#mercy mild
forgotteneilionora · 6 months
Mercy Mild | Eilionora & Sebastian
This was to be viewed as a generosity, Eilia knew: Roderick had permitted Eilia and Aria to mingle amongst the other guests during Guinevere's birthday celebrations. Naturally, they were not permitted to leave the castle grounds, and they were being sharply watched by ever-present 'retainers' which Eilia knew very well to be spies and jailors, both, but she meant to see all that she might. It was an important opportunity, Eilia thought, to see all that had changed since Roderick had had some time upon the throne without her direct interference.
She also knew that her retainers would relax their positions, slightly, in the presence of the imperial family and that -- for good or ill -- Sebastian was the most pleasant of them. So it was that, spotting him across the thronged room, Eilia made her way towards him.
"Good evening, Your Imperial Highness. What a joyous celebration," she added, glancing about to admire the general splendor.
In truth, it was all a touch overwrought for Eilia's tastes, which leaned more towards natural and elegant simplicity, but -- knowing his father -- she felt no hint of surprise. And, for all that, she was glad as could be for each roaring fire in every hearth to chase away the whirling of the raging storm outside. Swallowing back on the concern that bred in her, she turned back to him with an amicable smile.
"Her Imperial Highness looks radiant, tonight, but then she is a such a lovely young woman: I suppose she can hardly look otherwise."
She smiled, but couldn't help wondering slightly if Sebastian found Guinevere's happiness anything at all to rejoice over. She'd witnessed, for herself, just how cut-throat this family was, even amongst itself, and Prince Edmund's stories had hardly helped alleviate her concerns on that scale.
Just in case, she added for good measure, not wishing to antagonize him tonight: "The Princess Cassandra is quite her equal. How lovely her locks look in the firelight!" It was, after all, very true. "I suppose she must be most pleased by tonight's festivities? She seems very much to enjoy such pastimes, I think?"
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nonameidentified · 5 months
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.
Okay, so, um... I had an entire yuri database in my drafts, okay. It had all the things I've read, things I am currently reading, recommendations from friends, all that jazzy stuff right. It was a good system of yuri organisation for me, okay. Now, the problem is I kinda mis-clicked, and it is now in queue. So, I can't use the queue for a couple of days and, I. now. have. to. retype. each. and. every. title. into. a. new. draft.
Was it careless of me to keep this in drafts? Yes.
Am I still going to be annoyed by it? Also yes.
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nomazee · 2 months
another thing i love about melodramatic reader is that not only to they feel every emotion intuitively, they broadcast them without shame to the right person. other character might complain, but reader ultimately trusts them with their grievances and monologues and rants,,,
GWEN ur so true so real so right... melodramatic reader and their seemingly thoughtless rambling but everything they share is so deep and intimate and raw their partner doesn't even realize that they're hearing everything for a REASON... they are the most trusted person in their life and all reader's secrets and inner thoughts are safe with them no matter the sheer volume of things they share
also love the idea of a reader ONLY being dramatic around their partner and when that character asks around and is like "what do you mean they don't sit you down and make you listen to their hour-long spiel about their annoying coworkers and also what they ate for dinner and also the birds they saw on their morning walk" and everyone is like Hey that's actually JUST you
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also haven't mercyposted in a while but trust me he's getting worse too. our mental health goes down together bby
mafia wife ass. yeah my husband is evil and fucked up. thinking about how sick he is in the head makes my dick hard ok. im in love with him. my husband is a cold, cold, cold, cold monster and i would throw myself on the floor for him to wipe his shoes off on. (so normal) can we be buried alive together
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
She’d barely slept. Not that i can blame her, considering. And trying to persuade her to lay down for a few bells, or eat something was more than difficult.
Still, i had to try, though.
Bexy Amalaryssia turns yet another page of the book in hand, if only half paying attention to the words for the shared silence that had hung over the room for the last half-bell. Tea and rolanberry biscuits lay scattered on a tray in front of them, as Bexy slowly shifts her glance sidelong. "...Sayuri. Please, eat at least -something-, yes?" Her brows knit in sympathy as she regarded the Seeker beside her. "...It will do you no favors to keep an empty stomach."
Sayuri Aoki keeps her silence, sat with her arms locked around her knees and her legs tugged closely to her body. Her features had drawn into a nigh perpetual sorrowful frown since the initial search of Eir, barely shifting. Her head shook weakly, body rocking back and forth a single time as she did.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Please..." Bexy pleads, abandoning her book and reaching to break one of the already tiny jam-filled biscuits in half, offering it to her. "Just a little something. Anything. Can i get you something else from the kitchen?" A pause. "...Anything at all?"
Sayuri Aoki's head briefly turned in Bexy's direction, gaze managing to settle on the biscuit half to at least look like she considered to take it, yet her arms only tighten around her knees - an almost nauseous look taking to her as she once again shakes her head. "..I-.. can't.." Her voice is a mere whisper, brimming with grief.
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Bexy Amalaryssia sighs quietly, returning it to the tray. Scooting closer, she opts to wrap an arm around Sayuri's shoulders, and slowly draw a breath. Rare was it that she was without words; she had always prided herself on being able to find the best ones for the moment. But here, in this uneasy silence, Bexy simply kept her quiet, at least for a time. "I know you're worried. But Mist will find them, yes? We've searched every avenue, but they cannot keep him away forever."
I informed Mist when we returned from Thanalan. About Eir’s dissapearence. And only when we had finished searching every avenue we could think of, did we rest. But Mist is still searching.
If anyone can find him, it’s her.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...He is alive. They wouldn't have taken him otherwise."
Sayuri Aoki allowed herself to sink against Bexy as her arms draped around her, a sad whimper of a noise leaving her as she briefly shut her eyes. ".. Why him..? Why -Eir-, of all people..?" While phrased as a question, it was highly unlikely that she expected Bexy to hold the answer - but it was a question that had been plaguing her mind for suns.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...I don't know. I..." A small squeeze, as she allows Sayuri to settle against her. "...Does he have any enemies? Anyone that might want to hurt him?" A pause. "...Rivals? I can't say i know how competetive the market is for performances. Maybe someone is jealous?"
Sayuri Aoki: "Not.. that I know of.." She allowed her legs to slip down as her arms uncoiled from her knees, instead seeking to wrap them around Bexy to further seek out the offered comfort. ".. He's a -dancer-.. Surely if someone was jealous they'd just.. attempt to sabotage the performance..?" She furrowed her brows, uncertain in her own words. ".. Kidnapping seems.. extreme for it.."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Maybe. Scorned people do worse things." A frown settles on her own features, then. "Despite the few we have in the company, i'm to understand Viera are fairly rare, yes? The men moreso. Perhaps that has something to do with it?"
Sayuri Aoki's lips tugged into a thinner line, ears flattening further than they already were. Her gaze shifted to rest on the carpet, something certainly wrecking her mind - even if she seems to avoid to voice it.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Talk to me..." Her voice held a gentleness she reserved for only so few people, head dipped to catch her gaze. "I am here, Sayuri. To listen. To comfort. We can go out and look again?" Each offer was said with the utmost sincerity. "...I want him home as much as you do."
...He’s of the company as much as any other. Even were they not together, i’d still have searched, still have cared. But that she loves him makes it so much more... Urgent.
I can’t stand to see her so miserable...
Sayuri Aoki hesitated, arms slowly retracting from Bexy - yet she remained leaned against her. "..Viera.. are rare.." She repeated, as one of her hands sought out a sleeve and began to tug at it, pulling it up far enough for her scarred wrist to come into view. She seems to struggle to fully voice the concern she carries, yet due to her actions; it may be guessable.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...You think they've taken him for slavery? Or...  Some similiar, horrible thing..." The concern weighs in the air, as Bexy fills her lungs. "...We'll find him, Sayuri. If that's the case. He'd be no use to them dead. He just needs to hold out long enough that we can get to him."
Sayuri Aoki: ".. Eir is not.. like us." Sayuri frowned weakly, head lowering. "..He is soft. Gentle. He is.. so afraid.." Her gaze lifts, settling atop Bexy. ".. The Locket, while awful for all of us.. Eir.. did not deal with it well.."
Bexy Amalaryssia lingers in Sayuri's words, lips drawn into a line. She almost remorsefully looks away. "...You're worried he won't last." She trails, arms around her. "...Surely, he knows you're looking for him, yes? He'd hold on for that?"
Sayuri Aoki: ".. Eir didn't think he'd last.." Head lowered anew, she tugged at her sleeve anxiously. "..I hope he knows, through the fear.."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...He should." A pang of defiance in her words, as she offers Sayuri's shoulder another squeeze. "He should know we're coming to get him. Any bell now, and Mist will pearl us, yes? And we'll rock right up to where he is, put the bastards in the ground just like we always do, and he'll be home with you in no time." She fights, at least, to flash a genuine smile.
Sayuri Aoki: ".. It's hard to remember, sometimes.. When fear wins.." She pressed her head against Bexy's shoulder in response to the squeeze, exhaling a sharp breath. She nods along Bexy's words, her lips managing to tug into a weak smile before returning to the frown. ".. Whoever they are.."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Whoever they are. They'll live to regret it. But they won't live very long." Her head leans to rest against that of Sayuri's with a short chuckle of amusement. "...You found me in some far off cave. We found you in a boat; or, well, learned you were there, eventually. Unless they've learned to open up portals to the Void big enough to throw people through... We'll find him, Sayuri."
Sayuri Aoki: ".. Let me have whoever had the -bright- idea of taking Eir.." She mumbled, seemingly finding some amount of comfort in the conversation. ".. It wasn't easy to find you.. and I doubt.. it was easy to find us.."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...It wasn't. Gods, i searched until my eyes threatened to dry up from overuse. Those were some long, long suns." She nods, giving a faint smile. "...And we'll find him, too. Perhaps even tonight. Though i'll miss our little sleepovers, even if i wish they were for better circumstances."
Sayuri Aoki tugged at her sleeve slightly. "..Sleepovers would be nicer.. if I wasn't sobbing all night.. But thank you.. for being there for me." She managed a weak but genuine smile Bexy's way, even if it didn't last for very long. ".. Were you ever told.. how we found you..?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Not in so many details, no. But i'd like to hear it." She picks up one of the pastries for herself, subtly nudging one in Sayuri's direction.
...I’d heard some. Though i’ll admit i’m somewhat reluctant to visit it. Though if it helps her take her mind off things for only a few moments, suppose now is as good a time as any to learn.
Sayuri Aoki: ".. Mist.. very reluctantly allowed G'rallin, myself and X'thia to go and put ourselves in a fight with his people.." She glanced Bexy's way, then to the pastry - somewhat reluctantly opting to reach for the one nudged in her direction - even if she only held onto it, for now. ".. We let them.. defeat us. Being the kind they sought out.. they took us captive. Once we knew the location from afar, we broke free.. Came for you the sun after."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Gods, Sayuri--- The risk!" Bexy seems genuinely alarmed, the small cup of tea at her side beginning to gather frost, though it's long past cooled. "I... Am only glad it paid off. If he had taken you too, i..." Bexy sighs, brow knit. "...I dread to think what i'd do..."
...I don’t think i’d have been quite as resilient, had he had those i cared for in his grasp, too.
...Bastard. I wonder where he is, now?
...I don’t want to think about it. But he wouldn’t be stupid enough to face me, now. Mist has her eyes and ears open.
Sayuri Aoki: ".. It was worth it. We got you back."
Bexy Amalaryssia smiles warmly. "...And the depths of gratitude i have, i could never have enough suns in my lifetime to show. You'd be sure i'd do the same, were the roles reversed."
Sayuri Aoki: ".. I don't doubt that for a moment."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Good." Bexy's teeth finally sink into the pastry she held with a small waggle of her ears. "...Go on. Eat something. He'll be cross with you when he's back if you don't."
Sayuri Aoki: “.. He’ll frown at me, if anything..” She managed a weak smile, only for her ears to suddenly shift and her expression drops - an almost shocked look taking to her features as a crackle emits from the linkpearl nestled in her ear. She nigh holds her breath, waiting a moment.. Yet silence seemingly lingers, as a hand darts up to her ear to find the pearl. “-- Eir..?”
A linkpearl call...?
Gods, if it’s him...!
[Linkpearl] She is met with a slightly longer silence, as the person on the other end merely grins to themselves hearing the hopeful tone of Sayuri. “... You should have come home, X’llaya.” The voice that responds is dark, quiet - strident and gravelly, and painfully familiar to the Seeker.
Bexy Amalaryssia blinks at the sound, and even goes as far to abandon her pastry to the plate in order to afford Sayuri the silence needed. She stares to Sayuri, equally hopeful.
Sayuri Aoki‘s reaction is -not- one of joy as the voice responds, but one of absolute horror. The already much chilled air surrounding her worsening with a significant notability as ice spreads along the carpet they sit upon, and her own body. She seems.. Either too shocked, or too frightened, to speak - merely drawing a shaky breath.
[Linkpearl] He waited, then - grinning to himself as he had heard her fear. “Do not worry, Kitten.. Your Viera yet draws breath.. Although that might change, if he intends to provoke me further.”
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Sayuri?" Her voice calls out with concern, then; she cold feel the cold, even if she wasn't afflicted by it. A hand reaches for her shoulder. "I'm here..." She reminds quietly, though even she has bristled at the prospect of action. All at once, Bexy looks ready to move in some effort of retrieval.
...It’s not Eir. Not with that look. Not with that expression. Someone has him, and someone is talking to her, but i can’t hear a damn thing from where i am.
Who? Who is it? I’ll tear their throats out!
Sayuri Aoki: “--D-Don’t hurt him!” Sayuri blurted out, only for a hand to move up and cup over her own mouth. “..P-please.. Don’t.. hurt him..” Her tone was shaky, eyes swiftly brimming over with tears as she turned her head to stare at Bexy, terror locked in her gaze. “-No-.. You-.. you already-..” She didn’t finish her sentence, yet any hope that had been with her that Eir may yet live seems to fade, as her body slowly sinks down.
[Linkpearl] “Already what? Hurt him?” Grym’s voice was taunting, a low chuckle following. “Or do you mean killed him, hm? Why, I can go talk to him for you..” Movement, as scraping across the floor emit through the pearl before the connection seemingly cut, for the time being.
Bexy Amalaryssia inhales a sharp breath, brow knitting in some muted anger. "Where, Sayuri? Where is he? We'll go. We'll go and kill them!" Her tail thrashes beside her; her weight already shifted as though she were to stand if Sayuri so much as moved.
Sayuri Aoki‘s hand left the pearl as it went silent, her body turning to face Bexy. “..G-..” Her legs tugged back up to her chest, arms swiftly locking around her knees as she began to rock back and forth. A loud sob wrenched itself from her throat. “..G-..Grym-..” She managed, between her sobs and struggled breaths.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Oh, fuck." Her hand doesn't leave Sayuri's shoulder, nor does the tension leave her frame. "I have you. You're not alone." Her teeth briefly flash. "I'm not afraid of that bastard! ---Where is he?"
...Gods, no.
It explains her terror. Her response. I’ve... I’ve never heard her beg like that, and i hope never to again.
But i’m not afraid of Grym. I wasn’t afraid when i stood with her the last time, and i’m not afraid when i stand with her now.
I am angry, but i can’t act on that now. She needs me.
She needs me, and she needs to know i have her back, no matter what.
Sayuri Aoki: "--I-.. I don't--.." She sinks together fully, her breathing becoming more and more struggled while her nails sank into her boots, ripping at the leather of them.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...I have you. I have you." Bexy pulls Sayuri against her, arms wound around tight. She waits, and listens.
Sayuri Aoki‘s arms dart from her knees and to Bexy, locking around her in a tight embrace - the fear she holds for the man who’s voice she had heard mere minutes ago painfully apparent.
[In Grym’s Compound] Grymahtyn merely grinned to himself as he had left his office, wandering through the Compound to make his way towards the cells - a path he did not take all too often, nowadays.. But perhaps that was about to change. Soon. Very soon. He made his way down the steps, bringing silence to whoever laid their eyes upon him that did not belong to his own group as he steered his steps towards the solitary cells.
Vairg rises from his seat to greet Grym, that cocksure smile never quite leaving his features. "Boss."
“Vairg.” Grymahtyn met his greeting, offering a nod towards the door. “The Viera. Is he awake?”
"Conscious." Vairg smirks, glancing to the door behind him, hinges battered. Notably, Vairg had sat in front of the door, rather than beside it. "If he's not awake, he's about to be." Vairg slowly moves the chair from the front of the door, as to not obstruct the entrance.
Grymahtyn eyed the door, exhaling a deeper sigh through his nose. “I see he shares breakout habits with X’llaya.” It left him as a grumble, yet the faintest tug on his lips spelled a slight amusement. With both Vairg and the chair out of the way, he approached the door - grasping the handle and promptly yanking the half-broken door open.
Vairg stands beside the door, only entering if called. He at least seems ready should the occupant choose to run.
Slumped against the cell wall, head hanging and a curtain of hair obscuring his features, Eir did not move. Whether he no longer had the strength nor motivation to, it was unclear. But at Grym's entry, fear seems to shrink him further into the ball he'd curled into, braced for -something-.
What... Do they want with me, now?
...It does not matter. I will not give them it.
I will die anyway, and better to die and deny them of anything, than to give them the satisfaction.
Grymahtyn eyed Eir, head tilting a bit. "I have someone who'd like to hear a sign of life from you. Let’s not disappoint her, hm?" The Sea Wolf raised his hand to the linkpearl in his ear, pressing down on it - expecting Eir to speak.
