#mereoleona vermillion hcs
bowandcurtsey · 6 months
Hi hi hi!
Could you write a headcanon on how Mereoleona Vermillion reacted to when she heard Acier Silva died???
Hi sweetheart, I thought a lot about this request when I read it. I love it, but it's so sad. But i never thought about about Mereoleona in relations to Acier's death, so it was really intriguing to think about.
Thank you for requesting this!
Character: Mereoleona Vermillion, Acier Silva
tw: unchecked works, mentions of death.
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When the news came to her, she was on a mission, she was still a magic knight back then, and she was celebrating her victorious mission. And then it came. The news. And the cup she was holding fell on the ground, the alcohol contents spilling on the ground.
She rushed home. She didn't really remember how fast she went, how long she took, how did she even got there. But she remembered looking at the funeral.
Acier's photo, she was smiling beautifully like the goddess she is and a coffin underneath it.
Everyone around was weeping, crying, grieving. And Nozel sat beside her coffin, his body slumped, his face pale and his eyes: soulless.
Mereo slowly walked towards the coffin, muttering under her breath, "it can't be."
And she saw it. Acier laying there. Seemingly peaceful but she was different. It wasn't the Acier she knew. The Acier she knew had a wide smile, and her eyes were bright and cheery. And she always, ALWAYS greeted Mereo in her chirpy yet gentle voice.
But today was different. her eyes were closed, her lips weren't smiling and for the first time ever, she didn't greet Mereo.
There was no "mereo-chan~" today.
Mereo always grumbled that calling her "mereo-chan" was so girly and that she was not a young girl anymore whenever Acier did that. But today she was begging to hear it. What would she give to hear Acier call her "mereo-chan" again.
She sat at Acier's funeral till the end. Not uttering a word, but she sat there and stared into space.
She thought all her fond memories of Acier. How Acier-nee san always took care of her, listened to her troubles, stood up for her whenever she got into trouble and their missions together. They had never ending memories together.
Growing up with 2 younger brothers, Acier was the sister she never had. Being the eldest in the prestigious Vermillion family, there was a lot of stress on Mereo. Stress to be a better example to her siblings, stress to bring pride to the family name. And Acier was her only best friend, who was always by her side.
Over the next few days, Mereo thought about how she has never won Acier in a fight. And Mereo was always training hard in order to win her someday. Acier was her ultimate rival and now, she's gone.
Mereo has never felt so empty for very long. Her sister, best friend and rival was gone to some ridiculous demon curse. She wanted revenge, but if Acier couldn't even beat them, how could she? She had to be stronger.
And Mereo got up, she packed her bags, dropped a letter at the wizard king's office, and she left.
The wizard king came into his office that morning and found a letter on his desk: Letter of resignation.
Mereo vowed to be stronger and she promised revenge for Acier Silva.
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theautisticfroglord · 8 months
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Might be a risky question, but 😔 for Mereoleona? Lets add 🤫 as well.
YES MEREO! Though risky... hm... let's see let's see
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😔 Secret shame
Mereoleona by nature is unapologetic and lives life according to even downfalls and mishaps being a way forward and something that is yet another feat on your road of growth.
But. Once, when they were toddlers, after she had yanked Fuegoleon with her onto another adventure she got a little scare. She was confident that they were big enough to go out by the two of them, and she had done so many times already. After all, she had been practicing her magic often unsupervised and she had been yet to meet anything that could take her on.
That was until they were at their summer house, and she had decided that it was about time for Fuegoleon to get out too, since he had his nose buried in books. As much as a toddler can that is.
And they had ran into a wild boar, which had not been afraid of them.
Thankfully she managed to manifest big enough of a spell to fight it off, but at the time she hadn't been too sure. And she had wound up with a few bruises.
Fue was too young to really remember that day, and he hadn't seemed afraid, because... Well, Mereo supposed because he was with her, his older sister, but she had gotten scared that day.
Her shame was that she took on, and put her brother in danger because of it, by taking on a too big of a challenge too early on and placing someone dear to her in line of fire as a result of it. If she had been ready, then there hadn't been an issue. But she hadn't been, exactly, ready.
Her shame is in putting her brother in danger.
"Never again," she told herself once upon a time, which is why she's training hard, and expecting her brothers to train hard as well. And which is why she's not going easy on him. He needs to be prepared when she's not around.
🤫 Unpopular headcanon if any
Okay, my very secret (as in no one has asked about it), very much unpopular headcanon is that Mereo is ace. I think that she would like companionship, and I think that she has a lot of strong emotions, which is why I'm inclined to not put her on the aro spectrum, but I do think that she's ace. I really can't explain it better than to me she has those vibes.
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lyranova · 2 years
“ Hi! Could you do some fluff headcanons for Yami, Nozel, and Mereo with a f!reader where she’s annoying them for attention please?”
Hiya there! Of course you can, I hope you enjoy these 🥰! It’s been a while since I’ve done HC’s for Nozel and Mereo but I still hope you like them 💕!
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• The day had started out as normal, he went to his Captain’s meeting and Y/N had asked to tag along, so he thought why not? And brought her with him.
• He realized he made a mistake when she started to intentionally annoy him and be a brat during the meeting.
• Some of the Captain’s found Y/N’s teasing amusing, and some found it just as annoying as Yami. When Yami asked her to knock it off, she decided to make it worse out of spite.
• Even when the meeting ended she continued on, Yami had no idea why she was being like this, she was usually pretty calm unless she wanted something then she would playfully tease and aggravate him.
