#metropolis ll
thtflns · 2 years
This is the artist Chris Burden’s Metropolis II from 2011. It is on display at Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) courtesy of the Nicolas Berggruen Charitable Foundation, and is located on the ground floor of the Broad building. I have posted it because this work simply brings me joy, and seems to do so for those of every age and background. If I can spread a little joy, then I am pleased to do so.
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chernobog13 · 5 months
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Superman faces-off with General Zod during the Battle of Metropolis in Superman ll (1980).
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docgold13 · 2 months
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Lana Lang
Lana Lang grew up in Smallville and was a childhood friend of Clark Kent.  Inspired by her love of the ‘Darci Doll’ toy collection, Lana went into fashion design and ultimately became a smashing success. Lana’s couture line, Lana Lang Fashions (or LL for short) was world renown and she had signature shops in Metropolis, Gotham, Paris and Milan.  
Lana and Clark had briefly dated in high school.  While their romance did not last, the two remained close friends and Lana was later abel to deduce Clark’s secret identity as the heroic Superman (although it was a secret she kept to herself).   
Lana Lang’s celebrity status, combined with her great beauty, caught the attention of Lex Luthor.  He sought her out and began a romantic relationship. Unlike many of his other dealings, their relationship was genuine; Luthor actually cared for Lana and expressed great gratitude when Superman rescued her from an attempted kidnapped.
When Lana discovered Luthor’s criminal dealings, she saw it as a possible opportunity to win back Clark’s affections.  She acted as spy providing Superman with information regarding Luthor’s various schemes.  Superman tried to dissuade Lana from playing this dangerous game, but it was of no use.  Mercy Graves (who was fiercely jealous of Lana) suspected her of being a spy for Superman. Mercy was finally able to provide evidence on the matter and an angry, heartbroken Luthor ordered Lana be assassinated.  
Superman rescued Lana from a deathtrap and she was finally convinced to break things off with the villain.  Lana returned to her life as a fashion maven and periodically assisted Superman by providing alibis that enabled him to maintain his cover as Clark Kent.
Actresses Joely Fisher and Kelly Schmidt provided the voice for Lana Lang, with the intrepid heroine first appearing in the second episode of Superman: The Animated Series, ‘The Last Son of Krypton, Part II.’  
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rovethings · 1 year
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Was thinking to myself that if Alex the Tech Guy really is Lex Luthor (and I'm holding off that unless the guy became bald or they drop the LL initials in the show) this will be the first time we see Lex slowly working his way up to the top? I would honestly LOVE it.
Because in comics we all know Lex was born poor in Smallville/Suicide Slums, but he's always established as the owner of Metropolis when Superman shows up when that can't possibly be realistic true - you can't have him be in Smallville and friends with Clark and then have him as a well established influential billionaire by the time 24 years old Clark appears as Superman. Because if Clark is around that age, then Lex is *also* around that age.
And sure I hate people who bitch about realism in comics but this is something I've always wanted to see touched upon. How did Lex gains his fortune? What influences he had to go from mentally ill mega uber genius to cold hearted kryptonite obsessed billionaire? How did he work around the fact he had no social standing while around people who always had money and power? How did that affect his self steem? And while I actually hate what maws is doing with some villains - giving them tech instead of powers - this will be more interesting take than just making Lex come from money like Jesse's Lex or Smallville Lex.
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tagged by my wonderful friend @zombf !! sorry for being so late with these hehe ;w;
ill refrain from @'ing anyone since i just @'ed ppl with the last one but again if anyone who sees this wants to do it as well pls feel free to ^__^
Get to know me tag game:
Do you make your bed? - i wishhhhhhh lol
What's your favorite number? - i feel like 8 is my go-to when i have to exaggerate things w a random number. like Oh this will give u 800 errors. itll screw you over for 8 million dollars. that kind of hyperbole. i think i do the same w 7 too, no other notable numbers tho
What is your job? - CUSTOMER SERVICE/CASHEIR[sic] AT CVS BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY it sucksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss im cross-trained in the pharmacy too but barely get shifts back there. my 7-3s make me want to k*ll myself but its ok ^__^
If you could go back to school, would you? - yeah but tfw east coast fucking sucks. we have all these ivy leagues and universities and colleges between all these huge cities and none of them offer anything worth fucking taking. laser technology? Nah gotta be midwest or west coast. Sustainability? NAH GOTTA BE MIDWEST OR EAST COAST. id be an electrician but everyone is also like "Yea u need a car and all ur own equipment to do that tho lol" so im like OKay fuck me i guess. im going to lie down in front of a train
Can you parallel park? - what the fuck is a car
A job you had that would surprise people? - (barista) (cashier) (barista again) (cashier again) .....a pushover? wait no the question was "surprise" Fuck. Shit
Do you think aliens are real? - why not
Can you drive a manual car? - what like stick shift? i mean Imagine having ur license in the first place but if i did then idve learned on a stick.
What's your guilty pleasure? - sometimes i drink alcohol
Tattoos? - mew angel. nge seele. dishonored: death of the outsider eyeless. DRHDR OST cover
Favorite color? - purple red black Seafoam!
Favorite type of music? - i know that "i will listen to anything" is the cop-out stupid answer but i literally will listen to fucking anything. I fuck with hard basslines the most tho
Do you like puzzles? - YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS video game puzzles and sudoku. Yayayayay
Any phobias? - HEIGHTS LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sometimes ill be at the top of a staircase and start freaking out. like Shut up
Favorite childhood sport? - i didnt do sports as a kid i did P.E. and ran around my neighborhood. i liked roller blading the most thruout school tho
Do you talk to yourself? - o yea. especially at work
What movies do you adore? - METROPOLIS (OSAMU TEZUKA). PAPRIKA. REBUILD OF EVANGELION 3.33. AKIRA. sorry for being a weeb. TOKYO GODFATHERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK
Coffee or Tea? - uuuuu prob coffee. i dont get tea as often. im particular abt both tho x__x
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? - GEOLOGIST/MINERALOGIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^______^
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hay happy new year and because it's new years. New years ask: on new years (Young Justice tv series season 1) Conner's friends all have plans for the new Year so he on his own for it. But Jon's friends also have plans so he's on his own to. Hearing how both of them are on their own they decided to hang out for the new Year and they do it with Clark and Lois:
1: what do Conner and Jon together during the day?
