#mermay gets mermaid Danielle
elizabethemerald · 1 month
Aquaman DPxDC Prompt
Real Life Mermaid Danielle
Ellie has explored a lot of the surface world over the last couple of years, but now she has a new place to explore, the entire ocean! Obviously to explore the ocean a little easier she changes her form to that of a mermaid so she can live out every little girl's fantasy (at least according to Jazz) At least until Aquaman finds a child mer exploring the ocean. He and Mera always wanted a daughter. His rage when he finds out she's a clone made by a man she calls "The Bastard" against her template's will will be breathtaking to see.
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skyf0ckz · 1 month
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First piece for MerMay! Based on mermaid art from the 1800s <3
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
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Thank you @desertfangs and @apoptoses for tagging me to particpate in #WIPWednesday
So, this started out as a response to the Mermay prompt for week 3, Eggs. Which I'm sure was intended to be oviposition related, or something like that, and there isn't no smut intentended for this fic, but I also wanted to explore how Armand creates safe places for the people he loves, his nurturing and protective side, how he copes with loss (yes we are going to tackle child loss in this 🐠 fucking fic, strap in lads (the excerpt below is safe from that theme though)). There also might be some baby-trapping in the final fic I have plans okay.
My main issue with this fic is I worry that it suffers from a lack of clarity around things like how Armand and Daniel learned to communicate, how they met etc. so I almost feel like it needs a prequel fic, but then I also feel like that will be boring and I may be overthinking how much people will care about the Lore(tm) of this mermaid!AU fic? So any feedback on that would be great
Tagging: @covenofthearticulate, @faerywhimsy, and @hekateinhell
"Surely it's easier if I just get in and swim with you?” 
Daniel didn’t need to be able to translate the chirps and whistles that made up his strange friend’s vocalisations to know he did not approve of that idea.  
And as if to emphasise that, he stopped swimming to lift his head from the water, deep brown eyes glaring sternly with furrowed brows, as an almost translucently pale arm emerged from the water to push firmly against Daniel’s legs. Stay on the rocks, got it.  
This would be less of an issue if the path he was taking Daniel down was less treacherous, but these cliffs barely provided even a precarious foothold, with little to grab on to as the waves crashed against his legs up to his thighs. It wasn’t unusual for Armand, the name his aquatic companion had chosen to go by, to drag Daniel places, whether to scenic, secluded islands and beaches, or to busy ports and piers bustling with activity he wanted Daniel to explain. But he usually got Daniel to swim with him, often hauling him through rough currents that would otherwise have swept the young marine biologist away, replenishing his depleting oxygen with kisses so they didn’t have to surface. Daniel couldn’t understand why Armand was making him inch my way along this crumbling cliff-face, at any moment just once bad step away from smashing his head against the rocks as he fell into the rough seas below.  
Eventually though the waters calmed as they headed into the shelter of a bay, at the far end of which lay an opening to a cave, obscured somewhat by the formations of stone that had resisted erosion and the tendrils and branches of plants hardy enough to make their home in the craggy cliff face battered by the elements. It was only when they got closer that Daniel realised why Armand had not wanted Daniel to swim with him. The closer to the cave they got, the higher the ledges he was walking on got from the ocean, there would be no way for Daniel to climb out of the water and onto land. And the entrance to the cavern from the water appeared blocked by a barrier of branches, kelp, driftwood, and other plants. As if some giant, marine beaver had been building a dam to block out the ocean from this hidey hole in the side of a cliff. With a graceful flip of his silvery blue tail, Armand dived down towards the blockade at the mouth of the cave, presumably finding a way under it, and Daniel took that as permission to follow him inside.
Pushing through the foliage hanging from the top of the cave entrance, Daniel stepped into the cool shade of the sheltered cove. He hadn’t realised just how oppressively hot it had been out under the sun, but being in here felt like seeking refuge. It wasn’t a large area, he had to watch his head to avoid banging it on some of the lower portions of the rocky ceiling, and the pool of water which dominated the space was maybe 2 meters in diameter, just large enough that if Armand came right up to the edge and stretched his body out behind him, there would be just a little gap between the ends of his tail and the opposite edge of the pool.  
