#merida gif
fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Merida cuddles with Y/N…
Merida: what do ye think of the sound of little feet running thru our home?
Y/N: did your brothers turn into bears again?!
Merida: no! That’s not what I-
Y/N: baby you have to stop going to that witch-
Merida: I want yer kids!
Y/N: oh…I’d love that
Merida: (giggles) good.
The two share a kiss, not noticing that Merida’s brothers run past them, having been turned into bears again…
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yanderefairytales · 5 months
Male! Merida of DunBroch Headcanons
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You didn't want to be at this tournament
The last thing you wanted to do was compete for some dude's hand and it seemed he [Merida] agreed
You both ran into each other when you were trying to escape the dinner and he was trying to hide his bear mother
His eyes widen when seeing you, before he pushes his mother into a room. You accidentally bump into him, before quickly apologizing
^ "No, it's fine. Don't worry 'bout it-" He shakes his hands, his eyes going back and forth, avoiding eye contact
His mother makes a loud roar, causing you to take a step back, eyes wide, as he awkwardly smiles and rubs his stomach.
"Wow! I'm so hungry!"
You end up finding out about the bear and he tells you what happened
"You," You point to him, "Turned your mother into a bear to change your fate?"
He blushes, since it sounded stupid when you said it like that, "I mean... Yeah- To put it simply."
You help him hide it from everyone else while he tries to find a way to turn his mother back
He thanks you profusely for helping him
His mother bear gives him a knowing look when you leave
But he quickly shakes his head, before shaking his finger, "No, no, no. Don't give me that look"
You lead them away for as long as you can, but they do end up turning on you
Since you helped him, Merida decided to give you a chance- Totally to just appease his mother
He develops a crush on you first, but denies it, because he doesn't believe in love and romance- because ew
But sometimes... Sometimes even he can't deny how his heart rate picks up and a smile shows on his face when looking at you
His mother is the first one to notice and sets something up, much to Merida's embarrassment
Really protective over you. If you trip or fall, he's quick to catch you and pull you close
His younger sisters tease him, but Merida just closes his bedroom door on this face, much to the girls annoyance
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siodymph · 8 months
Alrighty! While everyone's still voting on the exact set-up for our fan-event, now's a great time to send in prompt-ideas!
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If you have an idea(s) for prompts or themes, just let me know! You can send me an ask, dm or even write them as a reblog or tag!
In a few days I'll make an official post outlining the schedual chosen-prompts! This is gonna be so much fun!
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rotbtd-edits · 1 year
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ROTBTD - The group together [X]
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dinneratgrannys · 9 months
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ONCE UPON A TIME 5.09, The Bear King
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ozgur-ce · 9 months
Tumblr köyünde hangi tip insanlardan uzak durmanızı gösteren 10 işaret:
1- Her zaman haklı olduğunu düşünür, özeleştiri, özür kelimeleri onun lûgatında bile yoktur.
2- Herşeye alınır, kırılır, alınganlık yapar.
3- Dinlemekte kötüdür, yazdığınız hiçbir şeyi doğru düzgün okumaz, yazarken de Türkçeyi katleder.
4- Sürekli laf aralarına girip lüzumsuz şeyler söyler. Sorun çıkarır.
5- Zaten inanılmaz kibirlidir en güzel/yakışıklı odur, en iyi meslek, en elit, en herşey...
6- Küfür, aşağılama ve bilimum yalanlar ondadır.
7- Her türlü ne idüğü belli! hesabı takip eder, derdi beğeni ve yorum kasmaktır, yorumları hep aynıdır.
8- Aşırı mutsuzdur çünkü doyumsuzdur herkes onunla ilgilensin, mutsuz olsun ister.
9- Kadını/erkeği cinsel bir objeden başka türlü algılamaz.
10- Ülkeme, yaşadığım dünyaya bi katkım olsun demez, sadece bir güruha ait olmak için dinden inançtan yürür.
11- Daha uzatırdım ama sıkıldım sizi de sıkmayayım 😁 geri kalanı siz ekleyin isterseniz hayırlı cumalaaaaar 😂😂
Ben kim miyim peki tumblr köyünün delisi 🥳 cadısı 🧹🪄 çılgını 💃 mikropçusu 🧪🔬kısaca turuncusu, Meridası diyelim 😋🧡🍊🍍🥕🌻🔥🎃🔫
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flowerynameslover · 1 month
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“I am Merida! Firstborn descendant of clan DunBroch, and I'll be shootin' for my OWN hand!”
Disney/Brave: Merida
Female Awesome Meme: Animated Characters (10/10)
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ghostofthegallows · 4 months
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Guess who figured out how to make gifs
The masking isn't good but Im trying lol. Might make a fic about this but idk
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hektor-world · 4 months
I see the fire 🔥 in ur soul, And I love it
#hektor #merida
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92-guy · 9 months
Love languages in ROTBTD
Merida: Quality Time
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Jack: Gifts
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Rapunzel: Acts of services (Listening)
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(Ironically, although Rapunzel is someone who shows a lot of love, it was the most difficult to try to fit into one of these languages, because it could easily be all of them.)
Hiccup: Physical touch
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fandomnerd9602 · 6 months
Eleanor searches the wedding party for Merida and Y/N...
Eleanor: Fergus! Where are those two?
Fergus: darling they're married. You know what married couples do on their special night. (laughs)
Eleanor blushes...
Meanwhile, Merida and Y/N are actually off on the archery range...
Merida: you missed!
Y/N: no fair! You kissed me right before I fired my bow
Merida: I'm yer wife I don't have to be fair!
Merida laughs as Y/N picks her up and spins her around...
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httydfanatic · 4 months
Happy St. Patrick’s day everyone, and the guardians wish you all the luck in the world.
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siodymph · 8 months
It's BigFourFest-eve! How's everyone feeling?
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I know I'm so excited! 😁
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rotbtd-edits · 1 year
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ROTBTD - The Big Four
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dinneratgrannys · 9 months
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ONCE UPON A TIME 5.09, The Bear King
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