#messenger: anonymous
writingmochi · 11 months
what do ur moots remind you of?! (ex. places, color, song, etc)
lissie: hey anon! sorry for the late reply! I'll try my best to answer your question because this will be long...
@kookthief : the setting summer sun that is a body of ocean away going down beyond the horizon from where you can see from the beach. maybe because ellie has mentioned the summer i turn pretty tons of times, seeing photos of the sunset by a beach reminds me of her!
@ujunxverse: the strobing lights in a small concert venue where an alternative rock band is playing. viv's music taste and little mentions of music she listens to give me recommendations for more artists to listen to in the future. i also realize that our music taste venn diagram is more connected than i realized (cassiopea, have a nice life, radiohead, etc)
@heartandfangs: the narrow aisle of a warm-colored old bookstore. i think because of how amazingly P writes her stories it makes me think of that. one shelf is apocalyptic (the world ends with you) and another is erotica (i owe you and not if it's you)
@euphor1a: the smell of freshly baked vanilla cake in a pastel bakery on the corner of the street block. i mentioned to aleyna how she reminded me of sugar cookies before. with this, i'm expanding what i said before to the whole bakery :D
@jeongwins: an aesthetic-looking list on letterboxd. i know it seems random, but the way lin writes reviews for fics they recommend is how a film critic writes a review for a movie. in a way, it also shows the people what kind of fics they like and how others can expect from the fics by their reviews, just like how people on letterboxd make list for movies they like aesthetically or story wise
@s-ngh8n: open parasols on the sandy beach with the glittering waves in the distance. kinda like their name, lemon has a sense of freshness that i can't fully articulate using adjectives. so, here i am using a description to fully said what i meant
@boba-beom: xing fu tang's brown sugar boba milk tea. other than the boba theme being similar, smiles to me seems very refreshing and warm in the way she speaks and interacts with yours truly
@dim-sun: a cottagecore-themed pixel art. probably because zu had one of them for their banner one time, but every time i found a forest pixel art, it always reminds me of them...
@it-rains-blue: a rupi kaur-style book full of short stories. condensed yet emotionally rich, that is what the vibe of yerin's writing feels like for me. her range also contributes to it as short stories in one book can make you feel so many emotions; throwing the book against the wall or seeing tears fell on the pages from how it got you to feel.
@heart2beom: the smell of salted popcorn as you sit inside the cinema seats. another random one but jazmine makes me feel that way. i haven't read much of her work but i know that it'll give me a good time just like a good movie does.
@tyunlatte: a litter of kittens walking towards you as you sit on the carpeted floor of a cat cafe. seeing illustrations of cats reminds me of alex so much + the cafe aspect is definitely the kind of vibe if i open her blog. you're always in for a treat!
@lovejoshua: the colors: rose quartz and serenity. iykyk ;) but in all seriousness, i'm happy to see svt's content in my timeline from time to time because of ilem (literally every time i wake up and check the blr, it's gonna be either josh or seungcheol gifs. and i am in for that)
@junniieesbby: an emoji of a heart. as her previous moniker for her time as anon, every time i see a heart of any kind, both the symbol heart or a heart that looks accurate anatomically, it reminds me of angie!
@hanniejie: the song "can you feel the sunshine?" from the video game sonic r. using the sol as their aesthetic, lex gives of a very warm and optimistic vibe whenever i see their name or username, kinda like this song whenever i play them.
@txt-yaomi: ateez's yunho. ever since i learned that sof ults him, i kinda feel almost the same vibe between the two of them. both can be calm and excitedly chaotic at any time >.<
@talesofyuan: a shelf full of multi-volume manga series. remembering yuan's dream as a mangaka, every time i see a manga illustration, it always reminds me of her.
@choistick: the words "Musik" and "Kunst" . knowing where she comes from, thinking about saph really makes me want to revive my knowledge of the german language after not using it since i graduated high school lmao guten tag saph!
@robin-obsessed: txt's hueningkai being the ningdungie that she is, lee gives off the same vibe as hyuka whenever i think of her + her tumblr banner and discord username don't help either in making me think that she and kai are connected in some way...
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nyxicnymph · 2 years
If I might dare, I would like to request a fic that features Xiao and Childe as siblings, perhaps with a worried dad!zhongli as well- It's a relationship that I think has a lot of potential but I don't have the skill to write it myself
Unfortunately, this does not work for me, but I'm honored that you requested something. Sorry I couldn't write anything for you <3
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interactivemochi · 1 year
hi!! hope you are well! i'm currently in LOVE with street spirit and so excited for them!! if you don't mind, can i ask what font you use for their name?
lissie: hi! didn't expect someone to send an ask tbh but welcome!
the font i use is BoB Font !
