digitalesleben · 1 year
Dragon Data - der verwundbare Drachen aus Wales
Der Dragon 32/64 war ein walisischer Homecomputer, der mit seinem massivem Gehäuse ein beeindruckendes Produkt war. Woran lag es, dass sich Dragon Produkte nicht durchsetzen konnten? Mitglieder des VzEkC halfen mir diese Frage zu beantworten. Vielen Dank
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goshyesvintageads · 6 months
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Mettoy Co, 1979
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queersrus · 1 month
toymaker theme
[toymaker theme]
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for @seraphim-coinz 's event, prompt two !
partnered with our other blogs @dollilian, @objectumluv, @systiveboxes, @skelatomy
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(nick) names:
arnold, auburn barclay, braegan/breagan, bozicasoz carter, citroen, cosmo, crescent, cacacnik
dinky gepetto, giocattolaia, giocattolaio hamley, hasbro, hauser/hausser, hrackarstvo
igracka jatekkeszito mattel, mettoy
oyuncakci, oynayjy pelistokceker spillsaachen
tonmakep, tegannwr wosewera zabawkarz
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1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
hi/hase/hasbry/hasbrine/hasbroself mi/make/maky/makine/makerself mi/matte/matty/matteline/mattelself ti/toye/toy/toyine/toyself
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2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
ho/hasbr/hasbrs/hasbrself mo/maker/makers/makerself mo/matteler/mattelers/mattelerself to/toyer/toyers/toyerself
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3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
has/bro, has/hasbro, ha/hasbro, hasbro/toys, hasbro/hasbros ma/ker, mak/er, make/maker, ma/maker, maker/makers, mat/tel, matt/el, mattel/mattels to/toy, to/oy, toy/toys, toy/maker
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the toymaker, the maker of toys, the immortal toymaker, the children's toy maker
*one who makes fantastical toys, one who makes childrens toys, one who makes living toys
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*one can be replaced by any prn
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444namesplus · 9 months
Eerun Ede Edem Edroen Edroinni Egnis Elen Elbirt Elbirte Elbirtu Elix Elixendir Elixendre Elixos Elfrid Elfridu Eloci Elocoe Elosun Ellen Ellin Ellosun Elme Elvon Elysse Emende Embir Emiloe Emy Ene Endri Endrie Endriw Endy Engil Engil Engile Engiloce Engilone Engoi Enote Enn Enne Enni Ennitti Ennoi Enthuny Entuonitti Entunoe Entunou Eprol Erlini Ermendu Ernuld Erthar Eshliy Eadriy Berbere Berry Bietroci Bicky Bilonde Bin Binjemon Birneditti Birnerd Birnoci Birthe Bissoi Bith Bitheny Bitsy Bitty Bialeh Bivirly Boll Bolloi Bolly Blence Blenchi Bub Bubboi Bubby Bunnoi Bred Bredliy Brendo Brendun Brendy Brinde Brint Britt Broen Brodgit Brotteny Bruuki Braci Bryen Byrun Celvon Cemolli Cendeci Cendoci Cerl Cerle Cerlus Cermin Cerul Ceruli Ceruloni Cerulyn Cerroi Cesiy Cesiy Cessendre Cethironi Cethy Ciciloe Cicol Cicoloe Ciloe Ched Cherlini Cherlis Cherloi Cherlutti Chilsie Chiryl Chistir Chros Chrostoen Chrostoi Chrostone Chrostoni Chrostuphir Chrosty Condy Cleori Clere Clerinci Cleadi Cleadoe Cleytun Cloffurd Cloftun Clontun Clydi Cudy Culliin Cunnoi Cunstenci Cure Curiy Cury Cuartniy Creog Crostone Crystel Cartos Cynthoe Deosy Deli Den Dene Denoil Denoilli Denny Derle