2: when do Conner and Jon go to pass the time for new years?
3: when it's night time both of them get ready to go out along with Lois and Clark what do the 4 of them wear for the new years?
4: dose Jon convince Conner to wear some new years stuff like glasses or a hat and if so what does Conner wear?
5: where do the family go to the new years specifically a place where their a screen doing the countdown?
6: when the fireworks start the family heads to the top of the daily planet what do they do on top of it other then seeing the fireworks?
A Happy 2024 to you as well @we-cross-universe-king-relate and since we’re here, oh why not, I’ll give this a quick shot
1) Maybe in the daytime, take a walk out in either Metropolis’ Centennial Park or should they feel the mood for letting their powers lose, out in the fields of the Kent farm, taking in all the sight and sounds together. Also I can see Jon showing Conner some of his video games they can play together, to which Conner picks up on being able to play quickly given his learning skills.
2) Mostly likely back at Mt Justice where no doubt both Wolf and Sphere are waiting for them and given some company
3) While Lois is decked out in a purple silky dress with black pants and black dress shoes, ll three boys are matching in blue and red tuxedos with white undershirts and their names stitched on their backs. These were contrary of Martha who felt it fits the occasion.
4) He would after giving some puppy eyes, to which Conner mainly wears some shades that are shaped like 2024. They look a bit small on him but they don’t feel tight surprisingly enough so he doesn’t really complain about it
5) No doubt Metropolis’ equivalent of Times Square are where the Kents spend the last hours of the year along with thousands up to a million Metropolitans in the crowds.
6) Clark packed up a small picnic basket full of treats Martha made for them so you can sure bet the family as a whole can enjoy said treats as the blazing sparks flying and explode in the skyline they watch. During it, Clark and Lois kiss, much to Conner’s confused when he sees Jon act disgusted by it saying “Blegh! Is now the best time to do that?”
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whiskeyswriting · 2 years
Always The Second Choice Chapter 1: … Ready For It?
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{ Masterlist } | { Previous Part }
Putting her headphones back on, Lily continued working on the layout for the next day’s newspaper. The world around her disappeared when she let the music take over her senses.
Humming under her breath, Lily kept working until her eyes strained and her back hurt. She groans when she straightens and looks around and sees that the majority of the staff has gone home. It’s then that she also realizes she had worked through her lunch.
The articles had been sent in and Lily worked on them. The main article was about Superman and his latest rescue. Next to it Lily decided to place the article about Lex Luthor and Lex Corporation’s latest technological endeavor.
She heads towards Jimmy’s desk to ask if he had any plans for the evening. She sees he’s talking to Clark about Lois so she heads back to her desk. Her cousin had snagged one of the most eligible bachelors in Metropolis, but then she left him to pursue her dream job overseas.
Lily couldn’t blame her cousin for pursuing her dream. What she could blame her was not giving Clark a choice in the matter.
Then again Lily knew she harbored a bit of resentment for Lois as she always seemed to get everything Lily wanted and worked for.
Lily returned to her desk and sent an internal instant message to Jimmy that she would be taking the train home. 
LL: Hey! Gonna head on home. Wasn’t sure if you had plans but it’ll be 🎥 night. Was thinking of Top Gun. 😍
JO: Mind if Clark joins? He’s got no plans and wanted to do something. 
Her heart begins to race and, unbeknownst to her, someone else can hear it. 
LL: I… 😶 Yeah sure he can join. He’ll just have to bring his own snacks 🍿🍕🌮.
JO: I’ll be sure to tell him. 😆 
Lily saves her work and clocks out before leaving. She tightens her coat around her when the cold air hits her. She’s walking to the train station when she feels like she’s being followed. 
She slowly speeds up but the feeling doesn’t go away. It’s not until she’s near the train station when she’s pulled into an alley and the thief demands her purse and jewelry.
Lily knew better than to try and fight or even call out for help. The street was empty and the offices around had all been closed already.
“Here take my bag!” She removes her crossbody bag and hands it to the thief.
“Your jewelry too!” The thief yells.
Lily shakes her head. “They’re all fake. They’re worthless.”
That didn’t please the thief and he punches her face a few times, to shut her up. He then yanks the necklace and pulls at the small hoop earrings she was wearing, leaving small cuts on her neck and causing her piercings to bleed.
Quickly, the thief digs the knife into Lily’s side. However, with her heavy coat and the adrenaline rush, Lily doesn’t immediately feel the sting of the blade nor the blood running down her side.
The thief punches her again and takes off running. Lily can feel one of her eyes shutting close. She uses the sleeve of her coat to clean up the blood from the cut under her eye. She stumbles a bit as she starts walking to the station. 
‘Luckily I kept my phone and cards in my jeans,’ she thinks as she makes her way to the train station. Out of the corner of her eye, she can see Superman stopping another robbery from happening.
“Fuck… I’m not even worthy of being helped by Superman… I’m not Lois,” she whispers to herself as she sits down on the bench, upon reaching the station.
A chuckle is heard next to her. Lily jumps back in surprise. “Not a fan of Superman?”
Lily just scoffs and shakes her head. “Not that… Just… It's true that justice is blind. Not everyone gets saved.” She goes to the vending machine and purchases a cold soda to place against her face.
“Can I give you a ride home?”
“Sorry. I don’t accept rides from strangers, especially one that’s at a train station.”
“You don’t know who I am?” The man asks.
“Does it look like I care? I just got robbed. I got punched and I have no idea who you are so please just leave me alone.”
The handsome, bald man just stares at her in shock. Everyone in Metropolis knew and feared him. “You really don’t know who I am?” He asks again with a smirk.