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northern-passage · 2 months
im curious, if you had to choose an animal to represent each of the tnp major characters/ros, what would it be?
oh i believe i answered this before but i'm not sure i remember completely...
Lea: wolf
Merry: leopard
Clementine: jackal
Noel: raven
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nebou · 1 year
How many asks have I posted here alr-
Anyway, Jumin in C3 ples
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tfw Jaehee hands you a new stack of papers to look over but you just wanna facetime your gf
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Apparently Shannon Messenger made another Tumblr account...
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space-kitten-606 · 1 year
The sudden urge to call Saeyoung wife and hug his waist and kiss him everywhere 🥺
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yxstxrdrxxm · 5 months
Out of the characters rank them from "best" yandere to worst yandere???👀👀👀👀 Only if you want of course 🩷
Rubs hands together. Alright, you asked for this.
(read more + this came from me and Eros's perspective, so its going to be filled with some answers and small tidbits of everyone. Be warned.)
ZHONGLI: As he is a historian professor and has particular tastes for romantic matches, he's actually your safest pick in the list! He makes sure to know your dealbreakers, likes, dislikes, and even your preferences.
DAINSLEIF: Another "parent" figure/platonic choice for most people. The only difference, though, is that he sticks to one person and he doesn't really like being with someone romantically.
BAIZHU: He's a pharmacist and is the third of "he sees people platonically until he finds someone that he can be romantically with".
VENTI: Although he can be a bit questionable, he's still one of the (arguably) safer guys out there. Even if you two don't become an actual couple, he doesn't like hurting those he sees as 'uninvolved', so to speak. Although, it does depend if you'd be able to figure out his 'intent', or you'd dismiss it as one of his jokes.
KAEDEHARA KAZUHA: Kazuha normally should be on people's radars due to his past. After all, you'd never trust a man that is associated with one of the biggest 'scandals' that hurt Inazuma and how he lost his lineage. However, he isn't the worst as he can keep his ground and is mostly focused on exploring than hurting someone.
AETHER: Aether is... The same as Kazuha. Also, he doesn't really see his matches as anything romantically? He'd rather stick to it being a slow friends to potential lovers. (Eros says that he's like a guy who got lost upon getting to the corporation, and I can't help but agree. He's really nice, he's just... Yeah.)
FREMINET: He's the youngest of the triplets, but the danger he can possess is more of his charm. Still, I think whoever gets him has to keep him safe. As a diver, he works independently with the House of Hearth, but he also makes machinery! If you need someone to fix something for you, please contact him. He's the best mechanic you can find.
THOMA: Jack of all trades, master of none. He's just really nice, but protection is a bit... Well, it can be difficult, haha! If anything, I think the danger he has is more of his connections. He's working for the Kamisatos, and I hear that he has some ties to what goes down █████.
GOROU: He's... Uh, he's a veterinarian that trains dogs. Although, he's dangerous as a yandere if you end up getting on his bad side. After all, he had a bad past with Wriothesley and the others, so I can't exactly fault the guy. Just... Be safe.
WRIOTHESLEY: Just like Gorou, he can be very dangerous/bad if you get on his bad side. However, Wriothesley has the patience of the saint. He does accept one since he's a workaholic. (Eros told me he's married to his job, and I sometimes joke that we'll get an invitation for that).
DILUC RAGNIVINDR: Okay, I know this is absurd, but he's... Er, he has some history with Dawn Winery. We can't say too much, but he's not there, I guess. To be frank, he does give me the vibes of being obsessive... Which is weird.
KAEYA ALBERICH: ... Please don't ask us why.
SHIKANOIN HEIZOU: Detectives are pretty much master criminals in the making, honestly. I wouldn't trust a man as him if he suddenly tells you he wants to try something 'new' to catch criminals.
NEUVILLETTE: As the judge, you'd think he would be somewhat high up there, but... He's the same as Kaeya. Please don't ask.
KAMISATO AYATO: ... Sorry. We can't answer why he's here.
XIAO: Same as Ayato, Neuvillette, and Kaeya. (Sheesh, we got some that are TOTAL red flags...)
ALBEDO: He's a bit decent and has a good head on his shoulders, but I don't exactly trust him. Who knows when a chemist may make something that can potentially hurt someone? Well, I doubt he could, but... be careful.
LYNEY: A magician has his secrets, but we don't exactly know Lyney's. Although, knowing his track record, we have our reasons why he's here. Let's just say he's as two-faced as Kaeya, okay?
TIGHNARI: Oh, come on! A ranger who can specialize in forests is like... A disaster waiting to happen. He's also got a mean streak, so good luck.
CYNO: The same as Ayato.
