#merida (nexomon)
More of these things
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Tiny Tyrants (or the champions)
Nadine (pretty,,,)
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Fenrir (yo he on fire, quite literally.)
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Overseers are probably next if I can get Ira's hair right
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player-1 · 5 months
Nexolord & co. shenanigans (Nexomon 1)
It's honestly been a long time coming, though mostly for the nostalgia and hype for Nexomon 3, but I figured I would look back in the story for any context clues to Nexolord/Metta's personality and abilities mentioned from his siblings, Overseers, or anyone unlucky enough to get on his bad side. Obviously it's going to be a massive list (with some spoilers for to Micromon and Extinction), but here goes!
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First off, there's no real timeline on how long Metta's been Nexolord or when he started his Omnicron revival plan into action, but I'll put in a generous estimate of 2-3 years before the main story since he already put way too much fear into people's hearts to go against his authority until MC went ham on his master plan. Same goes for him commissioning MC's parents to build the resurrection machine and revive Omnicron for real.
For Overseers, I would assume that ex-Nexolord Remus originally had Hilda, Khan, and Jack until Metta took the title (and adding five more to spread out his influence). But it's also funny to assume that Metta indirectly assigned his siblings/Champions to a certain Overseer that either complement or conflict their personalities...You know, for shits and giggles. -Fenrir/Fona -> Ivan & Ira (Fiery spirit and moderately irrational) -Nadine/Ventra -> Remus (Unstoppable force vs. Immovable object) -Merida/Arqua -> Hendrick (90% charm and 10% backstabber) -Zetta/Luxa -> Spencer (Snotty rich kid with inflated ego) -Ulrich/Grunda -> Jack (Reliable leader but goes against authority to protect his people (Mostly connected to Netherworld Ulrich)) Nexolord/Metta -> Glacia (Cold-blooded tactician with an extreme ego trip) -Deena/Nara -> Khan ("Subtly" associating the family traitor as a wild savage who only cares about the world and harmony over complete authority...Harsh, even for a kids game)
Metta's childhood in the Frozen Tundra was already going to be shrouded in mystery from the get-go (and obviously exclude flashbacks in-game to avoid spoiling his identity), but he left a pretty deep impact on the three people he interacted with in the past (Glacia, Juliet, and Malk). -First, Juliet's a fangirl for him, so much so that she'll completely ignore his plan to destroy humanity if it meant getting a sliver of attention from him or one-up Glacia as Overseer. She also believes that he's a vampire (either when they were kids or into adulthood) and regularly reads cheesy YA vampire novels that she "accidentally" leaves on her kitchen table for someone to notice. -Glacia is 110% loyal to Metta and will gladly brag to anyone she meets on how she's the most "true and loyal Overseer" there is. Also, she's the only Overseer who's aware that the Champions are Omnicron's children (minus Remus figuring it out through context clues), so she somehow earned Metta's trust to learn that fact as well (though whether she knew Metta's true form too is up for debate). -Finally Malk "I taught [the Nexolord] everything I know" Micromon is either the best/worst person to be Metta's tutor (re: legit father-figure) to make him become the little tyrant he is now. Whether it's to fuel Metta's already-burning hatred for humans (being a sentient AI that destroyed Project Pixekai in revenge of the programmers who created him), teaching him useful skills to gain control over others as a leader (master manipulator, master technician, and more!), or giving Metta the emotional support he never had from his siblings or dad (headcanons galore!). Also love the little gimmick that Malk's name isn't shown to the MC since he doesn't properly introduce himself to them; only Metta calls him by name once when they're the only ones in a room or during Malk's last hurrah speech before MC fights Omnicron and disappearing for good. Also, Malk mentions meeting a younger Nexolord/Metta sometime after busting out of Pixekai and adjusting to human life, so he might've tried disguising himself long before they teamed up. Now I want to know if Metta first learned that Malk wasn't human or vice versa, but I would love to know what babey Nexolord looked like before he went anime villain mode. :)
Metta definitely was the one who gave his siblings their fake Champion names, mostly on the joke of Fona/Fenrir being Metta's guard-dog for a good chunk of the story (even accompanying him to Grunda's grave and keep a eye on Overseer Jack for the excavation). Besides that, it makes sense for Metta to have every opportunity to make a jab at his siblings and put them in their place in the current hierarchy. -Fenrir: Marsh/Fen-dweller, Norse mythos wolf that would bring disaster during Ragnarok and was bound by a chain shaped like a silk ribbon. [Similar motif to Nexomon Fenrir to have giant prison cuffs on his wrists and collar-like design on his shirt.] -Nadine: Hope (French), messenger/admonitory or showerer of blessings (Arabic), "the courage of a bear" (Russian) [Latter fits cause of her assigned Overseer being Remus and her tendency to put combat first over talking.] -Merida: Pearl (Mairead, Celtic), "one who achieved a high place of honor" (Latin), "a chaste girl" or "like a mother" (Persian) [Persian seems more ironic since Merida's nice when she gets attention but throws a major hissy fit if embarrassed or mocked.] -Zetta: Inquiry or quest (Greek ztsis), "a person that is intellectually curious and has a thirst for knowledge" [Mostly ironic since Zetta's dumb as a brick and has a love for shiny things.] -Ulrich: Noble or regal ruler, noble/rich heritage (Old German) [Grunda never had the chance to get a Champion name (until Netherworld), but it's interesting how his Nightmare makes him the ruler/guardian of Solus Desert and protects his people from the big bad Nexolord Remus...At least he got his priorities straight?] -Deena: Valley, church leader, spear ruler (Hebrew/Old English/Old German); "compromising, passive, and more likely to stay in the background rather than front and center" (myfirstname.rocks) [Even if she was a major part of Ulzar's fame, Deena keeps herself as inconspicuous as possible to ensure the MC's success too. Definitely didn't want to be caught up in the family drama again, you know? :)]
It is somewhat confirmed in the Netherworld end-story that Nexonium/Nexomite is more commonly found in the literal afterlife than in the normal world (and stupidly expensive too), and it also has the ability to incapacitate any Nexomon in its vicinity (when powered by a NexoCore) or keep a Nightmare running without a Warden to guard it. So who's to say that Metta used Nexonium to create the Nexocore, easily violating Ziegler's rule of keeping the dead dead and creating a power source that won't get traced back to him (you know, since he commissioned MC's parents to make it?). And it also shows that Metta had Nexonium stowed away in his old house, most likely studying its components in there or in the bunker.