Lily stands to move again, but her body betrays her and her vision becomes blurry causing her to stumble forward. 
“Whoa whoa. You’re not okay. Look, my car is coming. Just let me take you home,” he says, the edge of teasing gone from his voice.
Lily can only nod. “Okay…” She can feel the stranger lift her in his arms and she tiredly closes her eyes.
“Luthor! Get your hands off her!” 
Lex turns and growls at the man before him. “You weren’t there to protect her… Superman,” he spits out the name.
In an instant, Superman is at Lex’s side. Growling, he asks “What did you do to her?” 
“I just found her here. She mentioned about getting robbed,” Lex calmly explains. 
Superman tells Lex to put Lily down. 
Lex starts to but when he feels the stickiness at her side his grip on her tightens. He yanks open her coat. “She’s bleeding! I’m taking her to the hospital!”
Lily’s breath is shallow. She closes her eyes to focus on the sounds around her. She focuses on the set of footsteps running towards her. She opens her eyes and turns when the person is just a small distance from her. Her finger releases the trigger. “Got you!” 
Jimmy groans. “Aww come on Lils! I thought we were best friends!”
The lights around them turn on. “There’s no friends in laser tag, James.” 
Jimmy dramatically gasps. “You did not just call me James!” He then starts laughing along with Lily. 
The lights soon start flashing to announce a new round. Lily and Jimmy head to their respective sides. Both were excited that Perry accepted their idea of laser tag as a team building exercise. It was either that or a day stuck in the conference room talking. 
Lily pulls her mask down and takes a look around the room to reevaluate where the best angles are for getting her coworkers. However, there was also someone else that was scoping out all HER angles and small curves.
Just as the lights go down, Lily feels herself getting pulled against a strong chest. “Shh my little flower.” String but gentle hands give her hips a soft squeeze. Her admirer also keeps his mask on but Lily recognizes the ring on the left hand.
Lex steps away and extends his hand while leading her to a hidden corner. Immediately they both remove their masks and he presses her against the wall. Both their chests are rising at the interaction. 
“Alexander…” Lily says out in warning.
He growls and kisses her deeply. “That’s not what I told you to call me.”
“That’s your name,” Lily replies smirking but her comment is turned into a soft moan when he starts kissing and sucking on her neck.
“What’s my name again, my little flower?” He growls against her ear.
Heat and need rushes to her core. Lily feels her knees buckle. “L-Lex.”
“That’s it,” he says as his left hand starts undoing her jeans. He keeps the laser gun in his right hand, should anyone come and find them. 
“Lex! We can’t do this here… Someone could find us.” Lily says with little conviction. The thrill of getting caught excites them both. 
“Well, we’ll just have to risk it and be as quiet as possible,” he says as he slips his hand down the front of her pants, causing her to gasp and throw her head back. 
“Mmmm. So warm and wet just for me… How long have you been thinking about me Lily?” 
Lily wraps her arms around Lex’s neck and kisses him deeply. “Right there,” she pants out. He continues to kiss on her neck as he slides a second finger in. 
When the cold of his ring hits her clit, she clenches tighter around his fingers. “Lily… Talk to me. Tell me how good it feels.”
“S-S-so fucking good…” she says as she feels herself nearing that point of no return. “I’m close, Lex…” she groans out.
As her body starts to go over the edge, Lily wakes up with a jolt, panting and looking around the room. Her body was covered in sweat and her head was hurting. 
She lifts her hand and finds an IV drip. She looks over to the bags. “Pain meds always give me intense dreams.”
“Now just were you dreaming about?” Jimmy asks.
“How’d you get here? How’d I get here?”
Jimmy goes to sit next to her side. “I got a call from you. Well… your phone. A man said he brought you to the hospital so I came over with Clark.”
Lily slowly turns to look at them. “Wh…Who brought me?”
Jimmy hesitates for a moment when he senses and sees Clark tense next to him. “Luthor. Lex Luthor. He found you and brought you… And-” 
“And I’m back to keep you company,” says a smooth voice at the door.
- -
🏷️ List: @askmarinaandothers @dragon-kazansky @bayisdying
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still-single · 1 year
HEATHEN DISCO show no. 337 (aka 1337) online now
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Extremely stoked about this week's show -- getting my reps up for a public gig here in Chicago end of June and more to follow after.
Listen onnnnnnnnnn
Milford Graves with Hugh Glover – March 2, 1976 III
Deadbeat & Om Unit – Stalk
imPLOG – Holland Tunnel Dive
Maxine Funke – Long Beach
Quando Quango – Love Tempo (mix)
Edward Crosby & Singing DJ – Party Time Remix (Party Beat)
Ron Morelli – Subway Shootout
He Said – Not a Soul
Ky – The Dancer
Anne Clark – Sleeper in Metropolis
KVL – Microvibe
Avalon Emerson – Dreamliner
Jane Inc. – 2120
2 Body’s – Astoria
O.R.S. – Moon-Boots
My Dad Is Dead – The Water’s Edge
Big Black – Kerosene
Lana Del Rabies – Mother
Royal Trux – Second Skin
The Cure – The Walk
International Music System – An English ‘93
Colourbox – Looks Like We’re Shy One Horse
Bailter Space – Your Invisible Life
FACS – Boy
Glittering Insects – Glittering Insects
The Only Ones – Miles from Nowhere
Crystalized Movements – In the Open World
Rotomagus – Fightin’ Cock
Joshua Abrams – A Lucky Stone
Calvin Keys – B.E.
The God in Hackney – Bardo!