Derlini Derrill Derrin Derryl Deryl Devi Devod Dewn Dien Dienne Dibboi Dibureh Dibre Diloe Dille Diluris Dinosi Dinnos Dirik Dirrock Disorii Doene Doeni Doenne Doenni Doxoi Duluris Dun Duneld Dunne Dure Duriin Duros Duruthy Duagles Daeni Daston Dweyni Dwoght Ierl Ibuny Iddoi Idger Idoth Idne Idaerdu Idwerd Idwon Ioliin Ileoni Ilienur Iline Ilose Ilozebith Ille Illin Ilmir Iluosi Ilse Ilsoi Ilvore Imoly Imme Inroqai Iroc Iroce Irok Iroke Iron Irme Irnist Irnistoni Issoi Istilli Isthir Ithil Iagini Iale Ianoci Ive Ivilyn Iviritt Feoth Fennoi Feyi Filocoe Filox Firnendu Flure Flurinci Fluyd Frencis Frencos Frencos Frencoscu Frenk Frenklon Frid Fride Friddoi Fridirock Gebroil Geol Gery Geyli Gini Ginive Ginivoivi Giurgi Giurgoe Gireld Gireldoni Girtradi Golbirt Gone Gongir Gledys Glin Glinde Glinn Gluroe Gurdun Greci Grig Grigury Gritchin Gaedelapi Gay Gwin Gwindulyn Henneh Heruld Herroit Herry Herviy Hettoi Hezil Hiethir Hictur Hiodo Hilin Hinroitte Hinry Hirbirt Hirmen Holde Hully Hupi Huwerd Hagh Oen
Ode Oniz Orini Oros Orme Oseec Osebil Oven Jeck Jeckoi Jecub Jecqailoni Jecqailyn Jeomi Jeomi Jemis Jemoi Jemoi Jen Jene Jeni Jenit Jenoci Jenoi Jenos Jerid Jesmoni Jesun Jevoir Jey Jien Jienitti Jienni Jiennitti Jiennoi Jiff Jiffiry Jiffriy Jinne Jinnoi Jinnofir Jinny Jirimy Jirumi Jirry Jissi Jissoce Jissoi Jissoi Jisas Joll Jom Jommoi Jommy Ju Juen Juenn Juenne Juenni Judo Judy Jui Juil Juhenne Juhn Juhnnoi Juhnnoi Juhnny Jun Junethen Jurden Jurgi Jusi Jusifone Jusiph Jusiphoni Jushae Juy Juyci Jaen Jaene Jaenote Jadoth Jady Jaloe Jaloen Jaloi Jalou Jani Jaston Kere Kerin Kero Kerl Kerle Keti Kethironi Kethliin Kethryn Kethy Ketoi Ketrone Key Keyle Kioth Killiy Killo Killoi Killy Killy Kin Kindre Kinnith Kint Kirry Kivon Kom Kombirly Kork Kroste Krostin Krosto Krostoi Kroston Krostone Krostoni Krosty Krystel Kart Kyli Lene Lenci Lerry Letuye Leare Learin Learoi Levirni Lewrinci Lieh Lii Lii Liogh Lile Line Liu Liun Liune Liunerd Liruy Lisloi Lisloi Listir Litocoe Liwos Lole Lolloen Lolloi Londe Londsey Londsiy Lose Lluyd Luos Lule Lunnoi Lure Lurine Lurini Luritte Luro Lurreoni Luaos Luaosi Lacoe Lacolli Lacy Laos Lale Laz Lydoe Lynde Lynitti Lynn Lynni Mebil Mebli Mediloni Mei Meggoi Memoi Mendy Menail Merc Mercille Mercoe Mercas Mergerit Mergerote Mergoi Mergairoti Meroe Meroen Meroenni Meroi Merolyn Merou Meroun Meroun Merjuroi Merk Merlini Mershe Mershell Merte Merthe Merton Mervon Mery Meryenn Methiw Metthiw Mettoi Meariin Mearoci Mex Mexoni Mey Migen Mighen
