gemini or Sagittarius sun)
🪬Watch out for mercury opposite Jupiter in synastry. This aspect in synastry can cause lots of arguing to where the two just don’t see eye to eye. The persons way of thinking (mercury) conflicts with the other persons belief system (Jupiter).
🪬And since we’re on the topic about Jupiter… also watch out for Jupiter conjunct/opposite mars in synastry as well. Jupiter talks about expansion whilst mars is about explosion. This aspect has the potential to cause lots of arguments as well as unpleasant emotions that can make the relationship become toxic overtime.
🪬Sun square moon in someone’s natal chart indicates that their parents had different parenting styles
🪬Sun square moon in someone’s natal chart can also mean that the child lived at each of their parent’s homes at different times
🪬The only personal planets in the 12th house that can indicate the native was shy or introverted in their younger years are sun, moon, and mercury. Those planets have a much more greater impact on the natives social life because they are much more personal to you than Venus, Mars, Jupiter…etc.
🪬I see this a lot of times in people charts, but if your 7th house ruler, Juno, or even planet sitting in your 7th house aspects both your sun and mercury, your future spouse will have their sun and mercury in the exact same sign regardless of what sign it’s in
🪬My chart ruler falls into my 7th house and there are times where I find myself acting passive aggressive or indecisive, just like a libra. 😂
🪬People with prominent 12th house placements may have issues falling asleep. That’s because their minds are more open to receiving at night. I don’t really know why it’s just so hard to shut our minds off
🪬Chiron conjunct or opposite Venus in the natal chart imo is one of the hardest placements to have. Venus talks about our self esteem and as well as beauty and Chiron talks about where we’ve been wounded or hurt. I have and know somebody with this aspect and it’s like we’re always at war with our appearance and always find something about ourselves that we think other people are judging us for. As someone with this aspect, there’s a lot I could say about this placement 🫠
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synastry observations (5/07/23)
💌 moon conjunct vesta 🥺🥺🥺🥺. as the vesta person, you have soooo much love & pure devotion for the moon person. & the moon person feels it so heavily & really appreciates that. they (moon) will really miss that love & care if they ever part ways. & vesta, also, will heavily grieve that connection
💌 sun square mercury : the sun person can feel very wounded by any critiques the mercury may have on them. the mercury person can say something about them jokingly & not think much about it but it may linger on the sun persons mind
💌 moon square mercury : as the mercury person, you’ll most likely have to handle conversations with the moon person with a lottt of care and watch not only what you say, but your delivery as well. this is a placement for conversations to blow up & get emotional for moon person very quickly, leaving mercury extremely frustrated. i have this with BOTH of my parents 😬😬😬. not to mention it’s my WATER moon vs. their AIR mercuries. yes, i’ve suffered.
💌 venus in the 3rd or 11th house is a friends to lovers placement
💌 i’m experiencing one sided 12th house synastry romantically for the first time. i have 12th house synastry with literally all of my romantic interests but it’s always a double whammy. this time it’s just my stellium (including my sun) in his 12th house & i feel soo exposed. i feel like he’s always psycho analyzing me & it feels so weird because that’s usually MY role. i also feel very hesitant to express how i feel about him which is also weird to me because i usually don’t have a really hard time with that. so it’s just interesting to observe
💌 6th house synastry is honestly such extreme devotion to another person. talking every single day, always considerate of the other persons feelings. always wanting to help better them & their habits/health. it just feels like you’re meant to be on a journey with this person where you both help each other evolve. one of the best synastry houses in my opinion
💌 with 12th house synastry, there’s always someone else in the picture. you’re likely to be involved in a love triangle when you have 12th house synastry with someone. or you might still be close with an ex when you meet that new person you have this synastry with. or they might be. i’ve seen this so many times, it’s crazy. i suspect that this is maybe because the 12th house is our past, so when you encounter someone you have this synastry with, you just happen to be still carrying baggage from your past or they are
i should make a whole separate post with 12th house synastry observations because i’ve had it with every single person i’ve been involved with romantically 🌚🌚
💌 i feel like also with 12th house synastry, you’ll literally think about this person forever. what they taught you, what could’ve been, where they are now, etc ..
💌 ppl who have planets in your 2nd house realllyyyy effect your self esteem.
thanks so much for reading, let me know what you think. & check out my new astro observations post as well <3
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allmyloveandyours · 1 year
Astrology Observations #2!!!