Except he hadn’t, and couldn’t, come right up to the edge where Daniel was standing, as there was wall of marine plants much like the one at the entrance, creating a smaller, portioned off area of the pool.  A nursery, he supposed, given that it was filled with what had to be hundreds, if not thousands of eggs. Each perhaps the size of a large marble, they were faintly blue in colour, translucent enough that he could see a darker shape at the centre of each one. They didn’t match the description of the eggs of any local marine life Daniel had studied, unless- Daniel never had got around to asking Armand the specifics of how merfolk bred, was it possible...  
“Are they yours?” 
Armand had been fussing with the plants blocking the current at the entrance, making sure they had closed-up behind him and patching up a spot that dipped lower than the rest where some waves were still making it over, but at the sound of Daniel’s voice he turned to look at him and gave a nod in response to his question.  
“Who laid them?” Was Daniel’s follow up question, as much inspired by curiosity as it was the fear of an angry mother showing up who might understandably view a strange human as a threat to her young. Armand, he thought, had never mentioned having a partner, strangely, even though they had discussed, as much as they could discuss anything with their limited communication, that merfolk did form long-lasting monogamous relationships. But it wasn’t jealousy sparking in Daniel’s chest, no absolutely not. That would be ridiculous.  
But Armand looked puzzled by the question, eyebrows knitting under the unruly auburn hair plastered over his forehead in a way Daniel found ridiculously endearing. Oh, of course, Daniel was an idiot. To answer that question Armand would need something to write in, something like... Well something like loose sand spread across one of the rocks on the other side of the cave. But then why did Armand look so perplexed?  
Armand swam to the ledge covered with sand as Daniel carefully crossed around the edge of the pool, being very careful not to lose his footing and fall in, afraid to disturb the nest. The sand didn’t seem like it belonged in here, suggesting that Armand had brought some in purely for the purpose of communicating with him, a gesture that left Daniel feeling something he couldn’t quite name, but it was high and warm in his chest and far from unpleasant.  
He didn’t have time to dwell on the mystery emotion though, as Armand stretched his arm out of the water to trace a wet finger in the sand.  
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kendsleyauthor · 1 year
Daniel and Esmae for prompt 21- secretive
((OTP Prompts))
May I just say how absolutely STOKED @marydublinauthor and I are to see Daniel and Esmae getting a request?? These sweethearts bring us so much joy, and we haven't paid them a visit in ages 😭
I decided to write a story about mermaid!Esmae in honor of MerMay coming to a close soon!
You can read more about this AU here!
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The Night Cove
Daniel considered it their cove. His and Esmae’s, even if she loved it more than him. In their months together, they had explored up and down the shore near the castle. This inlet, with its massive rocky overhang and calm waters, was Esmae’s favorite.
Daniel might have loved it more if not for the black rocks that jutted above and below the surface. He’d gotten better at not scraping himself, but nighttime visits always ended in a few mishaps. He could already feel the sting of a few cuts.
Esmae, of course, had no trouble navigating the environment. Other than a few torches Daniel had lit up on the shore, she was the only source of light. Her magenta glow darted about in the water like living starlight. 
Having found a relatively comfortable rock to lean against, Daniel observed with with stunning clarity as she made a beeline for him. Surfacing, she hefted something proudly over her head.
“What’ve you got now?” he asked softly.
A tiny orange starfish—well, tiny to him. It was nearly the size of her torso.
Bringing himself lower in the water, Daniel inched his palm closer for Esame to place the tiny creature in his hand. She appeared greatly entertained whenever he interacted with little things from her world.
He brushed the starfish with his fingertip, raising his eyebrows at the curious sensation of its arms unfurling calmly against his palm. 
Esmae watched raptly, an endeared smile on her face. It’s very sweet, how gentle you are. I didn’t think humans were capable of that. Although she couldn’t speak to him above water, he memorized every word she graced him with when he joined her below the surface.
As she reached for the starfish to return it home, the sash around her upper body slipped a bit, revealing enough to make Daniel blush. She caught his expression and broke into a silent giggle. She adjusted the cloth and gave him a pointed look. Will you be alright after seeing all that skin, you poor thing?
Apparently, merpeople had a different idea of what body parts could be casually exposed. He never ordered Esmae to cover herself, but his flushed face and avoidant gaze were distractingly funny, according to her. He swore that sometimes she created a loose knot on purpose.
“Must you laugh at me every time?” he scoffed.