Eir raises his head; a glare peered between his dirtied locks. The way his nose wrinkled, and his customary and now deliberate silence gave the clear message that he had no intention of speaking.
[In The Whispering Willows] Sayuri Aoki twitches as the linkpearl once again crackles in her ear, her arms tightening around Bexy to a nigh painful amount from the sheer stress.
[In Grym’s Compound] “-Talk-.” Grymahtyn -commanded-, giving Eir a chance to change his mind. “Let little Llaya hear that you yet live.”
Eir keeps his quiet. And the look does not leave his eyes. He turns his head away, soundless.
...Not a damn word for you, you bastard.
...She can not know i am here. She cannot believe i am alive.
I can not make a sound, because if she hears me...
...She will deliver herself to them, for my sake...
Grymahtyn kept a stare upon Eir, before a deeper exhale left him. “Vairg.” He called.
Vairg slowly peels away from the wall, kicking away with an armored boot as he slips around the corner and into the room. That self and same armored boot is delivered swiftly into the side of Eir's ribs with such force that it launches him across the room.
He'd half expected it, but it didn't make it hurt less. The sharp pain against his already aching ribs connected, sending him reeling, as his back met the wall and he slumped face first into the floor. But he doesn't make a sound. He doesn't dare make a sound. Any pain he felt was muffled, stifled in the back of his throat, though a few hitches of his breath were surely heard, beneath the ability for the pearl to detect.
Not... A sound...!
I... I cannot...---If... if she hears me---!
An unamused expression locked on Grymahtyn's features. "Quite the stubborn one, aren't you?" His pale green gaze shifted to Vairg. "Continue."
"Come on. -Scream-. You did earlier! Why is it so difficult for you to do now?" Vairg grabs Eir by the ears and hair, dragging him to the middle of the room. "Make a little -noise- for your missus, eh?" At the emphasis of the word, Vairg's heel hammers into the back of Eir's shoulders, pinning him to the ground. And then, the undeniable sound of unsheathing metal. The tip of Vairg's blade begins to run over the back of Eir's upper arm, splitting the skin. "Screeeeaaam~"
The undeniable sound of a whimper is give, but no scream, no. Eir wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Not if it kept her safe. The muffled cry is lodged deep in the pit of his throat, as he writhed fruitlessly beneath the larger man's weight.
I... I have to stay strong for her...
For... Sayuri...
[In The Whispering Willows] Sayuri Aoki's hands raise to cup over her own head, almost as if she's trying to drown out the sound of the linkpearl with her hands - quite feebly, considering. Whatever she's hearing on the other end is clearly impacting her, but her lack of words may suggest that she's not yet convinced.
Bexy Amalaryssia holds her; as though her life depended on it. She could hear nothing from the other end of the pearl, and in this moment, quietly thought it a mercy. But she waits, Sayuri in her arms, until whatever horrors came from the other side had reached their conclusion.
[In Grym’s Compound] Grymahtyn's gaze shifts, listening for any reaction from Sayuri - the lack of it making him frown. He merely nods towards Vairg, a signal for him to once again continue.
Vairg's expression held a rare frown at the silence, but such an expression never lasted long. Seeing no reason not to continue, the blade is slowly dragged the full length of Eir's arm without so much a hint of a sound from his lips, even as it draws over his hand and settles between his ring and little finger in the dirt. "Oh, how -brave-! Not a sound! Maybe there's more to you than i thought!" The admission was decidedly gleeful, as the toe of Vairg's boot toys with Eir's hand, kicking and nudging around his fingers, aiming to split the wound between them deeper than it already ran. That, in and of itself, garners a shuddering whimper, as the smaller Viera decidedly bit back the pain. But the curl of a grin on Vairg's features made a return, as he slowly raises Eir's little finger with the tip of his sword. "But you don't need to make a sound, no. Not a thing!" ---And at those words, the intent became clear. Pressing the full weight of his toes on the outstretched finger, it is bent completely backwards with a sickening pop of bone. "--Not when you have so many bones to do it for you!"
Eir sinks his teeth into his lip hard enough to draw blood at the seething pain, fighting to breathe between stifled gasps of agony. He wouldn't make a noise. He wouldn't make a sound. He could endure it. All he had to do was hold on long enough... But at the snap, at the feeling of his finger moving in directions it decidedly shouldn't, with the agonising bolt that shot through him, he finally gives up that which he had kept at bay. A scream splits from the back of his throat, sharp and desperate and full of terror, hand now white-hot with seething pain. And in the moment of clarity the sound afforded, he dares to fill his lungs again.
"STAY! SAYURI STAY! LEAVE ME!" Eir screams down the linkpearl. The roar of words was agonised, fading off into a sob as the strength had left him.
...Leave me here... And stay safe...
[In The Whispering Willows] Sayuri Aoki tenses hearing Vairg’s every word, ears flickering sharply and rapidly. Eir’s scream pins them right back down, there was no denying who the scream belonged to, even less so when he addresses her. “--No– No, no- NO!” Sayuri fumbles with her hands, barely able to find her way to the linkpearl. “--LEAVE HIM ALONE!” She -screams- as she finally presses down upon it, a thick layer of jagged ice sprouting along her body and across the floor in her distress.
Bexy Amalaryssia watches as the ice races across the room, swallowing a small lump in her throat. She'd heard the only sounds loud enough to come from the other end of the pearl, staring to Sayuri. There were no words of comfort she could offer, only an expression that mirrored even a mote of Sayuri's despair.
[In Grym’s Compound] Grymahtyn’s head tilts, satisfaction on his expression. “How important is he to you, I wonder?” He spoke, addressing Sayuri. “Come back to me, and I will let him go, hm?”
Vairg seems content enough for his work, simply leaving Eir on the floor of the room, any wry remark kept to himself, not wanting to interrupt Grym's conversation over the linkpearl.
Eir no longer keeps his grief to himself. A wracked sobbing from a throat that still stung from screaming, he curls in on himself, sobbing in defeat.
“I’ll give you some time to consider, Kitten.. You know how to reach me, when you’ve made your decision.” And with that, the linkpearl disconnected.
[In The Whispering Willows] Sayuri Aoki's icy fingers dug into her own hair as the linkpearl on Grymahtyn's end disconnected, a distressed sob wrenching itself past her lips as her body rocked back and forth.
Bexy Amalaryssia cradles her, staring outwards against the wall. There was no comfort she could bring; not even the kindest and well placed words would bring her any ease. The uncharactaristic silence is all Bexy has to give, remaining with Sayuri in her arms until her grief had subsided enough to talk.
Sayuri Aoki: "-- They-.. they h-hurt him-.." She cried, her body turning to lean into Bexy's despite her ceaseless rocking. "-- He-.. he screamed.."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Gods..." The anger balled a little in her throat, regarding Sayuri as she spoke. "...He... He is alive still, yes...?" She asks with something of an anxious waver, somewhat hesitant with her words.
...I heard it. I heard him scream. I’ve heard people make similar sounds at my own hands.
I know what they were doing to him. Perhaps not down to the detail. But i knew enough.
I wager she does too.
Sayuri Aoki choked back a sob as her head sank into a nod, teeth gritting. "..I-.." She paused, her head sinking down. "..H-he screamed.. t-to leave him.."
Bexy Amalaryssia watches as she sinks, an attempt at swallowing the dread that had risen just a few ilms further. "...And you won't."
I... i know where this is going.
No, no... Sayuri, you can’t!
Sayuri Aoki: ".. I -love- him.." She bit down, her voice a mere whisper. She sinks a little further, hesitation clinging to her. "..G-Grym.. said.. he'd let him go.. if I.. returned.." She mumbled reluctantly, her expression spelling out the obvious disbelief she held for the Sea Wolf's words.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...But you don't believe that. Hells, Sayuri, -i- don't believe that. We have to think of another way. I can go to Mist. You know where he is, yes? We can go." A small wrinkle for her nose, as she gives a sharp, almost vicious frown at the prospect. "We can get him back."
We...We’ve saved people before. How different could this be? Sayuri is terrified of Grym, and with reason, but they are just flesh and bone and nothing more!
We can storm the place, and kill the lot of them!
Sayuri Aoki: ".. Bexy.." She kept her voice low, the rocking coming to a halt as she reached an icy hand for one of Bexy's, seeking to grasp onto it gently. Hesitation lingers yet again, even if Sayuri's expression spells out that she's about to say something her fellow Seeker will likely despise hearing. ".. They are.. too many.." She frowned weakly. ".. I-.. I -know- he won't.. release Eir.." Her grip of Bexy tightened ever so slightly. ".. But I-.. I do know.. that.. my presence would.. shift his focus.." Sayuri's ears pinned down, her words having left her with an obvious reluctance. ".. To me.."
Oh Gods, no!
No, no...
For him? For the sake of him? Please!
There has to be another way!
Bexy Amalaryssia takes the hand in her own. Rare it was that she didn't wear gloves, the blueish skin and crimson nails on full view. "...Sayuri..." Her name a whisper at the suggestion, as Bexy squeezes the hand that now set in her own. "How many is too many, Sayuri? I... I have killed -hundreds-! And i would put more in the dirt if it meant keeping you safe. You know this. You -know- this!" Her tone turned pleading, then. "But if he will not be released... Sayuri, you -cannot- go. This is what he wants!"
Sayuri Aoki: "..I-.. I don't.. know.." She frowned, tightening her grasp of Bexy's hand. ".. More than we have.." Her head lowers further, fangs scraping her lower lip in a light bite. ".. If I -don't- go, Eir will -die-, Bexy.." She whimpered.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "No, no. He has to hold on. I won't let you go, Sayuri!" Desperation began to set in, as the weight of Sayuri's intentions began to sink in. "---We can get him out, yes?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...He need only hold on a little longer. Just a little longer, until we find him... We need not fight all of them. Just enough to bring him home..."
Sayuri Aoki: "-- He's not.. like -us-.." She reminded, the words she had uttered beforehead. "..G-Grym will.. kill him.. if he doesn't get.. what he wants out of him.. I -have- to go.." She raised her gaze to meet Bexy's, tears brimming within her eyes anew, fear and reluctance residing within them.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "No, no you don't." Bexy swallows, her eyes meeting those of Sayuri's, almost just as fearful. "...They will take you too. And they will kill him. You said already that they will not release him!"
Sayuri Aoki: "..I-.. I can handle it.. Eir.. can't.." A frown locked upon her features at her own words. ".. I can't.. lose him.."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "And then you will go, and then what, Sayuri?" Her voice wavered, simmering with anger, with fear. The groan of ice at the carpet hadn't dimmed for her swell of emotion. "They will kill him anyway... And then... Then, they will have you."
Sayuri Aoki: "..I-.." She hesitated, ears flattening. ".. I.. will occupy.. Grym.." Dread clung to her very core at the suggestion. "..V-..Viera are rare.." She repeats, from their previous conversation. "..E-Eir would be.. m-more worth to him alive.. And-.. t-then.. We-.. we'll.. break out.."
...it is... Only the faintest whisper of a chance that he will survive. That he...
That she’ll go back there for him, to...
...I want to have hope. Hope that she’ll make it out. Hope that she’ll walk back into the company house, hand in hand with him.
I knew you loved him, Sayuri...
...But i fear i didn’t know just how much, until now.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "He lost you once, Sayuri. He will not be so careless to lose you again. You will break out." A long, deep breath, then. "...How?"
Sayuri Aoki: "--That's-.. That's his own damned fault! He -sold- me!" She frowned -deeply-, her grasp of Bexy tightening significantly. "..I.. broke out of his cells several times as a child.. with so little control of my aether.." Her gaze dipped, settling on the icy carpet - no longer certain whether it was hers, or Bexy's. "..I have control, now.."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Sayuri..." Bexy's voice trailed again, squeezing her hand. It wasn't enough for simply that, only to set her hand on Sayuri's shoulder with her other, allowing her no other place to look except her face. "...You... You are sure about this? Going... Back there?"
Sayuri Aoki bit down on her lip, gaze settling atop Bexy's face. ".. If.. there is the slightest chance.. Eir might be spared if I am there..
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Then you're going to take it." As the words leave Bexy's lips, she almost deflates for speaking them. Head hanging, the hand at Sayuri's shoulder moves to clutch the offered hand alongside her own. "I---" A quiet hitch of her voice sees her stall, before continuing. "...I... I can't say that... I would not do the same in your shoes. That... That i would not be so willing to risk myself for the safety of someone dear to me. But... I..."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...I don't... I don't want you to go."
...I feel so selfish.
She loves him, yes. But i love her too. As a sister. As one of the only people who understands me, body and soul.
...I’d do the same. If they took Laurent. I wouldn’t be able to leave him there...
Sayuri Aoki: "..I don't want to go back.." She spoke quietly, letting her head dip down once more. ".. I-.. am scared, Bexy.." Her admission brings forth new tears, a lump opting to lodge itself in her throat and halfly choke her words. ".. Of G-Grym.. Of losing Eir.."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "I... I know. I know. I am scared too." Bexy pushes herself upwards on her knees, to wraps her arms around Sayuri's shoulders, burying her face into the fabric. "...You... You truly love him so much, don't you?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...More than you fear Grym?"
Sayuri Aoki is quick to coil her arms around Bexy in return, hugging onto her tightly as she chokes back a sobbed whimper. Her head dips into Bexy's shoulder before shifting into a nod. ".. I do.."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Then i will not stop you." The knot in her throat tightens, and it's all she can do to fight the sob it brings. "Y-you go there. You find him, and you bring him home." Her words were spoken like an order, as tears flooded her eyes. "...You will not be alone." Stubbornness, then, as her aether saught to curl around her ankles, smothering the platter of treats beside them. "...You won't." A hesitant pause, then...
...I couldn’t stop her if i tried. I couldn’t have her leaving crying, screaming, even if every fibre of my being wanted to keep her here with me, find a new path, a new solution together.
She would go to him, and... Gods willing...
...She would bring him back.
...I would go with her, if she would just let me.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...You... You will go soon, yes?" It hurt her to admit it, but she spoke it anyway. "...Let me come with you. It is in Thanalan... Near Highbridge? Let me follow."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Just... Just long enough to see where they take you. It will be easier to find you, should you... Should you... Not be able to... Leave."
Sayuri Aoki‘s arms tightened in a slight squeeze around Bexy, a deep breath being drawn. “..And risk.. that they see you..?” She frowned. “.. No. Do not.. follow me..”
Bexy Amalaryssia: "I'll kill them." Bexy hisses beneath her breath, head setting against Sayuri's own. "...I'll kill the lot of them. Every single one i see."
Sayuri Aoki: ".. I have every bit of faith in your abilities, Bexy.. but even you can be overwhelmed.." She pressed her head against Bexy's gently, features drawn into a saddened frown. ".. I'd never forgive myself if they got their hands on you, too.."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "I..." Her breath hitches, as she bundles into a sob. "...I will find you, Sayuri. Three suns. Three suns... And... And if you are not home...?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...I will find you. I will find you, and bring you home. Both of you."
Sayuri Aoki nodded slightly, easing her grip of the woman ever so slightly, albeit reluctantly. ".. I know you will."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "I will. I will..." Her arms tighten; she was not ready to let go, not yet. "Please... Be safe. As safe as you can in that hellhole. Show them not an onze of mercy."
Sayuri Aoki allowed her arms to tighten again, returning a squeeze of an embrace. ".. I heard.. the name.. of the one who hurt Eir.." Her lips tug downwards. ".. Whoever he is.. I will kill him before I get out.."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Make him suffer." She pauses. Almost fearful, she lingers in the embrace as long as she is allowed. "...But above everything, get home. Both of you. And failing that..."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...Survive. Survive long enough that i will find you."
Sayuri Aoki, reluctant to let go, rests her head against Bexy. ".. No point in recapturing me, if the plan was to kill me.." A pause, and a frown. "..I will do my utmost to get us out, but if I fail.. Knowing you will be looking for us.. is a comfort.."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "...I won't stop until you're home." Reluctantly, Bexy slowly draws her arms back. "...And i meant what i said earlier. About killing them."
Sayuri Aoki: ".. I know." Slowly, Sayuri's arms begin to withdraw.
Bexy Amalaryssia releases her more fully, gazing over Sayuri in silence before her head finally drops, and looks away. The faintest of sobs choked back in the moment, as she simply sat in silence.
Sayuri Aoki leans over to Bexy a final time, nudging her head against the woman's shoulder weakly before she pushes herself up on her feet. ".. I will see you soon.. Yes..?" She sounded a little hesitant, even if she tried to cling to the faith she held for Bexy.
Bexy Amalaryssia slowly nods. What follows is a longer silence, and is only interrupted when she musters the strength to talk. "...I love you, sister. I -will- bring you home." Her gaze finally meets that of Sayuri's, as tears roll down her cheeks. For her own good, Bexy remains seated, fearful that if she were to embrace her again, she'd never let her go.
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Sayuri Aoki: ".. And I you, sister.." She managed a weak smile, before any tears she had managed to hold back welled over in her eyes. Reluctantly, she wanders off with heavy steps.
...And it was all i could do, to sit down, to let her leave. Because if i stood, i would follow her into the depths of the hells if it meant i could bring her back.
I cannot say i agreed with her actions. A little more thought. A little more time. Perhaps there could be something, but...
...She would not risk it. Not for him. I can’t blame her for it.
So now i sit.
Now i wait for her to return.
And dwell on what i must do, if she does not.