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Hi I'm back with more assumptions and thoughts (i got a lot of them). These are all opinions! Take what resonates! Also I'm not a professional, tell me if I got something wrong :D
Venus in Gemini/Air signs are not flaky (Idk I see a lot of people say this). They're surprisingly loyal, although they may be loyal to people who embody air style qualities rather than them exuding it themselves when it comes to love.
Jupiter opposite Ascendant in your chart can point to a very eccentric person, but they also may have trouble seeing how they actually are, and can have a negative self view, especially with "harsh" (Neptune, Pluto, maybe Mars) planets in 12th house.
Saturn in 11th house can point to achieving your goals later in life/after your Saturn return. With heavy air in the chart, you could've been a wild child.
Cancer Mars natives remind me a lot of car salesmen. They kinda can convince you to buy anything they want, especially if Lilith is in 2nd or 10th house. They can convince you to do anything.
Your close friends may have similar Lilith/your Lilith's get along. Everyone I've been extremely close to also have an Aries Lilith, or something that Lilith would get along with it. Kinda just a fun observation but still. Has anyone else noticed this?
Wherever Neptune is in your chart can tell you where people project onto you, or where you're forgotten the most. For example, Neptune in 4th may have people putting you into positions of Cancer like roles (caring, and supportive), or thinking you have a more than fine family life when you don't, as that area is where you essentially become a mirror.
South Node in Synastry is the coolest thing ever tbh. That's something you immediately feel in your soul. Especially South Node conjunct Mercury. That's your sibling right there. Blood or not.
Celebrities you adore may have the same moon sign/element you.
Singers with Venus in Taurus or Libra have the prettiest voices. Their lyrics either very poetic and powerful of they primary sound expensive or talk a sing a lot about luxuries.
Venus conjunction Midheaven will always be remembered as pretty. ALWAYS. Life and death.
Any planets in 8th house could show what people obsess about over you. For example, Pluto in 8th could have people obsess over your transformations, or try their best to expose you to more taboo things. Whatever the planet rules over normally, it can add a bit of a forceful or darker theme to it. It isn't always intense but it's always interesting when you notice it.
I've been thinking of Placidus vs Whole Sign, since my astrologers use both those, and one of them said that Placidus is more mental and Whole Sign is the world around you, and I have a lil bit of a theory:
Placidus - mental, friends, fans/what people see in you
Whole Sign - first impression, vibes you give off, the house system you look at for results.
They're both accurate, but Whole sign has always been the most accurate when it comes to external results like solar returns and such, and Placidus is kinda how people treat me if that makes sense?
Just a theory I don't know too too much about the difference of their (someone explain maybe plz I'm begging use small words)
Virgo in Lilith could face people nitpicking them for the littlest of things. The house can tell who's doing it/what it's about. Like In 9th people could try to pick at how you study/be classmates, elements of your spiritually/people of the same faith, and attempt to wear you down.
Aspects to your natal Juno can show your "turn ons" and icks when it comes to finding the one. Juno trine Moon could mean you like someone who's open with emotions and can be vulnerable, but square Moon could mean you're not a fan of sappy or dotting people.
Squares in Synastry are my favorite to look at, especially with longer terms relationships. Anything aspects to the ascendant can tell how they first met (in my experience). My favorite scenario was a married couple who met when the husband crashed a friend of the wife's bday party. Squares in sun, Venus, Mars, and Saturn. The wife later said that he stood out like nobody's business, but she liked that 🥺
Juno in Synastry is also something I like looking at with family members. Having a relatives jump conjunct a personal planet is such a warming thing. Like Juno conjunct Moon can mean they're emotionally invested in your well being, or conjunct Jupiter means they may go out of their way to help further education or world view. It's really sweet.
Mars can show where you come off too strong. Mars in 2nd could show you come off too strong when it comes to making money or showing off personally skills. 12th could be you fighting the urge to come off too strong and giving off a ":|" vibe instead.
