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hashimada-week · 2 years
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HashiMada Week 2023 Prompt List
Sunday, July 9: Childhood Crush | Reunion | Old Age
Monday, July 10: Yokai | Festivals | Samurai
Tuesday, July 11: Mokuton | Healing | Sage
Wednesday, July 12: Love | Lust | Loss
Thursday July, 13: Sharingan | Katon | Rikkudo
Friday, July 14: Honeypot | Flowers | Sparring
Saturday July, 15: Swap AU | Free Day | “I didn’t know who else to turn to”
HashiMada Week Merch
Thank you everyone for your support, it has been decided there’s enough interest that we will be making merch for HashiMada Week. More details and an entire FAQ will be coming soon but the simple details are as such:
You must participate in HashiMada Week in at least one day to be eligible for it.
It will be shipped both domestically (US) and internationally for free! Shipping costs were the biggest hurdle for everyone and we want to give back to the HashiMada community and celebrate our ship!
The form to fill out to get your merch will open the first day of HashiMada Week and stay open until the last late posting date.
We will showcase the merch on June 9th, our HashiMada Week sneak-peek day!
Vote in the poll to decide our merch type (March 20 - 27)
Fill out a merch artist application for your chance to design our merch and get your own copies! (March 20 - April 5)
. 🍃🔥.
Who can submit work?
This is an open event so everyone can participate!
How do I submit work?
Tumblr: post/link work @ this blog (@hashimada-week) and tag it with #hashimadaweek2023
Twitter: @hashimadaweek and #hashimadaweek2023
Ao3 Collection: HashiMada Week 2023 
What kind of work will be accepted?
Pretty much anything! Fanart, fics, edits, AMVs, headcanon/meta posts etc. As long as it follows our rules.
How literal with these prompts do I have to be?
Interpret them however you like, in whatever kind of AU/scenario, as long as it follows our rules. Make them all G-rated/E-rated, happy/tragic, fluffy/gory, or anything in-between!
Do you allow early/late posting?
Please do not post anything early, the mod will not be checking  the tags until the start day of the event, with one exception.
On June 9th (a month before the event starts) we will have a sneak peek event. Tag any work with #hashimadaweek2023sneakpeek  on Tumblr or Twitter and we’ll reblog it! (You can also @ us too on either platform.) Again, this is 100% optional and if you share a sneak peek, you are not obligated to finish/post the work for the event itself. This is just for fun!
Late posting will be allowed by two weeks until the end of July.
Check out our FAQs for more questions/answers.
. 🔥🍃 .
- No sexism, homophobia, racism, etc. in works.
- No bashing any characters.
- NSFW allowed, but follow Tumblr guidelines on-site (tag properly, read more breaks, cropped, etc. if it applies)
-  Hashimada/Madahashi should be the focus of the work. One-sided dynamics  are allowed, but Hashirama and Madara should still be the main focus.  Otherwise no other ships with these characters and no OT3 with them for  this event. Other background ships allowed.
Not allowed: underаge, rаpe/non-cоn/dub-cоn, incеst, A/B/О AUs, works (esp sexual NFSW) featuring degradаtion/аbuse in the pairing
.🍃🔥 .
Please ask or dm if you have any questions!
Mod: @mira–mira
(Art by @chio-tyan)
@narutoandborutoevents @narutoborutoeventscalendar
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roalinda · 10 months
very self-indulgent but beware, here goes! i was re-reading ending of OotP as one does in monday afternoon, and i was remineded how decidedly Nearly Headless Nick responed to devastated Harry when he asked if Sirius could become a ghost (aside - such a painful pages… Harry's grief was tearing me apart, again as always). “He will not come back. He will have… gone on.” Yes, Sirius wouldn't like pale imitation of life but… even for Harry? When he'd do anything for his godson including being locked up in Grimmauld Place? But then, Nick has seen Sirius and James through all Hogwarts years. And James was gone. And for Nick it was obvious, the choice he'd made, death with James or life without him. I'm not d=saying Sirius was suicidal, really, but Sirius did stay on the other side in the end, where James has been waiting for him.
Gods, anon. You just had to make me go and re-read the book and cry a river, didn't you? 😭
Seriously speaking, this is very deep and needs an essay to be written on. I have received another ask about the concept of the dead/death and the living/life in HP series some time ago, so I'm writing a meta on it. (If by chance the anon who sent me that ask is reading this, please know that I have not forgotten to answer, I am writing a presentable reply) .
I decided to break apart your ask into two parts, I hope it is ok. 
A. The reality of what we get in the books. 
B. The self-indulgent part 
The reality 
I decided to re-read the last parts of the OOTP as well (since you mentioned reading it ) . So, generally my source for your ask is the 5th book + some quotes from here and there.
The conversation between Harry and Nick is a very curious one, short and sad, yet solid with no place for doubt. But before coming to that, I want to go back to the first book and quote Dumbledore about the simplicity of accepting death when one is knowledgeable enough. Not as being ok with throwing away one's life pointlessly but as coming to terms with the fact that there is no need to hold on when you have done your part. 
"After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." 
Albus Dumbledore - HP and TSS, page 297 
Now some other quotes if I may, because they will come handy. 😉 
The 7th book and the engraving on Lily and James' graves: 
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
"It doesn't mean defeating death in the way that the Death Eaters mean it, Harry," said Hermione, her voice gentle. "It means…you know…living beyond death. Living after death."  
Hermione Granger - HP and DH, page 328 
and in the 5th book: 
"Oh, come on. You heard them, just behind the veil, didn't you?"
"In that room with the archway. They were just lurking out of sight, that's all. You heard them."
Luna Lovegood - HP and OOTP, page 863
These quotes show how serious life after death is portrayed in Harry Potter. It's a simple notion yet very fundamental. A living person dies and continues their journey in another life/dimension. The living can sense their presence or even hear them if the border is narrow enough and they have seen death before like Luna and Harry ( the veil being an example of that ) , but they are dead, they are in another dimension, they don't linger on where they should not. 
Dumbledore puts it as - going to bed after a very, very long day - in the first book, a very well-done impression of the phrase rest in peace ( R.I.P) for the dead. 
Harry's conversation with Nick is curious because it clears these facts: 
1 . You have to accept the notion of death to be able to pass on.
2. You shouldn't fear death. 
As proved by Nick: 
"I was afraid of death," said Nick. "I chose to remain behind. I sometimes wonder whether I oughtn't to have…well, that is neither here nor there…in fact I am neither here nor there…." He gave a small sad chuckle. 
HP and OOTP - page 861
Nearly everyone in the HP universe whose role were effective enough, accepted death - like an old friend - , each in their own respective causes ( good or bad ) . James and Lily died for their son with no hesitation, Dumbledore planned his own death for the greater good, Snape knew of his inevitable death by Voldemort, Bellatrix had such strong loyalty and belief and Sirius…bright, wonderful Sirius who was the best godfather on earth, died with adrenaline in his veins and not confined to a house he hated. Sirius Black was a logical adult who had fought in two wars and survived Azkaban. He was aware of the risks of his actions, specially in the DOM. The fact that he went there with no hesitation, shows that although he cared and loved Harry to the moon and back, he was aware and had accepted the fact that he may die at any moment and was at peace with it, even way before DOM. 
Personally, I think it's not the matter of how much you care or love someone. If it was, James and Lily would have come back for their poor orphaned baby, so they could both terrorise the Dursleys into taking good care of Harry and proving proof for Sirius' innocence as ghosts. I believe it's the matter of choosing to live in a useless limbo or going forward, to where you belong after you die. After all, if linger behind, the dead will suffer in the mortal world because they don't belong there as said in the tale of the three brothers. Nick's turmoil is a proof of that. 
Sirius is not a type to linger, he was bright and knowledgeable and bold and if you ask me, he needed peace upon his soul. 
The self-indulgent part ❤
Now to the important part a.k.a prongsfoot. 👀 Sirius loved Harry with all that he had. He did things for him that no one had done before, like escaping Azkaban. Harry was his everything after James. Harry was his responsibility, his best friend's child, his ray of sunshine, the person he cared the most for in life. But here is it. In life. 
Now, Sirius dies. He falls through the veil and in shock he sees James there, smiling sadly with wobbly lips and his hands in his pockets like old days and Sirius is tired. He has been fighting and struggling most of his life, he had suffered loss after loss and he had to endure Azkaban with the guilt of switching the secret keeper's plan. He just wants peace. He wants the love he had lost. He wants James and there James is, crying and laughing at the same time, whispering about how he has missed Sirius and he is sorry because Sirius deserved a full and happy life while Sirius barks a teary laugh and says his life is fulfilled because he had died defending his godson and meeting his lover after that. 