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stbugs · 1 year
I love loving people and I love being in love and I love when I’m sad and get to cuddle my partner and touch his soft arms and chest and stuff. I love kissing friends as well. I’ve been having trouble sleeping so my partner rubs cream on my legs to help me sleep. All good things
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july-19th-club · 1 year
brothers on a hotel bed fuckin episode. hate it here
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meat-kat-ultra · 2 years
Like what is even the point in mercy when you could literally play any other support and carry. Even turbo nerfed Brigitte is better than her :(
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featherymainffins · 2 months
Kyle Gallner is somehow capable of looking both hot as hell and whiter than Wonderbread bread and twice as milquetoast at the same time. What do they keep doing with him on sets
#ill watch two films he played in that are both from the same year and if god is merciful they had about the same production time frame#(unsure because i cant find production info about mother may i)#and hell look completely different in them. like. i wouldnt be able to tell that im looking at the same person#one of these men looks like a James Franco wannabe who stars in teeth-whitening toothpaste ads and might be Patrick Bateman in the flesh#the other looks like he has two or perhaps more extremely specific hobbies hes just itching to tell me about and i just know all of his#clothes smell like the lack of will to live and cheap cigarettes#its like...you know how Henry Cavill looks good only when they dirty him up? like how hes incredibly unattractive as superman but everyone#wants him so bad when hes playing the Witcher? this is literally the same situation.#like ough get out of here with that pop boy band hair and chevalier style facial hair come back when your hairs all greasy and fucked and#your facial hair hasnt seen the embrace of a razor in far too long#this might also genuinely be like...the most normal-esque role ive ever seen him play#as in normally hes like...normally he emotes and moves oddly. because most of his roles are like that#some of them never relax and all their movements are acting tough; emotions are exaggerated but with a hint of irritation#some of them have lost the will to live decades ago and their intensity is in how mild they are. the stress and worry are etched into every#movement and every emotion expressed#and well some of them are simply an emo kid
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cave-monkey · 3 months
Monkey King Episode 8 (Part 2/2)
*BUSTS THROUGH THE DOOR* All right, time to finish this!
It's been two days since I watched this episode let's see what stuck.
"The Six-Eared Macaque has six ears! Isn't he really cute?"
Ginseng Fruit thinks Six Ears is cute. Canon.
Okay, so. The fake bunny ears? Absolutely adorable. Holy shit. These kids are the cutest. Jade Rabbit's body dysmorphia is probably on a level to qualify as the full disorder, and that's less cute and more sad and distressing, but it's so nice this attempt at comforting her worked and they were able to make her feel a little better about it.
Stone Monkey was so worried about her, too! Six Ears was clearly only there as emotional support (desperately needed, because Stone Monkey was not doing okay) since he had no idea who she was and Ginseng Fruit just didn't like her, but Stone Monkey probably would have started ripping the island apart stone by stone to find her if they hadn't managed to coax her out. He was worried! And emotionally unstable about it! Ginseng Fruit losing their patience and insulting her got them attacked.
Like, it took Marshal Ma a multi-episode timespan to wear Stone Monkey down enough to have him almost lunging for Marshal Ma's face. Ginseng Fruit got there in about two sentences. Even Six Ears was pretty alarmed about it. (Six Ears trying to comfort an angry and distressed Stone Monkey by cautiously reaching out to touch his shoulder from an entire arm's length away is very monkey of him. I just had to note that.)
Also that thing again of Stone Monkey's genuine anger being pretty violent. And how much quicker he is to lose it if the ones you're jabbing sticks at are his friends and not him.
I can't even really blame Ginseng Fruit for being upset they were spending so much time and energy checking on Jade Rabbit, since from Ginseng Fruit's perspective she was actively trying to hurt/kill the two of them nearly since Ginseng Fruit met her. They have reason to not like her and not want Stone Monkey around her. Still not the time or place, but their concern and frustration was understandable!
From Stone Monkey's perspective, what's a little attempted murder between friends, I guess? They had a Bash Brothers bonding moment against the Demon King's army before Jade Rabbit's headwrap was knocked off and she panicked, so clearly it's all square now. She was just upset! She didn't even manage to actually hurt them! It's fine! It's also possible he blames Ginseng Fruit for Jade Rabbit being angry at all, since if Ginseng Fruit had just stayed away from him like Stone Monkey had wanted them to, and hadn't tagged along, they never would have had a chance to run their mouth and set her off. Which isn't really fair, but. Stone Monkey barely seems to tolerate Ginseng Fruit at this stage of their relationship and that was true even before all this went down. I'm not sure he would be fair. Especially not when they're shouting insults his already hurting friend might be able to hear.
Six Ears got them to work it out, of course, but I definitely noticed that Ginseng Fruit's tears weren't even enough to rock that look of utter disdain until Six Ears scolded Stone Monkey about it.
(Ginseng Fruit: *sobbing*
Stone Monkey: Suffer.
Six Ears: Hey. Hey, isn't it funny how all your friends keep getting sad around you?
Stone Monkey: 😟*🎶SHOT THROUGH THE HEART🎶*)
Six Ears really did go for the throat, though. Jade Rabbit wasn't even Stone Monkey's fault! Don't imply it is! He'll believe it if it comes from you!
I thought it was pretty funny and cute though, that Six Ears apparently just took it upon himself to carry Ginseng Fruit around while they were accompanying Stone Monkey. Looking at all of this though, it might also have been him just trying to keep Ginseng Fruit alive. He put Ginseng Fruit down for FIVE SECONDS and in the next scene they're picking a fight with an already upset Stone Monkey and almost getting their skull crushed in. They were right back on Six Ears's hip in the next shot lol. Can't take these guys anywhere.
But in reality it was probably just Six Ears's self-appointed Monkey Kinda-Maybe-Prince Boy Scout babysitting reflexes kicking in. He accompanied an upset Stone Monkey to go find this other friend of his, saw this little guy with tiny little legs trying to keep up with them (and especially Stone Monkey who was probably not in the mood to slow down or have Ginseng Fruit on him), and just scooped without a second thought. And Ginseng Fruit likes him! At least if their comment about Six Ears being cute later is anything to go by. You have a stalwart fan now, Six Ears. You carried them, spoke up for them a bit, and now they will die for you. Ginseng Fruit does nothing by halves.
This episode had so much character relationship building in it. I loved it a lot. The actual editing of the episode was a bit more like a fever dream or like the guy storyboarding it hadn't slept in a week, so I hope they're all right, but the writing was hitting all the beats. It was so good. Easily my favorite.
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blurred-cat · 9 months
the insomnia woke me up at 4am as is typical for my curse of waking and all i could think about afterward were extremely horny thoughts so i proceeded to not sleep until i finally pulled myself from the covers 10 minutes later at 10:30 am what
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shotmrmiller · 4 months
retired pornstar ghost has always been a talker. his voice is deep— a low rumble like distant thunder. always gets anyone that's under him going.
his voice to his own ears sounds plain, like any other man, really; he doesn't see the appeal. but what he does find appealing are the noises that come from you, his cute co-star when he talks to you, lips dripping with honey.
ghost loves when you clamp down on his cock, squeezing him like a vice when his wicked words sink into your ears. "tight bloody cunt would drive any man wild, love. how lucky i am that it's me getting to fuck you."
"look at you under me," he stills the bucking of your hips with one hand, skin dimpling where his fingers dig into you, "at my mercy, taking my desire."
"doing so well," he coos.
ghost lets out a sharp exhale through his teeth when your walls begin to flutter around him. "so quick to come, and i haven't even touched," he moves his hand down to your mons, thumb finding your swollen pearl, "here."
the circles he draws there are tight, precise, destructive. he brutally wrenches your orgasm from you, and in your blinding ecstasy, you dig your nails into the side of his proportionately wider waist.
his hips undulate as he fucks you through it while still fucking talking.
"kitty's got claws, doesn't she? i love a little—" but the words that were on his tongue crumbled into ash. you'd dragged your nails on his skin in mild annoyance, because how dare he sound so untaxed even though you're still twitching from the aftershocks under him—
the silence spoke volumes; he'd even stopped moving. you did it again, and this time he had whimpered— a pathetic little noise that came from the back of his throat.
you wonder. this time, your nails score red lines down the front of his chest, grazing a little too close to his nipple and he groaned. loud.
delectable, like thick, molten chocolate.
now it's your turn to do the talking. "the mighty ghost, rendered speechless. have i performed a miracle?"
peering down at you, his eyes hold a deeper shade than usual. you continue to claw at him, this time targeting his unmistakably sensitive nipple. the sight of his eyes rolling back in sheer bliss ignites a fire within you.
"my, oh my," the smug grin on your face perfectly matches your tone. "tell me what you need, ghost. you need me to mark you up? want to see me on you come morning?"
his growl is animalistic, a shiver licks up your spine. he quickly bends you in half, feet dangling helplessly on his brawny shoulders.
it's easy to follow his edict when he hits so deeply in this angle that the pain and pleasure blur into one overwhelming sensation. your teeth sink into the thick meat of his barrel chest, and he abruptly stills, a guttural snarl escaping his lips.
he doesn't speak a word until after; when his seed drips from your glistening slit and sweat-slick skin begins to cool down.
"fuckin' hell, love."
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we can dip if you’re ready ; satoru gojo
synopsis; your dreams of a peaceful summer are rudely shattered by the presence of your best friend’s older brother; the same brother who rejected you five years ago. the same brother you’re still hopelessly, uselessly in love with.
word count; 7.4k
contents; satoru gojo/reader, gn!reader, best friend’s brother!gojo (he’s the hottest man in the stratosphere imo), mild age gap (four years!), unrequited love, but with a hopeful ending kind of, bittersweet fluff, mostly summer shenanigans and pining, riko is satoru’s younger sister and i would give her the stars, sugu makes a guest appearance, (they’re both just there to bully gojo), he’s fairly mature in this i think, reader is very stubborn and very down bad, [name] is used exactly once
a/n; personally i would let him use me as workout gear (tagging @teddybeartoji @dollsuguru @hayakawalove @stellamancer @vagabond-umlaut !! tysm for the help and encouragement ily 🥺🥺)
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one mellow summer morning, over a breakfast of pancake and toast, the puppy-love you’ve nurtured for the past three years finally reaches its conclusion.
you’re seventeen years old. in three months you’ll be eighteen, standing on your own two feet, headed in a new direction — the whole world within your reach. but right now you’re still only seventeen, and lovesick, and sleeping on a mattress in your best friend’s room. listening to the sound of the nearby sea. 
you’re seventeen, and dreaming about things you can’t have. you’re seventeen, and foolishly wearing your heart on your sleeve. 
you’re seventeen, and hopelessly, uselessly in love with a certain satoru gojo.
it’s early. your veins are sleepy and your heart is heavy, and you wake up at the crack of dawn just to catch a glimpse of him before he leaves for work. he’s leaning against the kitchen island when you trot down the stairs, and the smell of syrupy pancakes hangs heavy in the air; his bare chest is exposed, pajama pants clinging to the curve of his hips, and he rejects you with an easygoing kindness you wish he wouldn’t grant you.
”you’re more like a younger sibling to me. you understand, right?”
(suddenly, without mercy; a finality to his voice.)
he ruffles your hair, and you’re still sleepy, and you wish you could grasp the strings of your heartbeat to stop it from fluttering like this. wish you could pull yourself out of whatever trance he put you in, all those years ago, when you stumbled over the threshold to your best friend’s house and crashed headfirst into his chest.
”you’re a good kid,” he says, and his smile teeters on the edge of something apologetic. mostly, it’s pitying. ”there are lots of people out there for you.”
he ruffles your hair, as affectionate as ever, the same as it’s always been. not a trace of any romantic intent. the weight of his palm on your head is usually a comfort, but like this?
it’s a specific kind of torture. 
there are lots of people out there for you.
(i know, you want to tell him, but your voice is raspy and your throat feels sort of dry. i know.
but i want you.)
“don’t get hung up on a schoolgirl crush, hm?”
when you finally raise your head, satoru is looking right at you. kindly, patiently, like a benevolent god. his blue eyes flecked with dots of white, like fluffy clouds on a summer sky. tilting his head to the right, as if searching for confirmation, waiting for your response. you muster up the will to nod; smiling in a way that must seem pitiful.
but he just pinches your cheek, throws a backpack over his broad shoulders, and asks you to let his sister know he’ll be home later than usual today.
then he leaves. he leaves you alone with two plates of sugary pancakes on the kitchen table, one for you and one for riko. he put whipped cream on top, and chocolate chips in the batter. it smells good. it smells like an apology.
and that’s how it ends. 
there’s no great climax, no real resolution. you bite down on your lip, and spend about an hour pitifully sniffling into a fluffy pillow, even though none of it comes as a surprise. it still hurts, though. your best friend comforts you, tells you that at least you have some kind of closure now — an absolute rejection to make your feelings go away. about time, she thinks, though she’s far too kind to say it outloud.
except they don’t.
the moral of the story is: satoru gojo doesn’t love you back. he’s known you since you were fourteen, since he was eighteen, and he could never see you as anything more than a little kid. you’re his sister’s best friend, and he loves you, but not in the way you love him. it’s not surprising, or shocking. it’s exactly how it should be.
satoru gojo doesn’t love you back. he never will.
(you really, really wish your stupid heartbeat cared.)
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one breezy summer evening, five years later, you step onto a bustling train platform — dragging your luggage behind you, and breathing in the scent of a familiar seaside.
above you, seagulls chatter and cry. you look around, and everything feels familiar, despite the time that’s passed since the last summer you visited. the same flowers, peach blossoms and hydrangeas and tulips in all kinds of shades, the same street vendors and aroma of freshly grilled fish. the same cute and quaint port town, quiet during winter and autumn, pleasantly noisy during the warmer seasons. right now, on the cusp of june, there are enough tourists around to make finding the right face in the crowd a difficult task.
luckily, she’s quick to find you. 
with her long, dark locks of hair, neatly braided, her yellow sundress and matching headband; sunflowers embroidered into the fabric. barreling towards you with a speed that would scare you a little if you weren’t so used to it, so used to her.
riko. your one and only best friend.
she’s nestled into your embrace before you can get any greetings out, and squeezing you so tightly that you have no choice but to let her beat you to it. she’s warm, like a bundle of sunshine. the same as always.
with a low whine of your name, she nuzzles into your chest. “i missed youuuu…”
a chuckle bubbles up in your throat. and even though it hasn’t been very long at all, even though you talk on the phone almost every day and saw each other in person just about a month ago, you indulge her.
“i missed you too, riko.”
another whine, and then she’s pulling back. squishing your cheeks together and pouting petulantly. “you better have! don’t ever make me spend summer all alone again, okay?”
”you’re still mad about that?” you match her expression, eager to protest. “it’s not my fault i got sick.”
“too sick to see your best friend? too sick to continue our most important tradition?” she shakes her head, letting go of you. struggling not to smile. “awful. just awful!”
“drama queen.” her lips break out into a grin, and yours follow. “i’m here now, aren’t i?”
“you are,” she agrees, quick to link her arm with yours. you follow her steps, leading you towards that familiar house. you can see it from here, a roof burdened with morning glories, those expensive white walls. “no, but seriously. i’m really happy to see you.” her voice drips with joy, giddy and sweet. “i don’t think i’d survive two months alone with that old man.” 
ah. right.
your lips curl up into a smile, albeit a little uncertain. giddy, maybe. nervous? you aren’t sure. something swirls around in your stomach, little butterflies. tickling the ridges of your ribs, all those fluttering heartstrings. it’s been a while since you felt like this. all your summers are spent here, and all of riko’s, but he’s usually too busy.
the girl on your right chatters on and on, clinging to you, gradually melting away your skittish nerves. she tells you about her morning, what she ate for breakfast, the new show she’s been binging — it’s just as familiar as the house that soon comes fully into view. big and expensive, but still cozy, overgrown with flora. you don’t think either of the siblings really bother to take care of it, but it’s a pretty kind of neglect. a cute veranda, a beautiful garden. the apple tree you used to climb. the buzz of an old radio spills out from an opened window, translucent curtains swaying with the breeze. when you strain your eyes you think you hear humming.
riko grins, dragging you with her through the opened gate. the yellow paint on the fence is starting to peel, and someone from inside has started pushing the door open, and the butterflies in your stomach can do nothing but sputter and squirm.
it’s summer, and you're back. back in that cute, quaint port town.
(and so is he.)
“why, hello there! if it isn’t my cute little [name].”
time stills, for just a single moment.
he looks the same as you remember. a little taller, you think, but he was always tall enough to tower over you; broad shoulders and long legs, sharp blue eyes gazing down at you. he’s wearing black shades, but you can still feel the weight of his pupils, crumble under the knowledge that his attention is entirely on you. wearing a pair of sweatpants and a tight black shirt, showing off every dip and ridge of his chest.
a pleasantly cool breeze ruffles his white hair, short and trimmed, healthy locks to match his bright and sunny grin.
he looks happy to see you.
“don’t be weird,” comes riko’s voice, breaking you out of your little spell. all while she’s ushering you both towards the door, beyond the threshold, into the hallway. satoru clicks his tongue.
“so hostile today. shouldn't you be in a good mood?”
then he’s turning towards you, again, tilting his head just enough for his eyes to peek out. they’re crinkled at the edges, and his smile is fond. “how was your trip?”
more butterflies. his voice flows from his glossy lips, smooth and melted, pleasantly deep. you can only hang on to riko’s arm, mustering a small smile of your own.