Ok that's it correct me on stuff if you feel like it idk I like talking to ppl about this stuff
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punksocks · 11 months
Astrology observations No.15
*just my opinions, take them with a grain of salt
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-Neptune hard aspects to Mercury/ Neptune in 3rd/Pisces Mercury- people may constantly underestimate your intelligence and they’re genuinely surprised if you’re observant/smart
-The only Virgo risings I’ve known that are not skinny/petite have mars conjunct asc (even then they had a period of time when they were really skinny and either got out of that on purpose or on accident)
-Did you notice that a lot of Cancer Asc men get cast as like “traditional” manly men. I saw Ben Affleck was a Cancer Asc and Kurt Russel! They’re both known for their action movies (I like Kurt Russel more lol) and I was looking at Jon Hamm’s birth chart and he’s a cancer Asc too. He prefers to be a comedy guy, but looks like he walked out of the 50s so he had his breakthrough in mad men. (There’s also a lot going on there with that whole hazing scandal that I note everytime I see him so that’s a lot)
-Libra mars Asc try not to get frustrated but often their mars energy leaks out in other ways and they end up expressing their anger somehow despite the passive aggressive placement for a mars sign
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-Fire Mercuries (especially Leo and Sagittarius) copy speech patterns/catch phrases a lot imo, almost as much as water Mercuries but less exact mimicry. Earth Mercuries tend to have very specific speech patterns that don’t change too much throughout their life, they can be very direct and to the point but will have a great deal of detail to share depending on the subject. Air Mercuries tend to have very distinct speech patterns and usually are the most likely to talk and write in their own sort of prose, I’ve known a few (specifically Gemini Mercuries) that have overcome speech impediments and become great, captivating speakers.
-Pluto touching Saturn can amplify its lessons and effects to a higher degree. (Trine, Sextile) will make the experiences more intense but conjunction, opposition, and square could make these effects explosive and intense. With both positive and negative aspects the native will be forced to transform and change their ways- with the negative aspects (conjunct, opposition, square) the native will feel the trials they go through in these transformations
-12th house placements can give you psychic dreams, I’ve also frequently dreamed being people other than myself. Mars will have action oriented dreams. Sun may have more dreams about experiences they’ve had echoing in their dreams. Moon will have deep emotional experiences. Venus may dream about love and friendships.
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-Moon opposition sun synastry can create a lot of tension in a romantic relationship. There seems to be some underlying competitiveness going on. Especially if the moon and the sun are Cardinal signs.
-Moon conjunct Sun synastry can be intense. I think it shows how conjunct can be a negative aspect. The energies can understand each other sure, but they can also become an echo chamber of feeding into each other’s egos. I feel similarly about Sun conjunct Asc synastry. (My parents had this and oof, if that relationship isn’t karmic anyway it’s even more so now..)
-The only conjunct synastry I think I had intensely play out was Scorpio moon conjunct my Asc (I didn’t even realize it at the time) it was a lot! Fun and passionate but also he would get so overwhelmed he would be just shaking in normal conversation. Felt like with that and the 8th house synastry and my venus conjunct his pluto there was no was to turn the heat down and be normal with each other. Like we knew it would be short term but he was like talking about the future then I was overthinking the future and then it was over and idk that’s too much imo lol, lil dramatic just to be over in a snap. (Local Capricorn moon doesn’t get what all the fuss is about lol)
-Plus you can have all the positive synastry in the world, it really depends on timing and effort and individual choices and joint communication to work on your relationship, it’s an effort game
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fishbich · 1 year
Astro / Synastry / composite observations
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Mars in 12th house synastry can leave the both of them feeling very tired around each other
5th house synastry is very fun in the beginning, but needs grounding elements to stand the test of time (2nd, 4th, 8th, 10th)
8th house synastry is really not hate OR love, its very much the feeling like "ugh I'm disgusted by this person but I am also disgustingly obsessed with them".
Its a weird thing, cause with 8th house synastry you see right through each other, and as every person will have good and bad sides, this will be very much on display from the first times you meet them. Its the whole spectrum of emotions (and definitely a whole whirlwind...)
(this is not necessarily only for couples) but people with strong (positive) mars synastry will have an easy time living together! Frustrations will often be dealt with right away, and there will be much understanding for each others anger and general feelings.
(Definitely helps to have some good moon aspects as well/ 4th house synastry)
Adding to this, 10th house synastry is also a blessing when living with someone, and just generally in a friendship. You respect each other on a core level, you see highly of each other and would not want to show any disrespect. Such a lovely and underrated synastry house. I believe adding this to the spice mix of favorable marriage aspects would not be a bad idea!