Mute Duo – The Ocean Door
Royal Headache – Stand and Stare
Lobby Loyde & the Coloured Balls – Mr. Mean Mouth
Circus – Stop, Wait and Listen
Strawberry Switchblade – Spanish Song
Primal Scream – Crystal Crescent
Boys from Nowhere – Jungle Boy
Blutt – Bing Bang Boum (Bam)
Swell Maps – Let’s Build a Car
The Colors Out of Time – Rock Section
LL Cool J – Jingling Baby
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dark-lightacademia · 2 years
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Finally….I just wanted to do this so badly for two years. When I’ve heard first of dark academia in January 2020, it seemed to me it was an autumn aesthetic and I would have to wait to embody it. Still, after a transportation strike ended, I’ ve made my first dark academia day, visiting a wwII museum in march. I know, spring (but it rained) but I was impatient. I wanted to have tea in fine art museum but tea bar was closed. Nevermind, I thought, I ´ll be back soon .You guess what followed: confinement after confinement, then compulsory vaccination passeport. I could only be back one rainy day at fine art museum but I did not felt like it. It was in may(2021), I had to wear a mask, tea bar and shop were closed…I took my first autumn try last days of October but renounced to the museum once I saw that shop and tea bar were closed once more. Today, still, on a perfect rainy of November I was back. I had tea at the bar, the shop was open, I wore a tartan skirt and brogue shoes. I’ve been to a second hand library too, all of this in a neighboring metropolis. If you are in dark academia too, I recommend : try this as well.
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adyafinancial · 4 days
GST in Gurgaon: A Comprehensive Guide to Compliance and Benefits
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) has revolutionized the tax machine in India, simplifying the complex internet of indirect taxes. For companies in Gurgaon, one of the maximum unexpectedly developing industrial hubs, information the nuances of GST is essential for seamless operation & increase. Adya Financial 'll provide a complete guide on GST in Gurgaon, along with its implications for businesses, registration approaches, and the way it is able to affect the hospitality industry, including luxury inn rooms in Dehradun and similar establishments.
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Introduction to GST in India
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) become added in India on July 1, 2017, to unify a couple of oblique taxes right into unmarried, complete machine. It replaced taxes like Value Added Tax (VAT), Central Excise Duty, Service Tax, and different local levies. This simplification has made the tax machine greater obvious & less difficult to control, particularly for groups with multi-state operations like the ones in Gurgaon.
GST is levied at the supply of goods & offerings at every degree of the supply chain, from production to the final consumer. Its middle idea is to get rid of the "cascading effect" of taxes, because of this product is taxed most effective on the point of consumption.
Types of GST
Before diving into the specifics for Gurgaon, it’s essential to understand the 4 most important types of GST:
CGST (Central Goods and Services Tax): Levied by using the important government on intra-state transactions.
SGST (State Goods and Services Tax): Levied by using the kingdom authorities on intra-country transactions.
IGST (Integrated Goods and Services Tax): Levied on inter-country transactions.
UTGST (Union Territory Goods and Services Tax): Applicable for Union Territories like Chandigarh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, & so forth.
Why GST is Important for Businesses in Gurgaon
Gurgaon, now formally known as Gurugram, has emerged as a chief enterprise hub, home to several multinational groups, startups, and industries spanning throughout IT, actual estate, finance, and hospitality. The advent of GST in Gurgaonplays essential position inside the ease of doing commercial enterprise on this metropolis by using:
Simplifying Taxation: GST has replaced a multitude of indirect taxes with one uniform tax, considerably lowering compliance burden for corporations in Gurgaon.
Increased Transparency: With GST, groups can now avail Input Tax Credit (ITC) for taxes paid on items & offerings used in their operations, reducing their usual tax legal responsibility.
Boost to the Hospitality Sector: Hotels & lodges, such as the ones imparting luxurious hotel rooms in Dehradun, enjoy the GST regime. GST simplifies the tax structure for hotels, ensuring that each agencies and customers understand their tax liabilities more truely.
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GST Registration Process for Businesses in Gurgaon
Any enterprise operating in Gurgaon, with an annual turnover exceeding ₹40 lakh (₹20 lakh for service vendors), should check in for GST. The technique is entirely on line, making it less complicated for organizations to conform without travelling tax offices.
Steps to Register for GST:
Visit the GST Portal: Begin online gst registration in gurgaon by using journeying the reliable GST internet site (www.Gst.Gov.In).
Filing the Application: You will want to fill out Form GST REG-01. Ensure all info which includes the commercial enterprise name, sort of enterprise, & PAN are entered successfully.
Submission of Documents: Provide important documents like PAN card, Aadhaar card, enterprise registration proof, bank account information, and photos of the owner or enterprise companions.
Verification and Approval: Once submitted, the utility may be proven by means of tax authorities. Upon approval, you'll be issued unique GST Identification Number (GSTIN).
Completion: After acquiring your GSTIN, you are required to record GST returns often.
GST Compliances for Businesses in Gurgaon
Complying with GST guidelines is vital for groups to keep away from penalties and make certain clean operations. Here are some key compliances for GST in Gurgaon:
Monthly/Quarterly Filing of Returns: Depending on the enterprise length and turnover, groups need to report both monthly or quarterly GST returns. The paperwork consist of GSTR-1 (sales info), GSTR-3B (summary return), & GSTR-9 (annual return).
Payment of Taxes: GST is payable month-to-month or quarterly, relying at the form of enterprise. Delayed payments can result in interest & penalties.
Input Tax Credit (ITC): One of the foremost advantages of GST is the capacity to assert credit score for taxes paid on purchases. However, to claim ITC, businesses have to safeguard right document-preserving and matching of buy and income invoices.
Compliance with E-invoicing: For huge organizations, e-invoicing is mandatory. This ensures transparency & curbs tax evasion by means of digitizing the invoicing method.
GST Rates for Various Sectors in Gurgaon
GST quotes vary across industries, making it vital for businesses to live up to date. For groups in Gurgaon, mainly in hospitality, manufacturing, & IT, knowledge those costs is crucial for accurate tax compliance.
Hospitality Sector: Hotels with room price lists underneath ₹1,000 are exempt from GST. For room tariffs among ₹1,000 & ₹7,500, the GST charge is 12%, at the same time as tariffs above ₹7,500 are taxed at 18%. Resorts & comfort hotels, consisting of those providing luxury motel rooms in Dehradun, fall into this class.
Manufacturing Sector: The fashionable GST charge for production groups in Gurgaon is 18%. However, vital objects and meals merchandise may additionally attract a decrease price of 5%.