No, Sirius was not suicidal at all. This is something that I don't believe for a second despite a lot of people in the fandom believing in. Sirius was a bright star, the brightest, and he shone until the end and fulfilled his duty as a caring parent. But every story needs an ending and Sirius Black's was a bittersweet one, a tragic tale of a charming boy laughing in crimson and gold and the life which was stolen from him by the most painful betrayal. Sirius Black's life is a heartbreaking one yet death brought peace upon his tired soul as he finally reunites with other half, James Potter. 
Sorry for the long reply, anon. Off to cry in a corner now. 😭
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howldean · 7 months
1, 3, 4, 11, 16 for the fandom asks
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom — this is all on supernatural because of course it is. a) there’s so many people with niche skills, like we have incredible levels of meta, incredible artists and storytellers, and a literal jarchaeologist. what the hell this is genuinely incredible b) oh buddy it’s only monday. brother it’s ten am on a tuesday yesterday was tuesday but today is tuesday too. sparkle on its werewolf transgenderism wednesday. cas died on a thursday it was sunny. fingers in my mouth fitzgerald fuck of desitel friday. i always know the day of the week c) there are so many freaks i get to call my friends and i think it’s wonderful. everyone from point a can also be your friend. your buddy who gives you music recs and asks how you’re doing after a hard day or sends you a gift to celebrate recovering from surgery and coexists with you and sends you asks and treats you with kindness and love. for the hell of it. like damn
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate — ohhhhh rufus absolutely. i loved bobby and rufus’ dynamics from the start but input from others has helped me fall for so many of the side characters on a deeper level like. i probably wouldn’t have even become so much of a garthboy or a jimmyfucker if i didn’t have people that were right there with me in the derangement soup
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship — i think sastiel girlies have so much fun amidst all the horrors and i love recreationally receiving sastiel posts even if i don’t live the lifestyle (said in the tone of a moderately conservative uncle trying to his best about the gays) the posts i see are like a hearty stew.
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making — i’m really proud of a wip i’ve been outlining this week. and my first blip into letting myself write in my preferred style with oh, baby.
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate — this one’s a toughie because i forget literally everything ever. i don’t think watching dog dean afternoon counts as a “tiny” detail because it’s an entire episode but so many people skip it and it fundamentally reshapes dean’s relationship with dogs. so instead i’ll say that dean got a ged!!!!! he didn’t need to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but he did!! just for himself
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Prime Hydration Sports Drink
Another day, another internet craze that people over the age of 21 would find difficult to comprehend. This time, young people all across the world are crazed over a brand-new beverage in vividly colored bottles. And anyone who hasn’t heard of Prime Hydration Sports Drink may be wondering what it is if it’s an energy drink, and—perhaps most importantly—whether it’s healthy.
There have been numerous reports of the drink selling out in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and other countries. People are also purchasing multiple bottles of Prime at once to resell for exorbitant prices online.
Cheek Price On Amazon
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Some internet videos show customers paying as much as 80 for just four bottles. A quick search on eBay reveals that the drink is also available for an unbelievable 15 per 500ml bottle. There is no added sugar, and the drinks, like many sugar-free soft drinks, are sweetened with aspartame.
Prime Hydration resembles existing products like Gatorade and Glaceau’s Vitamin Water, with the exception of the absence of added sugar and the inclusion of “10% coconut water.” But its influencer roots are one factor that sets it apart from those other brands.
Prime Energy Drinks
Prime energy drinks are a type of beverage that are designed to provide a quick boost of energy and improve mental focus. They typically contain caffeine, B vitamins, and other ingredients that are believed to have energizing effects. They are often marketed towards athletes and people with active lifestyles, but are also consumed by people who need a pick-me-up during the day or want to stay alert during long work or study sessions. It’s important to note that the excessive consumption of energy drinks can have negative health effects, so it’s important to consume them in moderation.
When Did The Prime Hydration Drink Come Out?
Prime Hydration was launched by It was released on January 4, 2022, by rapper and boxer KSI and YouTube video producer Logan Paul, and both creators used their platforms and sizable social media followings to promote it.
According to a joint statement posted on the Prime Hydration website by KSI and Paul, “Our goal was to create a superb hydration drink that can fuel any lifestyle.
“Over the past year, we’ve put in countless hours to develop the product from the ground up, secure agreements with the biggest retailers in the world, and built a multi-hundred-person team to get our products on the shelves,” the company claims.
Due to the beverage’s social media influence, appealing packaging, and variety of seven flavors—including blue raspberry, ice pop, and something called “meta moon”—it has generated a lot of curiosity. As the official sponsor of Timmy Hill’s #with 13 vehicles in NASCAR, it has also gained promotional traction. In July of this year, the Premier League team from London, Arsenal Football Club, also declared a collaborative marketing partnership with the company.
What’s In It For You 
Despite the Prime Hydration Sports Drink’s popularity, experts claim it doesn’t have any advantages over conventional food and water. Anisha Mahajan, a registered dietitian and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Guelph, warns that the beverage even runs the risk of replacing meals that actually provide nutritional value when consumed in amounts greater than moderate.
In a telephone interview with CTVNews Canada on Monday, Mahajan said, “If we were consuming a lot of things with artificial sweeteners, there may be a risk that we’re loading up on those and are skipping the healthy, nutritious meals.”
Therefore, I would prefer that the youngsters consume those meals first since otherwise artificial sweeteners would replace these beneficial nutrients.
Cheek Price On Amazon
According to Mahajan, there is little information available regarding the long-term health effects of aspartame use. As a result, she advised that the use of artificially sweetened beverages like Prime Hydration should always be moderate.
“Children’s overuse of artificial sweeteners has no long-term consequences.” Do these things, for example, result in cancer? Or how does it impact the microbiome in the gut? “She spoke. But it’s acceptable if someone only drinks this occasionally.
The beverages indeed include significant amounts of vitamins C, B12, B3, A, and E, but according to Jean-Philippe Chaput, vitamin content has a drawback. Chaput is a senior scientist in the Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and a professor in the pediatrics department at the University of Ottawa.
He emphasized the fact that vitamins C and B12 are water-soluble, which means that any amount ingested in excess of the body’s daily needs is eliminated through urination. In other words, getting 100 percent of your necessary daily intake of vitamin C from a pair of clementines is just as helpful as getting 200 percent of it from a bottle of Prime.
He claimed that since vitamins A and E are fat soluble, the body is able to store them for use at a later time. Any vitamin or mineral that is fat-soluble runs the danger of becoming toxic when stored in high quantities in the body, taxing the liver. For instance, a person would need to choose between eating carrots and drinking a bottle of Prime in order to avoid receiving too much vitamin A.
“You can only get as much vitamin A from one (bottle). Consequently, you shouldn’t eat anything else since you’re maxed out, “Chaput stated on Wednesday during a phone conversation with CTVNews.ca.
If you consume three or four bottles of that, you will consume too much vitamin A and D. Like Mahajan, Chaput suggests drinking the beverage sparingly or, to avoid sticker shock, choosing a tried-and-true substitute. He claimed that water is the best beverage and that it costs nothing.
Is Prime Hydration Effective for Yourself?
The second important question you’ll undoubtedly have is whether Prime Hydration Sports Drink is genuinely healthy to consume. Depending on the flavor, Prime Hydration bottles include 20–25 calories. The components of the drink with the flavor “Lemon Lime,” for instance, are as follows:
Age restrictions have also been a topic of discussion. Is the minimum age to purchase Prime Hydration 16? A few months ago, the drink’s maker, KSI, confirmed on Twitter that you do not have to be 16 or older to purchase it.
Cheek Price On Amazon
Although Prime Hydration is low in calories and doesn’t include anything particularly unhealthy, you should be aware that it does contain artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and flavor enhancers. The majority of people should hydrate with water when exercising, according to experts, but sports drinks like Prime Hydration can be a good substitute.
We’ll leave the specific health recommendations for Prime Hydration to the experts. Therefore, if you have concerns regarding the drink, make sure to conduct an extensive investigation.
Is Prime Hydration A Caffeinated Beverage?
The makers of the beverage, KSI and Logan Paul, each have enormous online fan bases. And many of their supporters are impressionable young people. This explains why there is such intense interest in the beverage.
The question of whether Prime Hydration Sports Drink is an energy drink and if children should take it is one that many parents will have. Energy drinks are not what Prime Hydration is. There is no caffeine in it. This sports beverage is comparable to Gatorade and Powerade. Sports beverages are made to support and feed physical activity and recovery. It’s debatable, though, whether Prime Hydration truly qualifies as a sports nutrition beverage.