/though if not backed up by more emotional house placements, can sometimes lack emotional depth/
12th house influence in a natal chart is often noticed in how these people have no clue on how they are perceived by other people.
Also, dependent on the planet they have in the 12th, they will in a way hide this part of their life from other people.
Like for ex. a person with moon in 12th is a person you might never have seen cry, but then they'll say something like they cry a lot.
Or a person with venus in 12th, they might have a totally different preference in a s/o than one would imagine. And you might not hear a lot about their love life in general.
12th house synastry is something that will always confuse me. For me, made me feel like I was becoming the worst version of myself and didn't recognize myself in the end! But in the beginning felt like I found my true soulmate. There really was a sense of FINDING each other, not only meeting.
On one hand we never understood each other, on another hand we understood each other more than anyone we'd ever met before. It felt like we worked on a spiritual, higher level, in such a way were it just felt wrong and weird to be here on earth together almost.
Venus conjunct sun in synastry is very cute, but this doesn't always manifest as romantic feelings. Bare minimum of this aspect will be this is a person you have less chance of getting angry with, and someone who understands/ tries hard to understand you in little ways which please you. Love this synastry.
The composite chart will be how a relationship works in the longterm. Having little to no aspects between the inner planets in a composite chart can sometimes indicate lack of longterm partnership.
If you're feeling this immense attraction/ obsession for someone who you have no significant synastry chart overlays with, its likely that you have some heavy composite chart aspects. Like heavy 8th, 7th, 4th, 12th house or mars/venus/moon aspects.
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sokosmic · 1 year
Synastry Observations #1
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💕 The Venus - Neptune conjunction brings soulmate energy. There is so much compassion, understanding, and unconditional love between the two of you. Together you may be inclined to escape into your own world. A world filled with art, music, and poetry. A place where your fantasies come to life. The Neptune person may idealize the Venus person. They find Venus beautiful. The Venus person gets swept away in Neptune's fog. The trouble with this aspect is that it can also bring deception and illusions. The ability to see one another clearly may be distorted here. Boundaries may be muddy because of a desire to blend into one.
💕 We often hear bad things about 12th House synastry, but it's honestly one of my favorites. However, I'm biased because I have a 12th House stellium 😏. At any rate...someone's Sun overlaying your 12th House will often shine a light on your spirituality and deep seated (un)consciousness. They can bring an awareness to your spiritual path that may be hidden from you. This is especially true if you have your Moon there. Your intuition and inner knowing is activated by this overlay.
💕 Mercury gets slept on so often because people love to idealize Venus (love) or Moon (feelings) or Mars (attraction) in synastry. But positive Mercury aspects in synastry are by far some of my favorite (I'm Mercurial so I'm biased). Mercury - North Node, Mercury - Moon, and Mercury - Jupiter to name a few. Mercury is often a glue that will assist you with being able to communicate with your partner in a way that you both feel heard and understood and allows you to work through misunderstandings in a healthy way.
💕 'Soft' aspects between Saturn and Venus - Sextile, Trine and sometimes Conjunction (depending on other synastry factors) - can produce a positive binding effect on the relationship of a couple. Saturn is a glue that brings a seriousness needed for endurance. Venus offers appreciation of the love involved. It sings tunes of beauty, art, and gentleness, while Saturn commits to and respects these things. The couple has an innate feeling that the connection is one that will be lasting and will endure tough times.
💕 A person who has their Sun in the sign of your North Node, you will find them attractive. Not necessarily in a sexual or romantic way (although it definitely could be!), but because the Sun person naturally embodies the creativity, vitality, etc. the NN person is striving toward, the NN person can't help but to be attracted to attributes of the Sun person. Depending on where the NN person is in their journey and reaching the attributes of the NN, the Sun person also finds the NN person to be intriguing. This aspect in synastry often indicates lessons to be learned from both individuals.
💕 5th & 11th House overlays are FUN. Planets falling into the 11H in synastry activates the desire to be genuine friends, share friend groups, or be a part of the same organizations or social groups. In the 5H, it activates the desire to take a risk on the connection or create something together...could be children, art, music, or whatever theme of the sign that rules that house.
These are my observations and opinions. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Thanks for reading!