Milenoi Milbe Milonde Milosse Miludy Milvon Mircidis Miridoth Mocheil Mochiel Mochili Mochilli Mogail Moki Moldrid Moltun Mondy Monnoi Morende Moroem Mosty Motchill Mully Mune Munoce Munoqai Murros Maroil Myre Myrtli Nedoni Nency Neumo Neteloi Neteshe Nethen Nethenoil Niol Nilloi Nilsun Nittoi Nochules Nochuli Noculi None Nure Nurme Nurmen Ulge Ulovi Ulovoe Ulloi Upel Ure Uscer Pem Pemile Pet Petrocoe Petrock Petsy Petto Petty Peal Peale Pealitti Pealoni Pierl Pidru Piggy Pinny Pirry Pitir Pholop Phollop Phyllos Proscolle Recheil Rechil Refeil Relph Remun Remune Rendell Rendy Reqail Real Rey Reymund Ribicce Rigone Rigoneld Rini Rinii Rhunde Rocerdu Rocherd Rock Rocky Rote Rubirt Rubirte Rubirtu Rubon Rubyn Ruchilli Rudniy Rugir Rulend Run Runeld Runnoi Ruse Ruseloi Rusi Rusimeroi Rusimery Rusoi Russ Ruxenni Ruy Rabin Raby Rassill Rath Ryen Sebrone Sedoi Selly Selvedur Sem Sementhe Semail Sendre Sendy Sere Sereh Scutt Sien Sirgou Sith Sheni Shennun Shero Sherun Shewn Shewne Shiole Shiloe Shilliy Shilly Shiro Shirro Shirry Shiryl Shorliy Sodniy Solvoe Sunoe Sunje Sunye Suphoe Suphoi Steciy Stecy Stenliy Stille Stiphenoi Stiphin Stivi Stivin Sai Sasen Sasoi Sazenni Sylvoe Tebothe Temere Temo Temmy Tenye Tere Teshe Tid Tirise Tiro Tirrenci Tirrinci Tirro Tirry Tirry Thilme Thiuduri Thirise Thumes Toffeny Tom Tomuthy Tone Tudd Tum Tummy Tuno Tuny Tunye Treciy Treco Trecy Trecy Trevos Trocoe Truy Tylir Tyruni Veliroi Venisse Vilme Vire Virne Virnun Virunoce Vocko Vockoi Vocky Voctur Vocturoe Voncint Voule Voulit
Vorgol Vorgonoe Vovoen Wedi Welleci Weltir Wende Werrin Weyni Windy Wisliy Whotniy Wollerd Wolloem Wolloi Wolloi Wolme Wonofrid Yulende Yvitti Yvunni Zecheryedroin Egnis Eleon Elbirt Elixendre Elixendri Elixos Eloci Eloni Emendoni Emiloi Endri Endrii Engiloqai Enni Ennimeroi Ennock Ennoi Entuoni Erlitti Ernead Erthar Eadriy Earuri Eariloi Eariloin Beptosti Binjemon Binuot Birneditti Birnerd Birtrend Brogotti Branu Bietroci Cemolli Ceruli Ceruloni Cethironi Chentel Cherlis Chlui Chrostilli Chrostoen Chrostoeni Chrostoni Chrostuphi Cleori Clere Cleadi Cleadoni Climinci Climint Culitti Cureloi Curonni Cyrol Cicoli Cidroc Ciloni Demoin Denoil Denoilli Denoili Devod Dilphoni Dinos Dinosi Dodoir Dumonoqai Dumonoqai Dylen Imme Immenail Immenailli Inzu Istilli Feboin Feboinni Febroci Fenny Flurinci Flurint Fluroen Frenconi Frencos Frenck Frencuos Frencuosi Fridiroc Gebroil Geiten Geilli Ginivoivi Giurgis Giurgitti Girmeoni Ghosleoni Golbirt Gollis Gonitti Gosili Grigury Gaolleami Gay Girerd Hinro Hinroitti Hirvi Hagu Hagaitti Hilini Onis Orini Osebilli Jecqailoni Jecqais Jenoni Jien Jiencleadi Jienfrencuos Jienluaos Jienlac Jienmerc Jienmeroi Jienmochil Jienni Jiennoni Jienpeal Jienpoirri Jinnofir Jissoce Jucilyni Junethen Jusiph Jusitti Jusi Juil Juilli Jaloi Jaloin Jaloitti Jastoni Jirumi Keroni Kivon Leitotoe Leare Leari Learinci Learint Loloeni Lounil Luaos Luaosi Luoc Lac Laces Lacoi Lacoin Lacoinni Laduvoc Lydoi Lie Medilioni Megelo Menun Merc Mercil Mercilli Mergairoti Meroe Meroi Meroichrostoni Meroicleadi Meroithirisi Meroni Meroun Mertoni Methoia Metholdi Metthoia Mearoci Mexomi Mocheil Mochil Mochiloni Mochilli Mochili Mockeil Moriolli Muhemid Munoqai Murgeni Maroil Myroem Milenoi Milosse Nedoe Nedoni Netheloi Nocules Noculi Nuimoi Ucieni Uditti Udoli Ulovoir Pescel Pesceli Petroci Petrocoe Petrock Peal Pealitti
