philoenphilosophie · 2 years
Les Termes Que Les Philosophes Emploient
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Comme les géologues, les ornithologistes et les médecins, les métaphysiciennes et les métaphysiciens emploient un vocabulaire technique pour exprimer leurs idées. Les termes du sens commun utilisés dans la vie quotidienne sont trop ambigus et trop vagues pour la métaphysique. S'ils créent souvent leur propre vocabulaire et leurs propres définitions, la plupart peuvent s'entendre sur le sens de certains termes souvent utilisés. 
L'ontologie, par exemple, est le domaine de la métaphysique qui traite de la nature de l'être et de la réalité. 
Le déterminisme est la théorie selon laquelle tout événement, y compris nos choix et nos actions, est déterminé par une chaîne de causes qui remontent loin dans le temps. 
Les métaphysiciennes et les métaphysiciens parlent aussi de substance. Ils entendent par là quelque chose qui existe par soi-même. La substance est l'élément de base dont les choses sont faites; elle peut être matérielle ou immatérielle. Ils emploient aussi le terme essence. L'essence d'une chose est sa nature fondamentale, sa forme immuable, qui fait d'elle ce qu'elle est.
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deanpoetrymusicart · 2 years
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Connaissance de soi - Ta santé dépend de la conscience que l'on a de soi, des connaissances de notre organisme et des connaissances liées aux causes et effets de nos pensées et croyances 🙏🏾 Art Conscience - www artconscience.com #geneve #paris #lausanne #lyon #conscience #consciencedesoi #socrates #philosophie #meditation #metaphysique (à Geneva, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmLcmFjo3UR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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proustian-dream · 5 months
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Joseph Cornell, Untitled, mixed media: wood: stained, paper, paint, decal...
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adiosalasrosas · 2 months
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—Amélie Nothomb, Metaphysique des tubes.
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lusty-scripps · 2 months
if anyone has Challengers rotbrain, and is looking for a deep dive essay, i wrote about it here
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skibasyndrome · 10 months
Hi ! May I invade your askbox with book relative stuffs ?
I saw your posts about your last reads and that gave my inspiration for my (always increasing) list of futur readings !
I love George Sand but I had only read her "rural" books, so I will give a try to "Gabriel".
I also looove classics, but mostly french an british ones, 18 or 19th century. What would you advise me if I want broaden my horizon and dive in german classics ?
About Amélie Nothomd, my favorite one is still her first (maybe because it's the first I read ?) : Hygiène de l'assassin. But her autobiographic novels are also great : Stupeur et tremblements and Metaphysique des tubes are my favorites.
Ok, I stop here ^^ Have a nice day !
Omg yay thank you, I love that you sent this ask!!!! 💜😍
Gabriel was actually the first book I read by her, and I was absolutely blown away, so I highly recommend it! And feel free to recommend your faves to me as well, I'd love to get more into her works :)
Regarding German literature... omg where to start lol. I gotta say that I kind of "specialize" in late 19th/early 20th century German literature, so that's where most of my recs are from, hope that's still fine :)
(I'm putting this behind a break because I think I've spammed people's dashes enough with book talk, sorry about that)
I think you posted something about enjoying Zola a while back (sadly haven't personally gotten around to reading one of his novels yet), but based on that I'd definitely point you into the direction of German naturalism as well, they were all very inspired by Zola:
Bahnwärter Thiel - Gerhart Hauptmann (novella, beautiful way of interweaving nature and psychology)
Papa Hamlet - Arno Holz & Johannes Schlaf (novella, sometimes credited with coming up with the so-called Sekundenstil)
Die Weber - Gerhart Hauptmann (play, very anti-capitalist, as most of my favorite books probably are, but this one's especially got a good flavor of revolution as well)
Theeeen someone whose works I really enjoy as well is Arthur Schnitzler, he's one of the main authors of the Wiener Moderne or the Vienna Modernist Movement I guess would be a translation, and his works are very focused on psychology and sexuality, which I always find interesting.
I especially like Lieutenant Gustl (often credited with establishing the stream of consciousness style in German literature!) and Traumnovelle.
And so that this doesn't get even longer I'll just add a last recommendation maybe, this time a bit more modern: Bertolt Brecht. He was an amazing playwright, developed his own style of theater with the goal of inviting the audience to start thinking about a in his opinion very necessary revolution. I especially love Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder and Der gute Mensch von Sezuan.
I hope this wasn't too all over the place and if you (or anyone reading this for that matter!!!) want any more specific recommendations (like novels, plays, poems etc; or like... idk, specific periods or movements etc) fell free to hit me up anytime, I love talking about this!!!
omg omg yes!!! Métaphysique des tubes was actually the first one I read by her and I loved it! Definitely going to check out the others you mentioned as well! 😍
And thank you again soooo much, this is fun!!!