-So.Kosmic 👽💜💫
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Hot sexual attraction aspects and overlays in synastry (based on my experience with a particular guy) 🥵
🔥Lilith in 1st house overlay - I am the lilith person and he is the house person. I was sexually obsessed with him like every single time I thought about having sex, the first one who I fantasized about was with him. I just can't explain this type of feeling because I had never felt it with anyone before. I also felt like I could show the darkest sexual parts of me without worrying about him judging me and I could be wild as much as I want. 🖤
🔥Mars in 1st house overlay (especially conjuncting ascendant) - He is the mars person and I am the ascendant person. I don't know how he felt when he was with me but I felt so effing hot even when I was just making an eye contact and talking casually with him. My body feels tense suddenly till now whenever we meet and I feel like a hot pebble from the beach which is willing to get stepped on by him. 😂😭 By this, I'm not putting him on a pedestal but there is something about him that can ignite the sexual feelings unlike other guys and he can make me aroused just by an eye contact. Gurl even while I'm writing this, I'm sweating and blushing WELP. 💀
💓Sun conjunct venus - He is the venus person and I am the sun person. In most cases, they say that the venus person admires and adores the sun person no matter how they look or how they act. The attraction just comes naturally and I kinda agree with it because I once saw him looking at me with that look saying "you're my dream girl and I want you so much and I just want to see you happy and I like admiring from afar". 🤭 I'm not even exaggerating and I recognized that look from the start and I'm also never going to forget those eyes on me. However, as the sun person, I also love him. I think this aspect doesn't necessarily create a sexual hot tension between two people but this is more of like sweet love and adoration. 🥺💕
🔥Moon sextile mars - OH BOYY now I just realized why I LOVE men who have cancer mars. It's because their mars sextile my moon in virgo!! 😏 I've also experienced moon conjunct mars where I was the moon person and it was also insanely intense and hot. However, with him, I have a sextile and it was also not very different from the arousal that I got with the conjunction. And I think this aspect doesn't only create physical attraction but as the moon person, I was also attracted to how he moves, initiates and how he gets angry. This is soo weird but I love aggresive side of him and his passion towards his goals.
🔥Sun square mars - He is the sun person and I am the mars person. I don't know how this aspect actually works but I just feel like this creates those "ur so hott u know that lil mf" feelings in me as the mars person and I just love his personality and his ego. Yes loving his ego is weird but it's true. 😐
🔥Mars trine mars - I just felt naturally attracted to his sexual side. I just couldn't let him stay in my mind without having sexual thoughts. I felt like we are also naturally inclined sexually. Like we have a sexual chemistry. 👀
🔥Mars trine neptune - I am the mars person and he is the neptune person. This aspect can actually create illusions about having sex with him from my side for sure as neptune is not the easy one to deal with for me PERSONALLY. And I just noticed that neptune is a generational planet and I often have a strong desire to merge with those who have their neptune trining my mars.
🔥Mars opposition pluto - He is the pluto person and I am the mars person. I don't know who gets obsessed more here but from my side, as I mentioned above, I was literally melting for him. He is not even hot at all. He doesn't have those qualifications of a hot summer boy from the beach but I can't take my eyes off him when he's around and I also love LOVE touching him a lot. Sorry if this sounded creepy though lol 😂
💓Ascendant conjunct ascendant - Most people say that this is a soulmate aspect and I think we may also be because we have so many similarities. The habits, the mindset, the words we communicate, the way we act. The funny thing that happened was I got sick about two days before my birthday and he also got sick two days before his birthday lmao. 😹 Also I feel very familiar with him because the way we express ourselves to the outer world is almost the same and I feel like we can understand each other for how we act in the public and the outsiders are just outsiders and we are just in our little world. 🍃
✨Extra - We also have other similar aspects in our natal charts. We both have a cancer stellium. We both have a 12th house stellium. We both have mercury in cancer in 12th house. We have sun in 12th house (he's cancer and I'm gemini). His vertex conjuncts my vertex in synastry too and both of our vertex are in our 4th houses although we were not even born in close years. To be really honest, he's a lot A LOT older than me. But don't creep out though. I just have daddy issues and I'm not kidding. 😫
And tbh, even though I wrote those tenses with the past tense, I still get those wild feelings in my stomach and my heart always beats crazily whenever I see him. 😩
This is the end and thank you for reading to the end! You can also share your experiences with the person you had a strong sexual attraction and the placements you both shared because I'm soo curious. Have a great day! 💌
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lavishlyleo · 1 year
Hi! Hope you're doing good! I was wondering if you could explain what the venus persona chart means?