Information Technology (IT): The GST fee for IT services is 18%, making it vital for tech companies in Gurgaon to conform with this fee structure for software and IT-associated services.
The Role of GST in Boosting the Hospitality Industry
Gurgaon, being a major business & leisure destination, has seen its hospitality industry thrive under GST. The tax structure has brought transparency to hotel tariffs and increased accountability. Moreover, businesses in the hospitality sector, such as those managing luxury hotel rooms in Dehradun, can easily calculate & charge GST, ensuring that guests have a clear understanding of the tax component in their bills.
Additionally, the availability of Input Tax Credit (ITC) on goods and services used by hotels (like food, maintenance, & utilities) has led to cost reductions, allowing hotels to offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality.
Common Challenges for Businesses in Gurgaon Under GST
While GST has simplified the taxation system, agencies in Gurgaon face some demanding situations:
Frequent Updates to GST Laws: The Indian GST system undergoes common adjustments, which may be difficult for agencies to preserve track of. Staying up to date with the modern-day adjustments in tax slabs, ITC guidelines, and compliance requirements is vital.
Mismatch of Invoices: Many organizations face difficulties with invoice matching in the course of ITC claims. This can put off the refund manner & result in coins float troubles.
Penalties for Non-Compliance: Failing to comply with GST submitting or charge deadlines can cause consequences, which can also have an effect on small & medium-sized businesses the most.
Benefits of GST for Gurgaon’s Economy
Despite those demanding situations, GST has positively impacted Gurgaon’s economic system in numerous approaches:
Increased Efficiency: The streamlined tax process beneath GST has decreased paperwork and administrative hurdles for businesses.
Reduced Tax Evasion: GST’s digital infrastructure has curtailed tax evasion by making each transaction traceable.
Boost to Trade and Commerce: The ease of doing commercial enterprise in Gurgaon has stepped forward because of GST, attracting foreign investments & increasing the nearby financial system.
Enhanced Consumer Confidence: For purchasers, GST brings clarity to the tax shape, as they now recognize the precise amount of tax being paid on goods and services.
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For corporations in Gurgaon, know-how & complying with gst registration in Gurgaon isn't always just a felony duty but vital issue of smooth operations and increase. Whether you’re walking a small startup or dealing with a series of luxury inn rooms in Dehradun, staying up to date with GST guidelines will make sure your commercial enterprise prospers on this competitive landscape.
By simplifying the tax shape, reducing redundancies, & bringing transparency, GST has paved the manner for corporations in Gurgaon to enlarge & flourish. With the right techniques in area, organizations can leverage GST for each compliance and profitability.
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[ad_1] A Blackstone subsidiary is gearing up for an enormous multifamily challenge in North Austin. Hyperlink Logistics Actual Property Administration, led by CEO Luke Petherbridge, filed to rezone the  6-acre web site at 11209 Metric Boulevard to permit for a five-story advanced with practically 500 models, the Austin Enterprise Journal reported.  The challenge, known as LL Braker, in response to metropolis filings, can be slated for five,000 sq. toes of retail house and structured parking. It’s unclear if the residential models will likely be residences or condos. A one-story warehouse, constructed within the Eighties and spanning 85,000 sq. toes, can be demolished for the challenge. Hyperlink Logistics is requesting to vary the property’s industrial zoning designation to permit multifamily and retail makes use of. Austin’s Zoning and Platting Fee is scheduled to debate the matter on Jan. 30.  Multifamily builders are flocking to Austin to capitalize on the town’s unprecedented development. Roughly 18,000 models had been constructed through the first 9 months of 2023. Over 7,500 models had been constructed within the third quarter alone, practically doubling the 4,000 accomplished throughout the identical stretch in 2022. It’s attainable builders had been somewhat overzealous. Austin’s condo occupancy price fell to 89 % within the third quarter partially due to oversupply. That’s down from 92 % one 12 months prior, the outlet reported. Blackstone is the largest business property proprietor on the planet, and its Austin portfolio holds roughly 9 million sq. toes of residential, lodge, retail, storage and logistics house. Blackstone has been particularly lively within the industrial house. Hyperlink Logistics is growing a $28 million, three-building advanced totaling 370,000 sq. toes in Spherical Rock, simply north of Austin. The agency can be nearing completion of Settlers Grove, a $38 million, 631,000-square-foot warehouse challenge in the identical space. —Quinn Donoghue  Learn extra [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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gamebudd · 1 year
Building the Metropolis of Your Dreams in Cities: Skyliner ll
The announcement of Cities: Skylines II promised to take things even further: bigger cities, redesigned economies, dynamic seasons – even the ability to zoom in and observe any citizen, any time
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crimechannels · 1 year
By • Olalekan Fagbade JUST IN; President Tinubu approves construction of 1,000 houses in 7 states – Shettima [full list] The Vice President, Kashim Shettima, said on Friday that President Bola Tinubu has approved the construction of 1,000 houses in Sokoto, Kebbi, Katsina, Zamfara, Kaduna, Niger and Benue States. Mr Olusola Abiola, Director of Information, Office of the Vice President, in a statement, said Shettima stated this at the commissioning of projects executed by Borno State Government in the last 100 days. The Vice President explained that the housing projects were part of a broad plan by the Federal Government to address conflicts in the north. Shettima also revealed that Tinubu approved N50 billion to the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to kick-start the Pulaku initiative which was a non-kinetic solution to the crisis confronting the people of the northwest. “President Tinubu has approved the construction of 1,000 houses in Sokoto, Kebbi, Katsina, Zamfara, Kaduna, Niger and Benue States with all the ancillary facilities of schools, clinics, veterinary clinics and ranches for the Fulani community in Kaduna and Benue states “President Tinubu insisted that all the victims must be carried along,” he said. The Vice President assured that all parts of the country would benefit from the developmental strides of President Tinubu. Shettima also stated that the Federal Government was planning to re-ignite wheat production in the country. He noted that President Tinubu was aware of challenges confronting Nigerians and would make efforts to address them. “The issues confronting Nigerians will be addressed. We will use all available vehicles to fix things. President Tinubu means well for this country and he is determined to change the fortunes of the nation for the better. “Tinubu is a person filled with a lot of empathy for the less privileged in the society. Some of the painful decisions taken by the government were products of the circumstances we have found ourselves in. “Be rest assured that in the coming weeks and months, this government will unveil a lot of projects and programmes that will touch the lives of many,” Shettima said. He commended the vision and leadership of Gov. Babagana Zulum of Borno State, particularly in his capacity to address the welfare of the people. “We are extremely lucky in having him as our leader, Governor and brother at this time. Gov. Zulum and I have the best of relationships. “We have become the reference point in relationship management between a successor and predecessor in modern day Nigeria. “I want to thank him for all the empathy and support and most importantly for putting Borno first,” he stressed. Out of 77 new projects completed in 100 days of Zulum’s administration, the VP commissioned the Shuwari ll Community School and Healthcare Centre. Shettima also commissioned the Alikaramti Community School and the Gamboru Liberty Day Seconday School, all within Maiduguri metropolis. He was cheered by a jubilant crowd, particularly school children during the commissioning of projects executed by the State government within 100 days Earlier on arrival in Maiduguri, Shettima visited the Shehu of Borno’s Palace to pay homage. He was accompanied by the Minister of Agriculture, Sen. Abubakar Kyari, and some legislators from National and State Assemblies. Also in the Vice President’s entourage at the palace were the Deputy Governors of Borno, Gombe and Taraba States. (NAN)
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On Lois Lane
Figured it well past time I got to the matriarch of the Superfamily, especially since I already wrote about the other major "LL" in Superman's life.