All Prime Drink Flavors:
Meta Moon
Ice Pop
Blue Raspberry
Tropical Punch
Lemon Lime
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Everything You Should Know About The prime Hydration Drink
A new hydration sports drink is called Prime Hydration. The unlikely team of Logan Paul and KSI invented it and is bringing it to you. The creation of this beverage took six months. The beverage that kept Logan Paul going during his boxing training for his fight with Floyd Mayweather, according to Logan Paul.
They mentioned Pepsi, Coke, Gatorade, and Powerade in their Instagram live video when they said they were competing with the top drinks in the industry. 10% coconut water, BCAAs, and electrolytes are used to make the beverage. Five flavors—grape, orange, lemon-lime, blueberry, and tropical punch—will be offered.
On each of their individual social media accounts, the drink’s launch was formally published. To give us the impression that they were reuniting, they even included a lengthy statement in the Instagram description. Here is the announcement Instagram post.
Why Do Other Drinks Differ From Prime Hydration?
More than just a drink to hydrate yourself, Prime Hydration. It is a drink that replenishes electrolytes and revives muscles. Both flavor and goodness are present. It is advertised as a hydration drink rather than an energy drink.
The beverage is free of gluten, sugar, and caffeine. But the flavor is unaffected. The beverage actually has a fantastic flavor. Thus, it’s a chilled drink rather than a typical beverage.
Article Source : https://primehydrationsportsdrink.com/
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blogmox · 4 months
Artifice Day 1 Minutes and Playtesting
13 May 2024
Today was the first Monday of playtesting and discussing Artifice. A and B were there, A to discuss and play, B to play. Sadly a small turnout but I do think that if I can rearrange schedules I should be able to host one of these on Friday and have Monday for playtesting in the future.
The minutes first bring up the changes of the weekend, though we had not had a decision before, it was instead to discuss the various changes I had personally made to the document. Of most importance was deck size. This was discussed, 80 cards seemed like a fair number with a 15 card sideboard for now, though it was agreed that a set in stone number right now would take playtesting.
The concern of "The Shop vs The Command Zone" was brought up by A. His concern is that having these be two separate zones is a redundancy, and that having the masterpiece not be the commander is another additional restriction that only makes things less synergistic in a format that still uses commander staples and cards. My concern is that the addition of the masterpiece to the command zone brings about unfounded problems with the wide variety of commander staples caring about having a commander on field and that being able to trigger those off of your masterpiece is an issue enough to make me not want to have the masterpiece act as your commander. Not to mention it would be a rules nightmare on my front to word how they would interact with it. No progress was made on this front today, the status quo remains.
After the terse pause, Playtesting begins.
We start with 80 cards for our first game, at 30 life, with three players in a multiplayer format. There are three players: Ashnod, the Uncaring/Time Sieve, Brenard/Panharmonicon, and Urza, Chief Artificer/Cranial Plating. These were commander decks cut down to 80 card decks, this is important to understand. T1-3 are uneventful, two players get out sol rings. T4 sees Ashnod beginning to set up the combo with the other players having minimal ways to react. By T6 it's an Ashnod win. Take aways from Game 1 were that 30 life felt like a good number, 80 cards felt like too much to sift through, and that this format incentivizes heavy interaction.
Game 2 we has the same setup, though I switched Urza, Chief Artificer/Cranial Plating to using Urza, Lord High Artificer and Goldmire Bridge. Urza got mana screwed for T1-T4. Ashnod was setting up the combo. Brenard was sidelined for mana issues. Urza got online and was able to get in somewhat but it was not enough. Ashnod won this game as well. By this game I was realizing that this format greatly favored wincons already in the shop, rather than fishing for them.
Game 3 I wanted to try 60 cards out, we kept the same 30 life out of experimentation. It plays fast. I switch back to Urza, Chief Artificer/Cranial Plating, and it has a much better leg up, and is able to deal solid damage all around with massive creatures. 60 card I noticed does lend itself better to aggro as it gives them less variation in what they're having to fish for, and 30 life dampens Bolas' Citadel shenanigans from where they would be, though the point was made that Brawl uses 25 and that could also be a much more favorable number as this format also doesn't have a commander damage analog. Urza slaughtered the table unforgivingly, the other decks were not built to handle a deck like that; nor, were they all that optimal now that we were in the 60 card trenches, which was met with very tired looks all around. 60 card felt better to me, but my own thoughts are separate from the case of this match.
We did not have any 1v1 match games as is intended with the format, so I can not comment on the state of that meta.
General Match Takeaways: 30 life seems to be a very good place right now, with the option to go to 25 in the future. 80 cards +15 sideboard will be kept for now, with the option to go to 60 cards +15 sideboard down the line.
Artifice Tip #1: Keep a stifle in hand at all times.
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bqsocial · 9 months
Instagram & Facebook – Blue Monday Giveaway – 3 x 1 B&Q £100 Gift Card Prize Draw Terms and Conditions – 15/01/2024
The Promoter:
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1 x £100 B&Q Gift Card
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metamoonshots · 11 months
[ad_1] BlackRock strategists aren’t holding their breath for U.S. company earnings to lastly flip optimistic within the third quarter. Whereas many buyers have been hoping the S&P 500 index SPX will lastly shrug off a string of unfavourable quarters to put up barely optimistic earnings progress within the third quarter, a staff of strategists at BlackRock Funding Institute suspect that earnings progress will stay pretty stagnant for a while (see chart). U.S. shares are in an earnings plateau, in accordance with BlackRock strategists. BlackRock Funding Institute, LSEG Datastream Their chart additionally underscores the important thing 2023 theme by which a small group of main expertise shares has continued to drive fairness positive factors. Of those, Microsoft Corp. MSFT, +1.33% and Google guardian Alphabet Inc . GOOG, +1.30% will report earnings on Tuesday, adopted by Meta Platforms Inc. META, +2.40% and Amazon.com Inc. AMZN, +1.85% later within the week. Tesla Inc. TSLA, +0.82% reported earnings last week, whereas Apple Inc. AAPL, +0.32% is because of report early subsequent month. Learn: Apple faces ‘ominous’ setup heading into earnings, analyst warns “Markets count on year-over-year earnings progress to show barely optimistic in Q3. We predict hopes of a long-awaited pickup are masking a nonetheless comparatively stagnant progress development,” Wei Li, international chief funding strategist, together with a BlackRock Funding’s staff, wrote in a Monday consumer word. “Modest earnings progress doesn’t replicate the market narrative of a resilient financial system both, in our view.” As an alternative, they view “stealth stagnation” over the previous 18 months as having “gone beneath the radar” as a result of client spending, gross home product and job progress have remained resilient, masking the issue. However with the 10-year Treasury yield BX:TMUBMUSD10Y briefly topping 5% on Monday for the primary time in 16 years, markets “are coming round to our view of rates of interest staying larger for longer within the new regime,” the staff stated. To that finish, the staff is obese short-dated Treasurys BX:TMUBMUSD01M, but in addition likes high quality in equities and fixed-income. Additionally they suppose there’s nonetheless upside in synthetic intelligence, investing within the rewiring of globalization, the transition to a low-carbon financial system and the way forward for finance. Shares have been flat to barely larger on Monday, however the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Common DJIA and Nasdaq Composite Index COMP have been on tempo for month-to-month losses in October, in accordance with FactSet. The S&P 500 was anticipated to provide earnings progress of 1.1% within the third quarter on a year-over-year foundation, in accordance with LSEG I/B/E/S. Learn: Tesla discloses more Justice Department probes [ad_2]
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newstfionline · 1 year
Friday, March 31, 2023
Senate votes to repeal Iraq war authorizations 20 years after invasion (AP) The Senate voted Wednesday to repeal the resolution that gave a green light for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, a bipartisan effort to return a basic war power to Congress 20 years after an authorization many now view as a mistake. Iraqi deaths are estimated in the hundreds of thousands, and nearly 5,000 U.S. troops were killed in the war after President George W. Bush’s administration falsely claimed that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. “This body rushed into a war” that had massive consequences, said Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, a Democrat who has pushed for years to repeal the powers. Senators voted 66-30 to repeal the 2002 measure and also the 1991 authorization that sanctioned the U.S.-led Gulf War. The White House has signaled it will back the legislation, which now moves to the House.