“good,” you chirp. a little stiff, but polite, like you’re greeting an old friend; it’s been so long since you last spoke to him. ”i’m tired, though.”
your reply is met with a chuckle, a raspy tremor of his vocal cords. it sends a shiver down your spine. the weight on your arm disappears, as riko stumbles forward and kicks her sandals off. muttering something about gum getting stuck on the sole. you’re left standing right across from satoru, suddenly very aware of how much space he takes up all on his own. leaning against the wall, making himself comfortable. and chuckling, with that stupidly sexy voice. “i bet. take a nap if you need to, yeah?”
a moment of silence. riko curses in the background, and you shift from foot to foot. unable to properly look into his eyes.
for a second, his smile drops — eyes obscured by the black glass of his frames, betraying no emotion. it only lasts a second.
then he’s moving forward, one large stride towards you, leaning down to wrap his big arms around your waist. bringing you into a hug, not as tight as you remember them being. you wonder if he’s holding back.
(his touch burns your skin, all the same.)
one of his palms finds solace on the top of your head, ruffling your hair. you can hear the smile in his voice when he speaks, terribly sincere.
“i missed you, kiddo.”
a quiet squeak tumbles from your lips, and you pray to every god you can think of that he doesn’t hear it. his chest is pressed right against you, firm, radiating body heat. his limbs wrap you up in it, a cocoon of warmth that makes it hard to breathe. you can smell his cologne from where your cheek meets his collarbone; sandalwood invading your senses.
“i m-missed you too,” is all you can croak out, voice breaking pitifully. at this rate you might actually faint.
just out of view, riko narrows her eyes. before you can plead for help, she’s tugging you away from the embrace, pushing her brother away, and you inhale as much of the fresh summer air as you can. 
“alright, that’s enough,” she huffs, pulling you closer. “c’mon! we should unpack your stuff right away!”
“want me to carry it?” satoru asks, already eyeing your luggage like a predator about to lunge at his prey. even if you say no, you know he’s not going to listen. 
so you let him. and within the next few minutes, you’re seated on riko’s bed, suitcase on the floor, a glass of lemonade in your hand. blinking sluggishly. 
“are you sure you’ll be alright?”
you raise your head. your best friend is looking at you with a questioning glance, head tilted and brows furrowed. now you’re all alone, and it’s quiet, peaceful. her brother went out to buy snacks for you. all you can hear is the low buzz of the radio downstairs, and faraway waves. 
“i mean, with, y’know…” she moves her hands haphazardly, making some kind of gesture you don’t understand. “with my brother. and your… condition.”
you blink.
“… did you just refer to my crush as a condition?”
“well, it might as well be!” she groans, muffled, faceplanting onto the mattress. “don’t think i didn’t see you checking out his biceps just now. you’re so obvious.” 
heat rushes to your cheeks. you try to shoo it away with a furrow of your brows and a loud exhale, but it lingers underneath your skin. “look — i —“ you scramble for words, brain tied up in fatigued knots. “did you see that shirt? is he buying them a size too small, or what?”
“oh, come on! that’s all it takes?”
another pair of exhales. you cross your legs, and she rolls onto her back. the silence is comfortable, and you gnaw at your bottom lip until she speaks up again.
“you could really, really do better, you know?”
her voice is quiet. soft, sincere, delicate as a sheet of glass. you know she’s just looking out for you, that she doesn’t want you pining for a guy who’ll never return those feelings — she’s kind like that, always has been. but…
“… i just like him.”
you take a tentative sip of your lemonade. sour and sweet. the cubes of ice clink against the glass, fresh condensation cooling down the tips of your fingers. her gaze lingers on your skin. it’s heavy, just like his.
you meet it with a sheepish smile, a little self-deprecating, but not embarrassed. she already knows all about your predicament. 
(you just like him. that’s all there is to it.)
and she pulls herself into a sitting position.
“i know, i know,” she finally sighs, slumping against you, cheek smushed over your shoulder. “just don’t give him more attention than me, ‘kay?”
you let out giggle. “well, duh.”
she gives you a sunny grin.
“okay, good.” 
you put the glass down on the windowsill beside you. just so you can stretch your arms out, falling backwards; a mountain of pillows cushioning your fall. a yawn spills past your lips, and riko sits up.
“wanna take a nap?” she tilts her head, dark locks framing her pretty blue eyes, deep as the sea. “that’s probably good. we’re going straight to the beach tomorrow, you know!”
“mm…” your eyes flutter shut, and you focus on that faraway sound. waves crashing against sand, the whistling of seagulls, the salty scent of the ocean. “that sounds nice.”
despite your exhaustion, you end up tossing and turning that night. not because of your best friend’s snores, or the feeling of a mattress you haven’t slept on in two years — but from the quiet sounds downstairs. glasses clinking, a chuckle here and there. the tv being turned on. tossing and turning from the knowledge that your childhood heartthrob, current heartthrob, is in the same house as you. a little older, a little less childish, even more charming than you remember him being.
you’re older, too. more mature, you like to think, even if the gain is small.
(maybe there’s a chance?)
shaking the thoughts from your head, mind still spinning along to the tune of his humming, you squeeze your eyes shut and try to fall asleep.
you’ll be okay.
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okay, nevermind. you’re completely screwed.
“oh, there you are!”
satoru is already waiting up ahead when you step onto the beach, feeling the sand between your toes, a pleasantly cool breeze giving you respite from the sweltering heat.
the sun beats down on you, fervent sunlight warming the water up ahead, calm waves and a sparkling blue to match the hue of the sky; cobalts and ceruleans, melting together like watercolour on a canvas. people crowd around the food stands, shaved ice and churros and grilled fish, scents mingling together with the joyous chatter all around you. vibrant sensations, enough to excite but not to overwhelm. 
a picture-perfect summer day.
your heart tingles with something giddy, skipping happily as you follow riko’s lead; she’s wearing a cute bikini set, frilly and floral, hair styled into a pair of braided pigtails, kept together by her favorite scrunchies. leading you towards her older brother, waiting patiently, having already grabbed a nice spot for you. a parasol, a blanket, a picnic basket. you see bottles of pink lemonade, wrapped sandwiches, strawberries in a plastic container.
more than anything, you see him. you see him, and realize just how screwed you are.
he’s smiling, when you approach. as always. hair tousled by the ocean breeze, blue eyes gleaming with mirth, exposed by the sunglasses close to slipping down the bridge of his nose. he’s wearing a hawaiian shirt, black in colour, white floral patterns to tie it all together. just unbuttoned enough to show off his collarbone, a sliver of his chest, the short sleeves exposing his biceps; patches of pale skin, shining with the beginnings of sweat. 
(you’re about to fucking explode.)
as soon as you’re in sight, satoru lights up, aiming the flash of his phone in your direction. his other hand stays tucked into the pocket of his shorts. “aw, look at you two!” he coos, grinning brightly, teasing and sweet. “pose for the camera, okay?”
you’re still too hypnotized to react, but riko scurries ahead, ready to steal it from his grasp.
“no pictures!”
“oh, don’t be like that!” he takes a step back, dodging her attack by a hair, still wearing the same grin. “you’re gonna thank me ten years from now, trust me. it’s for the memories!”
a new voice spills into the air, suddenly, and you’re brought back into reality. it’s silky and low, smooth and nice, honeysuckle nectar turned into sound. interrupting the siblings.
“it’s been ten seconds. how are you already bickering?” 
you turn towards its source, and spot a familiar face — right next to satoru. were you seriously too mesmerized to notice him? black hair, another hawaiian shirt, slightly lidded eyes… 
he meets your surprised stare with a relaxed smile, and takes a step forward; meeting you for a quick hug. he looks the same as he did when you were younger, odd bangs, hair tied up into a bun.
“hi there,” he hums, right by your ear, a light squeeze before he lets go. “it’s been a while.”
you part your lips, smiling through your words. a little stunned. “i didn’t know you’d be here too!”
he chuckles, a light shrug of his shoulders. “me neither. satoru called me last night and asked me to drop by. i had time to kill.”
“you missed me.”
a dubious look. suguru gives a lazy roll of his eyes, avoiding the smug voice to his right. “i saw you last week,” he tuts, an unimpressed expression on his face. “how could i miss you?”
“do you need a reason to miss your best friend?” he shakes his head, slowly, side to side. white locks swaying back and forth. “awful. just awful.”
you stifle a smile, completely unsuccessful. the sun feels nice on your skin, and the scent of the sea is nostalgic, and they’re all the same as ever. it’s like you can feel your nerves melting away, slowly but surely, like grains of sand slipping through the gaps between your fingers. 
“the matching shirts are cute,” you point out, wanting to partake in the conversation, only to be met with a pair of furrowed brows.
suguru sighs. “that…” he mutters, massaging his temple, not before shooting satoru a dirty glance. “wasn't planned.”
said man only grins, unperturbed, tucking his phone back into his pocket. thoroughly amused. “he’s mad that i stole his fit,” he chirps, stretching his arms idly. it makes his shirt ride up, ever so slightly, and you swallow a gulp.
“well… you look good in it.”
at that, satoru stills. gazing at you, silently, before breaking out into another grin. self-satisfied, a smooth curve, sunlight against the white of his teeth. you glance away, suddenly a little shy.
“does he?” the other two deadpan, completely in sync. it shoos away the smile on his lips, making way for a displeased frown.
“oh, come on. would it kill you to call me handsome now and then?”
“handsome?” riko places her hands on her hips, raising an unimpressed brow, a sassy lilt to her voice. “you look like a single father down on his luck.”
“seconded,” suguru quips, hiding the beginnings of a smirk. picking at a piece of lint on his shirt. “honestly, i’m surprised you’re wearing any layers at all. not gonna flaunt your abs this time?”
satoru brightens, suddenly. wiggling his brows, a sweet coo on the tip of his tongue. “oh? want me to loosen up a couple buttons?” he purrs, and you hate yourself a little for the instant yes that resounds through your mind. “you know you can always just ask, suguru.”
his teasing goes ignored, but you don’t miss the amusement that flits through the scope of suguru’s eyes, even as he tries to maintain that deadpan expression.
finally, he exhales. “well, see you later,” he hums, directed to you and riko, checking the time on his wristwatch. “i should probably get going.”
“you’re not staying?” you ask, lashes fluttering with a confused blink. he smiles.
“i am,” he reassures you. “just gonna go fishing for a while. i thought i’d give it a try.”
“fishing?” riko exclaims, covering her amused grin with the palm of her hand. stifling laughter, you can tell, a bout of giggles begging to push past her lips. “what are you, fifty?”
satoru lets out a snort. to his left, suguru goes eerily silent — ominous, staring into your best friend’s eyes with no visible emotion. enough to make her smile fall. you feel a sense of deja vu.
“wait, i’m just kidding!” she suddenly squeaks, clinging to your arm and hiding behind you. she’s always had good survival instincts. ”don’t put me in a headlock!”
(they’re so stupid. 
gosh, you missed them.)
“oh, by the way — do you want some shaved ice?” she turns to you, eyes crinkled at the edges, voice syrupy and sweet. “i can go get us some. what flavour do you want?”
“ah, great idea!” satoru matches her tone, tongue flitting out to lick his lips, glossy with chapstick. “i was just craving something sweet.”
“you’re paying, by the way.”
“so? any preference?” she tilts her head, waiting patiently for your reply. smiling once she gets it. “alright, got it. you, suguru?”
“i’m good. thanks, though.”
“okie-dokie,” she puts her palm out, facing satoru. “money, please.”
he only tuts, digging through his pocket and pulling out a black wallet. you think you spot a photocard, but he’s pulled out a credit card and tucked it back into his pocket before you can get a closer look. 
“get me watermelon, okay? strawberry is fine too. if push comes to shove, go for anything other than lemon.” he hands her the card with a click of his tongue. “and watch out for creeps. if anyone hits on you, you know where to aim.”
she pockets it with a huff, exasperation on her features. “i’m twenty-three, toru. i can take care of myself.”
“aww, don’t be like that,” he coos, hands reaching out to squish her cheeks. she tries to squirm away, to no avail. “you’ll always be my little baby sister, you know. and, as your dependable big bro, i —“
“ugh, whatever.” she shoots him an unimpressed glance, finally escaping his hold. ”are you gonna go all men are wolves on us, or something?”
”they are! just look at suguru.”
you hide a growing smile behind your hand, watching them bicker and banter, feeling that sense of peace again. the summer day feels a little like a hazy daydream, a heavy nostalgia that sticks to your bones like gum on the sole of your shoe. 
and, once again — you end up alone with a certain someone. suguru walks towards the faraway pier, riko strolls up to the stand selling shaved ice, and satoru lingers behind. you think he looks relaxed, at ease, but you can’t really look at him for too long without feeling nervous. without feeling as if you’re both ignoring the elephant in the room. 
it still feels a little like there’s an invisible wall between you.
he’s the first to speak up, craning his neck and stretching like a big cat, a tiny groan escaping him. “well, there they go,” he hums. “what do you feel like doing first?”
“ummm…” you rack your brain for ideas, coming up empty. a little fried by his presence. you could go into the water, and escape the heat — sunbathing with him doesn’t sound so bad, though…
lost deep in thought, you barely notice him inching closer. still weighing your options, water or land, a relaxing nap or a splash war. you don’t notice until you feel his arm sneaking around your waist, pulling you closer, just by a hair. stealing all the oxygen from your lungs.
(you think your brain shuts down a little.)
his touch burns, as always. bare skin on bare skin. electric, a trail of sparks rushing through your veins. he’s warm, and solid, effortlessly composed — guiding you right where he wants you, which is by his chest, where you can practically hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat —
and then he’s pulling away.
you raise your head to meet his gaze, completely flushed, unsure if you were hallucinating or not. he’s looking somewhere behind you, with a distinctly cold gaze. you follow his stare, craning your neck, catching a glimpse of a man turning his back on you both before walking away.
… was he staring at you, or what?
when you search for satoru’s eyes again, they’re already on you. he’s smiling, a little sheepish, scratching at the back of his neck.
“sorry,” he chuckles. “i got paranoid.”
your skin still feels like it’s on fire. a lingering heat, blossoming where his skin touched yours, rendering you speechless. embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing. he was just looking out for you.
finally, you gain control over your vocal chords, dry and charred. just enough to croak out a response.
“i — it’s fine.”
your eyes stay glued to the sand beneath you, staring at a crushed seashell, unable to look him in the eye. feeling the back of your neck grow hotter. you miss the dirty glance riko sends his way, having just returned with the shaved ice, and the way satoru mouths out a silent what?
it’s easier after that. she grounds you, a little, leading you out into the sea. the water is pleasantly mild, licking at your ankles, coaxing you further, until it’s reaching up to your waist. it cools you down considerably, and before you know it you’re splashing her with all you’ve got, giggles filling the salty air — seagull cries above you and wet sand beneath your feet, a glimmer or two of tiny fish, loud laughter. sensations all around you. satoru watches you with a smile, munching on a sandwich, not joining you both until riko beckons him over.
the day stretches on, melting away into evening. people leave the beach behind them, suguru heads back to the house with a bucket of fish and a smug smile, riko dries herself off with a towel and rushes to a nearby convenience store when she notices that it’s about to close. murmuring something about dinner, shooting you an anxious glance, a silent will you be alright on your own? with him? 
you wave her off with a smile. hoping it’ll come off as convincing.
so, one way or another, you end up under a parasol with a certain satoru gojo; putting empty bottles of lemonade back into the picnic basket, rolling up the blanket, stuck with cleaning duty. satoru carries it all, unwilling to let you help, the basket hanging off his arm. you walk away from the beach, stepping onto solid asphalt again, beginning your trekk up towards the main street — not too long of a walk, but you’re tired, even though satoru doesn’t seem tuckered out in the slightest. walking a step or two ahead of you.
the sun is beginning to set, melting like a sundae on the boundary of the horizon, rays of golden sunshine dripping down your wrist. satoru looks good in it, the pink and orange; peaceful, somehow. when the breeze licks a stripe across his cheek, he closes his eyes and exhales. there’s a smile on those lips, a smile of contentment.
he turns towards you and waits until you catch up.
“tired?” he coos, tilting his head, absently tucking his shades into the breast pocket of his shirt. blinking slowly, eyes shimmering in the summery hue of evening. 
“kinda,” you smile, trying to muster a pep in your step. another hum buzzes in his throat, and then he’s facing forward again.
“c’mon. let’s get you something from the vending machine, okay? ‘s just up ahead.” he pats your head, once, twice. “that’ll give you some energy.”
you can only nod, following his lead. hydrangeas bloom all around you, a thick syrupy scent, paired with apple blossoms from the backyards you pass. then you spot the vending machine. satoru takes out his wallet, finding his card — it’s not the same one as before. riko still has it.
and this time, you’re close enough to see it. in his wallet is a photocard, clearly visible; of a baby, sleeping soundly, with short tufts of hair. a dark colour unlike his own.
(your heart melts, a little.)
“cola or sprite?”
you raise your head, looking through the barrier of glass in front of you. then you’re stepping forward, fingertip pressing against it, pointing towards a green can of sprite. not looking at him, as you make your choice. ”this one.”
— suddenly, you feel his skin on yours.
you’re sleepy, and pliant, jaw caught between his fingers. he lifts it up, turns it towards him, just so that you’ll meet his gaze. two seas of blue, flecks of pure white, summer skies and summer clouds.