Pealoni Pholoppi Poirri Poirritti Qainton Repheil Reymund Reymundi Rini Rinii Rocherd Rubirt Rugir Rulend Rumeon Rigoni Rigos Rimo Rimy Seboni Sebrone Semail Sendre Sendroni Sereh Sirgi Somun Somuni Sulengi Sunoe Suphoi Stipheni Stiphenoi Sazenni Sylveon Sylvoi Sibestoin Sivironi Thoirry Thumes Thiu Thirisi Velinton Veliroi Venisse Voctur Voncint Vorgonoi Virunoqai Wolloem Xevoir Yenn Yennock Yvis Yvitti Yvunni Iloeni Ilosebith Ilosi Iludoi Imoloi Iroc Itoinni Ivilyniechom Edili Edilhiod Edulf Edroen Egnis Elbirt Elfrid Elone Elmat Eluos Elvon Elwon Emeloe Emiloe Endrie Endries Engiloke Enne Enneloisi Enniloisi Ennilosi Ensger Entun Ermon Erndt Ernuld Estrod Eagast Earock Exil Berbere Bestoen Biet Biete Binidokt Birnd Birtrem Boenke Budu Branu Cerl Cerulone Ceruloni Cessendre Cherlutti Chroste Chrostil Chrostoen Chrostuf Cleadoe Culby Cultun Curiy Curone Degmer Degubirt Denoil Devod Doene Doidroch Doitir Doitiroch Doitroch Duneld Daston Idoth Idmand Iolherd Ikkiherd Ilfroidi Ilki Ilmer Ilse Imol Imoloi Imoly Imme Immiroch Irherd Iroc Iroke Istilli Isthir Ive Iweld Filox Firdonend Fluroen Frenk Frenz Freaki Fridirock Fridrok Froidimenn Froidroch Frotz Gebroili Gibherd Giurg Gireld Girerd Gird Girherdt Girmer Girnut Girt Girtradi Golbirt Gosile Gosilhir Guttfroid Guttloib Guttschelk Grite Gritchin Griti Gritil Gaodu Ganthir Gutz Ganthir Henneh Henni Henniluri Hens Hereld Heruld Hidy Hiodimeroi Hiodo Hionir Hiono Hionu Hionroch Hionz Hiline Hilge Hilgi Hillmath Hilmat Hilmath Hirbirt Hirmen Hirmenn Hirmoni Hirwog Holde Holdi Holdigerd Holme Hulgir Hurst Habirt Hantir Olune Omilde Ongu Ongrod Orme Ose Osebille Jecub Jecqailoni Jene Jirmeoni Jirumi Juechom Juhenn Juhenne Juhennis Junes Junethen Jusiph Just Jaloe Japp Jatte Jurg Jargin Keron Kerl Kerlhionz Kerstin Ketje Ketron Ketye Kirston Kivon Kleas Kleas-pitir Kunred Kart Ledosleas Lers Line Livon Loene Loisl Lone Losbith Lurintz Luther Luaille Luaosi Ladwog Lakes Latz Lydoe Latuld Megdeline Melti Melvone Menail Mercas Mergeriti Meroe Meroenni Merone Merou Meroas Merlini Merte Merton Metthoes Mexomoloen Miderd Mionred Milvon Mocheile Mochil Mochilli Molu Monne Morende Morcu Moroem Morku Mune Munoke Murotz Nedoni Nenni Neteloi Nocules Noculeas Noculi Nokule None Noveldu Ulef Ulge Ulovoe Urtrad Uscer Uthmer Uttu Uttumer Petrock Peal Pitir Pholop Pholopp Pholoppe Rechil Reonir Relph Remune Rendell Rionherd Rionhuld Rocherd Rochinze Rubirt Rubirte Rubon Rugir Rulf Rumen Runeld Rusone Radulph Rat Seboni Semail Sendir Sendre Sibestoen Silme Siviron Shiryl Soigfroid Sogosmand Sogmand Stifenoe Stiphin Sasenni Svin Svinje Sylvistir Temere Thumes Tomu Tone Tuboes Tum Adu Alroch Alroki Arsale Ati Attu Awi Veltir Virunoce Vocturoe Voule Vullreth Weltir Winzil Wirnir Wirnhir Woibki Wolhilm Wolhilmone Wolloem Woltrad Wonfroid Wulf Wulfgeng Xinoe Yvitti
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downthetubes · 22 days
Battered first Dan Dare Ray Gun offered at auction
It may not be in tip-top condition, but Dan Dare fans might want to check out the rare Mettoy ray gun on offer in an upcoming Hansons Auctioneers and Valuers auction at their Derbyshire Sale Room
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ceeteejackson · 29 days
Still trying to to suss out Tumblr! (The above post is from one of my three blogs - this one, a short two minute read - is from my 'author and his nonsense' blog.