Donald Trump indicted (AP) Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury, his lawyers said Thursday, making him the first former U.S. president to face a criminal charge and jolting his bid to retake the White House next year. The charges center on payments made during the 2016 presidential campaign to silence claims of an extramarital sexual encounter. They mark an extraordinary development after years of investigations into Trump’s business, political and personal dealings. The indictment injects a local district attorney’s office into the heart of a national presidential race and ushers in criminal proceedings in a city that the ex-president for decades called home. Arriving at a time of deep political divisions, the charges are likely to reinforce rather than reshape dueling perspectives of those who see accountability as long overdue and those who, like Trump, feel the Republican is being targeted for political purposes by a Democratic prosecutor. Trump was expected to surrender to authorities next week, though the details were still being worked out.
The Class of 2023 Faces a Jittery Job Market (WSJ) The Class of 2023 is getting ready to enter a job market that is suddenly less eager to hire new grads. Many employers are taking a go-slow approach to employing graduating seniors this year, college career offices say. The cautiousness marks a sharp reversal from the past two years, when companies often made offers barely weeks after school began and staged bidding wars over interns and graduating seniors. Some of the companies that have laid off thousands of workers in recent months—including Alphabet, Meta Platforms and McKinsey & Co.—are the same ones that went on hiring sprees when the Classes of 2021 and 2022 were graduating.
Mexico Investigates Migrant Deaths in Border City Fire as Homicide Case (NYT) Mexican officials announced on Wednesday that they were investigating a fire at a migrant detention center in Ciudad Juárez as a homicide case, saying that government workers and private security employees had not allowed detainees to escape from the blaze that killed at least 39 people. The authorities, in a news conference, said they had identified eight suspects, including federal and state agents, and would issue four arrest warrants on Wednesday. “None of the public servants, nor the private security guards, took any action to open the door for the migrants who were inside where the fire was,” said Sara Irene Herrerías Guerra, a top federal human rights prosecutor. The announcement came after a video emerged appearing to show that the migrants had been trapped when the fire broke out on Monday. Uniformed figures at the center can be seen walking away from the blaze while people remain behind bars as the area fills with smoke.
Bolsonaro returns to Brazil after 3-month stint in Florida (AP) Former President Jair Bolsonaro returned Thursday to Brazil after a three-month stint in Florida following his election loss, and the right-wing populist told supporters he doesn’t think leftists will be in power in Brazil for long. Bolsonaro, who is the subject of several investigations that could stymie any attempts at a political comeback, arrived in a capital under tight security. Hundreds of supporters dressed in Brazil’s national colors of yellow and green chanted for Bolsonaro as they awaited his arrival, but his return did not draw the huge crowds many of his allies had expected.
Vatican says pope has bronchitis, is improving but remains hospitalized (Washington Post) Pope Francis has a case of bronchitis, the Vatican said Thursday, a day after the 86-year-old pontiff was hospitalized for respiratory symptoms. The pope has shown “marked improvement” after receiving antibiotics, the Vatican said in a statement. “Based on foreseeable developments, the Holy Father may be released in the next few days,” it said. The pontiff’s hospital stay not long before Easter celebrations fed anxiety about the health of one of the oldest heads of the Catholic Church in history. “I am touched by the many messages received in these hours and I express my gratitude for the closeness and prayer,” the pope’s Twitter account said Thursday. Despite his ailments, Francis has continued to pursue a busy schedule and gave his weekly audience Wednesday before his hospitalization. He traveled to South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo last month and gave sermons before massive crowds.
Russia detains Wall Street Journal reporter on suspicion of spying (Reuters) Russia's FSB security service said on Thursday it had detained a reporter for U.S. newspaper The Wall Street Journal on suspicion of spying for Washington, the most serious public move against a foreign journalist since Russia invaded Ukraine. The FSB said in a statement it had opened a criminal case against Gershkovich for suspected espionage, accusing him of gathering information classified as a state secret about a military factory. The Journal said the detention of U.S. national Evan Gershkovich was based on false allegations. The action will worsen already dire relations between Russia and the United States, which is Ukraine's biggest military backer and has imposed sanctions on Moscow to try to persuade it to withdraw its troops. The Kremlin shows no signs of doing so.
A Child’s Drawing, a Dad’s Antiwar Posts, and Russia’s Latest Orphan (NYT) Aleksei Moskalyov did not wait to hear his sentence for “discrediting the Russian Armed Forces” on Tuesday. Years behind bars for posts on social media seemed like a foregone conclusion in contemporary Russia. So Mr. Moskalyov slipped off his geotracking ankle bracelet and fled from house arrest. In escaping, Mr. Moskalyov, a single parent, left behind not just his home but his 13-year-old daughter, Maria—though even before the verdict had been read, she appeared lost to him. For the past month, the child, known as Masha, has been in a state-run orphanage, forbidden to communicate with her father. Hours after leaving, Mr. Moskalyov, whose location was not known on Tuesday, was convicted by a local court and sentenced to two years in prison over the posts, which he wrote in the wake of Russian atrocities in Bucha and elsewhere in occupied parts of Ukraine. The case has garnered national attention because of Masha. For rights advocates, the prospect of long-term separation for father and child represents a chilling new level of repression in a country where President Vladimir V. Putin in effect banned protesting, and where repression seems to escalate by the week. Other activists have reported being threatened by the police with losing custody of their children, and some hear echoes of the Great Terror of the Stalin era, when the children of those deemed “enemies of state” were separated from their parents. In one year alone, some 15,000 children were sent to orphanages.
Russia’s Economy Is Starting to Come Undone (WSJ) The opening months of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last year drove an increase in oil and natural-gas prices that brought a windfall for Moscow. Those days are over. As the war continues into its second year and Western sanctions bite harder, Russia’s government revenue is being squeezed and its economy has shifted to a lower-growth trajectory, likely for the long term. The country’s biggest exports, gas and oil, have lost major customers. Government finances are strained. The ruble is down over 20% since November against the dollar. The labor force has shrunk as young people are sent to the front or flee the country over fears of being drafted. There is no sign the economic difficulties are bad enough to pose a short-term threat to Russia’s ability to wage war. But state revenue shortfalls suggest an intensifying dilemma over how to reconcile ballooning military expenditures with the subsidies and social spending that have helped President Vladimir Putin shield civilians from hardship.
From war to peace: Cambodian goldsmith turns bullet casings into jewellery (Reuters) Every week, Cambodian goldsmith Thoeun Chantha turns about five kg of brass casings of AK-47 and M-16 bullets into jewellery. For more than two decades, the 42-year-old, whose father was killed during Cambodia's years of war, has run a workshop to turn symbols of violence into what he calls wearable pieces of art. "I'm a victim of the war as a Cambodian who lost family members in it and now the world is at war too," he said. "I make this to show that the world doesn't want war ... we all want peace." Metal from the bullets is shaped by hand into intricate bracelets, necklaces, rings and earrings to be sold for $5 to $20 apiece at markets popular with tourists.
Philippine ferry fire leaves 31 dead, at least 7 missing (AP) A ferry carrying about 250 passengers and crew caught fire in the southern Philippines and 31 people drowned or died in the blaze and were discovered later, a provincial governor said Thursday. Many of those rescued had jumped off the MV Lady Mary Joy 3 in panic at the height of the fire and were plucked from the sea by the coast guard, navy, another ferry and local fishermen, said Gov. Jim Hataman of the southern island province of Basilan. The search and rescue effort was continuing Thursday for at least seven missing passengers.
Biden-Netanyahu spat (Washington Post) A rift between President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu roiled Jerusalem and Washington on Wednesday after a rare public spat erupted between the leaders. The dispute escalated late Tuesday following comments by Biden that appeared to question Netanyahu’s ability or willingness to compromise on his contentious judicial-overhaul plan, which has sparked months of protests and instability in Israel. Under pressure, Netanyahu has agreed to postpone the overhaul but has shown no signs of dropping it. Netanyahu’s defiant response to Biden overnight Wednesday shook Israel’s political and security establishment and exposed the prime minister to criticism for purportedly jeopardizing the country’s most vital diplomatic relationship. In the United States, the exchange reverberated across the political landscape, as Republicans accused Biden of undermining a key ally, and some Democratic activists called for him to take an even stronger stance in calling out Israel for potential antidemocratic moves. Although tensions between the United States and Israel have been on the rise since Netanyahu’s new far-right government was sworn in in December, this was the first time they were on such vivid display.