ALHAITHAM: ... Actually, I don't know why he's here. We decided he won't be but... Maybe that incident is why he's here.
IL DOTTORE: Ayato. Please look at his answer there. And Albedo's. That's our conclusion.
"CHILDE": He reeks danger. Please, to whoever gets him run. We cannot tell you why, just run. Don't answer his phone, don't answer the door, just run and don't be a sitting duck.
WANDERER: Do you want to die? No, seriously. Do you? He's the worst of all these men. If you get him... We wish you luck. Because we don't want to be anywhere near him.
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calware · 7 months
heres one for the reverse reverse, whats your least favorite thing about your favorite character? (not enough screen time doesnt count)
this is so hard to answer 😭 my favorite is hal... i actually think he was given the right amount of screen time since he's a minor character. if i had to choose something, i guess it's confusing that there's already a character named AR
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ryuki-blogs · 2 months
I don't remember what stuff I downloaded or what settings I disabled but I don't get any of those tumblr notifications 😆
Ooh, that sounds ideal tbh :'D I could get used to following more people if I wasn't constantly reminded how many posts I haven't seen. And my God, I wish I figured out how to get this on my phone - I have ALL notifications off but no matter how many tutorials I go through, I cannot get rid of those tiny little numbers next to the app icons. Not just for Tumblr but for everything, I don't want to see how many unread e-mails I have, how many messages I haven't checked, I want to check all these things on my terms at time of my choosing, will we be ever free from these constant reminders how avoidant we've become due to the hyperconectivity of our time-
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zentherainbowunicorn · 5 months
Hello!! I wanted to ask about "Mysterios Messenger". Can this mod only be opened on a computer? Sorry if it sounded stupid
It can be opened on whatever device Ren'Py runs on! Which as of now is Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chromebooks. It can also be ported to Android but there isn't an official Ren'Py launcher to edit it on Android, only package it up to open as an Android app.
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writingmochi · 1 year
Tag your moots with what song do they remind you of?
lissie: oh god... this is gonna be filled with so many people and assigning this will be hard (especially with my currently experimental prog music taste lmao) i’ll try my freaking best!
@kookthief : my time by jungkook (bts). your kook-themed username reminds me of it and i wanted to pick euphoria at first, but i like my rnb songs and i want to promote my time more too hehe. and it's a song about kook growing up and i just had this older-sister-feel from you tbh
@ujunxverse : an alternative-lover queen! ngl the song that reminds me of you is hyper-ballad by björk. it reminds me of you because of how unpredictable you are (in a good way of course), kinda like when i listened to this song for the first time. it goes slow then fast kinda like how you write your story tbh which in return, making it so immersive
@euphor1a : is it weird that you remind me of into the i-land? specifically, the one where enhypen and &team perform together. it has a sense of melancholia in it but is also hopeful at the same time...
@heartandfangs : sober by hyoyeon (snsd)! i first think that i get reminded of you by enhypen songs but you are more than enhypen and i owe you to me and other ppl. i just think of your blog's aesthetic with this song. idk if you like dance/bass type of genre or not, but it just kind of *click* you know
@jeongwins : because of your innie pfp, blueprint by stray kids! it's one of my fav skz songs of all time because of how feel it sounds. thinking of you reminded me of your review on crossroads which is so wholesome and i think this song encapsulates the wholesome-ness too...
@s-ngh8n-main : stereotype by stayc and yes it is because of your sieun and yoon pfps. but, ig it is also from the sound of it that reminds of you and kinda matches your lemon-y vibes <3 hope you have a good time offline!