• Finally, he asked Y/N what was going on and why she was acting this way. She responded that just wanted his attention, when asked why she didn’t just tell him that she explained that it was way more fun annoying him. To which Yami laughed and decided the next time he wanted attention, he would do the same thing she did today.
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• Nozel knew something was off when he woke up that morning, although he couldn’t place what, he just knew there was something different in the air.
• He found out what that was when he went downstairs and saw Y/N smiling mischievously at him.
• Throughout breakfast, in front of his siblings, Y/N began to annoy and try to get on his nerves.
• This lasted all of 10 minutes before Nozel’s signature glare appeared, which only deterred Y/N a bit before she started up again.
• Finally Nozel pulled her to the side and asked why she was doing this first thing in the morning, to which Y/N responded with a pout and explained they just wanted his attention since he’d been so busy lately. Nozel sighed and gave her a small pat on the head, he apologized for being so busy, and promised he would spend more time with her. As long as she never did this again.
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• Like Yami, Mereo’s day started out pretty normal.
• At least until the afternoon when she was out talking to the Crimson Lion Kings anyway. During her speech Y/N raised her hand and began to ask lots of questions.
• She would interrupt Mereo and say or do certain things during training that she knew would annoy her, but that lasted all of 5 minutes before she felt Mereo grab the top of her head using her flame magic.
• Mereo smirked at Y/N and said that a private training session was in order, Y/N knew what she had meant and her fears were proven right when she was taken to the hot springs.
• Y/N then began to quickly explain why she was annoying Mereo, because she wanted her attention, to which Mereo laughed and said she figured that out pretty quick. So to partially grant her wish for more attention and to punish her for being a brat, she brought her out there to the hot springs for a tough training session. Y/N never tried to annoy Mereo like that again.
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books-of-cherry · 3 years
Hello there
Could you please make headcanons about mereoleona dating a mom friend s/o.
Mereoleona Vermillion
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• She may be reckless at some times but she can be responsible.
• Her s/o is worried for Mereoleona as they know what type person she is.
• Apparently her recklessness is one of the reasons why her s/o chose her.
• Most of it are all fun and games so they enjoy it.
• There are times that Mereoleona will have to drag her s/o to eat or drink.
• Ofc her s/o didn’t mind it, as long as she didn’t cause any trouble.
• Her s/o is impressed that Mereoleona mananged to find something so beautiful.
• Mereoleona brings her s/o to different places as she usually travels around wants to show it to her s/o.
• When things aren’t go exactly the way they wanted..
• Mereoleona tries to lessen it to make it up to her s/o.
• Her s/o didn’t want to take Mereoleona’s freedom as it something that she treasures the most.
• After a talk, they usually stay together in a room or so.
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kindasadwriter · 3 years
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I can't express enough how much I love Mereolenoa guys.
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✽ Probably public/semi public sex.
✽Let me explain that though^. She's a heat of the moment kind of women so if she's out with her s/o and things are getting intimate and they're both feeling it-you can bet she's not going to wait to get home to deal with it.
✽Has never once gotten close to being caught in public, somehow, and probably never will.
✽Candle/Wax play.
✽She'd never use her own flames during sex because that's dangerous and this woman would never hurt her s/o even on accident.
✽Wax and candles though she can do that. She prefers to pour the wax because she likes watching how her s/o reacts to the sudden heat but she'll let s/o pour wax on herself too.
✽^ There's an actual term for that one, it's an actual thing but just hear me out on this one.
✽We know the woman loves hot springs and because of how much she trains it really wouldn't be all that surprising that she likes massages as well however-they just turn her on.
✽Like if she isn't already in the mood and s/o wants to get her in the mood they just have to offer her a massage. Mereolenoa knows this too, she knows if she accepts the massage they're going to wind up having sex but she also loves massages too so to her it's like a win win.
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✽BDSM-that's a given and there probably isn't much more to explain there. He's the dom guys. There is absolutely no possibility or universe where he is a sub. Maybe if he found a s/o who really kept him entertained and if he did love them he'd let them top him but even then-he's the one in charge.
✽Loves restraining his s/o. Whether it's tying them up, hand cuffing them, or just using one of his own arms to hold theirs down, somehow his s/o is getting restrained. It's very rare for him to have sex and not restrain his s/o.
✽Casual foreplay. He's not all about just getting pleasured himself surprisingly and honestly he loves watching his s/o squirm so if he's in the mood and he stumbles upon his s/o he'll probably just start feeling them up as he pleases. Won't even ask them to stop what they're doing-though he will encourage them to keep their focus and try to finish the task at hand.
✽He is a sadist, love or not. He does enjoy causing his s/o pain so hopefully they're into that too.
✽He's also all for public sex but he's not as cautious with hiding places and if somebody catches him..he'll probably keep going.
✽There's a word for this one too but I can't remember it but sometimes he likes seeing his s/o cry. Sometimes it just turns him on.
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✽Rough sex. Any sex. All sex. But he really enjoys rough sex because it's just more fun. He bites a lot and really enjoys his hair getting pulled.
✽Fighting that leads to sex? That's his absolute favorite.
✽Knife play. He won't actually ever cut his s/o but he just thinks it adds to the fun because what if?! Honestly it'd never happen because he's very very cautious when the two add a knife in to the mix-which is also what makes it fun for him.
✽He's all for s/o using the knife too. Actually a majority of the time s/o will be the one with the knife.
✽Electric play. A little zap here and there just to keep his s/o on their toes. It's never enough to seriously hurt them but he rarely ever warns them he's about to do it so their reaction, both sound and just their body's reaction sends him over the edge. He has done this on accident before because he got really into it.