The grin on her face said it all. Her smooth skin brushed his palm as she took the starfish, prompting him to hold his breath. She was so soft—something he’d never been able to appreciate when he’d stupidly held her captive. Now, he felt unworthy of each bit of contact she gifted him with.
As she escorted the starfish away, she took the nearest source of light with her. As he began to turn in the direction of the shore, the water rippled in the firelight. He froze as something stirred beneath the surface—something that certainly wasn’t Esmae. 
A gray fin broke through with near silence.
Daniel froze, his mind rejecting what he saw. A shark shouldn’t have been tempted to enter such shallow waters—yet there it was, heading straight for him. He snapped out of his stupor and jolted back with a noisy splash. 
“Esmae,” he breathed, then raised his voice. “Esmae!”
His back hit one of the large rocks. He tried to shuffle to the side, looking around madly for Esmae’s glow while keeping track of the shark’s path. The scrapes on his arms and legs stung sharper than ever—had he drawn the beast right to their cove with his blood?
He shouted her name louder. The shark circled the rock, its fin dipping below and above the rippling water like a taunt. If he dared to pull away to escape, he had no chance of outmaneuvering the predator. Was this how Esmae felt when he’d found her trapped in the tidepool all those months ago?
Except this shark wasn’t overwhelmingly massive. Not to him. It could take a chunk of him, and he might survive. But Esmae… She’d be less than a mouthful to the creature.
As if the thought of that summoned her, a magenta glow bobbed into view beneath the clear water. A shout caught in Daniel’s throat.
Idiot! What was he thinking, shouting for her? He was drawing her right to her death.
“No!” he shouted. “Go back!” 
But she drew closer. Daniel tensed, then lunged out to get her to safety. The shark darted around the rock and tossed its head toward his arm. He snatched himself back, breathing heavily. 
Esmae paused. Her little, glowing form waved off Daniel flippantly. Then she approached the shark without an ounce of hesitation.
Daniel gaped as she swam alongside the beast. When the pair circled near, he swore he saw her little lips moving. He’d seen her play with fish before, but this was insane. 
Before he could think to duck under the water to hear what she was saying, the shark swam off, exiting the cove calmly.
Relief came gradually. He couldn’t believe either of them were safe. Even when Esmae swam up to him, he didn’t take his eyes off the shark’s direction until Esmae nudged his abdomen insistently. He flinched at her touch and looked down to find her peering up at him with an amused expression. She was so close, his slowing heartbeat picked up speed again.
“W-what on earth was that?” he stammered. “You were speaking to it? What did it want? How did you make it leave?” 
Her smile widened. At least she was entertained. She found his hand and gave his finger a downward tug. After another wary look at the open water, Daniel lowered himself under the surface, intent on getting an explanation from her. 
She took one look at his wide-eyed expression and giggled. He hadn’t heard her musical little voice for hours. “Are you alright?” she asked rather sweetly. She got comfortable near his hand, weaving her lithe form through his fingers.
All he could do was shrug in response.
She giggled again. “That shark helps guard my people. It ensures other predators stay away. My father has a way of convincing certain beasts to be on our side.” She leaned her cheek on his knuckle. “It must have followed me. It came to make sure I was alright.”
Short on breath, Daniel surfaced briefly. “You were able to speak with it?” he asked, struck with more wonder than fear now.
“No,” she said when he ducked down again. “It’d be a bit like talking to… to a dog or a horse.” She enunciated the animals’ names strangely, as they were wholly foreign creatures to her until recently. “I was able to send it off. Though, it’s a good thing they can’t speak. Otherwise, it’d tell my father where I’ve been spending my days.” 
She smirked conspiratorily at him. Daniel surfaced. It was rare she spoke of her people, least of all her father. Daniel knew for certain that her people wouldn’t be pleased if they discovered she had made contact with a human. Considering the awful two weeks he’d put her through when they met, Daniel could say little to defend humanity.
“I suppose it’s for the best we stay secretive,” he sighed. He gave another cursory glance at the water, relieved that he saw no more fins breaching the surface. He couldn’t shake how fantastically brave she was for putting herself between him and the beast. He peered down at her. “So—how can you tell the good sharks from the bad ones?”
There was a bit of a wild look in her eyes when he met her under the water again. She moved from his hand and tapped his nose teasingly. “I can’t. I suppose we just got lucky.”