And last but not least, it's not exactly confirmed if Metta actually sacrificed himself to revive Omnicron like the rest of Champions; he doesn't have a personal Nightmare like the other four (+Grunda/Ulrich), and you only get to find Metta's true form after the Netherworld story (ie. Killing Omnicron for real, dooming the current Nexomon species to extinction, and making a bridge between the Netherworld and real world to finish loose ends). Speaking of bridge, it's also confirmed in Extinction that just after MC destroyed Omnicron's soul, Venefelis was unleashed with the single goal to kill Hilda; unintentionally serving as the bridge for the Nexomon War and the future to come in Nexomon: Extinction. ...Also the MC (The Ghost of Nexomon Past) gets Metta's jacket and was buried in it pre-Extinction, so I'm betting the madlad did the blanket dog trick and it somehow worked against the MC and Nara. I mean, Metta's about the size of a bowling ball (five-pin/duckpin maybe?) so he might've had a chance to pull it off when MC was distracted by Omnicron and he just assumed the guy was gone for good.
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Anywho, that's all I have for now, hope you enjoyed!
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zscyber · 10 months
Merida & Kyogre
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(Pencil version under the cut)
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crystalelemental · 2 months
So here's a question. How much of the Netherworld section of Nexomon 1 is actually...real?
Even before we go in there, we're in the nightmare. You go talk to the scientists first, and they explain that they cannot get in touch with anyone, a problem repeatedly brought up in the nightmare itself. You're already in it before even taking the portal itself. Presumably, everything past that point is pretend.
But Glacia is, in fact, gone. Juliet comments on it after defeating Omnicron, that Glacia just disappeared and no one knows where she went.
The creation of the device to send you to the Netherworld was clearly real. You got there somehow, after all.
Miriam is real. She expresses you only met her fake self in the nightmare, but you never met her before then. The nightmare doesn't even operate off of what you, specifically, know. You met her false self first. This implies conjuration of real world elements you may not even be aware of, similar to Grunda's human form. Nexomon 2 pretty much confirms that is how Grunda looks as a human, so this isn't just made up.
And of course, Nexomon 2 has repeated jokes about the Mandrasses. Which weren't even real. And which Deena wasn't even around for, yet seems to remember. Which implies that at least some of the events are true, and Ziegler is commandeering them for this nightmare to prevent recognition of discrepancy. The setting is a little wonky, but some of it, at least, seems grounded in reality.
But other parts clearly aren't. Is the vortex real? We don't really know how Omnicron truly came here, nor if they can actually be sent back that way. If it were, and Ulzar had the power to banish them that way, why wouldn't he have? That one seems entirely made up.
Similarly, the netherworld almost certainly wasn't created by Ulzar as they initially claim, much less the wardens being his creation.
The rangers are likely not real, given they'd have no way to be there, similar to the iteration of Spencer and the bounty hunter we see. The children of Omnicron likely aren't real, but...did you meet them too? Like, in the actual run? Because it seems likely they'd defend their father, or need to be dealt with first considering they can supply him with their power.
Then there are the completely up in the air components. Like...is Merida actually the weakest sibling? That may not be a hard fact, but rather perception; but whose? Does the protagonist believe that, or Ziegler? If it's Ziegler's...that's an outside objective opinion, he might be right.
In all their fake nightmares, does that align to them? It feels right for each of them, but they weren't entirely real. Is that truly what their nightmare looked like, or is that again just perception? And yours, or Ziegler's?
For being effectively just a big dream sequence, it does raise a lot of questions about what truly did happen in the initial run we didn't see.
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anacharafan · 3 months
Okay, guys, you want me to go on about the most pointless things?
Let's go on about Byeol (and a bit about Fane, I suppose), because I am going insane
Alright everyone, for those unaware, this is Byeol:
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This is a tyrant in Nexomon: Extinction, his name is Byeol. The problem about this, however.
He isn't a story tyrant, and this... Makes me very interested in him.
