#meyers parrot
unusual-legume · 1 year
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Winner winner chicken dinner.
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luraharenose · 1 year
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6th ArtFight 2023 attack, and second revenge, for Therealsnadwich of their character Ollie along with Donnie from rottmnt!
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applefruitluver69 · 6 months
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My bird Marla!!
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brushfeather · 2 years
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Commission for Snad Wich (wip)
Approved penciling for SnadWich (discord) of “Ollie” the Meyer’s Parrot and “Cleo” the IRN. This will be finished in watercolor-style. The most complicated commission I’ve taken on in a long time - thanks for your support, Snad!
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vestaignis · 2 months
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Мейеров или желтоплечий длиннокрылый попугай. Он же попугай Мейера(Poicephalus meyeri).Назван в честь немецкого ботаника и орнитолога Бернхарда Мейера (1767—1836). Различают 6 подвидов, с незначительными различиями в окрасе и в ареале обитания.
Мейеров длиннокрылый попугай - самый маленький представитель рода длиннокрылых попугаев. Длина тела 21—25 см, хвоста 5—6 см .Он один из наиболее красивых представителей рода длиннокрылых попугаев. В окрасе головы, шеи, груди, крыльев и хвоста преобладают коричневые или теплые серые тона с желтыми вкраплениями. Крестец и внутренняя сторона хвоста могут иметь цвет от ярко-зеленого до ярко-синего. Спина серая. Клюв чёрный. Радужка оранжево-красная. ��риблизительный возраст птицы можно определить по окрасу радужной оболочки глаза: у молодых птиц она коричневая, у взрослых - оранжево-красная. Самец и самка по окраске не отличаются.
Обитает попугай Мейера в Восточной и Центральной Африке. Населяют разреженные леса, акациевые рощи и кустарниковые заросли вблизи водоёмов, саванны, встречаются на высоте до 1300 м над уровнем моря. Питается семенами различных растений, цветами, соцветиями и плодами, вегетативными частями растений.
Мейеров длиннокрылый попугай гнездятся в дуплах деревьев на большой высоте. В кладке обычно 2—4 яйца, которые насиживает самка в течение 25—30 дней. Самец охраняет гнездо и кормит самку, а впоследствии участвует в выкармливании птенцов.
Meyer's or Yellow-shouldered Long-winged Parrot. Also known as Meyer's Parrot (Poicephalus meyeri). Named after the German botanist and ornithologist Bernhard Meyer (1767-1836). There are 6 subspecies, with minor differences in color and habitat.
Meyer's Long-winged Parrot is the smallest representative of the genus of Long-winged Parrots. The body length is 21-25 cm, the tail is 5-6 cm. It is one of the most beautiful representatives of the genus of Long-winged Parrots. The color of the head, neck, chest, wings and tail is dominated by brown or warm gray tones with yellow blotches. The rump and the inside of the tail can have a color from bright green to bright blue. The back is gray. The beak is black. The iris is orange-red. The approximate age of the bird can be determined by the color of the iris: in young birds it is brown, in adults it is orange-red. The male and female do not differ in color.
Meyer's parrot lives in East and Central Africa. They inhabit sparse forests, acacia groves and shrub thickets near water bodies, savannas, and are found at an altitude of up to 1300 m above sea level. It feeds on seeds of various plants, flowers, inflorescences and fruits, vegetative parts of plants.
Meyer's long-winged parrots nest in tree hollows at high altitudes. The clutch usually contains 2-4 eggs, which the female incubates for 25-30 days. The male guards the nest and feeds the female, and subsequently participates in feeding the chicks.
Источник://t.me/roundtravel,//pofoto.club/9310-popugaj-mejera-44-foto.html,//dibird.com/ru/species/mejerov-dlinnokrylyj-popugaj/, /poknok.art/6044-popugaj-mejera.html,/www.berl.ru/article/birds/ popu/pop/meierov_dlinnokrylyi_popugai.htm,/ru.ruwiki.ru/wiki/Мейеровдлиннокрылыйпопугай.