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zappedbyzabka · 11 months
Happy Mermay! Mermaid Johnny meeting human Daniel and deciding to try to walk on land. Daniel finds a beautiful naked guy who doesn't seem to know how to use his legs or any of the fun parts and gets to teach him about the human world and all the pleasure. Mermaid Daniel meeting Johnny on a beach and deciding he wants that pretty creature, so maybe he lures him into the water, maybe he sings a song, maybe he calls out from the waves and Johnny's more than happy to run out because the guys handsome and hey knew friend who said they could play a game. Or maybe he's learning to surf or out swimming and hand grabs his ass or feels him up and at first he thinks it's a fish because it's gotta be a fish right? But it's hard to focus on a surfing class if somethings curiously poking around at his ass. Maybe he ends up finding a deserted piece of the beach and has sex with a merman and no one will ever believe him. But that's fine because any time he goes to the beach he's always happy to see his new friend and have sex in the sea or on the beach. (lol maybe that's his new favorite drink: sex on the beach)
(Also, take note that I’m applying a sort of abo esque thing to mermaids but it can be ignored.)
The thought of cute mermaid Johnny walking on wobbly legs and really acting like an Ariel. Blinking up at the cute boy who caught him and can’t stop looking at his legs—which he himself doesn’t understand are very nice and long.
Daniel showed him around, trying to understand why Johnny doesn’t seem all that familiar with the area despite being from Cali.
"I’m from around here; I just explore somewhere else more often."
What the hell does that even mean?
After spending the entire day together, going to random places, and Daniel talking Johnny’s ear off, explaining the things Johnny didn’t understand, Johnny told him he was interesting but a total square. Daniel had used the very little bit of cash he had to buy Johnny food at a bakery, watching in near awe the way Johnny shoved the croissant in his mouth like he’d never had anything that good before. He had to stop Johnny from grabbing more treats without paying—thankfully (aggravatingly), the old man behind the counter seemed to enjoy Johnny's little clothing enough to give him two free of charge.
They ended up at the beach again later that night, laying in the sand, Johnny’s head resting on Daniel’s shoulder, a cozy quiet between them for a while that had Daniel falling with slurred promises to see him again. Johnny sang to him, a sound that made Daniel feel a strange calm—waves of it washed over him as he drifted off.
Johnny was gone the next morning, and Daniel got a little worried—but he went back later, disappointed when he couldn’t see Johnny until he heard splashing in the water.
He assumed he was just swimming until he saw the tail, which was the cause of all that splashing. Johnny swam to him, then sat in the shallow water, looking apprehensive. "You aren’t going to tell anyone, right?"
Daniel was honestly too interested in the scaly tail. A nice blue-to-red that bleeds into pink and ends in a pretty lavender. He wanted to reach out and pet it.
"I wouldn’t have told you my last name if I knew you’d never say my first.”
Johnny laughed, his cheeks red and slick from water—all of him is slick, actually, and it’s very distracting.
He freezes. He wants to hear it again.
"Daniel, you won’t tell anyone?"
Daniel breathes out, shaking his head. "Of course not."
Johnny gives a look of relief and tugs on Daniel’s arm. "Come in here."
"No, I don’t want my clothes to get wet. Just come out, sweetheart."
Johnny blushed at the petname, and crawled out.
Not even 10 minutes later, Johnny is straddling Daniel in the sand, squirming in Daniel’s lap while he kisses him. To be fair, Johnny was naked.
You just gonna keep your mouth open like that?"
Johnny flicked him in the head, huffing and crossing his arms. "You don’t have to kiss me—"
But Daniel wants to kiss him, and he does again, and again and again.
"Daniel," Johnny gasps when they part, "Touch me."
Daniel’s cock twitches; he’d honestly been hard since he saw Johnny again. He roams his eyes over him, having a difficult time picking where he wants to feel first, so he settles for leaning forward and burying his face in Johnny’s neck, touching Johnny everywhere he can reach in an almost frenzy.
Johnny arches and sighs happily, scratching Daniel’s scalp. "Touch me lower, come on. Show me what it feels like."
Daniel pulls back. "Are you?…."
Daniel clears his throat. "Have you never been with anyone?”
Johnny’s brows furrow. "Of course I have! I just haven’t had these parts touched. I’ve tried a little, but it’s different. I don’t get wet down there like I do in my real form…"
Daniel’s mouth falls open, lips wet and puffy from all his kissing and mouthing.