Amelie calls Tyrants super powerful Nexomon, but here's the thing. According to Coco, Jin blocked off the entrance to Fenrir's tomb so that no more Tyrants may be hatched
Lydia also says to go bother Nadine because of the egg, and keep in mind, the grass Tyrant is Tikala. A warden. Probably because Deena didn't necessarily want to add fuel to the fire
So then we are already established that Tyrants are probably always hatched.
... So then what of Fane and especially Byeol?
(And there's no Psychic Tyrants because... Solus would be too lil to bonk an egg, and nobody would ask a random kid to do so.)
Well, let's go with the easier one, in which I ask yet again, what's up with the Ghost type? I've wanted to throw hands about it for a long time.
(Ulzar says that the reason Nexomon are, well, a thing is because of the Children of Omnicron. So it makes sense, right? 7 children, 7 elements)
Psychic is a bit trickier because of the fact Mystogen exists. And if we're going of the fact Solus made the psychic type...
Putting a pin in that, rant for another day.
So... What of Ghost?
Well. That's not the point of the post and that's my motivation for writing Doubts.
But! Moving on, Fane. Well, with the assumption they come from eggs, well frick. There's no ghost primordial.
... Which is why I can't speak much of it. We can surely just blame Hilda
... Do you know who we have more of?
Well. Let's see then.
Byeol is a normal type in Palmaya, first and foremost.... We are back to James everyone, anyone who's talked to me isn't surprised
Hi new people, James is how we call the Nexolord on this side of the fandom, moving on.
Assuming that James isn't dead and we take into account this from Nadine:
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Well, who am I to argue with Nadine? (Granted, she could mean Grunda or Deena , but.)
.. So, in today's rant. Byeol and Metta, woooo.
First of all, he is in Palmaya(and later around the Orphanage as of the Abyssals but we can put a pin in that because, Abyssals) , which, is definitely not the frozen tundra
But, Merida is in the frozen Tundra, and Atlanta's Tyrant is frosty enough to argue Merida bonked the egg there.
.. So then, Palmaya's free, ey?
Well. That's interesting, further on, I am going to need to grab Metta for a moment
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Hello bowling ball, I still think you should be an Armodillo.
Moving on, see this man? Until his siblings he is, unfortunately, not an animal
My only logic conclusion, looking at this man(if we don't take my other James theory into account), is that he's supposed to be a kind of biblically accurate angel, just, ribbons not wings (Thanks for the association Azzie, your hands are red too)
... HMMMM who ELSE has wings and is a normal type...
Additionally, I must point out, Metta has 7 ribbons. If we count the bottom pointy Byeol has he has 8.
... Well, it just happens an additional type is added this time, to bump it from 7 to 8(we already went over why I think Ghost might not count)
.. So then.
And. Well, let's look at it this way. Nivalis and Arqua, they don't look the same. Fona and Mulcimer, er. The closest we have is Ventra and Eurus.
... And, well, Solus and Nara, but surely not
... Byeol could've been a kangaroo or something, but instead-
They're both inanimate object things I can't make sense of. I know Ross said that he was just inspired to make a star thing, but-
... Hm.
What am I trying to say? Nothing really. At the end of the day these are coincidences, likely
Like, n3 protag and James both have a blue hair strand, but that doesn't mean they're like, immediately necessary related kind of thing
... Just makes you think.
(Also, this stated when I made a joking like toddler Byeol human version, and I saw the white hair and went like "...wait")
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legionofnexomon · 3 years
tag dump 1/?
musings of a nexomon { Nice Beats - Music } out of nexotraps and items { King of Monsters - Omnicron } { New King of Monsters and Light Tyrant - Solus/Omnisun } { The Nexolord - Metta } { Life Giver Nature Tyrant - Deena/Nara } { Chaotic Electric Tyrant - Zetta/Luxa } { Hot Headed Fire Tyrant - Fenrir/Fona } { Merciless Water Tyrant - Merida/Arqua } { Cruel Wind Tyrant - Nadine/Ventra } { Mentor and Earth Tyrant - Ulrich/Grunda } { Odd Being of an Exchange Student - Obey Me! Verse }
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thenexolord · 3 years
The baby collection:
baby ulrich, very angry because his hair is going grey at the ripe old age of 4
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baby zetta trying on his visor for the first time
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wait before i go, here's actual baby metta trying on his coat for the first time
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Omnicron doesn’t understand how babies work so he just keeps getting them full-size gifts
Credit: @jesstheespeon
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player-1 · 10 months
Throwing myself back into the Nexomon brainrot since there's already a bunch of tidbits (and personal headcanons) to Metta's quirks and general attitude to anyone/everyone he interacts with and no one's taking the time or thought into mentioning them. And you know…To see if anything changes on his part in Nexomon 3, and I will keep pushing this agenda until the game finally comes out :)
To list a few interesting things mentioned in N1 (and definitely a long post ahead):
First the canon bits out of the way:
-Metta (and Nara) are over a million years old after Omnicron's initial invasion of the human world and after Ulzar killed the other CoO and Doggo Dad, with those two being the last living members of the family up until Nara’s (temporary) death in Extinction. Metta specifically mentions "waiting a million years" for his resurrection plan to finally come into fruition just before MC fights Omnicron in the main story, but it's mostly a 'blink and you miss it' nugget of information (same goes for Ulzar revealing Nexolord's/Metta's name in the Netherworld DLC one time).