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Hardest part of writing about Lois is what more can be added that hasn't already been said? She's The Love Interest when it comes to female supporting characters, so iconic and successful that like Superman himself, she's inspired countless copycats: Iris West, Vicki Vale, the current video game version of MJ Watson, if your hero has a love interest who is a reporter, they're drawing on the archetype that Lois established. She was there from the very beginning, before there were Krypton, Smallville, the Kents, the Rogues, before Superman could even fly Lois was there.
And my God is she such a fantastic character in her own right.
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Whereas Clark himself is pretty damn different if you compare and contrast his Golden Age incarnation with his modern incarnation, Golden Age Lois is pretty recognizable as Lois Lane. Feisty, independent, scornful of danger and of cowardice (especially in a "peer" like Clark), a bit in awe of Superman while also eager to press him for information about himself, willing to throw herself into danger if she can get that exclusive scoop. Her personality in the early comics is much more like her modern incarnation than the lovestruck wanna-be housewife she became in the Silver Age. Lois is one of the few characters who basically came into comics perfect from Day 1.
I love the Rucka idea that she somehow has everyone's number and can call up anyone from the lowliest criminal to the highest politicians. I like when writers show that she herself is able to wear a variety of disguises, something I'm sure she and Clark can bond over once he reveals his identity to her. And I love that she is basically waging a one-woman war against corruption and evil in Metropolis long before Superman shows up, something the Superman & Lois show highlighted.
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It's easy to see why Clark would fall for her. Even putting aside that Lois is hot as hell, she's a great foil to him personality wise. They both are committed to rooting out social ills and taking the fight to crime and oppression wherever it rears it's head, from the Lexcorp boardroom, to the darkest underbelly of Metropolis. They both are kind and compassionate, but have explosive tempers if you piss them off. They both love to snark, although Lois has more bite whereas Clark is more deadpan.
The biggest contrast, and honestly the biggest turn on for Clark, is that Lois is free from doubt. Clark is constantly second-guessing himself, worrying about how others see him, worrying about whether he's making the right choices or if he's approaching his heroics/journalism the right way. Lois? Lois never second-guesses herself, never allows the doubts or opinions of others to affect her course in life. She knows her dad is disappointed and upset with her and she couldn't care less. She knows others think she's a bitch and that only amuses her. She's confident and self-reliant and those are attributes Clark wants desperately to posses himself. How could he not fall head over heels in love?
Why Lois would fall in love with Clark is a bit trickier. It's easy to see why she would love Superman, which is part of why Clark wants her to love the "whole" of him and not just the public persona. Superman is confident, Superman is powerful, Superman kicks ass, he's kind and intelligent, he's a huge celebrity, who wouldn't love him? Clark? Eh he's easy on the eyes but he doesn't really have much of a presence. That's how everyone else views Clark. Lois, I think, would start off viewing Clark as a dweeb who will be gone in a week, the big city too much for him. That he sticks around and toughs it out impresses her. That he manages to outscoop her multiple times infuriates and intrigues her. That he manages to live in Metropolis and see how rotten it can be beneath the shiny gilded exterior, yet doesn't lose his sense of optimism, his faith in other peoples inner goodness, his "naivety" so to speak? I think that's what would make her fall in love with him.
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Lois is at heart a "cynical idealist" in my estimation. The cynical side is she's someone who will always fight for the truth, for justice, but I don't think she believes that peoples inherent goodness will win out in the end most of the time. She's seen how selfish people can be, how uncaring, and I think before Clark shows up there's a part of her that thinks she's just bashing her head against a wall trying to change things. The idealist part of her is that she will continue to bash her head against that wall of public indifference anyway. Lois will always fight even if nobody else will fight alongside her, she'll keep writing articles and investigating long after a lesser woman would give up, because it's the principles that matter damnit, even if only to her. That Clark is someone who will join her in that fight while still believing that the rest of the public can be swayed to join them is what I see as the reason why she finally gives him a chance, that optimism remaining in Clark is refreshing and uplifting to her. That he's also hot and can trade banter with her doesn't hurt his chances any.