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A Space Hopper Killed My Hamster!
Space Hopper Remember these?They were all the rage in the early to mid-Seventies, having been introduced by the toy manufacturer, Mettoy-Corgi in 1969. Made of sturdy, heavy-duty rubber, they took some amount of blowing up. Strictly speaking, they could be inflated by bicycle pump. But there weren’t many kids, boy or girl, walking the streets with muscles like Popeye, so I doubt this happened…
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diecastgems · 6 months
Early Corgi Toys
Early Corgi Toys were produced by the Mettoy company, starting in 1956. These diecast models were known for their high quality and attention to detail. Some of the most popular early Corgi toys were models of British cars, such as the Ford Consul, Austin A50 Cambridge, Morris Cowley, Vauxhall Velox, Rover 90, Riley Pathfinder and Hillman Husky.
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diecastcarlove · 1 year
A Brief History Of Diecast Toy Cars
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A diecast (or die-cast) toy is a toy or a collectible model produced by using the diecasting method of putting molten lead, zinc alloy or plastic in a mold to produce a particular shape. Such toys are typically made of metal, with plastic, rubber, glass, or other machined metal parts. Wholly plastic toys are made by a similar process of injection molding, but the two methods are distinct because of the properties of the materials.
The metal used in diecasting is either a lead alloy (used early on), or more commonly, Zamak (called Mazak in the UK), an alloy of zinc with small quantities of alluminium and copper. Lead or iron are impurities that must be carefully avoided in Zamac, as they give rise to a deterioration of the metal most commonly called zinc pest. The terms white metal or pot metal are also used when applied to alloys based more on lead or iron. The most common diecast vehicles are scale models of automobiles, aircraft, military vehicles, construction equipment, and trains, although almost anything can be produced by this method, like Monopoly game pieces, furniture handles, or metal garden sprinklers.
Industry leaders
While most often associated with Hot Wheels, diecast toys were first produced early in the 20th century by manufacturers such as Meccano (Dinky Toys) in the United Kingdom, Dowst Brothers (TootsieToys) in the United States and Fonderie de précision de Nanterre (Solido) in France. The first models on the market were basic, consisting of a small vehicle body with no interior. In the early days, as mentioned, it was common for impurities in the alloy to result in zinc pest, and the casting would distort, crack, or crumble. As a result, diecast toys made before World War II are difficult to find in good condition. The later high-purity Zamak alloy avoided this problem.
Lesney began making diecast toys in 1947. Their popular Matchbox 1-75 series was so named because there were always 75 different vehicles in the line, each packaged in a small box designed to look like those used for matches. These toys became so popular that the "Matchbox" became widely used as a generic term for any die-cast toy car, regardless of manufacturer.
The popularity of diecast toys developed through the 1950s as their detail and quality increased. More companies entered the field, including successful brands like Corgi brand, produced by Mettoy, Italian Mercury, Danish Tekno, or German Schuco and Gama Toys. Corgi Toys appeared in 1956 and pioneered the use of interiors and windows in their models. In 1968, Hot Wheels were introduced in the United States by Mattel to address the complaint that they had no line of toys for boys to balance their line of Barbie dolls for girls. Because they looked fast and were fast (they were equipped with a low-friction wheels/axles), Hot Wheels quickly became the most popular diecast cars in the toy market, becoming one of the world's top sellers, challenging the popularity of Matchbox.
Although advertising had been used by Meccano (Dinky Toys) since 1934, during the 1960s new companies began to use diecast vehicles exclusively as promotional items. The idea that children play a large role in a family's purchasing decisions was key. There is also the fact that children grown up to buy products that they were exposed to when young. Matchbox vehicles mildly advertised a variety of mainly British products like Singer sewing machines, Tetley tea, Pickford's movers, or Coca-Cola. As time passed, companies such as McDonald's, Sears Roebuck, Kodak and Texaco commissioned toymakers to produce promotional models featuring their names and logos or licensed their use. One early example was an American Airlines London bus produced by Matchbox, an idea some other airlines quickly copied.