Musk, scientists call for halt to AI race sparked by ChatGPT (AP) Are tech companies moving too fast in rolling out powerful artificial intelligence technology that could one day outsmart humans? That’s the conclusion of a group of prominent computer scientists and other tech industry notables such as Elon Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak who are calling for a 6-month pause to consider the risks. Their petition published Wednesday warns that AI systems with “human-competitive intelligence can pose profound risks to society and humanity”—from flooding the internet with disinformation and automating away jobs to more catastrophic future risks out of the realms of science fiction. It says “recent months have seen AI labs locked in an out-of-control race to develop and deploy ever more powerful digital minds that no one—not even their creators—can understand, predict, or reliably control.”
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your-dietician · 2 years
Elon Musk Claims He ‘Expressed My Concerns’ to Kanye West Over Anti-Semitic Tweet
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/elon-musk-claims-he-expressed-my-concerns-to-kanye-west-over-anti-semitic-tweet/
Elon Musk Claims He ‘Expressed My Concerns’ to Kanye West Over Anti-Semitic Tweet
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The Kanye West Twitter saga continues. On Monday (Oct. 10), Elon Musk said on the social media platform that he’d had a private, offline conversation with the rapper about his controversial posting as of late.
Over the weekend, Ye announced his return to Twitter by taking a swipe at Meta exec Mark Zuckerberg in the wake of his Instagram account being locked for making an anti-Semitic post.
“Look at this Mark…How you gone kick me off instagram…You used to be my n—-,” the Yeezy designer tweeted along with a throwback pic of himself and Zuckerberg seemingly doing karaoke. Within hours, Musk replied directly to West’s tweet, writing, “Welcome back to Twitter, my friend!”
However, it wasn’t until two days later that the Tesla CEO (and would-be owner of Twitter) returned to the post to let the public know he’d had a chat with Kanye off the timeline. “Talked to ye today & expressed my concerns about his recent tweet, which I think he took to heart,” he wrote in a reply to his own welcome back tweet.
While it’s unclear what exactly the pair’s conversation entailed — or whether it actually had any impact on Ye — his recent anti-Semitic posts about going “death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE” have also been decried and called out by the likes of Jamie Lee Curtis, Ariana Grande, Jack Antonoff, Meghan McCain and more.
However, in an interview with Fox News personality Tucker Carlson just one day before his tweet, Ye also took shots at ex-wife Kim Kardashian, fat-shamed Lizzo and quadrupled down on his decision to include and wear a “White Lives Matter” shirt for his Yeezy Season 9 show at Paris Fashion Week.
Check out Musk’s responses to Kanye on Twitter below.
Talked to ye today & expressed my concerns about his recent tweet, which I think he took to heart
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 11, 2022
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ultimatemusicians · 3 years
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A   LOOK   INTO   THE   ULTIMATE   MUSICIAN'S   INSPIRATIONS   AND   GENRE   EXPLORATION      (     art  credits     :     1     &     2    )
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in   the   various   media   she   has   appeared   in   ,   from   danganronpa’s   anime   ,   games   ,   and   mangas   ,   ibuki’s  approach   to   music   has   always   been   a   staple   function   of   her   character.   as   is   established   in   game   ,   ibuki   was   once   a   part   of   her   school’s   light   music   club.   ❛   light   music   ❜   is   described   as   something   akin   to   western   pop   music. at   some   point   in   time   ,   ibuki   realizes   that   her   musical   interests   do   not   align   with   this   creative   direction  ,   resulting   in   her   breaking   away.
in   my   rules   ,   i   note   that   i   write   ibuki   under   the   specific   title   of   ultimate   musician.   i   choose   ❛   ultimate   musician   ❜   over   ❛   super   high   school   level   light   music   club   member   ❜   as   :   1.   i   think   it’s  quite   apparent   that   light   music   was   never   where   ibuki’s   heart   was.   2.   ibuki   mioda   is   a   musician   in   the   most   purest   form.   not   a   member   of   a   band   or   club   ,   but   an   artist   in   her   own   right.   that   is   not   to   say   the   members   of   her   previous   club   were   not   artists   ————   but   ,   her   talent   lies   in   her   virtuosic   ability   of   creating   music.   that   is   ,   without   the   constraints   of   a   genre   ,   instrument   ,   or  confinement   of   a   group.   (     though   forming   a   band   seems   to   be   a   very   important   dream   to   her   )      3.   ibuki   wrote   all   her   bands   music   and   it   was   so   good   that   it   instantly   became   a   hit   single   and   sold   millions   ————   komeada   explains   this   to   hajime   during   goodbye   despair’s   prologue.   this   coupled   with   the   other   aforementioned   points   lead   me   to   believe   that   hope’s    peak   scouted   her   under   the   title   of   ❛   super   high   school   level   musician   ❜   or  more   simply   put   ,   ❛   ultimate   musician.   ❜
her   music   style   debuts   in   chapter   three   of   goodbye   despair   when   she   hosts   a   concert   event   for   fuyuhiko’s   return.   to   everyone’s   surprise   ,   it   is   rather   unique.   based   off   the   song   ,   titled      ❛   from   me   to   you   ❜   it   seems   to   me   that   ibuki’s   musical   stylings   fall   inline   with   the   overarching   genre   that   is   ❛   downer   rock   ❜   aka.   heavy   metal   ————   i   know   ,   truly   groundbreaking   stuff.   which   i   get   is   supposed   to   be   shocking   ,   though   ,   i   think   that   it   is   an   interesting   choice   and   thing   to   explore.
known   to   render   is   listeners   unconscious   ,   and   possibly   even   scarring   a   one   innocent   kazuichi   souda   for   life   ,   it   suffices   to   say   that   ibuki’s   music   is   not   well   suited   for   the   light   -   hearted   ,   which   is   fair   tbh.
❛   from   me   to   you   ❜   is   a   song   that   features   a   wide   arrangement   of   vocals.   consisting   of   screaming   ,   death   growls   ,  clean   and   semi   -   distorted   vocals   ,   all   laid   over   each   other.   with   it’s   alternating   tempo   ,   melodic   vocals   ,   and   shredding   guitar   placements   ,   it’s   not   that   hard   to   find   elements   that   fall   in   line   with   the   attributes   seen   in   what   i   perceive   to   be   a   more   accurate   depiction   of   ibuki’s   main   genres   (     in   the   context   of   my   portrayal   )   ————   DOOM   METAL   ,   POST   METAL   ,   INDUSTRIAL   ROCK   ,   NOISE   ROCK   ,   PUNK   ROCK.   instruments   that   are   staples   in   ibuki’s   discography   would   be   :   drums   ,   organs   ,   bass   ,   piano   ,   electric   guitars   ,   synthesizers.
HEAVY   METAL   +   ITS   SUBGENRES   :   on   the   subject   of   doom   metal   ,   the   neo   world   program   reverts   the   members   of   class   77-b   to   be   pre   -   ultimate   despair   ,   but   even   then   ,   ibuki   was   still   working   on   her   craft.   hardly   ever   does   a   debut   song   sound   anything   like   later   projects.  with   this   in   mind   ,   ❛   from   me   to   you   ❜   is   an   iteration   to   what   would   become   the   more     ❝     refined     ❞     sound   of   ibuki’s   musical   catalog.
as   the   name   would   suggest   ,   doom   metal   was   birthed   from   the   heavy   metal   genre.   characterized   by   slower   tempos   ,   guitars   ,   hard   drums   ,   low   -   pitched   vocals   that   utilize   distortion   +   growls   ,   and   a   patented   darker   mood.   doom   metal’s   roots   are   often   traced   back   to   the   1970   self-titled   track   of   birmingham's   very   own   ——   BLACK   SABBATH.   (     yes   ,   that   is   ,   ❛   black   sabbath   ❜   by   black   sabbath   on   the   album   titled   .   .   .   black   sabbath     )     with   direct   calls   to   satanism   ,   the   occult   ,   mysticism   and   a   seemingly   impenetrable   darkness   ,   the   early   works   of   the   band   led   black   sabbath   to   often   be   touted   as   the   very   progenitors   of   all   things   metal   ;   and   by   extension   ,   doom   metal.   tony   iommi   specifically   is   said   to   be   the   father   of   heavy   metal   ,   with   ozzy   being   it’s   godfather.   applicable subgenres   :   gothic-doom   metal   ,   doom/death   metal   ,   thrash   metal   ,   drone   metal   ,   black   metal   ,   power   metal   ,   sludge   metal   ,   glam   metal ,   doomgaze.
i   don’t   think   people   passing   out   upon   hearing   ibuki’s   music   is   just   some   wacky   accident.   in   dangan   island   ,   ibuki   reveals   despair   is   something   she   is   well   acquainted   with.   doom   metal   is   known   for   its   atmospheric   qualities   ,   drawing   upon   the   very   hopelessness   that   is   associated   with   an   all-encompassing   sense   of   ,   well   ,   doom.    some   might   even   say .   .   .   despair.