Johnny gets a look on his face, cheeks glowing red, and stares at Daniel’s mouth.
Daniel has him on his back, those long pale legs thrown over his shoulders, while he rubs Johnny’s dick and sticks his tongue in Johnny’s sweet hole, pulling away every so often to suck Johnny’s tits instead.
He can’t shut up; he has to keep telling him how good he tastes and how perfect he is down there—the prettiest he’s ever seen—and he never wants to stop.
And after he made Johnny come all over them both, he expected nothing in return, but after Johnny got through his afterglow, he ordered Daniel to step up and gave him the best (and first) blow of his life.
(Mermaid Daniel instantly made me think: Squirmy mermaid dick 😭 but also👀)
Johnny was sitting on a small deck, feet submerged in the water, as he watched the water shimmer and tried to focus on the color instead of the anxiety in his stomach. He didn’t even know why; there were too many reasons for him to blame it on, but the last thing he wanted to do was tell someone—be a nuisance.
Johnny flinched, whipping his head in the direction of the boy who yelled.
"Whatcha doing out here?"
“What does it look like I’m doing?”
"Wow, interesting."
Johnny shrugged, looking back at the expanse of water and hoping the guy would take a hint. "You asked."
"I did, you seemed very…” gloomy “deep in thought. I’m Daniel, by the way."
Johnny sighed, looking down at Daniel again. He seems nice, despite Johnny’s snippiness. "Like the guy from Grease?"
Daniel rubbed the back of his neck, a bashful expression on his face. He’s handsome. "No one’s ever compared someone like me to him. I know you meant the name, though—"
"A guy like you?"
Daniel ducked his head. "Scrawny."
Johnny felt a twinge of something in his chest. An ache for another. The guy may not be buff, but he’s handsome. "You have that dark hair, and…" he looked him over for more "Uh, and your arms are really toned even though they’re skinny. " Why is he being so nice? "And you have more armpit hair than I could dream of having."
Daniel snorted, lowering his arm back down quickly. "Thanks, man."
There’s a comfortable silence for a moment. "Can I touch your hair?"
Johnny blinks at him. "Uh, why?"
"It’s all shiny and golden. Looks soft."
Johnny raised a brow, then leaned down and let him touch. Daniel smiles wide, his cute, crooked teeth on display. "Nice. You do some sort of hair care?"
Yes. "No…"
"Hm, good genes."
Johnny stared at the setting sun. It always looked like it was sinking in the water to Johnny. Burned out until the next day.
"Come into the water with me? It’s still light enough out."
Johnny didn’t see why not. He stripped down to his (too small) briefs, with Daniel staring up at him wide eyed before turning away with both hands covering his face. Johnny smirked, and jumped in.
When he broke back up from the water, Daniel was gone—at least he thought so until he felt what was unmistakably a finger poke his ass. He squeaked. "Dude?"
Daniel wraps his arms around Johnny, breaking back up from the water. "You’re the most precious human I’ve ever seen!"
Johnny shoves him slightly, and Daniel’s arms fall from him, doe eyes full of something dangerous, like he was fighting with himself on something.
He could steal Johnny away like a perfect pearl from a clam. But he’s not like that.
"Human? You an alien or something?"
Daniel shrugged. "Something like that. Who’s the nosey one now, sweetheart?"
Wait, he said that out loud earlier? And Sweet-hot: He likes that accent.
Johnny huffed, fighting the urge to do something girly like twirl his hair or ask him where he’s from. This guy probably just felt bad because he was alone; he doesn’t need to know his story. Maybe he should go.
He makes no move to do so.
Daniel started running his fingers through the water absentmindedly, soft sloshing filling the quiet as they drifted close to each other. Johnny likes the way his hands look: blunt nailed and long. He likes that he hasn’t left yet.
they drifted closer, the water carrying them towards one another.
They bumped into each other, and their lips met. He didn't regret it at all, not when Daniel was holding him like that. He’s a little bit eager, practically vacuuming Johnny’s mouth, but even that made Johnny feel nice. But then he felt something that definitely wasn’t legs against his.
He pushed Daniel away, reaching down and flinching when his hand met a tail.
Johnny stares at him. "What the fuck?"
Daniel sighs, looking at the deeper waters. He was being very reckless here—his Ma would be disappointed, but….beautiful human boys . "I can show you a few tricks if you want. If you won't tell anyone."
