lesiasmadness · 5 months
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Mermay day 10
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bmbrice · 1 year
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Merga from Freedom Planet 2. Having cleared out my commissions queue gave me a chance to work on this, which I've been meaning to do for a while now. 
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bluewind1246 · 5 months
I think I found a new trope I enjoy.
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Badass warrior woman that's fallen in love with the princess of the race she ruthlessly slaughtered.
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tidalskii · 6 months
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Happy release day for FP2 on consoles!!! Played it for a couple hours on Switch before heading to bed. This is one of my favorite games of all time, so I’m glad more people are able to experience it!!!
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🤘💜💚🧡🖤 Rock on!
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cousinshark · 1 year
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Lilac vs Merga!
Freedom Planet 2 just turned 1! Happy Anniversary!  I love the game a ton and really wanted to make sure I did something fun to celebrate, so we have the water dragons going at it! 
I love the games dearly and wish more people played them. Hopefully when 2 hits consoles that can happen. 
Freedom Planet/Characters © Galaxy Trail/ZiyoLing
COMMISSIONS: If you are interested in a commission email me at MikeG at Gx3R dot com.
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alena-draws · 2 years
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We made Secret Santa on our server, and I had the pleasure to draw Merga from Freedom Planet 2! Had a tiny glimpse at the game which looks super sweet, and I really enjoyed drawing a different kind of character for once!
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drdubz · 10 months
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Probably a day or so after the peace talks have been arranged, Cordelia vents her frustrations to Merga before the time comes.
Some Freedom Planet 2 fanart I needed to get outta my system.
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seanfineart · 9 months
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2024 is gonna be Merga's year
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kl-the-robobun · 1 year
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"As the champion turned away, I could see the expression of relief wash over their faces… and one of hurt flash over hers..."
(A simple piece, but I feel like I'm getting pretty good at drawing!)
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cloud8doesstuff · 2 years
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A good pal gifted me FP2 for Xmas n mannnn it didnt dissapoint. The  first one was already so great n 2 has gotta be one of the highest quality indie titles ive played in a while. Merga is def my favorite of  the new cast. Her VA did such an amazing job. really wanted to draw her  atleast once.  
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cutestknife · 2 years
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✨🌙The brothers⭐✨
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lesiasmadness · 2 years
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Paused the game and then couldn't bring myself to un-pause it cause this is so funny to me somehow
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gizmo02 · 2 years
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Freedom Planet 2 is amazing  Merga is a kind of villain I've been missing for a while.
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shangtusianheroes · 2 months
Lilac's mind was far away and distant as she gazed down across the ocean below her. Thoughts of the battle board the bakunawa danced through her mind. The fierce battle she fought against Merga, and the cries of anguish from the woman she had thought her enemy. But life is never so simple, and truth often is a painful medicine. Merga had been the one betrayed, merga had been the one to trust, and it was merga who was ultimately stabber in the back. She had tried peace and it had failed. That kind of pain isn't easily healed and Lilac wanted desperately to try and help her through that pain.
Yet her thoughts shattered as the sound of crunching leaves behind her pulled her from her thoughts. She tensed up always expecting the worst that life had to offer. Yet, as the large woman stood towering over her, within striking distance every instinct told her to prepare for pain.
For all her attempts to prepare herself for this moment--- Merga still was an intimidating woman. Over seven feet in height, lean muscle and a stare that could put the fear of god into one. Yet she did not strike but instead spoke in a calm, stern tone. Like a mother scolding a child.
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" Hatchling... Your Persistence is admirable... but unwanted. I had thought avoiding you would send a clear message. But i see you are--- Stubborn as a Cabezon... "
The Large woman sighed and stood to her full height and crossed her arms looking somewhat annoyed and impressed by this turn of events.
" Let me Finish..."
She cut Lilac off before she could speak
" You have had a LIFETIME to mourn... a lifetime of pain i can't yet comprehend. I admire that tenacity, i admire the ability to be alone and keep fighting despite that. But i can not yet understand why... and until i can, until i am ready to face this new world on my own terms. There is nothing you can do for me... there are no words that will cease the pain i feel... I must find these answers on my own.... in my own way... Do you understand? "
Lilac felt so much like a scolded child in that moment her eyes averting and shoulders sagging. Because she did understand, much better then Merga might know. How many years did she spend in utter isolation, unable to hear, unable to communicate. She shut the world out until she CHOSE to connect with someone. Carol had helped pull her from the darkness and gave her purpose. She had hoped to help Merga but she realized she was doing the opposite.
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" I'm... Sorry, I simple...i just wanted to. "
She paused unable to speak for a long moment as she processed this all in her head.
" I didn't want you to be alone, i know how hard that is... and how lonely it gets. There is so much i want to say but... i know its not the right time... I just don't want you to be alone... to suffer this alone... "
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" We all Mourn in our own way Hatchling... let me mourn....in my way... i may never be ready to face this new world. But if i can not have time to let go this pain in my heart. Then i will surely fall into the darkness i let consume me once more... Go Home Hatchling... be with your loved ones... and when i am ready i will come find you. We will talk... I will answer your questions... "
Lilac Nodded her head as she looked down, what was there to say? She couldn't fix this could she? No matter how much she wanted she understood that---- some wounds only time could heal. Lilac reached into the little pouch at her side and offered a little box to Merga.
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" When you are ready... or if you need anything--- you can use this to reach me. Its encoded... and only i have the companion communicator... no one can track it not even myself. But... you aren't alone Merga... i'll be there when you are ready..."
The Centurion reached out hesitantly at first and took the small box in her large hand. She nodded her head toward Lilac, and walked past her toward the waters edge. Pausing only to look back at her and only for a moment before she disappeared below the waves.
Lilac felt a tear brush down her cheek, taking a moment to brush it away. She wished so much to have somehow helped Merga, to take that pain away. But that simply wasn't in the cards was it? Merga was right...
It was time to go Home...
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omahdon · 1 year
Ok insanely important Lore question for Freedom Planet that I've been yearning to know since the game came out.
Are Merga's energy swords something she can do as a Water Dragon (probably amplified I guess by her bio-engineering compared to a standard Water Dragon I'm guessing?) or is it a result of equipment she's wearing? I notice Lilac can do a similar but weaker energy effect on her attacks when she has the power-up effect so I've been curious
I can't confirm that the energy swords are something that ALL Water Dragons can do (honestly, that's something that will remain up in the air until any future game installments to confirm or deny or just plain not bring up at all ho ho ho) but I can say that Lilac's original powerup was getting a pair of wings to zoom about the screen faster and for longer. However, during development that powerup fell by the wayside for a variety of reasons (if I had to guess: mad sequence breaking) and Sabrina went with a limited-time projectile powerup instead - which may be as a reference to Merga's own energy projectiles?
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letstalkaboutit100 · 11 months
Let's talk about... my moods pt 1
it's funny because I really am alot like the characters I say are my moods. I'm not actually all happy and preppy as I sound on here. I actually hate all that stuff lol. If you knew me in real life you would know I'm actually the darkest person you'll meet lol. But anyway, back to my moods. Example A: Megra. The queen. The OG. I'm alot like her. The sass. Hating men. But the part I wanted to talk about was the WEAK ANKLES! I have trash, but weirdly flexible ankles. To start this story off, we had a fire drill in my biology class and as we were walking down the hill and my ankle being the little shit it is started to wiggle and look so weird that I literally wiggle my way down to ground and fell. Now by mint green sweat pants are stained. so yeah. Laugh among yourself's.
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