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birdhism · 4 months
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Parrot Dangos
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dopescissorscashwagon · 7 months
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A watchful Meyer’s Parrot…
📍@UmusambiV in Kigali, Rwanda, RwOT
📸 by Will Wilson @2wsphotography
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mostdeviouswizard · 3 months
The lore of Scooby Doo Mystery Incoporated endlessly fascinated me. They are trapped in a perpetual Cold War Era version of America. Fashionwise, everyone dresses like it's late 60s early 70s but there computers look to be from the 80s or perhaps 90s. BUT they also have cell phones, and texting? And online chatrooms/blogs? Velma canonically has a blog so internet wise, late 90s early 2000s???? Not to even mention the like EXTREME military industrial complex going on in Crystal Cove, the amount of villans who offhand mention having a degree or experience with military robotics or engineering is BONKERS. Also, there's WWII era German nazi bots? That's just canon, that's just a facet of the world they live in. Crazy that the evil parrot with a German accent has better established more believeable lore than the UNDERWATER NAZI ROBOTS. There's characters canonically referencing/making fun of H. P Lovecraft, Stephanie Meyers, and Taylor Lautner. The H. P Lovecraft parody is named H. P Hatecraft btw and it's the funniest thing ever, this is the best show ever made.
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freneticfloetry · 7 months
Hi Courtney! for the weird writer asks please:
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
Hi Rae! Thanks for the ask. These are fun!
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Ooof. Irregardless. Like, setting aside the “sounds fake but okay” of it all… While it is technically an actual word, this clumsy, ridiculous double-negative mess means the exact same thing without the discordant “ir-”. Which is nonsensical! Just say “regardless”! But wait, what’s that? Most people who use this word actually think it means the opposite?
I just, I can’t.
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
I don’t actually think it’s always terrible advice! You certainly shouldn’t be constricted to writing what you know, or let it limit the stories you tell. But I think there’s a lot to be said for bringing some aspect of your own knowledge or history or experience into what you write, as long as it’s used as a tool to strengthen characters and serve the story.
But to actually answer the question… I know birds. African and South American parrots, specifically. Is that weird? My dad was a breeder for my whole childhood, and I basically grew up in an aviary. He specialized in Congo and Timneh Greys (and for a long time was the go-to Grey breeder in the country), but Meyers, Senegals, Caiques, Capes, Indian and African Ringnecks, Amazons, whatever. You name it, we raised it. We belonged to a regional bird club that had meetings and shows. I learned how to handfeed baby birds at 11. We all had our own pets — my mom had Poncho, who was exactly like every African Grey you’ve ever seen a special on, my sister had a peachface lovebird, Romeo, and I had my childhood cockatiel, Tango (who was a Lutino, a big sweetheart, and a pretty good talker but loved to sing). It’s been years, but I can still tell you what dominant and recessive genes you need to pair to get a whiteface pearl pied cockatiel or an albino ringneck.
I have no idea when any of that would ever be helpful in terms of writing, but there it is.
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flock-talk · 1 year
hey, im curious what you use to clean the floor, other surfaces etc, in the bird room? and also if you have any suggestions for household cleaners in general that are effective but non toxic for animals to be exposed to the smells/any residue. i know you have a lot going on right now so absolutely no rush in responding. thank you -pennaraptor
The vast majority of the room gets cleaned with warm water and vinegar, individual things like bowls or monthly deep cleaning parts (soaking ropes) may get diluted gentle dish soap and extensive rinsing. You can also use steam cleaners, I’ve not personally used one.
I have heard that mrs. meyers cleaners can be bird safe depending on the scent. They’re a more “organic” style cleaner so some of their scents are sourced from essential oils which can be safe provided it’s not a toxic scent (like tea tree oil is outright toxic, lavender and citrus can be safe, etc). They’re supposed to be a bit of a more gentle “natural” cleaner. They make concentrate formulas so you can heavily dilute it in a spray bottle to make them safer. I’ll use that brand to clean the rest of my house and monthly wipe downs of bird room surfaces the birds won’t chew on (the floor, the walls) to make sure things are getting disinfected properly. To be extra safe I usually do another wipe down with water to ensure everything is rinsed off and provide ample time to air out the space before birds move back in. Although I dilute it so much the scent is usually so faint to begin with that it’s gone by the time I’m done cleaning anyways.