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Lois becoming a mom has been really interesting, even if I haven't always been wholly satisfied with how they've handled the relationship between her and Jon. I haven't seen enough of Lois traits in Jon to really buy him as her offspring, I hope that changes. While I'm not the biggest fan of Tom Taylor to put it mildly, I liked that he emphasized Lois' importance with regards to Jon becoming Superman in interview leading up to the first issue, and I hope we get lots of Lois/Jon interaction in Superman: Son of Kal-El that really flesh out their relationship. At the very least I want to see Jon get some of that Lois patented verbal bite to him.
One last thought with regards to Lois: how the hell was Tom King the first one to realize that Lois and Selina would immediately hit it off?
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They're both so similar when you think about it: Brunettes who are willful and independent, who flaunt the rules to get what they want, who outright laugh when their male significant others try to order them around, yeah I totally can see the two of them becoming friends. I really hope that gets continued under someone else, since I don't think anyone other than King has really played with it, but I love the idea of Lois having a "gal pal" that's also caught up in the insanity of life with a superhero.
If not Selina I'd like to see Lois being shown to have a friendship with her copycats such as Vicki or Iris or the rest. Definitely with Cat (even though Cat Grant can drive her up the wall sometimes). More girls' nights out/double dates for Lois, that's all I'm saying.
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TOP 13 Scorpions Songs of all Time!!!
As some other ARTICLES of mine, I presented this time ago to some music magazines and magazines with music sections...enjoy!!!
Top 13 Scorpions Songs Of All Time. By David del Real. Number THIRTEEN: Don´t Believe Her. We start our list with a "sui generis" topic. A friend preventing another from mingling with a specific very dangerous woman. How many times haven´t we tried to prevent a good friend that is about to get in trouble for dating a heartless woman from doing it? Well, in this song the character that is telling the story has a good reason to be worried about his friend: this woman broke his own heart to pieces in the past! With this first great song we start the list of the Top 13 Songs of the most successful German and Continental Europe band of all time. Excerpt from the Lyrics: " A perfect strangerShe knows the game,She´ll promise heaven on earthBut don´t believe her " Number TWELVE:We Were Born To Fly. A strong romantic song that tackles the dream of everlasting love. It talks about the story of two lovers that have been apart for some time. The one that is patiently waiting tells that forgiveness has nothing to do with being together again, it only has to do with love as these two lovers "were born to fly". One of the many Scorpions songs that make our chests feel a little larger and lighter arrives in our 12th place and constitutes the first love song that made it to our list. Excerpt from the Lyrics: "We were born to flyTo reach beyond the skyTo carry on forever after" Number ELEVEN:Hit Between The Eyes. Defining with unique style a lot of our current life-style where all the great Metropolis of the world are plagued with delinquency and we are never sure who stands two corners ahead, this song compares our today´s world with a war front. One day, in two hundred or three hundreds years from now, when people ask about how was it to live in New York, Mexico, Berlin or Tokyo in the last days of the Twentieth Century and beginning of the Twenty-first, one of the answers will be: Listen "Hit Between The Eyes" from Scorpions. Excerpt from the Lyrics: "Late at night when you´re all aloneTake a ride to the danger zoneIf someone wants to cut you down to sizeYou never argue with a loaded forty-five" Number TEN:Lady Starlight. A sweet prayer, almost like a whisper, arrives in our number 10. Directly from the "Animal Magnetism" album that owns both Gold and Platinum Records, we have this ballad that gives us that sensation of being lying in the grass, watching at the stars wondering if someone much wiser than us could listen to our sorrow and share a word of relief. A similar feeling to listening "Let it be" from the Beatles or watching to the final sentences of "American Beauty" said by "Lester Burnham" (Kevin Spacey) floods from us when we hear the sweet melody of "Lady Starlight". Excerpt from the Lyrics: "I see the stars, they´re miles and miles awayLike our love,Lady Starlight, help me to find my love" Number NINE:Tease Me, Please Me. A very adventurous and exciting song with a sexy video to promote it. Belonging to "Crazy World", their most famous album ever, this song with its light-hearted lyrics and direct style has become one of the favorite of the fans world-wide for two and a half decades...and counting!!! Excerpt from the Lyrics: " Never wasted any timeNever missed a beatTotal satisfaction Always guaranteed " Number EIGHT:I Can´t Explain. A classic love ballad that got number 5 in 1989´s Billboard Hit Singles and pretty much describes that awkward yet necessary feeling in life of getting in love. Why is it necessary?...well I don´t know... "I can´t explain". Excerpt from the Lyrics: "Can´t explainI think it´s love,try to say it to you when I feel blue" Number SEVEN:No One Like You. Arriving number one of 1982´s Billboard Hit Singles, "No One Like You" definitively deserves a place in our list. With a decisive and open style, it can´t be omitted in any serious Rock/Metal collection. Excerpt from the Lyrics: "There´s no one like youI can´t wait for the nights with youI imagine the things we´ll doI just wanna be loved by you" Number SIX:Holiday. A soft ballad of a lover asking to allow her lady let him take her away from the harshness of life for some fun.One of their many songs that invites to daydreaming and seeing into the horizon, this one should definitively make it also to the top ten romantic songs of all time. Excerpt from the lyrics: "Let me take you far away You´d like a holiday Exchange your troubles for some loveWherever you are" Number FIVE:Always Somewhere. Always Somewhere in the discography of any great group or interpreter we find a song (or many) about loving from afar and the craving for seeing each other. Of course Scorpions is no exception to the rule. In this specific song, the Scorpions seem to share with us the experience of being out in a Tour away from their girlfriends and wives. Coming back and forth from the hotels, the lost calls, the missing, the different cities and the joy of the promise of returning home. Excerpt from the lyrics: "Always somewhereMiss you where I´ve beenI´ll be back to love you again" Number FOUR:Rock You Like A Hurricane. Covered more than 150 times by different musicians, Rock You Like A Hurricane is an hymn to party and having fun. Definitively one of the main songs responsible for their 100, 000, 000 records sold world-wide, it could even compete with our number one to be this Hannover´s Rock and Metal group´s signature song. Excerpt from the lyrics: "More days to comeNew places to goI´ve got to leaveIt`s time for a show" Number THREE:Still Loving you. When talking to other Scorpions fans I came to the realization that "Still Loving You" is not only the favorite Scorpions song for many of them, but also one of their top 5 songs of all time. Soft and melancholic, yet still full of energy, "Still Loving You" proudly gets to accomplish a place between the big three of our list. Excerpt from the lyrics: "If we´d go again All the way from the startI would try to change The things that killed our love"