ibuki’s   anti   -   establishment   beliefs   drew   her   to   punk   rock   and   by   extension   trash   metal   leading   her   to   experiment   with   faster   paced   songs   as   opposed   doom’s  longer   run   times.   themes   often   found   in   her   music   are   fantastical   and   i   feel   like   she   places   great   importance   on   upholding   appropriate   ambiance.   one   of   the   best   ways   i   can   think   of   referencing   this   is   in   danganronpa’s   anime   ,   where   during   her   performance  ibuki   has   a   guitar   that   literally   shoots   out   flames   and      ❝     plays     ❞     it   with   her   teeth   like   the   iconic   jimi   hendrix.   her   shows   are   just   as   much   of   an   integral   part   of   her   artistry   because   they   support   the   music   &   elevates   is   communication.   which   is   why   she   makes   such   a   spectacle   out   of   live   events   ,   drawing   inspiration   from   bands   like   alice   cooper   ,   kiss   ,   and   twisted   sister.  
this   blog’s   despair   verse   (   which   you   can   read   more   about    here   )   references   some   of   ibuki’s   concerts   but   i   didn’t   touch   on   what   sort   of   vibe   /   aesthetic   they   have.   ——   since   the   despair   era   still   preserves   a   certain   level   of   original   character   personas   ,   i’d   say   ibuki’s   live   shows   during   that   part   of   her   timeline    wouldn’t   differ   all   that   much   from   later   concerts   post   danganronpa   3.   it      draws   quite   heavily   from    the   horror   and   shock   factor  seen   from   alice   cooper.   from   fake   guillotine   executions   to   stabbing   fake   baby   dolls   ,   virtually   everything   was   fair   game.   another   way   of   rebelling   against   whatever   was  acceptable   and   rejecting   the   idea   of   a   death   by   society   ,   of   creativity   ,   originality   ,   and   the   self.   ibuki   even  refers   to   herself   in   the   third   person   in   the   same   way   vincent   furnier   ,   aka.   alice   cooper   ,   does.  
pretty   self   -   explanatory   ,   granted   the   mun   for   one   ,   does   not   know   shit   about   any   sort   of   instrumental   techniques.   jimi   hendrix   ,   eddie   van   halen   ,   prince   ,   eric   clapton   ,   jimmy   page   ,   kieth   richards   ,   steve   stevens   ,   jeff   beck    ,   danny   carey. 
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      PART   I      :      focuses    on    a    collection    of    artists   and   songs   that   inspired   ibuki.   BLACK   SABBATH   is   of   course   on   here   ,   by   right.   METALLICA   :   with   the   faster   tempos   of   trash   metal   being   a    staple   of   the   band's   discography   ,   plus   just   being   one   of   the   biggest   names   in   rock   music   ,   it’s   hard   to   envision   what   would   shape   ibuki’s   sound   without   listing   this   band.   IRON   MAIDEN   ,   DIO   ,   DEEP   PURPLE   ,   EXTREME   ,   AND   MORE   APPEAR   ON   HERE.
      PART   II      :      serves   as   the   more   holistic   overview   of   what   ibuki’s   music   would   sound   like.   it   is   the  culmination   of   all   artists   featured   in   PART   I.      there     is     a     bit     of     overlap     with     some     artists     in      the     first     playlist     since     i     can’t     magically     make     ibuki     make      the     songs     herself.   EMMA   RUTH   MUNDLE   :   specifically   the   ❛   may   our   chambers   be   full   ❜   album   for   it’s   sludge   vibes.   i   can   see   ibuki   moving   away   from   this   type   of   sub   genre   ,   focusing   more   on   the   other   subgenres   mentioned.   naturally   ,   there   is   much   overlap   to   be   mindful   of   ,   and   it’s   not   like   she’s   going   out   of   her   way   to   stick   within   one   specific   aesthetic.   KING   WOMAN   :   layered   vocals   and   thick   in   -   your   -   face   drums    are   paired   with   the   melodically   majestic   voice   that   is   kristina   esfandiari.   ARTISTS   FEATURED   HERE   ARE   :   CHELSEA   WOLFE   ,   THE   BODY   ,   TYPE   O   NEGATIVE   ,   SUBROSA   AND   MORE.
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hashimada-week · 1 year
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HashiMada Week 2023 Prompt List
Sunday, July 9: Childhood Crush | Reunion | Old Age
Monday, July 10: Yokai | Festivals | Samurai
Tuesday, July 11: Mokuton | Healing | Sage
Wednesday, July 12: Love | Lust | Loss
Thursday, July 13: Sharingan | Katon | Rikkudo
Friday, July 14: Honeypot | Flowers | Sparring
Saturday, July 15: Swap AU | Free Day | “I didn’t know who else to turn to”
Sneak Peek Day June 9th
Our sneak peek day for hashimada week is in one month! On June 9th, tag any WIPs you have with #hashimadaweeksneakpeek2023 and we’ll reblog it here! Participating in the sneak peek doesn’t mean you have to post work in the actual event, or that you can’t decide to change your work/prompt to something completely different for the week day. It’s just a fun pre-event to get everyone excited!
June 9th is also when the designs for our sticker merch will be revealed! Remember, it’s free for participants (shipping included) and the more prompts you do, the more stickers you’ll earn!
Read the full sticker merch FAQ here.
. 🍃🔥.
Who can submit work?
This is an open event so everyone can participate!
How do I submit work?
Tumblr: post/link work @ this blog (@hashimada-week) and tag it with #hashimadaweek2023
Twitter: @hashimadaweek and #hashimadaweek2023
Ao3 Collection:  HashiMada Week 2023
What kind of work will be accepted?
Pretty much anything! Fanart, fics, edits, AMVs, headcanon/meta posts etc. As long as it follows our rules.
How literal with these prompts do I have to be?
Interpret   them however you like, in whatever kind of AU/scenario, as long as it   follows our rules. Make them all G-rated/E-rated, happy/tragic,   fluffy/gory, or anything in-between!
Do you allow early/late posting?
Please do not post anything early, the mod will not be checking  the tags until the start day of the event, with one exception.
On June 9th (a month before the event starts) we will have a sneak peek event. Tag any work with #hashimadaweek2023sneakpeek  on Tumblr or Twitter and we’ll reblog it! (You can also @ us too on either platform.)  Again, this is 100% optional and if you share a sneak   peek, you are  not obligated to finish/post the work for the event itself. This is just  for fun!
Late posting will be allowed by two weeks until the end of July.
Check out our FAQs for more questions/answers.
. 🔥🍃  .
- No sexism, homophobia, racism, etc. in works.
- No bashing any characters.
- NSFW allowed, but follow Tumblr guidelines on-site (tag properly, read more breaks, cropped, etc. if it applies)
-   Hashimada/Madahashi should be the focus of the work. One-sided   dynamics  are allowed, but Hashirama and Madara should still be the main  focus.  Otherwise no other ships with these characters and no OT3  with  them for  this event. Other background ships allowed.
Not allowed: underаge, rаpe/non-cоn/dub-cоn, incеst, A/B/О AUs, works (esp sexual NFSW) featuring degradаtion/аbuse in the pairing
.🍃🔥  .
Please ask or dm if you have any questions!
Mod: @mira–mira
Art: @chio-tyan​
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mercyisms · 2 years
Niche Nona liveblogging: John 20:8 - Day Three
For fun and my own future reference, and to contain as many spoilers as possible, I am liveblogging NTN but consolidating my thoughts and some lines that especially jump out at me. Yes, there will be utterly too much attention to old Lyctor lore. I am what I am. I’m consolidating these roughly into thirds + scheduling them in intervals. I am not sure how interesting this will be but!! If you want to see me scream at every passing mention of Mercymorn, this is the place. Also apologies in advance for not editing. Spoilers up until page 129 in the hardcover, or the Day Three divider. 