@boba-beom : thinking of you reminds me of troubled pixies so much and the every breath you take-inspired fic of tyun. so ig throwback songs are what i'm reminded of you of, specifically cloudbusting by kate bush. it sounds dreamy af and tbh... if you can make a beomgyu fic out of this song, i will be forever grateful
@dim-sun : you seem so bright from just a few posts and i think thank you by asahi + haruto (treasure) reminds me so much of you! i had fun watching this live and i hope the optimistic feel of the songs keeps you up with whatever you are doing
@itz-yerin : since your milestone event is based on baek yerin, you really reminded me of k-r&b songs, especially imagination by dean + miso (the fact that this song is not on any streaming service is freaking illegal. i love this song so much). it has an ethereal presence about it, kinda like your blogs tbh... since you prob like my crossroads playlist too, ngl if this song is on spotify, this song will defo be in that playlist
@heart2beom : when i see you like 2000s romcom movies on your blog, 7 things by miley cyrus came into mind! it is unapologetically 2000's dcom soundtrack and probs right up your alley (esp with your f2l agenda that i'm digging.) the whole story of this song could be a fic idea itself so pls if you could make a fic from this song, i will also forever be grateful
@tyunlatte : alex you are a wholesome human being!! you remind me of time of our life by day6! it just gives such a teen adventure type of beat which i associate with you esp with your drawing board and sleepovers! i haven't read your works yet but i just have inkling that it has a somewhat feel like this song
@lovejoshua : fast pace and light a flame by seventeen! both are very jazzy and latin-sounding seventeen songs which reminds of you because of your carat-ness and just because they’re something you might like. tbh maybe it's because they have a sense of maturity to it and you are older than me lol
@junniieesbby : you seem like a very carefree person to me but also confident in the same way(?) ngl while scrolling through your blog and what you wrote on discord, i suddenly had maneater by nelly furtado in mind. my assumptions is that you pretty much ate up things lmao i'm sorry if that is too random >.<
@hanniejie : i really think that you are an embodiment of the sun from how sweet you are. it's gonna be a random choice again but i thought about pocketful of sunshine by natasha bedingfield when being reminded of you. it gives off a sense of encouragement and kind of reminds me of when you send us anon asks that is just words full of encouragement
lissie: this is actually so much fun to make. thanks anon!
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nyxicnymph · 2 years
do you want a hug
I'm in frequent need of hugs lately.
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Was Ilia's artistry better in the short?
that depends what you mean by "artistry," because sometimes people in the fandom use it to mean different things! if you're asking about his facial emoting, visible commitment to matching the character and energy demanded by the music, and eye-contact engagement with the crowd, then YES! all of those things were at quite a high level here. (caveat that this is my first time seeing him compete in person so I can't fully judge "improvement," just what I'm seeing right now—but it DOES look improved from the impression i got over video from last season, especially from this time last season!) if you meant more of the technical aspects that also get lumped under the handwavey label of artistry, such as posture/carriage in the shoulders and head, neatness of feet, precision/depth of edges, point of toes & overall limb extension, quality of knee action....then honestly, no. all of those aspects were still quite messy and clumsy-looking, certainly consistent with what I've seen over video during the past season-and-a-bit. he has SUCH long legs and it's really not pleasant to see how little control he appears to have over where they actually go. it's as if he lacks the strength to fully extend through them—which i'm sure he doesn't actually! but that particular use of his strength is just not trained into him at all. he seriously needs to do an intensive course at any decent ballet or modern dance studio, because as someone who genuinely is rooting for him and wants him to succeed, it makes me sad that there's so much of that unattractive limb-flinging to ignore even as i'm cheering on his out-of-this-world-gorgeous jumps and his real, visible progress in the emoting & audience engagement areas.
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lyonface · 9 months
It's been a looong time (almost 3 years now!) but I'm curious what were your final thoughts on Ray's AE + Jumin's DLC?
I think Ray's AE really emphasized Another Story Saeran is nothing like CS/DS Saeran. As for Jumin's DLC... it was so forgetable.
Has it only been 3 years? I think it's been more than that nonny, tbr.
I never actually played Jumin's DLC! My friend did, the person who played Saeyoung in the blogs, and at the time when they were going through it they fed me information, and I remember none of that information really compelling me to play it (nor the art really) because it sounded similar to how they did the Rika DLC: pile on as much terrible drama and abuse as possible for the sake of it. Jumin's past was bad enough when I thought his mother had basically abandoned him and he wasn't yet willing to accept that fact and his most present step-mother flirted with him. His real mother being a crazy woman that puts him in a cage? Like, come the fuck on.
I did play Saeran's AE though, and yeah, he's a completely different character than OG Saeran. I found it kind of sweet, the DLC, but honestly Saeran was kind of unrecognizable to me throughout it, even if I thrived off of Jumin and Saeran talking directly for a single scene lmao. iirc Saeran and Saeyoung's relationship doesn't really get repaired either, and that's tragic, because I'd much rather the brothers be happy again than MC get to be with Saeran on a private resort island that Jumin just...gives them.
I don't know, I don't like the extra content so much. Another Story was fascinating so even if it has flaws, I enjoy it and what it brought to the table, especially in reflecting on the original route and the implications. But everything after that is...eh. When I reminisce about Mysme, I don't reminisce about either of those, that's for sure.
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nebou · 1 year
Did you ever thought about drawing The Council of Jumins interacting?
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President: GE Jumin Han
Vice President: NE Jumin Han
Treasurer: BRE2 Jumin Han
Secretary: BE1 Jumin Han
Accountant: BRE1 Jumin Han[ABSENT]
Shareholder: BE2 Jumin Han[ABSENT]
i think about them but god the trauma of knowing theywhat could've been(especially for BRE2 Jumin, poor guy) would just to too traumatic : [
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