Venus Persona Chart : What Does it Represent?
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As with all Persona Charts, Venus persona chart gives us a deep insight on our Venus sign, which typically the reason why two people with the same Venus sign can be very different because their placements in that persona chart could be different from eachothers.
Usually the way I like to think about it is all the planets represent their original themes from natal, but just applied for this specific area of life. Which Venus is how we love others, indulge, spend money, form relations with others, how we relate to others, and our aesthetical tastes. It has many meanings, after all, it is ruled by two signs.
So basically this is what I think each planet represents in the Venus Persona Chart-
The Ascendant in this chart represents how people think we perceive love and, how we initially act towards people trying to make moves on us, and peoples first impression of us as a suitor. Looking at the ruling planet's sign can give much insight about how we view relationships and what it takes to woo us.
The Sun and Venus Combination in this chart shows the true Venusian themes of how we operate in this part of our lives, here, Venus is just as important as the Sun. The Sun is how we project and attract people to us, what we do to appeal to others, meanwhile Venus in this chart is what we need in someone to feel attracted to them, what qualities do people need to have in order for us to like them.
The Moon in this chart represents how we feel about others emotionally, it's a lot like Venus in the sense that the Moon shows us what we need in a partner for us to get close to them. How we build emotional connects with people, how we are emotionally when it comes to other people, especially the spouse. Personally me, I think this placement is very important in synastry and I would check how you and your partners Venus PC Moon aspects one another, because this will show what yalls emotional dynamic will be like.
Mercury here shows how we communicate our tastes and appeal, how we utilize our Venus sign in speech. How we process our thoughts when it comes to relationships. Our thoughts and opinions on relationships and how we communicate to our spouse.
Mars here shows us our relationship libido, what energy we like to give to the relationship and expect back from others, how we act in arguments with people close to us, mostly the spouse, how we act generally in high stress situations that involve others, how we act when we're mad at others and how we forgive them.
The Mars and Venus combination here shows what the energy needs to be between you and some body else in order for them to appeal to you, How you act and expect to be treated, what energy and tendencies should people expect from being in a relationship with you, your side of the dynamic when it comes to you and someone else.
While where ever Venus is in on the natal chart is where you can make a lot of friends and acquaintances easily, and where you're generally well liked, whatever house Venus is in on the PC can be where you meet your spouse. For example, if you have Venus 10th house in this PC then you will likely meet your spouse on the road to success in your career when you're focusing on yourself and goals. They may just come to you naturally when they see you both have the same life goals for career and legacy. Here, when you focus on the bagging the bread, you'll bag the bitches along the journey🔥🔥.
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444shayyy · 9 days
just looked at this synastry between me and this new guy I'm lowkey seeing and I see 8h synastry...🧍🏽‍♀️
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ariesphysics · 2 years
2. incomprehensible gemini moon blabbers
🦊 capricorn mercury in 8th house literally remembers every single thing, down to the date, saturn of the memory retention and scorpionic essence to it to delve deeper into topics it wants to learn (my pops)
🦊5° moons is probably to have a fire sun sign (let me finish my excel and i’ll send you the percentage) n=150 fire sign=49 (theory: probably the leo influence) i gave up lmao, attack this ig
🦊my scorpio venus + taurus mars friend is the h0rniest mf i have ever encountered i once screamed about against astro stereotypes
🦊i read this off reddit, that rectifications ask about your career, OP said it was surprisingly correct.
mom is a virgo rising - quality assurance worker (former cashier)
dad is a taurus rising - baker (former freelance artist wewz)
wtf. these are just two people i know in real life, so try it for yourself.