“It was me and A—and M—at the start.” I know we’ve already got these first two chapters in the previews, but from this initial moment, I, and my Augustine&Mercymorn (and Augustine/Mercymorn) was sated and thanked Tamsyn Muir infinitely for sustenance. I was extremely vindicated to learn Mercy was medical and extremely thrown but delighted to hear Augustine was also a scientist, but of course “handled the shareholders.” God. “You know the worst part? She cried. She and A—both cried. In each other’s arms, like babies. They were so fucking scared.” At which point I was overwhelmed because of course, of course, they repeat and repeat and the potential that Augustine and Mercymorn lived and died as A—and M—died? I must sit down. Things that I obviously think and will state here, once, but assume it is happening over and over again: Nona, I love you, I love you, I love you. Pyrrha Dve, I love you, I am free on Monday, I am free on Tuesday, I am free on whatever days I am not promising to Camilla Hect, whom I love and am free on Monday, on Tuesday, on—and Palamedes, you are nice too. Also let’s quickly discuss these 10ish chapters in whole. I have always been team Nona is Alecto in whomever’s body. And we stake out, here, that I’ll be assuming it is Harrow’s body and Alecto’s soul. This assumption driven a) contextually, we know this was supposed to a blip in Alecto initially and frankly it being Alecto’s soul makes the most sense, sorry to meta-game, but b) that John is talking to ‘Harrow’ but clearly reciting Alecto’s history, or his history with Alecto and c) the end of John 5:20/start of Chapter 7 demonstrates that we only get John-to-‘Harrow’ when Nona is asleep, suggesting a tie (ingenious btw) and d) Nona being mistaken for a fourteen year old reads much more strongly of Harrow’s body (angry gothic shrimp) than Gideon’s (which, at last update, was perfectly preserved, with we assume muscle intact). I further subscribe to the Resurrection Beasts are the souls of the planets and Alecto is the RB of earth. We’ll pivot from these assumptions as necessary, but here’s where I’ve hedged my bets! Okay. “It was no fun, my child.” Take a shot every time Pyrrha is parental and then flashback to when Pyrrha just wanted to know why Wake had brought the baby and think very deeply about, I believe, Pyrrha’s longing to be parental. Pyrrha Dve, adopt me. “Nine million, Pyrrha. That’s the equivalent to the whole of the Seventh and Eighth put together.” This figure genuinely shocked me & I did not realize the scale of the empire and also that Silas was truly in charge of over a million people?? Props to that anemic teen. That is a big cult. (I am once again begging someone to show me the Eighth.) “You should… Gideon used to think about running away there. I know how to farm.” Previously stated, but I cannot believe Em and I called Gideon farming vibes (close enough!), Cassy lawyer vibes, and Mercy pre-med vibes. That’s almost a full bingo row! Anyway, eating up every detail about Gideon and signs of agency with a fork. “One of the reasons that they called her Nona was that the first thing she ahd said, when they saved her and brought her was ‘No, no.’” Having also participated in Nabokov brainrot rummer (shoutout @gothicenjoyer​) I am deeply intrigued by this thread of a character’s professed lack of consent becoming the basis for her name. There is something very tasty here. To be unpacked later? When Nona tells you all of Pyrrha’s code words and you’re like “this will almost certainly be deeply relevant to the plot later, but it’s also, like, chapter one so I’m not going to remember it.” Flagged p38 (page numbers in hardcover), and Nona’s burgeoning lessons on, for simplicity, “being human” to later compare with Mercy’s assertion that Alecto could never fake being human, was fundamentally inhuman – if Nona = Alecto. We’ll come back to this. We’ll also see if “Nona [felt] a little bit offended on the planet’s part” has any secondary payoff.   “Nona longed to lie, but didn’t know how to stop her body from telling the truth.” (47) I think I’ll want this quote later. Understanding all languages + body language + honesty. “… the pride of having Pyrrha, the familiarity of seeing someone and knowing they belonged to you.” (54) Kevin is a visionary. The Angel being referred to as sir. The Gender is beginning. Also really important having a crush on your teacher representation, huh? I see you Hot Sauce. Speaking of Gender, obligatory joke about using a sword or magicking bones being The Two Genders, but of course, ave has already written the essay on it. “Nice to nibble at, boring otherwise.” “She’s used to people loving her anyway,” I will also eat all of the Coronabeth content with a spoon. We are assuming based on the names and that The Captain is, obviously, Judith. “She was made to be immune to blue light.” I hope this book will help me resolve whether Mercy actually inadvertently looked at RB7 or what?? Or what???? Said the only person in the world who is still caught on that blip from HTN. “Making the same shape as his mouth had done like she did when speaking languages.” I’mmmm well, frankly, I cannot believe the way to fully invest me in Palamedes was to put him in Camilla’s body. This situation remains delicious and tragic. I will sit down in the bath now. “C—was panicking because… she was getting recalled to England” God I cannot believe Cassiopeia is British #representation, but I am very listening. Pyrrha being a cop. Checks out! “Oh my God, you’re drinking, aren’t you. You’re on anphetamines, Youa re on coke. You are on amphetamines and coke. I was all like Yeah. . . Coke Zero.” I cannot believe this. I cannot believe this, and I love you Mercymorn Nolastname. “G—always thought anything I did or said was fine. Not necessarily right, but fine.” Once again eating the G1deon content. “…all the ones I touched, all the ones I loved…” (76)
“Because I remind her that her God was just a human being who could get tired and fuck up.” We are nibbling on the Pyrrha/Wake content, but also relevant, relevant. “I’ve got a broken heart and I’ll never love again.” Again, nibbling. Big bite of them. Thank you, TM. “Of course they were apart, separated forever by a matter of minutes” I am experiencing an emotion over the tragedy but also “but Nona knew they talked to each other in pages of letters and letters and letters” cf. their relationship to Dulcinea? The inherent epistolary form of the Sixth house? “When Gideon and I designed that trial, I used to crack his skull and sieve it myself, just as a control variable… The only other people I put through that damn trial were Mercy and Cris, because only Cris didn’t mind being trepanned on the regular.” Cristabel Oct I love you, I am obsessed with you, I want to put you in a jar and carry you forever. I am also deeply interested in how hands on this suggests the ‘cavaliers’ were + collaborative with the research (vs. ‘contemporary’ necro/cav relations) and also… Pyrrha and Mercy… collaborators… h*t. “On the first day, A—believed… A—said I looked cool. He was the only one.” At which point I began frothing at the mouth because man, Augustine (and Mercymorn, and everyone, but especially) really was fully in your corner, and you killed that guy. You really killed that guy. You killed your two+ best friends.  “A—and M—moved in with me.” We are also HIGHLY attuned to how often A/M are referred to and operate as a unit. I’m obsessed. I’m fed. “A—was trying so hard to bring me back down to earth… He’d swapped with M--.” At what point are they truly divorcees? You know? “…squabbled with A--. At least that made me feel normal. That was their usual double act. It was only when they felt the same thing that I knew it was serious.” Lmao, fuck me up. “make time go away” is of note re: theories that John can stop time. OBSESSED that Ulysses and Titania were ‘shells’?? WHERE are their souls and how does that square with, iirc, Augustine or John calling Ulysses “that madman.” SOMEONE tell me more. (Also “They weren’t around to say yes or no. I was starting to really care about that.” Casually tracking when/where John cares about autonomy and consent.) “still as a statue in the park, only her head was still on of course” “swim in salt water for hours” to me, this is further Alecto/Earth evidence, but I am too livid that Tamsyn worked in a JANDALS. Although, truly, Nona deserves them. But “salt water made her feel… she would suddenly know the words to tell them everything.” Cf. a reverse-engineered Ninth House tradition of saltwater and honesty? Are these related?? “or hearing the door open when you were really lonely” Noting Nona’s atonement to loneliness. Also it is very beautiful and all the more so for its framing as a human essential. (107)
Merv Wing. Someone called the Angel. Are we getting a hint of Neon Genesis Evangelion? Merv. Nerv. Merv. Nerv. Hm……. Feasting on Pyrrha’s caution and condemnation of the Eightfold. (115) Oh, I forgot but Pyrrha saying she’d have an easier time pimping out Augustine and Alfred… Augustine Quinque, seen murdered in the streets. But also. God, tell me more. “That’s a feeling,” said Pyrrha brutally. “Kill it.” A line to power many a Pyrrha Dve fic, to be sure. Noting that Nona can “hear [Varun/RB7] sing.” “I don’t let go,” said Camilla. “It’s my one thing.” “M—dry-retching in the corner.” I love youuu. I cannot believe all of these fuckers were varying degrees of Christian and am simply begging for Nigella, should she be (re)named after Nigella Lawson, to have some Jewish energy. Alas. I know. We are in the Christian book zone. “M—had been a hard atheist since she was twelve. But she got over it. She was a walking contradiction anyway. Her best friend in the whole world was a nun. Also at some point A—gave her a benzo and a shot of whiskey, so that helped.” A/M strikes again, but, like, come on. Come on. We’re not introducing a nun and not having that be Cristabel… I said, vibrating into the next dimension. Come onnn. Show me this nun and also tell me more. What kind of nun? Is this a Prime of Miss Jean Brodie situation or what? A Sister Act vibe? Is ther any Maggie Smith energy is what I’m asking. These are the totality of my nun references. “So of course, what do M—and A—do, they go raid a fucking graveyard.” FRANKLY the number of times these two go off and plot and execute things together on their own… Anyway, I will write this fic and I hope everyone else writes this fic too. I want 100 comedies of grave digging errors with M + A. Also, I feel gratified for spoofing that Hamlet grave digging scene (lightly) in my one Augustine/Mercymorn fic. I really, really do. “See, I did make a utopia.” He is joking, of course, but fascinating potential implications if John really does consider his project utopian and cf. Augustine’s analysis that the entirety of his empire is all for “symbolic retribution.” In the way that this series has constantly fisheyed outwards, from a competition between the elites of the empire (representatives of the internal politics of the empire) to the emperor’s inner circle (the external politics of the empire and its equally external threats), I think it is incredibly smart to take us outside the empire and into a contested place under occupation. I also think it is, thus far, really well rendered. And what an efficient way of fully re-orientating every assumption we may have abt John’s empire and how it operates. Good stuff. I’m sure there will be much more to say here in time. Future installments will be in this tag xoxo. Treat yourself to a Coke Zero is you did read this all the way through. God bless.