“there,” he exhales, pleased. giving you a reassuring smile before pulling away. “you’ve barely looked me in the eye today. ‘s gonna break my heart, y’know.”
a pause. you gulp, on instinct, shying away from his unbridled attention — eyes moving from those summer skies down to the curve of his glossy lips, and then back up again. a mistake, because when you glance down once more, unable to help yourself, you see it.
that apologetic smile.
(you really are obvious, aren’t you?
how embarrassing.)
silence splits the scene in half, only the faraway sounds of seagulls as background noise. they sound a little like they’re laughing, mocking you.
satoru presses a button on the vending machine, followed by a quiet beep. he doesn’t look at you when he broaches the subject, and you wonder if it’s out of respect or discomfort.
“still not over that schoolgirl crush, huh?”
something twists inside your gut. a little ugly, a little sentimental. now that he’s made the first move, it’s easier to move the pieces.
“it’s not a crush,” you murmur, kicking at a pebble on the ground. surprised by how clear your voice comes out. “i’m in love with you.”
a sigh. another beep, and the sound of a sodacan falling against metal flooring. he crouches down.
“… you could really, really do better.”
you watch as he fumbles with the pick-up box, eyes trained on the back of his neck, the buzzed hair of his undercut. letting out a quiet breath. “riko said the same thing.”
a snort pushes past his lips, ripe with fondness. he pulls himself up from the ground, shifting his weight from one foot to another, reaching for his wallet again. “oh, i’m sure.” he tucks the card back, slipping it into his pocket. a stray cat strolls by you, unburdened, waving its tail in the air. “really, though. you should listen to her.”
something cold meets your cheek. metal, condensation, a pleasant shiver down your spine. he presses the aluminium can against you, and you receive it with a murmur of thanks.
“i’m too old for you, for one.” he continues, and suddenly you feel a little like you’re being lectured. you break open the lid of the sprite can.
“you’re four years older.” a fizzy sound crackles like static in your ears, carbonation bubbling up, sticking to your fingertips. “and we’re both adults.”
he huffs out a breath, only mildly amused. “i’m pushing thirty, y’know?”
you take a sip, lips against cold aluminum, melting sunrays lapping at your skin. it tastes sweet. 
“i know.” a pause, your bottom lip trapped between two sharp teeth. gnawing at the flesh. ”i can’t control how i feel, though.”
“yeah,” he sighs, leaning back against the glass. crossing one leg over the other, fiddling with something in his pocket. “i know.”
a moment passes. then he parts his lips, again.
“hey, how about you join me on a mixer someday?” he searches for your gaze, smiling, another one of those charming tilts of his head. “i know some cute guys. and girls, if that’s your thing.”
your answer is instantaneous.
“i’ll pass.”
another exhale, breathed out into the summer air. it drips with exasperation, ripe with fatigue, but there’s still something fond there. unmistakable.
“fine, fine. just… think about it. okay?” his palm finds its way to your head, ruffling your hair gently. that comforting weight. “c’mon, let’s go back. riri’s making dinner tonight.”
and then he’s taking a step forward. you watch his back for only a moment, still deep in thought. a fizzy, syrupy sweetness sticking to your teeth, a sense of nostalgia invading all your senses. and, as always, that silent adoration.
deep down, you know it’s true. there’s no changing this, whatever this is. in the same way riko will always be his baby sister, you’ll always just be the brat that sniffled into his chest after your first fight with her. 
he’ll never quite see you the way you’d like him to.
(but, then again, isn’t that a part of it? that subtle, subtle kindness of his. the sense of maturity that asks for nothing in return.)
satoru is a good guy. that’s why you can’t help but adore him, despite everything. can’t help but watch his back as he leaves you behind, wishing you could catch up.
it feels nice, to open yourself up like this. crack the lid of your heart and have him wade through the carbonation. it feels nice to have your feelings be acknowledged, even if they aren’t reciprocated. even if you’re completely delusional, and high on summer joy. it feels nice just to watch him shine.
you gulp down the rest of your sprite, toss it into a trash can across the street, and stumble after him. veins sleepy, heart heavy, overwhelmed by adoration. you’ve already cracked the lid open; everything else comes easy. you just want to make a move, any move. want to see how he’ll react.
“satoru,” you call, and he comes to a standstill. when he turns around your arms are outstretched. “can i have a piggyback ride?”
the man before you blinks. once, then twice, fluttering like angel wings, or pretty clouds. 
and then his smile grows. you catch a glimpse of his dimples, for just a moment, and then he’s beckoning you closer with a chuckle.
“yeah? now you’re suddenly all brave?” he shakes his head, no real discontentment behind it. “or are you really that exhausted?”
he studies you intently, ripe with fondness, and you think your sluggish blinks must be enough to convince him. because he crouches down, back facing you, and chirps out a hop on. a little teasing, of course, but still nice. his arms underneath your thigh, lifting you up like it’s nothing. making sure you’re comfortable.
he’s strong. very strong. the butterflies in your stomach flutter around again.
and you really are very exhausted. bones buzzing with something sleepy and fatigued, sore after all the running around you did in the water. completely tuckered out, resting your cheek against his back. like this, you can feel his muscles, the solidity of his body. it’s a little bit distracting.
“— remember?”
a series of blinks. you grasp onto his shoulders, holding back a yawn. “huh?”
“you falling asleep on me?” he chuckles, walking forward. one step after another, the soles of his sandals hitting the asphalt. “i was saying — how i remember doing this back then.”
you tilt your head.
“when you fell and twisted your ankle. i think it was nearby, actually. some park?”
“... oh.” when you really concentrate, you think you do recall it; the feeling of his back against your chest, a dull ache in your foot. “yeah, i remember.”
satoru hums, a little buzz of amusement. “after that, you and riri would ask me for it all the time. carry us, big bro!” his imitation makes you smile, voice high and squeaky. “so childish, i swear. i could barely carry one of you.”
a chuckle tumbles from your lips, and it seems to spur him on; because he continues. nostalgia pouring out his throat.
“don’t tell her, okay? but, see — i started going to the gym after that. lifting weights. training, and stuff,” he huffs out an amused exhale, grinning softly. “suguru made me carry boulders on the beach. it was kind of our thing.”
“we almost got arrested once.”
you can’t help but laugh, hiding in the smooth fabric of his shirt, in between those printed white flowers. shoulders shaking slightly, giddy and amused. “you did that just ‘cause you were embarrassed?”
“no,” he murmurs, softly, the slightest shake of his head. ”because i wanted to be prepared. in case the two of you ever happened to fall over at the same time, or something…” a sheepish little chuckle. ”i wanted to be able to carry you both back.”
satoru continues to walk, facing away from you. always smiling, you’re sure. even if you can’t see it.
“you’re both precious to me,” he says, making sure to keep a steady hold around your legs. “that’s why i don’t want either of you wasting yourselves on some random guy.”
silence. then, a displeased huff.
“… you’re not some random guy, if that’s what you’re implying.”
“well, of course not. i’m the guy,” he stands a little straighter, and you can practically see the smug smirk on his lips. “but i’m not a very good person.”
you blink.
silence fills the open air.
he says it so casually that you almost don't catch it. matter-of-factly, like it’s just another obvious realization, something so deeply ingrained that it isn’t even worthy of a tonal shift. satoru, who makes pancakes for the people he loves, who carries your bags and buys you soda and keeps a picture of his baby sister in his wallet.
that satoru isn’t a good person?
(how could he ever, ever think that?)
“you are.”
a low hum buzzes in his throat, absentminded. you’re not sure he hears you. if he does, he simply doesn’t care enough to respond. the scene flickers by, the moment comes and goes — you want to protest again, but something about this silence makes you hesitate.
the only thing you can do is —
another little hum. acknowledging, this time. 
“do you… i mean,” you choke down a bundle of words, replacing them with new ones. gnawing at the flesh of your bottom lip. “is there really no chance… you’ll ever feel the same? none at all?”
a mirthless chuckle. he sounds a little tired, you think. more than a little exasperated. but the amusement is still there, laced into his voice, and you drink it in the same way you’ve always done. a little root, soaking in the light of the sun.
“after all that,” he mutters, “you’re still asking?”
a moment’s pause. you listen intently, as if you could hear the gears of his mind shift if you focus enough. as if just being stubborn enough could coax him into opening up the way you have. 
finally, he parts his lips.
“well,” comes a sigh, a click of his tongue. he breathes in the summer breeze. “maybe in a couple decades or so.”
you stare. those white tufts of hair sway with every step he takes, and his voice has a finality to it that isn’t lost on you. 
“… okay.”
a pause. then he’s barking out a short laugh, shoulders shaking. you tighten your grip around them. “okay?” he repeats, pinching the skin of your thigh. “can’t you read between the lines, you little troublemaker?”
a huff. you kick your legs, a little, just stretching them contentedly. wet hair sticking to his skin, your cheek still smushed against him, enveloped in his neverending warmth. “i don’t mind,” you whisper, choking down a yawn. and you mean it. “i’ve already waited eight years. a couple decades more isn’t too bad.”
silence, again. you wonder what he’s thinking. you wonder if you’ll ever come close to cracking open the lid of his heart. he parts his lips, oxygen spilling out.
(you think it’s a start.)
“has anyone ever told you that you’re awfully stubborn?”
you’re quick to nod, forehead nuzzling into his undercut. wearing a satisfied smile. “riko tells me all the time.”
“does she?” there’s silent laughter hiding between his teeth, eager to spill out. “that’s good. listen to her, alright? you might learn a thing or two.”
he’s teasing you. the sun is setting, and the air smells like saltwater, and satoru’s back is warm. his voice is set to a melodic lilt, and you feel strangely tempted to close your eyes. 
and you adore him again. 
right — loving him was never a choice, and waiting wasn’t an issue. getting over him is the tall hurdle, the root of the problem, a root you intend you trip over as many times as it takes for this something to bloom.
because he’s beautiful, and comfortable, and kind. because it’s his back you always end up clinging to. because he knows how you like your pancakes, how you take your coffee, what you look like when you cry. because you like this feeling, the swarm of butterflies in your stomach. even if they’re completely meaningless in the long run.
satoru is right, and so is riko. you’re stubborn, terribly so — if only you could see that as a bad thing.
if only you were physically capable of giving this something up.
unlike the siblings and their overgrown backyard, you just can’t seem to look away from an ugly bud yet to bloom. just in case it ends up blossoming, this summer, or the next. just in case it turns into something worth plucking from the ground. it’s fine if it withers away, too. at least it’ll give way to better soil.
you just like him. you just want to see where it leads you. that’s all.
“but promise you’ll go with me to that mixer, okay?” his voice calls, breaking you out of your thoughts. unrelenting. ”i’ll find you someone who’ll get your mind off lil ol’ me.”
ah. that’s right. 
(you’re terribly, horribly stubborn —
and satoru is too.)
you grin, soft and giddy, thinking of the years ahead of you. what they’ll be like. where’s the fun in a certain future?
“fine,” you hum, wrapping your arms around his neck. inhaling that familiar scent of sandalwood. “do your worst.”
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mamayan · 9 months
You up? Give us some delicious yandere stuff 🙏 let's say... Fae King yandere and changeling darling 😏✨
This turned into a full fic :3 ~★ In honor of some monster fucking!
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Yandere! Dark Fae King x Darling! Changeling
tw: NSFW • Obsessive/Possessive Themes • Non-Human Morality • Kidnapping • afab Reader • Dubcon • Oral (F) • Grooming (reader is of consenting adult age) • Forced Mating • Imprisonment • Violence (not toward reader) • Implied Murder • Rough Sex • Praise • Overstimulation • Dumbification • Belly Bulge • Size Kink
Part Two: Here
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Dark eyes glanced into the cool night, curious as to what creature was disturbing his evening.
“…hic…” it came again, much to his chagrin.
The still lake reflected the full moon like a mirror. To his left, not too far off, he honed in on the disturber. Something small and curled up. Shaking. The oddity enough to catch his full attention as he stood silently. The night his home and prison as he swiftly left in a puff of smoke over to the location of his intruder.
His first instinct to end your miserable life, a human somehow entering his domain and crossing his barriers, but upon a closer look… he realized you were of his own kind.
A changeling at that. An abandoned fae left to die in the hands of mortals. Few if any live to maturity like this, but your short human stature led him to believe your growth was surely stunted due to neglect. Young fae needed abundant love and care in their infancy, the first 100 years of life incredibly crucial for their development. Least they end up like him and his kingdom. You were even younger than full maturity, though your physical body had completed it’s growth, your magic was weak and juvenile.
You were making odd noises which drew his curiosity, moving closer to your form, face buried in your lap as you hunched over your drawn up legs. Your feet were bare as the edges of the water lapped at them. Clothing sparse and tattered, rags unfit for even a human, let alone a Fae nearing maturity.
“Noisy little thing,” he hums aloud, startling you as you jolt and nearly throw yourself into the water. Your neck snaps up, pretty face swollen and blotchy from tears looking up and up until you saw a creature looming over you.
Your scream is cut off by a clawed dark hand, slapping over your mouth and muffling the cry as you try to jerk away in fear and panic. He watches in mild amusement, snickering as you realize your struggle is futile and efforts dying down. “Scream if you like, but none other than I will hear it out here.” He assures ominously, thin onyx colored lips pulling back to bare his razor sharp canines and pearly teeth at you. His grin savage and delighted in your terror.
He watches curiously as your wide doe eyes well up with tears, the crystalline droplets spilling up and over your cheeks, soft lips quivering beneath his palm. You reminded him of an animal imploring their predator for mercy by revealing their underbelly. There was a word for it…
Cute. His mind conjured at last. He found you cute, a changeling bold enough to intrude into the kingdom of the corrupted. You hadn’t even dropped the mirage covering you, old magic from your biological family still covering your natural appearance to mimic the human you parasitized off the life of.
“Why do you cry little one?” He asks softly, attempting not to terrify you further and avoid his questions.
You hesitate, but his molten gold eyes seem to melt through your defenses despite his dangerous and beautiful appearance. “I’m wrong,” you sniffle, grateful when he removes his enormous hand off your face, the sharp claws tipped in gold frightening against your soft breakable skin. “All wrong… and I don’t know what to do.” You curl back up around yourself, as if he too will cast judgement upon you.
He awkwardly mimics your stance, curiosity blazing as watches you in fascination. You find the way his monstrously large form contorts to sit like you somewhat baffling and amusing, less frightened now that he doesn’t seem to wish you harm.
“How are you wrong then?” He pries further, cupping his defined jaw and leaning into his hand as he observes.
“I’m not…I’m not human—I’m a—a—,” you stumble, unsure if this night is even real anymore. The shock so great you’re still trying to cope.
“A faery?” He supplies, amused by the way you gesture with your hands, expression so open and easy to read. “A changeling raised amongst humans to feed off their happiness?” His deep voice purrs it happily, as if he’s glad for it.
He is. His hatred of humans not something he feels the need to hide.
You appear devastated though, “I didn’t mean to—I don’t want to hurt or make anyone unhappy.” You mumble miserably, tugging at your hair and skin, as if that will dispel the magic which hides your true appearance.
“That’s just how our kind is, we need that happiness to grow properly.” He rubbles, eyeing your shocked expression. “We also happen to be fickle creatures ironically, and if a newborn is thought to need too much care, it is pawned off on humans who have more patience.” He clarifies, smiling as you seem to take him in with new eyes.
“You— are you a faery too? You just seem…” he chuckles as you awkwardly trail off.
“Evil? Centuries ago humans once called me the devil,” he laughs, his dark hair falling into his face like a waterfall as he shakes the loose fluffy curls, his pointed horns jutting from the top of his forehead jet black and smooth like ivory. He was too beautiful to call a devil, though you supposed it could be because of that which he was deemed so. His every feature seeming to catch your gaze with it’s beauty.
“I was going to say different…” you trail off shyly. “You don’t seem evil to me at least.”
He pauses, taking you in again as you regard him with those harmless eyes still wet with drying tears. It’d been centuries too since he’d left his kingdom, the entrance to the veil this lake he occasionally comes up to lounge by. He hasn’t seen a human since then, let alone a changeling or uncorrupted little faery like you.
He likes those pretty tears. He finds it annoying you shed them for humans you should guiltlessly take from.
His smile widens, eyes glittering mischievously and nearly glowing as he leans closer. The smell of sugar and cinnamon wafting off of him as you breathe in, nearly gasping as your mouth waters.
“How’s this little one? I’ll teach you how to be a faery, to show you there is nothing wrong with you.”
His eyes, where they should be white are entirely inky black, golden irises with reddened pupils framed by dark thick lashes, looked sincerely upon you.
He seemed genuine and kind despite his towering humanoid figure which looked to be capable of killing you easily.
It warmed you though, the thought of wanting to belong strong as you nod with a smile.
“I’d be eternally grateful.” You nod.
Sealing your fate.
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“Tell me your name.” He asks sweetly, because despite his menacing size and sharp teeth and nails, your new friend was nothing but kind and gentle with you.
“Y/N” you reply easily, letting him playfully ruffle your hair as he picks out the leaves which got tangled in your locks from your travels here.
When he repeats it though, wonderful shivers shoot down your spine. He smiles, cooing at you like one might a baby as a he teases, “Such a cute name for a cute faery.”
You weakly protest, but fall into easy laughter as he swiftly changes the subject.
He was discussing proper fae etiquette. The basics, to not say please or thank you or I’m sorry. They all meant you expected more from the other or wouldn’t reciprocate, and that was just bad manners.
His soft hands, which could easily cover your entire face, were settled on your upper arms, having sat you in the grass against his chest.