Number TWO:Send Me An Angel. Last from the "Crazy World" album released in November of 1990, Send Me An Angel is with all probability, one their finest songs ever. A deep feeling and sensation travels through the spine when we begin hearing its lyrics while listening its soft chords and imagining ourselves all the times we have been in the same position asking an angel to be sent to us in times of despair. Excerpts from the lyrics: "The wind will blow into your face,As the years pass you by" "The wise man said just raise your handAnd reach out for the spell" Number ONE:Wind Of Change. No other Scorpions song is better known to the world that Wind Of Change. From the inspiration of Klaus Meine, vocalist of the group, and having its roots in the late Soviet Union days and associated in our minds to the Fall of Berlin´s Wall thanks to a Wayne Isham-directed video, we have a ballad full of hope and daydreaming.  With versions in English (original), Russian and Spanish, "Wind Of Change" is for sure their most memorable ballad to date. Some hints for listening to this song: Moskva is the way to say Moscow in Russian, The Gorky Park is a big Park in the center of the city, named that way after writer "Maksim Gorki" and balalaika is a Russian chords instrument (you remember Doctor Zhivago´s movie, right?). Excerpt from the lyrics: "Take me to the magic of the momentOn a glory night Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams With you and me"
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megakimathi · 3 years
Headcanon fanfiction merformer cryptid Rung/reader
- 2 PARTE (1/1)
The third time they met in (city name)
Can we call this city home for the LL pack, where they live permanently? The pack travels the seas and oceans, through cities and countries, learning about foreign cultures and peoples, and then returning back.
Their real bodies, once they return, are in the center of the aquatic abodes they call a base. The merformers communicate with the staff of the center, which has provided these creatures with part of their building. The bays contain pools and large tanks connected to walls and pipes filled with water so that everyone can swim to each other. While the merformers are there, they send their holoforms to the city where they once long ago bought their apartments and found suitable jobs to blend in with the humans and not raise suspicions.
All merformers can safely swim from their "base" back into the free waters.
Holo!Rung works as a local human therapist. During his sessions, the real Rung floats away into one of the inconspicuous caves to be alone, where no one would disturb him. Whirl laughs at him, Rung silently waves him off.
This was the last session to date, and it was coming to an end. Holo!Rung listened attentively to his patient. human used all his time to speak out and listen to his therapist's advice. When the latter became silent and said nothing more, Holo!Rung realized that the patient was finished.
The session ended and they both got up from their seats and walked to the door. Holo!Rung escorted the human into the hallway with a smile and followed him out, walking up to the receptionist and asking if he had any patients for tomorrow. He is told that there is no one for tomorrow, and he takes a day off at will.
The therapist thanks the receptionist and turns around when he hears voices. His patient walks up to the girl sitting in the waiting room, says something, and they're both looking at the holo!Rung.
(The real Rung recognizes the girl sitting in front of him, tail quivering nervously. It was Y/N! For a moment the thought flashed that one of the two of them was stalking each other. To call it fate would be ridiculous)
- Oh, you are signed up for a psychotherapy session?
Holo!Rung adjusts his glasses, looking at the two young men with a smile and expecting an answer from them. The girl shakes her head negatively at his words.
- No, I was just waiting for my friend.
Y/N answers with an awkward smile and gets up from her chair, shaking it off and taking her bag in her hand. After checking that everything is in place, the young people leave the building.
Holo!Rung talks to the secretary for a little while longer and leaves as well. The hologram vanishes into thin air in one of the deserted alleys.
The real Rung, in his cave, yawns and plunges into the water as he swims out to hunt. He's pretty hungry.
Rung and Y/N cross paths again, in the same city, a few weeks later.
A girl comes out of the store with two bags of groceries, wishing she had her own car to carry them.
Just just a few blocks away, her bags tear and the groceries fall to the ground. The girl growls angrily and disappointedly, because she doesn't even have a bag, and there are no stores nearby to quickly run out and buy the package.
In such a situation, she is noticed by the holo!Rung. No, he didn't follow her, he just finished his work day much earlier and was now walking around the metropolis among the people. The therapist did not think long, of course, after observing what was going on. The building near where he stopped was conveniently one of the stores, and going in, he bought some packages to get to the Y/N as soon as possible.
- I'm sorry if I'm interrupting. But I've brought the help in the form of the bags you need.
The girl, who probably looked like an angry predator guarding its prey, stopped gathering her purchases into one big pile, removing the rest of the packages, and looked up at the speaker. She recognized the man immediately; it was her friend's therapist.
Y/n nods and accepts the packages from his hands, gathering her groceries tiredly. Holo!rung crouched beside him, gathering the lying purchases into another bag. When everything was packed and the girl was about to leave, the man puts his palm on her shoulder.
- Please, I can help you carry the bags home. So there won't be a repeat of what happened.
Holo! rung adjusts his glasses with a cute smile, the girl giggles awkwardly, but hands over one of the bags, and they walk together to her house. Y/N furtively glanced at the psychotherapist, finding him quite sweet and handsome. She felt a sudden urge to run her hand through his red hair for a moment, which she dismissed immediately.
As they reached her house, they both introduced themselves to each other, discussing various topics and the holo!rung's work as a psychotherapist. The man turned out to be so sweet and handsome that Y/N realized how close she was to squealing and squeezing him.
Holo!Rung caught a glimpse of the girl's face as he said his name. Her eyebrows twitched briefly, as if the name sounded familiar to her. But somehow the girl herself did not respond to the name she had tried so hard or wanted to remember as a child. But he hoped that this time she will be able to memorize it, and they might even become friends. And he would have a friend among humans, just like the rest of his fellows.
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