-Metta lived in the Frozen Tundra for an undetermined amount of time, possibly when Juliet and Glacia were in their early childhood; with Juliet slowly but adamantly believing that he's a vampire (will explain later) and still reads cheesy YA vampire novels into adulthood, while Glacia admires him for his cold-hearted nature and extreme lack of empathy to other humans.
-It's not exactly specified when Micromon takes place in N1 (or when Project Pixekai goes bust), but Metta possibly gained Malk as a tutor/evil accomplice sometime during said-early childhood and after Malk left Pixekai a broken smoldering mess behind him; refurnishing a bunker in FT into a secret lab/research facility to study the properties of Nexomon and possibly laying the groundworks to the resurrection plan (and Metta becoming an master technician as well).
-Some time after Glacia gets appointed as Overseer, she's the only one who was made aware that the Champions (ie. the Omnicron fam) are not human, and even says aloud about these super-powered monsters bickering like children over who gets to fight the MC and stop them reaching Omnicron's Tower. Glacia later throws herself into the Netherworld and corrals the Wardens to her side in a attempt to "save" Metta from the clutches of death, release Omnicron in his stead, and make him become the real NexoLord instead of MC...To be clear, Metta wasn’t dead, and he was still alive two weeks before the Netherworld story and no one figured it out!
-Metta might of had another name before defeating Nexolord Remus and gaining the title as his namesake (or just opted to call himself Nexolord until he got the clout to go with it), which is somewhat fair since he finally got the experience of being an only child for the time being.
-While Metta was also shown to have sacrificed himself to finally revive Omnicron, the Netherworld DLC only shows the element-based siblings (Fona, Arqua, Ventra, Luxa, Grunda) stuck in Nightmares with their own Wardens and MC getting stuck with Ziegler after the really weird implication that MC released Omnicron on accident in that two week time span (even if it’s never shown or explained). Not to mention a “joke” headstone later found in Extinction that makes you double-guess if he even died in the first place…
-And while it's not explicitly mentioned, but Metta might've put together the Overseers to reflect his terrible opinions of his siblings, the same goes for him riding the high of being a leader and roping said-siblings into pretending to be humans until everything comes together. As for the Overseers: Ivan and Ira could relate to Fenrir/Fona, Remus with Nadine/Ventra, Hendrick with Merida/Arqua, Spencer with Zetta/Luxa, Khan with Deena/Nara, and Jack with Ulrich/Grunda. To me, Hilda would've been scouted to become an Overseer due to her psychic abilities, but quickly defected to save humanity in her own way (ie. turning them into spirits/ghosts). Glacia would definitely be considered Metta's (most true and loyal) Overseer cause of said cold-heartedness but also being one of the few humans besides Malk who understand his true motives and wholeheartedly accepts his plan on reviving Omnicron.
And now for the headcanons! >:D -Metta would've had an incredibly hard time adjusting to, or even stooping down to, creating a disguise for himself despite his hatred for humanity; same would possibly go with him learning to write and/or read for himself instead of staying in hiding for all eternity. Also in contrast to the rest of the Omnicron fam using their powers or a surplus of energy to create a human form, Metta is just a walking human-shaped balloon and his head is the only solid part of his body (even his eyes are the same color as his main Nexomon body. Glass/prism eyes perhaps?). It might also solidify Juliet's vampire theory if he didn't take the time or effort to fake natural body heat, or having absolutely nothing to do with physical contact ever despite living in the tundra; and maybe his unnatural features were made to make himself as intimidating as possible (in complete contrast to his cringe ass bowling-ball self).
-Metta's ahoge (the blue streak of hair) might work like a pull-tab to "unravel" his disguise and reveal his Nexomon form underneath (almost like a candy wrapper). It could've spread as a rumor between the grunts (or by Zetta to tease him), but zero people would even have the balls to do it in the first place for obvious reasons.
-While Metta would despise every human who ever breathes in his general direction, he might have a reasonable amount of respect to scientists/inventors (possibly from Malk and the Pixekai Project) and any tamers with exceptional skill and strength (Remus, Hilda, Khan, and Glacia), even if it's only to use them for ulterior motives. Definitely betting that he even trusted Glacia enough to go on multiple rants about his siblings; either about how much he hates them, their naivety of the human race, or how these uber-powerful descendants of Omnicron got killed by a single human in the first place (ie. Ulzar). And yes, given how smarmy and egotistical Glacia acts around others, it's canon in my heart.
-Metta might also enjoy food and literature but doesn't have the dignity to admit it due to said-hatred for humans. Might also be the reason why he put Hendrick in as a secret Overseer in Palmaya, both for his persuasion/mind games in recruiting more goons and his killer skills in cooking; discretely trying to recreate his recipes by the letter (or holding onto a recipe book or two) for self-validation in making something on his own.
-Speaking of the power of creation, Metta possibly made the Abyssal Tyrants as a side project along his initial Omnicron revival plan. I mean, he spent a million+ years to bring his dad back to life, but it's important to know in Extinction that the Abyssals appeared right after Omnicron's super-death. So who's to say that Metta also created his own line of Nexomon that follow his every command (or to scratch that itch of being King of Monsters himself)? From causing general mayhem (Braccus & Helevolk), picking off the weaker tamers hunting them (Inominox), willingly become cannon fodder (Pluvean), become scouts (Volcel & Caelesa) avoid human contact entirely (Rotramus), or make sure to kill two extremely specific psychics (Venefelis & Kroma); they follow the general scheme being as elusive and as unpredictable as possible just like their (possible) creator.