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vatirath · 1 year
Gonna move my Star Trek posting to my other blog thats also for my writing and shit bc its all scifi stuff so if anyone wants to keep up w that its @metaphysiqueer
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aaronburrdaily · 1 year
July 15, 1809
It must be the 15th. By looking back you will see where the error began. Couche at 12. Rose at 7. At 8 to Bergstrom’s to get Catteau’s book on Denmark; to engage him (Bergstrom) to visit the hospitals with me. He promises again. Thence home. Hosack came in at 9 to breakfast, as engaged; no other way to make him punctual. After breakfast he and I played chess and then Hosack went to hunt Hedboom about the ducats; not found. At 4 Bergstrom came in with Catteau’s book. Went to several booksellers this morning, but bought nothing. At 6 to Helvig’s. Y: A Colonel ———, speaking English; that same Madame ———, whom I met there on Wednesday, and the beautiful Comtesse Posse. Foster came in. All off before 9. I the last and sans soupè. Home, eau et brö.¹ Read for several days past “Les Oeuvres Posthum. de Marmontel;” 4 vol. duod. sur Metaphysique, Grammaire, Logique, Moral.² His style is always beautiful and the subjects are treated in a manner new and interesting, except the last (moral), in which I find nothing remarkable either of idea or manner. The d’Aries go this P.M. to Drottningholm. Note: The Helvigs engage to meet me at dinner to-morrow at the mineral springs au Parc.³
1  Bread and water. 2  “The Posthumous Works of Marmontel”; in 4 volumes duodecimo, on metaphysics, grammar, logic, ethics (should be la morale). 3  In the park.
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the-chomsky-hash · 10 months
[C. The Truth of Man and the Coup de Force of Happiness - cont'd]
[2. When faith has passed, can man not then recognize both the truth of man and the meaning of the world, the term and the end where meaning is gradually revealed in history? - cont'd]
[a. This aspect of Leibniz's "genetic dynamism" is established by an infinite and continuous work in which man achieves his accomplishment - cont'd]
iii. But we must also take into account the fact
that spirits have a particular ontological weight in the world (due to the fact that they can “enter into conversation or at least into society”, Discours de metaphysique...)
that the most perfect world could only be the world where they can acquire the most perfection
Therefore the ontological subordination of matter to spirit has as its consequence the subordination of the perfection and happiness of matter to the happiness and perfection of spirit.
– Michel Foucault, Knowledge of Man and Transcendental Reflection (Anthropology and Classical Philosophy), d'apres La Question Anthropologique, Cours 1954-1955, edited by Ariana Sforzini
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cryptke · 3 years
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thesavorystore · 2 years
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Opalite Star, Crystal Crescent Star For Wire Wrap Jewelry, Opalite Star Gemstone, Metaphysical Carving Crystal Healing Stone, DIY Jewels.
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philoenphilosophie · 2 years
Les Approches Philosophiques - Métaphysique
L'une des plus simples... et des plus difficiles: Quelles sont les composantes de base de la réalité? Cette question conduit à plusieurs autres: Combien de composantes de base existe-t-il? Une seule ou plusieurs? De quoi sont faites ces composantes ou faites de base? Sont-elles matérielles, immatérielles, quelque chose qui n'est ni matériel, ni immatériel? Une fois qu'on a soulevé ces questions, d'autres questions connexes en découlent: Qu'est-ce que la matière? Qu'est-ce que l'esprit? Qu'est-ce que c'est que d'exister? Qu'est-ce que l'« être »? Pourquoi y a-t-il quelque chose plutôt que rien? Beaucoup de questions métaphysiques ont des conséquenses directes sur la vie des gens. On pense notamment aux questions: Qu'est-ce qu'une personne? Qu'est-ce que le soi? Quelle est la relation entre mon esprit et mon corps? Suis-je libre ou d'autres forces déterminent-elles ma vie ? Qu'est-ce que l'éternité? Y ai-je une place? Existe-t-il un être suprême? S'il n'existe pas d'être suprême, ma vie peut-elle avoir un sens?
Même si les théories de la physique quantique peuvent expliquer ce qu'est la matière, expliquent twlles ce qu'est la réalité? Si les scientifiques pouvaient répondre aux questions métaphysiques sur la nature de la réalité, on n'aurait guère besoin de métaphysiciennes et, expliquent-elles, les spécialistes soutiennent que la science ne possède pas de réponse métaphysiciens. En fait, ces à ces questions. Observant que les théories scientifiques changent, ils signalent que les théories conçues au début du XXE siècle sont aujourd'hui dépassées. D'ici un siècle, les théories d'aujourd'hui pourraient bien subir le même sort.
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alanxietatem · 2 years
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¿No se supone que íbamos a ser luces y energías flotando por el plano dimensional del que tanto anhelamos para viajar a través del tiempo o la nada? Ya no hay diversión
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proustian-dream · 5 months
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Joseph Cornell, Untitled, ca. 1960, mixed media: plastic, paper, aluminum foil, staples.
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dramavinile · 3 years
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grandboute · 3 years
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Jack London - Le vagabond des étoiles Encore une superbe pépite exhumée et rééditée par les éditions #libertalia et traduite par l'excellent Philip Mortimer ! Superbe travail pour porter cet ouvrage à notre connaissance, Merci @editionslibertalia #prison #peineDeMort #universCarceral #jackLondon #playdoyer #enfermement #cruaute #combat #resistnce #isolement #philipmortimer #traducteur #libertaliaedition #metaphysique #denonciation #pouvoir https://www.instagram.com/p/CO0ZBsngK5A/?igshid=1nwlp1ui9btz7
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