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vermillionflames · 4 years
Trying To Get Pregnant
Mereoleona’s partner wants to have a baby… There’s just one problem with that… They’re both women.
Mereoleona x Y/N x Nozel
first person POV
word count: 1,821
nsfw; threesome, unprotected sex, um slight homophobic remarks
i hate how i ended it too but idk what else to say lmfao
“Ohhhh, aren’t these just adorable!! Look Leona!!” I hold up an infant sized ball gown in her face. She raises her eyebrow at the dress and then turns her attention to me.
“Sure,” she shrugs before walking away.
I huffed and crossed my arms, “Just admit that you think it’s cute! I wish we had a little baby to dress up… Do you think we could tag team peer pressure into Fuegoleon? He would probably let me babysit, don’t ya think?” I think out loud while looking at more of the baby clothes in the shop. Mereoleona was not listening to me though, she had left the shop and probably moved on to one full of sharp knives, or a food vendor. Not willing to play with my baby fantasy. 
“Would you like to purchase any of these, dear,” the shop keep asked me.
I gave her a sad, small smile, “No thank you, I’ll come back when I have a baby…”
I walked outside and found Mereoleona trying to barter with a street vendor. When she realized I was next to her, she turned her anger to me.
“Maybe if you wanted a child so much, you should’ve married a man.” 
“It’s not like that…” Her words hurt. She huffed and walked away before I had time to say anything else. She was upset with me so I decided it best to head home and leave her be.
“I have a favor to ask you.”
She appeared out of nowhere and inevitably scared the shit out of him. He was just minding his business, walking down the hall of his castle when the madwoman jumped out at him. Nozel fixed his composure quickly and cocked his brow at her.
“You? Have a favor to ask me?”
“Follow me, I don’t have all day.” Mereoleona had him follow her into an empty room, seemingly so the conversation could be kept secret. SHe even went as far as to scaring off all the servants in their path.
“You’re familiar with my wife, I assume” she asked. Nozel was even more confused now.
“Everyone is well aware that House Vermillion allowed their daughter to marry a woman.”
Leona glared at him, “You wouldn’t have a problem with that, right, Nozel?”
“Oh, of course not. It just makes my family look better.”
“Well I need you to fuck her.”
“House Silva would never allow for something so taboo to- wait, what?”
“You would have a child before my idiot brother and finally beat him at something~” she tesed.
��But it wouldn’t be my heir. You’re just using me for some kind of sick kink!”
“And you think about my wife when you’re alone at night, so you might as well help me out here.”
“I do not-”
“I know everyone wanted Y/N to marry their sons. I’m well aware of the heartbreak and distress we caused everyone. Sorry, but I was just the best pick. And now I’m allowing you to have a join us, in our bedroom, to help us have a baby. So?”
“No.” His decline got him a hot, hard smack to the face.
“This is for her, not me. If you really care about her you will come to our room tonight.” She walked away and Nozel was left there holding his aching cheek.
I was fixing my hair whenever she came in. I held her gaze in my vanity mirror. She kept her stone cold glare. I sighed.
“I’m sorry, Leona. I didn’t think it would upset you so much. I know we can’t have children I just thought it would be fun to think about and,” I noticed she had a guest, and crossed my arms fast to hide the fact I was in my thin nightie, braless, “Nozel, hi, what are you doing here so late?”
Leona walked up to me and gave me one of her needy kisses.
“He’s here to get you pregnant.” I laughed. Then I looked at Nozel’s blushing face. Oh.
“That’s not, I mean, ummm… why?”
“You want a baby. And it’s my job as your wife to give you everything you want.”
“But you were mad at me for it-”
“I’m only mad that I have to let this loser have a taste of you.”
I turned to look at Nozel, “Well… okay.”
Leona starts to kiss down my neck and I close my eyes and let out a soft moan in response.
“Listen here, braid boy,” Leona says while running her hands through my scalp, “This isn’t for your pleasure. You have a job to do. I’m going to get her riled up and then you’re going to put that dick of yours into her and you’re going to give her a baby.”
“Mmm, won’t a dick hurt,” I ask her. Her eyes fill with concern.
“And if you hurt her, I will kill you.”
“Can we just get this started,” Nozel said in response. 
Leona picked me up bridal style and brought me over to our bed. She started out slowly by giving my face, neck, and collar bone soft kisses while her hands removed my nightgown. I was naked, she was fully dressed. It would be just like normal if there wasn’t a man watching us at the foot of the bed, I kept my eyes closed to ignore his presence.  
My wife started to kiss her way down my body, stopping at my nipples to give them each a hard suck while her hand trailed down to my clit. I could hear Nozel taking off his clothes as he watched us. Mereoleona’s finger moved in slow circles on my clit, I moaned out. I could feel her smile against my breasts. Her fingers moved to my entrance, where they teased me before entering. She brought her lips to mine and swallowed my moans. 
She let go of my lips. We held each other's lustful gaze while she finger fucked me. My moans filled the room while she rubbed the tips of her fingers against my spot. My juices made a huge puddle on the sheets below us. Leona gave me one last kiss before we turned our attention to Nozel, who was now naked and rubbing himself. 
“Hurry up,” Leona said to him as she removed herself from me. I whimpered at the loss of heat. Nozel replaced her. He was cold to the touch. Mereoleona stood at the side of the bed, watching us like an animal waiting to attack it’s prey. I took a deep breath before nodding at him, giving the go ahead. 