There isn’t a ton of concise research on cleaning chemicals with birds unfortunately so there isn’t a for sure guarantee whether something store bought will be totally safe. Vinegar/water is the most commonly used cleaner for parrots since it won’t do harm if ingested but it is not a 100% flawless cleaner so some bacteria and viruses can still survive through a cleaning with it. That’s why I’ve opted to do regular daily/weekly cleanings with vinegar and just a once or twice a month wipe down with the diluted Meyers cleaner.
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threebooksoneplot · 1 year
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green parrot tulip cover inspo for Euphoria and Something (genderflipped New Moon)
Three Books One Plot is a Twilight podcast with a twist: we simultaneously read Life and Death and Midnight Sun! This season: watch us boldly go where Stephenie Meyer feared to tread as we continue Life and Death and Midnight Sun into the New Moon era. If you can’t read it, write it! More info here.
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queersrus · 1 year
HIIIII could i maybe ask for parrot related names :] OR just bird is okay!! okay thank you love you bye!!!!!!!
i will go tag you on the other bird themed posts i have in drafts but in the meantime! heres parrot names!
also tagging @bpdxhoardic incase you wanted to check these out too!
Par/Parr, Parro, Parra, Parrot, Parrotte, Parrotelle, Parroter, Parrotie/Parroty, Parrotire, Parakee/Parakie/Paraky, Parakeet, Pionus, Pearly, Paint, Pfrimer, Pfrimers, Plum, Peach, Pacific, Pacifica Cockatie, Cockatiel, Cai, Caique, Con, Conu, Conure, Caw, Congo, Cockat, Cockatoo, Crimson, Cape, Crown, Carolina, Chestnut, Cap, Caatinga, Cordill, Cordilleran, Cobalt, Caica, Chandona Han/Hann/Hahn, Hanns/Hahns, Hans, Hya, Hyac, Hyacyn/Hyacin, Hyacinth Macaw, Maroon, Max, Maxi, Maximillian, Moluccan, Meyer, Meyers, Madeira, Marta, Mask, Mitred, Mena Quak/Quake, Quaker Sun, Scarlet, Senegal, Sinu, Santarem, Santa, Sulpher/Sulphur, South, Spix, Socorro, Spec, Spectic, Spectical/Spectacle, Spectacled, Sapphire, Spot, Saffron, Scale, Scaley, Speckle, Saarika/Sarika Lo, Lor, Lori/Lory, Lorik, Lorikee/Lorikie/Loriky, Lorikeet, Lear, Lears, Lilac, Lilacine Budge, Budger, Budgeri, Budgerige, Budgerigar, Budgie/Budgy, Beak, Blue, Brown, Burrow, Bill, Blaze, Bona, Bonaparte, Black, Blood, Bronze Dusk, Dusky Eclec, Eclect, Eclectus, El Wing, Wave, Wavy, White Feather, Fiery, Flame, Finsch, Fan Green, Grand, Grey/Gray, Glacer, Glaucous, Gold, Goldie, Golden, Great, Gini Ama, Amazon, Austral, Azuero, Az, Aztec, Andean, Akeria, Akala Yellow Rosella, Red, Ruppell/Rupell/Rupel, Rose, Riparian, Rufous Timneh, Tail, Turquoise, Tota Niam, North, Nanday Ochre, Oro, Orange Jandaya Vulturine Kili, Kajla
much more here
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weaselishmcdiesel · 2 years
THEY DIDNT HAVE ANY NORMAL GREEN CHEEKS WHICH WAS DISAPPOINTING BUT THEY HAD A MEYERS PARROT WHICH IVE NEVER HEARD OF WHO WAS BEING VERY SWEET TO ME IT LET ME PET IT AND IT STARTED MOVING ITS WINGS LIKE IT WANTED TO FLY TO ME SUCH A SWEET LITTLE THING (BUT IT WAS SO EXPENSIVE?? SO NVM???) but also there was what I assumed was a young blue and gold macaw which I also offered some scritches and it let me pet it 🥺🥺 it was making a lot of cute quiet noises 🥺
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
Nitpick Number Seven for Nitpick November
Team CRDL doesn't sound like 'Cardinal.' And most team names are missing some element of the color they're meant to be, such as Team SSSN missing a U sound and team FNKI... Also missing a U sound, and Team JNPR missing a U sound and also more importantly imo missing the 'I' sound in between the N and the P. But for the most part, the important letters are all in place. FNKI doesn't really need a U sound to still more or less feel like the word 'Funky,' CFVY is missing their O sound but still is passable as 'Coffee,' Team NDGO more or less properly looks like 'Indigo,' and so on and so forth.