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fagdykefrank · 2 years
for the headcanon asks since it’s meta monday what are your mk headcanons 👀
A (realistic): even though hes trained with a sword hes actually skilled with most weapons, and can switch between them mid-fight
B (funny): see above, but he can fight with non-weapons as if they were swords/polearms/mauls, including random objects, food, and other people
C (sad): hes really devastatingly lonely bc he doesnt really get along with/understand the other knights (galacta and morpho), so he feels like he is wandering an unknowable universe, and like his friends cant truly understand his perspective.
D (canon is shit): he and dedede are literally married. They both proposed at the same time and mk made this longass deep speech about it while dedede just whipped out a ring and said "how 'bout it, sweetheart?"
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bqsocial · 9 months
Instagram & Facebook - ROI Blue Monday Giveaway - 1 x B&Q €100 Gift Card Prize Draw Terms and Conditions - 15/01/2024
The Promoter:
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 Who can enter?
This promotion is open to all residents of the Republic of Ireland age 18 years and over, excluding employees of B&Q Ireland Limited, their families, agents or anyone else connected with the administration of the promotion.
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Entries must be received by 23:59 on 22nd January 2024. Any entries received after this date will not be accepted.
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1 x €100 B&Q Gift Card
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dailysvu · 3 years
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OLIVIA BENSON APPRECIATION WEEK will be hosted by @dailysvu and will be taking place on May 23 — 29
We will be tracking the tag #Benson Week. You can also tag us on #dailysvu!
To save up time, we've decided to pick the themes ourselves based on some new ideas and a few recurring prompts we got in the past events.
Prompts for Artists (gifsets, graphics, moodboards, wallpapers, etc):
Day 1 (Sunday, May 23): The moment you fell in love with Olivia Benson
Day 2 (Monday, May 24): Seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)
Day 3 (Tuesday, May 25): Emotion (angry Olivia, happy Olivia, sad Olivia, etc)
Day 4 (Wednesday, May 26): Olivia + a color (or colors)
Day 5 (Thursday, May 27): Favorite thing about Olivia
Day 6 (Friday, May 28): Olivia + an aesthetic 
Day 7 (Saturday, May 29): Social media
Bonus Prompt: Olivia + a pet
Prompts for Writers (fanfiction, drabbles, headcanons, metas, etc):
Day 1 (Sunday, May 23): Dancing
Day 2 (Monday, May 24): Sleepy
Day 3 (Tuesday, May 25): Jealous
Day 4 (Wednesday, May 26): Injured
Day 5 (Thursday, May 27): Lost
Day 6 (Friday, May 28): Rain
Day 7 (Saturday, May 29): Driving
Bonus Prompt: "I wasn't ready"
The Bonus Prompt is just for the fun of it. You can choose to do it after the seven main prompts or you can use it to replace one of the themes of the day of your choice.
As always, you can have as many entries per date as you wish. If you want to write a fanfiction and make a gifset, a fanart and a playlist, or any combination of anything, just do it. The more the merrier.
How to submit your creations: post them to your blog and tag them with #Benson Week and we will reblog them. Simple as that.
REMEMBER: You can’t post your creation(s) earlier, but you can post them later. So if you are gonna mix up the themes, post on the date of the latter.
Also you can make things for every day or just pick the one(s) you like the most. No pressure.
We can’t wait to see what you guys have planned!
The week will officially begin on May 23.
If you have any questions at all feel free to send us a message!
Have fun and ENJOY!
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skloomdumpster · 3 years
Since it's Bloom's birthday today.. how would she celebrate it, if Alfea was a normal school?
Answering late because I was saving it for Meta Monday, sorry! I love this question so much!! <33
You said “normal school”, so I’m guessing we’re in a normal AU where no powers exist. If that so, then Bloom never hurt her mom and set fire to the house, but the growing conflict between them is still present. More so now, if anything, because in the show the guilt made Bloom more lenient to her mom’s strong personality, which caused them to “bond” a little after the trauma. Silver linings in horrible situations. 
So Bloom would still be clashing horribly with her mom. Vanessa would beg her to go out, party, be normal. Bloom’s plans would include staying at the garage helping Mike fix a birdhouse, going over the 100 songs of her Spotify wrapped and maybe watching her favorite Harry Potters while stuffing her face with cherry ice cream. She thinks that sounds like a solid plan, her mom disagrees, Vanessa pesters and pesters and then it escalates to “you’ll go out or I’ll just stop paying the house wifi” and FINE, Bloom will go out. 
She figures she can go to the last-standing-DVD store in Gardenia, a relic really, but Bloom also happens to be one of the last people who has a DVD AND a VHS player. She’s trifty like that :)) 
“Have fun with your friends. It can’t be that hard, just a couple hours, GOD” Vanessa exclaims when Bloom accidentally outs the fact her plans are still as introverted as possible. 
She calls Aisha then, because Aisha is one of the very few people she doesn’t hate from her school. Aisha sounds hesitant, “I kinda... I already had plans with Ter and Musa... You can come, though, it’ll be fun! Please, B?” 
“Plans” turn out to be bowling. Aisha is competitive, there’s no surprise, but so is Terra and that is a surprise. Musa is more as moral support, she sucks at bowling, and because the place they go to has a mean cheeseburger. She shares a conspiratory smile with Bloom over the food, “I give it an hour before Terra causes us to be kicked out, again.” 
Bloom snorts, then promptly chokes on her milkshake as her eyes drift past Musa’s head. At the entrance of the bowling place there are the popular pricks from school. Stella, head cheerleader, Riven vice-captain of the fencing team, Sky, the actual captain, and Sky’s sister, head of the debates club, Beatrix. 
“Oh, nevermind, I give it fifteen minutes” Musa scoffs, following Bloom’s gaze, pausing on each of their faces, “what are they doing here?” 
Beatrix catches her looking, opens a sardonic smile, whispers something to Stella and they both chuckle. Those typical, movie-esque mean girl smiles that don’t reach their eyes. 
Bloom sighs, “let’s just wrap it all up and go back home.” 
“No way, we have to play and we have to win,” now Musa is the one who’s up in arms. She ushers Bloom up, practically drags her to the alley, standing right next to the one the rich pricks picked. 
Aisha has caught sight of Stella and she’s frowning, face a clear tell of everything Bloom’s feeling. 
“What?” Beatrix snaps, upon catching them observing. She’s picking her favorite ball, already wearing the shoes, “do you need something?” 
“Just happy to have you back, last we heard they locked you up in a psych ward in Sweden?” Terra answers just as quickly and Beatrix’ smile drops, she squints at them.
“I’m happy the rumors about me kept your ordinary miserable little lives entert-”
“Beatrix, enough,” Sky cuts her off, glaring at the girl and passing a black, large bowling ball to Riven, “leave them alone. Let’s play?” 
Somehow his cold detachment, polite niceness is even worse than Beatrix’s open hostility. Beatrix at least sounds like a high school bully, Sky sounds like he doesn’t belong with them, or wants anything to do with them.
Bloom stares at him, feels her blood boil and decides to hate him on principle. Condescending little fucker. 
She catches Riven’s gaze, the amused glint in his eyes and he leans in, whispers something to Stella and the blonde girl too stares Bloom up and down, like she’s some kind of insect stuck the sole of her shoe. 
“Pass me the ball,” Bloom scoffs, then doesn’t wait for an answer and takes it from Aisha’s fingers. 
She’s here to win. 
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