His full length slide into me easily, thanks to Mereoleona’s foreplay. I looked up to watch my wifes face while Nozel snuggled his face into my neck and got to work. I whimpered the first few thrusts, trying to get use to the new feeling. Eventually my body relaxed and I allowed myself to enjoy the feeling of his bare cock thrusting in and out of me. Nozel’s fingers gripped my hips as he grunted. Mereoleona was watching to make sure he did his job and followed her rules, I assume. I whimpered and gave her the look to let her know I wanted her. 
“You need to work faster, bird face,” She threatened him as she knelt down to kiss me. I moaned into her mouth. It was less awkward when she was close to me. Whenever she tried to pull away I whimpered louder and forced my head up closer to her. I guess my neediness gave her an idea. 
“Get up,” She commanded, now fully naked. Nozel stopped and removed himself from me, visibly confused. “You too, sweetcheeks.”
I stood up next to Nozel, curious as to what her plan was. She laid down, her knees bend over the edge of the bed, and gave me a come here motion. I stood in front of her, not knowing what she wanted me to do. She grabbed my wrists and laid me on top of her, our breasts rubbing against each other.
“I assume you don’t need any help, Nozel.” She kissed me and put her fingers on my clit, I felt Nozel grab my hips and enter me again. I moaned into her mouth. He kept his pace steady while Leona’s fingers went full speed on me, I had to rest and lay down my head from the intensity of it all. I drowned out everyone with my moans. I felt my pussy tighten around Nozel’s cock. He groaned in response. 
“I told you this wasn’t for you!” Mereoleona yelled at him. I didn’t care. I felt so good. I don’t think Nozel cared either because he increased his pace, the sounds of his body slapping against my ass echoing through the room. 
“I’m gonna cum,” I whimpered into Leona’s neck. Her fingers pressed against my clit harder. I guess Nozel wanted to get me off just as bad because he angled his dick to hit my g spot. I let out a scream as my body tightened around him. He kept going while Leona moved her hands to hair. 
“Nozel, if you don’t-”
“Shut up,” he snarked back at her. I felt his dick twitch inside me, his cum filling my cervix. He laid his head down on my back while he tried to catch his breath.
“You can leave now,” Leona told him. 
“That’s it then?” He pulled himself away from me.
“You better hope it worked,” Leona said as she moved me to lay on my back so I could rest.
I went to sleep but I could vaguely hear them arguing about something before I was fully out. When I woke up the next morning I was sore, but Mereoleona made sure I got tons of affection and rest.
It had been a few weeks since Nozel had seen Mereoleona and Y/N. Surely they would know by now if he was able to get her pregnant. He had sent them a letter asking what the outcome was. He had yet to get a response. But Fuegoleon was giving him more than the usual heat at the Captain’s meeting. That had to mean something.
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but it should have been a member of House Vermillion to bed Y/N. At least the child would share genetics with her wife if she had done that.”
“What’s the matter Fuegoleon? Are you jealous? Upset I beat you at something?”
“You should both shut up because neither of you are going to be involved in my child’s life,” Mereoleona said walking past their argument in the hall, her and Y/N on their way to go to the high mana zone as they usually do.
“Besides that, it was Nozel is way more fun than you Fueggy,” Y/N winked at them, “At least with him Leona could join~”
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
May I request the Captains, minus Kaiser (he is happily married) so maybe Julius instead, reacting to their S/O after having been unknowingly arousing them(the Captains) all day?
Warning: spicy?
Yami doesn't get needlessly aroused very often but you're making him act up today.
Smokes more than usual and tries to keep himself busy so he doesn't just snap and jump you.
At the end of the day, though, he's going to be a LOT rougher than usual, will probably apologize later but you got him really sexually frusterated bro...
He's usually quite good at handling this type of thing but you have him blushing furiously under his mask
Every time you pop into his office with that cute outfit, he wants to pull you into his lap.
When he finally gets done with work he's going to be VERY needy, showering you with kisses as he finally gets to touch you.
It takes EVERYTHING this man has to keep a straight face when you accidentally back up into his crotch.
Tries to forget, but he can't get his mind off of how good your body felt against his in that fleeting moment.
You can be sure to be put in that same position later that night... just with far fewer clothes on.
She gets fed up with it quick, and is a little surprised when you seem genuinely confused about her horny anger (lol)
"Even if you don't mean to, you're being a little tease... don't make me misbehabe."
Well now that she's tipped you off, you start teasing her more. She drags you out to the woods for a good spanking.
You keep whispering into his ear and the feeling of your lips on his skin is SENDING the poor man-
Eventually grabs your shoulder to make you stop, shooting you a warning glare that you don't quote understand
Later though, he's going to mmake it very clear... teasing him is going to get you in big trouble.
Oh boy please don't provoke this man. You didn't mean to, but while sparring, you may or may not have brushed against his... "string bean."
He spends the rest of the day sneakily copping a feel in order to satiate himself, but it just makes things worse.
Pounces on you the moment you're alone, whispering about how bad you've been all day ~
Poor boy... he can't help but stare at you all day and looks away as soom as your eyes meet. He feels ashamed for being so... lustful
You innocently ask him if anything is wrong and he answers NO much too quickly
Luckily you catch on and ask him if he wants to take a "nap..." he says yes of course.
Like William, she gets really blushy about it. At one point, you sit in her lap and she nearly faints.
"Oh, er- Love, could you possibly-" "Hmm?" You shift slightly on her thighs and it... feels good.
Charlotte strips down as soon as you get home that night and practically begs you for some loving.