He liked holding you close. Your little figure so soft, and from the dark circles beneath your human appearance, he assumed the neglect from the humans you resided amongst was growing worse. It was bad for your development.
“You should come live out here, they are vile creatures you know.” He comments every time you visit, though he never forces you to stay with him.
“It’s because I make them unhappy…” you explain sheepishly.
He shakes his head, thick brow arching as he rolls his eyes. “You are nearly completely mature now, you suck no happiness from your surroundings anymore silly girl.” Your confusion was palpable as he sighs and further explains, enjoying the squish of your tender flesh as he lightly squeezes you.
“While it is true fae infants are quite the hassle to raise, it isn’t as tortuous as humans make it out to be. In fact, most fae will take their child back if not treated well by their human surrogates.”
You hum, relaxing back against his warm chest and breathing in his sugary scent.
“So why wasn’t I—,” you stop short, brows furrowed but no longer speaking.
He doesn’t pry further, leaning his chin atop your head as he looks out at the lake.
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“You won’t tell me?” You push, annoyed how he dances around your question endlessly. Your companion close enough that you feel insulted he won’t reveal it.
“My name is not to be uttered aloud, least calamity befall this land~” he’s teasing, you know he is, but still he refuses to divulge his name. “I gave you mine,” you argue again, huffing as he chuckles and lightly shoves you to your back on the grass, leaning over you and caging you in beneath him.
The moon is bright like the first time you’d met, illuminating his other worldly beauty.
“If you wish to call me something, call me Master,” he laughs, his sharp teeth no longer scaring you, but making your thighs squeeze together whenever he flashes them. He acts nothing like an immortal being, too immature and jovial to resemble someone having lived for thousands of years.
“So why do you get my name, but I don’t get yours?” You question in annoyance, avoiding his kiss to your cheek by jerking your face away. He huffs, sharp gaze daring you to dodge again.
You do. Earning yourself a warning nip to your collarbone as you yelp.
“Mean!” You cry, pushing at his chest as he snickers.
“Yes little flower, I am very, very, mean.” He rumbles, chest literally vibrating much like a cat does to purr.
“You give me weird nicknames…” you mutter, giving up as he licks your cheek. You don’t fight it, even as it feels foreign to you, trying to accept this side of your culture.
He licks your neck, lavishing the point where your pulse races with wet kisses and you tremble and struggle to act unaffected beneath him.
His smile is dangerous outside your view.
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“Star!” You giggle, his rumble of irritation not the least intimidating to you as you roll away.
“That is an awful nickname.” He hisses, face twisted in disgust as you throw out the most horrendous names you could conjure in your pretty head at him.
“Lumi!” He growls.
“Then… Kitty?” He nearly bites you, careful not to play too roughly as he lightly tackles you down.
“If I give you a nickname, will you cease your little game?” He feels his anger fade as he wraps his arms around your smaller figure, easily pulling you into his lap. You don’t even flinch, too engrossed in your amusement to care where he handles you. You nod happily, your wish finally being fulfilled.
“Very well you stubborn creature,” he chides, “In addition to Master, you may also call me King.”
You frown. Clearly displeased by the lack of intimacy in the name. He laughs, amused by your obvious dislike. He kisses your puffed cheeks, over your pouty lips, and down to your vulnerable neck. Snickering as he goes, adoring how you so easily become pliant for him.
“I am teasing pretty flower, there was a time long ago I was called Ava, will you settle now?” He asks, voice husky as he sucks a mark into your skin, your little whine flaring his desires.
A strong urge to press you down and mate you nearly overpowers his control, but he merely holds you close and breathes your floral scent in to calm himself.
“I still prefer Kitty…” His eye twitches.
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“Ava… this feels weird…” he pauses, looking down at your small form still cloaked like a human. Weak beneath him, partially nude as your skirt is pulled up to your soft belly. Your thighs are spread and shaking, his lips sucking another mark onto the thin skin of your inner thigh while you writhe.
He had your wet dripping slit open to the night air and his lustful gaze, begging for his tongue to taste.
“You don’t want to please me?” He asks, purring as you pout but deny. You were such a good little girl for him after all, so eager to learn and soak up his attention.
He resumes, licking down your thigh until his face rested above the warm mound you so sweetly offered him.
“You’re being so good for me petal, can you keep your legs open or should I help you?” He doesn’t need to look up to know you’re shaking in arousal and embarrassment. He can feel the tremors through the air as you struggle to keep your thighs spread as he asked.
“I-I need help…” you admit, feeling terribly hot as he keeps licking you, except where you seem to ache for him to lick.
He easily shifts forward, arms wrapping around you and letting your legs rest over his shoulders as he finally lets his tongue slip out to taste you.
You glance down, choking at the sight and feeling as he lets his entire tongue come out, the appendage inhumanly long and colored purple. It feels strange, the wet slimy feeling of his tongue slithering through your folds, but when he nudges the tiny nub hidden above your slit, you moan.
It sends jolts of electricity through you, hips canting up so he can to lick there again, earning you a hearty chuckle as he obliges. Licking and even curling his tongue around it, riling you up as your tiny hole leaks arousal and drips down your ass to the earth below.
“You’re making a mess petal, do you feel good? Should I stick my tongue inside you this time?” You moan, feeling the muscle prod at your unused vaginal entrance, too hazy to bother responding. He doesn’t wait for your answer, letting the thin tip of his tongue lap and taste your heady desire before poking and wiggling inside you.
It has your legs shooting straight, back arching as he holds you down with one large hand placed over your belly and chest. He groans as he feels the molten texture of your insides struggling against his intrusion, trying to force him out of your tight heat as he surges forward.
The tip of his tongue curls, swirling up and knocking the air from your lungs as a rush of hot liquid spills from your insides for him to drink down.
You shook and twitched, moaning and curling your hands around his curved horns like a handle.
The touch sends blood racing to his cock, as he moans and loudly slurps your cum down with audible squelching, enjoying the cries you released into the quiet night.
He lets you rest as he pulls back for just a moment, your body limp and panting as your high comes down.
“Good girl~” he praises, leaning over you to kiss softly at your sweaty skin, licking that too and tasting the sweet and salty mixture.
Then he’s pressing his lips against yours, forcing them open to sneak his long tongue inside your mouth, filling it and claiming that space too as his own. You’re helpless to resist, delirious on pleasure as he devours you, wiggling muscle curling and rubbing erotically around your own.
He tastes like sugar and something heavier, more musky, as you come to realize it as your own taste.
“Is this… really normal…?” You can help but ask as he pulls away, his lips still sticking close to trail kisses across your skin.
“It’s quite normal little flower, are you shy still?” He asks curiously, lifting one of your small hands and bringing it to his face, his size dwarfing you considerably. He lightly nibbles on your fingers, making a giggle bubble up as you smile and then squirm when he grins and licks your hand instead.
“A little…” you admit honestly. Always so honest and open.
He nods, as if completely understanding.
“That’s alright, we’re in no rush, I’ll teach you slowly…” there’s something else not said in his words, and you’re left drunk on his pheromones and lips as he distracts you. Then he’s kissing down, discarding your clothing and leaving you naked for his mouth and curious fingers.
Your breasts are lavished in his saliva, pebbled nipples sucked until standing upright before poked down with the tip of his tongue playfully. Always so playful, Ava nips and teases your skin, blinking innocently when you moan and glare accusingly.
“It’s not my fault you enjoy this so much petal~” he pouts, looking comical and so harmless, his glittery gold wings, almost translucent behind him, fluttering as if indignant to your silent accusation.
The golden tattoos which marked his skin more visible tonight, his clothing more minimal in his wish to feel more of you as he explores and plays.
Then he’s parting your thighs and throwing you into ecstasy again.
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“Who did it?”
You sat curled around yourself, terror and dread swirling inside of you at the new side of Ava you’d never been graced with before.
The side you supposed was reserved for his enemies, but now showed to you.
Despite your fear, the tears spilling down your cheeks, and the injuries you bore, you still remained stubbornly silent.
He was going insane with rage and anguish.
You truly were a flower. So delicate and easily destroyed.
“Y/N… while I am being reasonable…Tell. Me. Who. Did. It.”
For all the times he’d made himself smaller, less alarming and more charming than his true nature called for, it made this time more appallingly. He stood to his full height, like an unwavering tree he did not budge or allow you to leave, golden eyes flaring and mixing with his red pupils to create something alarming. Even the markings which covered his dark skin seemed to glow and match his eyes, magic crackling in the air and silencing the night further.
As if the stars and moon were frightened too.
Still, still, you did not speak, even as he closed in on you, your fear so strong it almost choked him. Almost. He was too angry, too furious with the humans he liked to cast out of his mind. They needed to be taught a lesson it seemed. Their fear of the Fae renewed. They were becoming arrogant, as if their species was even in the same standing as them.
Your pretty injured face and form, battered from abuse and humiliation, was all the information he truly needed.
If you wanted to protect them, and not tell him, then he’d just punish them all as if they were the culprits.
It soothed him finally, his decision made as the ominous energy around him faded slowly. He let his rage dissipate, worry and concern bleeding through now as he crouched and shuffled towards you, claws spread and outstretched towards you.
“Come here Y/N, keep your secrets, but allow me to hold and comfort you…” his eyes darkened, the glow leaving behind almost a copper color, somber as he looks at you. There’s not pity in his eyes though, as you swallow and sigh in relief, grateful to crawl into his warm embrace where it feels safe.
He’s gentle as he wraps you in his arms, lips and tongue soothing as he tastes your tears and blood.
He grits his teeth, focusing on your scent and the feel of you to calm himself again, before letting his magic seep into your skin. You easily absorbed it, soaking it up like a sponge as your pain and injuries heal.
“Ava—?” Your eyes widen, amazement in their depths which stroke his ego as he taps his forehead against your own. His horns slightly tangling in your hair.
“Do you not want to drop the illusion on yourself?” He asks softly, staring at the human image your portray. He didn’t want to admit it, but it enraged him to see you still trying to live amongst them.
You seem surprised, before looking away nervously.
“It just feels strange… to not see myself anymore,” you confess, burrowing deeper into his chest while enjoying his ability to heal and soothe you. His sugary smell lightening your heavy heart.
He nods slowly, eyes staring at nothing over the still lake.
He holds you a little tighter.
Then you’re asleep.
The burns and screams of the people echo, the night come to life with flames and chaos.
Ava stands leisurely, smile filled with fondness as he watches the human village he’d followed and found to be your residence burn.
He’d spent all night playing with them, listening to them confess the awful things they’d done to you, said to you, and tried to do to you. They even thought of sacrificing you to some nonexistent deity, which only prolonged the nightmare he’d turned the populace into.
He laughed as the sounds swirled into music for his ears, the sharp points curling in delight as he hummed a tune older than the trees towering in this forest.
The night was still coming to an end sadly, and he’d need to return to your unconscious body still where he’d left it.
He didn’t want to let you wake in your new home alone after all.
His body covered in the blood of mortals he’d torn into and feasted on, Ava left them to perish.
Alone you woke. In a bed four times the size of any normal one, within the walls of a palace you’d only ever seen depicted in stories told by faraway travelers.
You glanced down, at hands unlike ones you were accustomed to seeing. You were nude, unable to hide from yourself as you felt tears begin to sprout. The illusion magic wasn’t working, and you couldn’t understand why.
This body was your true form, not that of the human you continuously tried to convince yourself you were. You hadn’t showed Ava, too afraid he’d see your appearance and dislike you for it.
While he was magnificent, you felt puny and odd.
A hiss snatches you from your self loathing, eyes flicking up to land on the one you’d just been thinking of.
He was covered in something, though you weren’t entirely sure what until he moved closer. The pearls lining his chambers glowed softly, his appearance more vibrant as he closed the distance between himself and the bed you laid on.
You sucked in a breath, realization dawning as the red contrasts against his skin. His lower face completely smeared in it, but his lips seemed clean. Until he grinned, red stained sharp teeth with chunks of dark meat stuck in between.
You remembered briefly him mentioning being mistaken for a demon.
You finally understood as a strange fear blossomed in your gut and you scooted away. Confusion and terror consuming you, but your body not catching up with your mind, because it recognized his scent and touch. You didn’t move quick enough, a clawed hand easily curling around your ankle and tugging you close. You slid smoothly over the cool silk, brought close to his body radiating heat. He only wore trousers, his taloned feet bare and ankles revealed as he’d cuffed them up to avoid bloody human fingers trying to grip them.
“Oh my little flower, look at you,” his eyes are swirling melted gold, enchanting and so disorienting. His beauty becoming savage with the blood and human flesh he adorned.
“A-Ava…” you want to ask, but you also don’t want the answer.
Did he find out who hurt you? Or was it unrelated? It seemed too coincidental.
Your chest constricted painfully as he stared down at you in wonder. Your true form so lovely it took his breath away, your image so fitting for you it was a wonder why you didn’t prefer this over your human mirage. Your ears, pointed like his own, were curled down a little with your emotions, as his eyes traced your face.
The shape was the same, your body still so small, and your eyes still expressed every little thought without fail.
He hated to admit it was even cuter, though he mused it was likely because he was the first to see your true form.
An abandoned young changeling, one he only took mild interest in, had him so thoroughly ravenous for all of you now.
“Isn’t this more comfortable petal? Instead of masquerading as a filthy human, aren’t you happier to just be you now?” His callous words seem off, but you can’t quite fathom it all as the shock settles in.
“My precious flower faery, are you scared?” Yes, you wanted to scream, as his bloody face and body near you, his sugary scent over powered by the scent of iron and death. Fae hated iron. He shouldn’t be comfortable.
You choked, jerking back and trying to crawl away from him, but he still had your ankle caged in his hand.
He laughs, but it’s empty and devoid of any true humor as he stares down at you with something dark in his gaze.
He yanks you back, harshly and sending a jolt of pain up your leg as you cry out, pulled back beneath him as he crawls onto the bed over you.
He’s too close, nausea consuming you as you smell and see the gore adorning him.
He finds your useless fear amusing and annoying all at once.
“I asked you a question little flower.” He grips your face, smushing your cheeks and making you look at him.
He rolls his eyes as the tears you so love to shed spill down your cheeks.
“Yes… I-I’m scared…” his smile softens, almost becoming sweet and familiar.
“Good. You should be.” Your blood runs cold.
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He has the mercy to bathe, but not alone. You watch as the spray of water from some sort of piping turns pink as it disappears through tiny holes in the marble floor.
He’s nude, like you, and even though you cower and try to turn away, he easily stops any and all retreats with hardly any effort.
“I thought you didn’t like the blood? I’m still not clean petal.” His fluffy curls are flattened by the water falling above, the warm spray soaking you both as you try not to wonder why the sticky redness won’t just wash away with the water. The dried portions difficult to get off without physically touching and rubbing him with your soapy hands. You wanted to know why he was doing this, being so mean.
His ears look more distinct with his hair flat, onyx horns prominent against his forehead as his lashes hold droplets of water to frame his golden eyes.
You try not to show it, but as the blood clears and his dark smooth gold lined skin is revealed, you notice the hard lines of muscle and purple veins which protrude.
You only come up just below his chest, and you can’t look down, least you see it again.
He was making you nervous and scared on purpose, but you couldn’t understand why.
Like a coward you didn’t ask either, because you feared the answer even more.
Ava shifts, fingers coming up to cup your face in his hands and tilt your head up as he leans over you and blocks the water falling. His claws jut out beside your head, one lightly tickling your pointed little ear.
He licks his lips, loving the sight of you soaked and naked, your pretty form so enthralling to his eyes he struggles to contain himself.
“Do you want my help…?” His tone is condescending, eyes uncaring in the least about your inner turmoil.
“Here,” he drops one hand, engulfing your wrist and forcing you to plant your hand against his abdomen. “You have to wash like this—,” he teaches patiently, like none of this was happening and everything was fine. He moves your soft little hand back and forth, the soap quick to wash away as the water continues to fall. “You need more soap petal.” He informs gently, moving to stop the warm spray and letting you both stand in silence now, drops of water falling the only noise besides your breathing.
He sighs when you don’t move, your eyes trained on the corner of the spacious bathing room, where an in ground bath rests. He would take you to the hot springs later.
He fills the hand he has control of with soap, and amuses himself with using it like a washcloth, your little fingers curling as your lips tilt down into a frown.
“Since you need the help,” he goads, watching as those sweet familiar doe eyes flash up a glare from the corner of your eye.
He smiles, a nasty grin filled with something sinister as he chuckles darkly. “Don’t want to be my good girl anymore?” It’s a loaded question you’re unsure of how to answer.
It hardly matters as he forces your hand down, until you jolt at the change in body part you were touching. He forces your fingers to close around his throbbing length, unable to touch or fully wrap around it as your head jerks instinctively to look at what he was making you do.
“A-Ava—,” you try to pull away, but to no avail. He only hums, the soap like lube as he uses your hand to jerk his cock, amused as you stare in shock. He won’t let you go, not when the sight of your smaller form holding his leaking rod is so arousing he comes a minute a later. Hips thrusting with the timing of the squeeze he forces your hand to hold, hot ropes of his seed shooting out onto your chest and belly as he cages you with his free arm from moving away. He allows his purple tapered tip to smear the remaining pearls of his seed on your skin, ignoring your whine of protest as he paints you.
“Fuck, that’s it, be good for me pretty girl,” he growls lightly, chest rattling as he releases his pent up frustration on your confused form.
Really, you couldn’t be more adorable covered in his release looking dazed.
His golden eyes heavy lidded as he crouches down to catch your lips in a heated kiss.
