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I am looking forward in doing little shop of horrors but I shall miss everyone. Three years... Shit me! And I must say it has the best programmes since me being there, just awesome man!
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Richard Eric Penberthy I fucking hate you with a vegance and I will never be anything like you. You are total prick that has tore my family apart. When you see me succeed and follow my dreams remember to eat my fucking dust and choke. You are manipulative liar. Have good life without me. Goodbye.
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 My dear old grandad gave me three nice silver pens for ME to write my scripts with which was nice of him but as we needed pens for a scene I decided to bring them in for the people who needed them. I have two left because she wanted the one I borrowed her and had the cheek to say it was hers now and took it. That is fucking rude and thievery. I DON'T CARE IF ITS JUST A PEN! Wouldn't like if I did that to you plus my grandad went out his way to do that. Its just plain greedy. I'm getting it back and if I don't I'll go all medieval and chop off her hand for stealing. Its not on.
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GIVE SOME LOVE!... Please :)
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you should come on fb chat :3
lol ok I'll get on when as much as I can
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Another 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit Japan just now, April 7. Tsunami alert has just been issued. Let's hope that there will be no after quake and the tsunami will not hit. Reblog if you care and take a minute to pray. Japan needs all the prayers they can get now.
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The Legend
I’m going to tell you a tale about a boy and his quest. This tale goes back legends, the legend of Gyan. Now you mortals have never heard of this, as it comes from the magical island Tyroon. Tyroon was ruled by a just, kind vigorous god named Baron; Baron loved nature and his people. The people of Tyroon were no different from you but had certain special abilities, more strength and were primitive but smart people, they also never grew old. He planted magical seeds into the ground all over the island turning the island into a gargantuan forest, the trees grew to a hundred feet tall and were evergreen, the flowers were all kinds, beautiful and never died, Baron even copied some plant life from earth.
The islands plants were unique not like earths they could talk to one another telepathically. Only gods and special beings they choose could speak to them, Baron being one of them. This may seem to be a happy and peaceful life, it was for a time but Baron and his people weren’t the only beings living on the Island. Baron was not the only powerful force and was unaware of the incoming danger. Underground lived two brother trolls they’re names being Crone and Crill, they were evil indeed. They were monstrous, fierce, foul and sinister. Crone was the eldest, smartest, biggest, cruellest and the predominant one out of the wicked duo. They despised the gods and their followers; they wanted them eradicated, dead... GONE! So they schemed and prepared to create an army.
One hundred years later on a dark night, clouds cover the two moons. The two brothers emerge from the ground followed by thousands of vile demons and darkling’s. They march towards the sleeping village until they were by a large old tree and next to it was a much smaller one with few rocks around them, they were about 150 yards away from the first hut; they stopped and looked back at their masters. Crone gave an evil smile and chuckled, he then shouted “slaughter them all!” they ran with excitement, crone and Crill stayed behind to observe. The army’s weapons raised, blood lusted, one thing on their minds… No mercy. The people started to awaken, hearing fast footsteps, the floor vibrating, hearing blood thirsty cries. They walk out and the monsters were upon them. Men, innocent Women and children were killed unremorsefully, the horde laughed gleefully, blood is spilled everywhere. The men run out armed with swords, axes, bows and physical strength to fend off the wave of nightmarish creatures.
Back at the rocks and trees Crill starts to get impatient and walks forward but is pulled back “not yet brother, save your strength, you will soon get your turn but for now stick with the plan!” commands Crone, Crill growls at him and looks at the horde, he starts to walk forward again “deny me brother and I will rip your heart out!” Crone threatens. Crill pauses, thinks then retreats back and sits down on a rock “smart move, next time I won’t be so lenient!” crone promises, punches Crill in the face and continues to watch the raging battle. Baron had finally arrived; he runs towards his people and tells them to run back to his temple for safety. Baron un-holsters his sword and slices, hacks and thrusts severing head and limbs off the unmerciful multitude, avenging his fallen people. The men stand beside their beloved leader and fight by his side, baron notices a young boy whilst fighting, about 15 years of age, covered in blood.