This bitch asleep! But somehow she's still dreaming about you
Something about you today is permeating her dream and making her yearn for you... but she does her best not to act on it, not yet.
Eventually she gets tired of being teased so she takes you into her dream world for a ride ;)
It's times like these that he's glad to wear that thick robe... bc in the words of Yoshikage Kira, "I got a boner."
We know he has no self control...
You're going to be a little confused as to why he suddenly shoves you into a closet (classic Julius) but it becomes clear as soon as your skirt is around your ankles.
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dresspheres · 3 years
86 Icons | Mereoleona Vermillion | Black Clover
86 Icons for Mereoleona Vermillion from Black Clover.
Please like or reblog this post if you plan on using the icons.
Credit me if you edit them! Otherwise, credit’s very much appreciated.
Download link.
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Can I get a Mereoleona x f! Plus size reader. The reader is the vice captain of the black bulls.(with nacht gone)
She has a fat crush on Mereoleona and she gets drunk with the black bulls one night and it slips so they hold a mixer for her. Yami let’s it slip and you tell charlottes that yami has a crush on her and storm out. anything can happen after pls I would appreciate it very much. Would love a happy ending but you do whatever you’d like 💚
Very much appreciated-🐝
Hello lovely little bee!! <3 Thank you for this request, I'll try my best to do it! But I think it'll be short and sweet! Thank you for waiting and I'm sorry it took me so long to get to your request!! D:
Mereoleona Vermillion x f! reader ft. The black bulls & Charlotte Roselei
tw: unchecked work
You on your.. 8th glass of wine? You don't even remember. Your head was light, you were carefree and emotional at the same time, the bulls were all high with the amount of liquor they have just consumed.
"Come dance wit usssss~" Vanessa pulled at your hand.
"Nnnoooo. I'm tiredd." you let out a huff.
"Something bothering ya, vice captain?" Zora was sitting across the table, "you seem a little distracted."
"Ehhh? Tell us!" Asta came over upon hearing you were bothered by something. He was so loud that now everyone was staring at you.
"We're family aren't we?" Yami gave you a smirk, "maybe we could help."
"Sigh, what do you guys know about the matters of the heart?" you rolled your eyes at your rowdy members.
There was a sound gasp from them.
"I'm very sure you do not love that person more than I love my Marie." Gauche suddenly spoke up.
"I do, okay!" whether it was the alcohol that encouraged you, you had no idea, but what happened next was totally a slip of your tongue, "I love Mereo as much as you love Marie."
The gasp was heard again but it was louder this time and you realised what you just said.
"SISGOLEON?!" Yami shouted at the top of his lungs, "YOU LIKE THAT CRAZY WOMAN?!"
"She's not crazy!!" you defended her, "She's crazily attractive, cute, sexy..."
"Okay okay, we don't want to know the details vice capt." Zora cut your off.
"We can help!!" Charmy sounded determined, "We'll arrange a chance for you!!"
"We'll convince Mereoleona to come!" Vanessa chimed in.
And that was how you ended up here, dressed nicely in front of your crush, hyperventilating because you're too nervous to even function properly.
"Whoa, the food here is good!" Mereo was stuffing food into her mouth.
"Why are we here again?" Charlotte questioned, she was also freaking out internally at being in the same space as Yami was.
"We've decided to celebrate international womens' day and show appreciation to all our female captains!" Vanessa explained eloquently, "We're all for girl power!"
"Eat up!!" Charmy's sheeps loaded more food on the table.
"Then why is this fella here?" Mereo signalled at Yami, who was enjoying his food.
"Oi. This is my base, of course I'm here duh." Yami raised a brow at her.
"But it's for the women! Can't you just buzz off or something for a day, are you very free?" Mereo started squabbling with your Captain.
"Eh, I'm always free for free food." Yami scoffed at her, continuing with his meal.
Hours into the dinner, Yami and Mereo were pretty high, they both duelled each other to alcohol challenges and went through barrels of beer.
"Is there more alcohol here?" Mereo waved her empty cup, "Do you have whisky? I want one that's 30 year old and above!"
"Oi oi, don't push it sisgoleon, that one's expensive." Yami squinted at her, it's only for special occasions."
"It is a special occasion today, aren't we here to celebrate girl power!" she exclaimed.
"We're here because y/n wants to tell you she likes you dammit." Yami blurted out.
"Y/n what?!" she said
"Y/n likes Mereo?" Charlotte repeated after Yami in shock.
Yami scratched the back of his head and grinned sheepishly at you. You wanted to kill your captain right then and there.
"Really?" Mereo questioned you herself, and you could feel the heat spreading from your head all the way to your toes.
"Y-yeah! Just like how Yami likes you Charlotte!" you blurted out and ran away from the dining hall.
"WHAT?" Yami exclaimed after you, before looking at charlotte who has gotten all red. The blue rose captain heard an explosion in her mind and she quickly stood up and ran as fast as she could out of the base, knocking down everything in her way.
"Huh. She hates me that much huh?" Yami scoffed, continuing his feast. That problem was for another day altogether.
"spit it out brats, what's the deal?" Mereo had everyone grabbed by the head with her fire paws.
"Ow ow ow!" Magna tried to get free, "y/n told us she liked you and we just wanted to help her!!"
"eh? but she ran away?" the lioness raised her brows at the bulls.
"I think she just didn't know how to react, mdm." Zora gave her an unimpressed look, "if your feelings are mutual then go after her."
"I-if you don't feel the same w-way t-tell her too!!" Grey managed to squeak. "I t-think she w-would want to k-know!"