Johnny doesn’t think it can get weirder. He nodded, watching Daniel swim, tail splashing—it’s all far too fluid to be something he isn’t used to doing.
So….mermen exist, pretty neat.
Johnny was, in fact, very impressed with Daniel’s tricks—all his diving and leaping. Even better than watching the seals in San Diego laze around, who all congregate together on this big rock. He’d always imagine leaving his mother’s side and joining them; it must be a relaxing life.
Those silly tricks of his got Daniel a big smile and a lot more.
Johnny had him get on the deck with him, offered him his jeans, and waved Daniel off when he worried about Johnny walking around without them. "I like wearing shorts anyway."
daniel had raised a brow at him. "Those are shorter than shorts, but…" His clothes were so far away. "Okay, I’ll take em."
They didn’t go far, just over to one of the big rocks close by, and sat against it for the remaining light of the day.
He let Daniel lay him against the sand and kiss him again, let him pull his briefs down his legs.
Let him grope and lick wherever he wanted, then let him fuck him too. He’s so gentle with Johnny, like he’s fine china and not the bull. Maybe he’s both, people like to break him.
he’s the china, pretending to be the bull.
But blessedly, he was distracted from his thoughts when Daniel pulled out and came on his stomach.
He was disappointed he hadn’t done it inside him. He scooped some up with his fingers, and licked them clean. Daniel watched, dick trying to harden again, before he snapped out of it. “No, don’t swallow!”
Johnny flinched: was Daniel mad at him? Did he do something wrong. “I…I already did. I’m sorry—“
Daniel waved his hands, looking worried. “You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just, um” he mumbles something.
“What was that?”
“My semen,” they both cringe at that word “Works kinda like a drug. It’ll make you want to keep going until you can’t anymore. Common knowledge to us.”
Johnny thought it had to be a joke. He’d never read that in any old tale. “What are you—Oh.”
Suddenly his whole body was hot, like it was 120 degrees and the only hydration he needed was Daniel’s dick. He stared at it, feeling too empty. “Please, let me have more, Daniel, pleasepleaseplease—“
“Woah, honey. It’s okay, come ‘ere.”
Johnny practically tackled him, one hand on Daniel’s arm, and the other wrapping around Daniel cock—jerking it fast. “Gimme it, please. Need it back inside, need more.”
Daniel is but a merman, and it was him that caused Johnny to get like that; he gave him more and didn’t stop until sunrise.
Daniel never planned on that being the last time he saw Johnny, and Johnny felt the same.
They meet every night, and it wasn’t long before they became official unofficially.
Daniel was clumsy in his human form, constantly running into things and tripping over his feet like a dork. He assures Johnny that it has nothing to do with having a fish tail for almost the entirety of his life.
They also go to the beach so often, a habit Daniel had much given up besides allowing himself a swim every so often because it was irritating to find a time of day where people wouldn’t see him and he’d been so distracted by the brand new place after he and Lucille moved to land, but it always felt like something was wrong when he stopped swimming. Johnny got him to start doing it more. Usually they’d go later in the day, so Daniel doesn't have to wait too long to swim. Walk on the beach with their arms linked, feeling the heat on their skin and eating the ice cream cones melting in their hands as fast as they could. Daniel could watch Johnny in the water for hours and cherish every knick knack Johnny brought back to him—as if he hasn’t seen sand dollars and shells 100 times before.
But right when that time comes around where it’s safe to change, Johnny’s grabbing his hand and telling him to get the hell up and get his merman time, it’s important.
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hr-nm-grnd-zr · 1 year
Peggy Carter - Mermay Prompt “Scales” Ao3
no warnings except maybe grammar errors
This takes place after Season 2, she doesn’t know about her brother yet.
I’ve had this Mermaid Peggy headcanon for a while now and I kinda like it. Might post more every once in a while. Feel free to send ideas but I cannot promise anything.
It had been a long day, very hot as well due to the L.A. sun. Peggy was driving home in a car which, now that she was staying in L.A. for a while longer, had been designated to her. It came in quite useful considering Mr. Jarvis had been busy driving Howard around after he had finished his movie project. In fact, him and both Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis went on a business trip over the next few days. They had left earlier that day and wouldn’t be back until Wednesday afternoon.