🦊 from anecdotes online and in real life, people with leo placements will let the world know they are a leo (e.g. lion tattoo, lion figurine in the living room)
🦊 you’ll probably notice that i love browsing in astrodatabank, and i’m kinda worried of the fact that there are so many n@zi officers or party member that are libra risings (man i really need my statistic game up, what if this is not true lmao)
🦊 a coincidence in my data hoarding, wrestlers, boxers, martial arts, body sports (whatever u call them) have neptune in 1st house or neptune close to ascendant, isn’t it supposed to be mars? i’ll check later
🦊i love people with scorpio venus, because it’s in my 2nd house, and they usually spoil me with gifts <3
🦊I (ME, NOT YOU) hate virgo venus. their love language is acts of service and i kinda hate it LMFAO. like let me do it on my own please! and it’s kinda awkward because now i need to return their service.
another is virgo is mercurial, and their love language is fixing (act of service) you or making you better, and sometimes it rubs off wrong because they’ll just nitpick/overanalyze you  (˘・_・˘)  LOL THIS IS JUST BASED ON ONE PERSON PLS + it’s in my 12th house [subconsciously annoying]  
it squares my moon exactly, opposite my mercury exactly (so u probably have an idea where im from)
🦊I have 3 family members with fire moons in the 12th house, and a running theme between them is how authoritarian their mothers are to them.
One has Leo, and they take criticisms to the heart. The major critic is their mother, and she particularly attacks the ego and the sense of self. As you know, one thing that makes Leo is their pride (neutral context).
But, their mother would literally make them question their capabilities.
Another has Aries, just like Leo, they do hold it in their heart, although not seemingly obvious. Their mother would physically 4buse them, creating a troublemaker (fighting with other kids). From their anecdotes, they had a prominent temper when they were young, but learnt to control it as they grew older.
Lastly, Sagittarius. They are very jovial, fun-loving, and always game!, but their mother is very strict with their freedom. Their mother would literally not make them go outside their house, they would not let them visit us during occasions, even when they bring their father.
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celestialscatterbrain · 4 months
hii! i read that 6H and 12H synastry gave mirroring energy and this guy im crushing on has his stellium in my 12H (sun venus mars) and i have mine in his 6H (sun moon mercury) so i wondered how that would play out :)
Hi!!! The 6H is ruled by Virgo and the 12H is ruled by Pisces— these two are sister signs! ☯️
I recently made a post giving some insight on Sun, Venus, and Mars sitting in the 12H of a synastry chart. Hopefully you can find my post helpful!
With your planets sitting in his 6H, I feel like you could help bring structure to his life. You genuinely care about his day and his well-being. With your sun here, I feel like you can illuminate the different areas of his routine/habits that could use improvement. I think this can make you guys really consider “what makes us happy on a day-to-day basis?” Your day can feel happier if it is spent together. It is easier to get things done when you’re together because it becomes more of a fun activity and not just a mind-numbing obligation. I feel like this is a couple who would be obsessed with their shared pet and probably make a social media account for their pet. Moon in the 6H really gives me “acts of service” vibes. You show your love by taking care of them and trying to make their lives feel easier. You get emotional satisfaction from making sure everything is okay. You suddenly start caring about their nutrition and well-being. The moon has a heightened attention to detail when it comes to the house person, and knows exactly how to tailor gifts, dates, activities, and time spent together to the exact vibe they know the house person craves. With the combination you guys have in the 6H, I feel like it is easy for you guys to instantly want to spend as much time together as possible. With mercury in the 6H, I feel like you guys always want to catch each other up to speed on whatever you’ve done that day. You two are probably always texting, especially at work. Maybe you guys really like to talk to one another during your lunch breaks. I feel like the house person respects mercury’s input and opinions. The house person can feel safe running ideas by the mercury person. The 6H person can feel like the planet person has their best interests at heart. You two can relieve individual anxieties and decompress together through conversation. I feel like the mercury person knows exactly what to tell the house person to calm them down or bring them back to earth. I feel like you guys can learn really cool facts together or talk about random observations you’ve made throughout the day. You guys are companions!
This 6H energy paired with the 12H energy, to me, represents a couple that can let loose and enjoy the sublime otherworldly intimacy together, but can get back down to earth and have that same intimacy in a practical sense. You two are less likely to engage in reckless behavior. However, I do think there runs a high risk of codependency. I feel like there are fears around being a “kill-joy” but also not wanting to enable the other one to lose touch with reality. I think can be a lot of love and devotion here if all cards are on the table and deception isn’t part of this connection. :)
I might add more to this later, since im at work right now :(
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purejoyblog · 8 months
one of my best (and most confusing) conversations were all with this person who’s mercury conjunct my mercury in the 12th house. we can literally talk for HOURS and i laugh the most with them too it’s amazing. it does feel unsustainable and has a “too good to be true” vibe not in a fairytale kinda way but more like “what are they hiding?”
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