"Her room's on the 2nd floor," Yami smirked at the Vermillion, already knowing her answer since her ki was different now.
"Stop smirking you idiot!" Mereo let everyone down and went up the stairs.
"eh, y/n." Mereo knocked on your door, "can I come in?"
You were still dying from your embarrassment but the thought of Mereo being in your room made you really happy. Since it was already this bad, it couldn't get any worst right?
She walked in and closed the door behind her, you pursed your lips when your eyes both met. Both your cheeks wore a tinge of pink on them.
Mereo cleared her throat, "erm.. could you explain what's going on? Because the bulls made me very confused earlier on." she lied. She already knew what was going on she just wanted to hear it from your properly.
You took in a deep breathe and exhaled. It was now or never, "I let it slip one day that I... like you. And they wanted to help me to set up a chance for me to confess to you."
You hugged your knees closer to your chest while searching into her blue eyes for a fraction of an answer.
"Well, coincidentally I feel the same for you as well." she chuckled at little, looking at you with steady and confident eyes.
You blinked. Your lips parted but the room was still in silence.
"You okay y/n?" she raised a brow at you.
"I just.. didn't expect this." you managed to squeak out, your heart ramming against your ribcage, about to suffocate your lungs with its rampage.
"What's there not to like about you?" she shrugged nonchalantly, "you're smart and funny, you dress so well that you always show off your sexy curves and you're good at fighting.."
She paused as she looked at you, "what do you like about me anyway? I'm rowdy and rough on the edges."
"You're so charming and sexy too! You're actually kind and soft on the inside and you care about everyone even though you don't seem like it." you started blabbering on.
"so..." she gave you a smirk, "I guess we should go out, we're both so great, we'd make a perfect couple, huh?"
You giggled and nodded, you couldn't contain your happiness as you grinned from ear to ear. "yes we would!"
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abadbitvh · 4 years
Ok so your maid outfit request was 👏👏👏 . Do you think you could do Julius.l, Yami, and Mereoleona NSFW reaction so seeing their S/O in a maids outfit ?
Characters: Julius Novachrono, Yami Sukehiro, Mereoleona Vermilion.
Warnings: suggestive content
Request by: Anony
Author’s Note:
I’m sorry I got obsessed with a new game called dragon raja and forgot to even study for my test 🦦
If you wish to submit a request or read any of my other writings please check out my masterlist//rules
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❀ honestly, you didn’t even know why you decided to get a maids outfit, maybe because you thought it was cute,or maybe because deep down you liked how kinky it makes you feel but who knows.
✿ Julius better be ready for this when he sees you cause woah, the dress hugged your waist perfectly and showed your cleavage.
❀ every time you walked, the skirt went up making it easy for your undies to peek out.
✿ And he just walked in to see you sitting on the bed with a big smile on our face.
❀ he was excited for sure, especially when you stood up, giving him a full view of your body.
✿ he won’t say nothing as he approaches you quickly, throwing his hands all over your body when he’s finally close to you.
❀ the costume is gonna be long forgotten in just a few minutes.
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❀ he got for you, kinky mf only wanted to rip it off of your body.
✿ when he finally saw it on you, he smirked thinking about everything he’s about to do to you.
❀ “I hope you’re ready to clean the mess after I’m done with you” he mumbles and tosses his cigarette away.
✿ will throw you on the bed and take your clothes off asap before spanking you for teasing him by wearing it.
❀ will fuck you raw until you can’t take it anymore but hey, you’re still gonna clean the mess or no one will.
✿pray that you don’t have anything to do tomorrow cause you won’t be walking tomorrow.
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❀ you wanted to surprise her since she was now a captain, you knew she was stressed out even though she didn’t show it and you wanted to relieve her stress.
✿ you immediately thought about letting her just fuck you but that wouldn’t be special since you always do it anyways.
❀ so you decided to get a kinky outfit and a kinky outfit is what you got.
✿ she was extremely thrilled once she saw you, she thought the costume looked both cute and sexy and made her wanna fuck you until she saw tears coming out of your eyes.
❀ and so she did.
✿ “maids are supposed to clean not make a mess” she said as she continued eating you out while you tried pushing her head away from being overstimulated.
❀ after she’s finally done, she kissed your lips and cleaned you up before going to sleep while cuddling you.
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HCs of mereoleona, fuegoleon and leopold (separate) returning to house vermillion after an exhausting mission(your choice) only to be told by julius that the others were turned into kids. Could you also include kirsch and mimosa
I was in the mood for some Vermillion family shenanigans, so this was just the thing I needed. To be thinking about them needing to be babysitters XD
Fanfic type: Headcanons Characters: Mereoleona, Fuegoleon, Leopold, Kirsch, and Mimosa Vermillion POVs: From Mereoleona's, Fuegoleon's, and Leopold's (in that order) Genre: Comedy (/slice of life?) Length: ~1,2k total Warnings: ...uhh... the toddlers do some name-calling and there's fire (I mean, it's the Fire Vermillions, how can there not be fire?)
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Mereoleona hadn’t been home for quite some time, but was feeling happy about being able to see her brothers and cousins after a long time. And, there were comforts of home, and civilization, that she couldn’t get while out and about in the wilderness. A nice, long, warm bath being one of them. Sure, she could always visit Yultim for that, but there was something so homely about the bath of the Vermillion estate, maybe over a bottle of wine, that couldn’t quite compare.
Maybe she could take a bath before-
“Oh Mereoleona! Good to see you.”
Mereo quirked an eyebrow, and looked at Julius. Who was an unusual sight in this part of the castle. And that made her suspicious.