-And yes, I wholeheartedly believe that Metta created Byeol (possibly around the same time as Caelesa), either on complete accident or to hop on the Tyrant bandwagon in Nexomon Extinction. Whether it reflects his desires to always stay on top ("the star of the show") or the visual representation of jealousy over his new niece/nephew Solus taking Omnicron's throne instead of himself, who knows? Also personally believe that Byeol, ironically enough, wants to become human, possibly watching tamers from afar or putting themselves into battles as a form of "playing" to try and learn their behavior and skills. And I know I made another rant about it, but I’m pretty sure Byeol also has the ability to enter or manipulate dreams (either to look into a person’s mind or just mess with them for fun). Why else would a Normal-type Tyrant have a good chunk of Psychic-type moves at its disposal as well? Just some food for thought here…
Anywho, now that that’s out of the way, I hope you enjoyed this laundry list of fun! :D
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player-1 · 9 months
Once again back on my bs throwing out another insane but possibly valid Nexomon theory until Nexomon 3 finally gets a proper release date...
Going through the Abyssal DLC again, mostly finding hints on what they foreshadow for 3 (And it's quite a few things, a bit about sorcerers/witches already getting wiped off the map and a possible time-skip prediction of 100,000 years.), but the one thing that caught my eye was after the MC defeated Volcel [N:E Abyssal DLC part 4]. Long story short, it's heavily implied that the Abyssals were engineered like the Greater Drakes and/or Vados, but not in such an unnatural way that Deena couldn't have sensed it. In her own words, "Unlike the dragons and Vados, these Abyssal Tyrants couldn't have been forged by human hands."
Which leads me to the obvious conclusion (and indirectly the mad scientist Logan's): GENETIC ENGINEERING!!
And I'm obviously jumping on the idea that Metta made them (for obvious reasons) since resurrection would've opened up a similar scheme; besides, he's the only one of the fam with these skills so he had all that free time to do something else here. While following the assumption that the main element Abyssals (Fire, Water, Wind, Nature, Earth, Lightning) were modeled after the main Omnicron Fam, the Abyssals also share some physical characteristics with some Nexomon of N1 & N:E as well besides the nixed bag that is Venefelis, but I'll just go in order from appearance in the DLC then explain/ramble from there.
Major-ish spoilers for Nexomon 1 (& Netherworld dlc/arc) and Nexomon: Extinction w. the Abyssal dlc below:
1. Venefelis (Masquiti(?) + Kitsunox, Carnagrius, Fanfrou, Fuzztino, Felicient)
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Like I said, Venefelis is such a mixed bag since she came out the gate just after Omnicron's bucket got kicked for good and the N1 protag thought any major world-ending threat was over and done for...Well that was a fucking lie and we all know it. While I feel that Venefelis got that hot-headed attitude (and obvious golden child syndrome) from the other cat-based 'mon, it's easy to see the similarities w. the Masquiti line even when they didn't appear until 1,000 yrs later in N:E (and the off-putting entry about Masquiti fits way too perfectly w. her "ghost" form Salem), but I digress. Whether or not Venefelis could be considered the first Psychic type after N1 (or the first uber-powerful Masquiti known to man), or maybe Metta made a replacement Omnicron on the side if his main plan failed (before he threw her out only to kill Hilda in revenge), that's already up for debate for me. [Also somewhat implying that Venefelis is a mutation of Kitsunox since the cape seems similar and she actively boasts about being the “perfect servant” in killing Hilda for a master she never knew nor witnessed (N:E Kitsunox are unwaveringly loyal too) but that’s my opinion here]…
2. Pluvean (Arqua + Harectic, Hydrose, Reeferus, Torrex)
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Even if Arqua/Merida was always shown to be hotheaded and quick to throw a temper (even at the expense of a destroyed ship or two), Pluvean was only mean to be a sacrifice to either confuse the Guild on the Abyssals' purpose or direct their attention away from the real threats...Either way, he's pretty lax on what the Guild wants to learn from him (ie. the bare minimum) and is more concerned over why Venefelis revived him if he already completed his task with flying colors. While this might also relate to the calming nature of water as opposed to Arqua's unpredictable rage, it's an interesting starting point for the Guild (and MC) to figure out that the Abyssals are far from their usual brand of Tyrant. And I guess Metta wanted to see a cooler side to Arqua/Merida when she's not flaunting around with other humans, who knows?
3. Rotramus (Nara + Outgrov, Raksuma, Prisimazor)
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While I'm not going to theorize if or how Metta got Nara's DNA to create Rotramus (which that would next to impossible without revealing himself), but it's pretty telling since the only things he has to do is 1. Hide from the Guild, 2. Nap out of sight of said-Guild, 3. Answer or follow any tamer's command without question or self-preservation if they find him (and 4. Deny and insult said-tamer's command without question if they attempt to turn him against the Abyssals); you know, it just like Nara's main deal of betraying Omnicron, joining the humans to destroy her dad and siblings, and wanting to live freely and independently as Deena. Even if Rotramus is perfectly harmless apart from not betraying the Abyssals at the drop of a hat, it's interesting to see how much of an iron grip Metta also has on the Abyssals despite none of them ever knowing their master by appearance or name.