Beginning in the mid 1970s, trucks and other commercial vehicles grew greatly in popularity. Matchbox started the trend when they re-launched their "Models of Yesteryear" lineup. They made several different versions of their Y-12 Ford Model T van, along with other trucks in colorful liveries such as Coca-Cola, Colman's Mustard, and Cerebos Salt. They also made promotional versions for Smith's Crisps (potato chips) and Harrods department store. Some models were made exclusively for certain markets and immediately became quite expensive elsewhere: Arnott's Biscuits (Australia) and Sunlight Seife (soap, Germany) are examples.
Challenges and Changes (1980s-1990s)
The 1980s and 1990s brought challenges to the diecast car market. Environmental concerns led to changes in materials used in production, with lead being replaced by safer alloys. Additionally, economic fluctuations impacted consumer spending. Both Matchbox and Hot Wheels faced ownership changes and adaptations to evolving markets.
Revival and Modernization (2000s-Present)
In the 2000s, both Matchbox and Hot Wheels experienced revivals. Matchbox, acquired by Mattel in 1997, underwent a rebranding effort to modernize its image. Hot Wheels expanded its product range, including collectibles and multimedia tie-ins.
The internet has played a significant role in connecting collectors and enthusiasts. Online forums, auction platforms, and social media have allowed fans to share their passion, trade cars, and access valuable information about their collections.
Innovation and Sustainability (Present and Future)
In recent years, both Matchbox and Hot Wheels have focused on sustainability. They are producing diecast cars with more eco-friendly materials and promoting recycling initiatives.
Augmented reality (AR) and digital integration have also become part of the diecast car experience. Collectors can use smartphone apps to scan their cars and access digital content, adding a new layer of interactivity to the hobby. Conclusion
The diecast car market, with Matchbox and Hot Wheels at its forefront, has come a long way from its humble beginnings. These miniature replicas of real vehicles have evolved into cherished collectibles, cherished by enthusiasts of all ages. As technology advances and environmental concerns persist, the future of diecast cars will continue to evolve, but their enduring appeal to both collectors and children remains a testament to their timeless charm.
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toyahsw · 1 year
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geekbroll · 5 years
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The Amazing Spider-Man - The Incredible Hulk - 1981 Corgi Catalog -  Mettoy Playcraft LTD. Northampton UK - C2285 C928 Spidercopter C264 The Incredible Hulk C23 Spider-Man Gift Set C266 Spiderbike C261 Spiderbuggy E57 Spiderbike E75 Spidercopter E100 Hulkcycle #corgi #corgitoys #corgicars #diecast #cartoons #cartooncharacters #diecastcars #corgicatalog #mettoy #uktoys #toycars #mettoyplaycraft #spiderman #theamazingspiderman #spidermanintothespiderverse #spiderverse #spidercopter #superheroes #hulk #incrediblehulk #spiderbike #spiderbuggy #hulkcycle #superhero #marvelcomics (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByZvZDkhMJp/?igshid=1r2j19fmyx4s2
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kensvintagetoys · 6 years
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#vintagetoys #mettoy #movieviewer #70stoys #marvel https://www.instagram.com/p/BsF9uxinoRr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1loh3hffx6amt
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antykizestrychu · 3 years
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#gentleman #footballplayer #georgebest #bobbymoore #toys #signature #antiquetoys #football #soccer #mettoy #hongkong #product #unique #wembley #history #realestate #realistic #allegro #buynow #antykizestrychu Ig: ArturRIO 1 dj, płyty winylowe, antyki, sprzedaż detaliczna, licytacje Allegro od 1 zł BCM! antykizestrychu serdecznie zapraszam 📻🛗💃🕺🎧🧏🏝️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CSrYjbSsD1M/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fandomate · 6 years
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downthetubes · 4 years
Don't miss these Dan Dare rarities offered in latest Vectis Sale
Don’t miss these Dan Dare rarities offered in latest Vectis Sale
This week sees Isle of Wight-based Vectis Auctions sale of the Chris Freeman Meccano & Vintage Toy Collection, which features a large selection of both original Dan Dare and Eagle collectables from the 1950s, and modern items, too.
As we previously reported, the sale takes place this Thursday, 23rd April 2020, and items include an unreleased Corgi Dan Dare toy among the many goodies on offer…
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cwhauctioneers · 7 years
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#diecast cars, commercial and military vehicles in our collectors #auction Tuesday 25-April at #Ossett #WestYorkshire #CMC #Dinky #Corgi #Schuco #Mettoy (at C W Harrison & Son)
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