“Why are you here?” She asked.
“Well... There was a small mishap at the Magic Knights’ headquarters, which had unfortunate effects on... some knights. They are reversible, but will require some time.”
“...What kind of effects?”
“Well, about that...” he opened the door behind him, to reveal... 4 little kids, around the ages of 4 to 5 by the looks of it. And they had oddly familiar looking... hair... and markings on their skin... “I should get back to my work, and help Marx in solving this issue post haste. So, your arrival couldn’t have come at a better time.”
Mereo looked at the kids, and the to Julius, and back to the kids.
“Good luck!” Julius said, and disappeared, before Mereo could utter another word.
She looked at the kids.
The kids looked at her.
She looked at the kids.
The kids screamed, and rushed to her.
For crying out loud... She thought while picking all of the up with her fire paws.
“Aneue! I missed you!” The little boy with green eyes and a canine said with outstretched arms.
“Aneue! I learned making a fireball!” The little boy with purple eyes said confidently.
“Mereo! Brother is being annoying!” The little girl huffed with crossed arms.
“Mereo! Mimo is being jealous!” The little boy with golden eyes said, closing his eyes and lifting his chin.
Mereo closed her eyes with a sigh. Babysitting had been more of Fuego’s territory while growing up, and she had been able to focus on building character. But right now, four lion cubs were her responsibility.
As annoying as it might have been.
Julius better hurry it up, she thought while putting the kids down.
Leo dashed to give Mereo a hug. Fuego demonstrated his newly found skills, and lit the curtains on fire. Mimosa pushed Kirsch and Kirsch... complained about how he was going to get a bruise.
He better hurry it up... she thought.
Fuegoleon pinched the bridge of his nose.
That particular mission had been more taxing than he had anticipated. But. It was over now, and after completing the reports, he could put it behind him.
It was the home stretch so to say.
“Hello Fuegoleon!” Julius greeted him at the Vermillion estate.
“Hello, Julius-sama. Is something the matter?” He inquired with a frown.
“Well, you could say that,” he gave an awkward look. “There was an incident at the Magic Knights’ headquarters.”
“Yes, and we’re still dealing with some of the aftermath... but it should be resolved in a few days,” Julius continued while scratching his cheek with his index finger.
“Good,” Fuegoleon nodded. “But I must inquire, why did you come to inform me so promptly?”
“Well... because it involved most of House Vermillion,” he gestured to a room, from where a loud laugh rang, making Fuegoleon turn his head towards the sound. “Good luck!” Julius stated before disappearing from sight.
Fuegoleon blinked, and walked into the room, where a rug was aflame, as a girl, of maybe 5 years of age, was standing next to it with a wide, proud grin on her face. Behind her, there was a young boy, who stared at the girl and the flame with his green eyes wide open. And at the corner of the room, there stood two other kids, a girl and a boy, looking scene.
“That is not beautiful”, the golden eyed boy concluded, earning a scowl from the girl next to him.
And Fuegoleon sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose, and picked up a nearby vase with flowers. I see... he simply thought before taking the flowers from the vase and pouring the water over the flames.
It was only a few days. His parents dealt with Mereo and himself while growing up for years, so... how hard could it be?
Leo made his way through the Vermillion estate. The last mission on which he had been, had been tough one, one of the toughest so far. But since he had been the one in charge of it, it made sense. And while he was tired, he was also incredibly proud, because he had been waiting for the time when he would be in this position. He had earned this.
So, he couldn’t wait to give his report!
“Leopold, hello,” Julius greeted him as he was making his way down the hall of the Vermillion estate.
“Julius-sama!” Leopold greeted back. “What are you doing here?” He asked with a puzzled look on his face.
“I am here to look after... the aftermath of an incident at the Magic Knights’ headquarters.”
“What kind of an incident?”
“A rapid de-aging.”
“Rapid... de-aging?” Leo asked with a curious frown.
“Yes. It should be resolved in a few days, but in the meantime, there are some people that need to be looked after. And I trust that I can leave that in your capable hands, as I get back to work,” he said with a small wave, before disappearing, and leaving Leo standing there, even more confused.
“Aneue you-, you idiot!” There was a shout from around the corner.
Leo’s frown deepened, and he quirked an eyebrow.
“Teacher’s pet!”
“No show!”
“No fun!”
Leo peeked around the corner to see two kids, maybe around 5 years of age, staring each other down. The girl had blue eyes, and the boy had purple ones. And they seemed to be only a few moments away from shoving each other.
Well... this can’t be worse than their brawls when they’re adults.... Leo thought.
“Kirsch you’re ruining it!”
Leo turned his head to another corner of the room to see a girl with green eyes, and a boy with golden ones.
“Sorry Mimo but beauty takes time,” the boy said with a pen in his hand, drawing something onto the floor.
“The tile had a small crack! They weren’t going to notice!”
“Now they will not!”
This... at least they’re not breaking things. They’re trying to fix them...  he thought. How long did Julius say this was going to take?
“Haha! You’re clo-othes are on fi-reeee!” Mereo laughed while pointing at Fuegoleon.
I... They will be fine. They will be fine. They will be fine. But first: WATER.
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lyranova · 2 years
Can you make some headcanons for the Vermillion’s reaction to if Leopold got possessed? (I know royals can’t get possessed, but it seems like an interesting idea) If you want, you can also the Silva’s reaction to if Noelle got possessed too if you want. I can’t wait to see it, Leopold is one of my favorite characters
Hiya! Of course, I only did Leo since it would be quite a few characters if I did both Noelle and Leo so if you’d like HC’s with Noelle and her siblings you can always ask for that again later 😁! I hope you enjoy and I apologize they’re so short!