But the N in Cardinal is actually pretty important, as far as making it passable. As it is now, Team CRDL feels like 'Curdle' more than it feels like 'Cardinal.' It'd be like if Nora's name was actually Uru or something and they were called Team JUPR, but it was still pronounced like 'Juniper.' It'd be like if Nebula had been named Idris and they'd been Team IDGO but still had it pronounced like 'Indigo.' It just feels like they couldn't make it actually look enough like 'Cardinal' and said 'fuck it, this team doesn't even matter' and they're right that Team CRDL is like the least important RWBY team, but now we have this Team Curdle looking name and I wish that they'd just done something else instead. Why couldn't they just have changed the name of Dove to Meyer or something in a reference to Meyer's Parrots and made them Team CRML? That at least looks passable as 'Caramel.' And if the color absolutely had to be red based, they could've figured out a way to name them Team CRNT (Current, which is a deep rich ruddy like shade of red.) Instead we get this stupid Team name that misses one of the main crucial sounds of the word we're supposed to call it.
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brushfeather · 2 years
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Completed commission for SnadWich on discord of "Ollie" and "Cleo." Thanks so much for your patronage!
With that, it's now March and my commissions are closing up so that I can focus on pending projects. Thanks for the support!
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
346 of 2022
Do We Like The Same Things? 2022 Version
Created by hxcsingingsk8r
Animals Cats Dogs Hamsters Polar Bears Monkeys Parrots Quokkas Foxes Zebras Every animal really [except bugs..]
Books The Harry Potter Series- J.K. Rowling [even though she sucks as a person] Delirium- Lauren Oliver [just the first book or the whole trilogy] The Giver- Lois Lowry Control & Catalyst [a duology by Lydia Kang] The Mooncallers Duology- Leda C. Muir The Coldest Girl In Coldtown- Holly Black The Darkest Part of the Forest- Holly Black We'll Never Be Apart- Emiko Jean The Twilight Series- Stephenie Meyer The Hunger Games Series- Suzanne Collins
Clothing Tank Tops Skinny Jeans Jeggings Leggings Band Tees Boots Flip-Flops Dresses Beanies Sweatpants/Pajama Pants
Drinks Mountain Dew [regular] Sweet iced tea Smoothies Milkshakes Iced vanilla lattes Mountain Dew Baja Blast Frappuccinos Chocolate soy milk Hot chocolate Coke/Pepsi
Food Pasta Pizza Mozzarella sticks Ethiopian food Mediterranean food Indian food Salsa Guacamole Nachos Salad
Games The Sims 4 Zoo Tycoon Sim Theme Park House Flipper Mariokart Ocarina of Time Kingdom Hearts Bitlife Kitty Powers games Cooking phone games
Hobbies Singing Songwriting Playing piano Playing flute Drawing Reading Netflix Watching YouTube videos/TikToks Yoga Instagram
Movies Hairspray The Mask The Greatest Showman Mean Girls TRON Alita Ready Player One She's The Man Black Swan Coraline
Music As Lightning Strikes Eyes Set to Kill Halestorm The Used Stand Atlantic A Day To Remember New Years Day Escape The Fate Mothica Demi Lovato
Random Things Alternative fashion Concerts Disney Brown eyes Traveling Veganism Rock music Theme parks City lights The sky
Sweets Pancakes Crepes // it’s French for pancakes lol Cupcakes Cake Cake pops Creme brulee Cookies Flan Churros Donuts
TV Shows Dexter The OA The Circle American Horror Story Black Mirror Pretty Little Liars Stranger Things Julie and the Phantoms You Never Have I Ever
YouTubers Jesssfam Cheap Lazy Vegan Eugenia Cooney Ro Mitchell Sweet Simple Vegan Ashley Wicka Anthony Padilla Joey Graceffa David Michael Frank Molly Burke
Girl's Names Kylena/Kyla/Kylee Zara Jayde Raven Violet Kiara
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