4. Inominox (Ventra + Heliventus, Eqoloptera, Lurkennie, Voltosfrere, Swactrum)
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Just like the vulture Inominox is based on, he fights only against tamers he considers weak and easy-pickings and has survived because of that for generations...Yet he heartily declares the MC weak and worthless despite after defeating two Abyssals at that point (Pluvean and Rotramus) despite clearly being the King/Queen of Monsters, then getting completely bodied in the process (mostly after using one Nexomon with a type disadvantage). Makes sense though since Ventra was always shown to be incredibly egotistical and overestimated her enemies in N1, so Inominox might've been so blinded by his cunning and "weakness radar" that he's the only Abyssal besides Helevolk and/or Braccus that don't immediately recognize the MC as Nexomon King.
5. Helovolk (Fona + Carnagrius (N:E), Oregoon, Treclay, Moltano, Shardrillion)
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Sucks that I can't find an proper Nexomon to connect to why Helovolk is blind and as irrational as a ordinary monster, but it might relate to the theme of fire being a blind and destructive force if left unattended...Or Helovolk just got the worst part of Fona since he was just a bad-boy dude who always played by his own rules. Also putting in the revived N:E version of Carnegrius since they became increasingly violent after loosing their natural habitat, and Helovolk constantly digs a mindless series of tunnels to stay hidden and elusive...Maybe N3 will expand more on his personality/motives, but that's all I got for him here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6+7. Caelesa & Byeol (Metta + Raamu, Mistrallion, Starckal, Paupo(?))
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I know I know, why add Byeol in the mix, aren't they supposed to be a regular ol' Tyrant? I mean, have you even seen these two side-by-side!? They might as well be half-siblings here! And if anything goes to show, if Metta dabbled with gene splicing with his own DNA, not everything was going to be all sugar, spice, and everything nice here (and probably experiencing ego-death with the "abomination" that is Byeol)...Maybe throwing in a bit of Paupo in the mix so the family resemblance isn't too obvious, who knows. Besides, they're both Normal type, they both have ring-like objects on them, and they both have a tendency to constantly evade the Guild's Tyrant witch-hunt without a care in the world...Possibly w. Byeol, but their lack of a noteworthy dex entry says as much (And on that note, it was only today ago that I realized that Byeol’s Nexomite/energy crystals are on the cheeks or might be the little stars floating around them…So I’m technically right and they have permanent dimples! 🥰). While Caelesa obviously has Metta's crassness around humans (only calling them idiots and getting huffy about the Guild labeling for a Tyrant for only running around as ordered), I headcanon that Byeol only avoids getting caught as a "game" and enjoys people-watching or nagging for attention so much that it easily weirds out the Guild. But I'm pretty sure Metta would've had a grand old time getting a 2-in-1 Tyrant deal while (possibly) pretending his mini-me cherub doesn't exist at all.
8. Braccus (Grunda + Broshield, Grath, Bitztrong, Rustung)
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My boy Braccus is chonk supreme here, already topping off against all the Abyssals in pure strength and size alone (and makes it even funnier when his dialogue sprite takes up 1/3 of the screen on its own), but I have a feeling that this is the kind of terror and might Metta aspires Grunda to be before he "mellowed out" in N:E. Not that he did any kind of extreme damage on purpose, even Grunda's Chasm in N:E was made just from the Nexolord reviving him, and his entry mentions that it's only getting on Grunda's bad side when he goes on a rampage, so tamers and residents always had to walk on eggshells around him. But what does Grunda secretly want more than anything in the world? Take care of a small camp/village in the desert town Solus (aka Lateria in N:E) as its leader and as the human Ulrich (in the N1 dlc btw, sot it's an idealized verision of what he wants in the world...neat!). So yeah, even if Braccus was given actual freedom with distracting the Guild instead of a set-in-stone calling, he decides on his own that cold-blooded destruction was the only way to go...Until Xanders killed him, that is. And yes I will wholeheartedly believe that Xanders did it barehanded, he's just that kind of dude tbh. -Oh yeah, and who wants to bet that the crystal he has was ripped out of his chest? Either Xanders did it or Braccus did it for a power move, who knows?
9. Volcel (Luxa + Resonect, Resonic, Zappnic, Tephragon)
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Isn't it interesting to know that both Volcel and Tephragon have an innate skill in tracking other people and/or monsters? While Volcel mainly used his skills to find a safe place for the Abyssals to hide in (aka. Precursor Mountains), his dex entry notes he "excelled at scouting and locating other living beings"...Maybe Venefelis revived him first to track the other Abyssal skeletons and find the mountain? Just some food for thought here...But yeah, I suppose Metta wanted his not-Luxa Tyrant to do something important and meaningful instead of being materialistic and smiting humans only for fun.