Warnings: None
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• Would be very shocked when he found out Leo was possessed by a devil.
• He’d probably be heartbroken and try to figure out what he could do to help Leo out of this while also trying to figure when and how this happened.
• Depending on what Leo wanted (if he wanted the devil to be removed, or if he wanted to keep the pact with the devil) is what action Fue would take.
• If it was the former then Fue would do everything in his power to try and remove the devil without killing his younger brother.
• But if was the latter then it would take Fue a little bit to accept that he wanted the pact with a devil, but he would still love his brother no matter what, and would probably ask Asta or Nacht for help if he ever needed it.
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• Would be pretty surprised as well, although I don't know if it would show on her face like it would Fue’s or not.
• She’d probably be more angry then heartbroken, she’d try to figure out why Leo felt the need to hide it from them and would ask if he made the pact willingly or not.
• Much like with Fue her reactions would be dependent on Leo’s answer.
• If it was an unwilling pact then she would almost single handedly try to get rid of the devil, even if possibly endangered her life. Of course she would have a strong healer on standby to cure both Leo and herself.
• If it was a willing pact then, like Fue, she would take a bit to accept it. But would still love her youngest brother no matter what and would take him on all sorts of training missions since she doesn’t want him to only rely on his devil.
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rainycitysworld · 4 years
I love yamichar! Could you write about yami and charlotte absenting from a captains meeting and each captain and julius's thoughts about it?
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laceymorganwrites · 4 years
Relationship HCs: Mereoleona
Male reader
despite her rather fiery attitude I think she´s a caring and gentle lover
is very direct when it comes to dates and what she wants, so she usually plans the dates
it´s kind of hard to find free time since she´s got a tight schedule
melts when you plan a date instead, she just feels so loved
doesn´t want you to meet her family in the beginning and when you do, it´s absolute chaos
her brothers try to intimidate you and she has to put them into place
she apologizes for her brothers 
likes to relax in a hot bath with you after a tiring day
call her mistress
loves cockwarming you
and overall teasing you
you have to work for everything, if you want to cum you really have to beg
let her sit on your face, she´ll lose her mind
loves tying you up and just having utter control
orgasm control is her favorite thing to do, she loves seeing your reactions
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vaikotsu · 4 years
[Black Clover] When they see their s/o being hit on by someone else..
Part Two as per this request^^ You can read part one for Asta, Yuno, Yami, Fuegoleon, and Julius HERE
Characters: William, Luck, Magna, Mereoleona
It's very hard to upset William like VERY hard but that doesn't mean it's impossible.
At first he probably wouldn't even pay any mind to some guy approaching you; trying to win over your love. 
That is unless he felt that someone was getting a little too friendly or too persistent.
He would most likely approach you both with a smile on his face; "Darling, I was looking for you. Ah, who might this be?"
During introductions he would unknowingly shake the guys had a little harder than usual, all while keeping one hand neatly positioned on your waist.
Though the interaction would be brief and he would most likely excuse you both. Claiming that you needed to be somewhere.
This of course would most likely be an obvious lie; not that it would stop from going along with it.
Though it would cause you ask as you're both taking your leave if he was jealous..
"I was not jealous darling; I thought for sure Julius had told us to join him for lunch.."
"I don't remember such a request," You would tease. "Why don't you go on without me and I'll just go ba--"
As you jokingly turn to go back he would grab your wrist with a small groan. "If you know what it is, please don’t make me say it.”
People hitting on you doesn’t bother Luck in the slightest. He actually enjoys it; as he is often able to bend the situation in his favor by baiting them into a fight over you
“I see you’ve fallen for y/n, you know we’re dating right?”
Sometimes his reputation alone if enough for the situation to end there but every once in awhile someone is bold enough to challenge the motion
Luck would probably get them to accept his challenge by saying if they beat him in a fight they may win your favor
However he pretty much always wins
Though you’re not a fan of this habit of his in the slightest. Asking him what he would do if he ever lost to which he would cockily respond with “That would never happen.”
You would try to object to this but he would cut you off by saying,, “You think I would ever be reckless enough to risk our relationship on a fight I wasn’t 100% sure I could win. Please have more faith in me love.”
He’s throwing hands, period.
Matter of fact; the other person doesn’t even need to be hitting on you. The minute he see’s someone talking to you that he doesn’t know; all his attention is now on that person.
“Who are you?! And what do you think you’re doing talking to my angel?! Babe is this person bothering you?”
Magna doesn’t give a fuck if it was the Wizard King himself talking to you; he would be prepared to fight to the death.
Not that he would have to; Usually Magna would be just loud, occasionally annoying or somewhat intimidating enough to deter people from hitting on you or pushing their motives
He would also probably lie to them and say that if they tried making a move on you; he would get all of the Black Bulls to go after them
Magna’s solution to the problem of people hitting on you would also probably be declaring that you both get married right then and there (and this would probably continue even after you’re already married too)
Everyone knows you’re dating so nobody hits on you (even if they actually really want to), let’s be real.
On the very small off chance that some poor unknowing soul makes a move on you. Someone send their family a nice urn to hold their ashes.
Mereoleona is very open about her relationship with you; will often kiss, hug and hold your hand in public.
If she suspects anyone has a crush on you; she makes sure to flaunt your guys’ relationship even more. By having you sit on her lap or by sitting on yours as well as leaving hickeys and bite marks all over you.
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