The boy is fighting with a dagger, fighting along side his father. Baron fights his way towards them but the boy’s father is struck by an arrow to the chest before baron could reach them. The boy screams and jabs at the nearest demon, stabbing it in the right eye gouging it out; Baron runs towards the boy, finishes the demon off and kills the remaining ones there. Baron turns he sees the boy beside his father, weeping, and his father’s eyes fluttering, coughing blood, he speaks “Gyan my son... you must... You must protect your mother... don’t let anything happen.... to her... pro... promise me” the boy nods “good boy... I... I” Gyans father didn’t finish, his breathe left him, he had passed on to the heavens. Baron feels a lot of sympathy for the boy.
He looks around and sees that his people are pushing back the villainous army but barely. Baron doesn’t have much time. He crouches down so he’s eye level with the boy and puts his hand on the boys shoulder “where is your mother Gyan?” asks Baron, Gyan points to the temple “there” shakily replies Gyan “then I sha-” “BARON!” Baron is interrupted by Crone “BARAAAAAARON!!” Crone roars, the trees shudder. A blast of air knocks everyone but Baron off their feet, both armies stop fighting... silence. The ground starts to vibrate, heavy movement, getting louder and closer “Gyan... RUN!” shouts Baron; Gyan hesitates “now!” Baron desperately shouts, Gyan runs...
This is the beginning of my book I'm writing and this isn't definant though, I am doing some tweaks, especially with the father thanks to some very good advice from a friend (Stuart) thank you.
So yeah I hoped you liked it
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I like musicals.
And I'm going to enjoy doing little shop of horrors as the dentist and I shall be learning all my lines before next week
And I'm gonna miss college and all my friends and I hope they all do well in life
But I'm also lookin' forward to finish college so I can do independant movies and voice acting
Year off and (fingers crossed) I'll join a drama school
I'm going to do acting for probably the rest of my life whether it becomes just a hobby or a career
I don't see stars in my eyes, I just love what I do
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Great band, wonderful music and a gorgous singer
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Me me me meeeeee
I know I'm not the only one but I have to say it anyway. I can't stand watching myself when I have done a performance, I cringe at the sight of myself!
Every time I do I become like a reviewer or something, Oh no hes stance is all wrong, you call that acting! 'look away Adam LOOK AWAY!' I grimace everytime I look upon thy self! I mean I get excited at first but then...
I'm always being self critical. I guess I'm always looking for improvments which is good, even if people said I did great. I keep slapping myself in the face.
But I know I'm great. I'm a badass Actor. The best. The greatest. My God every time I look at myself in the mirror I say 'Adam you are going to be a STAR!'
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Thats me, Tina and Harj lol... I am so cool
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Share with me the blankets that your wrapped in because its cold outside cold outside its cold outside share with me the secrets that you kept in because its cold inside cold inside its cold inside and your slowly shaking finger tips show that your scared like me so let's pretend we're alone and I know you may be scared and I know were unprepared but I don't care tell me tell me what makes you think that you are invincible I can see it in your eyes that you're so sure please don't tell me that I am the only one that's vulnerable impossible I was born to tell you I love you isn't that a song already I get a B in originality and it's true I cant go on without you your smile makes me see clearer if you could only see in the mirror what I see and your slowly shaking finger tips show that your scared like me so let's pretend we're alone and I know you may be scared and I know were unprepared but I don't care tell me tell me what makes you think that you are invincible I can see it in your eyes that you're so sure please don't tell me that I am the only one that's vulnerable impossible slow down girl your not going anywhere just wait around and see maybe I am much more you never no what lies ahead I promise I can be anyone I can be anything just because you were hurt doesn't mean you shouldn't bleed I can be anyone anything I promise I can be what you need tell me tell me what makes you think that you are invincible I can see it in your eyes that your so sure please don't tell me that I am the only one that's vulnerable impossible
Secondhand serenade - Vulnerable
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Never say hello, if you really mean goodbye
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Ah the buttoned 'fly'... HOW I HATE THEE!
I curse the person who created these! Probaly a woman... But oooooh I hate them anyway!
He/she will have to apoligize to my pants for they get wet for I have no time to undo them!
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My top 10 favourie classic disney animated films. This was rather tough!
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