She turned into the Stark Mansion driveway, stopping in front of the door. It was the first time she would be alone for more than a few hours in this House. She had been thinking about it for a few days now. It had been a long while, with all the working and all the people around her. Also, the water quality in New York’s rivers was worse than just questionable. She had been living here for a few months now but was way too busy to go to the beach. And even though she considered Mr. Jarvis one of her best friends, with his good observation skills it was hard to stay unseen when he was so eager to drive her everywhere. Especially late in the evenings, which was the best time to go swimming without risking anyone to see her. It was frustrating, to say the least. Peggy got out of the car, taking her keys from her bag and opened the door. “Hello?”, she shouted into the house. ‘Just making sure’, she thought. When nobody answered she made her way to the kitchen, dropping off her bag in the hallway, to get something cold to drink. She found a cold, homemade lemonade from Mrs. Jarvis. Peggy wouldn’t tell her husband of course but Ana made the best lemonade she’d ever had. She took the jug out of the fridge and got a glass from the cupboards. Pouring the drink while she walked to the garden, then sat down at the table outside and considered the pool for a second while she practically downed her first glass of lemonade. It was way too hot in this city. Looking around again she slowly got up. No one was here. She unbuttoned her blouse and took off her trousers, subconsciously slipping off her shoes in the process. Walking towards the pool she took off her bra and underwear leaving them in a trail on the floor. She dipped her toes into the water. It wasn’t too cold but nice and refreshing. She sat down on the edge feeling the tingly sensation of the shifting on her legs as scales started to appear. Quickly she lowered herself into the pool, her legs fusing together, her bones getting more flexible shifting into a different structure. She let herself drop under the water breathing out and taking a deep breath of water in. Pool water wasn’t ideal, but it would do for now. Peggy sank to the bottom letting the water cool her overheated body temperature. If she were over the water, you could hear her long sigh. Instead, a bit of left over air escaped her lungs in small bubbles. She couldn’t say how long she swam in that pool, maybe 30 minutes, maybe two hours. Peggy had gotten so used to not being able to swim she totally forgot how good it felt. Like coming home after a very long day. Her thoughts drifted to her parents back in England and her brother. How they had visited related family on the coast and their father teaching them all about their heritage from the sea. Feeling nostalgic she was now letting herself float on the water, deep in thought. That’s when the doorbell rang. Opening her eyes and blinking confused she wondered who could be at the door. Freezing for a moment she remembered Daniel had wanted to come by for dinner. She swam towards the edge of the pool from where she could see the clock on the living room wall. It was 5 pm. He was just on time. Shit. She let her tail shift back into legs as fast as possible and climbed out of the pool. Picking up her clothes on the way to the cabinet. She opened it, got out two towels and stuffed her clothes inside. She wrapped the small one around her head. When she was rubbing the water off her body the bell rang again. Stumbling a bit Peggy made her way to the front door while wrapping the bigger towel around herself, trying to conceal as much as possible. In the hallway she quickly checked in the mirror for panda eyes but the water had washed all the make up away. Only a hint of her red lipstick was left on her lips. She opened the front door. Hadn’t it been so embarrassing she would have laughed at the expression on Daniels face. He was mid frozen in knocking on the door, looking up and down her body. Peggy laughed nervously. “I must have forgotten about the time.”, she offered, and Daniel raised one of his eyebrows. “Where you still in the shower?” “Actually…”, she paused, pursing her lips, “I was in the pool.” Now he was grinning. “You? In the pool?” “Yes me.”, she said in mock offense. “It is surprisingly relaxing when Howard isn’t around.” Peggy took a step back to let Daniel in while he still grimaced at her last comment. Closing the door, she offered: “Why don’t you make yourself comfortable in the garden for a moment. There’s lemonade on the table.” Pausing she furrowed her brows. “You might need some ice, it has been out there for a few hours. I suppose it must be warmed up by now.” Chuckling, Daniel gave her a peck on the cheek. “Alright. I’ll wait for you there.” Peggy smiled and turned around to run up the stairs. “I’ll be quick!”, she shouted back at him. “Okay.”, Daniel answered grinning. But just as she turned around the corner something on her left leg caught his eye. It had only been there for a second. He must’ve imagined it. Daniel shook his head and walked to the kitchen to get the ice. But it had looked so real. He thought he had seen some bright red scales on Peggy’s calf.
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