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You swallow nervously, staring at Ava as he stares at you from across his bed chambers.
You’d fallen asleep after… after bathing, if you could even call it that, and awoken later to find yourself alone again. Ava missing and your body covered by fine silk sheets while you slept.
You’d scrambled about the room looking for escape, finding nothing but a single exit locked, which Ava now stood before.
He wore a pair of silken sleep pants, tailored to his enormous figure as well as a matching robe left loose and revealing a majority of his chest and abdomen. His wings weren’t physical but a magic which naturally formed behind him, you’d learned.
The gold markings on his body were duller than earlier, his eyes less vibrant and more cool as he looks at you.
He seems more… familiar. Less of the Ava covered in blood and flesh of humans and more of the one you’ve befriended.
He’s silent, unmoving as he stands still in the doorway.
You don’t want to make the first move, unsure in this new environment, but you similarly disliked all of this distance and miscommunication between you both.
You moved cautiously, much like the skittish animal he likens you to in his mind, off the bed. You’d wrapped yourself in one of his sheets, his scent clinging to you the only thing stopping him from tearing it off you in annoyance. He stays put, muscles taunt and jaw clenched as you approach him like he might harm you.
He debated it.
Briefly showing you why you should be obedient and just listen, but dismissing it in favor of you liking him at least to some degree.
When you reach him, he merely stares down at you, face impassive unlike your nervous and awkward expression.
“Ava…?” He finally shifts, leaning down to close the distance a little but still not touching you. It’s you who initiates, because he’s certain he’s trained you well enough in your past touch starved state that you can’t resist the comfort and warmth he provides. You wrap your arms around his waist, pressing your figure to his while looking up with those honest eyes he adores.
He finally relaxes, your touch so addicting he was unable to resist wrapping you further into his embrace while lifting you up. Your legs wrap around him instinctively, warm bare cunt now pressed against his abdomen while your arms come around his neck. The sheet loosening and falling down to pool at his feet. He finally smiles at your flustered state, not letting you climb down to grab it, instead moving you both towards his—your—bed and easily laying you down to drape over you.
“You’re calmer than I imagined you’d be…” he murmurs against the skin of your neck, kissing up to your jaw. “Should I prepare for your wrath later little flower?” He muses, lifting up to look at your expression.
“Was that blood… from a human?” You look guarded but he isn’t surprised.
“Did you kill them?” He affirms again.
“Was it because of… me?” Those sweet eyes looked so haunted as you asked, as if you knew what he was going to say.
“No. It wasn’t because of you.”
You check his face, as if he were a human and would lie to you as they do.
“Then why did you do it?” You breathed, sagging in relief beneath him. His lips twitch, molten eyes shining with adoration as he looks upon you.
“They greatly offended me.” He answers vaguely, but it was the truth. They offended him by breathing and walking the earth. It was a direct insult to him. They only met misfortune because they caught his attention.
You seemed happy to accept whatever rid you of any guilt, looking up at him less fearfully now that he was clean and not being mean to you. Though, you both shared very different definitions of being “mean”.
“Am I staying the night?” You asked him curiously. You had thought he’d brought you here as he didn’t know where your home in the village was when you’d fallen asleep.
He shook his head, lips curling higher.
“You’re staying forever.” He declares, sweet scent filling your senses as he comes close enough to kiss you.
Then he does.
You thought his teasing was funny, lips tilting up finally as the awkwardness dissipates and familiarity rises.
This is your Ava, warm sweet Ava that smells so good it makes you crave sweets you cannot afford.
He presses you further into the unfathomably soft bed, his lips demanding as you open for him.
“Ava,” you break the kiss, breathing heavier as he growls and nips at your bottom lip, a shiver wracking you as he leans back enough to meet your gaze. “What we’re doing… it’s what lovers and spouses do isn’t it? At least, this is what human lovers do…” your voice becomes smaller as he stares down as you with an expression you couldn’t name.
“And?” He encourages.
You look away for a moment, gathering your thoughts before remembering out of all the cruelty in the world, Ava was the outlier.
“Is that what we’re doing? Like lovers?” You felt too embarrassed to directly state it, to say it aloud, and equally scared this isn’t anything different than exchanging a handshake with another faery to him. It was different to you.
“Do you want it to be?” He leans down, placing a feather soft kiss against your temple so you couldn’t see his eyes glowing bright. “Do you want us to be like lovers little flower?” His voice is deeper than usual, strained almost as he holds himself perfectly still above you.
You take the time to think, much to his displeasure, but when you answer it was everything for him.
“I do.”
He places a chaste kiss to your lips, his own tilting higher and higher until he’s grinning gleefully.
“Then that’s what we’ll be.” He confirms, and you miss it.
You miss every little trap he’d laid, each tiny piece of the puzzle forming around you like a cage. You miss everything and it’s too late to go back now. Ava muses wickedly, as he kisses you more sensually, lets his claws drag so delicately down your soft skin, he thinks how stupid you are.
“I’ll be all yours if you ask for it Y/N,” he speaks directly into your pointed ear, hot breath making the tips curl as you whine. The way he says your name is different than usual, more serious and seductive. You realize this seems wrong somehow, the way he’s making you melt so easily like this, how your panic and fear evaporated so quickly. You aren’t given time to think further, when he shifts and sits up. He sneers when you attempt to cover yourself again, gripping your wrist and lightly pulling you up too. On your knees, you face his chest, eyes looking up to see his heated expression.
Ava cups your jaw with one hand, and pokes at your lip with the other.
He doesn’t ask before his thumb invades your mouth, and you fight not to bite down or jerk away with his pointed claw inside.
He’s exploring, squeezing your cheeks until you open wide so he can playfully run over your sharpened canines. Curiously playing with your tongue until he leans down licks it with his own. It felt strange and erotic, your body vibrating with nerves and budding arousal as he explores you.
“Ava…” you wanted to touch him too, but he didn’t seem to be listening as he lets his hands trail down to cup your breasts, thumbs rolling over your nipples as your back arches into them.
So you let your own hands wander, bolder than usual as you feel his solid form beneath you. His skin is much softer than it appears, strange markings and golden symbols flat. He had no softer points aside from that, muscles like stone and occasionally uncomfortable to lounge against due to it.
He squeezes your waist, smiling mischievous as you yelp and glare at him. He does it again, finally chuckling as he lets his hands slip to your ass.
This time his squeeze makes you gasp, as he parts your ass cheeks and allows your heated core to be exposed to the air. His claws so careful not to tear your skin open as he drags you taunt against him, rutting his hardened cock against your soft belly.
He moans aloud as he sees the tip poke out between you, your breasts above a delicious sight as he does it again and again.
“You drive me wild pretty faery,” he smiles, licking your cheek as he easily lifts you up to toss you to the center of the bed. You sink in, huffing but giggling as he crawls over you, looking like a dark angel as he covers you completely to capture your lips in a much more filthy kiss.
“I want to devour you,” he purrs, licking and kissing down your neck and chest, spreading your legs. “Make you mine completely,” you moan, feeling delirious as he finally licks your sloppy pussy.
You moan when you feel his fingers prod your entrance, sharp claws gone and retracted as he pushes one inside you while he laps at your clit. It feels different and firmer than his tongue, able to rub and stretch you better as he begins sucking on your puffy nub and purring deep in his chest. “Your little nub is hard~ are you feeling good?” He teases, wiggling the tip of his tongue over your engorged clit.
Then he’s pressing a second finger in, a mild burn heating your core as you gasp and try to shift away to no avail. “So sensitive,” he murmurs, spearing them into you, your soft gummy walls forcefully spread around the two digits as he noisily slurps. He’s being messy and a bit rough, but your moans spur him on as he groans into your pussy when you begin clawing at his hair and whining.
“Ava! S’too much! Can’t—!” You squeak and almost bite your tongue when you cum, pussy sucking his fingers deep and massaging them as you soak his hand and face.
He doesn’t stop, eyes glowing bright molten gold as he watches you squirm and babble senselessly while he stuffs a third finger into your poor overstimulated cunt. Your little hole stretched wide around him, and he’s content to watch as your greedy lower mouth takes it as he pumps them into you.
You’re less amused though, body thrumming as the pleasure becomes overwhelming and you panic.
“Stop, I’m gonna make a mess, Ava stop—!” You cry out, eyes watering before tears fall as you struggle to stop the powerful pressure building in your core, hurting you with the intensity as he pushes you further and further. “Your insides are steadily swallowing and sucking my fingers in, aren’t you a little lewd?” He asks, unaffected by your dull nails digging into his forearm, eyes trained on your drooling hole below.
He’s got an iron grip on your hip with his other hand, nails digging into your flesh every time you try to squirm away. “You’re so lovely like this petal.”
He’s fascinated when you break again, clear fluid squirting up and out from your squelching pussy as he continues to shove his fingers in.
You cum so hard it nearly causes you to lose consciousness, eyes rolling back as you twitch and moan as the dam inside you bursts open.
You whine as he pulls free, hand dripping in gooey arousal as he brings it to his lips and slurps it up without any decorum, appearing almost starved as he gazes down at you with the eyes of a predator. “Messy girl~ I’ll teach you though,” his lips pull back to reveal his sharp teeth, “When you feel so good you think you’ll break, you’re supposed to say I’m coming, do you understand?” He asks darkly.
“No more…” your weak plea only makes him smirk, kissing you softly as he slides forward and uses both hands to cover your hips and lift your lower half up.
Your eyes feel heavy as you force them open, slow to realize that his enormous cock is now laid over your pussy, pulsing and dragging back and forth through your slick folds. The thick veiny appendage causes your trepidation to rise, realization dawning that he intends to fit that inside of you.
“It won’t fit—,” you weren’t being cute or coy, because while you may not be human, your form was still the same size as one. He was much, much bigger, and his cock certainly fit his proportions. You try to catch his attention, unable to close your legs with his body between them. “Ava,” He’s truly not hearing you at all, too enthralled and excited as he lubes his massive length up with your juices. He’s shaking a bit too, heart beating rapidly in his chest as he coos down at you mindlessly, golden orbs almost unseeing at this point as he lines up with your entrance.
“So good for me petal~ you’re all mine aren’t you?” He breathes, and you feel the weight and pressure begin as his tip breaches.
“Wait, stop Ava—!” You whine as the sting becomes a burn and then you’re being filled to the point of excess as you struggle to breathe anymore.
“Shh—♡,” he hushes you, pained as well due to the pressure around him, strangling him as he grimaces and drags back out a little before surging forward. “You’re mine now petal,” he groans.
You’re unable to form words as he works his cock into you like a piece which doesn’t quite fit, bullying and stretching you open to forcefully fit himself.
He leans more weight down onto you as you struggle and writhe, noisy cries falling on deaf ears as he feels himself slipping deeper as your body finally gives up on keeping him out. His tip touches your cervix, before shoving even further and smashing it up as your stomach aches in protest.
You lay limp as he finally bottoms out, twitching with your mouth open and drool pooling down your chin as you feel nothing but the feeling of him inside you. He huffs a laugh, the way you look ruined before he’s even gotten started.
You look like a doll in his grasp, his cock extending your stomach a little as it twitches inside you. Your thighs ache as they’re naturally forced up, unable to spread fully enough for him to settle so he’d merely folded you and pressed you down to prevent escape.
“You did it pretty girl, look at you~” he grins, one hand leaving your hip to press on your belly, making your eyes widen and roll back as you whine. “You took every inch of me in this cute cunt didn’t you?” This male over you isn’t familiar, even as his sugary scent seems to increase and smother you, he seems foreign in his words and actions.
The inconsistencies are difficult to track as he drags himself out of you, the fullness replaced by feeling each ridge and bump of veins decorating his cock as he slides out.
Then he’s pushing in again, stealing your breath and ability to think as he starts to fuck you.
“Don’t worry petal, I won’t hurt you,” you can’t quite understand as he pushes his thick rod inside you, brain shutting off as you go pliant in his hold. “I’ll go nice and slow so you never forget,” he moans as you tighten and jerk, “who owns you.” He’s holding back with all his might as you spasm and grip him in inside of you, walls sucking him back in as he moves to exit.
You make him forget.
As you slick his cock up with your juices, he begins to slip in easier, folding you down further into a mating press as he looks down at your teary face. You make him forget all the time he’s spent alone. Your moans increase as he picks up the pace, pounding nice and deep inside of you and ridding you of any thought beside him. He slips a hand down between you both, claws retracted completely as he softly presses on your swollen clit and throws you reeling into another orgasm around him. “Say it petal,” he grits out, the feeling of you tightening drawing his own end. He’s hardly able to move inside you, short thrusts all he can manage as he drags you over the edge.
“I’m coming—!” Your head tips back, neck bared to his eyes as you cum for him obediently.
He fills you up right after, heavy engorged balls drawing up as he pumps his first load of the day into you. His thrusts not stopping as he rocks forward, expression relaxing as his magic swirls inside of you, his mating mark slowly sinking into your soul as he works to keep his seed deep within your womb. You’re too fucked out to notice, the pleasure and pressure overwhelming your senses as you try to rest now.
Except his cock doesn’t soften.
He thrusts hard once he’s sure his bond has settled, feeling you so much deeper in his soul as he drags his cock out almost all the way. “It’s like your little hole misses me already,” he smiles, watching as you flutter around his tip as if to tell him you don’t want him to leave. “Tell me petal,” he slides back inside, jolting you awake as you stare incredulously down at where you both connect. The slick sounds of him slipping into your sticky wet entrance haunting as you whine, hands digging into fine silk as you try to push away.
He only presses you down harder, cock burrowing deep as if to anchor you. His eyes are wild and swirling, the color so bright it’s almost blinding in the dim room. “How does it feel to lose?”
You blank. His question not making any sense as the room spins and you’re overcome again with pleasure so intense it makes your toes and feet curl in the air where they rest.
“How does it feel to be utterly mine for the rest of eternity?” You gasp, tearing at the sheets as he picks up the pace, balls slapping against your ass as he begins to truly fuck you now. Enormous cock working you into a frenzy as you yelp when two fingers pinch painfully around a nipple. “You’re not going back pretty girl,” he laughs, face wicked and beautiful as you look up through blurry eyes spilling tears. “You’ll not return to that filthy human village,” he releases your sore nipple in favor of loosely gripping your throat, feeling your pulse beneath his hand. “You are not in the land of Fae sweet flower,” he lets his lips ghost over yours, his tip bullying your cervix as you writhe and move to claw at his shoulders. “You are in my kingdom, ours, where the corrupted Fae separate themselves,” you’re lost, eyes crossing almost dumbly as you come again, choking as you cry out his name.
You can’t move even an inch, unable to even squirm as you’re forced to take each punishing inch of his cock and he ruts into you.
“Your pussy keeps tightening up when I tell you all the ways you’re mine. Do you like this?” He delights in your pathetic attempt to push at his chest, clearly finished despite his balls still being heavy with his seed he intends to spill into you.
“A-Av-Ava!” You struggle to form even his name, let alone any sentences as he keeps up his fast and brutal pace. Though, from his perspective he was still holding back as he moans and spills himself inside you again.
“Yes flower?” He coos, pushing your hair out of your sweaty face as he pulls out just enough to grip your thigh and turn you on your side, sliding back to the hilt again. He hugs your leg to his chest, working his cock at a new angle in your abused pussy still spilling cum from earlier. “I’m listening,” he chuckles, knowing you can’t speak, aware his cock was keeping you like this.
Words die down as he uses his hand not holding your leg up to grip your hip, holding you still while pushing his hips forward, railing himself inside your exhausted body. Your head rests against the bed, mouth open as your saliva soaks into the sheets, eyes staring at nothing as you feel another impending orgasm approaching.
Ava doesn’t mind, adoring the cute cock drunk expression as he uses you like a toy, filling you up over and over while you slowly lose your mind. “I’m sorry—Ava please, I’m sorry,” your slurred speech and delirious voice make him laugh. Genuinely amused by your rambling, “Why are you sorry petal? I’m not mad,” he catches your lips, tongue invading and swallowing your cries. He finds you so cute.
His cute, stupid little changeling, so trusting and unaware of his unsavory intentions.
You lose consciousness and count when he comes with his hips pressed deeply into your ass, pressing you belly first into his hand as he keeps you angled up to meet his thrusts. Your sensitive chest rubbing against the silk below, body limp as your world goes black and you convulse around him.
This time he lets you fall flat into the soaked bedding, taking his still hard cock out so he can pry apart your pussy lips and watch his release ooze out of your gaping hole.
His golden eyes flick up to your sleeping form, lips pulling as he coos, “Cute~♡” before he’s stuffing you full again, merciless as he leans on one arm to keep from crushing you as he continues to drill into you.
Even when you regain consciousness, trying to crawl away from his torturous pleasure, he only grips your arm and twists it gently behind you to hold. “You’re soaked and so hot inside, do you know how crazy you’re making me?” He groans, almost sounding like he’s in pain as you squeeze and come again. “I’m not letting you go, stop trying to run. You’ve already lost sweet girl.” As he lifts his hips, tip still encased by your wet hot heat, he eyes the slick mess which coats you both and connects you to him. “Go ahead and go crazy too, be good and listen.” He laughs, slamming back in and making your back arch as you nearly scream, feeling him so deep it makes you wonder if he’s going to break you. You really will go crazy, it’s a fleeting thought stolen by his cock once again, but you truly worry as he drowns you with euphoria and madness.
He’s hunched and leaning over your back, letting his tongue and teeth tease your ear so sweetly while he pounds you stupid, whispering to you things you won’t remember.