10. Kroma (Kromatice, Phantra, Hohopi, Rapilux, Dredrone)
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And last but not least, the attack rabbit themselves! While I love the irony of a cute winged rabbit-fox thing having the power to control ghosts (and she was set loose in Immortal Citadel, you know, the one place already filled to the brim with ghosts...), I kinda believe that her appearance was purely meant to be a distraction to hide her true strength (apart from every other Abyssal I mean). While it doesn't clearly explain how Kroma controls spirits in the first place (and being strong enough to control Ulzar nonetheless), it might work like Dredrone or Phantra with a strange otherworldly energy or hypnotism. Sucks that she only got to roam free in a relatively short time, trying and failing to kill Hilda's apprentice Eliza, before Deena curb-stomped that pile of stuffing into oblivion (or not caring to do her mission with gusto since she knew their master won't show up, who knows)...But hey, at least we'll get to see them again in Nexomon 3...Hopefully.
Anywho, thanks for reading my growing brand of rants here, and here's to the future installment in the completely underrated Nexomon series!
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crystalelemental · 2 months
Do you think it's possible to enjoy Nexomon 2 by itself, or do you need to play both to get full enjoyment?
As I understand it, someone who's engaged a bit with my Nexomon posts has stated that they didn't play the first and seem pretty engaged with it. So it's definitely possible.
For my own sense of it: Nexomon 2 is a direct sequel, they are tied together. But I don't think that it's in any way you couldn't understand what's going on, or feel like you're missing out. Nexomon 1 is fairly basic, and any major developments from that game are reviewed in Extinction, so there's nothing you're uncertain about. I think Extinction can stand on its own, but there are things that may be enhanced by experiencing the first game too. They have a couple jokes that I imagine are borderline incomprehensible without the context of the first game's joke, and some of the children of Omnicron feel a bit more complete with knowledge of the first game (looking mostly at Merida on this one).
If you're just not interested in the first, I'd say you can safely skip it. It is an eccentric game with some odd mechanics, though I personally think the oddities are part of the charm. If you're just not sure about how to get it, I will note that Switch and PS4 both have a bundle of the first game and Extinction, and if the GameStop online shop is telling me the truth, the bundle is hilariously cheaper than just Extinction for Switch. But if you're looking at Steam, it seems like they don't have a bundle, and it's like $30 for both, so like. Up to you and what you have access to. I do strongly recommend both, I think they're both a lot of fun, but if you're just looking at Extinction and thinking you don't mind skipping 1, it's a solid standalone experience. But if you get it, you gotta talk about it, because there's like five of us in here.
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player-1 · 2 years
Me, just minding my own business w. work and stuff, haven't touch Nexomon Extinction in about two weeks: .... Old NE fandom: Why the heck does Byeol exist? Is it a joke Tyrant or what? My brain, already in the death grip of the "Metta became a Fakemon Matrix god in N3" theory: -YOU FOOL, Metta made it out of spite! Why else would an "harmless" Tyrant seem so unnerving!? He's coming back in Nexomon 3 and it's with a vengeance!!!
(Mini-major rant below, plus spoilers)
For a bit of a refresher, I'm going to go scorched earth on this freak (but in a good way), and maybe even dabble on the Abyssal Tyrants.
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Style and name-wise, Byeol doesn't seem too bad (its name is literally the Korean word for star (별)). Unfortunately, it only appears post-story in Palmaya, so it doesn't serve any importance in the current lore of N:E. But of course, it seems too cheap to make such an unassuming Tyrant appear in the game's Safari Zone, so out of simple curiosity I first did a bit of sleuthing on what Byeol means as a normal name (myfirstname.rocks) and...
"Byeol is a name that signifies a freedom-loving and free-spirited individual. Nothing is conventional with your love of change and adventure...Your heart’s desire is to settle conflicts and create harmony. Natural born peacemaker and a spiritual idealist are some of the words that describe you. You specialize in religion, philosophy, and less traditional forms of healing. The quest for enlightenment is one of your life-long pursuits."
Ah yes, the religious allegories...It makes sense since it has the star seat-thing, but what about the angel symbo-
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Okay...It seems to be a reasonable speculation...So why does it appear in Palmaya of all places? Lore-wise, Palmaya's the only place where "no Tyrants appear". Here's why I now think that's a load of bull:
-In Nexomon 1, Palmaya was originally controlled by Merida/Arqua (5th Child of Omnicron), but was eventually destroyed in both a shoddy volleyball match and later during NexoLord/Metta's attempt at reviving Omnicron. -Some undetermined time before Nexomon Extinction, Merida buries her shrine/tomb in Palmaya, giving her free reign to explore the world in contrast to her spirit-bound siblings (and in comparison to Deena/Nara); the first time the MC Luke (HC name from the official prologue, btw) meet Merida at Omnicron's Tower/Tomb in the Frozen Tundra, instructing the player in flushing out the Nexolords cult and stop their attempt to "revive" Omnicron for a third (and obviously impossible) time. -And even some more time before the main story, the Guild hunt down the mysterious Abyssal Tyrants, quickly popping up and attacking just after Omnicron's death in a strangely unorthodox fashion. One of the Abyssals, Pluvean, appeared in Palmaya and was quickly slain as soon as it appeared; and in the Abyssal DLC, Pluvean himself says that his "goal" was to be destroyed by the Guild and "To bring the world's eyes upon myself". And here's the residents of Palmaya like "Haha, Palmaya's a great place! There's no Tyrants here, no siree! 🙃"
So now with the added lore of the Abyssal Tyrants, what's so important about Byeol besides it being so unassuming and harmless? Oh you know...That's what you're supposed to believe as well...