“You wanted my name so badly, didn’t you my lovely mate?” He knows you don’t understand, but it doesn’t stop him from speaking on, husky voice lulling you as you cry and lose yourself to pleasure. “I’ll tell you since you’re being so good, taking my seed so well~” he lets a little more weight settle on top of you, his cock nestling into your deepest parts with it.
“I am Avarice.”
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Post dividers by @cafekitsune
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stbugs · 1 year
the goal with my art isn’t to be formally recognized or whatever but that maybe like many years from now when I’m like 80yrs old I’ll be recognized by having a girlie put my art on her tumblr blog and like they Get It, you know?
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xxsabitoxx · 9 months
Confession | Kinktober
Priest Geto Suguru x AFAB Reader
Warnings: religion, sacrilege, fucking a priest, blow jobs, finger fucking, explicit language, squirting, pet names, mild gaslighting
A/N: Day three is here! This one may be offensive to anyone who is religious so please proceed with caution.
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“Tell me, what have you come here for?” You squirmed a bit against the uncomfortable wooden chair. The box itself was pretty dim, only a small, uncovered lightbulb was illuminating the musty space. Through a mesh window on your left, the man spoke with a gentle tone. “I’ve come to confess my sins to you, father.” You couldn’t calm your racing heart, hands twisting tightly together as you mentally prepare yourself to receive his blessings. “Is that so? Please, my dear, tell me the things that haunt you.” Again, his tone was enough to make you shudder. Although it was gentle, it sparked something warm deep within your gut. 
“You see, father, I’ve been a terribly naughty girl.” You swallowed, eyes shutting slowly as you tried to focus on your own words. “Go on.” This time it was a little less gentle, a little more gruff. It made warmth flood your cheeks, your eyes blinking open in surprise. You knew what the priest looked like, having attended some of his masses before. You knew he was a devastatingly attractive man, one around your age, and one unfortunately sworn to celibacy. That, however, didn’t make you want him any less. “Father Suguru, I’ve done things I shouldn’t have… to myself.” You spoke in a low tone, listening to him hum softly before asking “Like what? What have you done to yourself?” he took the bait, your heart hammering in your chest. 
“I've touched myself, for my own pleasure.” You held your breath, vaguely certain that Father Suguru did too. After a moment of your confession hanging in the air, he spoke up. “Oh? How many times have you committed this sin?” his tone wasn’t as gentle now, rather it held a level of strain to it. You could hear him shifting in his seat on the other side of the small confessional wall. “Many times, father. I’ve lost count… which is why I’ve come to you. I want to be cleansed of my filthy acts, only your generous mercy can free my tainted soul.” You stroked his ego with each word, a devious grin plastering to your lips as you heard him clear his throat. 
“Sweet girl, by his grace I can cleanse you. But for it to truly work, I’m going to need you to be a little more specific. Tell me how you committed this act, recall one of the moments for me.” you could have choked on the little saliva that was in your mouth, heat pooling deep down as you recalled the last time you masturbated. “Oh well, last night I…” You stopped when you heard him inhale sharply, your teeth sinking into the side of your cheek before you asked “Father Suguru, are you alright?” You tried to sound innocent, praying your smirk wasn’t evident in your tone. “I-I’m alright, I was just taken by surprise. I didn’t think you’d be so bold as to touch yourself the night before coming to see me. But by all means…” his tone was mildly condescending “... go on.” 
Your thighs pressed together, alleviating the mild ache just a bit. You hadn’t even gotten into the details with him, yet you could feel your own arousal dampening your underwear. “Well, you see, I was laying in my bed all alone. I got bored, my mind wandered and I started to think about such sinful things, Father. They got the better of me and I found myself kicking off the sheets and using my hands to toy with my breasts.” You swallowed, one hand coming up to hold your breast as you spoke, as if needing a physical reminder for all the things you had done. “A-and that wasn’t enough. I felt so achy down there that I couldn’t help taking my panties off and spreading my legs…” You stopped again, letting it hang in the air as you tried to compose yourself. 
Beyond the confessional wall, Father Suguru was gritting his teeth, trying desperately to even his breathing as his cock started to strain against his pants. He wasn’t supposed to know who was sitting beside him, but your voice was recognizable. What a sinful girl you were, always attending his masses in such short sundresses. Your smile was addicting, just like the way your hips swayed as you walked up to him to chat after the mass was done. The thoughts you made him think, the things you made him feel… you must have been a temptation sent by the devil. But god dammit, it turns out he was a weak, weak man. He couldn’t resist the temptation of you for much longer he feared. Especially now. “And then what did you do?” he breathed out, quieter. 
“Father, is this really necessary?” you feigned innocence again, all the while you were slowly parting your legs. “Y-yes, go on. For your sins to be properly forgiven, you must tell me in detail.” You could hear his voice straining again, threatening to crack if you asked him something else. “Alright then…” you sighed, legs spreading enough for your hand to slip down and press on your aching cunt. You nearly whimpered, swallowing the noise by clearing your throat. “I used my hand to reach down there and play with myself.” You admitted with warm cheeks, the heat radiating from where your fingers were pressing was enough to make you squirm, the old wooden chair creaking as your hips  swivelled. Father Suguru was losing the battle, hand shakily holding his fully erect length and squeezing it roughly in hopes of helping the ache. 
“And?” he said again, as if working on autopilot. “I played with my pussy until I climaxed.” you stated boldly, using two fingers to press directly over your aching clit. You heard it loud and clear now, a deep rumbling groan from the priest beside you. “You know, such a sinful act needs more of a demonstration.” he spoke with a surprisingly level tone, letting go of his aching bulge to stand. You, on the other hand, had frozen in your seat. “A-a demonstration? Father Suguru, I just bore my soul to you by explaining verbally.” But you heard him click his tongue, “Nonsense girl, you’ve yet to bare your soul to me in any capacity.” You pushed your dress down, hand resting on your lap instead of your cunt as you straightened, Through the mesh window, you could see he was standing. “An intervention for a tainted soul like yours needs to happen face to face.” 
You couldn’t help but gasp, watching through the window as he pushed the door to the confessional open and stepped out. A moment later you were standing, shamelessly pushing the door open to stand in front of the clearly worked up priest. “Father Suguru…” you started innocently yet again, as if you weren’t the direct cause of his raging erection. His jaw was clenched tight, his hair out of its uniform bun and instead styled in a half up half down look. It only made you want him more, especially with the way his tanned cheeks were flushed red. His pupils were swallowing the pretty brown of his eyes, his fingers were tugging at the tight collar of his black clergy top. Your eyes zeroed in on the bulge in his pants before trailing back up. 
“You need to get on your knees and beg for forgiveness.” You blinked, eyes roaming the empty pews of the cathedral’s main room. His voice was echoing, sending a shiver down your spine as stain glass windows looked back at you. “Father Suguru I…” you swallowed, truly not anticipating the priest to go as far as he was. You hadn’t gotten this far in your daydreams, because you always convinced yourself the holy man wouldn’t give into temptation. Yet, you were taking a step forward, dropping to your knees before him on the cold marble floor. You felt like you should be ashamed of what you were about to do, not only in front of an altar, but with a priest… a man who swore his life to this work. 
“Don’t speak.” he commanded slowly, fixing you in place with a hard stare. Your lips closed again, any sort of reason leaving your mind as he started undoing his belt with one hand. The other came down to tuck some hair behind your ear, the motion far too gentle for the flames burning in his gaze. “Be a good girl for me, open your mouth and stick out your tongue.” You obeyed, Suguru’s eyes watched with dilated pupils as your pretty lips parted and your tongue appeared. He breathed out through his nose, leaning over you a little as his belt came undone. You flinched as he spit, saliva landing perfectly in your mouth. “Swallow it, sweet girl.” you did, eyes locking with his as you swallowed the contents in your mouth.
“You must really want forgiveness.” He mused, quickly undoing the button and zipper of his black slacks. You nodded slowly, being mindful to remain quiet just as he had asked. “Surely, this is your ticket to salvation.” You held in a gasp as Suguru pulled out his cock. It was certainly bigger than you had anticipated, tanned and long with pretty veins running up the sides. “Father Suguru… please…” you rasped, mouth watering at the sight of his pretty cock. “Atta girl, beg for your forgiveness, you can speak now.” Your lips parted, eyes trained on the oozing tip as Suguru wrapped his hand around the middle of his shaft. He was taunting you with it, moving it side to side just to watch your eyes follow it wherever it went.
“F-father Suguru I… I want to be forgiven for my sins… I want you to cleanse my soul with your gracious hands… Father Suguru please…” you begged him, breathing turning laboured as you waited for him to stop the torture and give you what you wanted. Suguru held his breath for a moment, heart racing as each syllable fell from your lips. “Please… god please.” you were breathless, eyes watering as you looked up at him. “Yes…” Suguru whispered, squeezing his length tightly before taking a half step forward. He was in mouth’s reach now, making your hips wiggle as your lips parted for him. “Please…” you said again, shivering as his second whisper of yes reached your ears. You took initiative now that he gave you his permission. 
You kept your hands folded nearly on your lap, only using your mouth to take him. With Suguru’s guidance, the weeping head of his cock was slipping between your lips. You inhaled through your nose, jaw struggling to open wide enough to accommodate him as you pushed your head further down his length. You were determined to take the priest’s entire cock, you wanted to hear his pretty moans bouncing off the walls of the cathedral. You locked eyes with him, swallowing around him just to see his eyes nearly roll back. You had to wonder if this was the first time he had ever gotten head, maybe this would be the first time he ever got to touch a woman. The idea of the priest above you being a virgin made your cunt clench around nothing. 
Suguru’s lips were parted, letting go of his cock as you began to bob your head, hands obediently on your lap. “Such a good girl… such a good girl… so so good…” be babbled softly, hands coming to cup your cheeks and guide you as his cock slipped in and out of the wet cavern of your mouth. You got off on his praise, fingers itching to sink between your thighs and toy with your clit just as you had described to father Suguru moments earlier. “So good, you’re such a good girl for not touching yourself yet. Surely you’ll be forgiven…” he groaned, head tilting back as your nose brushed the dark mess of hair at the base of his cock before you pulled back again. Each pass over your tongue, each time your throat constricted around him, it was enough to send him into a blissful state of euphoria. It was enough to make him question his beliefs. 
Your mouth was too preoccupied to ask, but you desperately wanted to touch his balls. They were sitting there, taunting you, growing shiny as your saliva cascaded down his shaft. You moved one hand, eyes still locked on his neck and chin since he was tilting his head back, to test the waters. Suguru didn’t seem to notice as your fingers danced up his thigh, tongue still lavashing him as your head moved back and forth in a steady rhythm. You hesitated for only a moment before gingerly cupping him, watching as his head shot forward to look down at you with a shocked expression. They were warm and heavy with his cum, tightening as you massaged them between your fingers. “Oh… good girl…” he said again, voice a little more broken than before as he uttered the same praise for you. 
The repetitiveness of it wasn’t an issue for you, if anything it got you going more. Every time he uttered the phrase, you felt yourself grow wetter, you were certain your panties were absolutely destroyed at this point. “I-I’m going to cum if you keep doing that… is that what you want, sweet girl?” he cooed, regaining a little composure as he spoke to you. You hummed, sending vibrations straight through him and eliciting a moan from his lips. “You want my cum, don’t you sweet girl. You want me to shoot my load right down your throat, right?” you hummed again, moaning around his twitching length as you squeezed his balls a little harder. Suguru cursed, the sound coming from the priest were enough to have your nipples bubbling, brushing uncomfortably against the material of your bra. “Fuck…fuck…” he panted, cheeks flushing a dark shade of pink as his fingers buried in your hair, no longer gentle as he rutted his hips into your mouth. 
You gagged, fully unprepared for the priest to take over the way he had, the sound echoing and only fueling the fire in his gut. Tears welled in your eyes, spilling over and down your cheeks as you let him thrust into your mouth as he pleased, fingers fisting in your hair just as your free hand fisted in the material of your sundress. You inhaled through your nose, lightheaded as the priest abused your throat to his liking. “Gonna… fuck gonna cum… oh yes, fuck… gonna cum down that pretty throat.” you whined, eyes nearly shutting before he commanded you to keep them open. “Look at me, the only way you can be forgiven is if you look at me, sweet-ah-girl.” He gritted his teeth, the pleasure ebbing up the back of his spine was going to make his knees week. Dutifully, you kept your eyes on him, watching his jaw go slack before he finally came. 
You flinched, throat constricting at the extra intrusion but relaxing a moment later. You swallowed, mildly disappointed he had waited until he was nearly down your throat to cum. You didn’t get to taste much, not until he drew his hips back and the salty taste dragged over your tongue. Suguru was panting, watching you reach up to rub your aching jaw as he tried to even his breathing. “You’re on the road to forgiveness, sweet girl. But I don’t quite think you’re there yet.” You looked at him with mild hurt, you had thought you had done so good. “Be a doll and strip for me… sit on the pew and demonstrate your sins from last night.” the priest was tucking his now softened cock away, trying to act as if he weren’t flustered in the slightest. “Father Suguru…” you spoke, voice slightly raspy from his use. 
“Yes? I believe I made myself clear.” he watched as you stood to your full height again, pulling your sundress off with no shame. You held his gaze as you pulled your ruined panties down, making sure he could see how destroyed they were before dropping them on the cold marble and walking down the few steps to the first row of pews. “I would much rather instruct you, I think it only makes sense for your pure hands to cleanse me of my sins in the deepest way.” You sat on the cold, polished wood, looking up at him where he stood on the elevated stage. He seemed to ponder your implications, huffing out a laugh before responding. “I guess that makes the most sense, you’re quite a smart, sweet girl.” You smiled at him, spreading your legs and moving to plant your feet on the pew. You were fully spread, the position mildly uncomfortable but you couldn’t really think past that point as cool air met your slick, displayed cunt. 
“Father Suguru, please… I want to be pure.” you coaxed him down, watching as he took shaky footsteps before dropping to his knees before you. “Tell me, sweet girl. Tell me how you indulged yourself and tainted your soul… let me save you.” You shivered as his fingers trialed up the bare skin of your thighs, brown eyes observing your cunt dutifully. Your hands found their home pressed flat to either side of you, supporting you against the polished wood. “My clit… I played with it until I left a wet mark on my sheets… I didn’t let myself cum for a long while…” you breathed out, watching as he nodded, cheeks red and lips glossy as his tongue swiped across them. “I see…” he started, moving one calloused finger to swipe up your slick folds. “...like this? Gentle strokes and circles, right?” he used his thumb to press against your clit, rubbing it in circles until he felt you twitch. “Y-yeah…” you sighed, head falling back. 
Suguru smirked, not moving any quicker. Your pretty sounds began to fill the empty cathedral, your arousal dripping down to the polished bench below you. He was careful with his movements, slowing until he was barely moving when he noticed you clenching around nothing, trying to draw your orgasm closer. “Be a good girl and let it happen… don’t force your body to cum because you think I’ll leave you hanging, sweet girl.” you whined, releasing the breath you didn’t know you were holding until he said that. You forced your head back down, face warm as you realized he was still intently staring at you. Granted you had done the same to him as you got him off. “Tell me, is this how you were sinning last night?” Suguru waited until you were about to speak, using two fingers and slipping them straight into your slick core. “Y-yeah…” 
Your body tensed again at the intrusion, moaning loudly as he massaged your walls. “I promise you, sweet girl, I will cleanse you.” he cooed, eyes focusing solely on you as he gauged your reactions. He would find that one particular spot, he was sure of it. “Please Father Suguru… cleanse me…” you cried out as he brushed it, a smirk curling the ends of his lips as he pressed his fingers into the front of your walls, thumb still sloppily rubbing your clit while his other hand squeezed your thigh. “S-Su…Father Suguru…” you croaked, tears leaking down your cheeks as he abused that one spongy part of your cunt. You couldn’t think straight, mind blanking completely as wave after wave of pleasure washed over you. “Go on, sweet girl, cum on my fingers.” He encouraged, voice so gentle you would have never guessed he was knuckle deep in your cunt. 
Suguru could feel it of course, your walls fluttering and twitching around his fingers as more and more of your slick arousal slipped out of you and down to the pew. “I’m gonna cum… Fa-ahh” you couldn’t get the rest out, hip jerking as your orgasm hit you before you could truly prepare. You cried out, the noise bouncing off of the cathedral walls as the priest continued to finger your cunt and circle your clit with his thumb. “S-Stop oh fuck s-stop…” you wheezed out, an unfamiliar feeling building in your gut as he continued to abuse that one spot with his fingers. “No, this is what you need, sweet girl, let it happen.” he encouraged, lips parted as he watched where his fingers had disappeared inside of you very intently. Your eyes screwed shut, trying to fight off the feeling but it was useless, the priest was unrelenting in his movements. 
Shockwaves of your orgasm turned into a full blown tsunami, your head falling back as a gush of fluid sprayed out of you and onto the bench and marble floor below. You cried out, his name mixed somewhere in the jumble of your babbling, utterly embarrassed. Finally, Father Suguru stopped, withdrawing from your body entirely and getting off his knees. “Sweet girl, what a mess.” he scolded you, a devious grin on his face still as he looked your wrecked frame over. “You’ve been cleansed, pretty. But I would argue that we should double… or even triple check to make sure it’s really working.” Your body felt heavy, eyes lidded as you merely nodded, cunt still fluttering at the thought of getting more of the priest before you. 
“I’ll make sure you are pure, my sweet girl.”  
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