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There's a rule of thumb in recent animes with cute and unassuming animal companions (like Kyubey): The cuter a mascot is, the more dangerous it is under the surface. And once I got into the theory of Metta playing around with the meta of the game (heh), the idea of Metta creating Byeol made more and more sense to me. -Both Byeol and Metta are based on unconventional angels (nonhuman, biblically-accurate messengers of God, "normal", etc) -Byeol may represent Metta's ideology of being "the star" of Nexomon 1 as the main antagonist (before Omnicron), being the "star of the show" as NexoLord, and/or representing his inflated ego as the "favorite" child despite being the youngest out of seven siblings. -With the added meta-narrative of Metta practically being wiped from existence in N:E, the main lore for Tyrants existing is because the Renegades find a Tyrant egg and hatch it from a Primordial Tyrant shrine of their choosing, so a Normal-type Tyrant should've been out of the question here...But here it is, just vibing in the one place that boasts about being Tyrant-free. [Added bonus that post-game, this is where the player finds Volta, a Greater Drake that specializes in "having no fixed location and keeps Tyrants from having a safe place to hide", but Lydia confirms that Palmaya is where he "seems fond of this area"...]
With my previous analysis/meme about Metta "mastering the art of resurrecting the dead", it wasn't too out there to assume that Metta was also the mysterious creator of the Abyssals as well; giving them certain tasks that seem unusual/unpredictable at the time, and letting Venefelis take the job of constantly reviving them in order to wear down Luke & the PTs for a thousand+ years to come...And who's to assume that the main element Abyssals are also based on Metta's interpretation of his siblings as well?
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The similarities seem uncanny sure, (minus Inominox and Volcel; they fit personality/goal-wise), but the one outlier is...You guess it, Pluvean and Arqua. Arqua is typically known to be extremely temperamental and was once feared by many in Palmaya for sinking ships for fun...Pluvean was supposed to serve as cannon-fodder and completed his mission of going down without a fight. So why the contrast? What about the other Abyssals? Venefelis and Kroma (Psychic and Ghost respectively) are more of a wild card in the grand scheme of things, and their goals serve more of a greater threat to MC and the Primordial Tyrants in general. But now consider the Normal-type Abyssal Caelesa compared to its "inspiration" Metta:
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Totally night and day here, right?...Now what about its description? "Caelesa was an Abyssal Tyrant that raced across the continent, making it exceptionally difficult to hunt down. Whether it was chasing a target or running from something, the Guild could never find out." And above all else, Caelesa has more physical similarities to Byeol here...Then it hit me right then and there:
THEY👏ARE👏DISTRACTIONS👏FROM👏METTA!!! The same thing obviously applies for the other Abyssals up until Nexomon 3, but Byeol and Caelesa serve absolutely no purpose in being a threat to the Guild or humans in general. They're both silent observers, letting their lackeys do most of the dirty work and wear their opponents down...Sounds familiar? Yeah yeah, I know, now why does that apply to Palmaya here? In a way for Metta to pull the strings in his ultimate plans, perhaps letting Arqua bury her shrine and relocate to the Frozen Tundra gave him the chance to watch everything from the background without having to lift a finger; and even giving a better explanation on why the Water-type Tyrant Nivalis is aesthetically Ice type too. Setting the sacrificial lamb Pluvean loose in Palmaya also reaffirms the stance that it's the only place where a Tyrant won't set foot in and serves as another safe space for humans to live at (besides Parum City).
And it's not like Metta is entirely innocent either. If the greatest threat of Nexomon 3 is the meta itself, then he's just winding up the bat on how much power he really has over the game itself. That one out-of-pocket scene during the Orphanage hostage mission, completely erasing his existence from both his siblings and the Nexomon 1 main character, a (possible) time loop scenario before the endgame fight w. Vados, and absolutely everything about the Abyssals just screams at me that Metta's coming back with a vengeance to reclaim Omnicron's throne as the true heir. And even if it isn't officially shown in the story, I'm pretty sure Luke would have some serious mental issues if he's the only one aware of these circumstances, especially when he's the target to all of them. Metta's absolutely willing to play the long game here, and harassing Luke with the debilitating power of Meta™ and the surefire fact that there should be one more Child of Omnicron they need to worry about would do plenty of bad things to him...
So for now, Byeol served as the pre-Abyssal warning that, like the cherubim, serves as the chariot to God's terrifying and vengeful arrival. Whatever Nexomon 3 has in store, I'm more than ready for the tasseled bowling ball to get the spotlight he deserves again.
TL:DR Metta's game plan before Luke accidentally revived the Abyssals:
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zscyber · 2 years
The Royal Revivals, Ch. 5 - A New Set on the Beach - is now up!
Chapter summary:
On the way to Merida’s tomb, a strange Nexomon encounter leads to Regina discovering a new ability. One that leaves her in pain and horrified.
AO3 link:
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thenexolord · 3 years
merida seeing herself in a mirror for the first time and trying to figure out what animal she is
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She’s a seahorse... boat... thing...?
Credit: @jesstheespeon
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